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The following sites have full permission to archive this story, if they choose to: Fictionmania, Nifty, Crystals Storysite, Sapphires Place, and Beverly's Balcony. All others should ask first. Posting this story on any pay site is prohibited. Conversation 2 (c)2002 by Veronica Moonlit Calvin Donnelly walked out of the Electronics Boutique with a copy of "The Adventures of Tron Bonne" in his hand. "Ah", he thought to himself, "I can finally torture Servbots. It sure took me long enough to find this game." Calvin Donnelly was an average man, of average height, of average appearance with a not so average secret. Calvin was a crossdresser. Not the kind one sees on trash talk shows, that gets all the publicity, but an average one. Calvin had never dressed in public and had only recently bought a bit of makeup. In other words, Calvin was very much closeted. As Calvin made his way through the mall, he passed by a Lane Bryant store. He enjoyed looking at the window displays even though he wasn't brave enough to go in. This day, there was a giant poster with a pretty red-haired model wearing a Burgundy sweater, suede skirt and high heeled boots. Calvin remembered seeing this model in MODE magazine, before MODE went defunct. As he passed by one of the Lane Bryant store's exits into the mall he saw two women leaving the store burdened with shopping bags. One was a petite blonde woman who Calvin thought probably didn't shop there for herself. The other was a plus sized woman with long dark hair dressed rather similarly to the model on the poster. Calvin did a double take in his head, "Great Mother of Terra, that's a guy." Calvin had never seen another crossdresser in public before, he wasn't a member of any support groups, not that there were any locally. He looked around, wondering if anybody else noticed the other crossdresser. There seemed to be no reaction from anybody. In fact he saw a soccer mom with her daughter smile at the crossdresser and "her" friend. The crossdresser was acting like it was the most normal thing in the world to be walking in the middle of the mall wearing a skirt. "Well, I'll be darned.", said Calvin to himself, "That's something I never thought I'd see." Calvin decided to follow them, wondering what they'd do next. The two ladies, walked through the mall, just like two female friends normally did. They popped into the bookstore, spent some time in the DVD section of the video store, and then the crossdresser popped into the Electronics Boutique for a minute and came back out with a bag. Calvin's attentions did not go unnoticed by the pair of ladies. "Elise, I think you're being watched." said the petite blonde. "I noticed him a couple of minutes ago, Jessica." said the crossdresser, Elise, "I don't think he means ill. I'm getting a vibe from him." "Gaydar?" said Jessica, giggling. "TGdar, I call it. But it's the equivalent." said Elise. "So, you think he's a crossdresser too?" asked Jessica. "I think so." replied Elise. "Why don't you go and talk to him." asked Jessica. "No, I think it would make him nervous. From the way he's looking, I don't think he's ever seen another crossdresser before. But, I do have an idea." said Elise, "Let's sit down here for a minute." Elise and Jessica were near one of the many benches the mall had placed for weary warriors of the shopping wars. Elise then pulled out a small pastel colored notepad and glittery gel ink pen from her purse. Jessica noticed the Sanrio logo on the back of the pad. "That reminds me, I want to pick up some Chocolat items from the Sanrio store." commented Jessica. "I'm glad I found a friend who understands the value of _cute_" replied Elise. Elise pulled off a sheet of pink paper from the pad and used her video game case as a writing surface. "That's a cute winged angelic character on the cover." commented Jessica. Elise finished writing her note and then held up the game case, winking at Calvin. "What did you do that for?" asked Jessica. "He's got an Electronics Boutique bag too. Just letting him know I saw him and that we share at least one interest." replied Elise. Elise then set the note down on the bench. "Let's go Jessica, Victoria's Secret is having a sale on their bath and beauty products. I'm all out of Heavenly bodywash." said Elise brightly. The two ladies got up and continued their shopping. Calvin had been watching them the whole time and had seen Elise's wink and her game. "'The RPG "Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure'! We must have similar tastes in games." Calvin thought to himself. He decided to go over to the bench and grab the note before someone else noticed it. He made his way over and picked it up. It read, in glittery fuchsia ink in a soft rounded cursive: Dear Friend; I noticed your attention, and decided to write this note. If, as I believe, you are a crossdresser, warm hugs. You seemed surprised to see me. I have to admit, it took a wondrous revelation for me to become comfortable enough with myself to actually dress in public. But, I want you to know it can be done. Remember this, you're not perverted, or sick or any such thing. You are truly worthy, of love, friendship, and great shopping experiences. Yours Truly; Elise. Elise had written down a website URL at the bottom of the note. Calvin was dumbstruck. He decided to head home, for one thing, to get a grip on what he had seen. For another, to check out Elise's web site. He left the mall and hopped in his Dodge Neon. He started singing along absentmindedly with CD in the player. "I know that you're out there and I'm waiting for you." Before heading home he stopped at the grocery store to pick up the essentials, cat food, cat litter and Phish Food ice cream. He reached his driveway just as Marjoly and her lackeys finished the song "Evil Queen". He grabbed his videogame bag from the car and unlocked the door to see his cat, Neko, waiting for him. "Neko-chan, you would not believe what I saw at the mall today." said Calvin. "Mrefao." said Neko, headbutting Calvins leg. "Yes, I remembered to stop by the store and get some more treats." replied Calvin has he reached down and petted her. "Fritzl." replied the cat, who headed into the kitchen. "Okay, okay, already. You're so evil, but cute." said Calvin as he followed the cat. In the kitchen, Calvin pulled out cans from the grocery bag and held two in front of Neko. "Chicken or Tuna?" he asked, bending down. "Kreh." said the cat. "Chicken, it is then." said Calvin. He got a clean cat dish out of one of the cabinets, and got out the can opener as Neko went all lovey dovey on his leg. "Patience... okay here you go." he said as he put the dish down near Neko's Lion King cereal bowl used as a water bowl. He then went into the living room and turned on his Linux box, which was attached to his Sony Wega television. He sang a line from a song he'd changed the lyrics to. "I'm down with Linus Torvald's, I call him Liney for short, I phone him up at home and I make him do my tech support. It's all about the Emotion Engine, Baby." He booted up Mozilla and entered the URL for Elise's site. He spent the next few hours looking through it and the other sites Elise linked to. He'd visited some of them before, but there was some very good information on some site's he had never visited. Plus, he had never visited the crossdressing oriented newsgroups. He was booted out of his reverie by hearing the distinctive sound of Neko hacking up a hairball. He located Neko in his bedroom where she had hacked up the hairball right on his stuffed Moogle. He removed the offending gray substance and headed to the linen closet to get a washcloth. "It had better not leave a stain or no canned food for a week for you." said Calvin to Neko. After wiping off the Moogle, Calvin squeezed it's tummy to hear it say, "Kupo." He headed back to the living room to print out the pages he had saved. After doing that, he started thinking to himself. "I could do that too, go out in public. I'm tired of being all dressed up and no place to go. But I'm going to have to think this through." Calvin began making a list of the things he'd need. He first checked out his closet. Most of the things he'd bought second hand, at thrift and consignment shops, but if he was going out, he wanted to look as nice as he could. He wanted to fit in, if he went to the nice department stores. He looked over his clothes and decided he should buy himself some nice new things. He went over to the dresser and checked out his small makeup collection, and decided he really should get a book. As he looked up from the makeup he saw himself in the mirror. "Calvin no baka! I almost forgot a wig!" Calvin said out loud. "Boy, I'm going to have some shopping to do." said Calvin. Over the next few days Calvin began picking up a few necessary items. He'd read on the newsgroups and that Kevyn Aucoin's Making Faces was a good book and he was able to find a copy locally. He had been using cheap foam pads from Wal-Mart to fill his second hand brassiere, but he decided to buy himself some proper breast forms from an online store. They were a bit expensive, but he decided to go for it and for the specialized hip enhancer that got rave reviews from the newsgroups and on web pages. As for the wig, he had read online that the best way to get one was to do it in person. Supposedly almost 1/5 of most wig shops business came from crossdressers. He was a bit anxious but placed a call to a store. "Wanda's Wigs, can I help you." said the voice on the other end. 'Um yeah, um hi. I, uh, need a wig and I, uh..." stammered Calvin. "And you're a crossdresser?" asked the voice on the other end of the phone. "Yes." replied Calvin with a rush of breath. "No problem. You can just walk in if you want, or if you feel the need for more privacy we can set up a special appointment." said the woman. "I think I'd like a little privacy. I'm kind of nervous." replied Calvin. "That's quite all right. How about an evening appointment, say Wednesday at around Sevenish?" she said. "That's fine." replied Calvin "Can I have a name please? By the way, I'm Wanda, wig proprietress par adua, ad alta." ased Wanda. "Uh, I'm Calvin Donnelly. You know you're the first other person I've told I'm a crosdresser." replied Calvin, soberly. "I probably won't be the last though. Calvin, may I ask if you have a femme name?" asked Wanda. "You know about those?" said a surprised Calvin. "You aren't my first crossdresser customer." answered Wanda. "You know, I don't really have one." replied Calvin. "What's your favorite female name?" asked Wanda. "I've always liked Celtic and Brythonic names. But I'm finding it hard to choose one." said Calvin. "How about Ciara? Why don't you go with that." said Wanda. "Okay, I guess Ciara it is. I'll see you Wednesday then." said Calvin. "All righty, thanks for calling Ciara, see you then." replied Wanda. Calvin then hung up the phone. "Ciara, Ciara, Ciara." said Calvin letting the name roll around his mouth, "My name is Ciara." When Wednesday arrived Calvin was very excited and scared, enough so, that colleagues at work commented on it. After work, he was going to get a burger but a thought occurred to himself. "Maybe I should cut down on the cheeseburgers." So instead of a burger, he got a veggie sub instead. As he munched on it in the sub shop parking lot he mused to himself. "Maybe I should pick up some aerobics and yoga DVD's. It wouldn't hurt." At around 6:45, Calvin arrived at the Wanda's shop. He took a deep breath and released it. "There's no time to waste, let's go. Booya." he muttered to himself, "Let's do it. There's no gettin offa this train I'm on." His courage bolstered, he opened the car door and walked up to the entrance and pulled on the door. It was locked. He lightly knocked, and he saw red haired woman come to the door. She opened it and said "I was hoping you'd make it. I've had other crossdressers call but then chicken out. Glad you're here, I'm Wanda." She then led him to a table with chairs and a good sized mirror. "Do you know what kind of wig, you're looking for Calvin?" asked Wanda. "Something easy to care and close to my own color. I've read that wigs with _bigger_ hair are more flattering to male heads, but I want a look that is versatile. Something that can go with a nice office look, and perhaps work with a more casual look." replied Calvin. "You've done your research, I'm impressed. Let me have a look." Wanda replied heading into the back of the store. A few minutes later, she came back with four boxes. "Let's try these. This one is a shoulder length bob. Sort of an anchorwoman style. I think of it as Dana Scully, but longer. #2 is a bit longer than that and a bit wavy. It's versatile to style if you have the skills. Number 3 is a long curly red haired Irish maiden look. #4 is a bit iffy I think, It's a shorter soccer mom look, but I thought we'd try it." said Wanda. She placed the first wig on Calvin's head and said, "Calvin, meet Ciara." Calvin looked in the mirror and wished he had a dress and makeup on, but the wig was a flattering color and style. "I like this one." said Calvin. "I thought that one would work well, lets try #2." said Wanda. Calvin looked in the mirror again. This wig seemed to pull down his features and made him look older and sallow. "Not this one, maybe a different color, but I don't think so" Calvin said, shaking his head. "It's a popular style, similar to that worn by Lauren Graham in the Gilmore Girls TV show, but it doesn't work for you." said Wanda, "Okay, #3. I chose this one for fun, since you said you liked Celtic names. Let's see how it looks." Once the wig was on his head, he looked again in the mirror. "Wow, this one makes me look like a poetry writing Celtic woman." said Calvin "Wow, indeed. It does work on you. I'm surprised. I guess you are an Irish maiden at heart." said Wanda, "#4 is typical wash and wear soccer mom." Again the mirror was checked. "I look like my mom in this one." said Calvin, "I love her and all, but I don't think I want her hair." "Agreed. Numbers 1 and 3 look better on you. Would you like to try some more?' asked Wanda. "Sure, but I want those two, no matter what." replied Calvin. For another hour, Wanda kept Calvin busy trying on wigs, but he didn't find any he liked more than the two he loved. Plus, he knew he was putting a good sized dent on his credit card with all his shopping. Wanda showed him how to put on, adjust, brush out and clean his wigs. He paid rapt attention and made certain to keep the brochures handy. When they were finished, Wanda said, "I'm glad I was able to help. Sometimes, none of the wigs in stock are flattering. Cash or charge?" asked Wanda. "Charge, and thank you for your assistance." replied Calvin. "You're welcome. Why don't you stop back sometime all dressed up so I can meet Ciara." said Wanda with a smile. "I believe I will, and thanks again." said Calvin. Over the next couple of weeks, Calvin decided to practice his makeup using the books he had bought to guide him in purchases and application. After much practice, he was able to do a basic 9 to 5 makeup look in a relatively reasonable 45 minutes. He had read, that with practice, he would be able to do it in 15 minutes, but he didn't believe that for one moment. After his breast forms and hip enhancer arrived, Calvin decided to find some nice outfits from the JC Penney's Catalog. From buying used things he had some idea of his sizes and the size charts would help. He decided to buy two sheath dresses, some career separates in silk, and some more casual twin sets and long skirts. He also decided to buy a more formal satin trimmed royal blue jacket dress because he liked how classy it looked. He also bought the necessary accessories like lingerie and shoes. One Saturday morning, a couple of weeks after his clothing had arrived, he set aside time for a full on practice session. He took a bubble bath, shaved as close as he could using the Mach 3 razor, the razor of choice for crossdresers. He lotioned and moisturized until he was a smooth as he could get. He put on his undergarments, he had practiced getting them off an on so he didn't have too much trouble. He put on his makeup, slipped into his sheath and carefully placed the wig on top of his head, securing it with pins. He'd got lucky with his shoe sizes, the shoes he picked out fitted him well enough. He'd stuck with low and medium heels, there was no way he'd be able to walk in high heels without lots of practice. Besides most women wore lower heels anyway. Once everything was in place. He stood in front of his full length mirror. He'd done a reasonably good job. He looked like a man in a dress, but a fashionable, stylish man in a dress. He then noticed one thing he missed. "Jewelry! Drat and double drat. How could i have forgoten. I'll need a purse and perfume too. Oh well, back to the drawing board." said Calvin. He then turned to Neko, who was sitting on his bed looking bored and asked. "So, what do you think?" Calvin said, laughing. "Rekeeh." Neko said then jumped down from the bed and rubbed Calvin's pantyhose clad leg. "Don't you dare think of sharpening your claws on my hose, you fierce fluffy feline, or I'm cutting you off of your source of Nepeta cataria. That's right, I'm just saying no." said Calvin. "Snarf." replied Neko, as Calvin picked her up and smooched her on top of her fuzzy little head. "And don't you dare sneak into my closet and hack up on my shoes, or try them on for that matter." Calvin said as he gave one final smooch as he set her down. One week later, after purchasing perfume, purse, and baubles and adding even more to his credit card balance, Calvin was sitting in his car, outside one the entrances to the nice mall department store. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm scared, but I can do it." he said to himself. He heard a soft voice in his head say, "Yes you can, you are brave, you are a special and precious being. Do not be afraid, I am with you in your thoughts and spirit." "I'm driving myself crazy, talking to myself like this. I should just do it. Fortune favors the bold, dogs, small children and ships named Enterprise." said Calvin. Ciara stepped outside the car and held her head high. "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.", she kept saying to herself. She strode proudly into the store, with grace and class. "This day, I will remember. No matter what happens this experience I will treasure." Ciara thought to herself. She walked to a nearby clerk and said, "Pardon me, but could you direct me to the plus sized department." "It's up the escalator and to the left, Ma'am. They are having a sale on the Elizabeth line, so you can pick up some gorgeous items at good prices. I wish some of it came in my sizes." replied the petite shapely clerk. "I wish I was your size sometimes.", replied Ciara. "A MODE woman like yourself? Don't envy me." replied the clerk, "I may sell fashion, but beauty on the inside is what matters and it comes in all ages, shapes, colors, and genders..." "You're right, Miss." said Ciara, "I'll try to remember that. Thanks for the directions and your kindness." "You're quite welcome, Ma'am. Enjoy your day." said the clerk smiling sweetly. Ciara found the escalator and made her way to the plus sizes. There she was surprised to see Elise, who had started her on her journey out of the confines of her home. She walked over to Elise and said, "Excuse me, Elise? We've met in a round about way, I am Ciara." Elise turned around and her eyes widened. "I am very pleased to meet you, Ciara. It is good to see you here." she said smiling. 'Likewise. I wish to thank you for your note. You have changed my life. You inspired me." said Ciara. "You're quite welcome, Ciara. I'm glad I could help. You look very lovely today. That's a nice dress." said Elise. "Why thank you, Elise, but your suit is gorgeous." said Ciara blushing. "Thank you for the flattery. I bought it here a month ago. I've had some luck today, but I could use a shopping partner, my friend Jessica, whom you saw with me, couldn't come." said Elise. "I would love to shop with you, if you don't mind?", asked Ciara. "Of course not. I saw a lovely sweater over there that would suit your coloring quite well. Lets take a look." replied Elise. The two ladies walked over to the sweaters and began shopping and also began a friendship. The End. Makeup, it takes believing in. Like a magic carpet, it's belief that makes it fly. Otherwise, it's just a rug. If you believe in it, makeup has a magic all it's own. Of course, makeup is only dime-store magic. But it works well enough, when it's used properly.", the makeup artist, from the book Sooner or Later, based on the 1978 TV movie of the same name.

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Over 468K bukkake videos! That's probably all bukkake content that has ever been shot, either by a studio or some random fucker with a camera! The whole bukkake history at one place - A category so big that it deserves a separate review! It deserves someone like me to take a look at it. Hail to! A tsunami of cum cumming your way!After the initial excitement, other, far more complicated thoughts creep inside my mind. What is it about chicks and facials, or,...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Me My Girlfriend And Her Mom

Introduction: Please keep comments constructive. Part 1:Ashley rode my rock-hard cock, moaning like a banshee. Her huge round tits bounced at the same rate as he long blond hair. Ashley was my girlfriend, and had always been somewhat of a nymphomaniac. My name is Zach, and since we were both 19 and it was hard to imagine that we would be able to go to the same college, we were trying to enjoy our relationship as much as we could… by fucking at every opportunity.As she rocked back and forth on...

2 years ago
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The Mercury Incident

The group gathered in the Tactical Operations Center of the Confederacy Naval Vessel (Battleship) Gorgon all looked young -- even Admiral Charteris, commander of the Confederacy Second Fleet (the First Fleet was the 'original' Confederacy Fleet -- which was a kind of honor guard for diplomatic functions, more than anything else -- and totally useless as a fighting force) -- who was over seventy if you went by his birth records. If you looked at their eyes, though, there was something in...

3 years ago
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Marys story Part 28

Mary clicked on the 4.00 p.m. appointment which was for Geraldine. The appointment opened up to reveal that is was for piercing both nipples. She clicked on “Geraldine” to reveal a screen showing the customer’s personal details, name, age, address, contact details, and previous treatments. Nearly all the details for Geraldine were blank. I wonder what Linda has about me, she thought, and searched on her own name. All her details and modifications were there in great detail, but the future...

1 year ago
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Not Gay But Enjoyed it

My true story comes from when I joined the UK military at 18. I have to say that, after all that happened between us, I just put it down to something like the freedom of being away from home and being free to experiment with my life and sexuality. I’d never had any thoughts of been gay, before or since. I went onto to enjoy a fantastic marriage until losing my wife suddenly some years back. I can’t remember how me and my mate Rich, the same age as me, got together. It may have been through...

2 years ago
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Naughty thoughts become a reality

I am not to say the least an Adonis and I haven't got women throwing themselves at me where ever I go however I do seem to fall lucky on a lot of occasions and many of them are out of the blue. Here is just one of those occasions...As from a previous story A new year eves party turned out to be a sex session from the heavens with our friends daughter Chloe. Since then I couldn't wait for the next session yet the holidays were over far too quickly and normality resumed and off to University...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet part 31

“I know that guy’s following us,” I said. It was the reason we’d left David back at the park, opting to take a little walk along the forested pathway that led into a larger hiking path. We both stood in front of the panel, pretending to look out into the marsh, but both of our attentions were on the man that sat down on the bench, just a little ways away from us, pretending interest in everything around, but us. “Shouldn’t we like? Go back to dad or something? What if he’s...

2 years ago
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Sonoran Misadventure chapter 2

SONORAN MISADVENTURE CHAPTER 2 Hearing the music coming from the club above me, I continued to gaze at my sensual, transformed reflection, then reached up to cup my breasts. Some of the other 'girls' called them their babies, their puppies. I hadnt given them names yet as I was still getting used to having them. I walked different with them, arching my back with my altered balance. Plus, wearing a tight bra wasnt something I was used to doing, nor was taking them off, I was used to...

3 years ago
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Dream Weaver Ch 01

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

4 years ago
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Dolly Part Two

DollyPart TwoBy theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.Dolly had two sisters. They were as different as could be. No one that did not know them would never connect them as being family. Dorothy was rather large framed and stable, she had married a nice man and a true outdoorsman. He had leased public land that had lots of Salal Brush and harvested it selling it to...

4 years ago
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Date With Childhood Friend Turned Into Sex Date

Hi ISS Readers, It has been a while since I posted my experience. What I am about to tell now is a real incident happened some time back. I had a request in Instagram from a girl who looked familiar. After seeing her pics repeatedly I recognized her as my childhood friend. She was my neighbour back then and now she was doing her final year engineering at Manipal University. Let’s call her Meghana, I initiated the conversation and we recalled all the funny moments and happy memories. She had...

3 years ago
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The Seafarer

The click of wheels on cobblestone drowned out their silence. Each drove her closer to the docks but further from home. The rhythmic trundling of their closed carriage slowed and became disruptive. Melissa tensed as animate voices began to bleed through their carts darkened walls. As they advanced, the mass of uncouth, loud, and grating tones surrounded her and her mother. She snaped back as one appeared beside them. "Alex! Gah! Get back here or…" it bellowed in passing. Melissa's mother...

3 years ago
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The Trust Me PillPill Two

Hayley waited for wish #2. As it turned out, it was a month later, when one of Steven's coworkers loaned them a mountain cabin for the weekend near Gatlinburg, TN, an A-frame that made up for its lack of size with perfect coziness. They had stayed there once before, and she was glad to have the opportunity to go again. The best feature was that although all the mountains seemed littered with cabins, this one had privacy, at least in the direction the windows and porch faced. They arrived...

3 years ago
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By the time Daddy was done with Frank's niece, my father seemed to have come to terms with me sharing my love with another family. That night the Patterson showed my father how a real family of swingers lived and played.CHAPTER 3After Dad had finished banging Brook, Frank told his boys that it was their turn to take care of their little cousin. Brook was sitting on the sofa when Grant pulled her to her feet. Pinning her against the wall while Kate and Carla held her in place, Jake and Grant...

2 years ago
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Summer Romance Never Forgotten 04

Please vote. Please give me the support of your vote. * We all have a lost love. A kiss that lasted for forty years. A first time for everything, no woman had ever kissed him first before he kissed her. He wanted to kiss her but, having just met the woman not even an hour ago, he didn’t want to rush her or pressure her. He was afraid. Fearing that he’d ruin things before talking to her and getting to know her better, with most women wanting to take things slow, he was afraid to prematurely...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Cadence Lux Birthday Sex From My Hot StepSister Cadence

I was bummed out my birthday this year, turning 21 was supposed to be cool but I didn’t get any pussy. My step-sister Cadence came home from college to surprise me for my birthday. She heard I have been bummed out lately since I broke up with my girlfriend. Cadence quickly realizes that balloons aren’t the thing that is gonna cheer me up. We always flirt with each other but we are only kidding around, even though she is my step-sister we are still family but I could not help myself...

3 years ago
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Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 21

"A Full Conclave!" Gronnus laughed. "So that is the latest foolishness from Roquan's camp! Surely they are desperate now!" Freya looked bored as she lounged in the gazebo. She sat with her long legs stretched out before her, one ankle crossed casually over the other. The bottom edge of her dress had been blown back by a breeze, exposing her red panties. She had made no move to cover it. She glanced outside, where the sun hung high above them. It was approaching the time of the midday...

2 years ago
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Test This 2367

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop...

3 years ago
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Make Love to Me Fuck Me

Making love and fucking may reference the same thing, but they have two very different meanings, to me anyways. And I want both. I need both. I need you to understand.Say the words out loud. The way the words flow from our mouths reveal much.Making love. Say it. Do you hear it? The words sing like a soft, sensual melody, with your tongue luxuriously rolling to the top of your mouth on the last word. My eyes slowly close as I say the words.Fuck. Say it. It punctuates, doesn’t it? You can’t help...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Office Hours

All characters are at least 18 years old. Hank Stop staring at her panties. Stop staring at her panties. Stop staring at her panties. “And I believe that’s all we have time for today,” I announced with a quick glance at the clock. “Please make sure to finish reading Chapter 8 if you haven’t already, as we’ll be covering Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. See you all next time!” My Psychology 1301 students were already packing up before I even finished, and I had to raise my voice higher and higher...

1 year ago
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Whitewash High Ch2

“Gawd, Massa, ram me with your perfect cock. Gape my slutty holes that were made and bred for you. Thinking about you makes my cunt drip like a waterfall,” Michelle screamed out in her bedroom.The busty, fit teacher invited her new master home after the school day was over the following day. It took them nano-seconds for their clothes to be torn off, and their love making to begin. Her body quaked in pleasure, feeling his strong hands over her body. Everything he did to her made strong knees...

2 years ago
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Faith Confessions of an English Harlotte Ch 1

Faith was a quiet girl. And in Surrey, at the time of our story’s beginning, that is 1828, it was expected of a girl to be quiet. She had recently attained her sixteenth birthday and preparations were underway for a lavish party. There was to be a grand ball, where Faith would be presented to society. It was hoped that Benjamin Gould would be in attendance. He was considered suitable for Faith and Faith’s father had been working hard to assure that Lord and Lady Gould considered Faith suitable...

3 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 09

Author’s note: My apologies for the delay in posting this. What can I say? Life got in the way and foiled the best laid plans of mice and writers. Please enjoy, and feedback is welcome as always. * Ryan had just saved her work log when her phone rang. She answered, hoping it wasn’t a last-minute request for anything. She was anxious to finish up and get out, Brody was going to pick her up and they were going to get one last, quiet celebration in before the tour and the playoffs started up. ...

2 years ago
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Its Donkey TimeChapter 8

Belinda blinked, surprised by that frantic baying from just outside the room. Curious, she slid from the bed, laying a slippery track in the wake of her sliding ass, and walked over to the window. She gasped at what she saw. Five big dogs were bounding and leaping about, slobbering and squirming--and every one of the excited brutes had a huge hard-on swinging under his loins! It was a sight that thrilled Belinda, who had been having fond thoughts concerning bestiality, to the very core of...

3 years ago
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My Name Is AliceChapter 2

I was frozen for a moment. Then I noticed that Trevor wasn’t moving either. Was he letting me make the first move? That’s nice of him. I took one more look at his penis then I looked around us. When I didn’t see anyone I walked towards Trevor and his still limp member. I gently stroked the instrument he had recently been using to pee from and said, “I’d really enjoy doing a little more than just touching it.” I went to my knees and licked his penis, then looked up into his eyes, “If we do...

3 years ago
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Sex with Cupid

Sex with Cupid By LadyDelight Pleasure took over her, need possessed her ever cell as he plunged deeper in to her pussy, making her yell from the sensation of his hard cock against her soft cunt, she could even feel the vain as it throb for release. He pulled out then sled right back in as he held her up so they could ride one another nice and easy but still she couldnt help but think, how she got here with Cupid. . . (One hour earlier). You mother-fucker. Janie said as she tuck off down...

1 year ago
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Sometimes you go to far

"So you want to hear what happened between me and Cassy" he said to me as he leaned across the bar. It had been weeks since I had seen Mark and I knew that he had Cassy on a pedistal. Mark was big, 6'-2" tall and he weighed an easy 215 pounds of all muscle. His black hair was cut short and his beard was always well trimmed. Our Army days and never worn off of him. He had been dating Cassy for about six months now and he had complained to me, the last time we saw each other that he could not get...

2 years ago
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Repeat PerformanceChapter 11 Shannon

"Dad, do you know a Seamus Monahan?" "Yes. He's a very fine writer at the Sun. Why do you ask?" "Oh, I met his daughter, Shannon. She's a sophomore like me. We got to talking and discovered that her dad worked for you." "He does editorials, but I'm trying to get some interest with the Managing Editor to have him write some feature pieces. He's a very talented writer and I'd like to see him get some exposure. I've seen a couple of his humour pieces and they are very...

2 years ago
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Evilmommies Little Sperm Eater

Evilmommie's LittleSperm Eater My husband had a complete aversion to eating his semen, or anyone else's.The first time I asked him to lick his semen out of my vagina after makinglove to me, he was quite annoyed. It was John who had encouraged me to dominatehim, but he didn't want to do anything too icky. Besides which, I had recentlyput John into a chastity device and he'd been abstinent for some time, andhis semen backlog had risen after I'd begun tying him down for long teasingtreatments,...

4 years ago
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Sons college friends round 2

Son’s College Friends Round 2After the time my son’s college friends snuck in on me in the shower and I sucked them off, I was at the grocery store getting some things when I felt a hand on my ass! Quickly I turned around to see Mitch and Robert standing there smiling at me. They asked what I was up to and I said that Hubby and Son were out of town again on a fishing trip at the coast for the weekend and I was just getting some things to eat. When I told them that I could see a light in both of...

1 year ago
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Long Commute

The car radio cut out and I tore my eyes from the brake lights in front of me to glance at the in-dash screen as the Bluetooth displayed the incoming call. Maryann's name appeared on the screen. I thumbed the talk button on the steering wheel. "Hey, baby," I called laconically. "Hi, honey," she called from the car speakers. "I figured you'd be home by now. Are you far?" "No, I stopped at my girlfriends house and got some on the way home." It was an old joke between us. "She called, begging,...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Ah HTML, the easiest way to watch porn, or so this subreddit likes to describe itself. It is called r/NSFW_HTML5/, and that is the gist of what it has to offer, which is obviously a good thing. So, if you came here for actual porn, you are in for a treat, but with that said, there are some things you need to know about Reddit in general.First of all, if you are strictly here to watch porn and actual porn videos, while this subreddit does have that, it is not really the best fap website. I shall...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 18

For all intents and purposes Janet Anton died at 3:15 PM on the first Friday in September. It had been a long summer and I was pissed because I spent most of the summer being Janet Anton. To be honest I missed Farmer's Grove. At 3:30 PM in the parking lot of the Office Plaza, Rose Seabold was reborn. I was ready to lose the uniform, but alas I had forgot to bring a change of clothes. Well technically I did have a change of clothes in the trunk of the Hyundai, but I couldn't get to them...

1 year ago
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My first gay experience

Let me introduce myself.... My name is Gary. At the time this story takes place I was 29 years old, single, and really super horny. I started having these day dreams about being with another guy. I honestly think I was just needing some affection and me being a total failure with the lady’s, maybe a man would work. I was not blessed with a big dick, I’m 4 inches when hard. I can cum gallons at a time. As I have stated, I was really horny and needed someone to fulfill my sexual needs. Me and...

3 years ago
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Babysitting fun1

“I forgot to tell you. I told Mrs. Winters you’d babysit for her tonight. She has to spend the evening with her sister and needs you to watch the baby.” I pulled up my white socks and just looked at her. I love my mother but she does this to me every time. “I was planning on going to a party, Mother. Not babysit.” “Well, so now, you’ll babysit. You said you wanted extra money for summer and college. Here ya go. Besides, you can go to other parties. I know there’s probably another one...

2 years ago
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The Slut Wife Chronicle

Please send us a message and check out our profile.Mark Franklin presented himself to my practice on Wednesday the sixth of January with concerns about his wife Sharon's apparent loss of self control. Mr Franklin looked tired and was quite emotional as he explained the circumstances that led him to request that his wife receive some counselling. Mr Franklin is 38 years old and his wife Sharon is 34. They have no c***dren and have recently moved to this area from Coolamein in the Riverina. Mr...

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The SongbirdChapter 3

I met Cate in the bar of the Hub restaurant at the Ramada. The smile of welcome as she saw me was flattering, as was the kiss she gave me. From what I had heard, air kissing either side of the cheek was 'de rigueur' for celebrities. Not so for Cate, her lips actually made contact with my cheek. "It's so good to see you Jack. I feel as if it has been a long time since we met in Devon." "It's good to see you too, Cate." I replied. "How do you like Derby?" "I haven't seen any of...

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Late For DinnerChapter 69 Soon Very Soon

"Well, that was certainly different," Kathy huffed as she pressed the blue rubber ice bag against her swollen slit. "I've never been so, so disgusted in my life." She spat her words as Mommy settled next to her on the black leather couch. "I just hope this stuff wears off soon." Mommy wiped numbing gel into her abused back door. "I promised Anthony that I'd let his scout troop earn their gang bang merit badges tonight." "I'm so sick of those mean old Trojans picking on you...

2 years ago
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DeborahChapter 11

Richard was approaching the tree five minutes before three. He was determined not to arrive early and to keep up the charade of them meeting by chance. Fortunately, Tilly decided at that moment to disappear onto the old, disused railway line. He was able to call her knowing she would be at least ten minutes about her business. For once he was grateful. He hung about for four and a half minutes before walking on the seventy-five yards to the tree. No Deborah! No Tilly either so that was all...

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