Mrs. Smith {Part IX} free porn video

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Ponte was still asleep when I awoke the next morning. Slipping into my panties I headed downstairs. My clothes were strewn everywhere but I had gotten so used to him seeing me naked, I didn't bother getting dressed. Plus I enjoyed the effect my nakedness had on him.

He came down in pants but was shirtless as I was making us breakfast. He gave me a nice good morning kiss and sat down as I served our meal.

"You never opened your gifts he said"

As I opened each one I was thrilled with his choices and let him know. He replied that he hoped id model them for him tonight.

Just then my cell phone rang and it was work telling me they had a problem with a client in the city and they needed me to go there. They had even booked me a room in the same swanky hotel the client was staying at.

Not wanting to leave Ponte alone since I promised his mother I’d watch him, I said, "how'd you like to spend a couple of nights in the city with me?"

He seemed thrilled with the idea so I went home to pack. It was late when we checked in so I made an appointment to meet with the client in the morning and Ponte and I went down to have dinner in the hotel restaurant.

We were seated next to a couple and their daughter. I took them to be tourists from Sweden, all 3 were blonde and blue eyed. The father was handsome but his wife and daughter were breathtaking. Especially the teenage daughter. I even caught Ponte checking her out.

During dinner I kept seeing the girl looking at Ponte and every time he looked at her she gave him a smile which made him blush.

"Pretty girl" I said to him

"Yeah I guess" he replied.

"Go for it" I said

"What do you mean?"

"Make your move on her. With all I taught you, shell be putty in your hands."

"But I want to be with you"

"We'll have time for each other. But she's ripe for the picking. Do you want to go back to school a virgin?"

"No, but......"

As if on cue the girl got up and I heard her tell her parents she was tired and going back to the room. The father said he and her mother would be up later after they went out a bit. As the girl passed Ponte she gave him her biggest smile.

"No buts about it" I said, "follow her out and make your move."

He turned and I saw him look down at her perfect ass and he got up and followed her out. I was thrilled yet just a touch jealous, knowing once he was with a girl his own age with a perfect body, he'll see I'm not that special.


She was cute, Ms. Smith did have that right. Wanting nothing more than to make sure that I did not make her mad after I thought that it was OK to leave, did not want to seem to eager, I got up and headed in the same direction as the girl.

Who would have thought that a woman would have given me permission to live out my carnal desires with someone. Although, Ms. Smith was not a normal woman, she was the object of my desire and if this was going to make her happy, I was going to go for it.

I had a general idea of the direction that the girl headed and went out toward where she would be. To my surprise she was standing outside looking at all the tall buildings. She glanced over her shoulder and saw me coming out of the hotel and began walking away.

She must want me to follow her. I began walking behind her. Every so often she would stop and turn around looking to make sure that I was following. Once she spotted me she would walk slowly. This went on only long enough to make a circle around the block and back to the hotel.

She must have just wanted to make sure that I was serious and to make sure that her parents were gone from the hotel when she went back in. I glanced over and saw that Ms. Smith was still sitting in the hotel restaurant slowly working on her wine that we had ordered for dinner.

She headed right for the elevators turning and looking behind her and wiggling a finger at me to follow her. This time I picked up my pace and followed her into the elevator. It was awkward, but she made it all the more awkward by not even saying anything to me she reached out and pulled me in for a kiss as the elevator doors closed.

Reaching behind her she pressed a button on the switch board. I was not sure what floor we were going to, but the kissing lasted until the ding of the elevator announced our stop at the floor she pressed. I half thought that she was stalking us because the floor was the same as ours.

That was taken away right as she grabbed my hand and took me to a door. Sliding her key in door and opening it we both tumbled in kissing and pulling at clothes as we headed toward the bed.

Pulling her top over her head she pushed me against the wall and grabbed my now hard cock through my pants. Unzipping my pants she freed my cock and kneeled down taking my cock in her mouth. “FUCK” I moaned as she looked up at me with her deep blue eyes as she slide my cock out of her mouth.

I was about to cum but I did not want to make her think that I was not good at this. I mean we had not even exchanged names and here she was sucking on my cock in a hotel room.

She winked at me as she took my cock back into her mouth and as she slid down undid her bra letting her breasts free. Just seeing her breasts almost made me cum again and again I moaned “FUCK” as I slid deeper down her throat. Down one more time she slid taking my dick all the way. If she did this one more time, I was going to cum all down her throat. I did not want to do that right away.

I reached down and picked her up pulling her close to me for a kiss and to keep her hot mouth off my cock. As my tongue explored her mouth with one hand I unzipped her pants so I could get my hand down them. As I slowly pushed down I noticed that she was not wearing any panties and as I got closer to her pussy I could not feel any hair. She must have been cleanly shaved like the all the porn stars I used to watch (before Mackenzie).

I pushed her back and we fell on the bed. Sliding her pants down I gained access to the wet pussy I just felt. It looked a little different from Mackezie’s but everything was in the right places. As my tongue found her she let out a moan as I tasted her the way that Ms. Smith liked to be tasted. She did not react in the same way as Ms. Smith, but it was still a way that I knew what I was doing was right.

I replaced my tongue with two fingers pushing deep into her and she lifted her hips up off the bed trying to get them deeper into her. That is when she moaned in a broken English Accent “Fuck me.” I did not want to so I dove back into tasting her. Soon she was writing on the bed as my tongue, so well trained from tasting Ms. Smith, darted in and around her clit, lips and pussy. She wrapped her legs around my head and moaned out load as her pussy came all over my face.

At least, they had that one thing in common when they are going to cum and are coming they did not want your head to move from what it was doing.

I did not know what to do, but she was pulling me up on the bed trying to get me between her legs so I could slide my cock into her. I just went with what was going on but felt unsure of what to do next. Ms. Smith had not taught me this, and it was the one thing that I wanted more than anything from her.

She grasped hold of my dick and got it ready for her wet hole. “FUCK ME” she moaned again as she pushed her hips up towards my cock.

Right at that moment we heard a knock at the door. “Susan?” it was the voice of an older man. It must have been her father. She stopped and just looked at me, then pushed me off onto the floor. “Yes.” she replied looking for her pants and shirt.

“We’re going to a movie, would you like to come.” Came the voice again from the other side of the door.

“Nah, I’m just getting ready for my college admissions visit.” she said again in that sexy broken English. Not sexy enough to keep my dick hard but still sexy.

There was not another reply from the other side of the door. They must have considered it a done deal and walked away. She turned looking at me lying on the floor with a semi erect cock and red face.

You would have thought that coming that close to being caught would have stopped this but she was on a mission. She did not even get back on the bed but crawled over to me and took my cock back into her mouth. “You, Americans taste good.” She said as she took me deep into her mouth. Reaching down massaging my balls trying to get me hard again.

That was no task really, just watching her suck my cock brought it back to life. Not that it needed it because of her expert work with her hands and mouth. Finally hard again she looked up at me and winked that devilish wink again and straddled me. Guiding my cock into her wetness.

I almost came right as I slid in, but I was able to hold off. As she slid down onto me I could hear her moan. Once she was all the way down she began slowly grinding on me. Riding my cock spreading her juices on my cock and legs as her wetness leaked all over me.

Reaching up I took hold of one of her breasts and began pinching her nipples. She responded by leaning forward and offering one up to my mouth. Taking it in my mouth I sucked on her nipple. I was flicking my tongue across her nipple matching her hip movement.

She was picking up speed and was soon reaching between her legs and was playing with her clit. “FUCK!” she moaned as she came on my cock causing me to shoot my load deep inside her. Collapsing on me she just lay in bliss.

We stayed that way for a few moments when she must have realized what she did and finally introduced herself to me as my cock was growing soft inside of her. We lay on the floor naked chatting, you know doing the things we should have done before my cock went into her.

“I have to get back to my, er, friend” I finally said as I figured her parents were getting close to coming back from the movie. “Thank you, Susan”

“You’re welcome” she replied kissing me. She then grabbed my phone and put her number in it. “I’ll be in town for a few more weeks after my parents leave. I just got into College and need to become more acclimated to American culture” reaching between her legs grabbing my cock ‘and American dicks”. She said with a giggle at the end.

I gathered up my clothes and got dressed. Thankfully her parents were no where to be seen as I exited the room heading towards the room Mackenzie and I had. I half ran half sprinted toward the room because I had so much to tell her.


Ponte came in all smiles, telling me he wasn't a virgin anymore.

"I'm proud of you. Tell me all about it"

"Well, I think she was just planning on giving me a blow job, but when I went down on her, using what you taught me, she got so aroused she asked me to fuck her. In fact she got on top. And I made her cum.”

"Great job" I said, “it's late and I'm tired so why don't you go shower"

When he went into the bathroom I stripped down to my bra and panties and leaving them on, I crawled beneath the covers. He came out a while later wearing boxers and got in with me, snuggling up against me. As he reached around to place his hand on my breast, he was surprised to feel bra.

"Why's your bra on?"

"I just felt like leaving it on"

"C'mon, I like sleeping with my hand on you. Here, I'll take it off”

I swatted his hand away, telling him I wanted it on.

"But give me a reason."
I was silent for a moment but then I said, "because I don't want you comparing my tits to hers tonight”

"Are you serious?"
"Very" I said, though I couldn't understand why I felt like that.

"Are you jealous?" He asked

"Don't be stupid. I taught you all I did so that you'd be comfortable with girls your age."

But I wondered if perhaps I was jealous. But that would be silly. Just then I felt his hand slipping under my panties.

"What are you doing”

"I figured I’d get you off”

"I promise you I don't need that from you. Now go lay on your side of the bed or I'll make you sleep on the floor"

He moved over but still I was awake half the night, confused about my feelings for him.


Ponte came in all smiles, telling me he wasn't a virgin anymore.

"I'm proud of you. Tell me all about it"
"Well, I think she was just planning on giving me a blow job, but when I went down on her, using what you taught me, she got so aroused she asked me to fuck her. In fact she got on top. And I made her cum.”

"Great job" I said, " its late and I'm tired so why don't you go shower"

When he went into the bathroom I stripped down to my bra and panties and leaving them on, I crawled beneath the covers. Jim came out a while later wearing boxers and got in with me, snuggling up against me. As he reached around to place his hand on my breast, he was surprised to feel bra.

"Why's your bra on.?”

"I just felt like leaving it on”

"C'mon, I like sleeping with my hand on you. Here, I'll take it off"

I swatted his hand away, telling him I wanted it on.

"But give me a reason."
was silent for a moment but then I said, " because I don't want you comparing my tits to hers tonight"

"Are you serious?”

"Very" I said, though I couldn't understand why I felt like that.

"Are you jealous?" He asked

"Don't be stupid. I taught you all I did so that you'd be comfortable with girls your age.”

But I wondered if perhaps I was jealous. But that would be silly. Just then I felt his hand slipping under my panties.

"What are you doing”

"I figured I’d get you off”

"I promise you I don't need that from you. Now go lay on your side of the bed or I'll make you sleep on the floor”

He moved over but still I was awake half the night, confused about my feelings for him.


I’m not sure what was going on. Sometimes I think that she wants me, and then she acts like this. She told me to go get some and use all the lessons that she taught me, then she acts like a cold fish when I actually have some success. I’m so confused by what she is doing. Is this another lesson? I thought that our trip to the big city was going to be something different. Not sure how we got to this, but I’m pretty sure that this is not what I was expecting.

sleeping was difficult, but I was able to doze off. When I woke up she was gone. There was a note saying ‘I’ve gone to meet the client, entertain yourself’. I must have been sleeping hard because I should have felt her leave the bed. Not sure if I was actually expecting for her to take me to meet the client, but this short note felt like a second rejection. The sting was becoming more palatable and I started to think that maybe this was another lesson she was teaching me. Sure, you could fool around, but someone is going to get hurt, and in this case it was clearly me who was getting their feelings hurt.

I tooled around the hotel room for a little trying to come up with something to do. Then I remember Susan. She was supposed to be doing something for school, but I decided to see if she was done and had some time to kill. I hoped that she was not with her parents.

In short order she did reply to my text and was free. She had already done what she was supposed to do that day and yes, she would love to meet me for coffee in the hotel cafe.

I got dressed quickly and bolted down the stairs hoping to watch her hot body walk in. As I sipped on my first cup and she walked in my cock responded almost immediately. She was wearing a sexy black dress and some flats. Her body was young and perfect in its own way. Mackenzie’s was perfect as well, but I was beginning to understand that all female bodies were perfect in their own unique way.

We chatted for a little and then decided to take another tour of the town. As we were on the bus I could almost not pay attention to the tour guide because she kept rubbing my crotch getting me hard and then stopping. Every so often she would whisper in my ear how wet she was. Once I was limp again she would start to rub me again back to hardness.

The tour was long and when it was done we hurried back to the hotel knowing what was going to happen. Running to the elevator and making sure no one was there. I pushed the button for my floor and it started to rise. As soon as it began to move I pushed up against her and kissed her deep.

Our tongues were exploring each others mouths as our hands roamed and explored each others bodies. Her nipples were reacting to my hands on them and her hand was on my cock though my pants massaging it.


We were at the floor and tried to make ourselves presentable as we moved toward the room. Once the door was open we rushed in and did not waste time getting on the bed.

She hiked up her skirt and pulled her panties aside and mounted my face. She was dripping wet and that got my tongue going. Snaking out and tasting her. When it touched her lips she began to rub it on my face. “OH PONTIUS” she moaned as I continued to lick and suck on her clit.

Reaching behind her she freed my cock from my pants and quickly flipped over taking my cock into her mouth. I moaned into her pussy as she licked up my shaft and swirled around my head. When she took me into her mouth I almost blew my load right here in her mouth.

The only thing that stopped me was hearing the door open.

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Me and Mr Smith

I was waiting on a cold bench when I got a phone call from Jack. "Hey bud," he said into the phone, slurring his words. "I don't think I will be able to pick you up." "Your an asshole! How the fuck am I supposed to get home now?" "I don't know, take the bus.. Or call a cab, I think they have campus cars?" "Fine, what's the number?" I quickly scrambled to write the numbers down on a cocktail napkin before hanging up. A few seconds later, I called the cab company, and they...

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Me and Mr Smith Not true story

It was a warm spring night when I stepped out of the campus bar. I was tired, and a bit tipsy, and I was waiting to get picked up by my friend, Jack. I was 20 at the time, still unsure about my sexuality. My name is Will. I'm about 6'0 or 6'1, or was at the time... Anyways, back to the story.I was waiting on a cold bench when I got a phone call from Jack."Hey bud," he said into the phone, slurring his words. "I don't think I will be able to pick you up.""Your an asshole! How the fuck am I...

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JoAnna Smith Seaman Apprentice

JOANNA SMITH – SEAMAN APPRENTICE By Sailor 861 JoAnna Smith, 34, looked out her living room window with "harley anddavie," her very chatty parakeets, at the sheets of rain pelting downon a grey, muggy mid-September Sunday morning in downtown Philadelphia andglumly summed up the year in five words: fate, discovery, incident, interlude,introspection. Her shoulders, breasts and sex still ached from a B and D session gone terriblywrong a month ago. But she was slowly recuperating, her mind...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 09 Mrs Smith

One day the man dined on the step, his wife standing by his side; down I went to peep up her clothes and heard him rowing. “Why the hell had she not got him beef instead of mutton; God damn her, why were there no potatoes!” That was his style. Angry words passed, the voices grew louder, I heard a loud smack and a strong oath, he had hit his wife and gone back into the work-shop. There was a great gabbling of female voices over the grating round Mrs. Smith. “I would not stand it,” said one....

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The SmithChapter 16 Vacation

“Master?” asked an uneasy teen. “Yes?” “Rachel. I’m not sure I understand why she was included in my torment.” “It seems Rachel is similar to you in some aspects of behavior. Her grandmother wanted to send a message that got out of hand with Moria’s inclusion. “Rachel was really worried about her job.” “You can tell her that she has nothing to worry about. Moria never mixes business with pleasure. She will treat her as she always had. But will take note if something unexpected happens...

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Mr Smith Part 1

John opened the door to the laundry room. To his surprise, a woman was standing topless as she leaned over the top of the washing machine dabbing at red wine that spilled on her blouse. When she twisted her neck around and John saw her face he instinctively raised a hand to cover his eyes. “Sarah!” he exclaimed, “I didn’t realize it was you.”Sarah was his daughter’s c***dhood friend, although John hadn’t seen her for a few years. Her and Erica had drifted once they started high school, but they...

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The SmithChapter 4 Eagle

“Starting today and continuing for the next month, this is your list of daily duties. You may ask for my advice at any time.” Thirty minutes of swimming twice a day, once before breakfast and once in the afternoon or evening. Attend breakfast at 8:00. Clean up after all meals. Complete assigned homework Prepare lunch and dinner. Lunch needs to be served between 12:05 pm and 12:30 pm and dinner between 18:00 pm and 18:30 pm. Write up a paper on each station in the workshop. You have...

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The SmithChapter 15 Choosing the Bumpy Road

Cat tried to hole up but I didn’t let her. On the fourteenth of November, we dressed up with her in the beloved red gown to go to the opera in Central City. The Marriage of Figaro was a very lively production. Mozart was, is, and always will be a genius. Regardless of what that idiot with a fifteen-minute attention span thought. Cat was beautiful and enthralled, which spread out among the others in the fifth through the tenth rows as she bounced and clapped, outright enjoying scene after...

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The SmithChapter 30 XL Project

“Ha, I bet you never thought I could do it this fast did you?” GB8 was floating... “Air cushioned. Is its skirt made from a shower curtain?” “Yup, works pretty well. I just have to keep it around nineteen centimeters.” “How is the energy consumption?” “Better than I thought it would be. The louvered fans aren’t exactly fast, but works okay.” She was still grinning over her prank, but a tinge of disappointment shadowed my student’s eyes. Rachel didn’t come this weekend with the excuse of...

2 years ago
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Mrs Smith Part VII

Mackenzie:Damn that k** and his eternal hard on. He would probably wear me out. I then realized that I was getting carried away with his infatuation with me. I let being flattered get the best of me. What was I thinking teasing him like this? I had to end all this fooling around.The next morning I got dressed for work. As I put the coffee on and the phone rang. It was my on again / off again boyfriend letting me know he was in town for one night and wanted to see me. Though it made me feel...

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Mrs Smith Part V

Mackenzie:I almost laughed when you " ordered" me to blow you. Truth was, I was going to offer to do just that as payment for getting me out of my jam. While a boys first time at intercourse should be with a girl his age, perhaps with someone he's in love with, his first blowjob should be with someone who knows what they're doing.But I let you think you were blackmailing me, knowing it would make it even more erotic for you.When you came, I couldn't believe how much cum there was. I had trouble...

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Mrs Smith Part I

Mackenzie:Out in my backyard, hanging my laundry, I didn't have to turn around and look to know that Sally’s 18 year old son, Ponti, was watching me from his upstairs bedroom window. He always seemed to sense I was out here, rushing to his window peeking out from behind his curtain thinking he was concealed from view.I purposely dropped some clothes pins, bending over to retrieve them, giving him a perfect view of my ass pressing against my too tight jeans.I knew it was wrong to tease him, but...

1 year ago
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The Trials of Smith and Jones

The following is a pure work of fiction presented by the author for the enjoyment of readers who are interested in a genre based on TG/SciFi. I need to acknowledge the generous and talented editorial contribution of one of my oldest friends, Lisa Funke, for whom I have the highest respect and love. She's probably has the best eye for spelling and punctuation of anyone I've ever known. Preface: A long time ago I read a sci-fi short story based on this theme and found it to be a...

3 years ago
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Ms Smith we all know at least one A Tease N A H

Earlier today while I was doing my rounds, cleaning and clearing up parts of the hotels in the common areas. As well as checking up on a few VIP guests that checked into our hotel, I notice Smith walking seminude around the east lobby near the steam room and sauna. Sadly, nudity is not allowed in the common saunas is for hygiene purpose of courses. Ms. Smith is a very tall sexy beautiful gorgeous blond hair up to her shoulder, slightly just past her shoulders. Shes very slender but has perfect...

2 years ago
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Mary Smith Hanged for murder 31st October 1873

MARY SMITH. HANGED FOR MURDER. 31st. OCTOBER 1873 "I don't like this"! "Oh yeah," he sighed impatiently, "What's wrong with it." "It's dark," she continued to complain. "Of course it's fucking dark; it's ten thirty at night at the end of October," he replied irritably, "What do expect...blazing fucking sunshine!" "Please don't swear at me Andy," she scolded him, "I can't help it." "Can't help what," he demanded angrily. "I'm scared!" "Scared," he questioned, "Scared?" "Yes," she answered...

1 year ago
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The SmithChapter 11 Baffled

Catherine woke with me freshly showered and mostly dressed, buttoning the remaining button. I hadn’t planned on a jacket today since we were leaving for home in a few hours. What she hadn’t realized was where she was or what direction she was curled up in. “What time is it?” inquired the over tired, teen. “Eight, local. Do you want breakfast in the room after your swim or in the restaurant?” “Can we eat here? I haven’t done any studying in the last couple days.” “That was the point and...

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Day 2 at the Smiths Part 1

I woke up early the next day I cant explain it I was excited and freaked out about what happened the day before. I got into work to get ready for the day I was hoping to get my work done there before Mr. Smith got home from work. My boss asked me "What's going on at he Smith house Billy he was pissed off and said you are doing a shitty job you have always been a good worker" I was trying to find an answer for my boss then he spoke again " I offered to send a few guys out to fix your fuck up but...

4 years ago
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Me and Mr Smith 2

It was a Wednesday, and I had a free afternoon, so I decided to drop by one of Mike's lectures. I took a seat in the back row, so he would not know I was there. He was rambling on about some author from the 1930s. It wasn't as if I was paying attention to what he was saying, I just always thought he was so sexy when he was teaching. He was in mid-sentence when he finally spotted me, eyeing his chest subtly. He stalled for a moment and then continued on. At the end of the lecture, he...

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The SmithChapter 10 Vegas

On the first of July, I had just sat down to eat my breakfast. Cat was running a little late, when I heard, “Master get your ancient ass up here!” from the top of the stairs. My irate student stood at the top of the stairs in what looked like a long sleeved, tight fitting shiny black dress that went past her knees. Her stockinged feet together while she glared daggers at me. My Pet was definitely improving in that area. “Need help?” I asked solicitously. “This is worse than the corsets. It...

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The SmithChapter 17 Rachel

We arrived home on the fifth of January. Reverse jet lag would be tough for a few days. The housekeepers, or as I should properly call them, the VAS, Veterans Assistance Service representatives, left me a note and us a full fridge. On the sixth, I received an official request from the Pentagon for a visit from a Colonel Maya Vega of the DSI; Department of Strategic Intelligence on the eighth at ten AM. I agreed. The DSI officer’s arrival distracted an already distracted Cat who was busy...

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The SmithChapter 35 Public works

“That looks like a cement mixer.” Clarissa commented at our makeshift contraption meant to hold and rotate the Junction. “In this case, it’s easier to rotate the spherical shell than make a machine that can wind the coils.” “I’ll pretend that I understood what you said.” “Think of it as a ball of yarn, we need to make sure that the whole thing is covered evenly, but on the inside. Turning the ‘Stick’ is easier in this case than hand winding the thread.” “That big red machine with the nose...

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Day 2 at the Smiths Part 2

As I walked into the bathroom I looked into the mirror it was almost as if I was looking at a stranger. My dick was rock hard and dripping pre cum and I had a bit of Daddy's cum stuck to my chin. I was standing there and I heard Mr. Smith digging around in the closet he then put down a towel "Straddle the towel boy" he ordered  I did it right away standing there I realized why he wanted me like this it gave him clear access to my private area. I was looking in the mirror my god I was like his...

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The SmithChapter 36 Borisrsquos New Home

Friday afternoon, I found Cat and Boris out by the range arguing, as much as he was able to argue with his ‘Mother’. “I should accompany you, Mother.” “You are too big. It’s not like we can take you with us in the Car.” “Then make me a new body. Or make a new car.” “You say that too easily.” Sigh. “Give me time. I need to find a way to make a new power pack for you.” “Acknowledged, Mother.” “I’m giving you full access to the internet. I want you to watch some TV shows, news and a sample...

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The Life of John Smith Chapter 10

Carol and I did not immediately get back together. She persuaded our biology teacher to reassign us so we did not have to work together. She was assigned to work with Jeff, a jock. He was probably the sharpest jock on the team. My new partner was Andrea, a nerdy, boyish looking girl who was almost a straight A student and had recently transferred in from another school. So, neither of our grades suffered especially since I was no longer distracted by Carol. I had to answer for skipping...

3 years ago
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The Education of Molly Smith

Molly Smith was excited! She was about to start her freshman year of college, and she couldn't wait to get started! Ever since she was a junior in high school, she had been filling out applications, taking the SATs and visiting campuses. When her preferred school sent her an acceptance letter, she was delighted.Molly loved school and learning interesting new things. She began pouring over the college catalog which outlined degree requirements and described the course content of classes in...

College Sex
2 years ago
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The Education of Molly Smith

Molly Smith was excited! She was about to start her freshman year of college, and she couldn't wait to get started! Ever since she was a junior in high school, she had been filling out applications, taking the SATs and visiting campuses. When her preferred school sent her an acceptance letter, she was delighted.Molly loved school and learning interesting new things. She began pouring over the college catalog which outlined degree requirements and described the course content of classes in...

College Sex
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The SmithChapter 7 Graduation

Three minutes after adjourning to bed for the night, a petite brunette came stomping down the stairs and into my library again. Stomping on old hardwood floors was pretty futile. The thick Persian rug that covered the seating area, in this section of the library, even more so. Frustration and anger, mostly the first, warred within her as she demanded, “I think I broke the clasp. Can you undo it please or just cut the damn thing off?” Following her directions, I had her turn around. The...

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The SmithChapter 12 Exposure

“Freeze.” I called out when Cat went to run by in a tiny pair of lace shorts. I had almost finished a late breakfast and had let her sleep in. We didn’t get to bed until after 3:30. “Shower first and get that paint off.” Ten minutes later she dove into the pool for her morning thirty-minute swim. “Safety versus other’s image?” I asked once the door was reopened to allow my student to enter in her customary morning towel and what underwear she wore the night before. “Safety.” She knew the...

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The SmithChapter 19 Devices

May 5th, at 5:52:05 am, a hundred-meter beige sphere with the black Lady Strife personal insignia rose from the Sonoran Desert, accelerating as it passed through first the lower, then upper atmosphere steadily accelerating while keeping its course as it left Earth’s orbit heading into deep space. ‘Proper Notification’ had been delivered to NASA, FAA and ATC, making sure that no flights were affected by its takeoff. Meanwhile a thousand miles to the east, at the same time the SEC and IRS...

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The SmithChapter 27 Device progression

Christmas this year we stayed at home visiting Cat’s two families, one adoptive and one biological. Moria was in the Alps skiing for two weeks. She needed the vacation after spending two hours on the phone being badgered by my current student who tenaciously refused to drop a certain subject until my former student agreed. After spending the rest of December ‘fixing’ the Extruder from its ‘God Awful’ performance, Cat made her first coil. Frankly, the projections worried me. EPI was closed...

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The SmithChapter 40 Time

January 9th, 2024. We expected an unscheduled visitor with little notification in an hour. “Do you think she will say anything I want to hear?” “They might not be here for that. Wait and see.” “My whole morning is shot now.” “I like that outfit on you.” Faded, skin tight jeans with worn areas, not quite see through, randomly placed in the denim, accompanied a thicker off-white logoed sweatshirt with the neck opening larger than the waist. “It’s been forever since I wore jeans. These are...

1 year ago
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The SmithChapter 41 Graduation

February 24th, 2024. Darrin ended up spending every day that week including Saturday tutoring Catherine in world economics and how her actions, if she went too far, would alter its course. Cat’s reply was a brief hug and a promise to be careful. We would have to trust her. “You could always tie her up again, she seems to like that.” Clarissa standing at my side, suggested. “I’d have to untie her eventually.” “I heard that. Master, I need a new necklace. One similar to Lissa’s but nothing...

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