Friends And FamilyChapter 16: Diana – Part 2 free porn video

Saturday Afternoon, and Evening
I tried to hold my meat lower and almost ran to the refrigerator. Sasha and Diana followed me.
“Mick, what’s up? I don’t think I have ever seen you so flustered,” Diana asked.
“I actually had an erection?” I asked in a panic.
“Yeah. A full hard-on, sweetie,” Sasha answered.
“Yup, definitely. Full on. Definitely,” Diana affirmed with a grin.
“FUCK!” I almost screamed.
“MICK?” Sasha was shocked. “Mick! I’ve never heard you use that word before, let alone shout it at the top of your lungs!”
I finished putting the meat and groceries away, before I went to sit down at the table we normally used and buried my head in my hands. My two favorite ladies came and sat with me, greatly concerned.
“I can’t believe I did that,” I said.
“Sweetheart, men have those reactions all the time. I told you, it’s natural,” Diana tried to calm me.
“No! This was most certainly NOT a natural reaction. This was sick and perverse and demented,” I whined.
“Di, I have a strange feeling that we are not anywhere close to being on the page that Mick is on,” Sasha was speaking slowly, as if the thought was slowly crawling into her head, causing her to look at me with concern.
Sasha sat next to me and held me. “Honey, please tell us what happened? Did you react to a little girl?”
“NO! I would never!” I was aghast.
“A boy?” Diana smiled and seemed to think that I was being overly dramatic.
“Diana! How could you even think that?” I felt like I was on the verge of tears.
“Well, I don’t know. You were coming in from the car and there was no one around you as you walked in, except Mrs. Smith...” Diana stopped speaking.
The color must have drained from my face.
“No!” Diana got it.
“Really?” Sasha got it next. “Mrs. Smith?”
“I was unloading my meat from the trunk and still had my clothes on.”
“Oh shit. She is one of the big no clothing Nazis,” Diana put a hand to her forehead.
“Well she confronted me, and I stripped right there at the car. Then I picked up my meat and she took a long look at me ... at my penis.”
“Well, I would look at a man who could hold his meat in his arms too,” Sasha said trying to lighten the mood.
“Sasha! This is embarrassing and a real problem!” I said emotionally.
“Lover, why is my man getting a boner at a nudist camp a problem?” Diana asked.
“Because that woman is the only thing that has STOPPED me from getting erections every time I think of you ladies. If I’m getting hard because of her, what is going to stop me from walking around with a permanent erection?” I explained.
I was in so much trouble.
“Diana and I could just keep using you until you can’t get it up any more,” my little girlfriend offered.
“Thanks, but I’m not sure that will fix the problem, Sasha,” I said.
“What problem?” Tasha asked as she came to the table.
“Mrs. Smith gave me an erection! I’m obviously messed up in the head,” I said.
“The big head and the little head!” Sasha joked.
“Sasha, don’t make this worse than it is,” I begged.
“Mick! This is no big deal,” Sasha took charge of the situation. “I’ll prove it to you. Stand up and close your eyes.”
I stood, pushing my chair back. I could feel my semi-rigid penis hit the edge of the table. I leaned forward to try to hide it.
“Now, think back to a couple of days ago when Mrs. Smith bent over in front of you,” Tasha commanded.
“OK,” I tried to clear my mind.
“Are you doing it? Do you see her butt? Can you see what’s between her legs?”
“Yeah,” I was feeling a little queasy.
“Are you getting all horny and aroused by her?” Sasha asked.
“No,” I was feeling disgust.
“Now look at this,” Sasha demanded.
Diana and Sasha turned their backs to me and bent over to grab their ankles. My hands flew to my crotch to cover the almost instant erection I popped.
“Look, Diana, he likes you,” Sasha said.
“No, he likes you,” Diana replied.
“No, you.”
“No, you.”
“OK, I get the point!” I said.
“Oh no you don’t. Tonight, I get the point. And the shaft. And the balls and the whole package.” Diana reached out and turned me away from the edge of the table.
She pulled me into a kiss and a hug. She slightly opened her legs and trapped my erection between them. I was sliding into a panic as I got harder and could feel my penis trying to lift Diana off the floor.
“Diana, stop that,” I begged.
“You see, Mick! No problem.”
I turned my head to see Sasha laughing so hard she had to sit down, and put both hands over her mouth, just as Jos and Lissa walked in. Diana released me, and I sat down and covered my erection with my hands. Sasha put her arm around her friend.
“Di, that was funny.”
“That was NOT funny. Diana, that was embarrassing,” I whined.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I had to prove that you were OK, or I was going to have to worry that you might not perform tonight.”
“Mick, Diana is right,” Sasha said soothingly. “It was more of a confidence issue. Tonight, you were going to shoot off like a rocket because you thought that you could not use Mrs. Smith as a way to slow yourself down. Diana wants you in for the long haul tonight and tomorrow.”
“I don’t think that would be the case, but if you say so. Diana, I promise that I will try my best to last all night, just for you,” I finally calmed myself.
“All night, Mick? Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“All night. And Sasha, I promise the same to you.”
“Oh shit. I’m gonna die!”
I laughed at the sound of one of my favorite sayings coming out of Sasha’s loving mouth.
“Come on Diana, let’s go for a walk,” I stood, my penis not quite back to normal, and held out my hand.
“Um, Mick? You are still a little chubby,” Diana said, as we walked out of the clubhouse.
“I know, and I’m tired of worrying about it. If you get me hard, then so be it. If I get you wet, that’s the way it goes.”
“If I get wet? Mick, I get wet every time I think about you. If I had a penis, I would walk around with a hard-on every minute of every day from just thinking about you.”
“We have a few hours before we’ll be having dinner. What would you like to do?” I asked Diana.
“I would like to go back to our cabin, get into our bed and make love until it’s time to have dinner.”
“OK,” I agreed quickly.
“OK? Just like that?”
“I figured that you had a plan, Diana. I’m the rookie here. You lead, and I will follow.”
“Mick, no man has ever said that to me. No man has ever hinted that I could take the lead. Now I’m not sure I know how to do that.”
“Sure you do. You took the lead last Saturday when you gave me a crash course in getting used to seeing people naked. You took the lead in setting up the situation where I got to know all of the ladies.”
“And potentially lost you to one of them,” Diana said sadly.
“It could have been worse. You could have lost me to all of them.”
“Now THAT would be interesting. We could carry one more of the single beds to our cabin and all six of us could have a nice night.”
“Diana,” I had a sudden burst of curiosity. “None of the ladies are gay and yet they all seem to like to have sex with the other ladies.”
“Mick, I don’t know if there is scientific evidence of this, but personally, I think that women have beautiful bodies. I look at the other girls and I think they all have great bodies even though they are all different. I enjoy making love to them, because they are my friends first, and because they are each sexy in their own ways.”
“But if you can all enjoy making love together, why involve a guy?”
“I guess it depends on the guy. You became a friend to all of us at work. Not a close friend, because you weren’t close to anyone. But you were always open and friendly and never made rude comments. You never tried to come on to us, or spoke to our tits, like most guys.”
“Most guys? Who? You let me know who does those sorts of things and I’ll put a stop to it.”
“See! That is why. You would have said the same thing two weeks ago. You have moral standards. Besides, you would have to get after most of the management and a lot of the department heads.”
“Is it really that bad? I had no idea.”
“Mick, a week ago, you didn’t know Tasha had tits!”
“Yeah, there is that ... and yet I’m in a nudist camp, having had some form or another of sex with each of you. And over the next few days I will have real full sex with each of you. I’m not sure how moral that is.”
“It’s moral because you’re not forcing yourself on any of us, even though all of us want to fuck your lights out. I might add that I think that you’re going to be so good, you might make several of us pass out from the level of passion you bring to bed.”
“I can’t see how a rookie can be that good. But I’ll do the best I can.”
“Right now?”
I took a deep breath and sighed it out. “I think so.”
“Mick, I guess I should have asked. Seriously. Do you want to do this? Wouldn’t you rather have your first be with someone you really love?”
“Diana, I will be doing it with someone I really love.”
“Oh my. I don’t know how to come back to that.”
“You asked. I answered,” I paused for a bit gathering my thoughts. “You know what this feels like?”
“No, Mick. What?”
“The first time I went on a roller coaster.”
“Yup. I got to the amusement park after I was finally big enough to be able to look down at the height line. I was in line and I was looking up at the size of the coaster. It was no larger than it was before, but before I wasn’t going to get on it. I stood there and listened to the screams of the riders. Before they were screams of joy and now, they seemed like screams of fear and terror.”
“And now you are feeling the fear and terror and are going to scream.”
“Really? Mick, are you really that anxious about having sex for the first time?”
I paused and thought about things and I looked with a little fear in my heart.
“Will it hurt? I’ve heard that the first time can really hurt.”
Diana stopped walking and looked at me. The poor puppy look she gave me was the same one she had given me at work when something went really wrong for me. She took both of my hands in hers and kind of smiled and shook her head. That meant that I just did or said something really dumb. I’ve seen that look several times already during the past week.
“Mick, my dear sweet love. That only applies to females. There is a membrane of skin over the entrance to a woman’s vagina called the hymen. Sometimes when girls are active it gets broken and their first time having sex has no pain. Sometimes it’s thicker than normal, and it can hurt a lot when the man’s penis breaks through it. The only time I can think that a man can experience pain like that is if the opening to the woman’s vagina is small, and his penis is very big, and gets bent trying to enter too fast.”
“Oh. Well I guess that shows me that I’m an idiot,” I tossed my hands in the air.
“No. You’re just ignorant. You don’t know what you don’t know, remember? You are also the sweetest guy I know. Come on. Now I want to make it happen. I have to share with you, the most wonderful thing God ever put on this planet.”
We made it back to our cabin in silence. Once inside, Diana gave me a huge hug and began to kiss me gently, with a little tongue. She proceeded to kiss my face. She touched my cheeks and forehead. She kissed my ears and neck, then kissed her way down to my nipples, pausing to suck and gently bite each one.
By the time her face and hands had moved down, my erection was full and standing almost straight up, like it was glued to my stomach. She kissed her way around it. Her hair and the cheeks of her face brushed my erection as I placed my hands on her head and stroked her dark reddish brown hair. My knees were in fine shape until her mouth found the tip of my penis. When my knees weakened, I sucked in a quick breath and she paused.
“Are you OK?”
“Yes, this feels wonderful.”
“Let me know if I get you too hot. I don’t want you to cum just yet. OK?”
“Sure, I wouldn’t want to squirt in your mouth if you don’t like it.”
“Oh, my love. I love it. I have wanted to taste you fully. I intend for you to shoot an entire load into my mouth before I get you hard again and make love to you with my pussy.”
Diana put her mouth back around my glans and returned to swirling her tongue around it. She began to slide her hand up and down my erection. Then I felt another sensation as she took my scrotum in her other hand and began to knead my testicles. That did it.
“Diana, I’m going to squirt.”
She tightened her grip on my shaft and my scrotum and moved her mouth faster until I groaned out and squirted spurt after spurt into her mouth. She seemed to be able to swallow after each spurt until I was no longer able to produce anymore semen. She slid my erection slowly out of her mouth and looked at the tip thoughtfully, before giving it another kiss and attempting to stick the point of her tongue into the end of it. She then straightened up and looked me in the eyes as she took me in her arms.
“I think I got all the filling out. Now kiss me.”
I did and for the third time this week, I tasted myself. Our tongues tangled and played until she did something unexpected. She drew my tongue out of my mouth and proceeded to suck on it like she had on my penis. As we kissed, she prompted me to sit on the bed, then pushed me onto my back.

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