In Your EyesChapter 3 free porn video

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They walked to the front door of the Winery the next morning, hand in hand. Amanda was practically bouncing as they walked into the reception area.

"Hi Cheryl!" Amanda said excitedly.

"Oh, uh, hi..."

"Amanda. Amanda Wilcox at your service! This lug is with me. He is doing the software integration!"

Cheryl looked at John and remembered him from yesterday. "Oh yes, Mr. Marshall. Mrs. Phillips is expecting you."

John started chuckling, and Amanda knew why. "Cheryl, please call him John. When you call him Mr. Marshall he starts looking around for his dad." They both chuckled louder at this.

"Alright Amanda. Um, John."

John spoke up, "Amanda is quite right, and thank you..."

"Cheryl, please call me Cheryl"

"Cheryl. Thank you, and have a nice day", John finished.

As they walked back towards Lori's office, Cheryl, back at the reception area was dumbfounded. She had seen Amanda before, of course, but Amanda seemed to be the type to come in, work, and go home, no chit chat. As for John, while he seemed to be as cheerful as yesterday, today he seemed truly happy. She had of course, heard rumors about what happened the day before in the conference room, something amazing. She had heard that there was some upset involving Amanda and John, but they didn't seem to be upset at all.

Amanda knocked on Lori's door which was open. Lori looked and saw both Amanda and John standing there, hand in hand, with big sloppy smiles on their faces. She smiled at them and motioned them into her office. John closed the door behind them. They both sat down facing Lori.

"Lori, before we start, I'd like to say something", John started.

"Certainly, go ahead."

"Well, first of all I would like to apologize for the upset yesterday. I realize it wasn't very professional, especially after the kind words you had for me earlier. Considering what happened yesterday, you might be happier with another integrator." Amanda was upset as he said this, but they had discussed it that morning before coming in.

"I see. Could you please explain?"

"Well, first of all, I came apart. Unglued is more like it. I'm just not sure if your staff would be willing to work with me, given those circumstances."

"And you are better this morning, I take it."

"Actually I have never felt better in my life. You see, Amanda and I rediscovered each other yesterday. It all start..."

"John?" Lori interrupted.


"Could you hold on a minute? I think you'll be surprised; both of you in fact." Lori reached for the phone and dialed an extension. "Mike? Yes, they're here. Could you come to my office for a second? Thanks." She hung up the phone.

About two minutes later, Mike Edwards knocked on the door and came in. Lori motioned him over to stand by the side of the desk so everyone could see him.

"John, this is Mike Edwards, Amanda's Supervisor. Mike, this is John Marshall", Lori said.

They exchanged greetings. John was a little nervous. Why did Lori cut him off? She didn't want to hear it? Was ready to throw him, maybe both of them, out? And why did she call Mike? Lori broke his thoughts.

"Mike, we talked last evening, and again this morning about what happened yesterday, correct?"

"We sure did, Lori."

"Could you please repeat to them what you told me? You know the part I'm talking about."

"Certainly." He smiled which thoroughly confused both John and Amanda.

"What I told Lori last night and repeated again this morning is that what I saw in the conference room yesterday..." He paused and both John and Amanda squeezed each other's hand waiting for the other shoe to drop. Mike continued, "Was the most powerful display of raw emotions and love I have ever seen. You were both so captivated, so mesmerized by the sight of each other that the rest of the room, no, the rest of the world didn't exist. It was an awesome, as in awe inspiring, thing I have ever witnessed."

Amanda and John just sat there, their jaws hanging open.

Lori asked, "Do you think John will be a problem for your staff? Do you think they can work with him?"

"As I told you this morning, Lori, it won't be a problem at all. I spoke with most of them last evening, and there won't be a problem at all. In fact, if we did replace John, not only would I lose one of our best marketing employees in Amanda, but my wife would personally kill me."

Lori chuckled a little, "Why is that, Mike?"

"Because, after I went home last night and practically attacked my wife in the kitchen, she would surely kill me if I removed the source of that passion!" Mike blushed as he finished.

"I know what you mean, Mike." Lori didn't explain further, but the gleam in her eye was explanation enough.

John, finally closing his mouth, found words to speak, "So you mean you're not throwing me out? That you think the staff can work with me?"

"Definitely, John", Mike said, "in fact, I've seen a lot of goofy grins in the office this morning from folks who were in that conference room yesterday, particularly on the faces of the ones in a relationship!"

Both Amanda and John slumped a little in their chairs, then hugged each other in relief.

Lori spoke, "The reason I stopped your story, John, is that I know you might have told more than you wanted to and it's yours and Amanda's life. I've checked around, even before you came here, about you abilities, and all I've heard are great things. I've also heard from a couple of people that you looked like you were quickly heading for burnout. You're not my employee, of course, and it would not concern most people, as long as you did what you were supposed to, but we try to live up to what many companies try to say they are, a family. And since you were Amanda's concern, it certainly concerns me. Now, looking at you yesterday morning, before the conference room, I had that same impression myself. You were professional, even a little flirtatious, but it seemed a little forced, and you looked exhausted. Today, I see the same person, but the personality is completely different and all I see in your eyes is pure joy."

Lori continued, "As for you Amanda, I see what you said yesterday, about your personality, I mean. You know, I think you're great, and you're going to do great things in your field. I hope it's done right here. However, I always saw a tinge of sadness in you, and you seemed to be a little... closed off would be the best term. Now, you're holding hands, and... Geez, I didn't think you ever dated or had any personal life at all. Anyway, I think this is just great, and my feeling echo Mike's exactly."

Amanda beamed at Lori, "Oh, thank you Lori... Mike. I look happy because I am happy! And if you liked my work for you before, wait until you get the full Amanda effect!" They all laughed at this.

Lori concluded, "Well, I think at this point, we need to try take two." She smiled as she said, "Do you think you can give your overview this morning with out the... interruptions?"

John smiled as he said, "You bet. Thank you, both of you", he said as he looked at Mike and Lori, "This will be the best and smoothest integration you've ever seen!"

The presentation and subsequent meetings went off without a hitch. John was working with the individual groups on what they needed the software to do, and introducing some ideas of his own. Each evening, Amanda and he would walk hand in hand out the front door to either his car or her car, depending on who was driving, and they would go back to her apartment. They traded off cooking each other a meal with imagination, each one trying to out cook the other when it was that person's turn, then snuggle together on the couch, watching TV or listening to music. As always they found they had the same taste in music, and loved hearing what the other selected. The then retired to the bedroom each night and made long, slow, passionate love to each other. They fell asleep each night spooning each other, with either John behind Amanda or her behind him.

The end of the first week approached, and John went into a temporary office they assigned to him to call his main office to check in and give a status report. John checked his e-mail on his laptop, of course, throughout the week, but he liked to check in with a status over the phone on Fridays. He called his boss, who happened to be his friend Don Roberts.

"Hi Don, how goes it?"

"Hey, John! How are you doing? How are things in Santa Rosa?"

"Just fine Don, just fine. Actually, check that, more than fine. It has been quite an amazing week."

"How so, are you ahead of schedule?"

"Actually I'm on schedule now. I, uh, started a day behind, but we're caught up and cooking now."

"Why is that, John? I know you got there well ahead of time to see your folks, so how did you end up a day behind?"

"Well, there was an incident in the conference room on the first day, when I usually give my presentation."

"What kind of incident? Was there a fight or something? Someone get out of control? I know it wasn't you John, or you wouldn't be there." What John didn't know was that Don had already talked to Lori after they were in her office on Tuesday. Don liked to do some discrete checking with the client to make sure they were happy with whoever he sent on an assignment. He knew everything was alright, but wanted to find out how his friend would describe events, especially since Lori didn't tell him who the incident was over.

"Well, actually I did get out of control, in a way. I, uh, oh shit!"

"Go on, John." Don liked hearing John squirm a little as a friend, to tease him, but he also knew it was difficult for him. He changed tactics a little to help John out. "John?"

"Yes, Don?"

"I talked to Lori on Tuesday, if that helps."

"You did?"

"Yes. You know I like to call the client sometimes to make sure things are going smoothly."

"Really?" John was surprised, but he really wasn't. It made good business sense to do that, but it never came up in conversation between the two of them.

"Yes, really, John. Who was this about? Is Julia up there now?"

"No!", John shouted, then, in a quiet voice, he said, "It's Amanda."

"Amanda?!? The one you've been pining for all this time? Your high school sweetheart?"

"One and the same", John allowed himself to chuckle a little. He then had a thought, "What do you mean pining over all this time?"

"Well, it may have not been obvious to you, but even when you were with Julia, you seemed to have this little something in your speaking voice when you spoke of her, or even when you were together. There were just no sparks. I know you tried to put up a brave front and all that, even tried to look happy, but I could tell, and so could Joe, that there was something missing."

Don continued, "It all came together one night about a year ago. Do you remember that night when your friend, Eric was down here?"

"Sure, but I don't know what that has to do with anything."

"Well, it did. Anyway, it was Eric's first night down here. We were talking and drinking on a Friday night, and you started mentioning your old times together, having a great time. Then Amanda's name came up."

"Yeah, go on." John was realizing he wasn't as clever around his friends as he thought, as he heard his friend speak.

"Well, anyway, when that happened, you got real quiet, and talked about her in hushed tones, very serious. There's one thing I've always seen in your eyes, ever since I've known you. It's something buried in you, but I wasn't sure what it was until you spoke about Amanda. It was pain, John. Pain, and regret, and sadness. It came out in spades in your eyes, and in your voice. You were suffering, John, even though you were still with Julia."

"Don, I would have been shocked by this just a week ago, but I'm not anymore. Not after seeing her and talking with others around here." John had spoken with his mother earlier in the week as well as Eric. They were all ecstatically happy for him.

"It was something you either needed to get over or find her, John. There really wasn't anything else for anyone to do for you. You know, I think Julia realized it also. Now, I know Julia broke up with you over her 'career', but I truly feel that the real reason was that she could never have you, all of you. You were holding that for someone else, someone that may never have received it."

"You know, that actually makes sense, looking at it that way", John said, and it was true.

"Anyway, how are things with Amanda? She took things well I take it."

"More than well, Don, more than well. Even in my dreams I couldn't imagine how I feel right now!" Don could almost see John's smile over the phone. He was happy for his friend, but it, of course, presented new difficulties.

Don thought for a moment, then he spoke again, "Well, I am happy for you, as a friend, John. Very happy for you. As your boss, though, I'm a little worried now. You're my best employee John, and that's speaking professionally, not just as your friend. I'd hate to lose you, but I also know you were running yourself into the ground. In fact, I was going to have a talk with you after you came back from this trip. Make you take some vacation time or something. Anyway, do you know what your plans are beyond this trip?"

"I'm pretty sure what I want to do, but I have to talk to Amanda. I see what you're getting at, of course, and I will say that Amanda and I will not have a long distance relationship. I will say that she likes it here, and she's working in Marketing for the Winery. I know it's putting you in a bind, my friend, but we need to figure out where we will live; together of course."

"I understand, but I'm torn, both as a friend and as your boss." Don thought for a moment. "Why don't you do this? When you come back next weekend, bring Amanda with you. Let her see Phoenix, and even bring her in on Monday. We could always use a Marketing person, and if she's as good as I have a feeling she is, maybe we could work something out. I have ulterior motives, of course, mainly in trying to keep you, but let's see what happens."

"That sounds good to me, Don, and thank you. I can't guarantee anything, and I want her to be happy, but we'll see."

"Good enough. I take it your staying with her? I know you're not sleeping on the streets", Don laughed.

"Yes, I'm staying with her", John laughed in reply, "but how would you know that?"

"Because I tried calling your hotel on Wednesday, and they said you checked out!"

"Oops, sorry about that, Don, I know I should have called you sooner about this."

"That's alright, I knew you were going to call on Friday. You always do, and Lori said that things were going well there, so I didn't worry too much."

"Thanks, Don. You're a good friend, and a good boss."

"Anytime, John. Oh, and take her somewhere nice this weekend, would you? On the company. We need to recruit her to get her interested in coming to work down here!"

"I'll do that, Don", John chuckled. "Thanks again, and I'll see you on the following Monday."

"Alright, John. Take care and good bye."

John talked to Amanda about his conversation with Don during lunch. She was excited that Don was making an effort to accommodate their relationship, and agreed to go with him back to Phoenix with a huge smile. She asked Lori for two days off the week they were down there, and Lori agreed, but not without some worry that she might lose Amanda.

John took Amanda into San Francisco on Saturday to go to dinner, then dancing. While John was never one for dancing, he knew that Amanda loved it, and John actually never felt like a total clod when he had Amanda in his arms, when they danced. They went to a seafood grotto on Fisherman's Wharf, then downtown to go dancing. They had a wonderful time, dancing, talking (well screaming actually, due to the noise), and just basking in the glow of being together.

On Sunday, Amanda took John to the sights around Santa Rosa, showing him the area, which he had only seen parts of on previous wine tasting trips. They went to the coast, driving along Highway 1, and went to a couple of wineries on the way back in towards Amanda's home. John had never seen this part of the coast, and they stopped a couple of times along the way to watch the ocean, take a walk along the pier at Bodega Bay, and looked to the world like what they were: A young couple in love.

They went to the Winery on Monday, and John resumed his work with individuals, while Amanda did her everyday job in Marketing. John had not gotten together with Amanda yet for her portion of the project, as, the way John put it, "I'm saving the best for last."

On Tuesday, Mike called Amanda into his office. John was finishing up with the last of the Sales department, and Amanda was next on his list. Amanda walked into his office, and Mike offered her a seat.

"Please, sit down, Amanda."

"Thanks, Mike. What's up?" Although Amanda didn't show it, she was a little nervous. She was typically left to do her work, once she had been shown the ropes by Mike and Lori when she first started.

"Well, Amanda, first of all I just want you to know that it's no big deal here. I have been speaking with each person before John gets to them for their piece of the integration."

Amanda relaxed when she heard this, but still wasn't completely convinced that it was the only reason she had been asked into Mike's office. She wasn't mistaken.

"Well, anyway, Amanda, I know that you are comfortable with what you are looking for with the software integration, at least from a professional standpoint." Mike smiled at this.

"However, I also know, from Lori, that you're going to Phoenix this weekend. I'm not sure if you even know, but do you know what your intentions are? I'm sorry to ask, but if you're not going to be here, I need to know, in case I need someone else to complete your piece of the puzzle."

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Yours to Share

I haven’t been allowed to wear panties for weeks, ever since I forgot to get on my knees one night when you came home. That rule is simple: when you walk through the door of any room I am in, I must get down on my knees and open my mouth to you. Sometimes you use my mouth, and sometimes you don’t. Either way, you don’t care my mouth desires you or not, you take what you want. It’s Tuesday today, so I come home from class expecting you to have a five day week planned for me and my holes....

4 years ago
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Yours to take

You have been reborn. Whatever you did on earth, it was surely spectacular to warrent the reward you are recieving, but that is no longer relevant. You have been placed on a world where there are no men- every single living thing is female. This world contains countless species, ranging from human to alien to monsters to mythological beings. The darkness fades from your eyes, and you realize that you are falling- clouds rush past faster than you are comfortable with. As the green landscape...

4 years ago
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Your TV Adventure

AN OPEN LETTER TO THE READER FROM "c.c." Author of "TV for a Week", "Evelyn's TV Dance" etc... Dear Reader, The other day, I heard someone say that for a writer to take his work seriously, the characters he creates must be Important to him. It was a pretty innocuous statement, but it got me to thinking. Over the last few years, I have created several characters, and put them into painful and embarrassing predicaments just so you, the Reader, could laugh at their antics and enjoy...

4 years ago
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Your Treat

You opened the front door softly, hoping to surprise me with your early arrival from work. You stepped through the entrance way slowly, making sure to shut the door behind you with care. You unbuckled your tool belt from the waist of your jeans, carefully setting it on the door mat. Around the corner, you see that the door to the study is open, and you can hear me click-clacking on the computer. You know that I have been extremely stressed lately, and you hope that what you have in mind will...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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your need My whip

your need , My whip by Midnytedreams I enter the shop and see that two woman are by themselves looking at the novelties and lingerie in the store, with the lone female cashier behind her counter. I walk up to the counter and tell her My name and ask "Has My package arrived yet ,  I special ordered it"?. She looks on the computer and says. "Yes Sir, if you will wait one moment I will get it". She walks walks around the counter and into the back, and goes to gets it. I wait and  I feel the two...

2 years ago
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Your rape part 1

Please give me some feedback. The day has come, I have been watching you for a while. I have plotted your movement, your schedule. I know when you are home, when you are school, when you work, I know what you had for lunch today. Your roommate just left for the weekend, right on time. You are alone for the weekend, just like last weekend, and the one before. Sitting in my car I check my equipment one more time, while I rehearse everything in my mind. The coil of rope around my waist,...

4 years ago
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Your Trip For Women

I am 20, and live in Barnsley a small town in Yorkshire, near the North of England. You had to look at all sorts of maps but finally found me. We had met on the web on a site that you put your picture and rated others on how sexy you thought they were, you had seen my pic on there and instantly hit 'contact me' I had looked at your picture and instantly hit it too, you were very attractive and there was no way I wasn't going to click back to you and rate you a perfect 10 Finally we...

4 years ago
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Your First Threesome

After 23 years and three kids, things are bound to get stale. But one night can bring the fire back from smoldering coals to a raging inferno, and a single dream can turn our lives around. Waking together in bed and you are horny as hell. Your pussy is dripping wet as my fingers find your heat. ‘Good dream?’ I ask. ‘Oh yes, I dreamed you were eating me while another guy was holding my hands and thrusting his cock down my throat!’ you reply. Now I know you have had dreams and fantasies about...

2 years ago
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Your First Threesome

After 23 years and three kids, things are bound to get stale. But one night can bring the fire back from smoldering coals to a raging inferno, and a single dream can turn our lives around. Waking together in bed and you are horny as hell. Your pussy is dripping wet as my fingers find your heat. "Good dream?" I ask. "Oh yes, I dreamed you were eating me while another guy was holding my hands and thrusting his cock down my throat!" you reply. Now I know you have had dreams and fantasies about...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Your Master

You just received a call from your Master that has just set you on edge with excitement and curiosity. He has told you to meet Him at His place, the instructions are very specific. you are to arrive at the house at 4:30, let yourself into the shower and dress in the clothes He has left you in the bedroom. Wait for Him in the front room until He arrives. You are not to do anything else. You arrive at the house and let yourself in, the anticipation is killing you so you head directly to the...

4 years ago
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Your Master

You just received a call from your Master that has just set you on edge with excitement and curiosity. He has told you to meet Him at His place, the instructions are very specific. you are to arrive at the house at 4:30, let yourself into the shower and dress in the clothes He has left you in the bedroom. Wait for Him in the front room until He arrives. You are not to do anything else. You arrive at the house and let yourself in, the anticipation is killing you so you head directly to the...

2 years ago
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Your Trip For Men

I am 20, and live in Barnsley a small town in Yorkshire, near the North of England. You had to look at all sorts of maps but finally found me. We had met on the web on a site that you put your picture and rated others on how sexy you thought they were, you had seen my pic on there and instantly hit ‘contact me’ I had looked at your picture and instantly hit it too, you were very attractive and there was no way I wasn’t going to click back to you and rate you a perfect 10 Finally we...

2 years ago
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Your fantasy comes true

I'm in my hotel and I'm both nervous and excited. The thought of our last meeting keeps running through my head. Recalling the scene as it played out: you two coming to my hotel and putting on a show. It was incredible. Just the thought of watching you two make love is enough to place me in the moment. I can feel the energy and excitement that we generated. As I'm lost in the memory I hear a knock at the door which snaps me out of it. I answer the door and greet you both. Your easy-going...

2 years ago
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Your Day

So far it had been a long day for you – work sucked, your body was so sore it hurt just to move. All you really wanted to do was take a shower and sl**p, but little did you know how true that was or how you were going to get it. Small hands ran up and down your back, slipping under your shirt in the process to press flesh against flesh. Somewhat surprising you, but letting you know that your lover knew what your day had been. Stroking your back, and then moving to your waist to gently pinch the...

3 years ago
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Your first woman

You pour me another glass of wine, the night air is cooling but the water in the hot tub is keeping us from getting chilled. The party has moved inside but there are still three of us left. You sit snuggled up beside me, legs intertwined under the water. You have one leg over mine and the other spread out to the side, exposing your pussy without being too obvious about it. S sits across from us, we are talking quietly, enjoying the sounds of the night. I had turned off the lights earlier so we...

4 years ago
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Your Birthday Present

I called you from work today and asked you if you felt like eating Chinese or Spanish tonight... You said you felt like Chinese, I said okay, I'll bring some home for you. Next I told you how I wanted you to be ready for your present that I brought for you... I told you that I would be home from work at 6 and by the time I got home, you were to be freshly showered and perfumed, nude on the bed with your legs wide open, cuffed to the bottom corners of the bed, your blindfold on and your...

4 years ago
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Your Going to Love It GayMaker

Hey Baby,It's been a long time since we've been together alone. I'm glad to hear that your wife is out of town. I have been so horny thinking about you.... I've been thinking about this moment... for so long... and what it would be like when I got you all alone... away from your wife... and all to myselfBaby... I have brought you a present... and I think you are going to love it. But first... I want you to get naked. Take off all of your close. That's it... strip all the way down. Take off your...

3 years ago
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Your Story

I'd been away for six days. You'd started a new job and we hadn't fucked in over a week. Our longest drought yet. Your filthy messages and hot pictures whilst I was away had not exactly dimmed my lust and need for you. Just this morning you'd sent me your latest fantasy and a story idea from a dream you'd had.When I arrived home I sat down to write it for you as a surprise and now an hour later the first version is done as I hear your keys in the door and then it swings open. Sitting in...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Your wife tries black cock

Laura and her husband had been enjoying a bit of a renaissance in their sex life, going out more and trying out new things. It was on one of their date nights that you admitted to Luara that it turned you on when she dressed up a little especially when the other guys checked her out. Laura was a little taken aback at first, taking herself off to the restroom to freshen up. On her return to the bar Laura strayed to the other end of the bar, taking a bar stool and showing off some thigh as she...

2 years ago
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Your Fantasy

This is my dream fantasy ..if any woman , girl, couple wants to be part of it..most welcome. Please read it slowly & imagine the woman as you..Happy reading We check into a beach resort somewhere in Mauritius. Our room is very spacious with all amenities like a mini pool, Jacquzi, Shower panels in bath room. The two big couches in the rooms were giving a tempting invitation to have some naughty fun on them. The bed is king size round in shape with as many as seven pillows of different sizes...

2 years ago
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Your Master Requires Your Presence

Your Master RequiresYour Presence Cathy leaned back in her seat, resigned to her fate. Inhindsight, it had been foolish and stupid, she knew better. But she had doneit anyway, and now she must pay the price. If she had only stopped to think,listened, made the effort to understand, none of this would have been necessary.As she sat there, under the guard's watchful eye, she thought back, wasit really only a day ago ? It had been a Friday afternoon. Cecilia had called aboutthe party, all their...

4 years ago
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Your first holiday together

You are on your first real foreign sun holiday with your wife, the place you have picked is everything you thought it would be. The scenery, the restaurants, the pool, the beach, the only thing your wife has found to complain about is that her bikinis are a bit out of date and she needed to buy some new ones. Shopping for new bikinis wasn't your thing but you could go and find a good place ot eat and meet back with your wife back at the square in a half hour or so.Your wife was a little lat,...

4 years ago
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Your New Toy 8211 Fantasy Of A Slave

Hello everyone, my name is Nikhil. I am an 18 years old virgin guy in his first year of engineering in bangalore. I have a 5.5inch uncut cock and a bubble ass. Yes im a bisexual,but more than that, i love to be girlish and serve women. Especially older ones. This is my first story which is fictional. It is told from my mistress’s point of you. Hope you all like it.I patiently wait for you in the room, sitting on the bed for your arrival. When you come in, you see me sitting on the edge of the...

2 years ago
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Your Move Part 2 Kallis Turn

Seven years since you’d last seen your sister’s husband, Evan, when you were an eighteen year-old starting your last year of high school. Seven years since you had watched the way he confidently led your sister across the dance floor at the wedding reception. Seven years since you had (somewhat) guiltily fantasized that he would be consummating a relationship with you, not Alyssa, and that you would be joining him on the honeymoon to St. Lucia.As you worked your way through another set at...

3 years ago
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Your Birthday Surprise

When you walk in the door, the kids pounce on you with their wrapped gifts. "Here Dad, happy birthday!" "Open mine first!" You chuckle, thinking "Now this is more like what a birthday evening should be." "Ok, ok. Let me at least put my stuff down." You sit at the kitchen table and unwrap the trinkets. "Dinner smells good, babe. What is it?" "Crispy chicken and rice. Only the best for my sweetheart." "That's what I thought." You wink at me and go back to being delighted over...

3 years ago
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Your Weekly Massage

A substitude masseur strokes your fantasies.Laying on your tummy, naked, you wait for your weekly massage. Much toyour chagrin, in walks a substitute for your normal masseur. You quicklytry to cover up with a towel but fail as it is caught under you. Totallyembarrassed, you give up, as he greets you with a smile. He is tall anddark, broad shouldered, with intelligent blue eyes, strong looking armsand hands.He asks, "What will it be today? Shoulders? Full body or somethingspecial?" Again he...

2 years ago
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Your Weekly Massage

Laying on your tummy, naked, you wait for your weekly massage. Much to your chagrin, in walks a substitute for your normal masseur. You quickly try to cover up with a towel but fail as it is caught under you. Totally embarrassed, you give up, as he greets you with a smile. He is tall and dark, broad shouldered, with intelligent blue eyes, strong looking arms and hands.He asks, "What will it be today? Shoulders? Full body or something special?" Again he looks at your naked bum with a smile. You...

4 years ago
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Your First Taste

When you walk in you are instructed to strip and drop to your knees as I hood, collar and gag you. I pull out the key to your cage and release your poor trapped cock as it slides out I blow creating a gentle breeze and tingle over it as I gently cup and caress your balls massaging them for the first touch of skin to skin contact they have felt in weeks….I fill the palm of my hands with a warm vanilla oil and the scent fills your lungs as you take a slow deep breath in while I slowly but firmly...

4 years ago
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Your fantasies

I booked a hotel near you, and when i arrive i call you up and tell you that i am there. i invite you over, and you agree to meet me.When you arrive at the hotel you find a message to just come up to my room. At the door of my room you see a blindfold hanging at the first you are scared a little and you understand the meaning of it.but out of currioussity you putt the blindfold over your eyes and you enter the can hear me closing the door behind you and how i come standing...

4 years ago
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Your Sexy Body

The Memories Live On.To that special someone, with my endless gratitude./ /( You know whoyou are )Yes, I'm indeed grateful to you.Grateful because you showed me, or should I say reminded me, of theabundant pleasures and delights that the body of a sexy lady offers tothe attentive man.Let's start with your hair.Memories of being treated to the tantalizing way your hair so lightlybrushed over my skin and teased me while you gave me the best oral sexI've ever had, lives vividly in my mind. All I...

5 years ago
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Your Sexy Body

To that special someone, with my endless gratitude. ( You know who you are )Yes, I'm indeed grateful to you.Grateful because you showed me, or should I say reminded me, of the abundant pleasures and delights that the body of a sexy lady offers to the attentive man.Let's start with your hair.Memories of being treated to the tantalizing way your hair so lightly brushed over my skin and teased me while you gave me the best oral sex I've ever had, lives vividly in my mind. All I could do was lay...

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