Cherry The Cheerleader free porn video

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No one grows up to have the exact life they had imagined for themselves as a kid. In my youth, I always imagined that I would marry my high school sweetheart and make a fortune working as a fireman. I couldn’t have been more wrong. But then again, perhaps I wasn’t so far off the mark.

High school, for me, was a chore. I knew what I wanted to do with my life and it didn’t include college: I wanted to be a fireman. To me, it was the ultimate real life “superhero” job. I wanted to be the one to receive the call for help and rush in to save the damsel in distress, caught in her worst nightmare. And since I’d spend so much time at the firehouse and eating there, I’d save my paychecks and I’d be rich in a matter of a few years! Again, I was wrong about that.

Not long after I finished school, I was hired as a full time fireman. The fire chief pulled me aside on my very first day on the job to give me a piece of advice. He said, “Listen kid: you are going to get a lot of advice over the next few years from these guys. Some of it will be good; some won’t be worth a shit. But I’m going to give you the one bit of advice that you had better take.” He just looked me dead in my eyes to let me know how serious he was. I simply responded with, ‘ok’… He continued, “Get you an outlet.” I didn’t understand and it must have shown on my face. Elaborating, he said, “This job…it can slowly eat you alive. You are going to help a lot of people, of course. But there will be some that you can’t help. The ones that are gone before you get there aren’t the ones you’ll see at night; it’s the ones that die in front of you that will haunt. And it’s not as bad when it’s some ugly fat guy like me—it’s the kids that die that will make you want to rip your eyes out at night.”

I began to understand what he was talking about and was pondering his advice. Then he said, “If you don’t find an outlet—something to do with your time off to get your mind off of this job—an outlet will find you. You don’t want that.” Then he whispered to me in confidence, “Look at Brian over there; he didn’t find one, so alcohol found him. And Garry over there; gambling found him. That’s why we call him ‘Flush’; it’s after the poker hand and what he’s doing with his life—flushing it down the toilet. You understand?” I nodded in complete understanding and asked, “What did you find?” He smiled slightly and said, “Me? I found fly fishing! You’re a good kid, rook—find something soon.” I knew I was going to take that advice…

For reasons I could never figure out, I was never very successful with the ladies. Not to ‘blow my own whistle’, but I am better than just average looking; I’m in perfect shape since I am a firefighter, and I was always really nice to everyone. But perhaps I was TOO nice, because it was always the same thing: “I just think of you as a good friend.” I’d had a girlfriend here and there and sometimes it would last a few months, but there was never one that I felt like she was ‘the one’.

But surely at some point I’d rush into a burning building or pull someone out of a wrecked, burning car moments before it exploded and save the hot young woman from certain death and she would fall in love with me. Yet again, I could not have been more wrong. Indeed, most people I helped rescue were elderly, extremely obese, ugly, married, or MEN. The guys at the house were merciless with me because they knew what I wanted to happen; making fun of me after I pulled granny out of her burning car—giving her CPR to save her life—I became “Lucky Mann” (my name is David Mann). Of course there was the occasional hot girl that would need help, but as I learned, when a person is having their worst day ever, the last thing on their mind is, ‘Hey, who’s the cute guy that pulled me of the fire?’

It took several years of being a fireman before the dream began to fade. I still loved my work, but I slowly realized that it wasn’t going to find me love. I started going out to the clubs and bars, but that seemed like a dangerous road: I still had not found my outlet and I didn’t want alcohol to ‘find me’. Besides, I could never find what I was looking for at the club—they were full of gaggles of married women having a ‘girl’s night out’ or single mom’s looking for a father for their kid and an income. And that was something else that hadn’t worked out as planned—my bank account balance didn’t exactly have a lot of digits in front of the decimal point!

It was a Thursday night and I was not on call. I had gone to the gym as per usual and put in a quick 2 hour work out before going back to my small apartment. After getting a shower, I decided to kill some time by going on line (which meant I was going to surf some porn, rub one out, and go to bed). As with many guys in their mid 20’s, this was nothing unusual, but I was getting bored with this routine. Instead of going to my typical sites, I began looking for something new.

I realized that porn wasn’t what I really wanted; I wanted interaction with someone—someone real. Not knowing where to start, I decided to check out an online dating site. I couldn’t believe I was resorting to a personals site, but at least this way I didn’t have to get dressed and spend (waste?) what little hard-earned money I had on drinks.

The site was offering a ‘free trial’, but you still needed a credit card to prove you were of legal age. I had no problem with that and set up my account, thus beginning my life of meeting on line with strangers. I felt a little disheartened at where my life had gone in the ‘romance’ department, but there were worse things in the world. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that a lot of people are not at all who they say they are, and I was quick to learn how to weed them out from the honest ones. Good rule of thumb: if they ‘don’t have a camera’ or ‘the camera is broken’, then it’s probably a dude.

I kept my search area to somewhere I could drive in less than 15 minutes because I didn’t want to waste gas on meeting someone that would likely be a ‘dead end’. In retrospect, I guess my optimism was not all that high. After several weeks of checking messages, making contacts and being disappointed, I started to check less and less frequently. But then one day, I had a note from someone I had not seen before.

Her user name was Cheerry4fun and she had been a member for over a year. She didn’t have a picture posted, so I figured there was probably ‘something wrong’ with her. But I opened the note anyway out of sheer morbid curiosity. Her profile gave all of her stats: Age, Sex, Location, Likes, Dislikes, and etc… She was 19 and located about 30-45 minutes away (which is why I never saw her before) and we seemed to have the same tastes in most things that dating sites seem to think are important—music, movies, politics, religion… It wasn’t hard to believe that she was 19; her note to me was full of things like ‘LOL’, ‘OMG’, ‘AWESOME’, and so on. At the same time, it wasn’t annoying the way she had written it. Rather, it was more like she had a really fun nature and I was intrigued.

I sent Cheerry4fun a note back, telling her a bit more about myself and she replied within moments. We emailed back and forth a few times and I learned her name was Cherry. After many emails and both of us feeling some kind of connection, we set up to meet in a chat room and, once there, we decided to go on camera to talk. I was bracing myself for the worst as the screen went from black to blurry and then focused on her. When the picture came in, I was absolutely floored. Cherry was drop-dead-gorgeous! She had beautiful light red hair that flowed in lazy curls down her shoulders and she had a face like a porcelain doll. There were a few freckles across her nose, green eyes and the nicest set of lips I had ever seen! Her eyebrows matched her hair and that gave me some less-than-pure thoughts.

Cherry smiled wide as she sat back from her camera and said, “HI! It’s nice to finally see you, David!” I sat in stunned silence, unable to respond. Finally she asked, “Can you hear me?” Her question about a possible technical problem with the computer brought me out of my trance just enough to answer her. “Oh, yeah; I can hear you,” I said. She asked if the camera was working and I told her it was working perfectly. She started to look a little uneasy and I realized I probably looked like a chained, starving dog with a steak that was just out of reach. I snapped out of it and apologized. “I’m sorry: you are not exactly what I was expecting to see…and I mean that in the best possible of ways!” She laughed and returned the compliment to me. I said, “You are beautiful: why don’t you put your picture up on your profile page?” She replied, “That’s why I am on line to begin with. Most guys look at me and the only thing they see is a possible opportunity to get a piece.” I said, “Yeah, well, guys are pigs. What can you do?” She laughed and our conversation took off from there.

We chatted for what felt like 20 to 30 minutes when I realized the sun was coming up—we had been up all night! I told Cherry that, regretfully, I had to go to work. She said it was ok because she had to go, too and, before signing off, we said we would look for each other again later.

Having gone all night without sleep, I should have been a wreck at work, but surprisingly, I was rejuvenated. I went about checking the gear—making sure everything was ready to go if a call came in—with a spring in my step as they say. I didn’t even have to be entirely focused on what I was doing; I was more or less on autopilot after doing the daily routine so many times over the years. It was around mid afternoon when the chief came up to me and asked, “So, what did you find?” I was deep in thought about Cherry when he’d asked me, so it took a second to understand what he was asking me. After a few seconds of a blank stare from me, he said, “You are different today—better. You must have found an outlet, yeah?” Suddenly realizing what he was talking about, I said, “Oh, that; Yeah. Well, maybe—it’s too soon to tell for sure.” Chief laughed as though he’d heard that line before and said, “Well, don’t you go putting a ring on her finger too fast! Not just any woman is cut out for this life!” I just smiled and nodded, surprised that he could read me so easily, but then figured he’d been around for a while so he knew what he was talking about.

The day passed with nothing more than a minor accident that we were called out on as a precaution. I got off work and couldn’t wait to get to my computer. The moment I signed in, I saw that I had several messages from Cherry. Each of them said the same thing in different words—she just wanted to know if I was on line yet. I sent her reply to the third one and moments later she responded. We met up in our chat room and went about telling each other about our days.

After talking for a while and still hitting it off well, I asked her if she wanted to meet. She was a little hesitant at first which took me a little by surprise. I started to back pedal a little to keep her from being embarrassed for me asking so soon, but she assured me that wasn’t the problem. She explained her car wasn’t running right and had dropped it off at the shop and had to rely on a friend for a ride. She didn’t say it, but I was sure she wasn’t ready for me to show up to her door yet. We were getting along great, but we were still strangers over the ‘net, after all.

I asked when her car would be ready and she said it should be done that Saturday. I said that would be perfect since that was my next day off and offered to meet on ‘neutral ground’—a shopping mall approximately half way between us. She agreed to the mall and I let her pick the time and exact location. We exchanged cell phone numbers (just in case) and we both agreed to cut the conversation “short” (since it was already 2:30am) because we needed to get SOME sleep. I couldn’t believe I’d been talking to her for over 6 hours again!

I decided not to call Cherry on her cell phone until after she called mine. I didn’t want to come across as another one of the ‘pigs’ that I mentioned to her. That night I was on call all night, so I wasn’t able to chat on line. She called me later in the evening to see if I was ok (wondering why I hadn’t logged on) and I explained about my work schedule. She apologized and said she would talk to me later. Before she could hang up, I told her that it was ‘ok’ and that I could talk to her on the phone—it wasn’t a problem. She said, “That’s really sweet of you David, but you are at work. What you do is really important and you don’t need me distracting you while you are working. Someone’s life could depend on it. Ok?” I told her that she was ‘probably’ right (knowing full well how right she was) and thanked her for understanding. We said our ‘good-byes’ and hung up.

I turned around and Chief was standing right behind me, eyeing me knowingly. For a big guy, he was stealthier than a cat with ninja training. “Was that her?” he asked. I answered, “Yeah, Chief; that was her—said we shouldn’t talk since I’m on call…” He just nodded approvingly.

Not ten minutes went by and, sure enough, we were called out on a structural fire. As soon as we heard the first part of the street address, we knew where we were going. It was a local restaurant with a ‘gimmick’—it had an actual clay oven that they used for all of their cooking. The only problem was the damn thing was always catching the roof on fire—we had been there MANY times, but never to eat. No, every time we went to this particular restaurant, it was on ‘business’.

We rolled up and saw immediately that this call was going to be a little different. The place was fully involved. Usually we’d get there and there would be a ton of smoke billowing out of the one end of the roof near the oven. But this time, the flames could be seen through the windows as we rounded the corner. We were all a little surprised to see it going up like it was, but we had our game faces on and got to work. It took a while to get it under control and the place (what was left of it) was still smoking in the morning. The owner said it got out of control this time because the insurance company said that if there was another fire they would cancel his insurance, so they tried to put it out on their own first. Chief just shook his head and said, “Damn insurance companies…” However, once we left the owner of the pile of ashes to clean up his mess, Chief ‘changed his position’ and said, “What an idiot: trying to put out a roof fire with a garden hose and a couple of CO2 bottles—What’d he think was going to happen?” We had a pretty good laugh at that, but mostly because we executed our job perfectly and nobody got hurt.

We got back to the firehouse and went through the routine of prepping all of our gear for the next call before getting a much needed shower and even more needed sleep. The rest of that Friday was quiet and my shift ended without another callout.

I went home and couldn’t wait to call Cherry. It was around noon when I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer. Instead, I got a text from her that said she couldn’t talk at the moment, but she would call in a few hours.

True to her word, she called me back just before 3:00. We finalized our plans to meet at the mall the next morning and decided to keep the conversation short so we wouldn’t end up talking all night and be too tired to actually meet!

That night was one of the longest nights ever for me. I wasn’t nervous about meeting Cherry; I was overly excited. We had not even met face to face yet and already I felt some kind of strong connection to her—we just seemed to ‘click’. I forced myself to go to bed early, but everything kept me awake: a dog barking; the refrigerator running; the whir of the ceiling fan; the constant thumping of my heart…

I got up early and took another shower, just in case there was still any residual smell of smoke on me. I barely noticed it anymore, but sometimes others could tell if I’d been to a fire recently, so it didn’t hurt to shower again. When I got out of the shower, I saw that I had only killed 30 minutes and it was still hours before I was to meet Cherry. But I knew that sitting around my place was going to drive me crazy, so I headed to the mall.

When I got there, it was still so early that the mall wasn’t even open yet and, other than people that actually worked there I was probably the first customer to show up. I circled around to find the food court since we had agreed to meet there and parked. Soon enough, others started to show up and a small crowd of about a dozen people gathered outside the doors. I just sat in the car, waiting for them to go inside.

After an eternity, the doors opened and everyone started filing in, so I got out and ‘joined’ them. I looked at the time and saw that it was going to be another hour before Cherry would be there, so I just walked around the mall to familiarize myself with the layout; besides—I was too excited to just sit still. I grabbed a coffee, even though I didn’t really drink it that often. I figured I could probably use the caffeine.

Thirty minutes before we were due to meet, Cherry called me to make sure we were still on for meeting at the mall! I said, “Um, yeah; of course!” She paused for a second (presumably listening to the background noise) and asked me, “Are you already there?!” I admitted that I was but then said, “I just got here a few moments ago.” It was a flat-out lie, but I didn’t want to seem more eager that I already did. Cherry laughed and said, “Ok, I’ll be there in a little bit!”

I was on the edge of my seat but trying to keep myself looking as relaxed as possible (which isn’t easy to do on a chair in the food court). I kept my eye on the door, waiting for Cherry to walk in. After about 20 minutes, I heard someone behind me question my name, “David?” I spun my head around and saw the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen: it was Cherry. I had seen her on the web cam, but in person Cherry was a fine work of art. She was absolutely gorgeous and she was dressed very casual—I couldn’t imagine what she would be like if she were going formal or ‘sexy’. She was wearing a black pair of yoga shorts and a simple tank top that showed no small amount of her amazing cleavage. Cherry was about 5’5” and she had a very tone body—I couldn’t help but check her out. Her legs were athletic, but not so muscular that they looked manly. Her hair was virtually glowing in the light; slightly darker than a strawberry blond and flowing down to her shoulders. If Cherry had been around in the days of Leonardo De Vinci, no one would have ever remembered Mona Lisa…

I stood immediately and we hugged each other hello.

I said, “Hey, Cherry! I didn’t see you come in; it’s so good to finally meet you!”
Cherry said, “Yeah, I parked on the other side of the mall where I usually park—it’s good to meet you, too! This is my friend, Olivia.”

Before she mentioned her friend, I didn’t even realize that she had a friend with her. But I wasn’t put off by her bringing her along since she didn’t really know me yet. Olivia looked like she was at least two years younger than Cherry—probably still in high school is what I figured—jail bait for sure. She was a little shorter than Cherry, but had the same tone body. However, her breasts were nowhere near as impressive as Cherry’s. I told Olivia that it was nice to meet her as well, before turning my attention back to Cherry.

We set about walking towards our ‘non-destination’ (just walking around the mall) while talking and getting to know more about each other. The more we talked, the more I liked Cherry and I could tell she was feeling the same way. Everything I said she thought was funny or the most interesting thing she’d ever heard. And honestly, I felt the same way about what she had to say. It was like being in middle school again!

We decided to stop for lunch and Cherry looked at Olivia—nodding her head to one side (the universal sign of ‘would you mind taking off and leaving us to ourselves?’). Olivia asked Cherry, “You ok, then?” Cherry just nodded ‘yes’ and Olivia gave Cherry a hug before she dismissed herself.

Once Olivia was out of the picture, I said, “She seems like a good friend for you. How did you guys come to be friends?”
Cherry asked, “What do you mean?”
I said, “Well, she’s got to be 2 or 3 years younger than you; are you neighbors or something?”
She said, “Huh? Oh, yeah: we’re neighbors… and we have the whole cheerleading thing in common.”

That explained the shape they were in! I said, “You didn’t tell me you were a cheerleader when you were in school.”
Cherry said, “Yeah: I’ve always loved cheerleading, so…”
I said, “That’s cool: I’ve always had a thing for cheerleaders!”

She knew I was just making a flirtatious joke and she playfully hit me in the arm. Even though she was playing, it was still a solid hit—I’d have to go easy on the teasing jokes, I thought.

We sat down to eat and I felt like I was staring at my future in front of me. I knew so much about Cherry, but I wanted to know more. I asked her to tell me about her life growing up.

She said, “Well, I was basically brought up by my mom. My Mom and Dad never married and that was probably for the best. He seems to just kind of tolerate her for my sake—when he’s actually in town, that is. He’s ‘ok’ when we spend time together, but with him being gone so much, it’s like we never really connected. You know?” I nodded in understanding.

I said, “Yeah, I kind of know what you mean. My Father used to travel from time to time as well; not as much as it sounds like your Dad did, but he was gone at least a half dozen times a year for a week or two.”

Cherry said, “But, where my Dad fell short, my Mom came through. She has always been there for me and has always been in my corner. She’s like my best friend.”

She continued telling me all about her childhood; how she got into cheerleading as a little girl and stayed with it through high school. I asked if she could still fit in her high school cheerleading uniform and she said, “Yeah, of course.” I told her that I wasn’t surprised; she was still in amazing shape. She just smiled and looked down sheepishly, seemingly embarrassed by the compliment. Keeping her face turned down, she looked up into my eyes, still smiling and I was suddenly aware that I was falling in love with Cherry.

I said, “Listen, Cherry: I don’t want to freak you out and send you running for the hills or anything, but I have to tell you—I really like spending time with you. And before we leave here today, I want you to know that. And I’m hoping you feel the same way.”

Cherry seemed to become more bashful and just nodded her head ‘yes’. We spent the next several minutes just looking at each other in silence; smiling like school kids. I found it hard to believe that Cherry hadn’t heard compliments so often that she’d become bored with them. But as she explained, most guys were clearly just trying to get a piece of ass from her and she could tell that I was not just one of ‘those guys’.

I broke the completely comfortable silence by asking, “So, when can I see you again?”
Cherry asked, “Does this mean our first date is over?”
I said, “No, but I like that you said ‘first date’… No, I just can’t wait to know when we can do this again.”
She smiled at me and said, “Soon; I’ll have to look at the schedule and I’ll let you know—but soon.”

I knew she must be working and needed to look at her work schedule. For that matter, I needed to check my own. But I was content to know that she was just as anxious to go on a second date as I was.

We finished lunch and started walking around again. But this time Cherry took my hand in hers as we walked and that simple gesture sent charges of electricity through my body. I started to notice other guys checking her out and I could tell they were jealous of me. It’s amazing what a beautiful girl on your arm can do for the male ego!

We must have walked for miles through the mall with absolutely no actual shopping agenda. I knew I was going to kiss her before we parted ways, but I wasn’t sure how I was going to broach the subject—do I just go in and kiss her, or should I ask her permission first? How does she prefer the first kiss to be handled? I just didn’t know yet.

As if she were reading my mind, she stopped me, turned to face me and said, “If you don’t kiss me pretty soon, I’ll never forgive you.”

Without skipping another beat, I leaned down to her as she went up on her toes, lifted her face to me and we kissed for the first time, right there in the middle of the mall. That kiss was perfect in all respects. We weren’t ‘making out’ with our arms and hands all over each other while jamming tongues in the other’s mouth. Instead, it was sweet, soft and tender; mouths just barely open. The best fireworks in China didn’t compare to the display going off in my head at that moment. The kiss lasted for about 5-7 seconds and I felt her begin to melt and fall. Before she could, I caught her just as her legs failed her. A second or two later and she regained her composure but was only able to say, “Wow”, blinking as though she had just awoke from a dream. I agreed, saying, “Yeah—me too.”

When Cherry was again steady on her feet we began to walk again and her phone alerted her with a text. It was Olivia saying she had to get going soon. Since Cherry was her ride, I knew that our first date was coming to an end. But it was ok because I knew there would be many more to come!

I assumed we were walking towards Olivia but instead we went down one of the long hallways that led to the restrooms. Before going in, Cherry whispered in my ear something that didn’t make much sense at first. She whispered, “Wait until the coast is clear.” I didn’t know what she meant until she went in the bathroom marked ‘family’ with the male and female figures on it… She wanted me to join her once there was no one else around!

It didn’t take long before there were no more witnesses and I knocked on the door. The lock clicked open I went inside. Cherry pulled me in past the door and closed it behind us, locking it once more. We kissed again, but this time there was more passion to it. She held on tighter this time and soon we were making out! She broke our kiss to ask me a question.

“Will you promise to not think I’m a slut if I want to try something?”

I loved the set up question! And I certainly didn’t think she was a slut. I wanted her just as much as she apparently wanted me. I said, “Of course I won’t think of you as a slut! What did you have in mind?”

She said, “Well, I really like you—a lot. But I’m not ready to have sex with you yet. But, I’d think I’d really… like to…try…” She seemed to become shy again as her words trailed off.

I asked, “Like to try what?”
She looked up at me and couldn’t bring herself to say the words, so she just pushed her cheek out with her tongue while raising her eyebrows to ask a question.

My dick was answering her ‘question’ before I could (we were in agreement, anyway). She felt the growing bulge in my shorts and began to attentively open my fly. She pulled my shorts and boxers down together and my now raging cock was ready.

She looked up at me and said, “I’ve never done this before, so…”
I said, “What? On a first date or in a public bathroom?”
Cherry said, “No; I mean yes; I mean both. I’ve never done this before—ever.”
I said, “You mean you’ve never gone down on a guy before?”

She just shook her head and I told her that I could coach her through it if she wanted, but I thought it would be better if she just did it the way she felt was right for her. Cherry smiled, nodded and said, ‘ok’.

Cherry knelt in front of me but the tile floor hurt her knees. I took my shirt off and folded it up for her and she admired my chest and abs. She put my shirt under her knees before she took my dick in her hand and just looked at it for a few seconds, studying it. She stroked it a few times gingerly and brought her face up close. My dick had never been so hard in my life. She looked up at me and smiled again, her eyes shining bright. Ever so slowly, she closed the distance until the head rested gently on her beautiful lips. She kept her lips closed and moved her mouth side to side, rubbing my dick on her lips like it was a large obscene lipstick.

Cherry pulled back to look at my raging boner again and I thought if it got any harder it would split the skin. She stroked it a few more times and then she gave the very tip a gentle kiss. I could see a trace of her lipstick on the tip and I was in agonizing heaven. Cherry stuck her tongue out and licked the underside, almost as an experiment. For a first timer with no directions, she was off to an amazing start. She kissed the head a few more times before finally opening her mouth and taking in the head. She looked up at me and I had a hard time to keep from blowing my wad already. With her mouth wrapped around my cock head she asked, “MMM?” I said, “Oh, yeah: that is amazing!” My hand went reflexively to her head, but I didn’t push her down on my cock. Instead, I just stroked her beautiful hair; running my fingers through it. Cherry slowly took in more of my dick and I quickly had no problem believing she was a first timer—not because she wasn’t good (she was GREAT), but because her gag reflexes were sensitive. She was only about a third of the way down when she choked and saliva flowed from her mouth. I told her to take her time to get used to it. There was no need for her to push herself. She backed off and stroked my shaft a few times while recovering her breath. She sucked my cock back in past her gorgeous lips and began to bob up and down as much as she could. After 20 to 30 seconds of bobbing, she would push down a little further and hold herself there for several seconds.

It didn’t take long before she could regain her breath without taking my dick out of her mouth. Her eyes were glassy from the gag reflex, but she was sexy as hell when she looked up at me like that! Each time she recovered, she went down harder and further. When she was just over half way down, I felt my dick touch the back of her throat and she came up coughing.

I said, “You don’t have to impress me; you can take it easy if you want—I want you to enjoy it, too. You are amazing!”
Cherry said, “I AM enjoying it! Seeing your reaction is the most fun I’ve ever had!”

I had been with a few girls in my life, and sex was always good. But not one of them was as good as Cherry. In fact, all I could think about as she made my cock disappear in her mouth was that if I never had another sexual encounter for the rest of my life it would be ok as long as I remembered this moment with her!

My orgasm was building fast and I warned her. I figured it would be pretty rude to just blast a load in the mouth of a first timer.

She asked, “What will it taste like? Is it gross?”
I laughed a little and said, “Well, from personal experience, I don’t know! Some say it’s good, others say it’s awful. But everyone says it’s usually pretty salty.”
She said, “Yeah, I think I tasted some a little while ago.”
I said, “You probably did. But there will be a lot more when I cum and it will be much more salty.”
Cherry winked at me and said, “I like salty things…” as she went back down on me.

Cherry’s red hair was bouncing as her head bobbed up and down my shaft. She was holding on to my hips—using just her lips and tongue on my engorged cock. A ring of her lipstick formed around my cock at the point she couldn’t go past and the vision was too much to bear. My balls flexed and my orgasm struck hard. The first blast was a direct hit to the back of her throat and was never to be seen again. She pulled back instinctively and the second blast splattered all over her now closed lips and chin. And the suddenness of the second blast shocked her so much that she opened her mouth in surprise—just in time for the third round to shoot inside her mouth. By that time, she knew what was going on and just held her mouth open while my orgasm finished. After the third shot I lost count of how many ropes of cum I shot in and around her mouth, but I’d bet it was at least seven.

Seeing her porcelain, doll-like face with my cum all over it was so amazingly hot that I didn’t ever want to stop cumming. I was staring at her in awe and she said, “Take a picture: it will last longer.” She meant it as a joke, but I reached down, grabbed my phone and pulled up the camera app. As I did this, she put the head of my dick back in her mouth and looked up at me while pushing some of my cum past her lips to collect on my cock. I took several pictures and she did her best to smile. Cherry pulled off of me and used her finger to wipe a big dollop of cum off of her upper lip and made a production of putting it in her mouth before swallowing it. I took at least a dozen pictures of her doing it, too.

Just then, her phone buzzed. “Olivia?” I asked. She looked at her phone and said that it was and that she had to go. Cherry thanked me for the wonderful time and I told her that, of course, the pleasure was all mine. But I wanted to make it up to her next time…

Cherry cleaned herself up and I got dressed. We didn’t have a way to know if anyone was outside, so we just took our chances and walked out together. There was one guy that saw us walk out together—he was on his way into the men’s room. He looked at her, looked at me, and gave me a slight nod up as if to say ‘way to go, dude’. Cherry didn’t even look back at him.

We found Olivia, said our ‘good-bye’s’, and kissed each other, thus ending our first date. As I we parted ways, I overheard Olivia say to Cherry, “I can’t believe you kissed him on the first date! You are such a slut!” She didn’t mean it in an insulting way; it was more of how female friends talk to each other and they both laughed at the faux insult (and for different reasons).


I was feeling pretty good about my life as I went home; reliving the day in my head.  I couldn’t get Cherry out of my mind and it wasn’t even all about the incredible blow job she’d just given me.  There was a real connection with her and I just enjoyed being with her.  I wasn’t sure if it was love or not; it was still too early to know that for sure, but I knew I really liked her a lot.

I was pulling up in front of my apartment when I realized I couldn’t remember a single detail about the drive home.  Did I run any stoplights or signs?  Did I speed or drive ten miles an hour under the limit?  I couldn’t tell you and I honestly didn’t care very much at that point.  I was on a natural high that I was sure I would never come down from.  But I was, yet again, wrong.

The next day, I was at work and still on my ‘high’ from my date.  It was a normal day in every other respect.  But then we got a call out on a traffic accident.  We bolted to the rig, prepared as always, and barreled out with lights and sirens blasting.

As we approached the scene, Chief turned around to us and said, “This is going to be a bad one, guys.  One DOS (Death On Scene) for sure.  Surgeon: you’re up.”  We all just said in unison, ‘shit’.

Brian’s nickname was Surgeon; a name he earned because of his skills with the Jaws of Life—NO ONE was better than Brian.

As the scene came into my view, I suddenly knew what Chief was talking about.  The intersection was a bad one: an interstate that ended and turned into local streets at a light.  Travelers unfamiliar with the area and not paying attention could easily miss the signs and signals and blow through it.  And that was exactly what happened.  But this time it was a big rig that blew through the intersection and it was a small car that got creamed.  I couldn’t even tell what kind of car it had been: it looked like a battalion of Abrams tanks drove over it and then used it for target practice.  The front half of the car was nothing more than the bottom of the chassis—engine, transmission, wheels, doors, fenders, roof, and seats were gone.  They weren’t smashed: they were GONE—scattered in a debris field that led to where the truck finally came to rest about a hundred yards down the road.  As our rig was coming to a stop, we were all saying things like, ‘Holy shit’, ‘Goddamn’, ‘Fuck me’, and even Chief (who had seen everything and nothing fazed him) said, “Son of a fucking Bitch!”

Whoever was in the front seat was dead before the truck finished passing over the car.  But that wasn’t what was going to make this one bad.  There were no less than a dozen motorists clawing feverishly at the remaining wreckage and I knew immediately what that meant.  There was a kid in the back seat.

We jumped out and went to work.  Chief sent the motorist packing, but not before I saw how their hands were cut up from trying to pry the shredded metal away.  Every cop in town seemed to be on scene and they transitioned from rescue to securing the scene and rerouting traffic.Surgeon began doing his thing and I took my jacket off so that I could try to squeeze myself inside the wreckage more easily.  I looked inside and, sure enough, there was a young girl in a booster seat in the back.  She was covered in blood and she wore a face of permanent shock—eyes wide open, mouth hanging open.  She was not older than seven.  I was just barely able to reach her.

“Honey, can you hear me?” I asked the girl while touching her hand.  The girl was hyperventilating, but her breaths were shallow.  She just kept whispering, ‘Momma?’

I said, “My name is David and I’m going to get you out of here, ok?  What’s your name?”

The girl looked in my direction but it was as if she was looking right through me.  She managed to squeak out her name: ‘Katie’.

“Ok, Katie; I need you to stay very still ok, honey?  You are going to hear some loud sounds, but don’t be afraid!  It’s just my friend.  He has a big pair of scissors for cutting metal.  So that sound you hear now is just him helping me get you out of the car ok?”

She weakly responded saying, ‘ok’.  The roof shifted up and I pushed in further through the twisted wreck.  I had a pen flashlight and I used it to check Katie’s pupils.  She either had a severe concussion or she had just finished doing enough meth to get an elephant high—my bet was on the concussion.  Seemingly out of nowhere, a small neck brace was handed to me and I put it on her.  I continued assessing her and found her shirt was becoming bloodier.  I cut the shirt off of her and, sure enough, she had a puncture wound to the chest.  Once her t-shirt was removed, I saw that bubbles were forming in the blood with each breath she took and that told me that she had a punctured lung.I yelled out to Garry, “S.C.W. (sucking chest wound)!”  In a flash, a package of plastic, gauze, and tape was handed in to me.  I wiped her skin off around the top and sides of the wound, applied the plastic and secured it, leaving the bottom open so that the blood would be pushed out as she inhaled instead of being pulled into her lungs and drowning her.

“Get us out of here, Surgeon!” I yelled.  “Flush (Garry), tell Chief to call Airwolf!” I said.  ‘Airwolf’ was slang for a life flight; there was no way she was going by ambulance.  Garry said, “It’s already on the way, Lucky.”

I asked Katie how she was doing and she said she was scared.  I told her that I understood and said that she was going to go to the hospital so the doctor can ‘make sure she was alright’.  I knew Katie was far from ‘alright’, but I didn’t want to scare her, of course.  She asked if I would go with her and I promised that I would.

The roof peeled back and the sunlight poured in.  Suddenly I could see all too clear just how bad Katie was injured and my confidence (which was already low) plummeted.  In addition to the injuries I had already found, Katie had a compound fracture of her left tibia which exited through her calf muscle, not to mention countless cuts and bruises.  I cut her seatbelt off as EMT’s began to move in and put her on a board for transport and I could hear the sounds of a helicopter landing close by.

Chief was acting as the LSO (landing signals officer) and, as we made our way to the helo, I told him I was staying with her.  There wasn’t time to argue, so he just nodded in agreement.

I let the EMT’s do their job and just held her hand so she would know I was there.  They got her secured in the life flight and were hooking her up to IV’s, plasma, and a heart monitor as the helicopter lifted off.  Suddenly, Katie released her weak grip on my hand and she flat lined.

The small team went into overdrive to bring her back.  They worked on her until we landed at the hospital and a team of doctors took over.  I only stepped back enough to give them room, but I already knew how the day would end.  There was nothing anyone could have done; her little body simply suffered too much damage.  The doctor pronounced her and called out the time.  I wanted to punch him even though it wasn’t his fault.

I spent a few moments with Katie; telling her that I was sorry.  Before leaving, I gave her a small kiss on her forehead and turned to go.

A nurse stopped me and said, “Why don’t you come over here and we’ll take care of you…”

I said, “What do you mean?”The nurse said, “We’ll get you sutured up.”  She pointed to my left shoulder and the back of my head.

I craned my neck to look over my shoulder and only then realized I had at least a four inch gash on my shoulder blade and the back of my t-shirt was soaked with blood.  I felt the back of my head and it was wet, too.

“Oh, I didn’t even notice…”
She just pressed her lips together in an understanding ‘smile’ and said, “Over here…”

After the stitches in my shoulder and staples in my head were in place, I walked out of the ER wondering how I was going to get back to the station.  I didn’t wonder long: Chief was outside waiting for me.  One look at my face and he knew there was no need to ask about how Katie was doing.

“You know you did it right.”
“I’m not so sure,” I said.
Chief said, “Listen: you know that there are going to be days like this.  We can’t save the world, but we do what we can.  You take a few days and think about it—get past the emotional part and you will see that there was nothing more you could have done.  OK?”

Chief wasn’t one for long speeches, but his short talks had a way of cutting right to the chase and getting to the point.  I nodded without saying a word and Chief drove me home.

The first thing I did was call Cherry.  I had to get my mind off of the day and I knew that Cherry would be the answer.  She picked up right after the first ring.

“It’s about time you called me!  I was starting to think you just used me!” Cherry joked with a smile to her voice.
I said, “I’m sorry: I would have called sooner, but I had a really bad day today.  You don’t want to know the details; trust me.”
Cherry’s voice became more serious and concerned.  “Oh.  Oh, I’m sorry.  What happened?  Are you OK?”
I said, “Yes and no: There was a major accident and…it was the worst I’ve ever seen—let’s leave it at that.  Can you come over?”  I was trying not to tear up and break down and I think she could hear that in my voice.

Cherry answered with uncertainty, “Oh, gosh, I don’t know.  I mean I want to, of course!  I just don’t know if I can get a ride.”
I said, “What’s wrong with your car now?”
“Oh, um…the car is fine, but my Mom has it.  Let me call Olivia and I’ll call you right back.”

I told her ‘ok’ and she hung up.  Several minutes passed and my phone rang.  Answering the phone, Cherry said, “I’ll be there in a little while, but I’ll need you to give me a ride in the morning.  Is that ok?”
“Yeah, that’s fine; I just really need to see you tonight,” I said.

I gave her my address and directions and she said she would be over as soon as possible.  A few minutes later, there was a knock at my door.  I knew it wasn’t Cherry; she lived too far away for it to be her already.  I opened the door and saw my buddies Brian and Garry at my door.

“Hey guys, what’s up,” I asked. They had never just stopped by unannounced like that before.

Garry held up my car keys and I had a sudden realization for why they were there; they brought my car home for me.  I invited them in for a beer as a way to say ‘thanks’.  Garry was declining saying that they had to get going, but at the same time, Brian was saying, ‘sure’.  In hind sight, offering beer to an alcoholic isn’t exactly the best idea in the world, but I wasn’t thinking clearly at that moment.  Fortunately, I didn’t have very much and they didn’t stay long.  We did talk about the accident and about Katie, but it didn’t make any of us feel much better.

A few moments of silent reflection preceded Brian and Garry leaving and I prepared for Cherry’s arrival.  I was just finishing straightening up my apartment when there was a knock at the door.  I opened it and saw Cherry and Olivia at my doorstep.  Just seeing Cherry there made me feel better already.  She turned to Olivia and thanked her for the ride.  Olivia asked her if she was sure about staying here and Cherry nodded and said that she was ‘fine’.  Olivia told her friend to call her if she needed her for ‘any reason’ while eyeing me suspiciously.  Cherry gave Olivia a hug, kissed her on the cheek, and told her ‘thank you’.  I invited Olivia to stay for a few minutes but she declined.Cherry came in and as soon as the door was closed, she set down her overnight bag and gave me a kiss hello.  I was starting to think she had me under some kind of spell because her kisses were nothing short of magical.  If someone fired a shotgun next to my ear while I was kissing her, I’m certain I would not notice.

“I don’t think Olivia likes me very much,” I said in almost a question.
“She feels like she has to protect me sometimes, I guess,” Cherry explained.
“That’s kind of cute, actually,” I responded, “that SHE would feel the need to look after YOU.”

Cherry seemed to think that thought was a little odd but agreed anyway.  I just chalked it up to a ‘girl thing’ and dropped the subject.

“Thank you for coming over.  I can’t tell you how much I needed to see you,” I said.
“I thought about you all day; what happened to you today?” Cherry asked.
I said, “It was one of those nightmare days—the ones you hope never happen but know someday it will.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.  Tell me what happened?”
“Well, you don’t want to know how bad it was, but there was an accident and I ended up pulling a small girl from the wreckage.  I went with her on the life flight to the hospital, but she didn’t make it.”
Cherry was saddened and said, “Oh, that’s awful.  I’m so sorry…”
I said, “Everyone tells me that I ‘did it right’, but she is still gone and it sucks, you know?”
Cherry nodded in understanding and asked, “What can I do to help?”

I told her that just her being here was helping me already.  It felt cheesy to say that, but it was true.  I felt better just knowing that she was there for me.  It was like her presence made me feel more complete; as if Katie’s untimely passing ripped a large portion of my heart out and Cherry replaced it just by showing up.  When I told her how I felt, she just smiled ear to ear and hugged me close, putting her head on my chest.  After hugging for a few moments, I suggested we go and sit on the couch for a while.  I just wanted to hold her close to me.

I sat on the couch and she snuggled up to me, leaning half-way on my lap and resting her head on my chest.  I draped my arm over her, resting my hand on hers and I was absentmindedly running the fingers of my other hand through her light red hair.  There was nothing overtly sexual about our cuddling; it was just very intimate and caring.  Cherry was completely at ease and she closed her eyes; now resting her head in my lap.

She was an absolute vision from every angle and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.  I began to commit every detail of her face to memory: every curve, every freckle, the way her eyelashes curled, the way dimples formed when she moved her mouth a certain way.  We sat together for what must have been a few hours without moving or talking.  My eyelids began to grow heavy and I was fading in and out of sleep.  Cherry had been asleep for about 20 minutes when she began ‘talking’ in her sleep.  Only, she wasn’t really talking: it was more like a vocal cadence.  She was humming mostly single syllables in a monotone voice.  After a few seconds of trying to figure out what she was doing, I remembered that she said she had been a cheerleader in school.  ‘She must be remembering when she was in high school,’ I thought with an amused smile.

Cherry interlocked her fingers with mine and brought our hands to rest tightly against her chest, right in between her magnificent breasts.   Until that moment, there had been nothing sexual about being on the couch with her.  But now I couldn’t stop looking at her chest and my dick was getting ideas, threatening to poke her in the back of her head.  I was losing the battle with my growing erection when Cherry yawned and woke up.

“What time is it?” she asked.
I said, “It’s getting a little late.  You have to go to work in the morning, right?”
“Yeah, something like that.  We should go to bed.”

I thought about offering to sleep on the couch since I wasn’t sure what her thoughts were on the subject of sleeping together, but before I could say anything, she got up while still holding my hand and said, ‘come on’.  We walked down the hallway and she excused herself into the bathroom while telling me that she would ‘be just a few minutes’.  I stripped down to my boxers and got in bed suddenly wishing I had spent the extra money on a larger bed and at the same time, glad that I didn’t!

A few minutes passed and Cherry appeared out of the bathroom, ready for bed.  She was not wearing what I had expected she would be wearing: I had expected some kind of sleep pants with an oversized shirt or pajamas of some sort.  Instead, she was wearing a sheer pink camisole that fit like a bra on the chest and then draped down like a dress, ending at upper hip level.  And she had matching pink lace panties which were like a string bikini with a skirt that was only about two to three inches long.  With the lights still on, her nightwear did little to hide her body.  My mouth hung open in surprise and I was unable to will my eyes to blink.  She wore ruby red with lipstick and a small amount of eyeliner.  I couldn’t tell if she was wearing blush or if it was her cheeks blushing naturally.  She was hands-down the most beautiful creature on Earth.

“I think someone likes my pajamas,” Cherry said with a smile and teasing tone.
I shook my head ‘no’ and said, “It’s more about the radiant beauty modeling the ‘pajamas’!”

Cherry seemed to like that answer and she made a slow turn to show me all angles.  I didn’t care if my eyes dried out like sand in the desert, I wasn’t going to blink and miss any of her!  I was sitting in bed, stupefied, and she enjoyed it.

“Where’s your camera?  Take a picture: it’ll last longer!” she said.

I snatched my phone off of the bed and began taking pictures.  I couldn’t believe my luck: my new girlfriend loved posing for personal porn pictures!  My cock was a raging boner and I barely noticed as I took pictures and videos of Cherry modeling her incredible body.  I could see her proud nipples showing through the thin fabric; my mouth watered to taste them.  Cherry had the best abs I’d ever seen: perfectly tone with just a hint of an ‘eight pack’.  They were muscular, yet still very feminine.  Right in the middle of her abs was the cutest belly button I’d ever seen.  The flap of skin at the top of it seemed to mimic that of a clitoral hood.  And speaking of that, she had a small patch of neatly trimmed hair just a few shades darker than her red hair on her most intimate spot.  As she pirouetted around, her incredible ass came into view.  Her panties were nothing more in the back than a thin, barely visible string that disappeared between her cheeks.  Even her back was sexy with well defined muscles.  In my book, she was perfectly flawless!

Cherry moved toward the bed and asked, “Is that for me?” while pointing towards my crotch.  I looked and was surprised to see my cock had found its own way out of the fly in my boxers.

I said, “It certainly is BECAUSE of you, so yeah!  It’s all yours!”

With no small amount of seduction to her voice she said, “Then put your camera on video and record this…”

I did as she said and started taping.  Cherry crawled across my lap and rested between my legs while taking my cock in her hand and looking into the camera.  She began stroking it gently while never taking her eyes off of me and the camera.

She said, “I’d do anything for something salty to eat right now.  Do you have anything salty for me?”  Without answering her, she said, “Oh you do?  MMM….”

She stuck the tip of her tongue out and touched the tip of my cock where a large bead of precum had already collected.  She pulled her tongue back a little and a string of cum stayed attached to her.  Cherry sucked in the thin strand and went back to teasing the head of my dick with her tongue; swirling it around the end at random speeds and directions.  My cock was aching to feel the warmth of her mouth surrounding it, but Cherry wasn’t done teasing it yet.  She slowly dragged the tip of her tongue down the length of my shaft before flattening her tongue to lick it like a lollypop on the way back up.

Cherry flipped her hair over to one side to make sure I (and the camera) had an unobstructed view of her face before she finally opened her mouth and pulled just the head inside.  She bobbed at the tip for a few strokes before popping it back out, leaving a faint smear of lipstick on me.  Then she took just the very tip in her mouth and began to suck on it like she was nursing from a baby bottle; all while holding eye contact.  Her tongue was darting up and down across the opening in the tip and, coupled with the sucking action, the massage of the shaft and her sheer beauty, it was the most mind-blowing feeling in my life.  My orgasm was building already and she must have seen it in my face.

She inhaled deeply and took me in her mouth as far as she could go.  Her head bobbed as she struggled to take more of my length.  I could feel my head going past the back of her throat and she struggled to keep from choking; her green eyes becoming glassy.  I told her my orgasm was coming and she pulled back a little so she could breathe, but she squeezed her lips around my cock; forming a tight seal.  Cherry had her tongue dancing at that sensitive spot at the base of the head in an effort to expedite my orgasm.  It worked perfectly.

Cherry kept looking into the camera and held still as the pulsing spurts passed into her mouth.  The full volume of my load was pooled in her mouth and she rubbed my cock up towards the head to make sure got it all in her mouth.  Once she was satisfied that she had it all, she pulled off of me and made sure the camera got a clear shot of the large white pool washing over her tongue and teeth.  She rolled her tongue around in it for a few moments before closing her lips and proclaiming, “MMMM…”  Cherry swallowed hard, smiled, and said, “Yummy!  That was so good!”  She cleaned up what little remaining drops may have been left behind and I decided it was ‘my turn’ after stopping the video recording.

I said, “If you think that was good, wait until you feel this.”

Cherry and I switched places and I slowly pulled her pink camisole up and over her head.  Her magnificent tits dared to defy the laws of physics; they were so firm that gravity could not pull them down.  Her nipples stood just as proud as her breasts and the surrounding areolas were as bumpy as Braille.   I moved in over her as she lay back and opened her sexy toned legs.  I held myself up over her looking into her eyes and her entire body was writhing in anticipation of my touch.

Cherry ran her hands over my chest as her body continued to undulate under me and I was enjoying watching her squirm with passion.  I pretended to move in for a kiss and her mouth opened, ready to return it.  But then I made a ‘detour’ and turned ‘south’, latching on to the nipple of one of her heaving breasts.  She inhaled sharply and then exhaled with the combination of a hiss and groan.  The moment my mouth made contact with her nipple, her hand was on the back of my head, pulling me in tighter.  She used her free hand to place mine on the other breast and I began tweaking the nipple as I commenced my oral assault on the first.

Her upper body calmed down a bit, but her hips picked up the slack; increasing in rocking up and down and in circles.  Cherry was grinding her pelvis into my stomach as hard as she could and I was doing my best to maintain distance to keep her crotch from getting ANY relief before it was time.  And I was taking my time!Cherry began to moan in frustration and she wrapped her legs around my ass in effort to pull me into her.  Her strength took me by surprise and I was using a lot of effort to hold back.  Not wanting to tire too soon, I released her nipple and started to move ‘north’ again.  She released her leg lock on me and, once again, I d

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Im Not Cut Out To Be A Cheerleader

I'm Not Cut Out To Be A Cheerleader By Paul G. Jutras Inspired by the Deane Christopher caption As Roger Myers messed up a three point kick, Deane managed to get the ball and ran with it. Philip and Raymond worked the block against the enemy team for the final touchdown of the game. ?Way to go, dear,? Coach Jane said as she stood on the sidelines in her green skirt suit and black knee high leather boots. ?Deane, you?re the best member on the team.? ?Thanks, coach.? Deane...

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Pondicherry Pubil Pennai Usar Seithen 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil rich doctor pengalai eppadi nanum en nanbanum oothom enbathai intha kama athaiyil ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en nanban idam netru ena da nadanthathu endru keten? Machan enanenmo nadanthathu da naan athai neril vanthu solugiren endru soli en veetirku vanthaan. Naan avanai vetil irunthaal ithai freeya sola mudiyaathu naam koliku selalam endru avanai koliku azhaithu vanthu ena nadanthathu ipo solu endru solinen. Naanum...

4 years ago
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Felicia the Cheerleader

Felicia was a drop dead gorgeous girl Felicia was a drop dead gorgeous girl. At 18 years old, she was 5?5?, 110 pounds, with blonde hair down to her shoulder blades and beautiful blue eyes. She had a smile that truly lit up a room, and it matched her sweet and caring personality. She was literally one of the nicest people you could ever meet, a popular girl at school who made friends with anyone even when she didn?t try, and she volunteered at both a hospital and a homeless shelter....

1 year ago
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The Sexiest Cheerleader

"The Sexiest Cheerleader" A "Timber Grove" Story by TGTrinity ///// 1 ///// "Becoming Leslie" ///// Sunday Morning Seth knew that he was not going to get out of this. All he could do was sit in the back of the SUV and look at the small glass flask in his hands as his teammates rambled on and on about what he was supposed to do. As they argued with each other, he thought about the game the other night and wished that there was someway to go back in time... "Fuck, Seth, are...

3 years ago
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My Sister the Cheerleader

Today was different than usual though. Coach had us stay after and do some laps so i didnt have time to do anything after i got home other than shower and go to work. Guys, you know what happens when a boy doesnt get a chance to release himself after staring at the short skirts at school all day. You are extremely horny. At work i couldn't stop staring at the female servers, wearing their tight white shirts and blue jeans. Just watching this made me wanna go jack off, but obviously i...

1 year ago
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HEAD Cheerleader

The final votes were in for the head cheerleader. The last step was for you to approve her. No matter what the vote you knew you had the final say. And you’d make sure she knew it too. You smiled to yourself, because in your school the term 'head' cheerleader had literal meaning. They had chosen a cute little brunette this year. She was very pretty, but most importantly; she had tits the size of basketballs. Last years head cheerleader, Jamie had small tits. But she had the tightest pussy, and...

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He always wanted a cheerleader

This all took place a while ago, but set a great precedentSo one day I was over at my friend's Casey's. Casey's sister was a few year old and had gone off to college by this point. now Casey was a bit milqetoast. He was the quiet one.Well we were hanging out, flipping channels. Then he flipped to a one of the "adult" channels. Surprisingly it was clear as day. "pretty neat, eh? My dad just got a decoder""awesome"So we sat there quietly watching a video with some "cheerleaders" being anal...

4 years ago
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Last week, while bent over with a cock deep inside me, I was asked if I'd dress as a cheerleader. I've been seeing this particular man a couple times a month since January. He's in his fifties, but looks and acts more like a guy in his thirties. He likes to put on porn while I give him long, slow blowjobs. He has an amazing cock, so when he wants to fuck me, I can't say no. He had me bent over the back of my couch when he started talking about how great I would look in a skirt. He proceeded to...

1 year ago
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The Newest Cheerleader

Chapter 1 It was Nancy Peterson's first appearance as a Valley High cheerleader. The stands rumbled with a full house of cheering fans. Nancy performed high kicks. Her dark-blue skirt featured inverted pleats and swirled sexily on her fine, tanned legs. She wore a tight white vest that had blue stripes down the arms, an inch-wide white stripe across the chest, and it pulled tightly against her big teenette tits, two whoppers that bobbled like ripe grapefruits. Nancy knew her titties were...

Group Sex
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Quarterback and Cheerleader

‘That was some game,’ Dawn said as she gave me a hug. ‘Thanks,’ I grinned, hugging her back briefly. ‘Did Jake like it?’ ‘Are you kidding?’ she laughed. ‘Little brother is probably still home bouncing off the walls! There is no way mom will be able to get him to sleep for hours.’ I glanced behind Dawn and saw two of her friends standing there smiling. They were cute, especially Janet, but I promised my little sister a long time go that I would stay away from her friends. It didn’t matter...

3 years ago
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Bodacious Cheerleader

Bodacious Cheerleader By Kathy Smith Peter Levin, MD, PhD was a workaholic. He is a full Professor at The Johns Hopkins University and he has a research lab in the medical school. His research is in basis genome of oncology. He has 5 postdocs, 12 grad students and 1 high school student in his lab. He normally does not have high school students in the lab but she was superordinary woman (I will talk about her later on). Peter is 50 years old, short (5'5"), bald and has a pot...

1 year ago
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Babysitter Betty Is a Head Cheerleader

Elizabeth "Betty" Bubble was considered by most to be the best cheerleader on the Center City squad because of her world class splits. Her legs were so flexible that horny males in the audience could not help but picture her poised on the end of their species propagating friendly weapons in various positions and angles best suited to their imagination. Her father and brother got so hot and bothered watching her practice at home that they made excuses to be elsewhere when she perfected her...

3 years ago
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Cherry the Cheerleader chapter 7

Introduction: written for and dedicated to Lucky Mann ***Please be sure to read the first 6 chapters or you will be lost!*** Chapter 7 It was a nice day outside, so I decided to go for a run. Just as I was getting into my rhythm, it occurred to me that everything was unusually grey for such a sunny day. Looking into the sky, I found there was a very strange cloud over me that had me stopping in my tracks to get a better look. It was perfectly stationary but seemed to blow like a flag in the...

1 year ago
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Cherry the Cheerleader chapter 8

Introduction: The final chapter of Cherry… Thank you, Lucky Mann, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. ***Read the first seven or youll be lost! Thanks for reading. Chapter 8 I had a dream that I was watching TV when I suddenly felt a familiar presence. I looked over at the couch and Katie was watching TV with me. She still wore her blinding-white dress, but she looked nervous for some reason. I said, Hello, Katie. I havent seen you in a while. How are you? Katie said, Hi. Im...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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Cherry chapter 4

After my evening with Cherry, I was about as happy as I’d ever been. I went about the apartment, cleaning and putting things away while humming some song I couldn’t put a title or group name to. My thoughts drifted back and forth between the time spent with my Cherry that night and the time that I would be spending watching her at the upcoming game where she would be cheering. It was getting late, so I decided to get a shower and couldn’t help but recall when we showered together that...

2 years ago
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Cherry chapter 6

Chapter 6 The next morning, I got up and had an unusual craving for a bagel (of all things). So I got up and made a quick trip to the local ‘mom-and-pop’ convenience store which had a fresh baked goods section. While standing in the short line to pay for my bagel, I looked at the headlines in the town paper and had to read it a few times to believe what I was seeing. The big story was about the mayor meeting with the Governor to discuss getting State funds to fix the intersection! I...

4 years ago
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Cherry chapter 8

Chapter 8 I had a dream that I was watching TV when I suddenly felt a familiar presence. I looked over at the couch and Katie was watching TV with me. She still wore her blinding-white dress, but she looked nervous for some reason. I said, “Hello, Katie. I haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?” Katie said, “Hi. I’m ok, I guess. But I’m scared about something.” I asked, “Why? What’s the matter?” She looked at me and said, “I’m going to be on TV tomorrow and I’m scared you...

2 years ago
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Cherry chapter 7

Chapter 7 It was a nice day outside, so I decided to go for a run. Just as I was getting into my rhythm, it occurred to me that everything was unusually grey for such a sunny day. Looking into the sky, I found there was a very strange cloud over me that had me stopping in my tracks to get a better look. It was perfectly stationary but seemed to blow like a flag in the wind; only it blew in all directions at the same time—as if the source of the wind was from the center of the cloud. ...

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Cherry chapter 5

The last 24 hours were mostly spent with the Love of my life and I was in an amazing place emotionally. At the same time, I was still troubled about the loss of Katie. My thoughts alternated at random between the two as I drifted off to sleep. I found myself walking along an all too familiar road. Up ahead stood a girl facing away from me and I knew who she was before I got to her; she wore a yellow sundress. As I reached her, I stopped next to Katie. Without needing to look at her...

2 years ago
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Cherry chapter 2

I was feeling pretty good about my life as I went home; reliving the day in my head.  I couldn’t get Cherry out of my mind and it wasn’t even all about the incredible blow job she’d just given me.  There was a real connection with her and I just enjoyed being with her.  I wasn’t sure if it was love or not; it was still too early to know that for sure, but I knew I really liked her a lot. I was pulling up in front of my apartment when I realized I couldn’t remember a single detail about the...

4 years ago
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Cherry chapter 3

Cherry the Cheerleader is written for LuckyMann and is dedicated to him. Chapter 3 “Where is she?! Where is my daughter?!” Cherry’s mother began interrogating me. I remained calm and said, “She is where she is supposed to be: she is at school.” Wishing to avoid creating a scene for the neighbors to gossip about, I motioned to the other doors close by and invited the clearly angry and worried woman inside to talk. I had a few questions of my own for her (like how she knew where...

3 years ago
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Breaking the Cheerleader

Jessica awoke in a daze. She blinked her blue eyes, trying to focus on any shape in the darkness as she struggled to remember where she was. There had been a party last night. She attended with one of the football players from her school. There were drinks and dancing and…nothing. “I must have blacked out…” she thought to herself, the throbbing pain in her head the start of what would surely be a bad hangover. But then, if she blacked out, why couldn’t she move her arms? She tried to...

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Cherrychapter 1

Chapter 1 No one grows up to have the exact life they had imagined for themselves as a kid. In my youth, I always imagined that I would marry my high school sweetheart and make a fortune working as a fireman. I couldn’t have been more wrong. But then again, perhaps I wasn’t so far off the mark. High school, for me, was a chore. I knew what I wanted to do with my life and it didn’t include college: I wanted to be a fireman. To me, it was the ultimate real life “superhero” job. I...

1 year ago
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My Sister A Fledgling Cheerleader

She leaned forward, put a knee on the bed, her hands were pressed into the mattress, “Nothing, I just want to talk.” With her right leg pulled up and the other still on the floor the slip moved enough to the side I could see up the length of her leg, she wasn’t wearing panties so I got a glimpse of dark reddish pubic hair covering her pussy. I reacted to the provocative sight as only an 18-year-old can, my cock immediately began to swell. She paused; a small smile curved up the corners of...

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CherryChapter 11

I’ll continue my story from where I left off in part 10 but before I do I just thought that I’d mention that my little titties have grown a bit and I would say that they are definitely an AA cup now. They’re still as pointy and my nipples seem to be getting bigger. Either that or they’re permanently hard; maybe it’s the weather getting a bit colder. My butt has grown a bit and uncle Ben sometimes calls me bubble butt. My pussy is still just a slit with my little clit just poking out. I...

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The Cheerleader

The Cheerleader Belladonna Andrew White blinked at his mother a few times, sure that he had misheard her. Ignoring her, he shook his head as he reached for his cell phone. "Andrew, answer me," his mother demanded. "What?" "Will you do it?" "Do what?" "Step in for Emma," Miranda repeated herself. "How could I step in for Emma?" Andrew retorted, shaking his head once more at the request he could no longer pretend he had not heard. "I just need you to fill in for her...

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CherryChapter 4 My summer vacation

I woke up the next morning with Ben rubbing his cock along my slit. Somehow we’d swapped places during the night. “Hmm, that’s nice.” I said and lifted my top leg so that Ben could use my hole. He did and after he’d cum he shuffled down the bed and got his head between my legs. He drove me crazy making me cum twice. “Can we do that every morning Uncle Ben?” “I would expect nothing less young lady.” Ben replied. After a shower and breakfast, Ben told me to put my clothes on. I asked him...

2 years ago
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Cherry Busting BrotherChapter 5

Cathy now found herself with a real and genuine problem on her hands. In the first place, among her set, in order to get to the prom, you had to put out in order to get a date. That was the heaviest date in the whole school year. When she was a virgin, Cathy had resigned herself to no prom, but this year she wanted to go. In the first place, she felt every bit as womanly as any of the other girls in school. She realized how much of a lover her brother was, when she compared him to Wayne....

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Pondicherry Pubil Pennai Usar Seithen 8211 Part 1

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil pubil oru sexiyaana pennai usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vimal vayathu 25 aagugirathu, intha vayathil enaku ooka pen kidaikatha endru eangiya kaalam thaan athigam. Neengal ninaipathu pola nanum oru kama veriyan thaan. Niraiya pengaluku facebook mulaiyamaaga request koduthu message seithukonde irupaan, ipadi irukum pozhuthu enaku entha penum reply kuda seiyamal irunthaargal....

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Pondicherry Pubil Pennai Usar Seithen 8211 Part 4

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil doctor pengalai ore nerathil ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, naan kategarvinai cow nilaiyil matter potukonde irunthen, aval velaiyaana soothu paarkave sexiyaaga irunthathu. Athai iru kaiyal vatamaaga pidithu cow nilaiyil matter potukonde irunthen. Appozhuthu thidir endru yaro kathavai knock seithaargal, udane nan oopathai niruthinen. Hey nan thaan reena kathavai thira garvin endru solinaal. Udane kategarvin kathavai...

4 years ago
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You let yourself in with your key. The room is dark except for a line of votive candles in red glass holders, in a direct line from the living room to the bedroom. The air smells of a sweet scent - sandalwood?. It's too faint to be sure. You smile, put your purse down on the couch and kick off your shoes. Whatever comes next, it's going to be nice to get off your feet.You undress, folding your clothes neatly and leaving them on the couch. Only when you're completely naked do you venture to...

First Time
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my cum hungry cheerleader

So, for those of you who missed part two let me clue you in. After watching my young female cousin (Hailey) fuck my buddy (Rob) and jerking off while watching them. The story ended up that the following night I was lucky enough to be writhing between her tight thighs. Like I said, incest is nothing that we would normally pursue. We might sit and day-dream about some sick shit about cousins, aunts and for some of you, your daughters, but actually performing out those fantasies that is...

3 years ago
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Cherry Busting BrotherChapter 2

Cathy had a very difficult day at school the next day. Ordinarily a very good student, she couldn't concentrate on anything. Furthermore, with all the spying on her mother's and father's fucking and sucking, with all the masturbating she had done herself, she hadn't done any homework at all. For Cathy, that was unusual, and since it was spring, her teachers tended to be a little bit indulgent. But Cathy had a lot of work to make up when she got home from school that day. She was...

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Cherry Kiss 70 211000

The name Ivana has been a bit sullied for me, so I'm glad one of my favorite porn stars goes by Cherry kiss instead of her real name. However, I'd still jerk off to her even if she didn't. I'm not fucking crazy.Cherry's MistletoeCherry Kiss was born on December 31st, 1992, in Nis, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Unfortunately, not much is known about her childhood, but I have some friends from Eastern Europe that can fill in the blanks.Life was cold, the belly was hungry, and people were...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Casey The Hot Cheerleader

Casey Brand was the most popular girl at Smithville High.  She had made varsity cheer in the tenth grade.  She excelled at everything she did.  She worked hard on her grades and was part of the National Honor Society.  She loved cheering but knew her grades were just as important.Casey loved boys.  She was dating Todd, the captain of the football team.  She was growing bored of him though.  Todd was as old as Casey and Casey found him to be immature.  He did stupid things that made Casey roll...

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The Lonely Cheerleader

Tina had been a cheerleader at Franklin High for three years, and if life was fair, she would be one of the most popular girls in her high school. But life wasn't fair, and while Tina had always been friends with the other cheerleaders, none of the boys ever seemed interested. Tina was tiny- just 5'3", and not more than 90 lbs—and was always the top girl in the cheer pyramid. She was good at climbing up, doing her thing standing on one foot and extending her arms, and then letting herself fall...

2 years ago
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CherryChapter 15

Easter holidays sleepover - at the cottage - part 2 Wednesday As we cleaned-up the breakfast stuff I told Piper that we were going for a walk over to the farm. “Won’t there be people there; and what about on the way?” “Relax girl, we won’t see a soul on the way there and there will probably only be Mick and Chloe at the farm. Oh, and Duke and Foxy but you don’t need to worry about them.” “Why?” “Duke and Foxy each have 4 legs.” “Ah, right. What shall I wear?” I reached for Piper’s...

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Das Spiel Es waren 5 Minuten im letzten Viertel des Superpokals übrig. Ihr Team lag 5 zurück, war aber am Zug. Eine Berührung würde das Spiel drehen. Mit dem Ball wurde geschnippt, der Quarterback fiel zurück und ging vorbei. Abgefangen! Und das andere Team lief den Ball ganz für ein Aufsetzen zurück. Verdammt! Ja, das rundet das Spiel nach oben ab", dachte Elaine," 11 Punkte zurück mit 3 Minuten Restzeit, auf der Uhr. In früheren Zeiten, würde dies den Schluss bedeuten, würden die Leute zum...

Group Sex
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Cherry.TV has a cute little logo featuring a pair of its namesake fruit. And while the image is clean enough that it could appear on a candy wrapper or child’s toy, there’s some inherent sexuality to it that’s impossible to miss if you’re a horny adult or just a frequent masturbator. Part of it is that sweet little drupe’s sensuous red color, calling to mind the lipstick and painted fingernails of your favorite sluts, as well as the fact that the pair of them together look as much like a ripe,...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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The New Cheerleader

I was sitting on the bleachers at the gym, watching the cheerleaders practicing. I regularly watched them practice. They always knew I was there and that it was harmless. I wasn't stalking them or anything creepy like that. I had just always wanted to be a male cheerleader and my school didn't allow men on the cheer team for some reason. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I must have spaced out because I didn't hear anyone come up behind me. It was my girlfriend, Jane. She's the...

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Cherry Eric

Her whole body tense from a long day, Cherry nearly collapsed as the elevator rose, pushing her into the ground. She let out a long, gurgling sigh, deflating as she unbuttoned her snug, creased suit. Twelve long hours of managing accounts and personnel at a top-tier law firm was good money, but the burden of responsibility took a toll on her health.She had been looking forward to this all day. The elevator chimed, and she stepped onto the landing of her boyfriend's apartment. Unbuttoning her...

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Cherrys extra classes

Hello, my name is Peter and I wrote this story on my cell phone so please excuse any mistakes I made. I was out of the country and did not have access to my pc. Please leave positive comments and messages. I posted this on another site as well. I hope you all enjoy. Cherry´s extraclasses"I will see you after school Cherry" said Mr.Orion sternly as she braced for the dismal afternoon session. Cherry was failing at biology and math and needed extra classes, her parents signed her up to study...

1 year ago
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CherryChapter 22

Back Home I ran to Ben and jumped up on him and gave him a long, long kiss. When I’d jumped up onto him he’d put his hands under my bare butt to hold me up, and when the kiss finally ended he said, “Gawd Cherry, have you been this wet all the time you’ve been away?” “Just about Ben. Will you fuck me right here and now please?” We were still in the field opposite the cottage and I wondered if the helicopter pilot realised what we were doing as Ben dropped his trousers and fucked me in...

2 years ago
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CherryChapter 12

Okay, the first couple of months of the new year weren’t that exciting; well, they had their moments but they were all inside because of the bad weather. Yes, the poker nights were fun, so was the business meetings; and I certainly could never forget the days at Allison’s shop. I haven’t grown any more, either height or my little boobies, but my nipples are getting bigger. Ben is threatening to tie some string to them and pull me around by them. My nipple clamps have more to grab onto and...

1 year ago
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Jaycee Learns how to be the Lead Cheerleader

She leaned forward, put a knee on the bed, her hands were pressed into the mattress, “Nothing, I just want to talk.” With her right leg pulled up and the other still on the floor the slip moved enough to the side I could see up the length of her leg, she wasn’t wearing panties so I got a glimpse of dark reddish pubic hair covering her pussy. I reacted to the provocative sight as only an 18-year-old can, my cock immediately began to swell. She paused; a small smile curved up the corners of...

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The Teacher and the Cheerleader

The CheerleaderI needed to concentrate, my dismount was still the weakest part of my routine, from legs straight, full swing, over the top, change hands, down and gain speed, up and twist, both hands on the same side, flip and twist with a full roll and land, feet together, knees bent, arms forward for balance and stand, it was like a mantra to me, I had to get it right. It had to look easy and smooth, no wasted moves, efficient and, remember to smile.In the middle of the first swing it all...

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Ben and the cheerleader

It was the start of four day weekend for our highschool so my friend Jake invited me to spend the night over at his on Friday. Nothing unusual happened that night and we finally feel asleep at two o’clock after playing video games for hours. I never slept all that well at his house and this night was no exception. At around 7 a.m. I got tired of laying in the sleeping bag and went down stairs to eat some breakfast while Jake slept soundly like he always does. I was wearing a shirt and boxers as...


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