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This is the twentieth story in my Legacy Universe, but like the others, it can be read on its own. A complete list of the Legacy stories will be provided at the end of the story as well as the order in which they were written. A Velvet Touch By Morpheus Images of a thick green fog filled my mind, as did other strange visions which seemed to come and go. However it was the green fog which kept coming back, which chased after me and then surrounded me. I remembered the fog enveloping me...choking me so that I couldn't breathe. And then, I suddenly realized that I was only dreaming. I woke up and immediately sat straight up in bed, gasping for breath and trying to shake off the eerie dream that still left me feeling a bit afraid. However as I took several deep breaths, I realized that something was very wrong. I felt dizzy, confused, and just...wrong. Then I realized something else. I wasn't in my own bed. "What the...?" I started, but my tongue felt thick in my mouth, just as the rest of my body felt sick as well. I looked around, seeing that I definitely wasn't in my own bedroom. I was in a long room that reminded me a cross between army barracks and a hospital. There were two rows of beds, one against each of the opposing walls. It was also immediately obvious that I wasn't the only one here or the only one who was confused. "Where...?" I started again. "How...?" There were no answers to those questions or any of the others that filled my mind. I had absolutely no idea of where I was or how I got here, much less another important question. Why? With that I closed my eyes and tried to make sense of this. I tried to remember how I'd come to be here. School. The last thing I remembered was being at school where I was a senior. I'd just started at that school two months ago after my family moved. Because of that I was still something of the new kid, though I wasn't quite alone in that. My sister was going to the same school as well and we even had four classes together. My name is Victor Wells, or just Vic to my friends. I was six feet tall, had dark shoulder length hair that was getting a bit too shaggy, and I was lean in an athletic sort of way. And though I'd never had much problem getting dates in my old school, I hadn't had a lot of luck here yet due to the stigma of being the new kid. Or at least that was what I told myself. It was lunch period and I'd gone back to the outdoor eating area that was just behind the school swimming pool. There were at least a dozen other kids here, though I hardly considered myself a 'kid' since I was seventeen. And at the moment, I was even sitting with a new friend that I'd recently made, a guy name Paul. Paul was the kind of guy that I never would have imagined myself being friends with before. He was a pretty cool guy and very knowledgeable about motorcycles of just about every type. In fact it wasn't until we'd begun talking about bikes and had become friends that I even found out he was gay. I'd been a little wary of him at first because of that but we'd already been friends and he assured me that I wasn't his type, so after a few days I'd just shrugged it off and continued being his friend. "I found a guy who has an old Indian for sale," Paul told me cheerfully. "It's not in great shape but I think I could fix it up and make it awesome... I just need to figure out how to talk my dad into loaning me the money..." "Loaning you the money?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. "You mean, the money you'll pay back with that burger slinging job of yours...after paying for gas and fixing the bike up too? Yeah, good luck with that." "You're just lucky your dad bought you a car," Paul responded. "He bought me half a car," I pointed out the distinction with a sigh. After we'd moved here a couple months ago for my dad's job, he felt a little guilty for making me and Christine move away from our friends. Because of that he'd bought us an old car and said that we had to share it. That might not have been so bad if I got to use it half the time, but unfortunately Christine shared the car about as well as she shared the bathroom in the morning. She was a firm believer in 'first come first serve,' and she always made sure to get to both before I had a chance. "I might as well not even have a car," I muttered. Then I paused to say, "Speak of the devil..." I caught sight of my twin sister Christine sitting just a few tables away with a couple of her own friends. It didn't look like she'd noticed me and I didn't feel like getting her attention. Most other sets of twins that I knew were either really close or they couldn't stand each other. Christine and I fell somewhere in the middle. We got along pretty well but weren't especially close anymore, at least not since we'd been kids. Just then I suddenly heard a loud crashing noise and jumped to my feet, as did everyone else. A moment later, I saw the cause of the noise, a car had smashed right through the chain link fence that surrounded the school and had then crashed right into a tree just a short distance away. "What the hell?" I blurted out in surprise. "Oh my God," Christine cried out, running right towards the car. "Are you all right in there?" Christine's friend Becky, whom she'd been sitting with, ran right after her, barely a footstep behind. Becky had shoulder length blonde hair and a dozen rings through one ear, giving her an appearance that seemed half cheerleader and half goth. She grabbed Christine's arm and pulled her to a stop before they could reach the car. "What the fuck?" Becky demanded, pointing at the side of the car which had a dozen holes punched through the metal. "Those are fucking bullet holes..." Almost as the words left Becky's lips, the car door opened and the driver staggered out. He was a middle aged man who looked more than a little shaken from the crash. But since there were bullet holes all over his car, I was pretty sure it was more than just the crash that had shaken him. Without a word he grabbed something from the seat, something that looked like a very large coffee thermos and then he began hurrying away from the wreck, limping as he did so. "Where do you think you're going?" another of my classmates demanded of the man. Jack was a fairly big guy and one of the football team so he looked more than a little intimidating as he stood in front of the man. "You can't leave an accident... Have a seat and we'll call an ambulance to come check you out..." "I can't stop," the man protested, clutching the thermos to his chest. "I can't let them get this... I can't..." And with that the man started running to the side, towards our school building. Jack could have stopped him but held back, looking worried. Perhaps he was worried that he'd accidentally hurt the guy or end up getting sued. Or maybe he just didn't want to get any more involved. "Dude," I told Paul. "What the hell is up with that?" The man went straight for the nearest door, the one into the school pool. I was curious and began following, even though a voice in the back of my head said that it probably wasn't a good idea. After all he had bullet holes in his car and was freaking out. The smart thing would be to just call the cops, but I wasn't the only one who chose this unwise course. "I think he needs medical attention," Christine said. "He looks like he's in shock..." "Fuck him," Becky responded. "It isn't our business..." I stopped at the doorway, noticing some drips of green slime on the floor. I looked and saw the man running alongside the pool with more drips of the green slime following him. Whatever was in that thermos he was clutching, it was leaking. "Hey you," Jack called out as he went inside. The man quickly looked back and then slipped and fell face first onto the concrete floor. The thermos he'd been clutching hit hard and cracked, spraying some of the green slime before it bounced into the water. "NO," the man cried out in horror. "Are you all right?" Christine asked him, going to his side to help him up. "No," he yelled again, shoving her to the side and staring into the water where the container had gone. I stared at the swimming pool water as well, noticing that it was starting to turn green and bubble where the canister had gone in. A thick green fog was starting to form over the pool and was spreading out. I began to back up but bumped into Paul who was right behind me. A moment later, the fog had filled the entire pool area and had flooded over us. My lungs immediately began burning and I collapsed to my knees, struggling for breath. Suddenly I felt unbelievably dizzy and nauseous while my muscles all felt as though they'd been turned to jello. I was filled with fear, confusion, and desperation before everything went dark. Now here I was, sitting on this bed in the middle of these strange barracks, keeping my eyes closed as I tried absorbing every detail I could from my still sketchy memory. I remembered going in and out of consciousness and catching glimpses of things going on around me. I remembered being surrounded by people in hazardous material suits like what I'd seen in the movies and I even remembered small bits and pieces of conversation which occurred around me. The word 'quarantine' had been said a few times though I don't remember much more than that. "Oh shit," I muttered, opening my eyes again and taking another look around. The bed closest to mine was occupied by a lean black guy who looked really familiar. It took me a moment to recognize him as Anton Alexander, a guy I shared a class or two with. He wasn't in my very limited circle of friends, so I had to think for a few seconds to remember that he was actually our class president. At the moment he was still asleep and wearing just a hospital gown, the same thing that everyone else was wearing, myself included. As I looked around the room, I saw that there were fifteen of us here, both male and female. All the beds on my side of the walk path were filled with boys, while there were girls on the other side, all wearing the same flimsy hospital gowns that I was. I even saw Christine on the far end of the room, but made an effort not to look at her. I really didn't want to see my sister in this state of undress. After a minute, I looked around the large room again, seeing more faces that were filled with the same confusion and fear that I felt. It was obvious that no one else in here had any better idea of what was going on now than I did. Still, it wouldn't hurt to compare notes, so I climbed out of my hospital bed and went to find someone to talk to. But even as I did so, I couldn't help but feeling a knot of dread in my stomach. -------------------- "Read em and weep," I exclaimed, slapping my cards down on the table and looking around at the other players. "Hey jackass," Becky said with a glare. "This is go fish...not Texas hold em." Christine just grinned and said, "That's okay. Vic can barely even tell his left from his right. You can't expect him to tell the difference between Uno and Monopoly." "Bite me," I responded with a grin while Paul snickered from beside me. The truth was, I knew exactly what game everyone had been playing, but just didn't care. I was bored out of my mind...as was everyone else here. The only thing that any of us had to do was play cards, since our captors had finally relented and given us some cards and a table we could play on. It had been two days since we'd all woken up here and none of us had been allowed to leave since. Fortunately there was a large bathroom with multiple stalls, so we could do our business with a little privacy. In fact that was about the only privacy we had, other than the curtains that they'd finally brought in to separate the girl's beds from the boys. And thankfully we were no longer stuck wearing the flimsy hospital gowns. Our captors had given us all dull gray jumpsuits to wear instead. They didn't fit well, but at least they were much better than what we'd had. About an hour after I first woke up here, one of the doctors had come in and explained what was going on, though it was an explanation that none of us were happy with. He said that we'd been exposed to a dangerous chemical which was making us sick and that we'd been put in quarantine because of it. Unfortunately none of us were allowed to leave or even have visitors. But what frustrated all of us even more was the fact that we weren't even given access to phones or the internet, so hadn't been able to contact our friends or family at all. I grimaced in frustration, wishing that at the very least I had something to do. I'd kill for my skateboard, or better yet, my video game system. Of course I'd have to fight everyone else off for the latter since I wasn't the only one going stir crazy. "What the hell are you staring at?" Jack abruptly demanded, glaring at Paul. "See something you like, you queer?" "Actually, yes," Paul responded with a look of mock innocence. "I do so admire your big muscles." Jack looked surprised at that obviously having expected Paul to deny it. Christine just laughed and told Jack, "Hey, you were looking at me the same way so deal with it." "Yeah, fuckwad," Becky added with a cheerful grin. "Just man up and take it as the compliment it is." "Just...go back to Mexico," Jack told Paul, leaning back and crossing his arms with a scowl of annoyance. "I'm not from Mexico," Paul told him with a cheerful grin. "My mom is from Puerto Rico and my dad is from Pittsburgh." Then he shrugged and added, "And I'm from Cleveland." I just watched this all with a grin, then waved over to Anton who was over with his girlfriend Tasha and her best friend Michelle. I'd found out that the three of them had just been swimming laps in the pool a short time before the accident that landed us all here and that they'd been in the changing rooms getting dressed when it happened. In fact all of us here had been close to the pool when the green gas hit. "You guys want to join us?" I called over to them, thinking that the more people we had playing cards the less actual playing we'd do and the more talking. Cards had never been my thing. "We're playing hearts." "No we aren't," Christine said, giving me a glare. "Can't you see we're busy?" Michelle responded, answering for all three of them, much to Anton's obvious annoyance. "Maybe in a bit," Anton told me with a nod. As I was turning back to the card game, I was suddenly struck with an agonizing surge of pain in my guts. I let out a loud gasp and doubled over, grimacing at what felt like ferrets gnawing on my insides. "Vic," Christine exclaimed, jumping out of her seat and rushing to my side where she held me. After a minute, the pain faded away and I was left sweaty and with every muscle in my body aching. This wasn't the first time I'd been hit with an attack like this or even the tenth. Each time it was just as bad as the time before, if not even worse. The people who held us here claimed to be with the government and said a few other things that we were all starting to get suspicious of, but the one thing that none of us doubted was that exposure to the green fog had made us sick. All of us had been feeling sick since arriving, though some of us got it worse than others. Paul, Becky, and Anton were among those who seemed to have gotten off with nothing more than what appeared to be the flu, while others were like me in that we kept suffering these attacks of agonizing pain. "I'm fine," I told my sister and new friends, forcing a grin as I sat back up in my chair. Christine gave me a worried look before returning to her seat. "Are you sure?" Paul asked carefully. "Of course not," Becky snapped. "We don't know what the fuck that shit did to us..." "No kidding," Jack added angrily, looking as though he wanted to hit someone to relieve some stress. I just nodded and absently scratched at my chest which had been itching pretty badly for most of the day. As I did so, my chest felt all swollen and puffy beneath my jumpsuit. It appeared that along with being sick, I was starting to swell up as if I was having some sort of allergic reaction. Unfortunately that wasn't the only reaction I was having. I'd noticed while going to the bathroom that my dick seemed smaller than usual and that my balls had pulled up inside. And just a little less freaky, my hair had actually grown three inches longer over the last two days. Then I slowly looked around the table, noticing that I wasn't the only one who'd been showing odd symptoms from the sickness. Christine looked a little odd in a sort of unexplainable way and some of her hair was even starting to turn white. I know she'd been freaking out about that not that we had any mirrors available for her to check herself out in. Becky's hair was changing color too, coming in blue at the roots which was pretty odd. Jack had just been having a weird rash that he kept scratching at. Of course it wasn't the players in our card game who were showing odd symptoms. Almost everyone was, especially those of us who seemed to have gotten the most sick. I scowled, trying to hide just how worried...just how terrified I actually felt. In spite of our captors saying that they were the government, I had no idea who they were or what they intended to do to us. I hadn't been able to talk to any of my family, other than Christine, and didn't know if they were even aware of where we were or what was going on. I was sick and had no idea of just how bad. The doctor who kept taking blood samples didn't bother giving any clear answers. For all I knew, I was dying. I wanted to just scream in frustration and maybe even cry a little, but I didn't dare do that in front of everyone else. I didn't want to look like some kind of loser. Jack suddenly yelled in pain and doubled over, much the same way I had a minute earlier. He fell off his chair and Christine immediately went to his side, hesitating as to whether she should touch him or not while his body spasmed and shook. He clenched his teeth and I could see tears coming from his eyes, while all I could do was watch in silent sympathy. "What the fuck is wrong with us?" Becky demanded, looking just as scared as I felt. "I wish I knew," Paul responded quietly. "My mom must be freaking out about now... I mean, I haven't talked to her at all since before this all went down..." "Dude," I told him with a grimace. "None of us have." When Jack was finished with his bout of pain, he got back to his feet unsteadily and muttered, "I HATE this shit." Then he paused, staring down at his right hand which was currently closed into a fist. There was a strange look on his face before he exclaimed, "I can't open my hand..." He pounded his hand against the table, looking as though he was about to panic. "I can't open it..." For the next two minutes, Jack struggled to open his hand, growing more and more frantic when he couldn't. He slammed his fist against the table and looked like he was about to start taking his frustration on us, so everyone began backing away from him. It was then that we heard the beeping sound which indicated that the door to our barracks was opening. Just about everyone froze at that including Jack, and turned to see the newcomer. He was tall and thin, dressed in a lab coat, and with very little hair left on his head. Doctor McNeal came in several times a day, taking blood samples and treating us almost as if we were guinea pigs, rather than patients. None of us liked him, and though I'd had a few ideas about overpowering him and forcing him to let us go, the woman who came in along with him convinced me not to try. The woman with Dr. McNeal was obviously not a doctor, though she didn't dress like a security guard either. She had shoulder length dark hair and wore a pair of black leather pants and a red halter top shirt that looked rather sexy. However she also had a pair of pistols strapped to her thighs, as well as a couple of nasty looking knives in her belt. She walked with a definite confidence and looked around as though she was a predator who was looking for lunch. I had absolutely no idea what her name was and wasn't about to get close enough to ask. "Line up," Dr. McNeal ordered us, holding up a device that looked like some sort of ray gun, but which we'd learned was actually some sort of device to take blood samples from us. "Time for another sample." "How many more times do we have to go through this?" one of the boys in our group demanded angrily. He was a large guy named Ed, and apparently one of the football players at school. He and Jack seemed to be friends, but I didn't really know him. "When can we get out of here?" "You will be free to leave when you are longer a threat to yourselves or others," Dr. McNeal responded, giving Ed a look of annoyance. There was something in his voice that made me doubt what he was saying. In fact, if Dr. McNeal told me that the sky was blue, I'd have to double check for myself before believing him. Ed seemed to be of the same opinion as me because he came towards Dr. McNeal and snarled, "I want out of this shithole now..." Without warning the woman beside Dr. McNeal lashed out with her arm, smashing Ed's nose so that it exploded in blood. And before I could fully take that in, she hit him two more times before slamming him down on the floor...hard. She stood above him with a cold sneer on her face and a look that said she was just an inch away from killing him. "I hope there are no other interruptions," Dr. McNeal stated coldly while his bodyguard took a step back. After this we all lined up and didn't resist as he came by and used the strange device to take a blood sample from each of us. Fortunately it was pretty quick and painless, so ten minutes later, he had left the room along with his bodyguard. "What a bitch," Becky exclaimed with a little awe in her voice. "Well, she sure had a nice ass," one of the other boys said while Jack and I both nodded agreement. "This is all wrong," Anton pointed out grimly. "You think?" Michelle responded sarcastically, scratching at her skin just like she'd been doing for most of the morning. I looked and noticed that her dark brown skin seemed a little off, though I couldn't quite place how. "This whole thing is totally fucked up..." All of us nodded agreement at that. "There ain't a single thing about this whole damn situation that isn't," I added. "You've got a point," Anton responded with a scowl. "But I mean with all the details... I mean, we were supposedly exposed to some sort of chemical...not a virus. That means we wouldn't be contagious and they wouldn't need to quarantine us. In fact McNeal and that woman who keeps coming in with him aren't wearing any masks or taking any precautions which kind of proves that they know we aren't contagious." "And they aren't letting us talk to our families," Paul said with a worried look. "My mom must be worried sick..." "And they don't act like real doctors either," Christine pointed out. "I mean, they're treating us like guinea pigs...not patients." "Yeah," I agreed, thinking about it for a moment. "Wouldn't real doctors actually try making us better? McNeal is just taking blood samples, but isn't actually doing anything to help us..." Anton nodded at that before saying, "I'm not even sure they're really with the government... I mean, I ain't seen any badges or proof... And that woman with McNeal sure doesn't dress like she's with the government." With that I looked up at the ceiling and at one of the cameras that had been watching our every move. I'd been trying not to think of them so that I could at least pretend I had a little privacy, but now I felt a cold chill go down my spine. The others made quick glances to the cameras as well, obviously just as worried as I was. "So, who are they really?" I asked the question that everyone was thinking. "And what did that stuff really do to us?" Then I looked to Jack who was furiously scratching at his right arm, at a spot on his wrist just above the hand which was still closed into a fist and wouldn't open. When he moved his hand away, I saw the spot that he'd been scratching at and let out a gasp of surprise. It was covered with black reptilian looking scales, each one about the size of a quarter. "My arm," Jack whispered, his face pale as though all the blood had drained from it. His eyes were filled with absolute dread. "What the fucking hell?" Becky exclaimed, her eyes going wide as she stared at his arm. I was frozen for a moment, thinking about all the strange symptoms that I'd seen in the barracks so far. I thought about Becky's hair coming in blue, about Christine's hair turning white, about Donny who had a pair of bumps on his forehead, almost as if he was growing horns. And of course, I thought of my own strange symptoms as well. A knot of cold dread sat in my gut like a lump of lead. "What the hell is that stuff doing to us?" I demanded, though no one answered. I knew that we wouldn't get any answers from Dr. McNeal or any of the other people holding us here. "And how much worse is this going to get?" -------------------- I was in the bathroom stall, scowling as I considered my situation. I'd actually finished my business nearly twenty minutes ago, but this was the only place that I had any privacy at all. This was the only place where I could be along with my thoughts and fears. It had been four days since I'd awoken in this prison that pretended to be something more benevolent, and in that time, I had changed in ways that I never would have thought possible. I shuddered as I thought about what had happened with my body and what seemed still be happening. The most obvious but least frightening change was that my hair had grown over six inches since I'd come here. It had always been dark, but it had become raven black as well. Still that was absolutely nothing compared to the more drastic changes. My chest had started off as just a bit swollen, but it had only gotten worse...much worse. Before I realized it, the tissue had swollen so bad on each side that it looked like I had small breasts like a girl... maybe A cups, and they had continued growing until I now appeared to have B cup breasts. Even my nipples had grown larger and much more sensitive. And then there was my equipment. My balls had vanished entirely, while my dick was little more than a small stub. I couldn't even stand to piss anymore. As shocking as those changes were, the most surprising was that I'd actually shrunk. I hadn't really noticed it at first, other than with my jump suit getting even looser than it had been. I might not have caught it even than except for a few hours ago I noticed that Paul and I were now the same height. I'd always been taller than him. A quick comparison with several others confirmed it. I'd lost about three inches of height. There were other changes as well, smaller and more subtle ones such as all of my body hair falling out. Some of them I might have missed entirely since I didn't have a mirror available. I could only take Christine and Paul's word for it, but according to them I was starting to look a bit feminine. Each of my changes was a startling side effect to that strange green fog, but taken all together they provided a clear picture as to what was happening to me. As shocking as it was to even consider, it appeared that I was actually turning into a girl. I might have denied the very idea of this, but I wasn't the only one being changed, nor was I even the most extreme. "Why me?" I muttered, fighting back the urge to cry. In spite of looking almost like a girl, I was still a guy and had to act like it. Then I thought of my best friend from back where I used to live and just how much shit we used to give each other. "Miles would laugh his ass off if he saw me looking like this." After I had braced myself and was once again ready to face the world with a sneer and a smart-ass comment, I left the bathroom stall. I nearly bumped into Michelle who was going into the stall next to mine, perhaps for the same privacy that I had. It still amazed me that boys and girls all shared the same bathroom, separated only by individual stalls. "Damn boy...girl," Michelle said, staring at me with a smirk. "You really are looking like a bitch..." "Bite me," I responded, glaring at her and the fact that her skin had all turned a dark green over the last couple days. "And you're looking like a frog." "You want to say that to my face, bitch?" Michelle demanded with a flash of anger. "I just did," I told her, already walking away. "Go choke on a fly..." "Fuck you," Michelle snarled, looking as though she was about to come at me swinging. At that moment, Jack came into the bathroom and we both froze. He glared at us both as he walked past without a word, going into the stall and slamming the door behind him. Michelle and I both glanced at each other and then to his stall before we turned and left. As bad as things seemed for us, they were even worse for Jack. Jack had already been a couple inches taller than me, but where I'd lost a few inches, he'd grown a couple. He also filled out a little more, becoming a little more bulky and muscular. Of course the most noticeable thing about him now was the fact that most of his body was now covered with round black scales. Even his hair was falling out as the scales grew on his head. And just as freaky as that was his right fist, which had fused shut and been completely covered with thick bony scales so it was now more like a mace than a hand. "At least he still has the other hand," I mused with a shake of my hand. "Otherwise he wouldn't be able to wipe his own ass." I stepped back into the main barracks area and looked around with a scowl. Our captors had given up any pretense of allowing us privacy and had removed the curtains which had been set up to separate the sleeping areas. We all guessed that they were blocking some of the video cameras and preventing them from seeing everything. As I looked around, I looked at everyone else who'd gone through visible changes. It seemed that those of us who'd gotten the sickest were the ones who were changing the most, while those who'd had the mildest symptoms didn't show any signs of changes at all. About half of us showed visible symptoms, while the other half merely looked tired and afraid. Fortunately a lot of the actual flu symptoms had stopped... especially among those who hadn't been altered. I saw Donny sitting on the foot of one bed, now sporting a pair of horns from his forehead. He was busy talking with Anton, who appeared completely unchanged by events, and with Ed, who now had webbed fingers and toes as well as some strange slits on the side of his neck which looked like they might be gills. Christine was gathered together with a group of other girls, all of them looking worried. I stared at my sister for a moment, feeling very uncomfortable as I watched her. Her hair had all turned pure white, but that was nothing compared to the other changes. Where I'd become shorter, she'd grown taller and was now about an inch taller than me. She'd bulked up, growing some muscles, but at the same time her breasts were nearly gone. While I appeared to be turning into a girl, it seemed that she was going through the opposite change and becoming a boy. Becky was next to Christine, her hair having turned entirely blue. And beside her was Tasha who didn't appear to have gone through any changes, though I'd heard her complaining about an odd sensation in all of her muscles. The last girl in their little group was Rikki, a petite and somewhat mousy girl, whose eyes had turned a strange crystal blue color. In fact, when her eyes had changed like this, she no longer needed her glasses to see. "Hey Vic," Christine greeted me with a forced smile, gesturing for me to come over. I noticed that her voice had changed since the last time I'd talked to her this morning. It was a little deeper, a little more... masculine. I gulped as I thought of what that meant for my own voice. "How are you holding up?" I asked her, listening to my own voice. I was pretty sure that it sounded more feminine, but it was hard to really tell. "About as well as you are," she responded with a sigh. "No offense," Rikki said quietly, "but it looks like it won't be long before you join our club." "She's right," Tasha said. "If I didn't know better, I'd probably just assume you were a girl." She paused to give me a thoughtful look before asking, "Are you? I mean, how far...?" "Not yet," I admitted, blushing brightly as I did so. "But I don't think it will be long if I keep changing..." Christine nodded sympathetically, looking down at herself and saying, "And it looks like it won't be long before I join the other side." "That's totally fucked up," Becky said, rubbing at her eyes which I'd noticed her doing a lot. She looked at me and I could see some tears coming down her cheeks. "Are you okay?" Paul asked Becky from behind me, surprising me since I hadn't even realized that he'd come up. "I noticed you crying..." "I'm not crying," Becky snapped angrily, wiping the tears away. "My eyes are just really irritated or something... Shit..." She paused to glare at him defiantly, and then at the rest of us. "I'm not crying. I'm just...leaking." "Okay," I told her with a wry smile. "If you say so." "Fuck you, Vicki," she spat at me, using the feminine version of my name just because she knew how sensitive I was about my apparent sex change. I bristled at that and was about to say something back, but Paul put a hand on my shoulder and told everyone, "I know we're all pretty stressed, but we shouldn't be fighting among ourselves." "No," I agreed, glancing up to one of the cameras and reminding myself who we should be fighting. "I think...I think I might have an idea why they're keeping us here," Tasha said after a moment, looking self-conscious. We all had our theories as to why we were really locked up, ranging from psychological experiments by the government to being specimens in an alien zoo. In fact that was probably the most common topic of conversation. "And why the hell do YOU think we're here?" Becky asked, obviously thinking that this was going to be just another theory. Tasha shifted her body a little and put her hands down low. I wondered what she was doing, but then it dawned on me. She was positioning her body as if to hide something from the cameras that were watching. She was even holding her hands low as if she was going to show us something she didn't want any of the cameras to see. "I found out I could do this about an hour ago," Tasha said, looking embarrassed. And with that I noticed that Tasha's fingers were actually growing longer, two and then three times their normal length. I gasped in shock as I watched her pull her fingers back to their normal length and then bend them backwards as though they were made of rubber. "What the fuck is that?" Becky demanded. "Shhh," Christine quieted her, staring at Tasha's hands in disbelief. Tasha stretched her entire arm out so that it lengthened by about six inches before going back to normal. "I was kind of afraid to tell anyone," Tasha said quietly. "How much can you stretch?" I asked curiously. Tasha shrugged. "I don't know. I feel like I can go more, but I've been afraid to try..." She looked towards one of the cameras and added, "I didn't want them to see..." "Holy shit," I whispered, staring at Tasha just as everyone else in our small group was. Tasha was one of those who didn't look changed at all, yet she obviously was. What did that mean for everyone else who had seemed to be spared? Then something else suddenly dawned on me. "McNeal... He didn't seem surprised when we started changing... I bet that bastard knew this was going to happen... That's why they're keeping us here..." Suddenly Rikki let out a loud gasp, so I looked at her and saw that her eerie blue eyes were now glowing. A moment later, a glowing blue circle appeared in the air in front of her. The inside of the circle was blurry for a moment and then it became clear and I could see an image of Dr. McNeal inside it, almost as though I was looking at a TV screen. "What the hell?" I gasped in surprise along with everyone else. "I was just wishing I knew what Doctor McNeal was up to and this just happened," Rikki blurted out, staring at the floating screen. By this point everyone in the barracks had started looking towards us to see what all the noise about and they saw the glowing disk. Within seconds everyone of them came rushing over to surround us. Rikki's eyes were still glowing, but after a quick look at them, I turned my attention back to the disk. The image of Dr. McNeal was moving and it looks just like we were watching him through some sort of window. At the moment the image of him was in an office with a very strange looking woman. She was completely clear and transparent... including her clothes, what looked like a pantsuit. She looked like a statue made of glass, and I might have thought that this was exactly what she was if it wasn't for the fact that she was moving. "What are we going to do with the subjects?" Dr. McNeal's voice came through the window in the air. "The quarantine story we told their school and families won't last much longer and we certainly can't let them go..." "Certainly not," the glass woman responded in a cold voice. "We'll merely tell their families that they all died from the illness. That should settle things." Dr. McNeal nodded at that. "As you will Doctor Sheridon..." "I've told you before," she snapped at him. "It's Doctor Glass now." "Of course" Dr. McNeal responded, looking just a little afraid. "As you well know...Doctor Glass, PF78 is a powerful mutagenic compound that can cause the development of powers in those exposed. We believe that exposure to it may even have created Lady Hexx, who is potentially one of the most powerful developed in the country. But as you also know, it is highly unstable with a sixty-three percent fatality rate in first hour. Yet out of the nineteen people who were recently exposed, there have been only four deaths. The first was the lab technician who stole the canister of PF78 from us and two were school faculty members. The only adolescent who died was a boy who had a massive asthma attack. That was what killed him, not the PF78. By this time, I had expected over half our subjects to have died...yet none have." "Do you have any theories as to why?" Dr. Glass asked him. The tone of her voice was the same as when a teacher asked you a question in class. It was the tone of voice they used when they knew the answer, but wanted to see if you did. "The PF78 had an unexpected reaction with the chlorine in the swimming pool water," Dr. McNeil responded in the same kind of tone that a student would when they were sure they had the right answer. "The most obvious effect of this is that it changed into a gaseous state before becoming completely inert and useless just minutes later. Another effect is that the mutagen appears to have lost potency. The accompanying illness and mutation doesn't appear to be as severe which may be putting less stress on their bodies and allowing them to survive." Dr. Glass watched him with an expression that seemed cold and difficult to read. "You may also note that they are all adolescents," she pointed out calmly. "The three who did die of the exposure were adults. It is very likely that their adolescent bodies, which are already in the process of changing, were more adaptive of the modified mutagen." She leaned back for a moment with a thoughtful expression before asking, "Have any of our subjects developed powers yet?" "None of them have showed signs of it yet," Dr. McNeal answered carefully. "If this altered PF78 follows the same pattern as the gel version," Dr. Glass said thoughtfully, "then they should start developing abilities very soon. That could be very risky for us." She gave him a cold glare and stated, "It would be very risky to keep such a concentration of developed individuals in one location." "We're gonna be developed?" Becky exclaimed from beside me. "No fucking way..." "Some of us already are," Anton pointed out, giving Rikki a steady look. "Shhh," I tried to shush everyone. "I'm trying to listen..." "This was the only facility we had to house them securely," Dr. McNeal explained, looking just a little nervous. "New individual cells are nearly finished, but..." He paused for a moment before admitting, "We were expecting more than half of the subjects to have died by now and don't have individual cells for all of them." "Then kill a few of them if you have to," Dr. Glass told him casually. "We can start the dissections early. Just make sure you pick the ones who show the least promise of useful powers. We may want to keep a few for other uses." All of us stared at each other in horror while Dr. McNeal nodded and responded, "Of course." "Our lab tech cost me a great deal of money when he stole the canister and rendered it useless," Dr. Glass said with a grim look on her glass face. "There are quite a few who would have paid millions for it in auction, just so they could have the power to turn their own soldiers into developed. However there may be some good from this. If we can discover exactly how and why the altered mutagen allowed all these adolescents to survive, that makes it much more appealing to buyers. More than twice their number of soldiers would survive and become developed... and the buyers would find the idea of using this on themselves much more appealing. The value would increase drastically for our two remaining canisters, allowing us to not only recoup the cost of the missing canister but perhaps even double the amount we would have made otherwise." A moment later, a man came through the door of the office, looking like he was in a hurry. "Doctor Glass," he blurted out in a rush. "We were told to inform you if any of the subjects showed signs of having developed powers... Well, one of them is right now..." "Oh shit," I exclaimed, looking up at one of the cameras and wincing. "Then go deal with them now," Doctor Glass ordered. "Separate the subjects and kill a few if you must." Rikki let out a loud gasp and the blue glow faded from her eyes while the glowing image in the air just vanished. "They're gonna kill us," she cried out, staring at the door in panic. All at once, the entire room exploded into chaos as everyone began to freak out at once. Cries of "They're gonna kill us," and similar things filled the air. "We have to stay calm," Anton tried calling out, but no one was listening. Suddenly Donny burst into flame without any warning. He yelled out and Tasha, who'd been standing close to him, screamed and pushed away from him. Her arms suddenly stretched out eight feet, shoving him away hard while she simultaneously tried to back away. Her legs stretched and grew as well until she collapsed to the ground, looking as though her entire body was made of rubber with no bones holding it together. Anton and Michelle were immediately by her side while her arms and legs all pulled back in to normal. "It's not hurting me," Donny called out in realization. "Look at this... I'm developed..." "Everyone, please," Christine called out, trying to get everyone's attention. "They're gonna be here soon, so if we're gonna do anything, we need to work together..." "Good luck trying to get everyone here working together," I muttered. "That's like trying to herd cats..." "And what the fucking good is that going to do?" Becky demanded, looking just as frantic as everyone else. "I don't feel so good," Anton abruptly said, standing back from Tasha who now looked like she normally did. He looked as though he was going to vomit, but when he turned to the side and heaved, a blast of green energy shot out of his mouth and hit a bed on the other side of the room. The bed collapsed, looking as though it had melted and dissolved. "Holy shit," I blurted out, staring at Anton and getting an idea. I pointed to the door and demanded, "Do you think you can do that again...? At the door...?" Anton stared back at me with a blank expression for a moment and then his eyes widened in realization. "Good idea," he told me with a faint grin. "I'll certainly try..." But before Anton could make the attempt, the door opened and four men with automatic weapons came into the room, pointing them at us and yelling, "Stand still with your hands in the air..." About half of us immediately obeyed, myself included. I could only stare at the armed men, feeling terrified that they were going to shoot me. I had always imagined that if I was one of the hostages in one of those action movies, I wouldn't have just stood there...that I would have fought back. I felt ashamed to realize that I wasn't that brave. "Those fuckers are gonna kill us," Becky screamed, glaring at them with frantic anger and fear. Just then water suddenly began to shoot out of Becky's eyes, almost like a pair of fire hoses. The water hit the armed men and sent all of them flying back from the pressure. She screamed in confusion and turned her head, only to have the waster blasts move with her and hit several of us prisoners, sending them flying back as well. Then the water stopped, but half the room was now soaked. I stared at Becky for a moment and then the men she'd knocked down with that display of water power. They'd nearly all dropped their weapons, and I realized that this was our opportunity. I was disgusted at myself for the way I'd frozen in terror just a minute ago, so I rushed to grab one of their weapons, trying to prove to myself if no one else that I wasn't a complete coward. Before I was halfway there, Paul suddenly tackled me and knocked me to the ground. A mere second later, one of the guards opened fire with his weapon and would have hit me. As it was, Donny was hit several times in the chest and went down without a sound, the flame that had appeared earlier now vanishing. "YOU BASTARD," Jack yelled, charging straight towards them. The guard shot at Jack, but Jack's scales seemed to act as armor and protected him from being hurt, at least until one round hit his shoulder in a spot that wasn't yet covered in scales. This caused Jack stop and gasp for pain, though surprisingly, he didn't even drop to his knees. The other guards had recovered as well and began to shoot. I saw one of them firing right at Christine and screamed in horror as my sister was hit. But to my surprise, she didn't go down. Christine cowered at first, then paused to stare down at herself and exclaim, "I didn't even feel that..." She stood up straight, revealing that she hadn't been injured at all and that the bullets were scattered on the ground around her. "I'm not hurt..." "Christine," I called out with a mixture of worry and relief. "I'm...fine," she said, looking down at herself and then grinning broadly. "In fact I feel better than I ever have before in my life..." With that Christine ran straight towards the armed guards, getting shot several more times, though the bullets kept dropping to the ground around her without causing her any harm. She grabbed one of the guards and suddenly lifted him off the ground with apparent ease and threw him all the way across the barracks where he smacked into a wall. She then grabbed a second guard and threw him as well, but for less than half the distance. "It's...gone," she exclaimed in surprise. One of the other guards opened fire on her at point blank range to no more effect than before. Then she grinned and said, "It's back again..." At this point Jack snarled and charged forward, slamming one of the guards with his thick mace of a fist, sending him smashing into the wall with what was obviously immense force. Before either Jack or Christine could get the last guard, Tasha reached out and snatched the rifle out of his hands...from at least twenty feet away. Her arm pulled back to its normal length and she then held the gun pointed at him instead. "Now YOU put your hands in the air," Tasha ordered him. He did exactly that, looking terrified. "That's right," Michelle told the guard smugly. "We're in charge now..." "They killed Donny," Jack snarled. "And they were gonna get the rest of us too..." "We have to get going," Anton pointed out grimly. "Before more of them show up..." Jack hit the guard in the chest had enough to send him flying back, probably with broken ribs. "We should kil em... We should kill all these bastards..." "Yeah," Becky agreed with others nodded along. "It's time for payback..." "No," Christine argued, giving everyone a steady look. After the display she'd just put on, she was suddenly a LOT more intimidating. "We need to get out of here while we can..." There was no more arguing after this and we all began to rush out the door, fighting a bit for position. Jack charged out first while Christine was right behind him. Since she had proven that she was now bulletproof, she thought that she could as shield to protect the rest of us. I shuffled in behind her, wanting to stay close to my sister since it was my duty as her brother to protect her...even though it was no longer necessary. I couldn't help but feeling a little resentful of that as well as jealous of her new powers. The large group of us, fourteen in all, started down the hallway together, though it wasn't very organized. We were all on the verge of panic though those who had developed powers so suddenly were trying to cover for those who hadn't. Fortunately there were also several rifles to pass around as well, though I would have felt better if I'd been one of the people holding one. "How the hell do we get out of here?" Michelle demanded. "This place is like a fucking maze..." "No shit," Becky responded. "We're already fucking lost..." "We should have questioned one of those guards," Paul said thoughtfully. "We probably could have at least learned where we are..." "It's too late now," Anton pointed out grimly. "But maybe we can find another guide..." He glanced back at Rikki and asked, "Can you do that weird TV monitor thing again and tell us anything?" Rikki hesitated before admitting, "I don't know..." "Well," I said wryly, looking down one of the side corridors we were passing and saying, "There's a stairway over there and a sign saying third floor... What say we all go down?" We all rushed down the stairs, nearly tripping over each other as we did so. At the bottom of the stairs, there were two guards who saw us coming and began opening fire. Christine and Jack charged towards them while the rest of us dropped to the ground, though Paul and Tasha tried firing a couple shots. They couldn't actually hit the guards though since Jack and my sister were in the way. I was sprawled on the floor, my heart racing in terror. I was also uncomfortably aware of my breasts pressing up against the floor, giving me a reminder of my own changes that I didn't want. I just wished that I had a place to hide, somewhere to get out of the open or at least get some cover while the guns were being fired. Suddenly I felt a strange tingle rush through my body an instant before my vision changed. Everything around me abruptly changed color, becoming shades of black, white, and silver, though there were also odd shimmers of color in the air and around all the people. "I can't see," Christine exclaimed in surprise, stopping where she was and looking around frantically. "They cut the lights," Anton called out. "We're blind..." Others were making similar exclamations about how it was dark, about how they couldn't see a thing. I just looked around, feeling a little confused by all this. "But I can see just fine," I protested, then looked up at the lights above which I could see were still turned on, being the source of much of the strange colors in the air. Then it suddenly hit me. Everyone else had been developing strange power, and now it seemed to be my turn. I wasn't just seeing in the dark...I was somehow causing it. I stood up, watching several people staggering around as though completely blind while some of the others remained flat on the ground where they had been. Even the guards were acting as though they were completely blind, swinging their weapons from one direction to another. "That can't be safe," I muttered, crouching back down again in case they started firing randomly. Somehow I was doing this...I was making everyone else blind. I realized that I could feel something else...something flowing into me. I could only guess that it was the light. I was making it dark by absorbing all the light. I was terrified and confused by this realization, but I couldn't help but feeling an odd sense of excitement as well. However with the understanding that I was causing this came the certainty that I could control it. With just a thought, as though flipping a mental switch, everything went back to normal. "I can see again," Paul said in obvious relief. "The guards," I called out to remind the others of their presence. Jack recovered before either of the guards and charged right at them, slamming one of them with his thick mace hand. Before Christine could recover, Tasha opened fire with her rifle, shooting in the other guard's direction and hitting him in the thigh. He cropped to the ground with a scream, dropping his weapon in the process. "I...I shot him," Tasha exclaimed with a look of shock and even horror. She dropped the gun as though it had suddenly turned red hot. "Run," Michelle yelled. "I'm getting my ass out of here..." We all got back up and scrambled out the building entrance, trying to get away before even more of those guards showed up. I felt a surge of relief as we went through the doors and continued running as fast as we could. It was obvious that we were in the middle of the city, having come out of a building that looked like any other office building. However none of us concerned ourselves with where we'd come from so much as where we were going...which was away from it. After running several blocks, we paused to hide in an alley in order to catch our breaths. We all looked back and forth at each other, grinning at that fact that we'd done it. We'd escaped. "We left those assholes behind," Becky exclaimed with a smirk, rubbing at her eyes which were still leaking tears. "We're free..." "But not all of us," Paul said a moment later. "What do you mean?" Christine asked. "Learn to count," I told my sister bitterly, looking around at those of us who were gathered here and counting only ten. "Four of us are missing," Anton pointed out grimly. "They must have gotten separated..." I grimaced, not knowing when we'd lost those four or where. Maybe they'd never made it down the stairs. Maybe they'd taken a different direction and were getting out through the back door. However I couldn't help but wondering if maybe they'd gotten separated because of my own weird power...because I'd made everyone unable to see. "At least we got away," Jack said, though his enthusiasm sounded just a little forced. "Maybe," Anton agreed, looking around at each of us who'd managed to make it this far. "But I have a feeling that it's not over yet." -------------------- The alley was dark and cramped with a stench that threatened to knock me over like a physical blow. There was a garbage can sitting at the end of the alley that looked like it probably hadn't been picked up or emptied in weeks. And the already limited space was made all the tighter due to ten of us all hiding together here. It had been almost two hours since we'd escaped the building and we'd been running from alley to alley since, trying hard to avoid being seen as much as possible. It wasn't easy to avoid notice though, since all of us were wearing identical gray jump suits and Jack would now stand out absolutely anywhere. Fortunately the sun had now set making it easier for us to hide in these alleys without being seen, though there were still plenty of street lights and such providing light to see by. I stared at Jack, scowling as I did so. Over the last couple hours, he'd changed even more than before...enough so that I thought his transformation may even be finished. Black scales now covered his entire body, giving him an appearance that was anything but human. The scales all looked like they might be obsidian, making him look part human, part iguana, and part statue. His right hand was a thick mace, and the nails on his other hand had grown long and sharp like claws. He now looked quite frightening. The only good part of that was that the wound he'd been given earlier had healed up in the process and now his shoulder showed no sign of ever having been shot. Then I looked at Christine who had also changed further and now appeared to be completely male. She looked and sounded like a very athletic teenage boy, and if I didn't know better, I'd never know she used to be a girl. It was shocking enough to think that this was my sister, but I couldn't help but feeling jealous because she was now about the same height I used to be...if not a little taller, not to mention more muscular. And add her new developed powers into the mix... I shook my head, silently reminding myself that I now appeared to have developed powers too, not that I'd dare use them. Christine and Jack had both changed quickly after our escape and I was certain that it was because they were using their powers so much. I didn't have much of my male self left, and I certainly wasn't going to do anything to change any faster. "What the fuck are we gonna do?" Becky demanded, no longer bothering to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. Her voice shook with the same fear that we all felt. "I think we lost them," Anton said. "I think we should go to the police... tell them what happened." "Oh yeah," Ed said with a grimace. "We can tell them all about how these people turned us into developed and freaks." He snorted in disgust and added, "Not that all of us got powers..." "I think I'm the only one who hasn't discovered his power yet," Paul said quietly. I nodded again and looked around our group, thinking about the theory we'd come up with about why we'd all started developing powers at once. We'd decided that it had to be the stress and excitement that was triggering them. That certainly made the most sense. Jack's changes were the most noticeable, turning him strong, tough, and with a built in weapon. Christine's powers seemed fairly obvious at first, but we'd learned during our escape that she wasn't as invulnerable as we thought. She'd accidentally cut her hand when she tripped and fell on some glass, proving that she could still be hurt. It just seemed that it was only impacts that she was protected from... such as bullets or being punched. She'd tried a brief experiment with that a short time ago and decided that she somehow absorbed those impacts in order to fuel her strength. She absorbed kinetic energy to become super strong. Anton could sort of belch or vomit out those blasts of energy, Tasha could turn her body to rubber and stretch, Becky could shoot blasts of water from her eyes, and Rikki could make those windows in the air. The rest of us were a little less certain as to what we could do just yet. Ed had gills so we just assumed he could breathe under water. While we were running away, Michelle had discovered that she could jump...really high and really far. That might be impressive for the Olympics, but not exactly as a super power. And of course I'd somehow made everyone else go blind, though I hadn't tried to intentionally use that power since. I have been thinking about it though and suspect that I was absorbing the light, the same way that Christine seemed to absorb kinetic energy. I was fairly sure that this was what I felt flowing into me. "Poor Donny," Ed said sadly. "And those other guys..." We all scowled at that thinking of the four people who'd gotten separated from us and left behind. I hoped that they'd been able to get out another exit but I wouldn't hold my breath. I just hoped that none of them had ended up like Donny, dead on the floor. "Since we're all developed now," Tasha said with a forced smile, "does that mean we have to get developed names?" "I can be Impact," Christine offered first. "Mine can be Window," Rikki said awkwardly. "Or maybe Scrye. That sounds a lot better..." "Becky can be Crybaby," I suggested with a weak smirk. "Fuck you," Becky snapped at me with a glare. "I'm not crying... I'm just leaking..." "And Michelle can be called Frog," I continued, earning a glare from her. "What? I mean, you've got green skin and you jump..." "How about I make you jump?" Michelle told me with a glare. Paul jumped in at that perhaps to help distract Michelle and Becky from glaring at me. "Jack can be called Ugly..." "You want me to pound your face in?" Jack demanded of him. "Making pounding jokes with the gay guy," I teased Jack weakly. "Kind of makes you wonder..." "Fuck you," Jack snarled. "If I'm gonna have one of those developed names, it's gonna be something cool...like Berzerk... Yeah, I like that... Call me Berzerk." "What about you?" Tasha asked Anton. "You could call yourself Foulmouth," Ed suggested. "Or maybe the Vomiter..." Anton shuddered and shook his head. "No way. Just because I've suddenly got this weird power, that doesn't mean I'm going to start dressing up in spandex and playing hero. Forget it." "We do have more important things to worry about," Christine added hesitantly. "We need to decide what to do next..." "I already told you," Anton responded, raising his voice. "We should go to the police..." Then he paused and took a deep breath. "Maybe we should find out more first..." He looked at Rikki. "I...I'll see if I can do it again," Rikki said. Then she had a look of concentration for a moment before her eyes started glowing blue again and the glowing blue disk once again appeared in the air in front of her. An image of Dr. Glass snapped into clarity in the middle of Rikki's glowing disk, though this time the glass woman wasn't in her office. She was standing in another room along with several other people, including Dr. McNeal and that scary woman who'd been his bodyguard when he came to take blood samples from us. At the moment, none of them looked happy at all. "...Inexcusable security failure," Dr. Glass was saying, glaring at Dr. McNeal. "All of our subjects escaped..." "Four of them were recaptured alive," Dr. McNeal responded nervously. "But ten of them are still on the loose," Dr. Glass snapped, glaring at him as she did so. "If the wrong people discover what we are up to..." She paused and shook her head slightly before saying, "It would be very problematic." The scary woman who'd been with Dr. McNeal scowled and said, "Now I'll have to go retrieve those brats. I HATE dealing with kids." Then she looked at Dr. Glass and asked, "What are we going to do to keep this quiet while I retrieve them?" "I've already started damage control," Dr. Glass told her grimly. "I've already notified law enforcement and their families that the chemical they were exposed to will kill them without treatment and that it's causing paranoid delusions and violent mood swings. In fact they even killed their poor doctor while escaping..." Suddenly the scary woman pulled out one of

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Velvets Fall from Grace

I gave up porn during my pregnancy and after giving birth to another baby boy, I became a housewife for about 4 months before accepting a job doing old man fetish porn in Europe. Mikey stayed in the US as I toured France, England, Germany and Russia, fucking old men that ranged in age from 65 to 85 for the next 6 months. It was the only steady porn job I could get and my addiction wouldn’t let me turn it down. I shot over 120 different films during that short period and returned home pregnant...

2 years ago
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Velvet Chains Ch 03

As they drove down the street, Anise tried numerous times to start a conversation. After the third attempt, she gave up and let the sound of Cain’s humming fill the car. After about ten minutes, she thought she was going to go crazy. ‘Cain, where are we going? Do you realize how late it is? I do not think you are following the directions to my house at all. Actually, I know you are not. Please tell me what is going on.’ The humming stopped. He looked at her and smiled. ‘Well, before we...

3 years ago
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Velvet Crushs Cum Addiction

John went to a medical symposium on one of the days and luckily for me, he was gone when I got a text from Anthony. He wanted to give me the video that he and his friends had shot when they had gang fucked me. I agreed and hoped that we could meet and remain friends and even lovers, on occasions, if he could handle it and be civil. He handed me the cameras and even though there was no way I could verify that nothing had already been downloaded or even posted, I took his word and we had lunch at...

2 years ago
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Velvet Crushs Kinky Marriage

I squatted down, my back against a brick wall and my dress pulled up, exposing my bald, dripping pussy. Two slightly drunk men, whom my boyfriend, Anthony, had pulled from the club, were taking turns putting their stiff dicks into my mouth to suck as we were hidden behind my car. Including these two, I had sucked off a total of 5 different guys this night, as Anthony paraded me, Velvet Crush, his well-known, porn star, girlfriend, around the club, pimping me out for sex to guys he wanted to see...

2 years ago
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Velvet Crushs New John

“That’s my mom, that’s my grandmother and, of course, that’s me.” I said as I pointed out all three of us to my boyfriend, Anthony. We had been talking about my porn career and how I had gotten into the adult industry, so I showed him one the last films that I had shot with my mom and grandmother. It had been a huge orgy, bukkake film that we had shot together, each of us taking on 100 different Japanese men, whom our producer had gotten from our fan list posted on our online websites. They had...

3 years ago
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Velvet Crush Gone Wild

“Yeah Daddy! Fuck me good with that big, white dick! Ooooo!!!...god you’re a good fuck Daddy. Pump it harder Daddy!! Shove that cock deeper in my ass….I love it hard and deep Daddy!” I yelled out while I rested my head on my crossed arms, my ass up in the air and my legs spread as Anthony’s uncle sodomized me. “Do you like your new escort Daddy? I knew you’d want to fuck me again. Oh! Daddy! I want your cum in my asshole so bad!” I was in a hotel in downtown LA, after getting a call from Ralph,...

4 years ago
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Velvet and Denise Secrets revealed

Velvet: While I was in LA, I decided to visit my first husband and our two twin daughters. They were both nearly 15 years old and it had been a while since I had seen them. I hadn’t been back to see my former gang members since I was using d**gs and about 5 years had passed. I had moved back to LA and was living on the streets, with my pimp, and hooking when I had decided to visit my ex back then. He had seen me and took me in to help, pressuring the man, who was selling me on the streets each...

3 years ago
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Midas Retouched

He had everything he could have ever wanted. There were nubile young women surrounding him as he counted cash on the counter. Then suddenly everything seemed to fall apart. There was the blare of police sirens, and everyone fled. Even the money grew legs and fled. Money growing legs? He thought to himself, how is that possible. He pondered the idea for a moment before everything faded to black, except that pounding noise, that siren. Millan woke up with a curse on his lips and he violently...

2 years ago
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Anitas tattoo touchup

I came home early that afternoon, finding Anita naked and stretching out on our bed.My sensual wife smiled at me, saying she was just beginning to touch herself; so she was happy I had come back earlier.I sucked on her heating pussy and fucked her brains out; but, after spending me, my sweet unsatisfied babe said she was still horny, aroused and not truly done after such a fuck.My wild bitch Anita then surprised me, saying she wanted to get a touchup on her little spade tattoo drawn on her...

3 years ago
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 2 Touchstone

My Father is Gerald Alan McKesson the Fourth, and I owe my not being Gerald Alan McKesson the fifth to a general tendency to disapprove of anything which 'Grandfather McKesson' proposed. Whenever my parents spoke of my grandfather they referred to him in that manner, and I could indeed hear the quote marks around the words as they spoke them. Great-Grandfather McKesson was 'Bull' McKesson, and he, as was his father, were local legends and forces of nature in the region that included...

1 year ago
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What kind of site is Solo Touch? Well, people love wanking. And they love reading about sex. Trust me, I know; I write about what people like to wank to all of the time.Anyway, it only makes sense that some horned up designers would get together and slap together a site for people to writing about they were thinking about or doing last time they slapped their sausage…or baby slit. Anyway, that’s the primary point of SoloTouch.com, but going off of the way it looks, it’s hardly been slapped...

Sex Stories Sites
1 year ago
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Touch My Wife! When you browse for porn content as much as I do, you have seen it all. So you can imagine that this website was not really a surprise for me. I knew exactly what to expect just from reading the title of the site, which I appreciate. Gotta love when websites are fully transparent and you know what the fuck you can expect from them, right?Anyway, welcome to TouchMyWife.com, a premium, porn site dedicated to cuckold fucking. If you are still confused by what the site has to offer,...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
2 years ago
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apathetic_smileyface suggested a spin off with just Bree and Keyes from the story ‘CLOSURE’. I liked the idea and here’s what I have. Hope you like it, too. It turned out really sweet. O   I’m horny. Bree said to herself rubbing her breasts deliberately and lewdly as she breathed deeply and lolled her head back and forth. “Ahh, I’m horny,” she pouted, aloud, stretching and rolling on the bed. “Mmm?” Keyes said looking up from his laptop. “I’MMMM HORNY!” “You have time to rub one out, just...

2 years ago
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Velvet Pushing the Boundaries

I was lying in bed, my legs bent at the knees and pulled up to my breasts as the 10 inch black cock slowly stroked my wet cunt. It slid in and out slowly, spreading my labia wider with each stroke, delving deep into my slit, as my vaginal walls spasmed and closed tightly around its stiff rod. Another 10 inch black cock moved slowly in and out of my well lubed ass also, moving in unison with the other penis. I controlled the pace, both of my hands full as I gripped two of my biggest, black...

3 years ago
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Touchdown.By Phil LaneWith Freddie CleggThe Fourth Story in the Joe & Jenny Series.A sequel to Thesis, Such Sweet Sorrow and Tales from a Far Country.WHAT’S WHAT Touchdown is the fourth episode in the story of the relationship between Jennifer McEwan, also recently known as Vyera Anatol’yevna Kuznetsova an adventurous academic who is studying BDSM games and adult play behaviour and her husband Joe, a civil engineer who is anxious about his wife’s sexual interests and where they might lead....

2 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 2

Velvet rode the daylights out of her stallion. The red sun hung in the air a long, tenuous moment. Then it fell from the horizon and just as quickly it was night time. An eerie purple permeated the ranch. The cool fragrance of the prairie wind filled her nostrils. Velvet nose flared up like a horse. Her stallion was used to every maneuver his rider was able to engineer. They took to one another like they had been made especially for that purpose. Velvet made sure that she rubbed her cunt...

3 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 3

At exactly twelve o'clock midnight, Felton lifted himself out of bed and got dressed with the lights off. He did it so as to not disturb his wife. But he shouldn't have bothered. She was already awake. Arabella kept her eyes closed and listened to her husband's sounds as he dressed. She was deeply hurt. He was probably off to see one of his lovers. She dare not complain. That's why she lay there faking sleep. He didn't know that she knew a thing. Or perhaps he didn't care. Maybe he...

4 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 4

"Velda, you must go on with that story. You've got me popping a vein." Indeed, Velda should know. In the process of her tale she had raised up Felton's cock with her tender fondling through the crotch of his pants. Now she had his pole-hard giant of a cock out of its confines and in her mouth as she knelt by his lap. As she talked she nibbled and licked his big cock. She laid it on the palm of her hand and felt its ample weight. It took her breath away. Felton's cock was always a...

2 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 5

"Is that the end of the story, Velda? Didn't the horse mount you too? I rather think so." "How perceptive of you, darling. Why, of course, the horse did indeed fuck me. With the aid of the men." Felton was anxious to hear the Madame's exploit in bestiality. But he also liked the fine tight tract. While the Madame had relayed her tale, Felton had rearranged his fucking position. The girl was now on hands and knees and he fucked her from the rear. Her face was buried in the thick...

2 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 6

"So the horse fucked the shit out of you, and you enjoyed it." "That's correct. It was my first time, and quite an experience." Felton could not believe his ears. He stopped fucking the young girl to listen to the Madame's explanation. "I surprise you? Yes, there were other times after that." Her admission to her decadent lust raised up his lust. He long dicked the girl with his cock. Her young cunt snapped closed, and then he shoved his cock meanly back up her tract. The girl...

4 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 7

Velvet's love for her stallion had reached abnormal proportions. She was with the horse constantly. They were always together. They enjoyed each other's company. Every chance she could she touched his cock. She didn't know what had come over her. Her dreams were becoming more vivid every night. Sometimes she would wake up screaming and bathed in a cold sweat. Then she heard Vulcan whinnying in his stall from the stable below her window. Velvet had gotten into the habit of touching and...

2 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 8

Arabella's blue eyes shifted in their sockets as she watched the fading rays of the sun. She had watched her daughter make love to the beast. Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She had no idea that her eccentricity had reached such proportions. She had been riding and accidentally spotted her. When Arabella saw Velvet her jaw dropped. For a good minute or so her jaw was agape. Drool leaked out of her lips and soiled her partly opened green blouse. She rested her arm...

4 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 9

Velda arranged the spectacle to take place in an abandoned shack located on the outskirts of Lairsville. The contraption that would hold the horse in place had been constructed on this sight as the Madame had instructed. The work had been carried out by one of her devoted customers who gladly assented to engineer its building. He was paid amply by the Madame out of the money that Arabella gave her. She still did not know the woman's name. Velda became curious. She knew that she must come...

3 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 10

"Oh mother, let me suck some of that thing, you're hogging it." There was only room for one person to fit comfortably in the bottom chamber of the horse-fucking instrument. Arabella had seized upon the moment before Velvet. She had to watch as her mother sucked her precious Vulcan. It had become a regular thing. At a small price Arabella had purchased the contraption from Madame Velda. The condition was that she was never to tell another living soul about it. Velda had lied just a...

1 year ago
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I came up with the idea for this one some time ago. I just haven't gotten to it until now. Unfortunately It didn't turn out as well as I had origionally hoped, but I hope that some of the readers will like it. Untouchable By Morpheus The sign in front of me said Clairmont Institute for Advanced Medicine. Sighing, I knew that I was in the right place and started to go in. The institute was my last hope. It was one of those unpublicized places that do research and...

4 years ago
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Chapter 1 Hola, my name is Gustavo, and I'm Puerto Rican. I live in New York City, albeit in a nicer part of town than before, and I am a successful executive for a major airline. I have a fat salary, expense accounts, etc., and I love to travel, taking advantage of the staff discount. However, I never forget the downtrodden, the poor, and the unjustly despised. I grew up poor, after all, and I know suffering. So, perhaps for that reason, I find myself especially attracted to the girls from...

2 years ago
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‘There’s nothing to go on for. Nothing for my heart to cherish, but if that is true, why am I still here. Why do I still have existence? I did all I could. I still do all I can. But why? Why am I here? Do I still serve a purpose? I can’t even see. I don’t want to see. The pain it may bring me is too much. But if I am here I might as well look. No it hurts too much. It’s like opening your eyes for the first time. Too much pain but I will try. Oh they opened a little. Oww Its to bright out there...

2 years ago
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Warhammer 40k the assassin and the untouchable

Bloody Sunday walked the station of footfall, looking for something. A small itch in the back of his mind spurred him on, as the dead blue eyes behind the metal mask scanned impassively, sizing up the local muscle. Casually vaulting the metal turnstiles, he strolled into a small encampment of beggars. The traditional cries of "alms, alms" abruptly ceased, and most of the beggars looked away if he stared at them. Walking the encampment, he stopped as a pair of young adults were getting into a...

1 year ago
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Hola, my name is Gustavo, and I'm Puerto Rican. I live in New York City, albeit in a nicer part of town than before, and I am a successful executive for a major airline. I have a fat salary, expense accounts, etc., and I love to travel, taking advantage of the staff discount. However, I never forget the downtrodden, the poor, and the unjustly despised. I grew up poor, after all, and I know suffering. So, perhaps for that reason, I find myself especially attracted to the girls from the "wrong...

3 years ago
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It had been a while since they touched. Since they touched each other. In intimate ways. Their history was one of months of exploration, first of exploring the boundaries that separated them, then of exploring each other without separation. But now there were boundaries again, and the exploration was of the limits imposed by those boundaries. He spoke so many words to her, that he exhausted her. She found it hard to listen. So many of the words were painful. She wanted him. He wanted her. But...

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It had been a while since they touched. Since they touched each other. In intimate ways. Their history was one of months of exploration, first of exploring the boundaries that separated them, then of exploring each other without separation. But now there were boundaries again, and the exploration was of the limits imposed by those boundaries. He spoke so many words to her, that he exhausted her. She found it hard to listen. So many of the words were painful. She wanted him. He wanted her. But...

Love Stories
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A wanton touch

After a horrendous day at work you finally pull up onto the drive, your favourite track pumping on the car stereo. This was there to lift your mood and try to ease the burden of the day. In fact it barely was noticed on your drive home. As you turn the key in the ignition to stop the engine, the music fades and you take a look in the rear view mirror and say to yourself “ One day, just one day someone may appreciate what I do” In the distance of your mind you hear yourself mutter, that day is...

1 year ago
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Stumbling into my bedroom I kick off those hateful, yet amazingly sexy heels. The hardwood is cool and refreshing as I start to feel the sweat cling to my flesh. The club had felt like a hundred degrees with all those sweaty bodies pressed together, grinding on one another as they danced the night away. My muscles are tightening now that my body realizes I’m no longer in the middle of that crowd. I’ll feel it in the morning, but that smirk curling on the corner of my lips confirms that I don’t...

2 years ago
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Trio Tonsil Touchdown

I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me when I tell these stories. Yes, I live with two sexy people, Tracy and Buck. Yes, I have sex with both of them quite a lot, both individually and all three of us together. And yes, they both have very dominating personalities while I don't. They are both a little older than me, each in their early thirties while I'm twenty-six. I was twenty-two when they asked me to move in with them.Our relationship is open, sexually speaking. Very open....

Oral Sex
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It was finally here. The day that Hank had been wanting to arrive for the last seven months. It was finally the first day of football season. He was again able to watch his favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. This was even more important as they just happen to be playing his least favorite team the San Francisco 49ers. He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. The pepperoni with extra cheese pizza he ordered had just arrived and his beer had been chilling for about an hour. So it...

4 years ago
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It was finally here. The day that Hank had been wanting to arrive for the last seven months. It was finally the first day of football season. He was again able to watch his favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. This was even more important as they just happen to be playing his least favorite team the San Francisco 49ers. He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. The pepperoni with extra cheese pizza he ordered had just arrived and his beer had been chilling for about an hour. So it...

2 years ago
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Th Club Chapter 3 Touchdown

Just as Gareth was about to begin to jerk his own cock the pilot announced that they need to take their seats for landing. Gareth sighed but knew he wouldn’t need to wait long for his first load to be spent.By the time they had landed all three of them no longer had erections and they disembarked and in their silk gowns followed Lionel Messi to the reception area. The warm morning sun made Gareth realise he wasn’t going to need his gown for much longer. Good morning gentlemen, said the...

3 years ago
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Freedoms Touch

The lake engulfed the landscape, glinting and gleaming with the colors of its surroundings. It met the sky’s gaze with a fever of its own, deepening in color the farther out it reached. The evergreen forest that surrounded the body of water left, in their shadow, a deep green mark upon the water – as if to remind you just how far from the world you really were. Waves, churned up by the mountain wind, lapped up against the shore. The steady thrumming of the water was broken only by the echoes...

1 year ago
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Personal Touch

Chelby waited for the ferry on the docks of Seattle that took her across the waters to the ship yard on the far side of Puget Sound. The evening was chilly and she could tell autumn was here. The sky was clear the air crisp and the stars sparkled overhead. She leaned over the side of the ferry to gaze into the water as the ferry chopped through it, she loved the wind in her face, and the way it caused her hair to fly wildly. It had been a long time since she had taken the journeys she would...

3 years ago
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Rons Surprise Touch

I live in west Michigan near the Lake Michigan shore. My husband Ron, like all of his family, is a recreational sailor. In the summers, he participates in the weekly Wednesday evening sailboat races on Lake Michigan. I had invited my special girlfriend Erin to have a mid-evening dinner with me, one of those evenings, at the restaurant which overlooks the marina. There we would wait to meet Ron after the races had finished. Because parking is sparse there, I had asked that she meet me at my home...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Look But Dont Touch

The faint scent of sex still lingered, drifting up my nostrils as I lowered the car window. I hoped the crisp fresh air of early winter would blow away any remaining evidence. I still couldn't quite believe what had just happened. If I had not been there, I wouldn't. Alone, I began to ponder my little rendezvous. What would one call it? Cheating? Perhaps a form of unfaithfulness, but certainly not adultery. Hmmm, maybe none of the above. I wonder. Well, you can make up your own mind. Allow me...

2 years ago
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Final Touch

Her eyes are a field, soft and warm and green, and I imagine a sea of wildflowers growing within her corneas. Wild as the need in her gaze, a desire so far from banal only a truly demoralized slut can feed her hunger, and even then, only finitely.That’s me. The demoralized slut.I tongue my ballgag and it pacifies me. The ropes around my conjoined wrists keep me on my toes, stretched toward the ceiling. He is behind me. Slapping my ass with a thick leather strap, turning my caramel skin a...

3 years ago
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Unicorn at Large Part 2 A Lawful Touch

A Lawful Touch by Andy Hollis I slammed the kitchen door behind me, dropped the bag of groceries on the counter with another bang and gave my mother my best glare. "What part of 'no' don't you understand?" I half shouted. "Now, Kimberly, there is no reason for you to behave this way," she said, grabbing the bag before it fell over. "You asked another creep of a boy to take me out?" "Justin is a nice boy, the least you could do is go out one time?...

1 year ago
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The Erotic Power of Touch

Lani had spent all day looking at cashmere samples, running her fingers through the soft fabric, thrilling to the touch of it on her skin. She was an assistant fashion designer in the studio of Henri Bechet, at one of the top design firms in Manhattan. It was her dream job, because she had what could only be called a lust for fabric. As long as she could remember she'd had this primal need to feel different textures on her skin, and it had only gotten stronger with time. Cashmere, corduroy,...

2 years ago
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A quick touch

Inspired by your touch last night, I couldn't help myself this morning.  I don't know if you'll ever read this but I felt like I needed to let this out.I only have a few minutes but can't resist any more.  I can feel my body begging for a quick release.  I knew when I left this morning I hadn't gotten enough of you and the wetness at just the thought of your lips on mine is enough to make me quake.  I picture you sleeping still and wish I could have stayed in bed with you imagining all the ways...

1 year ago
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A Womans Touch

I made the mistake of glancing at my watch and groaned; it was only four fifteen. Another forty five minutes before I could indulge in my weekly treat. Thinking about that treat; an hour long full body massage, was making this the longest day since, well, since last Friday! I fought to focus on the columns of numbers in front of me, but it was a losing battle. Instead my mind drifted to the thought of those soft, yet firm, hands rubbing my feet, taking away the discomfort a week in heels...

4 years ago
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The Touch

Stupid Groupon you think to yourself, as you walk in the door closes behind you and the bell of the wood door rings. You are in a small waiting room with a couple plush chairs and the tranquil small water feature in the corner. A soft calming music dances through the still air that has the faint scent of jasmine tickles your nose. It sounded good at the time when you clicked OK on the site. An hour-long massage for a great price, so it was an impulse buy. You let the months roll by and you were...

4 years ago
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First Touch

First TouchBy Nicole LarsonWe pulled up to the deBoers' house half an hour before eight. We were supposed to be there at seven, but my mom had this thing about being "fashionably late." Dad parked on the street, and we all got out of the car, and headed up the block to the deBoer's well maintained front yard. Mom carried a crudites platter she'd spent all afternoon arranging, and Dad lugged a case of Schlitz. It was cool this late September Saturday evening. The nip in the air that foretold of...

1 year ago
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Tempest in a Touch

(This is my first submission and I hope you enjoy. Although the fantasies my wife and I share seem to range from mild to wild, I wanted my first story to reflect just how much I love and appreciate how beautiful she is. Let me know what you think of it. Maybe the next one will lean a little more toward the other end of the spectrum.) From the beginning of our marriage my wife and I have always slept in the nude. I love the feel of her bare skin and it sometimes seems unnatural for something to...

1 year ago
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The Touch

She noticed the warmth of the room as he kissed her bare shoulder.  The goose flesh that appeared on her naked skin was not due to coldness.  The bumps were the result of her want, desire, and lust that attempted to escape its epidural confines. “He has done everything for my comfort,”  she thinks as she presses her hand to the side of his face.  She wanted more kisses.  She wanted more teasing bites.She wanted his lips sucking and pulling at her flesh.She wanted him.The room was quiet.  No...


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