To Hell And Back, Book One: SurvivalCH 4 - Tiger By The Tail free porn video

Logan awoke quite suddenly to the chilling realization that he had nodded off, and to the sensation of soft, wet heat. He blinked and looked down at a lovely face in his lap and plump, black, demon lips gently working up and down the entire length of his shaft. His tool was in her throat, so Logan felt as much as heard the growl of warning when her lantern eyes looked up at him.
“Ok,” he replied in a gentle, careful voice. “I hear ya. No sudden moves. No problem.”
She stared into his eyes, tongue absently tracing the shape of him in her mouth. After a long moment, she seemed satisfied that he would stay still and went back to work. He watched as she pulled back until her lips were sealed just around the mushroom head, only to reverse and start back down, swallowing every inch. Up and down, in a slow, steady, toe-curling, rhythm that seemed to indicate that she was in no hurry.
His initial fear that she had escaped proved unfounded. She was still securely tied at both wrists and ankles. Somehow, she had wormed her way over while he slept and, with just teeth and tongue, managed to get his fly open and his prick out. How she had achieved such a thing, Logan could not imagine, but it was, without doubt, an impressive feat of oral dexterity. Even now, she had her body twisted over his lap at a most uncomfortable looking angle just so she could get all of him between her lips.
Logan did not know what to do. Such determination to get him in her mouth was incredibly hot. And yes, what she was doing felt incredible, but that did not change the fact that she had tried to kill him only hours ago. Or that she was a Hell spawned demon.
How the fuck is this supposed to end? Logan swallowed against a jarring clash of both pleasure and distress. Will she bite my dick off if I try to get away? Will she bite it off anyway when she’s done?
There was nothing he could do except go along with it. And it was strangely exciting, despite the surreal circumstances. None of the things he usually liked to do during a blow job; playing with a woman’s hair, stroking her skin, placing a guiding hand lightly at the back of her neck, none were options he could indulge. Any reaction from him could be perceived as a threat, and that could only end very, very badly for him. In that moment, the tables had turned, and he was the prisoner. The best he could do now was behave, sit still, and let her have her fun.
Which, as he watched her head bobbing up and down, was exactly what was happening. This encounter wasn’t about him at all. She was swallowing his shaft like an all-day lollipop strictly for her own pleasure and purpose. It was her toy until she decided otherwise.
There was nothing to do but watch her work and enjoy the ride. Oddly enough, her technique was rather crude, almost as if this was the first blow job she had ever attempted. Still, what the demon lacked in experience was more than compensated by a single-minded devotion to the task at hand.
She paused, eyes going wide, and slowly drew back. Logan watched her lick a drop of precum from the head, and swallow. She looked up at him. Her lantern eyes were dilated and unfocused. The demon growled softly.
Whether that was a good thing or bad, Logan had no clue. Quite suddenly, she plunged back down, swallowing him whole, and with a singular purpose. The demon began to work his rigid length at an energetic pace, without pause or mercy. It felt incredible to him in spite of knowing his enjoyment was not the point.
It was all too much for him. Searing bliss washed through him in waves as he released into her mouth. The demon let nothing escape. Her throat held him and massaged every drop of seed out of him.
When it was over, Logan gasped for air and watched as his shrinking erection finally slipped from between her lips. Once again, she turned her golden eyes up to meet his gaze. Her head lay in his lap, but whether that was some sort of gesture or just because she was too tied up to move, Logan could not say. Her thoughts, her motivations, and everything about her remained a complete mystery.
Logan watched as she roused herself and slowly wormed back over to her side of the “cave.” Her eyes glowed as they looked back at him, then slowly closed, perhaps in sleep.

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