College Retreat: Bethany free porn video

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“…she dreamed of orgasm building like this, she knew it was intense, it came like fingers repeatedly trilling across a piano keyboard, vibrating through itself…”

As Monsignor Bernard re-stoked the fire, he took a full deep drag on his pre breakfast fag. The Jesuit in him was organising the intellectual discipline senior students needed at least till the afternoon. History and English assignments had to be started. Then individual preparation time for their upcoming college responsibilities. Whilst Bernard himself had four phone calls to make; one to Sister Agatha to keep her from snooping and one each to the girl’s mothers as promised.

Bernard prepared porridge with muesli and honey and roused the girls from their dreams at about 7.30 am. Silky skimpy pj’s even in late autumn. Bernard wouldn’t admit to his thermals at night. In the breaking light, soft thighs everywhere, light downy arms and breasts naturally bouncy under loose chemise. The long hair of Erica and Bethany slightly untidy; whilst Chastity’s red shock cut was sassy and bold any time; day or evening. The only thing missing from the impertinent miss was her gum at this hour. The bowls of porridge were not the only hot steamy spots in the dining-lounge area, now warmed generously by the roaring fire. Pj chemise shaped and revealed rather than held breasts, even pert little fruity morsels like Erica’s and Chastity’s presented themselves as an alternate sexy breakfast dish of feminine strawberries on human creamy skin. Perky breasts like Bethany's just confirmed God intended the day to get off to a great start. A less disciplined man would have had the three nubiles on the fire rug and shagging them before 9 am. A disciplined man could wait. Abstinence in the short term for the long term pleasure, temperance now traded for later bliss, forbearance in the knowledge of triple carnal indulgence… soon enough.

“Uniforms are not required here “ said Bernard after breakfast, “However, appropriate dress is mandated as diocese personal may visit during the day…okay ladies…showers and dressed by 9.30…Erica your study area is the foyer writing desk, Bethany you use this table and Chastity the library…that’s it… till lunch …at 1.00… get busy.”

He checked on Chastity after an initial phone call at about 10.30 am. She was composing her essay for Feminist studies: How effectively did the suffragettes operate to achieve their goals? Chastity was succinct and organised and was obviously close to school dux, the cunning bitch. However, Bernard suspected like himself she just played by the rules for her own ends.

“Well Chastity how would you have gone about getting votes for women?” inquired Bernard.

“Denied every male sex for seventy-two hours…deny the pricks use of their pricks…simple…then give it to them…only… when you have what you want” was her rapid fire response, followed by a gum pop.

“Why the 72 hours?”

‘Geez Bernie… do expect a woman to go without a penis for longer than that…but it’s longer than a male can last without pussy.”

Bernard left worried that this young lass could one day end up running the fucking country using her cunt.

Erica was effectively sorting out what went wrong on a****l Farm for her English assignment.

“Well Erica which character do I remind you of in the novel?” Bernard inquired, he saw himself as the intellectual Old Major …but maybe Erica saw him as a dictating Napoleon. Time to find out.

“That’s too easy … you’re Benjamin…cynical but wise” delivered with an ingratiating smile.

Bernard moved on, too fucking perceptive, these young woman

Bethany was reading and he came up quietly behind her and flicked her ponytail. She turned and shut the book and tried to hide it.

“Well what are you reading…I take it… it is not a textbook.”

She blushed, “No Monsignor…I’ve finished my essay on the suffragettes and found this on the lounge…I saw it was your’s so beautifully written...its sensual sublime sexuality.”

Bernard saw it… his own favourite novel … Anias Nin’s, A spy in the house of Love …

“Read me a passage Bethany…anything you like.”

Tastefully she chose as Bernard knew she would the most celebrated erotic piece of writing in any language… “They fled from the eyes of the world, the singer's prophetic, harsh, ovarian prologues. Down the rusty bars of ladders to the undergrounds of the night propitious to the first man and woman at the beginning of the world, where there were no words by which to possess each other, no music for serenades, no presents to court with, no tournaments to impress and force a yielding, no secondary instruments, no adornments, necklaces, crowns to subdue, but only one ritual, a joyous, joyous, joyous, joyous impaling of woman on man's sensual mast."…

Oh Monsignor I want to write like that …I want to experience life like that… I know you can teach me to embrace my body like that…”

Her soft cheeks looked fleshier under her moistening eyes. She really was a sensitive sensual young woman. Her fringe and pony tail made her look young but she was mentally mature beyond her tender eighteen years.

“Bernard will you listen to me play …later” she asked assuredly.

“My pleasure...however I must complete some phone calls now…see you at lunch…keep reading and enjoy it…it’s a thought provoking book on the essence of self in love and don’t judge yourself harshly after any cannibalistic frenzy of sexual exploration ..stay gentle and embrace your desires Bethany ... they enrich your being…enough of me…read on.”

The easiest call for Bernard was obviously the earlier one to Sister Agatha. The girls he told her were penitent, contrite and focused. Yes he lied to her… their mothers were all shocked, but confident Bernard would guide them on the straight and narrow path and they asked that it not be mentioned ever again, especially at the Celebration Assembly and Community Mass at the end of term, where they would all meet.

The mothers too by phone; were easily dealt with; their daughters were receiving extra individualised tuition at The Retreat matching their daughter’s talent and spiritual instruction and exemplars provided at their request to guide their intact virginal souls struggling with sexual desire. Bernard informed their mothers chaste had won the battle. Their daughter had all committed to a virginity pledge.

Monsignor would get their fraudulent signatures later, he knew; remember the detail and all is fine.

He took a constitutional stroll around the perimeter gardens before lunch enjoying a well deserved cigarette before getting busy again. Bernard actually prepared lunch… salad and cold cuts. Easy enough but the girls needed their focus on learning time. After lunch it was prep time in their chosen area. Erica hit the gym. Chastity was relegated to the library. Monsignor accompanied Bethany to the piano.

She went through Fur Elise with a stunningly attuned rendition. Bethany was heightenedly responsive to all her senses, a full nuance of awareness. It was too easy for Bernard to place his hands over her soft breasts. Even with a blouse, bra and pink cardigan, it made no difference to her response; she might as well have been topless. She felt it all and more importantly embraced and felt it with her mind. She was aware of her own breathing, aware of Monsignors masculine presence, aware too of her own fingers already under her skirt, they naturally went there as Bernard’s hands circled over her now open blouse, her nipples wanting release from the restricting bra. This was libido released two ways.

She held sexual stimulation both within as a treasure and out on her skin as desire to expand beyond self. The teasing of her nipples through cotton was unbearable. She sensed their crazed craving hardness for the soft wetness of a tongue nibbling both of them. Bernard maintained the pace; this was his tempo to control. Bethany experienced the undeniable sensation rising, wanted it to be flesh to flesh, but waited for Bernard, who kept taunting through fabric, till she was like a fevered being, aroused beyond arousal. Her nipples she felt couldn’t take any more, yet they needed his touch, his fingers, his tongue, she was close to begging for it. She begged.

“Please, please…my nipples…please suck my nipples.”

Bernard released her bra clasp. Two petite white soft dumplings were free. They were true budding buds of want, Cupid inspired scoops of delight. Ivory curved, porcelain sleek smoothness, shaped entirely by the name Bethany and willing Bernard’s tongue to join them initially at their protruding pink tips. The Monsignor could do no more than oblige.

It was tip to tip. To Bethany this feathery touch was heaven sent. A delicate film of saliva glistened on each bud. In an instance Bethany felt both sexually light and carnally heavy. Desire was as diaphanous as Bernard’s flimsy seeking tongue, as smutty as her own fingers now wet in her cunt. Where would they meet? Where was the release? She was all sexual need, all sexual tension. Yet, Bernard flaunted only with her nipples. All desire in-flowing through her nipples as Bernard licked them in turn only with the tip of his tongue. Then he kissed them and kissed all over both her breasts and the cute gap between them on her chest. She moaned in shut eyed delirium. Bernard then sucked each nipple, pulling them out with his lips and nibbling so gently as he released them.

Bethany had thought Chastity the nipple queen. The doyen of held delighted suspense and breast play. Bernard had upped the expectation. His hands were massaging in full counter clockwise circles bringing her breasts nearly together, then flickering her nipples, then circling out, then back in. Pleasure rising, both ways through sensual caressing. Bethany had to French kiss him and did so, lingering longer than usual over his tongue.

Bernard eased her back on the piano stool. Her already soaking panties offered no line of resistance; her legs fell naturally each way over the edge of the piano stool. Her black skirt left covering her white skin. Her blouse and cardigan comfortably sidelined to expose her breasts. Monsignor went for touch first, under her skirt, his fingers feeling for the petal wet labia. So mushily fleshly sticky. Her shaved felt perfection surely a hint of the future direction of human evolution at least from a male perspective. Bernard could take it no longer. He needed the visual. Bethany did too. She was up and watching the action between her legs. She could just see Bernard’s pink tongue flicking and lapping her light pink fairy petals. Delight shaped by flesh to flesh. It was heady and compelling. She saw her gash being savoured. She felt her gash being licked in swathes of growing pleasure. She heard the lap, lap of Bernard’s tongue and her own deeper breathing. She took in the scent of her own sex wafting up between her legs, burgeoning musky. She had no other option remaining for the senses overload she craved, than to get her fingers in her sloppy girly bit and taste herself. Bernard realised at this point only cock could keep the girl engaged in mutual pleasure making.

Bernard swapped with her and now lay back on the piano stool. Bethany straddled over him. Bernard knew she needed to control this moment. She spiked herself on his cock; they both knew this was inspired by Anias Nin’s writing…the joyous, joyous impaling. Her cunt was trilling in a rapid alternation of up and down. Impale, release, stab, taken to the unbearable cusp of liberation, feeling the spearing, feeling the heat, basking in the luxuriance of enveloping hard meat in soft muscled yet mooshy flesh. To feel all woman. To be filled as a woman. To hold cock as a woman. Her orgasm building like a warbled echo of sweet held sound. Her body quivering between subsuming weakness and ego strength.

Fuck it was a roller-coaster of desire. Then Bethany realised she was both the track, the train and the circuit, but there was no brake; it was impossible to stop now, stop it ,no way, she dreamed of orgasm building like this; and she knew it was intense ,it came like fingers repeatedly trilling across a piano keyboard, vibrating through itself, each pleasure wave catching up to the one in front, the wave behind joining the wave in front, all compounding and squashing sense of self into oblivion . Who or what was Bethany ? Bethany was only held together by sexual delight ,then Bethany exploded beyond self and through self. She shouted out …”Oh God… Oh God …Ooh…AH…”

She fully expressed her joy...yelling it out and also holding into herself paroxysms of delight that had splattered sharply like multiple direct hits from several paint guns at once …oh fuck…it was indescribable …she wanted it again… as it slowly meandered still through her thighs, womb, chest and settled in her memory permanently … so short, so euphorically short…she wanted it held longer...the consuming greed of the overwhelmingly perfect… a moment of self fulfilling delight…the sparkling effusive life of her young being.

She gathered herself back, back from she knew not where, only aware of a settled calm pleasure, a fullness of self and the realisation there was more ….Bernard’s cock to fill her mouth.

She craved the warm spray of manness in her mouth. Beth had never experienced this and suddenly from she knew not where, this was where she needed to position her sexuality. Her pussy was replete but not her sexual mind. The finale, the culmination, it had to be warm jets of cum in her open mouth, it just had to be. It was primal beyond reasoned inhibitions; it was a need, a need that had to be filled.

Bernard had seen the full woman burst into a radiating flower riding him passionately and explicitly straddling his cock. Bethany as her composite being: her purely physical being detached as a****l lust, just riding cock, just fucking embracing penis, sweet thoughtless physicality in its totality. Then joined by her open exploring naturally clear mind; riding cock, in her mind. Her angelic pure core embracing cock covetously with her profligate base being. It was in the bending of her thighs, then their thrusting up along his rigid pole, then the rhythm of spearing herself, then occasionally sliding slowly up, maximising pleasure for two.

She was, he was aware; expressing pussy power, pussy authority and pussy clout. It was Bethany being her pussy in the moment. Life reduced to sex. Bernard felt it in his penis too. Life centred between his legs. She was so elementally woman, so gorgeously defined as a complete female being as she wrapped his cock in glistening wetness and firm clasping flesh. Bernard was seized by her snatch. Seized by her youthful eagerness to share her pussy and her growing comprehension of liberated sexual expression. Her keen attuned mental comprehension of what could be held in sex, when self was relaxed but mentally gripped and basking in the sway of the frictional delight of the whole moment. Nothing was capable of denying her a wonderful sensory orgasm. His male sceptre held no power over her in the moments rising to her dominating pleasure. This was her pussy’s mellifluous moment, it alone produced it sweetest essences, its liquid bath of delights for Beth and for Bernard too. The wonder of coupling.

Bernard’s cock was careening beyond his hold too and Bethany, now on her knees was sucking in long generous strokes, holding the shaft and teasing his balls gently with her hands. She was focused on rewarding cock for pleasuring her beyond expectation. Full reward was her goal. Her rhythm was uninterruptible. It was an extension of herself. Mind and mouth giving scope to his penis’ continuous pleasure while her base self was hunting jizz. Beth felt the stiffening held moment before Bernard’s bursting release. She held his manhood firmly and gaped her mouth, her tongue extended to join and catch warm sweeping maleness. Capture it all, swirl with it all. She didn’t understand where this need came from; just that it had to occur.

The involuntary instinctive escape was rapturously unfolding for Bernard. The normal pleasure of orgasm compounded by the sight of its sweet destination. Open cute nubile mouth. In the moment of Bernard’s giving and Beth’s receiving, it became as natural as his penis exploding its load in her pussy. The wonder of human sexuality. Its expression in the moment defining two people beyond themselves. Then it’s lost in jizz spurting and a tongue greedily seeking splashes of cum. Then it’s held in joint euphoric delight.

Then two individuals realise again they are separate. It’s not the time to reflect deeply on life and who the act has been completed with. Bernard knew this. Take the moment. Release the moment. Savour it later in private. To reflect immediately only brought sin into play. He urged Beth to dress. Covering the body covered the act. Covered self. Covered both.

He made sure she was calm by cuddling her after she buttoned her blouse. Nothing out of place now. Demure self, mind controlled self back in charge of two bodies. Her pink cardigan holding the memory now of her sexual being for Bernard. Long after any genital explicitness faded from memory, its light pinkness would embrace and shape memory, a pink cardigan dominating visually in recalling a stunningly explosive female orgasm by Beth. Strange what we hold, strange what memory retains.

Beth saw Bernard’s chiselled masculine chin as he cuddled her. Her nestling to his chest as filling as sex. She snuggled into a man. She wanted to burrow into his frame. She instinctively hugged him. And so for Beth long after… when she recalled this day, it wasn’t the frenzy of her own poised pussy being bayoneted in stabs of delight that was recalled first. It was hugging a man and the shape of his chin.

Bernard left Beth to the piano and went to prepare dinner in the kitchen; and the melodious harmony of Moonlight Sonata wafted through the Retreat. Her body’s needs had been quelled and assuaged, so she was released to give, share her joy of life in the moment through her now second love in life after sex, music.

Bernard could reflect now, he had no wrong. Shit he had released her into really living life. So in that knowledge; he lit up as he cut the onions. Fuck the do gooders who said smoke cross contaminated food.

He took a really deep drag…fuck sex was all initially about self gratification… but it was in the end… shared for more.

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The Priest Teaches His FlockCh 11 The Retreat

“Mom, please don’t make us go, especially not Charlotte,” Sally begged. “I’ve told you about this before, Sally. It’s your adolescent sexual fantasies. They are both the servants of God, and one of them is the Bishop. You should go to confession just to get penance for even thinking of such a thing. Now get your sister, I heard a car pull up,” Father John came into the house to pick up Sally and Charlotte. The Bishop waited in the car, he had his reasons to not be seen by Mary yet, reasons that...

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My days at Platos Retreat in NYC 1980s

It all started after my first marriage ended in divorce. One k** and a crazy ex-wife left me broke and not able to date or for that matter go to a good massage parlor to get off. I used to read a magazine call pleasure or the village voice personals. Back then this was our Internet.As I read a story about a swing club called Plato's Retreat the article spoke about couples swinging and select singles admitted. I was not the select single they were talking about single ladies. I did not have the...

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Lolas Retreat

Lola's Retreat Some of this story is true and much is fantasy. I'm a heterosexual crossdresser and have never had a gay experience. But, "maybe the lady doth protest to much!" I'm dedicating this story to Regina who gave me the idea. A Cry For Help A rather large elderly man nervously approached my table where I was relaxing and enjoying a double Martini. "Miss Lola?" he asked. "Yes, I am! Can I help you?" He seemed really awe struck at my appearance. My black satin blouse...

4 years ago
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Hart family at African retreat part 3

Part 3 from Jonathan.It was early morning as the safari limo disappeared from site of the retreat compound. Dana, the oldest sister, had tried to stop the vehicle but was unable to. She knew the possible dangers that perhaps awaited her younger brother and sister but for now she could only remain behind and worry about them. Reflecting on her own affair with black male flesh last night, she embarrassingly felt a strange excitement. She was worried yet aroused at the thought of Shawn and Tia...

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RetreatChapter 5

Friday Picking up her phone, she sees it is her brother calling and answers, “Hi Mike, to what do I owe this rare...” “Hi sis, I might need a favour, are you busy tonight?” “No ain’t doing nothin’, Coll’s away ‘til Sunday arvo.” “Apparently my loving wife is taking us on a couples retreat.” “Whatcha mean a couples retreat, why the fuck d’ya wanna do that for?” “No, I didn’t agree to it, in fact she kidnapped me...” “Kidnapped you, you pulling my leg. I mean, you two, you’re well...

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The Amethyst Chronicles Council Retreat Day 1 read this version it has paragraph breaks

The supple redheaded beauty stirred at the sound of his voice and moaned softly under his expert caress, her emerald eyes darting behind fluttering eyelids. With the sharp pinch, Amethyst sat bolt upright in his lap, her back arching as her eyes flew open and she let out a startled cry of pain, music to her master's ears. She looked at him with a confused and hurt expression and found him smiling at her, a satisfied look on his face and his steel blue eyes practically gleaming with...

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The Amethyst Chronicles The Counicl Retreat Day 1

The supple redheaded beauty stirred at the sound of his voice and moaned softly under his expert caress, her emerald eyes darting behind fluttering eyelids. With the sharp pinch, Amethyst sat bolt upright in his lap, her back arching as her eyes flew open and she let out a startled cry of pain, music to her master's ears. She looked at him with a confused and hurt expression and found him smiling at her, a satisfied look on his face and his steel blue eyes practically gleaming with excitement...

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The Amethyst Chronicles The Counicl Retreat Day 1

Introduction: This is my first story, so any constructive feedback would be great. I also want to state that this is a complete work of fiction and I in no way condone this type of stuff in rl. This story is based off a series of role play stories that a really good friend of mine and I did a while ago. I was the Amethyst character. If these type of themes offend you, dont read it, its that simple. In fact, if it offends you, what are you doing on this site in the first place, lol. I hope you...

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The Amethyst Chronicles Council Retreat Day 1 read this version it has paragraph breaks

Introduction: This is my first story, so any constructive feedback would be great. I also want to state that this is a complete work of fiction and I in no way condone this type of stuff in rl. This story is based off a series of role play stories that a really good friend of mine and I did a while ago. I was the Amethyst character. If these type of themes offend you, dont read it, its that simple. In fact, if it offends you, what are you doing on this site in the first place, lol. I hope you...

2 years ago
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Hawaiian Retreat 1

"You are out of your freaking mind, Mitch!" I couldn't believe that he was serious about this. "Donnie, you've pulled it off before! You can do it. I really need your help!" "Ask someone else, Mitch! Ask my sister, Marie. We look enough alike. That will work." "Well, maybe she'd look like you, but since you were so sociable at the Halloween party, and became friends with almost every female partner, secretary or spouse, you've become the subject of conversation ever since. 'When...

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Hawaiian Retreat 2

The walk down the twelve stairs from my second floor to my first was the longest walk of my life. The butterflies had moved from my stomach to my chest and then on up to my head, and my knees were actually weak and shaking. When we reached the first floor, Mitch had his back to us, talking to Hilda. "I believe your date is here," she said to him as she indicated that Marie and I were behind him. My stomach sank to my knees when he turned and the smile on his face dissolved into a slack...

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Hawaiian Retreat 4

I sat on the edge of the chair with my legs crossed at the knees, in that beautiful scene, knowing that I looked great and that I was going to win over the wives. Honestly, as I typed my text back to New England, I don't think I'd ever been happier in my life. "Excuse me," a woman said as she came up beside my chair. I said, "Yes?" But didn't immediately look up because I was finishing my text. I did smile, though, and half turned to her so she knew that I was not ignoring...

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RetreatChapter 3

Friday: Arrival Michelle drives them through the gates, she is so excited, not only excited excited, but sexually excited, she is sure that Michael must be able to smell the moistness in her panties. She has spent much of the journey going over in her mind the things the woman on the telephone had insisted, “all part of the process,” she had answered to almost every question she had asked her. She has already resolved to not mention the stop on the way there that he had tricked her into,...

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GFs fy Midwinter Lodge Retreat 3

My head was spinning. First, I have my bones jumped in the middle of the night and I awake to realize I screwed my future mother-in-law and now I had just witnessed my fiancé’s father having sex with two of his son-in-laws! What the hell was going on!! I had always thought that Tina’s f****y was a little strange, but sexually they had always seemed rather uptight if anything! I walked over to the railing that looked down into the f****y room of the large cabin her f****y had rented and I damn...

4 years ago
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Hart family at African retreat part 3

Part 3 from Jonathan. It was early morning as the safari limo disappeared from site of the retreat compound. Dana, the oldest sister, had tried to stop the vehicle but was unable to. She knew the possible dangers that perhaps awaited her younger brother and sister but for now she could only remain behind and worry about them. Reflecting on her own affair with black male flesh last night, she embarrassingly felt a strange excitement. She was worried yet aroused at the thought of Shawn and Tia...

2 years ago
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The Hart family at a Nigerian retreat

Part one: As I mentioned in my previous story, I worked in several African countries from 1971 to 1981 as an engineer and advisor in energy exploration, primarily oil and gas. Although I had traveled in other African countries in the mid 60’s and early 90’s, most of my hands on experience came from work in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Saudi Arabia. Due to my expertise and reputation, my services were courted by a number of wealthy and ruling African leaders. I witnessed many things during...

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What Happens On Corporate Retreat Cruises

If any of you happen to be a comedian and you get offered a corporate gig on a cruise, seriously consider taking it! Okay, I know most of you who read this won’t be a comedian, so let me explain. Big corporations often do a yearly retreat for their executives across the country, and it’s common for them to hire a comedian to come in and do a standup set. They are the worst kind of gigs in my opinion, because most of the audience are the overworked, overstressed kind of people who don’t care...

3 years ago
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Nudist Retreat Humiliation NFNM Femdom Handjob

I had just turned 21 and I was enjoying the sun at a nudist retreat that catered to adults, partially to work on my tan, but mostly to try to overcome my shyness at being nude.As I became familiar with my surroundings, I noticed that the retreat was pretty busy with a higher ratio of women to men; just then my thoughts were interrupted as a hand slapped my bare ass.I whirled around and was shocked to see Sharon, a sexy cougar that had been my neighbor next to my c***dhood home. Sharon was a...

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GFs family Midwinter Lodge Retreat 3

My head was spinning. First, I have my bones jumped in the middle of the night and I awake to realize I screwed my future mother-in-law and now I had just witnessed my fiancé’s father having sex with two of his son-in-laws! What the hell was going on!! I had always thought that Tina’s family was a little strange, but sexually they had always seemed rather uptight if anything!I walked over to the railing that looked down into the family room of the large cabin her family had rented and I damn...

4 years ago
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A Rogue in Retreat

I checked the shackles as the guards laughed and walked away from the large cell. I hurt all over from the beating they had given me but stood and glanced at those in the cell. They had searched me and taken all of my weapons, well almost all of my weapons. I still wore the tight leather bracers on each wrist. I moved to a stone bench and sat as I thought about what had happened. Some of it was my fault but the bastard I had trusted was the one to betray and drug me. Plus there was the baron...

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Assassins Retreat

I had built this retreat over five years ago. It was only a year and a half ago I had gotten power and phone service run to it. I had built high in the mountains, and I did everything in my power to make sure it was not advertised, and that it was well hidden from view. It was a rustic looking log and stone home and blended in, but looks can be deceiving. It was one and a half stories. The loft gave me access to a water tank that was stored up near the roof. It was a thousand gallon tank. It...

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Retreat to the Woods

Miriam laid back on the lounger in the clearing outside her place. It was warm and she was nude, which she preferred whenever possible in the southern Missouri Ozarks. The sun had almost set and she was at peace, waiting patiently with her thoughts as the stars began to appear one by one, and then by hundreds, then thousands. Being distant from any big cities the Milky Way would show its splendor in a cloudless sky like tonight. She meditated to calm her mind and sipped on some wine to calm...

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Hart Family at an African RetreatChapter 3

The sixteen year old Hart twins would soon become victim to black African lust. It was early morning as the safari limo disappeared from site of the retreat compound. Dana, the oldest sister, had tried to stop the vehicle but was unable to. She knew the possible dangers that perhaps awaited her younger brother and sister but for now she could only remain behind and worry about them. Reflecting on her own affair with black male flesh last night, she embarrassingly felt a strange excitement....

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 3 The departmental retreat

In our department, there was normally a formal reception for the incoming students. In addition, later in the school year, the professors usually gave a presentation of their individual research topics in order to help the new students select a thesis lab. This year, the chairman had the brilliant idea of combining the two, getting the whole department involved, and holding it at a resort in western Maryland. By then, I had mostly eased off the agonizing over Liz, and resolved to get better...

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Weekend retreat

When I go to work, I am in 'boy' mode. I certainly am not the most masculine person, and I am pretty certain that everyone knows my sexual preference. I often get mistaken for a woman even when in 'boy' mode. Whatever. I am who I am... deal with it :)A few years ago my former workplace had a nice mountain retreat weekend. I love these retreats, not because I become closer to those I work with, but because they are so peaceful.I arrived at the lodge on a Friday night and spent the next day...

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Kristen And The Girls On A Retreat Part 3

I needed some quiet time, so I went to the bathroom at the far end of the building. This was the room that a lot of the girls used to enjoy themselves. While I was in there I heard the door open and saw Danielle enter. She is slightly overweight, but she carries it well. Her large breast is an eye-catcher and she shows her cleavage and I have seen her hardened nipples. The skirts she wears are tight-fitting to show off her tight ass and shapely legs. Several girls enjoyed being between her...

Group Sex
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Mountain Retreat

A Novel By: S. Stevenson I encourage you to vote on each part and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S. ***** The bright sun was shinning through the bedroom windows as Angel started to stir. As the light shinned into her eyes Angel moaned her objection to getting out of bed, but she had to. Something is wrong with this picture. Not yet awake, but she knew that there was something different. Calling out,...

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The Hart family at a Nigerian retreatPart 2

Part 2 As previously revealed, Dana was Africanized that first night during the four day retreat at Niga Falls near the more famous Owu Falls. During my conversation with Hart and his daughter, Candy, it became even more eerie to hear what had happened with her that first night and how Candy had lost her innocence to black African lust. Although Dana was more inviting as to her seduction, Candy was more reluctant during her submission to black African cock and it scarred her mind for years to...

2 years ago
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An incest paradise retreat

You are Darren Thomas, a rich investment banker. You have a not so nice ex wife by the name of Sheryl, who left you not 4 years ago for a much younger man. Though you don't miss her much, she does dominate your children's time. Therefore, this summer, you decided to invite your children, all adults with kids of their own, out to the island your company owns for a long summer retreat. One of them however, starts you on a path where you least expected the summer to go. First, your children. You...

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So I never dreamed my Mom and I would become lovers. But back in 1960 my parents had actually entered me into a local religious retreat at a nearby lake. The camp whether it still exists I,ve no idea, but six other teenagers from my church attended. It Wasn,t cheap as meals and board under an all boys and all girls, chalet on lake side plus counsellors and chaperones were provided. I liked the retreat as when we weren,t having bible studies forced on us we could do crafts and do sports like...

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