Arajatta Of The Ruby Part 3 free porn video

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This is the third part of what I plan to be a long story line. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this basically ** Authors note. I am enjoying reading the reviews, and have taken feedback into account when writing this chapter. Feel free to email me any questions you may have, post a review if you liked, or didn't like this and also hit up the hyperboard as I check that often too. Sherry had been watching everything and taking notes as she observed the players, as she considered them, handle this situation. Her first problem was Gavin offering twenty million dollars. Not because they couldn't afford it, but because it was a ridiculous amount of money. He never understood money anyhow, she was the one that handled the finances. Ara slipped into the room and stood off to the side, watching Sherry taking her notes. Sherry didn't notice her, she was too caught up in the drama unfolding before her. The changes to Perry fascinated her, he was slowly evolving into a woman yet couldn't help himself. In a way it was pitiful, yet he had the power to stop it and did not. She also realized she was getting aroused by all of this unbridled sexual tension. She felt dirty even thinking about it, but there was no stopping her from watching. Shaun commenting that it wasn't their problem if Perry could not control himself gave her ideas, ideas for the next time. She was always thinking one step ahead if she could. She looked over and noticed Ara watching her. "Uhm, hello Ara." She was a bit startled, how long had she been there? Sherry wondered to herself. "Hello to you too." Ara walked over to the bed Sherry was sitting on and picked up the note pad. "Interesting." Ara flipped through the pages. "I think you are enjoying yourself dear," she said sitting down next to her. As usual, Ara was wearing very little, just enough silky material to cover her more intimate areas while leaving her skin exposed. Sherry noticed suddenly that Ara was different, lighter in complexion and as amazing as it was to believe, smoother. "What happened to you?" she asked, shifting just a hair away from Ara, still not comfortable with Ara's casual need for contact. "I've told you before that my true physical form isn't all that different from yours, it is however alien and would be disconcerting." Ara put her arm around Sherry's shoulder as she spoke, pressing them together ever so slightly. "An effect, if you will of my powers here is that my body changes to be most appealing to those near me." She was looking right into Sherry's eyes as she said this. "What I was when you first met me was a beautiful Mayan woman, but you must be slightly offset by this, so my body is merely reacting to you. It's not really something I have much control over," she said. Sherry's heart was beating faster now, she felt flushed and uncertain about what was going on. Sherry had never been attracted to other women. Yet here she was feeling like a school girl on her first date. No that wasn't right either it was something more "Well, that is just a little creepy," she said, trying to pull away, the feel of Ara's skin on hers was almost intoxicatingly erotic. Sherry didn't know what to do. "Hehe, well I hope you don't hold against me too much. I'm curious to see what form appeals to you." Ara leaned in and kissed Sherry on the cheek, her lips lingering for just a moment. Than she whispered into her ear very softly, "I hope you find the changes as pleasant as I am." Ara got up and walked out of the room, leaving Sherry agonizing over the moment. It was 3AM, and Perry lay in his bed tossing and turning. He awoke twenty hours ago, or so it seemed to him to see the clock reading 2:46AM. It was the sheets, somehow as he slept they had changed from cotton to silky satin. The feel of the material against his skin was driving him nearly insane; soft silky and yes, he had to admit sexy was the only way to describe it. He shifted around in his bed, feeling the cool touch of the sheets as they caressed him. He pulled his briefs off, noting for the first time how crude and rough they were. He tossed them off and let his hairless balls feel the joy the rest of his body had been experiencing. Perry realized deep in the back of his mind that he was losing his sanity. The rational part of his psyche was screaming for him to stop, that he was just going to end up pushing that button again. The Button, it was there on his nightstand waiting patiently. It seemed to be admiring the show he was putting on. Perry decided to play coy with the Button, if it wanted to play the waiting game, well that was fine by him. He slid across the bed his skin flowing like water across the sheets yet the Button ignored him. Perry decided maybe the Button was jealous of the sheets, so he slid over and picked it up, holding it close and admiring it's calm demeanor in the face of such desire. He slid it along the sheets, tingling all over as the Button was allowed to experience the joy he was feeling. They were lovers now, sharing an intimate moment before they joined as one. Perry ignored his rational mind now, the shock and horror emanating from that corner of his mind was such a bore. Could it not feel the tension in the air? Could it not have a moment of happiness? Perry's eyes glanced at the clock it was barely a quarter past three now, so short a time yet so long. "SIX," his mind screamed at him, "Don't do it!" but it was too late. The small chirp of his lover sang to the swish of his body across the sheets. The waves were coming now, waves of pleasure building throughout his body. "Chirp," the button sang again, and his body reacted in sheer lust to the sound. He could feel the climax coming on, and he fought to hold it off. His rational mind said quietly, almost a whisper now, as if it had finally admitted defeat, "Only one more, that way you have two more to get you through the day, plus the one in the morning." Perry shivered with anticipation of the third press, he waited until he was ready to explode, held it off gallantly. The Button felt warm now in his hand. It called to him, yet still he fought back, the pressure was almost unbearable! His thumb pushed down gently depressed the button one more time before sliding it away from him. The tingle in his balls indicating imminent release subsided into a more fevered build up state now. He heard the TV switch on, as if to watch the show before it. Perry looked down and saw his display, the Level II lines were pulsing in rhythm to his own body. He was long past caring what the changes were, instead he was eager and willing to experience them now. The thought of what was happening to him didn't fill him with guilt this time instead it thrilled him. One line started blinking faster, and his breathing increased to match the rhythm. "Skin" lit up, and with what he would later describe was a feeling like someone turned up the volume of a radio from a feint whisper to clear loud sound, his skin reacted the same way. What before was wonderful, become sheer ecstasy. He thought he would explode right then and there, but no, he was only one third of the way! His right hand reached for the button, but his left hand grabbed it in horror to save them both. The two hands struggled, twisting him all over the sheets! "They are fighting over me!" he thought as his body was gyrating nearly out of control, torn between lust and fear. "Libido" flashed on to the screen and his hands quit fighting and instead started to move across his body. He realized his earlier arousal was nothing. He hadn't known the meaning of the word "Horny" till that moment. The sudden hunger inside him for sexual release became overwhelming, his rational mind beat a quick retreat to a dark and isolated corner of his mind and covered it's eyes, too afraid and horrified to watch. "Body Shape." He stopped all movement, and stared at the screen. "What the?" he thought and then felt it, the onrushing orgasm, a freight train of lust centered not in his dick, but throughout his body nearly crushed him. He felt his body mutating, shifting and remolding itself as if it were made of clay as he climaxed. The massive sensations overwhelmed him, and he passed out as the last of his seed leaked down his leg. Perry was awakened by a soft knock at the door. Bob the Butler stepped in and looked at him for a moment. "Mr. Mason felt you might wish to get freshened up before you had to come downstairs," he said, and then left. Perry looked at the clock, it was 11:30 in the morning. "Better do some damage control and find out how bad it is" he thought to himself as he went to the shower. The feel of hot water on his skin was magical, and he took as long as he could bare it to clean up and soak in the goodness. He got out, and looked in the mirror to see the changes last night's adventure had on him. Smaller shoulders, thinner waist, wider hips... "Holy shit, it is turning us into girls!" he thought. He turned sideways to see his ass, and instantly got hard looking at it. "Wow, I'd hit that," he thought, then he realized how wrong that was and quickly went to get dressed. Coming downstairs was not easy, his pants were highly uncomfortable, and his shirt didn't fit right. "Fucking hell," he thought. The others were all ready in their seats, he expected laughter or harassment, but one look at the screen showed he wasn't the only one to partake in the button. Dave was at 5, Shaun was at 3 and Terry amazingly enough still at 1. "So glad you could join us, do have a seat Perry and we'll get started." Gavin said, he was sitting there watching the young man walk, it was a very feminine walk yet the poor guy didn't even notice it. His friends had Gavin noted, but they were wisely keeping quiet. There was hope for them after all. "If you would please..." Gavin started to say, when Terry interrupted him. "You lied," he said, the tone of his voice carrying condemnation across the room. "Oh, how so?" he asked, a look of confusion on his face. "Perry is at 9 points, we haven't even been here a day. You lied when you said the limit was 5." Terry was angry now, angry and scared. "No, if you'll recall I said the limit was 5 per day, and the clock reset at noon, so technically, I have not lied." Gavin realized he wasn't speaking per say, rather somehow his wife had implanted the thought straight into his head. "So technically we could press this thing 10 times a day?" Dave said. "No, 11, you forgot the forced press... which is now," Gavin said pushing his remote. Terry fought it as hard as he could, Shaun just tried to ignore it while Dave cycled between embracing the moment and fighting it. Perry just laid back and let it happen. They were each watching their own screen, with one eye towards Perry's, as he was so far ahead they were dying to see what was next for them. Shaun added Hair II to his Height and Body Hair, while Dave suffered the curse of Libido. Terry's body hair disappeared as all three reached simultaneous climax. They were just coming down from the high when Perry's final line filled in. "Facial Hair." His orgasm dwarfed their own, and they stared in wonder as he looked at them. He looked at least ten years younger, and the change to his face made him appear nearly like a teen-aged girl. Sherry was watching all of this, furiously taking notes while on her bed. Since Ara had not given her a couch, she made do. At least, the pen and paper was forth coming. Strangely, she found herself wearing almost the identical outfit Ara liked to parade around in. Strange because Sherry wasn't normally one to wear such, but that's all she found to wear that morning. "Probably trying to see if she can annoy me," was Sherry's only explanation. Ara came in while Sherry was consumed in her task, she watched her for a moment, then walked right in front of the television. "Oh my." Sherry was taken aback by the changes to Ara. Her skin was much lighter, and smoother, her hair a lustrous black and her ample bosom was well... needless to say more ample. "I didn't hear you come in." "I know. Has anyone ever told you that you are cute when you have your face plastered in that little notepad?" Ara asked. She had a playful smile on her lips. Sherry knew this for what it was. The tension in the house was a veritable buffet for her to feed on. "Phase II notes. I think this can be improved upon," Sherry said, holding the note pad up, then went back to her notes. Ara walked over and sat on the bed. She tried leaning over Sherry, but the view was not any good. She moved her legs around Sherry's waist and straddled her from behind. She leaned over a shoulder and got a good look at the note pad. "Not bad, not bad at all ya know," Ara said, then giggled and hugged Sherry. "Do you mind, that's awfully distracting," Sherry said after a moment. And it was for her. The feel of Ara pressed against her was killing her ability to think straight. "You know what your problem is, you need to relax, put that stuff down for a second and sit up." Knowing that Ara wasn't going to quit, Sherry dutifully laid the paper aside. "That's better," Ara said, and started to rub her shoulders, gently. "You are so tense, relax, I won't bite." Sherry willed herself to relax. Ara was rather skilled and Sherry wasn't one to say no to a good massage. "There we go, isn't that better?" Ara's hands started to go a little further down her back, and over her shoulders sometimes pulling her into Ara. The feel of Ara's breasts against her back was titillating, they were soft and firm. Sherry's own gifts in that area were rather pathetic, and while Gavin never complained Sherry was ever conscious of the fact she barely rated a B cup and her nipples pointed toward the earth. "You know, Gavin's doing such a wonderful job I was thinking of rewarding him, but how to say thank you?" Ara mused, her hands almost touching the top of Sherry's breasts. She leaned forward and her hands settled on them. Sherry was very uncomfortable at this point. She knew Ara's good mood could change if she said the wrong thing. "Hey! Stop that!" Sherry said, moving slightly forward. This of course merely increased the pressure of Ara's hands on her breasts. "How about something like this?" Ara said as her hands moved under Sherry's breasts cradling them. The light bra, if one could call it that fell off her chest, and Sherry felt the oddest sensation as Ara's hands moved back up across her chest again. As they did, her small saggy breasts started to enlarge as her nipple and areolas expanded becoming very sensitive. Sherry let out an involuntary moan as her breasts engorged to nearly match Ara's. "There we go! No offense dear, but they did need a little improvement. I hope you don't mind." The mirth in Ara's voice conveyed her own approval at her handiwork. Sherry sat there for a moment looking down at her new additions. She felt a warm moist heat from Ara's crotch, which happened to be situated in her lower back at the moment. Her own body was having a similar reaction. "Thank you... I think he'll like it." She managed to say after a moment, her face flush. Ara leaned forward, pressing against Sherry. Her hands went under Sherry's arms and grabbed Sherry's new breasts, hefting them up as if to test their weight. Her mouth was just next to Sherry's left ear, and she whispered very lightly "I know I do." She pinched her nipples as she said this. A very feint moan escaped Sherry's lips, then Ara disengaged her embrace and got off the bed. "Well, back to your notes then." And she walked out of the room. Sherry spent the rest of the day flustered watching the events unfold in the mansion, quite unable to think straight. The boys had drifted back into their rooms to shower and clean up. The score board told the tale of their first full day in the mansion, and they still had four more to go. Level Hair Perry Shaun Dave Height Perry Dave Shaun Body Mass Perry Terry Dave Body Hair Perry Dave Shaun Terry Hair II Perry Dave Shaun Level II Skin Perry Height II Perry Libido Perry Dave Facial Hair Perry Body Shape Perry Perry was the first out of the shower, and he sat on his bed naked. The siren song of the Button had become louder now, and he felt his will crumbling as it sang. "Stop it, stop it all ready! I've had quite enough of you! To be very honest I think we should break things off," he said indignantly to the Button. For its part, the Button sat stoically on the end table, oblivious to Perry's ranting. Time was, on Button's side after all. The two sat in silence, glaring at each other. The first one to blink lost. Dave was standing in the bathroom looking at the mirror. A strange person was on the other side of the glass. That was NOT Dave Roberts. No, Dave Roberts was stud of a man, who stood tall and didn't let anyone fuck with him. He rejected all of this as some drug induced hallucination. "I'm gonna sue that motherfucker when this over." Dave said to that other person in the mirror. Dave stomped into the bedroom and saw the button, sitting there harmlessly on the dresser where he left it. "That shit ain't real, this ain't real," he announced quite loudly to the room. The room ignored him. He went over to the bed and flipped on the TV. Porn, nothing but porn. This was a bad thing really, as the drugs they had to have him on made him very horny. Dave had been walking around with his cock out and proud at full attention. His had slid down and started to stroke it, the bitches on the screen were getting gang banged by a bunch of thugs from the hood. Dave lost track of time, he finally broke his stroking off when he realized he'd watched an entire porno and had not relived himself of the terrible need to orgasm. That damn drug, it must get released by the button! That was it! Dave figured it all out. If you pushed the button it flooded your system with a hallucinogenic that also let you cum! That's why there was a limit of five doses per day. He got up, walked over to the button. He looked around the room, certain there was a camera somewhere in the room. He was right of course, but not how he thought. There, the lamp he thought, that has to be where it's hidden. He picked up the button and started to wag it in front of the lamp. "I know you faggots are watching, well I'm on to you now! This shit ain't real, none of it is real!" he nearly shouted. Down the hall Shaun and Terry were watching the display of erratic anger slightly amused. "Perry lost it, now Dave's lost it," Shaun said. "Yeah, but what does that say about us watching our naked male friend jack off for a while then start yelling at furniture?" Terry asked. He was worried that Dave was going to do something very rash. "Hmph," was all the reply Shaun gave him. "I have not changed, this is all drugs. I know your game now. Well Mister Mason, let me tell you something, when this is all over I'm gonna sue the ever lovin' shit out of you and take every penny you have!!!" He was shouting now, waving the button around wildly. The lamp for its part wisely did not react to the crazed black man yelling at it. "I could push this thing five times, and nothing will happen to me!" Terry got up. "Oh shit, he's gonna start mashing that damned button. I better stop him." Terry started to walk towards the door. Alarmed, Shaun started to get up too. He saw Terry's button on the dresser and grabbed it. "I can't let you do that Terry," he said. Terry stopped at the door, turning towards Shaun, he didn't realized he had his button in his hand. "He's our friend, and he needs our help," Terry said. Shaun held the button up. "If you try to open that door, I'll push it," Shaun said. "What the fuck man, are you really that greedy you'd let both of them turn into... into girls so you can get that much more rich?" Terry asked. Neither of them had noticed Perry had walked into Dave's room. He hadn't bothered putting on any clothes. The sound of Dave shouting had alerted him, and he had gone over to investigate. "If you go in there, he'll know we were watching, besides if he's that stupid then he gets what's coming to him!" Shaun said, his thumb moved over the button. "Your move Terry." His shoulders slumped and he took a half step away from the door. "You win." He said, glancing at the screen. "Oh hell." It was at that point, they both realized Dave was no longer alone. "This is bad." Terry said. "Dave?" Perry asked. "Dave are you all right?" He was a bit frightened. Dave was never a really violent guy, but he did have a temper. "Perry!" Dave said, spinning around from the lamp, which was relieved to not be the target of all that yelling. "Perry come here," Dave said. They met in the middle of the room. "What's with all the shouting?" Perry realized they were standing very close to each other, stark naked and were hard as rocks. Very gay of us, he thought. "The buttons man, they aren't really changing us, it's just drugs. Like some sort of sick perverted LSD or something." Dave said. "Wait, how do you figure?" Perry asked. That would explain why Button seemed so alive he thought. Dave sat down on the side of the bed. "Come here." Perry sat down by him, but kept his distance. Perry was feeling very awkward about the whole situation. "See, if you press the button, it releases a drug into your system. This drug has two effects, it makes you think you have somehow changed and it makes you cum," he said. Perry pondered this for a moment, then shook his head. "Maybe, but that wouldn't explain why you're so much shorter then I am, nor the hair growth, or hair loss. And look at my skin! It's like... soft and shit." He held out his arm. Dave looked at his arm, then reached over and ran his hand across it. Perry was right it was silky smooth. "Maybe it's like a skin cream?" Dave said, then stopped, his hand moved to Perry's leg and he ran one hand down his leg. "Wow... that's rather amazing." Dave had always been a leg man. "Yeah, Dave, stop that." Perry said, slapping his hand away. "I ain't gay, and last time I checked, neither are you." Perry's mind had reached into the deepest reaches of his psyche to stop Dave. The feel of another person touching his leg had almost made him woozy with lust. His sanity crowed in triumph while his body ached for that again. The two began to struggle within. This had the deleterious effect of ruining Perry's ability to think clearly. Dave realized blatantly he had just nearly felt his friend up, Perry was right they were not gay. But that also didn't explain Dave's sudden desire to touch him again, he'd never felt a sexier leg. He briefly wondered what it felt like to have legs like that. The effect of the drug induced belief his legs were hairless, or maybe they WERE hairless... "Hey, ya know what, I bet there is like Nair or some shit in the water, makes your body hair fall out," Dave said. "What?" Perry asked distracted. "Wait, wouldn't that like make us bald too?" Perry asked. "Ya, it's the drug, it makes your skin smoother and your body hair fall out, that's got to be it," Dave said. He was excited now. "And if it's a drug, you can fight the effects! Just don't give in to it!" Dave was gesticulating wildly now. "No man, you can't fight it, you push that button and you cum. That's it, end of story," Perry said, sounding unsure of him self. What if Dave was right? "I'll tell you what, I'll prove it to you, better yet, we'll do it together," Dave said. "What do you mean?" Perry asked warily. "You push your button, I'll push mine and we'll fight it together." Dave was animated now. "But, you're only at six, if this is a drug, won't it be harder for me?" he asked. Perry's inner lust had pinned his logical mind to the mat, the referee had started to slap the mat. "Shaun, I'm gonna stop those two idiots before they do something stupid," Terry said, his hand reached for the doorknob when he felt it. "Asshole!!!" His knee's buckled and he looked at Shaun in anger. "Sorry bro, I told you not to." Shaun seemed to be enjoying himself, he had a look of crazed power in his eyes that scared Terry. He managed, with a struggle to stand up. "Give me that," he said, his breath was coming out raggedly now. "Sit on the bed and you can have it back." Shaun stepped aside so Terry had a free path to the bed. "No, I'm going to stop them." He turned back and found himself on his knees again. The button had clicked twice in rapid succession. "I'll tell you what, I am so sure we can fight this, I'll hit mine five times, you just do it twice. I know we can do it." Dave held his button out. Perry's sanity bucked his lust off him and rolled over. "No, what if you're wrong?" Perry asked. "I ain't wrong man, if you can fight the effect, I betcha' the effects reverse themselves," Dave said. A reversal! Perry's lust leg locked his sanity, it was a tap out! "All right, but I don't know if I can resist it... you don't understand Dave, it feels so good, and each time it's like the effect is stronger," he said wistfully. "Perhaps, but we ain't gonna let that happen are we?" He pressed his button five times fast. Perry weakly held his button up and hit it twice. He tossed the Button gentle towards the pillows, no sense hurting Button if Dave was wrong. Terry heard the buttons on the screen. "Great... you asshole. Now they went and... oh shit!" he said. Shaun went over and helped Terry to the bed. "Here you go, now that you are on the bed, your button." He handed Terry the button. "Now, let's see what changes happen to them." And to you, Shaun didn't say. On the screen, in each corner the now familiar displays in PIP mode appeared. "Wow they haven't moved." Perry was looking into Dave's eyes, Dave into his. They sat there locked in each other's gaze. The seconds ticked by, one agonizing moment after another. Dave felt himself shrink, as Height II filled in. He shrugged it off and tilted his gaze up. Perry gasped in and felt himself nearly lose it as his nipples engorged and became erect in the cool air of the room. Dave looked down and saw the changes. Perry was now sporting a set of perfect nipples. They were very large, and the areolas expanded outward. "I told you to... be strong...." Dave said between clenched teeth. "You shra... shra... shrank first," Perry managed to get out between pants. He wanted to feel his new nipples. He grabbed the bedspread tightly. Dave's skin went soft, it was like suddenly went slightly out of focus. Skin I, Perry thought, wondering to himself if Dave's legs were as silky as his own. Perry didn't even realize what he was doing until his hand was Dave's knee. "What are you... doing?" Dave asked, his eyes still transfixed on Perry's chest. "I, just want to-" he was almost panting now, "-know if your legs were as smooth as mine." Had they a monitor on, they would have seen Body Shape and Facial Hair fill on Dave's list simultaneously. "That's interesting," Terry said from the next room. His own labels were still flashing, but the pace was quickening. "Perry, we ha, ha... we have to stop this," Dave said. He could feel his skin now, it was like silk, just like Perry's. He shifted, at first the movement was to get away, but that caused Perry's hand to move up and in on his thigh. Instead of moving away, they were now side by side. Neither would ever admit to being the one to start it, but soon their legs were rubbing against each other's slowly. "Fucking fags man," Shaun said, slapping the bed. "I never would have thought it." Terry didn't say anything, the effect of Shaun hitting that damnable button was causing his head to swim. He couldn't help but desire to be in that room with Perry and Dave, touch another... He looked at Shaun for a moment before shaking the feeling off. "NO!" he shouted in his head. Terry wasn't going to fall into that trap. Dave was wrong, this was magic, and while you couldn't stop the physical, the real battle was mental. Dave was struggling now. The feeling of lust that possessed him was unbelievable. He was beginning to think he'd made a major mistake. Perry's hand was just below his balls, one wrong move and it was over. Perry's sanity had all ready given up, it sat on the side and tried to analyze what had happened. That was it! Ten was the magic number, it was all so clear now. Instead of being disgusted by the thought of Dave being a man and so close, now he was sort of enjoying it... the higher the number went the more he'd want it. Perry lost. He knew it, didn't care. His hand moved up and caressed Dave's hairless balls. He ignored the sudden mixed look of disgust and lust on Dave's face. "What are you doing?" Dave asked. Perry didn't answer, and instead wrapped his hand around his large cock. It was a first for both of them. Perry was amazed at how good it felt in his hand, he started to stroke it slowly. Dave's skin started to shimmer, changing to an even newer level of smooth then before. Perry didn't feel any changes, he knew his number had ticked over, by the sudden desires welling up inside him. He just wasn't sure why. Shaun was flickering back and forth between the displays. Terry's flashed in such rapid succession that they seemed to be glowing then all three filled in at once. He glanced over to watch Terry's short brown hair turn red as it grew out and snaked around his head. Terry was now at five and pre-cum began to dribble off his dick. "Thanks asshole," Terry said looking at Shaun with daggers in his eyes. Shaun just shrugged and looked back at the displays. What did it mean for Dave? Skin II? And Poor Perry, well Clothes was obvious wasn't it? Dave reached up, not sure what was going on now. His friend, one of his best friends was jacking him off. He should slap this silly white boy stupid! Instead he reached up and placed his hand on Perry's cheek. His smooth face felt good, and without thinking about what he was doing, pulled Perry closer. Their foreheads were touching, their ragged breathing mingling in the confined space between their lips. Perry tried to say something, instead Dave lowered his hand to his nipple and pinched it. Perry moaned low and increased the tempo of his stroking. Perry started to lean back, and Dave moved with him. He was on his back, and knew, knew if he lifted his legs Dave would fuck him right then and there. This scared him, and it excited him. He felt his leg's moving up and in now, Dave shifted around till he was almost in position. Then their lips locked. The moment lasted but a second, and an eternity and they both climaxed right then and there. Terry joined them, much to his own shame and Shaun laughed at him for it. After the moment passed, Perry got up and looked at Dave closely. "I think I should go now," he said as Dave lay next to him panting. "Yeah... that never happened all right, and for what it's worth, I was very wrong." Dave grabbed Perry's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Hang in there pal, and don't hit that button ever again." Perry looked around the room, there by the pillows Button sat sulking. Perry picked it up and left. Ara had walked back into the room just after all the excitement in the Mansion finished up. Poor Sherry was sopping wet but had her legs crossed. For some reason this all seemed to excite her in ways that made her feel alternately dirty, guilty and good. "That, my dear, was a most wonderful moment," Ara said as she practically danced across the room. She had a huge smile on her face. "It was fascinating I'll give you that." Sherry said. She giggled, Ara was acting a bit silly now with her dancing. She was doing little ballet hops and twirling about. "So I guess you are happy now?" Sherry asked. "Yes, very I must thank Gavin, I know... After the boys take to their beds how about I bring him here for you?" She stopped and looked at Sherry with a rather naughty smile. "I think I could live with that. Wait, where is Gavin, I can't seem to find him anywhere?" Sherry said. Ara started to giggle. "He's uhm, busy right now, you really don't want to know," Ara said, pulling a chair out of thin air with a wave of her hand and sitting down in it. "What do you mean... busy?" Sherry asked suspiciously. "Well, if you must know, fine." Ara reached over and grabbed the remote off the bed and flipped the channel. Gavin's face filled the screen. He was sweating, his face slightly contorted in apparent concentration. "Is he masturbating?" Sherry asked staring at her husband, then her eyes grew wide. "Is he alone?" That last part came out in a whisper, her mind had started racing to conclusions. Ara just giggled and pressed a button, the camera started to pan back. Gavin was seated, and shirtless his hands were down at his sides. "That son of a..." she started to say, but the camera panned back further. Sherry stifled a snort laugh and said, "Turn it off turn it off!!" She knew Gavin would just die if he knew he was being watched he had a thing about this and always locked the door when he was on the pot.

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KennedyChapter 11 Kennedys Ruby Tuesday

As Kennedy was finishing up with her racing scull, she heard a funny, startled sound from Deb and turned to see what it was. A man was standing a few feet inside the door of the boat house, watching the two of them. At least, Kennedy thought, it wasn't Agent Larkin. "Uncle Ferinc!" Deb said, obviously upset. "Niece, please go busy yourself elsewhere for a time. I will talk to you after lunch." Kennedy wasn't sure how old he was. He looked at times to be older than her father, other...

2 years ago
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Little sis ruby at gloryhole

"It tastes like crap," Ruby blurted out smugly as she scarfed down a slice of lemon meringue with an exaggerated wince on her face. She still held onto that ch!ldlike honesty but mixed it with teenage sarcasm. I expected to hear that from her as she munched on the homecoming cake I purchased last minute for her. Had I known Ruby was coming back home today, I would have had time to fix her up something better rather than buy one at a gas station along the way to the airport. "It's...

2 years ago
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The Playdate with Ruby Part 3

The big night finally arrived. I was holding hands with my sexy, slutty girlfriend Ruby, riding up the elevator to a high floor suite to meet up with Ruby's college lover Dmitri and his boyfriend Andy. I had butterflies in my stomach and a buttplug in my ass. Tonight was going to be my first time getting fucked by real cocks. Ruby had prepared me thoroughly. I was nervous, excited, scared, turned on... The anticipation had become almost painful and I needed for this night to happen. For the...

3 years ago
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Ruby and the Machine

Note:I realize this story is based off of "The Princess Bride" torture scene. I've always had this fantasy and needed to put it in print. I claim no copyright of "The Princess Bride" dialogue, setting, or other aspects. This is simply for entertainment.?Also, I am always looking for stories like this, if you are an author and would like to write a similar one/continuation, please do so! I would love some help getting this concept in print more, and maybe one day in an actual porno (minus the...

1 year ago
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Ruby Jha Looses Her Virginity in Style

Dear ISS Readers,This is Rajiv again, Rajiv Dogra. I am here with my second story of fucking a beautiful neighborhood damsel Ruby, a mere 18 years young eye candy who was still studying. Friends first take a look at my and don’t miss the feedback I got there from friend readers. I am tempted to make a feast to all you fuck-story-lovers with my second story and hope to gather many more friends… Girlfriends …… only. Please…Here we go.. Her name was Ruby Jha. She lived just next door to me where...

3 years ago
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An email from Ruby

It was about three years ago when Ruby and I(Roja) first met. We were working together in an office, sharing a desk. Our boss spent most of his time out of the office usually on business meetings. He never said exactly where he went but he told us that he knew he could trust us to get on with the work. Ruby and I didn’t mind this at all, so we never asked where he was going. Since Ruby and I were the only employees, with the boss out of the picture we could relax. The work was fairly mundane,...

2 years ago
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An email from Ruby

It was about three years ago when Ruby and I(Roja) first met. We were working together in an office, sharing a desk. Our boss spent most of his time out of the office usually on business meetings. He never said exactly where he went but he told us that he knew he could trust us to get on with the work. Ruby and I didn’t mind this at all, so we never asked where he was going. Since Ruby and I were the only employees, with the boss out of the picture we could relax.The work was fairly mundane,...

3 years ago
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RubyChapter 16 Anything You Can Do

Ruby slipped her arm around Jimmy's waist as they went out front to see her new car. "Oh Jimmy, I seem to get stronger just leaning on you." He hugged her tighter against him. "Darlin', we give each other strength and I wouldn't have it any other way." They stopped beside the new canary yellow Olds eighty-eight convertible with all the bells and whistles. "Jimmy, what took you so long to get around to getting me my own car?" "Well in the first place you don't need a car, you got...

4 years ago
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Raping Ruby

I had just been out on a date with Ruby and, to be honest, it had not gone well. Even at the start of the evening Ruby seemed uninterested in what I had to say and got more bored over the course of a couple of hours. The only time she showed enthusiasm was when I asked about her music. She talked quite a lot about the band she was in and their up coming gigs but I didn't know enough about music to engage with her. It's not my type of thing. I'm more into sports but that wasn't Ruby's type...

1 year ago
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Teaching Ruby Anal

Ruby looked up from her desk and stared forward at the board. She stared upon her gorgeous professor. She looked back down at her notebook which she had scribbled all over trying to escape the many fantasies floating around in her head about the college professor Mr Farlane who had taken over the college class barely weeks before after the other teacher had retired. He was barely thirty years old with short dirty blond hair cut in a military type style. He was well muscled without being too...

2 years ago
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RubyChapter 12 The Elusive Mister X

"Oh god," Ruby moaned to herself. "How in hell did mama have more than one baby? I'm only a few months along and I feel like..." she could not finish one complaint before the next one poured from her lips. "It's so hot and I feel like I want to die. I feel cranky and miserable. I feel like shit." She carried the baby low and had at last begun to show she was pregnant. "Sweet Jesus, won't this damned heat ever let up?" On hot humid days in late spring and early summer the old swamp...

4 years ago
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RubyChapter 4 Lies Of Love

One month passed and Ruby had not begun to show her pregnancy yet, except for the imperceptible inch she gained in her waist. Even that tiny inch was probably due to her improved diet. Although she figured she was in her sixth week, perhaps a little over six weeks pregnant, she felt no hint of tiny life growing inside her. She was afraid of what Jimmy might say or think if he found out, she was pregnant. She had heard the guys back in Perkins go on about how "no man wanted to raise another...

2 years ago
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Ruby And Phils Night Of Lovemaking

Ruby cleaned the office and then headed for Phil's house for what promised to be a night of passion for both of them.Although he had fucked her in the office, withdrawing before he came, and also fucked her in the arse what twenty-eight-year-old Phil Cooper really wanted to do was to make love to the gorgeous fifty-four-year-old West Indian lady. She had phoned to invite herself to his house but she had not yet told him what had changed for her to have made that call.Ruby arrived and Phil was...

3 years ago
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RubyChapter 7 With A Song In Her Heart

To Ruby, the early Sunday morning sunshine seemed brighter than usual. She stretched hard and rolled over to look at Jimmy. He was awake. "I like to look at you, Ruby." His soft voice sent shivers through her stomach. Ruby kissed his bared chest and burrowed her face hard against his nipple. "Jimmy," she whispered. She rubbed her naked body against his. They began to make slow and gentle love, never in a hurry. She felt him tense, hug her tight and pour himself inside her. "I love you...

4 years ago
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RubyChapter 11 Best Served Cold

They had a month of peace. At last, Ruby became aware of the changes within her own body. She felt a tightening in her belly and knew the baby inside her was growing. One of her secret worries was the baby might resemble one of the uglier men she had been rented out to. In her mind she shied away from the name "whore." In her heart of hearts, she was never a whore. The part of her life where she became abased and used was locked off. Only at times like this did she think of those dark...

2 years ago
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Sex With Divorced Cousin Ruby

Hello, people, this is Raj again with a new and a true story which happened between me and my cousin sister in law. To describe her. Her name is Ruby (name changed). She is 26 in age with a height of 6’feet and sexy figure to die for. She is a divorcee. She was into a love marriage however that did not work well and she got separated. Ruby got divorced six months ago and she stays with her parents now, my wife’s uncle and aunty. Our family was not in talking terms for a while with...

4 years ago
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Anal Training with Ruby

In order to get ready to play with Dmitri and Andy, Ruby insisted that I be trained first. She wanted my throat and ass to be ready for the boys to use me roughly. Our regiment began right away. In the morning when I awoke with the sun streaming through the blinds, Ruby was spooning me and gently stroking her middle finger over my asshole. I moaned and roused to the stimulation. She pushed her finger deep inside me, causing me to gasp. She pulled out and then told me to head to the bathroom....

2 years ago
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RubyChapter 19 And Baby Makes Three

Greta had already delivered her baby son right on time. She became a constant visitor to the Haggard household. "You know, Ruby, this little wooly booger looks just like his daddy," she told her friend and laughed. "He's got this mop of black hair, he's wrinkled all over and he's ugly as sin." Ruby laughed, "I bet Stanley is a real proud daddy, isn't he?" "I'll say. Man, when we go to temple that ugly little Jew is so proud he almost has the rabbi convinced you Christians made a...

3 years ago
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A Late Night Visit from Ruby

I was asleep when Ruby buzzed to come up. It was 1:18am on Thursday night. She had mentioned she was having drinks with an old friend after work, so I didn't expect to see her, but I was happy for the company. I'd been feeling a bit pent up that night and I assumed the late visit was to scratch an itch.Ruby and I had been dating for about six months. I had met her at a friend's house party. She was clever and flirty and had a ripeness about her sexuality that bordered on obscene. She was...

1 year ago
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Ruby baby sits

Note : This story is completely fictional! Fifteen year old Ruby was doing her homework when the phone rang. It was Mrs. Jackson. She wanted her to baby sit. Tommy was a ten year old brat and she hated the boy. She said yes because she needed the money. When Ruby was inside Mrs. Johnson's house she ask her how long she would be gone."I'm going to a and I won't be home until early morning""That long" sighed Ruby.Mrs Jonson could see the girl was upset and said.""I'll give you forty dollars"Ruby...

First Time
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Janiersquos Mum Ruby

I overslept which is something I rarely do and slipping on my tatty old boxers I went down for my morning caffeine fix and while it was brewing I made a fresh batch of juice, it’s always good to have some on hand as you never know when it will be needed. I looked out the back and saw Rachel hanging out her washing which mainly consisted of shorts and underwear and when she saw me at my door she smiled, “Hi Frank, how are you?” she asked which sparked up a quick conversation.She told me the...

1 year ago
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RubyChapter 13 X Marks The Spot

Once in the car and on their way to the Pagoda, Su Li's restaurant, Ruby let out a raucous laugh. "Oh Jimmy!" She began to laugh hard. Neither Ruby nor Jimmy was aware of the extent they had both outwardly changed. Some of the changes ran deep. Many of Ruby's were caused by fear she would be found out. With the love she had for the man who filled her life, she would do anything to keep the past buried. Jimmy had changed because Ruby had awakened him. "Yahoo!" he shouted as he steered...

3 years ago
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RubyChapter 3 Transition

Her foot throbbed; pain shot up from her ankle and ended in the pit of her stomach. She whimpered as she made her way into the living room. Somehow, she had gotten the cast wet while rinsing the clothes in the washing machine. It was soaked all the way through and became a sodden mess. She switched on the big late model Philco radio and sat back in the kitchen chair next to it to listen to "Stella Dallas" as Stella, the star of the soap opera, comforted Ruby as her raspy man's voice gave...

3 years ago
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Rubys Storie

Ruby sat in the livingroom of their backwoods home listening to her father and 5 uncles talk. They were all White Supremacist and hearing them talk was strange at best.Ruby had been educated in the public schools and knew that these relatives of hers were full of crap but she was also raised to respect them if not fear them and therefore said nothing against their philosophies.“It has taken a long time to build up to the point we are at now with the blacks and Jews running everything.” Says her...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...

2 years ago
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RubyChapter 2 One Taste Of Heaven

Ruby could not believe her eyes when Jimmy parked his Oldsmobile in front of a well maintained cottage just outside the city limits. Her breath caught in her throat and she stared all amazed. To Ruby, it looked like Heaven on Earth, all painted in white with Dutch blue trim. She stared at the flowers in the front yard. Then she thought back to the broken down machine parts and wind blown litter she grew up with. There were no bits of trash scattered about like back home in Perkins. The grass...

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RubyChapter 6 Hercules Unbound

Once they left the small café, Ruby urged Jimmy to walk a little faster toward their car. "Honey, I want to do some dastardly deeds on you and make you too weak to walk. I love you, man of mine." Jimmy was deep in thought and didn't hear her. "Ruby honey, you got to stop making me hard in public. It's embarrassing." "Jimmy, the crack of dawn or a knot hole in a tree makes you horny. You are so much man it takes an extra big body to hold it all." Jimmy snorted and grinned in spite...

2 years ago
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My Second Piece of AssChapter 28 Ruby Mae was Fantastic

Laura may have had a premonition that something was up. She certainly gave me the impression that she was uneasy. I wondered if she had spoken to one of the girls at the brothel. Why hadn't I warned them that she was not to know of the plan to retaliate against Ollie? If she knew I had skipped one of my classes that day and was planning to miss school the following day, she did not let on. With the answering machine light no longer blinking she did not resist when I pushed her toward the...

1 year ago
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Ruby My First Encounter

Hello friends this is preet..Sorry late ho gya.As you knew my dick is 6 and mein old writer hu iss parmeri story rimpy bhabhi ki chudai.And sweety bhabhi ki chudai…And mein business man hu Chandigarh se yeh story ek sales bhabhi jo airtel mein kam karti hai jiska naam ruby hai… This is my first incident with ruby when I was of 21 and I lost my first virginity as she works for airtel and her figure is 36.32.36 she is so sexy cant tell you she works for airtel and call me for connection fir...

1 year ago
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RubyChapter 9 The Glory Trail

Jimmy felt out of place as he sat beside Ruby in the Haven Of Rest Baptist Church. He sat straight and fidgeted. He wanted it to all be over with. From the podium, he looked out over the sea of faces, all strangers. Ruby seemed more at ease as they waited for Reverend Friend to give the bible lesson to the Sunday night congregation. Because of the incident with Leech that afternoon and the radio coverage of the affair, the church was full to overflowing. People stood in the aisles while...

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Ruby and Bettys sexy undies

As our sexual and friends relationship continued to grow through the years, Ruby and Betty shared many ideas on how to keep the spice growing.It started with oils and creams followed by experimenting in bed with positions. Both ladies knew how much I loved them naked and shaven but they wanted to feel the silky things most women enjoyed. I got a bonus at work and when I went home to them, I gave each $200 to do with what they wanted to excite them as well as me in bed. My thank you for that was...

1 year ago
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Anal with Ruby

This event took place five years into my twelve year love affair with Ruby, which placed her at being 75. We met at the senior center and started a weekly affair that took us to all sorts of sexual adventures. She was one VERY arousing and open-minded woman!I left work for the afternoon and picked Ruby up at her home and we made for our favorite eatery. We enjoyed a wonderful seafood lunch and a bottle of wine, which was what we usually had week week. But we also knew that we wanted to be home...

2 years ago
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Selling Ruby

She quietly sobbed “I will do anything for you”. “So will any girl I buy,” I correctly answered, and she sobbed harder, knowing it was true. A girl in this world could only be as valuable as the body she was born with, no matter how hard she worked to be appealing. Ruby was a medium-height girl with curly frizzy dark brown hair and a high-cheekboned but slightly pointed ostrich-like face that I found cute and girlish but not exactly pretty or beautiful. She was cute to play with, control...

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WWT Rachel And Ruby

“Please fuck me. Please fuck me. Please fuck me…”Ruby would repeat it, over and over again, her lily-white skin clammy and sweating as her breaths billowed up her bare breasts in rapid, shallow, panicked breaths. Tattoo had rescued her. He had not spoken, not directly, showing images of the gigantic jellyfish in the sea, its tendrils insert in a thousand different girls constantly convulsing with orgasm after orgasm. My roommate had been attached for months, pussy, anus and mouth still dripping...

Monster Sex
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Realtor Ruby Interactive story pt2

Sitting in my house staring at the phone. My ass took 2 days to recover the brutal Ruby. But ever since then I been riding anything that was smooth enough to slide in my ass. I never had anal sex before Ruby. The closest thing I found to replicate her size was a cucumber. It’s like I need it, to be filled, I crave it. I picked up the phone and called Ruby. Oh hey Chris, hows it going she chuckled.Well I still need a new house and I want you to be my realtor. One sec. I hear a car door close.Oh...

2 years ago
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Ruby didn’t have a judgmental bone in her body. Every suggestion of his, every “ask” was greeted with enthusiasm, a little giggle and a smile.“I want you to suck my cock?”“Yummy.”“Put the green dress on.”“You want me naked underneath?”They met at a coffee shop, the kind that is hard to find these days. No chain, no marketing, just a funky little spot on the corner of his street. Every day he stopped by for his morning cup. She served it up, hot with a smile. Just twenty-four, her English still...

Strap-On Sex
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RubyChapter 15 New Beginnings

"When we get to Woodward I'll take you to the hospital and have a doctor look at you. We need to get you checked out, Martha. I'm quite worried about you." Jake West turned his head to look in the back seat. Martha lay curled on her side. Her eyes were closed. Her face was contorted with pain. Beads of sweat stood out on her forehead. He flinched when her faint moans reached his ears. "Oh Jakey, I hurt bad. "I'm scared, Mister West," Reba told him, "real scared." He did not...

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The tale of Gavin and the finding of the Ruby

This is the finish of a set of stories I started once before. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this. = -=- = Gavin Mason looked the casino's poor excuse for a bar, full of people who had come to Vegas...

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Ruby is a woman -- gorgeous to every syllable. She is 31 years old, tall, about 5' 6", 124 lbs, with a perfect and god-envying figure of 38C-29-38. She is fair in complexion and beautiful but there is something in her appearance that acts like a magnet to attract both sexes. Really, her large, bright and eloquent eyes, finely trimmed eyebrows, small forehead, a dense mass of jet-black hair on her head -- pruned carefully up to her mid back -- sharp nose and a pair of slightly protruded lips...

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Ruby introduction to something big

i remember a girl i dated when i was a junior in high school and she was a 8th grader. we had been dating since the middle of summer and been having sex every single day it seemed. she had been with a few guys her age. she was about 5'3" black curly hair and a little on heavy side. i told her that i wanted her to fuck my friend, but she said no. i would always bring it up and especially when i was fucking her. i would ask her if she would like a huge dick in her or if she knew what...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Ruby Chachi

Hi friends m a regular reader of ISS n yaha mein ne kafi stories padhi h jiski wajha se mujhe gutts mille h yeh apni story yaha batane ke liye. Any aunties or girls wanna get satisfy who r not satisfied from their bfs or husbands can msg me on Pehle mein apne baare may bata ta hu mein 20 yrs ka hu m student hu n mera naam h rajan mera cock 7″ long n 3″ wide h n mein ek average looking guy hu from hyderabad. Yeh meri pehli story h toh zyada tym na barbad karte hu story pe aata hu Meri ek...

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Ruby My Chat Friend

Hi, Friends… My name is Hrishi I am an ISS fan for long. I enjoy reading the experiences. Today I thought let me try to share my experience with you all. Let me tell you about myself I am 26 years old, medium built and decent looking man. I am working in a MNC bank as a manager back in Kolkata. The story is my real experience which happened 6 months ego I chat a lot in yahoo and got some good friends from there one of them was Ruby. Our chatting started casually no sex of that sort of thing was...

4 years ago
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Akash Ruby and me

Hi! I read these stories regularly. Some of the stories are a real turn on. I am 28 yr experienced single Delhi male. I m 6ft 70kgs clean shaven with athletic body. I have lots of wild n erotic fantasies and true experience which I would like to share with like minded peoples you can email me main ab apko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu vo ak sachhi ghatna hai. Mera pahla sexual exp 6 saal pahle ak couple(cpl) ke sath hi hua tha. Main unke ghar main peing guest tha. Tabhi se mujhe sirf three some...

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Absolute DelightsChapter 4 The Ruby Harem

The interview room of the Ruby harem was similar to the one in the Golden Palace, except that the pictures were much more explicit and were much more heavily oriented towards pain than to pleasure. There were depictions of girls and young men undergoing a variety of punishments, or in some cases tortures. The mediæval rack was easily understood, but some of the other devices were incomprehensible to the young Emir. He decided to look into that later, being fairly sure that the Ruby Palace...

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Jennys solo adventure with Ruby

I had known Ruby, you may know her as Rubz, for about three weeks. I can’t remember who contacted who but I do remember it was on a Saturday evening. We seemed to hit it off straight away. She told me that she was happily married and only came here for the stories and a bit of harmless fun. We spent the remainder of the night sending messages back and forth finding out a little about our completely different lives. I can't put my finger on what I liked so much, maybe the candid conversations or...

3 years ago
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IN THE AGE OF INNOCENCE I hated my best friend, Chaz! Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but I sure felt that way. We grew up best buds and fiercest competitors. We were more friends than competitors until we discovered girls. Through some twisted sense of humor of the Gods it seemed that we always fell for the same girls. I guess it started when we were juniors in high school. Chaz went to East High and I went to North. My name was Deal Edwards and Chaz was Charles Theron. Deal sounds like...

4 years ago
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RubyChapter 14 Heres Reba

Reba Skye sat at the counter in the diner and nursed her cup of coffee. She glanced at the grainy newspaper picture, looked away then did a double take and looked back again. She recognized the woman in the picture. It couldn't be ... but it sure was! There was big sister Ruby, bigger than life. The rip in her dress showed her leg almost up to her butt. She knew one thing for certain, that was definitely Big Sis. Reba grabbed the much out of date newspaper away from the man reading it. "Do...

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Intrusive DelightsChapter 7 The Ruby Palace

The Head of Protocol, Kamal Qumsiyeh, seemed very nervous at the Public Audience session a week or so later. He was obviously trying to decide whether to ask a major favour of the Emir; either that or he was trying to summon enough courage to raise something which he knew would annoy his master. "Come on, you old fraud," said the Emir in a fruitless attempt to jolly him along, "Out with it. I know you want to say something. What is it?" Faced with such a direct order, Kamal Qumsiyeh had...

2 years ago
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Trevors Ruby Ch 01

Trevor Burbage had arrived in the country from New Zealand just six weeks ago, and found himself a nice apartment, as we call it here in the States. He hoped that his stay in the U.S. would be permanent, in fact, but he naturally worried about whether or not he would get to keep his green card. How many New Zealanders got to stay in America? In any case, he made no fuss when the super promptly informed him that he would have a roommate, and that she would be a woman in her late 20s. That was...

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My Adventures with Ruby

Began when she fucked me for the first time when she was 70 and I was 50 and continued almost weekly for the next 12 years with one exception of almost 3 months when I lived with her and she fucked me each night when we went to bed and again in the morning before I left for work. When we were inside we never wore clothes which made it easy for all kinds of fun at a moments notice. Ruby truly loved fucking and over the years her favorites of missionary and her on top were expanded to include...

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Me With My Mommy Ruby

Hi! I am Zaheer Ahmed, the only c***d in my small family that belongs to the upper middle class in Hyderabad, India. My father, Mr. Zafar Ahmed, aged 46 years, is a successful mechanical engineer, working in the gulf for a very reputed multinational company and my mother, Mrs. Rubina Zafar Ahmed (Ruby, as she is mostly called), aged 38 years, is a typical housewife, whose daily routine is to do household works in the day and watching the tv serials in the evening.This incident took place when i...

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First Love With My Cousin Ruby

Hi this is RICIA from Kerala.I am a big fan of ISS so i thought to narrate my first story …. a true experience of mine through this post. I am 23 currently living in Chennai ,average height,fair complexion and a dancer. Everyone likes me because of my handsome look & trustworthy . Any girls or ladiescan contact me @ ­com.This is a story about how i encountered my sex experience with my cousin sister ruby.These incidents were happened before 3 years ie; during my college days. The first few...

1 year ago
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Me With My Mommy Ruby

Hi! I am Zaheer Ahmed, the only child in my small family that belongs to the upper middle class in Hyderabad, India. My father, Mr. Zafar Ahmed, aged 46 years, is a successful mechanical engineer, working in the gulf for a very reputed multinational company and my mother, Mrs. Rubina Zafar Ahmed (Ruby, as she is mostly called), aged 38 years, is a typical housewife, whose daily routine is to do household works in the day and watching the tv serials in the evening. This incident took place when...

2 years ago
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Breaking Ruby Rose

Erick had an unhealthy crush on lesbian starlet Ruby Rose for a long time. He often dreamt of finding her walking alone down a dark ally just so he could pin her down and fuck her tight pussy like there was no tommorow and now he was about to make that dream a reality. He took years to get his plan just right,he was hours away from putting his plan in motion. Thanks to his thurough stalking skills her knew Ruby took a long stretch of road home late at night after a tough day of shoots when and...

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Realtor Ruby A interactive story

I was bent over the end of the couch. Her 10” cock slammed harder with each thrust into my throbbing asshole. Her thumbs holding my cheeks apart, she hate fucked my boy box. My cock was shriveled almost inside of me as she took her aggression out on me. You like that you pussy? You like my big dick rammed deep inside your virgin asshole? I know you do cause your tiny cock is dripping you faggot she shouted. I felt her climbing onto my back, her big fake DD tits on my back as her cock traveled...

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Ruby Aunty Ki Chudai

Ye story meri aur meri padosan aunty ruby ki hai. Story start karney se pahle main aap sabko apne baare mein bata du. Mera naam preet hai. Main delhi ka rahne wala hoon. 1 saal drop kia hai aur abhi btech main admission ke liye form bhara hai. Padhai me 85% k around le hi aata hoon. Height 5.5. Land ka size 5.8. Aaju baaju ke logo k liye main bohot seedha ladka hu.. Jiska maine khoob faida utthaya hai.. Ab baat ruby “Bhaabhi” ki. Aaaahhhh. Kya bataun uske baare mein. Ek baar delhi aake khud hi...

2 years ago
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Ruby Ki Mari Jam Ke

Hello friends mera naam yavesh hai, rajnandgaon Chhattisgarh se ho me btech ka student ye ek real kahani h isme ek bi baat jhuthi nai hai bus mene larki ka naam change kiya h bus ye aaj se ek saal phele ki baat hai me apne dosto ke sath chopati me bheta tha to mere frnd ki gf aayi usse me phele bi Bahut baar mil chuka tha par iss bar uske sath me ek larki aayi uska naam Ruby name changed tha me jab usko dekha to dekte hi rahe gaya yaar kya mast lag rahi thi 5.3 height hogi aur figure to kya...

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