Submissive Cum Laude Chapter 1 Mistress Bethany
- 4 years ago
- 45
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She would have been pretty - even beautiful - had her face not been frozen in that perpetual pouting sneer affected by so many of today's young girls. Barely five feet tall, the obligatory low cut top, bare midriff with navel jewelry, and hip-slung jeans completed the stereotype. The top was filled out mostly with padding, though even through the screen door I could see a little cleavage.
She stood with arms crossed under her breasts, as if they needed support, one hip outthrust, staring disgustedly off into the woods, and didn't realize at first that I had come to the door.
When she finally turned to rap her knuckles on the doorframe again, she gave a little start to see me there. It wasn't a particularly hot day, but her walk in the sun had plastered honey blonde hair that had escaped from her pony tail to her forehead.
"May I help you?" it was the voice I used on door-to-door salesmen. I hadn't saved my money to get this place in the middle of nowhere so I could socialize with everyone who came to my door.
Impatiently, she said "Yeah. I need to use your phone!" Clearly, she was accustomed to getting whatever she wanted, when she wanted it.
I looked at her impassively for several moments, wiping my hands on a rag, before responding. "No."
I had turned and made several steps back toward my kitchen before she exploded. "NO!? I'm stuck out here in the fucking middle of fucking nowhere, my fucking car fucking died on me, my fucking cell phone doesn't fucking work in this fucking armpit, and you fucking tell me fucking 'no' when I ask to use the fucking phone?..."
She was taking a breath to continue her tirade when my open palm struck the side of her face. It was a gentle slap, by my standards, but the calluses on my hand must have felt like stone on her cheek as her head snapped around and the ponytail wrapped itself briefly around her face.
"That was for the filth coming out of your mouth. Get off my property. You're trespassing!" I stood so close that she had to back up a step to see my still impassive face glaring down at her.
Her eyes were as big as saucers and her face had finally lost its sneer as she held her hand to the growing redness on her cheek. Tears started to well up in her eyes as the gravity of her situation finally started to sink in.
"Buh-but it's got to be miles to the next town!" I had seen the 'pitiful me' routine from my ex - the queen of the guilt trip - far too often to be affected by it now. The fact that she thought it would work just pissed me off more.
"Not my problem." It was, in fact, three miles by road to my nearest neighbor, and a little over six into town.
"Please, mister!" she begged, "I'll do anything if you'll just let me use your phone! I'll pay you - I've got money!"
I slapped her hand as she started to reach into the little knapsack she carried for a purse. "I don't need money."
She stared at me with that deer-in-the-headlights look the young ones get when they finally run into a situation that can't be handled by their usual methods. Her face gradually melted and the tears that flowed this time were genuine. I let her cry, not moving.
Finally, she pulled a small packet of tissues from her backpack and wiped her face. Looking at me hopelessly through reddened eyes, she pled silently for me to rescue her. I just returned her stare, my face expressing no emotion.
Again, she begged "Please, just tell me what I need to do! I just need to use the phone, then I'll be out of your hair and won't ever bother you again! Please, I'll do anything!"
She apparently envisioned a limited scope to 'anything', but I wasn't going to let her off the hook that easily. "Strip. Right here. Every stitch."
She looked as if I had hit her in the stomach. "You want me to take off my clothes?" Her head was shaking, side to side.
"You said you'd do anything. Strip now, or get off my property. I don't care which." Neither my face nor the inflection in my voice had changed.
She stared at me for a long moment as emotions ran across her face. First, disbelief and shock, then, as she felt the full impact of my gaze, understanding and indecision. She made as if to speak, but a finger across my lips silenced the protest before it started. Finally, fear and resignation settled on her elfin features. She looked around the front yard, as if to see who else might be watching, but my home is set in a natural, secluded clearing, more than half a mile up a winding dirt track from the main road. Only the fact that I maintained the fences, gate, and even the mailbox by the gate would give anyone a clue that someone actually lived up that track.
Tentatively, she pulled the top over her head, eyes studying the worn boards of my front porch. As she pulled the meager scrap of cloth off her ponytail, she looked up once again, searching my face for some hint of reprieve. Finding none, her face set now in anger, she kicked off the once white deck shoes, now a yellowish gray from the dust of the track, and unbuttoned her jeans. Glaring defiantly up at me, she wriggled and pushed until they cleared her shapely hips and puddled around her feet. Still finding no mercy in my face, she reached behind and unhooked her bra, trying to cover her breasts with her hands as she worked the harness down and let it drop.
"Are you happy now, you perv!" she practically shouted up at me.
In a dispassionate voice I replied evenly, "I said every stitch."
Shaken, but still defiant, she turned away and worked the little cotton bikini down her legs, unintentionally giving me a first glimpse of the sprinkling of yellow hair that did little to cover her plump little mound. She straightened, covering her breasts with one arm and her crotch with the other hand.
"Lace your fingers behind your neck, spread your feet shoulder width, and be silent!" It was the first time I had allowed any sharpness into my voice and it startled her almost as much as the earlier slap. She moved quickly to comply, some of the anger in her expression replaced by fear.
As I suspected, her tits were small and perfectly formed, with tiny pink nipples topping broad, almost flat, alabaster mounds. I never understood the fascination some men have with large breasts. Hers were as close to my ideal as I'm likely to ever see in my lifetime. Her rib-cage tapered gently to a softly rounded belly surrounding the large, shallow navel that was pierced along its lower curve. Her hips flared a bit more than I would have expected on one so young, and the creases between hip and thigh outlined the perfectly symmetrical lips of her mons. Through the sparse growth of her almost invisible pubic hair I could just see the hood of her clit peeking out. Her legs were softly curved and shapely. This one was no athlete, but her genes had so far kept her from putting on extra fat.
I walked slowly around her once, carefully inspecting her back and the inverted heart-shape of her buttocks. Her skin was flawless - another gift of good genes, no doubt.
While she stood on display, red faced from embarrassment, I retrieved her garments one by one from the porch deck, folded them neatly, and stacked them on the rail, bra on top. I placed her shoes beside them, and picked up the little back-pack purse. I could see her anger returning as I rummaged through the thing until I found her wallet, but she was either smart enough or scared enough not to say anything. She hadn't lied - she did have several hundred dollars in the wallet, but I had told the truth as well - I didn't need it.
"Bethany Camilla Wilson" I read aloud from her driver's license. Flipping through the cards and other contents I found a current student ID.
"This isn't exactly on a direct route between Pullman and Bellevue, Bethany. What brings you to my neck of the woods?"
"I had a fight with my boyfriend and thought I'd take the scenic route home to have time to like, clear my head, you know, think things through."
I studied her a bit as I thought about the wording for my next question. "Surely you told someone you were coming this way, so why not just wait for them to send out a search party? Why are you so desperate that you'd take off your clothes for a stranger?"
"That's the thing! I was like so mad at Brian that I just like took off! I told my roommate I was going home for the weekend, but I didn't know I was going this way until I saw the sign and like the car just sort of turned on its own!" She only realized her mistake as she saw the smile growing across my face, and tried to cover. "But I called my mom from the car and told her I came this way! She'll have the sheriffs and everyone out looking for me by tonight!"
I didn't bother to point out that she had already told me her cell phone didn't work out here. I pulled it out of her bag, and sure enough, it was one of the new GSM models. We had TDMA service but the GSM phones didn't work out here yet. I dug her keys from the bag and set it on the rocking chair beside the door. As I reached inside for the keys to my pickup, I called out, "Caesar! Czar! Come!"
Their mother, an Alaskan malamute, had been bred by a timber wolf, giving birth to what turned out to be two of the largest, smartest dogs I had ever seen. I raised them from pups, training them for my own special purposes, and we had been so close through their adolescence that now they could almost read my mind. They seldom barked, but whenever anyone approached the house they alerted me by their body language, looking my way occasionally to be sure I picked up the signals. Thanks to these two big boys I had watched Bethany from the shadows of my hallway as she emerged from the end of the track and trudged across the clearing to my front door.
They flowed around the partially open screen door like enormous grey shadows, sniffing eagerly at the most fragrant and embarrassing parts of my hapless victim. A warning wag of my finger stopped her from dropping her hands to protect herself, and her face flushed to an improbable shade of red.
"Guard!" I told the boys as I descended the porch steps and headed for the pickup. They took up positions front and rear and gazed fixedly at Bethany with their almost yellow eyes.
"You'd best not move a muscle until I get back, Bethany" I told her, "These boys are well trained, and they will tear you limb from limb if you try anything." Their warning snarls as she turned her head to look at me reinforced the threat, and she quickly turned her head back to its original position.
It took about 45 minutes to locate her little red Mustang convertible, hook it up to the pickup with a log chain, and tow it to a secluded spot in the woods behind the house. After covering it with a camouflage tarp and sweeping the track from the main road, I was pretty sure no one would find her or her car, even if they thought to look in this direction.
Bethany was looking a bit distressed by the time I put the pickup back in its shed, and returned to the house. "Please, mister, I need to use the restroom!"
"We don't have restrooms out here, Bethany. Do you need to piss or shit?"
"I need to pee really bad!"
"So piss! The boys won't mind. It'll help them get to know you better."
She stared at me in shock. "You mean right here? I can't do that!"
I shrugged, "Suit yourself!"
"Can't I just use your bathroom? I really have to go!"
I stepped in so close she had to bend her head way back to look up at me. "I'll explain this to you once. If I ever have to repeat any part of it, you will suffer. Is that clear?" At her fearful nod, I continued. "No one knows you are here. Even if they think to look in this direction, they will not find you unless I want them to. You are mine until I tire of you. You will address me as 'Sir'. When told to do something, you will do it immediately, without question or comment. You will speak only when spoken to. You may request permission to speak occasionally, but only to clarify an order so that you can carry it out better - don't abuse the privilege. This is your only opportunity to ask questions. If you have any, ask them now."
"H-how long are you going to keep me here?" All the anger had drained from her face, which was now white as a sheet.
"I've already answered that. Do you have any intelligent questions?" I was practically on top of her, her nipples brushing my shirt, just above my belt buckle.
"A-are you going to rape me?" It was odd. Mingled with the fear I detected a tiny bit of arousal.
"Do you want me to rape you?"
"N-n-no! Of course not!" but the seed had been planted, and I could see it growing.
"You were told to address me as 'Sir'. Three times now you have disobeyed. Do you have any other questions while I consider your punishment?"
"Are you ever going to let me go?" then, quickly "Sir?"
"That depends on how well you please me." I stepped back a bit, and let her relieve the strain on her neck.
"I-I'll do my best, Sir." She tried to smile, but she knew I knew it was forced, and dropped it quickly.
"Do you still need to piss?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Then do so. Now!"
She looked distressed, but strained a little, and a small trickle of golden liquid dripped from the lips of her cunt. Once the flow began, however, she apparently couldn't hold it back, and let loose a stream that would have done a racehorse proud. A faraway look came into her eyes as relief washed over her face.
Once the flow stopped, I gave the boys a hand signal and they eagerly lapped up the last drops, digging their tongues deep between her lips to get it all. Her expression ran the gamut from fear to lust to confusion to embarrassment. Finally, Czar and Caesar backed off, licking their chops.
I picked up her things and opened the screen door. "Come!" She and the dogs followed me into the house. I led them to the hidden door in the back of my pantry and triggered the remote in my pocket. The shelves sank inward, allowing just enough room for a person to step onto the narrow stone landing inside and to the right of the opening. It was a tight fit for the four of us, but there was just enough room for the pantry wall to slide back into place. Caesar flicked his tail upward at the last second to avoid getting it caught. The boys preceded us down the narrow flight of stone steps, lit only by a single yellow bulb, and waited at the bottom while I led my new charge down. I was gratified to see that she still had her hands clasped behind her neck.
She almost lost it as she watched the boys greeting the kneeling form of my current slave by sniffing and licking at the juices dripping from around the enormous dildo that pounded relentlessly into her vagina, driven by a hydraulic ram. Each time the ram reached the apex of its thrust, a line and pulley system tugged sharply on her clit ring. From the faint sounds escaping her gag and the expression on her face, I could tell she was on the verge of passing out after another in a long series of orgasms. Amy had been in this predicament, head and wrists locked in my homemade stocks, while another little motorized device tugged and vibrated her nipple rings, for over an hour. It was one of her favorite treatments, but I figured she'd had enough, and used the remote to stop the device. On the next outward cycle, the ram withdrew the dildo completely and released its grip on the clit line, while the nipple stimulator let go of her tit rings.
Amy rolled her eyes in my direction, and they widened when she noticed Bethany standing behind me, hands still locked behind her head. I triggered the release for the stocks, which also released Amy's gag. She slowly extricated herself from the contraption, crawled over and dutifully knelt at my feet.
"Amy, my lovely slave, this is Bethany. She has come to us for help, but must first pay her way. Would you like to help me with her training?" I brushed a few sweat-soaked strands of auburn hair from her face.
Amy's brown eyes lit with a burning glow and had she not been so well trained, she would have kissed me. "Oh, yes, Sir! I would love to help you train this lovely creature!"
My readers may chastise me here, for not going into detail on Bethany's punishment for her transgressions, but such things bore me as they are merely tools to help attain my ultimate goal with any new slave - his or her total submission to my every whim. Amy, who worked as a waitress in a diner in town, had been easy. She was a born submissive who eagerly participated in every degrading act I heaped upon her, once I held her up to the mirror of her true self. Like any recent convert, she was eager to show others the joys of her new religion.
Bethany, though she harbored some dark fantasies, had been brought up as a willful, spoiled child, and needed a bit different sort of handling. Where Amy needed little punishment, Bethany was in my dungeon four days, and became well acquainted with the whip and cane before she capitulated in her own mind, and resigned herself to submitting to my will. She didn't break - that was not my purpose. She simply lost the will to resist. During that four days, her body underwent some changes as well. Her mouth and throat learned to accept the length and girth of my cock and various rubber ones that Amy delighted in shoving down Bethany's esophagus.
On the second day I ringed her clit. Just as the moans behind her gag were becoming soft groans, Czar alerted, letting me know we had company. I closed the hidden door in the pantry and was puttering around in the kitchen when Deputy Fulton knocked on the screen. Wiping my hands on a dish towel, I casually walked to the door and let him in.
"To what do I owe the honor of this rare visit, Ralph? Has my sordid past finally caught up with me?" I made it a point to stay on friendly terms with all the law enforcement people hereabouts, and Ralph Fulton and I had swapped stories over beers more than a few times since I came to live here.
Refusing my offer to sit, Ralph took off his hat and wiped the sweat from its band, saying, "A little official business is all, Mike, but don't worry, we haven't dug up anything on you yet, though we've got our best people on it!" The beer gut overhanging his gun belt quivered with his chuckle.
"We got a heads up from the State Police to look out for a young blonde girl driving a red Mustang convertible, and the Sheriff asked me to canvass the folks in this part of the county to see if anybody's seen her."
"Don't know why she'd show up here, Ralph, but I'll keep my eyes open and let you know if I see her. Got time for a beer before you go?"
He shook his head regretfully, "Naw, I still gotta get over to the McKinsey's and a few other places, but I'll take a rain check, if you're givin' em."
I clapped him on the shoulder as he turned to leave and said, "Anytime! And bring some of those unlucky bastards you work with - we'll play some poker too!"
I watched him turn the Explorer around and head back down the track. A few minutes later, the little LED on my security system, indicating the gate at the main road was open, winked on for several seconds, then extinguished. The dogs stayed at alert for a few more seconds, then lost interest, so I was pretty sure he really had gone, and returned to my work.
I make some money locally by making things for people in the community. Many are made from wood, others from various metals. I make nothing that isn't beautiful to look at, but everything I make has practical uses - tools that you can't buy in a hardware store, fixtures, picture frames, containers of various sorts. I even have a small income from selling custom made dildos and other sex toys to the wives of some of our most prominent citizens - all very discreet, of course. I don't need the money, but it heads off questions about sources of income, and gives me a hobby, as well as ensuring a certain amount of leverage in strategic places, should I ever need it. In my little workshop, I also designed and built most of the fixtures and machines in my dungeon.
By the time I got back to the dungeon, Amy was in the throes of another orgasm courtesy of Bethany's increasingly talented tongue. Since I had neither given her permission to play with my new toy, nor specifically forbade it, I banished her to the corner to play with herself while I continued installing Bethany's jewelry.
October 1, 1992, San Francisco, California “We need some ground rules,” I said. “Oh no you don’t!” Bethany growled. “You are NOT talking me to death. Fucking me to death, yes! Talking me to death, no!” “I’m serious. Sit, please.” Bethany reluctantly moved to the loveseat in the sitting room of our suite at the Mark Hopkins InterContinental Hotel on Nob Hill in San Francisco. We’d checked in less than ten minutes earlier after an uneventful, but twenty-minute-delayed flight from...
August 1980, Milford, Ohio I rang the bell and Bethany opened the door a few seconds later. We got in the car and I pulled out of the driveway. “Where to, Bethany?” “That depends. Do you want to eat or should we just go straight to making love?” she giggled. “Let’s eat and talk, which is what you said we would do.” “You still aren’t sure.” “That’s right. What do you want to eat?” “Let’s go to my dad’s country club! You’re dressed OK in slacks and polo.” “I wondered why you had on a...
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Everyone says you should not travel these roads alone, but I am not a helpless old fool. In fact, I am shy of 20 cycles old. They say these parts are ridden with trolls and goblins. I have also heard stories of a wicked witch that lives in the woods beyond. All tales told by old fools to frighten children. I have seen some truly beautiful things on this journey to and from the dwarven kingdom. Mountains that touch the sky, valleys that go on forever. Sunsets that fill the sky with color. And...
© Copyright 2003 The fish had not been very cooperative that day, but then, catching fish isn't really the point of fishing for me. I was heading back through the woods to my house, when Caesar and Czar took off like bats out of hell. From the way they fled silently between the trees, I knew there was someone on my property who shouldn't have been. When I go far from the house in these woods, I carry a Super Blackhawk in a belt holster. A.44 Magnum is a bit heavy for use on humans,...
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© Copyright 2003 She fidgeted nervously on the edge of my living room sofa. While I waited for her to tell me why she was here, I studied her. High forehead topped by closely shorn wooly hair, a broad, flattened nose that complemented fine, almost delicate, ebony features and a strong, sensuous mouth surrounded by full lips that were, at the moment pressed tightly together, as she played with the zipper on her purse, still trying to figure out how to approach the subject of her...
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If You Go Down in the Woods It was a hot day so Michael decided to take his shirt off as he strolled along the bridle path. He took a swig from the bottle of water he was carrying and continued on his way. He’d been walking in the sun for more than an hour and up ahead he could see the path meandering towards the woods and he looked forward to reaching the shade and cooling down a little. Entering the woods he noticed the quiet calm that pervaded and he reflected on the fact that he hadn’t...
Group SexGee sat in the rocking chair holding baby Genesis and giving her a bottle. The baby sucked hungrily while staring at him. He sang little nonsense songs to her as they rocked. Nearby, Nina, Salome, John, and Jane played a card game, laughing at the play. Karen brought Gee a glass of wine and set it on the side table. “I guess you can have wine since you aren’t actually nursing her,” Karen giggled as she kissed his head. “I think our girl has had enough,” Gee said. Gen spit the nipple...
“The first children have arrived,” Adam said when Gee answered his phone Sunday afternoon. “We’ll need volunteers soon.” “How many children?” Gee asked. “So far, we have twin girls, about six years old. They have a little language skill but it has mostly been used to ask where Aunt Ann is. The feds compiled a dossier on the children from what they could locate and were kind enough to include a couple of toys from the girls’ room. These two were being raised by a couple in Ohio as their...
I was just a young lad the first time i did any thing with another guy, i was still living with mom in the house she inherited from her father after he died in a small village that mainly had elderly people living in it.There certainly wasn't any one my age about so contact with other youth's was limited to school.Most of my time was spent playing alone or helping mom about the house, then some thing happened that was to change me for ever.It was a Sunday morning and mom was home doing some...
As close a relationship as the police, sheriff’s department, and Families had in Rosebud Falls, it still wasn’t prudent to have many people knowing what they discovered. It would be hard enough to contain the story while Johnson investigated. He wasn’t as suspicious of the Savage Family per se as of their company. The evidence was that drugs and child trafficking had been going on here long before Wayne or Pàl showed up. The sheriff still had one trump card to keep the investigation under...
“This has been an exciting week from what I hear,” Dr. Poltanys said as he clipped the stitches from Gee’s leg. “The children have finally begun to vocalize. Not all words but they are getting very good with ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’,” Gee said. Whenever someone mentioned things being exciting, Gee thought of the children. “I’ll bet that thrills Laura and Jude,” Adam chuckled. “Yes. There was a little confusion when Devon called Marian ‘Mommy’ but it didn’t take them too long to sort out the...
“Adam!” Gee panted when he found the doctor. Adam looked up from a cup of coffee in the hospital cafeteria. Julia and Mead sat with him. “Are you hurt, Gee?” Adam asked as he started to stand. “No. Winded. Ran from the Woods.” “That’s ... about three miles,” Mead offered. “Why are you running?” “No driver’s license. The children, Adam. They’ve been eating nuts in the woods.” “What? That’s not possible. Their blood tests showed markers for RDH in their system but they’d get that from...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Scott was scrawling away when the bell on the cafe door jangled. He was surprised to see the girl from the stationery shop step in. She scanned the room as her eyes adjusted from the summer brightness outside. The moment she saw him, her face lit up and she strode to his table.“Eager to get started, huh?” She hovered, clasping her forearms. “I love a man who gets straight to things.”“Uh, yes, miss. Just ducked in here to get out of the heat and get the hang of this pen.”Scott rose and offered...
OutdoorMost of what follows is true. I've changed the names to protect the real 'Gary' and 'Jessica'. L.J. 11/08/2009?Hi Gaz, how’s tricks? Archie's voice boomed out as he approached across the saloon bar of the Rising Sun.?Not so bad. I got one in for you.? Gary indicated a pint of Boddingtons waiting on the table ready.?Good man. I'm surprised that new girlfriend of yours has let you out.? Archie sat down and took a long pull at his pint. ?You seem to be spending all your time with her, completely...
It is said that there is a woman in the woods, a woman who lures men with her lullaby to then spirt them away. On occasion parts of them are found spread through the woods, others remain missing forever. People say they have seen her walking with a basket of grass, or gathering water into a flask by the stream. None have stayed longer than a few seconds, fearful of what may happen to them. Children dare each other to stand on the edge of the boundary and call out to her, they make it to the...
FantasyI took a walk almost every day in the woods that surrounded my house. I lived far out in a cabin I had built when I retired from the army. The only way to get to my cabin was a dirt road that ran off the main road a couple of miles away. There were paths and trails in and out of the woods and I would walk them almost every day. I was on a path when I heard someone cough. I moved off the trail and hid in some bushes near the path. A young woman came into view about a hundred yards down the path....
© Copyright 2003 I had just pulled out of the dirt track that serves me as a driveway, intending to go into town, when a reflection of sunlight off of unmoving glass, glimpsed through the woods in the other direction, caused me to turn that way. I could think of no reason for that reflection unless someone was parked, trespassing on my property, or someone was in trouble. In either case I wanted to check it out. I had just eased around the curve when I spotted a yellow Honda pulled off...
Copyright© 2004 (See 'House in the Woods: Molly - the First Time' for details on Molly Pierce's first visit to the House in the Woods.) "Did you do as I suggested?" I asked the redhead as she came through the door. She gave me a pained look and nodded. "Since yesterday morning, like you said. Do you know how hard it is to walk with this thing all the way inside me?" "I know," I smiled, "but I've got something 'big' planned for this weekend, and that's just to get you...
I slowly rode my horse through the forest enjoying the cool breeze. I was farther in the kingswood then I had ever been as I traveled along the trail heading back towards the small town known as huntersrest. Though I had been living in the city for a month now I still felt more at home out here in the wilderness. City life was growing on me a little each day. It was nice to have everything one could need only a few blocks away instead of having to ride miles to the next town to buy something....
FantasyKelly and I got up early the next morning so we could work out before breakfast. Our parents were in the kitchen when we came up from the basement. Stopping to tell them good morning, Kelly and I told them we would be back in a few minutes. I showered with Kelly, a routine we came to enjoy. Sometimes we played around and made love in the shower, other times, we only took our showers. Today, Kelly and showered quickly. I knew she was anxious to get going so she could take pictures with her...
I wrote this story a few years ago. It was originally called Perverted Kids. I have edited it a few times, and I didnt like that title, so now I call it Perversions in The Woods. Since XNXX allows you to delete and edit your stories now, I want to submit the stories that I have changed. Im sorry to keep posting but I am never happy with my storys and I always want to change them, and I want them all to be available on one link. Perversions In The Woods by Britney I was out on a jog one...
I like to masturbate outdoors, and I know other men who share my passion. But until recently I never thought it was something females did very often. Turns out they do from time to time, you just have to be very quiet, and lucky, to catch them at it!I'd been going to some woods near work on the odd lunch break through the summer to get my pants down and wank off in the trees. I hadn't been doing any dogging, I was just enjoying my time alone. I'd get well off the beaten track before taking my...
NOTE: This is much longer than my normal stories. The Lady Past The Woods When I was in high school I got an idea for my photography class from a Relaxation CD that Mom had given me a few years ago. I would lie in bed not being able to sleep and listening to the babbling brook. Eventually I was relaxed and asleep. When I told my teacher about my idea she was excited that I had envisioned a scene to go along with the sound and now wanted to marry them into a movie. There was...
Getting lost in the woods has always been a favorite past time of hers. She would often drive until she found a trail access park and head off for hours. Mostly she stuck to the trail; rarely did she cross someone else and usually never another solo hiker. Today was special; it was the first hike of the year for her. Once she was a considerable distance off the trail she removed her top breast free to what ever sunshine may find its way through the canopy. Her Tuesdays off were often time...
It was always a home away from home. Then after about three years at my current job, the weekend cabin finally became home to me. It was a couple of acres with just a cabin & small lake. Once the deed was transferred into my name, I upgraded everything in the cabin. From the water, solar power, furnishings and I even installed WIFI, so I could even work from home in the event of an emergency. The cabin was surrounded by tons of trees. I had a path made from the cabin to the main highway. ...
OutdoorOur Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
One night my husband, Mitch, came home from work in a very amorous mood. He kissed me hard and made my body tingle from head to toe. My pussy was wet in seconds. He asked me if I would trust him and indulge him in a fantasy tomorrow. It would be Saturday and I didn't have anything pressing on the schedule so I said "Sure." I asked him what the fantasy was and he said I'd just have to trust him, but that he hoped I'd enjoy it. Saturday morning came and Mitch had laid out some lingerie for me. It...
100% fiction! It was a bright sunny day in July, my relatives and me just arrived around noontime at a state park in New York. Our plan was to have a nice Filipino style family picnic. We set up quickly and people started eating and drinking. It was getting boring for me after awhile, I only had my little cousins around. I am in junior high and wouldn’t mind drinking to let time fly by, but I was with family. So I was bored out of my mind and was hanging around my mom. Then I noticed a Spanish...
IncestMy brother and I grew up playing in the 10-acre woods behind our house. Scott is a year old than I, actually 14 months, older, and we were like regular siblings. We would fight each other tooth and nail one minute and comfort each other the next. As soon as mom trusted us, we spent all our time in those woods, well, except when we played on the swings and sliding board. We built forts in the woods, made bike trails, built tree houses, dammed the small stream hundreds of times, and even camped...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Don't Go Into the Woods By Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. This piece is about humiliation, degradation and other XXXX sexuality. I am sorry to those who wish me to write a love story and this is in no way meant to deride anyone's sexuality, gender preference. But, this is a very raw and hard piece. So, if you read it I hope you like it and if it's...
Dont Go Into The Woods!The tears in my eye were overshadowed by the sound of a vehicle, the first in a month. I was hoping it was someone coming to rescue me. But I knew it was just the opposite. I was afraid, nervous, apprehensive, and submissive about what would be next. “Here come the men. Go open the door. ” he said. I walked obediently towards the door and although the plug wasn’t that big I could feel it every step. Between the walking lessons of short steps foot in front of foot...
Gee went to the woods Saturday morning seeking both the camaraderie of his team and the peace of the Forest. The long day Thursday, waiting for Ben to die, followed by the long day Friday, dealing with the funeral and family, had been mentally and emotionally draining. The weather was crisp but the sky was clear. He thought it might make it above freezing by mid-afternoon. “We only have two crews today, Gee,” Jessie said. “Jonathan is sick in bed. That means I’ll probably be sick in bed...
“Sick. It’s just sick,” Mead muttered as Nina left the room. At a few minutes before nine o’clock, she stood and asked if she could go to bed. The poor girl looked like she was still in shock but had answered all Mead’s questions. “Not only the people who bought her but that she was ... erased ... made ... created ... here. The cabins. The children. The doctor. It’s all too much. That our town has been a hub of child trafficking.” Mead shook his head and stood to leave. Karen and Gee walked...
© Copyright 2003 Czar was out patrolling his territory, so only Caesar was with me in the corral as I worked the horses. When his ears came up, I watched him for clues as to the disturbance that had alerted him. The half-Arabian colt I was working was a smart horse, and though he had taken to neck-reigning like a duck to water, he had also started trying to anticipate what I wanted. He didn't know me well enough for that to be effective yet, so I was putting him through his paces,...
If you have read my other stories, you know that I only post 100% true accounts of my Bi live. Here is another time I had in the woods with a young stranger.I had just parked my van at a well known cruising spot by the river. I was really horney and had not touched myself, or had any contact with either my wife or anyone in about a week. I was just sitting in the van and was noticing guys parking, and then walking off on the various trails made by the many guys looking for fun in the woods.I...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...