Diana The Huntress: The Collosseum free porn video

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                                       Diana the Huntress:  The Collosseum

The Collosseum Audience roared it's savage pleasure when the sacrifice first appeared to them.  The young, male slave was clean-limbed, pleasant featured with blue grey eyes which were now wide with fear.  He was dressed as a slave was mandated to be by law:  the loincloth that barely left anything to the imagination.  His bare buttocks showed almost naked as the day he was born from behind--the only difference being the blue USDA "Rump Tag" on his bare buttock.

Now he skidded down the slippery ramp outside his cell door to the sandy floor of the arena.  Unable to scramble back up...he looked around wide-eyed and frantic.  Then the crowed roared with truly terrifying voice as the star of the show entered.  Diana rode in on her white stallion, followed by two black dogs.  She wore white flowing garments that left one arm and shoulder bare.  She spurred her horse the instant she spotted the quarry and the slave wheeled and raced away like a gazelle.

The crowd responded on their feet with a thunderous roaring "BOOO".  Hoots and catcalls and shouts of "Face 'er like a man ya little pussy..." sounded from the throng.  But Diana (she was the most convincing seen in this venue yet) was an expert equestrian, and she remained intent on her quarry.  Her dogs were flanking the hapless slave while she drove directly towards him at speed.  When in good range (about 15 feet) of the prey, she reined the huge animal to a screeching halt and nocked an arrow to her bow in one fluid movement.  There was an immense roar from the stands as the first blood was drawn.  The arrow sped swiftly and took him in the leg as he was diving to safety.  He screamed in terror as the meaty part of his right calf was laid open by the deadly missile.  The dogs were baying ferociously as they raced closer, attempting to cut off his only avenue of escape into a copse of trees.  It was a close race, but he made it, leaving a trail of blood easily read by the enthused spectators in the hot sun.

They could now see him from above as the collosseum stands were very high, and the camera coverage displayed on huge monitors that most people could observe comfortably.  He ran along the narrow path through the thicket, heedless of stones and branches whipping his bare skin and digging into his bare feet.  Terror was a wonderful incentive to speed, and he had no shortage of the former.  The dogs were baying and panting as they raced behind him and he was beside himself in his frenzy to escape.  Finally, when it seemed that he was caught, an avenue of escape appeared.  To one side of the narrow path, there was an overgrown hole in the brush...barely large enough for a fawn.  Needless to say, he made it accomodate him, much to his pain from many scratches and jabs from sticks.  But ten feet down the dark trail, he came to a dead end.  A large tree was laying dead across his path and it's trunk was enormous.  He couldn't get into the brush on either side because it was too thick, and there was no thought of climbing over it.  The human animal, naked and barefoot, is just no match for the world of nature.  As despair took him, he noticed that the trunk was not QUITE all the way down--there was a slight opening underneath it which he might be able to slip under.  That's just what he tried...but his head and shoulders just barely fit, and by the time he forced his shoulder blades under the massive bulk of the tree he realized he was trapped.  Now, true animal terror siezed him when he realized the dogs had caught up with him.  His bare legs and feet were sticking out conveniently for them and he had no way of slithering either forwards or backwards.  The smooth damp clay of the path was deathly cold against his underside, but the hot breath of the dogs on his feet and legs was a sharp contrast.  They were savagely trying to bite and maul his tender flesh with their terrifying jaws.  He squirmed and wriggled and frustrated them for a few minutes until one of them got between his legs and bit him on the soft meat of his inner thigh a few inches from the crotch, eliciting a squeal of horror from him that sounded like any animal hunted in the woods when it is caught by the wolf or hunting dog.  Now he scissored his legs and kicked hard, and by some fluke caught the offending beast right in the throat.  It ran off in pain and anger, ravening and choking alternately while it's partner leaped back out of range of the not-so-helpless quarry's legs.  Now the slave began squirming violently from side to side, trying to force his rump under the huge trunk.  The sweat from the animal terror he was experiencing, combined with the slippery blood from his thigh wound helped to lubricate him, and he suddenly popped free.  Gasping with surprise, he spasmed on the ground for a few seconds before staggering uncertainly to his feet.  Now he started to lope along the widening path, and soon he was back in a run again.  But the dogs found their way around, and one was soon hot on his tail again.  A small clearing opened out, with a gigantic tree standing on the opposite side.  He made a beeline for this, and managed to just barely grasp the lowest hanging branch as he leaped to the extent of his ability. 

Now pulling himself into the lower branches of the tree, he only just escaped the jaws of the pursuing hound.  He climbed high enough in the tree to be safe from the dogs, but he had not reckoned that Diana would be so hot on his trail.  For the other dog had traced a path through the woods to allow her a quicker route to the quarry, and she had stripped off her white robes to reveal the huntress costume beneath.  As the flowing robes had been feminine, so the black leather undergarments were cruel and dominant in nature.  A leather thong and metal armored breastplates were the centerpiece, but there was no end to narrow black straps and shiny metal spikes, all the way to her studded collar.  With no trailing cloth to impede her in the close brush, she dismounted her stallion and loped easily after the lead of her dog.  Within minutes, the crowd was cheering her heartily as she entered the clearing before the ill-fated young slave who was surely doomed with such a cruel huntress as this in pursuit.  When the slave saw her approaching, he frantically scurried to the highest branches he could safely remain aloft in.  When the limbs were swaying and creaking dangerously, he stopped, clinging desperately with arms and legs.  The close up cameras showed his white-eyed fear to the audience to their great delight.  Diana wasted no time in jumping athletically into the tree, and there were lots of close-ups on her as well...even some "upskirt" style shots of her from behind and below.  She was unable to actually get within knife range of her young victim, and instead started to nock arrows from about ten feet below him and zinging them in a well-aimed barrage.  Arrows skipped and whined past the terrified slave, but he was fairly safe due to all the swaying and the intervening limbs blocking the missiles from him.

The overhead monitors were showing closeups of the terrified slave's face. His walleyed expressions of terror were pure pleasure to most of the audience--they were eating it up like a blue-rare steak.  A few however, were distracted by the drama, one being a serious and thoughtful eight-year-old girl sitting next to her father and eyeing the monitors with concern.

"Who IS he, daddy", she asked finally.

"A prime bull slave, sweetie, why do you ask?", he said casually.

"But Daddy, how can you be so sure he's only a slave?", her eyes tented with concern.

"Honey, what are you so worried about?", looking into his little girl's eyes.

"What if he's an exiled Prince?"

"What a strange thing for you to say.", he replied.

"I read a story about a Prince who got kidnapped by his rivals and turned loose almost naked outside of a place like this.  It was assumed because of his state of undress that he was an escaped slave, and they took him in for the arena games.  What if that's what happened to THIS boy, Daddy?"

"What a funny little bunny you are, sweetie", he said, chucking her under the chin with his thumb and forefinger.  "Look closely at that tatoo on his rump, and compare it to ones we've seen on rump roasts or at the meat market.  This is the real article--he's human meat...a roast with thoughts."

The little girl looked solemnly at the monitors again and agreed with her father that he did appear to be legal livestock. 

"It's just he looks so terrified, Daddy--It's got me thinking."

"Thinking what, dear?" asked the father.

"Just thinking about what it must feel like to be a meat animal...knowing that you're about to be slaughtered and that your body will be savagely chopped up to be MEAT for people's tables.  I just don't feel right about it."

"I guess we've been serving you far too much meat dear." he replied.  "Maybe we need to go on a rice and veggies diet for a week or two.  Would you feel better if we left early?"

"Ummm....yah I guess so.  You sure you won't be mad, Daddy?" she looked at him anxiously.

"No, of course not sweetheart."

He got up and took his daughter out of the arena.  She looked timidly over her shoulder a few quick times, unable to get her mind off the horror and agony on the face of the human prey animal.

Just now, the slave's face reflected even more gaping terror.  The situation had changed slightly.  Diana, having little to no success with her bow in the dancing treetop, hindered by all the twigs and leaves in the way of her target, had switched weapons.  At her back was a spear slightly longer than her own height.  With a slit-eyed expression of wickedness on her face, she slung the bow over he back and deliberately drew out the nasty-looking missile.  This was all painted in close-up on the huge displays for the leering crowd, eliciting a gasp and roar of approval.  The prey heard this roar, and knowing how the audience felt about his pain and blood, looked quickly down to see what Diana had done.  Noticing the heavy shaft and fearsome wide flint blade on the spear, he was soaked in even deeper fear than before.  Now he was frantic.  If he stayed here, he was sure to be spitted by his cruel antagonist, but running away from her would lead him even closer to the evil huntress.  Darting his head frantically seeking an avenue of escape, he clutched tighter to the thin supporting limbs he rested in.  Then he started to shift his body back and forth in order to present a harder target by rocking the tree violently.  Diana took this in stride unsurprisingly, she was a favorite of the gladiator games in this forum and had used a spear in these conditions  many times before.  There was wild applause--nearly all the stadium was on it's feet as she deliberately balanced the spear and wound up for the throw.  She was weaving back and forth, expertly matching the rhythm her quarry was moving to.  It was a movement of sinuous grace that with which she finally released the spear.  The crowd gasped with amazement at her beauty and athletic prowess in that moment.  

The innocent creature merely cringed in fear.  He was completely immersed in the illusion of the arena--despite this being modern days when the death spectacle was separated by centuries of history from the days of the Romans.  It was hard for him to BELIEVE in the concept of Diana/Artemis, just as it was for the audience.  But the similarity of concept eased everyone's minds into it.  Diana was the ultimate in feminine prowess, the pinnacle of success in hunting.  She changed the man unfortunate enough to see her bathing in the nude into her own quarry...a hart or deer.  And in the same way...this woman...this BITCH IN THE EXTREME who loved cruelty and torment above all else--she had the same relationship with the unfortunate slave.  For he was a meat slave, which is to say that he was not just human property...a no limits toy or tool to be used as his owners saw fit:  he was a rump roast...a suckling pig all in the same.  And that made him no more than an animal...than legal game in fact...and that is all this actress who was a skilled hunter was using him as.  He was just as likely to be gutted and skinned and eaten as that poor victim of the real Diana was.  And he knew it as well as the roaring masses lusting for his blood did.  So it was not just in wide-eyed, innocent, animal terror that he cringed at the awful missile speeding at him; it was also in knowledge on one level that this was the right thing.  This was the law of Nature.  Mother Nature.  For She was a WOMAN.  And she was also empowered.  Empowered with the ability to take his life from him as playfully as a cat taking that of a mouse that they both know will be eaten after it is tormented enough for the pleasure of it's captor.

The spear sped upwards, and despite the last minute lunge of they poor human fawn, it stabbed into his flank just above his hip, and, angling up to the opposite side of his body, came out of his back just under the shoulder blade.  Transfixed by this horrible and monstrously huge and heavy weapon, he drooped and fell--eyes wide with shock.  His almost-naked body caught limply over a branch about 8 feet below, folding neatly in half at the waist with the bloody wide and razor sharp point glistening obscenely in the stadium lights.  The audience went wild with applause.  They were on their feet:  caring nothing for this young human being's feelings and promise of a life--they wanted only his blood and pain.

Now Diana began to climb smoothly up to claim her prize.  She was lithe and graceful like a cat as she deliberately stalked him.  He could see her with his wildly rolling eyes...knowing full well that there was nothing he could do to stop her.  He was hers now.  He couldn't move.  Shuddering in horror, he waited as she climbed deliberately.  As she got closer, her cold dark eyes fixed his wide blue ones...as he stared at her like a rabbit staring into the eyes of the hunter that both of them know will kill and eat him soon.  Soon she reached him and took out her knife.  He shreiked in terror as she slowly placed it close to his bare throat...thinking she was about to finish him.  But she was not so efficient and humane as that.  Nor would the crowd want her to be.  She looked into his eyes from about six inches away...holding the blade under his nose so that his breath fogged briefly on the mirrored, polished surface.  Then she kissed him...grabbing his head by the hair and pulling it back.  Her tongue violated his mouth so that he felt as he had never felt before when kissed by a woman.  He felt the way a young woman on her first date with an older man felt.  It was terrifying and electrifying at the same time because he knew that this woman meant nothing but death to him.  Then she took the knife and checked out his body...pausing at the ridiculous flimsy loincloth around his waist.  She slipped the tip of the knife under the thong and slashed it like butter.  Then she pulled the garment off of him...giving some of the monitor cameras a full view of his terror-stricken erection.  Diana took the leather strips and used them to tie the poor young victims ankles together.  Then she picked up his legs and pulled them over her head...holding his ankles around chest level so he hung down her back.  Gingerly avoiding the massive spearpoint coming out of his back, she began to climb carefully down to the ground.  The spear caught on branches and bobbed up and down under it's own weight, causing intense pain to rip though the young man's insides.  He screamed in terror and at one point, when she hit the weapon on a heavy branch near the ground as she leaped down, the shock and pain caused a momentary loss of control.  As Diana landed on her feet, the victim spurted briefly as he lost control of his full bladder.  He was intensely embarassed, despite the horrific nature of his predicament.  It was only for a second or two, but the audience was sublimely thrilled by it.  Their savage appetite for his degradation and destruction was being satisfied one step at a time.

Now Diana, the quintessential showgirl, reacted to the situation and slung him off her back and over her knee.  With his bare ass in the air, she spanked him for his "naughtiness" with the flat of her huge butcher knife blade.  The cold metal stung him and the edge would slit his soft skin every few blows, causing him to scream and cry in pain.  Now she tossed him disdainfully face up on the ground at her feet.  The dogs swarmed in, sniffing interestedly at the young victim's blood and wounds, even his mouth, nose and cock.  He was just an animal to them, and they treated him as dogs would...just interested in his scent...his taste even.  Meat was meat.  Now the cruel huntress planted her bare foot firmly in his groin to brace herself, grasped the spear handle and wrenched it from his body in one savage thrust.  He screamed in guttural agony as the horrible huge head tore back through his soft tissues.  When it emerged from his lower belly, it tore open a gaping hole and pulled about a foot of intestines out with it.  The poor thing passed out as the audience roared with enthusiasm.  Diana was not about to deprive him of the full treatment, and in stride she simply dragged the point of the knife blade across the septum of his nose.  The sharp pain instantly revived him.  Now he bagan to moan and scream.  There was no escaping this horrible nightmare.  

Diana stood over him--staring cruelly down at her latest victim.  She posed with her head high and chest thrust out with one of her feet on his sweaty chest.  This was all captured on the monitors, and she even paused in the same posture several minutes so lots of frames were captured.  Hard copies of this pose would sell to audiences and snuff mags.  It was a million dollar subsidiary industry.  Now she squatted down over him.  Her hard eyes fixed on his groin and his penis which was still hard as a rock.  A playful smile was on her lips as she stared, holding her cold knife in one hand.  Now she squatted even further down with her legs on either side of her terrified prey.  He stared back up at her--mouth gaping wide as he wondered what monstrous pain she would wreak upon his poor body next.  He could see with interest (being still very much a man despite his state of total degradation) that the black studded leather garment she wore about her loins covered very little of her.  It was like a bikini bathing suit bottom, except it was composed of straps.  Straps and bright chrome studs.  And between her legs, it was crotchless.  He could see as she parted her legs, slowly lowering herself that she was engorged plump and red with excitement down there.  Red and open and even glistening with female moisture.  The excitement of the chase.  Now, this moisture was hovering inches away from his inflamed manhood, and she took it in her free hand and aligned it to herself.  Then she lowered herself resolutely onto his cock.  It penetrated her easily with her doing the driving.  The audience was on it's feet.  This arena game had some hardcore sex as well as excitement and cruelty and blood.  Some covered the eyes of their youngsters, but others didn't bother.  This was a different day than the one that most readers are used to.  Children new that slaves were fair game for all sorts of violence and lust.  The point was that this sort of activity towards their fellow children and other members of the "human" class was totally unacceptable.  And with the slave class to use as an outlet for these sorts of urges, children and adults alike had little need to resort to criminal behavior.  So the sight of this voluptuously cruel bloodthirsty huntress fucking the doomed young slave was not considered a censorable one.  And fucking him she was.  Literally fucking his brains out.  There wasn't much staying power in him though.  The terror and excitement had him on a razor's edge, and after only a few minutes of being inside her, he exploded in one of the most massive orgasms of his life.  Diane felt it of course, as attuned to her prey and her own body as she was.  After a few spurts of his shuddering climax, she raised her hips up just so, and reaching deftly between her legs with her other hand, sliced his throbbing cock off with the hideous hunting knife.  Then she stood up quickly so the audience could see the bleeding from his groin and the cut off penis still inside of her vagina.  She did a slight curtsey, leering saucily at the cameras as the crowd leaped again to their feet and roared their approval.  

Then she reached down and pulled the bleeding, still rigid cock out of her pussy and held it up for all to see.  The poor slave had passed out again, but a sharp slap to his face with the side of the cold knife blade brought him around again.  Then she showed him his cock--a thread of cum still drooling out of it, before cramming it forcefully into his gaping mouth.  As he gagged and choked, she took the knife and moved to the site of his violated and disemboweled lower belly and stuck the blade into him.  Slicing it almost effortlessly, she enlarged the gash in him so she could get her hand into it.  Then she felt around with expert knowledge of anatomy, and pulled a lobe of his liver out of the opening.  Slicing it off with her knife, she held this grisly prize up, and then bit it, chewing and swallowing the piece.  Several more bites finished the handful of raw liver she had pulled from him.  Now she leered at her cowering victim one more time with blood and gore oozing from the corners of her mouth.  Her teeth were stained red with it.  Pulling on more of his intestines, she extracted them from his body cavity and using the knife, expertly field dressed her kill as he lay gasping and screaming in muffled agony.  A trailer was being pulled out into the open clearing nearby for her convenience.  The trailer was essential a mobile barbeque in the large scale, with supports and motor drive for a spit over a huge bed of blazing charcoal.  The spit was on a rack on the side of the trailer, and she took it down and started to jam it into her prey's ass.  Shoving it deeper and deeper into his gutted body, she paused as it reached his chest cavity.  Evidently, she hadn't missed the heart, because he started to spasm and drum the ground with his heels as he finally died a merciful death.  Her last stroke was to cut off his head and hands and feet with an axe provided by the arena helpers.  The poor young man was gone by the time his headless gutted carcass went over the coals on the spit--arms and legs trussed up so he resembled nothing more than a large chicken over the roasting heat.  Selected members of the audience were able to participate in the eating of the roasted slavemeat hours later at an exclusive invitation only party.  So in the end, there was nothing left of the poor young victim than some bones and other discarded offal that few would recognize as a human being.

                                               THE END

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Huntress Ch 05

This is kind of a slow chapter. But thanks for those of you who have stuck around thus far. Sage became aware of her surrounding before she opened her eyes. Beneath her, a soft mattress conformed comfortably to her body, hugging her. Above her, a throw comforter completed the embrace, leaving her body feeling content and warm. Safe. The pillow beneath her head felt like a cloud against her ear. The air was lightly scented, tickling her nose with the earthy smell of fresh rain and deep forest. ...

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He lay on the concrete. His hands clasped behind his head and he curled into a ball to protect all of the most vital parts of his anatomy. He was bleeding, bruised, in pain and vaguely wondering if there were any internal injuries. ‘And for what? A belief?’ A belief that had gotten him shunned by his peers, kicked out of his home, ‘out of my family really’, and now beaten. All for a necklace they had thrown back at him. He risked opening his eyes when no blow had come for a few minutes. Lying...

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dianas first nude walk in Public

My name is diana, I am a slave and I am owned by Pacemen, this is a short story about something I did way back, I have been directed to write this true event by my Master. After completing high school, I started off at Uni of NSW and shared a unit at Cronulla with 2 gf's from school, I had not long turned 18 & they were the same age. We all got a long very well and often helped each other with our Uni work. We enjoyed a few drinks on Friday & Saturday nights & sometimes we brought a...

4 years ago
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Diana nagercoil First lesbian sex

Hi, I’m Diana age 22 back again Friends. I’m really attracted with the site ISS. Accidentally I came to know about it. Reading the stories, I also got an inspiration. I am from Nagercoil , kanyakumari , tamilnadu .After many days preparation, I got the boldness to write the experience, ie my first lesbian experience. Mine is a small family with father, mother and elder brother. Ours is an ordinary family then. We live in a village. I’ve no knowledge about any kind of sex till my college days....

2 years ago
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Huntress Ch 01

This is my first time actually writing a story like this. Not a lot of sex so if that’s what you are looking for, turn back now. Also, this is a supernatural type story (vampires, werewolves, witches, the whole shebang) so if you aren’t into that…well, turn back as well. For those of you who have not left yet, I can only assume you’re staying… so enjoy. Carmen wasn’t drunk. Sage watched from the opposite side of the dance floor as her best friend leaned tiredly against a man whose shirt had...

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Huntress Ch 04

Okay, well Chapter 4, here it is. Thank you for those of you who are reading this and are enjoying it and commenting and rating. Like I said in one of my comments (that I’m sure was not read by anyone other than me) I have up to chapter 9 written, and I am just editing as I upload, but I think after this chapter, I will slow the uploading down a little bit just so I don’t get behind on my actually writing and completion of the story. Enjoy.. ++ Sage had looked into the eyes of many dying...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

4 years ago
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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

3 years ago
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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

2 years ago
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Dianas Verderben 2

Dianas Verderben Der Weg vom braven Girl zur perversen Schlampe Er hatte die Macht über sie. Es hatte lange gedauert, aber er nun hatte er den Weg gefunden. Den Weg zur ihr, den Weg in sie. Er war ein Teil von ihr und sie ein Teil von ihm. Keine Fragen mehr - nur noch Antworten. Kein zurück mehr - kein zögern. Das Spiel kann beginnen... Diana war sechs Jahre alt, als sie mit ihren Eltern und ihrer zwei Jahre jüngeren Schwester aus Polen nach Deutschland kam. Zwar verbanden sie noch einige...

Mind Control
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The Marquesan Head HuntressesChapter 2

He awoke with a start in the dim light of dawn; the women still slept, their rhythmic breathing betraying the depth of their slumber. He cautiously squeezed his bound wrists under his backside; it was tight, but there was enough give to allow him to get his hands behind his thighs. Despite an unfortunate attack of cramp, he managed to work his feet through and now had his hands to the front. He released the tether from his neck. One of the woman let out a large sigh, unnerving him somewhat;...

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Periya Suuthu Vaithu Irukum Thevidiyavai Oothen

Ippozhuthu naan kalluriyil iruthi aandu padithu varugiren, enathu peyar kamal vayathu 23. Naan niraiya vibachaarigalai panam koduthu oothu irukiren. Aanal en vaazhvile sexyaaga thevidiyaavai eppadi oothen enbathai intha il ungalidam solla aasai padugiren. Naan chennaiyil oru thaniyaar kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Vibachaara pathumaigal endraal enaku miga pidikum, athilum sexyaaga irukum pathumaigalai ooka manam kenjum. En veetil konjam pana vasathi irupathaal maathathirku 4 muraiyaavathu...

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Ilam Aanai Kanavanuku Theriyamal Oothen

Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

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Ilam Aanai Kanavanuku Theriyamal Oothen

Hi friends, en peyar Meenachi, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku iru pasangal irukiraargal, avargal schoolku sendru kondu irukiraargal. En kanavanuku 45 vayathu aagugirathu. Ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan ennai sex seivathe ilai naan eppozhuthum iravil en kanavna udan sex seiyalam endru ninaikum pozhuthu avar asanthu poi thungi vidugiraar. Intha vayathil thaan enaku athigamaaga moodu erugirathu, pengal 35 vayathil irunthu 40 vayathu varai thanga mudiyaatha kuthi aripu ear padum. Avargal athai...

2 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 14 The Huntress and the Lady

Princess Alyssa grunted with exhaustion as she crested a hilltop overlooking the plain upon which stood the town. The plain before her was green with high summer and covered with large clusters of tents and merchants. On the far side of the walled town stood a partially completed fortress situated on a bluff next to the river abuzz with activity. The steep peaks of the slate roofs and the high first floor windows seen from afar suggested that this locale receives great quantities of snow in...

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Semper FiChapter 4 The Huntress

October 19th was Kieu-Linh's sixteenth birthday. They celebrated with a small tinned cake which Hitch had picked up over the Summer from Mountain City. He'd bartered for it, not in anticipation of consuming it, but because he expected he could probably trade it later for something of more value, such treats rare from what he'd seen. With a long shelf-life and a dwindling supply of such things available, Hitch had wagered that it would be worth significantly more the following Spring than...

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The Huntress and Her Games

Jack était un gars timide et sans prétention, d’apparence moyenne, à la fois nerveux et excité d’être loin de chez lui pour la première fois. Il attendait avec impatience sa première année à l’université et la liberté de vivre en dortoir après une enfance surprotégée. Surtout, il attendait avec impatience la possibilité de perdre sa virginité. Sandy était une junior très attirante et très extravertie. Elle était aussi une prédatrice sexuelle, dont la « nourriture » préférée était l’ego fragile...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Huntress Ch 03

So here is chapter 3, please lemme know how I am doing, guys. Ratings? Yes, please. Comments, absolutely. Also, if you’re gonna be rude about my story then you need not read it. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Rudeness is not. * If all the adrenaline in Sage’s body hadn’t been circulating as fast as a gazelle ran from a lion, she would have felt the dull ache that was mostly in her legs. She would have felt the cramping in her shoulders and back. She probably would have also...

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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 8 Huntress

Schaffer slammed his hand down on the console, frustration overcoming him. He picked up the sheet of paper that he had been recording his findings on, checking his crude drawing of the control panel, what buttons he had been able to discern the functions of labeled in blue ink. Fortunately, the pens had thawed from their frozen state along with the rest of the building. Apparently, they still worked, and there had been plenty of paper sealed in airtight boxes in the storage room for him to...

4 years ago
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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 8 Huntress

Schaffer slammed his hand down on the console, frustration overcoming him. He picked up the sheet of paper that he had been recording his findings on, checking his crude drawing of the control panel, what buttons he had been able to discern the functions of labeled in blue ink. Fortunately, the pens had thawed from their frozen state along with the rest of the building. Apparently, they still worked, and there had been plenty of paper sealed in airtight boxes in the storage room for him to...

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Bounty Huntress

A cold and windy night you rummage back from yet another hunt. Your arms and legs are sore from the long hunt and a nauseatic feeling is enveloping your body from lack of food and sleep. Walking slowly through the barely cobbled road in a small village you see light from a tavern up ahead. You muster your strength to keep you feet going as you get closer to the light. Pushing the door of the tavern you stumble inside barely standing on your feet, you limber to the nearest counter and flop down...

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Diana from Nagercoil first sex experience

Hi all the lovers of ISS I am a Diana from nagercoil enjoying my life like all the normal ladies. I will also write some day and here is my real incident. This is the incident which took two years ago. I was 22 years and had completed my bachelor level. I used to live in Nagercoil City , Kanyakumari District , Tamilnadu State to get further education I planned to study in the college of Madurai and my family was positive. So, I went to Madurai for joining the college. I stayed at my relatives...

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Dianas Verderben

Dianas Verderben Der Weg vom braven Girl zur perversen Schlampe Er hatte die Macht über sie. Es hatte lange gedauert, aber er nun hatte er den Weg gefunden. Den Weg zur ihr, den Weg in sie. Er war ein Teil von ihr und sie ein Teil von ihm. Keine Fragen mehr - nur noch Antworten. Kein zurück mehr - kein zögern. Das Spiel kann beginnen... Diana war sechs Jahre alt, als sie mit ihren Eltern und ihrer zwei Jahre jüngeren Schwester aus Polen nach Deutschland kam. Zwar verbanden sie noch einige...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Thevidiya Aunty Vimalavai Oothen

Naan oru niruvanathi velai paarthu varugiren, en peyar vignesh vayathu 26, ippozhuthu kumbakonathil vasithu velai paarthu varugiren. En udan neraiya pengal velai paarthu varuvargal, aanal athil oru pen matum sexyaaga irupaal aval peyar meena vayathu 36 irukum. Ival oru kaama very pen eppozhuthum mulaiyai perthaaga kanbithu kondu irupaal. Ivalin mulaiyai paarthu mayangaatha aangale illai, avalavu sexyaaga irukum ivalin idupu sirithaaga irupathaal suuthu mulai sexyaga irukum. Ivalin udal vadivam...

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Thenai Marathil Saaithu Oothen

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Kathir vayathu 25 naan pudhukottaiyil vasithu varugiren enaku velinaatil 3 maathangaluku vellai paarthu vittu ippozhuthu sontha uuril irukiren enathu gramathil niraiya thopugal irukum angu niraiya thena marangalum irukum. Enathu gramathil azhagana ilam pengal niraiya irupaargal veedugal ondraaga irukum thopugal uurai thali irukum aanal anaivaru ingu vanthu kaathu vaanga aasai paduvar. Enathu veetil naan oruvarn mattum thaan ithuvarai naan 7 pengalai currect seithu oothu...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 2 Therapists Incestuous Treatment

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Therapist's Incestuous Treatment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 12 with Mercedes Daniels I kissed my patient, Mercedes Daniels, with hunger, my body burning from telling her about my earlier romp with my husband. My brother. Clint had come in here and fucked me and my previous patient, a naughty mother I was guiding into seducing her son. Mercedes Daniels shuddered as I pressed atop her...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

4 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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