Otherworldly Encounter
- 2 years ago
- 35
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'Alex? Are you busy?'
'Sure, Mickie.' Alex recognized her mental signature as he sat back, enjoying yet another coffee while the girls around him discussed what being a Seeker meant to their lives. 'I've got a few spare moments, ' he teased, seeing as how he wasn't doing anything at the moment. Becky and Melinda had everything well in hand.
'I really wanted to apologize for walking out on you. I didn't want you to think I don't regard what you are doing as important, but ... well... , things are tight, and I'm living from bill to bill. If I didn't get back I might lose my job, and then I'd—'
'Say no more, ' Alex assured her. 'I've never asked anyone to abandon their lives for me. I just tell them what they need to know and let them do with it what they will.'
'Well, that's a relief ... of sorts. I still feel guilty. After all, this is probably the biggest thing in my life, and I don't even have time to—"
Not wanting to hear Mickie beat herself up about what she had no control over, Alex tried to steer her away from the topic. 'Speaking of others like you, I'm sitting in Cesar Chavez Plaza Park with several Seekers and Seers. We've been picking them up while wandering around downtown Sacramento, and now they're discussing what it entails. Even if you don't have time to meet with me, you can always commiserate with them.'
Alex quickly introduced each of the Seers, figuring they could introduce her to the others later. He had them speak long enough to remember the mental signatures needed to speak to each other on their own. But Mickie couldn't be distracted for long.
'Look, I'm sorry I can't help with your concert tonight. I realize this is a major deal. One which could change the course of my life, but like I said, I'm hanging on by a thread here and losing a couple of hours work means another bill unpaid, which means another service interrupted, which means I'll have to spent hours on the phone, which means more work lost. It just goes on and on, ' she complained, her despair and frustration bleeding over their mental connection in a way a normal phone call couldn't.
'So it's really been that hard, huh?' Alex prompted, hoping to get her to continue so she'd reveal some way he could help. After all, cash wasn't a big issue for him, though moving a large sum around would be. Better yet, if he knew how to utilize her, he might find someone locally who could help her out.
'You have no idea, ' she said, taking the bait. 'It's been a long haul. I had such plans when I was young. I really wanted to change the world. I planned on being a medic or a Peace Corps worker, but my father ran out on us and Mom struggled so hard she never had time for us. Even if she did, she resented me for blaming my dad for what he did and, in her opinion, chasing him away. I ended up working day and night to take care of my brothers, who only took off the first chance they got, leaving me alone to pay all the bills.'
Alex was about to comment but Mickie blazed on, relieved to finally have someone she could pour her heart out to, so he let her continue uninterrupted.
'So I ended up taking the only job I could manage, given my lack of training. It wouldn't be so bad, but they keep trimming my hours, trying to curtail their corporate expenses, so I can't depend on a steady income. And while it averages out overall, every time my bills are late the banks and utilities tack on more fines and I fall even further behind.'
'Look, if there's anything I can do to help, ' Alex offered, responding like a typical guy, always eager to offer a quick fix rather than focus on the larger issues. Alex wanted nothing better than to help her out, but he was thinking more of finding her a better job rather than understanding why she'd gotten herself into this position in the first place. But the way she kept rambling on—speaking excitedly and running her thoughts together—indicated she was glad to have someone she could finally open up to.
'No, that wouldn't help. What I need is a complete break. I really wanted to attend the concert as I have a feeling you didn't just fall into my life by accident, but are actually a sign things are changing for me, ' she explained, hitting the familiar refrain. 'This is the first time I've ever been on the edge of something more significant than my hum-drum boring life. The first time I've been able to do anything which may amount to a real contribution to life. Something which may make everything I've ever suffered through worthwhile.'
Melinda was trying to get Alex's attention, not yet familiar enough with him to recognize when his mind was elsewhere. Not wanting to lose the thread of Mickie's story, he idly waved her off, which only caused her to wait impatiently until he had time—which also meant the others girls were waiting expectantly for him to answer their question so they could continue their discussion.
With everyone waiting, Alex tried to ignore them and continue his discussion. 'If you need a complete break, we've given others a new start elsewhere, ' he suggested, leaving the offer undefined until he saw whether she was interested or not.
'Thanks, that's a nice offer, but we'll have to discuss it later. I'm still at work. Once I finish, I'll head home and change so I'm not dressed in these tacky clothes and covered in all the day's shit. If we could talk after your show, hopefully we can cover all the details then, ' she offered. 'I'd also like to let my boyfriend know what's happening and maybe bring him along.'
'Sure, that sounds ideal; if you think your boyfriend can handle it at this stage, ' Alex offered, remembering all the boyfriends in the past who weren't. 'Hopefully you can slip into my room without it being a problem. If not, we can make other arrangements. Patricia, the woman whose band is performing at the concert tonight, has a touring van we could use.'
'Nah, that's probably overkill. No one would complain if I paid you a visit once I change out of my uniform. I'll plan on meeting you tonight after your concert. As I said, that'll give me a chance to make myself presentable.'
With that little detail covered, Alex turned back to Mel and the other girls, putting Mickie's problems out of his mind for the moment.
"You know, Alex, it's amazing how much you've changed in such a short time," Becky shouted, trying to be heard over the crowd surrounding them. Winona's band just finished their set, to rousing applause, so Becky hurried to say whatever she could before either the next set began or more followers discovered them. "Before, you were always shy about encountering anyone, now you seem so ... I guess 'serene' is the right word. These new ... techniques of yours, like providing all the information they need nonverbally," she said gesturing towards the new girls surrounding Alex he'd been indoctrinating, "seems to make all the difference."
"I needed a better way of communicating," Alex responded, knowing they only had so much time before the music restarted. "Since Diane insists we remain right by the stage so my followers can help excite the crowds, it's difficult to talk to them. Plus, it eliminates the more embarrassing aspects of these encounters."
"Yeah, but you are doing a lot more than you used to," Becky reminded him. "I was amazed back when you first started telling them everything telepathically, but now you're doing so much more! You're activating and boosting them without anyone noticing, and you eliminate about twenty minutes of dialogue. Heck, I wonder what I'm even doing here, since you've made my job superfluous."
"Not to mention the effect having him speaking in their heads has," Melinda added. "They're even more convinced he's an angel, only now they don't dare challenge him when he denies it."
Becky's point about his new attitude was proven when Alex ignored the comment, rather than trying to argue he wasn't any such thing.
The two newest girls Becky had struggled to help, Alecia and Sara, were standing beside them, still basking in the wonder of what they'd learned about him. They both had long dark hair and were the same height with Alecia wearing a pink blouse and Sara wearing a leather jacket and faux-leopard skin,
"So, are you also going to boost these two?" Melinda asked, sounding tired of it all as she strove to encourage Alex to perform yet another miracle, having a hard time keeping the excitement from her voice. She was captivated with how easily he accomplished what had previously caused him so much stress and aggravation. "I'm curious who you're deciding to boost and who you aren't now."
Without uttering a word, Alex casually waved his hand in front of them, barely moving his hand, and both Seekers jerked their heads back, more from surprise than from any physical change to their systems.
"Take a look around," Alex suggested, leaning in so they could hear him. "Try to pick out the good guys in the crowd to see if you can differentiate people's actual personalities.
The two girls started glancing around, anxious to test out their new abilities. "Not that one, and not him. And while that one is hot, he's clearly a real jerk," Sara counted off.
"And to think he's the one I would have zeroed in on before," Alecia responded.
Both Melinda and Becky were fascinated, since Alex had only managed to boost a handful of Seekers to full pre-activated Seer level before, and now it took no more than a vague recognition of them.
"How about him?" Alecia asked, pointing to a tall, good-looking man dressed in a dark jacket and wearing a nice shirt and an expensive haircut.
In answer, Alex turned to his security guard, as always standing just behind him. "Gini?"
"Ah, you're right about him being an upstanding young man, but you'll be disappointed as he's decidedly not interested." When the girls looked at her with curious expressions, she elucidated her reason. "He plays for the other team," she said simply.
"You can tell that from his aura?" Sara asked, fascinated by the idea.
"Actually, one of the abilities I picked up in my time with Alex is my gaydar," she explained with a laugh. It took them a couple of seconds, but when they figured out what she was implying they both blushed. But they recovered enough to turn and scan those surrounding them again. "But the clear giveaway is how their lust rises depending on who they glance at. It's pretty easy to pick up once you adjust to it."
"OK, how about him?" Sara asked, pointing at a medium-sized guy standing at the back of a crowd of friends.
"Good choice," Alex said, not even knowing if it was correct or not yet, "you're now looking beyond their outer attractiveness and at their inner beauty."
"An excellent choice," Gini informed them. "He's honest, shy but he stands by his beliefs and treats those he cares about well," Gini explained, though Becky and Melinda still had trouble understanding how she could glean so much from a simple glance at his aura.
"Man, I can't wait to give this a spin," Alecia said, looking around at the others surrounding them.
Alex was about to say more, but the crowd's chants for an encore were growing. Movement behind the curtain drew the audience's attention, but instead of Winona, whom they were shouting for, Diane Kennedy came out. There was a bit of an embarrassing silence, but rather than getting upset, Diane made a show of dragging someone from behind the curtain onto the stage and Winona appeared beside her, grinning wildly. Diane then held both their hands up and the crowd went wild.
It was clear Diane knew what she was doing. She was hoping to ride Winona's popularity, trying to boost her own acceptance rather than fighting it like she had unsuccessfully with Patricia. Alex figured they'd finally sat down and hashed it out as they'd worked with Winona getting her ready.
Once the crowd's cheers began to settle down, both women strode forward to mid-stage while Diane's band took over the stage behind them, Diane took the microphone.
"I know you aren't ready to let this wonderful rising star go yet, but to help transition from her music to mine, I thought we'd take this opportunity to do a little experimentation."
The audience, not sure what to think, waited to see what she was intimating. They thought they knew, when Winona leaned in to kiss her, but were surprised when Diane backed up, lifted her mic, and began singing one of Winona's song. Rather than being nonplussed, Winona picked up her own mic and began singing the same song in counter-rhythm, producing a whole new version of the tune, one as different from Winona's as hers was from Patricia's. And as if that wasn't enough, Patricia then strode out on stage, picking up her own mic, and the three began belting out a melody focusing on how Alex made each of them feel.
Alex, of course, had no clue this was in the works, or even that they'd been practicing together. Instead he'd been touring the city, missing the long hours they must have spent preparing for this moving scene.
Alex was bowled over, not just at the emotional words being sung to him by Patricia and Winona—both of whom were looking right at him as they sang—but Diane Kennedy singing to him as well as she belted out an emotional version as if for him personally.
To ensure this was indeed a personal message to him, despite the carefully couched lyrics still sounding like a simple romantic ballad, a spotlight was suddenly shone on Alex and his group, highlighting him for the crowd. But this time, instead of ambushing him, the engineer had apparently carefully arranged it so the spotlight lit him from the back, casting his face in shadows, while highlighting the fact he was a single man, surrounded by women. Getting into the spirit of the song, the crowd started to sing along, and Alex, knowing there was no getting out of it, stood and let the adoration wash over him.
The song was a tremendous effort, and it must have taken a long time to get their voices and different approaches to the same song to work together so well. The crowd was eating it up, Alex was not only putting up with it but was enjoying it, and his sisters Becky and Melissa were dancing in place to it.
'Alex? You've got to help. I'm in trouble!'
Alex's attention was yanked from the stage and his entire world centered in on this one distress call.
'What is it, Mickie? What's wrong?'
'I ... I need help. I was in a car accident. I'm hanging upside down by my seatbelt while the car is still spinning. I'm seriously injured.' Alex could feel a small inkling of her pain from their shared telepathic connection.
Becky and Melissa immediately noticed when he turned away, trying to cover his ears so he could filter out the distracting noises of the stadium to concentrate on Mickie's message. Gini noticed too, as did the trio singing, though Winona and Patricia guessed what was happening and carried on. Diane was thrown for a minute, but catching on, she used her years of stage experience to regain her footing, getting back into the syncopated rhythm almost immediately.
'You're speaking clearly, ' Alex pointed out, confused by her dire words versus her excited but consistent responses. 'Surely the injury isn't as bad as you fear, ' Alex argued, trying to buoy her spirits.
'No, I can converse mentally, but I'm in INCREDIBLE pain. I can't feel my arm, the car impacted my side, and there seems to be a steel rod impaling me, ' Mickie calmly told him, as if observing herself from a distance, watching herself dangling from her seatbelt as her car careened wildly.
'Where are you? I'll call the police if you can give me a general location.'
'I'm not sure of the exact street, ' she admitted, still sounding strangely dispassionate about what was occurring. 'I left work, driving through downtown Sacramento to get on ... Lincoln Highway rather than taking the closer ... West Side Freeway, when I felt something crossing ... an intersection. I looked up and—'
'Mickie, your current location, ' Alex reminded her, fearing she was going into shock and was no longer functioning rationally.
'Sorry, ' she responded, coming alert again. 'I was near Lincoln Highway, which would put me—Aargh!' she cried out unexpectedly.
'What happened?' Alex asked, worried her defense mechanisms were failing and she was only now feeling her pain for the first time.
'The car just slammed into another vehicle and it hit me hard, ' she explained, still sounding as dispassionate. 'I'm now pinned in place, unable to move. I think I fractured my leg, ' she told him coldly, as if discussing the weather.
'I'll get an ambulance, but—'
'I'm at 3rd and X Streets, ' she said, her thoughts suddenly clear and absolutely sure of the details. 'I was entering the onramp, crossing an intersection when I felt this extreme agitation to the side. Since I'm not used to such feelings yet, instead of avoiding it I turned and looked to see what was causing it. That's when I saw someone trying to outrun the police. They ran the red light and... '
Alex couldn't wait any longer. He turned, finding Gini already standing there ready for instructions.
"Call 911," he instructed. "Mickie Monroe has just been seriously injured in a severe car accident at 3rd and X streets. The police are already nearby. They were pursuing someone, but they may not know the extent of her injuries."
"What do I tell—?" Gini tried to ask, but at a quick rebuking glare from Alex, she shut up and started dialing while Alex returned to his conversation with Mickie.
'... then I felt this incredible pain lancing through my side and—'
'The ambulance is on its way. They should be there shortly. I'm leaving now, I'll try to reach the hospital as quickly as I can. Hopefully I can help.'
'You'd better hurry, ' Mickie told him, sounding cold and distracted. 'Cause I don't think I'm going to last long.'
Once she made the 911 call, Gini grabbed Alex, steering him forcefully out of the stadium. They were having trouble maneuvering through the crowd when Patricia's voice cut through the surrounding noise.
"Sorry, but we have an emergency. There's been a severe accident downtown and the people in front of the stage need to exit right away. Could you please let them out?"
Everyone was surprised to hear first two out of three singers cease singing and then Patricia deliver that announcement as Diane turned to stare at them. 'Your work?' Alex asked Gini, even as he continued listening to Mickie describe what was happening, trying to keep her engaged and active to prevent her from slipping into shock.
'Yeah, I didn't think you'd be able to reach out to everyone. Someone is already contacting security who'll arrange an escort with the police for us. I have no idea how we'll explain it, but we should be there in no time, ' she assured him.
"Hopefully it won't be too late," he lamented. "I knew things were going too smoothly."
"That wasn't too bad," Gini said apologetically as she opened the door for Alex. "The escort helped us get here quickly."
"I know we couldn't get here any faster," he answered a bit crossly as he climbed out, "but that doesn't mean I got here soon enough to help." Gini bit her lip as his words reminded her just how serious this was. But instead of worrying, she wrapped her arm around him and rushed him into the hospital, not bothering to wait for his sisters, who'd been trying to keep up with him the whole way out of the stadium.
"Thank you so much," Melinda told the kindly security guard who'd driven them, even as Becky looked at her nervously before turning and heading in without her. "They're a bit distracted by what's—"
"Yeah, yeah, I got that. Say, you never explained how they knew about the injury from way over by the stadium," he reminded her, trying to figure out why he'd been involved in the first place.
"Sorry, but I've gotta run," she said, turning and taking off after the others, not wanting to answer. Being there was more important than being overly nice to someone they'd likely never see again, especially since she suspected Alex would need their help. Given how close he felt to his followers, she imagined he'd take this exceptionally hard.
"I'm here about a Miss. Mickie Monroe," Alex told the receptionist, who sat tapping her pen as she loudly chewed her bubblegum, staring at the screen, apparently so busy she didn't even bother glancing up. "She was involved in a serious car accident about ten minutes ago. I believe she's in surgery at the moment."
The woman sighed tiredly, as if doing her job was a terrible imposition. "Are you a relative?" she asked, in what Alex was sure was a somewhat polite way of telling him he wouldn't be able to see her.
"I'm not, but I really need to see her. I can help," Alex pleaded, knowing it would have little effect.
"Yeah, I'm sure you can help stitch up her wounds," she responded a bit curtly, rolling her eyes.
"Look, my name is Alex. I'm her ... her priest. She needs me there to say last rites," Alex tried, hoping he could bluff his way through.
The receptionist merely looked at him, observing the lack of a collar, then taking in his age and the huge female gorilla standing beside him. She grunted at him showing her skepticism, but typed briefly on her computer anyway.
While they were waiting, first Becky and then Melinda ran in and surrounded him. The receptionist continued typing, after giving them the once over and taking the time to frown at each of them, then her face clouded in confusion. "Well I'll be... ," she whispered, not addressing any of them.
She continued to stare at the screen, so Becky cleared her throat. The woman shook herself out of her confused state, turning to Alex. "Apparently she left specific instructions to allow you in when she was brought in, despite the shape she was in. They assured her they would, simply to get her to accept the anesthesia. She's in Surgery on the sixth floor. There's a waiting room up there. Inform the surgical nurse and they'll inform the surgeons when they're done," she instructed, sounding a little more apologetic.
Alex immediately turned, looking for the elevator, but Melissa waved, already having gotten one she was holding for them.
The wide double doors swung open to the surgical area and an older man wearing a surgical gown walked out. "Is there an Alex here?" he asked, sounding embarrassed at not knowing who he was referring to.
Alex jumped up, his sisters following closely behind. "I'm Alex," he answered. "Alex Jennings."
"I was told you're the one to speak with about Michelle Monroe," he said as Alex and those with him clustered around, before pausing. "I was told you were a priest?" he asked, sounding doubtful.
"I am," Alex assured him, trying to project confidence and maturity.
"Hey, I'm Phillip Costa, I'm her boyfriend," someone behind them called, rushing forward. Do you have any news?"
"I'm sorry to tell you this, but she was seriously hurt and we could only do so much to help," the surgeon, one Dr. Adam Franklin according to his name tag, told the boyfriend, ignoring Alex for the moment. "You can't see her yet as her condition is unstable and she's still in critical condition, but she insisted this... ," he had to refer to his notes again to be sure of the name, "Alex see her immediately, in order to perform last rites in case she doesn't make it."
Phillip, who was alone, gasped loudly. Melinda and Becky turned towards him, but Alex was focused on the surgeon, never even glancing at the boyfriend. The surgeon turned back to Alex, looking him up and down with a cynical glance. "Call me a cynic, but you look a bit young to be a priest, even if you were still in seminary. Do you have some ID?" he asked, also checking out the others surrounding him.
"I'll tell you what; I don't have much time for this," Alex answered impatiently, fidgeting impatiently knowing Mickie's life could be hanging in the balance while he played twenty questions with the hospital. "If I could have seen her before the surgery, she'd already be in much better shape. Let me show you my only credentials," Alex said, holding his hand about two inches in front of the surgeon's chest. The man's knees immediately buckled under him and a panicked look crossed his face as he crumpled. Gini just barely managed to catch him before he collapsed. The on-duty nurse rushed forward, looking concerned, but Alex waved her off.
"He's fine. He just had a temporary arrhythmia," Alex informed her before turning to the doctor, who Gini had already reset on his feet, despite his not being a small man. "It was purely temporary, but you didn't have any immediate health conditions I could cure, and I didn't want to waste time convincing you."
"An ... an arrhythmia?" The surgeon asked, still trying to catch his breath, sweat already streaking into his eyes.
"Yeah, a complete heart stoppage counts as an irregular rhythm," Alex reminded him, his impatience not improving. The nurse, not impressed by Alex's assurances, pushed him aside and listened to the surgeon's heart with her stethoscope.
"Your heart sounds fine," she admitted, glancing up at him.
"Of course, I restarted it just after stopping it," Alex said. "I never intended to hurt anyone. I only wanted to get your attention."
Adam glanced at him nervously. "Call me a chicken, but I'm convinced," he responded with an uneasy crooked grin, then turned back to the swinging double doors leading back into the surgical ward.
"Should I call security?" the nurse asked as Alex walked past her, following the surgeon.
"Not unless you're hoping this girl dies," Adam called back. "If he can do that, then I'm guessing he knows what he's talking about."
"Wait, when can I see her?" Phillip asked, taking a few hesitant steps forward.
Adam sighed, as if he'd completely forgotten about the man. "We really can't allow you to see her yet as she's in very serious condition requiring almost constant attention."
"Could you allow him to come if he promises to remain in the background and not compromise her care?" Alex asked, glancing at the boyfriend for the first time.
The surgeon looked back and forth between Phillip and Alex, seemingly conflicted, knowing it wasn't a wise choice but also not wanting to cross Alex after having experienced firsthand what he was capable of.
"Can you promise me he won't compromise her care?" he asked, wanting assurance this choice wasn't a colossal mistake. "Something which doesn't include stopping his heart?" he added for effect.
Turning to his bodyguard, who couldn't meet his gaze, he posed the question to her. "Gini, I won't need protection, but Mickie will. Can you keep him at bay?" Gini glanced briefly at Phillip and nodded, turning her attention back to the surgeon. "He'll be fine," Alex assured Adam. "He'll never get close enough to compromise her."
Adam once again looked at Alex, as if measuring his capabilities, then glanced at Gini, apparently convinced she was perfectly capable of handling Phillip, and then nodded. "Come along," he said, leading them through the swinging doors, his walk still unsteady as he clutched his heart as if checking to ensure it was still beating regularly.
"Don't worry, I've already healed any damage I did," Alex told him authoritatively, speaking as if he were the physician. "You're just feeling muscle spasms at the moment. It's a bit of a shock. When I restarted it, I gave it a little too much juice."
Adam glanced at him again, but didn't bother saying anything, quivering slightly at the thought of challenging him again. He paused until Phillip could catch up before responding. "She's—"
"Recovering," Alex answered for him. "I can tell. She's semi-conscious, but still not making much sense."
Adam once again glanced at him, reassessing his trepidation at crossing him. "Can you ... really heal as easily as you ... uh... ?"
Alex merely nodded his head, his mind too wrapped in what was wrong with Mickie. "You can go ahead and tell Phillip the official diagnosis, he deserves to know, even if it isn't good."
"She's in very bad shape," Adam said, glancing at Phillip to ensure he could handle the news as well as Alex was assuming. He began leading them down the hall as he continued explaining her condition. "She was pinned against her car as another vehicle plowed into her, and she suffered from a crushing impact, serious injuries and massive blood loss. She has multiple severe internal injuries, not all of which we could repair."
"Damn, that means there's not much I can do then," Alex reflected, mostly to himself. Adam raised his eyebrow in an unspoken question.
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Roger and his new group of colonists made it back to Birmingham in mid June. He was extremely anxious to see what progress was made on the tasks he left his men to work on when he departed. He had assigned the blacksmith and his helpers the task of beginning a mining operation for the metals they would need as well as the coal to smelt them with. They were going to set up the smelting operation near the deposits of metal. Other men in the group were assigned construction tasks and to the...
Roger's fledgling nation slowly gained more colonists. Of course, for the first two or three years after a new colonist joined they were almost useless. They had to be educated before they could be productive. Many of the new colonists were unable to learn and went either into the small army or became miners, farmers or other general laborers. Even then, however, there was a steep learning curve because the military and agricultural knowledge of Roger's colony was far ahead of the normal...
Building# 1369 By Blueheatt &hellip,It was a small building among the many in the industrial part of town. No windows. One keypad entry locked door in the front, and one in the back. I work out of here. &hellip,Im a male escort. I go by Morgan. My boss had a special lady who wanted a guy my height, weight and build. She wanted to come to our S, or Special room. This room is all blacked out inside. The ladys come there and enter thru a private entrance. When they are all ready, they turn out...
I'm Kyle 17 gay m uk About 2 months ago My Mu.ms boyfriend Matt got me a job on a building site with a company he works for , for the first few weeks I stayed with Matt and basically just helped him out , bringing him tools and material and just little jobs . One day matts foreman said he had a job for me , one of the lads was Off work Ill and he wanted me to cover him and for a day or 2 until he came back in . At dinner while we was all in the canteen all the lads were having a laugh with me...
One day while Sam was working in the field a bedraggled group of Indians came wandering up to him. At first he was worried and picked up his rifle. When they didn't make any threatening moves he relaxed. Between his poor Caddo and their poor English he discovered they were basically escaping or running away from the reservation they had been on. Their family originally came from this area and they wanted to return to it. They begged for food. If he would not feed them all they begged for...
Afraid to touch her, Bill slumped in the chair beside Faith’s bed for nearly an hour. She looked fragile — face swollen, wearing an oxygen mask, and lying so still he had to watch closely to see her chest rise and fall. Doctor Grady explained that her physical injuries, although initially disfiguring, were actually minor and in a few weeks would fade away. The smoke seemed to have irritated only her upper respiratory system. The arterial blood gas analysis was negative. A chest x-ray was...
Bill Holder tried to sleepwalk through life, after Jennifer divorced him. But his wakeup call came from the police. They politely informed him that his 14-year-old daughter, Lisa, had been arrested for shoplifting. Ashamed that he had neglected her, Bill became a dedicated father. Now twenty-two, Lisa was a senior at Boston College, on her way to becoming a physicist, (whatever that is). She said there was good money in it — music to his ears. Jokingly, Bill asked if that meant she could fill...
The other side of the bed was empty when Bill awoke. The clock showed 7:30. He lay on his back and thought about how nice it had been to sleep with Faith — tangled up like puppies. But now came the morning after awkwardness. How a woman behaved the day after was always a mystery to him. Some were clingy, some cold, but the hardest to deal with were the gracious ones. After the divorce, Bill had used his share of women and regretted some of it now, realizing he was punishing them for his...
This carries on directly from part two. Again, the names have been changed apart from Manus and Sara. Jay also had to help me with all the events and the dialogue is written as best as we can remember it. Enjoy! For speed and to avoid the heat we got the tube at Leicester Square and arrived at Waterloo. All the way to the tube Jay’s dress lifted up with the breeze and each time she let out a saucy giggle. Her arse and pussy was on clear show to everyone every time, the G-string material...
hii friends this is my first story i m raj from surat i use to stay in one multi complex building…. i m from surat i have textile business…i donn’t know from where i have to start but lets start i m 26 unmarried i m regular reader of this side…friends mere collage me bahut serious banda tha kabhie ladkiyo ko bhi nahi dekhta tha collage khatam karne ke baad dady ke saath office jaana suru kar diya … from last 4 months market me kuch jyaada kaam nahi hone ke kaaran me ghar 7 bajje aa jata tha toh...
Follows on from Part Fifteen where the group of new friends meet to plan the filming of a porn film at a house in Dorking in order to retrieve some paintings that are being held there by a young ladies’ evil stepfather. “Oh fuck,” I said quietly as Mike approached hand-in-hand with, who I presumed to be, Patty, his wife. She was an attractive curly-haired brunette with a very slim figure and I could see her gripping Mike’s hand tight as they walked up to us. Mike had a nervous smile on his...
Becky picked up most of us. Matilda and Kelsey were riding home with us for the first time all week. Becky noticed as they jumped into the minivan. "I have extra passengers," she said. "I'm glad I didn't bring Angelique. She wanted to come" "Awww," Kelsey and Matilda said in unison. "We wanted to see her." "I haven't gotten to play with her all week," Kelsey added. "You choose to go home with Jessica," Jason pointed out. "Well," Kelsey said. "I don't go home with...
Morgan's question stuck with me for the next two hours as we wandered the mall. Beatrice had handed out cash to everyone when we first arrived and told us to spend it as we pleased. Angelique had been given a twenty and begged to be shown where she might purchase a teddy bear. I found a children's store and took Angelique inside as my friends scattered throughout the mall. Angelique wandered the entire store, gazing longingly at a couple of the dolls before heading over to an area filled...
Jason was holding up his CAP card. Leticia exploded out of her chair with a loud cry of pure joy. She tackled Jason. They fell to the floor as the young woman covered his face with kisses. Ashley looked down at the couple. She kicked playfully at her brother's leg. "You scared us!" "I scared myself," Jason admitted. "Even knowing that I should score well, I was stunned by how often I couldn't answer one of the questions quickly. And the scenes I had to move through. You ever try to...
This story was my first try at the dark future genre. With the nomination of THE RUN for a year end award, there has been renewed interest in that story as well as requests for more. This story introduces several of the minor characters and expands upon the world. It isn’t necessary to have read The Run to enjoy this story, but if you have, it will give you a better feel for Characters like Nelson and Irish. CET Sunday, March 15th, 15:00 Hours At the first screech of the alarm Nelson’s eyes...
Copyright Oggbashan October 2015 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Minor revision 30 October 2015 I was shaking so much as I put the phone down that I collapsed onto the settee. I didn’t believe it. It couldn’t be true, yet the Coroner’s Clerk had been very explicit. ...
The following stories involve celeb's and fictional character whose lives and realities have been turned upside down and inside out thank's to whoever's behind the voice that appears in their head. This voice commentates to them all the different ways the mystery person has changed reality just for them. Only the mystery voice and the victim are aware of the changes. Before we begin...
This continues the evening with our good friends Manus and Sara directly following part six I rang the bell and heard nothing. I turned to the others who had crowded in to allow whoever was watching the CCTV to see who was ringing. After a few moments I went to press it again when there was a ‘click’, indicating the door had unlocked. I pushed it open and we walked into a, dark corridor at the end of which was sat a rather big bloke behind a counter next to another door, who was reading that...
Having woken up at about 7:30 that morning I left Jay to sleep and had a shower before making some coffee. She started to stir so I knelt by her and waved the coffee cup around her face letting the aromas bring her to her senses. She opened an eye, then another and slowly sat up. “Oh, my head,” she said rubbing her temples and taking the coffee from me. “Vodka. Why did I have vodka?” I fetched a glass of water and popped a couple of Alka Seltzer in and once the fizzing subsided, passed it to...
Steve, Jay and a group of new friends they have met in London on their holiday have agreed to help a girl get her paintings back from her horrible step-father. The step-fathers new wife has agreed to help, but there’s a catch. They must film a porn film in her house with her as the star. We continue the story with Steve, Jay, Phil and his wife Cheryl going in a taxi to a spa; a place Steve and jay have visited before. Phil and Cheryl are in for a surprise. The taxi pulled up outside the spa...
I stood up and walked toward the door, leaving my unfinished drawing on the easel. Jessica gave a cry of annoyance, as I walked away. I heard her easel crash to the floor behind me as I left the building. Outside, I walked a few feet from the door and then turned around. A couple minutes later Jessica stormed out of the classroom. She walked right up to me and slapped me across the face. "How can you embarrass me like that!" she hissed. I said nothing. Instead I pointed to a bench set far...
The rest of the day at school passed quickly. Jason and I sat with Julio and Walter at lunch. Jason spent most of the time trying to cheer up Walter. I said little, but did discover that Julio and Walter were going to attend a one-day seminar that was reported to help young men improve their scores. Both had scheduled tests for the upcoming Tuesday afternoon. Jason and I both offered to walk with them to the training center. Jessica did stop by during lunch. She teased Julio a bit. Her...
By the time I got my things and got to the office, it was about 4 in the morning I parked in the back as I unloaded everything and then moved my car to the public lot across the street. I did that just in case somebody from the office came by and saw in the lot and got a little nosey.Everything I got was wireless. It was also on its own private Wi-Fi so it couldn’t be hacked or accessed by anyone in the building but me. I will be the only one to have access. Aunt Steph has enough going on....
OccupationsSo I woke this morning in a particularly aroused state, I decided I would treat myself some naughty fun, I decided to dress like a slut under my work clothes. I rummaged around in my drawer and pulled out some black seamed nylons, black lace panties and and my favourite lace corset. I began by showering and shaving my whole body, once I had finished I began by rolling the smooth nylons on to my smooth muscular legs, then came the lace corset followed by the small lace panties, I then reached...
Ruth still thought about the day she was sold to the Hampton Plantation. She figured she was about six or seven when the overseer burst through the door and grabbed her. She did not know why, but assumed it had something to do with her mother, as Master Jones was yelling at her about helping another hand go missing. The only thing Ruth could think of at the time was what her mother did really wrong that the Master needed to punish her. Normally she only saw the Master on but a few occasions,...
"So what's this I hear about you writing your theology?" Winona asked, her excitement shining in her eyes when Alex and the others greeted her in the dining room the next morning. Becky had made clear earlier the previous evening was her night to spend time with Alex, and Winona—while still nervous about being frozen out—respected her enough to give them their privacy. "Wait, I only mentioned that to Becks and Mel last night," Alex said, remembering to use the more familiar names for...
Ashley jumped behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. I reached up with my right hand to stroke her right arm. "Ashley, I don't think that's helping," I said. Ashley's mother glared at me, but quickly turned to concentrate on her daughter. "Ash, why are you hiding behind Mark? You came here to get tested. I'm not going to punish you for your score." "I agreed to have Mark take me," Ashley said. "My score isn't good enough, but his is." "What?" Beatrice squawked....
Ashley was the first to exit the mall, but I caught up to her as we came around the building and could finally see the small seating area for the outdoor café. Her mother was sitting quietly at a table sipping from a cup as she scanned something on a tablet. We could see Jason approaching from the other side. All three of us managed to reach the table at the same time. Mrs. Roberts did not look up. "I set up a pizza delivery back at the house in forty-five minutes," she told us as she...
The small group took the rest of the day and all the next to recuperate from the attack and finish processing the bear. Early the next morning they took off for what was once Birmingham, Alabama years in the future or perhaps was that city on another timeline. It took the group three more days to reach the location from which Roger had departed. When they came into sight of the wreckage the Indians and Margarita stopped and stared. They all cautiously walked around the detritus and looked at...
“I hate to keep stating the obvious,” Gary said, “but do you think taking an enemy officer and multiple combatants to our home before it’s even built is wise? The idea violates every security concept imaginable. Hell, we don’t have any ramparts to breach yet. They can walk around where we plan to build the gate!” “They know we’re associated with the Glaznik,” Al countered, “as it’s how we communicated with their ship. It won’t take them long to discover we’re living right beside them. But we...
“Lamar ground control; this is Captain Al of the Peaceful Avenger, checking in after our long absence.” “It’s wonderful hearing your voice again,” a Lezmonom he’d never gotten to know well said. “We anticipated you sooner after Triznor returned a few months ago, but guessed you were up to something again.” Al chuckled, familiar with his well-deserved reputation. “Not this time, Trill. We visited the Irrq and Plssam homeworlds, letting their new Intuits guide their ships back. They weren’t...
While they finished preparation for the upcoming winter Roger and his various teams of what passed for experts began working on technological improvements. They began the crude smelting of zinc, copper, tin, and iron using the materials on hand. The high quality steel available from the vehicles was a godsend. Roger saved the electronics, engines and other peripheral equipment to use later or to use as an example when they tried to manufacture a similar item. The items in those vehicles were...
I had to get a closer view so letting go of Phil I moved to the foot of the bed and peered below Jim’s thrusting arse. Jim wasn’t in her arse. Both he and Simon were in her pussy, right up to the root of their cocks and they were pounding her hard in alternate movements. There was no complaint from Jay. Building the dream: Part one A strange, but true story about what happened a few years back. So many times, I have wanted to write down what happened so it doesn’t get forgotten or changed...
WifeA continuation of our adventure in London in 2014 which led to the sexual awakening for us both. Most of the story is absolutely true. Some of the dialogue has been recreated as I can’t accurately remember everything exactly as it was said. The names of the persons involved have been changed apart from our good friends Manus and Sara who have given us full permission to use their real names. Enjoy! It was the coolness of the room that woke me. I looked over at the fans and saw that one had...
Continues on the day following Jay’s drunken threesome with Simon and Jay. The names of the people involved have been changed Having had a shower, I looked at the time on the clock. Eleven thirty. Blimey, we had slept late. Fairly soon the housekeeping staff will be knocking on the door. I decided it was time to wake Jay. I opened the curtains to let in the bright morning sun, looking over at Jay, asleep in bed as I did so. The light hit her closed eyes causing her to wake and squint as she...
The varsity game ended in a huge loss for the upperclassmen. The crowd actually started to get uneasy with half of the fourth quarter still to play. Several recent graduates and parents started shouting at the players, cursing them for their poor play. It got bad enough that the faculty advisor for the cheerleaders sent them away from the field with two minutes left in the game. The exodus of the cheerleaders signaled to Morgan that it was time for our group to make its way out of the...
Over the course of the next nine years Roger's country continued to grow. He stopped building new naval ships when he had six steel Frigates but they continued to build metal merchant ships and patrol boats. To his pleasure his engineers began to improve his steam engines and were working on diesel engines large enough to power the ships. Tankers were on the drawing boards to accompany his small fleet and refuel them. His ships had the capability of burning wood to produce steam in the off...
Fortunately, the rest of the protest was rather peaceful. My brother stopped the few anarchists who had shown up hoping to use the protest as cover for some robbery attempts. Jason, Ashley, and I found that someone had already warned people on the route of the march. Buildings were closed, and many had placed boards over their windows to protect them. The three-mile march proved to be no more strenuous than a weekend jog. Jason was the first to notice that the marchers were having trouble...
‘How did you get us in here?’ you asked as we drove past the large, fenced, gates of the old, N.A.S.A. compound. ‘I have a cousin that still works in this section, although most of it was closed down when they built the new section a few years back. He sort of let me borrow his swipe card.’ ‘So where are we going?’ you asked. ‘To building #306. I have a surprise for you.’ You gave me that dirty, funny look. You remembered how my surprises can turn out. ‘Here we are.’ I led you out of...
"Amy, we're leaving!" I heard faintly through a heavy sleep. "Amy?" My mum was shouting up the stairs at me. My eyes quickly opened, and I was as alert as I could be, still half asleep. "Yeah okay..." I shouted back. "Don't forget that the builders are here working outside the house!" "Yeah okay," I answered again. "We'll be out all day, bye!" I heard the front door slam shut and I looked over to my phone. It was 10:30 and I was supposed to be meeting a friend in town at 13:00. This was too...
Straight Sex"How did you get us in here?" you asked as we drove past the large, fenced, gates of the old, N.A.S.A. compound. "I have a cousin that still works in this section, although most of it was closed down when they built the new section a few years back. He sort of let me borrow his swipe card." "So where are we going?" you asked. "To building #306. I have a surprise for you." You gave me that dirty, funny look. You remembered how my surprises can turn out. "Here we are." I led you out of the car...
Straight SexHumari building main ek naya couple rent par rehne aaya tha, ek hi floor pe hone ke karan mere wife ne unhe khane pe bulaya. Jab woh aaye main bhabhi ki khoobsurati ki wajah se unke aur dekhta hi reh gaya. Unki height 5’4” thi, rang savla tha par figure kayamat tha. Usne silk saree pehani thi aur blouse ka neck bahut deep tha, aisa lag raha tha agar woh ek badi saas le toa nipple ke bhi darshan ho jayega. Main usko ghoor ghoor ke dekh raha tha sabki nazar se bachkar. Par usne mujhe usse ghoorte...
Hello indian sex stories dot net doston , my name virat living delhi nirman vihar.. My age 24 studying in delhi. Aapne meri stories nurse ko choda, bua ki kaamwali ko choda, padosan bhabhi pdhi hongi. Toh yeh story last week ki hai. Humne 1august se flat shift kiya nirman vihar.. Wha 3floor hai 2floor pe families and 3rd main aur mera roomate rehte hai jo job krta hai. 2nd floor dono husband wife job krte hai. 1st floor pe meena aunty housewife aur unke husband shop chlate hai. Toh poori...
well building a deck for a friend turned out to have a plus his 18yr old daughter was home now me i dont care ill fuck just about anything on the frist day i kepted watchingher lookin at me whith that grin layin out in the sun but went in just before her dad got home on day number 2 i got there sat for a sec to have my morning coke and heard her moaning then shemust have heard me she walked out of her room half shirt booty shorts i know because the back door was open she came out to say hi i...
Continues on from when we left the spa and arrived in Soho, Jay’s choice of destination. The four of us got out of the black cab on Wardour Street and let Jay lead the way. I had a feeling that I knew where she was leading us and was soon proved right when we arrived at the red door of Kenny’s, the gloryhole and sex cinema venue of our visit the evening before. The peep show next door had its door shut with a ‘closed for private function,’ sign hanging on it. I felt a little flutter with...
Continues directly on from when Jay has finished telling her husband Steve about the unplanned orgy with the three wives and has just asked how he and Manus got on with getting into the house in Dorking to check out the paintings. “So, how did you get on?” Jay asked. I wasn’t sure how to answer. I knew I had to tell her that both me and Manus had fucked Sonia but how I would go about that was an uncertainty. “We got on okay,” I replied, trying not to sound guilty. “We met Sonia, got in the...