Untouchable free porn video

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I came up with the idea for this one some time ago. I just haven't gotten to it until now. Unfortunately It didn't turn out as well as I had origionally hoped, but I hope that some of the readers will like it. Untouchable By Morpheus The sign in front of me said Clairmont Institute for Advanced Medicine. Sighing, I knew that I was in the right place and started to go in. The institute was my last hope. It was one of those unpublicized places that do research and development for new medical techniques. Some of which had shaky moral and legal grounds, but still needed development. I guess they went through a lot of failed treatments and stuff, and the whole thing was pretty dangerous. But still, I didn't really have much other choice. Not if I wanted to live. In spite of myself, I couldn't help but feeling hopeful that maybe it would work. That maybe the experimental treatment would be the thing that saved me. The risk would be somewhat high, in fact, very high. But then again, if I didn't go through with it I was going to die for sure. Probably within a month at most. When I was first diagnosed, I hoped that modern medicine would be able to cure me, and held onto that faith for a long time. Eventually though I was forced to admit that there was no cure for what I had. Not yet anyway. Being diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder was definitely not good for my nerves. Or for my finances. God, I kept telling myself. I was only 34 years old. Far too young to die. I could already picture my tombstone every time I closed my eyes, seeing the name James Casey engraved clearly above my birthday. No, I had to try this. I didn't want my vision to become reality. Stepping through the door, I had to stop and lean up against the wall, trying to hold back the dizziness and headache that had suddenly hit me. After a minute it passed, but I knew it would be back. It always came back. The doctors say that its just another symptom. Like the the vomiting blood and severe weakness. All I know is that it's all a real annoyance but that I'd rather face that than what was coming. I shudder at the thought. If it wasn't for my brother in law working at the institute, I never would have heard about it. After I'd tried everything that doctors suggested, he told me about some experimental treatment where he was working. Bill, (that's my brother in laws name) told me that they were almost ready for testing on humans. I don't think he was supposed to tell me, but I think that he felt guilty. That and he hated seeing my sister Claire upset about my dying. I think that she was taking my dying even harder than I was. Anyways, Bill hooked me up with the guy who invented the treatment, and talked him into trying it on me. He was little reluctant at first, but then decided that he probably wouldn't get such an available test subject again for some time. Dr. Lentle (the guy with the treatment) told me to come on over at 10 PM, so there I was. Bill met me there in the hallway and led me through a maze of corridors to some door which he opened. Dr. Lentle was inside, gesturing for us to enter. "Enter freely and of your own will" he joked, smiling nervously. He had receding red hair and was a little overweight. I'd guessed his age to be somewhere in his mid forties, though I couldn't really be sure. I found myself smiling back nervously, already liking the guy. "Sit over here" he directed me, so I sat on the chair he pointed to. At that point he started getting serious and gave me a thorough examination. And I do mean thorough. The examination took a couple hours and afterwards I felt worn out. I did tend to tire a lot easier than I used to. Dr. Lentle joked with me occasionally, trying to keep me relaxed though it didn't work. I couldn't help but worrying. After all, it was my life that was at stake. Eventually the tests had stopped and I just waited while the Doc kept going over the results. Bill was there the entire time, looking worried. I really had to admit that I thought Claire had picked a good guy. Until then I hadn't really spent much time with him, and only wished that we could have gotten to know each other under better circumstances. Finally Dr. Lentle sat down next to me and said quietly "You'll do for the experiment, but I have to warn you that it is fairly dangerous." I nodded my agreement, then signed several release papers that he gave me. After fiddling with his pen for a moment, he started to explain what he was going to do. "First" he said, "Your genetic disorder is perfect for this treatment" He looked thoughtful for a moment, then asked "Have you ever heard of nanotechnology?" I nodded. I remembered having heard about that stuff in several speculative magazine articles, TV shows and movies. "Is that what you're going to use?" I asked, not sure I believed it. I mean that stuff was science fiction. We didn't have that kind of stuff yet. Or did we? Dr. Lentle assured me that they did. Or at least some kind of nanite system that he had developed. "It will be injected into your body, along with some donor DNA" I didn't like the sound of that, but he assured me that my own was useless because of my disease. That they couldn't edit DNA, just copy one persons to another at most. "We'll give you a healthy man's DNA, and if it works, you will become a physical copy of that man." He assured me that it was the only way that I could survive, and only if it worked. I didn't like the idea of becoming someone else, but what other choice did I have. It was either that, or death. And that could very well be death. "We only have one nanite strain" he told me as he took a prepared syringe and set it down. "We mix that with the donor DNA, taken from a blood sample, and inject it. The nanites use that DNA as instructions for repair yours" "Lets just get this over with" I told him, looking over at Bill who looked pretty nervous. "I want to do this before I change my mind" "All right then" Dr. Lentle told me, "This will hurt you a lot more than it will hurt me" then he injected me with the syringe and I winced as it went in. He sure hadn't lied. That hurt like hell. I rubbed my arm where the needle had gone in, thinking how much it hurt at first. Then it seemed to go numb on me and feel rather strange. Kind of tingly. After a few minutes I looked at it and was surprised that my arm looked kind of funny in that area. I don't mean really strange, just a little bit different from normal. I guess it was the skin color that was just slightly off in a small patch. A patch that quickly spread. In the course of 15 minutes, it had really become obvious. It had spread over my whole body, and I didn't look quite right and I felt very sore and achy as my body changed. Then it stopped. Dr. Lentle looked at me amazed, whispering "It worked", while Bill stared with his mouth open. Dr. Lentle handed me a mirror to examine myself with while he started to check my blood pressure. I looked different, that was sure. I had a slightly darker shade of skin, and looked like some other guy my own age. I just didn't look like me. I realized that I'd have to get used to it, that it would be my reflection for the rest of my life. After another examination, I went home, feeling tired from the change, but overall a hell of a lot better than I had. I went home happy, and was grateful to Bill and Dr. Lentle for my second chance at life. As far as I was concerned, it was over. Unfortunately however, it turned out that I was wrong. Very wrong. It was only the beginning. Almost a week later I found out from Bill that some animal rights terrorists attacked the institute using a bomb like the one that was used on the Federal Building in Oklahoma. The building was leveled, and Dr. Lentle was killed in the blast. I felt horrible about it, knowing that the man was responsible for my being alive. I'd liked him, and now he was dead. Bill took it kind of hard too, and told me that all of Lentle's work was lost with him. In a way, I kind of think that he was almost as sorry for that as for the death itself. I had to change apartments since none of my neighbors would recognize me, for which I was kind of sorry. I liked a couple of them, but I did look different. During that week, I kept getting a tingling feeling along my skin every once in a while, and thought that it was probably just me trying to get used to the new skin. It didn't really worry me though. I had other things to think about. The night Bill told me about the bombing, I went out to get drunk. It shook me that the guy who had saved my life had just died. I felt like I should have been able to return the favor. Like I should have been able to save him back. I knew that it was ridiculous and that there was nothing I could do, but it was the way I felt. Going and getting drunk seemed like a way to forget how bad I felt, and to give a last toast to Lentle. I got a little carried away with the drinking, but I met a woman at the bar who didn't mind. She suggested that we both go to her place, and I readily agreed. I hadn't really tried out my equipment since the treatment and she was more than eager to help me with it. Though I went home with her, I don't remember her name. All I recall clearly about her was that she was a brunette and was about 30 years old. She was perhaps a touch overweight, though still very attractive. The whole drive to her place I could feel the tingling returning along my skin, but I paid it no attention. I was much more intent on her hand which she'd set on my thigh. Fortunately, she was a lot more sober than I was, which is what accounted for us not being stopped by the cops. When we got up into her apartment, we pretty muched hopped onto her bed and started making out, almost like a couple of teenagers. While kissing her, I fumbled with my belt, feeling that tingling again. This time being strongest on my lips. Again I ignored it though it quickly spread over my entire body. A was already inside of her, almost ready to cum when suddenly I went limp. As much as she tried to coax it, my cock remained limp, much to my emberassement. It was then that I actually noticed the tingling. It had grown in strength, getting stronger than before. Suddenly I remembered having felt like that once before. When they'd given me the treatment. Then, almost as if it read my fears, the tingling increased and I suddenly curled up in pain. My whole body felt like I was burning. I could feel my bones shifting around inside of me, and my muscles pulling into new positions. I cried out, scaring my date with my sudden siezure. It was as if every fiber of my body was on fire. The agony was intense and I could feel my whole body changing on me. I was terrified that somehow the treatment had gone wrong, but was in too much pain to give it much thought. Then the pleasure started. I was still in intense pain, but suddenly I was feeling good at the same time, all over my body. It was as if every nerve ending I had was sending signals at once. As if both the pain and pleasure centers of my brain were both testing every nerve at the same time. I passed out from the intensity of the feelings, though I'm sure it was only a few minutes before I woke up again. Instantly I knew that something was wrong. Very, very wrong. My whole body felt tired and drained, much like when I'd gone through the treatment. I also felt wrong. Out of balance if you will. As I sat up, I saw that my date was staring at me in horror, then she yelled out "What the hell are you?" then turned and ran out of her apartment, leaving me there alone and confused. With a horrible feeling, I looked down and found out the horrible truth. Somehow I'd changed again. I had tits. I had FUCKING TITS. I ran to the corner of what's her face's bedroom, where I noticed a mirror earlier. Horrified, I saw her looking back at me. The same girl I'd just been banging was staring back at me from the mirror. I'd turned into her. Somehow, I'd turned into her. I was frantic. I was scared, confused and on the edge of panicking. "Calm down" I told myself, surprised to hear that even my voice sounded like hers. It took several minute, but I sat down on her bed, staring at my hands and trying to get some kind of hold on things. Some kind of grasp on what had happened. Once I'd calmed down enough to think, I realized that this was because of the treatment. That somehow, the nanites they put in me were still there. They hadn't gone dormant and slid out of my body like Dr. Lentle had told me. They were still there, and from the looks of my body, still active. Lentle had told me that the nanite stuff was neutral. That it needed some sort of donor DNA to work. That I'd suddenly changed into that girl made me wonder what had happened. All I'd done was screw her, and now I was her. Looking around, I realized that I was still in her apartment and I didn't know what to do. Thinking quickly, I grabbed some of her clothes and started putting them on, then grabbed hold of my own clothes and ran out of her place as fast as I could, afraid that she'd be back with someone to chase me out. Perhaps the cops. That thought gave speed to my tired body all the way back to my apartment. Once I was safe at home, I was too tired to look over what had happened to me. To my suddenly changed body. Exhausted, I collapsed on my bed and was instantly asleep. In the morning however I had plenty of time to examine my body, and spent several hours doing so. I couldn't believe what had happened to me. Somehow, those nanites had mistaken that girl for donor DNA. At least that was what I decided had to be the cause of my change. That was the only thing that made any sense, and the more I thought about it, the more logical it seemed. Once I'd eaten breakfast, I got dressed in the clothes I'd stolen from that woman, feeling uncomfortable in them. They fit me far too well. And the damn boobs kept jiggling when I moved, though the bra, as bad as it was, did ease that a bit. Fortunately she wasn't big chested, though I certainly wouldn't have minded that when I met her. Now however, it was different. Though I felt nervous, I gave Bill a call, thinking that he was the only one who might know something about this. Something about fixing it. Claire sounded a bit cold towards me when I asked her to talk to Bill, and I didn't have the guts to tell her that I was her brother. It was too humiliating. Bill sounded pretty skeptical when I first told him it was me and I had to convince him that it was. That somehow the treatment had a nasty side effect. Once I'd managed to convince him that I was who I said I was, he sounded worried and said he'd be right over. That I wasn't to go anywhere. Bill was as good as his word and came straight over. What surprised me was that Claire was with him, leaving me feeling embarrassed. "My god" she cried out staring at me, "Is that you James?" I nodded and she just shook her head, continuing "When Bill told me that was you on the phone, I thought he was joking." "Unfortunately not" I sighed, looking down at myself. Bill gulped, staring at me curiously. "I'm only an assistant" he told me quietly. "I worked with Dr. Lentle a little, but never heard him mention anything about this. Or seen anything like it with the chimps he tested it on." I moaned into my hands. A thought occurred to me and I had to mention it. "Did you keep the chimps in separate cages?" He looked thought full then agreed that the specimens were kept separated. "Then I think that was the problem. The..... nanites" I said nervously, "never really deactivated. They just took a new donor" I moaned, hating that. Getting hold of myself, I realized that I was still lucky to be alive. I could just as easily have been killed. "Is there any way to change me back to a guy, and stay that way?" I asked him. "Actually" he muttered, "If it is still active, it should be easy to give you a new donor" Then he sighed and admitted, "But I haven't got a clue how to stop it from happening again. I can look into it though." I thanked him, then shook his hand, feeling my now small hand covered by his. I didn't like the feeling. As I let go, I sat down in a chair, wondering what I was going to do. Then I felt the tingling again, gasping as it dawned on me that it was getting stronger. Both Bill and Claire stared at me in amazement as I changed again. The mixture of pain and pleasure once again hit me, but seemed to pass more quickly and wasn't quite as intense. At least I didn't black out this time. A little later I had become an exact copy of Bill, much to his amazement, and Claire's amusement. "OH SHIT!" he said finally. I felt tired and didn't move. It was as if I were completely drained of energy by the change, and my clothes certainly didn't fit me anymore. Or at least that woman's clothes didn't fit me anymore that is. I knew that "Oh shit" didn't cover it. This was far beyond an oh shit. All I did was touch Bill and I turned into him. That was not a good sign at all. Claire came over to give me a hug, wanting to comfort me but I jumped back telling he "No" suddenly afraid that if she touched me, I'd turn into her next. I was already too tired from changing, and certainly didn't want to become female again. Once was more than enough for me, thank you. We all talked for a little bit, though I didn't feel quite like talking much. Mostly Bill tried to think of some way to stop me from changing again, though he couldn't think of any yet. They finally left me home alone to think over what had happened to me. And to get some rest. I was still tired and weak from changing again. For the next couple days I hid out in my apartment, avoiding the mirror and occasionally talking to Bill or Claire on the phone. Mostly though, I just wanted to be left alone. Eventually though I needed to go to the store to pick up some food since I'd drained most of my cupboards and fridge. I did my walk through and got all my groceries. Then once I'd paid for my groceries, the checker handed me back my change, brushing my hand with her fingers. I suddenly felt worried, especially since I felt the tingling starting on my hand. As quickly as I could I hurried home, trying to get there before I changed too much. I kept glancing down at my hand, seeing that it was turning more feminine, and the pain was already beginning to start. Before I got home, I had to pull over to the side of the road as the change overtook me, washing over me in waves of pleasure and pain. It seemed to finish up even quicker than the last time. And when it had ended, I looked into the rear view mirror to see a 19 year old girl looking back at me. The same face as the checker's. Sighing, I finished the trip home, feeling uncomfortable the entire way. Once I got there, I stripped off my no longer fitting clothes and examined my body thoroughly. Even spending a while fingering myself and playing around with my tits. Hey, what can I say, that checker was damn cute. And it felt pretty awesome too. I hid out in my apartment like that for another couple days before I finally broke down and called Claire. I REALLY needed some new clothes at the least. After Claire brought me some clothes that would fit, I finally got the courage to walk outside as a girl. I found out that sitting around the house like that wasn't too bad, though a little unfamiliar to me. But in some ways it felt normal. I mean except for the crotch area and the breasts, I did feel about the same. However, I would have much preferred to be a guy again. And once I was ready to go out in public, that became an option. The only problem was that Claire seemed amused to have me as a girl and wanted me to stay that way for just a little longer. She wanted to do sisterly things with me. Disgusting I thought, but she managed to convince me to stay for another day at least. I'd already spent a couple like that and figured that one more couldn't hurt. Or at least I promised not to purposely touch anyone, and I did avoid it. Feeling humiliated, I let her drag me around shopping with her. The next day however I went out and found some guy on the street that I "bumped into." That changed me back into a guy at least, though I wasn't comfortable being different yet again. It was like I couldn't stay in a single shape long enough to really get used to it. Though Bill had been working on trying to find some kind of solution to that, without any success. Whenever I went outside, I started wearing long sleeve shirts, and gloves. Anything to avoid skin contact. That was what did it. Just touching someone's skin seemed to be enough for those damn nanites to get a sample of their DNA. And it seemed to happen anytime that I touched someone. I managed to avoid touching people most of the time, but I did occasionally bump into people and change again. You don't realize just how difficult it can be to avoid touching people whenever you're in a public place. With all the accidental bumping and pushing, its harder than you know. The real problem happened a little over a month after my treatment. I'd already gotten paranoid and started avoiding contact with people. I hadn't been able to go to work since I didn't look like myself, and when it came time to pay my rent, I couldn't't. Claire and Bill offered me a bed at their place until I could get straightened out and back on my feet, but I was too proud to take it. I was insistent of being able to make it on my own. I was already humiliated about my condition and felt embarrassed to be around them, so tended to avoid them a little already. This only made me do so more. Without much conscious thought, I sold a lot of my stuff, and put a lot of other stuff in storage at their house until I was ready to collect it. Then I hopped a bus out of town, not even telling them where I was going. I felt guilty about doing that, like I was running away from them, from my problems, but I couldn't think of anything else to do. I was a freak. I couldn't touch anyone without turning into them. Once I got to my new town, I managed to get an easy job where I didn't have to deal with people very much. That helped me a lot. Unfortunately one of my co-workers was a black guy who took my avoiding him as a personal insult, thinking I was racist. It wasn't that I was avoiding him, I was avoiding everyone. That didn't make much difference though since he finally ended up hitting me. His knuckles on my face was enough contact to do it, and to make me lose that job. I went on to several other jobs after that, losing more self confidence with each one. Losing my self respect. I thought of myself as a freak, knowing that I couldn't touch anyone. I didn't dare. Every once in a while I sent a post card to Claire, just letting her know I was alright, but I didn't do more. I wouldn't even call her, afraid of how she'd react to whatever voice I had that week. Several times girls showed interest in me, and most of the time I had to pass it by. One of them decided to be a little more determined and gave me a kiss by surprise. I surprised her back by turning into her mirror image right in front of her. She stared at me in horror, and I ran out almost in tears of shame. It was less than an hour later that I felt a knife against my throat, making me turn around and see some guy who was staring at me in lust. I still looked like that girl I realized, and as far as he was concerned, that made me fair game for rape. Horrified, I tried to struggle as he cut the clothes off my body, pushing me around roughly before he brutally started raping me. I screamed out in rage and helplessness. He'd quickly and efficiently finished his act before the changes I was starting to go through became noticeable. I'll never forget the look of horror and disgust he gave me when he saw that I was growing a beard on my face, and beginning to look like him. For the longest time, I sat where he'd left me, crying to myself at the shame and humiliation I'd endured, and forced to look like my attacker. I changed again as soon as I was strong enough to handle it. After that, I only felt more sorry for myself. More helpless and freakish. I didn't dare have a girlfriend. How could I sleep with a girl, or even so much as kiss her before I'd turn into her. That made any romantic possibilities hopeless, and drove the point home that I was untouchable to the human race. A pariah that only seemed to fit in. One day, like I'd done several other times, I dressed up in my long sleeves and loose clothing (which I'd found gave more leeway during unexpected changes), put on my gloves and went to the park. I sat on a bench, quietly watching the kids playing, thinking to myself how I'd never be able to have kids of my own. Never. Sadly I watched them, torturing myself with their presence. "Hey mister" I suddenly heard, then turned to see a little girl standing next to me, "Are you O.K.?" She frowned then said "You look kind of sick" I smiled at her gently and assured her that I was all right. Then she smiled cheerfully at me, and before I realized it, she reached out and grabbed my nose, then held out her hand in a fist saying "I got your nose" Then she ran off giggling, while I just sat there with dread as the tingling started. One thing I'd noticed, was that the changes had gotten quicker. It was as if the nanites, or maybe just my body, had gotten used to the changes. Now they occurred in less time, and with less pain. Within moments after the girl touched me, I had already lost a foot of height and was still shrinking, getting smaller and daintier. Only minutes after she'd touched me, I sat, completely enveloped in my clothes, the very image of the little girl. I struggled to get loose from the clothes, to find some way to safely. Before I moved much, a woman ran up to me, staring at me in shock "Mellissa Anne Sawyer!" she demanded, "What are you doing in these clothes? What happened to your clothes?" She glared at me, making me feel tiny and helpless, "Answer me right this minute young lady" "But" I tried to protest, all to no avail as she picked me up and started spanking me violently. It was only then that I noticed she was wearing a thin pair of gloves. I struggled to get away from the painful, humiliating spanking, all to no effect. She ended up dragging me out of the park, with me kicking and fighting the entire time, then threw spanked me again before putting me into car and driving off. I felt so humiliated that I cried. She just ignored me and kept driving. Who was this lady I wondered, already knowing that she was the mother of the little girl I now looked like. I also realized that she just left her little girl....Mellissa she'd called her, alone in the park. I tried to protest that I wasn't Mellissa, to no effect of course. She took me home, then spanked me again before forcing me to get dressed in some silly little girls clothes. I glared at her realized that reasoning with her certainly wouldn't work. After all, what adult will reason with a little girl. The adult says to do something, and if the little girl doesn't the adult gets angry. And of course how many adults are going to actually listen to, much less believe a little girl. No, this called for something a little more drastic. When this strange woman who thought that I was her daughter removed her gloves (which I learned were from a hygiene fear) I went up to her and grabbed hold of her hand. She looked at me oddly, probably wondering why her little girl was behaving so oddly. Then her looks started to get really odd as I was stripping out of the clothing, which was rapidly getting too small for me. Several minutes later, she was staring at a naked replica of herself, with her mouth wide open. "Look lady" I told her, smirking at her reaction, "Your daughter is alone in the park. You really should go get her." She gasped, obviously confused and shocked, and I couldn't resist adding, "You never know what kind of strange people are around." At this point she fainted. I shrugged, then went and helped myself to some of her clothes, including some gloves. Just before leaving however, I shook her awake and reminded her of her daughter. She stared at me with obvious fear in her eyes as I left. Things like that happened to me several times over the months, and I got better at avoiding people. More withdrawn and alone as well. Several times I started to consider suicide, wondering if my current curse wasn't somehow Gods telling me that I should have died when I was supposed to. That I shouldn't have tried to cheat fate. Every time I started to think that though, I looked up around me and thought that being alive was better than being dead. It had to be. It was over 6 months from the time I'd ran away from Claire and Bill. I had been surprised to see a guy that had looked an awful lot like I did in my real face. Not identical, but pretty close. Close enough that I just had to shake his hand. I think he was a little confused as to why a complete stranger wanted to shake his hand, but I didn't care. I was just satisfied to look almost normal. Like myself once again. After I'd done that, I started being even more careful about touching people, and managed to even get another job. I wasn't happy, but I was a little more satisfied than I had been. Things were a bit more stable for me, and I managed to go for a month without touching anyone. Without losing my identity. I'd gotten into the habit of going to the beach to swim a little every morning since it gave me some exercise and I could do it alone. I always went when no one else was around. One morning however, I was surprised, and disappointed to see that someone else had gotten there first. Feeling a little embarrassed, I sat back and watched a woman swimming in the water. I knew that I could just as easily have gone swimming myself since there was a lot of water, but I wanted to avoid any chance of contact. That and the fact I was beginning to enjoy watching her. Then she went under and didn't come back up. I stared at the spot, afraid, but she came back up, barely before going under again. It was obvious that she couldn't last long. Almost without thinking about it, I ran into the water, ignoring the wet clothes and the way they were dragging at me. The waves had already pushed her closer to shore, and I saw that she was bobbing along on the surface, face down. Fearing that I was too late, I turned her over and pulled her quickly to shore, ignore my heavy, soaked clothes. She wasn't breathing and I began to panic, then forced myself to calm down. Fearfully I looked around to see if there was anyone to call for help, of there was even any phones. But I already knew that there wasn't anyone. No people and no phones. That was the reason I always came here. Taking one more look at her unmoving form, I noticed for the first time that she was a red head. And around 25 years old. I stared at her, feeling afraid. Remembering that I'd taken a CPR class, I tried to remember what to do. It dawned on me only briefly that I would have to touch her. To give up the face that was the closes to mine. To give up what little sense of identity I had. It was no choice. I started giving her CPR, blowing into her mouth and giving her the abdominal thrusts, hoping that she would get better. Silently I prayed that it would work, ignoring the tingling and the beginning pain. Finally she gasped and started choking, opening her eyes and breathing. I sighed in relief, then smiled nervously at her when her eyes set on me. "Thank you" she said quietly, looking at me oddly. She stared at me for a moment, then really stared hard, obviously realizing that I was changing. After I'd finished, my new breasts pushed into my wet shirt uncomfortably, showing the nipples very clearly through the fabric. I flushed with embarrassment and looked into her face, expecting to see the usual confusion and fear there. Instead I was surprised to see curiosity and fascination. "Who are you?" she asked me, sounding more curious than anything else. "What are you?" I hesitated for a moment, afraid to say, but feeling the need to tell someone. The need to have some human contact. "Lets get dry" I suggested, wondering how to start. Once we had both dried off and were in dry clothes, mine not fitting very well, I started to tell her what had happened to me. She listened intently, and seemed very interested. When I'd finished, she said "Wow. That is amazing" I shrugged, thinking it was more a nightmare than amazing. "I mean, you look just like me" she continued. She told me that her name was Alice and asked me to go to her apartment with her, offering me the use of her clothes until I could rest and find a new "donor" I debated with myself for a minute, then accepted, relieved to have someone to talk to again. Someone that I didn't have to really hide from. Once we got to her place, I put on some of her clothes, relieved to have something that fit. I still didn't like wearing the bra, but I'd been a woman enough times by then to have learned how to put one on. We talked for most of the day and found that we got along pretty well. I thought that she had a nice sense of humor, and liked how she responded to me with curiosity rather than fear. That alone spoke fairly well for her, as far as I was concerned. For lunch we went to a restaurant, and pretended to be twin sisters. That definitely was amusing, and I think she thought it was funnier than I did. For dinner, she cooked us a meal that we ate at her place. After dinner though, I stretched and told her that I'd probably better be going back to my place. She frowned, looking disappointed. "You know" she said quietly, sounding somewhat embarrassed, "I've always had this fantasy." I looked at her in puzzlement. She turned red, then continued, "I've always wanted to.......make it with a twin. With a copy of myself." I gasped in surprise, and she looked down embarrassed. "I know it sounds weird, but that's the fantasy I've always had" She looked at me seductively, and I felt nervous. Gently she reached for my thigh, gauging my reaction. When I didn't pull away, she bent forward and kissed me, awkwardly at first, then a little more passionately. I was kissing her right back, finding myself getting aroused. Very aroused. I realized with some amusement that this was once case in which I didn't have to fear my nanites ruining a nights passion. We both stripped each other of clothing and found ourselves going to her bed. It was extremely odd to have sex like that. As a woman. But I liked it, and got into it enthusiastically. We licked each others cunts, something that I had done before but she was unfamiliar with. Alice picked it up very quickly though. After we'd both spent a long time satisfying each other, we curled up together and went to sleep. In an unspoken agreement, I stayed with her, and ended up moving in. Though I hadn't expected to ever spent much time as a girl, I ended up spending a decent amount as Alice's clone. She introduced me to everyone as her twin sister Jamie, which we both found amusing. Whenever I turned back into a guy, Alice would start a lovemaking session and get as much use out of my cock before it would fade, then we'd have passionate lesbian sex. For the first time in a long time, I found myself being happy. I wasn't sure that I loved Alice, but I did care for her a lot. And I knew that she cared a lot for me. Eventually I got around to sending Claire and Bill a post card, telling them that I'd found somebody and was happy. Although I never could get myself to tell them much about my current situation. Still, for a person as untouchable as I am, or was, just touching someone is great. The End

Same as Untouchable Videos

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Beach Vacation Part 3

We started getting ready for dinner with John and Mike. Since we were in a hurry, Ann showered first, as it would take her longer to get dressed. I showered quickly, and when I stepped out I heard a knock at our door and Ann moving across the room to answer it. I wondered if I had zoned out in the shower, or if she had just gotten dressed much faster than normal. As I walked out of the bathroom with a towel on, I could hear John and Mike's voices and Ann letting them know we'd be ready in a...

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Our cobra

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My Husbands a Cock Slut

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Neighbor kids part 1

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Broken in at the Glory Hole

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Jessica and her Daddy Part 2

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Aunty Pam Chp 3

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YingYang II

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Brothers Gonna be Pissed Part 2

‘Is that going to stop you now?’ he whispered into my ear. ‘No.’ I moaned softly. ‘Good, me neither.’ Before he could do anything I dropped to my knees, opened his pants and pulled them and his boxers to the floor. I swear I’d never seen anything as appetizing before, he was at least 8 inches and wide. His cock sprang to attention as soon as his trunks passed his waist. When he felt the cold air he hissed, he moaned when I licked around his engorged head. My hands playing over his chest, I used...

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With My Bhabhis While My Wife Was Pregnant

Hi all, this is ilrumjack here again. This is an episode that happened with two of my bhabhi’s while my wife was pregnant with my first child. As is the practice, we were having a baby shower function on the seventh month of my wife’s pregnancy. We were having the child after 4 years of my marriage. The function was being held at my parent’s place as the whole thing was being organized by my mom. Since both, I and my wife were working we had taken a day off for this function. Being a...

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Aparna Aunty Me

Hi friends I would like to share my sex experience with my tenant aunt Aparna, Aparna was a typical very orthodox Konkani aunty in her mid 30 featuring an attractive buxom structure. An average person will give a second look on her structure; I being an average male had the same assent on her. She had moved to my house nearly 3 years before, during that time I had no intention towards her owing to fear factor, but as days passed with increased interest in sex knowledge I could not control...

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Hes At it Again

Many a word spoken in jest, so the old proverb says, and it rings true as I sit in the office on a Friday lunchtime, speaking to my Dads latest secretary, Janet. He’s only been in his new job a few months, yet her name has already started popping up quite frequently in our conversations. So I thought I’d come and check her out for myself, see if my suspicions are right. We work in the same industry after all, so it was easy enough to drop by for a couple of hours or so.“Hey! You’re not chatting...

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A Fresh StartChapter 117 A Changing Of The Guard

Newt announced the Contract with America at the beginning of September. By then most of Washington knew something was up, but not the extent or breadth of the plan. The Democrats weren’t stupid. They had their spies just like we did. They knew we planned something big and bold, and they knew we were writing legislation, even if they didn’t have the printed copies in their hands. Still, it was an election year, and they were in survival mode. The mood of the country was changing, and the...

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Its My PartyChapter 53

Time: Thursday, February 14, 2019 9:35 PM Madisonfound Tom in their large, multi-purpose room. They had both taken showers about an hour ago and dressed for bed, but had stayed up to unload the flare equipment from the elevator before turning in. “You still up?”Madisoncalled out. Tom looked at her and grinned. “Just about to turn in. I was looking at this flare rifle. The back wall of the breech has a very interesting reinforcement, some sort of thin clear coating, but it’s as hard as a...

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Eleanor Remembers

Eleanor sits at the dressing table brushing her long, wavy hair. 100 strokes a day her mother used to tell her and it's a habit she's never given up. Even now that she has no reason to worry about her looks, her hair is her one vanity. Charlie always loved her hair. She smiles as he enters the room, silently as always, as if she's conjured him up just by the act of saying his name in her head. She knows her family thinks she's mad when she tells them she can sense his presence but then...

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Best Friends Pt 1

I had been friends with Nicole since the beginning of the school year. We were very close yet I didn’t think of her as someone I could do. When I think about her now, hot body, normal sized tits, and what an ass. She was going out with this boy [Chris] for awhile. I was playing the field at the time, you know flirting here and there, but nothing too serious. How I remember it she had gotten in a big fight with her boyfriend and naturally the first person she came to was me. She showed up at my...

First Time
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Acapulco Sand

It’s a warm summer’s morning. The sun is glowing radiantly, slowly heating the white Acapulco sand in this deserted, crescent shaped bay. It also illuminates the calm ocean, giving it a beautiful sparkle. The turquoise water of the Pacific is casually lapping at my feet. I’m still covered in beads of water from my swim, it has had a the most wonderful rejuvenating effect. I lie back and let my eyes wonder around the clear blue Mexican sky. Soon the heat of the day will come. With it crowds of...

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Virgin Ladki Ki Chudai

Hi friends mera naam mohit hai aur mein luckhnow ka rahne vala hu. Lekin mene apni study punjab mein ki hai . Toh meri language mein jayda punjabi touch hoga . Mein engineer ki study kar raha hu. Mera college ludhiana mein hai aur yeh mera final year chal rha ha. Meri height 5″10″ hai aur lund ki lambai 6. 7 aur motai 5. 8 inch hai. Yeh mera first sex tha meri grilfriend ke sath uska naam amritpal kaur hai jo k poori sardarni hai. Poori means wo baptised vi hai. Aur bhut sundar hai. Meri gf ka...

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Becoming a true whore in the club

I had always fantasized about how it'd be to become lewd and let any man have me, instead of turning down all the men I never felt were worth my time. Maybe it was time I let any man have my sexy body, feel my tight pussy, become a whore for anyone to take. I am far too sexy to not be shared. The porn that makes me cum the hardest is free use, gangbang, rough..being treated like a true whore is what makes my pussy the most wet. Its about time I give my pussy what its been craving all...

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