South Of Bikini- Her Arrival free porn video

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South of Bikini Episode 4 "Her Arrival" 2313 hours, Howland Island, April 14th, 1944 "Are you sure you want us to leave you here, Admiral? We can drop y'all off at Pearl just as easy." I thought it too late for the Admiral to be leaving the safety of Sand Dollar. "I'll be fine, Alex! I'll call for a PBY to come get me in the morning! I have a lot of work to do both paper and otherwise, to get the ball rolling on your new base. Besides Alex, I only brought enough supplies for our three-day excursion. Tell Chief Peterson she did a good job stretching them into nine!" "I'll do that sir. So does this change your orders?" I asked due to the old man's change of plans. "No, Captain, the orders still stand. You and your crew are to signal Pearl five days from now, 19, April where you all will begin a ten-day pass. You all have earned it, Alex! My only request is that you and the crew check in every night just in case we need you." "Understood, sir. We'll see you back at Pearl, Uncle Richard." Admiral Demmit gave both Emily and I a kiss on the forehead. "Lt. Smith, you take good care of my nieces and take care of you too!" Demmit said as he embraced the Lieutenant. "You can be assured, Admiral. Safe journey!" Once the old man was safely aboard the PT boat, I gave the order to stow the gangplank, release the moorings, and set course for Hawaii. The strange sounding patrol boat rumbled away into the darkness toward their base on Howland Island. I hoped the Admiral would be safe for the fifteen minutes it would take them to reach the dock. I foresaw no problems for him in the next few days. Once underway, Emily, Mina, and I rejoined Takashi up on the bridge. "I like him, Captain. He has the quality to command, yet does not over indulge in the power- what you Americans call 'down to earth', I believe?" "He has his moments, Takashi! He can be a real bull when he needs to!" "The mark of a true leader, Captain. I see the same traits in you three also!" "Thank you, Miss Moritsu. You provide further proof that our captain and doctor are of the royal bloodline. "Please stop with the royalty pitch, Mina! Alex and I are convinced already! "We'll take that as a compliment, Takashi, or are you just buttering us up for more time above deck?" "The thought had crossed my mind, but that is at your discretion, Captain." "I'll take it under consideration. Right now we need to get below because my watch was finished over an hour ago." "I would like to take one last look up at the heavens, Captain, I have always been captivated by the stars. Do you think we will ever venture out?" It was a darn good thing Emily was beside me! "Captain? Doctor what happened to her? Is she alright?" "She'll be fine Takashi! I think she just took another one of her trips." "Quite correct, doctor, but this time I think we will learn more- much more." "Must you always be so cryptic, Mina?" The squawk sounded. "Bridge, Con. Lt. Scott, what happened up there? Is the Captain okay?" "Jack? How did you know something happened to the captain?" "I...I'm on my way up!" "Ma'am? I...I need a signature on these reports, if you please." "What?" "The reports...on your desk, Ma'am? They have to be signed before I can forward them to the Joint Chiefs, Captain Steinert." Without saying a word I picked up a pen and signed my name to several multipage reports not knowing what or whom they were about. "Thank you, Ma'am. I think they're expecting us down the hall. They have a TV setup with a direct satellite feed from Cape Kennedy. This is going to be so cool! As I got up from behind 'my' desk, I looked around 'my' office. No longer was I aboard my beloved Sand Dollar. Around me was a small office with high ceilings and four white plaster walls. One wall let light in through a bank of four blinded windows. I could make out the Washington Monument off in the distance. An airport was directly across a busy four-lane road from me. Was I in the Pentagon? Something told me yes. "Captain Steinert, we're going to miss the landing! We have to go now, Ma'am!" I nodded and moved around the large mahogany desk. On the wall closest me I noticed a picture of a sleek black submarine, her conning tower a streamlined sail. I didn't recognize her configuration though. Leaning in closer I read the name and date plate on the bottom of the frame: USS Nautilus, First U.S. Nuclear Submarine 1958. Storing that information away, I followed the young Lieutenant out of the office and down the corridor to another larger room. Inside were about thirty members of the various military departments; Marines, Army, Navy, and Army Air Corp- strike that, their uniforms had USAF on them. Something else to store for later, I thought. "Everyone be quiet! It's happening!" Everyone turned to face a box at the other end of the room. Somehow, there was a movie playing on its two-foot square screen. I turned around to look for the projector but found none. "Alex, turn around you're going to miss the landing!" I knew that voice! Carroll! Carroll was here with me. She looked at me in a way that I had seen before. I realized that I had gone on another time trip. Carroll noticed too and leaned in close. "Alex, welcome to 1969! I'll cover for you as best I can! This is the greatest day in American history, Skipper! We're going to land on the moon- two Americans are going to land on the moon! Can you believe it?" I shook my head no. "Who would have thought in the middle of a war we would ever do something this fantastic! I mean, I know technically it's not a war, but a police operation. Everyone still calls it the Vietnam War! Come on, let's watch the TV!" I turned my attention to the 'TV'. "Five hundred feet! Thirty down and five forward. Houston, I have a Master alarm!" "Twenty seconds!" "Roger, Eagle, we see it and you are still go." "Roger, Houston, Master Alarm reset. Two hundred, twenty down and five forward." "One hundred, ten down, two forward. Houston we're kicking up a lot of dust from the surface! We have another Master Alarm!" "Five seconds!" "Roger, Eagle, We're confident here. You are still go!" "Sixty, fifty, forty...Houston, we have DECO, repeat, DECO! This is going to be a hard one!" The picture of the gray, desolate landscape on the TV's screen jerked hard! A minute or so went by before anything was heard. "Houston. This is Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed! It wasn't pretty, but we're still here!" "Ah...great to hear Tranquility! You have a lot of people down here that can start breathing again! Congratulations Tranquility!" The room erupted in clapping and cheers. "Son-of-a-bitch! We really did it!" I said aloud which prompted Carroll to turn back to me with concern. "You aren't supposed to speak when you go on these trips, Skip, Mina's orders! What if you aren't with friends?" "I was on the bridge, Carroll, we're all friends." A voice from the TV interrupted our conversation. "Houston, you think you could give the next guys a little more gas? We ran out five seconds before touchdown! The landing was a little rough." "Roger that Tranquility. We'll pass that along." "Those men almost died, Carroll! Why didn't they have enough fuel to make a good landing?" "I think it was to conserve weight. The Saturn 5 is the biggest rocket the world has even seen, but weight is still a concern." "You mean to tell me that we couldn't afford to put just ten seconds more fuel onboard? Who decided this?" "The engineers at NASA I guess, Alex. Maybe you should have joined the space program. You could have warned them about this!" "Maybe I will join NASA! What does it stand for again?" "National Aeronautics and Space Administration. "National Aeronautics and Space Administration? Okay when is...was it formed, Carroll?" "1959 by President Eisenhower." "'59 by President Eisenhower- got it! Thanks Carroll! I think I have to go now. See you in a minute." As before the room darkened, but the light did not return, instead my eyes opened to a dark sky filled with stars. "Captain, please come back to us! I did not mean for this to happen! Captain Steinert, you must return to us, please!" Takashi's trembling voice pleaded. "Did you get all that Emily? Mina?" "We got some of it Alex. What year did you visit this time?" "Lt. Smith, what does she mean by 'what year did the captain visit'?" "It's a long story, Takashi, one that I hope to reveal in a few years if things progress properly." "I had my own office in the Pentagon! Carroll was there and we watched the moon landing on TV! They did it, Emily! They actually did it!" "When, Alex? When do we land on the moon?" "August, 1969. I didn't ask what the date was, but August was on all the calendars I saw." And Gen. Eisenhower was our president? He had to be just starting his fourth term!" "I don't know if he was still in office, Emily. I saw nothing to indicate that. I did however; see a picture of a nuclear submarine- from 1958. It was called the Nautilus!" "Why, that is right out of Jules' book! He would be so proud! Ensign Beaumont spoke highly of him." "That does not surprise me, Mina! Now, could you let me get up, sis? I feel fine!" "What did you mean they almost died- that they needed ten seconds more fuel?" "I guess that is the problem we have to rectify. Somehow, I have to talk someone into putting more fuel onboard that Lunar Lander." "Alex, that won't happen for another twenty-five years! I think we have some time. What do you think, Mina?" "Alexandra, I suggest you start writing your temporal projections down in a journal. That way you can reference them at a later date- one that is closer to the actual incident." "That's a good idea Mina. Alex, maybe we should both keep a journal?" "What happens if someone were to find them, sis?" "That does pose a problem, sisters. Could we ask Josie to encrypt..." "Mina, I don't think that is a good idea, given our guest here. No offense, Takashi." "None taken, Captain Steinert. I am aware that I am off limits to Josie Two-Eagles, that she may not visit me. You feel I may become a danger to the crew if I learn her native tongue. I understand. I would set such limitations if the tables were turned, Captain. One question though, Captain. Do you really consider me grouped with your company of friends?" "What?" "While on said that you were on the bridge, among friends. Is that not correct?" "Yes, Takashi, I remember saying that. Let me just state for the record that I have seen a our future, that...that Japan is an ally of Britain, France, Germany, Spain, the United States, and many more countries- some of which have yet to be formed! So, yes, we become friends." "You have seen this? In our future, you claim?" "Absolutely, Miss Moritsu! I too have seen the collaboration of many countries! I have also seen allied countries become rivals in the not too distant future. Be warned that your country and the Nazi will be held accountable for war crimes so hideous I dare not think them!" "Captain, Doctor, your highness, we need to talk!" Jack interrupted as her head popped through the hatch. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, Takashi." "But I didn't say anything about being..." "Is this what you meant by 'we will learn much more this time', Mina?" "Possibly. Jacquelyn how is it that you knew something had happened to our captain?" "I had this sudden feeling that somehow she left the boat- that she wasn't here on Sand Dollar anymore! It scared me that maybe she had gone overboard." Jack sounded confused as she answered. "I see. Commander Cummins, how did you know you startled Miss Moritsu? We can barely see each other on this moonless night. I heard no sound from Takashi- no squeak or movement whatsoever! How did you know?" Mina questioned. "I...I...thought...I...thought...I...I'm not sure. How did I know?" she asked herself. Mina tried a different tactic. "You say you felt that the Captain was no longer aboard Sand Dollar? Do you know where she went?" "It felt like she just wasn't there anymore, Mina! I got this empty feeling, like I couldn't hear her anymore! It was a lonely feeling!" "Bravo, Jacquelyn, bravo! Sisters, Miss Cummins has discovered her gift, though I think she knew it existed days ago and just ignored it!" Mina said with excitement. "What?" Jack's voice screeched. "Your gift, dear, it has finally manifested! You must now learn to control it, Jacquelyn. In the wrong hands you can become a substantial and dangerous weapon. Used properly you will reach great heights. You will be well respected among your peers." Jack disappeared from the hatchway suddenly. Emily leaned over to see where she went. "Great! Now I have to attend to another fainter! Mina, do all men have recurring fainting spells after the Mahanilui?" "Neither of you saw this coming? I'm surprised!" Lt. Smith giggled. Emily and I hurried down the ladder. "Miss Moritsu, I would consider watching what I think if I were you. Commander Cummins' gift will very likely uncover your little escape plot. Also, Captain Steinert has allowed you into her circle. It would benefit you to remember that. There will come a time, not far from now, that Alexandra will again save your life!" "Knowing what the people of this boat can do, myself included, is deterrent enough, your highness. I will do nothing to make Capt. Steinert an adversary. I stand no chance of friendship should that happen." Moritsu paused. "So my plan would fail?" "Miserably! In that timeline you would spend the rest of the war at an internment camp constructed solely to contain Asian Americans. Your fate would be similar to that of returning to Japan. Your unique gift would ensure that you established a rather large and diverse clientele. You would make your proprietor one of the richest men in San Francisco. My word, you can do so much better, Takashi!" "They have internment camps for their own?" "Your government's attack on Hawaii did more than disable their Pacific fleet. As you predicted, Japan indeed awoke a sleeping dragon! One who's breath shall twice destroy millions of your countrymen! Yes, internment camps- so surprised were they that distrust overflowed their shores! Immigrants, as well as native-born Americans of Asian descent, Japanese or otherwise, were herded into these camps for 'safe-keeping'. Every one considered a spy or potential spy! The Empire and the Nazi are not the only villains of this war. Greed and discrimination are heavy players also- players that observe no boundaries- players that heed no Geneva Accords!" "If the Americans destroy my home, how do we become friends, your highness?" "It is only after many years that relations between your two nations reach harmony. Not perfect harmony, mind you, as they will still differ on many issues, but peace nonetheless. I'm afraid your home is completely destroyed, Takashi! It will be unsafe to go there for many years after. I am sorry for your losses, dear!" Moritsu got choked up. "My home will be destroyed? I cannot go there for years after? Just my home- Why?" "Because of the devastating new weapon they use. Their President will lose many days of sleep making his decision to use it. If not used the war would drag on for four more years and kill thousands more than the considered alternative. It is not your home alone that disappears, Miss Moritsu! It is the entire city centers of Hiroshima and Nagasaki! All life in those locations will be snuffed out in the blink of an eye!" Mina said with disturbing calm. "It will come to be called a weapon of mass destruction in one form and a viable energy source in another." I added as I climbed back up to the bridge. "So you did pay attention, Alexandra. Wonderful!" "I also remember seeing a familiar name on the side of Chief Samuel's robotic car, Mina. Takashi, I want you to remember one word. At first this word will make little or no sense to you, but trust me, you stand to become very influential worldwide!" I let my statement drop. "So?" "So, what? Miss Moritsu, have we treated you that bad? We rescued you, fed you, healed you, and brought you into our fold, yet you still planned an escape!" "You knew?" "Since we left Ni'ihau." "You never let on, why?" "Because I foresaw Mina's talk with you tonight. The future is a fragile thing that is not tolerant to meddling- a wise monarch once told me that." I smiled at Mina. "So it has happened," Mina said to herself as she turned her head slightly to the side, as if whispering to some invisible person. "What has happened, Mina?" I inquired. "Nina was right to warn us of you, Alexandra. She envisioned someone whose gift far out reached my own- a person who possessed not only the years of wisdom, but also the knowledge to counter and control her gift. Someone who could rule over our race and make it flourish once again." "Whoa! Hold it right there, your majesty! I'm not this...this're talking about! I'm just an average farm girl from Missouri; I'm not your girl!" "It doesn't matter what you think, Alexandra! The Mahanilui has chosen you!" "You two are scaring me! Captain, Your Highness, what 'race' are we speaking of?" I had almost forgotten Takashi was there. Her voice trembled as she spoke. "I'd like to know the same thing, Takashi! Mina, what are you goin' on about?" "Clearly, I have said too much already. All will be revealed when the time is right. Now, I think I shall retire. It has been a long day- one of many discoveries. I bid you good night ladies." Mina finished speaking as her head disappeared from view down the ladder. "Any idea what she was eluding to Captain?" "Not one, Takashi! She can be one frightening woman though!" "My ancestors wrote stories of half demons that acted in a manner similar to her. They lived to torment us mortals for their own entertainment!" "I'm beginning to wonder if the term 'mortal' even applies to any of us anymore! Speaking of entertainment, let's call a truce, Takashi. If you drop the idea of escaping, I might entertain the idea of liberty privileges when we get to Hawaii. Of course, you would have to stay with Lt. Scott and I, but you would be out in the sun- sleeping on a real bed...what do you say?" "I stood no chance of escape, Captain- of course you knew that! Where would I go if I actually succeeded? I at least had to try, after all, what kind of prisoner would I be if I hadn't?" "You are only a prisoner in as much as confinement and restriction to certain members of my crew. Anything beyond that is up to you, Moritsu Takashi." "You honor my family, Captain. Did you also learn that from your schoolmate?" "Something like that, Takashi." "So?" "Again with the 'so', Miss Moritsu?" "The word, Captain. What is the one word you were going to tell me?" "Oh, that? Must have slipped my mind." "I find that highly improbable. Captain Steinert!" "Semiconductors." "What is that?" "'They' will revolutionize the way people communicate, the way products are manufactured- they will make the most impossible, possible!" "You really are starting to sound like Mina, you know that? Only with a Missouri drawl." "Thank you, Takashi-Chan." "Y'all er welcome, Ma'am!" "I said I was from the 'show-me' state, not Texas, Miss Moritsu- too far west!" 1005 hours, Oahu, Hawaii, April 19th, 1944 "Josie, signal Pearl of our arrival and to drop the nets. If they give any static, ask for Admiral Demmit." "Will do, Alex. Hopefully Adam will answer." Her voice took on an airy sweetness. "Skip, we're one mile out. Awaiting your orders." "Thanks Carroll. We'll hold here until we get authorization- normal protocol." "Aye Skip! All stop!" Lt. Sheldon announced to the Control room. Josie Two-Eagles responded to the voice in her headphone. By the sound and tone of her voice it was evident that Adam Redhorse was at the other end. So too was the old man since Demmit did not translate into Navajo. "Cap, we are cleared to enter Pearl...wait." She continued her conversation. "The Admiral wants you to remain submerged beyond the nets, Cap, surface in the main channel as far as you dare. Pier 4." "Acknowledge that Josie and give my regards." "Aye, Cap." This was another test by the Admiral. Question one: How do I run the main channel while submerged? After the requisite instructional video, that's what they called it in the future, I sought the answer to question two: could I show off even more and surface closer to our designated berth? Another video played itself out. It was possible because of the high tide, but I decided not to dig our screws into the muck-laden bottom. Once turned up the mud would announce our presence, so what was the point. I decided to surface in front of Battleship Row to pay our respects. I felt I needed to talk to Brian- inform him of the changes and how I wouldn't be able to carry on the family- beg for his forgiveness... "Alex, I think Brian would understand! Don't beat yourself up! You had no way to stop this! Besides, all those negative thoughts are giving me a headache! In a few minutes I'll be flooded with grief, sorrow- all the negatives! My head might explode! That will be hard enough to handle!" Jack implored. Since her gift revealed itself five days ago, Jack had been working with Mina and Ensign Rodriquez in her off hours to learn to control her- what did they call it in the nineties...telepathy. I had also learned more about controlling my gift in that time. I had taken half a dozen 'trips' to the future the past few days. I was fairly confident I could initiate my 'projections' on demand. The hard part was staying in the present while on watch. As we prepared to surface, I noticed Jack rubbing his temples. "Receiving a lot of chatter, Commander?" "Rumors, Alex, rumors about why we haven't surfaced yet. Everyone is wondering where we are. They know we're well into the harbor by now, but are confused by your orders." "Well, I guess it's time to remove the mystery, Jack." I reached for the squawk. "Attention, all hands! At this time I want full dress whites for all off duty personnel. We will surface in ten minutes! Captain out!" "Owww! That just made it worse, Alex!" "Sorry, Jack. Prepare yourself for the onslaught." "All hands on deck!" my voice resonated through the pressure hull below me. Women in dress whites filled the fore and aft decks. "Attention!" Jack screeched from beside me when everyone was lined up. I nodded to Chief Samuels. "Honors!" She shouted. All saluted the Arizona. Chief Peterson volunteered to be our Yeomen and proceeded with the Boson's pipe. On cue, Jack fell to her knees holding her head tightly. I quickly said my piece then offered to help my overloaded Ex-O. "Two!" Chief Samuels shouted. All hands dropped salute. As I helped Jack to her feet, I noticed everyone on the bridge had wet cheeks- even Mina seemed choked up! "Forgive me Captain, my images do this solemn spot no justice. Please accept my sincerest condolences on your loss, Alexandra." "On all our losses, Lieutenant!" I dabbed my cheeks. "Why do they not raise her, Captain?" Takashi inquired. She too was dressed in full uniform, one gold bar on each epaulet. Ensign looked good on her. I just hoped the Admiral would accept it. "Because, Takashi, the current here is too strong for salvage operations. She will remain here for the next few centuries as a reminder that we got caught with our pants down. A floating monument will be placed right above her. In it the names of all who perished aboard her that morning shall be listed for all who visit to see. My brother's name will reside there- a constant reminder that fate...that war, is cold and unforgiving. Excuse the crew, Jack! Excuse me, please." With practiced ease I dropped through the hatch and burst into tears as my feet hit the control room decking. Paying our respects to the Arizona always choked me up, but this time I felt I had lost more than just my brother- I had lost my...I had lost me! "Alex is really taking it hard this time Emily! She's flooding me with all sorts of questions- ones that I have no way of answering." "I knew this would happen." "So you saw this coming?" "I didn't need my gift to see this one coming, Jack!" "Oh ya, I guess not. I just wish she would go easier on herself, Emily! Her thoughts are louder than any of the others- Mina included!" "I'll go down and talk to her Jack. I'll give you some aspirin when we tie up." "That would be appreciated, Doc!" "Hit you hard this time, sis?" "Like you didn't know?" "If you are referring to our, I didn't consult it for this! Don't forget Alex, I was here that morning! I saw the damage- the carnage- first hand! You aren't the only one to lose friends or family!" "It's not that, Emily! parents...they've lost everything! I...I was the...only...the last hope they had to carry on the family name! can't happen now." I cried and sniffed. Emily placed her arms around me and held me tight. I said nothing for a few minutes. "He didn't answer me." "Who didn't answer, Alex?" "Brian." "My God, Alex! Did you really expect him to?" "I thought that...maybe..." "Oh, Alex honey, our gift is to see the future, not resurrect ghosts from the grave! Isn't our gift amazing enough for you?" "I miss him!" I started to bawl in earnest. Emily held me even tighter. "Let it go, Alex. Let it all out." "She should have been here by now!" Admiral Demmit stated to Major Charles Canton "She, Admiral?" the chief of the Shore Patrol asked thinking the Admiral was talking to him. "Yes, she, Chief!, Sand Dollar, she should have been here by now. Hand me those binoculars, Major!" Maj. Canton said nothing, but handed his superior the requested item. "Maybe they were farther out than they said, Admiral. It's a clear day, you can see right out of the harbor." The SP said. The Admiral looked at the man. "Her captain made a bet with me, Chief- that they could run submerged right up to the pier- foolhardy idea!" Demmit covered for his orders. It was hard to suppress the urge to call the captain 'her'. "That would be impossible, Admiral! The water here is only thirty feet deep!" "Chief, I helped build the place! I think I would know the depth!" "Sorry, sir." "What the...?" "What is it, sir?" both Maj. Canton and the SP asked. "She just surfaced! About three hundred yards up Battleship Row! Alex, you sneaky bitch!" "Don't you mean 'Son-of-a-bitch, Admiral?" "Stop correcting me, Seaman!" "But Admiral, I'm a Chief Pett...oh. Aye, sir, shutting up as ordered, Admiral!" Maj. Canton just smiled. Admiral Demmit watched as the submarine's crew appeared on deck in uniform. He watched as all saluted in unison for a good two minutes while they passed by Arizona's remains. A boson pipe's faint whistle echoed across the water. Cheers went up from the pier. Apparently the Admiral wasn't the only one watching. He was, however, the only one able to see the crew's long hair billowing in the breeze and the unusual fit of their shirts...and the skirts. A minute later the deck stood deserted and the sub altered course and slowly drew closer. "Well done, Alex! Well done." Demmit commented as he lowered the field glasses to wipe his eyes. "Admiral, that was the best show of respect I ever saw! That Captain has class- real class!" "He's right Admiral, Captain Steinert's got style!" Canton agreed. "Chief that is one of the best sub commanders in the fleet! She...Sand Dollar holds the record for most kills on her first mission!" Demmit praised. "I got ta meet that guy!" "Chief, before they tie up, I want you and your men to clear out until her crew can unload their highly confidential cargo. Leave a couple trusted shore men here to grab the lines. The rest of you take a break. I'll let you know when we're done." "Aye, Admiral. You heard the man! Lowell and Stepik, stay here to tie her off. Everyone else to the galley- Admiral's ordered a break!" Another cheer went up on the pier. Within minutes only four men were left. "You two!" "Aye, Admiral," sounded in unison. "You two will say nothing about what you see and hear, or face court- martial! Understand?" "Aye-aye!" "Good, now prepare to take those lines!" "Since when did the Navy let the bubbleheads grow their hair that long?" "Those aren't sailors- they're women you idiot!" "What's women doin' on a submarine?" "Maybe that's why the Admiral wants it kept secret, moron!" "Oh...ya..." "Welcome back to Pearl, Captain! I trust you had an uneventful trip?" "You could say that, sir!" "Alex, I'm not even going to ask! Commander, Lieutenants, welcome back," he saluted us. "With your permission, Admiral?" "Of course, Captain!" "Okay, Jack." "All hands! Parade!" my Ex-O shouted. Ten rows of women lined up in parade formation. The Admiral perused the ranks quickly inspecting the nine rows of junior officers that were my crew. We were lucky to have enough gold and silver bars. As expected, he officially started his inspection with the senior officers. "Well, 'Ricky', I see that you do clean up nicely! Though I never pictured you as the skirt type! "It's the uniform, Admiral!" my Chief blushed. "Still thinking about that commission, Lt. Samuels?" "It feels nice, Admiral!" Demmit just shook his head and continued on. "Ensign Two-Eagles? Tired of the grunt work I see?" "It's the only uniform small enough, Admiral!" "Very well." Demmit motioned for Maj. Canton to join him, motioning with his eyes to the woman next to Ensign Two-Eagles- the woman wearing the Marine Sergeant's uniform. Canton nodded agreement to some unknown question. "Sgt. Williams how is it that your uniform still fits?" "I know a little about sewing, Admiral!" Sgt. Williams blushed. "You look very fetching, but I want you back in uniform and rank, Lieutenant!" "Thank you, Admiral...excuse me, sir?" Williams broke protocol by abruptly looking at her superiors. Her voice broke a higher octave. "You heard me, Lieutenant!" The Admiral looked to the front of the unit. "Lt. Scott, come here please." Emily broke rank immediately and marched to the Admiral's position. "Lt. Scott, why is Lt. Williams out of uniform?" "I don't know, Admiral." Again Maj. Canton smiled. "Take her below and see that she changes into her proper uniform, Lt. Scott- and see that she applies regulation makeup while you're at it!" "Aye, sir!" Emily saluted and grabbed Williams' hand. She hurriedly dragged her back to the boat. Only mild protesting was heard. Maj. Canton chuckled and shook his head. Josie giggled. "Thank you, sir," she said quietly. Both Admiral Demmit and Major Canton winked at her. Something then caught the old man's attention. Demmit looked across the row to see Two-Eagles' Asian doppelganger between two other Ensigns. He cut through the row and stood before her. "I wasn't informed that prisoners of war were granted commissions in the opposing side's military, Miss...Ensign Moritsu?" He raised an eyebrow and kept his voice low. "The Captain's idea, Admiral Demmit!" Takashi said with a perfect British accent. She saluted the old man as she continued. "It was the only uniform that fit, sir!" "Ensign, if the circumstances were any different..." "Understood, Admiral! I shall endeavor to conduct myself properly, sir!" "See that you do, Ensign." We stood at attention on that pier for fifteen full minutes before Emily returned with a much-improved Lt. Williams. Both quickly returned to their positions. "See that you are not out of uniform again, Lieutenant Williams!" "Sir, yes..." Ensign Two-Eagles hit her friend's leg. "I mean...aye-aye, sir!" Williams corrected herself. Canton laughed again. "Ladies! In a moment a transport will arrive to take you all into town. I have issued ten-day passes to everyone attached to the Sand Dollar. However, you must report to your lieutenants nightly. This is to ensure your safety as much as keep you out of trouble! I needn't remind you what dangers await pretty women in a port town!" Demmit zeroed in on Chief Samuels. "I suggest remaining in groups of five or more for protection. Major Canton has agreed to distribute your pay. Our first stop will be to drop off your gear at your quarters. I have taken the liberty of reserving one floor of rooms at the Ala Moana hotel in Honolulu for the duration. Check in with the front desk for room assignments and keys. You will be responsible for your own meals." The Admiral stopped before he continued on with his prepared statement to look over the formation. He shrugged his shoulders in defeat and decided to change the wording. "Officers, you have full club privileges. Remember to report in every night, I would hate to see any of you end up in the brig!" He eyed up 'Ensign' Moritsu, who instinctively swallowed hard. Returning to the front of our formation, the old man leaned toward me. "I hope you know what you're doing Alex! Keep an eye on her! She knows too much about...certain things!" "It is already taken care of. There will be no problems, Admiral!" "See that there aren't, Captain! I hear your transportation coming. You may dismiss your...crew, Captain Steinert!" "Thank you, Admiral!" "Jack, dismiss the men." "Men, Cap?" I rolled my eyes. "Dismiss the girls, Commander!" "Aye, Cap! Dismissed!" She shouted then abruptly held her hands to her ears. "Owww! They're too loud!" She cried out. Admiral Demmit looked back at the docile group; one, maybe three, had cheered. "Lt. Smith?" the old man shouted. "Admiral?" Demmit pointed to my Ex-O. "Explanation please?" "Jacquelyn has realized her gift, Admiral," she said with some excitement. "I can hear peoples' thoughts, Admiral," Jack said without prompt. "Ask her a question, Richard, but not out loud- just think it," Mina quietly suggested. "Why thank you, sir, but I didn't have to read your mind to know that, Admiral." Jack said as she blushed. "Yes, sir! I think dress uniforms while passing the Arizona is a marvelous tribute! It was Captain Steinert's idea, sir! Yes, sir I'll stop reading your mind now, sir!" Jack took a few steps to the side looking a little frightened. The old man just shook his head. "Lt. Smith, may I request your presence at the Officer's Club for dinner tonight, I'll have my driver pick you up at, say 1900 hrs- 7 o'clock?" "It would be my pleasure, Richard. Thank you!" "You three! You keep out of trouble, do you hear me?" Demmit pointed to Takashi, Emily and I. "Emily, keep your sister away from reporters!" "I will Uncle Richard!" she giggled. "He's your uncle?" the petite Ensign beside me spouted as she looked at the three of us. "Don't you have nepotism in your branch of the service, Ensign Moritsu?" "It's a small world, Admiral! We're all related!" Mina interjected. "Soon to get a lot smaller!" I added. "That's right, Uncle Rick, a lot smaller!" "You should hear some of the things she's seen, Admiral!" Jack finished off. "Enough! Alex get your group, your money, and get on the bus, dear." Once at the hotel, room assignments proceeded quickly, except for mine. "I'm sorry Capt. Steinert, the rooms are only outfitted with one full- size bed. I'm afraid there is no room for a third...person." The desk clerk eyed Moritsu with distain. "Look, when we left home I promised her pappy I'd keep an eye on her. Since this here war started, she's been gittin' the evil eye more 'n' more! Why, just last month the Senator...her Pappy...he wrote her sayin' he wished she hadn't joined the Navy so's she'd be back in Hannibal taken care 'o her ailin' Ma. She ain't been feelin' so good since they come took her sister ta the De-ten-shun Camp in St. Louie. 'Course the Senator...he says he's doin' best as he can ta git his sister 'n law out o' there an' back home. Woman weren't even born oversea! Born an' bred in Sac-re-mento. Mayb' I should give the Admiral a holler to sort this all out?" "Senator? No, Ma'am that won't be necessary! I'll have the maid put a trundle into the room. Will that be all right, Ensign?" the distressed clerk answered. "Ain't a' custom ta sleepin' on no floor, Allie! If they's no ahther choice, well, I guess ill do! Hope Daddy don't find out! He'd come right dahn here ta person'ly padlock the doors!" Takashi did the accent better than I ever could! "Ah b'lieve she's right, Allie! Her Pappy's got one ragin' temper! Specially when it come ta kin!" Emily got into the act. "You know what? I believe we have a suite available, it normally has a standing reservation but according to my book it won't be occupied for three more weeks. Will that be acceptable?" "A suite? Why that's what Daddy calls mah room in the man-shun, Allie! Didn't know they had em here too! Does it have six rooms like mine?" Takashi batted her eyes at the nervous desk clerk. "No, I'm sorry, it's only a two bedroom suite with its own water closet and bath tub, Ma'am." Takashi pouted. "Could be a might cramped, Allie. What y'all think, Emmy?" "If it's the best they got, Tish..." Ensign Moritsu paused a moment to think. "Sir, ya got yerself a deal!" 'Tish' reached out and shook the clerk's hand. "Here's your key. The room is on the third floor, first door on the right. Enjoy your stay, ladies!" a relieved desk clerk chimed. "Now this is living!" I said as I finished looking around the suite. "I call first dibs on the bath tub!" Emily announced as the door to that room closed. I immediately heard water running. I sat down in the overstuffed armchair by the window. Now this was luxury! Takashi took a seat on the coach against the longer wall. "Allie?" I asked with curiosity as I looked at her. "Alexandra is too proper!" she replied in her British accent. How did Lt. Scott get 'Tish' out of Takashi?" "It's what we call you...later on." "Oh? How much 'later on'?" "From now till...never mind we call you that starting now." A long, feminine moan resonated from behind the bathroom door. "Oh! It's been so long!" which was followed momentarily by, "This water feels so good!" Takashi looked confused. "What does she mean 'its been so long'?" "Women claim they are cleaner than men, Takashi. I don't know about you, but I feel the draw of a warm bath myself." "I too feel the pull, Captain Steinert. I just thought she meant something else." "Yes, there is that too." The thought was tempting. After fifteen minutes the bathroom door opened and Emily walked out wearing a towel around her midsection and another wrapped around her head. "That felt wonderful! I feel human again. How can men stand to feel dirty all the time, Alex?" "I don't know- we just put up with it I guess. Did you leave any hot water for us, Emmy?" "Yes Alex! This is a hotel- they have a boiler remember? Yes, there are plenty of clean towels too!" "Good because it's my turn!" I stood and walked through the doorway and closed it behind me. "You and Alex have a good conversation, Tish?" "If you had a good bath." "Just what the doctor...just what I ordered, Tish." "Why 'Tish'? Why not Tashi, Tasha, or Kashi?" "Long story short, I went to grade school in Hartford with a girl named Morticia. She hated that name with every part of her being! Someone in our small group started to call her 'Tish'. Her Mom hated that nickname and wanted us to stop, but that prompted us to call her that all the time. Tish sounded more fun than Morticia anyway. Besides, the other names still sound too Oriental." "I hate to break it to you, but I am 'Oriental', Dr. Scott!" "Only partially, Tish. You seem to have an equal amount of Navajo now." "Shame you won't let me learn the language." "Maybe later, Tish, maybe later. Look, how much trust would you put in either of us if the tables were turned. Would you let us see your code books?" "Point taken, doctor. Tell me...why has the Captain put so much trust in me?" "Because you prove yourself a good friend and ally, Tish. You earn our trust." "I earn your trust- in the future? What about the present?" "We earn your trust, Takashi-Chan...soon." Emily turned and hurried over to her duffle bag- as she did her towel fell to the ground. "That is a good start at earning one's trust, Emily-Chan." "Oh, give it a rest, Tish! I don't have anything that you don't!" "That is the shame of it, doctor!" Emily was right, the warm water felt heavenly! I felt my entire body relax as I submerged myself. The fragrance of the perfumed bubble bath I added further relaxed me. Why had I never done this before? "Alex, have you seen Tish lately? She and Emily went to check their makeup five minutes ago! I haven't seen them since." Carroll brought me out of my fog. My sudden change of venue told me I was doing it again. Taking another 'time trip'. "They haven't come back yet Carroll; maybe I should go check on them." A woman seated next to me at the bar said as she stood and walked toward the lavatories. This was another one of those trips! I realized I hadn't been sitting on any stool; instead I was standing in the stool. Immediately I realized I would have no interaction. I had to admit that I did look good in my whites although my butt did look a bit big. As before, I shook that thought from my mind. I followed the other me into the lavatory and found it empty. This worried both of us. "Where did they go?" I heard myself say. 'Good question!' I answered. Future me ticked her head to the side a few times then ran right through me and out the door, but instead of heading back to the bar, we headed out the back door. In the dark alleyway, I heard Emily's professional voice. "Tish! Tish, just stay still and I'll go get help. Hang in there, hon!" "Emily, what happened?" the other me asked. "I don't know Alex! She finished first, said she would wait outside in the hall for me, and when I came out she was gone! I found her out here just a minute ago. She's in bad shape, Alex! She needs a hospital!" Emily explained in her calm professional voice. "Why didn't I see this coming?" future me asked. I noticed me freeze. "Alex? We need to get her to the hospital! Alex? Hey!" Before I knew it the water had grown cold and Emily began banging on the door. "Hey! You going to stay in there all day, sis? Tish needs a bath too!" "Alright! I just lost track of the time! Give me a minute." I quickly washed my hair and did a final once over, got out, pulled the stopper and dried myself off. I wrapped my long wet hair in a towel like Emily had shown me and wrapped another around my waist. "That felt good! Why didn't you tell me it felt so good, sis?" "For the same reason I didn't tell you to wrap the towel across your chest instead of your waist. Submarines don't have bath tubs!" She pointed to my bared chest and laughed. "I see that you are also trying to earn my trust, Alex-sensei!" I let my grip on the towel release. "You do know we have the same equipment, right Tish, so what does it matter?" I walked over to my duffle to retrieve some clean clothes. "I can tell that you two are sisters," Tish continued. "Why, because Alex said almost the same thing I did when I dropped my towel, Tish?" "No." "Because we both dropped our towels in your presence?" I asked. "No, because you both have the same tattoo on the small of your back! What does it mean?" "What tattoo?" Emily and I asked at the same time. Before we had the chance to go any farther someone knocked at our door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Lt. Smith. May I enter?" "Door's open, Mina," I responded. "You didn't lock the door, Alex?" Emily said aghast. "No. Should I have?" "I always lock the door, Alex! You never know what kind of deviate might be waiting to enter!" "I assure you, doctor, I am no deviate!" Mina announced as she entered the large gathering room. "But, I seem to have come by at the wrong time judging from your apparent lack of proper accoutrements!" "As we were just telling Tish, here, none of us has anything different than anyone else, Mina!" I indicated for her to have a seat. Instead, Mina turned her back to us. "That's not entirely true, Alexandra," she said as she began undressing. "Ensign Moritsu, are you not the next occupant of the bathing facilities?" She turned just her head in Tish's direction as she unhooked her foundations. There was also a serious glare directed at the petite Ensign. "I guess that is my cue to try out this bath tub you both speak so highly of!" "Be sure to add some of the lavender bubble bath, you'll love it, Tish!" Emily added as she shut the door. Mina waited until we heard the water start. She now was as naked as we were. "Is this some island custom you haven't told us about, Mina?" I asked as she turned back around to face us. "Do pay attention! Take another look, Alexandra, Emily." She turned her back to us once more. "Do you see it?" "Cute tattoos, Mina. What do they have two? Is one the same as what Tish saw on our backs?" I asked in surprise for the both of us. "The very same! I would have thought you two had found it by now." "What do they mean, your highness?" Emily inquired. "One is the sign of the royal bloodline- an ancient rune symbol handed down through the generations. What they mean exactly has been forgotten. They have not been recorded in any texts that I have researched so far. My...our mother thought they meant 'long-sighted and traveler', which would make sense. The exact symbols appear nowhere in any Asian language." The water suddenly shut off and Tish walked naked through the door. "It means 'gifted' in Japanese, your highness." "Ensign, are you in the habit of eavesdropping on private conversations to which you are not a part?" "No, Ma'am! I just remembered that's what it means! How could I hear you with the water running?" Tish defended herself. "Turn around Ensign! We shall see if your translation is correct." She motioned for Tish to approach and turn. From our vantage point we could see no mark of any kind. "Doctor, would you be so kind as to fetch me a piece of stationary from the desk drawer, please?" Emily retrieved the requested paper and pencil. "Thank you." Mina wrote down something while looking at Ensign Moritsu's back then wrote down something else. "Alexandra, which is the symbol on you and your sister's back?" she handed the paper to me and I checked Emily's back. "This one." I handed Emily the paper to check my back. "That's it, Mina. We both have the same design," Emily concluded. "Does it correspond to mine?" "Yes, but what is this other symbol for Mina?" I asked. "This is the rune on Ensign Moritsu's back, sisters." She handed the paper to Tish. "Care to translate this symbol, Tish." She pointed to the first symbol she had drawn. "It means 'Trusted friend', your highness." "It is close to the Japanese character, yes, but not exact in your case, Miss Moritsu. By the way, 'Tish', I know a little Japanese and it translates as trustworthy- nice try though! Each of us has two symbols that, I suspect, fully describe our gifts. Some rune symbols are small or obscured by birthmarks, and such. Others, like ours, when fully developed, are freely visible. See here on Tish's back?" She turned the small Ensign around and pointed to the small of her back. "You can barely see it now, but as her gift develops, one then the other most likely will become more visible," Mina instructed. "Any idea what it really means your highness?" Tish asked. "It means that you should dispatch that 'your highness' moniker and call me by my given name, Mina, Moritsu Takashi! Start doing that and we can communicate more comfortably!" "As you wish, your...Mina...Ma'am." Mina giggled. "In your case, Tish, the first would seem to indicate 'Language', given your extremely high aptitude for learning new tongues and accents! I must say, Alexandra, she does your version of hillbilly better than you!" I stuck my tongue out at her. "I should say we shall see yet another symbol appear on Jacquelyn's back in the next few days- the other's as they discover and develop them. It seems to be a way for us to validate each other as sisters- members in the same society- sorority, so to speak." I hated to be the devil's advocate, but I needed to point out one very slight problem. "Mina, these symbols, they look an awful lot like Japanese, maybe even confused for it. If someone sees them during this war, we might be accused of treason. I suggest we hide them as much as possible- at least till after the Cold War." Emily and Tish just looked at me as if my third eye suddenly blinked open- not that I had such a thing. "That is a wise suggestion Alexandra! I see you have taken more 'time trips' as you call them." "So how long do we have to hide our markings, sis?" Emily sniped. "Let's see, the Berlin Wall falls in 1988, but Japanese, Korean, and Chinese symbols...letters become popular around the turn of the century. We should definitely hide then from now through the sixties- especially during the fifties." "That seems like a logical assumption, Alexandra, although there is that brief period between 2006 and 2011 that relations become a bit strained with North Korea." Mina noticed Emily's confusion. "Doctor, the time frame, Alexandra suggests is from the present to just after the development and mastery of arthroscopy surgery." "Okay that makes better sense to me now." Emily nodded. "You three are amazing! Sitting here in the all together, calmly and nonchalantly talking about the future as if it were history! I think I better go take my bath before the water cools." "Isn't that what I advised five minutes ago, Takashi?" Tish quickly padded off and closed the bathroom door. "You're still not going to tell us everything about our newly adopted 'society', are you Mina?" "We share the bloodline's symbol, Alexandra, you tell me." Mina replied as she redressed herself. "This has been a very...revealing chat, ladies, now I must ready myself for your uncle's dinner invitation." "What about the other symbol, Mina? What does it mean?" I wanted more information, which I probably wouldn't get. "It is a sub designation of sorts, Alexandra, specialization. You will figure it out in time, sister." As usual, her reply raised more questions than it answered. "Don't forget to check in with us tonight, Mina. We want to hear all about your date with Uncle Richard!" Emily said quickly as Mina closed the suite's door. "Sis, maybe we should call for a car and hit the O.C. tonight." "You're not ready for that yet, Alex." "I've been there before; I know what to expect, Emily!" "If you think you can handle all the pawing and drooling!" I glared at her. "It's your funeral! First, we need to get you and Tish ready. We'll need our heels for dinner, sis, just so you know. You've never worn them before so get them and start walking around in them." "Aye-aye, Skipper!" I saluted in jest. Someone else knocked on our door. "Now who is it?" "Cmdr. Cummins, Cap. Can I come in? Oh, okay I'll wait 'till you two get decent, doc." Her muffled voice said through the door. Emily and I hurriedly got dressed. "It's open, Jack." My fair-haired Ex-O looked beautiful in her dress whites. "Cap, Doc, I took the liberty of calling for a transport to take us to the Officer's Club. Everyone seems to be in agreement tonight, Alex." I answered her through my mind. 'Good job Jack, although, you should ask the traditional way first. You might creep people out!' "Thank you, Cap. Believe me, it still creeps me out! Anyway, the bus should be here around 1900. Get this! Josie even talked Scotti into going! Kayla...Ensign Langford even offered to help with her face! Okay, I'll let you guys get ready. Oh, tell Tish not to worry, she'll love it! See you in four!" "I'm worried about her, Emily," I stated. "Who, Jack?" I nodded, "out of everyone, she has changed the most. Remember when Jack was the strict taskmaster type? Jacquelyn turns out to be the exact opposite. I wonder if she even noticed the change?" 'Yes, I noticed the change, Alex.' "What the hell was that?" I shouted, startled by the disembodied, female voice of my Ex-O. "What was what, Alex? I didn't hear a thing." "I think Jack's tattoo just got a little darker! Hey, if I brush your hair out would you brush mine and...could you help me with my evening look?" "Sure, sis." 2130 hours, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 21st, 1944 For dinner Carroll, Emily, Jack, Tish, Ricky Samuels, and I decided to visit a small bar about two blocks from the Ala Moana, our hotel. The place was dimly lit and barely large enough to hold the ten tables, bar, and billiard table. We had been told of this place by one of Alex's old shipmates. The place, though small, was said to have a wonderful chef and menu. "So, what do you think of them vittles, y'all?" Emily, again poking fun at my drawl, asked everyone at the table. "Emily, do you have to keep doing that? Can't you let it rest for the duration of our leave?" "What fun would that be, Alex?" Emily giggled. "Ya, Alex, take it easy. Don't be such a stick!" Carroll added her two cents. "Y'all, stop makin' fun a Ally, y'hear! Cain't help she's been brought up in the Ozarks! They's lucky they learnt how ta read let 'lone speak proper!" Tish could barely finish without laughing. "Et tu Brute?" "What'd she say, Emily?" "It's Latin, Tish. From ancient Rome, members of the Roman Senate, in an effort to keep ultimate power from Caesar, each stabbed him to death- including his friend and confidant, Brutus. It translates as 'you to, Brutus?'" "Sounds like an elegant language. I'd love to learn it. Does anyone speak it today?" "Mostly doctors, pharmacists, and priests. Some people call it the language of love, Tish." "Funny, that's what Ensign Rodriguez said about Spanish!" "I'm sure she did, Tish. A lot of western languages had their start in Latin." "I think I need to check my makeup. Whose turn is it to accompany me?" "I'll go with you, Tish. I need to use the toilet too." Emily conceded. "We'll be back in a few." As Emily and Tish got up and made their way to the back of the bar, I got a shiver down my spine. Something about this setting seemed familiar- very familiar! "Jack, can you still hear Tish and Emily?" "Yes, why do you ask, Alex?" Her expression grew serious as she looked at me. "Something is going to Tish! Alex, we have to stop it! Tell me how, Cap." For some strange reason I started getting pictures in answer to Jack's request. "Jack, I want you and the Chief to go to the lavatory, but instead, sneak out the back door and find a hiding place. Two men are going to come out in a few minutes. They will be dragging Tish with them. You have to find a way to stop them from hurting her! As little damage as possible, chief!" "Count on us, Cap. Come on Ricky Lynn, I need to powder my nose." Jack guaranteed, as Chief Samuels looked disappointed. Roughly two minutes later, two men got up from their stools at the middle of the bar and walked toward the back of the establishment. Carroll and I got up and seated our selves at the abandoned stools for a better vantage point. One of them had gone into the men's room while the other stood watch. I didn't like the looks of this at all. "No matter what happens Carroll, act like you don't know a thing. Let's try to carry on a normal conversation." "Aye, Skip." She nodded slightly. "So, did you have a chance to check out that lingerie shop on Kona yet, Alex?" "Not yet, Carroll. Emily and I have been busy sightseeing. Did you see anything I might like?" "They have things from all over the world! I saw this darling lace trimmed garter belt. They have it in a dusty rose, Alex. I think you would like it." I gestured with my eyes to the back of the room as one of the men reached for Tish, spun her around, and held his hand over her mouth. The other man exited the lavatory and helped his partner carry her out the back door. "Alex, have you seem Tish lately? She and Emily went to check their makeup five minutes ago! I haven't seen them since." My spine started to tingle like no tomorrow! I felt like someone was standing next to me, but the stool had just been deserted. Could I really feel my own temporal presence? "They haven't come back yet Carroll; maybe I should go check on them." I got up and walked towards the back, the whole time feeling as if someone was behind me. Opening the door to the toilet, I noticed that it was empty. "Where did they go?" Somehow I had missed seeing Emily go out the back door. This was not turning out the way I wanted! "Good question!" I heard behind me. As I turned my head to look, something caught my eye in the mirror. Had I seen the other me reflected there? The chances were good! Turning around and heading out the door I felt a chill pass through me. I just ran through myself, I remembered! I hurried out the back door just in time to see two men fly across the alley and hit the brick wall of the opposing building...then fall twenty feet to the alley's floor! Turning, I saw Emily holding Tish off to my right. Even with the dim moonlight I could see their astonishment! Chief Samuels and Jack stood to my left. My Chief also looked astonished, but Jack's expression was one of extreme anger. "No one tries anything funny with any of my friends!" she hissed. Again the men flew into the building's wall, again falling twenty or so feet to the street. "Do I make myself clear gentlemen, or do you want more?" "At ease, Commander!" I shouted. "I think they got the message!" "I'm not sure they have, Captain!" she replied with even more anger. The two flew down the alleyway some forty feet knocking over several trashcans as they landed. Slowly they picked themselves up and staggered away, never bothering to look back. "Don't come back until you know how to treat a lady!" Jack shouted as she pointed several times to the retreating attackers. Chief Samuels said it best. "Boy I'd hate ta get on yer bad side, Commander!" I had to ask the obvious. "How on earth did you do that, Jack? It was amazing!" "They just got me so damned steamed, Alex! I guess I let my temper get the best of me! I just wanted to throw them against the wall and...and they did just that! I don't know how I did it!" Emily and Tish came over to us. "How long have you known, Alex?" "Two days, sis." "Yet you did nothing to warn me?" Tish sobbed. "If the Skipper here hadn't told the Commander and I to come out here and wait, you would have been worse off." Chief Samuels advised her. "Tish, I'm sorry! Sometimes I don't see the date or time. Things didn't start looking familiar until you two got up to go to the lavatory. By that time it was too late to warn you. Are you okay? Did they hurt you, Takashi-Chan?" "Just my pride, thank you! Thank you all for rescuing me, sisters!" "We protect our own, Tish! Plain and simple!" Jack acknowledged. "Ladies, I think we've had enough fun for one night! I'll settle up with the barkeep and let's go back to the hotel." "Ladies, could you come up to our room for a minute, I need you to see something?" I asked as we made our way up the steps from the lobby. "Sure thing, Alex." Jack answered for all. After we got inside, I had Emily and Tish stop. "Jack, Carroll, Chief, I'd like you to look at something. Emily, could you please lift the back of your blouse and show them your symbol?" Emily did as asked and I did likewise. "As you can see, we both have the same symbol tattooed to the small of our back." "Why would you do that, Alex? It's already evident that you two are sisters! Why get tattooed?" "We didn't, Jack. Tish has a different symbol on her back. I'd be willing to bet that you all have a different symbol on your back. Care to show us?" Cautiously each turned around and lifted the back of their blouse. There it was- as visible as our symbols! I retrieved the paper and pencil from the desk drawer and drew out the characters. "This is your symbol, Jack. According to Mina it indicates your gift and recognizes you as one of us." I showed Carroll and the Chief theirs. Each of you must be mindful to cover them when in public or anywhere other than around our crew for the foreseeable future. Outsiders must never find out about them. Do you understand?" "After finding out what I can do tonight, I don't think anyone should know- except us." A quiet knock sounded at the door. "It's open, Mina." I didn't need premonition to see this coming- I just knew. Lt. Smith entered and headed straight for my Ex-O. "Welcome Jacquelyn, our newest mind warrior!" She embraced Jack and kissed her on the forehead. "Excuse me, Ma'am?" Jack squeaked. "You fought off two fully grown men with just your mind, did you not?" "I...guess...I guess I did!" She stopped and thought about it. "Did I really do that though, Mina, or did I have help?" Jack glanced back at me. "The circus cannon stunt was all your doing, Jack! I had nothing to do with it- honest!" "There were two of you there, Alex! I heard both of you! I distinctly sensed two of you!" Jack exclaimed. "Alexandra, please turn around, dear." "Why, what happened?" Now I was worried. "So it has manifested! Doctor, have you seen your sisters back lately?" "Mina, Alex just showed us her tattoos," Carroll interrupted. "Tattoos? Last time I looked she only had one!" Emily hurried over to look. "That definitely wasn't there this afternoon, Mina. What does it mean?" "Hey! Care to tell me what's goin' on back there?" "You have another symbol, Alex, right above the first one, just like Mina!" Emily replied with excitement. "Is it the same symbol?" "No, this one is completely different, sis. Any idea as to what it means, Mina?" "I have only heard tell of this symbol, doctor! It comes from the earliest stories of Kili- from its first occupants." "Oh, from the Asian migration. About seven or eight hundred years ago?" "Several thousand years before that I should think, doctor." "So now it's up to me to figure out what it means, right Mina? You're going to tell me that in your cryptic gypsy voice, right?" "No, supreme highness." It came out in a very quiet voice- barely above a whisper. I noticed tears forming in her eyes as she gazed at me. "No. No! No, you didn't just say that, Mina? No, you are the reigning monarch! I have no desire to take your place in any time or place! No, Mina! No!" "Not time or place, Alexandra. Time and space!" "Okay, time and space. I went ahead in time and saw man land on the moon, hence, space! You knew that already!" "You don't understand, Alexandra! Time and space! That is what the runes on your back indicate- time and space! Nina was right about you all along! To think that I should be the lucky one!" She turned me around and hugged for all she was worth, while burying her head into my neck and shoulder. "Look, Mina, I have no idea who you think I am, but I'm just an average girl from Missourra! I'm nobody special! Come on, stop the cryin' before I start." I looked around at my officers for answers. Everyone looked as confused as I felt. "Please, Mina, tell me the stories about this symbol- tell me what this means!" I reached around to touch the symbols location. Tish walked behind me. "Alexandra-sensei! There is a third mark above the second- barely starting to show!" She said as I felt her touch slightly higher on my back. Mina sta

Same as South of Bikini- Her Arrival Videos

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South of Bikini 2 Good from Despair

With her primary mission complete, Alex takes care of some 'housekeeping' while in Federal Period Washington City. Copyright 2008 R.G.Beyer South of Bikini: Onward Episode 4 "Good from Despair" 0013hrs, The Presidential Mansion, Washington DC, January 12th, 1865 "Why are you in your whites, sis?" "I just needed to do something, Emily. We need to...

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South of Bikini First Mission

South of Bikini Episode 6 "First Mission" 0800hrs, Flagstaff, Arizona, August 11th, 2026 "Good morning, Empress! How did you sleep?" Spencer cheerfully greeted as I cleared the last step and shuffled, still not quite awake, into the kitchen. "Have you ever slept in a Quonset hut, or on a regulation cot, Spence?" "Can't say I've ever had the pleasure, Allie." "Well, this was nothing like that! That mattress was worlds better than anything I've slept on up to this point-...

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South of Bikini 5 A Change of Perspective

Welcome Back for Season 5 of South of Bikini. We rejoin the Empress as she deals with several family challenges on the home front and manages to finalize a previous mission satisfactorily. South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 1 "A Change of Perspective" Terra Neuvo, 10:01AM, Climax, Neptunian 14th, 437 of the New Era "We're going to miss you and Aunt Cami around here, Aunt Alex," my great niece, Alexandra, said as she hugged me tightly. I felt that unmistakable tingle. It...

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South of Bikini 5 Celestra

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 7 "Celestra" 4:30PM, Reilly Research Station, July 17th, 2020BC "Welcome back Empress. It is 4:30PM July 17th, 2020BC." RVP announced as I rephased our group- all thirty-six of us. Needless to say the Rec Room was instantly alive with some of my sisters rushing for the four food stations, some others- the Pixies- changing modes to stretch their wings after such an extended sequester- actually just two days. A few- Mom, Franny Darough,...

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South of Bikini Terra

South of Bikini Episode 8 "Terra" 0940 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 9th, 1944 "As you can see, Empress, this facility is very crude by comparison. I'm afraid it will be some time before our technology will catch up to Reilly." I told Alex Reilly as we finished our tour of Atlantis-Minor- Mina's chosen name for our base on Ni'ihau. "Captain, though you call it 'crude', I find this small settlement of yours wonderfully relaxing! I am reminded of similar places on...

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South of Bikini 2 To Save an Old Friend

Alex and Emily continue their Recon mission to 1917 Hartford. After which Sand Dollar takes a trip to the North Atlantic. What manner of choas will a will a thirty-five foot rogue wave cause for Alex and her crew? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 9 "To Save an Old Friend" 1310 hours, The Roland Demmit House, Hartford, Connecticut, April 18th, 1917 "That's us!"...

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South of Bikini 4 The Game is Afoot

Welcome back! Season 4 finds the Empress a diplomat helping to negotiate peace for an entire planet, but can it guarantee the Homeworld's survival this time around? Will Alex finds new friends and some new facets to her gift as she and her sisters try to limit the destruction from Clemson's rewriting time to fit his own academically opinionated knowledge of historic events? Can they find a temporal sanctuary from which to survive the resulting changes and extinctions? ...

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South of Bikini 5 Well Always Have Athens

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 2 "We'll always have Athens" 4:03PM, Athens, Greece, July 22nd, 1199BC "My love, where have all the people gone? Where did the distressed earth disappear? With the exception of the missing buildings and homes, it is as though the events of today never happened," Theseus questioned his mate after we reappeared next to Billie on the outskirts of Athens. The crater was gone and so were the destroyed buildings- rubble and all. "Sangiere...

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Bikini Beach Heroes

Bikini Beach - Heroes ElrodW A veteran, who's considered a hero, is tired and feels broken, because his injuries left him crippled and less than a man. When Anya offers him a pass to Bikini Beach, the hero has to decide if he's better as a broken hero, or a whole woman. ********** This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ...

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South of Bikini 5 What Happens in Whitechapel

South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 9 "What happens in Whitechapel..." 1804hrs, London, England, December 23rd, 1887AD "Thank you, Mrs. Smith. Once again your generosity has warmed my soul." "After what we seen, we all needs somethin' that warms our souls, Robert," Margie replied wisely. "Well," The bobby paused, as he looked around the large room. "Sorry for interruptin' the evenin'. To be safe though, I'd recommend you ladies stayin' in the rest a' the night. Even if what...

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South of Bikini Developments

South of Bikini Episode 2 "Developments" 0400 hours, 700 Nautical miles East of Baker Island March 31st, 1944 "Andrews, I'm here to relieve you. How's the prisoner?" "He's been moanin' pretty loud. His ribs must be hurtin' but good. I thought Hilf was 'spose to be my relief." "She asked me to cover for a few minutes while she took care of if you know what I mean." "Ya, I heard. You...

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South of Bikini Conference of the Empress

South of Bikini Episode 10 "Conference of the Empress" 1005hrs. Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, May 12th, 2028 "Empress, welcome to Reilly Research Station. It is 1000hrs on May 12th, 2028." My Samantha immediately dropped to one knee to greet us. "Aunt Mina!" Samantha squealed when she saw her. Standing, she ran over, wrapped her arms around the woman, and kissed her several times. When finished she stepped before...

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South of Bikini 2 Losses and Beginnings

Returning from Egypt, Alex suffers her first real loss since becoming Empress. An emergency mission to right a fatal mistake ensues requiring her to re-establish balance between two Universes. South of Bikini: Onward Episode 7 "Loses and Beginnings" 1303 hours, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, June 28th, 2028 "Welcome back, Empress. It is 1303hrs,...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

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South of Bikini 5 Home is Where the Heart Is


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South of Bikini Just a routine mission

The following story is just that - a story - fiction. As such, all characters are fictitious and any similarities to persons living or deceased are purely coincidental. Some research has been done for authenticity and so I didn't screw it up too bad. Just so I don't receive nasty-grams from any WWII vets, the Balao class submarine, keel number 353, was never built. No military missions of this sort actually occurred in the areas at the dates specified. Furthermore, I hold the highest...

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South of Bikini Newfound Relations

South of Bikini Episode 3 "Newfound Relations" 1320 hours, Palmyra Atoll, April 3rd, 1944 "Skipper, Admiral Demmit asked me to give you this." My Ex-O said as I reached the bottom of the Bridge ladder. After fixing my skirt and tucking in the loose tail of my blouse, I took the proffered letter from Jack. We had just cleared the Atoll's lagoon/harbor and set course for Hawaii. The note was hand written by the Admiral...

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South of Bikini Travel for Friends and Family

South of Bikini Episode 5 "Travel for Friends and Family" 1301hrs, Five miles west of Tuba City, Arizona, August 10th, 2026 The banner stretched across the two-lane pavement in the distance read 'DARPA 20th Annual Fully Autonomous Solar Vehicle Ecological Challenge 2026'. "We're here! Welcome to the next millennium!" I said with excitement. "Where are we, Alex?" Ma said confused by the instantaneous...

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South of Bikini Homeworld

South of Bikini Episode 7 "Homeworld" 0800 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 8th, 1944 "Good morning, Empress." "Good morning, Corrine." "'Morning, Empress." "Good morning, Jamie." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, Tish." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, already! Oh, et too, Alex?" Allie seemed a little upset this morning as I approached on an intercept. We were both on course for breakfast. As usual, the...

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South of Bikini The Evil


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South of Bikini 2 Revelations

We rejoin the Empress of Time and Space in Reilly Research Station's Infirmary where two survivors of the ill-fated invasion force recuperate. A mysterious message received by CINCPAC causes more to be revealed about the Sisters of Kili and Alex must both hold and fold her cards with regards to members of the USS Detroit's crew. Might the recently neutralized Janelle Hathor still have an ace up her sleeve, though? The following story is just that- a story- fiction. As such, all...

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South of Bikini 2 Danger Developments and Confusion

South of Bikini II: Onward Episode 2 "Danger, developments, and confusion" 1820hrs, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, May 19th, 2028 Alex was waiting for my return from Detroit. "So, does Vern still know about Peyton, sis?" "Was there ever any doubt?" I answered with a wry smile on my face. "Well...ya! Everytime you change our future I have to wonder if we're going to sync up the next...

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South of Bikini 2 Mission to Infamy

With Sand Dollar assigned to escort duty, Captain Steinert and her sisters take on their most demanding mission to date. Can Alexandra successfully complete a mission seemingly doomed from the onset? Copyright 2008- 2010 R.G. Beyer South of Bikini: Onward Episode 3 "Mission to Infamy" 2300 hours, 200 Nautical Miles North-northeast of Tarawa Island, May 18th,...

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South of Bikini 2 New Beginnings and Conspiracy

South of Bikini: Onward Episode 5 "New Beginnings and Conspiracy" 1355hrs, Flagstaff, Arizona, July 12th, 2028 "Miss Alexandra?" Sarah called to me as Corrine, Mina, and Jamie joined me at my side. "Ya Hun?" Instead of answering, she and Liz rushed me and wrapped their arms around me. Both girls remained silent, though I could feel quaking and heard muted sniffling from both...

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South of Bikini 2 Meeting the Relatives

Admiral Demmit arrives with a mission request. Apparently he had found Reilly's vast historic library on his visit to the future and researched a few old friends... South of Bikini: Onward Episode 8 "Meeting the Relatives" "Mommy?" a small girl's voice whispered in my ear. "Mommy!" the same girl's voice whispered with a little more force. A pair of small hands shook my shoulder urgently. "Mommy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!" The small hands shook my shoulder...

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South of Bikini 2 Setting the Past Right

An offer is made to the women of U103. While giving as much information via a meeting with Grand High Counsel Tibius, Alex tries to fulfill one of the rescued German officer's wishes- to say goodbye to his wife- who, in 2029, is long deceased. Will the Empress succeed in saving another lost soul? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 10 "Setting the Past Right" 0757...

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South of Bikini 5 May Old Acquaintances

More questions are answered about Reilly Research Station personnel and the Homeworld. Can Alexandra keep the Timeline intact and save her home Planet at the same time? South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 4 "May Old Acquaintances.." "So..Alex.." Billie began as she gracefully sat at the kitchen table with her breakfast of citrus juice and this world's version of cultured, active biomass with fruit- 'yogurt' on twenty-first century Earth. "How can you eat that?" I asked as I...

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South of Bikini 5 Lest Be Forgot

The Empress transmits a special multimedia news report that explained the strange happenings and illnesses around the Homeworld. A 'Welcome to the Universe' party goes awry when Camille's mom and dad have a spat. What strange turn of events will the Empress of Time and Space experience this episode? Copyright: 2016, R.G. Beyer South of Bikini Season 5 Episode 5 ...

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South of Bikini 5 Landing the Big One

With their mission to Celestra completed, Alex and company take time out to 'soar' with the Pixies before tackling their next mission of... "Landing The Big One" Episode 8 South of Bikini Season 5 Copyright 2016: R.G. Beyer E.S. Atlantis, Standard Year 258:01:26 "Hey, mom. You get some rest?" My daughter, Reggie asked, as I walked out...

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Mrs Fletcher Chapter One Brothers Motherinlaw

I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...

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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

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Preacher Slut Dresses from Preachers Daughter Seri

If you have followed the stories, I first black mailed and fucked the preachers 23 year old hot daughter, Jaimie, she is now carrying my baby. See preachers daughter chapter 13 and preacher sucks for lead in to this story:Over two months ago I sucked my first cock and fucked my first man pussy, unbelievable, it was our preachers, so wrong but made me so fucking hard!He sucked and cum hard and recovered quick, he said he would be my sex slave cum slut #3. Well, I had been letting him wait as I...

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Bikini Beach The Purse Snatcher

Author's Note: This story got written while I was also working on the story, "Teaching Sally". I never meant it to be so long, but after I set up the initial situation, which involves a thirty-day pass, I had to do something to fill that time. I decided to try developing multiple story lines, sub-plots. So, this is an experiment. Let me know what you think. Negative constructive criticism ("I don't think you did X very well") is welcome. Suggestions on how to improve ("I...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach

Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...

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South of Bikini 4 Loose Ends

With the Time Machine Bandit, Clemson, now 'incarcerated'. Alex and the crew of Meridian 12 must now find their Egyptian passengers a new home. What other surprises are in store from the Empress of Time and Space? And is this the last time we'll see Andromeda, Regina and the crew of Atlantis? Copyright 2014: R.G. Beyer Episode 10 "Loose Ends" "Alex? Where did you come from? Is mother all right? Did your...

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Gallaghers IslandChapter 4 Gallagher Meets the Female HeadHunters

After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...

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Herman to Hermione

Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....

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Bikini Beach The BrotherinLaw

This started as a quickie piece. It didn't finish up that way. There is, by the way, no relationship between this story and my recent (and forthcoming) Altered Fates stories. * * * * * Bikini Beach: Brother-In-Law By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 Lynette Dorsey was working at the sink when Carter Dorsey came into the kitchen. He stood by the door for a minute, watching the way her slender body moved and how the early evening light made her dark blonde hair seem to glow. He held...

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Bikini Beach Gate Crashers

Bikini Beach: Gate Crashers By Elrod W "I told you, man!" Marty gloated at his friend. "Wow! I should have believed you!" John was practically drooling at the line of lovely and shapely young ladies entering the Bikini Beach Water Park. "Let's go get tickets," Marty said eagerly. The two college guys slid out of Marty's Camaro, closing the doors solidly behind them as they walked toward the ticket booth. All around them, young ladies smiled as they walked through the gates...

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The Gigolo Chronicles V Cherrie

Nearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...

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South of Bikini 3 Dreams Realms and New Beginnings

The changes continue for Alex and friends as their lives seem to be intertwining uncontrollably. Details of the Empress' last mission begin to emerge. Terra's new era finally and truly begins. Episode 4 "Dreams, Realms, and New Beginnings" Waking from my slumber, I turned over and stretched, taking in the smooth, clean feel of the sheets. The light of the new day flooding into the room silhouetted my sleep companion. My arm...

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South of Bikini 3 Proving Gound

Now that another Time Traveler is loose upon Earth's fragile timeline, what will he change and could the Empress and her sisters be the first casualties? Can the wondrous Empress of Time and Space return history to the way it should be or will she need to 'step back' to re-evaluate her historic options here and in other universes? Episode 10 "Proving Ground" 0811hrs, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, June 22nd,...

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South of Bikini 4 Colonial Trade

Danger, heart wrenching loss, catastrophe, and unforeseen temporal chaos challenge Alex and her away team as they set out to repair some revolutionary glitches perpetrated by Clemson's ignorant and callous 'corrections' to history. Chapter 2 "Colonial Trade" 1303hrs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Colony, June 17th, 1779 Independence Hall appeared beside us. I had never been here before; instead, I recognized it from my...

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South of Bikini 4 Chaos to Catch a Thief

From a technical and tactics briefing aboard Atlantis, Alex and company decide to randomize their approach to apprehend Clemson. Making another trip back to Colonial Philadelphia, Alex allows Jack to send the time thief an 'explosive' message. Will Clemson find an ally with clues to the Empress' weaknesses and whereabouts? What will happen when two rats get into the hen house? Episode 3 ?Chaos to Catch a Thief? Atlantis Expeditionary Ship, Standard Year 257:06:28 ?Alex?...

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South of Bikini 4 Exodus 1

Episode 7 "Exodus I" 2200hrs, L. Scott home, Bridgeport, Conn, August 29th, 1944 "So Lu Sei found your flask?" Emily asked, as we got ready for bed. "Didn't waste a second after I left the room, sis. It was comical in a way, though. You should have seen her face when she found out it was just water!" "She knew that there would be alcohol in it?" "She was living on a base of fighter pilots. I'm sure at least one of them needed some 'liquid courage', Em." "But how would...

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Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...

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South of Bikini 3 Paradoxes Galas and Gifts

With Capt. Steinert back in her own universe, a few more paradoxes are satisfied, but now, a difficult secret must be kept. Two more Atlantis- Minor personnel receive their gifts just before Admiral Demmit's plane arrives. Will the Admiral need to requisition more aspirin or find something stronger? Episode 6 "Paradoxes, Galas, and Gifts" Citadel, Terra, 17:00, Median, Venusia 28th, 422 of the New Era "So why do I...

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South of Bikini 3 Rendezvous

Sand Dollars' next mission becomes personal for Alex- the result requiring the Empress to reveal herself. Some members of Alex' crew finally realize their gifts and one in particular proves her metal on a special mission. Episode 7 "Rendezvous'" 1142hr, 200 Nautical Miles SSE of Midway Islands, July 4th, 1944 "Alex, Rommie's found the Freemont and she says we're about thirty minutes out through clear water," Jack...

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South if Bikini 3 Things that go bump

Resuming their original mission- that of finding Prof. Samuel's missing Time Machine- Alex and company participate in a ghost hunt, where they provide most of the paranormal activity. How much will the Empress allow her fellow 'poltergeists' to enjoy the 'witching hour'? How much will their newest sister, Akane, influence the mission? Later, Alex and Jack attend Prof. Samuels' theoretical science lecture masquerading as her keynote speakers. Episode...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Therapy for Cheri

Therapy, Part 1It was my medical doctor who suggested that I should speak to a counsellor, or ther****t about my sexual fantasies, and how they had started to overwhelm my life.  At first, I was not particularly interested in talking to anyone about this, but obviously my doctor felt that a counsellor could help me, and that not seeing one could eventually harm me.I booked an appointment for two weeks ahead, thinking that this would give me some time to get my shit together, and I could call...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 3 from Preadhers Daughter

Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...

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Our Stories Sheris Wild Lesbian NightThe Recap

After our encounter with Tara and Charlene, I had a feeling Sheri was going to keep exploring. We were getting on the bus to go home the following morning. I was up early, so I went down to the beach one last time. Sheri saw me from her balcony and blew me a kiss. I did the same and headed back to my room to get my stuff. I got on the bus and found my seat near the back. I watched out the window as Sheri, Charlene, Tara, and a junior named Heather were headed to the bus together. That was odd...

Wife Lovers
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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Bikini Ready Mother

I would like to say hello, I am Mrs Johnson, age 42, married with two sons age 13 and 15.We have a fairly good life here in the UK, A detached house with a nice big garden.We go on holiday once a year, sometimes two, mostly in Europe, our favourite, well my favourite being the south of France.I love nothing more than relaxing in the sun and that is what this story is all about.2 years ago we went to France, but my body was not prepared for the hot weather, soon after arriving all I wanted to do...

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My InheritanceChapter 42 The Hermit

The truck crawled across the hard packed dirt path toward the foothills on this high plateau. All three women had been quiet since we left the motel. It was an uneasy silence. Perhaps I should have missed the enjoyable banter or sweet sounds they normally emitted, but my mind had only one focus: the formula. They had dressed that morning to please me, as they always should. Each wore a thin, plain white T-shirt with a scoop neck. It was more sexy than if they were naked with their breasts...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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