THE BOSS'S SLUT 9: Convention Slut – Gangbang free porn video

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“You wanted to see me, Sir?”

I was two steps into his office, my suit jacket sliding down my arms as I walked to my location between the chairs in front of his desk.

“Something has come to my attention that might be interesting.”

It wasn’t normal for him to blurt out what was on his mind when I was summoned to his office. We had established something of a protocol of how this was to work. It was akin to a tribal ritual of exchanging pleasant conversation prior to entering into serious exchange, a ritual intended to maintain civility and peace and calm prior to any interaction. I had thought ours was the same, though it had never been expressed or defined. I undressed and he sat back in his chair to enjoy it prior to entering into any business.

So, his comment brought me to a stop prior to even reach my intended location. After a pause, “Sorry, my dear. That was rude, wasn’t it.” He even looked a bit sheepish. “Please continue.” Which is what I did. I moved to the spot, dropping my jacket in the chair as I came to it. After removing everything but my stockings, heels, and jewelry, I stood before him, slowly turning around before taking my clothes to the tree. Upon returning, “I guess I was just excited to talk to about this.”

It wasn’t my own impression of our ritual, after all. He had recognized it and caught himself violating it. I sat in the chair I usually used, remembering to use the exaggerated motion as I cross my legs. I smiled as I caught him gazing between my thighs.

“What has you so excited, Sir? A new account potential? If it’s a new toy, you should surprise me, Sir.”

He laughed. “No, nothing like that. Do you remember what you blurted out to Deborah and me last weekend?”

“I think I said a lot of things, Sir. I was very horny, as I recall. You were going to DP me with a dog knot in my pussy.”

“Not only going to, I did that. You enjoyed it, too, didn’t you slut?”

“I did, Sir. By my reaction at the moment, there was no hiding that fact.”

“Well, I’ll assist your memory. You were telling us you were ready for everything I wished for you to do for me. Everything and anything. Anywhere and anytime. You wanted us to take the next steps.” He paused while watching me. I remembered those words well. There were more as I recalled. Then, as if reading my thoughts, “You also talked about the slut truly being there. It was confusing at first, but you said she was taking over and she wanted to be used.”

“I remember, Sir. You understand, don’t you?”

“It was confusing at first. Then I understood. The slut we were grooming within you, the slut we thought was there finally arrived at that moment. You felt her presence in you at that moment. A presence that demands to be used.”

I was nodding excitedly. He understood. “Yes, Sir, exactly.” He looked intently into my eyes. “My wife has instructed you well, slut. You don’t slouch when sitting, you stand straight and tall, you hold your shoulders back, making your lovely breasts more prominent. Truly lovely.” He was smiling approvingly. Then, “There will be a situation where slouching will be required.” I looked at him enquiringly. “When I indicate for you to open your legs, like now, I want them over the chair arms.” I did as he indicated and he was correct, I had to slouch to accomplish it.

I smiled at his game, “Is there a point to this, Sir, other than getting a better look at your slut’s pussy?”

“That’s about it, slut. But, it is affirming to see how wet your pussy becomes from these little sessions.” I smiled. It was approving or obedience. It was merely acceptance. “Now, what had me so excited … I got wind of a convention from a friend at the club. We were just talking and this convention came up. I looked into it and it seemed like it might fill the bill to assist you in going to the step.” He continued to watch me. I couldn’t help but start thinking about what options ‘fill the bill to assist’ might be. “This isn’t business related. This would just be … your slut coming out to play. You’ve never been gangbanged, have you?”

There it was, I thought. I expressed my thoughts and feelings and emotions and excitement. And he was listening. He heard and he took it to heart. It spurred us into and through what we thought was a ridiculous sexual act: not just his marvelous cock in my ass but at the same time, a knotted dog-cock was in my pussy. It was spectacular!

He was watching my pussy openly displayed and he smiled. “A true way to judge a slut’s reaction. My dear slut Tina, you are leaking. Hell, it is as though your pussy is winking at me.” I blush, but I don’t doubt his assessment for a minute.

He told me his thoughts. This coming Friday we would catch an early afternoon flight and be at the convention hotel by late afternoon. The convention includes people showing, selling products, providing services, and those attending to consider the options available in the industry. He wouldn’t say more about the industry, brushing the question aside with a, “Does it really matter?” No, it didn’t. There would be men, lots of men. There would be me and only me with those men. And, there would be him to watch over me constantly. Those were his promises. The rest were unimportant details he would manage.

“I’m talking to the slut now Tina. This isn’t for the businesswoman who thought she would be playing with me or some clients on occasion. This is for the slut that burst out finally to be acknowledged. Do we go? Do we challenge the slut’s powers?”

I smiled and looked down at my body. My nipples were solid, hard pebbles. My pussy was open with need, juices seeping out, puddling on the vinyl seat. Damn right, we’re going!

* * * * *

We left directly from the office so we were still in our business clothes, which was perfect for the final arrangement of the suite he was able to reserve on an upper floor. The floor contained a number of suites and was to be one of several floors having hospitality rooms associated with the convention. Walking from the elevators to our suite, we passed a number of other suites being set up for the evening's hospitality activities. Mr. Woodburn judged correctly that the amount of booze and food on the floor wouldn’t require that we would need much available inside our suite, but he did allow for the minimum required because the rooms were being booked for hospitality. A giggle that reflected some nerves escaped as I considered the hospitality that would be available in our suite compared to the others. Mr. Woodburn sensed it and gave my hand a squeeze.

Our suite was a series of rooms on the corner of the building. The main living, assembly room that could be converted for conferencing or entertaining. A separate large bedroom adjoined it. Each room had its own bathroom but the bedrooms had the large shower and separate jacuzzi. The bedroom had the corner with floor to ceiling windows on each outside wall. The curtains were currently closed. In the main room, Mr. Woodburn was overseeing the addition of a few easy chairs and the arrangement of furniture to his liking.

Once the hotel staff left, we focused on the bedroom. He imagined this would be the center of my activity, but we weren’t entirely sure about that once it got going. He propped the door to the suite open and walked down the hall, then walked back. Our suite was at the end of the hall and the layout of the room made it difficult to see much inside except for a narrow view-line. That convinced him the entire suite could be used with a minimal risk of drawing more public attention than the word that would undoubtedly spread as the evening progressed. The more we stood in the room and thought about the reality of the situation, the less we felt certain about how many might ultimately be involved.

He held me at arm’s length. “Are you sure? It was an exciting idea, but the reality of the moment is making even me a little nervous.”

I reached up and kissed him hard and passionately. I pressed my body into his and answered through our joined lips, “I’ve never been so ready for anything. You have a slut on your hands, Sir. All I ask is that you watch over her/me. The Miss Tina James, Executive Accounts Director who left the office with you hours ago is no in this building.”

He smiled and we made the final preparations. We stripped the king-sized bed down to the bottom sheet, stuffing the other covers into the closet. He went back into the main room to fuss over the drinks and snacks, making sure everything was as he wanted it, then checking the door. We had no company sign attached to the door. If they didn’t know about what was offered inside, they wouldn’t by being in the hallway. I remained in the bedroom preparing myself. I moved a large bowl of condoms from the bedside stand to the dresser. Some may want to use them. There would not be a requirement that they do. I then opened the curtains around the room. The coming darkness of evening was dropping over the city’s downtown. The lights and faint sounds of traffic below filled the windows as I stood before the window.

Feeling nervous but ready, I entered just inside the main room. I glanced at the partially opened door. Mr. Woodburn turned and stopped. I was dressed for the evening to start: thigh-high, white lace stockings, white strap heels, a string of costume pearls looped around my neck, and earrings. My hair was pulled back into a pony-tail to be out of the way.

“God, you are beautiful.” He started to say something more when there was a knock on the door.

The door opened hesitantly and four men entered, the door closing behind them onto the doorstop placed there to keep it ajar. The first one in stopped when he turned to see me, then smiled. “We weren’t sure this was the place, but the room number matched. Seeing you there can’t be any mistake.”

I glanced at Mr. Woodburn and smiled, then I walked right up to the men, slipping my arms around two of them and led them into the room. The nerves were gone. Their hands were stroking my bare back and butt. We weren’t doing anything fancy with drinks: beer and simple alcohol. We didn’t want a bartender who would have to be hotel staff. I took their requests and served them their drinks. We talked and got comfortable and, surprisingly to me, it was more them than me. One of the guys shared a joke and we laughed as there was another knock at the door. Mr. Woodburn greeted them, this time closing the door to avoid hotel staff wandering in unannounced.

This group consisted of three more guys. There were now seven strange men in the room I had never seen before and they were only there to fuck me. I couldn’t imagine being more excited and turned-on than I was right then. Mr. Woodburn went through the rules of ‘engagement’ with the primary one being that anyone getting out of hand would be thrown out and if I were to even mutter ‘no’ or ‘stop’, everything was to stop. Everyone nodded their heads. I walked through the group of men to the bedroom door, turned around to face them, took a breast into my hand and squeezed it.

Adding a smile, “I’ll be in the next room. I don’t want to get lonely …” Mr. Woodburn’s smile grew huge. Unknown to me, he still had another surprise we hadn’t discussed, but that was for tomorrow.

I was a couple steps from the bed when two pairs of hands stopped me. They turned me around and I found two more standing behind these. I stepped into them and the others came up to encircle me, each finding a part of my naked body to touch, stroke, squeeze, or probe. I had hands on my breasts, my butt, my stomach, and between my legs. I groaned as a finger enter my pussy and pressed inside. Another finger was circling around my asshole and I was very relieved that I was now more comfortable with anal.

I kissed each of the men, turning in a tight circle to do so. I dropped to my knees and my intentions were clear. Each began loosening belts and zippers. I turned to the first cock coming out and sucked it into my mouth. I took two others into my hands and gently pulled on them, periodically changing with a new cock in my mouth and hands.

I felt hands behind me encouraging me to my feet, then moving me to the edge of the bed. I saw Mr. Woodburn standing in the doorway nodding as there was another knock at the suite door. All four men were naked as I crawled to the center of the bed. I felt fingers at my pussy and the subsequent declaration from one to the group, “She’s dripping.”

I smiled, “I need cock, gentlemen.”

Cock I got. They must have known each other because they moved and shared around me with comfort and ease. I was on my back, the men surrounding me. One came up between my legs and eased his cock into my pussy. Another moved his to my mouth. The other two men used their hands on my breasts, nipples and held my legs spread wide. They shifted regularly, moving from my pussy to touching me, someone touching me to my mouth, the one in my mouth to my pussy.

It was almost a maddening process and against what I was used to. In relationships, sex was supposed to a matter of mutual pleasure. Mr. Woodburn’s indoctrination of me into being a slut was about me ensuring the other person’s pleasure above my own. Now, here I am feeling fucked and stimulated while they rotate one after the other through my pussy, stopping at my mouth to be hard prior to their turn in my pussy. The rotation seemed to be a switch based less on equal time as to avoid climax while continuing to fuck me. Each of them was in my pussy for only minutes at a time, but that produced steady and increasing arousal in me. Sometime in their second rotation, I orgasmed. They never stopped, though. Not even to let me flow through my orgasm and to recover. They continued, maybe even switching more quickly as my pussy spasmed around whichever cock was inside.

I wasn’t sure my orgasm fully ended when I rolled over a man lying next to me. On autopilot, I raised my hips, found his hard cock, and inserted it into my pussy. Another cock was brought to my mouth as I began fucking up and down. Finger probed my body, but this time I could tell they were intent on cumming. The man underneath me grabbed my hips and assisted my motion. In moments, he was straining, his hips rising into me as his face strained, his eyes closed tight. His cum shot into me warm and juicy and the feeling gave me another orgasm even if less intense.

Another man was lying next to him. I moved off one, his wet cock slapping on his abdomen and I moved to the next one. Inserting him, another man offered his cock to my lips. The cycle continued as each of the four moved from my mouth to alongside the one I was fucking as climax and orgasm became evident. When the four men had all climaxed, I sprawled on the bed as the last of them got dressed. I pulled the band from my hair and put my hair back into a tighter ponytail.

I glanced at the mirror in at the vanity table and smiled. My lips and cheeks were smeared with moisture from sucking and cocks pulled from my mouth. So far, none had cum in my mouth. I stopped in the bathroom to wipe my face, tossed it onto the bed, and followed the last of the four out into the other room. I could feel the four loads of cum oozing from my pussy, making my lips and inner thighs slick.

I walked confidently into the room. The four I had just fucked stopped to have a beer. What I noticed was the room was crowded with men standing in groups or alone. I walked to Mr. Woodburn for a drink of water and he said one of the men told him he had heard about this from someone else. Apparently, the word was spreading through the convention. He no longer had any idea how many men might decide to show up. He reinforced that he would stop it at any time I chose. I kissed him on the cheek.

“We’re a long way from that, Sir.” He laughed.

I walked back through the crowd with my bottle of water. I touched the faces of a couple men who immediately followed. I had no idea who came to the room when or in what order, but this wasn’t a delicatessen where you take a number. As the saying goes, if you snooze, you lose.

These men were straightforward about what they wanted. They stripped down upon entering the bedroom. I was on my back with my legs open and that seemed to be okay with the first man who crawled up onto the bed between my legs. He nibbled on my nipples for a bit, but then slid his already hard cock smoothly into my filled pussy. The other man came to my head with his cock pointed at me. I opened my mouth and he slid it in. I was being fucked now at both ends. The man in my mouth was stroking in and out of my mouth as though he was fucking my pussy. Thankfully, his cock wasn’t as big as Mr. Woodburn’s.

Both men came roughly at the same time, pulled out and left me lying on the bed still wanting. They were so quick, I never quite attained my own orgasm, but then that was the idea of a slut, right. Standing at the door were two large men, both naked, and both sporting nice, large, and hard cocks.

They came to the edge of the bed and put out their arms to me. Not knowing what they might have in mind, but sudden very interested, I slid across the bed to be assisted into standing between them. They turned me back and forth between as they kissed and fondled my body. When I was pressed up against one, the other had a hand squeezed between us to fondle a breast and the other between my legs from behind, stroking and fingering my pussy. They moved me up against the floor to ceiling window and pressed my front into it as they both started stroking my body. One was on his knees driving fingers into my pussy from behind while the other was stroking my clit. I was pressed against the window and I couldn’t miss the fact that the city was going about its business below me and for anyone happening to look out from another window, I was perfectly visible and it was perfectly apparent what was happening. That, of course, just added to the stimulation I was aggressively receiving from these men. When my orgasm erupted, it shook my body and I cried out. I heard others coming to the doorway behind me, but the reflections in the window weren’t distinct enough for recognition. I don’t think my mind was focused on recognition, anyway.

The fingers didn’t immediately stop when my orgasm hit. I felt hands pressing against the window as the fingers continued to stimulate me, driving my peak higher and higher. The hands on my back, I realized, were not just keeping in place, but keeping up. My legs became like soft rubber as I shivered and quaked unto the sexual assault.

My mind cleared enough to recognize that I wasn’t pressed against the cool glass, but support against the front of a naked man behind me. My left leg was pulled up and around the man in front of me as I felt his hard cock slide into my pussy. With the aid of the man behind me, I felt hands on my ass lifting me into the air and my other leg going around and locking my ankles. My arms instinctively grasped tightly around the man’s neck and I was moved up and down on the cock in my pussy. Then, after being satisfied apparently, the man behind me pressed a glob of lubricant to my asshole, then a finger followed by a second pushed the lube inside.

I was going to be double penetrated while being held in one man’s arms. I felt my ass cheeks spread and a blunt object pressing against the tight ring of my sphincter. I was very glad I had decided on anal with Mr. Woodburn as the cock pushed through and into me. After a few more strokes, both cocks were deep inside me.

They weren’t finished with the window, though. These two must have been exhibitionist and clearly had done this before. They worked as a team as the moved us back to the window, standing with their sides to the window, my body being lifted up and dropped down onto the pair of cocks filling me so delightfully. I came, again, as I looked out the window to find several windows across the way with people looking out in our direction. They saw it, too, and increased the action to make what we were doing more noticeable.

They came together or very nearly so. I felt the one in my ass spasm and pulse. As I felt his first spurt into my ass, I orgasmed again, my pussy clenching and spasming around both cocks in separate chambers but intimately in contact. That seemed to be all the other one needed as he followed us.

They eased me off their cocks and gently placed me on the bed. Mr. Woodburn came into the room, propped me up and held water to my mouth. Some water dribbled out of the corners of my mouth but I was already a sweaty mess.

“Are you okay?”

I smiled and wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss. “Thank you, Sir. Thank you.”

He smiled, “There are a bunch of guys still out there. Some before must have leaked the word because they are still coming.”

“Send them in. I don’t care how many at a time. I only have three holes at a time, but … God, this is amazing!”

I heard Mr. Woodburn in the other room and five guys came in already naked. I started sucking cock, but one must have gotten himself hard because I was being moved onto my knees and my knees spread wide as I continued to rotate my mouth between several of the guys. A cock was pressed into my pussy and I pushed the other guys slightly so I could push my butt back against the cock plowing into me. He came fairly quickly and maybe that was what a typical gangbang is like with a lot of cumming into a slut and not always enough steady stimulation and variety to allow her to cum. That was what some of the fucks felt like.

I was next moved back to the bed where a guy was laying on his back. I didn’t even ask what they wanted to do, I just straddled the guy and took him into my pussy. I reached to the side for a cock to occupy my mouth. I fucked the guys in my mouth and pussy, bouncing my hips on one and sliding mouth back and forth on the other. I was getting close to an orgasm so I slipped a free hand to my clit and just start strumming it when I was pushed down against the man underneath me. This pulled the cock out of my mouth but before I could say anything, someone began pressing a cock into my asshole, again. With lube and cum already in my ass, this one went in fairly easily. The guys didn’t function too well together but the erratic motion had a surprisingly arousing effect on me even if it didn’t on them. The pressure in my holes felt amazing and my clit was being pressed into the pubic bone of one guy and the aggressive fucker, in my ass, was pressing the cock in my pussy at weird angles. I came, again.

At some point as I was rolling with my orgasm, the one in my ass climaxed, too. This momentarily gave the one in my pussy more freedom of movement and rolled us over so I was on my back. Now, he fucked me with a frenzy that felt on the edge of desperate, but it was effective enough for him to climax.

There seemed to be a steady rotation of guys now. Exiting the bedroom and entering the bedroom with always about four to six guys around me on the bed. I had completely lost track of how many men had fucked me or cum on me. I was surprised by the number of men who seemed to be happy to have me suck them, then stroke their cocks over my face or breasts.

I was moved over another guy on his back, but this time he wanted me to sit on him with my asshole. Once settled onto him fully in reverse cow-girl, another guy eased me back against him and he inserted into my pussy. Other guys then fed their cocks to my mouth or fondled and worked my nipples and clit. The heavy action yielded me another crashing orgasm and, again, they didn’t stop or slow down through my orgasm for recovery. They seemed bent on seeing how many times they could make me cum. And, it turned out to be a lot.

The cock in my ass was substantial, not huge but not small, and he seemed to the constant in their plan. I found out later that he had already climaxed twice with me and still hard because of a Viagra he took before arriving. The others fucked my pussy him providing a tighter fit than I likely would have been after so much use in one night. This group had worked out their plan and stayed coordinated. The guys didn’t leave the room once they climaxed as other had. These guys stayed to maximize the effect for each one. They were after the feeling of my body orgasming, my pussy going into spasms while they fucked and climaxed themselves.

I could only assume they had been satisfied because I saw several give high-fives as if they had just scored a touchdown or hit a home run. This group turned to be the last group, too. And, they were different in consideration. They each gave me a kiss on the lips and forehead, then finding the covers in the closet and covering my used body, turning out the lights on their way out.

They shut the door to a crack. I could hear voices in the other room. I glanced at the bedside table but remembered I had turned the clock to the wall so I wouldn’t be distracted by the time. I heard voices, then a louder voice and more noise as the alcohol and remaining food was removed from the room. Whatever time it was, it was closing time for the hospitality suites.

I must have dozed, but not for long. Mr. Woodburn had still not come to bed. Then I thought he might not want to. I moved to the edge of the bed and stood up and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and was shocked. My hair was a mess and my face and body were covered in dried or drying cum. I raised a foot to the counter and sighed. My pussy was worse. Red and puffy, it was caked with cum, some still leaking out. I staggered to the shower and turned it on as hot as I could stand it and soaked the cum off it before I began washing it and my hair.

Feeling just a little bit better, I opened the shower door to find Mr. Woodburn holding a large towel out to me. I stepped onto the matt and allowed him to dry my body, noticing and appreciating the care and gentleness he used over my breasts and between my legs. He dropped it on the floor and wrapped me in another dry towel, then handing me one for my wet hair.

He took me in his arms and held me, not saying anything, just holding me.

In the other room, he pulled a bottle of wine he had put away. We sipped and talked while sitting on a couch facing the large window overlooking the late-night city. We sat plastered against each other. His arm and hands were comforting but not fondling. We talked about the night. He shared the comments the men made and expressed his personal astonishment at the activities of the evening. He found himself in the doorway to the bedroom frequently in concern, amazement, wonder, and gratification. There were times when the sounds caused him concern only to find explosive orgasms. There were times when he was amazed at what my body could consume in one act as when I had all three holes filled and other masturbating over my body.

He asked me about my feelings and I sensed more than a little concern. I assured him I was also amazed at what I had done and had thoroughly enjoyed it. I was tired, very tired, and might be a bit sore in the morning. I rested my head on his shoulder and cuddled into the security of his embrace.

I softly offered with a giggle, “This was something I needed to do to prove my worthiness as our slut, Sir.” I felt his head shift to look down at me. “I hope your slut was satisfactory in pleasing those men you sent to her.” Referring to myself in the third person seemed to have an effect on him. There was one more fuck yet tonight.


This story continues in Chapter 10: Convention Slut - Kennel Slut


I know it is not required, but I would appreciate a comment when negative votes are cast for my own benefit in developing these stories. Thanks in advance.


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Do you love watching women get gangbanged into oblivion? No, I don’t mean watching them get fucked in every hole until they are sent into the darkest pits of Hell. It was a metaphor. Chill the fuck out.So let me rephrase that. Do you love watching women get bangbanged into Hell? Fuck I messed it up again. You know what bitch? Just visit if you want to watch a wide variety of gangbang videos that will have you dripping in cum before you know it!Find searches related to...

Gangbang Porn Sites
3 years ago
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At the Fictionmania Convention

At the Fictionmania Convention by shalimar I flew into LAX from JFK, reading most of the way. As I was going to stay mostly at the convention and not travel much, I took a taxi to the Marriott Hotel where it was being held. I could always rent a car at the hotel if I need one. First I registered for my room then put my things in it before changing. I changed into a peach tank top and salmon skirt. Why those colors? Unlike most of you who are reading my adventure, I am a spring...

2 years ago
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Anime Convention Harem Ch 07

Anime Convention Harem Chapter 7: Effort and Opportunity Outta luck after all, huh. Raven locks of hair swept down over one of the scene girl’s eyes, and Kelly blew that fringe of her bangs up with an annoyed puff of her lip. Fuck. She resentfully kicked at one of the discarded pamphlets littering the main lobby as she surveyed the aftermath of AnimeCon’s first day. The skylights had long since fallen dark and the tempestuous sea of convention attendees, once hundreds thick, had since...

1 year ago
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Reddit Gangbang, aka r/Gangbang! Are you a fan of watching horny cum sluts get gangbanged by a group of hard lads? If so, I have a perfect place for you. This subreddit is dedicated to the hottest gangbangs out there, and I think that that is pretty much obvious right off the bat, when you actually read the name of the subreddit, r/gangbang/. Reddit is a free website with lots of NSFW subreddits, and r/gangbang/ is just one of them.There are actually thousands of other subreddits you can check...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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SxyPrn GangBang

Karen, stop reading this right now! Yes, I am telling you what to do! Does that make your hairy pussy wet? Whatever a bunch of Karens claim, every single one of them wants to be used. Used like in one of those free-use fantasy movies where a cock pounds away while the housewife stirs some stew! When a bunch of guys joins in on the fun, and the slightly chubby housewife realizes that all of those dongs got hard for her only, she opens her legs and lets a stream of jizz fill her cunt. A precious...

Gangbang Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Dakotas Surprise Part 2 The Convention

~mfan2112 ____________________ Girl before the mirror, appraises her disguise Neil Peart, War Paint ____________________ There, before her, was not Dakota her boyfriend but the best Batgirl she had ever seen. Dakota had on a black latex catsuit with a yellow bat logo perfectly formed over and between a pair of giant tits. A beautiful mane of wavy red hair flowed out from underneath a black face mask and cowl. She had a yellow utility belt and black over the knee platform stiletto boots...

2 years ago
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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 13 Sister Gets Gangbanged

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah A nervous lust tingled through my pussy and electrified my body as I posed with my three friends before the horde of hungry boys crowding the bleachers of our high school’s gym. Naked, my round, dusky breasts quivered before me. On my right, my blonde friend Kimmy already had cum staining her thighs, leaking out of her pussy while she had such a glowing smile on her lips, her braces flashing as she kept glancing at my younger...

3 years ago
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Slut Nikkis Cluster Breeding Cuck Gangbang

My neighbor Nikki and her husband Rich wanted to have a baby and Nikki had some very strange theories on how human breeding should be conducted. Based on her study of ancient Italian history and theology she was convinced that there was an old breeding ritual that translates into english as “cluster breeding” or gangbang with the intent to impregnate in more modern terminology. What is even more exciting is that I was chosen to organize the event. My plan was to have 3 other men of various...

4 years ago
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The Convention

Part 1 “I’ve caught one-hundred and twenty-six so far, how about you?” Naomi said to Becky as they approached the gates. Beyond them, you could see hundreds of people gathering, anxiously waiting outside the convention doors to be let in for the festivities. “One-hundred and twenty-eight,” Becky said with a shit eating grin, “I caught Charizard this morning.” Naomi rolled her eyes and closed the Pokémon Go app as the attendant scanned their tickets to be let in. Naomi had been obsessed with...

1 year ago
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Sweetening Convention

Nomax shifted his weight, Tabby sitting before him, though she was only drinking a soft drink, something fizzy and sweet. He knew what it was as she’d let him try a bit and some part of the canine anthro had wondered just how it would have tasted if coming from her lips. But that thought had made him feel all hot and bothered under his fur, when he was not sure that he should have been thinking about the woman before him in that way.“You okay, Nomax?”She smiled and his heart turned over again....

3 years ago
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Anime Convention Harem Ch 06

The last strips of daylight crawled up the high-rise hotels as the sun sank beneath the silhouette of the distant cityscape, painting the horizon brilliant shades of orange and pink. The downtown area surrounding the convention center had become a gala of convention-goers and cosplayers as they trickled out from beneath the gigantic AnimeCon banner and spread through the streets to seek out restaurants or the comfort of their nearby hotel rooms. Otaku were chatting with animated expressions,...

1 year ago
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PornPics GangBang

Just after my father's death, before the wanker Porndude adopted me and dumped me in his mother's basement, I always wondered, why in hell was my mother fucking different men on the same day? Wasn't she getting satisfied by one guy? Bro, from plumbers and delivery guys to any caliber of man that comes her way. Dude, I couldn't concentrate whatsoever until the Porndude came to my rescue.It's until I got laid once by one of the Porndude's hoes after the dude blacked out after taking shots of...

Gangbang Porn Sites
2 years ago
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The Unconventional Convention A beginning

I've worked with Andrea for years. Every step of the way, both of us maintained full professionalism and appropriate behavior, even as we evolved into becoming friends and running buddies. We would run together at least once, sometimes twice a week, most of the time with a couple other regular runners in a small club, but sometimes just the two of us. We were acquaintances. I had been to her Wedding. She had given me a ride to pick up my car from the mechanic. We had been pet-sitters for...

2 years ago
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Anime Convention Harem Ch 03

What the hell am I doing here? Kelly thought, scowling into the restroom mirror. It had been years since she’d attended an anime convention, and too much had changed. She didn’t recognize a single costume anymore, and everywhere she turned con-goers were enjoying some kind of inside joke that was part of their geeky little culture. Pathetic. Kelly considered herself a scene-girl goddess, her hair dyed a perfect shade of black and her artfully teased bangs cut along an angle to frame the...

3 years ago
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Holiday Convention

Friends name, Cathy Holiday ConventionBy [email protected] ??????????? So Cathy and I had just finished checking into our room. Actually I had just finished checking into my room and now I was sneaking Cathy in. I think it is such a rip that a hotel can charge for how many people will be staying in a room instead of just the room. So instead of paying for a room plus another person, I was just checking in for a single room with one person staying. I know, I?m an evil person for...

1 year ago
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XVideos Gangbang

Since our law firm was shut down after the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, my life has never been the same. I can longer spy on my colleague paralegals during our businesses. I could sit and just think about what is hidden under the tight short black skirts, stockings, and white blouses. Could she be pantiles, shaved, or trimmed? Is her pussy pink? What about the nipples and breasts under the bras? It was just a hot environment because my dick was ever hard. Being a jobless clown, I had to sit my...

Gangbang Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Sonja at the kama sutra convention

I've had some contact with Sonja again after our adventure (see ) and I even had seen her at other nympho-nights but nothing more then that, the contact consisted of short but horny texts but at some point the moments in between got longer and longer. I found it unfortunate but knew that I couldn't get any again at one of the next nympho-nights, I was lucky the first time and sexting didn't go as smooth as it should, but luckily I knew that Sonja would be at the kama sutra convention with Roxy...

1 year ago
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PornHub GangBang

Hell yes. I’ve been reviewing niche porn for a few days now and I gotta say, it feels really good to get back to basics. Gangbangs have been a staple of hardcore mainstream pornography since the fucking 70s. I love this shit and I can’t get enough of it. I do have my personal preferences, because I’m a picky-ass fapper, but overall, gangbangs are absolutely my shit. PornHub is… well, it’s PornHub – the most popular porn site on the planet. They’ve won that game a long time ago. This is a...

Gangbang Porn Sites
3 years ago
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My Husband Send Me Out On My first Solo Gangbang

My husband has made me do a lot of gangbangs over the years. In all of them, he has set them up and arranged the guys and been there to make sure I was safe and things didn't get out of hand.This one was quite different. I was off of work in preparation to study abroad for a year, and I asked my husband TC if I could fly across the country to visit my family, since I wouldn't have the chance to see them for a long time. At first he said no because I wasn’t bringing in any money, and it would...

4 years ago
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Anime Convention

The girl in the back was really hot, Carrie thought as she leaned back in her chair. She looked around the rest of the room, enjoying just watching the people. She loved science fiction and fantasy conventions. She had never been to this particular one in Oklahoma City, and this one was actually an anime convention, but it was close enough. It had all the same elements that she loved. This time she got involved and was working as staff. Which was what she was doing now, although nothing much...

3 years ago
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Theatre gangbang

Theatre funThis is Mr sweet version of our theatre gangbang. It was finally here Saturday night and we had managed to get away for a few days. It was touch and go if we would get away or. Not but we made it after the usual drive around in circles trying to find our motel we finally got there and checked in headed upstairs had showers got changed etc. to say wifey looked hot is an understatement. She was wearing a silk like dress with a split up the front we’ll sort of an over lap slit lacey...

2 years ago
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Anime Convention Harem Ch 02

‘Sooo glad we pre-ordered our convention passes,’ a heavy-set girl in her twenties said, a pair of plush panda ears bobbing excitedly where they were affixed in her dirty-blonde hair. ‘That line is just nuts.’ ‘Oh, yes,’ her companion said quietly, a pair of similar rabbit ears poking up from her long blonde hair. ‘It’s so crowded…’ Her blue eyes fluttered behind her glasses. ‘I can’t believe you talked me into this.’ Megan had become Stephanie’s boisterous big sister ever since they met in...

1 year ago
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The Bosss Daughter Ch 1 The Beginning of the madness

Introduction: This story is fiction. But a fantasy ive had in my head for awhile. This story has a lot of backround story before it gets to anything sexual, so if you just want sex sex sex, dont read this, but if you hang in there i promise it gets good! ,) I grew up in a small mountain town, to give you a clue my elementary school preschool -8th had only 58 kids in it. To say everyone knew each other is an understatement. I was an average boy, and everybody loved my for my kind heart and large...

2 years ago
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The Bosss wife

At the time I was seeing a married woman, I was single, but we could see each other ll the time, we had to wait to her husband went away. In the times when we were apart I would write explicit emails and stories. I was in work, and had been working on a big project. As the ‘official’ work day was over, I was still sat at my computer and my mind wandered off, I was thinking of my next encounter, and we were due to go out for the day, sex outdoors. I knew I could turn her on with a story, so I...

2 years ago
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The Bosss Daughter Pt 3

~ Clint ~ I walk into the apartment, candy bag in hand, expecting to find Emily on the couch, but she’s not there. She must be in the bathroom. I unpack the candy bag into the cupboard then move to the dining table to look at the open book laying there. Ah, geometry. I remember those days. I move to the living room, planning on watching TV until she’s done in the bathroom, but then I hear music playing. I smile, recognizing the song. I quietly walk into the hall, curious to hear if she’s...

2 years ago
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The Bosss Daughter Pt 1

~ Clint ~ I’m on the phone with a high-end client. The business part of our conversation is over and now we are just bull shitting back and forth. I’ve switched the call to speaker so that I can talk to him while standing near my huge office window and watch the city below. He has invited me to join him and some friends this weekend to do some fishing on his boat. I have a very charismatic personality, receiving these types of offers is a frequent occurrence, and normally I try to accept. The...

1 year ago
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The Bosss Wife

Mike had been working for the company for about 8 months and had just been watching the interactions of the people who worked there. The company was small, only eight people worked there and most of the time the boss, Lucas, was out of town. His wife, Lucy, ran the administrative side of the company so she usually stayed behind, alone. Lucy was about 48 years old but with the most beautiful body. Her legs were thick and supple and they attached to her perfect pear shaped ass. Her breasts were...

4 years ago
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The Bosss Daughter Pt 5

~ Emily ~ Clint places a small bag of ice cubes down on the coffee table then holds his hand out to me. I gladly accept it and he pulls me to my feet. He frowns slightly when I wince from the pain in my hip, it’s not nearly as painful as it was a few minutes ago, but it still continues to throb and complain about the abuse I put it through. He leans in towards me, I think he is going to kiss me again so I close my eyes and tilt my head up to be ready, but just as his lips will meet with...

3 years ago
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The Bosss wife

I don’t know when it started. Maybe at the office party, perhaps when I was leaning over his desk, perhaps I did tease him a lot, maybe it was when he breathed in my perfume and saw my cleavage as I sat next to him taking dictation. Anyway, we started flirting first of all. That led to a kiss and an occasional furtive grope. Eventually we had sex. Sometimes it was in the office, other times when he took me away on business trips. I remember one of the first times in the office when I was giving...

4 years ago
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The Bosss Daughter

I was once told that it can be a dangerous thing to try it on with the boss’s daughter. Mixing work and pleasure can be as troublesome as it can be rewarding. Turth was I always associated that kind of stuff with high flying executives who had a Ferrari in the car park. I’m nowhere near that kind of life. I’m a security guard who works in the gatehouse at a truck depot. I spend twelve hours a day signing trucks and cars in and out. That was where I met Kirsty, the daughter of the site...

1 year ago
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The Bosss Wife Part 2

It had been a while since my encounter with Louise. Lee’s trip to the states had been called off and so Louise had been in the office every day. Each day she had popped down to my office and told me that she really wanted to get together again. She would walk in to my office, lean back against the door, and open her top. The first time she did it, Lee had been on his way down, so it all happened very quickly. The next time she came down, she had a dress on, and she lifted it up.

2 years ago
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The bosss Lover

I woke up this morning feeling a little different, but that didn’t stop me from going to work. But it did make me wanna go to work dressed like a little whore. I went and jumped in to the shower and shaved my pussy, because I knew it was gonna get a ride today. I got out the shower and open the curtains to my sliding window, so my nosy perverted neighbor could see my naked body. I dried my body and found my sexiest pink thong with the diamond playboy bunny. I didn’t feel like wearing a bra...

2 years ago
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The Bosss Daughter Pt 2

~ Clint ~ Emily is quiet this morning as I drive her to school. Well, I’m quiet too. I can’t shake the feeling of guilt from last night when I masturbated to thoughts of her. I guess she’s feeling embarrassed over walking out of the bathroom just wearing a towel to find me still awake. She’s staring out of the passenger window, I can’t stop taking quick looks at her. She’s wearing a pair of short shorts, made even shorter by sitting. I wonder if her dad lets her go to school like this, but...

1 year ago
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The Bosss Daughter Pt 4

~ Clint ~ Alright, dancing with Emily may not have been the smartest idea I’ve ever had. I just got lost in the moment and wanted to keep her smiling and laughing, but now she’s looking me with those glazed over, star struck eyes. I won’t lie, holding her close like that was exciting in more ways than one, but things are getting too weird now. She’s great, smart, beautiful, fun, but we can’t have something between us – right? I mean I’m 32, just shy of double her age! There’s no way we could...

3 years ago
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The Bosss Wife Part 2

I slid a finger either side of Ellie’s moist clit and gently rubbed it. She didn’t respond like she usually did and all of a sudden sat up. “I’ve got something to tell you,” she said, “and I’m not sure how you’ll take it.” “Try me.” “I think I’m a lesbian. I’ve had sex with a woman and I liked it.” “Who – what – where – when?” I spluttered – shocked but intrigued. “It was with Jayne, last week.” “Jayne? Which Jayne? My wife Jayne?” “Yes. You know your party last week? Well Jayne took me into...

1 year ago
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The convention that changed my life

The convention that changed my life. By Our Dairywoman Angel. When I found out that the actor Jay Rosewood was going to be attending the comic and science fiction convention that was being held in my hometown, I was so excited. I was a big fan of him and the role he was best known for playing. For many years, he had played the older but heroic captain on my favourite science fiction show. I became even more excited about the fact Jay was attending the convention when I found out...

2 years ago
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Convention Surprises

Pro-Con was heating up as the halls of the Southern Convention Centre filled with the first day's visitors. Most of them were dressed up and actively cosplaying, but there were also people who spent their time ogling the cosplayers. The average cosplayer spent many, many hours on their work; things such as their clothes, makeup, and minute details to recreate the look of their favourite characters. Amongst the thousands of people with smartphones, there were a few professional...

3 years ago
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Seducing my Bosss Daughter Part 1

When Jim, my boss asked me to keep an eye on his daughter for a weekend, I thought ‘me a baby sitter?’ Then he said she was 18! Introducing Ashlie  Jim brought his daughter to work on Friday with the idea that she’d come home with me, while he had a nice weekend in France with his new girlfriend. What can I say? Ashlie was hot. She was a real cutie, with the best brown eyes and a turned up nose. She had the tightest body I’ve seen in a long time. She turned up in spray on jeans and a white...

4 years ago
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Karen Does Her Bosss 18 Year Old Son

Karen had worked at a small firm for the past twelve years. When her last son was born she really wanted to get back into the work force and that was when she met Jim. Jim had an available opening in his company and Karen jumped on it instantly. Karen, now 45, loved her last twelve years on the job. It was the kind of company where everyone knew each other on a first name basis. It was like one big family, including the owner and president of the company Jim. Jim was a 50 something divorcee who...

2 years ago
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My Bosss Wife

I have worked for a small law firm for the past couple of years as an assistant to one of the partners. My boss is the one who started the law firm I work at and is a pretty well know guy around our town because of it. The first day I got the job I met his wife, and I got a hard on in seconds. She was a beautiful blond southern girl with a great hourglass figure. She was about 5’6’’, she had great 36 C cup tits, a firm ass, and great athletic legs. This women struck me like a thunder bolt, and...

3 years ago
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My Bosss Shocking Secret

Sylvia Watson, a twenty six year old young journalist, walked over to her desk at the New York Times and sat down in her chair and sighed. She placed her bag on the back of her chair when an Asian guy in a dark suit came over to her. ‘The new boss is in the office,’ he whispered. ‘Her face is like thunder. Where have you been? The first meeting with her was half an hour ago.’ ‘My alarm went off late,’ Sylvia replied, she pushed a long strand of blonde hair off her shoulder. The door to the far...

2 years ago
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I am the New Bosss New Punch

I was just settling into work, logging on to my computer in my cubicle when the call came. It was the new site director. He had only been here a couple of weeks. Seemed nice, a young, friendly guy, definitely a big improvement over the last asshole who had thankfully gotten transferred to the head office. “Kelly, this is James, I’ve been going through the personnel files and wanted to schedule a meeting with you this evening, around 6:30 if you can make it.” “Um, sure,” she said, “Is there...

2 years ago
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Seducing my Bosss Daughter Part 2

Orgy  My boss had gone to France for the weekend and left his eighteen year old daughter in my and Laura’s capable hands. What was he thinking! Ashlie, as you have doubtless discovered in part one, is a gorgeous brunette with big brown eyes. Her body is a joy to behold with an amazing bubble ass and pert boobs, which barely quiver as she walks. It didn’t take long for my lesbian radar to pick up on her bicuriosity. It was just little things, the coy glances and the way she gazed at my breasts...

2 years ago
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My Unsuspecting Wife Bangs her Exbosss Son

It had been almost a year since the last time I had shared my wife with another man. We had done it a few times in the past, but with both of us getting older she felt it was time to put an end to our adventures. I eventually agreed with her, even though I had a deep desire to share her once again. My wife loves to shop and decided to play hooky one day from work. She loves to shop just like many other women, and shopping alone doesn’t bother her one bit. I had returned home from working that...

3 years ago
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Getting A Raise From The Bosss Wife

One of the positive benefits of getting a divorce after nearly twenty years of marriage was my newfound freedom. I had always wanted to move to the city but my wife was a die-hard country girl. During our marriage we compromised by living in the suburbs. Now that I was single again I had the chance to move back to the city where I could take advantage of the seemingly unlimited singles bars and endless numbers of available women. My one daughter remained with my ex, so it was no problem for me...

4 years ago
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Shopping with the Bosss Daughter

I came home from work after a successful morning meeting where we finalized a big project. I decided to celebrate by going out to buy a new dress. I changed out of my business suit and grabbed a quick shower to shave smooth. I put on my make-up, choosing to go with a conservative look for the day with a pink lipstick. I got dressed with black panties and bra, and pulled on the silky nylons and attached them to my black lacy garter belt. I then slipped into a long navy skirt with matching...

4 years ago
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At the Fictionmania Convention II The Price of War

At the Fictionmania Convention II: The Price of War by shalimar Let me explain some things. I met Monica at a weekly meeting of my local transgender group which just outside Atlanta, GA. She is a thirty-year- old male to female transsexual that is what we also call a little girl. In her mind she is really four. Although we have our differences we became close and I eventually became her "mother." Being both Fictionmania fans and hearing about the convention we made arrangements...

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