Felicia the babysitter 2
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Felicia was a drop dead gorgeous girl. At 18 years old, she was 5?5?, 110 pounds, with blonde hair down to her shoulder blades and beautiful blue eyes. She had a smile that truly lit up a room, and it matched her sweet and caring personality. She was literally one of the nicest people you could ever meet, a popular girl at school who made friends with anyone even when she didn?t try, and she volunteered at both a hospital and a homeless shelter. She was a senior in the local high school, and was on the cheerleading squad. She looked absolutely beautiful in her uniform, which she wore to school. Her shirt was red and black, and the team name ?Tigers? was printed across her small (but not too small. In other words, juuuuust right) B-cup breasts in gold lettering. It was sleeveless, showing off her bare shoulders and smooth armpits. When standing normally, the shirt came down to just above her belly button, but when she leaned back her entire stomach was uncovered. Her skirt was very short and was red and the hem was gold. This showed off her smooth and beautiful legs. Her tiny size 5 feet were hidden in white cotton socks and white tennis shoes.
As mentioned before, Felicia was the sweetest and most innocent girl ever to walk through the hallways of a high school, but she may have also been the most ticklish. She was EXTREMELY ticklish and seriously feared really ?getting it? (she didn?t have a phobia of tickling or anything, and she didn?t mind playing around even though she couldn?t even handle a playful tickling for more than a few seconds). One time, her big football player ex-boyfriend (current boyfriend at the time) was hanging out with her alone at her house when he grabbed her from behind and started tickling her sides and ribs. She was wearing a thick sweatshirt, not the thin cheerleading sleeveless T-shirt she was wearing today, and she still was out of breath after less than a minute. Her absolute worst spot is her feet, you couldn?t even touch her feet without her laughing hysterically!
Now her ticklishness hasn?t affected her life or anything, but today is a different story. As she was walking home from school, a black van pulled up beside her and the passenger came up behind her, put a chloroformed-soaked rag over her face that rendered her unconscious, put her in the back of the van and drove away without anybody seeing what happened. Felicia woke up an hour later, still fully clothed, in a dark and scary room. It was dimly lit due to the large torches in each corner and the small light that shined directly overhead (one of those lights detectives use to give crooks the 3rd degree), making her the only thing that a person could really see well in the room. The walls, ceiling, and floor were also made of brownish rock and were a bit damp. Skulls hung randomly from the walls, each with a small candle inside of them. That made Felicia more terrified than she already was, but what scared her more was that she couldn?t move at all.
The poor girl was strapped to a metal table of some sort. She was laying on her back with her arms above her head and her legs extended straight out. Her wrists were a foot apart from each other, as were her feet. Metal clamps restrained her wrists, elbows, and ankles. She was only able to wiggle her hands and feet, as well as lift her buttocks and arch her back. She could not even bend her knees the slightest bit. Her shirt now revealed her smooth, flat belly. Her feet, still in tennis shoes, hung off the edge of the table. ?HELP ME, SOMEONE!? cried a scared and terrified Felicia. ?I?M TRAPPED IN HERE, PLEASE GET ME OUT! PLEASE!? She was well aware of how vulnerable she was, especially due to her revealing cheerleader uniform. It was easy to see her white panties under her skirt from the foot of the table, and her legs were just far enough apart for someone to violate her in the worst way which only made her panic more. She screamed and screamed until, after 15 minutes, it seemed no one was coming. She lay there, controlling the urge to cry and praying to God to let this be a bad dream, and she continued to lay there unable to move for over 3 hours. She was practically on the verge of going crazy until she heard a metal door being opened. Ahead of her, a metal door opened (just like she heard, which proved along with being ticklish she also good hearing), and four figures entered the room, closing and locking the door behind them.
It was a family of four, a mother, father, brother, and sister. The father was short and stocky, roughly 5?8?, wearing a black leather vest over his bare, hairy, ugly chest. He was also wearing black leather pants and boots. He was bald, and he has a stern look on his face. His name was Robert.
The mother, Claudia, towered over her husband at 6?6?. She was a stereotypical Goth, with dyed black hair, black shirt that revealed her bare shoulders but still had a very small sleeve (A/N I have no idea what that type of shirt is called but it is made to emphasize the woman?s shoulders while not actually being sleeveless). She is pretty fat, maybe weighing 250 pounds. Her double D?s are in danger of coming straight out her shirt, and she is wearing black cotton pants and black high heels. She has black lipstick, long black fingernails, and pale white skin, as well as an evil smile as she looked Felicia up and down.
The daughter was named Ester, and she looked a lot like her mother (she was also a Goth and had the same hair, nail, and lipstick color as well as the same skin tone). Her face looked similar to her mother?s except it was covered in acne and she just stared moodily at the kidnapped cheerleader. She wore mostly the same outfit as her mother, except more modest around the chest area, long sleeved and no bare shoulder, and she wore black sneakers rather than heels. She was also fat, and she stood rough 5?6?.
Her younger brother was named Bobby (real name was Robert II but everyone called him Bobby to differentiate him from his dad), and surprisingly he was the only one who looked anywhere near ?normal?, though he still looked like a freak. He was a nerd, but only because of his youth. He was 14, had curly red hair and braces in his teeth. He was skinny and was wearing a red short-sleeved collar shirt that made him look like he should be part of the school?s chess team. His brown khaki pants were pulled up so high even Steve Urkel would think he?s crazy. He wore brown loafers, and stared at this beautiful older cheerleader, grinning ear to ear. He was also short and skinny. 5?3?, even smaller than Felicia.
Felicia immediately recognized Ester and Bobby, especially Bobby, because they both went to her school. Bobby was a freshman and he had the hugest crush on Felicia. He asked her out repeatedly, and she rejected him every time. At first she thought it was cute how this little boy liked her, then it became slightly annoying and soon it was downright irritating. Ester was in a couple of her classes, she was 17, but Felicia had no idea until now that they even knew each other. She and Ester weren?t really friends, not that Felicia didn?t want to be but that?s just how it was. Hey, you can?t be friends with everybody.
Upon seeing a couple of her classmates, Felicia began to feel more hopeful. ?Ester? Bobby? Thank God you guys found me! I don?t know what happened! Someone knocked me out and kidnapped me, I don?t even know how I got here, or how long I?ve been here, but I can?t move. Quickly, find a way to get me out before the kidnappers return.? When the entire family looked at one another and then started laughing hysterically, Felicia realized just how na?ve she was, as well as how hopeless everything had become. These people WERE the kidnappers!
?Dumb girl,? remarked Claudia. ?Yeah, seriously,? added Robert. Felicia swallowed hard and her whole body started to tremble with fear. ?Oh my God, what do you want with me??
Bobby spoke as they all surrounded the table, boys on Felicia?s left and girls on her right. ?This is revenge. I fell in love with you, I put myself out there just to talk to a pretty girl like you, and you ignore me? You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and I used to think that beauty should be rewarded. Worshipped like a Da Vinci painting. I would have treated you like a princess, but now I?ve realized that beauty is not as wonderful as people say it is. A Da Vinci painting shouldn?t be preserved, it should be slowly burned.? Felicia?s eyes went wide with terror as he spoke these words. Now she was certain they were going to kill her.
Now it was Ester?s turn to speak. ?I tried out during freshman year to become a cheerleader, but I didn?t make the cut. Why? Because they liked you better, you little bitch. Because you look so damn good in that uniform and I look ugly. I tried to be your friend as a way to put that behind us, but you were always too busy to give me the time of day.? Ester was lying to herself and didn?t even know it; she had tried once to talk to Felicia but chickened out because her (Felicia?s) friends were there. She was, in reality, jealous of Felicia?s beauty and ability to attract boys as well as her loving and sweet personality.
?You made our children?s high school careers a living hell, you little whore,? yelled Robert angrily. Claudia added, ?And now you will be punished, the suffering you receive will be worse than that you have inflicted upon our children.? ?You are going to be tortured mercilessly,? said Robert in a harsh whisper, his face hovering just above Felicia?s, his eyes wide with anger. Felicia?s eyes were wide too, but with fear. Her mouth slowly dropped open and she felt tears begin to form. ?N-no, please, wait. Don?t hurt me, I?m so sorry, I didn?t mean to do all that. Please don?t kill me,? she begged. She knew that these people were crazy, she had done nothing wrong but that didn?t matter. She was the one strapped to a table in a dungeon wearing a cheerleader?s uniform, not them.
The adults laughed at her. ?Please,? said Claudia, ?we said torture, not kill. And we won?t leave any marks on that cute little body of yours. My daughter found out something about you at school some time ago. Tell her, sweetie.? ?A few weeks ago, you were in the cafeteria with your snobby friends, when Chris, captain of the football team, came up behind you an poked you in your ribs. I think you jumped clear up to the third floor. Then I heard your friends tell him that you are REALLY ticklish and how you can?t stand to be tickled. Especially on your feet, I heard that one time when you were in junior high, some girl sat on your foot and tickled you for about a minute and you started crying.? Felicia started sobbing about midway through Ester?s story, as she was absolutely terrified. To her, tickling was a sadistic form of torture, especially in the position she was in.
Robert added, ?My and my wife own a BDSM club, and one of the things we specialize in is tickling. We have tickle tortured people who didn?t even think they were ticklish. My wife even made grown men cry, and these were tough guys who were barely even ticklish. We?ve taught everything we know to the kids so they can one day take over the family business. Bobby can torture someone like I?ve never seen before, and Ester has made boys her age pass out. But of course, no one can tickle torture someone like my wife, isn?t that right sweetie?? ?That?s right, dear, and you aren?t so bad yourself,? replied Claudia with a wink before looking back down at Felicia. ?And now, little girl, it?s time for you to suffer.? Ester and Bobby took their positions on either side of Felicia?s bare legs. Claudia went to the head of the table while Robert stayed where he was. They all slowly reached towards the poor, helpless cheerleader with their fingers.
?NO!! OH MY GOD, PLEASE DON?T?NO HA HA HA HA? HA HA HA?..? Felicia?s desperate plea for mercy was lost in hysterical laughter as they all began tickling her at once. They didn?t even start slow and gradually up the intensity, these sadistic ticklers went all out from the beginning. Felicia felt a pair of hands on each knee (one squeezing just above the kneecap and one behind the knee), Claudia?s long fingernails tickling her armpits, while Robert?s large, rough hands dug into her ribs through her shirt. ?NOOOO, OH MY GO--HA HA HA HA HA, P-P-PLEASE STOOOOP!!!!!? Less than two minutes of tickling and already her lungs began to ache, she could not withstand anymore. But she wasn?t going to get any mercy.
As Robert switched the focus of his assault from her covered ribs to her bare stomach, Bobby asked, ?Can I get her boobs now like you promised? I want to see her boobies.? ?Yeah and I want to tickle her feet,? said Ester. ?You guys said I could. I REALLY want to make her suffer, so let me tickle her feet already.?
?No, you two will get your chance later, alright?? said Claudia. ?But?? they both began to protest when their father angrily cut them off. ?Listen to your mother, the both of you, or else you won?t even get to touch this girl again! Understood?? ?Yes, Dad,? they both mumbled. In his moment of anger, the intensity of Robert?s tickling increased, which drove Felicia into a frenzy (which was amazing considering that she was already in one). Bobby kept one hand under her knee while using the other to tickle her inner thigh, just short of the hem of her skirt. Ester had one hand under her other knee and the other was tickling her calf. Felicia shook her head wildly back and forth laughing hysterically. She couldn?t even manage to beg anymore, she was just laughing. Tears streamed down her face.
This went on for little over an hour. It was the most horrible torture Felicia had ever received in her young life. Claudia?s torture of her armpits was constant, but Robert alternated between tickling her ribs, sides, stomach, belly button, waist, and hips. Their children made them proud, mercilessly working over every inch of Felicia?s legs. For the last 15 minutes, she had begun silent laughter, only emitting a terrified shriek whenever someone touched her in a different place. They let her rest for a bit. She lay there for 10 minutes catching her breath, her chest heaving was the only movement she made. Finally, she began to plead for her freedom again. ?P-please, no more. I can?t take it anymore, I?m too ticklish. I?m sorry for everything I did, I swear, please I?ll do anything you want. Just let me go, I beg of you.? ?Well it seems like the little princess is ready for more,? commented Robert maliciously. ?C?mere son.? With that, Robert moved next to Felicia?s right arm, his son to her left. Ester stood next to her father, Claudia next to Bobby. ?No! Please don?t! I?ve learned my lesson, I swear! Please don?t tickle me anymore!?
Her pleas fell on deaf ears, however, as another wave of torturous tickling began. The men each drove all the fingers on one hand into her armpits, using their other hand to tickle her sensitive ribcage. Ester ran her fingers all over Felicia?s right hip and the right side of her waist while Claudia skittered her long nails (which made the tickling more excruciating) over her stomach while also tickling her outer thighs. For almost a half hour, Felicia?s hysterical laughter and shrill screaming was mixed with all sorts of pleas to stop the tickling, such as going on a date with Bobby, being Ester?s best friend, and talking to the captain of the cheerleading squad about Ester replacing her on the team. But they didn?t listen, all they wanted was for Felicia to suffer greatly, which she was. After that, all that was left coming from her mouth was choked laughter with a few Oh my God?s. Robert stopped tickling her armpits so he could tickle the side of her neck. When she leaned her neck over in order to stop the tickling, trying not to give him a space to tickle, he removed his hands from her ribs to hold down her forehead, immobilizing her head with his surprisingly strong hand while tickling her neck mercilessly. Having her head held in place made everything more excruciating for her (not even counting the fact that her neck was being tortured) because before, it was the only thing she was really able to move, with the exception of wiggling her hands and feet. She had also been able to see what they were doing, but now all she could see was the ceiling and every poke and prod came as an unexpected shock to her. It also made her more ticklish, in a certain sense. When a person is bound loosely and tickled, they will thrash around in attempt to make the mind concentrate on something other than the tickling, but when as tightly restrained as Felicia was, all the mind could concentrate on is the tickling. And when the ticklee is as sensitive as Felicia, that only made the sensation more unbearable.
Bobby inserted his slender fingers through the armholes of Felicia?s shirt, tormenting her sides just under her underarms and the area just above her chest next to her armpits. Felicia desperately tried to move her arms down in order to cover her body and prevent the boy from tickling her, but the metal clamps that held down her wrists and elbows were too powerful and left her tender hollows in the most vulnerable position possible.
Claudia?s fingernails lightly flicked each side of Felicia?s slim, sensitive waist. The kidnapped teenager tried to move her body to escape the torturous fingernails, but all she could really do was arch her back and lift or swivel her buttocks, and she could only move her body an inch or so. After a minute of this, she was too exhausted to try to move, making an already easy target an even easier target.
As Robert began tickling under her chin, Ester reached over and began tickling her panty line right through her skirt. Again, Felicia tried to move her body to avoid this, but Ester applied pressure with her hands, both restraining AND tickling her captive.
Felicia began desperately gasping for air, as she was running out of breath. Her lungs ached and her throat was sore. She tried to beg and plead again, but she could only mouth the word ?please?. Silent laughter began again along with the occasional scream. Whenever somebody went to a new position, she seemed to find a new source of energy, laughing and screaming and begging and pleading. She felt a moment of very slight relief when Robert let go of her head, but her eyes bulged and she erupted into another wave of intense giggling as he began tickling her wrists (she didn?t even know her arms were ticklish). His hands tormented her forearm and bicep. She was even more sensitive than she thought. This went on for FOUR HOURS, until Felicia slipped into unconsciousness. Out of Claudia?s pocket came smelling salts, which woke the girl up. Once she saw her 4 torturers standing over her, she broke into tears. ?Please, no more! No more! I can?t take it anymore!?
?Boy, doesn?t Little Miss Perfect sound like a broken record?? remarked Claudia. ?You said it, sweetheart,? replied her husband. ?Well now you feel just a fraction of the pain my children went through, but it will take much, much more tickle torture for you to learn your lesson.? Felicia?s eyes went wide at the thought of more tickle torture. ?NO! PLEASE, I?VE LEARNED MY LESSON!!!!? ?No you did not! You do not feel bad about your crimes, you just can?t take the punishment anymore. Well you are going to have to, because you will be here for days, weeks even,? replied Robert. Felicia felt any remaining traces of hope flow right out of her body. Did he just say she would have to endure this horrible torture for WEEKS? She could never hope to do that. She wouldn?t make it.
Claudia spoke, her words only making things worse. ?Today was just a warm-up, we only went after the areas that you left exposed and bare, which there ARE quite a bit of. Wait until we really get you, wait until we get those really sensitive, private spots. And of course, wait until we get your most ticklish spot: your feet.? As she said this, she slowly looked down to Felicia?s feet, still clad in tennis shoes and socks. The fetish dom turned to her kids. ?But now it?s late, and you two have to get to bed.? Ester and Bobby started to protest, seeing how tomorrow was Saturday, but Claudia held out a hand and silenced them. ?Not another word from you two. Don?t make me embarrass you in front of our ?guest?.? With that the whole family turned to the door. Robert pressed a button next to it which looked like a light switch, and the door unlocked.
Somehow, Felicia worked up the courage to speak, almost to make a threat. ?You guys know that the police are probably looking for me, and so are my parents since I didn?t come home yet.? Robert turned to her and laughed. ?Don?t worry, this room is soundproof. And no one saw us abduct you, no one saw us take you here, and no one would even think to question us. People will suspect you were captured by terrorists or something ridiculous like that before they even begin to question us. Don?t worry sweetheart, we?re quite safe. No one will ever find you. Good night then.? He flicked another switch (let?s clear this up now. Next to the door there are 3 ?light switches? lined up horizontally about 6 inches apart from each other. The first one is actually a light switch, the second locks the door and there is also a switch for this outside, and the third releases the metal restraints that traps Felicia on the table) and the lights went off, even the torch lights. Apparently, the tortures turn on and off using electricity. The family closed the door behind them and a metal click was heard, the sound of the door locking. The room was pitch black and Felicia was all alone. She felt like a prisoner on Death Row awaiting execution. She closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep.
Felicia was a drop dead gorgeous girl. At 18 years old, she was 5?5?, 110 pounds, with blonde hair down to her shoulder blades and beautiful blue eyes. She had a smile that truly lit up a room, and it matched her sweet and caring personality. She was literally one of the nicest people you could ever meet, a popular girl at school who made friends with anyone even when she didn?t try, and she volunteered at both a hospital and a homeless shelter. She was a senior in the local high school, and was on the cheerleading squad. She looked absolutely beautiful in her uniform, which she wore to school. Her shirt was red and black, and the team name ?Tigers? was printed across her small (but not too small. In other words, juuuuust right) B-cup breasts in gold lettering. It was sleeveless, showing off her bare shoulders and smooth armpits. When standing normally, the shirt came down to just above her belly button, but when she leaned back her entire stomach was uncovered. Her skirt was very short and was red and the hem was gold. This showed off her smooth and beautiful legs. Her tiny size 5 feet were hidden in white cotton socks and white tennis shoes.
As mentioned before, Felicia was the sweetest and most innocent girl ever to walk through the hallways of a high school, but she may have also been the most ticklish. She was EXTREMELY ticklish and seriously feared really ?getting it? (she didn?t have a phobia of tickling or anything, and she didn?t mind playing around even though she couldn?t even handle a playful tickling for more than a few seconds). One time, her big football player ex-boyfriend (current boyfriend at the time) was hanging out with her alone at her house when he grabbed her from behind and started tickling her sides and ribs. She was wearing a thick sweatshirt, not the thin cheerleading sleeveless T-shirt she was wearing today, and she still was out of breath after less than a minute. Her absolute worst spot is her feet, you couldn?t even touch her feet without her laughing hysterically!
Now her ticklishness hasn?t affected her life or anything, but today is a different story. As she was walking home from school, a black van pulled up beside her and the passenger came up behind her, put a chloroformed-soaked rag over her face that rendered her unconscious, put her in the back of the van and drove away without anybody seeing what happened. Felicia woke up an hour later, still fully clothed, in a dark and scary room. It was dimly lit due to the large torches in each corner and the small light that shined directly overhead (one of those lights detectives use to give crooks the 3rd degree), making her the only thing that a person could really see well in the room. The walls, ceiling, and floor were also made of brownish rock and were a bit damp. Skulls hung randomly from the walls, each with a small candle inside of them. That made Felicia more terrified than she already was, but what scared her more was that she couldn?t move at all.
The poor girl was strapped to a metal table of some sort. She was laying on her back with her arms above her head and her legs extended straight out. Her wrists were a foot apart from each other, as were her feet. Metal clamps restrained her wrists, elbows, and ankles. She was only able to wiggle her hands and feet, as well as lift her buttocks and arch her back. She could not even bend her knees the slightest bit. Her shirt now revealed her smooth, flat belly. Her feet, still in tennis shoes, hung off the edge of the table. ?HELP ME, SOMEONE!? cried a scared and terrified Felicia. ?I?M TRAPPED IN HERE, PLEASE GET ME OUT! PLEASE!? She was well aware of how vulnerable she was, especially due to her revealing cheerleader uniform. It was easy to see her white panties under her skirt from the foot of the table, and her legs were just far enough apart for someone to violate her in the worst way which only made her panic more. She screamed and screamed until, after 15 minutes, it seemed no one was coming. She lay there, controlling the urge to cry and praying to God to let this be a bad dream, and she continued to lay there unable to move for over 3 hours. She was practically on the verge of going crazy until she heard a metal door being opened. Ahead of her, a metal door opened (just like she heard, which proved along with being ticklish she also good hearing), and four figures entered the room, closing and locking the door behind them.
It was a family of four, a mother, father, brother, and sister. The father was short and stocky, roughly 5?8?, wearing a black leather vest over his bare, hairy, ugly chest. He was also wearing black leather pants and boots. He was bald, and he has a stern look on his face. His name was Robert.
The mother, Claudia, towered over her husband at 6?6?. She was a stereotypical Goth, with dyed black hair, black shirt that revealed her bare shoulders but still had a very small sleeve (A/N I have no idea what that type of shirt is called but it is made to emphasize the woman?s shoulders while not actually being sleeveless). She is pretty fat, maybe weighing 250 pounds. Her double D?s are in danger of coming straight out her shirt, and she is wearing black cotton pants and black high heels. She has black lipstick, long black fingernails, and pale white skin, as well as an evil smile as she looked Felicia up and down.
The daughter was named Ester, and she looked a lot like her mother (she was also a Goth and had the same hair, nail, and lipstick color as well as the same skin tone). Her face looked similar to her mother?s except it was covered in acne and she just stared moodily at the kidnapped cheerleader. She wore mostly the same outfit as her mother, except more modest around the chest area, long sleeved and no bare shoulder, and she wore black sneakers rather than heels. She was also fat, and she stood rough 5?6?.
Her younger brother was named Bobby (real name was Robert II but everyone called him Bobby to differentiate him from his dad), and surprisingly he was the only one who looked anywhere near ?normal?, though he still looked like a freak. He was a nerd, but only because of his youth. He was 14, had curly red hair and braces in his teeth. He was skinny and was wearing a red short-sleeved collar shirt that made him look like he should be part of the school?s chess team. His brown khaki pants were pulled up so high even Steve Urkel would think he?s crazy. He wore brown loafers, and stared at this beautiful older cheerleader, grinning ear to ear. He was also short and skinny. 5?3?, even smaller than Felicia.
Felicia immediately recognized Ester and Bobby, especially Bobby, because they both went to her school. Bobby was a freshman and he had the hugest crush on Felicia. He asked her out repeatedly, and she rejected him every time. At first she thought it was cute how this little boy liked her, then it became slightly annoying and soon it was downright irritating. Ester was in a couple of her classes, she was 17, but Felicia had no idea until now that they even knew each other. She and Ester weren?t really friends, not that Felicia didn?t want to be but that?s just how it was. Hey, you can?t be friends with everybody.
Upon seeing a couple of her classmates, Felicia began to feel more hopeful. ?Ester? Bobby? Thank God you guys found me! I don?t know what happened! Someone knocked me out and kidnapped me, I don?t even know how I got here, or how long I?ve been here, but I can?t move. Quickly, find a way to get me out before the kidnappers return.? When the entire family looked at one another and then started laughing hysterically, Felicia realized just how na?ve she was, as well as how hopeless everything had become. These people WERE the kidnappers!
?Dumb girl,? remarked Claudia. ?Yeah, seriously,? added Robert. Felicia swallowed hard and her whole body started to tremble with fear. ?Oh my God, what do you want with me??
Bobby spoke as they all surrounded the table, boys on Felicia?s left and girls on her right. ?This is revenge. I fell in love with you, I put myself out there just to talk to a pretty girl like you, and you ignore me? You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and I used to think that beauty should be rewarded. Worshipped like a Da Vinci painting. I would have treated you like a princess, but now I?ve realized that beauty is not as wonderful as people say it is. A Da Vinci painting shouldn?t be preserved, it should be slowly burned.? Felicia?s eyes went wide with terror as he spoke these words. Now she was certain they were going to kill her.
Now it was Ester?s turn to speak. ?I tried out during freshman year to become a cheerleader, but I didn?t make the cut. Why? Because they liked you better, you little bitch. Because you look so damn good in that uniform and I look ugly. I tried to be your friend as a way to put that behind us, but you were always too busy to give me the time of day.? Ester was lying to herself and didn?t even know it; she had tried once to talk to Felicia but chickened out because her (Felicia?s) friends were there. She was, in reality, jealous of Felicia?s beauty and ability to attract boys as well as her loving and sweet personality.
?You made our children?s high school careers a living hell, you little whore,? yelled Robert angrily. Claudia added, ?And now you will be punished, the suffering you receive will be worse than that you have inflicted upon our children.? ?You are going to be tortured mercilessly,? said Robert in a harsh whisper, his face hovering just above Felicia?s, his eyes wide with anger. Felicia?s eyes were wide too, but with fear. Her mouth slowly dropped open and she felt tears begin to form. ?N-no, please, wait. Don?t hurt me, I?m so sorry, I didn?t mean to do all that. Please don?t kill me,? she begged. She knew that these people were crazy, she had done nothing wrong but that didn?t matter. She was the one strapped to a table in a dungeon wearing a cheerleader?s uniform, not them.
The adults laughed at her. ?Please,? said Claudia, ?we said torture, not kill. And we won?t leave any marks on that cute little body of yours. My daughter found out something about you at school some time ago. Tell her, sweetie.? ?A few weeks ago, you were in the cafeteria with your snobby friends, when Chris, captain of the football team, came up behind you an poked you in your ribs. I think you jumped clear up to the third floor. Then I heard your friends tell him that you are REALLY ticklish and how you can?t stand to be tickled. Especially on your feet, I heard that one time when you were in junior high, some girl sat on your foot and tickled you for about a minute and you started crying.? Felicia started sobbing about midway through Ester?s story, as she was absolutely terrified. To her, tickling was a sadistic form of torture, especially in the position she was in.
Robert added, ?My and my wife own a BDSM club, and one of the things we specialize in is tickling. We have tickle tortured people who didn?t even think they were ticklish. My wife even made grown men cry, and these were tough guys who were barely even ticklish. We?ve taught everything we know to the kids so they can one day take over the family business. Bobby can torture someone like I?ve never seen before, and Ester has made boys her age pass out. But of course, no one can tickle torture someone like my wife, isn?t that right sweetie?? ?That?s right, dear, and you aren?t so bad yourself,? replied Claudia with a wink before looking back down at Felicia. ?And now, little girl, it?s time for you to suffer.? Ester and Bobby took their positions on either side of Felicia?s bare legs. Claudia went to the head of the table while Robert stayed where he was. They all slowly reached towards the poor, helpless cheerleader with their fingers.
HA HA HA?..? Felicia?s desperate plea for mercy was lost in
hysterical laughter as they all began tickling her at once. They didn?t even
start slow and gradually up the intensity, these sadistic ticklers went all out
from the beginning. Felicia felt a pair of hands on each knee (one squeezing
just above the kneecap and one behind the knee), Claudia?s long fingernails
tickling her armpits, while Robert?s large, rough hands dug into her ribs
through her shirt. ?
As Robert switched the focus of his assault from her covered ribs to her bare stomach, Bobby asked, ?Can I get her boobs now like you promised? I want to see her boobies.? ?Yeah and I want to tickle her feet,? said Ester. ?You guys said I could. I REALLY want to make her suffer, so let me tickle her feet already.?
?No, you two will get your chance later, alright?? said Claudia. ?But?? they both began to protest when their father angrily cut them off. ?Listen to your mother, the both of you, or else you won?t even get to touch this girl again! Understood?? ?Yes, Dad,? they both mumbled. In his moment of anger, the intensity of Robert?s tickling increased, which drove Felicia into a frenzy (which was amazing considering that she was already in one). Bobby kept one hand under her knee while using the other to tickle her inner thigh, just short of the hem of her skirt. Ester had one hand under her other knee and the other was tickling her calf. Felicia shook her head wildly back and forth laughing hysterically. She couldn?t even manage to beg anymore, she was just laughing. Tears streamed down her face.
This went on for little over an hour. It was the most horrible torture Felicia had ever received in her young life. Claudia?s torture of her armpits was constant, but Robert alternated between tickling her ribs, sides, stomach, belly button, waist, and hips. Their children made them proud, mercilessly working over every inch of Felicia?s legs. For the last 15 minutes, she had begun silent laughter, only emitting a terrified shriek whenever someone touched her in a different place. They let her rest for a bit. She lay there for 10 minutes catching her breath, her chest heaving was the only movement she made. Finally, she began to plead for her freedom again. ?P-please, no more. I can?t take it anymore, I?m too ticklish. I?m sorry for everything I did, I swear, please I?ll do anything you want. Just let me go, I beg of you.? ?Well it seems like the little princess is ready for more,? commented Robert maliciously. ?C?mere son.? With that, Robert moved next to Felicia?s right arm, his son to her left. Ester stood next to her father, Claudia next to Bobby. ?No! Please don?t! I?ve learned my lesson, I swear! Please don?t tickle me anymore!?
Her pleas fell on deaf ears, however, as another wave of torturous tickling began. The men each drove all the fingers on one hand into her armpits, using their other hand to tickle her sensitive ribcage. Ester ran her fingers all over Felicia?s right hip and the right side of her waist while Claudia skittered her long nails (which made the tickling more excruciating) over her stomach while also tickling her outer thighs. For almost a half hour, Felicia?s hysterical laughter and shrill screaming was mixed with all sorts of pleas to stop the tickling, such as going on a date with Bobby, being Ester?s best friend, and talking to the captain of the cheerleading squad about Ester replacing her on the team. But they didn?t listen, all they wanted was for Felicia to suffer greatly, which she was. After that, all that was left coming from her mouth was choked laughter with a few Oh my God?s. Robert stopped tickling her armpits so he could tickle the side of her neck. When she leaned her neck over in order to stop the tickling, trying not to give him a space to tickle, he removed his hands from her ribs to hold down her forehead, immobilizing her head with his surprisingly strong hand while tickling her neck mercilessly. Having her head held in place made everything more excruciating for her (not even counting the fact that her neck was being tortured) because before, it was the only thing she was really able to move, with the exception of wiggling her hands and feet. She had also been able to see what they were doing, but now all she could see was the ceiling and every poke and prod came as an unexpected shock to her. It also made her more ticklish, in a certain sense. When a person is bound loosely and tickled, they will thrash around in attempt to make the mind concentrate on something other than the tickling, but when as tightly restrained as Felicia was, all the mind could concentrate on is the tickling. And when the ticklee is as sensitive as Felicia, that only made the sensation more unbearable.
Bobby inserted his slender fingers through the armholes of Felicia?s shirt, tormenting her sides just under her underarms and the area just above her chest next to her armpits. Felicia desperately tried to move her arms down in order to cover her body and prevent the boy from tickling her, but the metal clamps that held down her wrists and elbows were too powerful and left her tender hollows in the most vulnerable position possible.
Claudia?s fingernails lightly flicked each side of Felicia?s slim, sensitive waist. The kidnapped teenager tried to move her body to escape the torturous fingernails, but all she could really do was arch her back and lift or swivel her buttocks, and she could only move her body an inch or so. After a minute of this, she was too exhausted to try to move, making an already easy target an even easier target.
As Robert began tickling under her chin, Ester reached over and began tickling her panty line right through her skirt. Again, Felicia tried to move her body to avoid this, but Ester applied pressure with her hands, both restraining AND tickling her captive.
Felicia began desperately gasping for air, as she was running out of breath. Her lungs ached and her throat was sore. She tried to beg and plead again, but she could only mouth the word ?please?. Silent laughter began again along with the occasional scream. Whenever somebody went to a new position, she seemed to find a new source of energy, laughing and screaming and begging and pleading. She felt a moment of very slight relief when Robert let go of her head, but her eyes bulged and she erupted into another wave of intense giggling as he began tickling her wrists (she didn?t even know her arms were ticklish). His hands tormented her forearm and bicep. She was even more sensitive than she thought. This went on for FOUR HOURS, until Felicia slipped into unconsciousness. Out of Claudia?s pocket came smelling salts, which woke the girl up. Once she saw her 4 torturers standing over her, she broke into tears. ?Please, no more! No more! I can?t take it anymore!?
?Boy, doesn?t Little Miss Perfect sound like a broken record?? remarked Claudia. ?You said it, sweetheart,? replied her husband. ?Well now you feel just a fraction of the pain my children went through, but it will take much, much more tickle torture for you to learn your lesson.? Felicia?s eyes went wide at the thought of more tickle torture. ?NO! PLEASE, I?VE LEARNED MY LESSON!!!!? ?No you did not! You do not feel bad about your crimes, you just can?t take the punishment anymore. Well you are going to have to, because you will be here for days, weeks even,? replied Robert. Felicia felt any remaining traces of hope flow right out of her body. Did he just say she would have to endure this horrible torture for WEEKS? She could never hope to do that. She wouldn?t make it.
Claudia spoke, her words only making things worse. ?Today was just a warm-up, we only went after the areas that you left exposed and bare, which there ARE quite a bit of. Wait until we really get you, wait until we get those really sensitive, private spots. And of course, wait until we get your most ticklish spot: your feet.? As she said this, she slowly looked down to Felicia?s feet, still clad in tennis shoes and socks. The fetish dom turned to her kids. ?But now it?s late, and you two have to get to bed.? Ester and Bobby started to protest, seeing how tomorrow was Saturday, but Claudia held out a hand and silenced them. ?Not another word from you two. Don?t make me embarrass you in front of our ?guest?.? With that the whole family turned to the door. Robert pressed a button next to it which looked like a light switch, and the door unlocked.
Somehow, Felicia worked up the courage to speak, almost to make a threat. ?You guys know that the police are probably looking for me, and so are my parents since I didn?t come home yet.? Robert turned to her and laughed. ?Don?t worry, this room is soundproof. And no one saw us abduct you, no one saw us take you here, and no one would even think to question us. People will suspect you were captured by terrorists or something ridiculous like that before they even begin to question us. Don?t worry sweetheart, we?re quite safe. No one will ever find you. Good night then.? He flicked another switch (let?s clear this up now. Next to the door there are 3 ?light switches? lined up horizontally about 6 inches apart from each other. The first one is actually a light switch, the second locks the door and there is also a switch for this outside, and the third releases the metal restraints that traps Felicia on the table) and the lights went off, even the torch lights. Apparently, the tortures turn on and off using electricity. The family closed the door behind them and a metal click was heard, the sound of the door locking. The room was pitch black and Felicia was all alone. She felt like a prisoner on Death Row awaiting execution. She closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep.
Introduction: Again, not my story, just reposting… RETURN OF THE YOUNG CHERRY CHEERLEADER CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson was just starting her sophomore year of high school. Her freshman year had been an unforgettable one. She had been introduced to the wonderful world of sex, highlighted by an orgy with her sister and a room full of men. Little Jennys sister had graduated and headed off to college just a week before, and she missed Susie terribly. She often looked at a framed photo of the...
CHAPTER 1 Jennifer Wilson was just starting her sophomore year of high school. Her freshman year had been an unforgettable one. She had been introduced to the wonderful world of sex, highlighted by an orgy with her sister and a room full of men. Little Jenny's sister had graduated and headed off to college just a week before, and she missed Susie terribly. She often looked at a framed photo of the two girls in their cheerleading...
The Cheerleader Transformation Part 3 Chapter 1 Britney had her mom come pick her up and ran to her bedroom as soon as she got home. Her mom was furious with her, and kept questioning why her little sister Lizzie was so upset. Britney had remained silent; fearing talking at all would make her burst into tears. She collapsed on her bed and began sobbing. Her best friend was gone, lost in the abyss of Lisa's madness. She couldn't believe what was happening. Krissy was really acting...
Cheerleader What kind of students attend "Harvard on the Hill"? That's what we call it sarcastically - it's really just a two-year community college. Mostly for people who work by day and go to school at night. The full time students like me are people that for one reason or another couldn't get into a four-year school. Not that I'm not smart. I probably know more about computers than the teachers here. I can program them in six different languages, and I can take them apart and put them...
‘God, I’m hot’ Cathy thought to herself as she shifted in her chair. The August sun poured through the window behind her and made the sunburn she had on the back of her neck hurt even more. Ray Granger, the assistant principal of the high school where she’d attended as a teenager and hoped to be employed as a twentysomething, watched her carefully. His office wasn’t air conditioned, but very few places in the school were. A drop of sweat rolled down...
[Having enjoyed Fictionmania for many years, I wanted to submit something of my own. I'm not a product of the US education system and have never been a cheerleader, so I can only hope I haven't got things too confused or mixed up. The story is told from the point of view of the main character.] He couldn't believe it was happening for real. All along he had thought and hoped that his mother was joking, that it was all a kind of game, a way of helping her relive her glory days, but...
(episode 26) This follows ‘Two Girl Fuck Competition’ I should have been happy and excited because I was officially dating Mary Beth. She was definitely a super hot, sexy girl and nearly every guy I knew would’ve been ecstatic to be with Mary Beth. But I wasn’t feeling happy. I was actually feeling quite depressed. Down deep I still ached for Jennifer, even though I was mad as hell at her. Jennifer had just announced to several of our friends that she was “exclusively dating Eric,” the guy I...
(episode 26) This follows "Two Girl Fuck Competition" I should have been happy and excited because I was officially dating Mary Beth. She was definitely a super hot, sexy girl and nearly every guy I knew would’ve been ecstatic to be with Mary Beth. But I wasn’t feeling happy. I was actually feeling quite depressed. Down deep I still ached for Jennifer, even though I was mad as hell at her. Jennifer had just announced to several of our friends that she was “exclusively dating Eric,” the guy I...
College SexThe College Jocks' New Cheerleader - by: by Obedient Boytoy It was late October and Derek had admired Nils for two full months. Nils, like Derek, was a 19-year-old sophomore at the university. The handsome Norwegian student would quietly pass through the hallways of the second floor of the all-boys dorm where he lived, a few doors down from Derek. Nils was quiet not because he was unfriendly but because he was new to the country, having earned an athletic scholarship to the U.S....
"Sveta, this is Mr. Avdushev," her father shouted after Sveta had cheered her final high school game. "He is from the university and he wants to talk with you about a cheer scholarship, honey."His daughter was a sweet-faced blonde with hair to the shoulders. She took worked hard to keep in good shape, working out 3 times a week. Even her current boyfriend whom she was going to marry disliked spending so little time together because of her cheerleading practice, but he adored the shape of her...
I'd always wanted my own cheerleader, someone young, fresh, unspoiled, and unwilling? but not too unwilling My Own Private Cheerleader I'd always wanted my own private cheerleader, someone young, fresh, unspoiled, and innocent? but not too innocent. Someone who would maybe put up a fight, but not too much of one, someone who'd be scandalized and shocked by the things I did to her, but would secretly love it and eventually find herself overwhelmed by her own ferocious sexuality,...
I'm Not Cut Out To Be A Cheerleader By Paul G. Jutras Inspired by the Deane Christopher caption As Roger Myers messed up a three point kick, Deane managed to get the ball and ran with it. Philip and Raymond worked the block against the enemy team for the final touchdown of the game. ?Way to go, dear,? Coach Jane said as she stood on the sidelines in her green skirt suit and black knee high leather boots. ?Deane, you?re the best member on the team.? ?Thanks, coach.? Deane...
"The Sexiest Cheerleader" A "Timber Grove" Story by TGTrinity ///// 1 ///// "Becoming Leslie" ///// Sunday Morning Seth knew that he was not going to get out of this. All he could do was sit in the back of the SUV and look at the small glass flask in his hands as his teammates rambled on and on about what he was supposed to do. As they argued with each other, he thought about the game the other night and wished that there was someway to go back in time... "Fuck, Seth, are...
Today was different than usual though. Coach had us stay after and do some laps so i didnt have time to do anything after i got home other than shower and go to work. Guys, you know what happens when a boy doesnt get a chance to release himself after staring at the short skirts at school all day. You are extremely horny. At work i couldn't stop staring at the female servers, wearing their tight white shirts and blue jeans. Just watching this made me wanna go jack off, but obviously i...
The final votes were in for the head cheerleader. The last step was for you to approve her. No matter what the vote you knew you had the final say. And you’d make sure she knew it too. You smiled to yourself, because in your school the term 'head' cheerleader had literal meaning. They had chosen a cute little brunette this year. She was very pretty, but most importantly; she had tits the size of basketballs. Last years head cheerleader, Jamie had small tits. But she had the tightest pussy, and...
This all took place a while ago, but set a great precedentSo one day I was over at my friend's Casey's. Casey's sister was a few year old and had gone off to college by this point. now Casey was a bit milqetoast. He was the quiet one.Well we were hanging out, flipping channels. Then he flipped to a one of the "adult" channels. Surprisingly it was clear as day. "pretty neat, eh? My dad just got a decoder""awesome"So we sat there quietly watching a video with some "cheerleaders" being anal...
Last week, while bent over with a cock deep inside me, I was asked if I'd dress as a cheerleader. I've been seeing this particular man a couple times a month since January. He's in his fifties, but looks and acts more like a guy in his thirties. He likes to put on porn while I give him long, slow blowjobs. He has an amazing cock, so when he wants to fuck me, I can't say no. He had me bent over the back of my couch when he started talking about how great I would look in a skirt. He proceeded to...
Chapter 1 It was Nancy Peterson's first appearance as a Valley High cheerleader. The stands rumbled with a full house of cheering fans. Nancy performed high kicks. Her dark-blue skirt featured inverted pleats and swirled sexily on her fine, tanned legs. She wore a tight white vest that had blue stripes down the arms, an inch-wide white stripe across the chest, and it pulled tightly against her big teenette tits, two whoppers that bobbled like ripe grapefruits. Nancy knew her titties were...
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Bodacious Cheerleader By Kathy Smith Peter Levin, MD, PhD was a workaholic. He is a full Professor at The Johns Hopkins University and he has a research lab in the medical school. His research is in basis genome of oncology. He has 5 postdocs, 12 grad students and 1 high school student in his lab. He normally does not have high school students in the lab but she was superordinary woman (I will talk about her later on). Peter is 50 years old, short (5'5"), bald and has a pot...
Elizabeth "Betty" Bubble was considered by most to be the best cheerleader on the Center City squad because of her world class splits. Her legs were so flexible that horny males in the audience could not help but picture her poised on the end of their species propagating friendly weapons in various positions and angles best suited to their imagination. Her father and brother got so hot and bothered watching her practice at home that they made excuses to be elsewhere when she perfected her...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Jessica awoke in a daze. She blinked her blue eyes, trying to focus on any shape in the darkness as she struggled to remember where she was. There had been a party last night. She attended with one of the football players from her school. There were drinks and dancing and…nothing. “I must have blacked out…” she thought to herself, the throbbing pain in her head the start of what would surely be a bad hangover. But then, if she blacked out, why couldn’t she move her arms? She tried to...
She leaned forward, put a knee on the bed, her hands were pressed into the mattress, “Nothing, I just want to talk.” With her right leg pulled up and the other still on the floor the slip moved enough to the side I could see up the length of her leg, she wasn’t wearing panties so I got a glimpse of dark reddish pubic hair covering her pussy. I reacted to the provocative sight as only an 18-year-old can, my cock immediately began to swell. She paused; a small smile curved up the corners of...
The Cheerleader Belladonna Andrew White blinked at his mother a few times, sure that he had misheard her. Ignoring her, he shook his head as he reached for his cell phone. "Andrew, answer me," his mother demanded. "What?" "Will you do it?" "Do what?" "Step in for Emma," Miranda repeated herself. "How could I step in for Emma?" Andrew retorted, shaking his head once more at the request he could no longer pretend he had not heard. "I just need you to fill in for her...
So, for those of you who missed part two let me clue you in. After watching my young female cousin (Hailey) fuck my buddy (Rob) and jerking off while watching them. The story ended up that the following night I was lucky enough to be writhing between her tight thighs. Like I said, incest is nothing that we would normally pursue. We might sit and day-dream about some sick shit about cousins, aunts and for some of you, your daughters, but actually performing out those fantasies that is...
Casey Brand was the most popular girl at Smithville High. She had made varsity cheer in the tenth grade. She excelled at everything she did. She worked hard on her grades and was part of the National Honor Society. She loved cheering but knew her grades were just as important.Casey loved boys. She was dating Todd, the captain of the football team. She was growing bored of him though. Todd was as old as Casey and Casey found him to be immature. He did stupid things that made Casey roll...
TabooTina had been a cheerleader at Franklin High for three years, and if life was fair, she would be one of the most popular girls in her high school. But life wasn't fair, and while Tina had always been friends with the other cheerleaders, none of the boys ever seemed interested. Tina was tiny- just 5'3", and not more than 90 lbs—and was always the top girl in the cheer pyramid. She was good at climbing up, doing her thing standing on one foot and extending her arms, and then letting herself fall...
TeenDas Spiel Es waren 5 Minuten im letzten Viertel des Superpokals übrig. Ihr Team lag 5 zurück, war aber am Zug. Eine Berührung würde das Spiel drehen. Mit dem Ball wurde geschnippt, der Quarterback fiel zurück und ging vorbei. Abgefangen! Und das andere Team lief den Ball ganz für ein Aufsetzen zurück. Verdammt! Ja, das rundet das Spiel nach oben ab", dachte Elaine," 11 Punkte zurück mit 3 Minuten Restzeit, auf der Uhr. In früheren Zeiten, würde dies den Schluss bedeuten, würden die Leute zum...
Group SexNo one grows up to have the exact life they had imagined for themselves as a kid. In my youth, I always imagined that I would marry my high school sweetheart and make a fortune working as a fireman. I couldn’t have been more wrong. But then again, perhaps I wasn’t so far off the mark. High school, for me, was a chore. I knew what I wanted to do with my life and it didn’t include college: I wanted to be a fireman. To me, it was the ultimate real life “superhero” job. I wanted to be the one to...
I was sitting on the bleachers at the gym, watching the cheerleaders practicing. I regularly watched them practice. They always knew I was there and that it was harmless. I wasn't stalking them or anything creepy like that. I had just always wanted to be a male cheerleader and my school didn't allow men on the cheer team for some reason. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I must have spaced out because I didn't hear anyone come up behind me. It was my girlfriend, Jane. She's the...
She leaned forward, put a knee on the bed, her hands were pressed into the mattress, “Nothing, I just want to talk.” With her right leg pulled up and the other still on the floor the slip moved enough to the side I could see up the length of her leg, she wasn’t wearing panties so I got a glimpse of dark reddish pubic hair covering her pussy. I reacted to the provocative sight as only an 18-year-old can, my cock immediately began to swell. She paused; a small smile curved up the corners of...
The CheerleaderI needed to concentrate, my dismount was still the weakest part of my routine, from legs straight, full swing, over the top, change hands, down and gain speed, up and twist, both hands on the same side, flip and twist with a full roll and land, feet together, knees bent, arms forward for balance and stand, it was like a mantra to me, I had to get it right. It had to look easy and smooth, no wasted moves, efficient and, remember to smile.In the middle of the first swing it all...
It was the start of four day weekend for our highschool so my friend Jake invited me to spend the night over at his on Friday. Nothing unusual happened that night and we finally feel asleep at two o’clock after playing video games for hours. I never slept all that well at his house and this night was no exception. At around 7 a.m. I got tired of laying in the sleeping bag and went down stairs to eat some breakfast while Jake slept soundly like he always does. I was wearing a shirt and boxers as...
EroticNote : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestRachel came into my room late one afternoon and handed me a jewel box. "What is this?" I asked. "It's a present for you," she said as she walked out. "It's long, but try and watch it tonight if you can, and watch it alone." I shrugged, but finished what I was doing so that I could watch it. I sat down and popped it in my DVD player. There were no menus; the video just started. A gorgeous blonde appeared on the screen, and I recognized her. It was Brittany Douglas from my school....
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Curiosity captured the cheerleader Curiosity Captured the CheerleaderBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was sitting in her apartment, surfing the web and reading a book.? She wasn?t looking for much, just a friendly story site or picture trading club where she could sit and admire the strange new world of bondage she had discovered.? She had crafted herself a new screen name on yahoo which she thought was clever, sarahpony2005.? As she sat there surfing, a new PM popped up, from another...
Casey Brand was the most popular girl at Smithville High. She had made varsity cheer in the tenth grade. She excelled at everything she did. She worked hard on her grades and was part of the National Honor Society. She loved cheering but knew her grades were just as important. Casey loved boys. She was dating Todd, the captain of the football team. She was growing bored of him though. Todd was as old as Casey and Casey found him to be immature. He did stupid things that made Casey roll her...
I’d heard she’d turned to being a call girl, and I’d seen her around town wearing expensive furs and jewelry she could have never afforded on her own, but apparently she couldn’t even stay at that level.She had been head cheerleader, only dated the quarterback, and routinely fucked the entire team (so I’d heard), but she would never look at me other than with disdain and never made a sound in my direction except for one time. “If you ever speak to me again, I’ll have David (the quarterback)...
ReluctanceTHE QUARTERBACK AND THE CHEERLEADER BY PAUL G. JUTRAS "It's the 50, the 40, the 30, he's down!" The announcer said at the football game as Quarterback Brad Brat fumbled and lost the game for Ultra High. "You are such a loser." Missy said as she walked up in her gold and pink cheer leader outfit. "With my knowledge from my dad in the NFL, I could do a better job than you on the team." "Too bad girls aren't allowed on the team." Brad snickered. "I'd like to see you try it." "He...
To say I was shocked is a gross understatement! I was home early from work. My wife, Beth, was out of town on business. My daughter and step daughter should be in school, yet, I heard some muffled sounds. At first, I thought it may be someone in the house robbing us! Then I heard moans! I quietly sat my briefcase down and decided to investigate. I looked down at the lower level and saw no one, and thought, “It must be coming from the bedroom level." I crept up the stairs and followed the moans...
VoyeurHoliday CheerleaderbyBella_Seni©The end of the first quarter of Julie's freshman year at college couldn't come fast enough for her. The anxiety that existed in September had not faded much by the middle of December. She and a dozen or so of her former high school classmates who all attended the same college were anxious to get back home and into the more familiar surroundings of their friends and families.The small group had hung together during the fall quarter, urging each other on when...
Copyright© 2002 Kenny N Gamera Mr. Young, the van driver, stuck the shovel into the sand with finality and looked at the men standing around the lip of the shallow pit. Two stood to his left. One of the others stood to his right and front. He looked at each with a question in his eyes. It was the fourth man, the one behind him, who answered with a single gun shot. Mr. Young knocked over the shovel as he fell. The men walked over to the bound girls and woman. The men listened to the sobs...
As the crowd fell eerily silent, everything seemed to move in slow motion. The arc of the spinning sphere was so high, no one was sure it could possibly find the bottom of the net. As the big men boxed out and prepared to battle for the rebound, their effort was in vain, as the ball swished through the rim. The crowd in the packed arena went bonkers, high-fiving and screaming, "A-J! A-J! A-J!..." Celebrating with the other gorgeous cheerleaders, Roxy saw Michael Elkington, a handsome...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Demon Witch Cheerleaders my friend and I were at the wrong place at the wrong time when the cheerleaders come back then we were caught by them something was going to change me forever 1 . cheerleader snoop and changes "Come on man, this is heaven." My friend Jake tempts. "Dude if we get caught I heard the cheerleaders where ruthless." I reply. "But the risk Is worth it James!" he counters. I finally agree with him and we wait until school is over. When...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...
Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn Sites