Bk 2, Ch 5: Curtain Call free porn video

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Two massive thumps sounded from west of the beach, followed by the horrific whistling sound as dozens of arrows took flight. Two massive wooden shafts impacted one of the akatus approaching the beach, sending splinters and body parts flying. A cloud of arrows struck the members of the fourth wave as they ran headlong towards the fighting. A lithe woman vomited blood across her bared breasts as she gripped the arrow sticking out of the side of her neck. A male warleader yelled in pain and went down as an arrow shattered his thigh. A proud Blade yelped in surprise as an arrow whipped past her face. She slipped in the sand and ran headlong onto one of the beach obstacles. Shit stained her thighs as she clutched desperately at the massive wooden stake impaling her belly.

“Loose” shouted Inger, and fifty more arrows sailed towards the running Arkadians. A twenty-year-old, her sandy bangs held back with a blue headband, tumbled into the sand as she was struck by two arrows. A rookie Wildcat skidded to a halt and turned towards where the first volley had come from. With dread, she registered the flight of the second volley a half-second before an arrow punched through her breastbone. A tanned teenager in a cotton bra and shorts screeched in agony, her heels digging furrows into the sand. An arrow was so deep in her left side that the white feathers nearly touched her flesh. A blooded veteran was on her knees, babbling feverishly and holding her hands to her mutilated breasts, a single arrow from the side piercing both golden orbs.

With a mighty roar, Viking warriors rose out of the long grass west of the beach and charged along the edge of the shore. Vidar was at their head, eager to prove himself as the rightful leader of his clan. Torstein, eager to regain his honor after the assault on Zavala, was close behind. Torstein alone appreciated the irony that not two weeks ago, he had charged along this same route as he assaulted Zavala. Now, he charged in its defense.

On the night of the thirteenth day, Noll had arrived with a welcome surprise. He’d ditched the majority of his carts and drove the bulk of his force through the night to arrive a day earlier than expected. With him were the last of my forty warriors, two ballista, and an additional sixty blood-thirsty allies. These men and women, under the command of Eberhard of Aaskor, had grown restless as the rest of the Clan armies regrouped and consolidated their hold on the coast. They had heard about my conquest of Zavala and now sought glory and riches under my banner.

In the night, the two ballista were set up and camouflaged at the edge of the beach. The reinforcements then retreated back into the forest to rest in the cover of the thick brush. The next day, as the battle began, they crawled on hands-and-knees through the long grass to reach their positions. They were joined later by the thirty warriors that had “fled” from the main defensive line. My archers, their usefulness in the main defensive line at an end, arrived shortly thereafter.

In order to preserve the element of surprise, I had given the enemy commander the exact performance that he had expected to see. He had expected a force of roughly two hundred men, so I showed him a force of roughly two hundred. He had expected my forces to be poorly armed and poorly trained, so I had my archers purposefully shoot poorly and hid my shields until the last possible second. He had expected my forces to cut and run like cowards, so I had a sizeable portion of my force run away like cowards. He had expected me to fight like an unsophisticated brigand, never expecting that I would hide another force behind the curtain.

One hundred screaming Clan warriors charged down the beach in a hammer’s blow. Abandoned canoes and bodies clogged the beach which forced many of the enemy warriors in the fourth wave to swim to shore, breaking up the cohesion of the landing force. The two hundred Arkadian warriors of the fourth wave were now spread out along the entire length of the beach, unable to mount an organized defense against the assault from their flank. Volleys of arrows cut down dozens, while charging berserkers swept the rest aside like chaff.

Vidar clotheslined a man and kept running, leaving him to be finished off by another man. Torstein dragged his sword across the toned belly of a young blonde woman and sprinted to catch up to Vidar. The woman stared in horror at the puce loops of intestines that bulged from her belly. Miraculously, she stayed on her feet until a passing Viking knocked her to the ground. Hrafn slashed the breasts of a terrified young woman who held her weapon out as if to ward away a demon. A stunning female warleader dropped her spear and turned to flee. Odur rammed his blade so far into her back that the point burst bloodily from her belly. Another fleeing Arkadian cried out and threw up her arms as a small hatchet caught her between her shoulder blades.

The ballistae boomed once more, sending two shafts of pure destruction out over the water. One splashed harmlessly into the water, but the other struck an akatus at the waterline. Packed tight with warriors and already sitting low in the water, the ship sank within seconds. The archers shifted their fire from the beach to the transports and canoes that were trying to land, utilizing their skills and their powerful compound bows to great effect. Packed tightly together in their landing craft, the Arkadians of the fifth and final wave were massacred, little more than target practice for seasoned marksmen. A punishing volley scattered across an akatus full of elite Arkadian warriors. Less than a dozen arrows missed their mark, leaving only a handful horrified oarsmen and warriors unscathed. Another volley reduced that number even further. The only uninjured survivors, two oarsmen who had been shielded by the bodies of their comrades, took the hint and leapt overboard.

Camille stared in horror as enemy warriors eviscerated the fourth wave and archers tore apart the fifth. These were men and women she’d known for years in the Falkirk Guard—had bled beside on numerous raids—and now they were dying before her very eyes. Enemy archers turned one akatus into a floating pincushion at a range that should have been impossible. The warriors and oarsmen on the vessel lay bleeding and writhing on top of one another; there wasn’t enough room on the deck for them all to fall. They enemy’s powerful superweapon boomed once more, flinging iron-tipped trees high into the air. Both struck a single galea, and the deck exploded in a shower of splinters and body parts. The ship’s hull cracked, split, and sank in mere seconds.

With despair, Camille finally understood what had been nagging at her confidence all day long. The enemy was not a disorganized, cowardly band of criminals; they were a disciplined, powerful army with superior weapons and a cunning commander. Her own warleaders had fatally underestimated the enemy—and the warriors like her were going to pay the price. For the first time in her life, Camille knew true fear. And as she watched a swarm of arrows whistle towards her akatus, she realized that that fear would be the last thing she ever felt.

The bulk of the Arkadian force was still engaged in combat up the beach. But as the screams of wounded and dying drifted up the beach from their rear, many of the Southerners in the back row turned around. The sight that befell them sent chills down many a spine. Ships out in the bay splintered and sank, their surviving oarsmen and warriors leaping into the water to avoid being sucked down to the bottom. Comrades from the fourth wave, their weapons abandoned, ran for their lives up the beach towards the main force. Behind them, a horde of rabid animals nipped at their heels, butchering anything they caught.

A redheaded warrioress yelped in fear as a blue-painted bandit grabbed her by the hair. Sadistically, he dragged a knife slowly across her throat from ear to ear. A gutted teen sobbed miserably as she tried to drag herself up the beach. A bare-breasted warrior cried out as she tripped over the leg of a fallen Arkadian archer. Before she could rise, she was swallowed up by her ravenous pursuers.

In war, there is no weapon more devastating than panic. Deadlier than any blade, more contagious than any disease, panic is the ultimate tool of destruction. Panic infects the body, sapping it of all strength; it infects the mind, overriding all logical thought. As the Arkadian warriors in the back ranks looked back over the beach, at the carnage being wrought in their rear, fear of being surrounded quickly turned into outright panic. The only avenue of escape was the boats. As the first warriors fled towards the water, they released the pressure on the backs of the warriors in front of them. Those warriors in turn looked back and saw their comrades retreating as well as the enemy in their rear. They too fled the fight, creating a chain reaction that would ultimately lead to a total enemy rout. Warleaders screamed obscenities at their warriors, exhorting them to hold the line. But it was futile, and it wasn’t long before the warleaders too were in full flight.

My remaining warriors cheered and rallied as they saw the enemy lose heart. The numbers quickly turned in our favor as more and more Arkadians retreated. Many of the soldiers in the second rank suddenly found themselves without an enemy in front. Confident that the shield wall would hold without them, many moved to wipe out the salient.

The Arkadians in the front rank and in the salient suddenly found themselves all alone and without backup. Those who turned back in fear or confusion paid for that mistake with their lives. Others gritted their teeth and fought to the bitter yet inevitable end. A tall, thin teenager in the front rank tried to run, but a spear pierced the meat of her thigh before she could fully turn. A young Pup with fiery shoulder-length hair fighting in the salient glanced back at the water and realized she would never make it. Jaw set in determination, she continued circling her opponent. She rammed her spear into his chest with a cry of triumph, but paid for it as a blade slid into her side. She fell on top of her victim and they writhed sensuously together, their blood staining each other’s body. A brave warleader stayed behind with his troops, urging them to fight on despite the overwhelming odds. An axe chopped into his neck, silencing him forever.

Salient crushed, my warriors cheered again and chased after the fleeing Arkadians. The trench in front of our lines, which had once slowed the Arkadian charge, now slowed their flight. A short young man snapped his ankle as he landed awkwardly in the trench. With all the adrenaline in his system, he barely felt it. But he did feel the coldness of death as a smelly female Viking grabbed him by the hair and slid her knife across his throat. An Arkadian Wildcat foolishly tried to leap the gap. She didn’t make it and slid down to the bottom. She squealed like a stuck pig as a heavy Clan spear crunched though the small of her back, pinning her to the ground. A girl with her hair tied in a ponytail with a red bow yelped in fear as a rough hand grabbed her ankle and pulled her to the bottom of the trench. The hand’s owner bashed her head with the pommel of his sword, knocking her out cold.

But such an obstacle worked both ways. Except for the unlucky and the slow, the trench would now help the Arkadian retreat. Exhausted Vikings struggled to climb out of the trench. Many were nursing minor wounds—not life-threatening, but painful nonetheless. They were the fortunate ones. Nearly half of my original one hundred fifty warriors writhed in the sand or lay with the stillness of death. The survivors that were honest with themselves felt little desire to give chase. Having barely escaped thus far, they were hesitant to risk their lives when the battle was already won. They’d stared at death long enough for one day.

In contrast, the warriors led by Torstein and Vidar had not yet had their fill of battle. But Torstein astutely realized that the battle was not in fact decided. Two hundred terrified Arkadians from the main battle scrambled back down towards the shore. Close to halfway, they encountered one hundred remnants of the fourth wave fleeing in the opposite direction. Those warriors now skidded to a stop and reversed direction, fleeing back towards the water as well. To make matters worse, a few dozen survivors from the fifth wave paddled or splashed their way onto land in their rear. The archers had trouble targeting the agile canoes as they darted for the shore, while many of the survivors from the sinking ships swam for land to escape the deluge of arrows.

“Shield wall!” yelled Torstein, “Get back here! Shield wall!”

“We’re too spread out; form a shield wall!” he yelled frantically at Vidar.

Now Vidar too recognized the danger. Three hundred warriors were charging at them from the front, another fifty and growing in their rear. The enemy would fight like cornered rats desperate to escape. Strung out up the beach in pursuit of the enemy, the wolves were in danger of being run over by their stampeding prey.

“Form up!” shouted Vidar, taking up Torstein’s call, “Shield wall, quickly! Shield wall!” Eighty warriors formed a line in the sand before the water, blocking all escape. Twenty faced the water, ready to cut down any Arkadians brave enough to attack from that way.

But the Arkadians were too exhausted to fight on. Many were without weapons. A few foolhardy and panicked souls ran headless into this second line of enemies and were slaughtered. The rest stopped short of the shield wall, terror evident in their faces. After dashing themselves to destruction at the top of the beach, most were unwilling to do so again by the water. The Arkadian warleaders stopped as well and were now finally able to exert some control over their forces. The remaining Arkadians huddled together in a spiky, circular hedgehog, fearfully awaiting their deaths. Those warriors that were just hitting the beach wisely skirted around Torstein’s shield wall. Encouraged by a few arrows and pursuing skirmishers, they were corralled into the center to join their comrades in the hedgehog.

Me and the warriors with me jogged down the beach and formed another shield wall opposite Vidar’s. Together, my two forces sandwiched the surviving Arkadians. A few hundred paces away, the ballistae boomed again, bolts blowing apart another troop barge. Volleys of arrows had decimated the crews of most of the enemy vessels. Radu’s flagship had retreated at the first sign of trouble. Two galeas, seven akatus, and a scattering of canoes limped after it. A final desultory volley chased after them, but landed well short.

The warriors on all sides waited with baited breath for whatever came next. Silence reigned, broken only by the cacophony of cries and screams from hundreds of wounded. I pushed my way forward through my shield wall to stand before the enemy formation.

“Warriors of Arkadia,” I boomed in the Arkadian trade language, “I am Lord Aurkyn, leader of this army and Baron in the service of King Hrothgar, Jarl of Jarls, Uniter of the Clans, and King of the Northmen. Where is your leader? Where is Commander Radu?”

A woman with a silver headband and a matching silk bra pushed out of the hedgehog and limped forward. I immediately recognized her as the woman that had accompanied Commander Radu. Her sandy bob-cut hair clung wetly to her face and neck. She was clutching her left arm below the shoulder. Blood trickled between her fingers. Blood speckled her belly and her short hide skirt—probably somebody else’s as opposed to her own. She stopped before me and straightened.

“I am Sub-Commander Kiersten Bernette of Falkirk, under the command of Duke Mazur, Lord of Falkirk and Protector of the Northern Lands of the Arkadian Empire. Commander Radu fled the battle aboard his flagship,” she said, nodding her chin in the direction of the fleeing ships.

I frowned in disgust. What kind of cowardly swine runs away and leaves his warriors to die?

“Sub-Commander Bernette, before this battle, you gave my forces an offer of surrender. You are a warrior with honor and I admire that, so I will make you an offer in return. Surrender your forces to me unconditionally. If you do not, you will all die.”

“I refuse,” she said defiantly, “My forces still out-number yours. We will destroy your ‘army’ here and now.

I smiled in amusement. She was just posturing of course, but I still admired her courage in the face of overwhelming odds.

“If you refuse, I will have my archers fill your bodies with arrows. You will not kill a single one of my warriors and your deaths will be for naught,” I said.

“If we surrender, what will happen to my warriors?” she asked, ignoring my own posturing.

“Most will be sold as slaves,” I answered matter-of-factly.

“We would rather die than become slaves!” she shouted in indignation.

“That can be arranged,” I responded darkly.

She glared at me, fire in her eyes, the air itself rippling in the heat of her gaze. Her pride made her defiant; as a warrior, she refused to accept the prospect of life as a slave. I was not in the mood for her insolence. The gaze I returned was pure ice, as cold as the grip of death. The slightest provocation, and I would have slaughtered her entire host.

But her pride soon gave way to reason, and she lowered her gaze in a sign of submission. It was a gesture that only I could see. Doubtless, she knew as much. When she spoke, loudly enough for all her warriors to hear, her words were defiant once more.

“We are prepared to die to defend our homeland.”

I took a few seconds to mull over my response. Sub-Commander Bernette clearly desired surrender, but still needed to satisfy her honor, still needed a way to make it palatable to her warriors. My whole battle plan had been an act of theatre. Now she too was putting on a show.

“Very well. Then here is my offer: if you lay down your arms, I will spare the lives of all of your warriors and allow you to treat your wounded. On one condition.”

I paused for dramatic effect.

“Before the battle, I demanded Commander Radu’s balls. Since he has fled, I will settle for your head,” I said, pointing at the Sub-Commander.

Apart from a slight slump in her shoulders, the Sub-Commander hid her reaction well. She had played out the surrender negotiations in her mind several times, and each time they had ended in her death—or worse. She nodded slowly.

“Do I have your word that you will treat my warriors well?” she asked.

“That is no longer your concern,” was my only response.

The Sub-Commander looked as if she wanted to say more in protest. But perhaps sensing my growing impatience, she held her tongue. She took a deep breath, drew herself up to her full height, and strode confidently towards her execution.

She knelt and offered me her sword. It was a fine blade—plain but razor sharp. I accepted, sticking the blade into my belt. Sub-Commander Bernette fell heavily to all fours. Stepping forward and to the side, I took a position perpendicular to her neck. She brushed her short bangs away from her neck to better facilitate a clean blow. With a metallic ring, my sword rasped from its sheath with deadly intent. She was quivering now, breathing heavily as I prepared to deliver a decapitating blow. No amount of mental preparation was enough to prepare her for her imminent death. Slowly and deliberately, I brought the heavy blade over my head. Taking one last breath, Sub-Commander Bernette steadied herself, steeling herself for her fate. With a mighty roar, I swung the blade down with a blow so heavy that it shook the ground, sending a great cloud of sand into the air.

Sub-Commander Bernette stared dumbstruck at the blade in front of her face. I let the blade rest there for a second before rocking it back and forth and pulling it out.

“Have your warriors drop your weapons in a pile. For every warrior that runs, I will kill five others,” I said as I brushed my sword clean with my hand before returning it to its sheath.

She didn’t react, still staring dumbly at where the sword had smacked in the dirt, confusion and relief warring for control on her face. Sigurd and Torstein broke ranks and strode in my direction

“Get up,” I barked before turning back towards my approaching lieutenants, “We have work to do.”


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Her Late Night Hotel Outcall

It was Em’s last night in Paris. Tomorrow she was going to be on a plane home after a whirlwind business trip. She’d had no time to herself at all, not even for the nice hot massage she always liked to reward herself with on a long-distance trip. She was basically packed for the journey. She didn’t want to go out. It was already seven o’clock and chill outside.  Her plan was to eat in the hotel and then return to her room and have a nice hot shower and go to bed with Vic. Vic was her lovely...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Jabalpur Callboy

Hi friends, girls and all sex seeking women reading my story This is my 1st story I should introduce myself I’m of 21 yrs height 5 11”, athletic body (with 6abs), fair in colour and my penis size is approx 9inch with thickness of 6cm diameter Now without delaying I should start my story of my first meeting as a call boy with a lady named Shweta (name changed). I was looking for a girl in Jabalpur to have fun I tried everywhere facebook, tinder , Instagram, google, etc for 2 months...

2 years ago
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Best Sex Of My Life With A Callgirl

Info about me first, I am a 25 years old working in an MNC and earning enough to have a decent lifestyle. I was just missing out on sex, the problem with me is I am horny all the time like a teenager and no matter how much I had, it was always less. It was one of those nights when I had a long and tiresome day at work and I just needed to fuck the brains out of some sexy lady. So, I thought of getting some professional help. I got the number of an escort agency that was known to be very...

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Ex Girlfriend8217s Friend Made Me A Callboy

Hi, this is Neil. I’m 22 staying in Kochi, Kerala, very rightly called the god’s own country owing to its unmatchable beauty. I believe life is short, so I guess we gotta make every moment count. We just can’t afford to put up with regrets. I love sex and in fact, most of the people do. After all, it’s a biological necessity and I hate the fact that it’s considered a taboo in our society. Satisfaction in sex is my priority and it’s very imperative that both the partners enjoy completely. So...

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Wild Threesome Adventure With A Callboy

Hello friends and fans of this wonderful site. This is Gautam basically from jaipur but currently in delhi, india. I am 24 yrs, 5ft 11 inches male with a good physique, with some really hot looks & a very strong sex drive & I have a 8 inches rock hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. I’m very good in massage and women find it erotic when someone who can satisfy them in bed as we as make their body dip with oil. You can mail me at So without making you bored. Lets just start...

2 years ago
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Housecalls by UmmmDonuts I have worked at a local department store for the last few years. It was a big store that housed a dental center and a hair salon. I used to love walking by the salon and getting a whiff of the perming solutions and hair sprays. All the girls that worked in the salon were nice. One in particular was very friendly with me. She was a middle aged woman who was well versed in all aspects of her profession. She was slender and would change her hair...

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Training Callista

I’ve always been a bad girl. I don’t know why but when I hit puberty I just flipped, before I was a happy go lucky individual but now...I’m extremely cynical, apathetic and generally an anti-social sarcastic human being. I’ve always been small too, in every way. I’m about 5”2 or something and really skinny. That’s probably where my anger stems from to be honest, people always made fun of my height. Anyways, so I had detention. Big surprise...I always have detention, I didn’t even realise you...

4 years ago
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Forgetting The Phonecall

Forgetting the Phonecall By Solon Plorry Forgetting the phone call, though it was easily more important then anything else! Nuit wasn't good at this, but then again, he had little experience. A couple more calls after one o'clock failed to locate her wayward husband, and wrath replaced her earlier heartsickness. She knew he would call; what the hell was he doing? Getting his jollies at a strip club probably, or maybe watching a porn movie with one of his chums, maybe drinking...

4 years ago
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The Ring Senshi Episode 2 Enter Callisto

Thanks you guys sooo much for the feedback last episode, I'll try and meet your expectations some more |_~ The Ring Senshi Episode 2: Enter Callisto By Shellyness "A demon, a talking cat and you in a skirt? Are you sure you didn't just dream that?" Ichizu asked sceptically as he heaped another mouthful of noodles into his mouth. "Ugh... no! I didn't dream it! Besides, why would I dream about wearing a skirt?!" Justin had just spent the past five minutes explaining exactly...

2 years ago
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Sweet Rascal Chennai Turned Into Callboy

Folks first I need to thank the Indian sex stories team which gave me an wonderful chance to satisfy the ladies in chennai .So this will be my third story and the previous story link is given and I got many replies and emails for my previous stories and in fact got many fakers invitation who keeps the email address in girls format name. So my advice is please don’t contact me or send any emails and don’t waste my time and also your time. Be always true to be original and according to my...

2 years ago
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Oral Sex With Virgin Girl Leads Me To Become Callboy

Hello to everybody! I am Krishna from tirupathi (andhrapradesh) studying btech in andhrapradesh staying along with my family. I am a big fan of ISS and had read many stories here. Now it was the time for me to share my experience with you,this happened around 4 weeks back. This story belongs to the girl who introduced me to real life of sex. Her name is gayatri and lives just opposite to our house with her parents. That time i was 19 yeairs old and gayatri completed her btech . She is 22 years...

4 years ago
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Bullyboy Scally

Usual warnings/disclaimers apply! Don't read if you're easily offended,(and why are you on this site if you are all timid and prissy,lol),or if it's i*****l to be here,go read Horse and Hound or Womens Weekly! The story's fictional,though something of a fantasy.Enjoy!Walking through the estate on my way to a mate's house I was busting for a piss and knew I wasn't gonna make it to his place without pissing myself.Taking a detour I went into the nearby park and headed to the public lavs'.As soon...

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My Aunty Who Made Me A Callboy

Hello friends, this story was forwarded to me by a friend, this is AK back again with another true story of mine. Let me introduce myself again to those who have not read my first story. Am AK from Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India.. I am 5.8 feet and have a decent 6.5 inch cock and am cute looking as females say. From the beginning of my college life I had an eye over matured women who came across me……But never got a chance of have a day with them until I got to fuck my aunty Leena who is also my...

2 years ago
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Kaise Bana Main Callboy

Hi, I am Archie form Mumbai and I am 18 yrs old. And I am a regular ISS reader. Dis is ma 1st story so sory fr ny miskakes. Yeh story abi thode tym pehle ki hi hai. Mai college mai IT ka student hu so ek din college canteen mein baithe baithe mjhe call aaya, maine call recieve kiya toh woh ek wrong number tha, ek bahot hi sexy lladki ki awaz thi. Maine zyada kuch socha nai aur main class attend karne chala gya. Clas s nikalne k baad mjhe phr usi numbr s cal aaya maine call recieve kiye toh uss...

2 years ago
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I Became Callboy

Hello and Hi to all the readers of this ISS site stories. I’m reading almost all the stories of this site. This is the story how I became Callboy for my family problems. I am a businessman in Mysore. Usually I travel more to Bangalore to purchase materials. Like that few weeks back when I boarded the bus there were only few people in bus. I sat in two seat side and a lady around 30-32 years was diagonally sitting in next seat. Meanwhile I got a call from my client and I was discussing on rate...

4 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 6 A Piper Comes a callin

Late August, first day of school for Winnisimmet Public Schools Ethan Smith, Junior Kelly, Neil Jones, and Logan Finn were now fifth graders, the unofficial rulers of their elementary school. They weren't like the normal boys in their grade though. Logan and the trio were the boys who break the mold for 10 and 11-year-old boys just by acting like they had been taught by their fathers, mothers, and siblings- care, respect, and kindness. The boys had spent the past month getting to...

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Bhabhi made me callboy

Whenever I seemed to need her, Bhabhi was always there for me. She was always attentive to me, she gave importance to what I had to say, and she listened carefully to whatever I said. It was only natural that over a period of time I grew closer to her and started going to her with my little problems and questions. I particularly liked the time we spent together alone either in her room or on the terrace during the evening. I cannot remember when, but slowly I started noticing that Bhabhi was a...

3 years ago
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Dirty Spanking Phonecalls

Dirty Spanking Phonecalls. On Susan Major's desk the telephone rang. She glanced at it with a frown. That was all she needed. Didn't the world and their ape know that she was up to her eyebrows in work and with a never-ending pile of more work that stretched to the dim and distant horizon to be done? Why is there never a temp around when you need one? Hopefully, whoever it was would just go away if she ignored it. The telephone rang again - this time it sounded more insistent as if...

4 years ago
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Mere dost ne banaya mujhe callgal

Hi main manisha main abki baar kuch jyada zaldi aa gai aap ye hi sonch rahe hai na par kya karoon main apni baat apne dil main nahi rakh paati naa ok main aap ko bore nahi karoongi main apni story par aati hoon jaisa kiaap ne meri last story sex meri birthday par main padha hoga uske aage… Jaise ki sameer ko maine promice kiya tha din main milne ka maine apne kapade pack kiye aur ghar par keh diya ki shalini ke uncle ki tabiat theek nahi hai main shalini ke saath moradabaad ja rahi hoon do ya...

3 years ago
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Twenty year old Mikey, real name Michelle, and her twenty-two year old brother Don had both been in the same industry for nearly eighteen months, though neither knew it. Each had heard of the other's reputation, but only through the acting names they used, and it wasn't until they were both cast in the same hard core porn film that each found out what the other did. Mikey was already sitting in the lounge of the flat being used as a studio, going through the 'script' when Don was shown in....

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Callgirl

Copyright© 2003-2006 Sexybeast "You would not believe the things this girl could do with her mouth," Fred told me over dinner. He was describing the hooker he'd had up to his room the night before. Or is escort the proper term? Can she be an escort if she only escorts you to the bed? "I don't think I care what she could do with her mouth," I told him between sips of wine. "You wouldn't be saying that if you'd been there. I'm telling you, this girl was unbelievable. She made it...

3 years ago
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Momma Was A Callgirl

The Beginning Things were getting rougher and rougher around the Smith household. Money had never been so tight. When you have it you don't think about it, when you don't, that's about all you can think about. Dan, the husband and father in this household, was already working two jobs, Janet, the wife and mother, was doing all she possibly could to help her husband. But with no training other than for beauty contests and bikini modeling, she made little more than minimum wage, except when...

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Hermes arrived at sunset, although at first, Callidora was unaware of his presence. Bending over the body in front of her, eyes wreathed in tears, she was effectively blind, doing her work by touch. The lack of vision had actually been a blessing, allowing her to fantasize that this was some other person being prepared for burial, a stranger's body, no one she knew. "Callidora." Even in her distracted state, there was no way of mistaking his voice as human. It had an almost symphonic...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 62 Siobhaacuten Callaghan

March 4, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Thanks for calling back,” I said when Keri put Dante’s call through to my phone. “Is there a problem with the project?” he asked. “From a technical standpoint, everything is fine. I’ll be blunt, because that’s how we deal with each other. I need you to stop hitting on my female staff members. And I need you to stop right now.” “Who complained?” “Does it matter? It’s not the first time. I’ve heard it from more than one of my female staff members over the...

2 years ago
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The Mob Book 2Chapter 6 The Battle for Callisto

“Welcome back, Jason. I’m sure we will all be fascinated to hear of your adventures, but you need to excuse us while we deal with the current battle,” said Andrea. Linda came over and gave him a kiss. “You look rather fit, and I think you have grown a bit,” commented Linda. “I think we will need to inspect your Warhammer to check if it is still operational once this little lark is over,” Linda said as she gently grabbed the front of his trousers, triggering hooting and cheering. “Arrival is...

3 years ago
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Trials and TribunationsChapter 5 Tuesday Major James MacAllistor

The Major and his friend Commodore Richard Cuthbert, RN, approached the trim little cottage in this small northern English town. A short, spare man in his 50's, trim of moustache and military of bearing, was crouched over doing something important with a spade and flowerbed. When he saw he had visitors, he arose to greet his guests. "Commodore, fancy meeting you here, and whose this with you? James? Is that you? You look so ... different. Say, I'd heard you'd been picked up." "Do you...

2 years ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 6 Callsign

“The prosperity of the pride depends on a successful hunt,” the narrator said as a lioness stalked through the brush, her straw-colored coat shining in the hot African sun. Her round ears pricked up, and the camera panned over to a warthog, the tusked animal raising its head from the ground to sniff at the air intently as clouds of flies swarmed around it. “She approaches, silent, waiting for the perfect moment to strike...” There was a surge of drums as the lioness leapt from her hiding...

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RuneswardChapter 65 Callisto

The rain had stopped but the sky remained covered with clouds in various shades of gray. The light on the city, as the knights proceeded down the road from the southern gate to the castle, was also gray and prone to deep shadows. The whole procession seemed somber and a bit unreal. It wasn’t unusual for knights to be proceeding in tight formation down the north and south roads, but the townspeople stopped to watch them pass just the same. It was evident merely from the steady, lugubrious pace...

1 year ago
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Do you know what’s weird about India? For one of the most populated countries in the world, they sure don’t put out a ton of porno. I guess it has a lot to do with cultural and societal attitudes toward sex; in a nutshell, Indians are prudes! Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, as can be seen at CallGin, aka IEscorts.CallGin.com, in case you haven’t guessed from the name, is an escort site full of Indian sluts ready to give you a whole lot more than a good plate of chicken tikka...

Escort Sites
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I think I might Call Escort tonight because - between you and me - it’s been a real dry spell lately. I like to supplement my chronic masturbation with some real, live pussy from time to time, but Tinder isn’t what it used to be before COVID. Anyway, I kind of like the sure thing of paying a woman to juggle my balls instead of spending hours laying the groundwork that may or may not pay off. Who’s got time to bullshit on the phone when you have aching blue balls and a throbbing boner?That’s...

Escort Sites
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The callgirl

It is a cold dark night in mid December. I am strolling along on my way home from a Christmas party. It had been a lovely party but I was not very interested in some of the people who were in attendance. The conversation wasn’t the greatest and I found myself leaving early because I felt a bit uncomfortable. And now I was going home alone again and feeling a bit lonely with myself. Out of the darkness she appeared in a short black skirt and a fur coat, she looked cold but her smile was quite...

1 year ago
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Unexpected bootycall

Jill removes Jay’s pants and T’s .Jay holds her neck firmly pushing his lips hungrily against hers. Chapter 1Its a warm day in Harare.Jay a web designer has just finished a job he was doing at a client and decides to go to the Central Park to get some air.Meanwhile Jill a student is in the park after her classes and is waiting for her boyfriend who seems he is not coming anytime soon.Jay finds a place to sit on a bench which Jill was occupying.JAY: Hey booJILL:Hi how are you?JAY: Im good...

Sex With Stranger
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Unexpected bootycall

Jill removes Jay’s pants and T’s .Jay holds her neck firmly pushing his lips hungrily against hers. Chapter 1Its a warm day in Harare.Jay a web designer has just finished a job he was doing at a client and decides to go to the Central Park to get some air.Meanwhile Jill a student is in the park after her classes and is waiting for her boyfriend who seems he is not coming anytime soon.Jay finds a place to sit on a bench which Jill was occupying.JAY: Hey booJILL:Hi how are you?JAY: Im good...

Sex With Stranger
4 years ago
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The Caller

Introduction: A story about horniness, obedience and the secret ties between women Alright, so… hi there, Im Jocelyn. Im from Colorado and in my mid-40s, divorced and my kids are both in college, so Im pretty much by myself. On the other hand, I run a quite successful real estate business which keeps me busy enough. What little free time I have I like to spend with my friends from church. So, in other words, I might have a rather normal american life. As far as sex goes… well, there isnt...

1 year ago
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I Only Love You Romantically

100% fiction! My name is Rebecca. 18 years of age. I’m 5’4” in height and weighs about 113lbs. I have waist-length blond hair, hazel eyes and a pair of perky 38A breasts. I am a pretty big fan of amateur body piercings. I had my ear lob and helix pierced what i was in school, a diamond nose stud at college, and now at the age of 18, I am the proud of owner of naval, and clitoral piercings. I must admit, getting my inner labia pierced was kind of weird, especially with a male artist doing the...

3 years ago
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A Stud Recalls

The first week of my final year at Norton HighSchool and I was determined that, with my new-found confidence, I would, at last, get to screw Jan Vickley, who I’d lusted after for months. She was the school certainty according to my school mates, who boasted at how they’d parted her thighs so easily.Jan was no raging beauty, but her face, with full lips and a sultry glint in her green eyes, supplemented by generous breasts, curvaceous hips and provocative posing, just screamed a promise of sex....

Straight Sex

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