Huntress Ch. 02 free porn video

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Hopefully, I have some people who have stuck around thus far. Thank you, for that. Here is chapter 2. Just as an idea for where this is going. It is going to turn into a romance eventually, but if someone could let me know how the pacing is, I would appreciate it. I feel like things are moving to fast? But I’m not sure how to slow them down. Comments are always appreciated.


The city had made a smart decision when they put the police station a few blocks away from the downtown area clubs. Sage was mentally thanking who ever it was that came up with the idea because her feet were screaming bloody murder. Without even looking down at the peep-toes, she knew the skin around the crimson painted nails were most likely white and swollen from lack of blood flow. God, she hated wearing heels. The more her feet hurt the worse she could feel her posture becoming. By now, her walking would be a dead giveaway as to how bad she was hurting, but it was hard to care. Self-preservation kept the shoes on, and she pushed herself tall and straight as she entered the police station.

The downtown police station always buzzed with life on a late night .She didn’t have to walk in to figure that out. She knew from experience.

A few older officers glanced her way, and sat back in their chairs, eyeing her. Recognizing her.

She had spent a good amount of her childhood and teenage years sitting opposite a detective or an officer’s desk, handcuffed and usually bloody from a fight. She kept walking ignoring the looks.

That had been so long ago. She couldn’t even remember the last time it had happened.

Well, actually she could, but when she had turned eighteen her record was expunged. The only place that her past existed was within the minds of the officers who’d arrested her.

Sage stopped once a giant desk barricaded her from the rest of the station. The officer, whose big fluffy hair reminded her of the heroes in cheesy 70’s movies, gave her a skeptical once over, before meeting her eyes and smiling. While it had taken him a few seconds to recognize her, Sage knew his face immediately. ‘May I help you, ma’am?’ His voice held a slight taunt.

Sage folded her arms within themselves. She wanted smack the grin off of his fat face. Had wanted to since she was 14 years old. ‘I’m not in the mood, Wade.’ She made sure the tone of her voice implied that she wasn’t lying. Wade continued to smile, ignoring the serious air around her.

‘Your sister is taking your place, you know that. All this stupid shit she keeps getting into trouble for. Guess it runs in the family, huh?’ Wade chuckled as he pushed himself up from his desk and over to a key ring, hanging on the wall. He fished around amongst the keys for a few seconds before saying, ‘Got caught with a full bag ‘a coke, this time. Right down the street.’ He gave another hearty chuckle. ‘If I didn’t know better, I would think your family is as dumb as a bag of rocks.’ He found the key, and disappeared around the corner. ‘And at the rate your sister’s going I’m starting to doubt how much I do know.’

It took everything in her not to follow him into the back room, subdue him with his own handcuffs, and lock him in a cell. Wade had been the arresting officer for a number of cases that Sage had been involved in. Most of them had been minor cases, but Wade had taken joy in landing a few punches on her, claiming she had swung on him and resisted arrest, bumping her charge up so that she’d spend at least few weeks behind bars. Every night he would walk back to the holding cells and watch her, teasing her, yelling at her. Hoping to get a rise out of her so that he could give the cameras a semi-valid reason why he went into her cell and beat the shit out of her. It never worked, of course.

Sage wasn’t an idiot.

She could hear Wade’s belt clang with every step he took. She listened as his footsteps stopped. A lock clicked and after a slight struggle, she heard the light tap of heels trying their best to keep up with heavier footfalls.

He appeared from around the corner, hand gripping the forearm of a tall blonde, whose eyeliner had been smudged around her eyes, and whose lipstick was in a perfect oval around but not actually on her thin lips.

‘Jesus Christ,’ Sage muttered under her breath. She couldn’t even look at her. ‘Look who came to see you, Vicki,’ Wade’s comment made her blood boil. As Wade leisurely made his way behind Vicki to undo her cuffs, Sage made a conscience attempt to avoid looking into her sister’s eyes. She could feel them on her, begging for even the slightest glance. Begging her to say something reassuring.

But Sage wouldn’t give in. She kept her eyes on her sisters joined wrists, and as soon as she was free, she lunged for her, pulling her away from Wade. The graying cop twirled the cuffs on his finger, and gave a smile that made Sage almost reach for the SR9 that was strapped to her upper thigh.

With controlled urgency, she pushed her sister towards the exit, and turned her attention back to Wade. ‘I know that putting handcuffs on me gives you a raging boner, but try and keep my sister out of your sick fantasies.’

Wade fell into his chair and sat back, fingers intertwined and set over his bulging belly. ‘Well, I sure have missed you down here, Sagey. It’s been—what, like, 7 years since you graced the bars with your presence.’ He tilted his head to the side and pouted his lips. ‘Do come back and see me, soon, won’t ya?’

Sage was halfway across the station before he’d even finished his last sentence. She had to get out before her trigger finger itched a hole into someone’s chest. She hated cops. More than she hated vamps. Not only were they unfair bastards, but they were nosy and far too assuming of things they didn’t know. A cop was a classic example of giving regular people far too much power. They didn’t know what to do with it and so they abused it.

Sage met her sister outside the doors. Victoria had taken off her heels and was crying into them and her hands. The sound of her sister’s sobs hit her like a ton of bricks. Sage didn’t know what to do.

So she started walking.

Behind her, Victoria’s flat feet made odd plopping noises as she made an effort to keep up. ‘I’m sorry,’ she sobbed. She was short without her heels. Sage had almost forgotten how much taller she was than her sister. ‘I wasn’t doing anything. I was waiting for a friend, and a cop just came up and searched me. He used that probable cause shit.’

‘Wipe your face,’ Sage told her. Victoria stopped walking for a second then hustled to reach her sister again. ‘Are you mad?’

‘Do you want me to be mad, Vick?’

‘No. Of course not. I just want to know what your thinking. You’ve been super quiet lately.’

Sage stopped walking and turned to face her younger sister. She almost didn’t recognize her with all the shit that was covering her face. The thought that her sister had grown up to be something foreign to her scared Sage a little. She remembered when Vicki’s face was as smooth as a baby’s cheek and her voluminous eyelashes housed the giant green eyes behind them. Sage had loved her little sister’s eyes, always bright despite the daily torture their father and mother put them through. They had been a safe haven for her.

Now they looked like someone else’s, empty and dead, caged in by spiky eyelashes, painted black by old caked mascara. Her blond hair that had once been a prize for everyone that saw it gleam in the sun was now washed out white with black underneath it all.

No, this wasn’t the girl Sage had raised.

‘I’m thinking that whatever you were doing, you need to not do it again.’

Immediately, Victoria’s sobbing face contorted in anger. ‘I said I wasn’t doing anything. I was fucking si—’ ‘Don’t curse at me,’ Sage muttered as she began walking again, moving out the way to avoid a couple that passed by, holding hands and laughing. Victoria
rushed to keep up, rage now filling every barefooted step she took.

‘I was freaking standing off of Pine Street waiting for Chelsea to come and pick me up.’ Victoria squealed dramatically.

‘What is with you? You always think that I am doing something. I never do. When I get stopped, it’s because the police think I’m you. They miss all the trouble you gave them and they miss waking mom up in the middle of the night with phone calls of how you stabbed a detective.’

Sage did her best to discard that memory before it was able to manifest into a full thought. She failed. Their mother had been livid. Wade had been the one to make the call. No one ever saw who this wounded cop was nor did his name ever come up. The only concern was that she be incarcerated for harming an officer. Of course, at her trial that charge was dropped. There had been no evidence, only rumors. The cop that she had supposedly ‘shanked’ never even showed up to testify.

Despite everything, her parents still punished her harshly, and that incident had caused her father to give Sage her first black eye.

‘Then if you know all of this, why do you insist on putting yourself in situations to get arrested? Okay, so the cop thought you were me, that’s all fine and dandy, but a bag of coke, Vic. A bag of coke?’ There was very little inflection in her voice. She didn’t have the energy for it. Instead she stopped, turning her back to an empty space between two abandoned buildings and looked at her sister. ‘You have kids, Vic.’

The younger girl sighed, annoyed. Sage took a deep breath before continuing, but stopped at the smell her nose picked up. ‘You’ve been drinking too?’

Victoria shrugged. ‘I had a few shots before I left the house.’

Now that she said it Sage could smell alcohol and cigarettes all over Vicki’s clothes, pouring off of her in nauseating waves. No, she had had more than a few shots.

Sage repeated her last statement. ‘You have kids, Vicki.’

‘What does that have to do with anything? I was just hanging out, meeting some people up for a drink to re—’ ‘To relax, right? And then you were going to go home to your two sons, wake them up with how much noise you make coming in the house. Pass out on the kitchen floor, forcing Jordan to get out of bed and drag you into yours, then stay up with you to make sure you don’t vomit and choke. Then at 7 o’clock, he will leave you, wake and dress his brother. Make lunch for both of them, and leave for school. Two hours later in math class, he is gonna fall asleep and miss learning his times tables, and he will continue to fail the third grade.’

Victoria was taken aback, and dramatically, she even put her hand on her chest. ‘How do you know Jordy is failing?’

‘I’m his aunt, I’m supposed to know because you don’t. Now doesn’t that story sound oddly familiar?’ God, it did. She had done the same thing almost every night growing up. She’d barely passed middle because she had been so busy keeping her parents supplied with alcohol and her sister from her father’s fist. That couldn’t have been how Victoria wanted to raise her kids. it was no life for them.

‘I don’t get to go ou—’ Victoria stopped talking abruptly and pushed Sage out the way to look where her shoulder had been. She squinted her eyes to look into the darkness of the alley that they stood in front of.

‘What?’ Sage looked back and forth from her sister to the alley.

The younger girl shook her head slowly. ‘I thought I saw something, but I guess not.’

Sage settled her hand over her cotton-covered thigh, tracing the outline of her gun cautiously. Her sister picked up where she had left off. ‘I don’t get to go out often. I just needed a break.’ Her voice had become a high-pitched whine, begging for Sage to understand.

‘You should have thought about that before you decided to have kids,’ was her sister’s only reply. Childishly, Victoria stomped her feet. ‘You never want to take care of them for me so I can go have a life. My life is all PTA meetings and soccer games. I’m 23, Sage. Meanwhile, you, the supposedly good aunt, is out partying every night with you’re roommates. You don’t even invite me!’

Sage shrugged. ‘You can’t afford a babysitter.’ She glanced down the street, both directions.

There had been a scant number of people around before they had walked so far, but now their surroundings were completely abandoned, giving the dilapidated area a ghost town feel. The hairs on the back of Sage’s neck were at attention. The metal strapped to her thigh burned with anticipation. Something wasn’t right.

‘I can’t affo—’ Victoria cut her sentence off with a brief high pitched scream, that made Sage reach underneath her dress and remove her gun.

The younger girl turned around twice, looking everywhere. Sage took a step back as she watched. Her sister’s eyes landed on her, alarmed and frightened. ‘Did you see that? You had to have!’

‘What did you see?’ Sage dropped her voice, listening to the silence.

‘I don’t fucking know! Can we please go back the way we came? We can take the bus back to my house.’

Sage ignored her sister’s request. She took slow steps backwards, looking everywhere. Some one was watching them. She could feel eyes on her. More than one pair. The adrenaline in her blood kicked up double time, and a smile spread on her lips. She needed this. Arguing with her sister had only made the numbness spread wider and go deeper. She needed to feel this. She needed this excitement.

‘Sage,’ Victoria whispered, her voice shaking, as she watched her sister disappear into the alleyway. ‘Where are you going? Don’t leave me out here.’

Sage allowed herself to settle into the darkness of the alley. Yes, someone had definitely been watching them as they walked down the street, and now it waited, biding its time.

‘Not human’, her mind told her.

There was no way a human could follow her and her sister six blocks without making one mistake, one noise. Sage gave a small laugh, as the adrenaline continued to pump heavily in her system.

‘If I were you, the last thing I would be doing, huntress, is laughing.’

Victoria shrieked as a man’s voice reverberated out of the blackness of the alley. The low tenor seemed to bounce off the walls and windows of the empty buildings. Sage couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from, the echo, throwing her off.

‘Oh, yeah? And why is that?’ Sage answered cautiously. The metal from her gun had gone from ice cold to almost too hot against her palm.

The speaker gave a short chuckle. ‘Oh, you’ll see.’

Sage felt more than saw, the hand the came at her. The cool air of a barely missed punch, spurred her into action.

She ran out the alley, back to her sister, pushing her down the street. ‘Go! Go!’

Victoria went without asking questions, and Sage hobbled behind her, trying to peel off her stilettos. ‘God dammit, why didn’t I just take this shit off before?’

Fucking self-preservation.

At blinding speed, a short man with a scruffy moustache and baseball cap, appeared in front of Victoria, halting the both of them. Victoria shrieked again, and the man smiled, baring sharp canines at her. Sage peeled the heel off her left foot, and chucked it at him, like a pitcher would a baseball.

The thin stiletto of her shoe jammed itself into the man’s left eye, and his cry made the skin on Sage’s arms rise with goose pimples. Sage pushed her sister passed him, as he cowered, covering his face. As she passed, Sage pressed her SR9 to the middle of the hunched vampires back, and pulled the trigger.

A small eruption of blood and ash plumed out of the vampires wound and overtook his body. Sage stopped to watch ash blow away in a gentle breeze and the blood fall to the ground in a sickening splat before grabbing her peep-toe once again and replacing it. She secured the strap, then took off after her sister, just as she heard the p
ounding of a number of approaching footsteps.

Victoria was running as fast as she could possibly could, and if Sage hadn’t heard the sound of shoes running behind them, she would have congratulated the younger blond on actually being smart for a change.

Don’t ask questions, don’t look back. Just run.

Victoria turned a sharp corner, and before Sage followed, she stopped and fired at three vampires that were ahead of the small crowd that had formed and was chasing them. The three vamps were dust and liquid before they hit the ground.

Sage continued running, but stopped when she didn’t see her sister.

There was no way she could have run that fast.

‘Shit, Vic—’

A swift kick to the chest cut Sage off and caused her to stumble back on to her ass. A tall man whose hair seemed to go down to the end of his back, stood ahead of the group, ready for a fight. He barred his fangs at her, eyes wide and reddish. Cursing, Sage picked herself up from the ground, only to be thrown back again, by another kick, this one to the face. Stars, lines and dots decorated her vision momentarily, as the pain jarred her brain.

The longhaired vamp, smiled when she finally looked up at him. ‘You’re not so tough, huntress.’ The man’s voice was a soft accusation, and it made Sage’s stomach turn.

Just as he made a move to come at her again, Sage lifted her gun and put a bullet in the middle of his forehead. The vampire froze for a second, not registering what had happened. He took a step back, took a deep breath, and then laughed nervously. ‘A bullet to the head?’ He glanced back at Sage’s other attackers, encouraging them to join with his laughing. A few unsure chuckles erupted into full-blown cackles within seconds. ‘How have you survived, Huntress? Do you know nothing of our kind?’ His laugh became almost obscene, as he and a few members of the crowd behind him pat their stomachs and slapped their knees. Sage waited for them to finish.

She had yet to pick herself off the street.

‘What do you have to say for yourself, huntress?’ The vamp swiped some stray hairs from his face before returning to a fighting stance.

‘Remote activated expanding hollow points.’

The vampire’s reacquired poker face twisted into confusion. ‘What?’

Sage reached under her dress, pulling out a skinny black remote, similar in width and length to the band of a wristwatch. She flashed it to her attacker and then to the men behind him. ‘Remote activated hollow points,’ she repeated. ‘Instead of regular hollow points that are supposed to expand upon entrance, these don’t expand until I press this button,’ Sage pointed to the only button on the small remote. ‘And I guess it’s a little misleading because they aren’t really hollow at the tip. We filled them.’

Sage’s attacker fingered the hole at the top of his head, his eyes darting at her then at the hole he couldn’t see. ‘With what?’ he whispered.

Sage shrugged. ‘What a silly question,’ she replied, and pressed the button.

An unholy scream erupted from the longhaired vampire. He fell to his knees, clutching at his head, clawing grotesquely at his face. Sage took the opportunity to return to her feet, and approached him leisurely. She bent over till she was at eye level with him.

‘If you had been nice, I woulda just shot you in the heart and ended it all, but now…’ Sage shrugged. The man continued screaming, not hearing a word she said. Behind him, the vamps scattered. A few running down the street while two others stepped into the shadows to disappear.

Sage hated when they did that. It was like riding a vampiric elevator to wherever the hell they went. Once a vamp reached a shadow, they were gone.


A sharp scream pierced the night, drowning out the tortured vampire who was now squirming in the fetal position.

Sage moved instantly, following the echo. She wanted to kick herself for getting too involved and forgetting about her sister. Vicki didn’t have any means of protecting herself, if a vamp got a hold of her—

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Walking home naked

December in new York is a time of parties. When there is snow blizzard and cold wind outside, young people gather in apartments for partying, drinking, smoking pot and doing sex. This happened with Linda on the evening December 31st, 20xx. Linda went to the Central park with her best friend Sarah to celebrate New Year. They joined a crowd of people, mostly young and drunk, waiting for midnight. It was a cold night, with snow and wind. But that did not deter crowd of young New Yorkers from...

2 years ago
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My Nephews first experience

It was the sudden movement that caught my eye, his reflection in the mirror as I passed the slightly ajar door of the bedroom.He was playing with himself as he watched something on his hand-held device, some porn no doubt, having a good wank in bed, unawares his auntie Mariel was outside his door watching him.Of course he was being discrete, on his side facing away from me and covered up, but boys do it that way, whereas we girls do it on our backs or fronts, out and in the open for all to see,...

4 years ago
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MAU Slayers I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away

[Special thanks to Allen W for his assistance with a piece of dialogue and finding one character's voice] Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers took on Angel and Spike who were in possession of an active MAU. Both vampires were killed during the battle. During the confusion, Faith was kidnapped by Dennis, an user of the MAU who had given himself the power to control people by touch. MAU - Slayers - I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away Three Weeks Later... Dennis...

2 years ago
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Welcome To Canada

We'd been dating for awhile now. I knew you were from Canada, Newfoundland specifically. I of course had acted as if I knew exactly where that was. I have to admit geography was not my strongest subject in school or in life. I had to go home and look it up on the map. There it was. Keep going through Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and then across open ocean leading to Newfoundland. We had our first Christmas together and then you were returning home to Canada for a visit. I was pleased and...

Oral Sex
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The openings Part 3

Introduction: as before, if young bothers you, dont read it When he had entered high school his parents had bought him a laptop. He had spent the time since then organizing his collection of photos and had hundreds of pictures of the females he had the pleasure of opening. By the time he had turned 16 he had discovered the darknet and was running a booming business with his memorabilia. His off shore account held more cash than he parents made in 10 years. But he was content for the time. The...

3 years ago
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The Passage of Lydia Part 3

The tale continues ……Aunty Bev led me into the bathroom and after stripping off her lingerie she ran a shower for us and we washed each other, taking time to lather up and explore each other’s bodies. Aunty Bev decided that all traces of hair were to be banished and set about shaving my pubic area and my bum, which I may add was a very pleasing experience. After towelling ourselves Aunty Bev began rubbing me all over in a body lotion.“This will help stop any shaving rashes and keep your skin...

2 years ago
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The Epiphany of Bryan Whiting

~ Prologue ~ Bryan sat at the Plaza bar staring into his scotch whiskey. He was glad that his old friend, Quentin, was still in town and had some free time. A friend since high school, he was someone whom Bryan trusted, especially when it came to advice about women. This was the second time he had asked him for advice about Jenny. The first time, it was for advice about sex, more correctly, the lack of sex. This time was more serious, however. He was now seeking advice about love, farewells,...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Sex Dungeon Episode 6 Two subs Pegged a

After their victory in the sub/Dom challenge at "The Dinner Party" (see previous episode in the series) Dungeon Master and The Mistress are taking Caldon's young Elven male sub back to the Pleasure Dungeon.The sub has fine silver hair, cut to his collar and wears a silver collar around his neck. The Mistress has donned the collar of submission and wears nothing but a corset covering her breasts and midriff, she is naked from the waist down other than her stilleto ankle boots. The guards at the...

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Riya Insurance

Hi, my name is Riya. I am still unmarried.My eyes color is blue and hairs have curls.My color is brownish and having medium sized boobs with long puffy nipples. I have a butterfly tattoo on my pubic less cunt and black hole with angle wings tattoo.Currently I work in a big insurance company as a Senior Manager.I deal with HNI clients only.I completed my targets on time, so, I get good incentives also.When I was in graduation, lot of boys tried to impress me for friendship. I knew that time why...

4 years ago
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Alices GiftChapter 2 Jans Lesson

Jan coasted her bike into the garage and dropped the kickstand. She knew that she may play second fiddle to Marcia in many areas, but beauty wasn't one of them. At fifteen she was already a knockout, much like her older sister at this age, but unlike Marcia she knew what she had and didn't waste it. She had lost her virginity about a year and a half ago and, while she wasn't a slut, she had found she enjoyed sex and had done it fairly regularly since then. Lately however, she just...

4 years ago
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Crazy Ass Life Ch 1

So without farther wait. Fellow Gothics, Punks, and Rejects. Crazy Ass Life Ch.1 I love the peacefulness of a cemetery. Especially at night, I was reading all the names on the headstones as me and my friends walked. Jimmy Scribbner, Zach Stepnezki, Allen Lucarrio. "Earth to Cody, you want this or what?" Ally asked me. "huh..oh...ya." I said taking the pipe. I took a drag of my cigg then took a hit from the pipe. I tapped the pipe out and handed it back to her "you guys want to go...

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Bon Jovi

Well this journal entry even shocks me that it happened but, in order for you to understand it all, I have to go back a few years.In the swinging lifestyle, you meet and sometimes play with a handful of people you continue to stay in touch with or develop a bond with. We have a small group of friends that, when we see each other, we can do vanilla stuff or get down and dirty.We have a few couples I love seeing because both members are awesome in bed. But some couples break up and then it’s hard...

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Sara the Suit

Sara saw her Dad leave the house from her bedroom window. She waited until he was in his car and driving away from the house before she went to his room. His birthday was coming up and she wasn't sure of his clothing size, so wanted to sneak into his room to find out. She didn't have much money from the little bit of babysitting she did on non-school nights, but it was enough to buy something nice for him. She wasn't sure if she had enough for a shirt and some shorts, so she wanted...

3 years ago
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A couple try out some swinging action cowboy style

I am Wilfred Warren and this is my true story of what happened to me when I got my first job. At twenty-seven, fresh from MBA school back east and newly married to my childhood sweetheart, I accepted a job with a firm in Fort Worth, Texas – “Cowtown” they call it. I had never been west of the Appalachians. My employer was a conglomerate owned by a big rancher and businessman named Jefferson McDuff III. My darling wife, Sheila, was twenty-five. We began dating when she...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 67 Secrets

October, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Kara let out a long sigh, “I suppose I have to.” “That’s up to you, but Bethany thinks you should tell me.” “She’s probably right. Only Doctor Mercer knew about it before today. It’s something you can never, ever repeat and something we won’t talk about ever again.” “I certainly promise never to repeat it. As for not ever talking about it again, I suppose that’s OK, but it’s hard to agree to that in advance.” “It doesn’t ever need to be talked about...

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First Comes Love

Mary felt her heart rate quicken when she saw Brandon step out of the car. The sunlight hit his face, revealing his stunning features. “Oh, my…” she whispered. As he approached, Mary resolved to look nonchalant. She challenged herself to meet his gaze and when she did, she found herself mesmerized by his intense brown eyes. Brandon’s lips formed an amused smirk and several moments later Mary realized the cause. She quickly snapped her gaping mouth closed and ducked her head shyly, feeling her...

Love Stories
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My wife is a party girl

My wife, Annie, was brought up in a strict home, and hadn’t even been French-kissed until our first date in college. She was a virgin on our wedding night, and though we fucked only twice, we had sim- ultaneous orgasms the first time. Annie’s was so powerful she screamed. She also came very hard on our second coupling. Annie developed such a voracious appetite for sex that we tried every nuance known to man and woman. She became an expert at giving head,...

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Satisfying A Mature MILF With Huge Boobs

Hey friends, I am Aakash, a 19 years old tall and energetic guy, from western suburbs of Mumbai. After posting my first experience, the way you people appreciated me was very special. Thank you to all the readers! Let me come to the story. After I posted my first story, I received a lot of feedback appreciating my story on email and hangouts. There were many feedbacks from female readers as well one of which was from Rashmi. Her feedback caught my eye and I replied instantly and we started...

4 years ago
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Left Field III

Left Field III By Starhawk Chapter 1 The weeks passed painfully slow for me. My heart ached and I knew it wouldn't stop until Stacey was in my arms again. I found myself hopelessly addicted to her presence, her warmth. Her, dare I say it, love. I remembered back to our time at the lake when she said that she loved me. Something she had said about how she only felt complete when we were together. It was as if we were in symbiosis or something. Spooky, but wonderful...

1 year ago
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Sex which I like

Hi, I’m Rohan Sen this is the first time I’m writing in this site and in fact feels awesome. Well I’m doing MBA 22yrs live in Kolkata. I don’t talk to girl’s that often, it’s not that I’m introvert or anything of that kind but I get bugged listing to the stupid common stories. Anyway I am about to narrate an incident that happened in my life few months ago. It changed my life. So my 2nd SEM exams got over by the end of July I didn’t have anything to do at home apart from hanging around with...

Erotic Fiction
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Every Woman Has a Price17 Dancing For Nickels

Val woke up in bed and smiled to see Kirk was already gone. God, she needed to redress her plans. The idea had been: love and sex in exchange for an affectionate man, money to travel, freedom from ever waitressing ever again. She even cringed getting Kirk a coffee. Even if it was just a run to Starbucks because he was making her--their family more money. Shit, she spent his money on those coffees. She got out of bed and stripped off her nightgown. He had been frisky last night but she’d...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 31 Siouxsie and the Banshees

February 9, 1989, Albany, New York I’d left Chicago very early on Thursday morning, disappointing Jacquelyn as I wasn’t able to run with her. The thirteen-hour drive meant that I needed to leave at 4:00am to arrive in Albany around 6:00pm. Indiana turned into Ohio, which turned into Pennsylvania, and then New York. As the miles disappeared behind me, I thought about how I’d talk to Jessica about everything that happened, about the things I’d discovered, and how we might move forward. I...

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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 15

We had been in and out of Phoenix so much during the past month that it felt as if we ought to register to vote. Now, the week leading up to the Safeway International had finally arrived. But Tess and Kim were in for a horrific double-shocker. Superstition Mountain was a 72-hole event, but, for both my girls, it was 36 holes -- and out. They both missed the cut! It wasn't particularly close. More time, preparation, and well-spaced practice rounds had been played at Superstition Mountain...

3 years ago
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The Hardest Answer

Julia and Lauren were wrapped in each other’s arms, the light in Julia’s bedroom was set very dim, but Julia could see something she had never imagined she’d see. She had made love to Lauren so many times these past months in all sorts of conditions, but now here just holding Lauren this way, Julia’s eyes could not be torn away from Lauren’s forearms. The pink scars were at least a half-inch wide in three different stripes below her elbow. Just following her line of consciousness, Julia reached...

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Daniel and Me Alone

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, I drifted through a park on the other side of town. There was a pick up basketball game going, I stopped and watched for a while. The guys playing, one team wearing t-shirts the other team no shirts. It was humid and the boys were ringing with moisture by the time I arrived, I sat under a tree near some other guys and girls. As the guys played, you could tell that some had skills and others were promising. I got caught up in the game and lost sense of those...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 11 Fashion Show

Debbie turned off the tape recorder, and removed the microphone from the center of the table. "Well, I'm proud of you, Michael. That was well done," Catherine said. I could see that Catherine was excited. "Sarah, did you have something you wished to say?" Liz asked her daughter. "Well, we ... all the girls, that is, wanted to thank Michael for the shopping spree today by having a little fashion show to help some of the girls make their final selection for the party tomorrow night,"...

2 years ago
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This Is the Modern WorldChapter 13

The Tuesday evening installment of Snake's Tales began with two conspicuous absences and a strange presence. Though they rarely added to the narration, I missed Chanda and Alexandra. Both the Southeast Asian angel and the Russian Valkyrie returned to their geniuses; Chanda's a Hmong in St Paul, Minnesota and Alexandra's in St Petersburg, Russia. Natasha's surprising presence didn't fill the void at all. "I told her we gathered for discussions," Naomi whispered to me with a smirk,...

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A Nomadic EncounterChapter 7

Amelia's husband smiled, he wanted her back badly. If she could excite him like that maybe she was worth hanging on to. After all, he could make a lot of money out of her, he reasoned. "I'll never treat you badly again, I promise you that." He took a deep breath before asking her, "Are you ready to return home now or do you want to continue living out here?" Amelia was momentarily stunned. He'd given her a choice. "You'd let me live out here on my own?" "Well, I would come and...

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Sexy Japanese Threesome and One Lucky Guy

Aoki was a sexy young Japanese girl and she'd been paid to treat Peter very good for the entire evening. He'd be instructed that Aoki was his to enjoy in whatever way he wanted -- and he wanted her in every way he could imagine having her sexually. Before their time was over, Peter would have the pleasure of eating Aoki's hot pussy and then he'd fuck her until he was just about ready to shoot his cum load and when he felt himself ready to cum, he'd pull out and spurt his hot thick white...

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Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl Ties That Bind

Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl: Ties that Bind I’m a Lawyer. I’m very busy on most days, so when my roommate Nicole suggests I go on a blind date with her friend, I use work as an excuse. ‘You’re always working, I’m sure whatever it is can wait. Its just one night, Danielle,’ Nicole says in my ear as I’m sitting at my desk on the phone. ‘I don’t have time for a blind date, Nicole,’ I reply ‘Make time, fake a sick day, have a day for Danielle once in your life. You’re gonna lose your...

1 year ago
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Erotically Shocked

As I came home from the party after my wife I caught the most upsetting but at the same time the most erotically enjoyable sight I have seen. There should stood leaning over our sofa as he thrusted into her from behind. We had enjoyed a night at a friend´s house, you know dinner, drinks and some music. The group of us in our 30s and 40s had spend the early evening hours toasting glasses of prosecco while talking about sports, politics and more basically curing the world´s evils. My...

3 years ago
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The Little Olympics A Little Shop Story

THE LITTLE OLYMPICS: A LITTLE SHOP STORY THE LITTLE OLYMPICS: A LITTLE SHOP STORY CONCORD, NEWHAMPSHIRE, JANUARY 5, 2006?Tuff-Cuff Disposable Satin Nickel Handcuffs??Check??Humane Restraint Nickel Finish Leg Irons??Check??Custodial Cuffing Lightweight Aluminum Handcuffs??Check??Tactical Hinged Handcuffs with Colored Coating??Check? Soapy looked up from his pad wearily at his very pregnant daughter Selma, now The Widow Vesuvio-Soaperstein, who was busily checking off...

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ScoutChapter 18

Joe Henry looked more than a bit uncomfortable, but his wife, Estel, wore an air of determination as if she was daring somebody to take a shot at us. There was no solid reason for us going through Hanceville—we could just as easily have ridden around it on the outskirts, but I was anxious to show Joe and Estel that they had rights, just like anybody else. If we could ride through a hostile town and get away with it, I felt like I had gone a long way toward making my point. We rode through...

4 years ago
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Shared Wife and Husband

Shared Wife and Husband The Wife&hellip,. &hellip,.I had a great husband. We liked to get in bed and read porn stories out loud to each other from our lap top at night. It was kind of a game to see who would close the lid on the lap top first, and attack the other one and have to have great sex. &hellip, We had our favorites. Him reading it one time then maybe me reading the same store the next time. It was like being told from a mans and then a womans point of view. &hellip,.He told it...

4 years ago
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Time Stands Still Chapter Fifteen Mr White

Time Stands Still Chapter Fifteen: Mr. White By 3:00 p.m. The van continued moving, slowed, took a hard right turn, then braked to a halt. After a hesitation and a clicking sound, we went into a parking garage and started going down underground. In a few minutes, we parked and the doors opened. Someone used a towel to wipe up the urine and I was left naked, still chained in the van. The hood came off my head as I saw an older gentleman. He was smiling. He sat...

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