Honor MattersChapter 2 Debriefed
- 4 years ago
- 23
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“We need them alive if possible. Watch for hostages being used as shields. Smith. Proceed to secure and then evacuate holding area one,” someone said in my headset.
The man with me said, “Only nonessential personnel will be present in the holding area and have no information of value. The safety of the hostages is paramount. Terminate any threat to the prisoners. If you must shoot, aim for clean through and through shots clear of vital organs.”
Evidently he had been given the memo about me having no idea how to do anything with either of the guns I had with me. I was quickly shown how to change the clips, get a bullet ready to shoot and how to turn off the safety on the MP5. The Glock did not have a safety. If I pulled the trigger and a bullet chambered, it would shoot. He told me that I should not use the Glock unless I had no other choice. The MP5’s laser would show where the bullet was going to hit when I pulled the trigger. He suggested I keep it on single shot for now.
As we left the room he said, “Switch to blue laser sight. You are the only one equipped with that color. It will keep you safe and a hope I never need to kill anyone! I definitely never wanted to have to shoot at anyone again.
As I was taking off my gear a woman came in with another large suitcase. Inside it there were places for my bullet proof body armor, boots, and the rest of my gear. My helmet was still in the designated cutout spot. Since I did not have any underwear to put on when I got dressed, I was actually a bit embarrassed as I took off the long black cotton pants I wore to help wick away the sweat.
Why was I embarrassed? I made myself relax as I headed to wash off the crap from being kidnapped. I did jump a little when the woman came in, naked, to help me wash. She insisted that it was her job to make sure there were no injuries I couldn’t see or bruises that would cause questions to be asked about where I got them.
Who would be asking questions about me having bruises?
Thankfully, whoever sent her picked the perfect woman for the task. Not only was she completely professional and very thorough washing me, her body sagged in all the wrong places. My dick refused to even respond when she was using just soapy hands to check me over really well between my legs. Once I went out to dry off, she quickly left through a side door wearing only a robe. I got dressed in the provided suit, sans tie; I now found waiting in my locker.
I wasn’t going out there looking like a child version of “Agent 47”.
Stepping out into the hall I found a man waiting who directed me to a small room with a table, two chairs, a camera, a microphone, and one-way mirror.
A man in a suit came in to sit across from me.
“Agent Smith,” he started saying officially. “If you can please provide a step by step timeline of the events of the past seventy two hours.”
Right then everything was crystal clear in my head from the time I was kidnapped to now. It was like I had just watched the videos in super speed off my computer. How did I do that?
For the next six hours, I went through every detail from when I woke up in the laundry cart until I was leaving the in the armored trucks to come here. The only thing I didn’t tell them was during those periods where I was appearing to be knocked out, asleep or shocked so much that I would not be completely conscious. Something made me know that they would use what I told them together with the videos to see if I was lying.
It was weird hearing my voice going between deep and the higher tone it was before I hit puberty. Many times I was asked for more details on this or that. I gave them all the detail they asked for, again. Once they felt I had told them everything they wanted to know, I was directed to go to another small room. This time it didn’t have the one-way mirror or any cameras.
For a few hours I worked with a sketch artist that used a computer and sketch tablet to quickly scan for matching faces in their database to the picture she was drawing. We went through all of the non-goons. All but one of them was found in their database. That man was the one who sat across from me with my medical record.
When she decided that was the best we were going to get, I was sent to a large briefing room.
I was surprised when the man at the front said loudly, “Agent Smith, if you would please come on up front.”
Oh shit, now I am in trouble.
“Everyone, I would like to introduce Agent Smith. Without his sacrifice, our takedown of this heinous operation wouldn’t have been possible. His child like appearance and his similarity to the abducted male children was key to his being noticed by the abductors. Almost like clockwork, they located, stalked, and kidnapped him. All parties who viewed his abduction were systematically injected with an unknown substance by the unknown parties. The best we can deduce, the substance caused short-term memory loss for a minimum of two hours prior to his abduction. A significant number of the school children were also given a twenty-four hour flu virus which made them unsure if Agent Smith was really on their trip or not. You are being briefed of these facts in the event that someone reports Agent Smith as missing. It wouldn’t due to have an amber alert issued,” the man said. “I am proud to have been able to work alongside Agent Smith today. He was put through many days of torture without giving up the mission or any secrets. While he may look like any of your teenaged sons, Agent Smith is no child. His training has made him so cool under fire that not a single target he encountered was killed by him. Only one experienced a superficial gunshot wound to the side of his head as a warning to cease his actions as told.”
There was a lot of applause followed by hand shaking and pats on the back. When it was all over I was escorted to a waiting black car. The tinted separator was up so I had no idea who was driving me or where I was headed. We drove for a long before I was dropped off inside another garage, under yet another plain looking office building. Just inside the doors of the building Jane was waiting for me.
“You scared the hell out of us David. Steve is still working to secure the remaining parties that weren’t terminated during the assault. We were assured all video, audio, and electronic records of your interrogations were thoroughly destroyed, so you are safe there. They did manage to pull a copy of your un-sanitized hospital records. We are tracing that source down as well. Paula is doing a deep dive to isolate how the new identities were given to children having a similar age and appearance. This appears to have begun long before you went on the child sex slavery mission with Paula. Inside this envelope you have a completely clean set of identities. Each has a full, bullet proof back history. These were carefully crafted to give the appearance of being generated through the same providers of your past identities, but are recorded nowhere,” Jane told me.
Of course she made me give her the full details, from start to finish, of everything that happened. I was still amazed that I was able to recall every small detail of the last three days. At least she did not require me to go over it again and again as the agents had.
“Whomever organized this kidnapping went to a lot of effort to make sure all of the food service in the restaurant and bars were laced with the unknown substance. From our analysis we have determined that it was engineered to cause short-term hallucinations and short-term memory loss. Paula was the one who suggested we release an aerosolized weekend flu virus to further zap the energy of everyone in the hotel at the time. When everyone awoke, you were found to be missing. A voice message was left on multiple teacher’s and chaperone’s cell phones about you having been taking to an urgent medical scan in Bethesda, MD. It told them that the specialist you came to see here last week had found something requiring immediate follow-up testing. So far we have been unable to secure the origin of that message. We know it was not linked to the kidnappers and no one working for Steve, or even Paula, has the ability to inject a voice message into a cell phone without leaving any trace or showing in the carriers’ logs. It did, however, provide you an airtight cover. After some serious hacking, Paula said that there was no point in trying to find the origin of the message. It was done to protect you and we should drop it,” she told me.
Paula seem like whoever did this is decades more skilled than she can ever hope to be.
Jane still looked pretty concerned when she told me, “I was worried that you had been captured by one of the hunter agencies. There were three agents ready to take out the group that was scanning around in the museum after the power outage you caused. That particular group is extremely dangerous. Their equipment has been specifically tuned to find girls like the one you shielded from their probes. Their group has no conscience. Some of Steve’s agents happened upon what remained of a woman able to detect those like us.”
She had a horrified look on her face as she suddenly went off somewhere in her mind. Finally she was able to speak again.
“David I have never seen anything like it except in Sci-Fi movies,” she told me softly. “Over fifteen years they had experimented on the woman. From the records we found, they first removed the entire top half of her skull so her entire brain was fully exposed. To keep out infection, some form of organic bowl grown in place and it fused to what little of her skull remained. The only part of skull that was left intact was that required to hold her eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. After she managed to successfully escape her cell, they amputated her arms at the shoulder and legs at the hips. A few years later they succeeded in completely bypassing her heart. Not much later they were successful in providing her body with all essential nutrients, removing wastes, and oxygenating the blood via mechanical means. Systematically they began removing portions of what remained of her body in their attempts to isolate what, if anything, outside of her brain aided in her being able to detect those like us. With the machines doing dialysis, they removed her kidneys. Next was her gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, and eventually her stomach. Once her liver was removed she was allowed to heal for a few weeks. According to the records, nothing so far had affected her detection of those like us. Having nothing left to lose; they removed her heart and lungs. Finally her spinal cord and spine were removed. They moved her skull over to a completely artificial chest cavity. That was done only because the key scientist had received complaints that just having part of a skull with major vessels coming out was creepy. His superiors forced him to provide her an artificial torso and neck.”
Jane couldn’t continue. Instead she showed me a video she had on her phone. At first I thought this was going to turn out as some sort of joke. Special effects like the Borg Queen or something.
It isn’t possible to really do this, is it? We have to have a body to live!
“Have you come to rescue me,” a ghastly voice asked from somewhere in her general direction. “Please. Turn off the machine. Allow my soul the chance to escape from this nightmare. There will be no pain.”
I watched as the machine stopped and swore I could see the life fade from her eyes.
“When they were removing the plastic bowl around her head to see where the electrodes had been embedded, they found that the top part of her head was fake brain tissue made from the same material as the bowl. The bastards had methodically removed all sections of her brain they deemed not required. Great care was taken to ensure nothing was done that would kill her before they isolated what part of her brain caused her to be able to detect those like us David,” Jane told me as he pulled me into her arms to hold me as if I was her child.
I don’t have any idea how long I slept in Jane’s arms or even how I managed to end up in my extra hotel room above my school’s floors. As I awoke I noticed I was not alone. There was a naked back pushed up against my side.
Oh please don’t let that be Lenny or any of the other boys from school.
“About time you finally woke up David,” Crystal said as she turned over toward me. “Paula said you were going to still be really tired from all of the tests they did to you. We had to make sure you were ok. She didn’t say that you would sleep all night and most of the day.”
From out on the balcony Annie said, “Mrs. Carter about lost her mind when Paula said you needed someone you could trust to stay with you until you finally were able to get around safely by yourself. She really went off the deep end when she was told to escort us up this room to keep an eye on you.”
Crystal took over for Annie, saying, “I am not sure I will ever like Paula as a friend, but I will say she knows how to put Mrs. Carter in her place. Right there in front of everyone Paula told her that everyone knew we were out of the closet lesbians. We had cared for you during your recovery with full permission of our parents and yours. You had been given some very strong sedation. When it wore off, you would need someone there to take care of you that you knew and trusted. Before she started to go into a rant, Paula mentioned something about your hotel bathroom while you were showering. That shut her up.”
“Paula is really good at putting people on their place. Mrs. Carter had no chance. Paula is scary smart and knows lots of people that could make Mrs. Carter really miserable, just because,” I replied.
Annie came over, pulled back the covers, and reached for my dick to get it hard. As soon as it was standing up proudly she slid it into her pussy. I don’t know which of us came first, neither of us seemed to last very long.
“Oh I needed that so badly. With all the almost naked, horny girls around me all of the time, I have not even had a chance to take care of myself this whole trip. Paula said you never had any free time to take care of yourself during your testing. As much as I want to keep going until you stay limp, I have a long way to go in my counseling before we can ever go back there. I am permitted little releases like this as long as I stop after I have a single orgasm,” Annie said before sliding down to suck me clean.
As soon as I was hard again, she told Crystal that I was all hers until she wanted to take me back down to the boy’s floor. She could have the honor of telling Mrs. Carter I had a clean bill of health. Annie could not stay or she would backslide on her treatment. Crystal just smiled as she got out of bed to lock Annie out.
Once Crystal rode me to get herself three big climaxes she rode me until I had a big one as well.
“I am not going to make the mistakes I made before David. You were completely right to be angry with me for letting girls come in and use your penis for their own needs. I just assumed you were a boy, that boys want to screw girls and that you would want to screw as many girls as possible. You know, that whole notches on the headboard and all. I never thought to even ask you if it was ok,” Crystal said as she pulled on a hotel robe. “A new school group came in yesterday and there are girls in the rooms on both sides of us. One room knocked on the connecting door thinking that this was one of the rooms in their block. They were surprised to find it was occupied by a boy and two girls. We talked to them for hours last night. They are from some exclusive, with almost prison like security, girl’s boarding school from someplace called Bonfer. I didn’t understand exactly why the town only has a few boys and those boys are pretty much cretins. Not even the ugliest, stupidest, fattest girl, who has no self-esteem and who would let a dog mount her with a webcam broadcasting it to the world, would get anywhere near those boys. All of these girls really want to know if they could get you to help them not be virgins anymore. All of them agreed that they knew they could get pregnant and you wouldn’t be using rubbers with them.”
What the hell do I do when given more pussy that wants to fuck me just because I have a dick, I’m not a cretin, I happen to be convenient and have a chance to knock them up?
Trying to see if I could just piss Crystal off enough to tell me she was going to send me off on the boy’s floor I asked, “Are they all fat and ugly? Have zits from head to toe? Smell like rotten meat? Something like that?”
“David, my panties were soaked the minute I saw them and they were wearing full-length winter school uniform jackets. If don’t care if you join in or not, they have promised to show me things about pleasing other girls that only girls raised in year round boarding schools can learn. Annie didn’t run away from your boner David. She ran away from them. Annie knows she will have no chance resisting being pleasured in exchange for us asking if you would consider their offer. You can stay to watch, join in, or leave. Your choice. I hope you stay, though. I found I get off really hard when I am eating your cum out of another girl.”
Ok, now I am curious. Crystal’s years of martial arts training would never let her lose control like this. How hot can these girls be that she can’t resist their offering to take her to the moon?
“Ok. Does Bitch Carter know what room we are in? I had a lot happen to me over the last few days and I don’t need any of her shit on top of all that. If we won’t get caught or have to deal with anyone from either school knowing about it, then why not,” I told her.
She was knocking on the connecting door before I finished talking.
I could not hear what was said, but a few minutes later I had twelve naked girls all coming over to give me a good look at their bodies.
No wonder Annie ran away!
Every one of these girls were about as perfect as a fourteen to fifteen year old girl could get, at least in my opinion. All of them were very fit and trim with small, firm breasts high on their chests. Other than slight variations toward a bit more red, they were all strawberry blondes with pale skin, freckles, green eyes, and perfect teeth. I have no idea if they used something to make their very wet pussies smell sweet or not, but I knew I had a need to take a taste of them all. The last girl to show me her body didn’t resist at all when I told her to sit on my face so I see if her pussy tasted as sweet as it smelled.
I bet Crystal is trying hard not to laugh at the girl giving me instructions on how to lick her pussy. Why do girls just assume a boy has no idea about licking pussy? Don’t guys expect all girls to magically know how to perfectly suck our dicks? Duh! These girls probably have been in this school since they were old enough to be sent there. They are virgins and haven’t been around any boys to find out what boys know and what they don’t!
I already had my eyes closed and was tracking her orgasm energy building as she squirmed around trying to show me where she was wanted me to lick her. As she tried to get me to hit her clit, I was pulling out her orgasm energy through where her calves and thighs were touching my head. Since she came to my room already about to pop, my cooling her down got her so frustrated that my purposely missing her clit was damn funny to me.
When she pushed her pussy away from my mouth to ask why I wasn’t doing what she was directing me to do to her, I told her, “Because you won’t shut up! It is darned near impossible to concentrate on getting you off when I have to strain to hear you through your thighs. Now get your sweet pussy back over my face. Let me eat you the way I want or move away so I can eat someone else. There are eleven other girls here that I am going to taste before we are done. I am sure one will jump to take your place for as long as I want her there.”
Verbal Slap!
“Yes sir. My mistake sir. As you command sir,” she said sounding like a little girl with a woman’s voice.
What the hell? I will have to ask Crystal or Paula about this! That is a complete change in attitude I know I wasn’t expecting. Is she into BDSM? Does she go to that kind of private school?
When the girl got back over my mouth again, she was stayed completely still and let my hands guide her where I wanted. I could tell that she had adjusted her attitude. As a reward I started letting her orgasm energy trickle back into her through my tongue. Her pussy got superheated instantly, causing her juices really start leaking flowing. I lapped them up as I continued to push her stored orgasm energy back into her. I kept pulling her excess orgasm energy out though her thighs so I could built her up slowly to a massive orgasm. Without any warning to her, I bit down on her clit and dumped all of her orgasm energy into her with a good bit more.
God I hope the walls and door are sound proofed. I really don’t want security coming up here. Should I figure out some way to make my shield keep screams of pleasure from being heard outside of those in the room watching on?
The girl I ate continued to sit on my face; so kept licking her oversensitive clit until she finally asked permission to move away. When she did I saw a girl was there trying hard to work up the courage to push my dick into her virgin pussy. She must have been there a while because another girl told her to screw me or get off my lap. A different girl decided to take matters into her own hands and grabbed her hips from behind to pull her down on my dick. I helped by pushing up as hard as I could. There was not a sound from the girl as my dick was fully buried inside her. She took a few seconds to get over her shock and then she was riding my dick like a porn star trying to see how many dicks could cum inside her in an hour. Of course I knew I was going to pop out. I just waited for the stunned look when she moved up too far and shoved me against her butthole. With so many girls watching the action so closely, my dick was lined right back up and she had me back inside her again. The girl finally slowed way down to get a good rhythm going to finally get herself off. Once she was able to move after she came, another girl moved over my dick to take her place. The second the head of my dick was kissing her virgin vagina, she dropped down to slowly let my dick bury itself fully inside her.
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Hello everyone, I know it’s been several months since . But I’m finally back. The series about Shruti aunty is formally over. I would now like to move on to other experiences, which I’m sure you’d love to hear about my sex with virgin Ananya. After frequently fucking Shruti aunty during my first year of college, I had a rather dry spell. I was pretty introverted. I didn’t interact with too many girls at college in Delhi during my first year. If I’m honest, I spent most of my first year at...
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Straight SexAnya Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was sure mom would never understand. Working with her every day in the shop was driving me crazy because of the nice things I unpacked and sorted each day. She owns a dress shop in town that caters to the upscale crowd, and I work there after school and on weekends. Over the last year I had let my hair grow out, and now it hangs over my shoulders. I also let my nails grow out, carefully filing them to a little longer, rounded point....
Hello dear ISS readers I am Karthick 27 years from Chennai. I am a regular member or ISS from my school days itself but this is my second story writing for ISS. My first story is my dear Saranya about my Saranya, she looks like actress Priyamani. Very fair, height and good physic and her size is 34 30 34. She wears saree regularly. She wears bra very tightly. Her boobs are very strip and steady so that anyone will go mad on her boobs. Please check it my earlier story in couple’s story list....
Hi dear friends after reading many stories in this site for 3 years finally i have decided to write my own real life sexual cum love story which happened between September 2007 to April 2009.my name is raajan(pen name)aged 30, a well built assist professor in one of the reputed colleges in trichy, central Tamil nadu.i got this job in 2006 and since i was not native of this city i used to go to weekends to my native city the first 5 months passed away without mush adventure. Intact before this...
Hello, my chellams. Let’s get started with a tale of lust and trust. A story about a 25-year-old guy and a 42-year-old woman. And the story goes like this. I am Javed, a designer and the woman is Ananya (name changed) who is married and has 2 grown-up kids. She works in a very reputable MNC in Chennai and is quite demanding too. Her husband is a total wreck and doesn’t give a fuck to her needs. We were accidentally connected through Facebook and that was where it all started. A random...
Whoever this girl is was right about them just asking me to take a sleeping pill instead of being sneaky and putting it in my food. When we stopped outside a pair of sliding glass doors, someone helped me into a wheelchair. I noticed I was wearing the super soft pajamas dad had gotten me. No one said a word to me as we got on an elevator to ride up the nineteenth floor. When the doors opened, I saw a sign saying “Hospitalized Patient Consultation - Optical Patient Entrance Only.” In the...
Anya sat in the gloryhole enclosure. There were apertures all around her, and she could just about fit in there so that a penis inserted behind her would enter her behind (either her anus or her pussy, based on the angle), while one inserted in front could be taken in her mouth. She could use her hands on members that entered from the sides, and if she stood, she could trade her pussy for her mouth.There were four apertures, but only three cocks currently. They were big, thick, black dicks...
Oral SexBRITTANY by slavegirl?What the hell am I doing at my high school reunion?? Dave hissed to himself while pressing a nametag on his leather jacket. Bass guitar accompanied by drums boomed from the ballroom as he straightened his leather tie. Purple and gold pompoms hung from the light fixtures. A purple banner with gold border and gold letters stretched the length of the far wall WELCOME TO YOUR 5 YEAR REUNION. Dave walked to the refreshment table. ?Come on!? he said under his breath when he saw...
Becoming Brittany I Lori and I are deeply in love. We are kindred souls having grown up together and now happily married. Our mothers had been best friends since grade school and both married their high school sweethearts. I am older than Lori by a full 27 minutes, both of us being born on June 1st in the same hospital. We grew up living directly across the street from each other, and other than the fact that our families were close friends, we received no pressures to become...
Breaking Brittany1: The Break-In2: Breaking In3: Broken In1 – The Break-InWith one final jab of the paperclip, the lock opened.Vince eased the door open and peered through the crack. The front foyer was dark. He slipped inside, shutting the door behind him.The soles of his boots thudded softly against the hard wood floor as Vince crossed the foyer into the dining room and, seeing no light, moved to the living room.Still nothing. He headed upstairs.The door to the master bedroom was ajar. Vince...
Archive-title: Brittany Fifteen-year-old Rob Kramer was worried sick about becoming a Sixteen-year-old virgin. He wasn’t a bad looking guy. Just an ordinary kid. Brown Hair. Brown eyes. Average build. Not tall enough to be a basketball legend and not wide enough to be a fullback. He rarely got less than a C or more that a B. Rob thought of himself as Mr. Average. He had a few brief encounters with girls but sexually had never gotten past the feeling-up stage. Lately, Rob was having a...
It was Violet Parr's 18th birthday, and she had no intention of letting her day be a boring, work filled drag. Instead she came up with the most scandalous plan for making her 18th the most remember-able. At least to superhero standards. You see, Violet wasn't part of a normal family; as much as she had dreamt, she was part of a family of superheros. Her father was the famously strong Mr. Incredible, her mother was Elasta Girl, and her two brothers were Dash and Jack-Jack. They were all endowed...
Hai friends, indru kathaiyil maanavan karupu naatu katai teacherai eppadi oothan enbathai paarkalam. En peyar Kavin, vayathu 22 aagugirathu, ippozhuthu naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, enaku oru class teacher irunthaal. Aval peyar saranya parka karupaaga miga sexiyaaga naatu katai pondru irupaal. Karupaaga irunthaalum mulai perithaaga pazhuthu irukum, aval mulai azhagai paarthu rasithu konde irukalam endru thondrum. Avalavu perithaaga vaithu irunthaal mulaiyai, soothum thukalaaga...
Dear ISS fans, this is my first encounter in my life and first sex story posting here after many struggles. if any mistakes are there please forgive me. am Koushik, age 26, from Chennai, girls and aunts please post your comments to my second part may be shared over main if you interested Dear ISS fans this is my first encounter in my life and the first story is posting here after many struggles. if any mistakes are there please forgive me. am Koushik, age 26, from Am very much interested in...
Hello dear ISS readers…I am Karthick 27 years from Chennai… I completed my B.E and I have in a mobile shop near my house itself. I am a regular member or ISS from my school days itself. But this is my first story writing fr ISS. Its a real experience which happened in my life before a month. Many girls use to come to my shop recharges. A woman named Saranya aged 28 is my regular customer. I used to talk to her very friendly. She have a daughter of age 7 years, but her husband died in an...
I Wasn’t Watching Have you ever sat just looking at the sunset? I have, often. It’s one of those moments in life which is fine alone, better shared. Imagine a late summer evening, the sky is aflame and the warmth of the day has settled in your bones. Nothing spoils that time, ever. No matter what troubles you, it is insignificant for those moments between the heat of the day and the chill of the night. I wasn’t really watching her. The party was ebbing, the barbecue cooling and there were more...
Introduction: This Story contains acts of homosexuality and incest of young teenage boys, so if you have any problems with these topics do not read on!!!!! This is a reviewed version as I forgot to place themes on my last post. It was a few weeks later after Sam and Cian had been in Cians house. They hadnt seen each other in 2 weeks as Sam had been away in Spain with his family. The day Sam got back he rang Cian and asked if he wanted to go swimming. Cian said he did and that he would bring...
Introduction: This story was inspired by a real life phone sex girl named Piper It was late and my beautiful wife was still not home yet she went out drinking after work with some of her co-workers. I decided to go ahead and go to bed figuring she would be home soon. Then the phone rang I looked at the caller ID and it was my wifes phone number. I answered hi honey when are you coming home? The voice on the other end was not my wife it was a very sexy sounding woman. She said hello my name is...
Larry never went a day since he met Sunny without thinking about her. He understood why people didn’t believe in love at first sight, but he wasn’t one of them. At 5’6′ 190lbs with Green eyes and shoulder length brunette hair, she was his image of perfection and nobody could ever tell him different. Her perfect smile with the dimples that made his heart melt. Her ample 38DD breasts always seemed to get his heart racing. At 6’3′ 160 with green eyes and medium length brown hair he had been told...
It had been an adjustment for Alex, moving across the pond to the states. The longer he was here the more benefits he noticed to being a young British man in “the colonies.” His accent afforded him an odd degree of respect that he never would've commanded at home. He had been complimented by no shortage of women who loved the sound of his voice. Alex had done his best to curtail his use of typical British slang. He liked that people knew he was foreign, but he didn't want to stick out like...
"Yessssss,,," She hissed it out through her clenched teeth "And your pussy is always wet for me isn't it?" She moaned her agreement, with that I pulled my finger out of her and wiped it across her tee shirt over her tits and walked away. I had fingered her often enough to know when she was getting ready to cum, this time I wasn't allowing her to do it though. I turned back and saw her still standing there, nipples erect through her tee shirt, panting as she massaged her own...
This is a continuation of the "Being Brittany's Bitch" series. Your votes and constructive feedback are appreciated! Thanks to Belle Starr for sprouting the idea for this installment of the series. Party with Chantz and Brittany I had just "played" a round of golf with Chantz at my old country club, which culminated in me taking eighteen inches up the ass on the eighteenth green for twenty three minutes (one for each stroke she won by). We had quite an audience from what I recall, as...
“…she dreamed of orgasm building like this, she knew it was intense, it came like fingers repeatedly trilling across a piano keyboard, vibrating through itself…”As Monsignor Bernard re-stoked the fire, he took a full deep drag on his pre breakfast fag. The Jesuit in him was organising the intellectual discipline senior students needed at least till the afternoon. History and English assignments had to be started. Then individual preparation time for their upcoming college responsibilities....
I'd just picked up two new propane tanks and had headed down the dock when I heard the Volkswagen. You know the sound, distinctive and always the same regardless of whether it is a bug or a van. Reaching the boat slip I turned in headed for the back of the houseboat ,with a glance over my shoulder at the VW van. It had just come to a stop, its passage revealed by the drifting dust cloud of powdered Utah sandstone. As my eyes focused, I saw a blonde step back from the driver's door and push it...
March 4, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Well?” Kara asked with a smirk as she, Jessica, and I sat down to a quiet dinner in the ‘Indian’ room. “About as wild as could be. I was more than a little concerned by Abbie’s plan, but in the end, when she told me why, it made perfect sense.” “What was her reasoning?” Jessica asked. “She felt that it had to be raw sex and nothing more, because otherwise Becka would never have left.” Kara giggled, “Abbie seems to get smarter every day.” “I never had a...
As the Allied Commander that had given them victory at Brighton Beach and repelled the Soviets from the United Kingdoms, it was no wonder that Jack was being utilized once again where he was most needed. His next task was to liberate France, a tall order given that after his defeat at Brighton Beach, General Krukov had retreated their and captured Cannes. That left the majority of the Soviets in Cannes and to make matters worse; several Allied leaders were also trapped in the city, pinned...
My name is Miranda Myles.I am 5 foot 10 inches tall,I have long black hairand hazel eyes.My measurements are 38-26-36,and i am 37 years old.I am married,but have no c***dren and i love to eat pussy.We live in Western Ohio,in a lightly populated area.This story is just one of my many adventures.It was Saturday morning,and i was standing in the kitchen,as i do every Saturday to watch Tanya,the next door neighbour girl,go for her morning jog.Tanya would begin by doing her warm up exercises.When...
I was going to meet Tanya's family and I was nervous, if only there was someway to relax... “ You ready?” Tanya shouted. She was stood down in the hall, with an eye on the clock. “ Yep,” Jenna said. Jenna's mind was on other things. She looked again to make sure her new hair colour matched the clothes she'd picked to wear. Tonight was such a big night that her dark red hair was playing on her mind. She usually slapped any colour on her head, safe in the knowledge that it wouldn't be too bad...
LesbianDiane and April had been besties since they were in grade school. They went through puberty together and masturbated together a few times but never more than that. After college, they moved away from each other. They made a promise to each other to scratch one thing off their travel bucket list each summer.They had traveled to many places across the world, Europe, Jamaica, and many locations across the United States. Each year, they alternated who got to pick where they were going, this year...
OutdoorOctober 1, 1992, San Francisco, California “We need some ground rules,” I said. “Oh no you don’t!” Bethany growled. “You are NOT talking me to death. Fucking me to death, yes! Talking me to death, no!” “I’m serious. Sit, please.” Bethany reluctantly moved to the loveseat in the sitting room of our suite at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel on Nob Hill in San Francisco. We’d checked in less than ten minutes earlier after an uneventful, but twenty-minute-delayed flight from...
August 1980, Milford, Ohio I rang the bell and Bethany opened the door a few seconds later. We got in the car and I pulled out of the driveway. “Where to, Bethany?” “That depends. Do you want to eat or should we just go straight to making love?” she giggled. “Let’s eat and talk, which is what you said we would do.” “You still aren’t sure.” “That’s right. What do you want to eat?” “Let’s go to my dad’s country club! You’re dressed OK in slacks and polo.” “I wondered why you had on a...
It all began one night near the end of my junior year in high school. Our school was predominantly Hispanic and I was in the minority being white. I was fairly popular at school, but I was nothing compared to my friend Tanya. She was a senior, and she was easily the best looking, and most popular, girl in the school. Everywhere she went the best looking guys in school flocked to hang on her every word. She was a Hispanic beauty, with the prettiest smile and jet-black hair. I would have sold...
I was a lesbian. It wasn't until I was at university that I could accept it. My family were old school and I was a coward; afraid of what they would say if I brought a girlfriend home. Tanya changed all that. I'd had a busy night. I was a student in my second year of an art's degree and the course was getting difficult. I was single, I was no longer sexually interested in men. It had taken long enough for me to be sure, but I wanted a partner now, not a fuck, and it was only a woman that I...
LesbianHello! Pabby here again with my new experiences. In my this experience I used my most exiting and most hot n horny technique of ice cock which is now my speciation any female tries it can’t resist it. It makes them cum by just thinking about it but I didn’t explain it full in my story if anyone. If ladies, girls, couples or groups wanna contact me they can mail me at We together can have the pleasure which you wouldn’t have imagined for. Satisfaction is granted. Secrecy in demanded and...
It was a cold, wild morning in January. Tough to get out of my warm bed while it was still dark. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, washed hurriedly, dressed, grabbed my coat and wooly cap and went out into the wind. Time enough for breakfast when I got back. The wind howled. A lonely rusty gate swung and slammed somewhere down the deserted street. I rushed around the corner and up the hill to the church.In the sacristy dressing room it was warm. I hung up my coat and hat and changed into my...
Slowly, painfully I push myself up from my knees, then moving in almost robotic form, I help my wife of 6 ½ years to stand with me, leaving the small white box that was so starkly contrasted against the green grass to it’s own fate. Memories of the life that box contained rose up in my mind like a tidal wave, reminding me of just how natural that contrast had been in her life. The news of a pregnancy in a family is normally greeted with happiness and joy. However, when her mother and I found...