AssassinChapter 29 free porn video

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"Roger brought it somehow. I haven't really had to use it very often because he kept visiting but there are some advantages to having my own little penis available whenever I want it."

Hailey turned it in her hands and Anna indicated she should turn it on. The base swivelled, providing both an on/off switch and a speed control. In the quiet house it sounded like she was revving a motorbike.

"It's not quite as noisy as it seems now and even that is muffled if you slip it up inside you."

"What is it like?"

"Oh, I want you to find that out for yourself. It is quite lovely though."

Hailey wasn't reluctant to try it, just reluctant to use it on herself. Making love with Anna wasn't the same as masturbating in front of her.

Anna climbed up onto the end of her bed though and directed Hailey to lie down with her head on the pillow.

"Let's get these off of you."

Hailey's jeans -- her only pair now -- were soon removed and Anna eased the panties down Hailey's legs while keeping her eyes on the patch they had been covering.

"I love the way your hair looks. It's so neat and feathery where mine is a thick mass of curls."

"Yours is softer though. Like a mattress -- which is good."

"Rosalee's is soft too."

"I think she might be the nicest to eat as well."

"I wonder which Roger prefers."

"Fur or taste?"

"Fur. I can't do anything about taste other than keep clean but if he wanted me to have a trim I wouldn't mind."

"I think he likes you as you are now. He hasn't said anything to make you think any different has he?"

"No." Anna rubbed her fingers over Hailey's triangle and then followed the wisps of hair onto her wide lips.

"He doesn't compare us at all," she mused, "but he must prefer one thing over another."

Hailey lifted her hips to increase Anna's touch and Anna responded with an exploring finger.

"Nice. I guess he doesn't want to upset us but we haven't been making him miss out on anything. You might prefer Coke but you still enjoy a milkshake. No-one has actually been making him drink water have they?"

"Well that would only be spiting ourselves."

Anna picked up the vibrator and, with it still switched off, rubbed it against Hailey in place of her fingers.

"Is that okay?"

"Yes but your fingers were nicer."

"How about now?" Anna turned the toy on and Hailey immediately felt the tingles go through her as Anna applied it to the surface of her pussy.

"Much better."

"Want me to try it inside you?"

"Yes please."

The transition was rather disappointing as Hailey found her cunt was less sensitive to the plastic shiver. As Anna left it in place though things began to change and the vibrations began to resonate inside her pelvic region. Now, as Anna's fingers caressed her on the outside, the pressure seemed to build from deep inside her as well.

"Hold onto this for a minute." Anna pulled Hailey's hand onto the bump that was all that protruded from her body.

Hailey wriggled it a little, finding where things felt nicest.

"That's right. I like to press it away from me when it's about half way in."

Hailey tried it. Anna was right, though it did need just a little more. Hailey rubbed her breast with her free hand and cursed her bra.

The minute was up -- a couple of minutes earlier -- and Anna hadn't re-taken control. Hailey looked up from the pillow and saw her friend with her panties pushed to one side. Anna was busily burying her fingers in her own pussy as she watched Hailey.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Anna grinned. "I liked watching you. You're very sexy."

"Pity this thing hasn't got two pointy ends. We could play slick clits with it buzzing inside both of us."

"I like it! I don't think we could rub together properly while we are joined but if you don't mind me trying we might be able to get some way there."

"Please do. You know I'm game for more fun."

Anna stood and peeled off her panties. Two seconds later she was sliding her legs between Hailey's; interlocking scissors with pussies rapidly approaching.

Anna couldn't get the vibrator to slide into her and trying to pressed it uncomfortably deeper into Hailey.

"I think it needs to be in me first," she decided.

Anna moved away and pulled the now slippery device from her friend's body.

"Oh! You notice it when it is gone. Just like Roger. Oh! I guess we will notice him gone too."

"Give me a sec and I'll fill you up again."

Hailey watched Anna turn the vibrator around and plunge it into her own cunt to at least temporarily expand herself. Then she wriggled the blunt end inside her making the volume go up and down as Anna bumped the controls. The two girls couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't take the top off or we'll have a bugger of a job getting it out. You're probably wet enough to short out the batteries as well."

Anna was determined to get the vibrator in place and working so she could fuck the smile off of Hailey's face and hopefully replace it with an even bigger one.

"There! It's in and running."

Anna turned what was left of the toy and tried to grip it with muscles not accustomed to obeying that sort of command. Trial and error allowed her to boost the speed and Anna determined she would practise that technique so that when I visited she could stop me leaving again. Her Internet explorations had suggested far more things to try than a sixteen year old girl would normally have considered.

The vibrator was at an unusual angle if Anna had intended to use the Missionary position but quite appropriate for what the two girls had in mind if not quite the available length either girl had grown accustomed to.

Anna pulled it out a little way and guided the pointed stub back to Hailey's opening and carefully pushed it in.

"That okay?"

"Wonderful? Your end?"

"We need something larger. Size might not matter but it's bloody hard to keep hold of it!"

Size didn't matter since the vibrator was affecting the clit tissue that surrounded their cunts and was close enough to stimulate the g-spots just inside. The rest of their cunts were satisfied with the rumblings that spread through their bodies and wouldn't have added much further pleasure unless the object had been wide enough to stretch as well.

The very top of Hailey's thigh rubbed against Anna's clit and Anna's thigh rubbed against Hailey's. The vibrator did spoil the sort of rushed violence they perpetrated against one another when it was slippery body parts in low-friction collision. Because it pushed awkwardly they had to keep their movements gentler, especially when Hailey managed to grip with her vaginal muscles and fucked Anna, blunt end first. The vibrations were nice but the object just wasn't designed to be shared in that manner.

"Time out," called Anna. She relaxed as best as she could and moved away from Hailey. The vibrator edged out of both of them; a little from Anna, some more from Hailey, then a little more from Anna again.

Hailey reached between them and held it in place while Anna slid off.


"It opens up more possibilities."

"If I can have it, we'll try one more."

"Here then Sweetheart."

"I really love you Hailey."

"Yeah well I wouldn't be here if I didn't love you right back.

Which was literally true. Without the bisexual nature of her sexual experience her parents would probably only have grounded her. Hailey couldn't imagine why anyone would want to miss out on this pleasure let alone condemn it.

Anna pressed their pussies together and writhed against Hailey for a few seconds so they were both wet then she retreated just far enough to allow her to slide the vibrator sideways between them. They couldn't touch clits this way but they could rub them along the side of the vibrator using whatever pressure they could withstand. Of course they imposed that pressure on the other girl as well so it was just as much a game of slick clit as the less mechanical version.

The feelings produced were intense. So strong that neither could withstand them and both began jerking on the bed. Spasms took control of their bodies and words were impossible until exhaustion forced them apart. Neither knew if it was a single long orgasm or one starting immediately after, or even before, another finished.

Anna pulled the vibrator out from between them and just dropped it, still buzzing, on the floor. She could always buy new batteries -- if she ever got the strength to even get up.

Hailey crawled around, pillows ignored under their ankles as they kissed and wept for joy. Then Hailey rested against Anna's shoulder, and copied me.

Rosalee was the first to get up. She had eased me off of her after a while, my weight being too much of an imposition for more than a few minutes. I settled back down against her and she played with my fringe for a little while before deciding she had to get up. She quietly closed the door behind me.

Leaving the bathroom, she listened at Anna's door but all was quiet.

"Must be downstairs."

Rosalee had pulled the remains of her top down but hadn't picked up a clean pair of panties. It was rather exciting to walk around the house bare-assed (in any house true, but another persons!) and it was only because she knew Ma had been going out almost immediately after we had started that allowed her to dare do so.

Even so she listened carefully for any voices or other noise as she crept bent over down the stairs. There was nothing.


No reply.

Emboldened, Rosalee decided Hailey and Anna must have been in Anna's room after all. She would pop back and check what they were up to but first she would grab a drink. Finding things wasn't too hard, the glasses from breakfast were drying in a rack on the sink and the refrigerator was well stocked.

Rosalee straightened and closed the door with a bottle of juice in her hand.


If Brent had choked before, he was ready to pass out at the sight of his new housemate standing before him naked for the most part -- and what wasn't bare, and in full view, was barely hidden.

"Oops. Sorry."

Rosalee opened the refrigerator again and stood behind the door.

"No. No, that's quite all right, really. Just, unexpected."

"Really? So you won't mind if I... ?" Rosalee pretended to come out again.

"Er,..." Brent looked around. "Where is everyone?"

"Upstairs, I think. I was about to check."

"Erm, Not that I mind, but is this going to be a regular occurrence now you are staying here?"

Rosalee decided to tease him some more. She closed the door and turned to get a glass. He had said he didn't mind, after all!

"I doubt it. I don't think your parents would really want me wandering around like this. Want a drink?"

"No thanks."

Rosalee put the bottle back in the fridge and, after a short streak to the refuge provided by the table, sat down where Brent could only see her odd shirt.

"And you and Anna... ?"

"Yes, me and Anna."

Brent didn't know what to say.

"And me and Hailey, and Anna and Hailey, and me and Anna and Hailey, and Roger and me, and Roger and me and An..."

"I get it. I don't believe it but I get it. I especially don't believe about my parents being so okay."

"So how come you don't have someone yet or is that personal?"

"Not really. Just got to concentrate on college and haven't come across anyone who is both available and interested at present. There's time."

"Yet we seem to find there is no time to waste."


Rosalee and Brent turned to find Anna standing at the entrance to the kitchen.

"Hi there. I had a cancelled class so I came home to drop my books off and take off to the gym for a while. I have to admit though, I'm tempted to hang around and see if there are any more surprises."


Brent pointed at Rosalee.

"I didn't think anyone was around."

Rosalee stood up long enough for Anna to see what her brother meant and then sat down again. With Brent standing behind her, Anna lifted her skirt to show Rosalee that she too had less on than she should have.

"That was more than I needed to see," objected Brent.

"Oops. I didn't think you would notice."

"Well I did. I hope if I go up to my room I'm not going to see the others as well."

"They're resting," Anna assured him. "How long are you going to be at the gym?"

"I'll make sure I phone."


He grinned. "Seriously, if you do surprise me at anytime, you don't have to get all embarrassed. I might look and appreciate the view but I'll behave, and I won't mention it to Ma or Dad."

"Thanks Brent."

"Yeah. We are going to have to have a talk at some stage Sis; you have definitely got to tell me how all this happened one day."

Brent headed up to his room and Anna sat on the table with Rosalee making room for Anna to have a leg on either side of her body.

"You wear Roger out?"

"I had such a lovely time."

"Hailey is recovering as well. I think they got even less sleep than us."

Rosalee put her hands under Anna's skirt and grabbed her ass cheeks. "I enjoyed what we did, and really enjoyed what Roger did for me."

"I wish I'd seen it."

"You want to wake him up and see if he can take care of you?"

"I want to. I guess I need to recover a little myself first."

"Come here then. Let me show you how much I love what you've done for me."

Rosalee pulled Anna off the table and onto her lap. The table got pushed back and Anna's bare legs fitted nicely against Rosalee's own bare legs. Since both girls were fit and their legs well developed by a couple of years running around a soccer pitch Anna had to spread her legs wide to fit each side of Rosalee's lap. They kissed as they hugged.

"Love your top."

"Roger did a good job of trimming off what wasn't needed."

"And the rest."

"You don't like Slutty?"

"On you it looks great, especially without the underwear."

"Good thing it was your brother and not your dad -- he was ready to have a heart attack!"

"I don't mind the idea of giving either of them a shake up but Dad's still getting over me being in bed with Roger. Actually I don't think he'll ever get over that. Roger had his underwear on back the front and I was scrambling for my clothes under the covers!"

The were still laughing and kissing when Brent came back down.

"Right I'm ... Oh hell! Do you know what it is going to me like for me at the gym now? Thinking about the sight of two girls kissing in our kitchen; knowing both are only half-dressed and to have to deal with the fact one of them was my sister!"

"Would you rather I got Hailey to take my place? She was only half-dressed as well when I left her."

"You can be a real bitch Anna." Brent was smiling though. "I'm almost tempted to take you up on that but I wouldn't be able to go near the gym."

"If there are ladies around it might make you popular."

"If there are ladies around it might get me tossed out. I'll be heading out afterwards so you needn't worry about me turning up until dinnertime. Bye, and don't get up to anything I wouldn't think about."

"Bye Brent."


They waited until they heard him drive away and burst out laughing again.

"He has never made any boner comments around me before. Not even jokes if he thought I could hear. I think Dad had him scared of what would happen if he corrupted me, or maybe Ma had."

"I've never heard any but I used to notice my father from time to time having to get up and move around. When he sat down again 'things' had been rearranged."

"Yeah. Brent was real prone to laying on his stomach during certain TV shows like "I Dream of Jeannie" when he was younger. He never thought I noticed him fiddling around."

"Seems like he's either going to have to avoid us or get used to us making comments; it's too much fun teasing him to just stop."

"More fun teasing Roger."

"Shall we then?"

"Well I told him to keep you busy until lunchtime and he seems to have let you escape."

"I must have worn him out after all."

"I hope not. I had plans of my own after lunch."

"I think that's why he's recovering."

"Let's see if he need more time then."


As Anna stood her legs spread either side of Rosalee's lap and Rosalee pressed her fingers into the softness of Anna's pussy. She found the entrance she was looking for and dipped her fingers into the thick juices she found there. Bringing them back, she licked them under Anna's unswerving gaze.

"You are delicious."

"Thank you love. Hailey says she thinks you taste the nicest though and I'm inclined to agree."

"I'm sure that varies but even if you are both right I would rather eat either of you than taste myself and I certainly don't see any problem with what I've been offered so far."

Rosalee stood as well and they shifted the kitchen furniture back into place.

"Let's roger Roger!"

"Roger to that!"

They groaned and climbed the stairs. I heard them coming and feigned sleep.

"Isn't he cute?"

Laugh it up ladies; you won't see me for a while and, though you'll have each other and I'll be all alone, I suspect you will still miss me as much as I'm going to miss you. It wouldn't have been much different if I had been the Roger they had imagined they knew and had gone away to college where I couldn't pop home every night or even every weekend.

They jumped at me and I came alive before they hit. Instead of pinning me down they found their hands grabbing the bedclothes while I at least managed to seize Anna's wrists if I couldn't secure the both of them.

"Sneaky! Pretending to be asleep!"

"I was. You just make too much noise coming up the stairs." Not true!

"Oh! So we're a couple of hippos are we!?"

"Monkeys, chattering monkeys."

"Well we want to monkey around with you!"

"Yeah! We are looking for bananas."

"Looks like Rosy has some nice melons there; perhaps we can have a fruit salad."

"Oh so we stoop to big tit jokes do we?"

"Don't bite it! Ow! Which part of 'nice melons' offended you?"

"Only that you didn't say how much you like Anna's -- peaches."

"Peaches!" Anna turned on Rosalee and, with a sideways push braced against the floor, easily flipped her over.

A couple of fingers inserted up the middle of Rosy's makeshift bra while I held her down and Anna had full access to our laughing, complaining companion.

We weren't alone though.

Rosalee was making enough noise to mask any normal sounds and Anna was faced away from the doorway. Hailey, hearing their initial boisterous laughter, had come down to my open doorway and spotted Anna kneeling over Rosalee, sucking first one nipple and then the other.

Hailey raised a finger to her lips; I was to say nothing. She took a long silent step and then another shorter one which placed her behind Anna's butt.

Anna wasn't expecting reinforcements and had left her rear unguarded. Since Anna had not donned her own underwear after leaving Hailey's side and had been fooling around with Rosalee in the kitchen there was nothing to stop Hailey's thumb sliding it's full length in one smooth thrust.

"Oh. Nice!" Then she looked around.

"I wondered how Roger managed that. Don't stop please, though Rosy might be interested in your other thumb."

"Yes please."

Anna made room for Rosalee to spread her legs and Hailey briefly removed her thumb so she could swap hands.

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SweetSinner Elsa Jean Student Bodies

Alyssa (Elsa Jean) has been toying with her professor all semester. She gets off on corrupting such an innocent, older man. During one of their night classes, Leo (Mark Wood) asks her to stay after class. She wore and tiny skirt to class and was flashing him the entire period to distract him. He warns her that she can’t keep teasing him like that. Her solution is to give him exactly what he wants, but can’t ask for. She pins him against the desk and starts kissing him. Although docile at first,...

2 years ago
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GUY’S PRIZE-WINNING “HANK BURGERS”It wasn’t more than a few days after I met him than I learned that Hank liked to cook. So we sat around in his Arkansas trailer in the hills above Hot Springs, sucking each others’ dicks and watching Food Network.On a Saturday morning, I was fucking Hank’s ass over the sofa in his trailer, and what comes on over his satellite TV but fucking Rachel Ray! Man, does she have cock-sucking lips- all glossed up and everything. For a minute, Hank and I stopped banging...

1 year ago
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The Lonely Salesman Ch 02

Chapter 2 — Connie’s Perspective Philly was still sound asleep as I came out of the most restful and contented night of sleep I’d had in a very long time. I was still snuggled tightly against his body with my head resting on his chest. I didn’t move a muscle not wanting to wake him before he was ready. As I lay there his warm body felt so good touching mine. His arm that had held me tightly to him as we fell asleep last night now rested on the satin bed sheets just behind me. I looked up at...

2 years ago
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My Life 1 Part II

Hie This is Rutuj from Mumbai me aaj aapko aapni life ka expiriance batane vali hu, mene jo pehele story publish ki usame kaise shekhar ne muje tukara diya our vo meri friend Nisha ke mom ke sath bed pe kya kar raha tha ye bataya. Shekhar ko me bohot chahati thi to me usako bhul hi nahi pa rahi thi tabhi mene meri class fred jo mere school me he usako Shekhar our Sujata Aunty(Nisha mom) ke bare me bataya usane mujhe bataya shekhar our Sujata Aunty jo kar rahe the vo Husband Wife shadi ke bad...

2 years ago
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Missed Call

Missed Call Sometimes when even the best laid plans hit a snag, the results are so much better than you ever could have imagined. Carol and Paul, over the last two years, had played with the idea of Carol having some type of sexual encounter with another man while Paul watched hidden from view. While neither of them ever expected it to happen, it did add much heat and spice to their sex lives. Paul wasn’t sure he would be able to handle seeing Carol fuck another man, but the thought did give...

Wife Lovers
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The Magic WandChapter 7

Her sleep was troubled by lurid, very sexual dreams. Batiste was in some of them, but only as the recipient of Abbey’s oral attention. She saw that again, saw how avidly Abbey was sucking the man. Then it was on to a dream of her waving the wand at Bobby and his clothing flying off in shreds. It didn’t hurt him, though. He stood there, staring at her, his erection impossibly long and big. Suddenly Phil was standing beside Bobby. “I see you met my frat brother,” he said, nodding toward Bobby....

3 years ago
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My wife and black college professor

A few years ago my wife was visiting her daughter and family in the Bay Area of California. I had to work and couldn't go with her, this is what she since told me what happened when she was visiting. They were living in a duplex and were sitting out on the front porch one afternoon when her daughter when her neighbor came home she introdrocuced he and my wife. She said he was a very attractive black man about 50 who taught at a local college. She said they chatted for awhile and before he went...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Come True sister

First, I'm 18 and just graduated from high school with plans to go to college this fall. The college may have to be put on hold however. One afternoon about two and a half week ago I dropped by my best friends house to see if she wanted to go to the mall with me later. She was not home and her dad was the only one there. Her dad is a very handsome man and I have always had a silly crush on him even though he is married, her dad and much older than me. I had also fantasized about having sex with...

4 years ago
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2 It Is Not Cheating if You WatchChapter 7

My son didn’t answer my question right away. I felt so guilty about asking Justin to be my Master. I had practically insisted that he do it today, but that was just for a few hours with the other girls present while I worked out some kinks. Who else could have done it? “I don’t think Dad would appreciate that,” Justin answered somberly, and he looked in the rearview mirror at me. I felt as nervous as a schoolgirl who just passed a note to the front of the class to ask if a boy would check...

2 years ago
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WhamBam Thank You Mam Part 2

As soon as I heard Avantika say those magic words, “Baby, tonight I’m all yours,” I felt a rush and a sense of excitement. I never ever imagined that a casual lunch out with a friend would lead to such an exciting day. I asked her if she wished to go to my place or spend some time outdoors first. She told me to take her to some beautiful place with a view where we could be alone. I instantly knew where I had to go. So I took her to a hilltop point with a beautiful view where I was hoping we...

2 years ago
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Sex Starved

PURELY FICTION...Tonight she was going to the male strip club to pick up a man with a nice big cock and screw him and suck him all night. She loved sex and wanted a man huge and strong that can handle her nympho urges. She loved sucking cock deep down to the pelvis bone making him scream in joy. She wanted a hot and wild man tonight. The male strippers were always ready for sex after all the women have fondled and stroked their cocks during their routines. She loved to put her had in their cock...

1 year ago
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The Life of Gemma Hayl

The way Derek looked at me made me crazy! He was the one I wanted and he was the one I would get. Tonight he was coming over to hang out with my brother, that's when I would strike. "Miss Hayl?" Mrs. Hartman called me from my brilliant day dreaming. *** Derek walked into the living room behind Alex, my brother. Derek looked as delicious as ever in basketball shorts, a tank top, and a beanie the unfortunately covered his lucious brown curls. I would make sure I got that beanie off. I was dressed...

3 years ago
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Home on Leave

At 6' 2" he was tall and well built, his desert-tanned skin, various scars and short crew-cut hair made him immediatly intimidating to people he met, but he was gentle at heart and glad to be home after so long. It'd been a long trip back to his home in the small town of Lakersville, Chicago But as he reflected, it had been an even longer trip to get back to the States having spent the last four years taking cover in a filthy fox-hole in another dusty heap of sand called a country. He...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 290

THE TAX SYSTEM EXPLAINED IN BEER: Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100... If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this... The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing. The fifth would pay $1. The sixth would pay $3. The seventh would pay $7... The eighth would pay $12. The ninth would pay $18. The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59. So, that's what they decided to do... The ten men...

3 years ago
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Long Tongues

Long TonguesHank moves in: I was being transferred by my company from state to state on the average of once every two years. When I moved into a rental home in Southern California, everything seemed normal at first. My neighbors, the Smiths, had a buffet lunch poolside as a “welcome to the neighborhood” party for me. That was when I met their twin daughters. Average girls, I remember thinking. Boy was I wrong.Paige and Phoebe were both young slender teens with almost non-existent curves. ...

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Christmas Presents Nice

Jill sat forlornly outside the modest two story farmhouse. She watched as the snow fell more rapidly. Her clear blue eyes followed a single flake on its random journey towards the ground. She felt like that snow flake. Her whole life had been at the mercy of life’s random winds. She knew that she was totally pathetic. It had been almost three years since her husband Peter was killed by a road side bomb near Baghdad. But here she was at her former in-laws for the holidays…again. The sad truth...

1 year ago
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Indian Summer Interlude

I was lucky and retired early. Although there was plenty to do, both at home and in a part time volunteer job I took on, I found that I was nowhere near as active, and had started to put on more weight that I wanted. Living in the Chilterns, I decided to see more of the local countryside and started to take walks out of the town and into the hills. This week, we have been blessed by a real Indian Summer, so as the footpaths would be dry, my walk this week was one that I had wanted to do for a...

Oral Sex
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Hot sweet aunty in Hyderabad

Hi I am Karthik living in Hyderabad. I am a regular reader of sex stories and finally decided to tell one of my own experiences. My aunt chandan is a pure bomb she had a body to die for and perfect 38-28-36 figure. But none of the boys in the family dared to look at her indecently since she was very strict. I am an employee in Hyderabad and I am staying in apartment since my parents where against putting me in a hostel. They asked my then newly married aunt and uncle to take me. When I reached...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 63 Letter From A Lawyer

July 28, 1996, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, we awoke to news that a bomb had gone off in Centennial Park in Atlanta, where the Summer Olympics were being held. One person had been killed and a dozen injured by what was reported to be a pipe bomb hidden in a backpack. A security guard, Richard Jewell, had discovered the bomb just before it detonated, and had cleared people away, reducing the casualties. He was being hailed as a hero. “Real terrorism this time?” Elena asked. “I’d...

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The Story Of Roger Part 4

Roger spent the rest of the evening with a big smile on his face, he was really loving life in his new home having little secrets with all three of his lovely neighbours, Ella loves the attention and knows the effect she has on both they guys, Ollie was full of testosterone and Sam was in need of adult company and has her own needs. Nobody was complaining least of all Roger who at 65 and 35 years of banging the same hole was starting to get variety, he was fast learning a whole new...

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TheUpperFloor Aiden Starr Kira Noir Melissa Moore The Upper Floor Returns With a Squirting Slave Fuck Fest

Our favorite BDSM swinger crowd returns for a new S&M party with the incredible masochist and squirting slut machine Melissa Moore to induct into the House. It’s a war of the good girls, as Kira Noir and Melissa Battle it out over who is the most submissive cock sucker, the most willing to bend her will, take the pain, and give her orgasms to The House. Bound in rope, their nipple pulled tight with clover clamps, both sluts are made to answer the House’s questions while not...

4 years ago
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Cousin Meg Is Pranked

Suddenly, Meg started screaming and pointing down into the water. "A SHARK! A shark is circling me, help! HELP!" I saw a large shape swim toward then away from her. She tried to suppress her screams as she threaded water. When the creature surfaced next to the boat, I saw that it wasn't a shark, just a playful manatee. When it headed for Meg again, my devious mind kicked in. Suppressing a smirk, I figured I could later toss the blame for my joke on the date - national pranking day, April...

2 years ago
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The Guidance Counselor Pervy Perv

Hello guys! I am Anand back with the next story of the series about a pervy perv. Thank you for the amazing response to the previous story. I strive to give you content while indulging in my fantasies. As I always say, please contact me to share your fantasies. Keep sending your comments, wishes, love, and suggestions. I am always open to a chat in Hangout. My email ID – [email protected]. Recap: Dr. Liya Robin had invited Dr. Melanie (her sub and gynecologist) to speak in a sex education...

3 years ago
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My Long Lunch With A Coworker

So today had been unbearably boring here at work, our computers were down much of the day and I’m so tired of the idle chitchat that always comes with a lull in work. On top of all that, my hubby is sick so, other than some light play, I didn’t get my normal morning fuck and I’ve been horny as hell all day. So here’s how I set out to make the day much better, both for me and one of my fellow offer dwellers ,) I just got back from a long lunch and since I have a couple hours left to kill before...

4 years ago
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The Accidental Watch 8th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 24

School was starting next week, the summerfolk were leaving with the typical fluster and bluster of the Chicago rich. "Ed?" Seph was worried. "What?" "Someone has been in the house." "Is there anything missing?" "Not that I can find." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Tell me about it." "Missy and I came home from the Antler and there was this feeling that someone or something had walked through the house and across the street." The past two years had been the life of a...

1 year ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 11

Max wanted everything to be perfect when Paige saw his apartment for the first time. He’d barely moved in and Nick’s staff had already cleaned twice, but he wanted to give an impression of sophistication and general having-your-shit-togetherness even though he knew it would largely be artifice. His solution to the problem of the significant delta between reality and the impression he wished to give was straightforward. He locked away everything he thought might come off as dumb or childish...

1 year ago
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But Im married PT2

But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...

3 years ago
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Sarah Part Seven

Sarah and I walked into the hotel ballroom to a crowd ofpeople, all dressed up, mingling, eating and drinking; the event was definitely well attended.We walked around the perimeter of the room, and then Sarah went off to look for the lady she was interested in and any clothing designers she could find.I made my way to the bar. The bartender did not take cash, and I had to buy a ticket for a drink. Each drink ticket was $10.00 or five tickets for $45.00.I knew that I would likely have two...

Group Sex
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Hanoi Story

This is Fucked in Hanoi told differently:____________________________________________________________________________________Thuy always enjoyed coming home to Hanoi. It is the city where she grew up, through high school and through her twenties and into her thirties. We don’t live there anymore, but we do return for any reason at all. On this occasion we had been there as a family for a few days, but then I took the k**s off to our beach house and Thuy stayed behind to have some time without...

3 years ago
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Shopping Spree

Shopping SpreeI got home after a day out shopping and I have bought some news outfits to wear out and some new lingerie. I was tired and exhaust, but enjoy going out and trying new outfits on. There was this one girl who was 22 years old with long brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a black short mini skirt and white blouse and had on a black bra that I could see through her blouse. She noticed me starring at her and she would come over and ask me if I needed any help periodically and would put...

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Library Liberties

I had not been the best student in High School, barely maintaining a passing grade as I spent all my time on parties and making the football team. I had some major disadvantages though. I was shorter than everyone else on the team, yet still, I did make it. When I graduated, I stood only five foot five, five to six inches shorter than most of my class, but I weighed a very solid, very respectable hundred and seventy pounds. The following fall I began school at the local community college, four...

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Granny sends a selfie

My name is Vera, I'm 73 years old and just learning how to use my cell phone. I called myself sending a nude selfie of myself to a gentlemen I met online the other day, and turns out that I was sending them to my granddaughters boyfriend who helped me set the phone up in the place.I had to stay with them due to the lock down. One day I was really bored and my granddaughter Lisa was at work. Her boyfriend Phillip worked from home. He was on his computer in the den that day when I went in there...

2 years ago
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The Take Down

A few years back I was invited to a low key adult party in "The Trey Fo - 3-4". A cool laid back couple (W & M) opened their home to a few select couples and very few select single males of which I happened to be one of. I had only met these people online so I was a little nervous.The party started with a game where each person wrote down a low level sexual act on a small piece of paper and put it in a hat. When all slips were in, the hat was passed around for everyone to take a slip....

1 year ago
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Restaurant teaze

Saturday night, Rochelle and Adam went out to a favourite japanese restaurant in the valley. They had taken His newest maserati. It was fast, sexy. They both had high paying jobs s support their wealthy lifestyl., Rochelle was a designer for a successful womans clothing line and Adam was a banker. They did alright for themselves.Driving to the restaurant Adam raced down the freeway. Hot latin music blaired threw the speakers. Rochelle sat in the leather passenger seat looking magnificent....

3 years ago
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The Dark Room

The room is dark. Just a hint of light from the streetlamps filling the room. I hear the door open, but I can’t see who it is from the bed. I call out, but there’s no response. I see him enter the room, and I immediately know. I know his shape. His movements. His scent. I sit up to greet him, but he’s already at my side, his lips crushing mine with a kiss. Our tongues tangled together in a lustful battle, I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck. I can feel that he’s still wearing his...

Straight Sex

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