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Anya Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was sure mom would never understand. Working with her every day in the shop was driving me crazy because of the nice things I unpacked and sorted each day. She owns a dress shop in town that caters to the upscale crowd, and I work there after school and on weekends. Over the last year I had let my hair grow out, and now it hangs over my shoulders. I also let my nails grow out, carefully filing them to a little longer, rounded point. All my life I had been constantly surrounded by wonderful clothes, girls clothes, and I wanted to wear them, more than I can say. and hoped for the chance I wanted. My name is Andy, I'm 16 now. I guess I'm about the same size as the other guys in my class, maybe a bit smaller than some of the guys, but not so much. I work with mom sorting the new stock and so on, and never work at the counter. Over time I had managed to gather up a complete outfit, from panties to a bra, pantyhose, a dress and some shoes. I had them in my room at home, and on a day she closed the shop and was gone, I got all dressed up. Looking at myself in the mirror made it clear. I looked horrendous. The shoes were bright blue, the dress yellow, and my makeup was barely adequate, poorly applied and the wrong colors. Only my hair looked okay and all I did was brush it out and let it hang straight down. I stood there looking at myself knowing I looked bad, when all I wanted was to look good, and I had tried my best. In a mental slump I walked to the kitchen to get a soda before I went back to change into my own clothes, and walked right in on my mother, who was sitting at the table! I never heard her come in! We looked at each other for what seemed like forever, then she said. "Blue shoes don't go with a yellow dress dear." No hatred in her voice, no gasp, nothing! I was frozen in place, unable to find the words to explain away how I was dressed until she told me to sit down. "It seems that I'll have to show you how to dress correctly." I stood there, still unable to bring voice to my consternation at being caught like this, but mom just kept talking. "This may work out very nicely Andy. I've needed help at the counter, and if we fix you up right, you can do it." Finally, out popped "me?" She nodded her head yes, then, "Why not you? If you're dressed correctly you'll look quite nice as a girl, and I won't have to worry about the register. Besides, I've known about those clothes you have on for a while now. If you want to do this right, I'll help you. We'll go down to the shop and find a complete outfit that fits you, with shoes to match, then I'll show you how to do makeup and hair." It was the offer of my dreams of course, but working in the shop? Out front? "Well?" I was still in shock at her suggestion that I work in the shop, not just dressed as a girl, but out front, and simply didn't answer her. Working out front would put me in contact with a lot of the girls I went to school with, and it would only take one to figure out who I was, and my life as I know it would be over! Mom however, took my silence as a yes, and told me to go change, which I gladly, and quickly did. As soon as I returned, she drove us to the shop. I watched as she began to pile clothes on the counter, starting with panties. Then a bra, breastforms, a waist nipper, padded pantybrief, a pink dress, and white shoes. Not once did she ask me what I liked, she simply did what she was trained to do, and put together an outfit for me. Once she had what she wanted, we drove to a drugstore and then home. So far I had remained silent, excited and scared at the same time. Once we were in the house she told me to go to my bedroom and strip to my briefs. What followed was about as embarrassing as when she caught me in the dress. Suffice it to say that when I stepped out of the shower I was hairless, clean shaven and my hair was washed clean. After that mom watched me as I pulled the panties on, then took me to her bedroom and started in on my hair. It was the first time I had ever had a roller in my hair, but mom did it as if it was the most normal thing in the world for her to be putting rollers in my hair! Within minutes I had pink and blond hair under a plastic cap! Then she painted my nails a soft red color, two coats. "You'll have to sit under the dryer for about a half hour. I'll be back then." I had no idea what else she had in mind, but I wasn't about to stop her, since being completely dressed as a girl was a long time dream of mine. So, I sat there under her dryer and waited. Right on time she returned, and with my nails now dry, she handed me the pantyhose. "You put these on, then the padded pantybrief, waist nipper and bra, then we'll do your makeup." Mom sat on the bed as I did as she told me, then, after she tightened the laces on the waist nipper, we went back to her vanity, and I got my first lesson in makeup. "You put foundation on with two fingers, drawing it out so that you have evenly covered your face. I'll watch." Under her direction, I covered my face, then used translucent powder over that. "Now brush off the excess." I did, and my face looked smooth and soft, all one color! "Eyeshadow is harder, but not much. Lets start with a soft blue. Just draw a thin line where your eyelashes are." Then came a soft gray, then eyeliner over and under each eye. She helped me pull the dress over my head and zipped it up for me. I could actually feel the material as it tightened to my new shape! It was a round neck, sleeveless skimmer with a flaring skirt, which came to mid thigh on me. Mom did not let me look in the mirror, but had me sit as she removed the rollers and brushed out my hair, then clipped some pink and white earrings on my earlobes. Then I put the shoes on and she took me to her room so I could look in the mirror. That's when I saw Anya for the first time. "I think I have proven my point, don't you?" I was unable to tear my eyes away from my reflection, even as she spoke to me. There was no trace of my male self at all! It had disappeared under the makeup and new hairstyle, the dress and heels. For the first time I saw that I had shapely legs, and an oval face that was actually cute! I never managed to look this good! "Andrea is such a common adaptation from Andrew, why don't we call you Anya?" I felt the tears as they rose to my eyes, which mom must have guessed because she told me not to cry. "We'll just have to redo your eyes Anya." All at once, I asked "why mom?" "I told you why. I need help out front, and you need to dress as a girl. It simple really, and we both get what we want." I looked back to the mirror, still awed by what I saw. "All of the Spring dances are going to be coming soon, so we can expect to have a heavy volume in the next few months. Since I'll need you the most then, I think we should expand your wardrobe so that you'll have plenty of clothes to wear during the rush. I also think that you should be dressed as Anya as often as possible between now and then so that you get used to the clothes and how to wear them." Mom paused, the added, "You were right about the fact that some girl might figure it out, so we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen, won't we?" "You still want me to work out front?!" "Of course! All you need is a bit of confidence and some lessons on how to use your hands and so on." She made it sound so easy! "Let's go back to the shop and get you fitted for a few other things dear. You can't wear that one outfit all of the time." She wanted me to leave the house! Like this! "But I...I mean...I..." "You look fine and you know it, so quit fussing and lets go!" Without a purse, I followed her quickly to he car and sank into the seat as she drove to the shop, drawing a snicker from her. "Really Anya, you look wonderful! Sit up straight. We'll be there in a minute or so." In the back room, I was fitted for several other dresses, four skirts and blouses, more shoes, three more bras and a dozen panties. Then, mom told me that she had something special for me. "I just got these in. I have them on a trial basis to see how they sell." Then she held one out. "These breastforms attach directly to the skin, and you will be able to wear them for months at a time." She showed them to me, and I was almost unable to hold one. They looked so real that it was scary! "I think after school lets out is soon enough for these though. We'll wait until your last day to put glue them on." It seemed like mom was getting into this a lot faster than I was! We took everything home, and I put them all away, and stayed dressed. We had a long weekend coming up, the traditional time that we sold the most dresses, so I had three weeks to get used to dressing as a girl. Every day after school, at mom's insistence, I would change, then mom and I would practice on how to use my hands, arms, walk, stand, and so on. We even practiced a softer, more feminine voice, doing hair and makeup, until finally mom said I was as ready as I would ever get. "When you were born everyone said you were so pretty that you should have been a girl, and I'll admit that over the years I wanted to dress you up as a girl just to see how you looked. I never imagined that you would want to do the same thing, but look at you! You're beautiful!" Just how did I answer that? It took all of my courage to do it of course, but for my first day out front, I wore a short, pleated tan skirt with a sleeveless white blouse that had a small band of flowers around the neckline, minimal jewelry and short white heels. I did my own makeup and hair, which mom said was perfect. About ten minutes after I unlocked the front door a classmate of mine walked in, looked directly at me, and then went browsing! After that it was a steady stream of girls coming in, trying on or buying dresses. Mom went out to get us some lunch, and that's when I had my first occasion to help a semi naked teenage girl get a dress on, and it had to be Melissa. She was of course the best looking girl in the school. Nervous did not describe how I felt as she stood there in her panties as I slipped the dress over her head and zipped it up, then down. "I haven't seen you here before. What's your name?" "Anya. I just started here." "You look familiar Anya, have we met before?" "Sorry, no." I heard the door open and I excused myself, leaving her to get redressed. I sold six dresses that day with another four fittings. Mom was on cloud nine while I was no longer scared to death. I was only hoping that Melissa didn't know who I really was. It seemed that I had passed the test so to speak. Not one girl gave any sign that they thought I was a male, and my confidence grew quickly as the day went on. The next day I was more relaxed, wearing a short skimmer dress in green. On Sunday mom asked me if I wanted to go to church. "Wear that navy suit with the pink blouse Anya. It looks wonderful on you! I'll wear mine." I nodded my head yes, and when I saw her, it looked like we were twins after a fashion. I saw several of the girls I had sold dresses to, some waving at me as we walked in. Later, after mass, Melissa and Heather came up to talk. Mom moved away, but not too far. "That suit looks really nice on you Anya! Do you go to school around here?" "Not yet, maybe soon though." "Unattached?" asked Heather, a smile on her face. I nodded my head yes, then Melissa asked me if anyone had asked me to the Spring formal. "No...why?" "Because I know someone that would fall all over themselves to take you out, that's why!" "Yah, her brother Ken the diplomat." Added Heather. I knew Ken, and he was a diplomat in every sense of the word. Soft spoken, he was the captain of the debate team, and so far, had never lost a match, all without ever raising his voice. Ken is tall, well over six foot, with short brown hair and brown eyes. "Would you like to meet Ken? I can arrange it." "I...I'm not sure just yet Melissa, but thanks anyway." "Anya, we have to go now." "Bye" I said to the girls and joined mom as we walked out and to the car. "They're trying to fix you up for the Spring Formal?" "I said no mom." "A pity. I have a dress that was made for you." "But I can't go to the Spring Formal mother!" "And why not? You're every bit as attractive as any of the girls I sell dresses to!" "Yes I know you think that mother, but they are girls and I'm not!" "Are you sure about that?" "About what?" "About them all being girls of course." "Well, yes, of course." "One of those girls you sold a dress to might be a boy just like you dear." "No!" "Oh yes. "Who?" "I can't say because I'm not even saying one of them was a boy, but you are not the only boy that wants to be a girl, and I'm sure you know that. If Melissa and Heather want to fix you up for the biggest dance of the year, you should at least consider it." We were closed on Sunday, but we stopped by the shop and I picked up a few more dresses and skirts, then we went home. I had no intention of returning to my male self until I had to, so I was still dressed when I heard the phone ring. Mom answered it, then, "Anya! It's for you dear." "Hi, this is Melissa. I described you to Kenny and he positively wants to meet you, today if possible. Why don't you meet us at JoJo's?" "What time?" "In an hour?" "Okay Melissa, but no promises." Mom heard it all and was standing at the doorway smiling at me. "So you decided to meet him after all." "I'll be polite and still say no mother." "Umm." "Just what does that mean?" "It means I don't think so dear. In fact, while you're out I think I'll go to the shop and get that dress I mentioned." I was in dangerous water now. I was a boy, a classmate of these kids, someone they had generally ignored before now. As Anya they thought I was sexy and cool, but if they ever found out...well, it would be ugly. I should have taken mom's car but didn't, and I parked in front of JoJo's then walked in. Melissa was sitting alone with Ken. "Ken, this is Anya, Anya, my brother Ken." I sat down across from him, making sure I was sitting with my knees locked together. "Melissa was right about you Anya, you're gorgeous! Want to attend the Spring Formal with me?" "Calm down tiger, Anya just met you! I'll leave you two alone now. Bye Anya, and he doesn't bite too hard, so go easy on him." "I will Melissa, bye." We did the usual name and history thing, mine all true except for my school and real name of course. "Maybe we can go out on Tuesday night Anya. We'll have a chance to get to know each other better." When I did not answer right away, he said he would take me to dinner. Laughing, I said "Okay Ken, come over at six". How I was going to manage this was beyond me right then, but I would have to find a way. "I have to go now Ken, see you at six on Tuesday." I gave him my address, then left, a bit of a nervous wreck. In the morning I parked the car in the usual place at the school and went in. I made sure I did not have any cosmetics still on my face, the scent of perfume on me, or that I made any feminine gestures. I was becoming paranoid, but I had a good reason. Melissa and Ken, Heather and some of the others saw me as Anya, and I could not risk discovery, at all costs. I went to class as if nothing had changed, and nobody said anything to me...until Melissa caught up with me at lunch. She slid into the seat across from mine, smiling like the Cheshire cat with a huge canary in her mouth. "How come you and Anya drive the same car Andy?" I played dumb. "Who's Anya?" "I think you are, but god! Do you look spectacular as a girl! It makes me jealous just to think of what would happen if Anya came to school here!" "What makes you think I would ever dress as a girl Melissa?" "Let me see. Your mother owns a dress shop, you're the right size for it, and even now you look a bit like a girl, no offense, and you're driving Anya's car, or maybe she's driving yours. You have the same wave in your hair, eyes the same color, the same little smile, and of course, your nails." With that I stuck out my fingers just like a girl does instead of curling them back like men do, which made her snicker. "When I saw you at church with your mom I still wasn't that sure, but when you called her "mom", well I was pretty sure right then." I was frozen into the seat, afraid, or unable to say anything. This girl could ruin me! "I think I've made my point, don't you?" What could I say that would change her mind? Nothing came to mind right away and I sank into the seat a bit further. "Nobody has figured it out but me and I'm not telling a soul!" "Ken" I managed to croak out, and she laughed again. "Ken is in love, just like I told you he would be, and no, I won't tell him. If he and everyone else can't tell, why should I? Besides, I like you. I always have, and as Anya we can be closer than we are now. A girl needs a lot of girlfriends Anya, or how else can she find out what the boys think?" "Andy!" I interjected. "Oops! Sorry, Andy." I was a wreck for the rest of the day, but true to her word, nobody else found out, or at least gave any indication of it. I told mom of course and all she did was say that it was almost impossible to hide everything all the time, and all I could do was my best. She tried to reassure me, but I worried about it all night and the next day. Ken went right past me a few times without a glance, which gave me some confidence while Melissa told me that Ken was so excited about our date that he was positively shaking. "He has it bad for you, real bad, so be careful!" "Not to worry Melissa, I have more to lose than he does." I raced home to get ready for my very first date. At mom's suggestion, I wore a pair of nice slacks and a sweater with flats. Mom did my hair in a French braid, finishing just in time. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. My first date and it had to be with someone I had known since grade school! Ken was right on time, I introduced him to mom, which only reinforced the idea that I was a girl. Then he took me to a small Italian restaurant. "Have you decided to attend the Formal with me?" It was the question I had been dreading, because no matter how I thought about it, I wanted to go, as a girl. Just the few days I had been able to become Anya made that clear to me that if I said no, I would regret it for a long time, and if I said yes, and I was found out, it would be unpleasant to say the least. Mom had assured me that nobody would ever find out if I decided to go with Ken, so... "I'd like that Ken. I'll be looking forward to it." His smile lit up the room and his hand found mine. "I can hardly wait Anya!" He set the time he would be over to get me, and then, because it was a school night, he took me home. As we stood at the front door I felt him pull me closer to him, then, his lips touched mine. "Good night Anya." "Good night Ken, see you on the fifth." I went in to see a grinning mother standing there. "I'll bring the dress home so we can fit it properly, and of course we'll need shoes, a purse, and jewelry to match. I'll make an appointment at the salon for you as well." "What makes you think I said I would go mother?" "Your glowing that's why." Her smirk followed me as I went to undress and take a shower. I was assaulted by Melissa the minute I walked in the school, her hand firmly on my arm, a grin splitting her face. "You said yes!" "What choice did I have Melissa? He's been talking about Anya since he met her! Now everyone knows about me!" "They know about Anya, not you, relax." "I'm trying Melissa." "Listen silly, you have to realize that you look wonderful, better than that, beautiful! I'll be there too, so if anything happens you find me, understand?" "Okay Melissa, bye." The Formal was on Saturday, but our last day of school was on Wednesday, so I had three days to get ready, which mom said would be easy. Maybe. The night of our last day at school, when mom got home, she had several boxes with her. "These are for you Anya. I ordered them as soon as I knew you were going to the Formal. Want to see what they are?" I recognized the boxes that held the breastforms, the others were new. "Come with me." I went to my bedroom with her and watched as she opened, then unwrapped what was inside one of the boxes. "I think that this will give you a lot of confidence Anya." She handed it to me, and I saw that it was a full panty, made in a skin tone, thin yet padded in the hips and butt, and had what looked like a vagina built in! "You attach it with the same adhesive we use on the breastforms. It has a built in tube so that you'll have to sit to pee, and according to the brochure, can be fully functional if you're careful." "You mean that I could...but I wouldn't do that!" "I hope not, but you could. All it does is give you confidence Anya, like the breastforms." I held it out, torn between my desire to put it on immediately, and knowing that as soon as I did, I would have it on for several months. "I think that you should take care of your body hair first Anya. Do that tonight and I'll help you in the morning." That night I made sure that I didn't have one more hair on my body than any other girl would have on hers, slipped into my nightgown and drifted to sleep almost at once. In the morning I checked out the panty, and had it almost on when I called for mom. She applied the adhesive and we both pushed the seams down tight on my skin, making it very hard to detect. The breastforms went on much the same way, and hung pert and firm, a full A, soft to the touch, yet after a few minutes, were warm to the touch. Mom reached out with her finger and touched one, and I felt it! "They were right! In the instructions it said that anyone wearing them would be able to sense the touch because of the way they are made and fitted to the body! Go ahead and get dressed Anya, we have a big day at the shop." As soon as mom left, I carefully pushed a finger into the vagina, and it went in all of the way! Grinning, I got dressed, but this time I wore a dress that revealed some of my cleavage. The moment we got to the shop mom showed me the dress she had selected for me to wear. It was a true formal in that it had a huge skirt that draped over several petticoats, the top in a sweetheart neckline without straps. It was emerald green satin with a white, rhinestone butterfly clip at the waist. "We have an hour before the shop opens. Go in the dressing room and undress. I'll just gather a few things and be right there." I was standing there in just my panties when she walked in, one of those dreaded corsets in her hands, a smile on her face. "Don't look at me like that. You need to wear this to fit into the dress, and besides, being a girl means that we sometimes do painful things to look beautiful. Now, raise your arms and take a deep breath." Once she had it wrapped around me and started to tighten the laces, I understood what pain for beauty meant. When she said she was done, I had a 23 inch waist, my boobs had been pushed up into the built in bra cups and lay there like ripe fruit. I was afraid to bend over for fear that one, or both of my boobs would fall out! "Don't worry, they'll stay put Anya. Lets get the dress on you." It went over my head, and as mom zipped it up I watched in the huge mirror. Then she began to fold down and pin the neckline! "What are you doing mother!" "I'm making the alterations it needs, just like I do for all of my girls!" "You're making it so low!" "Not "so low" Anya, just lower. Let me finish now!" Mom pined the hem as well as a few darts in the back, then I took it off and asked her to take the corset off. "I think that you should wear it from now until after the dance just to get used to it, and break it in a bit. It'll be easier that way and you won't be so uncomfortable on the night of the dance." I put my own dress back on, and with my boobs pushed up and out by the corset, I opened the front door, ready for business. Almost at once a woman came in with a look in her eye as if she were angry. She saw me and looked, then stopped short. "You are Anya?' I nodded my head yes, then, "Can I help you ma'am?" She walked up to me and stared at me. Just then mom walked into the shop. "Anya, I have your dress almost...done." "Can I help you?" "Yes, I guess you certainly can!" The woman drew herself up to her full height, and said, "I heard a rumor that this...girl, is your daughter. Is that true?" "Yes it is, why do you ask?" "Because I have it on good authority that you have a son and no daughter!" "As you can plainly see Madam, Anya is a girl, and she is my daughter! What is this all about anyway?" "My name is Shirley Benson. My son has been raving about this girl Anya for weeks now, and he is taking her to the Formal tonight, and I won't have my son made a fool of by a boy dressed as a girl!" "I see. You are familiar with what a female looks like?" "Of course, what a silly question!" "Let me close the shop, and we will prove that Anya is a girl, and what's more, as soon as we do I am calling our attorney! Let's go!" Ken's mother was in a trap and she knew it. If she insisted I undress to prove I was a girl, mom would slap her with an invasion of privacy suit, and if she didn't insist, she would worry forever that I was a boy. "Get your damn lawyer if you please then. I have to be sure!" "You will be disappointed I'm afraid Mrs. Benson, but since you insist...Anya, close the shop and come into the back". At mother's insistence, I raised my dress and pulled down my panties, just long enough for Mrs. Benson to see that I was not male equipped. "Are you satisfied Madam?" "I...I guess I was wrong. But you do understand don't you? Kenny is my baby and I didn't want anything, or anyone, to embarrass him." "And what about Anya? She just had to prove something, in a way that I'll bet nobody ever asked you to do!" Mom was working herself up into a frenzy, and before she ruined things, I stepped in, and put both feet firmly in my mouth. "It's okay mom. I'll tell her." Mom looked at me with a question in her eyes, but said nothing. "Some people thought I was a boy, but I was always a girl, always. It was easier for me to pretend to be a boy for a variety of reasons, none of which are valid any more. I'm a girl and I'm proud of it, and I dare anyone to say otherwise!" "Well", Mrs. Benson said, "I saw the proof with my own eyes so I cannot deny what you say is true. I'm terribly sorry for what I said, and did." We all stood there for a moment, then Mrs. Benson asked me if there was some way she could make it up to me. I could not think of a thing, but mom was quicker. "Of course. You can pay for her entire ensemble including getting her hair and nails done for the Formal, whether she goes or not!" Mrs. Benson went to the counter and wrote a check for a $1000, once again begged for me to accept her apology, then left! "Well! Now you've done it young lady!" "I know, but it is true isn't it? I always was a girl, it's just that nobody knew but me." "I'm certainly glad you had that panty on, or it could have been nasty, very nasty." Mom looked at the check and started to giggle, then laugh. "What's so funny?" "This money will more than pay for everything, including the breastforms and the panty!" "I'm still going with Ken after this...confrontation?" "If you want to go, I'll not stop you dear, but now everyone will know about your...charade. The only good thing about it is that they will think you were a girl masquerading as a boy, not the other way around." "I'm going" I said as I unlocked the front door of the shop. While mom went to finish my dress, I stayed out front, but it was as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I no longer had to hide. I could become, had to become Anya, full time if I wanted to retain my credibility and self esteem. Mom said nothing when I told her I was no longer going to dress as a boy. "Like you said mother, it's out of the bag now, so why not just do it?" On Saturday morning I found myself in the salon for the first time. It was a swirl of chemicals, clippers and gel, rollers, hair dryers, and nail polish, but I was enjoying every minute of it. My hair was shortened a bit, set in a soft perm, then, when it was brushed out, I looked great! My nails had acrylic extensions filed and painted a soft red. As I drove home I was aware of the new cut and the fact that I had allowed her to perm my hair. There was no turning back now, unless I got a brush cut, which was out of the question. When I stopped at the shop, Mom almost fainted when she saw me. "That's a perm!" "Yes mother, I know. But I told you I was done hiding, so it doesn't matter any more does it?" "I know what you said Anya, but I never thought..." "You told me how much I looked like a girl when I was born, now I'm that girl, but all grown up mother, and I love it. I'm not hiding any more, from them, or myself!" Mom said nothing for a minute or so, then she stood up. "Then I guess you had better get home and start getting ready for the Formal!" "Thanks mom. I'll go get ready. I was home for just a few minutes when the doorbell rang, and I opened the door to see Melissa standing there. "Can we talk Anya?" "Sure. Come in." Like me, her hair was done and her nails shiny from the fresh polish. Melissa and I sat across from each other as I waited for her to say something. "My mother is such an ass sometimes! It was a mistake, but she heard me talking to you the other night, and she went off the deep end. She jumped on the idea that you are a male and did some quick research, then went to see you. I tried to stop her, I really did, but she's pretty stubborn when she gets her head up. Sorry." It's okay Melissa, because I am a girl." "What!" "I said I am a girl, and I intend to stay one! I'm done hiding Melissa." By then she was smiling, which confused me because I thought she knew better. "Mom said she saw you naked, and you were as much a girl as I am! That must have been some trick!" "It's not a trick Melissa, and I can prove it." As she watched I once again bared just enough of the panty to convince her that I was a girl, and that combined with my obvious breasts made it a sure thing. "I'll be damned! Why did you wait so long to reveal that you're a girl then?" "I was afraid Melissa." "I don't think that's going to matter Anya, not the way you look!" "Does Ken know about any of this?" "Mom told him she met you, and that you were a wonderful girl, and that she's looking forward to getting pictures of the two of you." "She changed her tune pretty quick!" "I have to go Anya, see you later?" "Of course." We hugged and as she left I knew that it was dead certain that I would be starting school in the fall as a girl named Anya. Smiling I went to my room and began to undress. I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my naked form. My breasts stood proudly firm, then down my waist to my groin and my brand new vagina. "Some trick" I said to myself, and went in the bath to fill the tub. I stepped out of the tub just as mom walked in. "It was slow, so I closed the shop to be here with you Anya." "Thanks mom." "After you left I thought about what you said, and you're right. You always were a girl, so why hide it any longer? And if you are a girl, my daughter, then I think it's only proper that you have this." She handed me a small silver ring. "This was your Great Great Grandmothers wedding ring. It has been handed down to the oldest girl in the family since she died. Now it's yours." The intricate scroll work was a bit worn, but the two small diamonds still shown brightly, and I slipped it on my finger with a bit of effort. "Now let's get you ready for your debut!" I pulled on the green satin panties, then mom wrapped the corset around me and once again tightened the laces. I 'fluffed' my boobs to make them lay better in the bra, then pulled on the hose. Mom showed me how to fasten and adjust the garter tabs after I pulled them under my panties. "If you don't do it that way you have to undress to pee!" At the vanity I did my makeup carefully, using brighter colors of course, then I pulled the dress over my head and mom zipped it up. The shoes were green to match the dress and fit perfectly. "I borrowed these from the shop Anya." "They" were a set of white rhinestone and emerald chandelier earrings with a matching necklace that sat between my breasts. I wore a soft plum lipstick and Obsession perfume, filled my purse with $20, some tissue, and my lipstick. Then I stood in front of the mirror. From that ugly yellow dress to this in just a few weeks! "Thanks for everything mother." I felt the tears coming to my eyes, and had to blot them away so I didn't ruin my makeup. "No dear. Thank you for being so strong, and willing to be honest with me. I'm proud to have you as my daughter." We hugged and mom told me to stay in my room until Ken got there. "A girl has to make an entrance dear!" When I heard mom call my name I walked to the stairs and carefully descended them, my skirt making a swirl with each step. I saw his eyes widen when he saw me, then a smile break out on his face. "God you look wonderful Anya!" "Thank you!" Mom took the pictures, then we left for his house, where his mother was effusive in her manner, hugging me as if I were her own daughter. Melissa was there as well, with her date Stephen. She looked spectacular of course in her red dress. "Anya! You look great!" The pictures were taken and we all left for the Formal. To say I was nervous walking in would be an understatement, but I was committed and knew that there was no sign that I was a male and looked as nice as any girl there. That did not make me any less nervous though. Ken held my hand as we walked in through the crowds and found our table. We managed to sit with Melissa and Stephen and two other couples. Ken made the introductions and I had to bite my tongue a few times to keep from revealing that I had known them for a very long time! I did notice that Gary, the boy across from me had a hard time keeping his eyes off my bustline, which made me smile. It seemed that I had succeeded in winning over at least one more person! As Ken and I danced I found myself drawn to his masculinity. Everything about him screamed masculine, from his hard chest to his aftershave and his arms around me. I had never once been attracted to a boy at any time in my life, so I was at a loss, wondering why now. Melissa, Heather, and I all went to the ladies room together, and as we came out of the room Melissa pulled me aside as Heather went back to the table. "I don't know what you're doing to him, but Kenny is glowing Anya! He has it real bad!" I knew what she meant of course, but how could I tell her I did too? "Just be careful later Anya. Even if he is my brother he is still a male, and they don't think like we do. They only have one thing on their tiny little minds, and in his case, it's you!" "I hope so! I like Kenny, but I doubt that I would ever do anything like...well, you know." "Right. And pigs can fly. Be careful Anya." "I will." During the rest of the evening everyone accepted me as Anya. I even danced with Gary and Stephen. Later, after the dance ended, Ken and I went back to that same Italian restaurant we went to on our first date. "Anya, I want you to have this." He handed me his class ring! I was speechless! I wasn't prepared for this and had no idea if I should take it or not. If I did keep it, in the fall, when I started back to school as Anya, my secret might come out, and then what? I liked Ken a lot, and was drawn to him, but wearing his class ring would commit me to him, and in a very clear way tell him that I shared his adoration. It would also tell him that I was willing to go a bit further than just a kiss. As my mind wandered, I settled on the reflection I saw in the mirror as I started to get dressed, and rolled my hand around his ring, then slipped it into my purse. His smile said a lot, and I'm sure mine did too. After dinner he drove us to a secluded spot, which I knew, meant that he planned on sealing our fate with more than a kiss. Now, I had on a voluminous dress with several petticoats under it and a corset, so I knew that no matter what, he wasn't going to get very far, even if I wanted to let him, which I admit, I was inclined to do. As he pulled me to him and his lips met mine, I collapsed against him and let him take charge. I could feel his hand as he rubbed my bodice, then, on my breast. We were both in heat and while he wanted more, and I was willing to give it, but it was a lost cause. Eventually he took me home, and with a sigh, I went in leaving him panting on the front porch. In the morning mom was kind enough not to ask, until she saw the class ring on a chain around my neck. That's when I opened up and told her how I felt when Ken kissed me, touched me, and how I found myself wanting to do more, but did not. "Well, all I can say is that all women feel the same at one time or another Anya. The fact that you are a male makes it harder but not impossible to make Ken happy that way. The real question is will you? Will you do something for him that once done you can't take back? Will you tell him that you're a male? Probably not, since you've told everyone you're a female and proved it. You like him and he likes you, but his mother is the one that raised the ruckus remember, and if she ever found out you were a male, things would get very sticky in a very short time. On top of that, you're way to young for you and Ken to have sex, of any kind, understand?" "Yes Ma'am." "Good. Now go put some clothes on." Since the shop was closed, I pulled on a pair of my old shorts and a top, white ankle socks and my gym shoes, ran a brush through my hair, and put some foundation and powder on. Ken and I dated for several months, then it died a natural death. I continued at the shop while I underwent treatments to make me a real woman. As of this moment all I have is a tingling sensation in my chest, which mom says will soon become breasts of my own. I can hardly wait. I no longer own any male clothes at all, and have started to take aerobics classes with mom in an effort to help her lose some weight. Both of us are hoping we end up with a better shape. This is not the end of my story of course, I still have my entire life ahead of me, and all of it as a woman.

Same as Anya Videos

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--So how are you feeling? -- +Nervous. I can hardly sleep at night+ --Have you got a dress yet? -- +Funny you should mention that. Picked it up this morning+ --Tell us! Tell us! What's it like? -- +Well it's white... + --Most wedding dresses are, silly. Go on what else -- +It's a bit more daring than your average dress and I've still to choose a veil and shoes+ --Have you tried it on yet? -- +Apart from the original trying on and fitting, no+ --I've got to...

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Pink Lips 8211 Part 1

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The Last Family Vacation Pt 10

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my wife and I on this profile she was not sure on putting a picture of her self or a picture of me on here so we just put a picture of my dick...I m 30 years old and my wife is 23 we have been together for many years now and are thinking of trying something new..we trust each other 100% and are looking for a couple that are 100% trusting in each other too to have some fun with..We are not wanting to rush in to anything but will see how things go..We are thinking of just bringing a women in to...

1 year ago
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Library Girl Chapters 14 and 15

Chapter 14 -- Jimmy Has a Great Idea But First Checks with His Bosses At the shop the next Saturday, Ms. Oberdorfer asked Jimmy if he could possible spare a few hours on Sunday for "a special project". He agreed right away, pleased that he could spend more time with Ms. Oberdorfer or Yvette, and was eager to hear about the project. "Well, I am faced with a problem at the lower-end store where we first met, basically that too many bras and panties are collecting in the bins there and...

3 years ago
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Deep Desire

My wife and I married very young at nineteen. She got pregnant right away. Had trouble at birth, her blood changed on her to R.H. The Dr advised us not to have any more, if possible. It would be to dangerous for ...

3 years ago
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The Popular Girl 2 The Horror Continues

Let me just start by apologizing to any fans of the first one of this series (you know who you are) in case this doesn't quite live up to the previous story. I still swear to give you the best story to the best of my abilities. The Popular Girl 2: The Horror Continues By Wolverine Ashley lay on her back like normal as her lover, Marty, pumped away at her vagina. After almost a year of sex every night, every time felt like the greatest orgasm she'd ever felt. Ashley was sad though....

3 years ago
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Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 17 Saturday 3

JASON Wow! My first cheerleader party. Actually, my first “grown-up” party ever. Why do I say ‘grown-up’? Because they had alcohol. It was disguised as punch but they had it out in a big bowl with plastic cups. There was fruit floating around in it but they weren’t fooling anybody. I walked in with Skye holding my hand. Music was blaring. Girls were dancing with each other, half of them in their underwear. Lots of them were happy to see me but Skye wanted to be with me first tonight....

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 275

Frank, Jesse, Art, Eric and Jeff were sitting in the living room near the fireplace as they relaxed and talked about training. Angela had walked by the living room twice in the last fifteen minutes, hoping that Eric would notice her. Frustrated that he hadn't reacted even though he was facing the door, she waited a few minutes before striding purposely into the room. When he looked up as she approached his chair, he could see the determination in her face. Angie reached to grasp his hand,...

3 years ago
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Shanti Aunty Is A Sex Goddess

Hi friends, Rakesh is back again . This incident happened with me few months back . As you know I am doing b.Tech in a government college in Odisha . I am not much of a good student so I was not allotted a seat in the college hostel so I used to live in a rented house . Aunty used to live few blocks away from my place . Once I was sitting in my balcony and noticed Shanti aunty was standing in their balcony as their balcony can be clearly seen from my balcony . She was in a red saree and was...

1 year ago
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It’s funny that some people still think cartoons are just for kids. Stoners have been making their case for years as they dine on Cheetos for dinner, and even Pixar fills their flicks with double entendres to keep the adults laughing. And then you’ve got hentai, like the shit you can find on HentaiHaven. This shit is so perverted it’s not only unsuitable for adults, it’s unsuitable for damn near everybody.Except you, am I right? You’re browsing reviews in the hentai section because you love the...

Hentai Streaming Sites
2 years ago
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How I took my mother the first time

I have been lusting after my mother ever since I became sexually aware at the age of fifteen. She was 35 then and was a real beauty. About 5’5” in height and very fair, with a figure of 34c-30-36 and long hair, she was too sexy. I started masturbating around that time and fantasized that my cock was inside her cunt rather than in my hands. I often imagined how her naked body would look like and how it would smell, feel and taste. I was seventeen when I finally got to see her nude. It was...

3 years ago
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Second Chance at LoveChapter 9

The following the day, Jim was busy with a court case. He called Jenny to thank her again and asked her if she could stop up around 5:30. He told her he wanted to talk to her. In reality, Jim wanted to see her because he was feeling guilty. He had been thinking how he had taken all the pleasure; he wanted to return the favor. At 5:30 Jenny tapped on Jim's office door and looked in. Fortunately Darlene was gone for the day. "Hi," he said as she walked into his office. She looked great as...

1 year ago
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Neptune VIChapter 4

"Come in!" I cheerfully said that evening. It was eleven days since I crashed here and I had the routine down. I think it was eleven days. A man entered instead of a woman. Apparently there was a mess up in the routine. "Hello," he said softly while standing in the doorway. I sat up in my bed. "Can I help you?" "I just wanted to meet you again," he said. "My partner is here for you tonight." A brunette woman appeared behind him. "Sure," I said, eyeing the woman. I slipped...

2 years ago
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Once a Slut Always a Slut

My Jennifer is a total fucking slut whore! I know it - she makes no bones about it. But that is what first attracted me to her, and I actually think I like the fact that she is as easy to lay as a throw rug! I have never chased after her - I never had to. She always comes to me when she is horny (which is most of the time) and I never turn her away. Jenny was and still is the sexiest girlfriend I’ve ever had and I’ve had several very attractive girls in my dating life. She is a ten in anyone's...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Aja and Jason sat holding hands in the back office behind the sanctuary at the Lucas Street AME church. He recognized the place as where he had set up his remote more than a year before. Sitting across from them at his desk was the pastor, wearing a red polo shirt. He sat, his hands tented. “Aja,” he said, “I’ve known you a long time and you’re much loved by our congregation. I’m delighted you two have chosen here for your service.” “I wouldn’t want it anywhere else,” she replied. “I’m...

2 years ago
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Oscar MeyersChapter 10

Oscar settled into position on top of a building situated halfway down the street from the house occupied by the Chief of State. He waited for another fifteen minutes before he saw Ed and Penny take advantage of a sudden lull in foot traffic to enter the home. They didn’t knock. Filled with tension, he expected to hear gunshots, but their entrance was greeted with silence. Almost at once, the street filled with men walking along the length of it. They weren’t pedestrians, but guards and...

3 years ago
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Tom and his Twin Sisters Part 3

A policeman called Jed turned up just after Kate and myself returned from school the next day. Dad was working late and Mum had taken Sophie to see an aunt of ours that we are all close to in the hope that Sophie would open up to her. We let Jed in and he asked if my mother was home and explained that he had called round at her request. Kate said that mum and Sophie would be out for a few hours but she could shed some light on what had been happening. Jed explained that this was just an...

1 year ago
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He Knows

100% fiction! Hi, I'm Roger, 20, 5'9 and packed with average dick, 6.5 inches to be exact. I've never considered myself gay but there's always something that's not right about me. This story that I'm about to tell you is about me and my dad. I've always loved my Dad ever since. i look up to him and as i grow up i realized that i do like looking at him literally. he's about 5'10 tall, broad shoulders, medium belt and a beautiful tan (cos we're in a tropical country) maybe the fact that he's a...


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