RunChapter 6 The Opposite of Smooth
- 3 years ago
- 21
- 0
We got back home the day before school started again. I’d had so much fun over the school holidays and I wasn’t looking forward to going back. Also, I was so knackered that after checking that I had something to wear for school, I went to bed.
The next morning Ben woke me in the best possible way and that sort of set me up ready to face what I was expecting to be a crap day starting year 10.
The weather wasn’t too bad as I walked down the lane to the main road to catch the bus to school. I remembered that I’d decided to get a bike to go down that lane and made a mental note to ask Ben to take me to get one.
“Did you read that letter that was sent to our parents?” One of the girls on the bus asked.
“Nope, I’ve been away for most of the holidays and I only got back yesterday. I don’t suppose it was anything interesting anyway.”
“That depends on what you call interesting. It was all about the school going gender neutral.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s all about women who want to be men and men who want to be women.”
“I’m quite happy being a girl.” I replied.
“Yeah, so am I, but there are a couple of kids a school who look a bit odd, maybe they want to change sex.”
I saw Piper as I got off the bus and ran over to her, hugged her and we linked arms to walk in.
“Hi there stranger, had a good summer break.” I asked.
“Hi Cherry, yes thanks, I went away with this nymphomaniac and she forced me to have sex with her uncle and some strange man that we met there.”
“Oh poor you; it must have been awful for you. Seriously though, I saw your dad groping your bare butt at the airport. Did he finger you like he did me?”
“Yeah, I can’t wait until him and me are home alone.”
“Hey Piper, have you heard about this gender neutral letter crap?”
“I haven’t read it but mum has. She told me that it wouldn’t affect me so I didn’t bother reading it, maybe we’ll find out more later.
“You going commando under that long skirt again Piper?”
“Yeah, I couldn’t face putting undies on. And I’ve got 2 skirts on. The top one is to please mum. It’s coming off just as soon as I get to my locker.”
“Is the other skirt a nice short one?”
“Yeah, not quite as short as yours though. I’m not as brave as you. Have you grown over the summer Cherry? Your ultra-short micro skirt looks even shorter than it did last term.”
“Dunno; not measured myself.”
We walked in and to our lockers. Without any hesitation Piper unfastened her outer skirt and let it drop to the floor. As she bent to pick it up a passing boy said,
“Nice cunt girl.”
Piper giggled a little and I said,
“Fuck girl, you managed to flash your bald beaver before I did, I must be getting old.”
“I’m sure that you’ll make up for it later, you always do.”
On the first morning of each new school year there is an assembly where the headmaster welcomes everyone back and introduces any new teachers. I was looking forward to seeing him again and hoped that Piper’s and my lunchtime detentions in his office would continue.
Anyway, after the welcome part he started telling everyone that the school was now gender neutral; part of the school governor’s and the county council’s new policy on equality.
There’s always a bit of background chatter in assemblies but that soon disappeared as the headmaster announced that he was no longer the headmaster, that he was now the head teacher.
“Big deal; what’s in a title?” I thought.
Then the first bombshell,
“Boys will no longer be referred to as boys and girls will no longer be referred to as girls.”
“What the fuck!” I thought.
“All pupils will be known as ‘young people’ or ‘young person’ or ‘children’ or ‘child’ or their first name. Definitely not as ‘boy’ or ‘girl’.”
Then the second bombshell,
“Last year pupils split into genders for some subjects. That will all stop. If a child did metal work last year and they want to do needlework this year, they can. If they did dressmaking last year and they want to do woodwork this year they can.
PE will have a similar change although the changes are a bit more fundamental. The changing rooms have been re-modelled over the summer and there are no longer girls changing room and boys changing rooms.
Those of you who are getting worried, relax. In the new changing rooms there are quite a number of individual cubicles for changing and quite a number of individual cubicles with showers in them as well as the communal areas and showers. It is up to you which you use.”
When the headmaster said that I smiled and thought about the fun that I was going to have. I looked at Piper and she too was smiling.
As for sporting activities, we will be having the same ones as last year but every child will be able to choose which sports they take part in. No restrictions.”
I heard Piper whisper,
“I’m sticking to gymnastics.”
I smiled and thought about rugby scrums. Being in the middle of one of those could be real fun.
The headmaster continued,
“Some of you early birds may have already noticed that the toilets have also been re-modelled. They have been combined and a lot of new cubicles installed. This should not be a problem.
Dress code is another thing that has changed, not that out previous one had much detail. It now reads,
‘All pupils are expected to wear clean and presentable clothing.’ That’s it, just the one line.
For you lazy ones that means clean, ironed and not torn. Other than that there are no restrictions. If anyone formerly known as boy wants to wear a dress or skirt, or even a bra, then they may do so. As for those formerly known as girls, most of you already dress as what used to be called boys clothes a lot of the time.”
That last statement got a few laughs and sniggers. I thought about how I could use that change.
Continuing, the headmaster said,
“In the letter that I sent to all parents was a request for any parent who was not happy with the changes, to contact me. None have so I assume that they are all happy to for you to comply with the changes.
Now the teachers; those of you who bothered to read the timetables that were emailed out to you, may just have noticed that teachers are no longer called ‘Mr’ or ‘Miss’ they will be referred to by their first name.
Right, that’s just about it; it only leaves me two things to say. Firstly I would like to apologise in advance for both myself and for all the teachers. I am sure that most of us will slip up at times and refer to you as boy or girl. That will be just an unintended mistake.
Secondly, we have 2 new teachers, Frank Johnson and Erica Rose. Frank will be taking year 10 and 11 Geography and Erica will be joining our newly formed, combined PE team.
Right, that’s it, file out in the usual way and go to your home rooms.”
Just about everyone in the hall must have started talking at the same time because the noise suddenly got deafening, but we managed to get out and to our home room.
We had a new home room teacher that year, a Harry Jones. Neither Piper nor I had had him teach us before but we’d seen him around and he isn’t that bad looking. Without talking about it we both went to the front row and managed to get a seat. Piper and I smiled at each other, each of us knowing what the other was thinking.
After a few words of explanation, he got up from his desk and came to the front of each row of desks and handed each of the front row a pile of books for us to pass back. Harry was still in front of me as I slid a book off the pile and turned to pass the others back. In doing so, my feet spread to get balance and I slid my chair back a bit. It was only when I turned back to face the front that I saw Harry looking down at my legs that were bare right up to my stomach.
He couldn’t see much of my pussy but he now knew that I was knickerless and bald under my very short skirt.
“Not a bad start for less than an hour into the new term That blue powder that Sir John send me certainly is keeping me horny.” I thought.
Our eyes met as Harry looked up, and I smiled at him. With the help of a spoonful of the blue powder in my morning OJ, and my pre-school activities with Ben and my bike, I was feeling quite horny.
Harry walked back and forth across the room as he talked and I watched his eye as they darted from where he was going, to my bare legs, then to Piper’s bare legs then back to where he was going.
Just after he had passed us one time, I looked at Piper and we each gave the thumbs-up sign.
Piper and I didn’t really get the chance to talk between the mornings lessons and just before the lunch break a kid walked into our class and gave our teacher a note. She read it then told Piper and me to report to the head teacher’s office at the end of the lesson. I smiled and replied,
“Yes Alison.” Calling a teacher by her first name still seemed a little strange, especially as I’d called her Miss Green for the past couple of years.
My spirits immediately lifted in anticipation of the headmaster fucking us both.
Piper and I weren’t disappointed, but it was a quickie. He had a lot on his mind and he told us that he was grateful for the short distraction.
“Is that all we are?” I thought, but I didn’t really care. He has a nice cock and he knows how to use it.
As we were getting dressed, the headmaster said that I was particularly eager to get laid.
“I’m just eager to get back into the routine that we had last school year sir.” I replied.
“So am I Cherry.” He said.
Then he commented on our all-over tans and asked us if we’d been anywhere nice. We both said. “Ibiza” at the same time, then I added that we had only got back the previous day.
“Alright for some, I’ve been here for the past 6 weeks making sure that everything would be ready for today. You girls don’t know how lucky you are.”
“Sir, aren’t you supposed to call us by some gender neutral name or something.”
“As far as I’m concerned there are only 2 genders and which one you are id determined by what you’ve got between your legs. Tell you what girls; I’ll just call you a good fuck. Will that do?”
“Works for me.” I replied.
“Me too.” Piper added.
“I see that both of you have grown over the holidays. Not that I’m complaining or telling you to get some new ones, but both of your skirts look shorter than they did last school year.”
“My pussy isn’t showing is it sir?” I asked.
“Not when you just stand there but I’m sure that it will when you bend over or go up the stairs or sit down without crossing your legs.”
“Do they break the new uniform rules sir?” Piper asked.
“Well no, but they might have done if I hadn’t of insisted that the rule was kept short and simple.”
“Thank you sir.” Both Piper and I said, almost together.
“Oh,” the headmaster said, “has anyone told you that the business meetings start again Wednesday next week? I hope that you’ll both be there.”
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world sir.” Piper replied.
I made a mental note to phone Jenny to see when the Monday swimming lessons were starting again.
“So sir, do you think that there will be many problems with the boys and girls sharing the same changing facilities for PE lessons?” Piper asked.
“I’m sure that there will, but if anyone complains I’m just going to tell them to use the individual cubicles and lock themselves in.”
“So we’re going to be able to shower with the boys sir.”
“If you choose to use the communal showers. And we’ve got to stop calling you girls and boys, that’s not politically correct anymore.”
“But I AM a girl and I’ve just been fucked by a man.” Piper said. “That’s never going to change for me.”
“Me too girls, but we have to follow the new standards. Oh, you both may wish to go on the internet and look at the list of the 70 plus different genders that someone has dreamt up. I’m sure that it will give you a good laugh.”
“My pussy tells me that I’m a girl; and I like it.” I said.
“I like you being a girl too Cherry,” the headmaster replied. “Now I think that you’d better be on your way if you want to get something to eat before the bell goes.”
As we walked out of his office, his secretary was just returning from her lunch. She looked at Piper and me and I’m sure that she wondered what was going on.
“I hate these lunchtime detentions.” I said to Piper making sure that the secretary could hear me.
“Yeah, I’m sick of reading Chaucer books.” Piper replied.
We went and got a sandwich from the vending machines and went outside to eat it. We sat on the grass to eat and noticed some boys staring at our legs. They could probably see our pussies as well but we didn’t care. Besides, the way that I was feeling I was more than happy for them to see my pussy.
Just before we finished eating a small group of cliquey girls walked passed and I heard one say,
“I see that those 2 sluts still can’t afford to buy decent skirts.”
Another said,
“And they still can’t afford knickers.”
Of course Piper and I just ignored them.
“I’m going for a pee Piper, you coming?”
“No, but I’ll let you make me if you like; but I need to pee as well.” Piper replied.
As we walked into the new, shared toilets I looked around and said,
“Fucking hell Piper, this could be fun.”
Down both sides of the room were rows of cubicles with toilets in them. Down in one corner was a partitioned area (no doors) with 4 urinals. In the middle of the room was 2 big metal, round sinks with 4 taps on each.
“Pee.” I said and headed to one of the cubicles half way down one side.
I walked in, turned round, didn’t shut the door, pulled my skirt up and sat on the toilet. As I peed I looked out of the cubicle and could see 2 girls and 3 boys all washing their hands. Two of the boys were looking over to me, watching me having a pee.
When I was done I stood up. Grabbed some paper and wiped my pussy. Then I dropped the paper in the toilet and flushed it.
As I shimmied my skirt down I looked as the boys.
“What?” I said, “Never seen a girl pee before?”
The boys turned and walked out without drying their hands.
Piper joined me at a sink and as we washed out hands she said,
“Did you just have a pee without closing the door Cherry?”
“Yeah, I never do. When I lived with my parents the bathroom didn’t have a door because my dad smashed it off one time that he was drunk; and at my new home I don’t bother because Ben has watched me pee loads of times.”
“Wow, I’ll have to think about doing that. I don’t suppose that my dad or brother would mind but my mum would throw a wobbler.”
“Just do it here then. If these crazy school governors want to change things like this then they’ll have to accept that kids will do what I’ve just done.”
“Maybe we can watch some boys having a pee?”
“And embarrass the poor little things.” I joked.
The afternoon went okay, in one class I had a man teacher that I hadn’t had before. As I walked in I went straight to the front row hoping for a chance to flash him. Why don’t the other girls (apart from Piper) want to sit on the front row?
I got my chance quite soon, but not in the way that I expected. He asked for a volunteer to write things on the board and when no one volunteered he picked on me. I was soon stood in front of the whole class reaching up to the top of the board. Every time that I reached up my tiny skirt went up as well.
The whole class got a great view of my bare butt and each time that there was a pause in writing I turned to face the teacher to wait for the next bit that I had to write. The first time that I turned to him he stopped mid-sentence when he saw the front of my bare slit. I was pleased that I’d put on a tight-ish skirt on that morning.
I acted like I was fully covered and each time that I turned to face him I watched his eyes stare at me slit.
The rest of the class got a look too because I didn’t pull my skirt back down as I walked back to my desk.
On the school bus on the way home I got out my timetable to see what I’d got the next day. I saw PE in one of the boxes and decided that if it wasn’t raining I was going to say that I wanted to play rugby. My pussy tingled at the thought of me being in the middle of a rugby scrum wearing my very short tennis skirt and a baggy T shirt that I usually wore for PE at the end of the last year. I just hoped that the PE teacher would let me play without proper rugby clothes and boots.
I thought about the gymnastics that I’d be missing, but that could keep until the weather started to get cold.
When I got off the bus I had a look in the little wood beside the lane that I walk along to get to the cottage. It is nice being in a wood with no one else around, nice and quiet (apart from the noise from the cars on the main road) and I stopped and lifted the front of my skirt up then rubbed my clit for a bit. Not enough to make me cum, but enough to make me feel better that I had been for most of the day.
I picked out a tree that I thought that I’d be able to chain my bike to.
As I walked back up the lane I thought about how horny I’d been all day. Could I cope with being that horny all day at school until I ran out of the blue powder? Maybe I should give the blue powder a miss when I’m going to school.
“If I do, I’ll have enough to last me until I’m an old lady.” I thought; then I smiled thinking about me as a little old lady still taking an aphrodisiac.
Back at the cottage I stripped then slowly wandered around the place, I hadn’t seen much of it in the last couple of months and I just wanted to absorb the place, remember just how happy I am living there, and happy with my life.
I wanted to go for a walk but I didn’t have the time so I told myself that I would go for a walk on the weekend, maybe go over to the farm and see Mick and Chloe and Duke and Foxy. I felt my pussy get wet at the thought of Duke licking my pussy.
I’d just got the food started when Ben got home, driving his new land rover.
“Like your new car Ben?” I asked.
“Yep; and you’ll like it too when I have to take you to your swimming lessons in the middle of winter, it’s got a great heater.”
“Can we go into town on Saturday and buy me a bike please Ben?” I asked.
When he said that we could, I explained why I wanted one. I actually gave him both reasons, the obvious one and that I want to raise the seat and make myself cum as I pedal to and from the school bus.
Ben laughed then asked me if I wanted a girls bike or a boys bike.
“Not sure, is the only difference a cross-bar?”
“As far as I know it is, oh, and maybe the colour.”
“I don’t give a shit about the colour but I could maybe have some fun with a cross-bar. And I want a long chain and padlock for it so that I can lock it to a tree.”
“We should be able to find a chain in town. If not I’m sure that Mick will knock something together for you.”
“I was thinking of going over to the farm on Sunday if the weather is okay. Is that okay with you?”
“Why did you ask Cherry, you normally just go whenever you want; you know that you don’t have to ask and that I trust you.”
“Well yes, but I thought that it would be nice to ask.”
“Are you getting soft as you get older Cherry, or did you get too much sun on that yacht and in Ibiza?”
“No, I can never get enough sun; I just wanted to be nice to you.”
Ben stepped over to me, hugged me and said,
“I’m so glad that my dumb-ass brother is such a dick-head.”
“I love you too Ben; please let go of me and get those work clothes off. You’re getting mud all over my tits.”
Ben stepped back, smiled and reached over and tweaked my right nipple.
“Gerroff.” I said and slapped his hand.
As we were eating I asked Ben if he’s seen a letter from the school. He said not, but got up and went and looked through the pile of un-opened letters.
“Yeah, got it.”
“Maybe you should read all of those letters Ben.” I suggested.
Ben was silent as he read the letter from the school. After a minute or so he said,
“Bloody hell, the world has gone mad; the lunatics are running the asylum. This is so crazy it’s beyond a joke; these politically correct idiots are just whiney, overly sensitive pansies who need everything sugar-coated for them. Do you know about what’s in this stupid letter Cherry?”
“Yes, it started today.”
“So exactly what’s changed?”
I explained everything that I knew then told him that I was thinking about playing Rugby in PE the next day.
“Bloody hell Cherry, you’re tiny, they’ll flatten you, squash you into the grass.”
“Maybe, but think about me in the middle of a scrum wearing just my tennis skirt and a baggy T shirt.”
“Oh, I see; I see what you’re going to do, or should I say get. Well good luck to you but you must be careful; those big, fat teenage boys could walk straight through you.”
“I think that I can handle that. I’m small, fast and a kick in the balls can bring down any man, or boy. I looked after myself then I was living with my parents so I think I can handle this.”
“Yeah, you probably can, you are a bit of a tomboy; but you must be careful, I don’t want to get a phone call telling me that you’re in hospital.”
“If you do I can guarantee that there will be a boy in the next bed with worse injuries than me.”
Ben laughed then said,
“Yes, I can believe that, but you take care.”
“And you read that pile of mail.” I replied.
After a silent pause I told Ben that I’d had some of the blue powder in my OJ that morning.
“So you’ve been horny all day have you? I bet that it was distracting you. Maybe you should give it a miss during the week, I’d hate for it to affect your school work.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I think that I’ll just take it on a Friday evening before the Poker session then again on a Saturday and Sunday morning.”
“Probably for the best Cherry.”
That evening I phoned Jenny and confirmed the start of the swimming lessons then phoned Piper to let her know. Then I went on the internet to look at the list of genders.
When I found it and read through it I thought that it was all stupid, and so did Ben when I showed it to him. There was only one new gender that I liked the look of, and that’s ‘Gender Fluid’. I thought it could be handy to use if I wanted to pretend to be a boy whenever I want to. After all, I’ve always been a bit of a Tomboy.
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Fall in Michigan is a beautiful thing. The changing colors of the leaves, is one of Nature's best and most artistic sights. The air has a wonderful crispness to it. The sunlight is nearly as bright as the summer but has more of an orange tint to it than the bright yellow, glare of the spring and summer months. The people are also affected, some revel in the fall as being far more romantic. It's the perfect time to step up the romance in preparation for the intimacy of the cold winter months....
You Asakura is a pleaser. She loves to please. She is the kind of girl that wants you to be happy. So, imagine if you would, she is your girl and she knows how much you love her sexy tiny figure in a cute bikini or tiny lingerie. What is she going to do? She is going to pop into the bedroom sometime when you are least expecting it and she is going to be wearing something new you have never seen before. Something she bought with you in mind. Something that gives you a pussy quiver and your cock...
xmoviesforyouHer warm breath hangs delicately in the cold night air. As the words from his letter were swirling around in her mind."Tonight my Queen, we shall watch each other indulge in our darkest fantasies. At seven o'clock you are to keep yourself at the brink of an orgasm for twenty minutes without cumming. Be dressed to impress, i'll be there at seven twenty sharp. Don't be late...or else." A smile crept across her face, As she wonders if she can truly let her wildest desires take over. Slow...
Shawn was having the time of his life. Testifying and participating in discussions all day, and out partying all night. With Kia and Shai by his side they kept the taverns open and the impresarios up all night long. The CID, thanks to the beneficence of Warrant Officer Sam Houston, had provided him with a splendid expense account, and Shawn spent his country’s money as though deficits didn’t matter. The three ate, drank, danced, and made the rounds of the hottest hot spots in the hottest city...
Lexxi Steele is a hot up and comer in the industry. She definitely has the goods to make it far in this business. She has a perfectly huge set of tits and a magnificent body to go with them. This week, Lexxi joins us to show us what she’s got. We paired her up with Johnny The Kid. His cock stretched her pussy further than ever before. Lexxi got the fucking that she deserved. Watching her tits go up and down in several different positions is a sight to be seen. Finally, it all culminated with a...
xmoviesforyouThe Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Author's Foreword: This is a unauthorized "part two" to Tiffani Andrews' excellent The Lesson Plan Part One: Endless Summer ( =1431653814505060881). The characters, the setting and the setup were so wonderful, I felt inspired to continue in my own way. Thanks to Tiffani for setting the scene so well. I hope you don't mind. Wednesday: Shakespeare for beginners Chapter...
Petra, Mitte 30, war Lehrerin an einem Gymnasium. Sie war schlank und hatte kinnlange braune Haare. Auffällig war ihre Oberweite mit einer BH-Größe von 75 DD. Speziell im Sommer, wenn sie ein enges T-Shirt trug blickten ihr die Jungs der Abschlussklasse gaffend hinterher. In der Liebe hatte Petra wenige Glück. Ihr Jugendfreund verließ sie für eine andere. Seitdem hatte sie keine feste Beziehung mehr. Kurz vor den Sommerferien kam Luca neu in ihre Klasse. Er hatte gerade seinen 18. Geburtstag...
Jamie woke in the stifling heat of the RV. She was naked, covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. She felt the stickiness of her husband’s cum in her pussy. She knew she should shower, however she loved the sticky feeling of her cum filled pussy. It was a kink she had not shared with her husband of 30 years. Next to her, John snored loudly. She shivered as she inhaled the scent of their lovemaking. She sat up on the edge of the bed. Where was Sam? The darkness was complete. Still she could...
All in all, neither Jack nor Michaelina looked exactly as they had 'before.' but there was enough similarities so that no one would question the identity of either. Everyone knew about the accident and they all had assumed that they would be slightly different. Michaelina was still growing so her appearance was expected to change anyway. Michaelina's lessons on makeup, hair, nails and fashion where making big impact on her appearance. She was becoming more confident with...
I tried my best not to stare but to see everything as we rolled through the city. I did get quite a few stares of my own. I looked down and realized I was still in the clothes I had been wearing when I jumped into the SWAT van. The silk looking black wicking t-shirt with POLICE written across my chest and upper back must have confused many people. After about an hour, we pulled through a seven-foot stone wall surrounding a vast mansion. While I hopped down from the seat of my wagon, several...
1981--December 24 6:30 pm Lance Corporal Leroy Jethro Gibbs was tired. Men on base always took the holidays hard and here at Quantico sometimes it seemed as if it was the Wild, Wild West. He'd broken up enough fights and dealt with enough angry men to exhaust even him. And he was a Marine to the core. He considered staying home tonight, but Shannon had opted to spend Christmas here in Virginia rather than in Pennsylvania with her family. She was going to college in DC so that she could be...
Yeah I know it is quite "taboo" to even think about having a sexual encounter with the sister of a wife but the pent up fantasy frustration has to come out somewhere... My wife is an attractive blonde, fit and a great mother in her 40s, looking at it from a taboo perspective I have often "released tension" by fantasizing about her sister, tall blonde, active, happy and a little more lively than her sister (my wife) and a few years younger but still over 40.I woke up this morning thinking about...
FantasyMy wife is such a tease!!!Enjoy!!!Nothing really happened and then Corina told me Wednesday night that she had to work late on Thursday and every two or so weeks it happens. I never thought anything about her getting fucked by someone because this happened for a while before the game. It gave me time to check out things I was interested in getting. At lunchtime I went to a camera store and got talked into a video camera with an extra microphone and it would record onto SD cards or even to a...
The sights and sounds of a racetrack were foreign but exciting for the widow from Puerto Rico. She had to admit she enjoyed herself immensely, meeting and greeting new people, watching the horses run and cheering on her personal favorites chosen from the program strictly by whim, the racing colors of the jockey or the sound of the horse's name. She held Jimmy's arm tightly and several times thrust out her chest to display her prominent bustline when Jimmy reminded her she was being admired....
It was Auntie Mayes soft hand from behind that coaxed me forward into my new temporary upstairs summer bedroom as my eyes took in that fascinating sight of such exciting lovely and sexy feminine lingerie and girlie outfits that completley covered her pink guestroom bedspread! In addition I couldn't help but to also notice, those five lifelike looking rubber dildo cocks that had been carefully layed out sideways across the lower shelf of the high headboard just below the long narrow mirror above...
Rosalyn Sphinx and Britney Light love getting down in their country outfits and cowboy boots. Nothing turns them on like the great outdoors and some good old fashioned country style dancing. They even got their dads to teach them a step or two while they are out at the old corral. The teen hotties look extra sexy as they do si do left and right, switching partners like its nothing! In fact, they look so good, that pretty soon these dads start getting ideas. Rosalyns dad gets stuck staring at...
xmoviesforyouThis village was controlled by the men. The women were used to bare c***dren and service the men. The more c***dren a man produced the higher he ranked in the village. As soon as the daughters were of age to breed they were readied and matched with a man. The women were fucked every night and some times during the day to make them pregnant. They wore only a thin dress that tied in the front and nothing else so the men could get to them fast if they wanted to fuck them. It was common for the...
After Night of Champions 2014, Nikki Bella appeared on several talk shows, hyping herself up as the new Diva's Champion, as well as her gorgeous looks (and rightfully so, as none of the hosts could stop looking at her tits and ass). Soon enough, Nikki started her own (R rated) Model division in the WWE, with an emphasis on looks and gimmick matches, like foxy boxing and bra & panties matches instead of wrestling. Nikki quickly became the top star in the division with her amazing body, and was...
Hi, my name is Vidit. I have been a regular visitor of the ISS and enjoyed many stories written by all of you. Have always wanted to write about my own experiences but was always shy. I am 26 years old and I also have a very beautiful girl friend, but somehow I have always been inclined towards the gay sex as well. It is not that I do not enjoy it with my girl friend, do not look, or get tempted when I see a hot or beautiful female but there are times when I would want to do something...
Gay MaleHii guys.. I m Yuvii from delhi..24 years old.. I am a dom..i hope u know what a dom and sub is... Dom is one who dominates nd sub is one who is submissive to his or her master.. So.. Coming to story. i have a strange way of telling my experiences..i expect the reader is a female nd she is imagining herself with me cuz k will adress the reader as You in my story. So get ready cuz it's just u with whom m doing all this.. So now.. I have a gf.. She is the most horniest bitch i have ever...
BDSMMonica had been pursuing her new career in porn films for nearly six months when she got that phone call she'd longed for, but now that it arrived, she wasn't sure if she wanted to talk to him or not. Bill had disavowed any connections with her after their sexy activities had become known but now that Monica had established a national reputation as a very sexy woman and a very accomplished porn film actress, Bill couldn't resist trying to make contact again. "Hello, Monica," Bill said...
A low buzz filled the restaurant, accompanied by the clink of silverware against bone china plates. Todd stood by at the end of the bar to survey the tables, but, more importantly, to watch the hostess and the doorway beyond. The hostess was a sight to behold with black slacks that outlined her hips and ass tight enough to show a gap between her thighs. Her loose blouse billowed around her body. He smirked when she turned to guide a guest. A long, V-shaped cut in the center of her...
Mister Tyler had called me to babysit since his wife was traveling and he wanted to go out for the evening. I had been away at college and extra money never hurt. I took my bike up to his house. The door was open and I didn't hear the k**s. I started walking through the house until I finally made my way to the garage. Mister Tyler was sitting with his back partially towards me. I could see he had his legs spread wide. He was also completely naked! His left hand was in his crotch slowly rubbing...
Harry sat awake in his chair, a sturdy old thing he’d found in one of the many rooms of Grimmauld Place, it was now well into another night of Harry’s chosen seclusion from the rest of his society, he had taken this nearly immediately after his victory over Voldemort, he had left a brief statement where he stated that he was pleased to have finally defeated the dark lord who had been terrorising the world since his fourth year of school and that now he wished to be left alone for a while so...
Her hand job felt amazing and I soon yelled "I'm about to come" when she took half of me in her mouth and began sucking and beating it on the base. This was too much and I said NOW! as I let loose my load into her mouth. She then even further impressed me by swallowing it all with a satisfying slurp. "mmm that felt great but their is no going back now do you think you can take me?" I asked and she replied "hell yea!" I quickly moved her into a leaning over position against the wall...
Ever since I stuffed my cock into my first girlfriend’s asshole, I’ve been an anal sex addict. She didn’t like it, but I’ve been able to find many who have over the years. Any woman’s ass is tighter and hotter than her vagina and the intensity of the experience is always unforgettable. My success rate for anal girlfriends has always been a little low though. Most of the time I have to fuck a chick a few times without going for her butt, I’ve discovered it’s a better strategy not to bring the...
As a thank you to readers on this site and some others for commenting on the last post I'm going to give you a second chapter here this weekend! I hope you continue to enjoy it! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants...
Jeff picked the healer up from the table near the bed, and quietly made his way out of the room. In the sitting room, the light turned down low, he relaxed on the couch. Again, sleep or the trance-like state she helped him enter, engulfed him. {{{??}}} Little One, I need you to help two more of my friends. Like Helen, they're a little older, and I would like that to be corrected, if you would, and also for you to make them as healthy as you can. He tried to send the concepts over and over,...
BANG BANG BANG BANG You groggily lift your head from the pillow as you hear the insistent knocking at your front door, wondering who the hell could have a reason to visit you so early in the morning. "I'm coming..." you mumble as you crawl out of bed and pull on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, to be half-way presentable to whoever is at your front door. Your eyes still half shut with sleep, you open the door to find a gorgeous woman dark-haired woman standing on your front step, wearing dark...
Hello All, I hope everyone had a great Summer. I have been trying towrite a new story for a while now and nothing was happening. Then as withmost things just when you relax and let life happen, good things comeyour way.A Genny Story... Birthday GirlI am Genny.I had a birthday last week, 10/10. On the calendar they refer to the weekend as"Columbus Day", but everyone knows that's just code speak for "Genny'sBirthday". New York even had a parade. Wasn't that nice? Melly and Idecided to avoid the...
LesbianOliver Strand rubbed his podgy hands with anticipation as Amanda’s carriage concluded the gentle twenty-five minute ride from her lodgings and came to a stop outside his house. She’d taken his suggestion as to her dress, and looked every bit as beautiful as he had anticipated. He had slightly known and been introduced to Amanda before she left the South for college and then England, but they had never really had much to do with each other, certainly not in the way that he liked when he met...
Have you ever been in a position where your sexual desires totally over-ruled your sensibility? Where you knew it was wrong, but oh boy, it feel so right, so multi-orgasmic right? Well, tonight was one of those times! When Eric asked/pleaded for me to wear a bag, I thought he was just kidding. I was about to tell him, he was out of his fucking, fucked up, drug induced, schizophrenic mind, but that was until I looked into his eyes and saw that this was not the case; and I could read Eric better...
Straight SexBeing 5.11 feet tall and puerto rican with short hair I was an average looking kid with mostly average grades and the normal but fun to be around friends. I walked into the school looking for only one person the girl of my dreams Kiana Diaz she was about 5.6ft tall with long flowing black hair and the most melon shaped breast in the history of the planet she had tan skin being puerto rican and to top off her appearance she never wore a bra always letting her boobs move around...
Rupita’s husband of six months was away on a business trip. He had been gone three nights which was the most they had been apart since their wedding. From the shy virgin at the wedding, she had learned to enjoy sex and the separation had her dreaming about it in her sleep. But this night she was awakened in the wee hours and realized that it was not a dream-erection sliding in her yoni. It was not her husband’s either! It could only be her father-in-law that had come up behind her as she slept...
When I turned 18 and moved out of my little hometown and into The Big City, I could never have guessed that I would land the job of my dreams - well, almost. I worked for a prestigious record company, and music is my life. The woman who hired my to be her assistant was a medium-height redhead in her early 40's with a slithering physique; curvy, cool and controlled. She dressed SHARP. I immediately looked to her as my role model, a kind of guiding figure for this small-town girl in over her...
Patience was never really a virtue of mine, but as I sat waiting, my legs fidgeting on the side of the bed, I thought I was going to go crazy.A knock sounded at the door to the room, and all three of us jumped, as an older man entered, a smile on his face, and a clipboard in his hands."Good news, Jason. Looks like your casts are coming off early." Doctor Brown said. His wispy long grey hair stuck out from his head, but he's been our family doctor for years.Lisa and mom jumped up to hug me at...
What Mom Knows Fucks Her Again Summary: The day after: son fucks Mom again and then her friend in hot threesome.Note 1: This is a sequel to the story What Mom Doesn’t Know Will Fuck Her. Although this story can stand on its own, I highly recommend you read Part One before reading this one....Note 2: A great big hug of gratitude goes to Estragon for his editing.Note 3: Another ‘thank you’ goes to all who voted for part one and requested a sequel to a story I never intended to have a sequel. I...
IncestLater that evening, when Joyce Collier came out to the edge of the ring and was caught and held in a spotlight, she was wearing a white halter top, a pair of white short shorts that featured her beautifully tanned legs and nothing else. Not only was she wearing no bra, she was not even wearing a bikini. Her feet were bare and her shoulder-length tawny hair was tied back in a ponytail and held with a big white bow. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome to the circus!...
Leda Lotharia returns for a hot action show with Chad Alva and this babe loves it rough and loves being used like a little fuck doll. Pound that pussy and spit in her mouth. Spread those big juicy pussy lips open to make her gape and want to feel that cock pummeling her deep. Leda loves how Chad puts his foot on her head keeping her down while he drills that pussy in doggy. She just can not get enough. he’ll choke on that dick until she can’t breath but beg for more and more. If...
xmoviesforyouHi, guys, this is nayeem and this is my first story in ISS So please forgive me if I am wrong anywhere. This story is about me and a girl who had a real good sexting. My first sexting experience was good I can remember hesitating for a few moments, then obliging, my heart galloping along. I arranged myself on the thick carpet in my bedroom, took a photo with my webcam, and sent it. Why? Why not? I was clothed, but it was definitely meant to be provocative, flirtatious. I couldn’t fathom any...
Rharri Rhound is happy to finally get home after a long trip. She is even happier when she finds a cute note written by her man. It lets her know that he cleaned up the house for her. She is so pleased by this, that she plans a surprise for her man while he takes a rest on the couch. She slips into the other room and puts some sexy, long see through black stockings and a body suit on. Then she toys herself with a long purple dildo in the shower. She sticks it up inside her for her man to find...