Anime Convention Harem Ch 02
- 2 years ago
- 34
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What the hell am I doing here? Kelly thought, scowling into the restroom mirror. It had been years since she’d attended an anime convention, and too much had changed. She didn’t recognize a single costume anymore, and everywhere she turned con-goers were enjoying some kind of inside joke that was part of their geeky little culture. Pathetic.
Kelly considered herself a scene-girl goddess, her hair dyed a perfect shade of black and her artfully teased bangs cut along an angle to frame the flawless complexion of a fine-featured face. Skilled application of bold eyeliner and daring red-tinted eyeshadow complimented her brown eyes.
Her last time at an anime con was three years ago, when she’d been a senior in high school. Back then she’d been so young and naive, with her dazzling, mischievous smile regularly immortalized in dozens of exuberant selfies. Kelly had worn a borrowed costume, the spunky jester assistant of an evil clown from some barely-remembered comic book thing. The outfit had been downright slutty, and Kelly had been a hit, basking in the radiance of adoration and jealousy from those around her. It had been fun, and although most geek and nerd stuff wasn’t really her thing, she’d had a blast and planned on attending again.
But then she’d hooked up with Dale, and childish inclinations like anime conventions had been set aside and forgotten until now. Dale was a charming troublemaker, a bad boy with a band, The Ravaged Cassettes, that was going places. Dale you cheating asshole fucking piece of shit.
Though still gorgeous, to Kelly now the fluorescent lighting seemed to cast a sickly pallor over her skin, and getting her makeup right seemed like more work every time. Being sober always makes me look older and shabbier in the mirror. Fuck.
Scowling again, Kelly gave her boobs an experimental heft in the ladies room mirror. Generous C-cup breasts filled her simple black tank top, and dark skinny jeans fit snugly to the curves of her backside. She was without a bra and it seemed like her puppies were going to slip free and give someone an eyeful if she wasn’t careful. She twisted and turned to see them from the side, pursing her lips. It would be alright… probably. Here in the brilliant light of the ladies room you could clearly see her areola outlined, but it wouldn’t be as noticeable out in the convention hall.
I’m not an exhibitionist, I’m just using my assets pragmatically. she told herself. She’d brought her leftover cash to the con, but it wasn’t enough for nights at one of the hotels, or even a convention badge. A little bit of guile and a whole lot of cleavage would help… stimulate the charity of these helplessly geeky convention weebs. If I happen to have a rockin’ bod and love attention, well screw it, that’s just a bonus. she decided.
‘It’s… pink,’ a girl in pink and red dress at the sink beside her abruptly said, snapping Kelly out of her reverie. A blond, or rather mostly blond girl was staring through glasses in disbelief at her own reflection in the ladies’ room mirror. She worked her fingertips through her tresses as if unable to fathom how or why a vibrant streak of color now ran through her blond hair. A fluffy pair of rabbit ears wobbled from the headband she was wearing.
‘…Sure is,’ Kelly replied snidely, a look of curious appraisal dissolving into a dismissive smirk as she returned to fixing her eyeliner.
Startled, Stephanie turned to regard Kelly, feeling more than a little intimidated. The heady current of pink desire washing through that girl collided with her bafflement, creating swirling eddies of sensual confusion. Still stupidly holding her hair in front of her, Stephanie gulped. ‘Um, but w-why is it pink?’
‘…The hell you asking me for? It’s your hair,’ Kelly sighed, shoving her eyeliner back into the depths of her purse.
‘I’m sorry, I’m j-just–‘ Stephanie was drawing back as if she’d been struck.
‘Lemme guess,’ Kelly smirked, ‘You put some cheap shit in for highlights? The generic shit washes out and fades right away, what’d you think was gonna happen? Or… is the color supposed to match that, uh… thing? You’re wearing?’.
‘No no,’ a flustered Stephanie said, wetting her fingers under the faucet and dabbing at the errant pink locks. ‘I’ve never… put anything like that in my hair. I’ve never used dye or… anything, like that. It’s just pink all of the sudden!’
‘Shit, well, sorry,’ Kelly said, feeling a genuine pang of sympathy for the shy girl. A year or two ago a friend had gotten wasted at a party and woken up with her head shaved. A prank like that’d never happened to Kelly personally, but that fear and wariness had always lingered.
‘You didn’t notice before you left for the con?’ Kelly asked, arching an eyebrow as she leaned against the counter with her hip to face the other girl.
‘No, it was fine then,’ Stephanie said meekly, shoving paper towels into her now damp hair. They were soaking up water but not coming away with any color. ‘It was normal when I left, I would have noticed because I, uh, put on my… cosplay ears. No one noticed anything at all until I…’
The slim girl she was facing had been pale as a sheet, and now she blushed and looked away, deliberately avoiding the other girl’s eyes. Okay, this has gotta be good.
‘Yeah, ’till you what?’ Kelly urged her on.
‘I, uh, kissed. Kissed a boy,’ Stephanie said, eliciting a peal of laughter from the scene girl beside her.
‘Oh my dearie me, I kissed a boy, heavens to betsy whatever shall I do?’ Kelly mocked, unable to contain herself. ‘Well, if he’ll rub crap in your hair while you’re makin’ out, he’s a real scumbag.’
‘No, no… he didn’t touch my hair. It just… happened when we kissed?’ Stephanie frowned, isolating the pink locks again.
‘Just ‘happened’ when you kissed, huh? Truuust me, if I lit up in technicolor every time I kissed someone, I’d look like a pride parade by now. Are you for serious? …Just what are you supposed to be, anyways?’
‘Uh,’ Stephanie sputtered, flooding with embarrassment. She had never made a habit of talking to strangers in restrooms, this was turning into a particularly odd day. ‘Flamituff. From Monster Battler.’
Kelly looked at her in disbelief. ‘Isn’t that a kiddie game?’
‘Uhm, yes. It’s from a game,’ Stephanie replied reluctantly, adjusting her glasses. This encounter had cooled the blaze heating her body down to smoldering pink embers.
‘Well, uh, yeah… good luck with your hair then,’ Kelly said, chuckling as she shouldered her purse. Almost as an afterthought, she gave Stephanie a last, assessing look. ‘Hey, you wouldn’t be able to spare me ten bucks, would ya? I’m like, juuust a bit short of enough for my con badge.’
Stephanie blinked at her with wide eyes for a moment. ‘Ah, yeah, I… guess I could?’ Ten dollars isn’t a big deal after spending eight on a salad, she thought gloomily. Stephanie’s neatly folded bill was quickly crumpled into Kelly’s fist as they headed out of the restroom.
‘Hey thanks, really. You’re not such a weeb after all,’ Kelly laughed as they exited together.
‘…Weeb?’ Stephanie asked, blanching.
‘Uh, weeaboo. You know, anime geeks? Anime geek people,’ Kelly said. ‘Weeaboo.’
There was a cosplayer waiting for them outside, and the downcast bunny-girl she’d met seemed to perk up right away at the sight of him. He was wearing a Fantasy Wars uniform jacket, not an uncommon sight in the convention lobby. But while most of the other cosplayers looked rather shapeless in them, this guy’s solid build filled out the shoulders snugly while the coat sides tapered into a tailored ‘v’ shape on his trim waist. The foppishly oversized shoulder epaulettes and exaggerated insignias on many of the other jackets were minimalistic and well-proportioned on this one, making his uniform look rather clean-cut and smart, more like actual military attire. With his sexily
tousled brown hair he was pretty spot-on for the character Lance from the series, in fact… not that Kelly would ever admit to recognizing anyone from that nerdy old game.
‘Weeaboo? Did somebody just say ‘Weeaboo’?’ Brian asked them in a conspiratorial voice.
‘Awww yeah! wee-a-boo! Wee-a-boo!’ a passing pair of nerds on their way to the men’s room called out in a frat-boy chant.
‘I, uh, guess I’m a weeaboo, then…?’ Stephanie said, sporting a hesitant smile.
Brian grinned, and began to explain. ”Weeaboo’ is pretty much a derogatory term specifically for us western anime fans. Since Japanese otaku are already considered scum by their own culture, fans outside Japan are naturally regarded as even lower trash.’
‘Uh, wow, just fulla facts, aren’tcha?’ Kelly said, giving him a glib smile. Is this bunny-girl’s mysterious romancer? Well… he’s not too bad looking. For a weeaboo.
‘Why attend the con if you’re not a ‘weeb’ yourself, though?’ He asked, glancing from Stephanie to Kelly curiously.
Kelly snorted. ‘Long story. Lots of drama,’ she answered. ‘Might not attend anything but the lobby anyways, I don’t have enough cash for my pass! Flammyfluff here just lent me ten bucks, maybe you could spare some too?’ She surreptitiously tugged at the hem of her tank top, and the barely-clothed globes of her breasts shifting against one another enticingly. Gawd, these weebs are so fun to tease, she thought, her mood having brightened for some untraceable reason.
‘Flamituff,’ Stephanie corrected weakly.
‘Well… why not? But tell you what,’ Brian said thoughtfully, ‘Give her that ten bucks back, I can just lend you my spare pass.’ He flicked his wrist out to reveal his pair of convention passes and a charm dangling out from his sleeve.
‘For reals?’ Kelly giggled, eyes lighting up. ‘Sweeeet!’ She eagerly passed the crumpled ten back to Stephanie and grabbed for the offered pass from Brian’s wrist. As she did so, a tiny energy current sparked against her index finger, and Kelly yanked her hand back in surprise.
‘Ah shit, your little pin jabbed me,’ she laughed, easily brushing aside the dangling harem charm to see the convention badge more clearly. For a moment the scene girl swayed unsteadily on her feet, a whirling sense of vertigo gripping her. The tilting, off-balance sensation subsided, but burning red stardust blew on an unseen wind through her thoughts, and she felt warm… breathless. Holy eff, this is a three-day pass! she realized giddily, Am I lucky or is this guy just…?
Pin? Stephanie wondered as she watched Kelly remove the spare pass. Had that charm been on a pin? She stared at her palm. She’d also felt… something, upon first touching the omamori, and for a pervasive moment it felt like she was overlooking an important clue. The thought passed, her suspicion swallowed up in a pink froth of flame and momentarily forgotten.
‘Hey, really, thanks,’ Kelly chimed, untangling the badge’s lanyard and slinging it around her smooth neck so that the laminated badge slapped across the bare expanse of her exposed cleavage. ‘But what’d ya have a spare for?’
When she finally looked up from the convention pass to Brian, something in her chest tightened. A closer look at her new benefactor revealed a mesmerizing sharp green of his eyes that seemed both playful and a little cold. Kelly blinked, a little startled. Yeah, uh-oh. This guy looks like trouble. He looks like my kinda trouble, in fact. She felt herself wanting to put her hands on him.
‘Pre-ordered passes for me and my girlfriend,’ he admitted, ‘But she dumped me right before the con.’
‘So, you’re single now, huh?’ Kelly blurted, looking from him to Stephanie. The blond bunny-girl blushed and looked down, but no one offered Kelly a contradiction. So, this girl’s trying to grab him while he’s on the rebound? …Interesting. The dark clouds of accumulated frustration that had been gathering over the months seemed to roll away for a moment, revealing the open expanses of a night sky, glittering with red starlight. ‘Well that’s… really her loss, then. I’m Kelly, also single!’ she introduced herself, letting her hand slide up his arm.
‘Brian,’ he offered, not seeming as fazed as she’d like, and casually slipped his arm around her. ‘And you’ve already met my Flamituff, Stephanie.’
‘Uh… I have!’ Kelly admitted, disarmed but not displeased by his proximity. The presumption that ‘all geeks are desperate virgins’ collided with the notion of ‘a cute guy with his arm around her’ in a jarring flash of red sparks. Huh. She was oblivious to those red pinpricks of light as they began to descend through her mind like burning fallout.
‘So is this the guy who, you know…?’ Kelly asked, flashing a predatory grin at Stephanie and laying a hand on Brian’s chest possessively. Hey, not scrawny at all, either, she discovered.
‘What’d I do?’ Brian asked.
‘Ah! Uhm, yeah, he and… uh,’ Stephanie glanced between them, as if looking for permission.
‘Oh, it’s nothin’, we were just having a bit of girl talk earlier,’ Kelly said soothingly, looking the girl up and down, reevaluating her. Cute face, slim figure, she thought, Enough self-confidence to fill a matchbox… without taking out the matches first. Probably some shy bookwormy-type who’ll have cobwebs forming in her cleavage before she ever actually learns to show it off. What a waste. But wait, that big ol’ butt of hers.. A mischievous spark of red color traced through her mind, as if someone had flicked a lit cigarette into the darkness. Well, let’s get a better look.
‘I just love your… Flamituff was it? Love your Flamituff outfit, do you mind…?’ Kelly motioned with her finger for the shy girl to spin so that she could get a better look at her ensemble.
‘Ah, yeah, sure,’ Stephanie said meekly, eyes flitting to Brian again. Slowly, the shy girl began to pirouette. The gijinka cosplay she’d sewn was impressively well-tailored to her body. Her narrow waist widened out into broad hips, and as she presented her side profile the small of her back flared out provocatively into the curve of her bottom. The plump swell of her butt caused the hem of her pink and red sundress to rise up in a tantalizing fashion. Damn, the cutie has some booty, Kelly realized giddily.
‘Now, stop there a sec,’ Kelly asked, flicking her bangs out of her eyes and leaning towards Brian. ‘What do you think? Is her ass amazing, or what?’
‘Hey!’ Stephanie yelped, covering her rear with her hands. ‘That’s not funny!’
‘C’mon, I’m just playin’,’ Kelly said calmly. ‘Your costume actually looks good on you, really emphasizes your… charm.’
‘I wasn’t trying to emph–I wasn’t trying to do that,’ Stephanie said defensively, tugging the hem of her dress down again. The bottom edge shot right back to where it had been, her bottom jiggling entrancingly for a second.
Yeah, not bad at all, Kelly thought, feeling warm. Usually it took some drinking before she would check out another chick, but something about the plush derriere on this sweet little thing in front of her was making her want to just grab it. The urge to squeeze that ample flesh in her fingertips as she pleased and make this bunny-girl squirm. Before she could get a handful, Stephanie had spun back around and covered her butt protectively.
‘Geez, sensitive much?’ Kelly said delightedly. ‘C’mon, Brian… what do you think about it?’
‘I’m… bad with words, so I’ll just have to show her what I think of it later,’ Brian remarked playfully.
Not a bad answer, Kelly thought. She’d been trying to bait him into a comical display of geeky stuttering and stumbling over his words, and he’d disappointed her soundly.
‘You’ll, uh, what?!’ Stephanie stammered.
‘Awesome, be sure to show her good and hard, then.’ Kelly said, punching his shoulder lightly. Damn, he probably will, too. She’s totally into him.
‘I wouldn’t be a good Monster B
attler trainer if I didn’t,’ he agreed, nodding his head with sagely wisdom.
‘Wait, you’re going to do what?’ Stephanie asked again.
He’s gonna fuck you silly, Kelly thought to herself in amusement. You’re gonna get bent over and spanked right across that fat little ass. Then, when you can’t take anymore and you’re blushing and panting for it like a dog in heat… he’s gonna give it to you. You’re the shy little cutesy weeb right now, but I can tell you’re getting yourself all soaked ’cause of this guy… Kelly stifled a silly grin and felt the blood rush to her face. Or maybe I’m the one getting soaked…?
‘Well, yeah, thanks again for the pass, Brian, seriously,’ Kelly said as she broke away from the pair, feeling… heated and antsy. ‘Now that I have one, I’m gonna check out the vendor’s room. Flammyfluff,’ she waved towards Stephanie. ‘Smell ya later!’
‘D-did she just…?’ Stephanie looked at him quizzically.
‘Quote the rival character from Monster Battler? I dunno… probably a coincidence?’ he said as they watched her recede into the stream of convention-goers entering the vendor’s room.
Kelly prowled into the bustling aisles of the vendor’s room with a sexy sway to her hips, and her grapefruit-sized breasts bobbed gently with her every stride. She felt good. More than good, she was practically lit. Her dark tank top was already tight and low-cut enough to be risque, and without a bra she should be turning heads with the entrancingly pendulous motion of her bust alone. She’d initially thought it would take hours for her to scrape up enough cash for a badge, but here she was with all access and the convention was only halfway through the first day.
I want to flirt now, she thought to herself, pouting. Where did all the good-looking geeks run off to?
The brightly-colored merchandise heaped on the vendor’s booths and hung from their racks were easy enough to ignore for now, at least. The table fronts were crowded with shoppers and squeezing in to see the wares would necessitate sweaty body-contact with the overweight neckbearded collector-types. An excited, frenetic energy was rippling through her, and in her mind red-hot meteors were screaming down through the night. Parts of her already quavered in anticipation of some good, hard impacts.
Oh yeah, Kelly thought, biting her lip and scanning the vendor’s room with a heated gaze. I’m gettin’ laid this weekend. No harm in scoping out a lucky romeo now.
After a full circuit around the spacious room and its dozen rows of vendors tables however, she was getting anxious and annoyed. No one was biting. She was even high-beaming, her nipples tenting the thin fabric of her top in eye-catching beads that preceded her wherever she sauntered, and still not a single dweeb had risen to take the bait.
Kelly huffed, searching through the crowd of convention-goers in vexation. She’d never had trouble luring in guys at bars or concerts. She was getting plenty of attention, guys checking her out, or even staring, but when she made eye-contact they looked away, studiously avoiding her gaze. Whatever, she thought dismissively, Small fry aren’t worth my time anyways. In the end only a single one of them approached her, a greasy creep.
‘Hey babe, can I get a picture?’ the chubby older guy in a white navy admiral costume uniform asked unabashedly. His long dark locks were tied back in a ponytail, but his receding hairline simply gave the impression that his hair was abandoning ship. His lecherous half-grin was framed by an unkempt goatee of what could have possibly been pubic hair.
Seriously, I’m not even in a costume? She gave the creep an uncertain smile and flashed two fingers in an awkward victory sign for the shot. That used to be a trendy thing in anime, hope it still passes…? He seemed satisfied with just a photo, thankfully, and left, disappearing back into the swarm of anime fans. A gaggle of short girls in cat-eared hats behind her giggled, and she shot them a dirty look.
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IncestPro-Con was heating up as the halls of the Southern Convention Centre filled with the first day's visitors. Most of them were dressed up and actively cosplaying, but there were also people who spent their time ogling the cosplayers. The average cosplayer spent many, many hours on their work; things such as their clothes, makeup, and minute details to recreate the look of their favourite characters. Amongst the thousands of people with smartphones, there were a few professional...
“You wanted to see me, Sir?” I was two steps into his office, my suit jacket sliding down my arms as I walked to my location between the chairs in front of his desk. “Something has come to my attention that might be interesting.” It wasn’t normal for him to blurt out what was on his mind when I was summoned to his office. We had established something of a protocol of how this was to work. It was akin to a tribal ritual of exchanging pleasant conversation prior to entering into serious...
At the Fictionmania Convention II: The Price of War by shalimar Let me explain some things. I met Monica at a weekly meeting of my local transgender group which just outside Atlanta, GA. She is a thirty-year- old male to female transsexual that is what we also call a little girl. In her mind she is really four. Although we have our differences we became close and I eventually became her "mother." Being both Fictionmania fans and hearing about the convention we made arrangements...
The convention that changed my life. By Our Dairywoman Angel. When I found out that the actor Jay Rosewood was going to be attending the comic and science fiction convention that was being held in my hometown, I was so excited. I was a big fan of him and the role he was best known for playing. For many years, he had played the older but heroic captain on my favourite science fiction show. I became even more excited about the fact Jay was attending the convention when I found out...
"Shit!" said Simon, as a thin trail of semen slithered through the red hair of his freckled thighs. "We've just been making love. Fucking, even. Is this really the time to be speculating about Virginia Falls?" "That is why we're here!" said Lisa. "To see Virginia Falls. If it wasn't for the International Dot Com Convention we'd never have travelled from Basingstoke to Ghent. That's why we're staying in a Belgian Holiday Inn." "I still don't really understand what you see in...
Book 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter Four: Halfling's Nubile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xerathalasia – Road to Yevix, Magery of Thosi I crested the hill and smiled at the thick, blue river widening across the broad, flat plain. It was far thicker than the Ichir River we had ridden past for the last five days since leaving the village of Lor-Khev. Where the Ichir flowed into the broader Royton, a large city, Yevix, marred the...
The Goddess, the Eunuch, and the Harem A cruel prince made a mistake when, Naively, he let a goddess, Dressed in nothing but a headdress, Join his harem, that she, his sin Against his women, could avenge. Many times, one might imagine, He regretted his decision, For, by it, he was sorely singed! She was beautiful, and, in truth, The prince, a jealous youth, proclaimed: "He who cuckolds me, and my name Taints, shall be repaid, tooth for tooth And eye for eye; those who defy My...
I’ve wanted a Pornstar Harem for pretty much as long as I can remember, and I know I ain’t alone in that desire. Hell, I’d bet almost any heterosexual dude has had the same idea, at least while they’re staring at the ceiling and jerking their cock under the bedsheets. Unless you’re ludicrously wealthy, though, you probably ain’t going to have a harem in this day and age, at least not in the Western world. Fortunately for all us perverts, the folks who made this next game understand our lusts...
Best Porn GamesBook Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part 16: Epilogue - The Rogue's Loving Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: Crowning Achievement Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My hands smoothed the smooth satin of my blue gown. It hung over the layers of petticoats beneath, giving my figure the shape of a bell, a tight waist that then flared out over my legs. I shivered, my small breasts...
After a few moments a middle-aged woman who was obviously English came into the ante-room and said, conversationally, "You must be the American reporter. Would you like some coffee?" Tiggs stared at her. She had never seen anyone dressed quite as the woman was. She wore a short satin dressing-gown, reaching only to the tops of her thighs and with only a button at the neck and no belt to hold it closed. Other than that she was completely naked, not even wearing slippers. As she walked her...
2. ArrivalPulling against the chains that secured her arms over her head, Sasha whimpered in frustraitionyet again. Her bonds hardly rattled at all as she shook and twisted her body to try and get free.All she succeeded in doing though was making her heavy tits jiggle and bounce painfully. Aloneand naked save for the few cow patterned garments her mistress had allowed her, Sasha criedsoftly in the darkened room. Her breasts were swollen with milk, now each one was larger thanher head! Pink...
This year was special and Rachel was extremely excited! She was FINALLY going to meet David, in person! David was a firemen, from several states away, and had been Rachel’s friend for almost a year. They had met online and started a friendship, over their mutual love, of the fire and rescue service. He had come into her life, when she was feeling lonely and ignored, by her husband, and swept her off her feet. David knew exactly what Rachel needed, sometimes before she did. He was older...
I always loved coming to these conventions. Every year guaranteed new memorable experiences. The last time I attended was four years ago, right after graduating college and before starting my new job. I arrived at the airport on Wednesday, midway through the convention. My vacation time flexibility and work responsibilities prevented me from taking off the entire week. While waiting in line to pick up my rental car, I formulated a response for when people would ask, "Where have you been...
I always loved coming to these conventions. Every year guaranteed new memorable experiences. The last time I attended was four years ago, right after graduating college and before starting my new job. I arrived at the airport on Wednesday, midway through the convention. My vacation time flexibility and work responsibilities prevented me from taking off the entire week. While waiting in line to pick up my rental car, I formulated a response for when people would ask, "Where have you been...
She loved and hated that moment when He was just outside the door about to step in. Tantalizing as it was, an eon passed as she waited. Finally. Click. Her ocitocin levels surged. The noise of the world vanished and her peripheral vision melted away. She began to float. Then all there was were His feet. He petted her soft hair. Hello, my princess. She loved the sound of His deep, calm voice and when He used her pet name. She sank into His strong, yet gentle touch. ...
OPERATION HAREM - SPECIAL OPERATIONS BY BELINDA On September 11th, 2001, the world changed for the United States. The impossible had happened, New York was essentially bombed. The first time the U.S. was worried was when the V2 project started to work on the New York Bomb. Fortunately, that work was destroyed in a Lancaster bombing raid. "Sir, Osama may still be alive, and we need to stop the network. The special units we have sent are doing their part. But, we need to get closer,"...
People are bored! That's what it is! Adult webmasters work their asses off to come up with something unique, something that the smut world has never seen before, only to get their cut of the market. On the other hand, smut consumers turn this situation to their advantage, always asking for more and more. This is exactly why someone came up with the idea to launch Which person in his right mind would link Czech and harem!? I don't know about you, but the first thing that crossed...
Premium Gangbang Porn SitesJust a quick note, this is my first attempt at a transgender story. So all critism will be openly accepted. SRU: Convention by Greg Iacovelli As I walked through the mall looking for a costume to wear to the animae convention I saw the same stuff in every store window, stuff for Halloween. It was October 12, 1998 and my friend agreed to go in costume if I got it for him and he said any costume so I planned to do him over good. I still remember the conversation...
The orange sun rose above the hills near the convention center, and rays of light streaked through the blinds of the hotel room. In the small bed nearby lay a nude woman with blond ponytail and distinct mole on the left side of her chin. An annoying bit of light hit her icy blue eyes and within a moment she sat up right on her bed, revealing her d-cup breasts to the empty room. "Good morning," She said to her empty room as she got out of bed. Her caucasian skin was clean, devoid of...
Elisabeth is what some people call a fangirl. She loves anime and mangas, the Japanese culture, and would probably give anything for it. She’s just obsessed. Just don’t go thinking she’s a nerd with no life and no friends… well almost not. She’s a nerd, has no life, but she does have friends. Although, there’s her best friend Eve who shares her obsession. Physically, Elisabeth isn’t a hot blue-eyed blonde, far from it. She’s a 19 years old...
Intro: You bit your lip as you see woman fucked by THE man. With each thrust a moan escapes her lips, with each thrust her body shakes, with each thrust her tits bounce... you want to be in her place. You are jealous of her. But for now you can only finger yourself and watch. Without looking, you know that woman sitting next to you is masturbating as well. Finally, THE man and woman, orgasm... together. They stay in each other arms for a minute, then THE man kisses the woman and lies down her...
Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Xerathalasia – Road to Yevix, Magery of Thosi I crested the hill and smiled at the thick, blue river widening across the broad, flat plain. It was far thicker than the Ichir River we had ridden past for the last five days since leaving the village of Lor-Khev. Where the Ichir flowed into the broader Royton, a large city, Yevix, marred the plain. Ships sailed north on the Royton for Lake Esh and the grand city of Esh-Esh, or they went south towards...
Soft pattering about the room woke me. As my eyes adjusted to the morning, Deborah’s silhouette against the still-open window caught my eyes. That sight of her in just bra and panties brought back the smile from the night before.She heard me stir. “Wake up, sleepyhead.”“You didn’t wake me when you woke.”“I knew if I did we’d both miss our commitments,” she replied. “And I have a breakfast in a bit with a potential client.”No morning romp. But it was OK. We both had work to do.I got up, kissed...
Threesomes“What’s on the agenda for today, Sir?” We were relaxing in the hotel café over another cup of coffee. We had managed to arrive just before the end of serving breakfast, which happened to be my favorite meals. It was probably the eggs and fatty meats of the choices I gravitated to. I was in a casual dress with straps over the shoulder. There was nothing obviously erotic about it except for the shortness of the hem to mid-thigh and the fullness of the skirt. The light material allowed it...
“I want to go with you to the science fiction convention next weekend,” Michelle said.It was a bit of a surprise to me. We’d been sleeping together for a few months, and though she was interested in my life, she wasn’t very interested in my sf habit.“That’d be great,” I said.She winked at me. “It’s not the panels and stuff that interest me. I remember you talking about the stuff that goes on ‘after hours.’ I think I’m ready to take a chance.”That was the big surprise. Michelle is great: really...
"Stan, Laura," Someone screamed running quickly to where the Anderson family had just stepped out of the TXLT2 tour mobile for their final goodbyes. The entire party turned as a red-haired bombshell reached the party and getting to Laura squeezed her in a bear hug and kissed her on the cheek repeatedly. "Hi Josie," Laura said when the vice grip she was in was finally loosened. "How are you?" "Fantastic love, I'd love to show you just how fantastic, we're going to be delayed around...
Choose any anime protagonist that you want to have a harem and start having fun. Anime protagonist the main character of the anime the one who fights the antagonist and save the world multiple times and, now after everything they done risking their lives for the ones they love it’s time that they deserve a lot of love from a bunch of ladies that fell in love with them. You can choose which ever character you want to choose like Goku, Naruto, Ichigo, Luffy, and so much more. You can also choose...
Baron Abel Callahan sat looking out over the great expanse of his lawn and feeling at peace with the world for he had just finished hosting Queen Victoria by putting on a show with steam driven elephants and horses that could do tricks that live anaimals could never hope to do. "We did put on a good show." he said to himself as he sipped his brandy. "Prince Edward enjoyed himself although Prince Albert was a real stick in the mud." A knock on his door interupted his reverie. "Come in, come in."...
FantasyQueen become afraid and asked, what kind of treatment? Jinia said, You will see soon but first we shall observe your body. Rini took the robe off the queen’s body and queen put her hands on her breasts to guard herself. She did not try to hide her pussy because they are already covered with hairs. Jinia slaps her buttocks roughly with her hand and she cried in pain. Jinia keep her right hand on her ass crack and asked her to spread her legs. She obeyed without and hesitation. Jinia keeps...
My Virgin Harem I was away at college but found a way to come home unexpectedly one weekend. I hadn’t been home in about six weeks. I got dropped off down at a main intersection and had to walk a few blocks but it was a nice evening. As I approached the house I noticed that there were no cars in the driveway meaning that both of my parents had gone out. However, the lights were all on in the house. I approached the house cautiously. We lived on the end of a dead end street and...
Chapter 1. The most opulent chambers in Topkapi palace belonged to the Sultan. The great hall was decorated with finery from all over the empire. The floor and walls were covered with blue, green and white tiles with abstract patterns on them. These were local from artisans in Constantinople. The floor was covered with deep blue rugs with flower patterns. The ceiling had a large chandelier with crystal made in the Balkans. There were worked bronze braziers from Egypt throughout the room to...
Dark Willow's HaremNote: Alternate future after the 6th season episode "Villains". Here Willow goes completely dark after the death of Tara. Also, sometime after the 3rd season of "Charmed". The various characters from "Angel", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and "Charmed" aren't mine. I'm just borrowing them for some nasty fun. There are real people here but their actions here are not intended to reflect their real lives or orientations. All of this is just for fun: sleazy, nasty fun.Cordelia...
DAUGHTER OF THE HAREM By Annie James Jimmy was not a drug user. Furthermore he had heard about the penalties for drug smuggling and would have had the good sense to refuse if his newfound friends in Rome had asked him to transport any parcel or package for them. Therefore it came as a total surprise to him when the customs search in the tiny Arab state revealed a half kilogram package of white powder, clearly visible as soon as his suitcase was opened. Later as he sat alone in a...