Arajatta Of The Ruby Part 1 free porn video

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This is the first part of what I plan to be a long story line. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this basically. Gavin Mason looked around the bar. It wasn't a very good bar, it was a Casino Bar. And it was full of people in various states of emotion. From happy to depressingly sad, from the well dressed to the not so well dressed. Gavin shifted uncomfortably on his bar stool, sipping at his drink. He was not here to enjoy the atmosphere, he was here to hunt. All the males in the room glowed for him, and the color told him what he needed to know. From dark blue for the manliest of men, to shades of pink for the less manly and various colors in between he was able to spot his prey. Tonight he was not hunting one or two, but four dark blue. That was the only way he could think about it without being wracked by guilt. He didn't want to be here, he didn't want to listen to the horrible music, smell the stale beer and cigarettes, or listen to the noise coming from the Casino proper. He had no choice, she forced him to hunt, and his wife had devised a plan that was, to say the least deviously promising. He waited for nearly an hour, it was just after midnight, and he was preparing to leave when he saw them. Four young men, maybe thirty at the oldest walk in and not a one of them seemed happy. This was good. This was very good for him at least, not so much for them. He walked towards them, reaching out with the power he was given to hunt with. He could read just enough of their thoughts to know if they were good targets or not. He watched them for a moment. The oldest one, yes him, the young man with the goatee, Shaun. He seemed their leader and the one most likely to get the four into trouble and the least likely to get caught. He was in decent shape, an accountant back home in New York. He talked them into coming here. Gavin took a moment to see if they were married or had children, and smiled when he realized all four were bachelors. He was forced to do this; he wasn't forced to be that cruel. Next to Shaun was Danny, his right hand man and the most sensible of the bunch. Red hair and freckled, he didn't look old enough to shave yet he was here to celebrate his impending thirty birthday. Across from them was Dave, a handsome black kid who almost played football professionally as a wide receiver but a bad knee injury reduced him to a court clerk. His greatest ambition now was to get laid. And next to him was the scrub. That's all Gavin could think of looking at Perry. A short, unkempt head of hair and a face that hadn't seen a razor in a week and clothes that didn't appear all that clean. This was Perry's "look". And he worked at a local video store as the manager. Gavin had standards, he hated doing this to "good folks" in his book, and these four, with the exception of Danny, were not to his standard of model humans. Danny's big error was hanging out with them. "Birds of a feather flock together" his mother always told him, and so it was their fate was sealed. Gavin knew what to do, what to say and how to lay out the bait then hook them just right. It was almost pathetically easy, but then he had help. Gavin was dressed in a very nice suit, and looked not a day over forty, well groomed and not really a fit for a bar like this. Never the less, no one noticed him unless he wanted them too, and right now, he wanted to be noticed. He pulled out a chair and sat down at the young men's table. The four almost jumped, they hadn't seen him until he was sitting with them. "Hello Gentleman, my name is Gavin Mason, and you boys seem to be in a spot of trouble," Gavin said casually and sipped at his drink. "Who the fuck are you?" asked Shaun. "I, am a student of the human mind, and I have a proposal for you if you are interested." They looked at him for a minute and Danny spoke next. "We're not gay, so you can go troll somewhere else." Not quite what Gavin had anticipated. "Good, I'm not either. I just happened to be walking by and couldn't help but over here you boys are in need of money, I happen to have money to give away," Gavin said. Money always commanded attention. "We'll be fine; you keep your money mister," said Dave. He didn't like this one bit. Hell he didn't like being here. Too many weirdos in Vegas. "What a shame, well I'll find some other young men interested in twenty million dollars." And Gavin started to get up. That generally worked, and it did again. "Excuse me, millions?" Perry asked, sitting up a little straighter in his chair. "Yes, but you said you weren't interested," Gavin said, sitting back down. "We'll hear you out, but we ain't committing to nothing." This time it was Shaun, but Danny broke in, "Look man, I don't know what kind of idiots you take us for, but no one just hands off twenty million dollars, and..." Dave kicked him under the table. "At least listen to him, hell it'll be a good laugh." And with that they sat back and waited. "Very well, like I said, I study people. Specifically I like to test the power of the mind. All I ask is you come to this address," he said and reached into his pocket and produced a card. "And spend three days proving you have the will power to resist temptation. No tricks, no gimmicks, no harm, no foul. I'll have the money there, waiting for you, and explain further the details. Be there tomorrow, at noon. The odds of walking away fabulously wealthy are far greater with me then here." And with that he got up and walked away. "He's a serial killer," was Dave's reaction. "You said to let him speak, good job," Danny retorted. He didn't like this at all. "Obviously this is some crackpot's crazed game, how many stupid people can I get to show up at this..." he picked up the card, "location and feel like idiots." "Yeah, and then he kills them," Dave repeated. "Four of us? Are you crazy man, it's probably some lame ass hoax that get's put on the internet man," Perry replied. "Still, we should check out the address, if it's bogus, we leave. If it's a scam, we kick his ass." Shaun leaned forward looking at Perry. "I like it, that's got potential. If this guy is jerking us around, we'll kick his fucking ass man." There were nods all around, except for Danny. "Yeah, I don't think that's a great plan at all guys." Dave slapped him in the back of the head. "Don't be a pussy man, four us against him, it ain't like we got money, he heard us you were loud enough, whining we were almost out of money our first night here." And much to Danny's dismay they agreed to show up an hour early and get the scoop on this Mr. Mason fellow. So it was they found themselves standing before a large white brick wall about five miles out of town. Through a gate stood a very nice mansion, lush green grass and a large wooden fence that probably held a swimming pool. "Well I'll be damned," said Shaun, "this guy DOES have money. I suppose we should find out what the gig is." Perry looked around. "Wait, there is nothing out here, we're alone man, he's crazy and we're crazy for being here." Perry was right, they were out in the middle of nowhere. The taxi driver had gotten them there just after eleven forty. He didn't know where the place was either, it wasn't on the GPS and they only arrived by sheer luck. "Come on, a rich loaded guy like this isn't a killer, probably mental, but not dangerous," said Dave and he pushed open the gate. They walked in and made their way to the front door and waited, looking around for anything amiss, but it was perfect... too perfect for Danny's taste, but what could he do? At exactly noon the door opened, and Gavin welcomed them in. The house was nicer on the inside then the outside. "So what's the deal man, what's this test you were talking about?" asked Shaun as soon as the door shut. What indeed was this test? To understand the test, we have to go back about three years, to southern Peru and deep in the mountains where Professor Gavin Mason and his wife Sherry were looking for an ancient temple. Prof. Mason was once a well respected archeologist, and for much of the fifties and sixties he had been on the leading edge of studying the Mayan culture. But something happened that changed his life and his fortunes. His son Ulysses had been killed, in a terrible accident. Just after his twenty second birthday an earthquake had struck in Iran, where he was following in his father's footsteps studying ancient Persia. A wall had fallen on him, and in Nineteen Sixty Eight, the medical care that might have saved him was not available. He was returned to America where he stayed in a come for almost five years. Gavin and Sherry stopped everything to be with their son. When he awoke from his coma, he was a vegetable. He died a short while later, and the two of them years to recover. When they did, Gavin had in Sherry's mind lost it. He found a piece of broken tablet, and forced her to follow him all over Peru looking for what he called "The Temple of Arajatta". He was convinced this was the source of the fall of the Mayans. His peers at first intrigued, soon realized he was chasing a myth, a story, a false legend, and began to mock him. What years they had left, instead of being spent traveling to parts of the world she wanted to go, and being invited to parties in famous places was instead spent chasing after a myth. And Sherry was most resentful of this. She never said a word, for Gavin was the most dutiful of Husbands, always so proper, but he was obsessed! And it nearly drove her mad with rage and pity. But back to three years ago, the two of them were too old for this, nearly eighty, and still going as Gavin would say, they found a small remote village near the coast. It was there an old Mayan woman told Gavin she knew the temple, and helped him find it through a guide. It was just a cave, behind a wall of vines. Sherry could read Ancient Mayan almost as well as Gavin, and what she saw on the walls scared her. Warnings, threats, curses... it was like nothing she had ever seen. Gavin perhaps, was not insane. At the mouth of the cave the old woman had stopped and refused to enter. Their guide Manuel laughed at the old woman and led them in. He didn't fear some old cave and was looking forward to the money promised him. He thought the two were crazy, coming out here at their age, but whatever, they had money and that was that. Inside the cave were long tunnels, and at the end was a massive stone door. The warnings on the door were even more ominous then those on the walls. Death, danger, evil. That was what was behind the door. Sherry begged that they leave, but Manuel couldn't move the door and thought perhaps dynamite would open it. Gavin however had ignored them all. He just stood there, for what seemed like forever, then he said, "Open." And the door opened. Sherry almost passed out when the door opened, she was ready to run. Manuel had soiled himself, but was frozen in place, a look of fear on his face. When Sherry tried to move, she couldn't, her legs, her traitorous legs lead her into the room. It was lit from within by a deep red glow, as if someone had lit a pool of blood. The floor was smooth sand, the room round, with statues all around. In the middle was a raised dais, and over it, floating in the air, was the source of the light. A brilliant Ruby the size of an ostrich egg shimmered and radiated. It was beautiful. As she walked forward she noted the others were drawn to it as well and all were entranced. The Ruby was slowly rotating, as it did she noted there was a flaw! A shattered side, a flaw that was horrible to look upon, for this gem was no ordinary gem. After a moment three red beams shot out from the ruby. Gavin could only watch in horror as his wife seemed to light on fire from the light, and disappeared, her clothing falling to the floor. He cried out in horror, but was suddenly wracked by a terrible pain. He felt as if his body were being dismantled one atom at a time, then smashed back together again. He fell to his knees, and stopped, startled as he saw his hands. They were young again! What was happening? He realized the beam was no longer on him and he could move again. He stumbled towards where his wife once stood and picked up her clothes, tears in his eyes. Manuel screamed once, but not in pain, but... pleasure? Gavin looked over and watched Manuel's body gyrate obscenely before his eyes rolled back into his head, and suddenly he burst into flames, clothes and all. His charred bones fell to the floor with a clatter. Gavin was stupefied. "Yes, I'm sorry about that, but I needed his flesh," a woman's voice said. And Gavin looked to his right and fainted. As he came too, he was staring at the oddly lit ceiling of the room. It took a moment for him to regain his senses. He couldn't stop staring at his hands. He felt young and strong again. "I see you are back with us, very good," a sultry voiced said from behind him. Gavin looked again at the source of that voice and was able to maintain control. She was dark skinned, nearly nude except for some sheer silky material containing her ample bosom and over her waist. She was every bit the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen in his life. Despite his best effort to not look, he could see every detail, and it caused him agony. Gavin Mason was a modest man by nature, and a cultured one. His friends he had over the course of his life considered him the biggest prude they had ever met. "Who, who are you?" he asked, looking away. "I am the one you seek Gavin, or had you not figured that out yet?" She laughed as she spoke. It was a laugh of supreme amusement. Gavin realized this... being was enjoying his pain. "Where is my wife? What have you done to her?" he asked. "Sherry is fine I assure you. I need an agent in your world, and you are perfect. So I shall keep her here." She walked over to the floating Ruby and patted it. "She's safe, young again like you, and her needs are seen too. As long as you do as I require, you'll be richly rewarded. If you don't... well I can change her living arrangements." Gavin didn't know how to respond. A million thoughts raced through his mind. "What are you? And why are you here?" he asked finally. "Very good questions, and as I need your help I suppose you are entitled to the truth." She walked, with a sway to her hips that made Gavin's knees weak. "I am Arajatta. And no, I am not a demon, a devil or any such non-sense like that." She hopped up onto the dais and crossed her legs. She looked at him thoughtfully for a moment, as if reading his mind. "Yes, I am somewhat reading your thoughts." This caused Gavin to look up in shock. "Oh do stop that, you've spent years chasing down the legend, now here I am." Gavin looked over at the still smoldering pile of bones that was Manuel. "Yes, well, I AM sorry about that, I needed flesh to walk around here with you, and he was the least useful of the three of you. I am not proud of killing him, however he was a very bad man, so I did you a favor. He was considering how to take you for all your money, perhaps even kill you. Does that help at all?" Gavin frowned, he'd never seen someone murdered before. "Anyway, we could spend all day discussing Manuel's death and its moral implications, but I have more important things to discuss with you. I am the Princess Arajatta of the Kingdom of Copensia and I come from an alternate dimension from yours. One I might add that is far more technologically advanced then yours." Gavin was looking at her again, doing all he could to ignore the effects she had on his body. "I am rather attractive, aren't I? I'm glad you approve. Now, as to how I arrived here... well long story short as you would say, I was banished here." She uncrossed her legs, causing Gavin to look away, this merely made her laugh. "My you are a prude aren't you? I like that. I was sent here to suffer for trying to kill my mother and take over the kingdom. Oh, don't be so judgmental, you have no idea the monster my mother was." "But... why here?" he asked. "Random chance I suppose. In my reality my form is not too terribly different, but my powers here are to be frankly honest, amazing. I can manipulate reality, I can change people, things... I can make you fabulously wealthy, or turn you into something horrible. It's quite amusing really." She got up and started to pace. "I require though power, and I get that power feeding off of human emotions. It took me many centuries to realize this. Their priests found my ruby and they came to worship it. I gained enough power to start to influence events and things were going well when they grew afraid of me. They locked me away and with the loss of my influence, they declined. So, yes, they killed themselves." Gavin's mind was stuck, he had before him a source to answers he'd never thought possible to learn, an alien being was standing before him who could answer so much... yet he couldn't grasp this was really happening. "Why did they begin to fear me? Oh that's easy, I figured out the perfect emotion, and they didn't approve." She smiled and walked towards him, watching his eyes as he tried to avert his gaze from her. "I discovered that the sexual tension of a human male being forced to do things against his will, all the while willingly do so, is at the right... well shall we say frequency for me. The more intense the moment, the more I gain." She was standing in front of him, looking down at him. He was enthralled, guilty and aroused all at once. Arajatta had to fight the desire to consume him right then and there. "However, my time with you is almost up. What we are going to do is fairly simple, you will return to your land and lure men for my needs. Once I have enough power we will seek out the rest of my home and then I will be able to return home." She turned around and started to walk back to the ruby. "I won't help you kill people!" Gavin said standing up. "Kill? What? Oh no my dear, I really needed to walk around in the flesh as it were. It's been over four hundred years. The spell is fading, and I must return to my ruby soon. But trust me, you won't be killing anyone." She started to glow like the ruby. "In fact, the men will in the end be happier than before you met them. Somehow I doubt you will understand at first." And then she faded away. "But don't worry, you can hear me, and if you are good and do well, I'll let you visit your wife." There was a flash of brilliant light and Gavin found himself standing in the middle of the desert. Before him in the shimmering heat was a city and he was by a road. "Las Vegas, 5 Miles," the sign read. At the same moment Sherry sat on the bed in the odd room she was in, watching on what appeared to be a flat panel TV in front of her. It was the oddest sensation she was feeling, and it took her a moment to realize this was all very much real. She looked down at her body; like her husband she was young again. The room itself was white, with three doors, the bed, a nightstand and a white oak dresser against the far wall. She open the dresser, each drawer was filled with more clothing. None of it however was to her liking. She was rather self-conscious of her lack of proper dress. She opened the first door, nearest the TV. There was nothing beyond it but whiteness. She stepped back, afraid. It was as if infinity stretched out before her. She quickly closed the door and went to the next. Inside was the most luxurious of bathrooms she had ever seen. A deep marble tub sunken into the floor, a vanity, even a golden toilet, it was quite impressive. The room was also as large as her bedroom. Against the far wall was a multi-head shower. The type you see in commercials, and she realized she wasn't sure which she wanted to use first. She closed the door and opened the third. Inside was a dining room. A rather odd dining room, as the walls were of red velvet, the table a small simple dark wood affair for two. That was all that was in there. She looked around for another door, perhaps to a kitchen, for she was thirsty. She turned back to the table, intent on closing the door, when she noticed a pitcher of lemonade, with ice and two glasses. "What the heck?" she said aloud and picked up the glass, and took a sip. It was perfect. There is no other explanation. "Yes, anything you desire, you merely have to think it and it will be there for you," a voice said from behind her. Sherry froze in place she knew that voice. It was Arajatta! "YOU!" she placed the glass down and faced her captor. She was not as Sherry expected. She had watched her husband's interactions with this... being, however to see her in person was quite shocking. "Yes, it's me. I hope the facilities are to your liking." Arajatta said. She walked over to the bed and sat down. "It's very nice, I suppose, for a prison," Sherry said, crossing her arms. For some reason she felt even more naked in front of Arajatta. "A prison? If you wish to think of it as such, I will not stop you. However I would hope you come to find it a nice temporary home, one where you and I could even be friends." Arajatta was smiling at her. Sherry was a bit awed by this offer, she was a prisoner, and her jailer wanted to be friends? "Why should I be your friend?" she asked. "Why not? I know that these are not the ideal circumstances to ask for friendship, however Gavin will help me, and in return I you. Please, try to see the benefits." Sherry walked over and sat down on the far side of the bed. She thought of a dozen retorts, but none really seemed to hold weight. "What sort of help can you give us?" she asked tentatively. "Your youth is not enough?" Arajatta asked. "It, it is a start. But you cannot hold people against their will!" Sherry was torn, she didn't realize how good she felt till just that moment. "Oh, it's just the start, you see if Gavin is successful, I can help you both more. Money, beauty, long life free from disease and aging... I only need to be free of this reality and return home. Is this not what you would consider a fair trade? A time of, well, enjoyable, and I do try to be a good hostess mind you, vacationing here and in return a guarantee of the good life?" Sherry was quiet, thinking for a while. She realized Arajatta was eyeing her and it made her rather uncomfortable. There was an almost lustful gleam in Arajatta's eyes. "May I call you Ara?" Sherry asked. "Ara... I like that, yes please do. I must go now, you are free to watch your husband, or watch TV, we get all the channels here." Ara laughed as she walked towards that door to infinity. So Sherry stayed, she watched her husband make his way to the city, find that he had a credit card with quite a large sum of money on hand.... And then go to bed. She watched TV, got bored.... Went into the bathroom and used the large mirror to examine her body. It was as if she was 25 again, and it was wonderful. Sherry finally decided on the bath, and sunk into bliss, wondering what tomorrow would bring. Part one, to be continued.

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3 years ago
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RubyChapter 19 And Baby Makes Three

Greta had already delivered her baby son right on time. She became a constant visitor to the Haggard household. "You know, Ruby, this little wooly booger looks just like his daddy," she told her friend and laughed. "He's got this mop of black hair, he's wrinkled all over and he's ugly as sin." Ruby laughed, "I bet Stanley is a real proud daddy, isn't he?" "I'll say. Man, when we go to temple that ugly little Jew is so proud he almost has the rabbi convinced you Christians made a...

4 years ago
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A Late Night Visit from Ruby

I was asleep when Ruby buzzed to come up. It was 1:18am on Thursday night. She had mentioned she was having drinks with an old friend after work, so I didn't expect to see her, but I was happy for the company. I'd been feeling a bit pent up that night and I assumed the late visit was to scratch an itch.Ruby and I had been dating for about six months. I had met her at a friend's house party. She was clever and flirty and had a ripeness about her sexuality that bordered on obscene. She was...

1 year ago
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Ruby baby sits

Note : This story is completely fictional! Fifteen year old Ruby was doing her homework when the phone rang. It was Mrs. Jackson. She wanted her to baby sit. Tommy was a ten year old brat and she hated the boy. She said yes because she needed the money. When Ruby was inside Mrs. Johnson's house she ask her how long she would be gone."I'm going to a and I won't be home until early morning""That long" sighed Ruby.Mrs Jonson could see the girl was upset and said.""I'll give you forty dollars"Ruby...

First Time
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Janiersquos Mum Ruby

I overslept which is something I rarely do and slipping on my tatty old boxers I went down for my morning caffeine fix and while it was brewing I made a fresh batch of juice, it’s always good to have some on hand as you never know when it will be needed. I looked out the back and saw Rachel hanging out her washing which mainly consisted of shorts and underwear and when she saw me at my door she smiled, “Hi Frank, how are you?” she asked which sparked up a quick conversation.She told me the...

2 years ago
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RubyChapter 13 X Marks The Spot

Once in the car and on their way to the Pagoda, Su Li's restaurant, Ruby let out a raucous laugh. "Oh Jimmy!" She began to laugh hard. Neither Ruby nor Jimmy was aware of the extent they had both outwardly changed. Some of the changes ran deep. Many of Ruby's were caused by fear she would be found out. With the love she had for the man who filled her life, she would do anything to keep the past buried. Jimmy had changed because Ruby had awakened him. "Yahoo!" he shouted as he steered...

4 years ago
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RubyChapter 3 Transition

Her foot throbbed; pain shot up from her ankle and ended in the pit of her stomach. She whimpered as she made her way into the living room. Somehow, she had gotten the cast wet while rinsing the clothes in the washing machine. It was soaked all the way through and became a sodden mess. She switched on the big late model Philco radio and sat back in the kitchen chair next to it to listen to "Stella Dallas" as Stella, the star of the soap opera, comforted Ruby as her raspy man's voice gave...

4 years ago
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Rubys Storie

Ruby sat in the livingroom of their backwoods home listening to her father and 5 uncles talk. They were all White Supremacist and hearing them talk was strange at best.Ruby had been educated in the public schools and knew that these relatives of hers were full of crap but she was also raised to respect them if not fear them and therefore said nothing against their philosophies.“It has taken a long time to build up to the point we are at now with the blacks and Jews running everything.” Says her...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...

3 years ago
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RubyChapter 2 One Taste Of Heaven

Ruby could not believe her eyes when Jimmy parked his Oldsmobile in front of a well maintained cottage just outside the city limits. Her breath caught in her throat and she stared all amazed. To Ruby, it looked like Heaven on Earth, all painted in white with Dutch blue trim. She stared at the flowers in the front yard. Then she thought back to the broken down machine parts and wind blown litter she grew up with. There were no bits of trash scattered about like back home in Perkins. The grass...

2 years ago
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RubyChapter 6 Hercules Unbound

Once they left the small café, Ruby urged Jimmy to walk a little faster toward their car. "Honey, I want to do some dastardly deeds on you and make you too weak to walk. I love you, man of mine." Jimmy was deep in thought and didn't hear her. "Ruby honey, you got to stop making me hard in public. It's embarrassing." "Jimmy, the crack of dawn or a knot hole in a tree makes you horny. You are so much man it takes an extra big body to hold it all." Jimmy snorted and grinned in spite...

3 years ago
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My Second Piece of AssChapter 28 Ruby Mae was Fantastic

Laura may have had a premonition that something was up. She certainly gave me the impression that she was uneasy. I wondered if she had spoken to one of the girls at the brothel. Why hadn't I warned them that she was not to know of the plan to retaliate against Ollie? If she knew I had skipped one of my classes that day and was planning to miss school the following day, she did not let on. With the answering machine light no longer blinking she did not resist when I pushed her toward the...

2 years ago
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Ruby My First Encounter

Hello friends this is preet..Sorry late ho gya.As you knew my dick is 6 and mein old writer hu iss parmeri story rimpy bhabhi ki chudai.And sweety bhabhi ki chudai…And mein business man hu Chandigarh se yeh story ek sales bhabhi jo airtel mein kam karti hai jiska naam ruby hai… This is my first incident with ruby when I was of 21 and I lost my first virginity as she works for airtel and her figure is 36.32.36 she is so sexy cant tell you she works for airtel and call me for connection fir...

2 years ago
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RubyChapter 9 The Glory Trail

Jimmy felt out of place as he sat beside Ruby in the Haven Of Rest Baptist Church. He sat straight and fidgeted. He wanted it to all be over with. From the podium, he looked out over the sea of faces, all strangers. Ruby seemed more at ease as they waited for Reverend Friend to give the bible lesson to the Sunday night congregation. Because of the incident with Leech that afternoon and the radio coverage of the affair, the church was full to overflowing. People stood in the aisles while...

3 years ago
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Ruby and Bettys sexy undies

As our sexual and friends relationship continued to grow through the years, Ruby and Betty shared many ideas on how to keep the spice growing.It started with oils and creams followed by experimenting in bed with positions. Both ladies knew how much I loved them naked and shaven but they wanted to feel the silky things most women enjoyed. I got a bonus at work and when I went home to them, I gave each $200 to do with what they wanted to excite them as well as me in bed. My thank you for that was...

2 years ago
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Anal with Ruby

This event took place five years into my twelve year love affair with Ruby, which placed her at being 75. We met at the senior center and started a weekly affair that took us to all sorts of sexual adventures. She was one VERY arousing and open-minded woman!I left work for the afternoon and picked Ruby up at her home and we made for our favorite eatery. We enjoyed a wonderful seafood lunch and a bottle of wine, which was what we usually had week week. But we also knew that we wanted to be home...

2 years ago
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Selling Ruby

She quietly sobbed “I will do anything for you”. “So will any girl I buy,” I correctly answered, and she sobbed harder, knowing it was true. A girl in this world could only be as valuable as the body she was born with, no matter how hard she worked to be appealing. Ruby was a medium-height girl with curly frizzy dark brown hair and a high-cheekboned but slightly pointed ostrich-like face that I found cute and girlish but not exactly pretty or beautiful. She was cute to play with, control...

4 years ago
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WWT Rachel And Ruby

“Please fuck me. Please fuck me. Please fuck me…”Ruby would repeat it, over and over again, her lily-white skin clammy and sweating as her breaths billowed up her bare breasts in rapid, shallow, panicked breaths. Tattoo had rescued her. He had not spoken, not directly, showing images of the gigantic jellyfish in the sea, its tendrils insert in a thousand different girls constantly convulsing with orgasm after orgasm. My roommate had been attached for months, pussy, anus and mouth still dripping...

Monster Sex
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Realtor Ruby Interactive story pt2

Sitting in my house staring at the phone. My ass took 2 days to recover the brutal Ruby. But ever since then I been riding anything that was smooth enough to slide in my ass. I never had anal sex before Ruby. The closest thing I found to replicate her size was a cucumber. It’s like I need it, to be filled, I crave it. I picked up the phone and called Ruby. Oh hey Chris, hows it going she chuckled.Well I still need a new house and I want you to be my realtor. One sec. I hear a car door close.Oh...

2 years ago
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Ruby didn’t have a judgmental bone in her body. Every suggestion of his, every “ask” was greeted with enthusiasm, a little giggle and a smile.“I want you to suck my cock?”“Yummy.”“Put the green dress on.”“You want me naked underneath?”They met at a coffee shop, the kind that is hard to find these days. No chain, no marketing, just a funky little spot on the corner of his street. Every day he stopped by for his morning cup. She served it up, hot with a smile. Just twenty-four, her English still...

Strap-On Sex
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RubyChapter 15 New Beginnings

"When we get to Woodward I'll take you to the hospital and have a doctor look at you. We need to get you checked out, Martha. I'm quite worried about you." Jake West turned his head to look in the back seat. Martha lay curled on her side. Her eyes were closed. Her face was contorted with pain. Beads of sweat stood out on her forehead. He flinched when her faint moans reached his ears. "Oh Jakey, I hurt bad. "I'm scared, Mister West," Reba told him, "real scared." He did not...

2 years ago
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The tale of Gavin and the finding of the Ruby

This is the finish of a set of stories I started once before. If you have questions, comments or even complaints please email me at [email protected] This work is intended for a mature audience, it will contain big words, strong sexual themes, exploits and well, it will get rather explicit basically. If you are one to be offended by transgender themed erotica, don't read this. = -=- = Gavin Mason looked the casino's poor excuse for a bar, full of people who had come to Vegas...

1 year ago
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Ruby is a woman -- gorgeous to every syllable. She is 31 years old, tall, about 5' 6", 124 lbs, with a perfect and god-envying figure of 38C-29-38. She is fair in complexion and beautiful but there is something in her appearance that acts like a magnet to attract both sexes. Really, her large, bright and eloquent eyes, finely trimmed eyebrows, small forehead, a dense mass of jet-black hair on her head -- pruned carefully up to her mid back -- sharp nose and a pair of slightly protruded lips...

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Ruby introduction to something big

i remember a girl i dated when i was a junior in high school and she was a 8th grader. we had been dating since the middle of summer and been having sex every single day it seemed. she had been with a few guys her age. she was about 5'3" black curly hair and a little on heavy side. i told her that i wanted her to fuck my friend, but she said no. i would always bring it up and especially when i was fucking her. i would ask her if she would like a huge dick in her or if she knew what...

5 years ago
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Fucking My Ruby Chachi

Hi friends m a regular reader of ISS n yaha mein ne kafi stories padhi h jiski wajha se mujhe gutts mille h yeh apni story yaha batane ke liye. Any aunties or girls wanna get satisfy who r not satisfied from their bfs or husbands can msg me on Pehle mein apne baare may bata ta hu mein 20 yrs ka hu m student hu n mera naam h rajan mera cock 7″ long n 3″ wide h n mein ek average looking guy hu from hyderabad. Yeh meri pehli story h toh zyada tym na barbad karte hu story pe aata hu Meri ek...

2 years ago
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Ruby My Chat Friend

Hi, Friends… My name is Hrishi I am an ISS fan for long. I enjoy reading the experiences. Today I thought let me try to share my experience with you all. Let me tell you about myself I am 26 years old, medium built and decent looking man. I am working in a MNC bank as a manager back in Kolkata. The story is my real experience which happened 6 months ego I chat a lot in yahoo and got some good friends from there one of them was Ruby. Our chatting started casually no sex of that sort of thing was...

4 years ago
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Akash Ruby and me

Hi! I read these stories regularly. Some of the stories are a real turn on. I am 28 yr experienced single Delhi male. I m 6ft 70kgs clean shaven with athletic body. I have lots of wild n erotic fantasies and true experience which I would like to share with like minded peoples you can email me main ab apko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu vo ak sachhi ghatna hai. Mera pahla sexual exp 6 saal pahle ak couple(cpl) ke sath hi hua tha. Main unke ghar main peing guest tha. Tabhi se mujhe sirf three some...

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Absolute DelightsChapter 4 The Ruby Harem

The interview room of the Ruby harem was similar to the one in the Golden Palace, except that the pictures were much more explicit and were much more heavily oriented towards pain than to pleasure. There were depictions of girls and young men undergoing a variety of punishments, or in some cases tortures. The mediæval rack was easily understood, but some of the other devices were incomprehensible to the young Emir. He decided to look into that later, being fairly sure that the Ruby Palace...

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Jennys solo adventure with Ruby

I had known Ruby, you may know her as Rubz, for about three weeks. I can’t remember who contacted who but I do remember it was on a Saturday evening. We seemed to hit it off straight away. She told me that she was happily married and only came here for the stories and a bit of harmless fun. We spent the remainder of the night sending messages back and forth finding out a little about our completely different lives. I can't put my finger on what I liked so much, maybe the candid conversations or...

4 years ago
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IN THE AGE OF INNOCENCE I hated my best friend, Chaz! Yeah, I know that sounds crazy, but I sure felt that way. We grew up best buds and fiercest competitors. We were more friends than competitors until we discovered girls. Through some twisted sense of humor of the Gods it seemed that we always fell for the same girls. I guess it started when we were juniors in high school. Chaz went to East High and I went to North. My name was Deal Edwards and Chaz was Charles Theron. Deal sounds like...

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RubyChapter 14 Heres Reba

Reba Skye sat at the counter in the diner and nursed her cup of coffee. She glanced at the grainy newspaper picture, looked away then did a double take and looked back again. She recognized the woman in the picture. It couldn't be ... but it sure was! There was big sister Ruby, bigger than life. The rip in her dress showed her leg almost up to her butt. She knew one thing for certain, that was definitely Big Sis. Reba grabbed the much out of date newspaper away from the man reading it. "Do...

2 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 7 The Ruby Palace

The Head of Protocol, Kamal Qumsiyeh, seemed very nervous at the Public Audience session a week or so later. He was obviously trying to decide whether to ask a major favour of the Emir; either that or he was trying to summon enough courage to raise something which he knew would annoy his master. "Come on, you old fraud," said the Emir in a fruitless attempt to jolly him along, "Out with it. I know you want to say something. What is it?" Faced with such a direct order, Kamal Qumsiyeh had...

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Trevors Ruby Ch 01

Trevor Burbage had arrived in the country from New Zealand just six weeks ago, and found himself a nice apartment, as we call it here in the States. He hoped that his stay in the U.S. would be permanent, in fact, but he naturally worried about whether or not he would get to keep his green card. How many New Zealanders got to stay in America? In any case, he made no fuss when the super promptly informed him that he would have a roommate, and that she would be a woman in her late 20s. That was...

3 years ago
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My Adventures with Ruby

Began when she fucked me for the first time when she was 70 and I was 50 and continued almost weekly for the next 12 years with one exception of almost 3 months when I lived with her and she fucked me each night when we went to bed and again in the morning before I left for work. When we were inside we never wore clothes which made it easy for all kinds of fun at a moments notice. Ruby truly loved fucking and over the years her favorites of missionary and her on top were expanded to include...

2 years ago
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Me With My Mommy Ruby

Hi! I am Zaheer Ahmed, the only c***d in my small family that belongs to the upper middle class in Hyderabad, India. My father, Mr. Zafar Ahmed, aged 46 years, is a successful mechanical engineer, working in the gulf for a very reputed multinational company and my mother, Mrs. Rubina Zafar Ahmed (Ruby, as she is mostly called), aged 38 years, is a typical housewife, whose daily routine is to do household works in the day and watching the tv serials in the evening.This incident took place when i...

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First Love With My Cousin Ruby

Hi this is RICIA from Kerala.I am a big fan of ISS so i thought to narrate my first story …. a true experience of mine through this post. I am 23 currently living in Chennai ,average height,fair complexion and a dancer. Everyone likes me because of my handsome look & trustworthy . Any girls or ladiescan contact me @ ­com.This is a story about how i encountered my sex experience with my cousin sister ruby.These incidents were happened before 3 years ie; during my college days. The first few...

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Me With My Mommy Ruby

Hi! I am Zaheer Ahmed, the only child in my small family that belongs to the upper middle class in Hyderabad, India. My father, Mr. Zafar Ahmed, aged 46 years, is a successful mechanical engineer, working in the gulf for a very reputed multinational company and my mother, Mrs. Rubina Zafar Ahmed (Ruby, as she is mostly called), aged 38 years, is a typical housewife, whose daily routine is to do household works in the day and watching the tv serials in the evening. This incident took place when...

3 years ago
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Breaking Ruby Rose

Erick had an unhealthy crush on lesbian starlet Ruby Rose for a long time. He often dreamt of finding her walking alone down a dark ally just so he could pin her down and fuck her tight pussy like there was no tommorow and now he was about to make that dream a reality. He took years to get his plan just right,he was hours away from putting his plan in motion. Thanks to his thurough stalking skills her knew Ruby took a long stretch of road home late at night after a tough day of shoots when and...

4 years ago
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Realtor Ruby A interactive story

I was bent over the end of the couch. Her 10” cock slammed harder with each thrust into my throbbing asshole. Her thumbs holding my cheeks apart, she hate fucked my boy box. My cock was shriveled almost inside of me as she took her aggression out on me. You like that you pussy? You like my big dick rammed deep inside your virgin asshole? I know you do cause your tiny cock is dripping you faggot she shouted. I felt her climbing onto my back, her big fake DD tits on my back as her cock traveled...

3 years ago
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Ruby Aunty Ki Chudai

Ye story meri aur meri padosan aunty ruby ki hai. Story start karney se pahle main aap sabko apne baare mein bata du. Mera naam preet hai. Main delhi ka rahne wala hoon. 1 saal drop kia hai aur abhi btech main admission ke liye form bhara hai. Padhai me 85% k around le hi aata hoon. Height 5.5. Land ka size 5.8. Aaju baaju ke logo k liye main bohot seedha ladka hu.. Jiska maine khoob faida utthaya hai.. Ab baat ruby “Bhaabhi” ki. Aaaahhhh. Kya bataun uske baare mein. Ek baar delhi aake khud hi...

2 years ago
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Ruby Ki Mari Jam Ke

Hello friends mera naam yavesh hai, rajnandgaon Chhattisgarh se ho me btech ka student ye ek real kahani h isme ek bi baat jhuthi nai hai bus mene larki ka naam change kiya h bus ye aaj se ek saal phele ki baat hai me apne dosto ke sath chopati me bheta tha to mere frnd ki gf aayi usse me phele bi Bahut baar mil chuka tha par iss bar uske sath me ek larki aayi uska naam Ruby name changed tha me jab usko dekha to dekte hi rahe gaya yaar kya mast lag rahi thi 5.3 height hogi aur figure to kya...

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