With Capt. Steinert back in her own universe, a few more paradoxes are
satisfied, but now, a difficult secret must be kept. Two more Atlantis-
Minor personnel receive their gifts just before Admiral Demmit's plane
arrives. Will the Admiral need to requisition more aspirin or find
something stronger?
Episode 6
"Paradoxes, Galas, and Gifts"
Citadel, Terra, 17:00, Median, Venusia 28th, 422 of the New Era
"So why do I feel so strange again, Alex?"
"You aren't the same person you were, hun. Corrine and Jules had to
"And why am I not the same person, Empress?"
"You had a bad experience with Terra's ambient radiation. You almost
died, hun, we had to take extreme measures to rescue you this time."
"This time? Giving me a new chance at life once was more than anyone
should get, Alex. Why do it a second time? What did I ever do to you
"Y'all are part of the family, hun. That gets you front-row seats," I
said with a grin.
"How am I family, I'm married to Jacki, not Brie or Emily?"
"Jack's family too," I smiled. "Now, what is your name again?"
"How many times must I inform you, M'lady? My name is Jasen." The man
rolled his eyes in annoyance.
Alexis, who had been standing in the doorway, nodded her approval. I
nodded back.
"Good, I think we're ready then. Honey, you want to call our sisters
together- it's time?"
"Doing it as we speak, mother." She walked over to me and we both
observed our pupil. Over the last few weeks we had patiently coached and
tutored Jasen on the protocols and nuances of Terran life. "Do you
really think this will work?"
"You really have to ask that, sweetheart? You grew up with him in your
life every day- you tell me!"
"It would if my daughter ever gets back here with Isabeau!" Alexis
quickly complained.
"We're here right on time, mother! Why are you always so impatient?"
Alexandra complained, as she and Random Peltierre's daughter appeared a
few feet away.
"Father will be here presently, Lady Comptroller," Alexis said as she
bowed slightly.
"Wasn't it your father that once told us that we bow to no one, sister?"
Isabeau asked with a frown. "Alexis, we're sisters and good friends."
"Kids these day," she added shaking her head a few times.
"Kids? You are my sister from the future then?"
"Empress," I paused as I went down on one knee. "Welcome back to
Citadel, Terra. It is 1715hrs, Median, Venusia 28th, 422 of the New
Era," I announced with a wry smile.
Alexandra rolled her eyes at me. I knew the feel of that look well!
"Knock it off, Grandma."
"Grandmother, Nathan and I saw your departure today...Wow, my Grandmother
kneeling to my baby sister! Wow!" Alexis' Samantha said as she and an
exact duplicate of my former brother Brian entered the room. "Anyway,
I'm glad we arrived before your departure."
"About time you two showed up." I giggled. "Every time I visit y'all
both seem to be busy."
"I'm sorry, grandmother, but Nathan and I have been given the task of
overseeing the transfer of assets to Terra Nuevo. As you know there is
little time left for this world."
Alexandra nodded to me in acknowledgement of that fact.
"So, is the foundation work finalized?" I asked, already knowing the
"All preparations and permits have been completed, Empress," my eldest
granddaughter said bowing slightly to me.
Alexandra cleared her throat.
"Yes, sister, I know that you are the Empress too, but you have
requested dozens of times that we simply call you Alex."
"That is not the issue, sis. I merely wanted to remind Grandma that
there is an unscheduled flare building on Solara, and that the move must
be completed before it erupts from the coronasphere."
"I didn't forget, hun, but thanks for the reminder. As soon as your
Grandpa gets here we'll commence our departure countdown."
"M'lady..." Tibius huffed as he appeared in the doorway. The room was
getting crowded. "I arrived as fast as the service elevator would allow.
I even took the steps the last eight floors to keep to schedule."
"Are Corrine and Jules with you, hun?" I asked as I looked around him
into the hallway.
"We're here, Alex!" Corrine's voice shouted from down the hall. Both
women soon appeared in the passage looking a little winded.
I nodded and moved past everyone in the room.
"Then everyone follow me and we'll get things underway," I said with a
big smile. I was finally getting to show off a little!
We made our way to my comptrollers' favorite room- their interface room.
Although this small room gave me the willies- a leftover trauma from an
earlier mission- it gave easy access to the consulate's superstructure.
The interface chamber was the smallest room in the Empress' suite, and
the most futuristic. It also reminded me of a science-fiction/ horror
movie set! Umbilical hoses and cables hung from the bare ceiling
directly over six 'dentist-style' lounge chairs. Along the wall in front
of each reclining chair, various monitoring equipment hung blank,
waiting for one of my comptroller sisters to plug in. The ten by ten
meter room reminded me of many of the labs in Reilly Research Station-
in fact it was an exact copy, be it slightly scaled down, of the
interface chamber there.
A shiver shot up my spine as I entered!
"What is it, mother?" Alexis asked as she obviously noticed my 'chicken
skin' appear. She suddenly looked to her daughter and raised an eyebrow,
noting the similar reaction.
"Memories of a previous mission, mom/hun," Alexandra and I said
We looked at each other a moment, rolling our eyes at each other.
Isabeau looked at Alexandra and I curiously as she walked past and took
up a position in the center of the ominous room. Several umbilical
cables started to descend on their own, but she waved them off
"Building safekeeping and shutdown will be complete in five minutes,
Empress," she said still staring at the two of us.
I nodded my acknowledgement, as did Alexandra.
Tibius looked very nervous and continued to scan the room. This was the
first time he had seen it completed. Random Peltierre had outfitted the
room shortly after the suite's completion, during the early stages of
her pregnancy.
"You aren't going to fully engage with the interface system, are you,
hun?" I asked with more concern than I meant to.
"No, Empress, since time is of the essence, I am working remotely. Is
there some reason you and Alex are showing considerable trepidation?"
she inquired.
"I had a bad experience in this room's sister back at Reilly,
sweetheart. Don't let me stop you from what has to be done because of
that," I answered back with a tense smile.
"My love, I would hate to inquire as to what those cables and support
lines connect..." He paused, his face looking a little piqued. "As to what
ports they interface with." He gulped as he undoubtedly began to figure
it all out
"It looks like something straight out of 'The Matrix' or Star Trek-
First Contact!" Jasen gasped. "With a hint of 'Ghost in the Machine'
added just for good measure!"
Tibius stared at the man in disbelief and...confusion.
"Sorry, that was the best way to describe it. I'll go back into Terran
mode now." Jasen said as he dropped his head forward. "It...it won't
happen again, Empress."
"A slip like that will get you killed, or at least exiled, hun, but I
agree with you. I almost lost a good friend in one of these chambers."
"But we didn't Grandmother," Alexandra added quickly. "We made things
right..." She looked at the floor momentarily. "In more ways than one,"
she added sadly.
"Psionic Dampening Field is now offline- stowing emitter arrays,"
Isabeau stated in her machine monotone.
"Are you sure you can do this, my love?" Tibius asked after turning his
attention from our Comptroller.
"I've done it before, my love," I said casually. Moving one building
wouldn't be near as difficult as exchanging a whole universe.
"I have seen the successful completion of this operation, Grandfather
High Counsel," Alexandra reassured him.
"Global Transport Stations have been powered down and all safeties are
engaged," Isabeau monotoned.
"But what if the building is not in the specified location when we
arrive?" Tibius asked in worry.
"Relax, sir, I'll get us there in one piece. If I'm off a little I'll
just fetch the Darough and Cummins Moving Company. They specialize in
finesse moving jobs!" I giggled and was joined by snorts of laughter
from my sisters and brother. Even Isabeau laughed and looked at me with
a silly smirk on her face.
"Spatial Scaling Emitters have defaulted to standby power source;
Empress Suite and I.A. Interface Chamber source transitioning to standby
also. Commensing building main power source shutdown." Our comptroller
alerted in an emotionless voice as the lights in the room blinked and
dimmed slightly.
"Will there be pain involved, Grandmother?" Young Nathan asked with some
concern evident in his voice.
"Nope." I shook my head. "This is a lateral, hun, no time or universal
shift involved."
"Oh," he said looking slightly disappointed.
"Building security reports all clear from remote observation location.
All secondary systems have been stopped and de-energized.
"Why the disappointed look, hun?" I asked having paused for Isabeau's
checklist report.
"No reason, Grandmother. I had heard rumor that travel with the Empress
can sometimes involve some pain and yet another rumor places Terra
several millennia removed from Earth."
"Y'all been talkin' to your Aunt Jacquelyn, haven't ya?"
My thirty-year old Grandson blushed, as did his sister.
"I thought as much." I giggled.
"So it is true, Grandmother Empress?" he asked with excitement in his
"I never said that, hun. Truth is I don't know what, if any, time
difference there is between Terra and my Earth." I giggled despite
trying to hold my poker face. I noticed Corrine and Jules stare at me
"In the grand scheme of things what does it really matter?" I asked.
"Terra has a chance to grow and become as influential as it once had
been. Y'all are here today because some crazy blonde-headed woman and
some of her friends arrived here one day and wanted to help. It never
mattered where or when we arrived from, or the language or religion that
we practiced. The only thing that matters now is that we get you kids
reunited with your families." I smiled at my grandchildren, my daughter,
sisters, Jasen, and especially Tibius.
"All nonessential systems have been powered down. The Citadel Consulate
Building is secured and ready for transport, Empress." Isabeau said as
she blinked a few times and smiled at me. "We are the only personnel
remaining in the building, M'lady."
"Thank you, sweetheart. At this time I would like everyone to take hold
of the superstructure and I ask that you do not release your hold until
I say otherwise. Tibius, are the engineers standing by?"
"Aye, my love. They have assumed the specified perimeter and will
immediately depart after the building has phased."
"Inform the captain of Sand Dollar to ramp up her cosmic shields to full
power once they are off the ground. That flare will get here
surprisingly fast."
"As you wish, M'lady."
"Is everybody ready?" I asked with a broad smile and looked around at my
friends and family. Everyone nodded.
"Alexandra, could you come here please?" I asked having seen and
foreseen her sad expression. She left her place beside one of the
building's support beams. I immediately took her hand in mine.
"Are you ready to transport your first building, sweetheart?" I
"Empress?" she asked in astonishment.
"It's time, honey. This is your show. I've already done this, now it's
your turn," I said quietly smiling at her.
I winked.
"How do I start, Empress?" she asked quietly. I noticed Alexis stare at
us. Nathan and Samantha also stared in disbelief at their sister and I.
"You already know where the building sits on Terra Nuevo. Imagine that
location in your mind and keep it focused then phase the building out
and pull the trigger, hun- it's as easy as that." I told her
Her face wasn't as confident as she looked at me. I nodded though,
looked away, and made the announcement.
"Attention!" I started and looked back to my granddaughter, the Empress
of Time and Space. "Building phase out in three...two...one."
Alexandra nodded.
"Now think of the Consulate building's location on Terra Nuevo. Once you
have it boldly in your mind, make the call, sweetheart."
She nodded to me.
"Commensing transport in three...two...one!"
I felt the shift as we were suddenly engulfed in the blackness of space
and looked ahead to see the stars moving and shifting around me. A
single point of light centered in my vision and began increasing in size
and brilliance. I found it fascinating to experience space travel from a
secondary position!
The trip was over quickly and I found myself looking into my
Granddaughter's eyes. We were both smiling.
"Are we here, Grandfather?" she asked in childish excitement.
"Empress," I said calmly, "we need to phase back in for him to
communicate with the engineers."
"Oh, ya, right. Okay everyone, we're here!" she chirped through her huge
"It will take a moment for the results, Empress," Tibius said as his
pride in his granddaughter overflowed.
"So that was it?" Jasen asked in amazement. "I thought there would be
more stars like in the movie...I'm doing it again aren't I?"
We all nodded at him this time.
"I'm sorry, I thought there would be more to it," he grimaced.
"Empress, the Engineers report a zero-point-zero-zero-zero-five
millimeter discrepancy in the building's location." Tibius informed us
as he wiped some wetness from both eyes. "I'm very proud of you
Alexandra- very proud!"
Isabeau approached my granddaughter.
"Empress, independent building diagnostics report that all systems are
stable and ready for re-activation. Shall I commence startup
procedures?" She asked with a bright smile.
Alexandra looked at me. I smiled brightly at her and nodded.
"Make it so, M'lady!" she exclaimed happily with a confident nod.
"Acknowledged. Power source startup is complete. Systems reboot
"Shall we go take in the view?" I asked as I pulled Alexandra past
Tibius and Jasen and headed out into the hallway.
The view was just as I had foreseen it! The full height windows of the
living room now spectacularly framed the vast, blue western ocean of
Terra Nuevo. Although not right on the beach, the consulate building now
had a commanding view. It was a quick five-minute walk to the white
sandy beaches now bordering New Citadel on the west.
Above us and just starting to sink to the horizon, a bright yellow sun
filled this new Terran world with light and hope and, as I looked down
to the shore, I could see hundreds of people, both Terran and non-Terran
alike taking in the forgotten majesty of what Earthers typically
ignored- clean, pristine water!
I knew from my gift, that this world would remain a paradise mostly
because of the necessary conservation systems developed on Terra, but
also because of the negative experiences of it's inhabitants eons ago in
the 'Old Age'.
Inexplicably, I suddenly missed the 'Old Age'.
"Welcome to New Citadel, Terra Nuevo!" Alexandra shouted in glee. I
hadn't seen her so excited since she was eight.
"Empress, all systems have booted cleanly and are online," Isabeau
informed Alexandra and I with a huge grin.
"Well done, M'lady!" My granddaughter exclaimed and I saw Isabeau blush.
Alexandra turned to me. I saw tears running from her eyes as she wrapped
her arms around me.
"Thank you, Grandma!" she sniffed.
"Well done, Empress. Well done." I whispered in her ear as I brushed her
long, dark blonde mane with my hand.
New Citadel, Terra Nuevo, 18:00, Median, Venusia 28th, 422 of the New
"So what now, Empress?" Jasen asked as we continued to gaze out the
windows at the new Terran world.
"We leave before you return, of course," I answered cryptically.
"Tibius, she's doing it again!" he exclaimed with pain in his voice.
"Might we introduce legislation that would limit the amount of cryptic
rhetoric disgorged by our Empress?"
Tibius began to laugh heartily!
"Spoken like a true Terran, my friend!" Tibius looked over to me as he
patted Jasen's shoulder a few times.
"He's ready, M'lady."
"We leave in the morning, sire," I informed my mate.
"To what time will we travel, Empress?" Jasen asked innocently.
"Spoilers, M'lord," I replied with a devious grin.
Jasen began to roll his eyes but quickly caught himself and instead
replied, "Empress, what do 'spoilers' have to do with my inquiry?"
"You'll do, hun," I told him before I walked away to see if the view
from my bedroom suite was just as beautiful as I had foreseen. Tibius
followed silently.
"If y'all are thinkin' of exploitin' the view, hun, I'd remind you of my
origin date," I said to the ceiling as I made the right into my personal
Tibius said nothing as we stopped before the large window. I felt his
arm settle itself around my lower back- his hand gently molded to my
left hip.
It felt warm and wonderful!
We stood there in silence looking at almost the same view as the living
room for several moments.
"Tibius..." I started to say.
"My love, I understand your position and although very enticing, I
cannot allow myself to take even the slightest advantage. I shall remain
patient and await your approval," he said as he looked down into my
Those eyes! Those wonderful eyes- so sad yet so hopeful! Many wonderful
memories flooded my mind- memories of Tibius and I- of my future self.
This man was so hard to resist!
I kissed him.
I had no idea how long.
"M'lady, as much as I dread saying this, we should stop this before..."
"Shhhh." I placed my finger to his lips- the burning heat I now felt
affecting my judgment. I wanted him.
"My love, this is not the right time, although it is somewhat the right
place." He said quietly as he gently removed my finger from his mouth.
"This could severely change the time stream, Empress. I fear I would
never forgive myself if that would happen."
"Who's to say it would change anything? What if this is destined to be?"
I purred as I tried to pull those lips closer to mine again. "I'm very
good at breaking the rules you know."
"We cannot, Alexandra. Your virtue must be preserved- the Empress must
remain chaste for the time being, my love! We will consummate this
heated desire we both share- that is guaranteed, but not here...not now!
Forgive me, M'lady, but I must take my leave." He told me sadly.
"Tibius, don't..." I cried as the man I would bear a child for on this
world turned slowly and walked out of my room. "I'm sorry, I..."
I felt the warm salty tears begin to roll down my face as I turned to
gaze back out the window. What had I done? Why was he affecting me so
severely this time- or was it me? Was I that wanton...that desperate?
Despite what had happened earlier, Tibius sent word through Alexis that
we would celebrate the Consulate Building's safe transfer to New Terra
at a formal dinner tonight at 2100hrs. The Empress had saved Tibius
valuable months of physical labor by moving the whole building, contents
and all. Alexandra had done it in a few sparse seconds. As a result, we
still had part of today left. Not as much as on Terra though.
New Terra's days were closer to Earth's in that they were only twenty-
four and a half hours long instead of twenty-eight.
That still only left me two hours to compose myself and get gussied up.
"Mother, haven't you decided on what to wear yet?" Alexis entered my
room and took in the pile of clothing lying on my lounge chair. She had
yet to start the same process herself.
"I was thinking the gold, High Counsel mate's dress with the matching,
silken flats."
"Mother! You wear that every time you attend a function on Terra, please
find something different."
"Something different," I thought a minute. "Okay. I'll need to check
something before I decide," I said as I entered my large walk-in for the
umpteenth time in an hour.
I stood looking at my Reilly suit for a long minute before stripping
down and donning it. Initializing it, I quickly scanned down the list of
possible outfits. Not finding what I wanted, I sighed in disappointment,
turned, and exited the room-sized wardrobe. For modesty's sake I
selected my dress whites.
"You're not going to wear those are you, mom?" Alexis gasped in panic.
"This is a formal Terran affair, not some naval luncheon!"
"I'll be back, honey, I just need to reload my selections library." I
replied as I walked out into the living room.
It was empty.
"Isabeau, are you still here?" I asked loud enough for people in the
other bedrooms on the other side of the suite to hear me.
"Yes Empress, I am in the interface chamber making some last minute
modifications to the astronomic subroutines." Her voice said over the
suite's loudspeakers.
"Oh, do you still have the last back-up of my Reilly suite on file?"
"The latest back-up recorded is from three standard Terran years ago,
M'lady. Would that be acceptable?"
"Ya, hun, could you download it to my suit please?"
"I'm sorry, remote access to suit functions has been taken offline for
maintenance, Empress. It would be necessary to transfer via a hard line
"Okay, I'll be right there, hun," I said as I began the short walk down
the hall.
I really, really didn't like this room! It was creepy. Now that one of
my Comptrollers sat in an interface chair, it was even creepier!
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Empress. I know that your recent
experience in Reilly's interface chamber has affected your perspective
of this room, but hard interface to your suit is the only protocol
available at this time. If you want to come back later this evening..."
Isabeau's voice filled the chamber.
"No, hun, I'm a big girl so I'll tough it out," I said to the motionless
woman lying on the lounge-type chair with the three umbilical hoses and
four thick cables attached to her specialized Reilly suit. Memories of
Randi Van Pelt lying in the same location but with the steady tone from
the monitoring equipment filled my head. Instantly, I pushed it back and
locked it into its small, secure cubby.
"What was that I just sensed about Aunt Randi?" the loudspeakers in the
room inquired.
"Nothing, hun, can we do this? I have to get ready for the dinner
tonight and I'm running out of time."
"Your humor is confusing, M'lady. Does not the Empress have all the time
in the universe?"
"Not this time, hun. Can you just download the archive please?"
"Of course Empress, please stand next to External Processor Interface
Station #2 and stand still." Her voice paused. "Stand very still."
I gulped loudly as I cautiously approached the chair next to her
motionless body. As I did, a single, thin cable descended from the
ceiling. It twisted, turned, and arched itself like a cobra sizing up
its prey.
"The data interface cable is intelligent and will seek out the proper
connection, M'lady. In this case, the back of your collar just below the
crease is its target," Isabeau's voice said calmly as the snaking cable
seemed to scan me clinically.
Chills ran up my spine as the animated cable slowly moved behind me. The
imaginary sound of a rattlesnake ready to strike echoed through my head
as I thought about its snake-like motion. I felt my collar lift and
heard the click as it attached itself to my suit.
"Commencing handshake. Empress, why is your heart rate twice that of
normal and you're breathing just as elevated? I assure you the up-link
is benign."
"Just download the archive, hun."
"Acknowledged. Download will complete in twenty seconds.
I breathed a sigh of relief as I watched the clothing list on my HUD
start to lengthen.
"Download complete," Isabeau announced as I felt the cable at the back
of my neck detach with another click and slowly retract back up to the
I exhaled.
"Thank you, hun. Will you be attending the dinner with us?" I asked, my
voice sounding very relieved.
"I am to attend, M'lady, but do not wait for me as I have one hundred
and twenty more minutes left in the modification process."
"Okay, we'll see you there, hun. Thanks again for the download," I said
as I quickly left the hi-tech...lab.
On my way back to my personal suite, I stopped by Corrine and Julia's
"Corrine, could I bother you to do what you do best?" I asked with a
"Sure, Alex, what kind of look are you going for?"
"Do you remember my mission to Poland?"
Corrine and her daughter exchanged glances as she whistled.
"Boy, do I! Are you sure that's what you want, Alex?"
"Yes, but I made a few changes to my foundations for this occasion." I
smiled deviously.
"So, do you want your hair the same length or a little shorter?"
"Same length and color would be good," I stated.
"If that's what you want, Alex," Corrine replied uncertainly as she
gathered my dark blonde locks into her hands.
"That should do it, Alex," she said a short time later as she removed
her hands and I felt my longer hair fall down my back- its extra weight
quite noticeable.
"Mom, that's a little longer than the last time, but the color is
perfect," Julia critiqued. "So, are you going to model the outfit,
"Sure. I hope this isn't too over the top for a formal Terran shindig."
I answered as I selected my modified 'Empress Costume'.
"WOW!" Jules gasped, her eyes opening in surprise as she appraised my
selection. "Is this what you had in mind when I fixed your hair for that
mission, Alex?"
"Almost, but like I said, I toned it down for tonight, hun, this is what
the original outfit looked like," I told her as I substituted the
original black lace semi-transparent half-cup bra and matching lace
thong for my golden demi-bra and bikini panties.
"And you sent two hundred Nazis to their grave wearing that?" She asked
in stunned amazement.
"Two hundred-forty, hun, but yes, those perverts ate it right up." I
grinned pensively.
"I can see why! You do know that it makes you look like some very high-
priced call girl, right?" she exclaimed as she kept scanning me from
head to toe repeatedly.
"That was the general idea, yes. I had to make them think I was really
their ideal 'Empress'."
"Alex, that outfit would make any living man think you were they're
ideal..." she said, but stopped short as her eyes flashed to the doorway
behind me. "Anything!"
"Mother?" Alexis gasped in surprise from behind me. "By the Lords of
Terra, what are you wearing?" She gasped louder as I turned around to
face her. She too looked me up and down several times.
I quickly changed my lingerie.
"That's better, but what was that outfit originally for?"
"Trolling!" Corrine said as she burst out laughing.
I turned back slightly and rolled my eyes at her.
"Nazi occupied Poland, 1944, hun. I had to retrieve a Spacecraft for
your father's long lost Great-great-Aunt." I blushed.
"You used that to find the Meridian 12?"
"I did what I had to do," I said stoically as my daughter suddenly
glared at me.
"You didn't?" she gasped as she again appraised me. Her eyes seemed to
stop on my panties momentarily.
"No, hun, I didn't go that far. At no time did these clothes ever leave
my body," I said rolling my eyes again.
Alexis gave me a doubtful look.
"Alex, can I make just one suggestion to really make the outfit pop?"
Jules asked, grabbing my attention.
"Whatever you think would look good, Jules."
She immediately placed her hands over my eyes.
"This will look better...trust me," she said as she removed her hands.
"There, much better."
"By the Lords! I've seen this before!" Alexis exclaimed, blinking
several times as she stared at me in slack-jawed astonishment. "In a
multimedia presentation on you...on the Empress! There was an ancient
portrait of you in the old, archived books," she said as her hand rose
to cover her mouth. "It's really you...I mean...you're really her!"
"Did you ever stop to think that it might just be your Aunt, honey? Alex
Reilly has the same design stored in her suit too."
"Does it matter if it is you or Aunt Alex, mother?"
"Well, no...but it would explain why I don't have a memory of that yet." I
admitted and raised an eyebrow to her.
"So, do you think your father will like it?" I asked with a devious
"Do you really have to ask that, mom? Of course he'll like it! You'd
better watch out for the after dinner party though."
"The after-party? You didn't tell me there was going to be an after-
"In that outfit?" She paused, in surprise. "Oh ya, there'll be a private
after-party all right!" She snorted. Corrine and Julia nodded in
Alexis' response and expression reminded me soo much of her older
sister, Cassandra.
I closed my brand new ice blue eyes for a moment.
"There will be no private after-party with your father, Alexis, of that
I'm certain." I told her in no uncertain terms, though part of me hoped
I was wrong.
What was wrong with me lately?
"Father wasn't the one I was referring to, mom. You've undoubtedly seen
that the Medrin Ambassador and his entourage will be arriving any time
now?" My daughter reminded.
"I have." I smiled in spite of what her statement implicated. The Medrin
were renowned for their passion and...relentlessness.
"And you're okay with..." Alexis motioned down my provocative outfit with
noticeable distain. "This?"
"I wouldn't have toned it down, or even selected it if I wasn't,
"Should I have Cindy or Jasen re-examine you, mother? You have been
acting..." She paused looking for the proper term, "out of character...since
you rejoined us."
"Wrong Jasen, hun, remember?" I said, my smile widening a little.
"That's not the issue here, mother! The facts are clear and disturbingly
noticeable. You've been acting like a lovesick teenager ever since you
returned to this universe- sometimes even bordering on wanton..." Alexis
accused, but stopped suddenly.
"That's it, isn't it?" my daughter began again as she stared at me in
triumph. I felt embarrassed.
"You're in season," she said calmly. "You're in season and you have
absolutely no idea how to handle yourself! Honestly, mother, you know
you have as much support from your sisters as you require. Just because
you are not as experienced in these matters as those currently
surrounding you, know that help is as close as conversation."
I remained quiet for a few minutes as I thought about this revelation.
The three women standing before me waited patiently.
"I have been feeling...um...out of control...lately and I have noticed myself
flirting," I admitted.
"Flirting is an understatement, Skipper!" Julia snorted. Corrine nodded
her agreement.
"I was?" Was it that noticeable, and why hadn't I seen it myself? I felt
my mouth drop open.
The lack of emotional change on my sister's faces spoke volumes.
"I'm...I'm sorry," I apologized and lowered my head in shame. "I should
trust that my sisters would be so observant.
Why hadn't I seen this coming?
"So are you still going to wear the dress or should we change your hair
and eye color back?" Julia asked after a few minutes of silence.
"I'm going to stick with this for tonight," I said bravely. "This is a
celebration of new beginnings here on Terra Nuevo. I'm staying with the
theme...new beginnings."
"What will you do if Joaquin starts his patented headlong run for you,
Mother?" Alexis asked in a serious tone.
"Fake to the right, of course," I answered quickly.
"I'm serious, mom! How will you avoid his charms?"
"Like I would any other attack, hun, phase out until the danger passes."
"Sounds real courageous to me, Alex."
"Corrine, we're not guys anymore! If I were, the confrontation wouldn't
even come up!"
"Nor would you be wearing that scandalous outfit, Skipper!" Corrine
"It is of no use, ladies, my mother is but a shameless harlot, whose
sole ambition is to garner attention and desire from all males present
tonight!" Alexis pronounced regally.
I glared at her!
"You've spent some time talking to Mariah, haven't you?" I accused,
holding my glare.
She giggled. "Have a good time at the gala, mother!" She giggled out.
"Nathan and I shall see you there, though we will certainly be less
provocative in our dress! I'll leave you to finish your preparations, my
My giggling daughter suddenly disappeared.
"Oh thank you fairy godmother! I shall be home before the bell finishes
tolling midnight. I shant be late," I said sarcastically to where I felt
she was still standing.
"I'm onto that trick, mother," I heard her say at my ear.
"Arrgh, that be only one o' many more, I assures ye, dearie!" I said in
a gravely voice, smiling to a different location in the hallway.
"How do you do that, mother?" Alexis' voice echoed down the hall back to
Julia began to laugh and covered her mouth demurely.
"Shall mom and I continue with your makeup, Empress?" Jules asked as she
continued to giggle.
"By all means, ladies, but don't make me look like the Arian concubine
from 1945 Poland. Tibius is the only man at this party I want to
The Consulate Ballroom, Terra Nuevo, 20:10, Median, Venusia 28th, 422 of
the New Era
Tibius and I took our places as we held hands at the top of the grand
staircase that fronted the Consulate Building's Grand Ballroom. The view
out over the large hall from this position was always very impressive.
"M'lady, how can you be so calm and collected knowing every man now on
the planet will be devouring you before we take our first step?" Tibius
asked quietly as he scanned me from head to toe for the millionth time
since he arrived at my suite!
"Trust me. They can't see us yet, M'lord," I replied coyly.
"We are phased?"
I nodded. "I wanted us to make an unforgettable entrance, Grand High
Any further conversation was stopped by the official announcement.
"Lords and Ladies," the public address system erupted, stopping any and
all conversation on the floor below us. "The Lady Alexandra, Sol-Earth,
Oak Ridge, M'zurah and her escort, Grand High Counsel Tibius, Solaris-
Terra Neuvo, New Citadel."
I rephased us after a very short delay. The crowd below us gasped, as
from their perspective, we suddenly appeared! Immediately, I felt the
familiar touch of every male eye on my clothing- revealing as it was,
and the hall went silent!
Tibius and I slowly began our graceful decent to the main dining floor
with him lifting my hand in the regal fashion of old.
"I can feel the tension around us building with each and every step, my
love." He said quietly through his smile as we progressed ever closer to
our guests.
"Jealousy, sir. Pay no attention to them," I quietly replied with a
bright smile. "You are the lucky one, my love."
"Planetary conflicts have been started for less, Alexandra."
"Now isn't the time for such talk. There will be no repercussions from
the event this evening," I told him as our shoes touched the main
ballroom floor. "Time to do your thing, sire." I goaded.
"Lords and Ladies," Grand High Counsel Tibius started, raising his hands
in welcome. "Welcome to Terra Neuvo! Alexandra and I hope that our new
home is compatible to your needs. Let us dine and enjoy the evening
together in peace and mutual understanding!" Tibius decreed as we stood
at the base of the grand staircase.
The large hall filled with applause and we carefully made our way
through the assembled crowd greeting our fellow diplomats and their
mates, concubines, or escorts.
"A remarkable entrance, Alexandra!" a man's voice exclaimed, catching my
"Ambassador, it is quite a pleasure to see you again," I said to the
forty-year old man holding hands with a stunning, raven-haired woman in
a deep blue, formal gown. He was dressed in a matching business suit
typical of those I had seen in my travels to 2014 New York and it's Wall
St. district.
"It was quite the trick, M'lady. I would bequeath one quarter of
Medrin's GPP to you for the plans and procedures necessary for such an
illusion." He continued as his dinner companion continued to size me up.
"It was not a trick, my dear ambas..." Tibius began to say as I cut him
"That the Grand High Counsel wanted me to use tonight, but I talked him
into it." I chirped cheerfully. "I wanted to start this gala off with
something fresh...something...unexpected." I winked. "Something...surprising!"
"It certainly was visually stunning, Lady Alexandra, as is this new
planet and what you all have done in such a short time," the woman in
blue said, expressing her compliment.
"I am very sorry, Alexandra! May I present my guest for the evening,
Rosa La Medrin, our Emperor's only daughter. Rosa and I go back many
years. Rosa, it is my honor to introduce Alexandra of M'surah, Earth and
her husband and our host, Tibius of Terra...of late Terra Nuevo." Joaquin
De La Medrin, Ambassador of Medrin graciously made introductions.
"Lady Rosa, I am honored by you presence," I replied cheerfully as I
offered my hand to her.
Now that we had been formally introduced, by Terran protocols my offer
of a handshake was acceptable.
"And I likewise, M'lady. Still the scope of development achieved here on
Terra Nuevo is simply amazing! Our beloved consulate building appears to
have simply been picked up whole from Terra and carefully relocated
here. It is all so miraculous!" She complimented with a grateful smile,
accepting my greeting with her own dainty hand.
"The key is universal cooperation and strict adherence to protocol,
M'lady." Tibius responded quickly, looking between the two of us women
before I could say anything else.
"Yes, my husband and his planning committee have spent innumerable hours
refining every aspect of relocation, M'lady," I added as I looked to my
mate. "It is amazing what paying attention to detail can bring about. I
especially adore the seaside view. It reminds me so much of Earth."
"Excuse me. Mother," Alexis appeared to my left. "Nathan and I were
wondering if you knew that Ladies Corrine and Julia Masterson had
I did a double take! She was dressed in an outfit similar to mine and
just as revealing! Moreover, I noticed Corrine and Jules were wearing
variations of my outfit also! Whereas my dress looked like fine-spun
gold, Alexis' dress looked to be made from delicate, translucent, ruby
colored thread. Corrine and Jules' were similar, but azure and turquoise
respectively. As with my own dress, you could see through to the
provocative underpinnings they wore!
I couldn't help but let my mouth drop open.
"My my, the Earth contingent has certainly gone all out this evening!"
Lady Rosa said with a bit of jealousy. "You ladies had better watch out
for Joaquin. His charm with us ladies is legendary."
I closed my eyes a moment and ran the scenarios.
"The ambassador will try, but ultimately leave with only you as his
conquest this night, M'lady," I informed her as well as my sisters to
reassure them.
"So the stories I have heard are true? You are indeed a clairvoyant?"
"I am, M'lady. My daughter Alexis and also my grandchildren share that
family trait."
"I think that is not all the women of your family share, Lady Alexandra!
You all are stunning in appearance as well," she purred.
I wasn't sure how to accept her last statement, but decided to thank her
"My thoughts on you as well, M'lady. If you'll please excuse me, I see
the rest of my entourage has finally arrived and I must welcome them.
Enjoy the party, Lady Rosa, Ambassador." I smiled before walking over to
the Mastersons. Alexis followed me and we left Tibius and Nathan to fend
for themselves.
"What has gotten into the three of you?" I asked as I stopped beside
"We decided that we should follow our ambassador's lead, Skipper," she
replied as she motioned between herself and Julia. "I haven't any clue
why Alexis would want to wear such a thing after all the earlier
"I decided that mother shouldn't be alone in her type of dress. If she
could pull it off...so could I," she stated royally. Her head dropped
suddenly. "Besides, Nathan seemed intrigued by the description so I
contacted Isabeau and had her download the specifications.
"Where is Isabeau anyway?" I asked. "She said she would be coming."
"The Lady Isabeau, Solaris-Terra Nuevo, New Citadel," interrupted me as
the public address system announced the new arrival.
Isabeau stood atop the grand staircase in an electric blue variation of
my dress. As with my daughter and sisters, you could plainly see her
foundations- skimpy as they were, but her dress seemed to be alive with
lightning blue streaks of light running quickly at sharp right angles
all around it. 'Circuitry' immediately came to mind. Her practiced
decent to the main floor was slow and graceful. The bright smile never
ebbed from her beautiful face once.
I noticed Tibius and Nathan do a double take and then turn to stare at
me for the reason we all dressed similarly. I simply leaned my head
slightly to one side, shrugged my shoulders, and raised both eyebrows in
"Oh the sisters of Kili are smokin' tonight!" Jules giggled. We all
joined in until Isabeau joined us.
"Empress," she started, but stopped abruptly and restarted. "Lady
Alexandra, I am sorry I was so late in my arrival. Several requests for
file access delayed my completion. Have I missed anything important?"
"You look amazing, sweetheart!" I gushed, fascinated by the activity
going on all over her dress. "The party's just getting started and I
foresee no unusual deviations in the proceedings.
"Acknowledged. I noticed that Ambassador De La Medrin has arrived with
yet another woman ensnared in his web."
"She's the Emperor's daughter, hun, Rosa La Medrin. I'm wondering who
has whom ensnared." I laughed as I glanced back at the couple. Joaquin
looked back at me with a confident grin while Rosa looked back to me
with a slight sneer.
"As usual, mother, you have quickly made an impression," Alexis
deadpanned, obviously having seen the woman's reaction.
"And Miss La Medrin will undoubtedly make her own impression on Joaquin
later," I replied evenly as I fought a giggle back.
"Ah, Lady Alex! You and your entourage look simply captivating tonight!
May I ask who your designer is and where may I find him?" a male voice
caught my attention.
The Gian ambassador, J'tan, approached us from my right. A smallish man
of about thirty Earth years in apparent physical age, at five-six, J'tan
was considered tall on his planet. He seemed right at home in his pastel
green, skirted, business suit and matching low-heeled shoes. As with
everyone on Gia, J'tan had no qualms about dressing as he liked. Whether
it looked masculine or feminine made no difference.
"This old thing, ambassador? Why, we just had these lying around from
some old party. We all thought we'd give it one more try. As for its
design, Corrine and a few of my sisters helped me design it back in the
day. Do you like?" I gushed.
"Very much, sweetie! Could you possibly sneak me the specifications?"
"I'll see if I can find them, hun. By the way, have we gotten your suite
right...to your satisfaction, I mean?"
"It's just as I left it on Terra, right down to the security code! How
ever was Tibius able to completely reconstruct every last detail and
"You know the Terran's, hun- always fussing over the protocols and
minute details," I told him cheerfully.
"But how did he carry over the access codes, Gian encryption sequences
are among the most secure in the galaxy?"
"That would be my doing, Ambassador J'tan," Isabeau said as she bowed to
our guest. "Only I have the expertise to transfer such complicated
sequences and reinstall them, sir. The working archive has been deleted
and over written several thousand times and therefore is irretrievable
to anyone inclined to attempt such malicious actions."
"My sincerest thanks, Lady Isabeau. Your understanding and sensitivity
toward Gian security protocols is recognized throughout the known
universe." J'tan said excitedly. "I simply cannot fathom such attention
to detail! It is like Tibius has scooped the existing Consulate building
up from Terra and somehow transported it here! I...I even found a stray
fingernail clipping that had escaped my scrutiny before last leaving
Terra next to my downtime lounge today on my arrival! Even my fauna
seems to be the same! One would think magic was involved somehow." He
prattled on.
"I assure you no magic was used, M'lord, it is simply a gift," I said
winking at my sisters. "From the Terran people to their Gian associates
in appreciation for your long established friendship."
"Such wonderfully appropriate sentiments, M'lady," J'tan said as he
seemed to become distracted. "Well, I must bid you my leave, ladies. I
have just caught sight of another dignitary and must convey my
greetings, may you enjoy the dinner."
J'tan bowed and headed off across the hall to meet whomever he saw.
"Simply a 'gift'," Alexis snorted as the rest of us broke out into
laughter. "Mother, could you be any more transparent?"
A devious grin filled my face. "I could recall my original lingerie for
We all continued to laugh heartily before dividing up and mixing with
the assembled dignitaries, spouses, or friends.
"I forgot how painful these heels were!" I declared, wincing as I deftly
tried to push my left heel out of its tight confines with my throbbing
right foot.
"Oh man up, mother! You should be comfortable in heels by now. Every
girl knows the sacrifices we must make to look good." Alexis growled as
she came into my bedroom suite and sat down next to me on my bed.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to these, honey," I told her as I
gently eased down and allowed both my sore Achilles tendons to stretch
I needed a good soak in the hot tub!
"Where are you going, mom? Father will be arriving in a few minutes."
Alexis called after me as I slowly moved into the next room.
"I already told you that there will be no after party, honey," I growled
back at her. "It's already after three in the morning and I need my rest
for tomorrow's mission."
"What mission?" I heard her ask as I shed my clothing, which had become
my favorite pink nightie and matching thong.
"Jasen needs to be reinserted into Terran culture...or did you forget I
have to close that paradox?" I answered as I eased myself into the warm,
aerated water.
Oh, did this feel wonderful!
"M'lady, surely you do not intend to spend the entire night in yonder
hot bath?" Tibius' voice startled me. He stood leaning against the
doorframe smiling brightly at me.
I shrieked in embarrassment and immediately tried to cover up as best I
"My love, need I remind you that we have shared your beauty many times
in this very room?" He said smiling and reached to retrieve a towel for
Of course he was correct- that we had spent many wonderful...magical hours
here together. But that was not me...not yet.
"Not for a few more years, my love," I responded standing and accepting
the offered towel. I quickly wrapped it around my chest and carefully
stepped out.
Every nerve in my body cried for his touch as I looked up into his
gentle eyes. A grin appeared.
"Although very inviting, I must detain my inner voice and its
accompanying chorus of passion, my lovely Alexandra. I have come to make
sure all is ready for our journey into history tomorrow."
"You came all the way over here to ask me if things will work out?
Tibius, I have told you repeatedly that the paradox I have initiated
will close successfully. What real intentions bring you to my bed
chamber at this late hour?"
My mate on this world remained quiet for a few moments.
"I simply wanted to tell you...tell you that...that you looked intoxicating
tonight! Had only the Gians been in attendance, I would have taken you
at our table, Alex! How dare you dress so enticingly...so...so sexually
provocative for such an important affair of state?"
I smiled at him. "So...are you saying that you liked it or that you hated
it, hun?"
"No...yes...neither...or both...I am thoroughly flummoxed and haven't complete
control over my thoughts just yet, Alex! Why tonight? Why now?"
"Alexis says I'm in heat, my dear Tibius."
"In season is the way she put it."
"I think I understand. Is this season responsible for our initial
coupling those many years ago?"
Was it, I wondered? I dove into my future memories.
"Yes," I said, nodding. "Or something similar," I added.
"Love from this perspective...and the way this body interprets it...I'm
still confused and somewhat frightened by it. I...I just don't understand
everything that I'm...feeling...right now. One portion of me wants to drop
this towel and jump into your arms while another screams for me to keep
my distance! Yet another would prefer to just assume a fetal position
and wish it were over. Tibius, I'm sorry to be so confusing and...and
wishy-washy right now. I think I need to take a vacation to sort this
all out. Rest assured that our mission tomorrow will complete without
I had lowered my gaze to the floor and continued to shake my head back
and forth until I felt his warm thumb and finger touch my chin. He
gently increased the pressure until I was again looking up into his
warm, caring eyes.
"I shall continue to wait, my love. Take all the time you need to reach
accord with your conscience. I understand the trepidation you encounter-
that you caused me from our very meeting that half lifetime ago."
Wet hair or not, loose towel or not, I wrapped my arms around that man
and sunk my head into his shoulder...
...And cried.
The Empress Suite, Terra Nuevo, 0915, Prefinal, Venusia 29th, 422 of the
New Era
"Mother," a quiet, yet familiar voice called to me in my dreams.
"Mother, the day breaks and your mission awaits," she called gently to
me again.
My eyes fluttered open to see Alexis bent over me. I hadn't noticed her
hand shaking my shoulder until now.
"Pleasant awakenings, Empress. I hope your dreams were just as amiable?"
"I dreamed of home, honey. It seems to be becoming less vivid the longer
I stay." I replied sitting up and looking into her saddening eyes.
"Then you will be leaving father and I soon?"
"You tell me, hun. Use your gift as it was given."
Alexis slowly closed her eyes and tears began forming in them.
"I'm sorry, honey, but I have commitments and it is important for me to
honor them- besides, what would your uncle do without his favorite boat
"That war has gone on far too long, mother. Far too many people have
suffered because of it!"
"No matter how easy it would be to simply change the time stream, it
simply cannot be done, you know this all too well, honey. We must be
strong and fight any and all urges to do otherwise. I'm sorry."
"But father and I..." She paused a second. "Father, Nathan and I, and all
your grand and great-grandchildren wish you to stay here on Terra
"I have my obligations, Alexis, as does Alexandra. The Empress belongs
to no one world specifically. That is the way of things for me now."
"I still don't have to like it."
"Honey." I gently placed my hands around her waist as I stood from my
bed. "I wish with all my heart I could stay here longer...but..."
"But you must continue your life on Earth..." she continued sadly. "I
"You could come along if you'd like?"
"But what of Nathan?"
"I know this crazy blonde who thinks she can travel time, hun. I'm sure
I could arrange for her to return him promptly." I giggled slightly and
saw her face light up with a guarded smile.
I'd take it! "That's the beautiful smile I love to see." I smiled in
"How do you always know exactly how to make me feel better, mom?" She
"I wouldn't be a mother if I didn't know the difficult things, honey." I
returned her giggle. "Let's get something to eat. I don't like to travel
on an empty stomach."
My semi-transparent, pale blue teddy became my Navy dress whites as we
walked into the hallway.
Tibius and Jasen sat at the table finishing their own breakfasts. Alexis
and I said our greetings and sat down after ordering our own favorite
breakfasts. Of course, a steaming stack of four pancakes with plenty of
butter and syrup along with a hot cup of coffee satiated my hunger.
Isabeau arrived a few minutes later followed closely by Corrine and
Jasen, having finished his meal, returned his dishes to the processor
and sat back down. He remained very quiet and hardly made eye contact
with any of us.
"Penny for your thoughts, hun?" I asked, breaking the silence that had
fallen on the room.
"It's not important, Alex."
"Hun, everything is important. You having second thoughts?"
"I'm...I'm not sure...that I can do this," he said looking directly at me
for the first time this morning.
I giggled as a devious smile rose on my face.
"Honey, you've already done it," I told him as I continued to smile.
His expression was priceless! Tibius began to rub his forehead as had
become his response every time I talked time travel around him.
"Jasen, as the Grand High Counsel will confirm, you've been a loyal
citizen of Terra for over one hundred years. You've successfully raised
Connie as you first wished at her birth. You don't have anything to
worry about, hun."
"How can you possibly guarantee that, Alex?"
"Ask anyone here. I'm sure Isabeau, Alexis...even Alexandra will tell you
of your dedication to your daughter's development," I said as I finished
my plate and picked up my coffee.
"It's about time to go, hun," I announced after a few long minutes.
"Alexis, I'll be back in a few days."
"It will take that long, mother?"
"Tibius and I are going to make a little stop before I bring him home."
Tibius turned and stared at me as if I had just grown horns.
"If you think that is prudent, mother."
My mate was still staring intensely at me.
"Will you relax?" I nudged his shoulder in mock anger. "We have to stop
off and check on Jack, Connie, and Jasen in 2030."
He seemed to relax slightly and began to breath again.
"So, everyone going on this mission ready to go?" I asked with a bright
Isabeau, Corrine, Julia, Tibius, and I stood from our seats.
"Jasen?" I asked looking at the still seated man. He slowly began to
rise. You would have thought I was leading him to the slaughterhouse!
Taking a deep breath, he sighed heavily. ?I?m as ready as I?ll ever be,
I guess.?
?Daughter?? Tibius looked around to Alexis as she too stood. ?I leave
you in charge of my affairs while I?m away.?
Our daughter looked at her father, curiously tilting her head slightly
to the side.
?Are you feeling well, father? You did not evoke the concession of
temporary power in the proper fashion. Has mother ingrained her
character to you so completely??
?Just make sure everything is still here when I get back, honey!? He
snapped- quite out of character for my unbending mate!
?I will do my best, Grand High Counsel,? Alexis said as she bowed
slightly to her father.
?Well then, now that Terra Neuvo is in good hands, it?s time for this
party to move along.? I looked to my companions. ?We?ll leave from the
living room,? I continued as I walked out the doorway.
Ten minutes later, we had all said our goodbyes and I motioned for
everyone to join hands. Jasen still looked apprehensive about this, but
I knew he would be fine. Of course there would be questions and doubt as
to his existence on Terra before his mysterious appearance, but his good
friend Tibius would vouch for his friendship.
?Transiting in three, two, one,? I announced as Citadel?s Community Park
replaced my suite?s living room.
?No matter how many times you do that I shall never get used to it.?
Jasen mumbled as I scanned the area for any observers. We had arrived
several years prior to our first appearance here and four women suddenly
appearing in the city center would cause a definite shift in Terra?s
Tibius, you?re up,? I said as I nodded to my mate.
?As you wish, Empress. As we discussed last evening?? He asked, unsure
if he should actually perform the procedure.
I nodded and concentrated on staying phased out of this reality.
?What did she mean, Tibius? We didn?t discuss any?? Jasen said before
seeming to freeze in place.
?Release his hand when the task is completed. Corrine, you?re up next,?
I reminded my mate then looked to the older of my cosmetologists.
?I?ll need to touch the location, Alex,? she responded as she continued
to hold Jasen?s other hand.
Tibius released his friend?s hand and looked at me with a sad,
determined stare. ?It is done, Empress. I have included a ?key? to
unlock his memories when we first encounter you and Lady?s Jacquelyn,
Random, and Takashi- just as you requested.?
?I?m sorry it has to be this way, my love, but you know as well as I
that he is not yet strong enough to hold his own against his fellow
Terrans.? I answered back. ?It hurts me to make so many changes to one
man?s life, but?? I shook my head slowly from side to side, ?It had to
be done.?
Tibius now took Corrine?s wrist and released his hold of Jasen?s hand as
soon as Julia re-established touch with Jasen. Corrine placed her hand
to the back of our motionless companion?s head and began her task- that
of creating an open gash as a result of falling and hitting his head.
?This should just take another minute, Alex,? she said, glancing to the
side at me.
I took the opportunity to check on Isabeau?s task.
?Have you accessed the main system yet, Isabeau??
?Negotiating, Empress. A precise date and time would hasten things,
?Citadel Community Park, Citadel, Terra, 2145hrs, Climax, Apogean 14th,
282 of the New Era,? I announced clearly.
?Input accepted. Accessing archived passwords history for specified date
and time,? she said in a familiar monotoned voice. Her expression
changed immediately though.
?Interesting!? She exclaimed as she looked at Tibius sternly. ?The
encryption protocols I would expect to be employed cannot be found on
the system, Grand High Counsel!?
Tibius blushed.
?As I recall, if the Empress is correct with the current date, that
protocol has not been implemented yet,? he revealed quietly.
?Why not, Grand High Counsel??
?Your father is still engineering it, Lady Isabeau. It simply has not
been written yet.?
?Are you aware that several separate Embassy specialists have
circumvented the existing encryption, and are, at this moment preparing
to copy proprietary information?? Isabeau growled in anger. ?Empress, we
must seal the leak or Terra may become a victim of its own charity!?
I winked.
?Forgive me for failing to see your larger plan, M?lady,? she said
partially bowing to me.
?There is nothing to forgive, hun,? I consoled her. ?I didn?t reveal the
ulterior motive behind this mission for a good reason. Namely, Grand
High Counsel would?ve tried to stop me. He couldn?t imagine that the
off-world diplomats were thieving Terra?s technology without being told
by his trusted Comptroller,? I told her as I looked slightly up to my
mate with a sad expression- one that begged his forgiveness.
Not saying a word, he closed his eyes and nodded to me.
?I shall upload the necessary encryption protocols after I finish
installing Jasen into the system,? Isabeau said with a determined glare.
?Belay that, sister,? I said sternly. ?There will be time after we
complete this portion of the mission.?
?As you wish, Empress. Historical upload has completed. Encryption
protocol patch files are cued and prepared for upload at your request,
?Thank you, sweetheart. Corrine??
?Finished, Alex. I think this is the first time I?ve had to damage
someone instead of fixing them up. I hope this won?t become a habit,?
she said as Julia nodded her head in agreement.
?Maybe once or twice more, hun. Oh, don?t forget to give him a good
shove as you release him.?
Corrine looked sadly at me before raising her foot up to his hip.
Simultaneously, she released her grasp of his hand and kicked him away.
The result was a man suddenly appearing out of thin air to fall onto the
bricked walkway.
Poor Jasen landed flat on his back and began moaning!
?Part one of our three part mission completed,? I announced as our
scenery changed again.
?This is my abode!? Tibius gasped, recognizing his bedchamber. ?That is
me sleeping!?
?Good observation, hun.? I giggled.
?Why here? What must be done to me?? he asked in a slight panic.
?Relax, sire, you just need to insert Jasen into your own memory so he
will have someone to vouch for him when he wakes up in the hospital.
Even though it is ten years prior to becoming Grand High Counsel, your
word is highly regarded.?
Can I even do that to myself?? he mumbled.
?I must be able to because I can remember Jasen from my childhood!? he
quickly answered himself before I could reply.
?Be quick about it, sire, we can only be here for an instant before your
fellow Terrans can zero in on us.?
He nodded.
?Rephasing in three?two?one.?
Tibius reached out and touched his sleeping past self?s forehead.
?Done, Empress,? he said quickly.
I had us phased back out as he said my title.
?Phase two complete, onto phase three,? I announced as the scenery once
again changed.
It was Isabeau?s turn to gasp.
?This is my home!? She paused a second. ?I think. If it is the former
occupant has no desire to keep house.?
Just as the words left her mouth a young man walked into the room.
?Terminal, energize,? he ordered in a tired, weak voice.
?Father? Empress, what is wrong with my father? Why does he sound so
?He never told you of his life before you were born, hun?? I asked
?He said only that I was his salvation, but I thought he spoke in
general terms of Terra.?
?He was the only one capable of designing viable system protection
protocols. I recall him losing many hours of sleep,? Tibius told us.
The terminal before Isabeau?s father came to life and he began typing
?Isabeau, begin upload,? I said quietly.
?When are we?? she asked quickly.
?Two minutes later than we just were- now send the files,? I answered
just as quickly.
?Acknowledged. Sending text mail with attachments,? she replied in her
A tone sounded from the terminal?s loudspeakers as we all looked on.
?Not another message from High Counsel! Does the man never sleep??
Isabeau?s father groaned as he brushed back his hair and opened the new
He began reading out loud.
?Attached are some files I thought would help in your work. I know that
you have been working to exhaustion and desire to rest. Live happy and
healthy, M?lord. Isabeau.?
I looked at my sister and raised an eyebrow, but was interrupted before
I could say anything.
?Isabeau?? The man gasped in alarm! He looked immediately to the ceiling
of the room and began scanning it.
I noticed a flash of light glint off his eye as he turned his head
toward us.
?Mother, I have been so very lonely since your passing. It makes my
heart smile to know you have been watching?and now?and now you have
found a way to announce that fact, but?to help me in my assigned task?
Lords of Terra, I thank thee a hundred fold!? He cried to the heavens,
wiping away his shed tears.
Isabeau again gasped.
?I am named after my grandmother?? She paused and looked at me for a
response. I nodded, as did Tibius. ?He, nor mother ever told me the
Tibius closed his eyes as if concentrating on a very old memory.
?Everyone thought him to have been hallucinating from his deprivation.
Jasen and I were the only ones that truly believed the claim.?
?This completes phase