Earth s CoreChapter 10 Satisfactory Potential Heir
- 2 years ago
- 39
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Okay, the first couple of months of the new year weren’t that exciting; well, they had their moments but they were all inside because of the bad weather. Yes, the poker nights were fun, so was the business meetings; and I certainly could never forget the days at Allison’s shop.
I haven’t grown any more, either height or my little boobies, but my nipples are getting bigger. Ben is threatening to tie some string to them and pull me around by them. My nipple clamps have more to grab onto and don’t fall off on their own at all now. I was hoping that my regular visits to the farm and Mick putting the milking Teat Cups on them would have helped them grow a little bit, but no. Not that I’m complaining, I like my little AA cup boobies. They don’t bounce, nor even wobble when I’m jumping up and down. That fact I like; I’d hate to have big tits that painfully wobble about all the time.
Anyway, if they get much bigger Jenny might ask me to start wearing a swimsuit at the swimming lessons and that’s the last thing that I want especially as there might be some new boys when the lessons start again at Easter. Having said that, Piper’s boobies are a bit bigger than mine and Jenny hasn’t asked her to wear a swimsuit.
I still haven’t got any real lips on my pussy which Ben isn’t too happy about. He wants to get them pierced and hang weights from them. I keep telling him that I can still be pierced. I rather like the idea of a man piercing me down there; anywhere down there except my little clit. I don’t want to risk losing some feelings there.
I’ve spent many an evening sat in front of the big, warm open fire searching for new hairs around my pussy to pluck out. Ben even got me one of those lamps on a flexible arm so that I can shine it right on my pussy when I look at it. It also helps Ben when he’s videoing me plucking my hairs out.
Oh, Mick’s winch works a treat. Apart from what the guys do to me on a Friday evening, I often winch myself up, upside down with my magic wand strapped to my thigh with the business end resting on my clit. Oh, it’s so awesome.
One time that I did it straight after I got home from school I threw the winch control away from me knowing that I had no way of getting myself down. I wasn’t worried because I knew that Ben gets home about an hour after me; except for that one night.
Something happened at his work and he was over 2 hours late getting home and I was stuck there, dangling upside down with the magic wand making me cum over and over.
By the time that Ben did get home I was knackered and my juices had run down my back and down my front, right between my little tits, onto my chin and into my mouth. Yummy, but I was totally knackered and Ben had to get the tea ready.
I’ve told Mick that I love his winch many times but I’ve also told him that it would be a little better if he could think of a way to fix the magic wand on a pole or something so that I don’t have to tape it to my thigh. That tape makes me feel like I’ve got some clothes on; and I hate that.
I’m really looking forward to the weather getting better so that I can start hanging upside down outside on the swing frame and the big tree over the road.
Ben’s started talking about summer holidays. He’s booked a couple of weeks off work at the end of the school holidays and keeps asking me where I’d like to go. Every time that he asks I give him the same answer,
“Anywhere, just so long as I don’t have to wear any clothes, and it’s hot, and there’s lots of people to see my beautiful, naked body.”
He complains that I’m not very helpful but I don’t know what there is out there. When I first came to Ben’s place that was the first holiday that I’ve ever had.
When Ben started sorting out a passport for me just after Christmas I started thinking that he’s going to surprise me with some place that has only ever been ‘where the other half of the world live’.
One thing that Ben has bought is a new bed. He wanted one where he can easily tie me to the 4 corners. It’s a big bed, it’s as wide as it is long. He had to buy a few sets of sheets and duvets that fit it. I joked with Ben that it was big enough for us to share it with another niece.
“Funny that you should say that.” Ben replied.
He then went on to tell me that he and my dad have a sister, and that she has a daughter about my age.
“So are you going to ask your sister if my cousin can come and live with us?” I asked.
“I don’t think so, my sister was always the brainy one and the last that I heard, she was happily married.”
“Shame,” I replied, “it would have been nice to have another girl living here.”
I’ve been tied to that bed for hours at a time, sometimes with a vibrator inside me driving me crazy and other times with Ben fucking me every so often.
I asked Ben to spend some of my money on a good quality video camera and we went shopping one Saturday and got one. It takes really high resolution stills and videos. I wanted Ben, or Mick, or Lewis to take some great photos of my pussy when it’s spread wide and gaping open.
Not only do I want to see what I look like but I want the Mick and Lewis to have something to look at when they are at home. I didn’t think about it at the time, but Allison and Chloe will seen them as well. Not that it bothers me, they’ve both seen me naked and spread wide hundreds of times.
I have a little giggle to myself when I think about Allison and Lewis, or Chloe and Mick fucking and the guys seeing images of my pussy in their heads.
Ben’s thinking about posting some of the photos and videos on the internet. I told him that it’s okay with me providing that he takes some of me cumming whilst I’m hanging upside down and posts them as well.
Allison’s shop
I’m still going to Allison’s lingerie shop most weekends and being a live mannequin for her. Piper has joined me a few times as well. She’s getting more used to people seeing her naked and even groping her when the customers check us out as the mannequin company’s sales audio plays. Well that’s what most of the gullible customers believe.
One time when we were both stood in the shop windows posing as naked mannequins, Piper asked me if I’d like to go to her house for a sleepover. I said that I’d love to and that it would be a great opportunity to tease her older brother and her father.
Piper said that she was a little concerned about that last part but she told me that she’d ask her mother if I could have a sleepover during the half-term holidays.
Another time that I was there on my own and had spent some time in the shop window, I complained to Allison that quite a few men were looking at me for only a second or so then looking away.
Allison laughed the said,
“You do realise that human eyes can take in quite a lot in, in a second don’t you?”
“Well yes, but some stare for ages and I like that.”
“I guess that the ones that quickly look away are a bit embarrassed that they’ve seen a naked young girl. I know, perhaps some of them need to see something near your titties and pussy that they can use as an excuse for staring at you. Oh, I know just the thing. I’ll get them for you and give them to you the next time that you’re here.”
“Well, thank you Allison; I’ll pay you whatever it costs; I’ll get Ben to get the money out of my account.”
“No you won’t Cherry; getting you a little gift is the least that I can do for the girl that made my sales rocket.”
The next time that I went to Allison’s shop she gave me a little box. When I opened it I first saw a necklace with the word ‘Cherry’ in gold letters hanging from it. The letters are about one inch high but quite thin so it isn’t heavy.
As well as the necklace there was a long gold chain with holes about half an inch long in the links. Through one of links was a small karabiner and on one end was another word ‘Cherry’ but slightly bigger.
Thanking Allison, she told me to turn round whilst she fastened the necklace round my neck. Then she said,
“Go and take your clothes off then come back here Cherry and I’ll show you how you can wear the waist chain.”
I rushed to the office, then was back at the sales counter, naked, in seconds.
Allison squat down in front of me and put the chain round my waist. With me looking down at what she was doing, Allison slid the chain to different positions round my waist and hips, and adjusted it so that the ends dangled at different lengths down my front to my pussy and below.
“See Cherry, you can have your name as high or a low as you want. The letters are big enough for people to easily read and if you have it resting on your pubes people will wonder if you still have yours. If you have it higher up the other end of the chain will dangle down below your pussy.”
“And when I sit down it will rest over my slit and I can push the end into my hole.” I replied.
“Yes, I guess that you could do that Cherry.”
“I don’t mean to be rude or anything Allison, but where did you get it from? I was wondering if they could make the words “PUSSY”, or “CUNT”, or “FUCK ME” or “LOOK AT THIS” or “LICK ME”.
Allison laughed then said,
“Yes, I’m sure that they would, but I don’t think that I’d want you having those words dangling over your pussy while you’re stood in my shop window. It’s a bit too ‘up-front’ for this place.”
“More so than having 2 naked 14 year old girls standing in your shop window?”
“No Cherry, I have 2 child mannequins standing in my shop window.”
“Two naked girl child mannequins that show a lot more than normal mannequins standing in your shop window.”
“True, but some idiots can’t tell the difference.” Allison replied. “But I’m still going to draw the line at having those words dangling in front of you pussy in my shop window; sorry.”
“That’s okay, I can still have them dangling there at other times. Thank you so much for these Allison, I love them. I’ll wear them all the time.”
That night I went online and ordered those 5 sets of word(s).
When I next posed in the shop window I was longing for someone to come up close to me, see the word ‘CHERRY’ resting against my bald pubes, and think,
“If that’s a real girl; has she still got hers?”
That thought got my pussy tingling and leaking. By the time that Allison told me to go back into the main part of the store I was longing for someone to come up to me and touch my clit.
I had to wait another half hour or so before a couple in their twenties came up to me and the audio sales pitch came to life. They stared at me for ages before the girl said,
“It looks so real, is it really just a dummy?”
“Do what it invited you to do Lisa.”
Lisa reached forwards and touched my arm.
“Wow, it does feel real. You touch it James.”
James put his hand on my left breast.
“I see what you mean Lisa, it’s all warm and soft just like yours; and you can pull on its nipple as well.”
With that I gasped and my pussy tingling got stronger.
“Yes,” Alison said, having walked up behind the couple. “They’ve even programmed it to have orgasms as well, Go on, touch its pussy, it’s only a machine.”
James did, and that was all that I needed to go over the top. I moaned and said,
“Yes, yes; I’m cumming.” As I started shaking.
I vaguely heard Allison say something about how good technology was these days before I started to get back to normal. Then I felt another hand on my pussy just before Lisa said,
“Bloody hell, it gets wet as well.”
Of course, that took me back over the top and I started shaking and jerking about again.
Lisa had stepped back too, and all 3 of them just watched me as I shook and jerked for a few more seconds before going back to my original pose.
“So,” Allison said, “can I interest you in some of our ‘Strings Only’ range like the mannequin is wearing?”
They went and had a good look, and left with a small bag with about £60 worth of string in it.
“I wonder if that James bloke wondered if the mannequin had a Cherry then?” I asked Allison when we were next alone.
School has been okay, I’m still wearing the crotchless tights to go to, and come home from school then taking them off as soon as I get there. I’ll be glad when the weather gets good enough for me to put the tights into a drawer to forget until next winter.
I’m still flashing some of the teachers, it’s great watching the shape of the front of their trousers change as they stare at my exposed pussy. I don’t know if I’m getting better grades because of it but I don’t do too bad anyway; but I don’t flash them to improve my grades, I do it to make me feel good.
After that week of lunchtime ‘punishments’ after my deliberate accidental wardrobe malfunction at the school show; the headmaster has sent been sending notes to me telling me to go to his office at lunchtime at least once a week.
Each time they arrive, via his secretary who passes them to the teacher, everyone knows that they are from the headmaster when the teacher passes them to me and some of the kids ask me how I’ve been naughty because that’s the way that naughty kids get called to his office.
Each time that I get a note I just know that I’m going to get fucked over his desk and a soon as I get there I take my dress off and lay back on his desk and wait for him to appear.
We both get what we want and then school continues as normal.
PE lessons
After the PE teacher suggested that I wear something more substantial for PE lessons I decided take her advice and started wearing my tennis skirt and a cut-off one of Ben’s t-shirts. Underneath I’ve started wearing one of my ‘Strings Only’ bikini bottoms. When I’m stood up I look just like some of the other girls; except that my skirt is quite a bit shorter than theirs.
I’m slowly getting Piper to wear smaller and smaller knickers under her tennis skirt. She’s down to a thong now and that keeps disappearing between her lips. I’m sure that it won’t be long before she’s wearing ‘strings only’ bikini bottoms.
When we’re doing the gymnastics moves we give Dean and the boys there a great view of our pussies and butts. Piper’s top is quite tight so her braless tits don’t escape, but Ben’s t-shirt is a bit baggy and my tiny tit’s have gone on display a few times.
The boys usually just stare at our pussies or my tiny tits, but some the girls glare at us. I know that it’s just jealousy so I just ignore them.
In the changing room, a couple of girls have asked me about my material-less knickers, one of them saying that her boyfriend would love for her to wear some like that. I always take the opportunity to tell them where I get them, not thinking about what might happen if one, or more, of them come into Allison’s shop while I’m posing as a mannequin.
So far, the real PE teacher hasn’t seen our pussies but Dean (the PE teaching assistant) and most of the boys doing gymnastics have seen us. I don’t expect any of them to say anything but I’m not so sure about one or two of the girls that have seen us. One in particular is a bit of a prude and always wear industrial strength school knickers under her knee length gym skirt; and in the changing rooms I’ve seen that her bra looks just as ‘robust’.
Dean keeps going on about flexibility, reminding us of the saying ‘use it or loose it’, and I’ve been doing the splits around school and at home. I don’t care that my pussy gets displayed to some of the other school kids, and at home Ben tells me to get my knees behind my shoulders, then he always sticks something in my pussy knowing that I can’t free myself to take it out. He always has a good laugh and sometimes takes a photograph of me with whatever is sticking up in the air.
Piper had this idea of inviting me to a sleepover at her house during the half-term holidays at the end of February. It was going to be just her and me and her brother. She told me that both her father and mother would be at work but her mother had agreed to me going there because Piper’s older brother, Isaac, (2 years older) would be there to keep an eye on things.
Apparently he’d agreed to stay at home both days, even though he usually went out with his mates most days of a school holiday. Piper spoke to him later and he told her that he would still be going out with his mates so Piper and I would be home alone during the days.
About a week before the sleepover was due to happen, Piper’s mum phoned Ben to ask if I had any dietary requirements. I overheard Ben say,
“No, she doesn’t eat much and she’ll eat almost anything I put in front of her. If you put a roast horse in front of her I’m sure that she’d eat some of it.”
They chatted a bit then Ben told me that she seemed happy for me to visit Piper for the weekend.
Then came the problem of what to wear.
I couldn’t walk around Piper’s house wearing what I usually wear at home - nothing; and, from what Piper had told me, her parents aren’t exactly ‘liberated’, so I searched through my wardrobe for the longest skirts and dresses that I own. I found a skirt that comes down to mid-thigh, and a new dress that I hadn’t shortened yet that was a similar length.
That was the daytime sorted, but Ben said that I’d probably need something to sleep in and maybe go down to breakfast in. Then I remembered that Piper had told me once that her brother had tried to look up her sleeping t-shirt one day at breakfast. She’d been wearing knickers but she’d still been a bit shocked.
I don’t own any t-shirts that cover my butt and pussy so Ben leant me one of his old winter vests. When I tried it on I immediately said that it would do. It’s baggy on me and does just cover my butt and pussy. The other thing that I like is that the arm holes are big, very big. With the whole vest being baggy on me all it needed was for me to lean forwards even a little bit and you can see my whole, tiny tits through those arm holes; and with it being so baggy, it’s easy for anyone stood above me or in front of me to see both my tits, and right down my front, when I lean forwards.
“That’ll do great; thank you Ben.”
I said, having visions of me standing in front of Piper’s brother or father, bending over and letting them see my tiny tits or my butt and pussy.
Anyway, the big day arrived and Ben dropped me off at Piper’s house on the way to his work. Piper’s mum, Jean Johnson, was still there but her father, Tom Johnson, had already left for work. We chatted for a couple of minutes before Ben left to go to his work.
Piper’s mum turned to Piper and me then said,
“Right girls, I have to go now. I’ve left some money for a pizza for lunch for the 3 of you. Be good, and phone me if you have any problems. Oh, Cherry, please call me Jean. With that she turned and was gone.
Piper turned to face me and said,
“Cherry, this is my horrible brother Isaac.” He just grunted then went up to his room.
Piper and I went up to Piper’s room and spent the next couple of hours talking and doing girly things that I won’t bore you with the details. When we went downstairs we found a note from Isaac saying just,
“Gone out, back in time for mum getting home.”
“Good;” Piper said, “now we’ve got the space for you to teach me the gymnastics / aerobics routine that you did for the school show.”
“Okay,” I replied, “but let’s do it different.”
“How different, I don’t understand.”
“I dare you to do it naked, totally naked. Isaac has gone out and won’t be back for hours, and both your parents are at work so we’ve got the house to ourselves for hours.”
“I can’t,” Piper replied, “I’ve never been naked downstairs before.”
“First time for everything Piper, and we are home alone for hours. Go on, I double-dog dare you.”
“I don’t know Cherry, I mean...”
“Come on Piper, let’s go up to your room and dump these clothes.”
I started running up the stairs and was pleased to hear Piper following me. In her room I was naked by the time that Piper arrived and was waiting for her to arrive. She was just stood there staring at me.
“Come on Piper. Get ‘em off, or do you want me to strip you?”
“No, I can manage.”
“Come on then; get ‘em off. Off, off, off, off.”
“Okay.” and she slowly took her top, bra and jeans off.”
“Partially prepared.” I said when I saw that she didn’t have any knickers on.
“The Cherry effect is starting to wear-off on me.”
“Good, about time, and I see that you shaved this morning too. You’re getting there girl.”
We went downstairs and Piper put some decent music on then as she turned to me she said,
“It feels strange this no clothes lark.”
“It’s not a game, it’s good, natural, and sexy. Come on, let’s get started; before long you’ll have forgotten that you’re naked.”
For the next hour or so we practised the school show routine and Piper had relaxed and forgotten that she was naked. Just as I was telling Piper to go over backwards, unto the crab position, then kick her legs up so that she was standing on her hands; I saw Isaac and one of his mates in front of us.
Glancing over to Piper I saw that she hadn’t seen them, and was starting to go over backwards. I smiled at Isaac then bent over backwards.
“Spread your legs wide Piper, then bring first one leg up, then the other; and keep those legs spread wide.” I said as I did the same.
I just knew that Isaac and the other guy would be staring at our spread pussies. Piper made it up onto her hands, facing away from Isaac. As I spread my legs wide so that they were parallel to the floor, I told Piper to do the same.
As I was saying that, I walked round on my hands and confirmed that the 2 guys were getting a great view of our spread pussies.
“That’s it Piper,” I said, stay like that for a count of 20.”
“I don’t know if I can last that long; one, two, three, four.”
Just as Piper started to say ‘five’, she re-balanced by walking round on her hands. As she started to face the other way she swore then collapsed down onto the floor.
“Isaac,” Piper shouted. “What the hell are you doing here? Get out, can’t you see that we’re naked. Go on, get out.”
Of course the 2 boys didn’t move. I got to my feet and said,
“Hi guys, how long have you been there? I hope that you didn’t see too much of us.”
“Get out Isaac.” Piper repeated as she got to get feet and covered her pussy and tits.
“Relax Piper.” I said, “it’s only your brother and one of his mates.”
“They’re boys.”
“Yes they are, come on Piper you’ve been naked in front of boys in Allison’s shop loads of times.”
“But he’s my brother.”
“So what; relax, enjoy the attention that they’re giving you. Look at them; do they look like a threat to you?”
“Well no, but...”
“So relax girl; you’re not doing anything wrong; and I bet that your pussy is tingling and getting wet.”
Piper blushed, lowered her hands and quietly said,
“Yes it is.”
By that time Isaac and his mate were starting to get over the shock of seeing 2 naked girls.
“So what are you two doing anyway?” Isaac said as he came right into the room and sat down; followed by his mate.
“Were just practicing a gymnastics routine that we do in PE at school.” I replied.
“Dressed like that? Shit, I want to come to your PE lessons and watch.” Isaac said.
“No stupid,” I said, “they wouldn’t let us do that.”
“So don’t let us stop you, carry on. We’ll just sit here and watch won’t we Jake?”
I looked at Piper who looked VERY nervous.
“Relax Piper, just pretend that they’re not there.” I said.
“But they are there.”
“No they’re not, I can’t see any boys ... Right, from the top.”
Piper was a bit slow getting into it, but before long she relaxed and was throwing herself about just the same as before. Each time that my pussy was spread while I was facing the boys I could feel it getting wetter and wetter. I couldn’t see Piper’s pussy, but I was sure that hers was just as wet as mine was.
When we got to the end of the routine I turned to Piper and said,
“Very good Piper, you did it better that time; is that because boys were watching you? Were you trying to impress someone?”
“Don’t be stupid, who is there here to impress?”
I nodded towards Isaac and Jake.
“I was trying to forget those two.”
“Why, they’re only boys. I’ve told you Piper, you should be proud of your body and not care who sees it. Isn’t that right guys?”
“Err yes, I guess so.” Isaac said.
“You’re proud of your sisters body aren’t you Isaac?”
“Yes I am, and I’d like to see it more often.”
“I’m sure that Piper will let you see it any time that you want Isaac, won’t you Piper?”
“Y ... Yes Cherry.” Piper quietly said.
“Sorry, what was that Piper?” I said.
“Yes Cherry, Isaac can see my naked body whenever he wants to.”
“Good Piper. Isaac would you like to see Piper’s naked body all the time until your parents get home?”
“Well, that depends Cherry, can we see yours as well?”
“Of course you can Isaac. What do you think Jake? Do you want us to remain naked all day?”
“You bet.”
“Right, that’s settled then. Now what shall we do, how about a game of twister, or maybe a game of doctors and nurses?”
“No way;” Piper said, “there’s no way that I’m letting them poke my body.”
“Who said anything about fucking you Piper?”
“Well I ... I thought that.”
“Oh, you want to get fucked?”
“No, no I d...”
“She’s a bit shy guys, give her a bit of time. So, what are we going to do now?”
“Well,” Isaac said, “we were going to play Pokemon then Grand Theft Auto.”
“Wouldn’t you rather play something that we can all play?”
“Yes, if you’re going to stay like that.”
“Well what then; hey, do you want to help us with our flexibility?”
“Well, our PE gymnastics instructor says that we have to keep stretching our limbs as much as we can. That means stretching our legs into positions that they normally don’t go.”
“Like what?” Jake asked.
“Like putting them behind our shoulders.” I replied.
“You can do that? Wow.”
“Yeah, but we need a bit of help.”
“Okay, we’ll help you won’t we Jake?”
“You bet.”
“Hey,” Piper said, “Who said that I wanted to do that?”
“Of course you do Piper. Remember that day in Allison’s shop?”
“Yeah, that was fun.”
“Right you 2,” Isaac said, “you stay exactly where you are while Jake and I order the Pizzas then we’ll come back and do it.”
Isaac and Jake went to the kitchen to read the pizza menu, then Piper said,
“Isaac said ‘do it’. Do you think that he means fuck us?”
“No, just to help us get out legs behind our shoulders. Why, do you want him to fuck you? You do don’t you?”
I put my hand on Piper’s pussy then brought my wet hand up to her face.
“You do don’t you?”
“Do what?” Isaac said as he and Jake returned. “Never mind, come on, get on your backs and get started.”
I got down on my back and lifted my right leg. As I did so I saw that Piper was doing the same. I looked up and saw Isaac standing over me and Jake had moved to Piper’s feet. Well, her left foot, her right leg was getting pulled down beside her shoulder.
We both managed to get our right shoulder on top or our right calf but we both had a bit of difficulty getting our left legs where we wanted it. Isaac was stood over me and Jake was over Piper. Both of them were looking down at our pussies and occasionally glancing up to our top halves to see how we were getting on.
“Can you help me please Isaac;” I said, “and no looking at our pussies. That’s a girl’s private place.”
Isaac shook his head sideways then came round the side of me and grabbed my left ankle.
“That’s it, ouch, keep going, press down a bit more.” I said as I twisted my shoulder until my left leg was behind my left shoulder.
“That’s it, thank you Isaac. Now I have to stay like this for a while so that my legs get used to being like this.”
I looked down my body to my pussy that was staring up to the ceiling. It was all wet and swollen; and tingling. Then I looked over to Piper and Jake who was knelt down next to Piper. Her left leg was behind her left shoulder and Jake was staring at her pussy.
“Right girls,” Isaac said, “how long do we have to leave you like this? You did say that you’re stuck like that and that you’d need us to release you didn’t you?”
“Yes Isaac, I’m stuck here and I guess that Piper is too. Now don’t you two go getting any ideas about playing with our pussies just because we’re stuck here. And don’t even think about taking any photographs.”
“I didn’t think of photographs Cherry, thank you.” Isaac replied.
Both Isaac and Jake got out their phones and started taking clicking away.
“No, please don’t Jake,” Piper almost pleaded. “And Isaac, your my brother, you should be protecting me from these things.”
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'Alex? Are you busy?' 'Sure, Mickie.' Alex recognized her mental signature as he sat back, enjoying yet another coffee while the girls around him discussed what being a Seeker meant to their lives. 'I've got a few spare moments, ' he teased, seeing as how he wasn't doing anything at the moment. Becky and Melinda had everything well in hand. 'I really wanted to apologize for walking out on you. I didn't want you to think I don't regard what you are doing as important, but ......
This Saturday was no different as we discussed the wonderful weather we were having and how good it would be to go on a picnic later on in the day. She was telling me it had been years since she had gone on a picnic and asked me if I wanted to do that when she got off at noon. I told her that would be great and I would get what ever she wanted for sandwiches and drinks and would pick her up at noon. My friend Bill had a small farm about ten miles north of the city limits, with a couple of...
Caleb was smiling as he waved at Bill in a casual salute before driving away. Bill had been right. Caleb had found a replacement for his truck in the impound lot. Some would argue that it was better than his old truck because it was a newer model and had more 'stuff' on it. Caleb agreed that the royal blue, three year old, F-250, Super Duty crew cab, was a lot more truck than the one destroyed in the desert. It looked nice, too, but Caleb didn't know how anything worked! The winning...
Ronnie lay in bed, her head resting on her stepfather's chest. She couldn't believe what had happened in less than 24 hours. She still felt the throbbing in her cunt from the fucking he gave her earlier. She loved how he felt inside her. This wasn't her first time with someone, but i was the first time she had fucked. She had given blow jobs before, mainly for some pot or to get some other special favor from some kid, but nobody had every kissed and touched her like he did. She loved his...
Over the last few years the government has been slowly stripping away the rights of all the women in the country. Recently a new law has been accepted, starting tomorrow all women can be freely used by any men whenever they desire. The women are forced to obey any request given by the men. Women now have to take mandatory jobs and can only stay home if they have to take care of their children or if they are over 50. Other than that they have to go to work, most companies have reorganizing their...
Bob has been happily married to his wonderful wife, Franny, for close to fifteen years. They have three children, aged sixteen, eleven, and five. Franny is in the Air Force as a technical sergeant, and Bob is a software engineer. When the Gulf War broke out, Franny got orders and left with 24 hours’ notice. That is how much time the military gives you when you are on active duty. Franny was a payroll clerk and the primary point of contact for contractors working with the military during the...
My name is Jona, age 24, short person with big and hard cock from Andhra. This is my second real story posted to ISS. This story shares my erotic experience with a young neighbor aunt. This incident took place before 2 months back. I attended one program where this aunt also came. We had good photo session. I uploaded the pic in Facebook. One evening my neighbor aunt told me to tag her in the pic. I told her that I don’t have her mail id. She gave her id. Through fb we became close friends. She...
I am worried about my daughter as she is attaining 30 next month. I could not get a groom for her because of her body structure and complex as she is black in color with small curly hairs. She is plump with huge boobs and titanic ass (but she has flat belly with small waist) her lips also black but shining which is the only the attractive part of her body which I have seen but totally everybody can say she is a ugly girl. I don’t know how we have gave birth to her, the reason behind to say so...
IncestWithout bothering to put any clothes on, Lucy and Katy went downstairs and half an hour later we were all out in the garden round the table beside the swimming pool, all five of us buck naked and taking turns to put sun cream on each other – and all spending more time at it than was really necessary! Then we all tucked in to the wonderful selection of dishes that Lucy had put together. Whilst we were eating, I said to Lucy, “What did you say to Marie’s nymphomaniac Mum?” “Oh, that was...
This is a rewrite of an earlier version. I hope you agree that this is much better. People look at me and think I’m a man’s man. I’ve been told by a good number of women (and some men, too) that I’m ruggedly handsome. I have no idea exactly what that means, other than some of the people who told me this let me know clearly they wouldn’t mind getting physical with me. OK, I like sports. I’ve been in the military most of my career, and take care of myself with daily workouts. My wife, Rowena,...
Wife LoversSo let me recap for you.A short time ago i was fucking a hot blonde school crush, who i hadn't seen in ages, until it turned out i was in me ex-girlfriends flat doing it, and she came home and chased me out of there.Yeah. So now i was keenly marching through the local streets, late at night, completely naked, because i left my clothes, wallet, keys and phone back there in the flat, and all i wanted to do now was get home and forget about the evening.Anyway, a short brisk stroll later i was soon...
WHACK WHACK WHACK, the wooden paddle made that noise as it hit my naked arse cheeks, which had started to feel hot after a couple. This was the last batch of 12 that my wife her mother and her aunt had decide was punishment for forgetting my wedding anniversary, We were all naked in the wet room, me hog tied, wrists short tied to ankles allowing some movement, my ball sack slip knotted with the rope stretched round my legs and knotted around my waist, any reaction to the slap of the paddle...
By: AWC Maybe the reason was that Abe was little too tall, like being well over 6’ 4” but a very thin frame, having far less muscle and meat on his body to support the body weight and structure. To add insult to the injury was the fact that Abe did not exercise much, which caused a continuous pain in his back. Now at the age of 19, every medical or non-medical opinion given to him was the professional physical therapy by some therapist of repute instead of trying, working the home exercises....
Over lunch Roberta gave Fran a thumbnail sketch of our night together, hitting all good parts, but avoiding sounding crass, or arrogant. As she spoke, Roberta would lavish me with loving glances, take my hand, kiss my palm, or just look deeply into my eyes. She really had it bad, and it had only been one night. What was I missing? Fran saw it too, and moved to head it off before it got too syrupy. "Angela, what did you think of your time with Roberta?" She smiled but her expression had...
We have lived next to Janice for a few years and have become used to hearing her temper tantrums, lots of shouting though to us she has always been very polite. She is probably in her mid 50s and overweight. I noticed what I think as unusual behaviour soon after we moved into our house. I have seen her walking in the street in the nude at least five times. The first time I was placing my daughter in the car and could see her walking up the full length of the street naked thankfully I was sat...
I was driving up highway 41 toward the Sierra foothills on my way to a lake where I sometimes went camping and fishing. My plan was to spend a few days fishing and unwinding from 2 weeks of intense contract work for a client. I was alone because I had made the decision on the spur of the moment and I knew none of my friends would be able to get free on short notice. That was ok; I was looking forward to being alone. I reached my favorite spot on the lake, a small...
Straight SexI was so tired that I slept as a baby. The smell of food waked me up. It was ham and eggs. Definitely. I stretched and sat up on the bed, thinking how hungry I was. Almost famished. My ankle was better. The swelling had subsided considerably. I noticed that Steven had brought my traveling bag. I dressed myself. The skirt I wore yesterday was not adequate to the morning cold. It didn't cover my knees. Despite that, I put it on again. I put on a light green blouse and white cotton sock on my...
They talked for a few minutes, going over what Arianwen had told them. She'd covered the basics of what being part of the Circle meant and how they were currently living their lives. When they got to the point where Ken asked Sally if she'd like a job, Jane decided to excuse herself. "Master, I'd like to speak with Arianwen," she said. Uh oh, thought Ken. "Go ahead, but remember, we're having guests tonight," he replied. "Yes Master," grinned the woman as she strode over to the...
Of course peace did not last very long for us. We had been keeping track of the fighting between Manuel and Ruth and it was clear that both sides were growing increasingly impatient for the war to end. The first indication of how nasty it was getting came when a fight in the colony center spilled out into our corridor. The command post staff alerted the rest of the enclave and Yvette and I dashed to the command post to watch a bloody knife fight between members of both factions. The fight...
Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 15The consolidation of Rhino’s influence throughout the state had resulted in an atmosphere of calm and contentment amongst the population. Nobody could recall in any great detail how polarized and sexually segmented society had been prior to the company’s arrival in Hawksville but there was universal agreement with how good life had now become since Rhino had taken root.Following the agreements...
Hi. My name is Chris, though some know me as Christine. I am John Collins’ mistress. We care deeply for each other. John “keeps” me. He supports me financially and in return it is my pleasure to keep his sex life exciting, as well as entertaining any of his gentleman friends who drop over. It all began innocently enough, I suppose. I had just turned eighteen and had moved out from my family’s home to be on my own. To support myself I worked as a landscaper, as well as a house painter. I was...
Introduction: A rookie cop, a horny dog, and a domineering instructor. You do the math. Prologue For as long as I can remember, I have had two passions. Law enforcement and animals. My dream of becoming a cop spawned from my mother. Though she died when I was but a child, my father often spoke of her bravery. She was the kind of cop everyone looked up to. The kind of cop that couldnt be bought, no matter the price. The kind of cop all other cops aspired to become. My love of animals was...
Brenda had told everyone about what had happened in the bath unit and from the look on some of the women's faces I could tell that they were shocked. In fact, the only truly disinterested person flitting about the fringes of the impromptu discussion was Tilly. She was getting her supper and smiling contently whenever a voice rose high enough that she could hear something. That act alone made me wonder even more. Naturally, everyone shut up the moment I walked into their midst. It didn't...
Hey indian sex stories dot net Friends, I would like to share my story with my maid. I rented an apartment in Bangalore, near my Bua’s house. Though my Uncle and Bua wanted me to stay with them, I wanted to be alone and free. I got settled and in a few days, I realized I required a servant to take care of my flat. I called my Bua and asked her to help me. She said she would send her maid to my flat in the evening. I was happy to hear that. Same Day, In the Evening, the bell rang. I opened the...
Last night my wife Janet was out on the town with friends and wasn't due back until after midnight so I thought I would try a few new masturbation ideas and fantasies I had. I grabbed my wife’s 7" rubber cock and lube. I have used this once before and love the way it felt. I have always had fantasies of having my wife use a strap on me.I set up my video camera (not sure why) and proceeded to lube my ass up and slowly insert the large rubber cock. Once in it felt good and I started fucking it...
Hi Everyone its me "Steve" again. This is a true story of a 3~sum I had about 2 years ago with an old girlfriend and one of her co~workers. I called Cindy one Friday evening in late August 2006, I was borred, and was waiting on hearing from her mom about a job that she had at the factory she worked at. ( I had recently applied for a job there and as her mom was one of the HR people I hoped that she could help me get a new job.) Anyway I asked her what she was doing that night she replied...
Group SexAnd the lonesome sound of the outward bound made me a slave to my wandering ways... “Mr. Merle, if I’m ever going to grow up, learn to be a man and take on some responsibility, I reckon now is as good a time as any to start. I have never taken over anything, but if I’m to take over being the man of this family and the head of this ranch, I need you to teach me what it is I’ll need to do, during this next month. Will we still have talks like this so you can help me? I don’t know shit about...
Laura was a strong, determined woman. Under normal circumstances no one could get her to do anything against her will. The other inmates, however, outnumbered her and had overpowered her with infuriating ease. The other women had stripped Laura down to her prison issue bra and panties. Now using strips of her torn clothes, they tied her standing up to the bunk bed. Her arms were outstretched as if she were being crucified, and her legs were spread wide, leaving her alarmingly vulnerable. Pieces...
DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.'Breaking The Ice' - that is what I discovered early on, the difference between a public persona and a private, inner-being one; the 'true' identity of a person. We all carry our 'outer mask' faces on and I yearned for those intimate moments when all facades were dropped and the inner identity of a person is revealed. The 'normal' guy...
George had told me to be at his house no later than 7:00pm. Every time he said something like that to me I understood the consequences of being late. George said wear something seductive and somewhat reveling. My mind was going through my wardrobe when the perfect combination came to mind. I had a crotchless cat suit with a lacy transparent top that along with my black leather mini skirt did the trick. I got to George’s house at 7:06, I silently cussed traffic. I ran up the stairs and was met...
On my desk my phone buzzed, excitedly I grabbed it and read the newly received message; it simply said “meet me in the green room”.Hurriedly I got up and walked over to the mirror to check myself, I gave my breath a quick test for freshness and immediately headed for the door.As I walked through the what seemed to be many miles of corridor I could hardly contain the feelings of excitement and anxiety, I pictured her soft features, ample breasts and beautiful glistening pussy in my head, I head...
The ringing of the phone woke me out of my deep slumber.I heard my wife answer it so I closed my eyes and tried to return to sleep. Through the fog in my head, I could her muffled voice. It had an air of excitement to it and I was sure I could hear her giggling. I tried to focus on the words I could hear."Oh, yes... sleeping all afternoon... worn out..." followed by more giggles.It must be Betty calling her to discuss the night, and morning, she and I had spent together. I turned my head and...
SeductionErotic TG stores by talltslover. Do not read this if you are offended by transgender themes. Appreciating Femininity By George Wilson Chapter 1: The Butterfly I was, like any other red-blooded married American male, thinking I was the big man of the house. I worked. I made money. I came home, had the dinner my wife made, sat in front of the TV watching sports, drank beer, and finished off the night with a roll in the sack with the wife. Oh, and I should mention that she had...
Gerald was on his knees between April's spread legs, and he was just beginning to push the head of his cock between the dripping-wet lips of her cunt when the sound of the front door slamming echoed through the single-story ranch house. "Hi Gerry, I'm home!" a female voice called out. April stiffened, her eyes going wide. "Jeepers, it's your mom! I thought you said she wasn't going to be home until later!" "She wasn't supposed to be," Gerald sighed. "I told her..." He shrugged...
The men were listening to Dave explaining which house was to be built on which plot of land, pending approval from the women of the house. They would have the final say. After they had looked them over to their satisfaction, he rolled them up and replaced them in the tube, securing the lid. They went back up to the house.They went through the door just in time to hear some of the explanation Cathy was giving Liz about Betty and Sharon. Luckily, Misti had sat back out of the way, watching the...
The upside of coaching the Ravens, a U-17 team instead of U-18 like the Strikers, was that most of the players were juniors, which meant that they would playing club soccer for two years before they graduated. That gave me more time to develop their skills. I started the first season with my head on straight and my moral compass pointing in the right direction. I managed to make it all the way through a busy and successful Fall season with no inappropriate thoughts. Well, OK, I had a few...
Mommy Adriana By Greta Dear Readers, this is my first attempt in writing. Besides English isn't my first language so I hope you are not too critical with my first effort. It is a little fantasy I had after the visit of my mother in law. As you can imagine from my story she is quite the person. Oh by the way, I am not that small, 5"11 but due to a lot of running I weigh just 140 pounds and my arms are thin and rather womanly. Hope you enjoy my little...
“I am innocent to a witch. I know not what a witch is.”“How do you know, then, that you are not one?”-Examination of Bridget Bishop, Salem Village, April 19, 1692*“Abbie Hobbs is a witch,” Ruth said.Phoebe was standing with her locker open, brushing her hair. She hadn’t even noticed Ruth was there until the girl blurted out something about Abbie, and it was a few seconds until Phoebe registered what it was. “Um, okay?” Phoebe said. “Did she join the Wicca Club or something?” The final bell had...
SupernaturalMarch 1974 January and February swept by fast, like the snowstorms that turned the roads to glorified ski trails that year. Jim hadn't seen Hildy since the date he had with her the night after Christmas. He tried a few times to drive up for a visit, but something got in the way. Sometimes it was the weather and other times he was working on his project. On top of that, he was working out in preparation for the final season he would be on the University's Track and Field team. Hildy... some of you have asked about my family and well...I thought you might like to know how I met the father of my 3rd c***d :) Almost all of this is true...though I embellished the location and tried to write this one like a real story rather than my usual "account". Let me know if you like this style or my usual (frankly it was much harder to write this one). This story is from 2003. I will even post a pic of me in the dress :)------------------------Okay, so I was pissed off and that...
Alexis is doing laundry and she finds her stepsons towel with a huge cum stain. She ignores it, but can’t help but wonder why her stepson is such a freak. While doing dishes, he sneaks up behind her shaking his dick around. She resists him, but he can’t stop. She decides she’s going to need to help him out. He lets him fuck her but he finishes all over the dishwasher! She then realizes that she needs to drain his balls and get out every drop of cum in that boys body so he can...
xmoviesforyou100% fiction! (I apologize for sperating this story into two parts, while finishing the first one it was late and I had to get some sleep, I haven't really had time since.) So there I was, fucking Ashley's ass like there was no tomorrow, and I couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man in the world. Sure legally incest is wrong in Canada but still I felt like nothing was wrong. This was the greatest momment of my life. I knew what I wanted to do next, I wanted to fuck her pussy, but Ashley...
IncestI recently had a patient in my care who made me cross the line.She was young, thin, tan, pretty blue eyes, peroxide blonde, and had the sexiest pussy I've seen in quite some time. Nice big fat lips, real meat flaps. She also seemed a bit dirty and looked like had been rode hard and put up wet a few times.I was assigned to bathe her. So I did.I started by drawing the curtain so we had some privacy. I made up a bucket of very warm water, and dropped in the soap.After uncovering her, I stared in...
Hey guys, here’s a story I’ve been working on, it’s only Chapter 1, so the rest is still coming. But let me know what you think, and if I should continue the story. Thanks! The family trips up to the lake had been legendary back when I was little. Two weeks of doing nothing but fishing, swimming, boating, and laying around in the warm sun. But we hadn’t been here since I’d been 14. Everything else had taken importance: work, summer activities, that kind of stuff. But now that I was 18 and...
Let me start by indicating that Megan and I have a great life. We love each other deeply, consider each other best friends and have a wonderful sex life. Megan is much more sexually reserved though, and it has taken me nearly fifteen years of marriage to even begin to lure any sexual fantasies out of her. I know she has them, as she is a very creative person, but she is reluctant to share them out of, I believe, embarrassment. I, on the other hand, tend to be a bit more open and comfortable...
Rebecca Volpetti is fingering herself on her work desk when shes interrupted by a client whos arrived at check-in. Quickly, before letting the guest in, she puts herself together so he has no idea what she was just up to. The guest, Alex Romero, enters and Rebecca begins checking him in when he realizes a pair of panties have been left on the desk. Alex then uses this in as exactly that a way into Rebeccas pussy. Alex is balls deep in Rebeccas pussy when the two are interrupted by the hotel...
xmoviesforyou"Well, don't just stand there," Samantha was telling her. "Come on in." "Thanks," said Heidi. "You're sure I'm not interrupting anything today?" "I'm sure. I'm glad you decided to come over for a while. It gets lonely around here and James is off tending to the final papers for the sale and I've got to be at the banker's around 4 this evening to give him my signature. Once that's done the sale will be final and I can get back to a 'normal' life again. But then again,...
Hi iss readers, mujhe kafi mails mile regarding my past stories, mujhe bahut achha laga ki aap logon ko meri story itni pasand aayi. Aaj main aap logon se meri ek friend ke behalf pe uski ek story share karma chahti huin. Uska naam nitu hai, uski umar 26 saal hai aur uska figure 34-26-36 hai aur wo dekhne me bhi kafi sunder hai. Nitu ka ek boyfriend tha jiska naam vinod tha, nitu aur vinod ek dusre se bahut pyar karte the, nitu kuch modern khyal ki ladki hai wo pyar me sab kuch chahti thi, but...
"Bella! Fifteen more minutes and you're on!" came the call from one of the stage hands. "I got it, thanks!" I yelled through the door. I stared at my reflection in the mirror of my locker room. For a thirty six year old woman, I thought I was in good shape. Luxurious dark hair, large breasts, firm stomach, an ass that was thick and firm. Part of it was genetics, I'll admit. Being of half Filipina and Latina descent, I somehow got the best of both worlds. From the first, that sort of Asian...
It had been a long time since I had somebody in bed with me all night. It was sufficiently alien that I awoke several times during the night at the feel of a soft form next to me, and I know that when I reached over to verify that I wasn't dreaming, she rolled against me and snuggled. The alarm went off and she reached over and turned on the bedside lamp. I was worried. I mean, lots of things make a lot of sense at ten o'clock at night with a bottle of wine inside you. The next day,...
The last thing you can remember was the wine, and how it went to your head so quickly. But now, as you wake there's something wrong. Very wrong. Where is this? You are captured within a strange device made of steel pipes bolted to the floor. It is a series of clamps that hold you completely immobile. Cold metal holds you down at the ankles and wrists. The wood under your hands and knees is rough and hard. As you try to look around the room, you see that there's is really no escape from this...
Spanking“Damnit how is it he makes me feel this way” the Fabulous Fifties host Carol Jones said as she climbed her stairs to get a quick shower. After talking to her daughter’s old friend Jeff Carr who just returned home from Arizona because of personal and legal troubles, she couldn’t believe how much he had matured. She had been lying by the pool tanning herself after a good swim. Swimming laps in her country club size pool in her back yard, Carol Jones would lie around if time warranted it to tan...
Erotic FictionThis is my first time camping on an island with a group of colleagues. It's organised by the company and almost free. So, as I packed my clothes in my bag, I wondered how the camp would be. I had never attend any camp in high school and I'm a kind of urban guy, not suited to the natural environment. I stuffed all my things in one huge bag, including some magazines for my buddies and I to read at night. "What?" Dan asked. "Pitch the tent ourselves?" "Yeah," said the camp chief. "Orders from your...
EroticLooking to the rear, she expected to see the back wall of the cavern behind the storage room. It was not there. Instead, the blackness continued unabated. She could not even see any fallen rocks and rubble that might explain the missing wall that should have been there. She took a few paces forward towards this enigma, to direct her attention further back. Nothing, except a repeat of the wall she remembered at the side. That was most peculiar. She ventured further, hoping that the oil...
My Husband Sucking Off Another Manhusband interested – husband sucking – expressed interest - watching husbandWe are a married couple of six years. I am 5'4", 34C pert breasts and wear a bikini well. My husband is 5'10" with a well toned build. We have always been pretty open and honest with each other when it came to sex.One night, while making love, my husband expressed his desire to watch me fuck another man, one with a large cock. I told him that I indeed was intrigued with the idea and...