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Erotic Fiction

Can’t Say No

I couldn’t concentrate all week thinking about the massage at the hotel Abram had arranged for me. I knew of the hotel but had never been there, it was a 5-star hotel so I thought it must have been pretty good.
I think Paul my husband must have cottoned on to something as I guess now looking back, I was pretty distant, in my own little world, a dirty sex filled little world that I was loving.
Eventually I told Paul I was heading into town to the hotel for a meeting at the hotel, even though I’d never actually had a massage before.

On the day I was slightly nervous with a few butterflies in my stomach, what to wear, what would happen, what would the guy be like who was doing the massage?
I decided to dress in a patterned yellow light summer dress and had on a white pair of knickers that had a good V shape along the line of my legs down to my pussy and had a matching white low-cut bra. I felt free and easy wearing that it didn’t seem too restrictive and a quick look in the mirror had me feeling good about my look.

Abram text me just before I went in
‘enjoy today it is something special I have arranged, you’re not to say no to anything!!’
It was by now to me a typical command by Abram, even if it was in a text, I knew the score now, I wasn’t going to disobey him.

At the hotel I was greeted by Joe the manager, “hello you must me Emma” he said with a broad smile” “hi”, that’s right I am” I replied a little nervously.
“well Abram is one of very best customers and has arranged a special afternoon, so please follow me and relax this is your day to be spoilt”

I followed Joe through the hotel and into the leisure area the pool and spa were lovely with just a few people around. Joe spoke again, “we have a bathing suit for you that Abram has brought for you so you can start by enjoying the pool and the spa, this is Sofia she will be your host for the afternoon”
I looked around to see a very beautiful tall dark-haired young girl, she had beautiful golden-brown skin and dark eyes. She had on a sort of white lab coat that was just above the knee and had pop up buttons that stopped around her cleavage.

“hello” I said sheepishly not expecting a woman to be my host. “hello” Sofia replied in an Eastern European accent. “if you would like to get changed through there” there is a glass of champagne waiting for you.
I opened the changing room door to see marbled walls and floor with flowers around and a glass of champagne waiting for me. I opened the wrapped present that Abram had left to find a beautiful red bikini, with a note that read ‘relax, enjoy and don’t say no’ the last bit left me perplexed a few times now Abram has said don’t say no I wondered what he had planned and what he meant?

I slipped out of my clothes and into the bikini which fitted perfectly it pushed my breasts up and was thin enough for me to see the outline of my nipples. The bottoms again were thin and had a high line up around my pussy. Looking in the mirror it I could see the line of my pussy lips through the material, I couldn’t believe I was actually admiring the outline of my pussy, it was something I wouldn’t normally have worn in a million years, but it made me feel sexy.
Sofia led me to the pool & spa and topped up my champagne, I sat and relaxed and chatted to a guy who was on business in town for the week, before Sofia waved me over and led me into the massage room.
The room had a massage table in the middle and along the side was a line of massage oil, soft music played in the background and lit candles produced the most amazing tranquil smell.
Sofia handed me a towel to dry off, “Mr Abram has told me to tell you, relax, enjoy and don’t say no” there it was again don’t say no. “thank you, Sofia” I replied “Mr Abram seems determined for me to not say no”
Sofia smiled the most beautiful smile that was almost mischievous, “would Madam like her massage naked” I paused before replying, I’d suddenly realised this was Abrams message “yes please” I nervously whispered my reply.
Without saying a word Sofia moved behind me and gently unclasped my bikini top, I raised my arms to allow her to remove the garment, her hands and skin felt so soft as her hands brushed against my breasts.
Sofia moved around the front and to my shock she got on her knees and gently peeled of my bikini bottoms.
My heart was in my mouth I’d never been naked in front of a stranger before and certainly not another woman. Her face was eye level with my clean-shaven pussy, for a second, I thought I detected a smouldering look in her eye like she approved of what she saw.

Looking down I could see my nipples hardening, I was confused and dismissed it as the air on my naked body rather than arousal.

Please lie face down on the massage table, the table is heated so it won’t be a cold shock. I laid down turning my head to one side I could see Sofia mixing the oils.
“would you mind if I remove my robe” Sofia asked softly with her lovely Eastern European accent. “that’s fine” I replied remembering Abrams command.

I watched as Sofia popped open the button on her coat and slipped it off, I almost gasped at the sight of her beautiful body. Her tanned golden skin seemed to glisten like a silver sea as she tied her dark hair back in a pony tail. Her tits were big and almost bursting out of her white lacy bra, her white lacy panties barely hid her pussy and her whole body was toned almost to the point of being muscular.
Sofia looked at me with a smile as she slipped off her sandals, she had caught me watching her undress, “are you okay Emma” embarrassed I stuttered a reply “y yesss”
“Mr Abram has requested that you have a full body massage today, is that okay with you?”
Confused as to what was in store I hesitated, until Abram, Paul my husband was the only person to touch my body and now a beautiful young girl was about to massage my naked body, I felt almost vulnerable. “Emma is it okay to do a full body massage” Sofia repeated. “sorry, eh, yes please carry on I said” with little conviction.

Sofia poured the warm oil into her hands and her soft oiled hands gently touched my shoulders her hands started swirling across my tingling skin, I began to relax as my shoulder muscles felt the swirling of her hands, as she covered every inch of my skin. It felt so good.
Slowly her hands worked down across the middle of my back before caressing up around my shoulder blades and back down, I moaned quietly to myself as I started to feel more and more relaxed as Sofia’s hands worked wonders.
She stopped momentarily to pour more oil in the small of my lower back her hands ran over my ass, circling and massaging the oil into my skin. Her hands drifted down the back of my legs every second was bliss.

My heart skipped a beat when she whispered in my ear “I’m going to open your legs slightly” Before I had chance to think or protest gently her hands slid down my ass and spread my legs open. I was almost shocked that I allowed a woman to do this, exposing my ass and giving her a clear view of my pussy, what was shocking me more that I was not only enjoying the feeling of her hands running around by body, I was actually getting turned on, the music, the candles, the smell of burning scents, the champagne, a beautiful young masseuse, this was feeling like heaven to me.

One of her oily hands slipped down between the cheeks of my ass, and I flinched as it passed over my tight little asshole, that had never been touched in that way before. But the feeling made me tingle and instantly I could feel I was getting damp; my nipples were hard and pushing into massage table as I shifted slightly to take the pressure off.

Her hands dropped still further and brushed around my now soft swollen pussy causing me to groan with elation. Sofia whispered again in my ear “is this okay for you” I could feel her breath gently blowing in my ear as she spoke as yet another one of my senses was ignited. “emmmm” was all I could manage in response. “if you would like to turn over and lay on your back, I will massage your front”
I was so comfortable I didn’t want to turn over, but did as I was asked, Sofia looked at me with a glint in her eye and said “do you mind if I take this off” pointing at her bra. By now I was conditioned to say yes, but frankly wouldn’t have turned her down anyway, “please do” I said quietly

“could you undo the clasp” Sofia said leaning over me, her face was close to mine, my hands reached around and unbuckled the clasp with ease, as her bra slipped forward and as she moved away her breasts were inches from my mouth and I felt the heat of her body as it seemed to radiate, those beautiful pert round golden tits moved tantalisingly close, her nipples were dark like mine but were larger. I was close to doing something I’d never even thought of doing in my life and leaning forward to suck on those inviting hard nipples.

Before I could get my mind straight Sofia moved away to get more oil, I was convinced she was teasing me with her every move, and it was working, god was it working, my nipples wanted to feel her soft lips on them and pussy was now aching to be touched by those expert fingers, my thoughts even drifted to seeing Sofia slip her head between my legs and start probing my pussy lips with her tongue.

Sofia turned around with more oil and this time poured some on my stomach, gently she circled her hands around spreading the oil over my soft white skin, her face watching the movements of her hands.
Now she moved above my head reaching over she spread the oil up over my breasts, my nipples were as hard as I’d ever felt them as her hands brushed over them and circled around the cup, over and over again teasing and toying with my nipples building my excitement. My breathing was deep and I began to moan under my breath.
With every movement her nipples and breasts gently brushed across my face, she made no apology and knew what she was doing, fuck I was struggling to control myself, I’d never had a woman’s tits this close to me before and the feeling to touch them and feel them was almost overwhelming.
Almost timed to perfection in that she knew I was losing control, Sofia teased again and moved before I could pluck up the courage to feel her nipples and breasts and take them in my mouth.
She moved down to my legs and again this time without asking she opened them apart exposing my shaved pussy my pink lips were glistening with pussy juice, her hands worked from my feet up occasionally getting tantalisingly close to my aching pussy.

Soon her hands worked up the inside of my thighs and I groaned as her fingers on both hands went up either side of my pussy pushing my lips together and pushing up the mound of soft flesh, I could see Sofia looking at my pussy and as her hands worked around it so I spread my legs a little more willing her to finger me, all I wanted now was to feel her working her fingers inside me.

Sofia moved again to the side of me, as she came around, I could see a damp patch on her pussy along the front of her white knickers and for the first time knew she was enjoying this as much as me.
She immediately returned her hands to my spread legs, working them around my pussy before eventually her fingers moved down my wet hole gently spreading my pink wet pussy lips. The feeling of those soft fingers gently probing the entrance of my pussy was sensational, it felt like every nerve from my clit to my asshole was going to explode with pleasure.

I’d abandoned any conception or fear of having sex with another woman completely, “finger me please” I whispered, Sofia smiled at me and obliged, her fingers on her right hand slipped effortlessly into my juice soaked pussy whilst her fingers on the other hand teased my clit and put some pressure on the mound of my pussy.
She was massaging my pussy inside and out now with perfect rhythm, my oil covered body writhed on the massage table as I felt her fingers explore deep inside my pussy and with the gentle pressure she applied to the outside I screamed with delight as my pussy contracted and clamped her fingers inside me, my ass clenched and stomach muscles contracted with pure orgasmic pleasure, my pussy had leaked so much fluid I could feel it running down my ass.

Sofia hadn’t quite finished her hands now massaged around the sides of my swollen pussy then she gently brushed her fingers around my ass which tingled with delight and I moaned with pleasure again, for a moment I thought she was going to slip a finger in my ass, and at that stage I wouldn’t have resisted anything.

Sofia looked at me and smiled “I think you enjoyed that?” “oh my god” was the only reply I could muster.
“have you ever been with another woman before” Sofia enquired, “no I’ve never touched another woman in my life” I replied breathlessly.
Sofia looked at me with those smouldering dark eyes, her dark pony tailed hair bobbed as she spoke and gently said “would you like to touch my body” Abram and his don’t say no command drifted into my head “I would love to” I replied sheepishly.

With that Sofia moved forward and took my hand, she placed it on her breast, immediately I felt her soft skin, her breast was big but firm and strong, I couldn’t resist running my hand across her firm nipples and noticed she had closed her eyes as I traced my finger around her nipple.
From the position I was in I could see her white knickers against her golden skin and were even wetter now and wondered what another woman’s pussy felt like or even tasted like. I had the feeling I might find out.
Sofia leant forward took one of her tits and gently placed it in my mouth, like she was feeding a baby. My mouth opened and my tongue almost instinctively licked the erect nipple toying and teasing it, I knew what I liked so assumed she may like the same.

Sofia moved forward a little more and gently place her other hand behind my head, encouraging me to latch on to her breast, my mouth enveloped and sucked at her nipple making it wet with saliva as Sofia began to start to moan, after a while she pulled away I could feel her excitement, it was almost electric.
“Sit on the edge of the table here” Sofia beckoned with her hand. As I sat up Sofia opened my legs again, I could see my shaved pussy still wet and glistening ready for more. She stood between my legs enough for me to reach out to her.

“Take my knickers off” she whispered in my ear. The word no wasn’t going to enter my head now, gently with my hands either side of her hips I slid her knickers down. Her pussy wasn’t completely shaven but was beautifully trimmed with just a tiny triangle of hair just above her clit.

I watched as she stepped out of her fallen knickers before she took my hand, this time she glided it to her pussy, my heart was beating fast now as my fingers worked their way around her soft pink lips, I touched her clit which was erect and hard almost like a mini erection. I looked to see a small trail of juice stretch between her pussy lips and my finger, it felt so soft and inviting. “taste it” Sofia said smiling at me, I brought the fluid to my lips and tasted the salty sweet juice it was a pleasant taste and had me wanting to taste more. With that Sofia placed her hands either side of my cheeks and kissed me, her soft wet tongue seemed to be seeking out the trail of juice I’d just sucked from my finger, it was probably the softest, sexiest kiss I ever had.

I stood up and hugged and kissed her, running my hands down her hips and feeling her toned ass, Sofia wasted no time in doing the same with me, before she dropped to her knees, I leaned a little against the table and watched as her head slipped down between my legs her tongue searching out my wet pussy. “oh fuck” I groaned as Sofia’s tongue lapped hungrily at my wet pussy, I spread my legs further apart inviting her tongue into my pussy and brought my hands down behind her head and pushed her face and tongue deeper into my pussy as I could feel I was going to cum again.

I took hold of Sofia’s pony tail as I pushed my hips into her face l badly wanted her tongue in me as deep as I could get it , my second orgasm was every bit as intense as the first and I almost screamed the place down with pleasure as my whole body spasmed and contracted.
Sofia stood up, I could see my juices around her mouth as she leaned forward and softly kissed me again.
I pulled away from the kiss and surprising myself said “can I taste your pussy” Sophia smiled and with a laugh said “how can I say no”

She moved the head of the table so it was upright and sat down with her legs open, her full pussy on view, her hands slipped down and I watched as her fingers gently pulled open her pussy lips, it was almost as if the master was teaching the apprentice as I dropped down between her legs her wet pink open pussy was inviting my tongue in “work your tongue around the edges and dip into my pussy before you tease my clit” Sofia commanded almost sounding like Abram.

My tongue probed the soft folds of pink wet flesh tasting her juice as it went, I could feel her body tensing as I teased her nerves, I moved up and circled her hard-little clit and her body flinched as I did. “good oh your good” was the breathless words I heard as her hands gripped mine tightly, I teased her clit more and more occasionally braking away to delve my tongue into her tight little pussy and taste her juices, I was learning to judge what I was doing with my tongue by her soft moans which increased as I hit certain spots of pleasure.
Soon her hands were digging into mine even more and she started writhing, the juices from her pussy seemed like a never ending flow as suddenly it was Sofia’s turn to cum, I felt her legs clamp either side of my head as she pushed her hips and pussy into my face. It was almost an electric feeling between us both, with me delivering the pleasure this time.

Eventually her body slumped and fell back into the table, those dark eyes were no longer smouldering but her whole face looked like it was glowing. “for someone who has never been with another woman you are fantastic” she said.
Soon Sofia handed me a robe and led me to the changing room, I actually felt like I didn’t want the afternoon to end, as Sofia gave me a tender kiss goodbye and with a glint in her eye she said “you can contact me anytime you like if you want to” and with a almost school girl giggle she said “and I won’t say no”

I arrived back home and sat exhausted but fully pleasured, my husband Paul greeted me with a smile “wow must have been a good meeting, you look completely relaxed” guilty that I had again in the space of a few weeks been with someone else this time a woman I replied “I’m sorry the hotel offered me free use of the spa and a complimentary massage, I hope you don’t mind but I took the offer”

Paul smiled with an almost knowing smile and said “no problem to me as long as you are fully relaxed and had a good time that is all that counts” I count my blessings I’m so lucky and my thoughts turned to Sofia and Abram and god knows what’s next…

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It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...

2 years ago
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The License to Impregnate

Prologue The United States of America, land of the free, home of the brave, and the most powerful nation on Earth. Yet, with great power comes great danger, everyone wants to be at the top. When the first woman president, President Aurora Dean, was elected, women quickly made leaps and bounds in society. Before men knew it, women were their equals in almost every way. Fortunately, because President Dean's policies were indiscriminate and wisely prevented women from achieving supremacy, men...

Group Sex
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Home from college

You've arrived home from college. Well, not home, your aunt's house. You're staying here for the mid-year break, as it's closer to your college than your parents house. You haven't seen your aunt in several years, but she is exactly like you remember her. Tall, curvy, with large natural breasts. "Oh honey it is so good to see you again!" She exclaims as she pulls you into a massive hug. "Hi, Aunt Lauren" you mumble into her tits. She extends you out to arms length and takes a good look at you....

3 years ago
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Neighbors and NekojinsChapter 4

Lars arranges it so that his vacation time lines up with Ethan’s every year and every year the two men go to the same resort. Every year Ethan always invites some co-worker he had fucked before to join him on the trip, unbeknownst to his wife of course. This year it’s a woman named Lyric shows up on the second day that they are there. Lyric is nice enough, even though she seems a little shy. Lars assumes that she is slightly embarrassed that he is in the other bedroom while Ethan is banging...

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Nookie for cookie

She laid a chocolate-covered Girl Scout cookie on her blond pussy mound. "It's a simple choice, Tyler." She tried for a serious face, before dissolving into a giggle fit. The teenage boy broke up, laughing hysterically. The naked young couple lay in the back seat of Ty's dad's big car, parked by the lake. The bluish air wafting in the car was fragrant with marijuana smoke. After smoking way too much pot, Abby and Ty had started eating Abby's Girl Scout cookies, which were supposedly...

1 year ago
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Getting Fucked By Girlfriend8217s Dad

The ideas for this story are taken from many others as I am a regular reader to many erotica blogs. A few years ago, I found myself dating a cute girl from my class. She used to live with her father. Her mother had passed when she was younger. Her dad was not very old, he was in his mid-40s and never remarried after. He had a job which made him travel a lot so she had her place to herself on most of the days. I met him a few times and even though he knew I was dating his daughter, he was very...

Gay Male
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New Pet Part 1

“Mr. Wolfe, your 4:40 appointment is here,” the voice of his assistant Kimberly announced.“Thank you Kimberly, send her in. Send all my calls to the service and call it a day. I will see you in the morning,” he responded.He sat back in his leather chair, behind his granite desk. He wondered what he had gotten himself into. His appointment, a new potential pet for him to enjoy. All he knew about her was that she was needy, or that was the description his friend had given him.The friend was a...

4 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 31

Ken and Ellen returned to the porch where dessert was being served. He could feel that Ari was hungry and somewhat thirsty as well. Since the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, he decided that, perhaps, she should be fed. He began a low conversation with Ellen when they got in sight of the table. "My little slave there is quite hungry and thirsty. Would you mind if I fed her?" asked Ken. Ellen, sensing he had something in mind, smiled and nodded eagerly. "Not at all. Feel free to... do...

2 years ago
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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist Take two part 3

Since Jack did all the cooking now, he would make a different meal for himself than for Mikie. Mikie would get a high calorie meal rich in proteins which would enhance her bulking up. Jack would have the opposite. His meals would be high in fat. Dr. Zaaijer wanted Jack to lose muscle weight but become softer and rounder in several areas such as his hips and butt and of course his chest. Jack had no reason to doubt Dr. Zaaijer, after all Jack's pain in his back and shoulders were...

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At work, I and a co-worker had been talking about a hypnotist that was coming to town with his show. My co-worker told me he knew somebody who could do that as well and we agree to go see him sometime. So a few days pass by and we go to see him with a whole group from work. He does his routine, and I'm told I have eaten sour grapes like they were oranges and that kind of stuff. What they actually did, I find out the next day. I go to work, and I felt the need to dress really sexy that day....

3 years ago
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Princess NoraChapter 6 Attack

"I bestow upon you, the title of Duke," William touched Sir Gorman's head three times. "Arise Duke Gorman. You understand your lands will remain in the hand of the Kingdom?" "I do Your Majesty," Gorman bowed. "I have no desire for lands. My only pledge is to serve My King and Morathia." William nodded while Princess Nora gave a wide smile. It took her three months of arguing, begging, pleading, and praying for Duke Gorman, her love, to receive this title. The handsome Duke stole a...

1 year ago
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Bahu Ka Dard 8211 Part 1

Yeh kahani ek aise ladki ki hai jo ki ek gareeb pariwar se hai.Jiske sar par baap maa ka saaya nahi hai . Jis ladki ka naam hai anu jiska umar lagbhag 18 saal hogi dekhne main bohot hi khoobsurat figure 32 24 36 dekhne main pari se kam nahi. Anu ka ek bada bhai bhi hai jo ki ek private firm mein kaam karta hai,ek din ki baat hai uske boss ke yahan office mein ek party thi boss ka naam raju hai sabhi koi usko raju seth yaa raju boss kehkar bulatein hai so usne sabhi staff ko with family invite...

1 year ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 6

O'Kei: I will explain as my brother cannot. Our father was a vice-president for a large company and mother was a freelance financial analyst. But that was only a cover for them as they were both Yakuza. They had been sent to check on business when the sickness struck. One of the surviving local Yakuza, Horukei wanted my brother to pronounce him the new leader here and was going to take me as his wife to seal the deal. We fled and he sent men after us. He put a bounty on us to be brought in...

3 years ago
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Beach sex

Hi there,just wanted to tell you about our visit to Portugal last year.Well back from Portugal and yes plenty of shagging with my partner.We think that we were being checked out by another couple whilst there.We had been on the nudist beach about 20 mins drive away from our villa, a beach that we have visited for the past 5 years. Its a small beach and on a normal day there is about 10 couples there. We had been on the beach all day of day 4. A few couples were packing their things away as it...

2 years ago
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Friends to Lovers

It's been a few months into the pandemic and I've been getting real antsy. The isolation proved to be more tiring than I originally thought it to be. It's not all bad though. I recently got closer to my friend Jessica and it's been real good! She and I both share a love for Minecraft. We'd message each other often about which streamer was online or about the DreamSMP we even follow. Sometimes though, I can't help but think there's more to it than just love for Minecraft. Well who wouldn't feel...

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Its My PartyChapter 8

Time: Saturday, December 22, 2018 5:02 PM Hannah returned to the lounge room carrying a large white towel which she handed to Mark. “Here. Smell this.” He took a tentative sniff and then inhaled deeply. “Smells pristine. Another towel from the cabinets?” “No. This was one of the wet towels from our morning showers. I threw a bunch into the washer and closed the door. A couple of minutes later the door opened with a soft ding. All done! Clean dry towels ... how in the world did it do that?...

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My wife Kate and I were watching this movie, it was about a couple in which the wife was having an affair with a black man. The film had turned me on so much, that I started thinking about Kate having sex with another man, so I asked her, "How would you fancy being with a black man?"This went down like a lead balloon with her, telling me, "No way I'm interested in having sex with a stranger."This didn't deter me, the thought of seeing her have sex with a black man and him treating her like a...

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Khoobsurat Pyasi Aurat Ke Sath

Main manav 27 yrs from Delhi. My email address Ye kahani hai ek married aurat ki jiska naam Varsha hai, jis se meri dosti ek social networking chat site me chatting ke dauran hui. Ye 4 saal purani baat hai. 2011 me chatting karte hue maine friend request ek lady profile ko bheji. Usne accept bhi kar li. Baat karte hue malum hua ki vo 28 saal ki married aurat hai aur uska ek ladka bhi hai. Hum late night tak chat karne lage. Ek din maine us se uska contact no. Manga, jo ki usne mujhe nahi diya....

2 years ago
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18 July 2008Chapter 1

Karen and Wendy approved of Dan’s light blue sports shirt and dark slacks combination for his date with Tina. “Why are you making such a fuss about my dinner date with Tina?” he asked. “This isn’t our first time out alone. We went out to celebrate the first year of meeting each other only two months ago.” “Don’t you know by now that Tina loves you and we expect you to love her too?” Karen said. “I know she loves me and I love her too.” “A man likes it when his girl dresses sensually well...

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It was another long day at the pawn shop. I thought at least once a day about selling it or getting someone else to run the damn place, but I couldn't do it. My grandfather had started it, and then my dad kept it going. I couldn't bring myself to break the chain when he passed away. Seeing my neighbor shut off his hose and put his hands on his hips when I pulled into the drive at home didn't brighten my mood any. "Why don't you take care of your lawn?" he complained as I climbed out of...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 15 Rat Hunt

The next three days were very hard on both of us. Joey was back to his "normal" self, and that ended up meaning he was almost as depressed as I was. For him it was the concept of how completely futile our rescuing his sister appeared. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see a way to convince the Eta's to let him join. We both believed that our age was the reason for the hormone levels not being within their acceptable range, and that was one thing we couldn't alter about...

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nawty lil kelly

It was a Saturday morning, Kelly woke up about 8 am from a very hot dream that she was having about her and a teacher she had a crush on at school. The dream left Kelly really horny and right away she wondered what boys dick she would be touching later that day. It didn't really matter whose it would be, she just knew she wanted to go farther than she had ever been before. Maybe even let the boy finger her young, tight pussy. Or maybe even suck a guys dick for the first time. She couldn't...

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Cheerleaders are very Practical

College cheer leader Sammie believes she has no option but to take on two judges at once to make sure her team wins the regionals.... Samantha, Sammie Green, always got what she wanted. Always had. Always will. Right now she wanted to win, even more than trying to get inside her new team mate, cute Morgan’s bra and licking her unknown mystery arsehole, some good things you had to work a little bit for, but Sammie was confident of Morgan’s lush titties being all hers as she grabbed her fetching...

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Slave Traders CaptiveChapter 7

The late afternoon sun filtered through the gauze-like curtains covering the windows, and Penny's eyes fluttered once and then opened wide. She was refreshed from the nap she had taken to prepare herself for the evening ahead and she stretched languidly, enjoying the feline look of her young body in the mirrors around her. The spring of her wedding to Robert had passed into fall, and now it was almost wintertime, but the Turkish sun was still strong and warm. She had spent a lot of time...

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TheDickSuckers Hazel Moore Use All My Holes

“My tits are so swollen,” Hazel Moore whispers as she kicks off this amazing video. In this, we break down the “4th Wall”, so to speak. When I sat down with Hazel before we started shooting, she said, “hey Billy. Can we just fuck? I’m so tired of shooting B.S. storyline porn! Lemme just talk dirty to your subscribers and suck cock and get railed and ass fucked…please!” I replied something along the lines of “of course you can!” and...

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Train ride of a lifetime

Friday nights were starting to bore me. All I ever did was sit at Jack's house with a group of friends drinking and listening to music! It finally had it's toll on me. I needed some excitement on a Friday night for a change. I let my mates know that I wouldn't be going to Jack's this Friday. I decided to organise a "Girls Night Out". Lisa, Meg, and I were hitting the town for a raging night, and hopefully I would pick someone up! I was horny after all, I hadn't had a good fuck for at least 1...

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A Vampire on Halloween

The bobbing crowd momentarily obscured the tall blond man from my view. What I saw was enough to prick my interest. The tight-fitting leather pants hugged his lower body and when he turned around at a long table that served as a bar, I could see the bulging outline of his cock. He planted his black boots a few feet apart and thrust his pelvis forward for all to admire his tool. His white satin shirt was open to the navel and I could see his naked flesh daring me to touch it. My pussy responded...

Group Sex
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 771

BEER BY SEVEN YEAR OLDS A handful of 7 year old children in Australia were asked what they thought of beer. There were some interesting responses, but the last one is especially touching. ‘I think beer must be good. My dad says the more beer he drinks the prettier my mum gets.’ --Tim, 7 years old ‘Beer makes my dad sleepy and we get to watch what we want on television when he is asleep, so beer is nice.’ --Melanie, 7 years old ‘My Mum and Dad both like beer. My Mum gets funny when she...

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Klingers Girlfriend

"Klinger's Girlfriend" by Alana Lieutenant Debbie Clarke walked into the club and spotted the man she wanted to sleep with. He was hard to miss, wearing a short, tightly fitting black cocktail dress, sitting near the piano with his legs crossed, singing a drunken duet with Major Charles Emerson Winchester. His legs looked so sexy in those dark nylons and black pumps. The wrong sex, but sexy nonetheless. She approached him as they finished singing "Stormy Weather". "Max," she...

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Sex Encounter At Industrial Visit

Hello, guys. This is me Rajat from Pune. I’m 21 years old. My height is 5’11. Fair complexion. So this is a true sex story which I’m gonna tell you today. It was the day when our college went to an industrial visit in some big company(I won’t mention the name) for a visit. We were excited to go there. As we reached there, I could see my sir and a Ma’am. I knew my sir but the Ma’am who was standing there wasn’t known. We all went down. Sir introduced her to us. She was the guide who would show...

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Whip me till I cum

It's amazing how hard it is to find a guy to really whip you – to get good welts to show across the back and bum, to whip with real rhythm, - at least 25 to the minute…to let themselves go and make themselves cum doing it…to make it all a delicious sexual pleasure…hot-bloodied and passionate….weird but wonderful.On some dreary so-called S&M website a group once attacked me for pointing out that whipping had everything to do with sex…..and if not, said I, then they should all go and join the...

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