Swimsuit fantasy sex 1
- 2 years ago
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"I can get you Houdini," said Phil in a shaky voice. He sat at George's desk with the guns of the two hoods pointed at his head. Above him Singleton glowered down. Texas Bunny had fled the room, crying in her soft voice, "I hate the sight of blood."
Outside the show went on, the tinkling music, the occasional splash of an awkward swimmer in the water, or rather gin tank.
"What do you mean you can get me Houdini?" asked Vic.
"Let me finish him, boss," begged one of the thugs. "We've knocked off a half dozen guys for less than this crumb's done to us."
"Shut up. What's this got to do with Houdini?"
"There's a garbage scow going out at midnight," offered the second thug. "His body could be on it."
"Will you mugs shut up?" ordered Singleton. "I want to hear about Houdini."
Phil knew he had to come through this time. In the era of Prohibition, bootleggers were powerful, above the law with their money and well-paid killers. Singleton could murder him and get away with it.
He repressed a desire to shiver and shake. The truth was, he didn't blame Singleton. He'd kill Phil himself if he were Singleton and this stranger came to town, first to lift his daughter's precious maidenhead and then to screw his mistress all on the same night. Phil doubted he could fight his way out like this afternoon since the two thugs were now alerted to his strength and quickness. Even if he upended the desk they'd have a fair shot at him. No, his tongue was his only measure of defense.
"I know Houdini," Phil went on. "He owes my family a favor. We can bring him down here to do one of his world-famous escapes from your tank. Of course you'd have to get rid of the gin. Houdini doesn't drink... or even smoke."
Singleton's interest was caught. He waved aside his boys.
"Let me get this straight, Griffin. You think you can get the great Houdini to come here to this little dump and put on a show for us?"
"I know I could," said Phil, wondering if he could. But he'd try like blazes since it was a game for his life. "Houdini knew my father who was a magician and a big shot in the Society of American Magicians, one of Houdini's pet projects, Houdini is loyal to old friends. He'd help me now that my father's dead. With his fame and money he doesn't need to make a pile on every show he does."
Phil could see the wheels spin in Vic's head. For a man who ached to be accepted by society and respected, the Houdini angle was a golden opportunity. No name was more honored or better known throughout the world. Besides being the world's best magician and escape artist, Houdini helped rid society of spiritual fakes and mediums who preyed on widows and the gullible.
There was no flaw in Houdini's character or way of life. He was a devoted husband to his wife, Bess. Since they were childless, he was fabulous with children. He helped the lesser lights in his profession through the Society, and he helped science with his exposure of religious fakes. In his fifties, he had the body of a twenty-five year old because of his rigorous training and fierce spirit, while his competitive desire matched the current ideal of American society. If he came to New Jersey and performed in George's tank, Vic would be shaking hands with the mayor, senators and congressman and other "big shots" as he called them, in black tie and tails.
"Get Houdini!" said Vic.
Singleton gestured at the pedestal telephone on George's desk.
"Put in a call to New York and get him." Like Phil, Vic had read about Houdini's recent feat in New York and knew he was there.
"He... probably won't be home," Phil stalled.
"Put in your call, Griffin. It ain't so late."
Phil had the number in his wallet. He'd figured to make a courtesy phone call to the Houdinis on this trip East, but until now had no plan to bother his powerful and busy acquaintance. But with the thugs standing there with guns and Singleton scowling, he had no choice, so he gave the operator the New York number.
With luck the Houdinis wouldn't be home and he could stall further. But after a couple of rings Bess Houdini herself answered the phone. Phil feared she wouldn't remember his name, but she did. Mrs. Houdini was clear-minded and a strong helpmate to the great magician. So there was nothing to do but blurt out his request with Singleton and his men listening.
"I'll ask Harry," said Bess. "He's right here."
Oh God, thought Phil. He says "No" and I'm floating face down in the Atlantic Ocean by midnight. Phil heard the mutter of voices off the phone, and then Houdini himself came on.
"Hello, Phil, glad to hear from you," said Houdini.
"He-hello, Mr. Houdini," said Phil. To his relief Houdini remembered exactly who he was and his father, too. But maybe that wasn't so odd because at the beginning of his career Houdini did fabulous memory tricks on stage and was not likely to forget names or faces.
"Listen," said Houdini at length. "I'm getting ready to put a fantastic show on the road next month in September. It'll be the biggest, fanciest crowd-puller I've ever sent out. Believe me, it'll be a knockout, the best of my career. We're going to travel across America and Canada and some other places in the world by the end of the season." Houdini's voice sounded proud.
"Glad to hear that." Phil had to smile. Houdini was a showman and a promoter. He knew how to blow his own horn. The difference was that he always delivered what he promised. If he said it was going to be the best and the greatest, it would be. But it was the end of Phil's chances to get him down here in Atlantic City. It was already August and Houdini would be rehearsing like a crazy man to be ready to open next month.
"There's lots of pressure," Houdini went on. "The way I handle that, I like to get away from rehearsals for a couple of days. A break gives me a new perspective. Sure, I'll come down there for a one nighter. This is the perfect time of the year, for a couple of days off for me and Bess in Atlantic City. Good pre-show publicity, too. Count on me, Phil. My manager will set up the details."
Phil sat back in awe. "He'll do it!" he cried to Singleton.
Singleton also looked awestruck. "He... he will?"
Phil went back on the phone. "Thanks a million, Harry. Listen, can you say hello to my promoter? He's grateful. He's a..." Phil suddenly realized that the whole deal would be off if Houdini found out that Singleton was a bootlegger. Houdini was no snob; nobody in show business could afford to be. But he wouldn't work for a lawless type.
"My promoter is a new impresario in show business. Victor Singleton," said Phil decisively and handed the phone to Vic.
Vic stumbled through a few words with the world famous man and hung up. He collapsed in a chair.
"I just talked in person to Houdini!" he exulted. "Me, Vic Singleton, from Jersey City, New Jersey. His voice came right in my ear and my voice went right back into his. God!"
The thugs had put away their guns and moved back, looking dazed. This was totally outside their experience.
"We're not out of the woods," said Phil. "There's a problem. Houdini won't come if he finds out you're a bootlegger."
The look of ecstasy slowly faded from Vic's face. "My God, I never thought of that. Listen, I can't..." Then he stopped. "But, yeah, I see what you mean. I mean, this guy is a friend of presidents, kings, queens, all big shots. He can't afford to deal with scum like me."
"Exactly," said Phil.
"What the hell am I going to do?" cried Vic. "Here's my first chance in my entire life to show off before the world as an important right guy."
"It's tough," said Phil. "There's only one out. You've got to quit the rackets. Now, tonight, forever. From this minute on, you're an impresario, a show business entrepreneur."
Vic jumped up. "Quit the rackets?"
"Haven't you got enough money? Now it's fame and respect you want."
Vic shook his head. "I got to think this one out."
"There's no choice," said Phil. "Either get out, or no Houdini. You'll also have to dump those ten thousand gallons of gin for Houdini's appearance."
There was a diminishing wail as Singleton fled the room, followed by his two men.
Phil sat back in his chair, breathing in triumph. He had no doubt what Vic would do. The man was crazy for social approval and had all the money he'd ever need. It also fit Phil's California project. Once they did the Houdini show, Vic would be at loose ends... and Phil knew where to direct him next. Beautiful.
Yes, he rode the crest. Always before his sex drive had cut into his career, blocking his progress. This time it hadn't. He'd enjoyed two beautiful dolls in one day and ended up with the excitement of the Houdini call. Maybe his luck had changed.
He heard Texas Bunny Long singing in the auditorium. Her voice sounded deep, strong, throaty in the second show. It was twice as good as before. And all on account of her throat being coated with his sperm. Would wonders ever cease in Atlantic City, New Jersey?
It was too weeks later and the dress rehearsal was over. The little aquarium had been repainted outside and in. Phil had gotten rid of all George's hookers and installed sweet young beach girls, easy to pick up on the sands at this time of year. They could all swim like fish. He trained them as well as he could in the gin tank. Tomorrow it would all be pumped out and replaced by fresh sea water for Houdini.
Phil was ready for that. He'd taken over the comic diving part of the show and found that swimming in gin sounded better than it was. The alcohol stung on every little cut, the aroma was overpowering and even a sip burned the throat, despite its being first-class stuff. Nobody would miss it, except the two drunks that Phil had replaced, who were more interested in sneaking out the stuff than performing.
Flair Singleton lent her elegant, tanned body to the show, against her will. Hers was no match for her father's who meant to make the most of his brief fling with Houdini and the big time. After all, he was giving up his bootlegging career for this.
Flair's reward was to get a chance to harmonize with Texas Bunny in one of the songs. Flair had a pretty good voice and liked that. For this show Texas lost her cowboy hat and part of her name. She'd wear a shimmering, silver gown and be accompanied by a trio in white tie and tails. She'd appear as plain Bunny Long. Phil pointed out that the imitation of Texas Guinan that George tried for lacked class, in Bunny's case. There was only one Texas Guinan.
Everybody was happy except George. On that night after the kids were dismissed and Phil and George sat alone in the office George said he'd miss the old show. He looked frowzy in a rented dress suit, compared to his usual sweater and baggy trousers.
"George, you've got to learn class," said Phil.
"Class is like beautiful women," sighed George. "I can't connect. I tried for Flair before you came along and only got laughs. You knocked her off in only one day. I tried to help Texas Bunny with her throat problem. She shucked me off and used the whale sperm Vic buys for her."
He rose sadly. "You lock up, Phil. I'm going out to see if any of my two dollar whores are left in town."
George left but came back almost immediately. "Guess who's standing in full costume by the tank, weeping her heart out. Our singing star, Texas Bunny."
"What's her problem?"
"I dunno, Phil, but in my book that one's a candidate for Nut College. It's your show, you handle it." George slid to the side door, waved and was gone.
A single light shown on the stage and sink. A single figure stood there disconsolately, weeping. Still dressed in her long silver satin gown, with her platinum hair in wild disarray, Texas Bunny looked like a princess who'd been deserted at the Royal Ball.
Phil paused a moment before hurrying to her. Damn, that was one gorgeous creature, especially with all those curves tightly held and displayed in shimmering satin. She told Phil she'd lost her ring. It was a very important ring, since it was a gift of Vic Singleton, and she dared not go back to the yacht without it. He'd think she'd hocked it, or, worse, given it to some male lover. Vic was very jealous.
"Did you look in your dressing room?"
"It's not in there." The soft voice sounded shattered, the brown eyes expressed utter misery. "I looked real good."
"Then it's got to be out here," said Phil. "Did you have it earlier."
"I notice you sometimes wring your hands when you sing," said Phil. "Maybe it slipped off then." He peered about the floor.
"I've looked everywhere, except-"
"Except, where?"
"In my clothes. She turned her back to him. "Feel down me. It might've got into my clothes."
Phil looked down the gleaming figure and hesitated. He was tired, he just wanted to close up and go home. He surely didn't want to fool around anymore with Vic's girlfriend, not after the sperm episode. He had big plans that meant staying in good with the ex-bootlegger. Besides there was no place in that tight- fitting gown you could hide a pin, let alone a ring. He'd seen the ring. It was a lustrous pearl that she wore on her long finger, so at least she wasn't fooling him, because now there was no ring on those slender, white fingers.
I’ve always been a keen swimmer, and swimming seems to have had a large place in my early sex life. As I’ve written in another post I got my first hand job from a boy at a school swimming lesson. In my local swimming baths there were plenty of girls around for me to ogle and for me to show off my skimpy speedo style swim trunks bulging over my sex kit. I developed a taste for girls and women in swimsuits and to this day I don’t think anything shows off a woman’s body more sensuously than a...
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The warm early summer sun caresses your skin as you climb dripping from the pool. The water glistens on the black fabric of your favorite one piece swimsuit. You know how sexy you look in it as it hugs your curves.You leave damp foot prints behind you as you stride towards the showers. You can’t help but notice a man admiring you his rigid cock strains against the thin nylon of his trunks. The damp material hides little, you can clearly make out the rounded head of his manhood.Knowing he is...
The phone rang and to my surprise it was my best friend Jenna. She had been in England for the last six weeks so I hadn't seen her since school let out. She talked for an hour about all the things her family did over there. I proceed to catch her up on things in my life, including being dumped by my boyfriend. In her sweetness she confided that she wasn't surprised. I was a little shocked to hear her say that but she informed me that she didn't think we were right for each bit was trying to be...
Mary enjoyed walking around the mall looking in the windows. It warm inside while snow fell outside. She stopped in front of one store. They were setting up a display for the new line of swimwear.Why not, she thought to herself. Going in she was met by an older woman. She looked to be in her late forties with shoulder length hair, a slender build. Her blouse hugged her, showing off her 36 inch breasts. Her skirt covered her meaty butt, and came down below her knees. Hello, my name is Beth she...
Swimsuit fantasy sex 2This one builds more slowly than my last story, hope it is just as hot at the end! My fantasy sex stories are unconnected to each other, are completely made up and are not a series. Maybe some of them might turn into series, but for now each one is a standalone story. This one was inspired by a sexy pic in my favorites, he's not hard to find :) EnjoyI was about 22 when I decided to go camping at a campground far from my home. I wanted to try sunbathing in a tiny...
Beth wrapped her arm around Mary pulling her tight against her. Taking Mary's hand she brought it up to her face. Mary began to shake as she watched Beth open her mouth and suck on her fingers. Removing her fingers and kissed her neck. Take your top off, Beth whispered. We shouldn't, Mary mumbled. Grabbing her shoulders, Beth spun Mary around. Pulling at the strings Beth untied her top and threw it on the floor. Pushing her back Beth set Mary down on the bench. Reaching behind her Beth unzipped...
By 1939 Billy Rose and the New York World's Fair were ready for each other. America's greatest city wanted a fabulous exposition. Rose wanted to nail down, once and for all, his reputation as a great showman. His 1935 Jumbo, his 1936 Ft. Worth Centennial Casa Manana, and his 1937 Cleveland Aquacade had lifted his star to the heights. Now he wished to put it in permanent orbit. Yet he was not chosen at first to have a part in the New York Fair. When he learned there was to be a 10,000 seat...
When racing the rule is: never wear anything new. I jumped into the pool in a neck-to-knee triathlon suit and I started my set. After a few lengths, I noticed a women holding a towel around her walking over to the fast lane. She was wearing a white swimming cap and goggles. She dropped her towel and placed it on the side. She was wearing a Speedo hydra-suit, all black. High-legged, but covered the body up to the neck with a zip down the back. She was a slim sporty build, with tall powerful...
As the cold air hit Mary she felt embarrassed. Beth felt her body tense up. Pushing her forward Beth said, I'll take care of you. Mary said, I wasn't raised this way. Going into her apartment Beth turned Mary around and kissed her deeply. As Beth pushed her coat off her shoulders Mary let it fall. As they hugged she pulled Mary's zipper down. Leading Mary to her bedroom, they stopped in front of the mirror. Standing behind her Beth whispered, just relax and watch. Her heart beat quickened as...
Phil had been wounded in the World War, so he knew danger; he even knew the stress of facing immediate death. But this afternoon he'd had a long swim and then delicious but exhausting sex, so he felt weak when Singleton's two thugs dragged him out on deck. He needed a few moments to recover. No man who ever had sex with Vic Singleton's ripe daughter was going to be able to climb into the prize ring right after! George Panther chatted nervously as he tried to cool the bootlegger down....
The mayor of Atlantic City was there and a host of other city officials. As Phil predicted, Houdini drew senators, congressmen and other of the city's leading lights because it was a well- publicized black tie affair. There was barely room for the press, the important and the near important in the small auditorium and flash-powder trays burst in dazzling light as endless pictures were taken. A small orchestra played on the stage and then Phil put on his regular water show for the blue...
The Twentieth Century Limited roared into Chicago and dropped off Vic Singleton's group on its way to the coast. Out of Chicago they took the Coast Flyer for the rest of the transcontinental hop. The train swayed and bounced at a high rate of speed, but George Panther was bored. They had three more days and nights to reach Los Angeles, and nobody was happy in the group except Vic and Maddy. It was the middle of September, with Atlantic City and the water show behind them. As Houdini...
The train wheels clicked and the Pullman car rumbled while it swayed gently. George was all alone in a locked compartment with sexy young Maddy. She continued to sleep without the slightest sign of being aware anybody was in the room, her charms in that see-through negligee on bold display. Her skin was incredibly white and fine; her figure incredibly good. George could see almost every detail of her two ivory breasts, from the round bases up the exciting slopes to big aureoles and two...
"Pay attention," said Phil. He was lecturing Vic Singleton, George Panther, Maddy and Flair on endurance swimming in Vic's suite in a Long Beach hotel. The ex-bootlegger was having a hard time learning about this strange world, but with the announcement of the swim contestant to the papers and radio, Phil insisted that Vic as the sponsor ought to know a little about swimming and endurance. Phil pointed out that many land mammals besides man could swim, and in the case of fire or...
New York, the Hippodrome Theatre, 1935. Billy rose, the pint- sized showman with the personality, energy and charm of a six footer, was in a pet. "We got to open Jumbo in two weeks!" he cried to his staff. "Now you tell me my best comic diver has a sprained back and can't work for a month! So what do we put in that big tank under the stage?" "We're trying to get a replacement, Mr. Rose," an assistant placated him. "Wait a minute," said Rose. "That sleazy guy who got me the...
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Chapter 5 — Quad Club: She must dance naked in her favorite club. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter continues the story of a young Jamaican woman’s acceptance of a series of challenges that include her exposing herself outside her favorite nightclub, while...
Main Pehle apne barein mein batata hun mera naam Ankit hai; age 20, body type slim rang gora and lund 6.5inch ka hai. Yeah kahani aaj se 2 saal pehle ki hai. Main 12th std mein tha.waese to main padhne mein acha tha par Physics mein thoda weak tha. Mere dad k friend ne unhe ek Professor k barein mein bataya jo ghar aake tuition padhate they, mere dad unse mile aur unhe woh thik lage toh bas meri tuition wahan lag gyi. Mere teacher mujhe ghar aake padhate they aur jis room main padhta woh baaki...
Enathu peyar keerthana vayathu 23, tharpothu oru software niruvanathil velai seithu vaugiren. Angu niraiya aangal matrum pengal irupaargal, athil oruvanai enaku miga pidikum avan peyar susi. Susiku ennai vida vayathu aathigam athu matum ilamal avan panakaara paiyanum kuda. Eppozhuthum avanudan pengal irunthu kondu thaan irupaargal. Naan avanai paarkum pozhuthu aasaiyaaga irukum, eppadiyaavathu avanudan pazhaga vendrum endru asaiyaaga irunthathu. Ivan udan irukum penil oruval enaku thozhiyaaga...
Don’t know shit Two medical students were walking along the street when they saw an old man walking with his legs spread apart. He was stiff-legged and walking slowly. One student said to his friend: “I’m sure that poor old man has Peltry Syndrome. Those people walk just like that.” The other student says: “No, I don’t think so. The old man surely has Zovitzki Syndrome. He walks slowly and his legs are apart, just as we learned in class.” Since they couldn’t agree they decided to ask the...
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VR Porn SitesThe whole night was spent very restlessly as most of the women where crying and all I could do was keep reliving the horror of the attack upon my village and what I witnessed here and was subjected to myself at the hands of the Empress. It must have been the middle of the night as the moons was bright and the sky full of stars when screaming began and several guards came into the room. The guards began to drag people regardless of age or sex into the middle area of the room that had a...
"Summoning circles are all about shape and form," the girl with spiky blue hair said as she drew in chalk on the bare stone floor. The girl, who wore a cornflower-blue dress and looked like a rebellious twelve-year-old, was being watched by a young man. He was wearing plain black robes that were threadbare in some places, singed in others. At one time they might have looked sinister and occult, but now they just looked worn. Both were standing in an open space in a large library. Countless...
Chapter 1.When I was in college, I had a friend, Max, who sat next to me in third-year French. We talked a lot, had a lot in common because we were from the same place in New Jersey, although we attended different high schools. He was ok looking, skinny, taller than me with collar length brown hair. Not the sports type; more of a musician/skateboarder. We had fun but never hooked up or went out. At the end of senior year we both had early finals. We were talking how unfortunate it was we were...
Month 4 The outside was nothing special, just a typical late Victorian house in Walthamstow, now split into flats. My heart was in my mouth as the doorbell rang. I could feel it beating even faster as she opened the door. She stood there looking me up and down. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Then she pulled me into a hug and everything was alright. She didn't say a word, for which I was glad. Fiona showed me inside. When I had reached out to her initially, she didn't...
Hi, everyone. Thanks for the good response from those who read it. For those who don’t know the first part of the story please read it.Sorry for the late post, due to some family issues I couldn’t come online for few weeks, and for new people malli parichayam cheskntna. Na peru balu and nenu Hyderabad lo oka big MNC lo working. Recent ga oka pelli choopulaki vellanu, akkada pelli koothuru ni chudagane na modda purthiga nilabadindhi. Aa tharavatha pelli koothuru tho matladataniki room lopaliki...
Alfred and I almost made it to my room undetected before the staff noticed we had given them the slip. Ivy moved out of my darkened room into our path with her head down, deep in thought. She ran into my grip and I guided her back into the room with Alfred stepping inside with us. He lit the gaslight and closed the door. Ivy's eyes were wide and round when she realized we were in our uniforms. I put my pointer finger to her lips and my other arm around her waist. She took the hint and her...
My friends among the group always asked me, "Why Batman?" They've wanted to know why, of all the normal human heroes in comics, I picked Batman to base myself off of, and I never gave them an answer. I couldn't give them an answer. There was one, but it wasn't one that even I knew yet. I liked it that way. It kept me looking for answers as opposed to knowing them all. The only one that actually seemed to know anything about me aside from my public image was Angel, thanks to her gifts. I...
Uniperversum 37 Drei Engel für Charlie - Folge 8 : Die Farm VORSPIEL : Kelly, Jill und Sabrina werden unter dem vorgeschobenen Grund eines misslungenen Drogenhandels als Gefangene auf eine experimentelle Gefängnisfarm gebracht. Dort sollen Sie Gerüchte über unhaltbare Zustände überprüfen. Aber der Plan wird schon verraten, bevor die drei noch Überhaupt dort ankommen. In vier Busssen sollen die Gefangenen zu der Farm transportiert werden. Als die Engel zum Abtransport fertiggemacht werden,...
I would like to thank those that have read my stories ancommented on them. This is a complete rewrite of the second chapter of my story “The Barfly” originally posted in the forum. I would like to ask those of you that honor me with negative votes in groups to leave some comments so that I may learn what readers dislike in my stories. I would also like to ask those of you that like my stories to throw a wote my way to keep them in an accessible position. Enjoy J. Bailey The...
Day 2 "Sam, Privacy one, please." With that, the lights dimmed. There was a spotlight on a young lady as the transport slowly lowered her down into the main level. All brides are beautiful, but she was beyond words. She stepped off and waited, breathlessly as her mother and her two sister concubines came down behind her ... She was dressed in a gown of shimmering white. Through it, I could see her full breasts standing tall and proud. Even her nipples looked as if they were ready to pop...
I was finally trying to control myself, when all of a sudden, i feel Katies hand on my thigh, moving up close to my panties. I jumped, startled. And i layed on my back, looking at her. "What are you doing, Katie?" Katie, turned beat red, looking away from me, "Im sorry, Nicole, you just looked so beautiful. And i couldnt help myself. I wont do it again." Then, for some reason, i go so turned on by it, i looked into her beautful eyes, kissing her on the lips, hard. I then climbed on top...
He laughed as he took my hand and led me towards the concession stand. “You’re so funny, Little One. The movie has only been out for a week,” he pointed out as we got into line. “I know, but it felt like forever!” I said dramatically. *** We sat down in our seats and I immediately grabbed for the drink. “Hey, go easy on that drink, Angel. You know how you get in movies,” Daddy warned, taking the cup from me and handed me the popcorn instead. *** I was laughing and enjoying...
The other day, I was walking around town wearing a short mini skirt a nice short pleated one and a strappy top which was kind of struggling to hold my boobs in. I was wearing a nice pair of knickers which had a cute pattern on and really comfortable to wear. I was getting horny under the sun and seeing quite a few girls in short skirts which with the odd few managed to get a good upskirt view, some of the girls were wearing really cute panties, a couple had decided to go commando. I met up with...
There was nobody special I wanted to see at my ten-year reunion, but I went anyway, and was pleasantly surprised to see so many people I had forgotten about. It was a fun evening, and I collected a few phone numbers of people I hoped to reconnect with later. As the evening wound down, I ended up at a table with an old friend, drinking beers and talking. Keith and I had played in a couple of bands together in middle school and high school. He was an awesome keyboardist and vocalist even at that...
Swinger Porn Fun! What’s worse than finding out your parents are a couple of sexy swingers? Cumming upon them at a party. Well, maybe that’s just a matter of opinion, because I know plenty of you freaks out there would love to get down with any kind of swinger, cuckold or hotwife situation. Not everyone has the confidence to pull off, though, not to mention a wife who’s down to let you have a little strange. Fortunately, sites like SwingerPornFun let you live vicariously through swingers and...
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