Huntress Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is my first time actually writing a story like this. Not a lot of sex so if that’s what you are looking for, turn back now. Also, this is a supernatural type story (vampires, werewolves, witches, the whole shebang) so if you aren’t into that…well, turn back as well. For those of you who have not left yet, I can only assume you’re staying… so enjoy.

Carmen wasn’t drunk.

Sage watched from the opposite side of the dance floor as her best friend leaned tiredly against a man whose shirt had been unbuttoned and lay open, chest bare, shaved and sweating. The man who was probably as intoxicated as Carmen pretended to be was trying his best to hold her up and carry on a drunken conversation. Every so often, the dark haired girl would nod.

Sage couldn’t help but laugh

Thus was a night out for her and the girls. Somewhere in the sporadically lit room, her other two best friends were hiding, one with a guy who she probably would end up kicking in the balls by the end of the night, and the other probably on the phone with her sister.

Sage was the bystander, as usual. She had no desire to go out onto the dance floor and get sweaty with a man she didn’t know nor did she feel like drinking herself into oblivion. There was too much going on. She needed to be on her ‘A’ game in case Brie came back, distraught over her little sister, which was bound to happen.

The loud bass of the techno song that had been on for at least twenty minutes changed into a slow rap song. Carmen stood up abruptly, a smile plastered on her face. She yelled something to the man, along the lines of how much she loved the song, and began moving her hips with such energy one would think she had just arrived to the club an hour ago instead of four.

Sage faked a smile, as she walked around the floor, avoiding flailing bodies, to the bar. Her feet were killing her and as soon as her behind met the bar stool she flipped the shoes off and onto the wooden counter in front of her. Next to her, a dark haired man with a five o’clock shadow smiled as he brought a small glass filled with ice and brown liquor to his lips. He closed his eyes as the liquid slid into his mouth and down his throat, swallowed and then opened his eyes again, eyes heavy with suggestions and liquor. Despite his half-lidded gaze, Sage could see that his eyes matched the amber color of his drink. His eyelashes were full enough to make most girls jealous, and despite the dusting of hair she could make out the hard lines of his jaw.

He was definitely attractive.

So Sage ignored him.

‘My bar is not your kitchen table.’ The bartender, Geoff, informed her as he walked over, glass at the ready.

‘Gimme the usual,’ was her only reply. Not caring about any looks she was getting, Sage kneaded the ball of her foot. She was thankful that the girls were getting older and their partying days per week were slowly decreasing in number. Her feet couldn’t take much more.

The blond haired bartender set an electric blue drink on a coaster by her heels. ‘Should I call Carmen a cab cause you don’t look like you’re staying for much longer,’ his blue eyes glanced on to the floor. Carmen was still moving her hips in an intoxicating rhythm. Rico Suave was trying to keep up, but she batted his hands away every time he reached for her.

‘She’s more sober than you think,’ Sage said with a smile, going back to what she was doing to her feet. God, it felt amazing. If she hadn’t been with the girls, she would finish her night in the club barefoot. Hell, if it weren’t for the girls she wouldn’t have even come. It was taking everything in her now just to not walk home. Her bed was calling her.

She felt Geoff’s eyes on her as she worked the heel of her foot. ‘I could do that for you, you know?’ His offer was a quite one. She was surprised she had even heard it over the music, but whether she had or not, the look in eyes repeated the question like a marquee in Times Square.

‘You’re a bartender, you serve drinks and touch people’s ice. I’m not sure anyone would be particularly happy to know that prior to making their fuzzy navel you were working the kinks out of my toes.’

If it had been anyone else, Sage probably would have walked away from sheer annoyance, but Geoff had been a good friend and informant for her and the girls for a while.

His flirtations were excused.

At least the ones directed at her. He had had a serious crush on her friend, Brie, since middle school. As the year’s progressed, his taunts about her black wavy hair and not so big chest had turned into loaded questions and fearless innuendo. Brie found it tiresome. It was highly entertaining for everyone else.

The light in his eyes died as quickly as a firework in a summer night sky, and he picked up a spotless glass and began wiping the outside rim, looking everywhere but at her.

The man that had been sitting next to her vacated his seat, leaving Sage with an inviting smile. Out of curiosity, her eyes followed him into the crowd, and he tossed her inviting looks as he disappeared. Sage wasn’t interested. She almost felt bad for staring so hard in his direction. In the next twenty minutes, after he realized that she had no intentions of following him into whatever dimly lit corner he was hiding in, he would probably wonder why she had stared so hard in the first place. Was it him? Did he stink? All the things that his drunken mind would wonder.

But then again she wondered the same thing. Why hadn’t she? He hadn’t been bad looking. Hadn’t tried to come on to her with cheesy, ‘did it hurt?’ lines. In fact, he had been just the way she liked her men lately.


Sage sighed, dropping her foot down on to the pegs under the stool. She was made of marble. She knew it. No one could get passed whatever emotional barrier she had erected in front of herself these passed few years.

No one.

The girls had begged and pleaded with her to come out with them. For the last couple weeks, she had made it a habit of either locking herself in her room or only going out when the girls had a job to do.

‘It’s depressing,’ Brie had told her the week before.

Sage had no desire to be out in this crowd of people. All these strangers. How could anyone feel comfortable here?

Sage grabbed her drink and took a sip as she glanced onto the dance floor. Carmen had switched dance partners and now she was in the arms of redheaded man, whose tight shirt highlighted every muscle in his body. His sleeves alone looked as if they would pop from his biceps, and curled around one was a tribal ring. Just like the other one, Carmen was just toying with him. He didn’t even look interesting.

And what was that? Sage sighed, placing her drink back down with a slam.

What the hell was wrong with her? Was she turning into a recluse? Everyday, to her and to the girls, it sure as hell seemed like it and everyday, Sage didn’t care. She almost preferred to keep to herself sometimes. She loved her roommates more than anything, but who was there to talk to other than them? Her sister? Sage chuckled to herself as she played with the condensation at the bottom of her glass.

She couldn’t. Not to Vicki.

Sage’s phone buzzed in her back pocket, and she leaned over the bar to pull it out. She glanced at the screen and tossed the phone a little ways down the bar, uncaring of the harm that came to it.

‘Jesus, why won’t you stop calling me?’ She hated boyfriends. She hated them because she knew that eventually they would become exes and exes were an annoying phone ritual for her.

Alek, for instance, couldn’t get a clue. He was like a fly during a BBQ. They had broken up because of his in ability to control his foolish desires for other women, and now every night he called and made his apologies, most of the time while drunk.

Geoff grabbed her phone and placed it next to her drink. ‘P
lease, don’t throw phones at my patrons,’ he said, a smile returning to his eyes.

‘He won’t stop calling me.’ Sage couldn’t hear her whine over the music, and was glad for it. Geoff grabbed a glass from the sink behind him and began cleaning it off with the same rag she had seen him use to wipe down the bar a few minutes ago. Sage pushed her drink away from her slightly.

‘Alek, right? The cheater guy I always saw you in here with?’

Sage nodded. He had hit the nail right on the head. ‘He calls me every night to tell me that he’s sorry.’ Sage shrugged. ‘I get it. You fucked up. Get over it.’

Sage realized how mean she sounded, but nothing could move her to care. She was fed up with everything it seemed like. Was this how her parents felt right before they decide they would drown their life away in gin vodka? Sage pushed the thought away before it could manifest itself anymore.

She wasn’t them. She never would be.

The thought made her push away her drink a little more. Geoff noticed and picked up the cold glass, examining it. ‘Did I not make it right?’ Sage shook her head and waved her hand in unison. He caught the hint and tossed the drink out. When he turned back to her, his forehead was scrunched up, eyebrows raised.

‘Are you feeling okay?’ Geoff went to put his hand on her forehead but she batted it away.

‘I’m fine.’

The bartender wasn’t having it. He leaned forward on the wood of the bar, searching for her eyes. Sage made an effort to make her hands more interesting than anything else in the club.

‘Seriously,’ he probed. ‘What’s going on?’ He glanced around, then leaned forward a little more.

‘Is it the hunts? ‘

Sage scoffed at the absurdity of his statement.

She loved the hunts. They made her feel alive. More alive than she felt sitting in a dingy bar, watching people dance and drink. More alive than she did talking to Alek over French onion soup and red wine. More alive than she had felt in a long time.

Sage had to smile.

To every man and woman in here, Sage, Brie, Carmen and Regan looked like four regular girls who had come to the club to unwind from their stressful 9 – 5 work schedules. They talked like normal girls, acted, when necessary, like normal girls, but to the few that knew, they were something entirely different. Sage glanced around the room. She could probably count on one hand the amount of people who knew that there was an entire community within the one they lived in. She could only imagine the way the blond at the end of the bar would react if Sage told her that nine times out of ten, those blemishes she had tried her best to cover up on her neck weren’t blemishes at all. And that Goth bar she had visited a week ago was definitely not just a Goth bar. The poor girl would probably fall out of her seat.

The Huntresses.

They hadn’t started calling themselves that. Someone had whispered it one night and it had stuck. They hunted the things that human’s didn’t need to know about. Didn’t need to associate with. They were paranormal hunters. They specialized in vampires, but could also handle your occasional demon. They had done away with some troublesome Fae before (the Unseelie queen hated them.). They didn’t go near Werewolves or Were-anything for that matter. The girls left those to the big guys, or to the vamps. The unpredictable mongrels weren’t their problem. But the girl’s were more than feared in the vampire community. And the thought made Sage’s fingertips tingle. She needed a hunt right now. She needed to feel one of those bastards’s bleed. Needed to feel her heart beat fast and see the look in their faces when they realize that she was not in fact a lost young woman who had decided to take a shortcut on her way home from work.

Sage had to reel herself in. ‘No. The hunts are fine.’

Geoff shook his head. ‘Is it Caleb?’

The thoughts shot through Sage’s mind before she could stop them. Brie’s younger sister, with her bright green eyes and her unusual colored hair. Caleb was home by herself. She had begged Brie to go out and have fun. Since their parent’s death, Brie had been a mother to the younger girl, all of the girls had, in fact, and it wasn’t easy being a mother to a child with a mental disorder, no matter how many ‘mothers’ were helping. The wealth of emotions that passed through Sage shocked her.

They almost felt new.

She remembered how her heart had dropped into the pit of her stomach when Caleb’s doctor told all the girls what was wrong with her. Why she hadn’t been sleeping, or eating, why she would look at people as if they had maggots and bats flying out their head, and why she woke up screaming almost every night.

Sage had felt her stomach drop that day. It had been months since she had felt anything similar to it, and despite her desire to feel something other than boredom, that feeling had not been welcome.

‘Brie is probably in a corner somewhere blowing up Caleb’s cell phone, but the kid’s fine. She’s home, hopefully sleeping.’

When Geoff looked as if he would plague her with more questions, Sage cut him off with a reassuring smile that she knew didn’t quite reach her eyes. ‘Look, I’m good. Just a little tired.’ She spun her chair around to avoid looking at Geoff, and hearing his reply. Instead she searched the floor for Carmen. This time the girl was dancing back to back with their roommate, Regan.

Regan’s red hair, reflected off the lights giving her a glow that made a few men and women on the dance floor stop and stare. Almost as if she could feel eyes on her, Carmen glanced up at the bar, searching. She met Sage’s hazel eyes.

‘Are you okay? ‘

Carmen’s voice sounded like a distant echo. Over the loud music, Sage hadn’t even been sure she’d heard it, but she knew by her friend’s concerned look that it had not been in her imagination. Sage only nodded. She wasn’t telepathic. She couldn’t reply to her, but Carmen could pull her thoughts, she would see the words and memories Sage had placed at the foreground of her mind to give the impression she was having a blast. Carmen seemed to do just that and her concerned look was replaced with a smile, as she continued dancing.

She needed an out.


She searched around the club for Brie, but her unmistakable lengthy black hair and cafe au lait skin was nowhere in sight.

‘Dammit,’ she muttered, turning her seat back to face the bar.

Geoff, thankfully, had made his way to the blond at the end of the counter. As he offered her a refill on her drink, she unconsciously touched the blemishes on the side of her neck, trying to hide the redness, while leaning unnecessarily far over the bar to point to a bottle on the top shelf. Sage could see her breasts spilling out of her scoop neck dress. Geoff was going to be busy for a while.

Sage grudgingly gathered her shoes off the bar, to put them back on her feet, but stopped when the light from her phone caught her attention.

4 missed calls.

Sage scrunched her eyebrows, as she picked up the phone. Mentally, she went down the list of people she hoped it hadn’t been as she pressed the button to show the calls. All four had come from a number she didn’t know and not one of them had produced a voicemail, but Sage didn’t need to have the number saved in her phone to know whom it was. She jumped off the bar stool, and paused for a second as the sting of her feet settling back into the heels passed. She pulled a five out of her bra, and left it on the counter. When Geoff wasn’t occupied with Plastic Surgery at the end of the bar, he could grab his money.

Sage pushed through the crowd of people, making her way to the front door.

Occasionally, a man would turn to her, assuming she was nudging him to get his attention not to move him out the way, but she ignored their interests. She pushed through the velvet door and welcomed the cold fresh air that hit her skin.

You leavin’ without the girls?’ Darrell, the bouncer, stood against the door, arms folded in a classic bouncer pose. ‘No one ‘s getting in’, the muscles bulging out of his short sleeved black body armor said.

‘They ain’t gonna be to happy ’bout that.’ The smile that lifted up his chocolate brown cheeks told her he was kidding, but Sage’s sour mood had turned bitter.

‘I know, ‘ she answered, walking backwards as she made her way across the street. ‘But I gotta go get my sister out of jail.’

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My Wedding Well here I am getting ready for my wedding, I am dressed in a white Basque and sheer stockings, white frill panties, about ten acrylic petticoats which make my pure white wedding dress stand out about two feet all around, a pair of white high heeled shoes with a bow on the front. The dress is down to my ankles, made from pure silk and goes up to my neck where it goes into a frill going all the way around my neck keeping my chin up. My hair is intricately platted with...

2 years ago
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A HellenicAfrique Love Affair Part 3

A Hellenic-Afrique Love Affair Part 3 I woke up first just after six in the morning following after our furious love fucking with Meletios, all hot, sticky with dry sweat including cum spots and icy caking in some passionate spots and all round. I slipped out of bed quietly still in my blonde wig pearl choker kissing Meletios on his forehead as he let out a low groan still deep in his sleep before strutting off naked in my silver 4-inch spike marabou mules to the bathroom to take a...

4 years ago
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Liquid Dreams

Liquid Dreams I was at work. I was wearing my suit when I felt the need to go the bathroom. When I took off my trousers I realised I was naked from the waist down. How had I managed to come to work with no underwear or socks? I had never previously come to work like this. That was why I needed the bathroom! I reached into my bag. I needed to put on some underwear or I would damage my suit. I must have got dressed in a hurry. I pulled out some black boxer shorts and...

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Evening In The Bus With The Lady Police

By : Rexyboy Hi to all ISS readers, hope you are all fine! I’m from Chennai, came up with a story here then guys I need your suggestions to post my future writings. This happened very recently when I was travelling in bus, one day I missed my cab in the office and my next cab is after two hours, so I thought to go home by bus, so from my office I walked to a nearby bus stop and was waiting there, thinking that it’s been so long that I went in bus and I was praying that that the bus which I...

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OHGIRLs First Time Our Perspectives

Everything in this world is seen and described differently from each person’s point of view. This story is told from the perspective of the two people that experienced the event.Our Perspectives: We had discussed the idea of swinging and swapping partners in the past. Neither of us really wanted to commit to such a radical idea though, whether it was our moral values of sticking to our wedding vows, our fear of something new and different, or just because we are both picky. If we were...

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DreamweaverChapter 16 The Beast in the Box

I expected that if I were to go into the cabana that I would find the girls, but I was not really ready to see them just yet. Sitting on the beach I stared out at the waves and tried to think about what I had just learned. My killer was schizophrenic, as we had guessed; that he was also the victim of some scheme to exploit his condition was news. What kind of people would take such an illness and exploit it? Who would even conceive of it? How would it be done? The care and effort to treat the...

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Marcus the Black Man Breeder

This Black Man is just as powerful as the common Black Man with only one exception. This Black Man wants to breed white women. He wants your fertile pussy. His power is to breed with any and all white females that are fertile. This passage will tell the tale of how he lures women with his eyes. He controls them with the tone of his voice. Women can not resist. This Black Man can not be stopped. He will not stop. His power is to breed with his black baby making cum. A long long time ago at the...

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weekly fuck

I met guy name kieth,on a local dating phone service,I had place an ad,and he sounded real hot,so i invited him over one afternoon for some hot sex,when I answer the door wearing a pink top,black mini skirt,blacklace garterbelt,lace stocking,matching panties.I took him to my bedroom where we stood in front of a mirror,his hands were all over me,grabbing my tits,running his hands down my skirt,I could feel his cock getting hard,telling me how sexy I look to him,I then turn to him,and pull his...

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Transport The Pokemon Adventures

Finally! You hesitantly unwrapped your new Pokemon game, grinning at the cover. You knew it sounded nerdy, but... damn! You really didn't give two shits about the strategy, or whatever bull-crap anyone spewed, but what you did like was beating the shit out of people - even if they were made out of pixels - using monsters. Swallowing, you took the game into your room, thanking every God you knew that you had finally gotten this game - you had waited for this version of Pokemon for two long...

3 years ago
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One day a friend and i went on a vacation to the beach to relax and have some fun. When we got to the Motel we were both tired and decided to relax for the night. we got tired of the shitty hotel channels and turned to the laptop for some porn to pass time. As we watch porn hours went by and our dicks got hard as they could be. I pulled out a joint and chris and I smoked it, but as i went to hit the joint i could feel chris' hand rubbing my hard cock through my pants. It felt good so i let him...

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Sex With Office Colleague

I have followed is and have been a regular reader. I am of 25 years by age. Love doing sex chat .I am a descent guy with good physic and attractive have a good size of dick. This story is true of my life and for the first time I am writing in Indian sex stories, I read many stories and thought of sharing one of my experience too. I have not revealed my name nor girls name. There is little description about me. I usually love chatting with girls and if girls agree than give them pleasure . I...

4 years ago
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At Her Command

"Awaken, my pet." The voice - sweet as Heaven yet as devilsome as Hell - drifts through your unconsciousness, and you feel it moving into your head and banishing the darkness within. "Yes, that's it..." Your eyes flicker open... You are floating in the air, with no visible restraints (Though your limbs are spread as wide apart as possible, and you cannot move them). The marble floor is perhaps 3 feet below you. Your eyes glance around the hall: a hugely high-roofed hall, forming into a dome far...

2 years ago
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I Will Submit to You Master

Authors Note:  This is a continuation from ?I Will Submit to You, Master? out now from Renaissance E-books.Jackie wanted to scream in frustration.  But she refused.  Outbursts like that were reserved for spoiled submissives, not for proud mistresses. Still, she sat on the blanket outside in Collin’s large back yard, making sure to keep her distance from all three men.  Scents from the various flowers planted in Julie’s garden drifted towards the foursome.  Violets and roses bloomed in full...

4 years ago
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BBC takes My Ass Gay

I was in an online chat room one morning when I met a man named Thomas. He told me he was at a hotel nearby and he was looking for oral sex. I asked Thomas if he would like some company and he said to come over to his room. The hotel in question is only five minutes drive from my home. I drove over and found Thomas's room number.I knocked and was greeted by a surprise. Thomas opened the door, he had just stepped out of the shower. Thomas was a short, black man who was totally naked. I looked...

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My Sweet StepDaughter

I stripped off my damp t-shirt (the weather was quite warm) and tossed it over the back of a chair to dry, and suddenly shivered in the coolness of the air-conditioned living room. We sat on the couch, with me partially reclining against the left arm with a cushion behind my shoulders when she suddenly lunged forward and starting tickling me. She laughed and screamed as I retaliated, moving up my body until her hands were around my neck. Because her shirt was mostly unbuttoned, I had a clear...

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Neighbor kids part 11

This is a fantasy only. First a little background. I love young barefoot girls. They just turn me on so much! I like the ages from about 9 to 14. I love them when they are petite, small breasted, nice tight little asses, nice legs and of course pretty bare feet! There is something about their freshness, innocence, and smiles that is captivating. I also like petite women for pretty much the same reasons minus the innocence! I generally am not into boys although they can be pretty cute too at...

1 year ago
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My slut wife outwest 1

We had recently purchased some land in Arizona, and according to state law we had six months to see it and accept or reject the deal. We have two sons and always planned to find a piece of land to give them a permanent home, I was back in college finishing up my degree, and we were strapped for money as usual. Spring break was coming up and that seemed the best time for the trip to see the property. I could stay with the boys and Babette could fly there and check out the land. It was always...

1 year ago
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Sex with Hot Gym partner

Hello readers, thank you for liking my other stories. Your love is the real motivator for me to write more. I am here to present another incident which initial sounds funny but later it turns out to be a very hot experience. This incident is about a hot gym partner whom I met in my gym and I was paired by my gym coach to be his gym partner. Initially, we were gym partners and later we were intimate partners. This all started when I started the gym and my coach introduced me to this guy called...

Gay Male
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SAM Ch 02

This story is a sequel to my story The Webber Family Secrets. Although the story is largely about Sam we will meet some other members of Sam’s family when she returns to the Shelley Beach Resort. The story SAM can be read as a stand-alone story but you will get more sense out of it if you have read The Webber Family Secrets. Enjoy! ***** CHAPTER TWO THURSDAY FiFi was woken from a deep sex induced sleep at six in the morning. Come along my little flower it is time we shower and prepare for...

2 years ago
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Out of the Jungle

‘My name is Xavier Ortiz, I am a journalist.’ I looked at Colonel Rodriguez standing in front of me, it wasn’t just the jungle green uniform that scared me or the machine pistol he held so casually, its barrel pointed directly at my forehead, it was the look in his eyes that really had me worried. I could see that he didn’t believe me even though he had my passport and travel papers in his other hand. ‘I disagree with you Senor, you are not who you say that you are, you are not Xavier Ortiz...

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Little Sisters First Gangbang

“Hey,” she said. “Wanna make a bet?” “Depends,” I replied. “What is it?” “I bet you that I’m going to fist Kelly by tomorrow morning,” she said, gesturing to a short, thin redhead currently engaged in talking to someone else. “If I win?” I asked. “You get to join in,” she said with a smile. “And if I lose?” “You have to pin her to the ground while I rape her with my fist.” This is one of the reasons I’m with Jenn - she has an evil sadistic streak. It kept our sex life fun. “Done,” I...

1 year ago
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Travel Trouble

Travel Trouble My wife Mary and I had recently retired and had sold out house and boughta motor home. We disposed of everything we couldn't carry with us andsaid goodby to our friends. We decided to use our new freedom to see someof this great country and become full timers. Along the way we took inCivil War battlefields and other interesting places. A month into ourjourney, I stopped to fill up with diesel fuel...

3 years ago
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Turning Fantasy to a Reality Part II

His posture changed suddenly.  A more stern look on his face, and his eyes severe.  As I crawled forward I could feel the sweat in the palms of my hands.  I had to do this right. I had to be perfect.  He shifted on the edge of his bed and put his hand down to graze my cheek.  The temperature outside was ungodly hot, but was nothing in comparison to the heat that was inside his room.  He rustled the bag behind him and out came a black lace pair of panties. They were sheer and delicate, something...

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It Was Only a Blowjob Ch 05

======================== Family issues and vengeance concerns ======================== I stood over my sister-in-law, whose cheating had caused so much trouble in my marriage. She looked repentant, as she pressed her lips to my leg, her hand stroking my hard cock, her eyes tracking its path. It was still hard for me to believe that my wife had given that low-life bastard a handjob and hid it from me. I had forgiven her, all she had to do was be honest. But no, she was still hiding things....

4 years ago
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My Vagina

My Vagina By Cassandra Morgan I awoke the sounds of my mother crying. It's never a good thing. In the semi-dark of the hospital room, I could hear her jagged sobs. It was the sound of a woman who has cried too long and too hard, and yet, the tears keep coming. It was raw and jagged and relentless. It sounded like pain. I lay there for a long moment, before anyone realized I was awake. I glanced around. My father was there, with tight lips, staring into space My sister Rose was...

3 years ago
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Sissy Gimp

Sissy Gimp I watched the red head spurn the fourth attempt to chat her up and smiled. I was sitting in a pickup bar and you may be wondering why I was doing this since I was happily married. Well I was happily married but my wife Penny and I did not see eye to eye on sex. I have a very high sex drive where as Penny has not, and so sex between us was few and far apart. In fact it has been four months since Penny and I had made love. In that time I had been to this bar and had two one...

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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 3 A New Ship

On paper the ship looked to be ideal for Varna's purposes - a heavily armed converted freighter that still retained a reasonable size hold. The downside was, being rather old, it needed five crew to run it. A pilot, navigator, engineer and two for weapons control. The navigator, co-pilot and second in command was Sisanna, an older, hard and vicious woman she had befriended after she pushed Minara away and transferred to a different brigade. Varna wanted a reputation as a badass, and the...

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Recollections 1 Jo and Brenda

Recollections JoSoon after going to my secondary school after dinner it was raining and so we were allowed to go to the room for our first after dinner lesson early. I was first into the room and sat down at the desk allocated to me. A few minutes later Jo came in. I instantly noticed that I could see the best part of 2 inches of bright white slip dropping down beneath her dark blue pleated school skirt at the back. The skirt finished about 2 inches above her knees. The girls wore white socks...

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The Kindness of StrangersChapter 2

"Will you sleep with me tonight?" "Sure." She cocked her head and smiled suddenly. "This is the first time I ever came out and asked a guy to sleep with me, just like that." "Cool. Maybe you ... no, someday, when you want to have pictures taken of yourself, let me know." "Well, I don't know." She said coyly. "Are you any good?" "Yeah. Or are you asking if I can lick my eyebrows?" She giggled. "I was wondering if you were a good photographer?" "Good enough to make a...

3 years ago
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The Neighbor

                                                                 THE NEIGHBOR     It was happening again. The shrill high pitched scream of Lin as her drunken asshole husband beat her. He was a big fat pig of a drunk whose only saving grace was that no one had killed him yet.  As usual the oft repeated saga ended abrupt[y with a heavy thud against the wall and then silence as the bastard clomped down the cement stairs.     I closed my front door and put away the small Glock pistol I keep in the...

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Zero Chemistry

This is the first chapter in my first series (and hopefully not my last!) so I would really appreciate any comments or tips you might have for me. I promise it will get steamier as the chapters go on. This chapter is fairly short because I mainly just wanted to introduce the characters. The following story is a work of fiction and intended for ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult or offended by descriptions of explicit sex, please read no further. This is a copyrighted work. ©Copyright 2014...

2 years ago
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Women Within Me

By : Karthik1234 I love to suck dick this is most enjoyable statement from my mouth. I’m Karthika then it’s not matter for society but I’m Karthik just because of society I’m trying to hide my ‘Karthika’ inside me only. I love to be called as karthika from everyone.When this feeling was started. I questioned myself lot of times.At least I want to share my feelings to everyone. Thanks to ISS and awesome readers of this site. Ok I come to my personal experience. I will tell you in next story...

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