Keva I Cerka free porn video

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detinjstvo pamtim po kevinim jebacima koji su svako vece dolazili u nasu kucu i jebavali je,keva nije bas mnogo birala,matore mladje lepe ili neke rugobe samo ako imaju jak i veliki kurac.Cula sam iz svoje sobe njene komentare da ima ovakav i onakav kurac.Jedan od tih jebaca je i mene napravio ali ni sama ne zna ko bi to mogo biti.Kad sam ulazla u pubertet i pocele da mi rastu sise ona mi je govorila da cu biti prava sisata kurvica za koju godinu. Kad su me videli njeni neki jebaci govorili su da bi me rado tucali a keva je obecavala da cu im uskoro biti na raspolaganju.
Jedno vece dok sam gledala neki film usla je keva i sa njom jedan grmajlija sirokih saka,pomaloo pripiti ,seli su pred mene i poceli da se smeju i pricaju kako sam ja prava mala bomba i da me treba nauciti da uzivam u sexu.Grmajlija mi je prisao i pomazio mi kolena,malo sam ustuknula,ali da budem iskrena bila sam isuvise radoznala kako izgleda kurac pa se nisam bas previse opirala.
-ajde zlato da vidis sta cika ima,bas mu je lep kurac-cerekala se moja keva.
Gledala sam grmajliju u medjunozje on je drzao ruku preko njega i drkao ga prek pantalona
-Daj rucicu malena da osetis kako je vruc i kako zeli da ga uhvatis-reko je grmajlija.Opustila sam ruku i on je nju uvuko u svoje gace,bio je vlazan i vruc i tvrd-ajdee polaako gaa mazi,kao macku kad mazis....vidis kako je lepo jel da....
Nisam povlacila ruku iz njegovih gaca pustila sam da mi njome miluje svoj kurac.Osetila sam mekana muda,takodje vruca i vlazna
_jel voli devojcica da lize sladoled i lizalice-pitao je grmajlija-klimnula sam glavom potvrdno
-Ajde uzmi cikin sladoled,evo namazacemo malo kremica.
Keva je izvadila iz torbice mali kremic i izvukla njegov kurac,otvorila kremic i namazala ga
-Ajde zamisli da je sladoled ,pocni da lizes i da uzivas.-milovao me je po licu
Liznula sam njegov glavic preliven kremom,slivalo se dole i rekao mi je da ne dozvolim da se sladoled rastopi i da ga oblizem kao sladoled na stapicu.Rasirila sam usta i primila ga do pola,olizuci sav krem.Keva je odmah namazala nov sloj i ja sam opet uradila isto.Grmajlija je skinuo gace i seo pored mene rasirenih nogu
-Ajde sunasce vezbaj,,imamo kremica koliko zelis....
Uz kremic i grmajliju osladio mi se kurac vrlo brzo a tad sam jos bila osnovna skola.Kasnije u srednjoj sam bila popularna pusacica,cekali su iza skole u redu kome cu da ispusim i progutam svu spermu jer mi se sperma kod grmajlije dopala.

Svi su znali za majku kurvu i njenu cerku kurvicu koje su se davale za malo para.Kevini jebaci jebali su i mene,.nekad i zajedno,obe,ali uglavnom su poceli da dolaze samo mene da jebu,bila sam mlada i nedovoljno jebena a voleli su bas to.
Keva mi je dovodila kolege i preko moje male picke zavrsavala svoje poslove,ne mogu se buniti,kurac mi se toliko osladio da sam uzivala i iscekivala da keva dovede nekog ko ce me otresti od kurca.Tek sam bila napunila 15 godina kad mi je jedan ruzni celavi matorac probio picku dok je keva pijana lezala gola na krevetu.Matori je hteo da mu ga ispusim sto sam prihvatila a zatim me je naguzio i snaznim rukama drzao i lakim pokretima rasirio mi noge i zavukao mi ga u usku picku.Bolelo je ali me nije pustao,jebao je moju krvavu picku bez milosti a posle me je gurnuo ko istrosenu krpu.
I pored bolnog prvog puta pozelela sam jos tucanja,htela sam da mi razvale picku da se dajem ko keva.Poceli su me jebati po hotelima i iznajmljenim stanovima.
Uglavnom je to bilo tucanje jedan na jedan.Onda sam sa jednim deckom posla na jednu zurku.Rekao mi je da se obucem droljasto,da hoce da se pravi vazan kako jebe dobru ribu.Obukla sam kratku suknju,mrezaste crvene ca**** i korset koji je pokrivao vrlo malo od mojih velikih sisa.Bila am ko kurvence,na visokim stiklama,svi su me gledali ali nisam marila i kad su dobacivali,kakva drolja,kakva kurvestija.Plesala sam sa nekliko njih i naravno uzivala dok su mi stiskali dupe i davali komplimente da sam bomba.
Dosao je do mene decko sa kojim sam dosla i povukao me da krenem za njim,rekao je samo,moram te jebati,idemo u sobu na spratu.Usli smo u sobu u kojoj je trestala muzika i treperilo svetlo,usla sam a on je iza mene okrenuo kljuc i tek sam tad primetila da u sobi na velikom francuskom krevetu sede trojica sa nadrkanim kurcevima.Decko me je uhvatio s ledja oko struka i gurao prema krevetu.Nikad do tad nisam imala vise od jednog jebaca,a imala sam tek 16 godina,njih to nije bilo briga a nisu ni mogli da cuju koliko sam vristala,iz kupatila sa leve strane izasla su jos dvojica,znaci ukupno ih je bilo sest.
Neko je prisao i strgo mi korset i sise su izlete van,odma sam osetila da ih neko gnjeci i snazno sisa,zavristala sam kad mi je zagrizao bradavicu.Pomislila sam da necu preziveti ove divljake,ubice me od jebanja.Onda sam osetila neciju ruku pod mojom suknjom kako mi razmice gacice,bila sam jako vlazna.Uhvatila sam nekog ispred sebe za kurac preko pantalona,taj neko je hitro izvadio kurac i zabio mi ga u usta,jos uvek van sebe od dogadjaja oko sebe uzela sam mu kurac i pocela halapljivo da ga gutam i drkam.Spustili su me na krevet,namestili su me cetvoronoske,jos uvek drkajuci kurac ovom ispored sebe,neko iza mene mi je spustio gace i poceo lizati picku i cmar.Analni sex nikad do tad nisam imala,pod tusem sam sebi gurala prste i redovno sam klistirala guzu,mada nisam jos probala analni.Neko je snazno pritiskao klitic prstom,pocela sam da prskam iz picke,lizao je sve sto jurne iz mene.Okrenuli su me ne ledja,jos uvek sam pusila i primala ustima isti kurac a sad je jos neko prisao i sisao mi sise,mlatio po njima kurcem.Uhvatili su me i prebacili preko taburea,jedan me je uhvatio za kukove i stavio glavic uz picku i kliznuo u nju,poceo je sve jace da se nabija a prstima je sirio moj cmar,pokusala sam rukom da mu sklonim prste ali mi je neko ruke uhvatio i stavio na ledja i odma zatim ugurao mi kurac u usta.Osecala sam sve dublje u cmaru necije prste,rikala sam,vristala kroz kurac koji me je gusio.I onda razdiranje mog tad nevinog cmara sa samo 16 godina.Tip kome sam pusila snazno me je drzao za glavu a tip koji me je tucao stegao me je oko boka,kurac je razvaljivao moj cmar bolelo je.Onda se misic sirio,ja sam popustila stezanje i tad sam osetila uzitak,podigo mi je jednu nogu i poceo caprkati po picki a kurac je idalje zabadao u moj cmar.Usledilo je punjenje usta,sperma je bila topla gusta,izvadio je kurac i pljaskao me po licu.Neko je ukljucio svetlo,videla sam ih kako stoje i drkaju kurceve dok me po dvoica tucaju jedan u usta jedan u dupe.Cmar se rasirio i u njega su uletali redom dok nisu svi ispraznili kurac na meni u u meni.
Bila sam sva razmazana i umazana,gola sam ostala na kevetu,znam da su jos par njih posle usli i da su me onako bez snage jebali u picku i svrsili svuda po meni.
Posle te zurke sam kurac zavolela na taj grub i surov nacin .Jebali su me ko je gde stigo.
Posle srednje skole pocela sam da radim po kafanama a onda jedan gazda kod koga sam radila me preporuci kumu koji je drzao privatne smestaje na moru.Naravno pristala sam i otisla u CG .Iskusna u karanju sa 18 godina na moru sam bila vise nego zadovoljna.
Prosla sam dosta kurceva i oni prosli kroz mene,uzivam u svakom vidu sexa.Keva je otisla sa nekim od svojih jebaca,poneki mi se jos javi i dobro odere od kurca.Volim ih i tako matore,zilave kurceve i iskustvo,mastu.
Sve sto sam pozelela sebi sam ispunila,lozi me pomisao da me jebu muskarci sa neta,zelim da idem sa kurca na kurac,da sam uvek puna sperme,gde god....
Subscribe 16 Published by drolja_jebena 2 years ago 2,774

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Pool Boy

"Yes!" You shout with happiness as you have just secured your first client, which has taken you a while. Mrs Adams, Monday 10am. You write down in your new crisp appointment book. You have just set up your own business from the bedroom of your parents house. You had just moved to sunny Florida from London, England. You are 21 years old and have no qualifications. You don't really need them as you parents are rich and you have all the money you want. While in England you never really made any...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi fucked my wife with her husband

Hello friends, I am writing my own sex story. This story is about Guriya and my aunt's son and his wife.I went to visit my aunt's house last season . Since I do not go anywhere, my mother said that you should roam your aunt's house. I said - okay. Mother called her aunt and after two days my aunt's son came to pick me up.I started seeing her and started talking to her. It had been two years since their marriage, but now it has changed a lot. Mummy had gone to her wedding, I had not gone.He said...

1 year ago
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Mylfwood Mercedes Carrera Weird Science

When you are a nerdy guy and you cannot get a girl, sometimes it is better to just make one from scratch! That is what these two geeks get up to in our take on the classic, Weird Science. They get to work in the lab and out comes the gorgeous, impeccably sexy MILF Mercedes Carrera. The caramel skinned goddess steps out of the ether to show these boys what busty MILFs can do. They head into the bathroom to double team this banging lady with their stiff pricks, filling her pussy enthusiastically....

3 years ago
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Transport Trouble

It was a normal morning in the Creneth household. And by that, we mean two redheaded bombshells with ridiculous proportions were sharing a shower with a hideous black-schaled monster with an equally big monster- sized erection. It was comital to hear the impotent and annoyed growls as the monster had to squeeze into the open shower, even in the end restorting to laying on its back as it crawled into the showering space. It was covered in various male and female body fluids from top to...

2 years ago
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The Grand Strategy Ch 08

The next two weeks were tough. We were nearing the end of the academic year, and every professor seemed to be competing in which one could pile more on us. I wanted to spend time with Mom, but I needed to do well academically this first year. I texted her regularly, explaining, and she understood."Mom, I want to be there to get a good meal, but we're getting swamped and I'm struggling to keep up." What I was really saying was not " get a good meal," but rather, " get a good feel," and...

3 years ago
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Lenore Julia And Bernice

It’s happened to me several times since, but Lenore was the first girl to dump me for another guy. It went about the same way as the later incidents.  The first thing I noticed was that she had stopped contacting me, and she wouldn’t return my attempts to contact her.The telephone was our usual method of communication. Sometimes I would run into her in the lobby or the elevator, but when it came to arranging dates the phone was the easiest way to reach each other. She would call me when she...

Love Stories
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In Heaven With Sheela

I am matthew from Chennai.I work in a mnc company in Chennai.I started masturbating from 15 and I fell it very nice to be so even though I am circumcised.My parents are in Delhi and I am staying in a rented house here.As it was tiring to work even at house I hired a maid who could cook as well.My neighbor suggested a name “SHEELA”. well this is a description of her. She was medium built with erotic curves.To say about her boobs, she was an angel. Her towers stood prominently through her...

2 years ago
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Chennai Se Shuru Hua Pondicherry Me Knatam

Hi dosto, kese ho aap sab , me Naveen chennai se hu and me private company me hr ke roll par kaam kartahu. Request he ki pura padhe and comments mail kare pls, () story pura padneke badh u will surely enjoy reading it. Ye kahani 4 mahine peheliki he jabb mera dost mere pas aakar bola ki usko issi ladki ka no chaiye tp keliye.Tab mujhe apne dusre dost ki yaad aai jisse me kuch hafto pehele mila tha, hum logonne uski ex – gf (usse hum ash ke naam se bullayenge) ke baareme bath karrahethe. Vo ash...

1 year ago
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BangingBeauties Emily Willis Insatiable Emily Willis Wants dick AND balls in her teen ass

When exotic Latina Emily Willis wants something, you can be sure that PervCity will give it to her. And what this kinky brunette wants today is big dick and balls in her teen ass! Yes, you heard that right. This small tits teenager loves anal sex, but today she’s after something extra pervy for her big ass. She’s a bit nervous but has come to the right place. After being worked into a wet tizzy with pussy licking and analingus, she lets loose and gives the kind of footjob, rimjob,...

4 years ago
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Surprise 3Way turns to a 4way with a SURPRISE

This is a continuation from the Surprise 3-way Series. I was blindfolded, which only heightened my other senses. I could taste my wife's mouth on mine, her tongue wrestling with mine. I felt hands on my cock and balls and lips circling the head of my cock. I then was surprised by a very wet slowly circling my anal ring. My wife was holding my hands, either out of passion or to control my urge to "feel around." She then broke to kiss long enough to say:"We're going to restrain your arms" she...

3 years ago
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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 33 Not the God I Thought I Was

Now with two big bins on wheels trying to negotiate them rolling down the rocky driveway I arrived at the road to arrange them correctly so the garbage truck driver, I mean Sanitation Worker, could drive up and load them with the mechanical arm. Meanwhile I was feeling sorry for myself. First, for starters, I was just a furnace man getting seduced by a furnace customer while cheating on my wife (super risky fun) and the customer making love to me was cheating on her well known attorney...

4 years ago
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Cheating Nadias Predicament

Nadia smiled at the brawny door guard who let her in the back entrance to Miss Kitty's Place. She had 'worked' at the club several times before and the guard recognized her. A friend of a friend of a friend had gone to Miss Kitty's as a way to help her marriage and, although she had initially been repelled by the idea, it had gotten Nadia thinking. She and Steve had been having serious problems in their own marriage for some time, especially their love life, problems that had finally...

4 years ago
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Rindr Online Chapter Two

Chapter Two Rebecca now stood up against a tree, leaning on it with one arm to steady her still shaky legs as thick and hot minotaur cum still dribble out of her abused and sore pussy. The three players who had happened up on her, who called themselves the welcoming committee, stood a few feet away in the bright sunlight and watched her with gentle and concerned expressions. Eryis, the tall, buxom, and beautiful blonde High Elf seemed to be their leader and had told the other...

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Closing time

Closing time.Just before closing Leah enter into the abandoned supermarket. At the end of the last aisle she stands for refrigerated display cabinets. A hand reaches past her and grabs something from the showcase. Although he stands behind her, his body barely touched hers. His breathing down her neck when he says "You smell horny”. She clears her throat and says "What do you want from me". Arjan comes closer and says "You know what I want". Leah feels his hard cock as he pushes against her...

3 years ago
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The Summer of 2006

This is a story that I wrote in 2007 about the summer of 2006I have always been very aware of my sexuality from a very young age. Now at the age of 58, I am still very interested in the opposite sex and even increasingly so. I remember back when I was a little boy I always had a girlfriend on the go. I remember my first girlfriend in Grade 1, Sheila – she lived next door. I remember getting caught in my garage playing my favourite game “Rude Doctor” with Sheila. This was a game that I’m...

2 years ago
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Ariel Pays It Back

Monday morning Ariel spotted Jasmine, Bell, and Cindy standing on the lawn in front of school and veered toward them. Cindy whistled low and long when she saw Ariel approaching. Scanning her friend up and down, she said, “Wow, Ariel. Who are you trying to get an A from?” The redhead blushed fetchingly but she looked down at her outfit then dismissively asked, “What, this old thing?” ‘This old thing’ was an ensemble of her mother’s work and play clothes. Sharon helped her plan an outfit for the...

4 years ago
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Three guys by the pool

Three guys by the pool We had been at that nice Cuban resort for three days, enjoying nice weather, sunny afternoons, nice beaches, rum shots and the other usual tourist things for most of the vacation. Victor and I did really need that vacation, after had been all year long focused in our jobs. Our sexual tension was pretty enough; we had not fucked during the last week; not even had exchanged a single love kiss. Now we were relaxing good, but still we both were not in the mood for a good...

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Gloryhole visit to rememberpt2

Now the visit to remember continues...the youngster with the perfect tool is moaning lightly as I slowly work my way down his rock hard cock. The deeper I go the louder his moans become until finally I've managed to get his entire member down my throat. I bury my face on his turgid member keeping it buried to the hilt I can feel his cock begin to swell as it reaches maximum preorgasm girth. I feel him begin to tense up and his body starts shiver and when this happens it isn't long before he...

3 years ago
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Kaise Mei Dramatically Sex Ke Chakkar Mei Aai 8211 Part II

Helo friends am back with my new story kaise mei dramatically sex ke chakkar mei aai part ii. Hope you al are w8g for my next part jaisa ke mene jaha khatm ki thi ke mei vahi mere bf ke upar padi rahi madhosh hone ke baad fir hum 2no ne ek dusre ko dress pehnai or hum ghar chalegaye……Aise kai dino mahino chala ke hum meri friend ke flat milte or chodne ka daur chalta par voi sab ho ho ke mei Or mere boyfriend bore hone lage the fir humne porn movie dekhke kai bar fuck kiya….Par hum ab usse bhi...

4 years ago
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Home Early from work

Introduction: Its been awhile, hope you like I am your typical middle aged mom. I was sexy once but after a couple kids my breasts had grown to a full D cup and were sagging a bit. My tummy was no longer flat and my ass was more than a handful as I weighed in at 160 for my 56 frame. My long blond hair was usually just pulled back into a pony tail because that was the easiest thing to do. I am, in a word, average. But I suppose I lost the right to call myself average a couple of years ago. It...

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Bystander fuck

Sitting here reading a book with the shades open but the windows closed this time as it is getting to that time of year where it's getting chilly out. I happen to hear something and look to my left and that bystander is out walking again and saw me home and wanted to get my attention. I go out and let her in again. "Hi again" she says"Hey there sexy" I reply"It's been awhile since I seen you home" she said"Yeah I've been busy, working a lot" I said"I hear you there, finally get time to go...

1 year ago
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The Carters

Note : This story is completely fictional! One Christmas I decided to get my brother Mark to dress up as santa and climb through our window and put presents under our tree. As he climbed in he turned around and saw my daughter Angela lying on the couch naked and masturbating to one of my wife and I home movies. "oh no, sorry Santa I'm being very naughty, what can I do to make it right so that I can still get my presents" She then got off the couch and proceeded to walk over to Mark and he just...

3 years ago
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Masturbation Monday

You will stop what you are doing right now. You will give no heed to what you are wearing. You will stand before me while I sit in this comfy chair. You will undress in front of me, removing each item of clothing without shyness or inhibition, but slowly, with purpose. You will strip for my eyes only, and reveal your naked womanliness to my gaze.You will show me the soft flesh of your breasts, and the small delectable buds atop them. You will show me the gentle slope of your waist, the...

4 years ago
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A Day in the Life

The day started like any other. Woke up at 7 am, wearing nothing but my favorite old Florida Gators jersey that I usually sleep in, when deciding not to sleep naked… It was a cool morning by Florida standards, and the material of the jersey didn’t hide this fact very well as I noticed my hard nipples in the mirror of my bathroom. I turned the shower on and removed the jersey, pausing for a moment to admire my 36DD-26-36 figure and long, dark wavy hair before the mirror fogged up. I cupped my...

Straight Sex
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Emma eyed the half loaded commuter train car for a few moments before deciding to take a seat across from a middle aged business man who was busy reading the morning paper!!! She waddled down the aisle and stopped at his shoulder and asked in a sweet voice, "Is this seat taken," while motioning to the empty bench directly across from him!?! "Uh no, ma'am," he replied while shaking his head, "it's been empty ever since I got on board, help yourself!!!" "Thanks," Emma replied while plopping down...


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