Swimsuit fantasy sex 1
- 2 years ago
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New York, the Hippodrome Theatre, 1935. Billy rose, the pint- sized showman with the personality, energy and charm of a six footer, was in a pet.
"We got to open Jumbo in two weeks!" he cried to his staff. "Now you tell me my best comic diver has a sprained back and can't work for a month! So what do we put in that big tank under the stage?"
"We're trying to get a replacement, Mr. Rose," an assistant placated him.
"Wait a minute," said Rose. "That sleazy guy who got me the Austin Sisters. What was his name? George, yes, George Panther. Find him. I remember he mumbled about some mug he knew who was doing a water show over at the college in Princeton. Find Panther for me."
While a member of the staff hastened to the card file, Billy Rose ruminated aloud. "Funny thing about Broadway. A spiffy guy in a high hat and spats sells me an act and it turns out to be a mangy dog show. On the other hand a guy who looks like he slides around corners and steals leavings at the Automat hands me an act that sings with class. Who can figure it?"
The staff remembered the cheap-looking agent who camped on Billy's tail with trying to promote a singing trio, the Austin Sisters. When Billy finally gave the guy a tumble and saw the act, it was classy enough to win a big spot in Jumbo. Everybody loved the Austin Sisters and so would the audience.
"Oh, yeah," said George when Billy got him on the phone. "I know this guy, he puts on water shows at colleges across the country. Raises money for swim sports. He's a real pro. Better in the water than on dry land."
"But can he dive forty feet into that tank on the stage of the Hippodrome and make it look funny?"
"If the price is right," said George, "he can scare 'em white and then make 'em red-faced with laughter."
"Get him," ordered Rose. "What's his name?"
"Phil Griffin."
"We'll look at him this afternoon at three," said Billy and hung up.
George hadn't seen Phil for eight years. He got a letter once in a while and cards at Christmas, but that was about it. When Phil came to his hotel room, George was glad to note that he looked as sleek and young as ever, though he was in his mid- thirties. He told Phil about Billy Rose, after they'd exchanged the shy greetings that were inevitable after a large gap in time.
"This Billy Rose is some kind of a genius," said George. "Started out as a hot shot shorthand and typing whiz, giving demonstrations for the companies. Set world records that way. During the war he was secretary to Bernard Baruch and other big shots in Washington, and then in the twenties he became a tin pan alley songwriter. He ran up a couple of big hits and went into the night club business."
"Oh, yes," said Phil, settling down with the bottle of beer George had offered. It still seemed strange to be able to drink right out in the open. "Isn't he the guy that's married to Fanny Brice, the comedienne?"
"Right, only don't push that at him. It burns him up that people call him Mr. Fanny Brice. So he's decided to make a big splash on Broadway at the Hippodrome with this show Jumbo. Make his name. It's got everything. A book by Hecht and MacArthur, songs by Rodgers and Hart, Paul Whiteman's orchestra, and everything class. Jock Whitney and his sisters are bankrolling it. It's a combination musical comedy and circus, with elephants and Jimmy Durante as star."
Phil looked around George's cheap room and wondered whether even after eight years he could trust George Panther again. He'd never forget Atlantic City and Catalina.
"Sounds pretty big."
"It's fantastic, Phil! His idea is that he's got the big three ingredients that pull people into the theatre; love, comedy, and death. Death-defying circus stunts, you know. For the comedy they've got clowns and stuff but for the big tank onstage he wants a comic diving act. Listen, I can get you two hundred a week if you'll let me be your agent. Rose wants to beat the "Mr. Brice" tag, so he pays big."
Phil sighed. The whole thing sounded unrealistic. But he'd finished his stint at Princeton and made the trip all the way over. Two hundred a week in these depression times sounded incredible, though.
"Maybe I could audition," Phil said. "Are you sure about the money?"
"Whitney's loaded," said George. "Come on. We're meeting Rose at three."
Just like that... after eight years. A phone call, a trip across the river, and here he was mixed up with George Panther once again.
Phil stood on the stage of the Hippodrome, looked at the tank that was revealed when the stage floor was retracted, looked up at the ladder and platform forty feet above. George sat nervously on the stage apron.
Billy Rose, his directors and some assistants sat out in the audience.
"Give us two or three jumps, if you will," Billy cried.
To everyone's astonishment, Phil removed his clothes. But as always he had a bathing suit on instead of shorts. He hadn't changed that habit in years. Then he bounced up the ladder, did a very quick half gainer, making it sloppy to look funny. Once again he felt the thrill of the leap and the rush of wind past his ears as he plummeted down. But he'd done this sort of thing so long that his body responded automatically. He emerged and did two more jumps without a pause.
The group in the audience applauded.
"We'll hire you, Mr. Griffin," said Rose. "You're very good."
One of his assistants murmured that the diver wanted the fierce sum of two hundred a week.
Billy Rose grinned. "You couldn't get me to do those jumps for a thousand a week. Hire him. He's a class act."
Phil met the Austin Sisters at the rehearsal next day. They were gorgeous looking in long, white clinging gowns and they sang in beautiful harmony. Afterwards George took Phil over to them, and Phil noticed as they approached that there was a platinum blonde, a golden blonde and a brunette.
"My God!" he cried. "Texas... Maddy... Flair!"
The three women were as startled as Phil. Although Texas was past thirty-five she looked as slim and sexy as ever. Maddy and Flair in their late twenties were at the peak of their beauty.
"Phil... Oh, Phil... Hi, Phil..."
The three were as shy as he was. Long years had passed since they had last met. In the confusion and bustle of the rehearsal there was no time to talk but there were murmurs about getting together later.
However, it was George alone who brought Phil up to date later in Phil's hotel room. Phil had taken a place in the same hotel because it was inexpensive and there was no reason to waste money on luxurious quarters. This way he could save a lot from his salary. George told Phil that the girls worked well together, that they were his best act and got a lot of appearances on radio and with big bands. They even had some records out that sold well. No, Maddy had never married Vic. Vic Singleton owned some radio stations out West, and the Austin Sisters always had free time on the air when they were out there. Vic had never married either. Then he wanted to know about Phil.
Phil's story was simple. Water shows had been popular ever since Cleopatra floated down the Nile with nothing on her luscious body but an asp clasped to her wrist. Phil moved across the country to various colleges and universities putting on shows with the local students to raise money, sometimes for sports programs, sometimes for the schools themselves. He had a small company and didn't make much money, but it kept him active in the water world that he liked. He too had never married.
"And I take it easy on sex, George. I don't get myself in tangles the way I used to."
"Wish I could get into tangles. My three beautiful broads drive me crazy, but they won't put out."
Phil found that the old ache was there, the desire for Maddy, and, to his surprise for the bold Flair, almost as strongly. But when he approached Maddy for dates, she turned him down.
"We could've been great, Phil. But you're too wild, like the time in the tent with Flair. You'll bed any woman when your lust is up."
Nor could he get anything going with Flair. She said she'd given up "the wild ways of her youth" as if she were somehow old and gray!
Still, just being in Jumbo was lots of fun. The show opened with fanfares and Paul Whiteman appeared on a white stallion followed by his band, resplendent in blue and gold uniforms, music crashing. Then came a fantastic circus parade, complete with clowns, wild animals and the title figure of the show, the elephant Jumbo, with the human star, Jimmy Durante.
A cannon boomed. A young girl shot from its mouth. There was no net to catch her. As the audience gasped, her partner, from the sidelines, jumped forward to make the catch and save her life. A woman performer slid from the top balcony three hundred feet to the stage on a taut wire, hanging by her teeth. Another daredevil group did aerial stunts on a tiny plane that zipped around a recessed dome, high up.
In another set, a high wire artist did somersaults on a wire, as the spotlight gradually revealed that he worked above a cageful of snarling jungle cats. At the end he swung down into the cage... then ran to a safety door among the animals while the crowd screamed.
Besides the thrills there was music, including the Austin Sisters, comedy, including Phil's act and spectacles with Rose's specialty, fabulous showgirls. In a wedding scene forty beauties in white satin rode forty white horses, also arrayed in white. They were escorted by forty muscular boys in black tights riding black horses. A "bride and groom" descended from the ceiling amidst fluttering petals and surrounded by white doves.
Phil found that it was almost as much fun to watch the audience's reactions to the thrills, comedy and beauty spectacles as it was to be in the show.
I’ve always been a keen swimmer, and swimming seems to have had a large place in my early sex life. As I’ve written in another post I got my first hand job from a boy at a school swimming lesson. In my local swimming baths there were plenty of girls around for me to ogle and for me to show off my skimpy speedo style swim trunks bulging over my sex kit. I developed a taste for girls and women in swimsuits and to this day I don’t think anything shows off a woman’s body more sensuously than a...
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Mary enjoyed walking around the mall looking in the windows. It warm inside while snow fell outside. She stopped in front of one store. They were setting up a display for the new line of swimwear.Why not, she thought to herself. Going in she was met by an older woman. She looked to be in her late forties with shoulder length hair, a slender build. Her blouse hugged her, showing off her 36 inch breasts. Her skirt covered her meaty butt, and came down below her knees. Hello, my name is Beth she...
Swimsuit fantasy sex 2This one builds more slowly than my last story, hope it is just as hot at the end! My fantasy sex stories are unconnected to each other, are completely made up and are not a series. Maybe some of them might turn into series, but for now each one is a standalone story. This one was inspired by a sexy pic in my favorites, he's not hard to find :) EnjoyI was about 22 when I decided to go camping at a campground far from my home. I wanted to try sunbathing in a tiny...
Beth wrapped her arm around Mary pulling her tight against her. Taking Mary's hand she brought it up to her face. Mary began to shake as she watched Beth open her mouth and suck on her fingers. Removing her fingers and kissed her neck. Take your top off, Beth whispered. We shouldn't, Mary mumbled. Grabbing her shoulders, Beth spun Mary around. Pulling at the strings Beth untied her top and threw it on the floor. Pushing her back Beth set Mary down on the bench. Reaching behind her Beth unzipped...
By 1939 Billy Rose and the New York World's Fair were ready for each other. America's greatest city wanted a fabulous exposition. Rose wanted to nail down, once and for all, his reputation as a great showman. His 1935 Jumbo, his 1936 Ft. Worth Centennial Casa Manana, and his 1937 Cleveland Aquacade had lifted his star to the heights. Now he wished to put it in permanent orbit. Yet he was not chosen at first to have a part in the New York Fair. When he learned there was to be a 10,000 seat...
When racing the rule is: never wear anything new. I jumped into the pool in a neck-to-knee triathlon suit and I started my set. After a few lengths, I noticed a women holding a towel around her walking over to the fast lane. She was wearing a white swimming cap and goggles. She dropped her towel and placed it on the side. She was wearing a Speedo hydra-suit, all black. High-legged, but covered the body up to the neck with a zip down the back. She was a slim sporty build, with tall powerful...
As the cold air hit Mary she felt embarrassed. Beth felt her body tense up. Pushing her forward Beth said, I'll take care of you. Mary said, I wasn't raised this way. Going into her apartment Beth turned Mary around and kissed her deeply. As Beth pushed her coat off her shoulders Mary let it fall. As they hugged she pulled Mary's zipper down. Leading Mary to her bedroom, they stopped in front of the mirror. Standing behind her Beth whispered, just relax and watch. Her heart beat quickened as...
Phil had been wounded in the World War, so he knew danger; he even knew the stress of facing immediate death. But this afternoon he'd had a long swim and then delicious but exhausting sex, so he felt weak when Singleton's two thugs dragged him out on deck. He needed a few moments to recover. No man who ever had sex with Vic Singleton's ripe daughter was going to be able to climb into the prize ring right after! George Panther chatted nervously as he tried to cool the bootlegger down....
"I can get you Houdini," said Phil in a shaky voice. He sat at George's desk with the guns of the two hoods pointed at his head. Above him Singleton glowered down. Texas Bunny had fled the room, crying in her soft voice, "I hate the sight of blood." Outside the show went on, the tinkling music, the occasional splash of an awkward swimmer in the water, or rather gin tank. "What do you mean you can get me Houdini?" asked Vic. "Let me finish him, boss," begged one of the thugs....
The mayor of Atlantic City was there and a host of other city officials. As Phil predicted, Houdini drew senators, congressmen and other of the city's leading lights because it was a well- publicized black tie affair. There was barely room for the press, the important and the near important in the small auditorium and flash-powder trays burst in dazzling light as endless pictures were taken. A small orchestra played on the stage and then Phil put on his regular water show for the blue...
The Twentieth Century Limited roared into Chicago and dropped off Vic Singleton's group on its way to the coast. Out of Chicago they took the Coast Flyer for the rest of the transcontinental hop. The train swayed and bounced at a high rate of speed, but George Panther was bored. They had three more days and nights to reach Los Angeles, and nobody was happy in the group except Vic and Maddy. It was the middle of September, with Atlantic City and the water show behind them. As Houdini...
The train wheels clicked and the Pullman car rumbled while it swayed gently. George was all alone in a locked compartment with sexy young Maddy. She continued to sleep without the slightest sign of being aware anybody was in the room, her charms in that see-through negligee on bold display. Her skin was incredibly white and fine; her figure incredibly good. George could see almost every detail of her two ivory breasts, from the round bases up the exciting slopes to big aureoles and two...
"Pay attention," said Phil. He was lecturing Vic Singleton, George Panther, Maddy and Flair on endurance swimming in Vic's suite in a Long Beach hotel. The ex-bootlegger was having a hard time learning about this strange world, but with the announcement of the swim contestant to the papers and radio, Phil insisted that Vic as the sponsor ought to know a little about swimming and endurance. Phil pointed out that many land mammals besides man could swim, and in the case of fire or...
Billy Rose introduced the first aquacade to the American public at the Cleveland Fair in 1937. Nothing quite like it had ever been seen before. The moon, the stars and the sky served as an overhead setting for his ten thousand seat amphitheatre, with the waters of Lake Erie as a stage, or part of the stage. A water curtain of dancing fumes, colored by lights served as a curtain. When it was turned off the audience saw a long line of performers clad in white, skin-tight bathing suits, well...
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Hi friends, This is Ajay from Hyderabad..I am 29 years 5.10 height and smart looking with good physic and this is the my first sex story with ISS which happened recently, if there is any mistakes please forgive me,well coming to the story I am going to narrate in Telugu because it is bit convenient for me as firs timer. I use do chating regularly in one of the popular site,okaroju chatlo swetha housewife ani oka id kanipinchindhi nenu thanu ku regularga hi ani pingcheysanu thanu kuda hi ani...
Hi, this is Rahul (obviously fake name) and this is my first story. Sorry for my poor English. This story is a real incident happened one year ago. Only a few parts are fiction. I live in a flat with my colleague named ankit. He works in a software company and he won’t be available at home during weekdays. At that time I worked in a marketing agency. I hardly go to office. Most of the time I’ll be at home or in client’s place. Sathiya is my neighbour, good looking girl and has got a very good...
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Hey reader, what’s up? I’m jeeshan, a guy from Assam. I’m 5″8′ tall and have a sort-of muscular body. And for looks, I don’t know. You judge me. My Instagram is: @_jeeshan_ The models in this story is nazneen (name changed). She’s a beauty, but dumb, too. Beauty, because she is 38, 36, 38! Dumb, because she is married to an old fella. Let’s get to the story. Nazneen used to be my huge adult crush. There were numerous times when I had masturbated thinking about her. But being an introvert, I...
IncestThey walked to the front door of the Winery the next morning, hand in hand. Amanda was practically bouncing as they walked into the reception area. "Hi Cheryl!" Amanda said excitedly. "Oh, uh, hi..." "Amanda. Amanda Wilcox at your service! This lug is with me. He is doing the software integration!" Cheryl looked at John and remembered him from yesterday. "Oh yes, Mr. Marshall. Mrs. Phillips is expecting you." John started chuckling, and Amanda knew why. "Cheryl, please call him...
Hi Indian Sex Stories readers. This is Raghu from manipal (Near Udupi city). I am a regular reader of iss. Thanks iss admin for uploading my story at iss. so i decided to write my first story. so i am writing story in kannada. If any Aunties or girls want to chat or for something else please contact me. My mail id – ( I will give promise . i will never explose your’s details). Now i will come to story. If any mistakes in my story please Sorry for that. Hi guys edhu nanna 4 varshada hindhina...
lilbigal I am the only one watching you lay and bed and stroke that dick of yours. Do you like a woman to watch you jack off ? quantex7811 yes love girls lilbigal You like to rub that dick up and down until it gets so hard you cant stop the cum flow? quantex7811 i do edge till it burst out of my shaft lilbigal You like me talking like a little slut for you? lilbigal Tell me how big is your fat dick? quantex7811 sluttier the better kinky as u can get quantex7811 big enough to fit ur pussy...
Just hum [Mf reluctant cons bd]by didmaker-------------The sun was well past noon as the large greyhound bus pulled into the terminal. Silas was leaning against his car and watched the people disembarking as the midday heat shimmered over the asphalt. A familiar face and a shout told him his niece Mary had appeared from the buss. She was a tall blond woman with blue eyes and at 22 she looked exactly like her mother, Silas brother's widow, at that age. She frantically waved at him so he waved...
Kendra made sure nothing was crushed or melted and then took a long swig of water from her canteen. She was the younger of the two, but barely. The two were scarcely a year apart, and since their parents had died several years ago they had become very close, as the only family they had left. Her hair was dark black, while Dawn’s was brown. She was a little shorter than her older sister, but her body had more curve and she secretly delighted in the fact that her breasts were slightly...
Tom Smith came to attention the third time the student cleared his throat. Kevin had been trying to get the professor’s attention for a few minutes, but the professor had been lost deep in thought. He had been a professor in the paralegal program for six years. As he liked to tell people, he was a civil litigation attorney by day and a professor at night. His day job paid the bills, but teaching was his passion. He loved the rush he got from teaching. He enjoyed seeing the light ‘switch...
So I decided not to wait and post a follow-up to my previous story. I had described how I lost my virginity to Dipti, my hot sexy aunty before heading off to college. I’d definitely recommend reading that story before moving on to this as it would help you gain context. The college began, and I got extremely busy tackling and experiencing all the new things it threw at me. I still thought of Dipti aunty nearly every single day. I jerked off an uncountable number of times, thinking back to how I...
I’ve been up all night studying for an exam I have coming up in psychology and I’ve fallen asl**p at the desk it’s been a long night and I’m so tired I can resist anymore so I just lay back and fell asl**p in the chair. I’m having an amazing dream you have came back home and have stripped naked and are slowly rubbing my cock in my boxers. The dream feels so real it’s so goddamn good. I open my eyes and see your head in my lap bobbing up and down as you suck on my cock it feels so good you...
This is my first story. There will be more to come. Includes anal, oral, vaginal, first time, facial, and some spanking. ********************** I was so excited. I had backstage passes to the Hartford concert of the Dropkick Murphys, my favorite band, who also my cousin plays in. As I was walking onto the stage, to get a prime viewing area, the manager asked me if I could help out the crew. I moved a few amps around, and then got a space on the stage. The band came on, and began to play. People...
EroticBook One: The Quest Chapter Three: The Hopeless Quest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare “Anoint her and give her a Quest!” screamed Vivian, her voice muffled by the knight's tangy pussy and thighs sitting on my face. My face was smeared with pussy juices. Knight Angela was a squirter. I did love eating pussy, but now my insides twisted as I awaited to hear what horrible Quest she received...
Bahamas AdventureOne time when we were vacationing in Florida we took this day cruise to the Bahamas. All the way over there this young black hunk was watching me with my husband on the deck. When we got our mopeds at the cruise ship terminal and rode to our hotel, I was surprised to see he was checking in to the same hotel. My husband I played beach volleyball when we got there, then went back to the room to make love and order room service. After a nap, we dressed for the evening and went to...
Hello, and welcome. This is my first storybook. Hope you enjoy. Chapter – 1 – The Journey Begins – Turning 19 – Dream or Reality – Losing Virginity – Masturbation – Not Enough – First Kiss – Missionary Position PRESENT DAY November 16th, 2019: Today is my 29th birthday. My first normal birthday in the last 10 years. My husband recently left for UAE, It’s his first job in a foreign country. We are both excited for his new job opportunity as our life was going to change As we all know there is...