Swimsuit fantasy sex 1
- 2 years ago
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Billy Rose introduced the first aquacade to the American public at the Cleveland Fair in 1937. Nothing quite like it had ever been seen before. The moon, the stars and the sky served as an overhead setting for his ten thousand seat amphitheatre, with the waters of Lake Erie as a stage, or part of the stage.
A water curtain of dancing fumes, colored by lights served as a curtain. When it was turned off the audience saw a long line of performers clad in white, skin-tight bathing suits, well over a hundred of them. Slowly they peeled off into the water in majestic domino fashion.
Early in the show Eleanor Holm appeared in high heels, wearing a sequined swimming suit and royal cape to match. In seconds she was in the ice cold water showing her world famous backstroke, spurred in her efforts as the cast knew, but the public didn't, by little schools of minnows that sometimes got stuck in her suit. Not that the beautiful swimmer, later to become Mrs. Billy Rose, needed extra help in speed swimming. She was a 1932 Olympic champion. Johnny Weissmuller, an Olympic swimming champion of earlier years, made the hearts of the women in the audience beat faster before he went on to a second career as the film hero, Tarzan.
Serious and comic diving and figure swimming by specialty acts and a chorus of champion swimmers held the audience spellbound. Barges manipulated an actual stage more than three hundred feet wide and about sixty feet deep when it was necessary to cover the pool for music and dancing. Best of all, the prices for seats in this spectacular ranged from forty cents to ninety nine cents. Billy Rose had mastered the technique of serving brilliant spectacles to the masses at prices they could afford in depression times. From Jumbo in 1935, he'd gone to the fabulous Casa Manana show at Ft. Worth in the Texas Centennial Fair in 1936 which won him the Cleveland assignment and opened the door to still greater triumphs to come. The Cleveland show was both a milestone and an unforgettable innovation in the history of show business.
The Austin Sisters barely made the cast by virtue of the fact they were both beautiful and could swim elegantly. Without Texas Bunny, their singing was strictly of the show business average variety.
Phil came in off the road to try out for the big extravaganza, and looked up both Maddy and Flair. The two young women gave him the distinct cold shoulder, so he left Cleveland without even an audition.
After the show, George and the two girls headed for Buffalo where Flair's father, Vic, had recently bought a radio station. The West had not agreed with the New Jersey ex-bootlegger. "Not enough people," he groused. "Not enough audience for a real radio station." His goal was to buy into the New York market, but so far Buffalo was as close as he could get. While the girls rested in Vic's Buffalo home, George went to see his old friend.
"You can forget the Austin Sisters," said Vic. "They ain't going anywhere. Not without Bunny."
"She hasn't exactly burned up the majors either," said George. "Neither has Phil Griffin. We're all just treading water, you ask me."
"Forget Griffin," said Vic. "What those girls need is marriage, good husbands. Maddy's thirty-two, for Christ's sake, and Flair's thirty-one."
"They still look like eighteen," said George.
"Still young and hot," nodded Vic. "That's why I told Flair and Maddy they had to get married while they've still got it. We need to get married, too. This show business is a killer."
George's eyes gleamed. "What did you have in mind, Vic?"
"Flair for you and Maddy for me," said Vic. "We can pop up to Niagara Falls and tie the knot, as Winchell says."
"Holy Christ!"
"Listen, we need sexy young wives and those two kids are spinning their paddles. So let's get the act together. I told the two of 'em yesterday. We should've done it ten years ago, like I was going to marry Maddy at Catalina."
George glowed all over. "They'd never hold still for it, but..."
"Sure they will. A woman gets sick of all the one-night stands, cheap hotel rooms and loneliness. Not to mention smart aleck young guys. They need mature men with a few bucks in the bank. Like you and me."
Maddy came awake feeling a hot mouth covering hers. As she sleepily kissed back, dreaming it was Phil, a wet tongue snaked into her mouth. Her nipples were caressed, starting fires, and she felt warmth, smooth, moist skin.
Then she came awake to find Flair nibbling along her jaw. Flair was naked and had pulled open the robe Maddy slept in.
"Oh, cut it out, Flair," said Maddy. "We've done that too often in too many hotel rooms."
"Better than nothing." A pink tongue teased, thrilled her ear.
"Not much."
She put her hands on the sweet slope of Flair's back and caressed down the flesh, her fingers pleased by the muscles and the yielding softness.
She knew she'd get aroused. She and Flair would have each other. They'd each feel loved and sexual tension would be relieved. Yet as she dreamily stared at the sunshine coming through the window she realized this was the first time in a year they'd slept in a real house. At home, even if it was just Vic and a couple of servants. As Vic said yesterday when he brought up marriage, the road was a killer. There were night club patrons that wanted to toss you for a one-night stand. Besides that there were only musicians, who had their booze and their reefers and who were always broke. You died wanting guys. So it was only natural, even if perverted, to crawl in bed with your best buddy, even if she were female, and hold somebody who cared and have somebody who cared hold you. Once in a while, not too often, she and Flair slipped into pussy love.
Almost absently she bucked her loins as Flair dug fingers into her cunt and made her hot oils run. Flair's belly kisses skittered some excitement across her flesh, but really now.
"I've got something new," murmured Flair.
"You've always got something new," said Maddy. "Single dildoes, double dildoes. Fingers poking rear holes, cunt balls, feathers, candles."
"This is different."
"Bring me something called "cock" with a real, loving man attached, Flair."
"You want to marry my father, again?" murmured Flair.
"He's terrific," said Maddy with a rush of deep feeling. "But I guess you couldn't stand George."
"Sure I could stand George," said Flair. "Why not? He fucked me once on a train, and it wasn't too bad. He loves me - us. He'd go crazy being faithful and he has a few bucks, too. Don't let those sleazy looks fool you."
Maddy could believe Flair. Flair never reacted like other people. She could probably marry George and be happy. And she? With Vic? Why not?
"You've still got it for Phil," said Flair.
Maddy frowned. She began to buck her belly real fast. "Do me! Do me!"
Flair laughed and began to suck her cunt. Maddy lifted up and groaned in pleasure, going hot and wet. Flair caressed her big breasts and Maddy got hotter. She was into it now, wanting the breathtaking surge of orgasm. Then Flair eased up and straddled her head so she could eat Flair's cunt. As Maddy dug her tongue, her mouth into the soft, wet chamber she thought of Phil, his strong body, his big, powerful prick-stick, loaded with liquid flames. Oh, Phil, Phil, she thought gobbling Flair's clit, making the big blonde moan. Flair meanwhile kneaded her own breasts with the swollen nipples and rose to peak.
They were both close to orgasm now. Maddy knew Flair's next move was to lie back down on Maddy's body while they stroked pelvises and cunts to glory, hugging.
Flair rose. "Here comes the new thrill," she warned. "Ready?"
"Whatever it is," said Maddy.
Flair spread her legs, her crotch over Maddy's high breasts. The stream of piss started slowly and then began to gush, golden liquid spraying on Maddy's tits, her cleavage.
Flair thrilled to ecstasy to release her urine stream on Maddy's lovely body. She could see, and hear, the bubbling stuff strike the silken flesh, spread, body-warm, on Maddy.
"Oh, my God!" Maddy's eyes went big, her whole being frozen in shock.
"T-told you it was new!" cried Flair.
Squatting she slowly worked down Maddy's body, decorating her with the streaming girl piss, feeling the thrill of her emptying bladder, letting everything go against all the wise rules of mankind. Down over the belly, the abdomen.
"Almost there!" gasped Flair, wild-eyed. The act of pissing just about made her come. Maddy's body was a blanket of urine now, golden and shiny. "Ahhhhh!"
The last squirts shot onto Maddy's dark pubic hair and cascaded down over her oil-wet cunt. Flair was empty. She stared down at Maddy with hotly gleaming eyes.
At first the body-hot stuff shocked Maddy to stillness. She felt the sting of the piss, smelled the smell. Suddenly she wanted the whole humiliating experience, to feel Flair's bladder completely emptied on her nudity. She gasped as if she'd dived into a pool. It was the ultimate outrage.
Flair gave a cry of delight, fell on top of Maddy's body and hugged her, the pee serving as a hot stimulant between their bodies. Flair's cunt rocked on Maddy's. Maddy surged up, crazed with the freak sex act for the moment. The girls clung together, wallowing in Flair's piss, rising in perverted ecstasy to orgasm. Then they both broke.
"Ahhhhh." Throb, throb, throb, went Flair.
Maddy's cunt expired with ecstatic squeezes as she reveled in the tight body lock and the unspeakable fluid that sealed them together. She worked off her spasms crying animal grunts. Then everything faded into the sweet afterglow of sex.
Then Flair rolled off of her and laid back, her face shocked, her big luscious body smeared with her own piss.
"Jesus, what have I done?" wailed Flair.
Maddy got up slowly, inevitably. "Ruined your father's bedclothes and maybe a mattress," she said. "Also you've reached the limit, Flair. Ended it, once and forever. We won't have sex again. The next stop would be the nuthouse."
She walked to the door, heading for the bathroom, her body smeared with urine, her thighs still wet with oil and more of Flair's piss.
"I'm going to marry your father," she said. "You'll marry George."
Lying there Flair knew Maddy was right. There was a point when wildness with sex got dangerous. Her flaunting of taboos was over.
A week later the two couples were married in a double ceremony, Flair to George, Maddy to Vic Singleton, thus completing a courtship that had begun over ten years ago. George was in seventh heaven; the girls mellow. When Maddy asked Flair who had torn up her wedding gown at Catalina, Flair confessed that she had, and everybody laughed. So much for ancient, knife-wielding passions!
There was no question about where to go for a honeymoon, or two of them. Niagara Falls was only twenty miles away. The two couples spent the afternoon ogling the majestic vistas of the two great falls, the American side with its famous separate Bridal Veil Falls and the much wider Canadian Horseshoe Falls. The guide told them the American side was 167 feet high and about 1,000 feet wide, while the bigger Canadian Horseshoe was 158 feet high and 2600 feet wide. He added that several people had actually gone over the falls in barrels and survived, while some had not.
"Right now there's another nut planning to go over. He wants to swim the rapids above, reach his barrel on Goat Island, between the two falls and then go over. Naturally the authorities will try to stop him, but if a man wants to commit suicide, it's pretty hard to prevent it. The guy may make it; he's some professional swimmer named Phil Griffin."
The two couples looked at each other. "Holy mud!" cried Maddy. "We ought to stop him!"
"I say let him go," grunted Vic. "At least he won't be screwing some poor guy's newlywed wife, making sex trouble for a change."
I’ve always been a keen swimmer, and swimming seems to have had a large place in my early sex life. As I’ve written in another post I got my first hand job from a boy at a school swimming lesson. In my local swimming baths there were plenty of girls around for me to ogle and for me to show off my skimpy speedo style swim trunks bulging over my sex kit. I developed a taste for girls and women in swimsuits and to this day I don’t think anything shows off a woman’s body more sensuously than a...
This really happened and even now I got both excited and scared thinkig about it.Near me there is a bay that's very quiet, even in the height of summer its rarely visited, and I took to driving there in my car and sunabathing in just my swimsuit and hairpiece...seeing as many females of my age ar'nt stunning beauties and rarely wear make up whilst sunbathing I knew I'd pass at a distance .On the first occasion, a man came quite close and said 'hi' as he passed and I just raised my head and...
The warm early summer sun caresses your skin as you climb dripping from the pool. The water glistens on the black fabric of your favorite one piece swimsuit. You know how sexy you look in it as it hugs your curves.You leave damp foot prints behind you as you stride towards the showers. You can’t help but notice a man admiring you his rigid cock strains against the thin nylon of his trunks. The damp material hides little, you can clearly make out the rounded head of his manhood.Knowing he is...
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Mary enjoyed walking around the mall looking in the windows. It warm inside while snow fell outside. She stopped in front of one store. They were setting up a display for the new line of swimwear.Why not, she thought to herself. Going in she was met by an older woman. She looked to be in her late forties with shoulder length hair, a slender build. Her blouse hugged her, showing off her 36 inch breasts. Her skirt covered her meaty butt, and came down below her knees. Hello, my name is Beth she...
Swimsuit fantasy sex 2This one builds more slowly than my last story, hope it is just as hot at the end! My fantasy sex stories are unconnected to each other, are completely made up and are not a series. Maybe some of them might turn into series, but for now each one is a standalone story. This one was inspired by a sexy pic in my favorites, he's not hard to find :) EnjoyI was about 22 when I decided to go camping at a campground far from my home. I wanted to try sunbathing in a tiny...
Beth wrapped her arm around Mary pulling her tight against her. Taking Mary's hand she brought it up to her face. Mary began to shake as she watched Beth open her mouth and suck on her fingers. Removing her fingers and kissed her neck. Take your top off, Beth whispered. We shouldn't, Mary mumbled. Grabbing her shoulders, Beth spun Mary around. Pulling at the strings Beth untied her top and threw it on the floor. Pushing her back Beth set Mary down on the bench. Reaching behind her Beth unzipped...
By 1939 Billy Rose and the New York World's Fair were ready for each other. America's greatest city wanted a fabulous exposition. Rose wanted to nail down, once and for all, his reputation as a great showman. His 1935 Jumbo, his 1936 Ft. Worth Centennial Casa Manana, and his 1937 Cleveland Aquacade had lifted his star to the heights. Now he wished to put it in permanent orbit. Yet he was not chosen at first to have a part in the New York Fair. When he learned there was to be a 10,000 seat...
When racing the rule is: never wear anything new. I jumped into the pool in a neck-to-knee triathlon suit and I started my set. After a few lengths, I noticed a women holding a towel around her walking over to the fast lane. She was wearing a white swimming cap and goggles. She dropped her towel and placed it on the side. She was wearing a Speedo hydra-suit, all black. High-legged, but covered the body up to the neck with a zip down the back. She was a slim sporty build, with tall powerful...
As the cold air hit Mary she felt embarrassed. Beth felt her body tense up. Pushing her forward Beth said, I'll take care of you. Mary said, I wasn't raised this way. Going into her apartment Beth turned Mary around and kissed her deeply. As Beth pushed her coat off her shoulders Mary let it fall. As they hugged she pulled Mary's zipper down. Leading Mary to her bedroom, they stopped in front of the mirror. Standing behind her Beth whispered, just relax and watch. Her heart beat quickened as...
Phil had been wounded in the World War, so he knew danger; he even knew the stress of facing immediate death. But this afternoon he'd had a long swim and then delicious but exhausting sex, so he felt weak when Singleton's two thugs dragged him out on deck. He needed a few moments to recover. No man who ever had sex with Vic Singleton's ripe daughter was going to be able to climb into the prize ring right after! George Panther chatted nervously as he tried to cool the bootlegger down....
"I can get you Houdini," said Phil in a shaky voice. He sat at George's desk with the guns of the two hoods pointed at his head. Above him Singleton glowered down. Texas Bunny had fled the room, crying in her soft voice, "I hate the sight of blood." Outside the show went on, the tinkling music, the occasional splash of an awkward swimmer in the water, or rather gin tank. "What do you mean you can get me Houdini?" asked Vic. "Let me finish him, boss," begged one of the thugs....
The mayor of Atlantic City was there and a host of other city officials. As Phil predicted, Houdini drew senators, congressmen and other of the city's leading lights because it was a well- publicized black tie affair. There was barely room for the press, the important and the near important in the small auditorium and flash-powder trays burst in dazzling light as endless pictures were taken. A small orchestra played on the stage and then Phil put on his regular water show for the blue...
The Twentieth Century Limited roared into Chicago and dropped off Vic Singleton's group on its way to the coast. Out of Chicago they took the Coast Flyer for the rest of the transcontinental hop. The train swayed and bounced at a high rate of speed, but George Panther was bored. They had three more days and nights to reach Los Angeles, and nobody was happy in the group except Vic and Maddy. It was the middle of September, with Atlantic City and the water show behind them. As Houdini...
The train wheels clicked and the Pullman car rumbled while it swayed gently. George was all alone in a locked compartment with sexy young Maddy. She continued to sleep without the slightest sign of being aware anybody was in the room, her charms in that see-through negligee on bold display. Her skin was incredibly white and fine; her figure incredibly good. George could see almost every detail of her two ivory breasts, from the round bases up the exciting slopes to big aureoles and two...
"Pay attention," said Phil. He was lecturing Vic Singleton, George Panther, Maddy and Flair on endurance swimming in Vic's suite in a Long Beach hotel. The ex-bootlegger was having a hard time learning about this strange world, but with the announcement of the swim contestant to the papers and radio, Phil insisted that Vic as the sponsor ought to know a little about swimming and endurance. Phil pointed out that many land mammals besides man could swim, and in the case of fire or...
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Gay MaleJennifer had been a BBC slut since her freshmen year at ASU. She even got her two room mates involved. I was missing Jennifer and decided to surprise her at school. I drove up on a Friday morning since it was only a few hours away. The trip up was normal and I arrived around one in the afternoon. I went up to Jenny's apartment and knocked. no one came to the door. I did hear a load moaning coming form inside. I knew someone was getting fucked. My pussy started getting wet. I knocked a bit...
"You really going to do it," Phil asked when I explain what Jim wanted. "Consider it my sacrifice for art," I said. There was no need to tell Phil and Jeff what all I had done for a lot worse reasons. My proclivity for sexual deviancy was admitted by me to me and me only. Phil and Jeff didn't need to know that I was more than just willing. To me the idea of it all was a huge turn on. "Since there was no time agreed to, stay around your place. If you go out anywhere, carry your cell...
Authors note: in the next few chapters there will be many threads and the story will seem to jump around. Sorry about that, as the time line goes I feel it must be this way. The story would become a bunch of unconnected short stories otherwise. In a future chapter I hope the number of threads will diminish and become more sequential. G42 The ladies showed up for lunch, as Sara and Susan wanted to see Robert's condo. Susan had purchased a digital camera, and was going nuts with it as she...
0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry Ungrown - unnumbered 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on Lucy Known and OR numbered 0501 - Thaddeus ???? - Lena missing -...
My name is Jason and I was a 26 year old virgin. I’ve always been interested in sex and constantly horny, but the opportunity had never presented itself. That was until last night when I was perusing Grindr, and the local guys. Let me start out by describing me before getting into the action. As stated, I am a 26 year old, white male. I stand roughly 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weigh in at 135 pounds. Now I don’t frequent the gym, but I do keep in good shape, resulting in toned arms and...
Maria and the boy next door….After my previous story you must wonder about my husband. I hadjust cheated for the first time in our marriage and it was with theteenage boy from next door. I had to tell my husband. I can’t keepsecrets from him and I don’t want to. So here’s what happened….After my encounter with Keith in the backyard, I stayed there in mybikini and lightly dozed with the feeling of both excitement and dread.I was still in the lounge chair when my husband came home from golf.He...
With the exception of regular phone calls, Elizabeth and Gustav left Lauren alone to run the house for days on end. As the days passed the troubles in the north grew and spread, the relationship souring between the government and the populace and every new day heralding further sources of discontent. The electricity supply failed for an hour on the day before the election, causing the children to abandon the house for the cooler patio. Two days before the election - and to Lauren's surprise...
Seductive babe Jill Kassidy cleans the house in short shorts and a crop top with no bra. Her swaying hips and sweet singing attract Tyler Nixon’s attention. Approaching her, he makes his intentions known with a deep kiss that causes Jill to lead him to the couch. Laying Tyler down, Jill kisses her way down his body and then tugs his jeans down until his hardon springs free. She takes him in her mouth, sucking and stroking for the ultimate delight. Tyler can’t keep his hands out of...
xmoviesforyouSnake 7 ? by: Beverly Taff Ellie woke to find Jacky's lips still attached to one of her nipples. During the night, Jacky had unconsciously changed breasts several times, so Ellie's breasts were not too sore. Ellie smiled down at the incongruent infantile picture that the twenty-year-old Jacky's face created. Gently she stroked Jacky's head then carefully inveigled a wetted finger between the girl's lips. It was an old nursing mother's trick to release the child from the...
Chater04 Kate return to find a welcome surprise It was a month and a half after my weekend with Ethan that I received a phone call from Jon Paul, telling me he had gotten the lamp Ethan had ordered for me, and I could come and pick it up any time. I told him my husband wasn't due back until at least the next day and would be home for the weekend, I would come and get it that day. I had waited so long to find the lamp, then have it shipped, I was really quite anxious to finally be getting...
Ek site hai kahan se aap sab log apne sex partner apniapni city mein dhund sakte ho. Yaha jahan friend se related kuch bhi likha hia waha click karna . Wahan se aapko apke shahar ke ladkiyon ke number mil jaayege. Haapy chudai. Kyunki jald hi koi chudne wali mil jaayegi hallo again kaise hai aap sab? Aur meri kahaaniyaan kaise lagi? Aaj main aapko bataati hoon ki ammi ke saamne bhai aur abbu se chudwa kar main bilkul hi be saram ho gayi thi aur ab to hum log ek hi room me sote the ammi bhai se...
Your name is Mallory, which ironically means, 'Unlucky'. You're an eight-teen year old girl with the tendency of getting into trouble. You're very accident prone and very, very unlucky. You have natural auburn hair, and green eyes. Your skin is tanned, but you have freckles. Regardless of being a total klutz, you are still quite smart and very pretty. Your friends joke about how if your life was on the line of a coin toss, you'd be better off jumping off a cliff. But, you wouldn't need to jump...
Coloured chalks in hand, she is deep in concentration. The noisy chatter of the young adults as they take their seats behind her barely registering as she concentrates on the task in hand. She has already drawn the parted legs and rounded arse cheeks and was now working on the pussy lips, the outer labia. Her drawing was graphic in its anatomical correctness and state of arousal. Her mind drifting to thoughts of her Dom as her hands lovingly sketched in the clitoris ... Thoughts of how only a...
hello guys, i m pranay rao. mai aap ko 1 story batane ja raha hoo. hope u’ll like it and enjoy a lot. to story tab ki hai jab mai 12th standard me padhta tha. mere papa ki transfer ki wajhase hme new town shift hona padha tha aur naye sahar me mai first time junier college jane wala tha. pahle din hi college ka mahol dekh k mai bahut khush ho gaya. khas karke itne sare mal mal ladke aur ladkiya. (i m bisexual so i like both). lekin mai waha kisi jo janta nhi tha to sidha class me gaya aur piche...
By Bob Chapter 8: Did it Really Happen? I remember dreaming about what had happened all day. I was hurt, my roommates came out to me as to their love for each other and I had my first experience with a man inside me. It was a very interesting day. I knew that the days to follow could never measure up to what this day had brought to my life. There was a knock at the door. Not just a knock, but a banging that startled both Brandon and I out of a very deep sleep. We both jerked up in bed...
Hi everyone, this is Ilumjack again with another incident that happened during a return trip. This incident happened while I was returning from my trip to Bangalore. I was in Bangalore with my family on a vacation. I had to return back to Mumbai earlier due to some pressing things at work. But the rest of my family stayed back in Bangalore and was to get back to Mumbai after four days. So it was on a Thursday afternoon that I reached Bangalore Airport to take my flight. After checking in my...
My name is Alexis, better known as Lex. I’ve just turned 16 this past week, and I’m pretty tall for my age at 5”8. I have auburn hair that rests nicely atop my C cup tits and hazel eyes. Although I’m only 16, I’m a very sexual person and I always tend to go for people much older than me – almost always teachers. But, obviously, doing anything with a teacher is illegal. We’ve flirted back and forth before but that’s as far as I’ve ever gotten. So you could imagine my surprise when a beautiful...
LesbianFemale celebrities will go on a show will live with their fans to fuck their brains out and there haters to be there submissive slut