No More Doctor Nice Guy Part 14 free porn video

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No More Doctor Nice Guy part 14 I'm sure I would have felt vulnerable regardless of circumstance, but being in a hospital bed wearing nothing but a backless gown (and not the formal sexy kind) with all sorts of monitoring and infusions, including blood, still recovering from a general anaesthetic, I felt even more helpless and at his mercy than ever before. His threat, as I'm sure it was intended to be, was decidedly ominous. I meant what I said. I was exhausted. I just wanted to be left alone. I was sick to the teeth of all that he had put me through. Yet there was absolutely nothing I could do. I raised a scowl, which was probably both all I was able, and willing, to muster whilst I waited for him to continue, with what undoubtedly would be grim tidings for me. "I'm very sorry about your baby Miss Ward," he stated. Not the expected start. But delivered in a typically Mr Black style. It's said without sarcasm. But seemingly without warmth too. "Was it you?" It's not an accusation as such. More just defeated speculation. "I assure you not," he declares. "Although I can't say it wasn't the other guy. Assuming you believe in him." I don't respond. I'm not sure if he's serious or facetious. It's best I just leave it. "Well I must say." He decides to carry on. "You certainly aren't opposed to skirting death are you? It's impressive the lengths you're willing to go to escape your punishment." I hardly think it was something I planned, to bleed to death from a miscarriage. I'll take it he's just waxing lyrical. But I seek clarification all the same. "Punishment for what? What did I do now?" "Just because you have eradicated all trace of Alex Turner doesn't mean you weren't him. And there is still much atonement to be done." Apparently it was still my original punishment. The hide of his implication grated on me though. "I eradicated him? Oh boy!" Maybe it was treading on thin ice. But I couldn't leave it unsaid. "I thought we'd already established that you are very much responsible for your own sexual desires and proclivities." After he did the rest. Changed my gender, my occupation, my personality, my base philosophy, my outlook on life. But let's not mention that. It may have taken a while to appreciate this. But trying to rationally argue with him never goes well for me. Although I still had a point I wanted to raise. Frankly I felt I had atoned enough. "I can't think what more punishment you require from me? I lost my manhood. Then I lost the person I love. Now I've lost my baby. I'm not sure what else I have to give." So much for restraint. And it seems I'm not finished. "You keep saying Mr Black, that you'll leave me alone. Then you reappear. I thought I'd shown my willingness to do whatever you require of me. But you keep changing the rules." I really don't think I'd overdone it. I spoke calmly and contritely so as not to aggravate him; fully aware how spiteful he could be just for the sheer bastardry of it. "You still just don't understand do you?" He sighs at me. "You've made things so much harder for me. And yourself. Firstly I did think being Kevin Moore's wife would be suitable punishment, but you turned it into a positive life affirming experience and managed to release Kevin from his curse in the process. No matter though, I thought; because you'd convicted yourself to life as a single mother. I believed surely this would break your spirit. But you were indomitable. Already looking and planning ahead. Honestly, apart from a few episodes of self pity and the persistent pining for your lost love you've barely given me anything to substantially enjoy these past 12 months." It reminded me of what Kevin had once said. How he seems to feed on misery. "We'll hang in there," I say spitefully, which I can't fully contain. "Because from here on I'm pretty sure you'll get everything from me you hoped for." "More grieving? Yes I guess. But that won't last forever. Then what? You're still young, pretty, single and educated. Because, although your behavior repeatedly suggests otherwise, you aren't actually stupid. You could easily ensnare a rich husband and make a very comfortable life for yourself." "I wouldn't do that. I have absolutely no interest in that sort of future!" "So you say now. But how long before you're batting your eyelids at the Doctors you work with? After all you know first hand their future earning potential." "I'm not a Doctor chaser!" "Well yes. I've seen you look down your nose at your fellow nurse Julie. You should know by now I hate it when you think you're better than anyone. That's still a bit of Alex Turner in you. We really need to stamp all that out." "I don't think I'm better than Julie. I just don't think it's wise her throwing her lot in with Stanley. She's so entranced by the whole status thing she can't see how awful he truly is." "He reminds me a little of a psychiatrist I used to know," Mr Black mocks. "He's far worse than I ever was. He deserves this far more than I do." Not that I would wish this on anyone. "No he doesn't. He's never annoyed me, quite the way you have. And still manage to by the way." I fall silent at that. Apart from a hard dry swallow. I'm thirsty. My mouth is dry. They still haven't let me eat or drink yet. I'm really not trying to anger him. I'm not sure how it happens. "I know." Mr Black makes out like he's just had a brainwave. It's clearly staged though. "I have the perfect solution. Seeing as you seem to be my go to girl for reforming bad boys, how about we set you off on your next mission? You can be Stanley's wife, in lieu of Julie. Let's see if you can tame this stallion as well as you did the last one." "No! Mr Black please!" It really was too hideous a concept. "I'll do anything else you want. But not that." "Didn't Kevin warn you about being careful what you wished for Alex? Because if you're willing to do anything else I can accommodate." He grins smarmily. It's a trap he expected me to fall into. And I did. I don't bother with a reply because I know he has another threat to unveil. "Speaking of Kevin. I had a lovely chat about you with her the other day once she was used to being back to herself." He chirps. Expecting me to take the bait. Which of course I do. I suppose it was comforting in a way to think she still spoke of me. It had been about 10 weeks now since he disappeared. "How is she?" I ask eagerly. I can't help myself. "Like I predicted. Embracing her second chance. She's so much happier now. Seeing a kind gentleman I believe. They seem to be going very well." In a way it was like hearing your separated husband had found someone new in a very brief period of time. I knew I should be happy for her, but it just seemed to reiterate how quickly she had moved on. It hurt. "Did she ask after me?" I seem intent on just further saddening myself. "No." He's blunt. Almost mocking. "But she did credit you with teaching her many tricks she's been able to use on her new boyfriend. We both laughed at the irony that a former man had been the one to show her how to be a better female lover. She said that once you got the hang of it you could work wonders with that tight little snatch of yours. It was her favourite thing about you. Thank God you didn't have to end up pushing a full sized baby out of it. It would have been ruined forever." His acutely tasteless jibes I could contain my reaction to. But with the other things he was implying I couldn't help but burst out in response. "She wouldn't say that." Would she? "There was more to our relationship than sex." "For you maybe. But 'Kevin' pointed out that in the first six months of her curse she probably slept with over 150 women. From crack whores to high class hookers and all range of miscellaneous slurry in between. But then you came along and you were far better than any of them. Sure you were an enthusiastic amateur to begin with. But you upskilled quite quickly. It was Kevin's suggestion that a talent like yours should not go to waste. And certainly not be greedily enjoyed by just one man. Certainly not Stanley I guess. So I think that's fair. It's time we shared your gift with the world." I don't know what I found more distressing. That Kevin would talk about me in that way; or what the meaning could possibly be behind Mr Black's implication. "What are you saying?" I probably don't need to ask. It's not like he's not going to gloat in the process of informing me. "I think it's time we said goodbye to Alex Ward, bubbly Registered nurse; don't you? And replaced her with Alexandra Sweet, accomplished pleasure giver and paid lover of men." I guess I'm not that surprised. I know I should be scared. And I was. What he planned to do to me was horrific. But would begging and groveling change my fate? Of course it wouldn't. He'd already made up his mind. Maybe he'd wanted to do this since Kevin had left but the baby had prevented it. It was true I had thwarted his punitive measures somewhat by making the best of the situations I found myself in. God, maybe even being Stanley's wife might have become bearable with time. But this was him making certain. There was no redemption to be found in my becoming a dirty street whore. We both knew that. And the only thing he would ensure is that I did not kill myself to escape it. So there would be no point in trying. I fixed him with a steely gaze. It was only the only defiance I could offer. It was not so much the acts I would be forced to perform as a prostitute that distressed me greatest. They did of course. I didn't think I could fully appreciate the terror till I was living it. But I imagined I'd get used to anything with time. Especially if you give up on all self respect. It was the fear of losing myself to it that sickened me. The true dread came with the contemplation of how this would further change me. What would I become? Would I ever know joy, love, happiness ever again? It was the bleakness of this future that made my tears silently form. Mr Black, was, and I guess this goes without saying, unmoved. "Well it looks like being pregnant made your boobs a little bigger. But I still think there's room for improvement there. Most men like to get their money's worth. Remind me to ramp them up a little bit when we move to your new reality will you?" His mockery was callous. No doubt it was intended to be. "Oh don't fret. We won't make them ridiculous or anything!" I let him savor his taunting for a time, before formulating a question. I'm not sure why this came to mind. Why it worried me most. I guess I loved the happy household I once had, and even in the apartment I'd already started on the nursery, which had filled me with nervous anticipation, but now would never be used. "Will I have a home?" I suppose what I was really asking was: 'Is he going to make me live on the street?' "Oh Alexandra really! Is that what you think? That I'd make you some rat turning tricks for a fix? I mean I don't like you; true; but that would be such a waste of your potential. Rest assured we're talking satin sheets here. You still think you're pretty posh, so you're definitely more suited to be a high class kind of call girl. A proper bordello for you. With a madam and nice art on the walls. I won't have you living in squalor. I wouldn't be at all surprised, with your rave reviews, if you can earn more doing this than you could nursing. And you can keep your apartment and car if those sort of material things are so important to you." I guess when you have the power to strip someone of everything, and threaten to use it, they quickly become ever so grateful for small mercies. To think that I was now thanking him for making me an escort rather than white trash was absurd, yet that's exactly what I did. "Will this be my forever?" I felt like I probably knew. "Of course not!" Which was unexpected. "This sort of occupation has an expiration date. You're 31 now. So you've possibly got a good 10 - 15 years left, if you look after yourself properly, of decent earning potential. After that I think business will drop away rather precipitously." I hadn't thought of that. "So let's make a deal," he continues. "Because I don't want to have to repeatedly intervene if you try offing yourself intermittently. Let's say 9 years. Till your 40th birthday." I gave him a puzzled look, I didn't know what he meant. "If you behave yourself; when you reach that age you're free to leave. You can start another career if you like. It probably won't even be too late to go to nursing school. You could become a nurse again." I guess I wouldn't have my nursing degree in this version of the world. "Could I become Alex Turner again?" I asked because Kevin got returned to who she originally was. Maybe after my 10 years of penance I could. I wasn't sure if I'd even want to by then. But it would be nice to think I could escape all those years of denigration by making it something that happened to someone else. "Let's clarify that right now Alexandra! That's not something that's on the table. You will never be Alexander Turner again. I of course reserve the right to use his identity for someone else." I don't even know what that means. But I guess he's made himself clear. "You can do whatever you want at 40. Within the limits of the person you'll be. Personally, and don't take this an indictment, but I strongly suspect you'll choose to stay on working in the brothel for as long as you can. It'll just be a job like any other to you by then." I couldn't imagine that. But he probably knows me better than I do. He has more to say though. "One thing I'm certain it will do though, and this is a good thing I believe. Some time in these next years, sooner or later, living this way will eliminate all the starry eyed romantic notions you've developed this past year. I want you to know I do appreciate the somewhat contorted irony behind this. But you'll probably come to regard men the way Kevin did before her enforced attitude adjustment. You'll see them as creatures to be manipulated by their penises, and a source of income for you. You won't be able to fall in love anymore, after a while I wouldn't think." He seems to consolidate my concerns into a blanket affirmation. He seems certain. I can only hope to prove him wrong. Of course he'd mentioned her again. It seemed stupid to keep referring to her as Kevin. Mr Black seemed intent on me not knowing her real name. I couldn't see the harm in a first name. But nothing he did was without purpose I guess. "Will Kevin know what I became?" I ask forlornly. I wouldn't want her to know. I remembered asking him (when he was a him) to specifically give up hookers for me. Did she really suggest to Mr Black that I become one? "I don't think she'd care to know one bit." I was stupid to keep asking. Every time I did, the answer was just demoralizing. She wasn't the Kevin I knew, but I refused to believe she was as indifferent towards me as Mr Black implied. It would be very easy for Mr Black to say whatever he wants, and attribute it to Kevin. But of course it instilled enough doubt. Maybe Kevin really doesn't care. Regardless I would never want her to see me when I become... whatever it is exactly I'm about to become. So it really is time to lock away those feelings and memories into a little box and hide it somewhere deep inside me. It might be the only way to possibly hang on to the thing I value most, and desperately don't want to lose. And I suppose that's my soul. "Anyway." Mr Black expresses impatience. "Enough chit chat! It's time we introduce you to your new lifestyle which I'm sure you'll soon become fully accustomed." What does one do in this circumstance? Brace oneself? I hadn't even begun to think about all that I was about to lose. My career. My colleagues. My friends. Kristi. It was exactly as I had speculated in my early days as Alex Moore. I had built myself a decent life from the ground up after becoming her. I had been allowed to revel in it just long enough to realize how valuable and precious it was. Then he had stripped it all away from me, a piece at a time. His mastery of cruelty was a talent that could only be admired. The world around me began to fade again and I knew it had begun. I suppose it would mean my throbbing pelvic pain from my traumatised uterus might go away, but I suspected my vagina may be just as sore as it was right now. Although perhaps for different reasons. "Oh Alexandra." I heard Mr Black's voice through what was now a shapeless coloured haze. "I really am looking forward to this next part!" Then there was a moment of absolute silence, a last moment of peace, before I gradually emerged into a new reality. ***** I felt groggy. Much more drowsy than I had been waking from the anaesthetic. I couldn't figure why. I found myself lying on a bed. Just as I had been before this phase shift or whatever it may be. I guess that's not unsurprising though given what my new occupation was to be. But the bed was not dissimilar to the one I had just exited. There were no satin sheets. No mood lighting. No walls painted in dark seductive tones, with portraits of nudes. (I realized I'd never been in a brothel in my life, and maybe my expectations were way off the mark, but I did not expect it to look how it looked.) The walls were in fact stark white and bare. But also strangely familiar. The most disturbing thing of all though, as my senses struggled to adapt, still remained the bed. Or more precisely; the fact that I was tied to it. Something was wrong. Things were not at all what Mr Black had implied. I shouldn't have been surprised. But I was confused. And scared. God! Where the hell am I? And now what? TBC

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Doctorrsquos diagnosis lsquoGAYrsquo 3

Doctor’s diagnosis ‘GAY’ 3I’m a man in my mid 50’s standing 5’10” at 210 pounds. I’m on a diet and lost 10 pounds last week. My hair is salt & pepper trimmed neatly. My skin is a little tan as I have been going to the pool for exercise. I am still pink at my places of color; lips, finger & toe nails, nipples, dick head and scrotum. I add this because I can see my balls now past my belly.I have a new insurance policy through work, thank you Obama, and am learning to make the best of it....

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Robin and the Doctor

Robin and The Doctor       by Abe      Robin stood staring out the window of the maternity ward, watching the huge snowflakes blowing past the window. Already, she had put in three hours of overtime, since the evening shift was so slow getting in. Traffic crawled, when it moved at all. A bus, full of standees, took five minutes to go one block. "Robin, how are you going to get home?" "Oh, Dr. Kreuzer. I can't possibly get home. It takes an hour when the weather is clear. I guess I'll just sleep...

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Doctor Ego

Doctor Ego By ABC de F Part One Chapter One "You're out of your fuckin' mind!" Jimmy shouted. "Yeah, yeah," Dr. Montrose muttered, too busy with prep to pay much attention to the naked man strapped to the table. "How the hell do you think you can get away with this! You can't just kidnap somebody and experiment on them! What's going on in your head, you sick fuck!" The man, who had identified himself to Jimmy as a doctor, was tall and barrel-chested, which gave him an...

4 years ago
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The Rise of Jade ForceChapter 4 Colonel Nguyen Dies

May 1, 1975 Colonel Wynn finished assembling his rifle after having cleaned it. He had placed second in a shooting competition, right behind Sergeant Major Washington. They had tied in the regular round and had to go into a second and third round before a winner was declared. He now had a nice little second place trophy. After each competitor was eliminated, they had returned to the ready room to clean their weapons. Because of the extra competition rounds, he and the Sergeant Major been...

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It Began at the Doctors Office

Jack, get ready! The appointment is in ten minutes," Leah called up to her son's room. While Leah waited for her son, she took a look in the mirror. She was critical of herself, but she had to admit that she looked good for 40 years old. She had red hair, a big bright smile, and rosy cheeks dusted with freckles. Her ample breasts created a substantial shelf, and her loose flannel shirt hung down over her small round belly. Her tight jeans hugged and accentuated her toned thighs and butt. "You...

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Doctor enjoyed housewife

Today the incident which I am going to narrate is an experience of a housewife, who visited a middle aged doctor for her ailment. Neha is a lovely looking housewife of 27years having married with Rahul at an early age presently mother of a daughter of 6 years old. Husband is a well settled businessman at the age of 32 but for the business matter is a very frequent traveler. So Neha has learned to perform all types of outdoor works like depositing electricity bills, telephone bills, day to day...

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Doctor who Anything for science

“Do you think he knows what wedding nights are for?” Rory asked. “Oh, I’m sure,” Amy said, waving her hand. “He’s spent enough time on Earth, right? He knew about the rest of the wedding.” “Well,” Rory said, biting his lip, as if trying to think of a way to say this tactfully, “he thought he knew about dancing…” “He danced! That was dancing!” Amy laughed. “And this…this ridiculous heart-shaped bed is where I make you Mr. Pond.” “That’s…not how it works,” Rory said, nonetheless...

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Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Sex Pollen Part 2

So, right. Normal. Except for the dreams. Now, Amy had always been a woman not afraid of and in charge of her own sexual drive. She was also well aware of the fact that the orgasm that the Doctor wrenched out of her in the hallway was, honestly, definitely in her top five orgasms of all time. (If she was being brutally honest, it was actually in her top two.) So, she'd had plenty of fodder to draw upon in the dark nights aboard the TARDIS after the running for their lives had ended...

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Didi Ne Doctor Se Chudwaya

Hello,Mera naam Anup hai. Main jada intro nahi dunga aur short me meri real life ghatna bataunga. A meri behan ke bare me hai, uska nam Ulka hai.Ulka muzse 7 saal badi hai, shadi huyi hai aur do ladkiya bhi hai. Shadi se pehle uska ek hi affair tha jiske bare me ghar me pata chala aur uski shadi jald hi mama ke bête se kara di gayi thi. Uska figure kafi achcha hai. Ye tab ki baat hai jab mere chachu expired ho gaye the aur Ulka didi apne pariwar ke sath funeral ke liye aayi thi. Do din rehne ke...

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Visit to the Doctor

Debbie was an attractive woman in her mid thirties who had been with the same man for many years. She and her husband had always enjoyed an active sex life, however, she had always felt that her husband lacked passion and excitement. For the most part, Debbie allowed her husband frequent access to her body, allowing him to touch her at will. She enjoyed the attention, however, at certain times of the month she could not bear to be touched by her husband, particularly since he was not the type...

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Miss C takes Mom and I to the Doctors office

Doctor's AppointmentAs most of you know, I serve Miss C, my Mom's former Mistress. Two days ago, Miss C informed me that we were taking a trip to Maryland for the day and that i was to follow a few simple rules. I was to shower in the morning, but do nothing with my hair except brush it dry, not wear make-up and wear the clothes that She would lay out. Naturally, I did as I was told. In the morning, I awoke to Miss C's firm but gentle voice saying "time to wake and get ready... you have a big...

4 years ago
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Yellow Saree Doctor 8211 Part 2

Dear Indian sex stories friends.! Am happy about the feedbacks I received for my first story here “yellow saree doctor”. On your’s push to me am writing this part 2 of what happened btw the doctor and me at our first live conversation. . Let’s get on the drive friends.. as I mentioned in part 1 I said I will be there in clinic in 5 mins and at the step of the door I excused ” hi doctor can I come in.. how are you ! Doctor : yes pls.. you are **** she smiled and said you look good but...

2 years ago
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injection appointment doctor mf thermometer i

I entered the doctors office with anticipation. The doctor was very handsome and smiled as I came in. "So, Katie, you're here for your immunizations and it says here you're frightened of injections?" "Yes doctor, I'm terrified""Well, no need to worry, I'll be very gentle. Why don't you put down your bag and sit on the table while I prepare your shots."I nervously headed towards the examining table, my heart was racing at the thought of him sticking needles in me and I was very tense.I watched...

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Doctor Doctor

Her slender leg bobbed up and down as Georgia sat in the Doctors waiting room. Charlotte her best friend was sat with her placed a hand on Georgias knee in an attempt to calm her nerves.A few minutes passed when Georgia heard a soft but firm voice call her name, as she stood and to face the direction of the voice she saw a tall medium built man in a lab coat. She instantly felt her legs go weak, but managed to ask if Charlotte could come in too. The Doctor smiled reassuringly and nodded....

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the doctor

I have often wondered about my sexual fascination with my parents, aside from the obvious appeal of something taboo and forbidden. As I was growing up I was happily delighted to start growing breasts and pussy hair at a very young age, I was already a full c cup at the age of 14. I am currently 18 and you could portray me as a voluptuous 36dd pear shaped rosy nipples - 30 waist - 40 inch hips, 5 foot 4 with full curly auburn red hair, with an hourglass figure.Following the agreement my mother...

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I have often wondered about my sexual fascination with my parents, aside from the obvious appeal of something taboo and forbidden. As I was growing up I was happily delighted to start growing breasts and pussy hair at a very young age, I was already a full c cup at the age of 14. I am currently 18 and you could portray me as a voluptuous 36dd pear shaped rosy nipples - 30 waist - 40 inch hips, 5 foot 4 with full curly auburn red hair, with an hourglass figure.Following the agreement my mother...

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Doctor Peters

Doctor Peters IAngela Meyers opened the door to the medical suite. Perspiration made her yellow cotton sun dress cling just under her ‘D’ cup breasts. It wasn’t that hot out. The perspiration was mainly due to nerves. She had not been to see a doctor in nearly two years. When old Dr. Griffin had retired his patients and files had been taken over by a young physician just out of med school. Angela had never met Dr. Cynthia Peters but she had received the letters informing her of the change. Now...

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Doctor Gives Mom Anal Training

Link to the first story: Link to the second story: Hi guys, this is Nosha returning for the final time with another installment of how I witnessed my mother’s indescretions. After accidentally seeing her with Mitra uncle, I had set her up for a gangbang with my driver and his friend Abdul. That had developed into another gangbang at Abdul’s garage the very next morning and I heard even Abdul’s two sons got a healthy share of her. After that morning I had noticed red marks around mom’s...

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The Witch Doctor

The Witch Doctor by Rohmer Fan Darryl Rockwood scratched his thickly salt & pepper bearded chin and cut the engine of his rented SUV. The beams flickered off leaving the back of this dive bar hidden mostly in the dark except for a backdoor silhouetted in light, framing his way in. He took a deep breath. The parking lot was full of covered bikes and suped-up 70s gas-guzzlers. He wasn't expecting the Bed, Bath, and Beyond crowd to be waiting for him inside. Rockwood was a hunter,...

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Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Sex Pollen

You didn't go travelling through time and space without bumping into the odd flora or fauna that stimulated a being's more amorous tendencies. Luckily, the Doctor knew most of them and could take great care in avoiding such potentially uncomfortable and well, sexual situations. So, only one problem truly remained: It was a really, really, really big universe. ***** Sarvos XI was a beautiful planet. Truly, mind-bogglingly beautiful. Amy stood on the top of the hill just...

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Doctor Guitterrez

Doctor Guitterrez TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. ====================================================================== "Doctor's office," said the female phone attendant "Yes, Hello. Doctor Overberg suggested I set up an appointment with Doctor Baxter at his first...

2 years ago
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Worshipping the Doctor

‘So glad you could come by today.’ The doctor said while shaking her hand. Nicole gave him a friendly nod. ‘Thanks for having me I guess.’ She was a bit nervous and overly self-conscious about her sweaty palms. The moment the doctor let go of her hand she wiped her palms on her jeans. This didn’t quite look like a doctors office. It looked like the hallway of a big cluttered townhouse, with piles of magazines and some medical canisters. The white coat he wore was stained and resembled the...

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Just What the Doctor Ordered

"Really, Mr Bennet, I do not think I can stand it any longer,” wailed his wife. “I just caught Kitty in the bushes again, this time with two officers. She seemed to have lost most of her clothes again, and whilst one of the officers had his big weapon down her throat, the other one…”“I think I can imagine the scene well enough,” interrupted Mr Bennet hurriedly. “It is most regrettable that Kitty really has no sense of decorum, or indeed any sense at all.”“It’s all too much for my poor nerves,”...

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Doctorrsquos diagnosis lsquoGAYrsquo 2

Doctor’s diagnosis ‘GAY’ 2Doc HolidayI’m a man in my mid 50’s standing 5’10” at 220 pounds. My hair is salt & pepper and my skin is white with pink at the points of color; lips, finger & toe nails, nipples, & dick head.I had a new insurance policy through my work forced upon me, thanks Obama, but figured I would just make the best of it. Little did I know how this change would alter my life. The first visit was, well, like no doctor visit I have ever experienced in my 50 plus years,...

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Doctor Cheekz

The building looked harmless enough as Monet pulled into the carport built into the side of the building. She’d made long enough of a drive from Pacific Palisades that turning back was not an option for the C.E.O of Clearview Productions. Her personal assistant Betty had sworn that she would get the desired results and she was out of options. The office was on the second floor just like Betty had told her, but she felt a little apprehensive due to the lack of lighting in the enclosed...

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Playing Doctor

This is not my story, I found it online and wanted to share. Enjoy!My sister and I had always had a great relationship. I was the younger "protective" brother and she was the older "troubled" c***d that always had me on my toes. You see my sister and I were the only ones we could count on after my dad died in a plane accident. My mother was a local gynecologist, and always busy with patients and rarely at home. So that left my sister and I with a lot of time together to talk and lounge around...

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Wife Fantasy Fulfilled By Doctor

My name is R*****s and I am 34 years old. I’m married since the past 3 years to my wife, Nadiya who is now 26 years old. She is really looking average beauty. We live near Hyderabad and our married life is brilliant and we don’t have any problem in our relation, except one. It was my almost impossible and weird fantasies regarding my wife which and I thought will never occur. I love my wife and she loves me more than I do. My unusual fantasy was to see my beautiful sexy young wife to get...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIV Doctor Paine

Alice blinked, surprised to find herself sitting on an uncomfortably hard wooden chair in front of a very large desk, behind which sat a very large man with an incredibly bushy mustache and sideburns and very little hair on top of his head. He looked very official, as did the room he inhabited. He also sounded very official (in other words, quite pompous).“So, these adventures you had. You believe them to be real? That you really were captured by…” he paused, glancing down at an open notebook....

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The Doctor

Hi all. This is  writing on the story of a doctor who took care of the itching of a guy, and through it gave him a nice hand job. Your comments and feedback are welcome. It is been just few weeks since I came to this big city. I got a job in the outskirts of this city and I grabbed that opportunity and came here. I needed this job to stand on my own foot and be of fewer burdens to my family. I barely completed my high school when I embarked upon this journey.  Within the past few weeks I got...

2 years ago
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Meri Biwi Gayi Doctor Ke Paas

Meri biwi ki tabbiyat thik nahi lag rahi thi. Isliye main usko sham ko doctor ke paas le jane wala tha. Jagne ke baad maine usse tayar hone ko kaha. Usne black tight blouse aur saree peheni thi. Shayad usne jo kuch bhi piya tha uska asar shayad abhi bhi tha. Bahar barish shuru thi. Hum doctor ke yaha pahonch gaye. Humara last number tha. Hum dono bhig chuke the. Woh doctor mera dost hi tha. Woh kafi gora tha. Hum pahonche to wahan 2-3 number the. Maine biwi ko bola mera kuch kaam hai main ata...

5 years ago
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Doctor Fullfilled My Wife Fantasy

Hi readers, I am Salim 28 years old married since past 3 years my wife is Shahana 25 years old very hot very sexy looking. She actually looks very similar to Priyanka Chopra. We reside near to Hyderabad. Ours married life is wonderful we don’t have any problem what so ever except just one. It was my thinking my fantasies which were not going true. I loved my wife and she loved me more than I do. My fantasy was to see my sexy young wife fucked hard by another male. Any doctors from Hyderabad...

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