Cherry chapter 4
- 3 years ago
- 55
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The alarm went off entirely too early for my taste but I rolled over and found the empty spot where Reggie was the night before. I looked into the bathroom when I heard the shower running. So much for waking her at 6:30.
I went into the kitchen and started coffee, then did my morning thing. Walking into the bathroom, I grabbed a toothbrush and just as I started brushing my teeth, Reggie worked her way between me and the sink. She wiggled her bottom against the left-over morning wood; what a nice way to brush your teeth.
I jumped into the shower and took care of business. I was just getting out when I saw a steaming cup of coffee on the sink. Taking the coffee into the bedroom, I sipped as I got dressed.
I asked Reggie if she wanted to drive or ride. I looked up to see her in leather and immediately knew it would be a riding day for her.
We loaded up after a quick breakfast and headed out.
"When do you want me to pick you up?"
"How about 5PM? Then we can stop off and get something to eat and relax a little. What do you have going on today?"
"Not a lot, just going to Rob's. When are you getting your car back?"
"Tell Sybil I said hello. She still doesn't know about the new living arrangements does she? I'll pick up my car tomorrow."
"Ok, just let me know when and where."
We pulled into the ER parking lot and got loose ends stowed and my morning toe curler.
I gave her a long slow kiss and then headed out to Rob's place. We were going to do some work around the garage and then just relax. I pulled into his drive-way and settled the bike. Knocking on the door, I waited while I heard the door opening and got an invite to come in.
The boobs got there first but the smile on her face wasn't far behind. I got a full body hug as soon as she realized it was me. Sybil could give a hug and convert the Pope to polygamy if she put her mind to it. I heard Rob in the other room complaining about not being able to get a fresh cup of coffee unless they had visitors.
"You'd bitch if they hung you with a new rope!" I said around his wife
I went into the dining room and grabbed my coffee as we sat down and talked a little about what we were going to do today:
Sybil, Rob's wife, wanted to know who I was shacking up with.
I just looked at her and she smiled, "I smell her perfume."
"She doesn't wear perfume," I said.
"So who is she, now that you have admitted there is a she?"
"Damn, I hate a sneaky woman. How did you know?"
"I heard from a couple of guys that you were starting to mellow in your old age and that is the only reason I can think that would mellow you out."
"Ok, I'll admit defeat. You already know her."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Her name is Regina, Reggie if you must. She's smart, she's cute, but you know that already. She's 110 soaking wet, auburn hair and she likes me. She is also VERY comfortable on the bike -- sits back and relaxes with no drama. She also told me she had a couple of scenarios cooked up to break up me and Lynne if she hadn't self-destructed.
"She works at the University Hospital and I've known her a couple months and we just started to become an item in the last few days. It was her idea, which should give you a hint as to her stability. We are in the process of moving her stuff into the house now and I think I may be sunk, big time. She's smart, SCARY smart, she's VERY cute, she likes to ride and with the exception of her taste in men she seems like she has all her faculties. Oh, and did I mention she's very cute?"
"YOUR DOCTOR?!?!?! I just love that little girl to death. She has her head screwed on right; I should have known! Just watching her with you and Lynne should have tipped me off.
"I knew there was something I liked about that girl when I met her the first time," Sybil said. "I never really warmed up to Lynne. It was almost like she was just telling you what you wanted to hear so she could stay with the group. She was TOTALLY in over her head. You just knew she was a wanna-be when she didn't attempt to make time for the longer trips we all went on."
"I know, it was like pulling teeth to get her on a ride that left the surface streets. When she went off on me about getting tagged, I knew it was the beginning of the end.
"Reggie is a little younger," I continued, "but not so much that it would raise eyebrows. I took her to the staff meeting last night and got her introduced around so she isn't thrown into the shark pit Thursday."
"What does she think of that crowd? Inquiring minds and all that."
"She likes most of the folks but could care less for Gracie and her partner. She told me that before she knew what I thought of them. Everyone else is up in the air.
"As far as our relationship goes, for the most part we're just feeling things out but we'll be spending a lot of time together off the bike too. We're sharing breakfast duties so we can make sure we agree on life in general over coffee in the morning."
"WAITAGODDAMNEDMINUTE," Sybil said, "you just met this girl a couple of months ago! I know you and Lynne have not been an item for about 4 weeks so that puts you and the new one at less than a month and she is already moved in? Dang, Lynne didn't get that far in over a year."
I smiled sheepishly and just shook my head. "Reggie is a force of nature you have to experience to appreciate."
"Well she must be doing something right if she's moved in already. What does this mean to you?"
"Well it means no more drunken orgies, and I can't have too many sleep-overs."
"Not even me?"
"You can ALWAYS sleep over and you know it."
"What about me?" this was from Rob.
"What about you?" Sybil shot back, "we sleep over half the time anyway so nothing changes."
We talked a bit more and I let them both know that they would be invited next weekend for a BBQ and we'd have a couple of steaks.
Rob and I left to go home. He was on his 1998 Wing and I was on the Cherry Bomb. I do have a tendency to name things but I try not to go overboard about it. We were chatting on the CB and generally griping about the mentality of the cage drivers we were stuck with. We had just finished laughing about watching a girl doing 70mph on the freeway, putting on mascara, talking on the phone and attempting to sip a Starbucks at the same time. Rob wanted to slide up next to her and hit her with the air horns but thought better of that idea.
We had just moved over two lanes to get away from her when we were passed by two sport bikes. Ok, we're big and shiny, we're doing 70mph and some half life blows by us like we're sitting still. We just laughed and kept on going. We were not in a big hurry to get to the house and were just enjoying the ride.
We had gone another 5 miles when traffic started to back up. We saw the brake lights up ahead and moved to the number 4 lane when we decided it would be good to take surface streets around a clog.
We were just about to commit when Rob just keyed his mike, with "OH SHIT, follow me."
Since he was leading, I asked what was going on.
"I hope you have your first aid kit."
I watched as Rob moved between two cars and white lined between a couple of trucks. I followed him not really understanding until he came on the CB with the info that we had bikes down. We cut between two other cars and came to a stop in the number 2 lane.
A girl was still in her car crying hysterically, Rob went to her to make sure she was ok. I hit the emergency flashers and set the bike across the lane. I got off and went to the downed sport bike. There was a tangled mess that used to be a motorcycle. In the number 1 lane was a pick-up truck with his flashers on. The driver was outside leaning over a body on the ground. As he was reaching for the helmet strap I stopped him and told him not to take it off. He started to ignore me when I grabbed his arm and pulled him away. I told him to leave the helmet on. There might be a neck injury. He said ok and then asked me what to do.
I went to the bike and got my first aid kit and a couple of old towels. I lifted the visor of the helmet to see who was inside. He was a young kid, no more than 20, out cold. I checked for a pulse, and found it. I unzipped his jacket, and checked as well as I could for bleeding but couldn't find any. I spread a space blanket over him and rolled up the towels to act as a cushion on either side of his head. I asked the truck driver to kneel with his knees on either side of his head to stabilize it and stay with him. I also told him NOT to remove the helmet. Just let me know if he started to move and yell for one of us.
The two of us made sure the downed biker was secured and not moved. Rob had moved on to the other biker in the median.
I went to help Rob with the second biker that was lying against the cement median. He had his first aid kit opened. We both got to work on this one. How he got his helmet off I'll never know. In fact, I didn't see a helmet. He was skinned up on his face and had a bleeding head wound.
Rob broke out a sealed bottle of water and poured it directly onto the head wound. It was still seeping when I handed him a battle dressing (Kotex) to put on and self clinging gauze to secure it.
I saw blood coming out of the arm of his leathers. There was nothing to do but break out the leatherman. I hated to do it but I cut his leathers right up his arm. I didn't want to move him more than necessary. I peeled back the sleeve and got sprayed with blood. I clamped down on the bleeder and broke out another battle dressing, pressing it directly against the wound. It immediately absorbed all the blood and I applied another, holding it in place.
I heard a call from biker number one and looked over to see the truck driver arguing with a bystander. Rob said he'd cover the bleeder and I went over to the altercation.
"Don't touch his helmet! The guy there said not to take it off!"
The bystander kept trying to get to the helmet until I pulled him away from the unconscious biker. He tried to get by me again saying he can't breathe and I just did a body block into him to knock him on his ass.
"Stay there or I'll make it permanent," I threatened.
I went back to the number one biker and thanked the truck driver. I took the kid's pulse again and it seemed ok. I was just replacing the space blanket over him and put his feet up on my helmet when a cop pulled up on his bike. He asked what was going on.
I told him we had two down, both unconscious, one bleeding badly. I saw an ambulance pull into the breakdown lane and the paramedics jumped out. One of the Medics came to where I was. I told him we had a bleeder over there, pointing to Rob. I was promptly ignored as they rushed to where Rob was putting a fourth battle dressing on number 2. Another medic came over to tend the first biker, I gave him the pulse and respiration observations and the fact that the victim was unconscious. I also told them I had not moved the head but packed it to keep it stable.
I didn't know where the helmet was from number 2. He had one on when he passed me 5 miles back. The medics had taken over and were trying to get things organized to transport the two guys. The CHP officer was taking statements when he asked me what I knew. All I could add was what I had told him before. I did not see the crash, neither had Rob, but we did have first aid training and kits on the bikes so we did what we could.
I gave him a business card with contact information on it and asked if we could leave. After getting our information, he expressed his thanks and gave us each his card if there was anything we needed or remembered about the day.
I stripped off the latex gloves I didn't remember putting on, and went to the paramedics and asked if they had a biohazard bag I could drop them in. Rob was next to me with his. The first medic out of the ambulance held out a red bag and we put them in. He told us to hold on a second, and handed us a box of gloves as replacements. We thanked him and started gathering up our decimated first aid kits. Repacking what we could and just wrapping up towels and such we'd take care of when we got home.
We got our gear on again and as we were leaving the CHP officer held traffic for us and we headed south again. We took longer gathering our gear than we did actually working the accident.
We increased speed a little and made it home in good time. We went into the house and I headed for the spare refrigerator. I grabbed a Dos XX and opened it up. Getting one for Rob I tossed him the phone and told him to call Sybil. Normally I don't drink, especially if I'm stressed, but there is a time for everything.
Rob was just saying goodbye to Sybil when I grabbed a second beer. I know it's before noon, but it's also AFTER noon somewhere and that was the clock I used today.
Rob handed me the phone and said I should call someone also. I looked at the phone and didn't know if I wanted to start this particular conversation. I sucked it in though and made the call. I got the clinic where Reggie worked and left a message for her to call me at home at her earliest convenience.
Five minutes later the phone rang and I saw it was Reggie's cell number. I answered in my best Ted Baxter voice. Only to hear an I Love You come out of the phone. I asked what brought that on.
She had just heard about a motorcycle accident on 15 South. She didn't know what was going on since she wasn't on call for the day. She went down anyway and saw two guys being taken into treatment rooms by the ER staff. As she saw the paramedics go to the admitting desk, she overheard one of the paramedics talking about the two bikers who were on scene, administering First Aid. "Almost like they rehearsed," he said.
"They said, the bikers had the two guys stabilized, bleeding stopped and gave all the info they would normally give to the ER docs when they brought someone in."
"I asked if they knew who they were and they said that the CHP officer got the info on them. So I went to the CHP officer that accompanied the paramedics in. I asked if he had gotten the names of the two good Samaritans. He pulled your card out and another from Rob. I was never so proud to know that you were there.
"Did you know that the one in the helmet has a broken neck? I'll probably be seeing his friend soon, too. It seems he has a compound fracture and a totaled knee. They were pulling 80mph wheelies when one lost control and drifted into the other and they both went down. They still haven't found the one helmet. I think he lost it when he hit the center divide.
"The paramedics said the two of you probably saved their lives. Personally I think the gene pool needed a little Clorox but I'm a doc and I'm not supposed to think like that.
"Will you be picking me up?"
"Of course why would I not pick you up?"
"Well you may not feel up to it in a couple of hours. But if you do feel ok, come on up and I'll be ready. I'll be waiting. I love you."
What just happened? She said she loved me (twice) and we've only been together for four days. What a rush. I reached for the second beer that was getting warm.
I was going to tell Rob to settle in, I was going to lie down. I looked over at the couch and Rob was already crashed. I went to the bedroom and stripped down to underwear. I laid down and was out immediately.
The alarm was ringing. I looked at the clock and it showed 4 PM. I had to get up and get Reggie. I stuck my head under the shower and pulled on my Levi's. I looked in the living room and saw Rob still crashed. I called Sybil and told her Rob was toasted and to come on down; we'd order out for pizza or something.
I threw a blanket over Rob and left a note on his beer. I pulled into the ER lot right at 5 PM. Reggie came running out as I got off the bike. As soon as I took my helmet off, I was wrapped up in a bundle of loving softness.
"You guys were awesome. The paramedics and the cop said you two kept the guys alive and did everything right. The kid with a broken neck is looking at some rehab but he'll walk again thanks to someone not allowing his helmet to be removed. The other kid will be seeing stars for a long time. He has a concussion but he's alive and will probably make a full recovery." All this before I could lower her to the ground.
I told her we had a guest crashed on the couch and we'd order out for pizza if she wanted.
"So I'll get to meet more of your friends?"
"Well you know Sybil and Rob and you met a bunch of them last night. You also know JJ so you are ahead of the game. I only know your family."
Driving home during a rush hour (read snails' pace) is enlightening. I pointed out all the folks who just trudged along. You can tell the seasoned commuters. They are the ones who have the A/C going or they are singing to tunes that they have with them. You always run across a couple of folks that just have to get there first and we let them. I don't care; when you are on a bike you get close to your fellow commuters and you see the ones that are frowning and not paying attention and you avoid them if possible.
I hit the garage door opener as we pulled into the drive. I noticed Rob's bike in the garage and a '54 Chevy on the street. Sybil must be here. I warned Reggie that she was going have 44DD's wrapped around her head in a few minutes. She looked at me weird like I was from Mars.
"Seriously, Reggie, you will have them wrapped around your head. You know Sybil is rather well-endowed and she's a lot taller than you. So just enjoy and hold your breath. If not, you'll surely suffocate."
We got off the bike and went into the house. Just as we entered the kitchen, I saw Sybil coming towards us. She grabbed me in a warm hug (Did I mention she's built?) and enveloped me. After being treated to a full body embrace, she backed up and looked at Reggie.
"Damn girl, you're cuter in leather than you are in scrubs!" she complimented.
Sybil pulled her into another full body hug. Sure enough, the size difference just about suffocated Reggie as her head sank between Sybil's considerable rack.
"I couldn't do that at the hospital so I did it now. How are you and why did you hook up with this fuzzy faced old fart?"
Taking her by the hand, Sybil just pulled Reggie along to the living room, "Tea is in the living room, Dom. I'll set the table for pizza."
Sybil does take over if given the chance. Reggie told her to have a seat, she'd get the table but Sybil just said, "Reggie, you've been working all day so take the load off. Besides I probably know more about Dom's kitchen than he does."
Reggie had a seat on my lap as she sipped her tea. "Is she always like that?"
"Yes, she is, and she likes you. She's also a lot like you in more ways than one. She saw Rob one day when we were on a ride that crossed into Arizona. We were just going to Yuma for lunch. When we left, she was on the back of his bike and they haven't been back since."
"How long ago was that?"
"Fifteen years ago."
"You mean, you have known Rob for 15 years?"
"Closer to 23 years; we've been riding buddies for that long. We both had two of the first GoldWings in California when we were stationed here. I have known him since I graduated basic and he was a newly minted Ensign. We have been stationed together about half the time believe it or not. We've actually tried to get separated but it didn't work."
"So Sybil hitched a ride on the back of Rob's bike and they have lived together happily ever after."
"Well not really, her husband was really pissed off until she paid him to file the papers and they made it final. But, that took a couple of years. We didn't know we were wanted in Arizona for kidnapping until the news hit San Diego. We got a hold of the local authorities and let them know what happened and we all had a good laugh. Sybil hasn't been out of California since, unless it was on the back of Rob's bike. She got in touch with her husband and he was more than a little angry. She just said to get over it and file, she'd sign. All she wanted was her clothes."
Sybil came in about that time and asked for 30 bucks for the pizza. I just looked at her and she said it was either give the child a good tip or flash him and she didn't want to cause a heart attack for one so young.
Sybil paid off the kid then she woke up Rob with a long slow kiss. As Rob was getting up Sybil looked at Reggie and said not to wake me up that way. She did it once and I almost knocked her head off. The best way to wake me up is to kick the bed and run.
Reggie said the alarm works wonders as long as she's in the shower first. It's just a matter of timing and when did you ever try to wake Dom up like that?
Sybil just smiled and said she was a very friendly type of person.
This caused a smile from both of the ladies to be exchanged. (Note to self, defuse the situation tonight before she jumps to conclusions. Remember, her daddy carries a gun.)
We gathered around the table and talked about what was going on at our respective jobs. Reggie retold what the prognosis was for the two youngsters we had encountered that morning. Rob was happy to hear about the recoveries.
Sybil said that was the down side of riding. Now that I had a girlfriend who was a Doc, maybe I could get REAL battle dressings instead of embarrassing myself by purchasing Kotex.
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She was sixteen years young, beautiful and innocent. Her name was Cherry, and she was just as tasty. Dark blonde hair hung damply over perfect C-cup breasts and she had full lips, hips and toned limbs. She bent down to the lowest shelf on the refridgerator and giggled at the brush of cold air that slid past her pussy. She became quickly excited and ran upstairs, completely forgetting about her drink. She threw her towel onto the floor and hurriedly shut her bedroom door. Laying back down...
The business meetings These stopped for a couple of weeks at Christmas but were soon back on. I’m earning a fortune from them, and having a lot of fun as well. The men keep asking me to get another girl to come along but Piper keeps saying that she can’t persuade her mum to let her come into town on another night. Allison’s shop I got Ben to order those extra words to dangle over my pussy but Allison won’t change her mind about me wearing the other words. I guess that I can see her...
Piper and I agreed, then got her parents and Ben to agree, to me going to Piper’s for a few days before Easter, then her coming to stay with Ben and me for a few days after Easter. We were both looking forward to it as I wanted to see what Isaac was going to make us do (Piper’s parents would be at work); and Piper eagerly wanted to see some of the things that I had told her that I got up to. I really hoped that the weather would be just a little warmer so that I could get her ‘out and about’...
We got back home the day before school started again. I’d had so much fun over the school holidays and I wasn’t looking forward to going back. Also, I was so knackered that after checking that I had something to wear for school, I went to bed. The next morning Ben woke me in the best possible way and that sort of set me up ready to face what I was expecting to be a crap day starting year 10. The weather wasn’t too bad as I walked down the lane to the main road to catch the bus to school. I...
Tad's hands were shaking as he handed a wad of dollar bills to Cherry. "That's nineteen, and, uh, I got the rest right here..." He mumbled as he began to fish around in his right pocket for the last dollar, which was made up of many coins that jingled heavily as he tried to scoop them out. Cherry quickly counted the wad of money, and when she saw the trouble the nervous little boy was going to for his last dollar, she reached out and touched his wriggling wrist. "That's OK," Cherry...
The next morning I woke up lying on my side with my back to Ben and his cock sliding in and out of my pussy. “I love it when you wake me like that Ben.” I said. “Ben wakes you like that as well does he? Tanya loves it too.” Ryan replied. “Oh sorry Ryan, I forgot that it was you that fucked me last night.” “That’s okay Cherry; Ben’s probably waking Tanya like that as well. If we stay quiet I may get the chance to wake Piper this way as well.” We slowly fucked until I’d cum then instead of...
“Here,“ mum said placing the two weathered wicker baskets – probably hand woven by my nan around the Second World War - into my hand. There had to be some sort of sentiment behind them, as she still insisted on using them even though they were coming apart around the rim. “You need to fill at least these two if you want both cherry jam and a cake tomorrow,” she said. “And take that –“ she lowered her voice to a whisper, “useless boyfriend of yours with you.”My boyfriend, Will was in my room,...
TeenIt was about six months ago that our life changed, shortly after Papa had been killed tragically in the terrible accident at t Chapter 1 ? Sir Michael Winston?s Offer It was about six months ago that our life changed drastically, shortly after Papa had been killed tragically in the terrible accident at the textile plant that was owned by Sir Michael Winston. Our mother had departed from us 17 years ago after the birth of my younger twin sister Jamie. So we are now legally orphans. My...
This last summer, my dad thought that it would be a good idea for me to go and spend the summer with his brother. Now I hadn’t seen the guy or his family since I was about 4 years old and couldn’t even remember what he looked like. Mum said that he was married and had a daughter just a little bit older than me and that it would be good for me to make friends with someone my age. So, very early one Saturday morning my dad took me to the bus station with me wearing only my school uniform and...
That Saturday evening Ben drove me to the big manor house and told me which door to go to. He then told me that he would be back at exactly the same place at 9 o’clock in the morning. The door was opened by a butler called Henry who told me to follow him. He led me to a room where 3 other girls were, all a few years older than me and all in just knickers. One of them came over to me and said, “So, you’re the star of the evening little girl. It’s a long time since they’ve had a cherry to...
That Wednesday I decided to have a day improving my tan and waiting and hoping that the goodies that Ben had ordered would arrive. It was so quiet at the cottage on my own. I was inside getting a drink when the front door opened and the postman walked in. I’m not sure who got more of a shock. “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here. I normally just bring the post in and put it on the table. No letter box and everyone around here never lock their doors. I guess that you must be...
The Country Club My Sunday evenings there are proving quite lucrative and my bank balance is looking quite healthy. Ben says that it would take him 4 or 5 years to earn what I’ve got in the bank. He keeps telling me that I don’t know how lucky I am, getting paid huge amounts just to have some fun. Actually, I do know how lucky I am. I know that I won’t be able to have this much fun when I get old and fat. Anyway, there’s one man in particular who always calls me over and gets me to fuck...
Cherry pulled into the garage and turned the car off. Anything and everything had gone wrong that day. She should have called in sick when she woke up with that headache. Her head ended up being the least of her problems as the day progressed. She sat for a few minutes, letting the day wash over her. She closed her eyes for, what she told herself, was just a few minutes. She breathed deep and the tears slowly began to flow. She let the tears come. Slow drops, one by one, trailed down her...
Straight SexCherry was 5’7 always had her hair in a bun; with had smooth chocolaty complexion and a 36D breast size. Her arse was the size of a melon. However, I do not know what it was about her legs and feet, my eye would naturally fall there even with her other assets. She was beautiful in every way. Cherry and I grew up together we went to the same school and college; we were neighbours and good friends but never anything more. We were best friends and everybody knew I liked her. I am even sure she...
FetishHi, I'm O2BeLISA. CHERRY is a sequel to THE VOLUNTEER. If you haven't read The Volunteer then none of the characters in this story will be recognizable and the story, by itself, won't make any sense. So please read the prequel first which is just how things in the world should be. CHERRY I, like, really truly love this section of town. Everyone says I have the best corner but it wasn't always the best one; it is now, sweetie, because it's...
Finally, we continue the story so you can find out what happens to our poor victim and what still lies ahead. All people mentioned in this story are above the age of eighteen. This story may not be your cup of tea dump it and get coffee. Thanks for the nice comments! As for the bad ones, everyone’s a critic. I just have a dirty mind that I want to share. Thank you Sarah for helping me with my mistakes,bad grammar and spelling. Reading the first story will bring you up to speed on how...
Cherry 3 My dream was so real. Big black cocks, thousands of them, dripping cum. I was surrounded by them, dressed as a woman with huge tits. Sucking them, fucking them, worshipping them! I was a slut for cock! Not just any cock, Big Black Cock! The revelation made my eyes snap open. The first thing I noticed was that I was no longer restrained. The second was my head was in some sort of hazy fog; it was difficult to form thoughts. The final thing I noticed was that I had company in the...
I suppose that you could say that we settled into a routine, parts very exciting and other parts not quite so. Friday evenings The Friday night poker is one of highlight of the week for me. I get very tingly and wet, as the hours count down, just imagining the things that they could do to me. The guys seem to be spending less time playing cards and more time experimenting with tying me up, suspending me in different positions and trying out all my new toys on me. As soon as Mick and Lewis...
Jeanine the virgin, looked up at Robert with apprehensive eyes . He smiled down at her with a barely concealed contempt that made her both revolt against him... and desire him. He told her , withou ceremony, to lie face down on the bed, with a pillow under her tits and her ass in the air. Jeanine did as instructed, her face pressed into the mattress, a pillow under her chest and her ass high and inviting.She presented a delightful view. Robert once agin marveled at his good fortune. Not only...
Ben had agreed with Allison that I’d help at her shop each Thursday and Friday for a couple of weeks to see how things went; so on the first Thursday that Ben was back at work he drove me into town on his way to work. It was too early for Allison’s lingerie shop to be open so Ben gave me some money and told me to go to McDonalds for a drink while I waited. There weren’t many people there and I easily managed to get a seat facing the window and had a bit of fun flashing the people passing by....
Cherry Blossom Time In Washington Each spring in Washington, DC there is a Cherry Blossom Festival. People from all over the country converge on Washington for ten or twelve days. The hotels and motels run about one to three hundred dollars a night depending on location. It’s the old story of supply and demand. My wife talked me into a hotel with an indoor swimming pool, a Jacuzzi in our room, and a view from the fourteenth floor overlooking the Potomac River. I told her that I had...
***** Cherry, He was a mountain of a man. Standing six foot six, weighing in at 240 pounds of bones and muscles. Bones and muscles are not uncommon for a man, any man, but this Adonis was the alpha; wherever he went he commanded the room. His size intimidated me, so we didn't hang out much. Actually never. I think he was a model, bodybuilder or something like that. Paid ridiculous amounts of money to show off. Who really knew? I know he was making great money. It's almost a prerequisite on...
My amazing first holiday abroad Sir John had told me that the only thing that I needed to take with me was my passport, but I talked to Ben about this as I wasn’t sure that he meant it literally. Did he mean that I should walk out of the door totally naked with my passport in my hand, or did he mean that I should be clothed and take a few basics with me. I told Ben that I thought that he meant that I should be clothed with a few basic but Ben said that if he said nothing but your...
One afternoon Mohan and his best friend, Ali, were sitting under a tree and as usual talking about girls. "Mohan, a new adult movie 'Temple of Love' has been released today. Let us go and see it," Ali said. "They won't let us in," Mohan said. "We'll have no trouble getting in," Ali said, "I know the usherer. He will let us in for a few bucks." "Okay, let us go," Mohan said, "Do they show fucking in it?" "I don't know but somebody told me that they show a close up of a...
"Rita, where are you off to in such a hurry?" Kiran said. "I have to meet 'The Group'. I'll see you later," Rita said. There were five members in 'The Group'. The twins Mary and Mark Johnson, Sushma (Sush), Bharat (Bha) and Sukhdev (Dev), children of 'nouveau riche' parents. They behaved like super brats. They were loud, flouted their wealth and talked about nothing but money, money and money. "Rita, don't get involved with these people. You are not in their class," Kiran...
It was midwinter during my Freshman year of college when I became aware that someone else besides my roommate found me sexually desirable. After my first encounter with Nathanial, many more followed, usually with us ending up in a sixty-nine on the bed. According to Nathanial, I was fast becoming a pro at fellatio. He continuously delighted in my lack of a gag reflex and used every opportunity to tell me so. I wasn’t sure if I was pleased with the praise or not, considering that up until this...
Gay MaleCathy now found herself with a real and genuine problem on her hands. In the first place, among her set, in order to get to the prom, you had to put out in order to get a date. That was the heaviest date in the whole school year. When she was a virgin, Cathy had resigned herself to no prom, but this year she wanted to go. In the first place, she felt every bit as womanly as any of the other girls in school. She realized how much of a lover her brother was, when she compared him to Wayne....
Hi everyone, My name is Peter. this story was written by myself on my phone so excuse any misspellings etc.. I am out of the country and don't have access to my computer so I used my phone. Please leave positive comments. Thank you. Cherrys extra classes"I will see you after school Cherry" said Mr.Orion sternly as she braced for the dismal afternoon session. Cherry was failing at biology and math and needed extra classes, her parents signed her up to study and take extra classes with Mr.Orion...
The first two that were killed were a couple in the woods, at night - a horny young man, and a reluctant girl; he was found with his throat slit and his ears cut off. She was the second victim, and she died from a stab to her throat, and her chest. The killer tweeted that before she took her last dying breath, she asked him, "Why ears?" His answer was, "Because a head is way too hard to cut off with a knife!" The third was a blonde girl with big... eyes. She was killed in the school...
That story was itself inspired by the Movie, "Cherry Falls": Movie plot: In the small town of Cherry Falls a psychotic murderer is killing off virgins of the local high school. Story Plot: Maya, the hero, tries to get devirginized, ends up committing incest with her brother Kevin, but then gets kidnapped by the bad guy, but it all turns out alright in the end and the bad guy is captured. While there never was a sequel movie, @tonybs wrote one...
“So let me get this straight. You’re telling me this girl made you masturbate in front of her and rode your face like a fucking horse BEFORE you even got her name? And on top of that, you haven’t seen her since?!” Cris’s best friend, Erica, could barely contain her giddiness as she spoke, her cheeks were getting red from trying to hold back laughter. “Yes that’s what I’m saying to you. I cannot believe this shit.” It was the second Monday of November and the two of them always met up for lunch...
LesbianMarsha Wilcox was sitting at home, watching the nothing that was on TV when she remembered that she had had a question for her son. He told her he would be over at the Allan house, but she didn’t want to call over and disturb the Doctor and his family, so she tried his cell phone. ‘Shit,’ she said quietly, hearing the ring tone sound off from his bedroom. ‘Well, I guess it won’t hurt to just ask him,’ she thought. She had to go to the grocery store anyway, and the Allan house was on the way....
The subtle breeze of the early summer morning brought the scent of freshly mown grass through the screened windows of the O’Connor home. The sound of birds chirping in the early morning light mingled softly with the sounds of the neighborhood awakening from its contented slumber. The front door of the small white house opened and a man stepped through the door, bending to pick up the morning paper from the front step. His terry cloth robe parted slightly, clinging desperately to his waist by...
I was feeling anxious as I knocked on Ryan's door. Of all my clients, Ryan was my favorite. It wasn't because he was younger or more handsome than the others. It was because of how different he was. Ryan wasn't like any of the other clients. He didn't invite me over, fuck me, pay me, and then kick me out. He treated me like an actual person and not just some sex doll. But what makes him really different? His fetish. Ryan had a thing for desserts. He specifically enjoyed ice cream. I could never...
FetishCathy had a very difficult day at school the next day. Ordinarily a very good student, she couldn't concentrate on anything. Furthermore, with all the spying on her mother's and father's fucking and sucking, with all the masturbating she had done herself, she hadn't done any homework at all. For Cathy, that was unusual, and since it was spring, her teachers tended to be a little bit indulgent. But Cathy had a lot of work to make up when she got home from school that day. She was...
It was afternoon. The weather was very pleasant. Chachi sitting in the park was enjoying the weather and watching children play. Suddenly black clouds appeared from nowhere eclipsing the sun. Lightning flashed accompanied by claps of thunder. Then it poured. No one was prepared for it. "Children, come with me. I live across the street," chachi shouted. Few minutes later she herded five boys into the verandah of her house. "Take off your shoes and socks and come inside," she said,...
One afternoon Kiran, Rita and chachu were resting after fucking. Chachu lay in the centre flanked by the two girls. Chachu had his fingers in their cunts while they played with his limp cock. Chachi, who was also naked, entered the room carrying a tray with freshly brewed tea and cookies. "Come on everybody tea and cookie time," she said placing the tray on the bedside table. Chachu and the girls pulled themselves to sitting position. When everyone had served themselves, chachi said,...
Cherry walked into the kitchen and made a beeline for the wine rack. It had been one hell of a week and it was only Thursday. Her tight red dress twirled with each movement. She left her shiny red three inch heels on to get the wine glass down from the middle shelf on the upper cabinet. She popped the cork on her favorite Moscato. Then she stepped out of the heels and kicked them aside. She poured the rosy colored wine nearly to the top of the glass. She took a long drag out of the glass, as...
CuckoldChapter 2: No Man Could Resist A couple weeks later I had a short business trip, for a few days. When I returned I gave my young wife a call while driving. She picked up and was excited to see me, saying that I was going to have a very good night. I asked her what she meant, but she was coy. ‘You’ll see, sir,’ she teased. ‘I have a few ideas I think you’d really enjoy. Did you cum while you were gone?’ I told her no, that I’d saved it for her. ‘Mmm, good. Maybe you can paint my face with it...