Masi'shen StrandedChapter 33 free porn video

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"Everything is set with Viktor's connections? They've set up the website and the streaming video links, and there will be enough server capacity so it won't crash when it gets hit with a tsunami of connections?" Mike asked.

"Oh, yes, no doubt. Viktor pulled out all the stops with his contact who owns a huge chunk of the network capacity in the U.S. Apparently the guy doesn't have a clue about what is going to hit the air, but Viktor's pulled a double whammy on the guy. He offered so much money as a guarantee, and hinted at financial armageddon if he didn't come through, that the tycoon doesn't know whether to celebrate a flood of new riches, or run for his life.

"But to answer your question, yes, most definitely. The internet server links are in place, and nothing short of a nuclear strike can bring it down. It's already patched into all the major news feeds for live streaming; all the stations need do is interrupt their normal programming and patch into our feed," Steve explained.

"Good, that's a big deal. It's nice not to worry about that end; we've got enough on our end to catch and uplink all the action," Mike admitted.

"I've taken it on myself to talk to Rhys and Martha. They went back to Twin Falls right after Marie's folks let them know that Viktor's group was stood down, and were now allied with us. Martha has excellent connections in the Twin Falls community, and she's going to use them to reinforce her credibility when she makes an offer to the news director of the local TV station. It's a small station, but is a CBS affiliate, so they have two-way feeds into the national network.

"She's going to offer herself and Rhys for local live interviews. The news people will be clamoring for all the background they can get, once they realize what's going on, and that it's for real. I'm thinking that if they can talk to a couple of solid, down-home folks who aren't clamoring that it's the end of the world because we have some alien refugees on the planet, it might inject at least a thread of sanity. That's our hope, anyway," Mike explained.

"Good idea, except after the interviews I think they'd better get out of town and stay lost for awhile. They'll get crushed in the stampede of news crews from everywhere else, trying to get their own footage, after the local feed airs," Steve warned.

"Right. I think they'll go back down to Salt Lake City for awhile; they have some very good contacts there, too, and if it's really necessary they can ask for help from the folks at Bonneville Broadcasting. They're the church station that owns and runs KSL-TV. There'll be no problem at all with their credibility once our antarctic scenes have aired, followed by their Twin Falls interview. It's a cinch they'll be safe in the hands of the KSL people both on and off the air. Since it's a church station, they have a lot of influence in that city and I don't think Rhys and Martha will have to worry about getting overwhelmed in a mob. They'll probably be put up in a penthouse suite and given 24-7 security to keep them safe and exclusive to KSL!" Mike laughed.

"No doubt," Steve chuckled. "I forget the unique cultural qualities of your mountain west, sometimes. No, I don't think they'll be in any danger with the entire resources of the city to protect them."

"There's another angle I've given a lot of thought to," Mike added. "The LDS have always been viewed as a 'fringe' religion by most, and as a 'cult' by a few Christian fundamentalist groups. So they have some experience with bigotry and estrangement. Most folks don't realize that part of their theology has an element of other worlds, at least in the Celestial sense. "Many rooms in my mansion, and worlds without number" is a fairly common expression in their beliefs. So I'd be willing to bet they're less likely to see our visitors as a threat. Especially the first time the church elders get a good look at Dee'rah in her angel maiden form!" he mused.

"Steve, if you and Marie will hang out with our skipper and his radio tech to make sure everything stays connected at our end, I'd better go visit with Dee'rah for awhile. I need to consult with her parents, and the ship's leadership council. As the juggler said while he tossed live hand grenades in a high circle above his head, Timing is everything!"

The Council

Mike's head no sooner hit the pillow after he'd secured himself alone in his cabin for privacy, than Dee'rah joined him.

Are you still frightened, love? he asked her.

No, Michael-mine. No longer. I forget sometimes, we have many capabilities. My father assures me we have little to fear from those bombs that your President has ordered dropped on us, she answered.

I thought not. But as long as the President and those who support him remain in power, there will always be a threat. Perhaps the worst threat will be their ability to generate hysteria through fear-mongering, and to incite hatred and bigotry. I have a plan to defeat them, but I must visit with your father and, I hope, perhaps meet with the ship's council of leaders?

Of course, Michael-mine. You are now one of us, you need not ask. It is your right—it will be given!

Michael moved with Dee'rah as she pulled his spirit-energy self with her; they emerged into the familiar surroundings of the great hall of the ship where he'd first met her parents. Jon'na-ren (Masi'na, male) and her mother Lyn'na-ra (Masi'ah, female) were waiting.

Michael-friend, it is a joy to see you! Jon'na-ren welcomed him. I sense that we have much to discuss, is this so?

Yes, my revered friend, we do. Has Dee'rah informed you of the bombing strike my nation's leader has ordered? And of our failed attempt to stop it?

Calm yourself, Michael; there is nothing to fear. I trust that you already believe that, or you would not appear so calm.

True. But yet I must visualize what I have seen of these particular aircraft, and the exploding devices they will drop. In our conflicts these devices have a unique and destructive effect on anything buried underground. They are intended to shake the earth, and collapse any subterranean structures.

Michael brought to mind the military film footage he'd seen of such penetrating bomb strikes, and their effects. He also visualized what little he'd seen of the delta-shaped stealth bombers that would be making the attack run.

Can your ship shielding be extended to stop these devices? Michael asked.

Not quite in the way you think, Michael. We cannot stop them exactly, but we can ensure they will do us no harm. But we will discuss that in greater detail. I understand that you wish to consult with the Mas'shi-dul, the ship's council. You are most welcome as a respected friend, a consultant, even as a valued envoy of your people. Come, Michael, we will go. They are assembling to receive us; as I am a senior member, I can assume they will not begin without us, Jon'na-ren smiled.

A joke! Sir, Dee'rah explained that you find our sense of humor and levity to be enjoyable—and you have spoken a small jest! Are you learning from us, so soon?

Perhaps we teach each other, Michael. Perhaps we learn much of great worth, together. Jon'na-ren smiled again.

So it is possible to do this ice-clearing at any time? All is ready, and you have only to command it done?

Jon'na-ren nodded his head in a gesture he'd found pleasing in Michael's habit; the other council members seated around the great table smiled in return.

And the ship may then rise, emerge from this trench that will lay open to the sky; the ship may lift and safely remain aloft over the island? With no hazard to it or yourselves, answering to her commands? he asked.

Jon'na-ren nodded again. There is no doubt, Michael. All can be done with perfect control, and quite safely. As for the rest of what we've discussed here, yes. We have communicated our requests and intentions, and we've made preparations. Do not fear, Michael. I trust we do not weary you with our assurances. We have many capabilities.

Later, meeting with Jon'na-ren, Lyn'na-ra, and Dee'rah in their private quarters, Michael asked the big question.

Dee'rah, your father helped me explain my plan to the Mas'shi-dul. I intend to accomplish two things. First, we will expose the crimes our President is committing against your race, the treaty protecting this continent, and against my nation's people. I believe this will be sufficient to remove him from power. My second hope is to introduce you, your race, to the world in a way they will never forget, yet will have no reason to fear. I believe they will see you as I see you: a people who may be our mentors and guides, that we of the earth may eventually evolve to join you as citizens of the stars.

Steve stood with Corky and the helmsman. They approached the edge of the ice shelf surrounding Siple Island. Nervous and cautious piloting brought their ship through the floes and bergy bits, nudging slowly between the large bergs and broken floes, leaving a trail of gray-black water behind through the smaller ice chunks.

"We're about five miles from the island itself, and that will give us an excellent view of anything as large as that ship when it emerges," Corky commented. "Steve, you better go stand watch with Lee in the radio shack. We can hold us in position with no problems. I see no danger of anything moving to pin us; the ice melt and breakup has been extremely favorable to us."

"Aye, aye, Corky. I'll holler for you when we get to the exciting stuff," Steve replied.

God bless Viktor's vodka-guzzlin' black heart, Steve thought to himself. I still can't believe it, even though I'm looking at it. A damned live feed, courtesy of an encrypted, compressed, and secret video stream coming into our video monitors. God only knows how many up and down and cross-links it takes to get here. Unbelievable!

Steve watched Lee's 21-inch monitor as it displayed a low-light enhanced satellite view of Mount Siple in all of its 10,000-foot glory, and the long, wide snow pack surface of the island stretching to the southeast of its base. He was looking at the entire area where the Masi'shen ship would blow open its grave and emerge from the dead. He was seeing it courtesy of the Russian spy satellite that Viktor Lucenkovich had "borrowed" and parked in stationary orbit over Antarctica for the event.

Lee talked on his satellite telephone to technicians in Russia and the United States through a conference link. He was feeding video from their own camera mounted in an enclosed rotor housing on a high corner of the pilot house. He aimed it at Mount Siple.

"Clear? Good feed? Excellent! We'll maintain the link. As soon as our guests arrive, I'll swing our camera to point down to the foredeck. We've rigged a microphone and we've already tested it; you should get excellent audio with our camera feed." Lee smiled at Steve and gave him the universal thumb and finger circle 'Okay!' sign.

"They tell me that all of the network links are up and ready. So, Mister Barrington, sir! The Ocean Endeavor movie production company is ready to make history whenever you folks are ready!"

Celestial Celebrities

Volgograd television, fer crissakes! What the hell am I doing here, sitting on my ass, bored out of my skull for the last ... oh, hell, it's been over half an hour now, staring at this monitor.

Fred James was one of several assistants to the producer for special events for WGZD-TV, New York. Orders came down from the General Manager the previous day to monitor a hookup into their studios for a special news feed, content TBA, to be announced. The instructions were unusually specific: a producer was to monitor the feed from the moment it came live, and to be ready to interrupt normal programming the moment anything unusual was seen over the special link. Without fail! This order was to be given the highest priority, the General Manager explained.

Ernie Thomas, the producer, was a skeptic, a cynic, and a hard-boiled veteran of the streets who had bullied and browbeat, back-stabbed and cheated his way into his producer's chair which his fat backside was holding down somewhere on the other side of the newsroom. He flirted with a perky little brunette who hoped fervently one day soon, "very soon, honey," Ernie crooned into her ear, to realize her moment as a news talent in front of the cameras. Ernie's priorities this day were not the General Manager's priorities. What the hell could come from Volgograd! We ain't at war with the Russians! was Ernie's rationale for stroking Betsy's ambitions; hopefully her motives would merge with his motive, and...

"Holy Shit!" Fred exclaimed to himself, as the video feed swung from the boring view of the snow-capped volcano somewhere in frozen nowhere-land to show several figures standing on the broad, stubby bow of a ship surrounded by water and broken ice. One of the figures was a tall, rugged-faced man in arctic clothing. The other three figures were not wearing arctic clothing. He couldn't tell what the hell they were wearing. They were glowing too brightly!

"Mr. Thomas! HEY, Mister Thomas!" Fred called as he jogged across the studio set, trying to stay out of camera range and avoid tangling with the maze of cables on the floor. He looked for but couldn't find his producer anywhere. He reached the other side. Grabbing another assistant, he spun him around to get his attention: "Amos, Amos tell me, where the hell is he, Mr. Thomas! He's gotta be here ... he's gotta see this! Oh, damn ... the GM's gonna have our ass! Where the hell did he go, Amos?"

"Jeezus, Fred, get a grip! Thomas was schmoozin' with that new intern, the little brunette. He's pulling the old you're gonna go far if you stick with me routine on her. They left to go get lunch. He said he might be back a bit late."

"Oh damn! Oh shit! ... crap! ... Dammit all to hell! Amos! We're fired! The whole damned lot of us are fired! Just as soon as the GM sees what we ain't got goin' out on the air like he ordered, we're all in the shitcan! Come look ... come with me, right now, and look at this. I'll show you what that asshole Thomas just missed, and it's gonna dump everyone's career in the crapper!"

Fred dragged Amos with him across the studio, where two other assistants and a junior producer gathered in front of the corner monitor that Thomas had left Fred to watch.

Beside the rugged man in a parka and the three glowing figures that caused Fred to have his panic attack, everyone was watching and listening to a fourth figure, a petite native American woman dressed in dark leather, decorated with sparkling beaded designs. She introduced the glowing figures as a family of space voyagers who were waiting for their ship to emerge from the ice.

"Somebody get this damned feed on the air! Now, dammit! We gotta break into programming and get this up now, live!" the junior producer yelled at them.

"Can't," somebody else yelled. "Only one in the studio with the authority to do that is Thomas, and he's out. He won't be back for an hour, at least. An' he left his cell phone layin' on his desk, so nobody would be callin' him. He didn't want to be disturbed; he had a feeling he was gonna get lucky."

At that moment, a frantic technician came bursting in from the adjacent editing and control rooms. "Hey! Everybody, come see this! You ain't gonna believe it ... the other networks broke into their programming and they're carrying a live satellite feed out of Antarctica. It's on all the other stations. They're on camera, LIVE! Space people! They're here!"

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The evening after that brutal public punishment fair I relaxed at home and thought about what sentences I would hand out. I was feeling a good deal less vindictive after watching that cruel exhibition — just as the judge had indicated. What would happen to the prisoners next was up to me the judge had said. I checked my messages and found one from Judge Morelock's law clerk. She said the judge would like to see me with my attorney and opposing counsel in his chambers the day after next if...

2 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 40

Stan had found that the loosely fixed 'alternate days' arrangement that they had come to was actually very loose. This last week, with Anne now finally free from the enormous pressure she'd been under, it had been the spectacular blonde who had spent most evenings with him. Saturday night Denise stayed with him, then on Sunday Anne again claimed her turn. "Anne, not that I mind, but how come you're with me so much at the moment? I don't want Denise to feel left out." Anne, snuggled...

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Memoirs of Kitty Siam

As I sit in my quarters on the battle cruiser Shinawatra looking at the contents of the small metal box that contains the sum of my pre Kitty possessions, my fingers hold and run over a soft cloth patch with the words, "Aviation Apprentice". My dark eyes scan the contents of the box and settle on my old ID disk. The number encoded into the metal finish, "9223931", which is also imprinted in bar-code form on the back of my neck. These items are all that remains of my life before becoming Kitty...

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School Ki Crush K Sath Kia Sex

Dosto mera name sid h or m 21 saal ka hu . Y story tbki h jab m 12th class m tha or hmare school m anual function k lie tyyariya chl rahi thi or 11th or 12th class k bcho ko lia ja raha tha function m peeform krne. Mujhe function m bhaag lena bilkul psnd nahi tha or isi lie mene or class k 3 or bcho and participate nahi kia. Us time 11th class ki ek ldki jiska name aditi tha mujhe bhot psnd thi or y baat kisi ko pata nahi thi. Aditi dikhne m mst thi uski dressing sense mst thi. Uski short skirt...

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Abandoned on War

I knew it was coming, all males were conscripted at the age of eighteen. Only this year there were not as many males so they had lowered the age. In our system men were conscripted into the military for five years. If they survived the men received grants for a family and land. Only they not only conscripted me they took my only sister. She committed suicide after she was gang raped by the cadets that were to train her. Training for conscriptees was mostly just teaching us how to point and...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 28

Feeling like the whole world was his oyster, Oscar walked across the road towards the school. He felt great. After spending a nice quiet night with Georgia, he had a very pleasurable morning romp with her. It was a rare occasion when he had a chance to spend the night with Georgia alone. He spent many more nights alone with Debbie than with Georgia. He didn’t begrudge a single night alone with Debbie, but it was great to spend the night with Georgia. It was a glorious day and that just added...

4 years ago
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Daddys New Girl Part 3

After passing out together at sunrise, we slept until about noon. I awoke to see the nineteen year old slut I had literally plucked from the curb the night before. She was still sleeping, breathing deeply, her pert breasts heaving up and down slowly in rhythm with her breathing. I noticed the wet spot she had left on the bed from our combined love juices. Her smoothly shaved cunny was glazed like a dough nut as were the insides of her milky thighs. My manhood twitched at the sight of her. She...

1 year ago
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A whiskey and a Smoke Part III The Morning After

After a night at dinner and the theater, Megan and I continue on with our week long tryst.  A quickie to start the morning before we head to the beach before our evening at the concert.Saturday MorningThe smell was overpowering.   As I rolled over I was greeted by bad breath and a long tongue licking my face.  Then a hard swat across my face.  Then another.  I opened my eyes to see both my dogs staring at me.  The look on their faces was that of, ‘come on Dad, we gotta pee’.I looked at the...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 657

These are compliments of Smokey Joe There was this preacher who was an avid golfer. Every chance he could get, he could be found on the golf course swinging away. It was an obsession. One Sunday was a picture perfect day for golfing. The sun was out, no clouds in the sky, and the temperature was just right. The preacher was in a quandary as to what to do, and shortly, the urge to play golf overcame him. He called an assistant to tell him that he was sick and could not do church, packed the...

3 years ago
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Valentines Day Dinner

There is no sex in this story, hence non-erotic. It is a short story but I hope you find it to be a good read. * I was sitting on the couch watching a ball game when I knew something was up. My twin thirteen year old daughters came in the room smiling and each sat beside me. ‘Ok girls, what are you two up to now?’ Kerry and Sherry were the loves of my life. When I talk to them they often talk at the same time and even finish each others sentences. They have double teamed me for years...

2 years ago
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Sex With a Hot Babe

I had been out of town on business during the week, and, returning, home, I had one goal: relieve the urgency in my balls. All week I had been reading "Penthouse Letters" stories, but I had not allowed myself to cum. My wife, Hayley, likes to either see a large load shoot, or feel it within her, so I wanted to save up for my return. As I was driving home, I was trying to decide how I wanted the evening to progress. My wife hadn't indicated she was particularly amorous during our evening...

1 year ago
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Fucking The Neighbour

I’m 19 years old. Next door to me lives a milf. She was about 5foot 6, long blonde hair, firm D-cup titties and a big, firm ass. Since the day she moved in I was determined that I was going to fuck her. We get on great always chatting to each other whenever I happen to see her. I’ve been round to her house a couple of times when she’s been throwing parties or just invited my family round for tea. She is a single mum, I do all I can too help her around the house e.g. Mowing lawn, helping to look...

Erotic Fiction
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League Of Domination My Step Mistresses

Chapter 1 I stood in the living room, looking out the window to the front of the house. It didn't take long after the divorce for my dad to find someone else. He's a good looking man and has never had trouble with women. Maybe that's why my mom was the one he chose to marry. She's a beautiful woman who isn't easily taken by the charms of men. It's probably why my dad pined after her. She was different. An enigma. But I'm getting ahead of myself, lets start at the beginning. My...

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Kerala8217s Beauty Rekha Aunty

Hi readers ,I am Richy from Kerala (Kottayam), Im a regular reader of this site, the women in this story is not my gal friend ,its my neighbor aunt, ,I did my morning exercise then came to home but as I was not feeling well I dropped the idea to go to college n told my mother to ask neighbor aunt to prepare food for me as she is getting late to office , she asked the nieghbour aunt her name is Rekha aunty but we never use to call her by name, she accepted to cook food for me,my mother went to...

3 years ago
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Change of sides part 2

It was a few days after Abdul had been given a blow job by July on the canal tow path and he was working late in the family owned shop, his 14 year old sister petal was there with him, she had the nickname petal because of her love of flowers, she had been told of the incident on the tow path and when July walked in the shop just as Abdul was locking up she smiled at her brother, a few seconds behind July her boyfriend 18 year old Steve came in, petal noticed the bulge in his tracksuit trousers...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Kenzie Taylor Phone Metting

Kenzie Taylor is hot pornstar that needs some civilian cock. With all those new apps to pick from she gets on her phone and scrolls trough pictures of several men. Finally she gets to interact with one of them and they go out for drinks . They get back to his place for some extra fun but she gets recognized and the guy flips out. Watch Kenzi Taylor taking on massive fan cock and even film it like if it was a porn shoot. Kenzie loves to fuck and suck on big juicy cock until she asks for his fat...

3 years ago
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please my man

my ex was a very sexy man who was sweet and gentle and very loving man ... when we meet he was a considerate attentive lover that seem to only want to please me... he was amazing at doing all those things that a woman loved and things woman wondered about.. but to be honest after several months it was starting to be a little boring always being the one pleasured and made to cum.. i love to please a man too.. but he never let me ...he just wanted to please me.. so one day i said to him that our...

2 years ago
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How Many

It was the end of the mark period. Andrew sat in his easy chair with his lap-desk while Sylvia sat on the couch with a TV tray. They watched some inane show while he corrected essays and she corrected the multiple-choice sections. When they were both done, she turned off the TV. He read numbers to her which she entered into a database. He came to sit next to her and looked over her shoulder to check the results and maybe adjust the curve, but there were other curves distracting his attention....

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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 11

January 20th, 2007, Friday Nick Philouma “I want the two of you out of here. I want you somewhere safe. And somewhere the Feds can’t find you.” “Three of us,” Gianetta Philouma reminded him. “The three of you, then,” Nick said, briefly smiling. “No,” his lover Randy said. “I agree,” Gianetta said. “No. We’re not leaving.” “Have either of you considered I command big burly men who will carry you if necessary?” “Bring them on,” Randy said. “Between Gia and I, well ... she’ll hurt them...

1 year ago
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David The end of virginity by Fatman50

His routine had become just that, routine. Home from school, evening meal then four or five hours study, shower then an hour watching porn as he slowly brought himself to orgasm, then bed. Things had begun to change just over a month before, exams finally finished meant that there was no need to study, that had left him at a bit of a loose end every evening. He had begun to spend some time with Evette. They had known each other virtually all their lives, growing up almost like brother and...

1 year ago
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Kimi had been raised by wealthy parents, both of whom possessed an appreciation for the finer things in life. She had grown up a privileged child, familiar with high fashion, knowledgeable about food and wine, fine art, music and literature. She also knew that men found her extremely attractive – especially older men. A born tease, she had learned the art of flirting with men at a very young age. When she entered high school, she quickly became well-acquainted with sex, and the power that...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 629

This Group Is Compliments of Mario Mario My mate went to get a tattoo of an Indian on his back. Half way through he said, “Don’t forget to put a big tomahawk in his hand.” The tattooist said “For fuck sake, give us a chance mate, I’ve only just finished his turban!” Professor Higgins at Cork University was giving a lecture on ‘Involuntary Muscle Contraction’ to the first year medical students. This was not an exciting subject and the professor decided to lighten up the mood. He pointed to...

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Truth or Dare

It had finally arrived. The weekend that Katherine's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Katherine had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her parents'...

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Schoolgirls First TimeChapter 3

She didn't know why, but after helping her mother with the dinner dishes, Pam called Cissy. For some reason, she just needed to hear Cissy's voice. "Why don't you come over?" Cissy said. "My parents went to a movie. I'm babysitting for the brat, but he's already asleep." Ten minutes later, Pam was sitting in Cissy's bedroom. Cissy had the radio turned to a top forty station, but she'd left the sound turned down low so as not to wake up her kid brother, she explained. Both girls...

3 years ago
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Young Doctor seeks Older Man as a Lover

I'm 48-year old with salt and pepper hair, stand 6' tall and athletic. She thought I was around 30 when she first met me a year ago. She met me at a community social event and we hit it off as friends right away. Over time she would see me come and go and I was always nice to her and smiled but never once did she see me with a woman. After work one Friday she went to grab a bite to eat at a seafood place down the street and saw me sitting at a table by myself so she just came over to say...

1 year ago
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Maiden by Decree Chapter 3

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Three Looking the Part Or: How am I supposed to move around in this stuff? Deirdre twitched at his long, encumbering skirts for a moment to rearrange them into a more comfortable fit as they settled into place with a soft, feminine hiss of silk and satin. After that he gave his bodice a little tug to straighten it and move the scratchy, tickling...

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A nice widow across the street

That Friday morning I was horny as hell, since my beloved wife had gone to visit a girlfriend out of town. Ana would not come back home until Monday and I was going crazy about thinking in just sex…So I had a good idea; I would invite our neighbor across the street, Barbara, who was a recent widow in her early sixties, to come home and have a chat.I was thinking about it, as the doorbell rang out. Just a pure coincidence; but my sexy neighbor Barbara was standing there, smiling at me and asking...

3 years ago
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I Hope We Dont Get Caught

Not too long ago, June 13th to be exact, sixteen year-old Skye and eighteen year-old Preston had recently gotten out of school for the summer. Preston was about to move away to Vermont to attend college while Skye was stuck in boring, old Wyoming, as she would describe it as. Despite this, Skye decided to invite him over to her house for the night, just to start off summer vacation. I mean why not? Her mother and father weren’t going to be home for most of the night. It was around 10 o’clock...

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