172 A VISIT TO AUNT FIONAS free porn video

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In my wandering`s here on hamster I came across a lady we are going to call Fiona, well the ones who know her already know her full name, but sometimes it`s better to keep the old ID`s a little to ourselves, it saves the odd few on here stalking, causing grief, or whatever. Most of course are like me, just sex mad old boys [and a few mature and lovely ladies] that love a delightful erotic story. I have three ladies I write for regularly, I describe myself as their scribe, they give me the bullets, mostly true or in some case`s their own fantasy`s and I supply the propellant, the frills and in some cases the graft… simples!
I`m no dominant totally masterful soul, though I can be for short periods if I feel the need, so none call me master but I do love the thought of BDMS, and the sex though lol… nowadays like the stories its hand crafted
Anyway she`s ‘Fiona’ for this story, a fantasy of hers in black and white at long last and I hope we will see a lot more of her true adventures if I can persuade her of my capabilities by your comments!
Anyway, let`s see, she`s a married woman, naturally attractive, she does have a husband named Rob, who she describes as a man that does as he is told! She has a high sexual drive, loves giving oral to both sexes, is k9 curious, though not experienced, loves receiving -bondage, to be mastered, even to an extent used, or dominated call it what you will, loves double entry sex, if it`s with gentle anal and has recently become my disciple.
Fiona lives in the lower end of Hampshire which for those overseas or of colonial extraction is near our largest southern English port, Southampton.
She told me her fantasy (and it’s a fantasy she has had for some time,) which is to have her nephew and his pretty wife who live in Kent some 100 miles away, take charge of her and use her in front of her husband, so here goes; -
She awoke early, husband Rob beside her still snoring loudly, her bladder near bursting point she arose, threw a gown over her shoulders and wobbled away to relieve herself, she was soon back, scratting around as women do searching for the perfect underclothes, fetching stockings here, a bra there, each from the drawers she herself had placed them in fresh from the wash only yesterday. Again, she went off to the bathroom, throwing her nightclothes off, stretching her tired muscles, grimacing at her still puffy sex lip. Remembering Rob, a one shot wonder at best, having been made to do her bidding late last night, she smiled as she remembered how she had had him rug munching till she came four times before she had allowed him his wicked way, permitting him to obtain the release he had begged for all week, which accounted for the still inflated and sore looking lips.
She adjusted the shower, the water reviving her, and focusing her brain on the day ahead, today her nephew Phil and his lovely wife Amy were arriving for a short stay. She smiled and remembered the thirty-year olds blushes when in conversation some time ago she had mentioned how she would -have loved to be controlled by a younger man or woman sexually in the way she had to control his Uncle Rob, and the still puzzled look he later gave as she kissed him goodbye,
Phil had only a vague notion that his aunt fancied him, he knew she was a sensuous sexual woman and that she controlled her husband ruthlessly and on that visit some time ago when she had gently flirted with him, mentioning her desire to be mastered, he had resisted the temptation of her advances, (not that he had been totally sure they were real anyway) partly by the k**s being present and partly by the lack of time. Afterwards on his way home, he thought that, had he been a single man with no ties well who knows what may have happened, however, feeling that night just a bit guilty he had let it slip to his wife that “he thought his aunt would have let him jump on her bones if he had wanted,” he was surprised at the pretty Amy`s reaction, when she said that “she had often fancied your aunt Fiona`s body myself and was surprised but proud that as a married man, he had not taken her up on the offer!”
As he had, till then, no idea that Amy had shall we say; ‘interest in other women!’ or would not have objected to his having some sort of tryst with his aunt it gave our Phil some food for thought, worried that perhaps he had misread the hint he decided next time he visited to just see how things progressed.
On the back of that fantasy, (of course unbeknown to Fiona,) they had enjoyed a romp or two, explaining to each other what they would like to do and enjoy with their sexy aunt.
Thus it was that, when Amy`s mother had offered to take the k**s to a holiday park at Mine-head for ten days to give them a break they jumped at the chance and at Fiona`s suggestion they decided to visit Uncle Rob and their Aunt Fiona at her home on the coast while they had the opportunity. This was a chance for a cheap holiday which they jumped at and today they were to arrive about dinnertime perhaps each secretly hoping for a lot more.
Back at the present, Fiona dried herself carefully, dusted talc where she felt it was needed, slid on her stockings, placed her suspender belt on and fidgeted her nylons into the clips, added her brief knickers and matching white lacy bra, a dab of perfume and just a touch of her favourite heavy red lippy ( a sure sign that she was feeling randy) then returned to the bedroom poked the recumbent Rob, telling him to “get mobile” and that “he owed her breakfast for her letting him use her body last night!” She then selected from her wardrobe; a loose fitting blue blouse that allowed the lacy bust to be viewed through the thin materiel and a dark blue skirt, with high heels to accelerate her shapely legs and with the addition of a little modest jewellery that sent a man`s eyes straight to the bust she began to feel she could now face the world, so she set off to enjoy the breakfast that she knew a grateful Rob would by now be making, now he had dragged his sorry arse from her bed (in reality knowing he would get no more fun this month if he didn’t.)
Rob presented her with a nicely cooked offering and they sat at the table. Her tidy and well presented, he still in his PJ`s unshaved and bedraggled, it being Saturday neither had work to rush off too and normally the day would have been one for taking it easy. Rob asked why “during last night` s ‘sexual excitement’ she had referred to him as Phil?” with a slight blush she told him that she “had had a secret wish, a fantasy, for some time, of be used and abused by her sister`s boy or his pretty wife” and explained that she had also imagined that it was Amy`s tongue that was bringing her to the boil last night on the young man`s instruction!
He in turn said nothing more, smiling while pouring her a coffee and remarking on her care with dressing to which she in turn, reminded him of the soon arriving visitors, which he had forgotten. He soon scuttled away to shuffle some paper from a roll, shave, shower and dress, while Fiona did some light tidying before the visitors expected arrival. Rain slatted against the little four -bedroom terraced house windows perched way up on the clifftops overlooking the grey and angry sea, the forecast for the week was better, but the weekend when folk were off work, as was usual it seems, lousy and the grey clouds had dogged the summer so far.
Unknown to Fiona her visitors trip from the get go, was fraught. They rang to say they were on the way but soon after leaving they found the phone gave up its battery uncharged. The hundred plus cross country miles was to the sound of clattering screen-wipers from the off. The car radio had not been hopeful or helpful and with the mobile phone flat they couldn`t let folk know of the slow progress, plus a puncture which had them both out in the rain and unloading the car in a downpour to get at the spare, the trip had seemed to have been a hop from one queue for roadworks to the next so it was a 2 hour late and un-heralded arrival for the two tired, damp, would be holiday makers. By the time the family car slipped to a halt outside the red doored house, both the occupants had the tired look of long distance travellers and the expectant Fiona a look of a worried parent.
They were treated to a huge welcome, the relief on Fiona`s face a clear indication of the worries she had experienced. Luckily main meals in Fiona`s home, were always taken at 6pm sharp so the midday snack was no great-thing to miss but soup and showers soon had the travellers feeling part of humanity once again.
They all watched television for what remained of the afternoon, each in a world of their own dozing and chatting, each just catching up in their own way, it was just… family…
The main meal at six, a casserole and an apple pie to follow made the world seem a more, well, friendly place, the wine also helped and by the end of the second bottle they were all feeling more mellow so when Fiona wandered off to wash up Amy went to assist as she felt was only the correct thing to do. The two men now in their cups found themselves confiding, their lips loosened by the wine. Phil told Rob that he “thought Fiona a fine-looking woman,” and in his turn Rob replied; “well she`s a good looker tis true, but at the drop of a hat she will leap into bed with anyone man or woman and she keeps me short believe me!” that made Phil take notice you can be sure, Rob went on that “she may dominate me sexually all the time, that’s how we are, but anyone who gives her an order, is the one who takes her to Shangri-La, and it does not matter, be it man or woman, or what they ask her to do, she will do it believe me!”
Phil, his jaw open, now gasped “Really!” and Ron rambled on that “she loves to be bound you know, forced to suck on cock, or fanny its all the same to her, she makes me watch, it turns her on, I`ve watched it happen a lot of times, she loves to rub my nose in her being used!”
By now Phil was agog, especially when Rob said that she “fancies both, you Phil, and your pretty wife as well!” the younger man suggested that Rob was winding him up, but that brought the grinning comment that “well if you don’t believe me just try it and see smartarse!”
Luckily the hostess returned then and the moment passed, Amy having gone to the toilet
Phill, though itching to try the masterful bit was just sober enough to realise that unless he explained the idea to Amy and got her wifely consent, he may have been signing his own marital death-warrant so to speak, caught between the desire for his, he hoped willing aunt and his wife`s fantasy which he still wasn’t convinced was more than just that, a fantasy!
Anyway Rob had popped off to the toilet when the phone in the hall rang, Fiona went to answer it and it was Phil`s chance to have a quick word with Amy, rapidly jabbering the details he asked if she wished to really live out her fantasy, her reply was to tell him “she would see,” and at that moment Rob reappeared so the conversation moved on as they awaited Fiona`s return.
It was between 8 and 9pm on a wet mid may night when Phil`s world went into orbit, they had a third bottle on ice, which Fiona had sent Rob for and like he always did he had scuttled away and fetched it for them all, when he returned the older woman bid him pour the stuff! This was when to Phil`s amazement Amy cut in and said; “NO, you do Fiona it and sharpish, that poor sods done enough!” there was a stunned silence then a shocked Fiona, her face showing that she was not used to being ordered about said! “I beg your pardon” and Amy without turning a hair repeated the order to “get on and do it yourself, Rob has done enough and I want him to come over here and sit quietly beside me and enjoy my tits.”
In silence after a long pause the woman stood and taking the bottle in her hand began pouring the wine, filling Amy`s first, with a silent curtsey, then Phil`s and finally Rob `s before her own, each with a curtsy of a submissive style.
Amy by now had decided this was fun, taking Rob `s hand as he moved to sit beside her and placing it on her right breast as he took his seat to her left on the sofa. She looked at Fiona and asked her “Aunty Fi, do you want submissive sex with my husband and me?” a shocked Fiona nodded her head, perhaps a little amazed at the younger woman`s brazen sexual comment.
“Speak up Fi let us all know” it was a command.
Phil sat gaping like a goldfish, seeing a different side to his lovely wife for the first time in their married lives. “yes miss, I want and have wanted for some time to have my nephew and your pretty self, use me in front of my husband” there was no hesitation now, the game was on Rob was still gently squeezing and caressing Amy`s breast, glad to have an active role in his wife`s sexual games for a change, his eye`s fixed on his wife watching his oppressive mistress crumble before his wondering gaze, with this younger woman in full and exited control commanding; “ok then let`s see if your body is as good as it looks, STRIP!”
Fiona stood and in seconds was surrounded with the skirt, the shoes and the blouse, she reached for the clasp of her bra, but Amy had her stop and stand for Phill to remove the rest, saying “your nephew will enjoy undressing you, if only for me to enjoy, so just stand still and allow him to remove these last few items!”
The blonde stood just as she was told, as Phil got up, his tool rapidly stiffening as he peeled one layer after another from his long-coveted aunt, gently and with care starting with the stockings, for which she raised each foot to allow him to remove. Then the suspender belt, again with the delicate and obedient step of a woman who had given her self to a masterful controller. He savoured his task when it was the turn of that bra, at last he would get to see those soft orbs he had so long wanted to caress, he did the job slowly so as to savour the moment, gently slithering the lacy straps from the tanned shoulders allowing the flimsy wisp to fall from his grasp as he moved from behind the still patiently stood woman, to kneel at her feet and allowing his fingers to play with the lovely breasts and their now very erect nipples muttering he had never before seen such a fine set, (to which under her breath Amy muttered that he would soon pay for that comment!) A brief smile flitted across Rob `s face at that, knowing instinctively she was not k**ding.
Phil however had not heard and kneeling before this statuesque woman now, he slowly continued to slide the last item of clothing from his aunt, those tiny panties, again she stepped from the flimsy item daintily, then stood legs just apart, knowing his eyes would not leave her shaved and soft puffy pussy, perhaps a little defiantly waiting for the next order, it was a moment of pure magic for the still clothed man knelt as if in worship. His fingers automatically went to caress and explore the wet slit, he had waited so long to enjoy, but before they arrived on her skin, a command to “stop and move away,” stopped his move, Amy was going to make him wait, perhaps as a penance for the comment, or perhaps as she wished to humiliate her victim herself. Who knows but the command had the effect on Phil of sending him scuttling back to his chair, leaving the naked Fiona standing in the centre of her own living room naked surrounded by her own clothes and under the gaze of three sets of piercing eyes.
Amy quietly asked Rob if they had any bondage kit or just some rope, and he scuttled away once more, returning with a plastic container full of toys, soft rope, vibrators and so on, saying that “this was all she or her lovers ever used, sometimes on his wife when being abused or abusing, but most times on him when he was forced to watch her, which she loved.”
“right gentlemen, time to get your clothes off and let`s see your wares” it was not a request, both men stripping, in short order, their normally covered white skins glaring in the soft light of the standard lamp and the two erect penises stiffly prominent as they stood awaiting Amy`s next order. She savoured the moment, she had never had full control like this before. She had dreamed of taking charge, even occasionally allowed herself to take the lead, with Phil, but never been able to fully control another player, today was beyond her wildest fantasy`s and she was going to milk every second. pointing at a seat she nodded Fiona to sit, the statuesque naked woman did as she was bid her eyes never leaving her nephews rigid tool as she did.
Amy snapped her fingers at Rob, “undress me” she ordered as she stood up for him, “and do it gently or you will suffer!”
Both she and her husband had just slipped into something comfortable after the long trip and the shower, a plain black skirt, and a white-top, bra and knickers, no stockings and just slippers, each item was removed by Rob without fuss but with an almost reverential style. Revealing her breasts was a particularly poignant moment, Rob `s eyes like saucers as he revealed the fine orbs he had imagined as he had surveyed the tight tops she habitually wore, she stepped from the knickers when he slid them to her ankles, allowing him just a brief glimpse of her womanhood as she did so, then telling the men to tidy away the now dumped clothes. They scurried to obey, placing the s**ttered clothing out of harm`s way.
She snapped her fingers at Fiona who had sat quietly waiting, and for the first time the two, naked woman stood surveying one another, Fiona the taller by a good two inches, her 38d breasts a few inches larger but not perhaps as pert as the younger woman, but that was to be expected with the age difference, both were exceedingly hansom women in their own right, but today it was obvious that Amy was the one firmly in the driving seat.
Snapping her finger`s she bade Rob to secure his wife`s wrists behind her, he scrabbled about in the box then taking each wrist in turn he attached cuffs on the woman`s compliant wrists, and clipped them together enjoying every second of rendering her incapable.
Amy whispered; “did you know your nephew wants to fuck you Fi?” the older woman shook her head, saying that” she had hoped so but wasn`t sure.” Amy smiled “well he does and I will let him soon but first I, am going to play with you, and allow you to fetch me to the boil, just because I can and because you tried to get him to cheat on me, you’re going to suffer do you understand?” her brown eyes smiled as her hands came up and her fingers found Fiona`s stiff nipples pinching and twisting as if a taste of things to come. The taller woman nodded her head and grunted that “she understood” grimacing as pain shot from her always sensitive nipples to her brain.
From the box, she took a length of soft rope, made Fiona lean forward and with deft hands she wrapped the rope tightly round each dangling breast each wrap slowing the flow of blood more until the breast began to turn first pink, then darkening till they became purple, and tender.
“Kneel and pay homage to my body” it was a crisp order, awkwardly Fiona knelt, tearing her bloated nipples from the other woman`s grasp as she did, her tongue found the open crotch, wet and waiting for her, pubic hair rough on her nose, as her tongue explored the wet crevice, of what was fast becoming her mistress.
Fiona had always loved the taste of bodily fluids, male or female, over the years she had consumed pints of the stuff, each fractionally different, each swallowed with a sensuous joy that even she didn’t understand, her first had been her brother, all those years ago, now here she was seeking this younger woman`s unique taste with a tongue tip that was as sensitive as it had ever been.
She closed her eyes, the slippery taste of this woman`s wet cunt was sublime, her tongue probed deep as it could reach, then played with the clitorise that small pert little bud, hooded, and as she well knew, a fine transmitter of sensations to the brain of its owner. Her work was rewarded by a deep-seated groan of sheer pleasure, she heard Amy telling her silently watching husband that “she had never had her cunt sucked so well since her girl friend at school had played with her after class!” he looked crestfallen, she grinned at his discomfort and then asked; “Rob do you have to suck men for your wife`s pleasure?” he said he did, she laughed and said “then do it for my husband, I want to see him squirm for saying he had never before seen such a fine set of tits as Fiona has.” Rob was quick to comply, taking Phil deep into his mouth as the younger man sat mesmerised watching his pretty wife with his Aunt slathering at her sex like some dyke lesbian, a trait he had had no hint of before, during their whole marriage. He could see she was not just enjoying the experience, she was revelling in the tongue work of a real expert, it was as if they were born to it. His eyes were riveted to his wife`s face, she smiled at him though distracted by her now throbbing sex as she began to rise to a climax, her legs began to feel weak as wave after wave of joy pulsated through her lower regions, her clit throbbing, her head thrown back now in a long gasping sigh of contentment, unable to keep her eyes on his in this moment of shear sexual ecstasy, her legs open her hands either side of Fiona`s head, keeping herself up and that all-important tongue deep in the crevice of life. Her husband Phil, his face a mask began his own ejection, his tool pulsing as he spewed forth unable to stop himself he thrust his seed into Ron`s mouth, huge gouts of pale grey juice jetting over the soft Tongue, filling the willing mouth, as he let out a moan of deep contentment.
Fiona worked relentlessly on the now sloppy sex of her target, it was as if she was going to prove something, Amy`s legs crumpling as she slipped to the carpet still with the other woman`s lips welded to her clitorise. Her legs wrapped themselves around the head of her slave to ensure contact was not lost, tightening her grip as another wave overcame her over-heating body, gasping and groaning as her automatic reaction to knowing an oh so exciting invader, it soon overcame all other sights, feelings, and thoughts as darkness closed in from all sides.
When Amy returned to our world she found herself laying on the carpet legs akimbo, wet trickles dribbling to the ground, Fiona lying beside her, still her arms bound, her tits purple and bloated and the two men peering at her, with looks of consternation writ large on their faces.
Phil particularly looked worried, saying “was she alright?” and that “he had never seen a woman so far into the zone as she had been just a while ago,” she had passed out from the excitement” with that Rob passed her a glass of water he had fetched from the kitchen and she sat up still feeling wobbly. Her one comment of “wow” said it all
This will be continued in part 2

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Aunt janice Comes to Visit Pt 2

Aunt Janice Comes To Visit Pt2 I sat there on my knees trying to catch my breath as I watched my step mother and her sister continue to kiss. My aunt was still slowly pulling and stroking my now softening shaft. My step mother pulled her mouth from her sister’s and turn to watch her dainty little hand stroke my cock. My step mother was still slowly massaging her sister’s clit with her fingers. I watched as her fingers would rub back and forth over her sister’s sensitive clit and then slide down...

3 years ago
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Aunt Pegs Visit

Looking at my mother and her younger sister, it was hard to imagine that they were separated in age by ten years. My aunt, recently divorced from her very successful and work-addicted attorney husband, was an exceptionally youthful-appearing 34-years-old woman. My mother, soon to be 44, had the same tawny hair and blue eyes, the same slim feminine figure, toned by tennis and aerobics. The family resemblance was striking. That they were sisters was not questioned, but that they were ten-years...

3 years ago
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Visiting with Aunt Rose

Growing up my favorite Aunt was my Auntie Rose Marie. She was my mom’s oldest sister who had no c***dren, and lived alone in Savannah . Her husband died from a work related incident, as a result she received a substantial check every month for the rest of her life. She was devastated by the loss of her husband and she swore off sex ,at the age of 35. My mom was her only sibling, and she spoiled my mother’s c***dren, and always gave us lavish gifts for any occasion. We often...

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Aunt Nadiarsquos Visit

Two weeks later...I arrived from school on Friday. We had a week long break and my siblings had all hightailed it to their friend’s houses and both my parents and Myra and her parents had went on vacation. “Surprise!” a voice suddenly screamed when I walked in and I was suddenly pressed between two massive breasts.I struggled to breathe but soon adjusted to the soft warmth. “How you doing nephew?” My Aunt Nadia asked smiled broadly. She pulled me into another tight hug between her two 32K tits....

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Visit the Aunt Aprils House Chapter 5

Chapter 5Consumed with fear and anxiety, I quickly stepped out the bathroom into the hall. Closing the door behind me, I hoped Nicole wouldn’t notice her mother. How long had she been there? Why didn’t she say anything? Would she tell my mom? Questions raced around in my head with no answers. Aunt April stood up off my bed folding her towel across her waist. I was motionless when I suddenly heard footsteps coming from the living room. Uncle Dan stumbled into the hall. “Mikey my man! Whatcha...

1 year ago
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Visit to Aunt Aprils House Chapter 3

Chapter 3By this time, everyone was outside presumably drinking, swimming, and if I stayed inside any longer my Mom would come find me. I opened my door and could hear the music from the backyard blaring and the sounds of everyone talking and laughing. Ok game time. It was time for me face the music (literally and figuratively), raging hard on and all. I took one last glance in a mirror. Good lord. You could clearly see the massive bulge of my cock Aunt April gave me. If it got any worse I was...

4 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Aprils House Chapter 3

Chapter 3By this time, everyone was outside presumably drinking, swimming, and if I stayed inside any longer my Mom would come find me. I opened my door and could hear the music from the backyard blaring and the sounds of everyone talking and laughing. Ok game time. It was time for me face the music (literally and figuratively), raging hard on and all. I took one last glance in a mirror. Good lord. You could clearly see the massive bulge of my cock Aunt April gave me. If it got any worse I was...

3 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Vicky Ch 1

I was 18, and had just graduated from high school. This was my last summer of freedom before going off to college. I had never really had a serious girlfriend in high school, so I was looking forward to going off to college and losing my virginity finally. I was going to be going to one of the biggest party schools in the state, so I was counting the days until college started. The summer had just begun, graduation had only occurred a couple weeks ago, and there was quite a bit of time to do...

2 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Aprils House Ch6

Chapter 6My mom froze still, bouncing tits and all. She couldn?t bring herself to words. I was as helpless as her, not knowing what to say if anything. We were powerless to resist the forbidden flood of insatiable lust that had swept us beyond lines we had never crossed."Uhhh..wha..what?s going on? ..Mom??"My mom quickly straddled me placing her hands on each side of my cheeks. She looked at me sweetly, attempting to block the view of Aunt April."Shhh...honey. Just try and rest now, you?ve had...

1 year ago
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Her favourite Aunt visits

Just a very short one. No build up, very little plot.My mother was out when I got home from school. She left me a note to let me know that Aunt Ruth was dropping by to pick up some photos that had been left for her. Aunt Ruth was my mum’s sister and she was the cool Aunt. Everyone loved her, especially me.I went upstairs to change out of my school uniform. I put on a white vest top and my pink shorts. I usually didn’t wear a bra around the house because my tits were small and it was just me and...

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Lover To My Widowed Aunt Pt 1 Alone With Aunty

Dear friends, I am writing a story about my past after a very long time. By the way, I am Rajesh (changed) aged 45 years and currently residing in Bangalore. Ladies, girls and unsatisfied married women can contact me on to talk about their sexual experiences. Maybe I can give some sex advice which I have learned from my past. This incident happened when I was studying Engineering and was around 19 years old. My dad asked me to go to Madras (now Chennai) to his sister’s house to give her...

2 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Aprils House ch61

My mom froze still, bouncing tits and all. She couldn’t bring herself to words. I was as helpless as her, not knowing what to say if anything. We were powerless to resist the forbidden flood of insatiable lust that had swept us beyond lines we had never crossed. “Uhhh..wha..what’s going on? ..Mom?” My mom quickly straddled me placing her hands on each side of my cheeks. She looked at me sweetly, attempting to block the view of Aunt April. “Shhh...honey. Just try and rest now,...

2 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Aprils House ch60

My mom froze still, bouncing tits and all. She couldn’t bring herself to words. I was as helpless as her, not knowing what to say if anything. We were powerless to resist the forbidden flood of insatiable lust that had swept us beyond lines we had never crossed. “Uhhh..wha..what’s going on? ..Mom?” My mom quickly straddled me placing her hands on each side of my cheeks. She looked at me sweetly, attempting to block the view of Aunt April. “Shhh...honey. Just try and rest now,...

1 year ago
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My Aunts Visit Part Two

EditDeletecowboywired's My Aunts Visit Part TwoI stood in the window for what seemed like a very long time but my mom and aunt never returned, so I cleaned my mess up and myself and headed to bed. I laid there exhausted from all the excitement of the day and night. I was asleep with in just a few minutes. The next morning I was woken by my mom calling out to me to come eat breakfast. I grabbed my cloths and rushed over to the main house. I walked into the kitchen to se my mom sitting at the...

3 years ago
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Nicole Visits Her Aunt and Uncle

NICOLE VISITS HER AUNT AND UNCLE My name is Nicole, but everyone calls me Nikki, for short. I'm 15 years old and a freshman in high school. I'm an only child and have a fairly ordinary life, so what I'm about to tell you is quite out of character for me. Not that I'm a prude or anything.......but I've been raised in a household that has very high standards when it comes to moral issues and I've never had a problem with that. I've not dated a lot so I don't have much experience with the...

1 year ago
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Visiting Aunt Mary

I'm a college student, 23 years old, just finishing my engineering degree. While engineering studies are somewhat masochistic, I've really enjoyed school and learning and have been talked into continuing my education by one of my professors with a masters degree. I've already mentioned that I enjoyed school, but the thing you need to know about engineering schools is that there is a weird mismatch between men and women. I'm not going to speculate why, but will say that they're this song I heard...

2 years ago
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Visiting Aunt Mary

I'm a college student, 23 years old, just finishing my engineering degree. While engineering studies are somewhat masochistic, I've really enjoyed school and learning and have been talked into continuing my education by one of my professors with a masters degree. I've already mentioned that I enjoyed school, but the thing you need to know about engineering schools is that there is a weird mismatch between men and women. I'm not going to speculate why, but will say that they're this song I heard...

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Visit to Aunt Vicky Ch 4

Note: If you're unfamiliar with the story then I would suggest you might want to read the first few parts first so you know the situation and the characters.* * * * *A couple mornings later I was sleeping in bed, having a great dream. It was a sex dream of course. One of the kinds where you wake up from and your cock is so hard it's uncomfortable. In this particular dream, I was fucking mom, my ultimate fantasy.Mom was dressed up like a schoolgirl, wearing a tight white blouse that was ripped...

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Visit to Aunt Aprils House ch6

Chapter 6 My mom froze still, bouncing tits and all. She couldn’t bring herself to words. I was as helpless as her, not knowing what to say if anything. We were powerless to resist the forbidden flood of insatiable lust that had swept us beyond lines we had never crossed. “Uhhh..wha..what’s going on? ..Mom?” My mom quickly straddled me placing her hands on each side of my cheeks. She looked at me sweetly, attempting to block the view of Aunt April. “Shhh...honey. Just try and rest now,...

4 years ago
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Aunt Margarets VisitPart 2 Aunt Margaret Intercedes

The wail of a mortally wounded soul brought Maggie and I to a startled awakening. My mother's body bent double as she clutched her stomach. She cried out her sister's name as if cursing a demon out to possess her soul. She moaned and collapsed to the floor unconscious. The pounding steps of my father beat a staccato rhythm on the stairs. Maggie didn't panic, but leaped out of bed, grabbed a robe and knelt by her prostrate sister. My father roared, "What's happened to her?" He quickly...

2 years ago
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A visit to my Aunt

This is my first story I wrote, so let me know how it is.I had moved to Florida a few years back leaving most of my family still in New Jersey.I moved here to try and start a new life with some new adventures.I got myself a job with a trucking company that ran produce.I loved it, I was not away from home to often more than a day or so.Little did I know that this job and a return to New Jersey would give me the adventure of my life.I had been told of a job that would send me on a trip to Ohio,...

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Lover To My Widowed Aunt Pt 2 Fingering Aunty

Dear friends, I am writing a story about my past after a very long time. By the way, I am Rajesh (changed) aged 45 years and currently residing in Bangalore. This incident happened when I was studying Engineering and was around 19 years old. My dad asked me to go to Madras (now Chennai) to his sister, Mandhira aunty’s house to give her company for a few days. Still blushing, Mandhira aunty turned to move away from me, but I just moved closer to her and held her hands and I could feel the heat...

4 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Aprils Chapter 4

After the hand job of a lifetime from my Aunt April I felt considerably relaxed sitting in the hot tub. My cock was still pulsating as it slowly receded back to its normal semi flaccid state. Aunt April had yet to look at me and I wasn’t sure if that was turning me on even more. She casually lifted her ahh..mazing body slowly out of the water. Her ample breast stuck out in air displaying her large rock hard nipples from beneath her red bikini top. The water droplets were rolling off her tits...

2 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Aprils House Chapter 4

Chapter 4After the hand job of a lifetime from my Aunt April I felt considerably relaxed sitting in the hot tub. My cock was still pulsating as it slowly receded back to its normal semi flaccid state. Aunt April had yet to look at me and I wasn’t sure if that was turning me on even more. She casually lifted her ahh..mazing body slowly out of the water. Her ample breast stuck out in air displaying her large rock hard nipples from beneath her red bikini top. The water droplets were rolling off...

2 years ago
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Sharon was visiting her Aunt8217s farm

“Oh, that black horse is lovely!” Sharon cried. “Can I ride him, Aunt Pearl?” Pearl glanced sideways at her niece. She had been surprised and pleased at how nubile the girl had become since she’d seen her last. There was something about nubile young girls that Aunt Pearl always found very interesting. The horse was a brawny brute, his sleek coat jet black, his main flowing and his tail silken. He eyed the girl and his dark, moist lips curled out from his big, blunt...

3 years ago
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Sylvia visits her Aunt Ida in Berkeley

Before I could actually do anything about whoring for Al, any more sex stuff with Al, Rosali or MIchael,, I got a call from my mom's sister, my aunt Ida."I hear you and your mom are not doing so well right now.. If you can do it, get on the damn train and come up here and see me. You know where I live, right?"That's all she said, but three days later, I received a round trip ticket in the mail for the Santa Fe train that went right through the middle of Berkeley and stopped at the station on...

1 year ago
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Visiting Day With My AuntGlad She Decided to cum

The next week on a Monday I was told by my parents that they were going to a concert and I was going to be home by myself. I was fine with it because I had stayed home by myself plenty of times. The concert was in the evening but my parents were going to meet some friends beforehand so they left quite early. So, there I was by myself and quite bored. I didn’t feel like watching TV, but I turned it on anyways and just watched whatever program was on. Right before I fell asleep I got a call...

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My Aunts Visit

I was just turning 20 years old and was home from college for the summer break. I was staying back home with my mom and dad. My old room was not for me so mom suggested I move into the garage apartment and that is where I will be staying for the summer. I cleaned it up and me and dad did some repairs and painted it all up for me. As we were working on the garage apartment I was sleeping in my old room until we finished up on the apartment. One morning I over slept cause I worked on the...

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wifes aunt visits the bed room

We have a house guest for a few months. Wife's aunt is having her home repaired from storm damage. She is seven years older than my wife and a widow. Her husband died at a work place accident early in the marriage. She got depressed gained weight and lived in the home alone. Few years back she joined an exercise group and lost a lot of weight. She is right at the perfect weight for her height now. She has told us many times how she misses the closeness and being held. So she and my wife had...

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Visit to Aunt Aprils House Chapter 2

Chapter 2Later that evening, after we had unpacked and settled in, we all ate dinner. After dinner, Mom and Aunt April opened up a bottle of wine getting the night started. I was trying to avoid Aunt April after our incident earlier. I was hoping she wouldn’t say anything to my Mom. I was sitting in the living room talking to Josh and Nicole when my aunt walked in and gave Josh a glass of wine. She walked over to me with another glass in her hand and huge smile on her face. I kept replaying the...

4 years ago
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visiting my aunt for the second time

Hi readers oncce again happy to share my experience with you for those who dont know me i am akash recently staying in hyderabad working as a callcenter assistant i am 6 feet height nice physic looks good i think As i said in my earlier incident with divya aunty she got pregnant because of me now she is staying in hyderabad her husband got transfered to hyderabad i was so happy to hear that, my sex godess divya is in hyd let me tell you about divya she is a very attractive person with...

2 years ago
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173 Visiting aunt Fiona pt2

173 Visiting aunt Fiona. pt2We left Fiona bound of tits, and cuffed of wrist, laid on the carpet of the living room, Amy beside her had just returned from a multi climax induced faint and the two men were sat naked waiting Amy`s full return Phil just having had a BJ from the cuckolded Rob. The three were glad of the respite, Fiona though found the tender tits a trial, purple like balloons tied and bound, as they had been for near 30 long minutes now, they were causing her some discomforts, the...

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Lover To My Widowed Aunt Pt 3 Seducing Aunty

Dear friends, I am writing a story about my past after a very long time. By the way, I am Rajesh (changed) aged 45 years and currently residing in Bangalore. This is the next part of my story. I woke very late in the morning and came out from the bedroom stark naked not bothering to dress up as I knew we are alone in the house right now. I saw Mandhira aunty in the kitchen fresh from her bath, wearing a white kurta and white leggings. I went behind her without her noticing me and pressed my...

3 years ago
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My Visiting Aunt

On the ride home, Donna sat in the front seat and caught up with my mom. I listened and looked her over the whole time. Well she was fat, there was no denying it. But she did have a pretty face and her skin was smooth and white. She was 34 and as I said she had huge tits. As I listened to her funny english accent, I thought about those tits. I had seen my moms before and they were huge with giant nipples. Donna's looked bigger but it's sometimes hard to tell when they're resting on...

1 year ago
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A guy visits his aunt and gets to meet her friend

’m 20 and my biggest problem is that I’m absolutely not interested in girls my age and younger. I love mature babes, you know really old ones. I like when they’re 60 years old and senior, I just love when they have really big asses. I’m ready for anything just to fuck an elderly lady’s sexy ass. It’s all due to the story that happened soon after I turned 18. That summer I was fucking Mrs. Lopez who was 69. That’s how it happened.I visited my aunt Judy. She was old too and she often asked me to...

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Visit to Aunt Vicky Ch 3

That night was a bit awkward as Aunt Vicky and I ate dinner alone together. Brigette was out with friends again or something that night. Vicky and I just made small talk during the meal, neither of us brought up the issue of i****t. I certainly didn't tell her about fucking Brigette that morning. To be honest though, my dick did get hard several times throughout dinner as I looked across the table at Vicky, admiring her gigantic rack, and remembering what her face looked like covered in my...

1 year ago
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Visiting BBW Aunt

"Geeze, I haven't had a man in my house in years." April Miller thought to herself. The 42 year old divorcee had been alone for more than 10 years now. Her husband had run off with… "Geeze, I haven't had a man in my house in years." April Miller thought to herself. The 42 year old divorcee had been alone for more than 10 years now. Her husband had run off with his 25 year old secretary and she hadn't even been on a date since. In the last few years she had put more weight on her already...

4 years ago
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Aunt Janice Comes to Visit Pt 3

I woke up early the next morning with a raging hard on. I could not get the image of my hot and sexy aunt out of my mind. Everything that had happened the night before was coming back to me like a very erotic dream. I knew my hot ass aunt was asleep in the next room and my cock throbbed with the anticipation of being inside her again. I wrapped my hand around the thick shaft and started to slowly stroke it. I thought about how hot and wet her pussy was and the look on her face as I slid my cock...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Aunt During Her Visit 8211 Part I

It was Friday morning I got a call from my uncle informing me that aunt is coming to my city and that she will be staying with me so I have to go to airport and pick her up. She would stay with me for couple of weeks and I should also take care of her. My aunt is a fashionably a sexy lady with nice melons size 30-28-32. I knew I was in a rut because she was very sexy and seeing her I always had masturbated but being in a 1bhk house that was not possible and for these coming weeks will have to...

4 years ago
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Tonys AdventuresChapter 7 Visit to Aunt Ada

The grass was hot, and the blanket tickled his bottom as he sat down, but he hardly noticed it. She stood in front of him at arm's length, looking down at his erect penis, then she knelt in front of him with her hands behind his head. Staring into his eyes. Tony ran his hands slowly up and down the soft skin of her waist, and then pulled her towards him, to kiss her breast. He kissed the soft skin around her erect nipples, and then began gently sucking. She pulled his head to her breast, and...

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