Wild WoodsChapter 8: Troubled Waters free porn video

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“Sick. It’s just sick,” Mead muttered as Nina left the room. At a few minutes before nine o’clock, she stood and asked if she could go to bed. The poor girl looked like she was still in shock but had answered all Mead’s questions. “Not only the people who bought her but that she was ... erased ... made ... created ... here. The cabins. The children. The doctor. It’s all too much. That our town has been a hub of child trafficking.” Mead shook his head and stood to leave. Karen and Gee walked to the door with him.

“We’ve known something was wrong,” Karen said. “We just didn’t know how bad it was.”

“If we find any evidence that leads to her sir and madam, we’ll end up going public with all of this, Karen. There won’t be any way to avoid it. It will be national news and the FBI will be involved. You might as well warn the Families.”

“The Families want this ended,” Karen said. “Yes, there are some who simply want us to say the doctor was the end of the trail and the problem is solved. We know that’s not true. Pàl is ready to disassemble his company brick by brick to find anyone who was involved. A researcher in a lab may have created the drug but he didn’t come up with the concept and network for capturing children and distributing sex slaves. He didn’t go out in the woods and build the cabins—even with the help of a shift supervisor. Someone coordinated this and set up the network.”

“And that someone is still in Rosebud Falls,” Gee said.

“I’m going to find him,” Mead vowed. “My son is Nina’s age. My daughter is younger. None of our children are safe if we let this go. None of them.”

“Let us know what help you need,” Karen said. “Loren and Heinz are frightened old men who want everything silenced, but their heirs, Jessie and Cameron, aren’t going to sit around doing nothing. David and Jonathan are offering everything they can to help. Jan has started sending staff at the hospital through specialized training for dealing with any other children we might encounter. We have people and money, Mead. We’ll get whatever is needed.”

“Thank you, Karen. I ... need to go now.” He looked toward the stairs where Nina had disappeared. “Take care of her. I need to go hug my daughter.” Mead left and Karen fell into Gee’s arms to be held.

“Let’s go check on our baby,” Karen said. “She’s had a rough day.”

They went up the stairs and paused at Nina’s door. Karen knocked softly and peeked through the opening to make sure Nina was dressed before letting Gee look at the figure sleeping in bed.

But no figure was in the bed.

“Nina? Are you okay, Sweetie?” she asked, pushing into the room. There was a rustle at her feet and she snapped the light on full.

Nina knelt in a pile of blankets by the door, naked, with her head bowed. Gee snatched her robe from behind the door and pulled it over her shoulders as Karen knelt beside the distraught girl.

“Nina, honey. Why are you here like this instead of asleep in your bed?”

“I don’t deserve a bed. I was bad,” she sniffed.

“You weren’t bad,” Gee said, kneeling with Karen.

“I tore my new coat and shirt. I had to go to the hospital. I made you miss work. You had to call the police. I’m bad.”

“No, no, no,” Karen cried. “You were frightened. That isn’t bad. I was frightened, too. So was Gee. Frightened isn’t bad.”

“You won’t punish me?” she whispered.

“No one is ever going to punish you like this again, Nina,” Gee said. “You will never have your bed taken away from you. You will never have to do things to other people.” Nina collapsed forward into Karen’s arms, sobbing. Gee held them both.

“It just takes time, Precious. Time to get over your fears. Time to heal. Time to believe,” Karen said. “Let me help you get to bed now. We love you, Nina.”

They stood and as Karen and Nina headed to the bathroom, Gee slipped out the door and closed it softly behind him.

Karen found him sitting at the top of the stairs with his head in his hands, shoulders shaking. She joined him and put her arms around him.

“She’ll sleep now,” she said. “She relived a bad part of her life, not only in the woods but in telling it all to Mead. She forgot she was with us and not with Sir and Madam. It was like she rediscovered her room after I got her face washed.”

“She couldn’t tell us any of that before the shock today,” Gee said. “We knew she’d been mistreated and sexually abused but seeing the cabin triggered all the memories she was suppressing.”

“I should have thought of it. I was shaken by that glimpse through the trees. I haven’t been near a cabin during the few times I’ve been out helping. My first thought was ‘that is where he tried to kill me.’ I felt my heart speed up and nearly fled myself.”

“I was afraid she’d stumble and fall into the quarry. I don’t know how I caught her in time. I need to talk to Pàl tomorrow. The fence around that pit needs to be repaired and we need to determine what to do with it. With the border fence between the Wild Woods and the Forest down and paths cut, people can just walk through to get to it. It’s dangerous. Having a sign that declares it a hard hat area isn’t adequate.”

“It should be filled in.”

“More than that. It needs to be emptied first.”

“Emptied? How do you empty a lake without filling it in?”

“There must be a way. I need to talk to Jan tomorrow, too. Something his father said.”

“His father? How did you meet August? He’s got Alzheimer’s and is in terminal care.”

“He’s in the same long-term care wing as the children,” Gee said. “I was passing the other day and he called to me by name. Not Gee, but George.”

“He must have thought you were someone else. Alzheimer’s is like that.”

“Yes. Someone from his youth. A memory of playing hide and seek in the quarry and they shouldn’t go back because of what was hidden there,” Gee said. “More mysteries.”

“I can’t deal with more mysteries tonight, Love. I’m drained. I need to be held by my lover.”

Raging Hormones

“Gee, need to speak with you,” David said when Gee got to the office Friday morning. The weather was looking threatening and Gee wasn’t sure if his crew would actually get anything done today. The wind was whipping snow horizontally out of the open fields east of the fence line.

“Sure. What’s up?” Gee poured a cup of coffee and settled into a chair near David. The two men were the only ones in the office this early.

“You’re going to have to talk to your kids about going into the woods for ... personal reasons,” David said.

“What do you mean?”

“I had one of the guys do a routine check on the cabins yesterday afternoon to make sure there was propane for the heaters. In addition to your fencerow crew, I’ve had people out assessing the thinner area of the woods up close to SSG,” David explained. “They need a place to get warm. But Lee found a backpack in one of the cabins with a sleeping bag.”

“Do you think we’ve got a squatter?”

“No. I think we have some hormonal teens who have found a place to be alone.”

“Oh, no,” Gee sighed. “You’re sure?”

“There was an ID tag on the backpack. Lee left it out there until we decide what to do. It’s your call, but something like that could reduce your volunteer crew to zero and start a hullaballoo about access to the woods,” David said. “I’d go read them the riot act and probably ban a few from working, but that’s me. You’ve got a different relationship with them and this is your baby.”

“Thanks a lot.”

A dozen kids finally made it to the foresters’ office to volunteer for work but in addition to wind, fresh snow had started falling. Before he canceled work and told the kids to go back home, Gee called them together.

“How’s Nina, Gee?” Jeanie asked.

“She’s doing okay. We found out, though, that fifteen years ago she was held in one of those cabins to be programmed for a life of servitude. Seeing the cabin yesterday was a real shock and sent her into a panic. You’re all an important part of her healing and I want to thank you for that,” Gee said. There were nods and Gee took a deep breath before plunging on.

“You’re all an important part of the Wild Woods, too, and that brings me to an issue that only you can deal with. Guys, the cabins have been cleaned and heaters installed so we can work during the winter. They aren’t set aside as a personal recreation area. I need you all to promise you won’t go out there except as part of a work crew. I thought that was understood but it seems I need to make it explicit.”

“Has someone gone out to party?” Leslie asked. “None of you guys drink or do dope, do you?” There was shaking of heads. Leslie was the youngest and perhaps most naïve. Gee was sure some of the older kids had experimented a little.

“It was me,” Ryan said. “I went out to camp in one of the cabins.”

“Us,” Shannon said. “Ryan, you can’t confess without me. Gee, we went out there to ... because there isn’t any place we can be alone. We just wanted to be together, you know?”

“I do know,” Gee said. “And I know it’s hard to make the right decision when there’s an opportunity in front of you. Please understand, though, that if word of this reached your parents, you wouldn’t be allowed to come back. I’m sure of that. We’re going to have to lock the cabins. So, your actions affect more than just the two of you. Anybody else had the idea of using the cabins as a private meeting place?” There were a few nods.

“We didn’t even do anything,” Ryan said. “I mean, we kissed and stuff but we got to talking and ended up leaving before anything else happened.”

“And left your pack,” Gee said.

“That was different,” Shannon interjected. “That wasn’t for us.”


“One of the things Shan and I talked about when we were out there and trying to get warm in front of the heater was the footprint she found. It wasn’t far from that cabin. I mean, we were bundled up in our winter coats and had the heater going and we were still cold. If there’s kids out there, they must be freezing. We left our snack food, drinks, and sleeping bag in case some kid stumbled on it and needed to get warm,” Ryan said. Gee snapped his head toward David, who had been quietly observing. His brow was creased. Gabe, in his usual corner, brought all four feet of his chair to the floor.

“Please don’t lock the cabins, Mr. Lazorack,” Shannon said. “It might be the only shelter they have.”

“We need to consider this, David,” Gabe said. “What’s our purpose been out there? If there are kids hiding, they might be too scared of the cabins to go in, but we shouldn’t lock them out.”

“Aside from you kids using the place as a private love nest, I have to agree,” David said. “I was focused on the possibility of finding them, not of them surviving if we don’t. Gee?”

“Yes. Okay. You kids have done it again. I’m proud of you. How can we put together a couple of bundles for each cabin? If you believe in this, I’m going to depend on you to figure it out. Go up to the school and sit down with a pad of paper and decide what needs to be in each survival kit and how much it will cost to put them together. I’ll try to shake loose some money to buy the supplies.”

“I’ll fund it,” David said. “Provided you all promise not to make unauthorized visits. I appreciate you wanting a place to go. I’m not that old. But you have to respect the vulnerability of our volunteer program and protect it.”

“We will, sir,” Ryan said. “I’m sorry we acted without thinking.”

Trading Spaces

By the time Saturday morning dawned, a near white-out blizzard had descended on Rosebud Falls. “Worst storm in a generation,” Troy announced on the radio. “Where’s global warming when you need it, eh? I might end up spending the weekend here in the studio. Please shovel me out before New Year’s Eve. I’ve got a hot date. So, for today, stay in, cuddle up, and stay safe. Here’s a little jingle to get you started.” His voice faded into the recognizable intro for ‘Winter Wonderland’ and Karen clicked off the bedside radio.

“I’m really tired of being woken up by Troy’s voice in the morning,” Karen said. “We need to find a different radio station.”

“He’s changed over the past few weeks. Have you noticed?” Gee asked.

“Yes. I’m betting the hot date he has on New Year’s Eve is to his farewell party.”

“You think he’s being pushed out?”

“Yes. You should be prepared to find Wayne is unemployed, too.”

“Judge Warren?”

“He has two more years to serve. If he’s careful, he won’t be asked to step down. District Attorney Mazzenga has an exploratory committee raising funds for a run at the position. Judge Warren won’t be able to work miracles like giving people ID or arranging custody, though,” she chuckled.

“Speaking of which...”

“Nina’s ID is already in the works, as are birth certificates for the children.”

“How is our teen treasure this morning? She seemed back to her normal self yesterday afternoon.”

“I checked on her when I got up to use the bathroom. She was awake and bounced out of bed to hug me. She asked if she could make breakfast this morning and I agreed. I expect she’ll be up in a few minutes to announce it’s ready, so don’t get too frisky there, mister.” They both laughed and held each other in a deep kiss.

“Well, there won’t be work in the woods again today. What shall we do?” Gee asked.

“Pack,” Karen said. “If the snow lets up a little, we can walk over to the mansion and survey what we want to occupy and where we want things moved. We won’t be moving a lot of furniture but I want to keep our bed. It’s too comfortable to give up. Besides, the memory foam has memories of making love to you.”

“We’ve made a big deal about telling Nina this is her home,” Gee said. “We need to make sure she understands we aren’t talking about the building but our family.”

Nina and Karen had a long conversation about things she owned now. They went through the bedroom and Karen pointed out her clothes, the few stuffed animals and books, and her bathroom supplies were all hers. The furniture could be moved to her new room or left behind if she found a room in the new house already furnished that she liked.

“Can Jeanie have this furniture?” Nina asked. “She really liked this bed and doesn’t have one as nice. I would like her to have nice things because she is my friend.”

“That’s very thoughtful of you, sweetheart,” Karen said. “Jeanie might not have space for this bed in her room at school. You know she shares her room with a dorm sister? But ... I have a secret. You know that Jude and Laura and the children are going to move into this house?” Nina nodded. “They will need some help with the children. I think they are going to ask Jeanie if she would like to live with them and help take care of Esther, David, and Naomi.”

“Jeanie likes them,” Nina said. “I do, too. I could help.”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea. I know Laura would be happy to have your help. But if Jeanie moves here, guess where she’d be sleeping.” Nina’s eyes got big with wonder.

“Here? Here in my room?”

“Wouldn’t that be wonderful? And your friend would be right across the street from you so you could see her when you both want to,” Karen said. Nina grinned.

“Can we go see my new room now?”

The mansion was as overwhelming to Gee as it was to Nina. It had been built and added onto to accommodate generations of extended family living together and had functioned that way until the great schism between Ben and his sister, Karen’s great-grandmother, and their father’s refusal to recognize Celia Eberhardt as part of the Family. Ben had further split the family when Leah married a gentile. Ben threw a fit and as long as Karen had been alive, had lived alone in the massive building.

Karen and Gee would occupy the master suite on the second floor. It had two bedrooms, a large bath, sitting room, study, and a breakfast room that overlooked the river and led to a covered deck set with a table and chairs. Money had never been an issue for the Roths. Both Aaron and Ben had spent freely to modernize the 150-year-old mansion.

“Are we supposed to have separate bedrooms?” Gee asked as he looked into the rooms.

“We’d better not!” Karen announced. “But we might need a nursery room handy one day.” She waggled her eyebrows at him and he grinned.

“Any time soon?”

“Not until after we’re married.” They decided to make their intentions known immediately and have the beds moved out of both rooms. Karen’s king-size bed from across the street would be moved into their bedroom. They would begin decorating the second bedroom as a nursery.

Nina chose a remarkably small bedroom—smaller than the one at the ‘cottage.’ Karen and Gee could see at once why she chose that room. It was decorated in a soft palette with curtains in front of a balcony overlooking the river. From her balcony, she could see the deck stretched across Gee and Karen’s suite.

The closet was roomy but not so big that Nina’s few accumulated clothes would look sparse. The bed was not as large as the bed in her former room but was very high. Two steps led up to the mattress of the old four-poster. From the bed, she could see out the doors to the balcony. It was cozy and comfortable and just a door down from the master suite.

Karen decided to move her great-great-grandfather’s desk back into the library downstairs along with the papers and books they had been packing so carefully. Other family members needed access to those materials. The study in the master suite would be used for more personal pursuits like writing her book and Gee’s coordination of volunteers.

“I’m going to invite Raven back to live here,” Karen sighed. “I think she’d be interested in cutting some of her hours at the bar in exchange for more time and money to take care of the house here. Um ... That means Timmy would move here, too.”

“Nathan says he is doing well at work and is adjusting to the routine with no problem.”

“That’s part of what I was thinking. Right now, they live in a two-bedroom apartment. That’s not a comfortable place for a single adult woman and her twenty-eight-year-old son. There’s a rather nice maid’s apartment behind the kitchen. It’s smaller than what she’s in now, but Timmy could have the carriage house apartment. It’s where he lived the first few years of his life, so it should feel familiar. And it would give him some semblance of freedom without being too far away for Raven to help.”

Gee looked at his fiancée and smiled. “You’re going to fill the mansion with people in need, aren’t you?” She bit her lip.

“Maybe not all of it,” she said hopefully. “But Ben did say to fill the space with children. They don’t all have to be ours.”

The remainder of the weekend was filled with the bustle of packing. Karen decided to move her entire bedroom furniture suite to the mansion and Laura agreed to accept the replaced furniture. Once she could get through the snow, Jeanie came to help Nina pack. Then the two girls enthusiastically helped Karen and Laura repaint the children’s two rooms and decorate them. Everyone knew the children would use only one of the bedrooms—at least for now—but Monday, the furniture store delivered a double bed for one room and bunkbeds for the other.

“Are you even ready for your wedding?” Karen asked Laura Monday morning, New Year’s Eve.

“It’s on autopilot. Jude and I have lived together for six years, telling people we were getting married. The wedding itself is kind of a shrug to our parents. Rabbi Schlesinger will conduct the service, but it will be at Mom and Dad’s. Just the families—which includes you, don’t forget.”

“We wouldn’t miss it. What else would we be doing tomorrow?”

A small truck arrived to remove what Gee, Karen, and Nina had packed and take it to the mansion. An hour and a half later, it returned with the bedroom furniture for Laura and Jude’s guest room. Then the truck went to their modest home and loaded out everything to move to the Weisman house. In all, the move took the full day and Karen tipped the workers double for having moved everyone on New Year’s Eve.

Rather than spend the night in their new home, Laura and Jude went to the hospital and spent the night with their children.

Fire Sale

“They want to buy our land,” John Daniels said. Five men stood with cups of punch in a corner of the church basement after the ‘Watch Night’ service. It wasn’t as big a turn-out as in previous years and the men on the board of trustees were doubtful about the future of the church. But the news that the foresters wanted to buy land adjoining the Wild Woods was disturbing. “I’ve seen them moving along the inside of the fence, clearing it and checking for breaks.”

“We replaced that section in September, right after the monk died.”

“The trail is still there.”

“Maybe you should go ahead and sell,” Deacon said. “Retire down south where it’s warm. Florida is sounding better all the time.”

“Like Simon retired?” Darren Cole barked. “Do you plan to kill us all off?”

Deacon looked around at the five board members of the church.

“Did any of you see bodies?” he asked in a low voice. “The timing seemed too convenient to me. I think they disappeared and if they had the help of a witness protection program, we’re all in danger. I’m out of here with the spring thaw.”

“They’d find too much if they investigated my barn,” Daniels said. “We did too much staging from there.”

“Burn it.”


“If you lose your barn, your equipment, and your livestock in a big fire, then you’d have a reason to be discouraged, sell out, and leave town. Probably even get a sympathy offer. We’ve been good here since our fathers started this. There isn’t going to be another generation to pass it on to. Savage is investigating the books and has already called the church lease into question. It’s been scrubbed clean, so we can just walk away from it.”

“What about Beck?”

“He’ll do whatever we say. We have enough on him to put him away for life. If the videos of his conversion therapy ever surfaced, he’d be locked up forever. And prisons being what they are, forever wouldn’t be a very long time.”

“Too bad about it all,” Daniels said. “Such a loss.”

“Might as well enjoy the profits,” Cole said.

“No forwarding addresses,” Deacon said. “And have your women scrub everything down.”

Mazel Tov!

The wedding, at noon on New Year’s Day, was held at the Lazorack home. It was a simple ceremony. Jude’s brother Levi stood with him and Laura’s sister-in-law, Jessie attended her. There was no canopy or breaking of a glass, however the rabbi gave seven blessings and pronounced them husband and wife. Rebecca Lazorack served a buffet reception for the twenty or so guests of the Roth and Lazorack Families.

Same as Wild Woods
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Watersports! Sounds like some Olympic triathlon discipline where hoes run, swim, and then squirt all over the judges. Hey, that actually sounds like a pretty hot, unique porn scenario! Meet hotmovies.com/category/26/Fetish-Watersports! Yeah, the link is a fucking mess, but I know that you wouldn't be able to find the category in an old-fashioned way. It's hotmovies.com, and it's category named watersports! Duh! Another thing that you don't know, and I bet that you think you do, is that...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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Gulf Waters

One summer long ago, Rascal and I took a vacation in St Petersburg, FL to enjoy the Florida sun and the warm water of the Gulf of Mexico. The beach was beautiful and the waves were gentle. Rascal and I enjoyed the relaxed pace of sleeping late and then sitting on the beach during the day and nice meals at night. We enjoyed swimming and playing in the gentle waves of the clear green water of the gulf. Ah, we were relaxing and enjoying each other.Yes, we enjoyed each other with plenty of sex in...

4 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 4 Soldiering OnChapter 18 Mirror Lake and Dawn on Still Waters

The horse I rode into the mountains was called 'Peggy', short for Pegasus, which was quite appropriate as it was the name of the flying horse on the Parachute Regiment's badge. Peggy was a docile comfortable mount, and over time must have been ridden by many inexperienced riders, as she didn't rear or buck, not that we met anything that would cause her to do any of those things, but of course horses have a habit of seeing and hearing things that humans don't. As we rode Eddy told me...

3 years ago
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Sailing Into Uncharted Waters

Synopsis: A young man with a deep secret finds himself in an exciting, yet precarious position when persuaded by a male photographer friend to fill in for an absent female model on a photo shoot aboard a charter yacht in Florida. Sailing into Uncharted Waters Day 1 - Morning Walking down the shop lined street, I'm wondering exactly why I had to awaken and get going so early this morning. I mean, I really enjoy sleeping in when I get the chance, just letting my body wake...

3 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 56 Waters

We entered August, the last full month of summer, of vacation, and of divine mountain warmth. I spent all my time at Clara’s; Lara increased her hours at the shelter since Chuck hired her more formally and started paying her for her computer work. Our tent became lived-in and undeniably welcoming the more we used it and adjusted our setup. With Frej’s help, we’d flown an oversized tarp above the area that gave us some dry space around the shelter in times of rain. It remained a heavenly...

2 years ago
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Wilde Harem Pt 01 Home Sweet Home Ch 01

Onward to the backstory/information dump! My name is Brian Valentine. I recently turned 18 and became a senior at my high school that the author was too lazy to name. Short brown hair, 5'11", 8" dick. I'm not exactly athletic but I keep myself in shape. I've been told I'm attractive but I've never actually had a girlfriend. Yes, I'm still a virgin. My mom had died during childbirth. My father was hit by a drunk driver when I was 13. I currently live with my step-mom Lilith Wilde...

2 years ago
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Testing the Waters

I knew campus would be dead the day of July 4th, but I wasn't expecting it to be this dead. Normally, even during the summer session, my Psych 101 class would have a hundred people in it. Today there was maybe twenty of us scattered around the auditorium. But that didn't stop Dr. Mallory from droning on at the front of the room. I shouldn't complain. Psych was an easy A for me and watching Dr. Mallory was not without its perks. Like the tight khakis he always wore that cradled his amazing...

4 years ago
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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 16 Deep Waters

Indeed, as Trebo had predicted, an envoy from Hanilei arrived in Tanitsar a month after Anais' wedding. It was Lelis of all people, Pilar's wayward fiancé. He was received by the Chief Envoy Tergus and delivered a note from the Eldermen. Pilar saw him as he left Tergus' offices an hour later. As planned with Javila, she walked along the corridors just as Lelis stepped out. There was an awkward silence at first. Pilar stared at him wordlessly. "Pilar! You here, in the Royal Palace?"...

2 years ago
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Wildfire Part 4

Wildfire Part 4 I should make a note about killing off a few of the X-Men in the last chapter. In the most technical sense, this is obviously an alternate universe from the main one, if you follow the comic books. I will use that as an excuse for the differences in characters, events, and the way time flows. For all I know, I may make this the universe where the X-Men cross- over with Star Trek characters (I cant remember the name of the books, or the authors, but both were...

3 years ago
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Wildfire part 5

Wildfire Part 5 I came around slowly. It took me a few minutes. I was really groggy, so I didn't immediately remember what had happened. But, when I saw that I was laying on the ground, cuffed hands and feet, I did remember. I slowly looked around, hoping not to alert anyone who might be watching. Then I heard a voice that was all too familiar. Cecily said, "You may as well not pretend. One of the telepaths that work for us already sensed it. Oh, don't worry, they couldn't...

2 years ago
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Wilde Stuten mssen gezhmt werden

Nur ein leises Schnauben der Mustangs deutet darauf hin, dass ein Mensch in der Nähe ist. Geduckt bewegt sich der dunkle Schatten zwischen den wenigen Bäumen. Dort wo die Pferde dicht gedrängt zusammen stehen steigt Dampf auf, verursacht vom warmen Atem der Tiere in der Kälte der mondhellen Herbstnacht. Plötzlich fliegt das Lasso. Zielsicher wird ein junger Hengst eingefangen, der sofort beginnt sich zu wehren. Alle anderen Pferde stieben davon. Die dunkle Gestalt kämpft allein mit dem...

3 years ago
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Wild FireChapter 4

While Ty helped Boothe load a packmule with their supplies, Willah and Mejesse closed the window shutters and fastened the door, to keep the varmints out. Within the hour after eating breakfast, they were on their way upstream on Willow Creek. When they came to the clearing where Wild Fire and his herd of horses had killed the wolves, they saw the horses through the trees. “I want to see if he will come to me again,” Willah told them, putting her fingers to her lips. Hearing her whistle,...

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The Troubled Celestial RiverChapter 7

Hiro met with the intelligence section in the much more comfortable and appropriate environment of the new Imperial Japanese Defense Ministry to review the list of priority intelligence requirements they had generated. These would inform Hiro on the ship construction plan and the operational requirements they would be dedicated to once they became available. Given that the Navy would have much more of an active role around Rek than just defending it from the Sa’arm, a new planning effort was...

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Wild FireChapter 6

The next day, upon the arrival of Mejesse’s mother and father, Mejesse was sitting on the bedside, drinking more of the medicinal slurry. Within a week, she was able to walk to the building site and watch as Ty and Boothe laid out the hearth, then started stacking and mortaring the stone fireplace. They were only able to lay a few layers of stone each day, allowing the sand, mud and grass mortar to set. The next week, Mejesse and Willah began packing for their trip down the mountain. Boothe...

3 years ago
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Wild WoodsChapter 2 Mourning After

Karen and Gee stumbled into Jitterz at eight-thirty. They hadn’t been home yet and weren’t headed there now. It had been a long night, dealing first with the discovery of the body, then the police, and finally, the Family heads. “Oh, my. You two look wrung out. Double Birdie’s Special coming right up. What would you like to eat?” Violet asked as they reached the counter. The contrast of her ginger hair with her light caramel skin never ceased to intrigue Gee. He forgot to answer. “Thank...

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Wild FireChapter 2

Early October, 1841 Shoshone River Valley Wyoming. The giant, flame-red colt known among wrangler camps as Wild Fire, is now 19.5 hands and coming on eighteen months. With hooves hardened and honed by days and miles of gravel, dirt, sand and stone he’s trekked, he’s as surefooted and agile as an antelope. Though his long legs are strong and muscular, he appears tall and awkward, walking a short distance from the herd as he grazes and keeps a close watch for danger... ... Running full...

2 years ago
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A Troubled Mind

I don’t care for sex, I never have done and neither does my husband. We, that is James my husband and I are very proper and religious. In any case during the early part of our 14yrs of married life James would spend his sperm quickly and would soon be asleep, but it did not matter. Sex, I repeat, is unimportant to us, we are far too busy with other things. Why then have got myself in such a mess? Why, this morning did I request an urgent meeting with Pastor Michael to beg his understanding —...

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My Troubled Years in High School

Once Bruce, Charlie and Daniel had taken my virginity, against my will and I didn't report them, they took advantage of me when ever they wanted to. The fact that I was scared of them did not faze them at all, matter of fact looking back they used it to their advantage. Just to keep them from savagely taken me, I had to allow them to have their way with me when ever they wanted. This usually happened two or three times a month, how I graduated I never will know, yet some how do to their...

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Wild FireChapter 5

They were now leading one of the mules with them each morning as they ran their trapline. Most mornings, by the time they reached their leanto, they would have as many as twenty beaver pelts. They would scrape them, fold them fur-to-fur and tie them in bundles before putting the bundles into the pack on the mule. Once they were back at the cabin at the end of the day, they would stretch the pelts and hang them to dry. They brought a large pan with them to leave inside the leanto. Each day,...

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Jaq enquires about watersports

We had been talking to Joe for several months via an internet platform. Joe was a similar age to ourselves, around the sixty bracket. Jaq realised that Joe often referred to watersports and wanted to know a little more, I did my best to explain what it entailed. Jaq at first dismissed the idea, over time she became more inquisitive.Joe lived around an hour away by car from where we live, not so far that we could not invite him over for the evening. After a few more chats over the coming weeks...

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Maryannes Story Waterskiing

Unlike my the stories written by my husband (My Wife Maryanne) that have been written in a chronological order starting near the time of our wedding in 1975, this true story, and any written by me that may follow are presented in no particular order. This particular story took place in the summer of 1990, when I was 37 years old. Michael and I had spent an enjoyable afternoon with another couple at a small riverside beach. Michael knew the wife, Linda through a business connection, and...

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Maryannes Story Waterskiing

Introduction: I still get excited remembering that summer day twenty years ago. Maryannes Story Chapter 1 Unlike my the stories written by my husband (My Wife Maryanne) that have been written in a chronological order starting near the time of our wedding in 1975, this true story, and any written by me that may follow are presented in no particular order. This particular story took place in the summer of 1990, when I was 37 years old. Michael and I had spent an enjoyable afternoon with another...

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Bi convert watersport

My husband Josh works for a IT company and is called away on business quite a lot. Today was no exception except today he was going with a work college named Steve. You see Steve had only started with the company 2 months before and this was his first trip interstate so he had to go with someone to show him the ropes. We meet Steve and his beautiful wife Joyce briefly when he joined the company but had not seen them since that day.Josh came home from work that faithful day and said he and Steve...

4 years ago
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Tracey and the Waterslide

Trace y and the Waterslide By Jake Olive [email protected] was nervous but also excited as she walked down the hall to Mr. Chamber’s office. It had been almost seven months since she had been hired by his prestigious advertising agency as the Director of Advertising and so far all she had been was little more than eye candy for the company’s management team. She was hoping to get a real chance work on a major advertising campaign. ?I am here to see Mr. Chambers?? Tracey said to the...

1 year ago
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If I had an Underwater Sex Cam, I know I’d have a lot of fun capturing my sexual escapades at the pool and reliving them later on at home, in the office, and on the bus ride in between. And honestly, after checking out this following site, I think I might actually invest in the necessary equipment. Even if my homemade underwater fuck flicks never made it onto PornDudeCasting, where I think the chlorine would ruin the couch, they’d still be a hell of an addition to my own personal fap stash. I’m...

Premium Voyeur Porn Sites
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Wild Life

Do you know all those games online that claim to have real adult content and real 3D interactive porn? Do you know how they always end up being complete scams? Well, prepare to have your minds blown cause I’m about to show you an adult game that’s actually an adult game with porn scenes and everything. And no, I’m not talking about those cheap-o 2D anime titles that just give you a few animations and are done with it. Welcome to Wild Life, a real adult action RPG that lets you have the porn...

Free Sex Games
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Wild WoodsChapter 11 Emergence

Gee picked Karen up and carried her to the sofa in Wayne’s living room. “What on earth happened?” Jo asked, coming in from the kitchen. “Gee, let us take care of Karen so you can tend to Nina. She’ll trust you more than me.” Wayne directed. Gee reluctantly gave care of his lover over to Wayne and Jo as he ran outside to see Nina now swinging quietly on the rusty chains. Gee approached her slowly. “Nina? Are you okay, honey?” She looked up at him with eyes gradually focusing. “Gee? I had...

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Wild Sex In Hindi

Hi, this is Banty (my nick name) and Stuti. We are married for 09 years and have a son. This story dates back to our honeymoon in beautiful PortBlair island. It’s always to try out something new and adventurous. It was our Honeymoon in Lovely Andaman. Our entire week was enjoyable and full of adventure and sex. We wanted to make the trip a memorable one. We had sex in a lot of places (in open too, sea side) We saw a lot of porn movies in the room (specially Kamasutra) to try out new sex...

4 years ago
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Wild Sex With Sexy Smoky Girlfriend

Hi. I’m a regular reader of ISS and this is my first story, story includes me and two girlfriends’ mama and Sonam, I have added two parts as mama came after Sonam. Romance with sonam- Myself shyam. We were from same boarding school from childhood, in 9th class somehow our love story started chupke chupke & we both used to exchange love letters and sms,as time passed we became sulty towards each others body but honestly I loved her truly,during winter holiday she asked me to visit her home, I...

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Wild Casino

What’s Wild Casino got that makes them so much wilder than the other online gambling dens out there? Is it some Wild West shit where you might have a six-gun pulled on you during a game of poker, or is it a safari theme with an added risk of being mauled by a lion while playing a slot machine? Maybe they mean something else entirely when they say wild. Then again, perhaps it’s just another random word tacked onto “Casino” for the sake of branding. And hey, you’ve got to single out your product...

Betting Sites
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Wildes Studentenleben

Es ist Ende August. Die freie Zeit ist nahezu vorbei. Bald geht es wieder los. Die junge Nina hatte in den letzten Monaten nach Ihrem Abitur das Leben genoßen. Sie war einige Wochen im Ausland im Urlaub und erfreute sich an dem herlichen Wetter diesen Sommer. Nun ist es bald soweit, ihr Informatik-Studium beginnt. Sie wird wegziehen von zuhause, von ihren Freunden in eine fremde Stadt. Sie ist unglaublich aufgeregt. Nina ist jetzt 20 Jahre alt. Sie hat kurze braune Haare mit leichtem rot-ton....

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Wild WoodsChapter 14 Eighth Family

“The first children have arrived,” Adam said when Gee answered his phone Sunday afternoon. “We’ll need volunteers soon.” “How many children?” Gee asked. “So far, we have twin girls, about six years old. They have a little language skill but it has mostly been used to ask where Aunt Ann is. The feds compiled a dossier on the children from what they could locate and were kind enough to include a couple of toys from the girls’ room. These two were being raised by a couple in Ohio as their...

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Wild ChildChapter 14

“Watch as I run through all the controls. Look down at the wing on your side; see the flaps move when I push the yoke forward and pull back? Now look back and watch the tail wing and rudder when I pull back and turn the yoke.” “Oh me. This isn’t like driving my scooter at all.” “No it’s not, but it’s not really that complicated either. When we get airborne, I’ll show you all about it. That’s the neat thing about dual controls.” “There sure is a lot of room back there, how many passengers...

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Wild Sex With My Maid

Hi to all again, friends! My narration of my experience attracted few responses encouraging ones and thanks for that. Now, I’m going to tell you all about my wild sex experience with a maid who had worked in our house during my stay in Chennai few years ago due to my profession, I was in Chennai and I had taken my family along my wife and two kids. Oh and let me introduce myself again to those who are new comers. My name is Shuai now 38 years young 5 feet 10 inches brown complexioned fit enough...

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Wild Sweaty Passionate Sex With My 53 Year Old Maid

Hi everyone in this forum. I have been following ISS for a year now. I hope you will enjoy my first story on ISS and send me your feedback to I am 29 years old, working in a small town. I am unmarried and always enjoyed living alone. Since my growing up days I have been attracted to older women. I believe that they have more sexual energy than the younger ones. The story I am narrating was my encounter with my maid. After joining my new job I had to move to a new location. It took me 10 days...

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WWT Hidden Beneath the Waters

The one called Tricia lowered herself naked into the water, letting the two blonde-haired girls tie her to stakes spread out in the water. She sank to her knees, her breasts floating in the water, everything but her head submerged."We are reluctant to leave," the one called Tricia said.She was different than her friends, shorter dark hair, a smaller more petite frame that contrasted with the taller, lankier blondes."It is the agreed-upon time," the one called Taylor said."Even so..." the one...

Monster Sex
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Wild days with office staff

Hi ISS Friends I am Rajesh here from Maharastra I am 32 Years old 5”6” I am into business & doing good. I always used to wonder how a person can write so many interesting stories which should be private, but after going through some of them I myself is tempted to write this coz I thought I myself being so interested in sex & specially in experimenting new ways n means in sex I thought my real life incidence will definitely interest my readers. This story is about my encounter with my Office...

1 year ago
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Wild Thang

Suzy and I had booked a last minute cheap bargain Holiday. We found our selves surrounded by mainly wild and single 18 - 30 year olds. At 33 and 34 we were not that much older but married for over ten years. The hotel was jumping to 3 or so in the morning before booze and tiredness took its toll. Susy reckoned that my new shades must have been bought so she couldn't see who I was eyeing up, she constantly joked about me eyeing up the naked flesh on the beach's. I got my revenge when I caught...

4 years ago
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Wild Night With Jody And Her Friends

I had the best time last weekend. I was out with my buddies and we were at our local bar that we always went to. We were just hanging out having some beers and playing darts. It was a pretty slow night, but all of a sudden this group of young pretty girls came into the bar. The one girl was wearing a tiara on her head with a cute pink shirt that said ‘Bride-to-Be.’ She was also in a short mini skirt with black pumps. This girl was absolutely beautiful. All the rest of the girls were wearing...

Group Sex
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Wild Sex in Bangalore

Hi, this is the pink man (name changed) from Hyderabad, age 21, single and a wild guy. I’m here to open up my experience about how I lost my virginity and how amazing it was. If any grammatical mistakes, I apologize. This happened when I was 20 and I just had a very bad break up which totally broke me, so I took a break and went to Bangalore for a small vacation and to meet my friend. As we were staying near the christ university he had many people coming to his place every day to drink or...

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Wild For Me

His name was Elmer and he wasn’t that hot, but something in me just yearned to touch him and feel my hands all over his body. Sometimes when he swept, he did it shirtless and I was always somewhere near looking at him as he did it. I’ve been confused with what I felt for him since the day he came inside my house to work. He didn’t have the chiseled looks, the rock hard abs, or any qualities that would grab my attention. The thing was, I just craved to feel his body on top of me and his...

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