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Oliver Strand rubbed his podgy hands with anticipation as Amanda’s carriage concluded the gentle twenty-five minute ride from her lodgings and came to a stop outside his house. She’d taken his suggestion as to her dress, and looked every bit as beautiful as he had anticipated.

He had slightly known and been introduced to Amanda before she left the South for college and then England, but they had never really had much to do with each other, certainly not in the way that he liked when he met full breasted, curvy figured young women.

Over the years, he had learned about Amanda’s life and was pleased when he heard about her marriage break up and her impending return to the family plantation. Since meeting her properly at the Cotton Christmas Ball, he had become very single minded about his desire for getting her into his bed and that had become a key objective in his life.

But he had bigger plans for her as well. He was aware of her connections in the North from her time at college and living there with her husband. He was also aware that she knew many prominent Yankees, including General Fairfax Lennon. His contacts had informed him that she had dined with the head of military intelligence several times in New York, and also here in Washington just last week.

Fairfax might be head of military intelligence, but Strand had his own very effective network as well. He would have absolutely no compunction whatsoever about adding Amanda to that network and persuading her to spy on her Yankee ‘friends.’ At the back of his mind was the idea that he could use the assistance he was offering her as a lever to persuade her to feed him information about the North and its plans.

As the carriage stopped in the small shingled courtyard of his office, and occasional living quarters in Foggy Bottom, Strand pushed past the driver and opened the door to the carriage.

‘That will be fine, Jenkins,’ he said, holding his hand out to Amanda as she leaned forward to alight from the closed carriage. ‘Just put the stairs there for Missus Williams please, I’ll handle the rest.’

She was wearing a highly fashionable two-colour outfit. It had a tight, white, low cut bodice with black lace around the neck and small, black buttons running up from her waist to the low cut neckline. The black with white piping and lace trimmed skirt was fully hooped and beautifully layered. The fullness of the skirt was in stark, but alluring contrast to the slim, tautness of the bodice.

‘Welcome back, Amanda’ he said, taking her hand as she stepped down. Her partially covered breasts almost touched him as he bent his arm to aid her progress down the steps, which the footman Jenkins had put in place.

She smiled, ‘Thank you. It is very nice to be back Mister Strand.’

‘Now, please, how many times must I remind you? I insist on Oliver and Amanda.’

‘Why, certainly sir’ she smiled. ‘It just slips my mind to be so intimate after knowing a gentleman for such a short time.’

Smirking in an oily way Strand oozed back. ‘Ma’am, short the time may be, but surely it has been er, how should we phrase it, close and meaningful perhaps? Yes I think that sums up our relationship, don’t you Amanda?’

She didn’t reply. Instead, she inclined her head to one side, slightly fluttered her eyelids and covered her face with her fan, providing a completely non-committal persona.

Slipping his arm through hers to walk her into the house, he said, ‘Well then, my dear, this evening presents the ideal opportunity for us both to do something about that. To make it even more close and meaningful, doesn’t it?’

Smiling, knowing full well his meaning, Amanda decided to play a coy game. As he stood aside to let her through the doorway, she replied.

‘Pray sir… sorry, Oliver! Whatever can you mean?’

Strand had always been a man who took risks, one who chanced his arm, pushed things and sometimes went for broke. He relied on his intuition and instinct, far more than most men. And he sensed that this was a time to go with his gut feel. As they walked into the light oak, panelled entrance hall, he pulled on Amanda’s elbow, stopping and turning her so that they faced each other.

Putting his arms round her before she could stop him, he pulled her to him and attempted to kiss her, muttering, ‘This madam, I meant this.’

Amanda’s immediate reaction was to push him away, but instinct stopped her even as she began to protest. She needed his help and his connections, and her quick mind whirled into action. Leaning back so that his mouth could not reach hers she said.

‘But sir, this is so sudden, so extreme.’

Strand went on the offensive. His inner self took over, the self that had raped many black slave and several white trash women. The self that had tortured a variety of harlots and whores and the self that had seen him force himself on so many women over the years.

‘Don’t talk arrant rubbish,’ he growled as he pulled Amanda’s body against him. ‘You have known as well as I, that this was going to happen,’ he muttered pressing his lips firmly against hers.

It was true, of course. After all, she had chosen her outfit expressly for being undressed and having sex with Strand. She had worn her sheerest, black stockings, her sexiest, silk pantalettes and she had daringly dispensed with both her chemise and camisole, and was wearing her corset next to her skin.

The stunningly low cut, French gown had no extra material, as was the American fashion, to cover her breasts. Without the chemmy and camisole, they were tantalisingly on display, much more so than was normal in American society.

She had come to this meeting showing more of the flesh of her bosom than Strand would probably have ever seen on a ‘dressed’ woman, other than in a brothel, perhaps. Yes, she had arrived at his house with most of her splendid tits on show. And to a man like Strand, that meant just one thing! She was ready and willing to be fucked!

His arms were around his prey’s slim back, his fingers finding the laces of her firm corset. Pulling Amanda against his broad chest and crushing her breasts, she gasped with surprise and, she was amazed to realise, excitement.

‘You know you want me, Amanda,’ he said, roughly pushing his tongue against her closed lips. She tried to keep them closed, but her sense of pragmatism, that touch of excitement she was feeling and the persistence of Stand’s tongue, slowly forced them apart.

To Oliver Strand, a woman opening her mouth and allowing his tongue to slide inside, had almost equal significance to her opening her legs for him to lie between. Both gestures said, you can fuck me!

His kiss was deep and passionate. He kissed her on both lips and then just the top one. He shoved his tongue forcibly deep into her mouth and then sucked on her bottom lip. She shivered as he plastered kisses all over her chin and cheeks, and then down her neck and throat and onto her shoulders.

Strand took her shudder to be excitement and responded by kissing and sucking along her collar bone. His hand pushed against the thick silk of her hooped skirt, trying but failing to reach and feel the delights that lay beneath. The dress was too well made and voluminous for that.

Amanda had such a complex mix of emotions rushing through her mind, and body. Fear, surprise, rage, dislike all welled in her heart. But, most disappointingly of all, she felt excitement. The last time she’d experienced rough sex was with an enormously well endowed, mixed race boxer in London. It had left her breathless.

Despite herself, her struggles were half hearted as she felt a familiar tingle between her loins. There was no doubt that as Strand was becoming more excited by the second so, amazingly and very worryingly, was Amanda.

‘Come on, you feisty vixen, you know this is what you want’ he growled into her ear.

His hand at last found wha
t it had wanted since the moment he had seen the ‘grown up’ Missus Williams at the ball last Christmas. He grabbed her not insubstantial breast and squeezed it, not caring whether he caused pain.

‘Ouch,’ she grunted, flinching from the contact. ‘That hurt.’

‘Sorry,’ Strand grunted, but made no effort to slow his actions. Forcing his fingers inside the neckline of her dress, he revelled in the feelings of the mass of soft, pliant flesh in the palm of his hand. Amanda’s breast felt every bit as good as it looked. Without consideration for her discomfort, he aggressively yanked the mounds out from the restrictions of the dress, his eyes registering his lust.

‘Oh God, Amanda, your breasts are wonderful,’ he grunted, bending his face towards the soft flesh. His eyes flashed with smug satisfaction at the hardness of her nipple. ‘You want this as much as I do, you sexy aroused bitch,’ he muttered, as his mouth closed over her extremely swollen bud.

Amanda’s head was in a whirl. She knew she had to go through with this, and part of her was confessing that she did indeed want it, too. But everything was happening too quickly. ‘Oliver please,’ she pleaded, trying to push him off.

‘No!’ he insisted, his voice full of lust. ‘You knew the price Amanda. You agreed and you know you want it! You want me!’

‘But not now, not here,’ she cried, desperate for a way out. Being fucked by a man she despised was one thing, being fucked by him on a carpet in an entrance hall where, for all she knew a servant or, worse, one of Strand’s business colleagues could come by, was something totally different. It would be humiliating.

Her cries brought Strand to his senses. Although he only kept a skeleton staff at this location, drawing them from and returning them to his main Washington residence as needed, he knew that it would be unfortunate if any of them saw what was happening. Not for the embarrassment it would cause, for Strand had no such morals. But finding good staff was difficult and the maid or footman that would be so unlucky as to witness the scene would be immediately fired and shipped out of the capital.

‘Yes madam, I am sorry,’ he gasped, backing away from Amanda in a calculated attempt to reassure her. ‘Your beauty and your perfect body, inflamed my ardour, and I can but apologise for my sudden actions. Forgive me, please!’

‘Thank you Mister Strand,’ Amanda replied, panting from the effort of pushing her attacker away. Despite herself, she felt waves of arousal flood through her at the thought of being taken so roughly. God, servants or no servants, she’d almost allowed him to do what he wished. And she realised as they moved apart she could hardly now blame that on sexual frustrated, her few days with Fairfax had put paid to that!

She went to adjust her clothes. The sight of his gaze on her bountiful breasts hanging out from the neckline of her dress only served to arouse her more.

Strand grabbed her hand. ‘No, madam, pray leave them for me to feast my eyes as we dine.’

My God, Amanda thought. The animal wants us to have dinner with me sitting there with my tits out. Even that outrageous thought sent another waft of arousal through her body, though such an idea was preposterous. Wasn’t it? ‘But sir, I beseech you! I can’t! Not with your servants around!’

Strand slyly smiled and licked his fat lips. ‘Don’t worry your pretty head about my servants, Amanda, I will send them away. Come with me.’

His sweaty palm grabbed her hand, pulling her with him further into the house, her bare, unfettered breast jiggling provocatively. With each step, Strand’s glances over his shoulders devoured her naked flesh. Amanda had to almost run, such was her host’s urgency as he dragged her by the hand up a narrow staircase and along a short, pine panelled corridor to the rear of the house.

The door he eventually opened led into a modest sized dressing room, with a number of closets, a table to lay dresses out on, and three chairs adjacent to another door to the right.

‘Now my dear,’ he slurred, unable to take his eyes from her wonderful breasts. For a moment, Amanda thought he was going to grab them again. She realised with horror that part of her actually wanted him to.

‘You stay her and ready yourself for dinner,’ he growled.

‘Pray, Oliver,’ she responded hoarsely, attempting to control her breathing as she used her black fan to cover her nakedness. ‘I don’t understand! Whatever do you mean?’

‘We will eat dinner alone, Amanda! We will serve ourselves, there will be no servants! In a few moments, they will all be leaving for the evening.’ His hand pushed away the fan Amanda was using to hide her embarrassment, which increased as leering at her he added ‘And for the entire night.

‘So you see, madam,’ he mumbled, saliva almost dripping from his fat lips as he leered at her breasts. ‘Modesty is not necessary, no one will be here, just you and me.’

‘Oh,’ Amanda muttered, feeling another surge of excitement at his proposal. The knowledge that this man was desperate for her sent a shiver through her voluptuous body, but recently she had no real understanding of her emotions and why she felt the way she did.

Strand instantly closed the gap between them, unable to resist the wanton sight she presented to him. Roughly pulling her to him, her naked breasts squashed into his chest as his hungry mouth found her lips again.

Such was her arousal, Amanda found herself opening her mouth, allowing his tongue to delve inside. The feeling of her hard nipples brushing against his silk waistcoat was exquisite.

‘What it means, my dear,’ Strand breathed between kisses, is that I want you undressed as we eat dinner. Leave just enough on to titillate me! Understand?’ Staring intently at her he nodded, as if that reinforced that this was an instruction, not a request. ‘Forgive me for a moment, for I must take care of the servants. After all, we do not want to be disturbed, do we?

The sneering smile he gave her as he turned on his heel and left the room made Amanda feel light headed, very confused and slightly revolted, no very revolted, but now at herself as much as at him. Previously, this was a fate to be endured. Now, the thought of being made love to by this rough monster already had made her wet. Being made love to? No — she was going to be fucked!

Alone in the dressing room, she wondered how far to go with her clothes. She had heard of parties, orgies, in England where the participants wore very little as they drank and ate. She had heard about brothels where nude dining was the vogue.

There was no doubt Strand really meant what he’d said! His eyes and tone had confirmed that. And the thought sent another waft of arousal through her body. She realised she needed this almost as much as he did and she started to undress. The only redeeming factor was that she wouldn’t have to endure a man undressing her, it really was almost a torture.

‘Well at least’ she conjectured pragmatically, ‘It will prevent him pawing my finest French gown.’


Fairfax was pleased with the way things were going. Whilst it had been at the back of his mind to ask for Amanda’s help he hadn’t expected her to as it were ‘hand it to him on a plate.’ He was slightly perturbed at just how readily she had agreed with his oblique suggestion of using her body to gain information and that made him wonder whether she had already decided to do that to ease the sale of Selby. His trained intelligence mind told him that she probably had and that didn’t bother him one iota, to him sex was merely a commodity.

Having Amanda announce that she wouldn’t be able to meet him that evening pleased him. He hoped it would mean that she would probably have sex with Strand and might glean some useful information and it also meant that he could travel to New York on the overnight train. This was a new initiative by the railroad and came about from the enco
uragement of the government in Washington and the merchants and financiers of New York.

Until very recently the trains stopped overnight and passengers disembarked and slept in guest houses that had been built near stations. An enterprising entrepreneur from Germany had developed and launched a ‘sleeping car’ that was made up of small, some said cell-like, rooms with beds. One train containing two of these cars left Washington and another New York at nine o’clock three evenings each week. This meant that the passengers could arrive in central New York city or the capital early the next morning perform a day’s work and return home over the next night.

Prior to his assignation with Amanda being cancelled Fairfax had planned to travel the next day and had scheduled late afternoon and evening meetings as usual hoping against hope that there would be no significant delays. By travelling overnight he was able to arrange more meetings and bring some of the others forward from the evening, thus giving him more time with his long-term mistress.


Strand’s eyes popped out like organ stops when Amanda walked into his private quarters. The tongue that had been devouring her mouth ran across his fat lips as his gaze took in every inch of the voluptuous beauty. The cock that longed for her began to unfurl in his breaches and reach its full potential.

‘I hope you don’t mind Oliver,’ she murmured seductively, posing for a moment so that his eyes could drink in all of her beauty. ‘But I am wearing stockings as well. I trust my attire pleases you?’

As she walked in Strand had exclaimed to himself. ‘My God, my fucking God, she looks incredible.’

‘Please me?’ he stuttered. ‘Madam, you are nothing short of magnificent!’

Amanda smiled coquettishly. Somehow, pleasing him and inflaming his lust only served to increase her own arousal. Her recollection of Captain Richard Jarvis’s reaction to her stockings added to the sensation.

Wearing just her corset and her English bloomers, she had let her hair down so that its chestnut curls were cascading over her bare shoulders. The small gap between the bottom of her pale grey, corset left part of her stomach exposed, and by removing her shoes, Strand could see the black silk of her stockings under her bloomers that ended well above her slim ankles.

‘Magnificent’ Strand repeated, his gaze circling her body before returning to her crowning glories, the feature that so strongly attracted Strand’s attention. Bare and powdered, her unfettered breasts looked magnificent. Strand could not drag his gaze away from their shape and majesty, his hungry eyes focusing on the fiercely hardened nipples and the mound of flesh that jiggled so seductively as she moved.

His face looked like he was close to hyperventilating at the erotic sight posing for him. He pulled at his jacket, dropping it to the hard floor, quickly followed by his waistcoat and cravat. With his white, cotton shirt open at the throat, Amanda could see the black, grey-flecked hair at the top of his chest.

With a lecherous smile that sent shivers to her very core, Strand moved behind one of the high backed dining chairs placed each end of the small table located in the bow window of his room.

‘Madam,’ he gasped. ‘Pray be seated, dinner will shortly be served.’

His hungry eyes devoured every part of Amanda’s body as she sashayed across the room, looking far more confident than she felt. Her corset kept her back straight so her breasts were pushed out and her tummy held in. Determined to put on a show, but not fully understanding why, she shuffled a little making her breasts jiggle deliciously as she took her place.

Strand adjusted the chair as she sat down, staring intently at her pale, smooth skin and her deep, copper coloured hair that was tumbling down onto her breasts. The way the odd ringlet fell onto the swell of her breasts only made the sight more appealing. Seeing a woman dressed like this reminded him of high class whores and he immediately hardened to a level that was unusual for him in recent times.

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Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

3 years ago
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I Wish I Had Gone FishingChapter 3 The Price

Suddenly realizing how much I liked Sally, caused me pain, but I resolved, even though this liking her would make it difficult, it wouldn’t stop me. Then Sally stopped me cold, brought me up short! “Well, that isn’t exactly true anymore!” Sally had said and smiled at me in a way that jellied my insides. Unmanned me. Was she reading my mind? Careful! Let HER explain herself. We both finished our whiskeys at a gulp! I cocked my head, shrugged, lifted my eyebrows made an Oh of my mute lips....

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Sex With Librarian

Hello friends, I am 26 old average looking guy from kerala, living in bangalore. I am a fun loving person, never miss any opportunity to enjoy sex. Though I have had sex with ladies of different age groups, I never revealed any data about them to my friends, since I always respect their privacy and confidentiality, after all they all gave their most valued assets to me :). It all started when I was back in my college during my teenage days... In my second year Priyanka (name changed) came to...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Milf Younger Sister 8211 Episode 1

Myself kapil, 29 years, Normal built. My sister – Age 24 years, Big Boobs and Huge Ass. A perfect MILF. I was very close to my sister. When she was coming of her age she used to hang around me and always used to sit on my lap while watching TV etc. Slowly as she entered her 20’s her assets started to take shape. I also started to notice her assets. By this time I had already been introduced to incest videos and stories. Initially I used to find her bra or underwear and used to masturbate. But...

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The Good Example

Karen was an unhappy girl. Why did she feel so different to everyone else? Maybe it wasn't obvious that she was different. She wasn't disabled, she didn't belong to an ethnic minority, she wasn't especially tall, short, fat or thin, and she was sure that she quite liked boys. Well, perhaps she liked them more as friends than as anything else, but she did feel more at ease in the company of boys than she did with the girls in her class. Perhaps this was what made Karen sure that she was...

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Shercock Holmes and the Case of the Haunted Attic

His fingers dug into her fleshy hips as his cock slipped between her thighs. Her tightness gripped his shaft as her back arched as he entered her. Joan could not help but moan as Holmes invaded her most intimate part.Her breasts began to sway as he pumped hard into her, his stomach slapping against her bubbly ass as she bent over the back of the sofa. She had wanted him to take her for so long. She could feel her orgasm begin to boil inside her.“It's six a.m. in Atlanta, time to rise and...

Quickie Sex
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Steve and I met when we were in university. We wereboth majoring in optometry, and our conversationsconsisted mainly of discussing science and crackinglame math jokes. Well, perhaps to an outsider, theywere lame, but we always had our own way ofunderstanding the world.We were very much alike, beyond the scope of ourinterest in science. We listened to the same music,had the same taste in film, and enjoyed the samefoods. This means we're identical twins, right? No.Hardly. It wasn't until a...

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Submission a Family Game continued

Jennifer walked to the front door in her high heels. Standing by the window was a man in a pilots uniform. He rang the door bell again. She opened the door. " Hello Jenny. Turn the porch light on please and stand here please. " the young pilot instructed. "Yes Sir" Jenny obeyed his instructions. Standing under the porchlight her mature naked body could be seen by the guy walking the dog across the road, a young woman running, and a car cruising down the street. She liked exhibiting herself to...

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Caleb Comes to Town

Caleb Comes to Town by JEP Chapter 1 – Caleb Picks up Supplies Caleb was making his semi-annual trip to town. Twice a year he drove intothe little town in his huge truck to pick up six months of supplies, take agander at humanity, and then he would return to his remote farmhouse. His tripalways followed the same pattern. First, was a stop at Ray's Café tohave breakfast. It was the only business that would be open at 5:00 a.m. Calebalways had the same meal – three eggs over medium, a rack of...

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Use It or Lose ItChapter 4

Lida is Russian Orthodox. That's significant in a number of ways, but cropped up for the first time as we approached Christmas. You see, the Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on the seventh of January, after the Western Church is thinking of Epiphany on the sixth – that is, 'Twelfth Night', the festival of the visit of the wise men to the infant Jesus – when most of us are taking down our decorations. She explained that to me, diffidently, as I was asking what she'd like to do for the...

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Cum Loving Milf Slut Part 1

I had been fucking this married milf for a some time but we hadn't met up for a while.On this day i had arranged to go round to her place.When she answered the door i was greeted by an amazing sight.She was wearing a white grandad shirt which just about covered her ass.Around her waist she was wearing a large black belt.This was finished off with some black strapless high-heeled shoes that had straps which reached all the way up to her knees.This turned me on immediately ans as i walked in...

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Go ahead, I just did.What?I just pissed, your standing in pee water.OkSo I started to pee, my yellow stream noticable among the clear shower water."Hey, not on me. I didn't pee on you""realy, you said I'm standing in it""yeah, and I tried to pee on you first"I grabbed my cock and sprayed up on her crotch and belly."oh you think so?""yeah, and now you're going to love this"I killed the water while spray her higher, hitting her nice breast and spraying everywhere. That's when I noticed she had...

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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 15E

On Friday night Ronnie had a date that precluded our usual threeway dinner and "extended dessert," as Ronnie called it. Martha met me for a quick dinner at a diner in the West 70's and prepped me for my meeting with yet another of her teenage girlfriends, Jessica. She said while we ate, "The man in charge of the summer drama program at Jessica's high school is a friend of mine. His name is Howard. I told him about you several times, and he's looking forward to meeting you. I haven't...

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Spizoo Savannah Bond Sensual Bedroom Sex For Naughty Blonde Savannah Bond

Busty blonde bombshell, Savannah Bond, can’t hide the excitement on her face as she prepares herself for Damon Dice. The horny duo can’t keep their hands to themselves as soon as they are together in the bedroom. Savannah dry humps Damon’s crotch while the horny lad plays with her big tits. Damon then gives the naughty slut a sensual pussy licking. Savannah returns the pleasure by giving Damon a sloppy blowjob. After making sure that her man’s dick is wet with her spit,...

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I Caught My Daughter Fucking On Webcam And I Liked It

As a divorced mom, I was very sexually frustrated in the prime of my life and just about anything turns me on, anything!  I masturbated every night but still couldn't satisfy my needs, no matter what toys I used. This is when I began going online and got my kicks from watching porn and webcam shows. I began to become open to anything and found even women started to turn me on, enough to watch lesbian sex. I only told my best friend, Tanya, about my masturbation sessions and my interest in...

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Onsen Onna Hot Spring Lady Part II

Now that Erika seemed comfortable talking about her love of nylon stockings—not to mention how she enjoys wearing them all the time, even while bathing—I ventured to suggest that we share our own experiences. Talking can be the best therapy—besides, I was eager to learn more about her obsession, and not just for academic reasons. "So, Erika," I started, "when did you first begin to become attracted to nylon stockings? In America, many men have a fetish for garter belts and sheer nylon...

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I'll never forget that night, the one that changed me forever. One night mygirlfriend and I just finished a fabulous two hour fuck session. We wererelaxing on the couch, both exhausted, and the porno movie we were watchingwas still playing. It was a four hour compilation of blow jobs andfacials. Just the kind of thing we liked.She made a remark that it was a shame that men didn't appreciate howbeautiful their cocks were. I laughed, and attempted to explain to her thatwe didn't let ourselves...

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Lynx had always had a vivid imagination. He began to suspect that he had more than just an overactive imagination when he started seeing girls near his home and in his school. He didn’t go to an all boy’s school or anything, so seeing females wouldn’t normally be strange. But this was different, it wasn’t the fact that they were female; what caught his attention, was the fact that they were not human Lynx’s hallucinations; which he really believed they were, kept appearing with more...

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horny mom

Then everyone in that room except mom started to wear their undies. I thought that the fucking session were over. I searched, what is my mother doing? Mom is lying naked and she is astonished by their act. I saw that mom is biting her lips with her own teeth and next scene astonished me because she is massaging her 38c boobs with her own hands. Is I am dreaming!? I can't believe the word's that came from my mother's beautiful mouth my friends were looking each other's faces.I remembered what...

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The little special pill 5

As an older gentleman in my sunset years things are never easy, and after living by myself for so many years I finally had to get some help in when I took a fall and had trouble moving about.Nurse Brenda was a wonderful mature nurse with a full plump figure, long black hair, and a cleavage that you could fall in and never been seen again.For the first couple of weeks she would come round once a week, by herself, to check my vitals and help give me a bath, now bathing in the nude in front of...

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inside of her PT 1

it was a rather stormy night , the forcast read 4 a bad storm heading my direction all the lights were off from the power outtage as i heard a boltof lighting strike there was a knock at the door itgot louder as i went 2 it i got to the peephole and asked who is it . i heard a soft voice say hello hi im stranded out here, my car failed me, and it wont start. thats when i replied give me a sec i dont have any cloths on i have to get dressed she replied alright nowe im franticly running trying...

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The SisterhoodChapter 74

The next day a small group headed over to the Newcastle airport. In the group were only Karla, Doug, Mary, Mike, Ann, and Mark, accompanied by Duke and Sheena. Early that morning, a second trade had been executed. Karla pointed out that Duke had been her tiger since his youth and had been her friend while she was teaching in Los Angeles. It was because the poor tiger had been pining away for her that he had been flown to Europe. Duchess, on the other hand, had been the Carlsons' gift to the...

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Fiona Murphys Last FlingChapter 3 Fionas First Threesome

The four nights of Fiona's sister's absence left her with a very loose and satisfied pussy and a much-reddened pucker hole. Her brother-in-law Reggie was a complete jerk but he did have redeeming qualities like his ability to stay hard for a very long time. It was the complete reversal of her dear departed husband who generally erupted prematurely after 30 seconds of unexciting penetration. She was, in a sense, relieved to see her sister return from her nursing duties and immediately start...

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PenthouseGold Hazel Grace Thorough Checkup By Nurse

If you’ve ever had a naughty fantasy about the hottest ebony babe you can imagine being your nurse, then you’ll love this premium Penthouse film with Hazel Grace giving Codey Steele a very thorough check up. Wearing a skimpy uniform, this sexy siren is exactly what the doctor ordered in white stockings and red suspenders. A deepthroat blowjob from the bootylicious starlet ensures her stud is ready to pound her shaved pussy, her full titties jiggling from cowgirl ride to doggystyle...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 4 The Interview

James sat on the simple wooden chair beside the desk, his wrists still cuffed behind him. A uniformed officer stood beside the door, ignoring him. Her tailored and laundered uniform contrasted with the shabby surroundings. Her jet black pencil skirt showed no speck of dust, her short sleeved shirt bright white, pressed and cut to fit exactly, her black tie as thin as her the look in her eyes, her belt as shiny as the gloss on her lips. An identity tag, "Constable 70748, Margery Dennis,"...

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Marrying a Conservative GirlPart 3

After few minutes I saw Angela coming to the front and behind her my wife, the moment I saw her full body, I was shocked. My hard on was back and my imagination was travelling at light speed. She was standing with 4 models, all of whom were having big boobs, big ass, full muscled and toned figure wearing the transparent, skimpy bikinis and Alia was wearing one of the red bikinis with same material, half of the boobs were popping out from both the sides. It could hardly contain her...

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James Finds Trouble

This late on a Monday night, the subway car rumbled along nearly empty. Trying to avoid the looks of the couple at the front of the car, I found a seat near the back. I slowly sat down, and even then it was too quick. Holy crap, it hurt. It had been real--not a dream. Despite telling myself that, everything still had a surreal feel to it. The lights in the subway car. The couple holding hands but not talking or looking at each other. Even my breath going in and out of my chest. Nothing felt...

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Her Valentines Day

‘Hey Kat, what did Ron do for you today?’ asked a cheerful Cara, making Katherine raise her head. All the four girls sitting before her were looking at her intently, waiting for an answer. If only she had an answer … ‘I am going to be late, guys,’ said Kat as she glanced at her watch. Although there was plenty of time for her class, she didn’t want to spend the day answering questions, questions which made her even more miserable. As soon as she had stepped away from the table, the three...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 30Making Thing Right

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 30 Making Things Right-Beth Takes A Stand Following the weekend announcement things began to move, quickly. Beth had her name changed on all documents, driver license, credit cards, checking accounts, FSU records, etc. She loved seeing the name Beth Dye. Mrs. Dye-a name that she was trying to get used to, moved out of the apartment that she shared with Leigh and moved into Aaron's apartment, and quickly soften it up with a feminine...

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Kissy Licky My First Experience

Hi friends, this is Krish. I’m 27 years old and live in Mumbai. It’s my first story on ISS and I hope you enjoy it. The story is really what happened to me. It’s about a girl whom I met while surfing on the internet. Her name is Preeti. She has 36-34-36 figure. She has big bobs and a big ass that make her look sexy. This happened in January when while surfing on the net. I came across a chatting website. I started chatting on it. There I found Preeti. We started chatting. It was a clean chat,...

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My Exibitionist Girlfriend

Introduction: Story of my girlfriend! Hi Readers, I am back with a true story of my new girlfriend Neeta who really got happy when i told her my fantasy of seeing her enjoying in a public place with strangers. We made the plan and Neeta smiled at me as she posed in the middle of the living room. Her long legs seemed even longer as they rose from her heels to the hem of the tight, short skirt. The fitted silk blouse clung to her body and the open buttons showed a good portion of her large tits....

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Chloes Country Cocks

“Thank you, Daddy,” I say. “Johnny was a bad man.” “Serves him right,” Daddy says. “You told him you were breaking up and he didn’t listen. A man like that gets what’s coming to him.” I glance out to the cow pasture thinking about Johnny. I thought I loved Johnny. He gave me a lot of attention and I liked how he took charge of our dating. I dated some boys and we couldn’t figure out where to go or what to do. I liked that Johnny always knew. When we started fucking, he was so good but he...

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The Hybrid TheoryChapter 2

When I finally arrived home the angrily flashing light of the answer machine reminded me that I was supposed to go to Black Sync tonight and meet with Aska, gods knew what he really wanted out of me this time. After an ordinary day it would have been fine but considering that nothing, not even my day job, not even my lunch hour, had been normal in the last few days, I really wasn't in the mood for sparring with the most powerful vampire in all England. And the catalyst for all this? I could...

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Was it love

I guess i'll start with some background information. Names have been changed. I am megan, i was just girl when i met rachel and i was 18 when we started to date. things were perfect at first, no fights, only love. She claimed to love me. We talked about spending our lives together after high school. She was pretty, smart, funny and she knew how to make me laugh. I became depressed about half way through our relationship. I knew rachel wanted kids, and i knew being a girl i could never give them...

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Riding the Subway

“Fucking son of a bitch!” I yelled as I clicked off my cell phone. Sometimes having an old fashioned phone would be worth it, just for the satisfaction of slamming it down in someone’s ear. Jason stood me up again to go hang with his “bros.” Well, it’s likely he wasn’t going to be getting a blowjob or laid by those bros. Hope he has fun with them. I called up some friends and we arranged to go clubbing together. Several of them had just broken up with their respective partners, so we were ready...

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Sexual Liaison Trainee Teacher Jac

Jac was a young trainee birthday party. Jac was a decent looking and pleasant girl like the girl next door. We had a slow dance together and i just fell for her. i caressed her back and she offered no resistance. i started to hug her closer with her soft breasts in body contact to my chest, my dick became semi hard. she was abit embarrassed. i led her out to the garden outside. We wasted no time. in our privacy, we kissed and fondled each other in desperation. i removed her bra from within and...


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