Throat Of The Tiger Part 1 free porn video

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Hannah, what have you gotten yourself into?

This was the only thing I could think on the way to Michael’s apartment. The last few days flashed through my mind in a total blur, a tornado of excitement and lust and fear and awe and so many other things all colliding. All my romance novels have this cliché: “It’s so wrong, but it feels so right!” That’s just where I was now, about to turn my back on my loving parents, my boyfriend, my faith… all to prove myself in the lewdest way possible. What had happened to me?

Michael happened.

It started with the worst idea Brett had ever come up with. Brett’s my boyfriend; he’s a nice guy, cute, and from a good LDS family, which makes him Heavenly Father’s gift in my parents’ eyes. They always worried that their little tomboy daughter was never going to meet anyone, and for a time, I agreed with them. Then puberty came along and stuck me with a pair of big ol’ G-cup breasts and suddenly I could never seem to shake the gaze of one man after another.

Brett was the first who’d been able to look at my eyes instead of my chest for extended periods of time, so he was the first I felt comfortable dating. I know, I know, low bar, right? But after years of getting nothing but ogles and no sense of genuine interest in who I was as a person, it was pretty easy to fall for the guy with the boyish smile.

But back to his idea. I was a couple of years into college and had unfortunately put on some of that ‘freshman forty’ weight you always hear about. I hadn’t gained that much thank goodness, but I was still seeing some more pudge than I wanted to. Add to that the fact that I noticed some of the guys who stared at my chest lingering a lot longer than they used to and I started to get worried about my safety on and off campus.

“You should study a martial art!” Brett told me when I explained my worries. It’s no surprise really, Brett grew up on Jackie Chan movies and Japanese animation; he had a vast collection of comic books with names like “Punch to Kill!” and “Dragons of the Hidden Temple”. So it was no surprise that he thought the answer to my troubles lay in the sacred arts of ritualized bare-fisted murder.

Still, I did my best to be an obedient girlfriend, and I could see the appeal of getting a bit more creative with my exercise routine, so I started looking up classes in the area. The closest and most intriguing was one that taught something called “Kajukenbo”. I ran it by Brett and he got all excited, said it was related to the art that Ranma Saotome did.

The dojo was a converted dance studio that still had mirrors on all the walls. As I waited in the little sitting area and watched the advanced class wrap up, I marveled at the speed and power of the students, wondering if a klutzy, dorky, Mormon girl was really going to be able to keep up. But then again, I reminded myself, this was the advanced class, they wouldn’t expect me to do flips and break boards on my first day. At least I hoped not.

I was surprised by the instructor of the class, a handsome, fit man in his early fifties with a devilish goatee and a pleasant smile he used while shaking my hand. What shocked me about him was that he did not do the obligatory glance or stare at my chest when he first laid eyes on me; it’s not that I would have been mad if he did, I was used to it by now, but it was so rare to meet men who didn’t care. I’ve even caught gay guys doing it when they meet me. They say the martial arts cultivate discipline; maybe this was proof of that.

I had deliberately dressed ready for a workout and certainly caught every other man in the beginner’s class (I was the only woman this time) getting a good eyeful of my hooters in the purple lycra tank-top that was restraining them and the curve of my butt in black yoga pants. One guy in particular stared a little longer than the rest, a tall, built handsome guy with very short black hair. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t stared back a little, but I stopped the moment I realized I was doing it.

The class wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. We started with some basic calisthenics no harder than what I’d do in a typical Zumba lesson, and then it was on to some basic punches and kicks. The teacher (Sensai he asked to be called) came around and checked out our form and balance, putting our hands or legs into different positions as he saw fit. Again I admired his restraint; he didn’t treat me any differently than anyone else in the class, being respectful of my body and not being judgy about my stance. He even complimented me for making a good natural fist; apparently a lot of people start with their thumbs on the inside or other messed up stuff.

Then for the last portion of class, we moved on to some grappling. He demonstrated a few different arm-bars and wrist-locks, then broke us off into pairs to practice them. My heart fluttered a little when he linked me up with the handsome guy from before.

Michael, oh, Michael.

Michael was distracting even before I knew the most distracting thing about him. First of all, the guy is just CUT. Brett is a nice guy and cute enough, but he’s always had a bit of a paunch from a pretty serious Twinkie-addiction. It doesn’t bother me, but taking in Michael’s gorgeously full biceps, broad muscular shoulders and an occasional flash of abdominal definition made me feel just a bit gooey inside. Was I shallower than I thought? Did these things matter that much?

I did my best to put those thoughts aside as we practiced the maneuvers we were asked to work on, loving the feel of his strong body curled around mine when he was in the role of the aggressor, and mesmerized by his lithe movements and he was the one putting the locks on me. He was precise in his movements, and just so fast, it was really something.

The biggest shock of all happened when we moved to a wrist-lock that finished with the aggressor lying on the ground, one arm up between the defender’s legs so that the lock could be applied in total safety. I started, hoping he couldn’t feel the wetness that was growing between my legs (although in hindsight he might have simply thought it was sweat) as I pinned him there. But then when it was his turn my heart stopped in my throat; with my arm pinned up between his legs, I felt something that seemed impossible up between his lower thigh, barely above the knee.

What I felt pressed against my arm was pliant, with some firmness to it, somewhat malleable beneath the pressure of my skin, and strangely warm. Since there was no way it could be what I thought I felt, I chalked it up to him having something in his pocket I couldn’t quite figure out, and that he must have some pretty deep pockets.

Things got more awkward with the final move we practiced. Sensai joked that it was a good way to get acquainted with people that you didn’t know, which could not have been more true as it was a “triangle choke” which involved locking your legs around the neck of an opponent while on your back, pulling them up quite intimately against your crotch. I was pretty embarrassed locking Michael’s face right next to my sex, but he was kind and classy about it which helped some. Even worse was when it was my turn to play the attacker and I was again confronted with the odd object he seemed to be slinging in his pants, which really bunched up at his crotch.

If I didn’t know any better I’d swear it was on purpose the way he really mooshed my face against it, and I felt a couple more objects, roundish and rolling as I struggled against them to make sure his hold was tight. It was then that I began to suspect something impossible, but I buried those suspicions as deep as I could throughout the remainder of the maneuver, reminding myself that good girls did not think such things.

That got me through the rest of training without having to ask any embarrassing questions, at least.

At the end of class, we bowed out and shouted “OHSS!” (which I thought was kind of neat) and I got ready to head home. Michael came over to speak to me as I was buttoning up my coat.

“Hey, it was nice working with you tonight, Hannah.”

I blushed and spoke with the modesty I’d been raised to always use, “Oh thank you, but I know I’m not very good. You seem like you’ve done this before, are you sure you should be in the beginner class?”

He grinned, putting a hand behind his head, “Oh well, this is only my second class doing Kajukenbo, but it’s not my first martial art so I’m sure I might move up a little faster than some people. I was in the army so we did some of this stuff. If you ever want some pointers I’d be happy to work with you outside of class.”

“I don’t think I could, I’ve got a boyfriend and he might think the wrong thing.”

He shrugged, “Hey I get that, no worries, but I really did just mean to train if you could ever get your guy to understand that.”

It was then that I noticed something which made color shoot right up to the tips of my ears. The pants Michael was wearing literally didn’t have pockets at all. There was no question that thing I’d felt had been… had been a big, long, floppy, fat PENIS. My mouth felt dry and I suddenly had no control over it as I heard it say,

“I bet I can, actually. You wanna get together to spar or something tomorrow night?”

“It’s a not-date,” Michael said, before pulling out his phone to exchange numbers and give me his address.

I was in trouble.

Back at home, Brett was getting dinner on the table for us; he’s not a great chef or anything, but when it comes to guy-dishes like spaghetti or chili he tends to turn in pretty solid results.

“How was class?” he asked, maybe a bit too eagerly. I think something about the idea of butt-kicking kung-fu girls really turns him on.

“Oh, fine. But I’m going to need a lot of practice. I was thinking I might do a little extra-curricular training tomorrow if you don’t have plans for me.”

He sat with me as we dug into the meal, “Fine by me, I think the better you get at it, the more confident you’re going to feel.”

That had been easier than I thought. I decided then and there that I was going to fuck Brett that night. Not only had he cooked dinner and shown himself to be the un-jealous kind of guy I could love, but I thought maybe if I could get some satisfaction now it would make things easier on me being around Michael the next day.

It was a huge mistake.

For one thing, I couldn’t stop thinking of Michael’s huge penis! Whether it was when I was giving Brett a little mouth action (and thinking of how overwhelming it would be if he were huge) or that little sensation of when he first penetrated me and how I couldn’t even fathom what Michael would feel like at first, my mind just kept playing the touch I’d gotten, the dance and sway of the thing in his pants. My brain was more full of cock than a gay henhouse.

As for the “satisfying” part? Forget it! I’d managed to trick myself into thinking I was getting off when we’d done it in the past, but now I was so distracted I couldn’t even pretend. Brett wasn’t big, he might have even been on the small side of average, and suddenly my vag was aware of everything it had been missing. There was no way I’d be climaxing with Brett any time soon.

All this was on my mind when I put my workout clothes under a big coat and walked the six blocks or so to where Michael lived. His place was very spacious, and while I wasn’t sure what he was doing for a living, it seemed like he was definitely doing all right for himself. He’d moved furniture and even laid down mats, giving us an ideal space to use our bodies to their fullest extent.

For training, Hannah! For training!

I was pretty proud of myself; for the whole of our training time, I only spent—at most—half of it looking at the well-stuffed contents of his shorts. He clearly had on tight underwear or a jock-strap or something today because his bits weren’t swinging and swaying around the same way this time, but the bulge they were making was jaw-dropping. If Brett wore the same clothes and stuffed a couple of rolled-up socks in with it I don’t think he’d have made the same impression in the fabric.

Of course when we trained it was very distracting; I frequently found myself losing my balance or stumbling and made things worse by laughing about it until I’d snort. I hate being such a dork… but if Michael cared, he didn’t show it, his eyes often locked to my chest as it bounced this way and that. There’s no sports bra on earth truly strong enough to take on my girls! But in spite of all ogling we were both doing, we managed to behave ourselves very well. We gave and got and I even started to feel a little of that inner warrior-woman that Brett is always talking about, enjoying the sensation of controlling a little bit of what was happening as we sparred.

Finally, after a couple of hours, I had to call it quits, embarrassed by how much I was sweating and panting, but happy to see that for all his physique he was definitely feeling some of that himself, his face red, his breath quick. He gave me a high-five that was so powerful it both stung the palm of my hand and made my boobs go a little crazy with the jiggling. I blushed and he stared for just a few seconds before making himself look away.

“Good work today! I’m gonna grab a shower right quick. After that, you want a ride home?”

On the one hand, the rain that had started up outside was strong enough it would probably eliminate the need for a shower myself, but on the other, I just sorta wanted to spend more time with Michael. I looked around his modest decorations and well-filled bookshelves as I heard the water running in the bathroom, but my wanderings took me past the door which he’d left open a crack.

Hannah no, you’re not going to—are you?

I was already chiding myself for it, but it was like I moved without control, pushing that door just a tiny bit wider and peering inside, jaw dropping at what I saw. It wasn’t the water flowing over those glorious muscles, nor the simple grace with which he moved that captivated me, no, it was what was between his legs.

That COCK! It was dead limp, clear from the way it swung around, yet easily almost twice the size of Brett’s member when Brett was hard. I was mesmerized, I stared, and stared, and stared, just utterly spellbound. It wasn’t until he turned the water off that I quickly scampered back to the foyer, trying to look innocent in spite of a face that I could feel was completely scarlet.

He came out a few moments later in jeans and a tee-shirt, his bulge visible to me at all times now, the only thing I could really think about.

“Hannah? Are you okay? Did I hear you running a second ago?”

I stammered a moment, “Yeah, just a little cool-down jogging,” I lied.

He smirked at my answer; did he know the truth?

“Well, let’s get you home,” he said, grabbing his car keys and leading me out to his sporty little mustang. We drove along, my eyes forever flicking to the second gear-shift in this car, the one in his pants, but every time he looked my way I did my best to aim my head out the window. What was coming over me? Why did I keep fixating on this man’s admittedly gigantic penis?

I was so distracted, I didn’t notice when the cat darted out into the street, but Michael’s reflexes were so good he had no trouble slamming on the brakes. At the same time, his hand flew across the car to steady me, his burly arm crushed up against my big pillowy boobs. Now it was Michael’s turn to blush.

“That wasn’t me making a move, I swear!” he said.

“I know, I saw the cat too, Mike,” I said, enjoying being in the unashamed position for a change. But then I couldn’t stop my big mouth when it added, “But I might not have minded if you were.”

His eyebrows shot up and there was a fraction of a grin there that he fought under control. “Oh yeah? I thought you said you had a boyfriend.”

“Oh, I do,” I said, still not sure where my mouth was taking me, “But he’s not…” I realized what I was about to say and trailed off. There were no words to put there.

“Not what?” Michael asked as he arrived in front of our apartment, stopping the car.

“He’snothunglikeafuckinghorsethewayyouare!” I blurted out at top speed, feeling my face turn to fire as I undid the seatbelt, fidgeted awkwardly with the lock and then finally managed to free myself from the car without even saying goodbye.

Even after I stepped inside the apartment I could still hear Michael laughing his damned ass off.

Jerk. Hung, well-endowed, donkey-dicked jerk.

Well, that cat was out of the bag. This was getting carried away, and I resolved as I lay awake in bed that night that I wouldn’t go for any more private sessions with Michael; this was leading me somewhere bad.

Luckily, Michael made that an easy promise to keep for the rest of the week, not once calling or texting me to get together again. But he was there at the next class, and while we were never paired up as we had been before, we couldn’t keep our eyes off of each other the whole time. As we were wrapping up for the day, Sensai stopped before me and told me that I had shown the most impressive improvement he’d seen between a first and second lesson.

“Uh, thanks,” I said, hoping this wasn’t going where I thought.

“How did you approach your training between classes?” he asked.

“I… I practiced with Michael, actually,” I muttered, hoping somehow he wouldn’t hear me.

“Well, it’s definitely working! I insist that you train with him as often as you can between classes.”

He clapped a friendly hand to my arm and smiled before he made his way to speak with other students. Michael wasn’t far and had clearly overheard, smiling that smug little grin of his as he looked my way and arched a single eyebrow.

“Eight ‘O’cock tomorrow,” I groaned in defeat.

Michael burst out laughing, though I wasn’t sure why until he’d caught his breath enough to ask, “What did you say?”

“CLOCK! CLOCK! I SAID CLOCK GODDAMNIT!” I had shouted so loud that the whole of the class’s after-chatter died down into silence, every eye on me.

I fled just as I had the car before, face feeling as hot as a magma ghost pepper.

Why, Hannah? Why are you bringing these?

I asked myself the question as I tucked the strip of three condoms into my sports bra. I’d lifted them from Brett’s wallet. What was I doing? We weren’t going to do it, I was just going there for training at Sensai’s command, why would I need prophylactics? I didn’t wait for an answer from myself as I set out and made my way for Michael’s loft.

As we got through initial warm-ups and exercises, there was no denying that the tension was growing simply unbearable. My nipples were so stiff as I ogled his sculpted body and mind-bending bulge, and he was clearly different kinds of tumescent all through the push-ups and sit-ups and striking drills. We were both panting heavily by the time we got through the last set of punches, and it wasn’t from the effort we were putting in, you could have bottled the pheremonal lust drifting in the air at that point.

“How would you feel about making things interesting tonight?” he finally asked, his smile both smug and mischievous in a way that made me want to put those lips on my lips.

“Interesting how?” I asked.

“When we spar, if I can get the most hits I want to see you topless.” He just blurted out.

I glared, “Even if I were interested, and I’m not saying I am, that’s not fair. You’re bigger and stronger and more experienced than me; there’s no way I’ll win.”

He nodded, “Okay, how about if I can beat a spread of four-to-one? If I tag four hits for every one of yours you lose the bra for a bit before you leave.”

“Still sounds pretty one-sided. If I win I just DON’T show you the goods? What’s the point?” Why was I negotiating? All I should have said was that I was spoken for and wouldn’t be indulging in any of these games with him.

“Okay,” he said, “what do you want if you win?”

Once again, my mouth ran away without my brain’s permission and I blurted back, “I’ve brought some condoms. I want to put one on you.”

He blinked, “Well I didn’t think you’d actually wanna have s—”

“I DON’T!” I said too fast and too loud, because of course I did, “I…I just wanna see what you’d look like in one.”

He laughed then, a booming long one, “Oh okay, your concern for my dick’s fashion game is touching!”

I flushed, but put my hands up in our traditional fighting stands. “Just bring it!” I shouted, leaping right at him with a well-practiced combo aimed for his midsection.

I was amazed at how well I did. It didn’t hurt that he’d given me such a good motivation, but even then I was particularly on my game that night, reacting to things with blocks and dodges I’d have never been able to anticipate a few weeks ago, and in truth, I was cheating a little.

How? I knew he was obsessing about my big boobs, and I used and exploited that obsession at every chance I gut. Brushing them against him in the close grapples so he could really feel the hardness of those nipples, bouncing and jiggling them more than they would have naturally whenever we were squaring up for the next exchange, giving him all the show I could. From there it was easy to follow his eyes and land those hits; I know, I know, I can’t discount the possibility that he was losing on purpose, but if it was, he was putting on a very good show of really trying in spite of these massive weapons of distraction.

In the end, I triumphed, landing a combination that even startled myself, my fists and palms machine-gunning against his torso, putting me several points ahead of him as his phone alarm sounded, signifying an end to the sparring. He staggered back, rubbing his tenderized middle a little bit with an appreciative whistle.

“Not gonna lie, I was letting you get an early lead, but the plan was to catch up.” He pouted, adding, “I really wanted to see those.”

I stuck my tongue out, “Not today! When do I get my prize?”

He shrugged, and without ceremony abruptly undid his pants-lace and flopped his monstrous cock right out. I drew in a breath at the sight of it; yes I’d felt it through clothes, seen it in the shower and generally obsessed about it for days on end, but there’s something different about being allowed an uninterrupted, undistracted glance at such a piece.

“Holy moly,” I said.

“What?” He shrugged.

“You’re uh… you’re really, um… gifted.”

He took a step closer, “Yeah? I thought all penises were about the same.” The way he said it was almost a challenge, like he knew that this was the sort of lie I’d been telling myself my whole life.

I swallowed hard, “Apparently not. So uh… shall I put the condom on or do you want to?” I fished the Trojan from my bra.

He laughed, “I’ll have to be hard first for that to work.”

Right! I felt like such a dork! On the other hand, I couldn’t blame myself too much, normally penises weren’t this big when they weren’t hard, and it was like an optical illusion or something. A cocktical illusion? No! Shut up! Dork!

“Well, I mean… you know I’ve got a boyfriend. I’m not gonna… do stuff to it.” I mumbled awkwardly.

“That’s fine, I can just take you home.” He said, casually starting to stuff it back into his pants.

All too hasty I fumbled forward, “No! NO! I won fair and square!”

He was clearly fighting the urge to laugh, “Alright, so how is this gonna work?”

“I’llshowemtoyou.” I speed-mumbled at him.

“What?” he said, genuinely not understanding what I’d just said.

Abruptly I peeled the tank-top and bra up, letting my enormous pair bounce down and free; damned things have always been saggier than I might have liked, but if that bothered him he gave no sign, his pupils dilating like he wanted to somehow take more tit into his eyeholes.

“Holy moly is right!” he finally said, ogling me like a pound of ground round. His dick had taken notice too, it visibly plumped up, lengthened, and began to rise a little, slowly arching upwards despite the droop of its sheer weight.

“You have to admit, boyfriend or no, we’re a good match.” He said, giving his organ a lewd little tug, his massive balls swaying a little beneath.

“Heavenly father,” I gasped, mortified that I was using God’s name in vain at such a sinful moment. Suddenly, Michael got a great deal taller. I wasn’t sure why for a few moments until I realized that I’d sunk involuntarily to my knees, like submission to this organ was just some primal instinct I couldn’t fight.

“So you wanted to put a rubber on me?” He asked, stepping closer. I tilted my head, almost worried that the damned thing would smack me if I wasn’t careful.

I nodded, and trembling, took the set from my bra, carefully unfoiling the condom and pressing the end to his head. I paused a long moment, savoring it for some reason.

“Do you need me to help?” He finally asked, perhaps getting a bit impatient. I shook my head ‘no’ and began to roll it down, only it was really hard. His sheer girth, especially the fat flare of his head was almost impossible to work around; before I could get it down I actually had to insert fingers into the rim of the condom and grunt as I exerted real force to stretch it wide enough. Then I unrolled and unrolled, amazed to find that I ran out of condom long before I ran out of cock. The damned dick was so big that the condom barely covered over half of it.

“Wow,” I finally said, just marveling at it.

“What?” he asked, that smug grin in full effect now.

“These are just a little too long for my boyfriend; I usually keep a little extra at the tip so it will meet the base and can be unrolled all the way. What size do you usually wear?”

He chuckled, “They don’t actually make them in my size. A proper XXL gets a little further and doesn’t pinch me so tight, but if they make condoms big enough to reach my base, I’ve never found them. Mostly I just don’t usually wear them.”

“I’d never let my boyfriend bareback me,” I said. That was something I’d planned on saving for marriage, of course.

He stepped closer, that giant, wrapped cockhead touching me on the forehead right between the eyes. “I notice you said “boyfriend” and not “anyone” just now.”

“I didn’t say you were…gonna do me, either,” I said, my cunt trying to reach up through my body and strangle me just then; I was so wet I was worried he’d hear the flow of my juices, impossible though that was. My pussy wanted a taste of this thing bad! Why did my tits feel so fight? Why was my whole body apparently unaware that I was a good girl?

“This little bitchboy condom hurts. Why don’t you take it off of my big fat dick?”

“Michael!” I said, jaw dropped. He was being SO lewd, SO arrogant, SO boastful… SO fucking sexy.

The poor condom was so stretched that by the time I applied even the barest tension in the trying to remove it the thing ripped almost in half, apparently eager to be free from the big-dick pressure.

Just then, my phone began to ring. My eyes first flashed to the clock; it had been almost an hour since I usually got home! How had time gone so fast!? I retrieved the phone, and sure enough, it was Brett’s name that flashed on my screen. I looked up to Michael with wide eyes, not sure how to play this.

“Answer it,” Michael said, seeming to have some sort of plan for how to deal with this in mind.

“Hey hon,” I said, “Sorry practice is running long tonight, I’ll be home pretty soon I think.”

“Okay, I just wanted to make sure, you’re dinner’s gonna get cold, and—”


Michael’s plan was apparently the opposite of helpful! The hung arrogant bastard had just swatted the cheek opposite the phone with his big fat dick, the sound echoing as loud as a palm might have. It didn’t hurt exactly, but it was kind of stinging and rocked my head around a little from the impact.

“What was that?” Brett asked.

My mind raced as I glared up at Michael, though he probably couldn’t even see my expression with his giant meat pillar blocking the view.

“I…dropped a… medicine ball.” I’ve always been a terrible liar.

“Oh…” Brett sounded suspicious, “Well anyway, you can take your time, I was just worried. Mwah!” he kissed into my ear.

“Muh-Wah!” I kissed back, only it was a good thing he’d just hung up because I was kissing a gigantic, sweaty ball instead of empty air like I’d planned.

“HEY!” I pulled back, now making sure Michael could see my angry expression.

“That’s not funny!” I shrieked, still tasting the strong flavor of him on my lips… it was umami, and—if I’m being totally honest—not bad.

He laughed in defiance of my words, “No? Well, it was sexy as hell.”

“I think you should take me home,” I whimpered, unable to disagree with his crass assessment.

“Okay, you should probably put your tits away then.”

I grumbled as I did exactly that, my mind a whirlwind of emotions, all tearing at one another.

“I wanna make you a deal,” he added as I fought a boob into its cup.

“What?” I asked, dreading what it could be a bit.

“It’s very simple. Let me feel you right now, just real quick. If you’re dry as you’re acting like, I’ll never tease you again, whether you choose to keep training with me or not.”

I drew in a breath, “and if I’m not?”

He smiled, clearly already knowing I wasn’t. “You have to show me how deep you can suck me before you leave.”

I could have just told him I was wet, but that horrible, sinful part of me wanted him to touch me. I drew close and pulled my yoga-pants out, shivering a little as he stroked a hand down my side, caressing his way down my stomach and right to my trimmed sex, flicking his hand either accidentally or deliberately across my clitoris as he moved.

“Well?” I asked, awaiting his obvious assessment.

“Well, my hand’s dead now. You drowned it,” he chuckled as he drew his arm back to himself, looking me dead in the eye as he licked every finger clean of my juices.

I sighed, dropping back to my knees, eyes crossing as I took the giant dick in. It was a little different looking straight down the barrel of it this way.

“Show me what you got,” he said.

I leaned in, opening so wide my jaw hurt a little and sucking him in, the thing filling my whole mouth when just the head was inside. I moved my head forward, trying to show him proper energy and enthusiasm, but I’d only gotten to just a fraction past Brett’s length before I felt my gag reflex recoil in shock, my head following suit as I fought not to throw up, gagging a second time and then coughing.

“ANGH!” I clenched a frustrated fist. Part of me wanted to climb right back on the horse—or horse-cock I suppose—but another part was afraid; that had NOT been at all comfortable.

Michael was laughing his ass off now, “Are you KIDDING me!? Is that IT!?” he wrapped his hand around his giant prong, the fingers curling just beneath where the visible line of slobber I’d left behind stopped, just a couple of inches below the end of his head.

I punched him in the thigh, hard, “well it’s really BIG! Nobody could do any better than that!”

“Hate to break it to you, but that’s NOT true.”

I growled, hating how I was only getting more and more turned on by his endless bragging and arrogance.

“Put it AWAY. Brett’s gonna be worried sick!”

He tucked the thing up under his shirt and then used the waistband of his pants to keep it elevated like that; it was a weird move, but I had to admit a man his size didn’t really have an option, no way that was fitting down a pant-leg without showing way worse.

“I’d be worried too if my dick was that small.”

“Hey! Brett’s dick is…fine.” Now I was infuriated with myself. That was my defense – “…fine”? What was THAT!?

Michael’s peals of laughter echoed in my ears all the way to the car and most of the way home. But as mad as I was at him, at myself, I was still ogling him longingly, especially as he gradually softened and that fat length of soft meat fell from under the shirt, curling out the bottom, hanging over the edge of the seat like some obscene kielbasa.

“See you next week?” He asked when he’d killed the engine, watching me unbuckle.

“Why would I want to come back for more humiliation?” I asked.

He smirked, tousling my hair with unearned familiarity. “You tell me.

(To be concluded in part 2! I hope you've all enjoyed, all comments and questions welcome, especially by the e-mail available from my profile page here.)


Same as Throat of the Tiger Part 1 Videos

4 years ago
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How I Became the Baddest Girl In Clarksville Part 4 The Eye of the Tiger

How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 4 Eye of the Tiger -Periods, Tigers, and Spies. Oh My ! - It was still dark when I woke with a bladder filled to near bursting. My stomach flip-flopped in time to the dull throb in my head. As I slipped from under the covers, waves of dizziness sweep over me. Somehow I managed to navigate my way through the dark, only switching on the light when I reached the bathroom. I frowned. Tyler left the toilet seat up again. In my...

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RedTails Tiger Tiger Burning Bright Chapter 1 Part I

RedTails: Tiger Tiger Burning Bright By Scarletdown Chapter I: The Tiger and the Hawk / Part I "Well anyway, I do have work to get back to," Regent Tormanin said, "So you go see Toraq and have fun. I'll join you if I can. Now good evening to you, Warden." "Good night, your excellency," Court Warden Arlin returned. He executed a graceful bow, then padded down a side corridor to the dungeons to fetch Master Toraq, while the Regent made his way to his study to attend to his business. The Tiger...

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People of the TigerPart 18

Most of them got at least two hours sleep as they traveled, since it was after two o'clock in the morning by their local time when they arrived at their own trading post. Tika spent most of the time working on her screen, reading and answering messages, communicating with the Meds and mothers of her breeding program, conducting business and research, and issuing her own Challenges to the Tiger People of the Shiva Region. At one point she sat thinking for a minute, then wrote a text message...

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People of the TigerPart 3

They walked fairly slowly, hand in hand at Tika's comfortable pace. Soon Tika began asking questions, as Tira knew she would. "Tira-Mother, were you afraid?" "Yes, but not a lot. Still, more than I ever was before a challenge before." "Why?" "Three reasons. You are the first. If I had lost badly it would have affected you, and I would have had to make arrangements for your care." Tira was not about to discuss the small possibility that she may have died. "Second is that eight...

2 years ago
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Tiger Tiger

We’d been camping out one night, just like many nights before, roasting a freshly shot deer over a self-built fire when one of us spotted a bold tiger circling our campsite. I was one of the bigger guys, and definitely a smart-alec, so I thought I’d fire a shot at the bastard. But not with my gun. I picked up my buddy’s slingshot and shot a sharp rock, hitting the beast underneath its eye. The tiger flinched, but instead of running off it came running into the camp and everyone scattered. It...

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People of the TigerPart 19

May 15th, 2155 In the morning Davdan gathered breakfast ingredients, and they carried them to the clearing at Tira's den. As they arrived a group of Elephant People were harvesting plant life at the clearing's fringes, and two of them were aerating and fertilizing the grass in the clearing. Their leader approached them, a tall woman whose black hair was cropped to a half inch long, most of her torso covered in bandoliers of tool pockets. She spoke without preamble. "You should have...

4 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 5

"So tell me," Jena said, turning to Raz and suddenly changing the mood. "Who is smarter, you or Pina?" "Well, that is hard to say." Raz grinned. "Pina is a research scientist, and I am an engineer, or applied scientist. She discovers truth, and I explore the practical applications of that truth in our reality." "What an excuse! My math scores are far ahead of yours, so I am smarter!" Pina laughed. "All the rest of my scores are higher than yours, remember!" Raz retorted. "Ha!...

3 years ago
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Tiger Tails Sisselixer

Tiger Tails: Sisselixer By: Terinas Tiger "Clothes shopping." Tobias slammed the driver's door on his truck shut behind him, narrowing his eyes as he stared up at his location. "Why did it have to be clothes shopping?" The Lustrum Mall stared back at him, a large shopping complex capped by four glass doors, a sign above them depicting the mall's name in neon blue letters that lit up at night. To the right of the letters, an image of the mall's cartoon mascot waved at people as they...

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People of the TigerPart 30

Over the next three days every member of the Green Band were evaluated or tested in all of their fields of study outside their own specialties. By mutual agreement, they all withheld their results from each other, so that they could surprise each other at the revealing. The first day all of them except Jena and Jela submitted their best hunt recordings to be judged, and Tika also requested to be tested for the status of Master Hunter. Jena, Slin, Pina and Raz spent the afternoon tubing...

2 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 10

Though they had not had much sleep, Jela and Tira arose at six thirty the next morning to begin making breakfast, and found three people already up, sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee. Soon the delicious smells of cooking food and huge urns of tea and coffee brewing began waking people, and they began rising from cushions and floors, and emerging from the dens. By the time all were roused at seven fifteen, six more people had volunteered to help with breakfast. Eight was the capacity of...

3 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 2

When even their laughter had subsided, Tira spoke. "It is amazing to me how much I love you, Tika." "And I love you very much, Tira-Mother." "So, do you have any questions about today?" "Yes Tira-Mother. What is 'wealthy'?" "Well Tika, you have traded pretty stones with others when you were on the infants ground, right?" "I have seen others doing that, Tira-Mother." "All right. Most trade is done with things called 'credits'. When we take the animals we have hunted to...

3 years ago
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Tiger Wood

It's not an easy profession, but if you love animals, the rewards of zookeeping, especially the smiles on the faces of youngsters that the animals engender, can be quite fulfilling. This is a story about what happens when love of animals takes a decided turn. It began for Judy when she graduated San Diego State with a degree in biology, and decided to stay on and go for her Master's degree. She loved that part of California: no smog, no oppressively hot weather, and nowhere near the...

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People of the TigerPart 15

She was waiting carefully on a narrow path through the swamp, one hundred feet from the edge of the forest patch, when her screen quietly beeped. It was Ali's text message, saying only; 'Three min.' Soon she saw the dark outline of the flyer against the night sky as it seemed to glide to a stop in mid-air, then she saw the harness descending toward her. It stopped in front of her, swaying slowly in the downdraft, and she slipped it on, buckled it, and clipped the safety line to her knife...

3 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 7

When the adults returned to Tira's clearing they found Pina working on her screen by herself, sitting on the big root outside the den. Tika, Raz and Jena were huddled together at the firepit, doing something on Tika's screen. They all looked up as the adults returned wearing expressions that cut short the children's happy greetings. "What happened? What is wrong? Where is Jela-Mother?" Jena cried, running to the adults and gripping Tira's hands. "Menak traded for the territory of...

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People of the TigerPart 11

December 25th, 2154 "Merry Christmas!" Tika called repeatedly, running from den to den around the clearing, waking people excitedly. "Breakfast at the Enclave house!" Davdan called. Pausing only to wash and clean teeth, the group who'd slept at Tira's clearing trooped to the house, where they were met by Raz, Jena, Pina, Joey Paglieri, and the four Prodigies in custody. Introductions were made, after which Tira asked Joey: "Shouldn't you be getting home for Christmas?" "Nah."...

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People of the TigerPart 20

There was a moment of silence as she gazed around the crowd, then faced the reporters on the hillock. "Thus ends the conquest of the Shiva Region." she told the world in a firm voice. "I now proclaim this The White Elf Region of the Great Indian Forest, homeland of The White Elves. "These newcomers are some of the Elf-Mothers, the mothers of my race, and their families, and other Honorary White Elves. They are the new citizens of this region. They ... They are my people." For a moment...

3 years ago
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Fierce Tiger

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...

3 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 4

When Jela had finally finished laughing Naz put down his pipe and walked over to her. Jela was laying on her back with one knee bent and her hands on her belly, smiling and panting. Naz knelt beside her with his hands on his thighs and openly appraised Jela's body from her hair to her toes and back. "You see his smile, Tika, and how his cock stands up?" Tira whispered. "That is how a man looks when he feels desire for a woman." "But he did not beat her. Not really." Tika...

2 years ago
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Cambodian Tiger

Coming out of a reverie, I blinked and rubbed my eyes. I’d been staring at a blank slide in my Power Point presentation for fifteen minutes. I was supposed to give a presentation on conflict dynamics in family systems for class at Clinton State University the next morning, and I had nothing. It all made sense in my head, but when I tried to visualize it on the computer, all the words and text seemed to float around in a complicated dance. I chastised myself. As a grad student, I should have...

College Sex
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 68 Tiger Sex

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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People of the TigerPart 28

The evening Menak was released from the hospital they all took the tube to Tokyo, and from there to a banquet hall in the Tokyo Hilton-Sheraton hotel, for a press conference to release the findings from the first two stages of Pina's researches. They were met by Professor Enchiku Hamimoto and the Prodigies of Pina's cosmology team. Though the rest of Pina's team were well known to the Green Band, Professor Hamimoto was not, and he as well as they were suitably impressed and respectful...

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People of the TigerPart 27

The blast of noise from the crowd as the barrier fell was intimidating in its intensity, reaching new heights of frenzy. The Meds sprinted over and rolled them apart, one of them ready with a bag of blood for Tira. Tika, standing alone in Tira's paddock, found she was crying as she looked across and met Davdan's eye. Davdan gave her a warm little smile, and Tika ran around the side opposite her group into her loved elder's arms, and cried even harder for a pair of minutes, and when she...

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The Girls with the Tiger Tattoo

The Girls with the Tiger Tattoo.Angie parked her car, and walked into the café, not far from The Turner Contemporary Art Gallery, in Margate. A familiar face waved her over. It was a girl she had once worked with, Tracey. “Hello Naomi, how are you?” she asked. Angie gave her order to the waitress, before turning to Tracey. “I’m Angie, Naomi is my sister!”“I never could tell you apart, sorry,” she said. “Jesus fucking Christ, did they really look that alike, they weren’t twins, there was just...

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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 3

The following new characters appear in this and other chapters: Patrisha Ferguson (Trish) Master Sergeant, S O Representative to Addison III, 6’-1’’ tall, around 180 pounds, 38D-25-38, 33 or 34 years old, flaming red hair, emerald eyes Sara Female Bald Eagle, 42 inches long, 8’-0’’ wingspan and weighs 15 pounds “Rescue 1, this is Tiger 6. We have come under intense ground fire. You may want to abort. Over,” I radioed. “Tiger 6, Rescue 1. Be advised Little Brother will be on station in...

2 years ago
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The pussycat the tiger and the bag of tricks

My name is Jack. I am 49 years old and work in the security industry. I have close cropped hair and sport a closely cropped beard that is starting to turn grey. I am reasonably fit although I have been told recently to stop smoking; drop 10 kilograms and eat better. So what’s new you might ask? If you want to know if I am handsome I can’t tell you this. But what I can tell you is I have not had difficulty with the opposite sex all my life. I am reasonably fit and if I find the time, I like to...

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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 4

“You three get set up in your rooms upstairs, and I’ll start on a meal for all of us,” Trish directed. Luther and I picked up our duffles then set out for the second floor. Miranda looked at all of her luggage, and picked up part of it to follow us. Hanson immediately moved forward to give her a hand and picked up the rest of her luggage. “I’ll give you a hand, Sarge,” he told her and followed us up the stairs to the second floor. “Epps, you can help me in the kitchen,” Trish told the...

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People of the TigerPart 14

April 26, 2155 Thirty-two days later. "Tira-Mother?" Tika whispered. "Come in Tika. What time is it?" Tira responded sleepily. "It is after two o'clock." Tika told her as she entered her mother's den, finding only Tira and Menak within. "What is it?" Tira asked, then suddenly her face froze and she looked strangely at Tika. She reached over for her screen, wrote two letters on it, and said: white light. She shone it on Tika, and she and Menak could only stare. "Tika!" Menak...

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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 8

It was very late by Special Operations standards when I awoke the next morning, it being already 0815 hrs. Trish had rolled over while we slept, but she was still close enough for me to feel the heat pouring off of her, even though we had slept naked, and the room was air conditioned. It was easy to believe from this that she had gone a long time without sex as she had said. Briefly, I considered another round of sex before we returned to duty, but we both have responsibilities, and it was...

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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 5

The following new characters appears in this chapter and others: Jeffery Henderson, the Third Chief Investigator for the Government of Addison III, 5’-11’’ tall, 170 pounds, about 45 years old with receding brown hair and blue eyes James McHenry Conspirator, a short heavy set man with dark hair, egotistical Inside in the first bay there was now a small table with several comfortable chairs on one side, and in front of it a chair where the prisoner was seated. He was secured to it with...

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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 15 The Heir to the Hundred Millions

On the fourth evening after the tragic events related, an old cab-driver, almost entirely hidden in a huge great-coat, rang at Perenna's door and sent up a letter to Don Luis. He was at once shown into the study on the first floor. Hardly taking time to throw off his great-coat, he rushed at Don Luis: "It's all up with you this time, Chief!" he exclaimed. "This is no moment for joking: pack up your trunks and be off as quick as you can!" Don Luis, who sat quietly smoking in an easy...

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People of the TigerPart 17

They were led through the corridors and up the elevators of the huge building, and ushered into a very large and ornate office with dark red carpeting and wood paneling, and pictures of Elders in formal tech suits on the walls. The ornate sign on the door had identified the office as belonging to the Houston Regional Director of The Department of Justice. Davdan introduced her group to Sandor, the Leader of the Councils of All Tiger People. He was a tall and rangy elder with dark eyes and a...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 11 Grabbing Tiger by the Tail

Dave and Darcy met Alec at the practice range early and worked out hard until the team showed up at nine o'clock. Dave watched as the women's team arrived for practice as well; he noticed that Tiffany Goodwin, Keith's blonde girlfriend, was still giving him dirty looks. He shrugged it off and focused on his game. His swing felt good and his confidence was very high. Coach Dawes pulled the team together at just after noon and told them to enjoy the rest of the day but he wanted the players...

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People of the TigerPart 6

After the Chinese had left, Davdan took Tira aside to inform her that there would be Meds arriving to speak to her in a little over three hours. Then she had Raz light a fire, and gathered them all around it. "Know this; when one becomes an Elder, and ceases fighting and hunting for excitement, most of us contest with one another with our power. We compete for status, influence, wealth, and yet more power. It is fun, and often allows us to do important work. "Aside from my other feelings...

3 years ago
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The Tiger and the Kitten

From the moment she stepped out onto the tarmac he knew he'd have to have her. She was a vision of beauty, long curly blonde hair, and a shape that would make an hour glass jealous. She recognized him immediately, tall, muscular build and tattoos covering both arms. She walked towards him her hips swaying suggestively. "Hello Tiger" she said. "Hello Kitten" he replied. They shared a hug and a brief "hello" kiss. Finally they were meeting after a few years of e-mails and...

2 years ago
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PLA Tiger

Here is about my cousin. He does not know how much I hate him. He is PLA officer. He sends me email about him. Don't be like him!!!! __________begin forwarded mail______________________ Message-Id: Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1995 15:19:49 +0100 References: Cousin, how are you? Are you surprised to be reading this? You should not be. I am now with the glorious Tiger Brigade attached to the...

2 years ago
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To Snare A Tiger

“Well,” my English teacher replied, “I normally only fuck tigers, but I think I can make an exception for a beautiful young girl.” He did not remove his hand from my thigh.“That’s odd,” I replied, startled. “For I’ve titled my story, To Snare a Tiger, but that’s not what I asked. I asked, ‘Are you in the practice of luring students into one-on-one tutoring sessions so that you can more easily seduce them?’” “Ah!” he exclaimed. “I see that you are learning what I am trying to teach you about...

First Time
3 years ago
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Cheerleader Leah and the tigers 8211 JUST BESTIALITY

Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, “You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?” “No,” Leah answered. “You know Brad will be waiting at the party for you, just go and have fun. I’ll be along later.” “Okay, see ya then,” yelled Kimberly as the car pulled away. Leah watched only for a moment as the car sped...

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People of the TigerPart 9

December 9th, 2154 Raz awoke because Jena was kissing him. His first sensation was her nuzzling his cheek and for a split second his mind was confused, then she was licking his lips and he realized what he was feeling as he came fully awake. He began kissing her back, and they enjoyed that for a few minutes. "Good morning, love." he murmured as she pulled back. They opened their eyes and smiled at each other, though her smile looked a little apprehensive. "Good morning my love." she...

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People of the TigerPart 29

For the next nine days, the Green Band's schedules were almost completely the ones they would come to consider to be normal for them. None of them worked on hunting or fighting any harder than most Tiger people did. Pina cut back to five hours of work on her physics projects per day, to allow her to spend five on her hunting and fighting, as most of their Adolescent friends did. The remaining exceptions were Raz and Davdan. Davdan was still training with the staff for five hours per day to...

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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 19 The Snare Is Laid Beware Lupin

The power that had impelled Don Luis to battle and victory was so intense that it suffered, so to speak, no cheek. Disappointment, rage, humiliation, torture, were all swallowed up in an immediate desire for action and information, together with a longing to continue the chase. The rest was but an incident of no importance, which would soon be very simply explained. The petrified taxi-driver was gazing wildly at the peasants coming from the distant farms, attracted by the sound of the...

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People of the TigerPart 26

June 9, 2155 Their mood was cheerful when they flew to New Delhi with Assan the next day for the round of eight. Since there were to be only four fights scheduled that day, two the next day and one the day after that, Nehru Coliseum would be the only venue used for the rest of the tournament. The park above it was again only a park, gone were the temporary grandstands, souvenir and snack booths, and V.I.P. flyer parking lot. That being the case, they donned their football fan outfits for...

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People of the TigerPart 24

June 7, 2155 Jena's screen made a soft birdsong just after six in the morning, alerting her to a call. She picked up her screen and silenced it with a tap, and at Raz's one-eyed inquiring look, she kissed his cheek and whispered; "It is only a call. Go back to sleep." She went out on the balcony and slid the door closed behind her. Tika was already there, working on her screen. Jena exchanged a smile with her, then looked to her own screen. "Greetings Jena, I am Binjo, most senior of...

2 years ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

4 years ago
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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 11

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Cracker, John Staff Sergeant, Addison National Guard, Game Warden, 6’-0’’ tall, 175 pounds, 32 years old, sun bleached blond hair, blue eyes Sergeant Cornplanter was in the cab of the deuce and a-half with the driver, and I quickly moved to stop them before Miranda could drop the wards and they left. “Sergeant Cornplanter, the guard you have won’t be a lot of help sitting in the back with the passengers,” I told her from...

5 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 38 Games 89

Chapter 38: Games 8/9 Receiving mail is a common instance for every family, lots is junk mail, but that is just a fact of life, most are utility bills, but now and again there is something of interest. Parcels are less common, but more often than not they are more exciting since they have been ordered and are expected. Not really so much for the younger generation, there might be the occasional item, but more often than not it is our parents who get the post and parcels. Not today though,...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

2 years ago
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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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People of the TigerPart 25

June 8th, 2155 Pabano was a wiry five feet, eight inches tall, completely bald with piercing dark eyes, and he held a staff of some very dark, almost black wood. Davdan waited until the rest of her group were in place for breakfast in her kitchen the next morning before she brought him downstairs and introduced him. "My loves, I am proud to present my lifelong love Pabano, father of my daughter Damdan, twice Grande Champion, and recently retired Leader of the Council of the Jaguar People...

4 years ago
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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 14 The Hater

M. Desmalions looked at him without understanding, and looked from him to the ceiling. Perenna said: "Oh, there's no witchcraft about it; and, though no one has thrown that letter from above, though there is not the smallest hole in the ceiling, the explanation is quite simple!" "Quite simple, is it?" said M. Desmalions. "Yes, Monsieur le Prefet. It all looks like an extremely complicated conjuring trick, done almost for fun. Well, I say that it is quite simple—and, at the same time,...

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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 7 Shakespeares Works Volume VIII

Two lodges, belonging to the same old-time period as the house itself, stood at the extreme right and left of the low wall that separated the front courtyard from the Place du Palais-Bourbon. These lodges were joined to the main building, situated at the back of the courtyard, by a series of outhouses. On one side were the coach-houses, stables, harness-rooms, and garage, with the porter's lodge at the end; on the other side, the wash-houses, kitchens, and offices, ending in the lodge...

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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 5 The Iron Curtain

It is sometimes an ungrateful task to tell the story of Arsene Lupin's life, for the reason that each of his adventures is partly known to the public, having at the time formed the subject of much eager comment, whereas his biographer is obliged, if he would throw light upon what is not known, to begin at the beginning and to relate in full detail all that which is already public property. It is because of this necessity that I am compelled to speak once more of the extreme excitement which...

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People of the TigerPart 22

As it turned out, none of the fighters in the first sixteen matches were particularly noteworthy, so the first fight was held in the great stadium, though neither of those two fighters rated such a venue. The Green Band and Assan moved to the balcony twenty minutes before the match. The paddocks were being assembled on either side of the octagon, where blocks of thirty seats, ten ringside seats and ten from the next two rows directly behind them, were being segregated from the rest of the...

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People of the TigerPart 13

March 25th, 2155 Five days later. Tika had gone to the spring to bathe after a strenuous hunting session with Jena and Jela after supper, and was toweling her hair as she approached the clearing in the darkness. She heard sounds of combat, and crouched in the underbrush to observe. She was now fight trainer to everyone else in the Green Band, and wanted to see if her students performed any different when not under their instructor's eye. Though they had trained hard at fighting most of...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

3 years ago
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An Acidic Tiger

The dark always brought the fear, the stale tension, the hatred, and the helplessness. Nothing stopped it, not a nightlight, not hiding, not even the comforting radio. It was inexorable as sunset. The room was large and cool, situated in the basement as it was. Still, it was claustrophobic to the point of stifling. She curled at the top of the bed, quivering with muzzled rage and terrified pain. Was it time? The soft creak of the steps, the muffled whoosh of footsteps on carpet, the gentle...

4 years ago
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Flames That Roar Like A Tiger

You are overwhelmed…You are beginning to see again, but only slightly. The early sunlight is starting to conflict with the firelight, and leaves the whole beach looking dimmer than it did before, somehow. It is still hard to keep your eyes open. You are shivering in the cold, and spasming at the erratic, jagged fucking you are getting. None of them are coordinated with the others, and it feels as if you are being pulled in all directions.Once again your mouth fills with the hot liquid. This...

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