Captive Audience free porn video

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CAPTIVE AUDIENCE by anyport If anyone had asked me a week ago what I'd be doing today, the last thing that would have entered my head would have been...well maybe I'd better let you decide for yourself. I had the afternoon off, I'm self-employed and am in the fortunate position of being able to choose when I work. In fact, I really only need to work a couple of days a week to make quite a respectable income. Anyway, I'd been browsing round a few shops and decided to look around one of those charity shops, you know the type, they sell all sorts of bargains and bric a brac. My mind must have been elsewhere because I was snapped back to reality by a voice saying, "It's really not your colour." I looked down and to my horror realised I was holding an awful looking floral dress. Blushing from head to toe, I dropped the offending garment instantly and turned to challenge the speaker defiantly. Unfortunately I seemed to have temporarily lost control of my tongue. I made a few gurgling sounds, then gave up. The speaker smiled knowingly and walked away. I watched as she approached another customer and began speaking to her, seemingly oblivious of my presence. I continued to watch her for several minutes before moving to another section of the shop. Even then I kept glancing over my shoulder self consciously to make sure she wasn't still watching me. It was almost as though I needed to prove to her that I wasn't some sort of pervert, that I had nothing to hide and was simply browsing, which of course I was. I glanced at her once more, what was it about her that bothered me so much, granted she was quite attractive, in fact, considering she was probably in her mid to late forties, she was extremely attractive, but far too old for me. She was after all, at least fifteen years my senior. Anyway, I preferred slim ladies not, how did the magazines describe her type, full figured? Yes that was it. And I also liked girls who used little or no make up; she must have needed a trowel to apply that lot. And that hair of hers, the colour had to be out of a bottle, I mean, at her age she would be bound to have some grey hairs, not deep brown, anyway, I liked blondes. I had to admit though, she did have great legs, but someone of her age shouldn't be wearing such short dresses, she should grow old gracefully. No, I decided, she was definitely not my type. So why couldn't I keep my eyes off her? I waited until she'd finished serving the lady, then picking up a book from a nearby table; I walked over to the counter and handed it to her. "That's 50 cents please." She said, her deep sexy voice tinged with a note of sarcasm. I blushed again and fumbled for the money. Then it came to me; "It was for a friend." She locked onto my face with her deep penetrating brown eyes. "What was?" "Errmm, the dress, you know, the one I was holding, it was for a friend." "Really, male or female?" Like all liars, I hadn't expected to be cross-examined and blurted out, "Female of course." She smiled, "Do you buy many dresses for girls?" "Sometimes...the ermm, the girl I was buying that for was burgled and most of her clothes were taken, I thought she might like it." Oh damn what a stupid thing to say. "That's terrible," she said seeming genuinely sorry. "It's very thoughtful of you to try to help her." I couldn't believe she'd fallen for it and what's more, she was praising me for my actions, and then she dropped the bombshell. "Look, I'll tell you what, you're not in a hurry are you?" Was she going to ask me out? What the hell, she was quite a good-looking woman. "No, not particularly." "Good, I'm about to close up, why don't you wait here and I'll show you some of the stuff that came in today, maybe you'll be able to find a few things for your friend." Without waiting for me to reply she ushered the last of the shoppers out and locked the door behind them. Oh shit, what had I got myself into? I could hardly make some excuse after all I'd just told her I was in no hurry. She walked past me waving her hand for me to follow. We walked through a door into what seemed to be a lounge room. I learned later that Dianne, that was her name, lived on the premises rent-free in return for working in the shop a few hours a day. She sat at the end of a sofa and crossed her long, black stocking covered legs exposing a great deal of her thighs. I found myself thinking what a pity it was she was wearing tights instead of stockings. She gestured for me to sit beside her which I, somewhat nervously, did. I wasn't sure if she'd noticed me looking at her legs but the slight smile on her face hinted that maybe she had. "What size?" "I'm sorry, what do you mean?" "Your friend, what size is she?" "Oh I see...ermm...well she's sort of..." "Is she my size," she sighed, "Smaller or larger?" "Smaller." "About your size maybe?" She asked, again there was the hint of a smile. "No definitely not," I replied quickly, "She's slimmer than me." "She couldn't be much slimmer or she'd be all bones." She sounded almost disappointed. "No, not a great deal, but definitely slimmer." "No problem, you're not very tall, I suppose she'd be about your height would she?" "Yes, about the same." I replied, relaxing a little. "Good, I'll make us a coffee, then we'll see what we've got." She unwound her legs and disappeared through a curtain into what I assumed was the kitchen. Returning with the coffee she resumed her position on the sofa. I was once again treated to a full view of her shapely; nylon covered limbs as she slowly crossed them. "Is there something wrong with my legs?" She asked, sliding her hand up from the ankle to the thigh as though to pull the stocking tight. "Not a thing," I replied, distracted by her action. "I, nothing at all." "I'm relieved, I thought maybe you didn't approve the way you were looking at them." She continued to stroke them, her eyes fixed firmly on my face as if gauging my reaction. I picked up my coffee and tried to appear nonchalant as I sipped it. "My ex husband used to love my legs, for some extraordinary reason he used to go almost crazy when I wore stockings instead of tights. I never understood that, after all, it's the same material, there's just a little less of it. I remember he used to beg me to wear stockings, would you believe I had to tie his hands behind him before I could change, it was the only way I could control him." It was about this time that I found myself wishing I'd worn something baggier than jeans. I don't know whether it was the thought of seeing her wearing stockings, or the idea of being tied up by her, but whatever it was, it had an instant effect on my manhood and the look Dianne gave me left me in no doubt that she'd noticed the bulge. "Does your friend wear stockings errmm, I'm sorry, I don't even know your name, I'm Dianne." She reached out her hand to shake mine, the same hand that had been touching her leg. I could hardly control my shaking as I took it in mine and said, "Phillip." "Delighted to meet you Phillip, well, does she?" I decided to make it seem as though I was unaffected by the thought. "Yes, quite often as a matter of fact." "Lucky girl, I haven't worn them in ages and they're far more comfortable than tights. It's just that, well quite honestly, if men see you wearing them in the street they seem to think you're easy, so the only place you can wear them is at home, apart from that I'm not sure I have the legs for them anymore. Does she use suspenders or a corset?" "I...ermm.... Suspenders mostly." The truth was I had never met anyone who wore either, in fact, the only place I'd ever seen them was in magazines and shop windows. "Oh of course, you said she was slim, she'd have no need of a corset would she. But then there's something very sexy about corsets, don't you think? The way they squeeze you in and hold you tight. I always used to get so horny when I wore a corset for my ex. Maybe there's one in the clothes that arrived today; I once found a beautiful black satin one. I doubt it had been worn more than twice, I wonder what happened to that? Oh I remember I packed it away when Trevor left. More coffee?" By now I was almost doubled over in an effort to hide my erection, Dianne seemed not to notice my predicament after her initial glance in the direction of my fly. She poured herself another coffee and continued. "I remember the first time I wore that corset, Trevor was almost foaming at the mouth by the time I released him." She chuckled as she recalled, "I used to tease him mercilessly, I miss those nights sometimes. I don't of course not, forget it." "What?" I asked anxiously, praying she would offer to show me some of her outfits. "Oh nothing, I was just thinking maybe you'd like to see me dressed up how I used to be, but I doubt you'd be interested in a plump old hag like me after your young friend. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you by asking." "But you're not a plump old hag, as you put it, you're a very attractive woman and I'd love to see you dressed up." "It's very nice of you to say so, but I think you're just being kind." "I'm not I swear," I almost shouted in my eagerness to convince her. "I'm sure I'd be exactly like Trevor, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you." "Oh believe me, I could soon fix that, maybe...why not for the hell of it. Okay, take your shirt off." I was a little confused at this; after all, it was she who was going to be changing clothes, why did she want me to undress. I opened my mouth to ask her, but before I could speak she left the room. What the hell, I thought, maybe she feels it would be less embarrassing if we were both undressed in some way. I waited a few minutes, feeling a little stupid sitting half-naked in a stranger's home. When Dianne returned I was disappointed to see she was still fully dressed. "I thought you might like to join me in the bedroom while I change." "Sure," I replied, trying not to sound too eager. Unfortunately I almost fell over as I jumped to my feet. "Not so fast," she smiled, "You'll have to wear a blindfold, after all, I hardly know you, and my body isn't what it used to be." The disappointment must have shown on my face because she added. "Don't worry, I'll give you a running commentary as I change." Before I could protest, she reached over and pulled some sort of bag over my head, it had drawstrings at the opening and she pulled them tight and tied them together plunging me into total darkness. Then she took my hand and led me from the room. In the other room Dianne released my hand and left me alone for several minutes. I could hear nothing and was tempted to remove the bag to see what was happening. I reached up to test the knot and was startled by Dianne's voice. "I thought you might try to take it off, I think maybe I'd better do something about that." I had no idea what she meant, but I quickly found out. She took my left hand and slipped something over the wrist. Then gently took it behind my back bringing the other hand across it. I should have known what was happening, but it was all so quick and practiced, one moment she was holding my hand, the next both were secured firmly behind my back. Dianne had obviously had plenty of practice at this. I began to protest but as she stood behind me she slid her hands round my body and over my manhood. I was stunned into silence by this unexpected move. To my surprise, when she removed her hands, I felt my trousers slip down my legs. I'd been completely unaware of her action as she undid them. It took her only a few seconds more to remove my shorts together with my shoes and socks. Ten minutes ago I was sitting drinking coffee and chatting with an attractive older woman. Now here I was blindfolded and totally naked with my hands bound behind me, feeling both vulnerable and excited. But then, if Dianne's actions had been a surprise to me up until that moment, they were paled into insignificance by her next move. She began kissing the back of my neck, and then she gradually worked her way down my back until she reached the base of my spine. Bringing her hands round she parted the cheeks of my arse and slid her tongue into my hole. I moaned with a mixture of pleasure and surprise, nobody had ever done anything like this to me before. She continued licking, forcing her tongue further and further inside me. It seemed impossibly hard and long to me, but at that moment I was feeling too good to question her. Her hands returned to my backside, and I gasped in shock as I simultaneously heard and felt the unmistakable buzz of a vibrator. I was at once, disgusted and excited. How could I have been unaware of the intrusion into my most private parts, I wanted to yell out for her to remove it, but the truth was, it felt too good. "You like that don't you Phillip?" Too embarrassed to admit the pleasure I was feeling I could only moan. Dianne slapped me playfully on the bottom. "When I ask you a question you're supposed to answer. It's not polite to ignore people, didn't your mammy ever teach you that. Well no matter, before long you'll have perfect manners." I wasn't sure what she meant, but at the time I didn't really care, I was too absorbed in the feelings surging through my body. Feelings which I continued to enjoy to such a degree that I almost forgot Dianne was even in the room. Then I became aware of movement and what I imagined was the sound of someone dressing. My imagination took over at that point and to my astonishment I could feel myself approaching orgasm. I told myself that it was impossible, how could I possibly cum without anyone touching my erection. But impossible as it was I suddenly stiffened in a convulsion as the first jet of sperm shot through my body and out of the tiny hole at the end of my prick. I was helpless to control the spasms in my body as I shot load after load. I desperately wanted Dianne to help me, to take my manhood in her hand and pump the juices out of it. Yet for some reason I was afraid to ask so I simply jerked and fucked the air until the passion eased. "My, my, you're easily excited aren't you Phillip? I can see we're going to have to work on that. That's all right though, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to teach you control once you're initial training is over." Immediately after orgasm, I become sullen, almost grumpy, as I assume do many men, though the truth is I've never asked any. The vibrator was no longer exciting, it was now very irritating, in fact it was almost painful. "What do you mean training?" I snapped. The sound of my own voice seemed oddly muffled inside the bag. Dianne didn't answer me and I was about to repeat my question when I felt a sharp pain across my backside followed quickly by five more. (I often wondered why punishments are delivered in sixes) I yelped at each blow and tried hard to avoid them, but since I could see nothing, I had no idea which way to move. "That was your first lesson in manners Phillip, don't ever shout at me again because I warn you, next time I won't be so lenient." I stood there trembling with a mixture of anger and fear, I wanted to yell abuse at this woman, but her tone made it clear that she was making no idle threat. I stood silently for several minutes sensing rather than hearing Dianne moving around the room. Then I felt her hands around my chin as she removed the bag from my head. I saw her more in silhouette as my eyes became accustomed to the sudden brightness. She walked over and sat on the bed facing me. When she came into focus my jaw dropped in disbelief. She was wearing a full length black negligee which fell open at her thigh as she crossed her legs to expose the flesh above her black stocking. Even if it had remained closed, the lace fabric was so sheer I would have been able to see almost the same amount anyway. As my eyes moved slowly over her, from the black stiletto heeled shoes, up her perfectly shaped legs, over her black satin panties and corset and up to the black velvet choker around her neck, I knew this was the sexiest woman I'd ever seen in my life. I wanted to tell her but for some reason I was unable to speak. "I know I promised to describe my dressing to you, but you were naughty so I decided to punish you instead. Do you approve of my outfit?" Still unable to find my tongue, I could only nod and stare. "I'm so glad," She sounded genuinely pleased, "It's going to make you're life here much more bearable". I finally found my tongue, "What do you mean, my life here, you keep saying that as though I intended to stay with you. I mean, well you're a great looking woman and I'm sure, if you want to that is, that we'll be seeing a great deal more of each other, but I can't stay with you, I have a business to run." "Really, you didn't look very busy today, business must be bad." "Not really, as a matter of fact it's very good, but I've set it up so I don't need to... that is I can..." Dianne held up her hand for my silence. "Too late, you just made it quite clear that you're not needed, so later on, when you're, let's say, more amenable, you can phone your office or whatever it is, and tell them you won't be in for a few days. After that, well we'll see what happens won't we?" "Just a minute, I think I might have something to say about what happens, what if I decide to leave." "Dressed like that, go ahead." She laughed "But don't expect me to bail you out when you get arrested." "Well the least you can do is untie me so I can get dressed." I turned and held out my arms behind me. "Tell you what, why don't I help you dress instead." She stood up and began to walk past me. "That's not necessary, I'm perfectly capable of..." The slap across my face cleared the next word from my head, I began to protest but another slap told me that might not be the right ploy. "Now," Dianne spoke as though nothing had happened, "As I remember it there was a...ah yes, here it is." She held up one of the most formidable looking corsets I've ever seen, not that I've seen many, in fact, except for the one she was wearing I've only ever seen photographs of them or in shop windows from the safety of the other side of the road. Even so, I knew this was not one of those sexy little jobs the already slim models wore. "You can't be serious, you don't really expect..." "I expect you to do whatever I decide and the sooner you get that into that thick skull of yours, the easier it will be for both of us. Forget that, the easier it will be for you, I enjoy the challenge of breaking men and the harder you resist, the more pleasure you will give me. Now, which will it be the corset, or the strap. You already know how the strap feels, I suggest you try the alternative, don't worry, I won't pull it too tight, at first anyway." To anyone who's into that sort of thing, I'm sure the corset I was forced to wear would get them very excited. Whereas I can think of very few places that I wouldn't rather have been at that moment and the whole time I was forced to wear it that first time. It was made of leather and had all sorts of straps and laces all over it. By the way, it wasn't one of those wimpy little short things, this baby started just above the knees and reached to the top of the chest. Dianne grinned as she moved toward me and fitted the monster into place around the top of my chest. Instinctively I tried to move away, but there was really nowhere to go, I was trapped and we both knew it. Moving behind me, she began lacing the corset starting from the top. As she gradually laced down my back I could feel the tightening of the garment. It squeezed first my chest, then lower ribs and finally my stomach. I'm not particularly overweight but She pulled me in at least six inches making it quite difficult to breathe. Once she reached the base of my spine the corset proper ended, the two leg sections were almost separate pieces though these also laced at the back. It was a strange feeling having both thighs squeezed in, nowhere near as unpleasant as the rest, but adding to the almost claustrophobic overall effect. After fastening the second leg, I assumed Dianne was finished but I'd forgotten the straps. Starting at the top again, she buckled each one in turn, I would have said it was impossible to pull me in any tighter, but the straps succeeded. When she'd buckled the final strap, Dianne stepped back to admire her work, then smiling she pushed my face down onto the bed. Before I could recover she was sitting on top of me, I couldn't figure out why she bothered; I was already so restricted I couldn't have put up any resistance no matter what her intention. My arms were next, after untying them she secured them to my sides with even more straps, one at the biceps, one at the elbow, one in the middle of the forearm and a fourth at the wrist. I was now completely immobilized from neck to knee. Dianne climbed from my helpless body and took something from a drawer, before I could react in any way, she pulled a leather hood resembling a balaclava, over my head. I was grateful to find that there were ear, eye and mouth holes. Even the hood had straps to attach it to the corset. They came from under the arms and when they were all fastened I found I could move my head no more than a fraction of an inch in any direction. I'd remained silent throughout the whole proceedings but this was too much. "Is this really necessary?" I asked. "Oh absolutely, there is nothing more exciting than having a man totally helpless and completely in your power, and I'm not finished yet, You'll enjoy the next part I'm sure. Oh, look at the time, I'd better hurry." "Why, are you going somewhere?" I was hoping she'd say yes, thinking that then she'd have to release me and this whole nightmare would be over, but she looked a little surprised and asked, "Do you really think I'd leave you like this? I'm not completely heartless. Come on, up with you." She needed to help me to my feet, once standing I was able to walk almost normally, but Dianne had other ideas about that too. She led me over to a full-length mirror and let me stand looking at my reflection for several minutes while she went out of the room. I couldn't believe my eyes, never has anyone been so securely trussed, I was just grateful that at least she'd left my legs free, but as I said earlier, she had other ideas about that. She walked in front of me and held up one of those drips you see in hospitals. It was filled with what looked like soapy water. Dianne walked behind me and I was pushed face first into the wall. "This won't take a second, you'll find it's easier if you relax, believe me the alternative isn't pleasant." It only took a moment for me to figure out what she intended. She began poking around in my arse and after what could only be described as, my token resistance, she succeeded in sliding a tube inside me, this was held in place by some sort of plug. Moving away from me she said, "See, that wasn't too bad was it?" I turned to face her and growled, "Don't you think this has gone far enough, why don't you just let me go now, you've had your fun." "Don't be silly, the fun's just about to start." She reached up and touched a catch somewhere, and to my surprise the mirror slid to one side to reveal a sort of alcove. "Isn't that clever? I had my husband install it. You'd never know it was there would you. Now, in you go." Before I had the chance to resist or protest, she pushed me through the opening and into the alcove. "Turn around dear, you don't want to miss anything." She pulled me completely around facing out of the door, then she fell to her knees in front of me. Unable to bend my neck or back, I had to lean forward precariously in order to see what she was doing. I needn't have bothered, I could have guessed. Spreading my legs she secured straps around my ankles, these were in turn secured to hooks on the wall. My calves were treated likewise, then two straps were fed through rings on the thigh section of the corset, and these too were secured to the wall. Still she wasn't finished, two ropes hung from the top corners near the door, these she passed through two loops near where my nipples would be, if you could see them through the corset. Then crawling through my legs, she secured what I imagine were their twins, to my back. Crawling back, Dianne stepped outside the alcove to study her work. "You look great." She disappeared again, this time returning with a Polaroid, which she used to take several photographs. She dropped them on the bedside table then said, "Oh, I nearly forgot." Opening the drawer of the table she took something out then approached me. "This isn't really necessary, the room is soundproofed, but I think it just finishes you off nicely." I had no time to close my mouth as I caught sight of the gag. It was a long wide strap with a sort of ball fastened in the middle. Dianne forced it into my mouth silencing any protest before I could make one. I was relieved to find there was a hole through the middle, which, although useless for making a sound through, did help my breathing, and in the tight corset, I needed all the help I could get. She took a couple more photo's tossing them with the others, then she came over and without a word, closed the door. To my amazement I could still see her, it was obviously a two-way mirror but from inside it was just like looking through a large window. She returned to sit on the bed. "Are you quite comfortable Phillip?" Had I been able to move I would have most certainly jumped at the sound of her voice. It was louder than when she'd been standing at the door. I watched as she stood up and walked back to me. Opening the door once more she laughed as she said, "I hope I didn't give you a fright, my husband also fitted microphones at each corner of the bed and as you heard there are speakers in here so you can hear everything that's said in the room. Won't that be exciting it means..." A ringing sound interrupted her, she looked at her watch and said, "Excellent, right on time, I like that." Walking toward me she kissed me lightly on the nose, then reached over my shoulder and fiddled with something. As she stepped away she said, "It's on a very slow drip so it should take quite a while. Bye for now." She closed the door again and I was left to try and understand what was going on. Suddenly it dawned on me, the slow drip, all right, so maybe that could describe me, but I only then realised she had in fact been talking about an enema. And surely the caller didn't mean she was going out, she couldn't leave me, she wouldn't. Fears began to spin through my mind, what if something happened to her while she was out; I'd die here. Then I remembered, she wouldn't be going anywhere dressed as she was, not that it would be any consolation but at least I knew she'd be staying unless she came back to the room and changed. My cold sweat began to subside, and then to my horror a man walked into the bedroom. He crossed the room and stood directly in front of me staring straight at me, and I held my breath in fear, why didn't he say something. He started tidying his hair; of course, he was looking into a mirror. I breathed again, as best I could. He was a good-looking man, tall, mid thirties, well built with medium length black hair. Just then Dianne appeared behind him, she put her arms around him from behind and winked at the mirror then blew a kiss. He returned them and it was as though he were winking at me, it was an odd feeling, I'd never had a man wink at me before, well there was that once, but that didn't really count he mistook me for...I won't go into that now. He turned around and took her in his arms kissing her deeply. She was staring straight at me, a glint in her eye. Surely they weren't, she wouldn't, oh god, she was going to... she took his hand and led him to the bed then she began undressing him. His shirt, his trousers, as she slipped them down his legs he kicked off his shoes. She was just starting on his underpants when he said, "What's this?" "What's what Jerry?" She asked, continuing her task. He reached for the bedside table, "These photographs, I hope you don't expect me to do anything like that." She stood up having stripped him naked. "No of course not," she paused, "Unless you want to of course." He began to pull away, "No thanks, it's too kinky for me, if that's what you're into I'd better go." She held onto him, "Don't be silly, I can see you're not the kinky type, not like him." She indicated the photographs. "He loves that sort of thing, he's still new to it, but later on I'm going to train him properly, he'll be my complete sex slave." "I've read about women like you, you enjoy dominating men don't you, well you can forget it, I'm not the submissive type." He tried to pull away again, but again she stopped him. "I know that, that's why you're here, I enjoy having sex with a real man occasionally, you don't mind do you?" She tried to kiss him but the photographs fascinated him, "What's his name? I'll bet it's Gerald or something like that, he looks like a Nancy boy to me." "I haven't decided what I'll call him but if you like, I'll make it Nancy just for you." "Where is he tonight?" "Oh he was tied up tonight, he couldn't get away." "He won't walk in on us will he?" Dianne laughed, "Definitely not." "Does he know I'm here?" Jerry continued. "Certainly." "Doesn't it bother him, I mean, knowing I'm here with you?" "I'm sure it's giving him the shits, but there isn't a thing he can do about it. Now are we going to talk all night or..." Dianne pulled him on top of her on the bed and kissed him passionately. He reached down and pulled off her panties as they kissed, then unceremoniously climbed over her and thrust his manhood deep inside her. She gasped loudly and pulled him to her, "Harder, harder, fuck me like a real man harder, harder, haaarrdeerrr." I couldn't believe my eyes, in only a few seconds she'd climaxed, Jerry kept thrusting away and she subsided slightly, but soon she was up again, her legs wrapped tightly round his waist as she achieved an even more intense climax. This went on for at least ten minutes; I lost count of the number of her orgasms, though I felt a grudging admiration for Jerry who seemed to be able to go like a rabbit all night. Eventually she stopped him, she was exhausted but he was still humping away. "You're fantastic Jerry," She sighed kissing him. "Just let me rest a second then I'll take care of that for you." She pointed to his huge erection. They lay on the bed for several minutes until their breathing became more regular. I have never considered myself to be a voyeur, but the sight of these two was making me really horny despite my predicament. Their rest period gave me time to take stock and I felt for the first time, the result of the constant dripping of the enema. My bowels were filling up and I knew it wouldn't be long before I was desperately in need of a shit. I found myself wondering what would happen once they filled, would I explode, would I push out the plug that held it all in, I hoped not, the stench in this small room would be unbearable. Then my attention returned to the bedroom. Dianne was sitting up and stroking his cock. She stepped over him and climbed off the bed pulling him up with her and leading him toward me. 'Oh my God', I thought, she's going to open the door. I began to panic, though to an observer nothing would have changed so tightly was I held. She stopped him just short of the mirror; "I want you to watch this." She said looking straight at me, but also at him through the mirror. Then she slid down his body onto her knees, she kissed his thigh then began licking around the outside then inside of his leg. Eventually, after much teasing she licked along the side of his erection. Her head was angled in such a way as to show me every move she made. Dianne was obviously an expert at this, and it wasn't long before Jerry was pumping his hips and nearing ejaculation. Suddenly she stopped what she was doing and disappeared, returning almost instantly and continuing where she'd left off. Jerry groaned loudly as sperm shot from the end of his penis, I stared in fascination at the sight of a man coming, and I was equally intrigued by the fact that Dianne had produced a cup from somewhere and was catching every drop in it. Soon Jerry's knees began to buckle and he had to move back to the bed, but by then he was fully spent. "That was fantastic, where did you learn to do that?" He panted. "Oh here and there." She replied modestly and left the room. When she returned several minutes later, Jerry was once again looking at the photo's, "They really fascinate you don't they?" She commented. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to try it?" "NO, absolutely not, I was just trying to understand how anyone could let himself be tied up like that. You'd never catch me doing anything like it." "Not everyone is like you though Jerry, maybe I should introduce you to him. Would you like to tie him up like that, whip him maybe, I could arrange it." Jerry paused, I thought for one awful moment he was going to say yes, but he seemed to regain his machismo and replied, "You have to be kidding, I wouldn't have anything to do with some queer Nancy boy like that, I'll bet he wears women's clothes as well." Dianne smiled, "Not yet, but he will." She stared straight at the mirror as she spoke. "He'll be doing all sorts of unusual things over the next few weeks, that's a promise." I knew she was speaking to me and I felt both scared and excited at her obvious threat. "What sort of things?" Jerry asked, obviously more interested than he pretended. "Oh I haven't decided yet, the first thing will be his feminisation. I'm going to teach him to dress and act like a female; in fact, by the time I'm finished I doubt you'll be able to tell him from the real thing. If you play your cards right, I might even let you have his cherry, would you like that?" "No way, anyway what if he decided he doesn't want to play along?" "Silly boy, he won't have any choice in the matter, he's mine now and I intend to keep him. Anyway, I think it's time you were off." "But, well I thought I could stay the night." 'Oh no, please don't let him stay, I couldn't stand being in here all night, I'll burst, I know I will'. Dianne thought about it, "Okay, why not." She grinned at me. 'Oh my God, I'll never last all night, I'll die in here'. "Ermm, on second thoughts, I have to be up early in the morning and I don't think I'd get much sleep with you here, another time maybe. And who knows, next time maybe I'll tie you up." "Not on your life." Jerry said grabbing his clothes. He dressed quickly and Dianne watched him in amusement, then, "Why don't you try it now Jerry, you never know, you might like it." "No thanks, I just remembered, I have to be up early as well. Tell you what, I'll call you okay." He gave her a peck on the cheek and disappeared. I assume she waited for the door to close because she sat quietly for a few moments, then suddenly burst into laughter. "Oh God that was funny, did you see his face when I said I'd tie him up, I thought he was going to shit himself, speaking of which..." She walked over and opened the door. "Did you enjoy the show dear," Looking down she added, "I see you did, would you like me to take care of that for you?" She made a move to bend, "Mmmm., Mmmm., Mmmm." "What's that dear?" "Mmmm." "Oh, you want potty." I tried to nod but couldn't. Freeing the four corners and my legs, she led me into the bathroom, her hand reached for the door handle and she paused, "I nearly forgot, I have a present for you." "Mmmm." It was no use; she'd gone again. Coming back, she let me into the bathroom and I raced over to the toilet. She didn't follow; instead she went to the medicine cupboard where she took out what looked like a small funnel with a tube attached. She walked over to me and smiled then reached up and fed the tube into the hole in my gag. I knew exactly what was coming, but was helpless to do anything about it, my head still being held firmly. I watched hypnotised as the sperm slowly dropped from the cup into the funnel. I tried to block the end of the tube with my tongue but the ball held it down. The cold, slimy liquid slid into my mouth and over my tongue. Helplessly I closed my eyes as it slid down my throat, this was the ultimate indignity, or so I thought at the time, but it was nothing compared with what Dianne had in store for me. Starting with pulling out the enema and standing over me while I evacuated my bowels. Then smiling as she reached over and wiped my behind, first with paper, then a wet, cold face cloth, then paper again. This was another of the many firsts that would take place at the hands of this beautiful, inventive, evil woman; tonight was only the start. But I knew then, whatever she decided to put me though, I would accept, partly because she would give me no choice, but mostly because I had never been more turned on in my life. And what am I doing today? Well at the moment I'm trying very hard to master the intricacies of a sewing machine. Mistress Dianne, as I now know her, has gone out for a while and expects me to finish my duties by the time she returns. She's decided it might be a good idea to try and repair some of the clothes people give to the shop, so she's making me learn to sew. This of course, is in addition to my other duties, cleaning, cooking and of course the most enjoyable, servicing Mistress Dianne. So why don't I make a bid for freedom while she's out? Well there are two reasons, the first is that at present I'm dressed in a short black satin maid's uniform complete with white apron and cap, black stockings and panties, high heels and of course the now mandatory corset. My face is heavily made up ? by Mistress Dianne, I still haven't mastered that yet ? and my nails, both finger and toe are painted bright red. I'm also wearing a blonde wig, even though my own hair is reasonably long, Mistress Dianne says she can change my look much easier by using an assortment of wigs. She's expecting another visit from Jerry tonight, believe it or not he did ring. She's pretty confident she can persuade him to fuck me, not something I'm looking forward to, but then what choice do I have? Oh and the second reason I'm still here? Well tell the truth, would you leave? CAPTIVE AUDIENCE 2 Well, Jerry's visit came and went. Mistress Dianne came very close to persuading him he would enjoy screwing me, but he managed to avoid committing himself each time she broached the subject. Eventually she sent him on his way, after he'd satisfied her sexually of course. Once again she finished him off in front of me and as before she caught his cum in a cup, then she forced me to swallow it later. But she didn't succeed in the two things she'd planned, the loss of my virginity and the subjugation of Jerry. Mistress Dianne was furious, so much so that, after permitting me to expel the enema she'd given me, she returned me to the alcove and I was forced to spend the night secured helplessly to the wall. Needless to say I managed very little sleep that night, even so Mistress Dianne still insisted I work in the shop the next day. Oddly enough, I'd come to quite enjoy the time I spent there. I was permitted to wear jeans and a sweater, though naturally I had a corset, stockings and panties underneath, and I received the occasional odd look when someone noticed the length of my fingernails, but apart from that I looked quite normal. Anyway, I was busy helping an old lady decide between a grey and a green cardigan for the winter, when I noticed Dianne chatting with a man. From where I stood I couldn't see very much of him, but she seemed to be enjoying his company and I felt just a tinge of jealousy. As I took my little old lady over to the counter, having helped her decide by offering both garments for the one price - well it was a charity shop after all ? I managed to get a full look at Dianne's companion. He was a slightly effeminate looking man in his mid thirties. Quite good looking, medium height and slim. I heard Dianne laugh and say, "Okay Tim, I'll see you then, and don't you be late will you?" Tim smiled almost nervously and replied, "No of course not." Then he turned and walked out of the shop. I was dying to ask Dianne what they'd been talking about, but I knew I'd be wasting my time, if she wanted me to know, she'd tell me, otherwise I'd be left in the dark. By the time we closed the shop, I'd completely forgotten about Tim. Once I'd cleaned the flat Mistress Dianne made me practice applying my makeup for an hour or so, until it was time for me to prepare dinner. It had become our routine to eat early and then head for the bedroom where I became Mistress Dianne's plaything. She'd dress me up in all manner of outfit's and then tie me helplessly for a few hours, before releasing me so I could satisfy her orally. I have never been granted the privilege of penetrating her, and she assures me this will be the case for the foreseeable future, although she has hinted that I may be given a surprise on my birthday, which is only another three months away. (I can't wait) I imagine this is hard to believe, but in the time I've been with her I've only been permitted to ejaculate twice and one of those was on the first night. She keeps me in an almost permanent state of arousal, though I can't be certain whether it's intentional or not. For instance, this afternoon I was standing at the counter waiting for a customer to count out a few coins, when she came over and stood beside me. Seemingly she wanted to check on where I'd put some of the new stock that had arrived earlier, but as she spoke to me she stroked my arm gently. To most people this would be an innocent enough action, but to me, in my usual semi erect condition, it was all I needed to achieve full erection. On other occasions she would 'accidentally' brush the back of her hand across the front of my jeans, or lean a little too close to me and breathe hot breaths on my neck. There were many other instances, all of which would appear trivial when taken in isolation, but if you consider them as a whole, it would be fairly obvious she was teasing me. But I digress, after I'd washed the dishes on that particular evening, Mistress Dianne allowed me to take an hours nap before insisting that I shower and shave (all over). After which she applied copious amounts of makeup to my face and strapped me into the leather corset she'd used on me on that very first night. Although I was much more used to the restriction of a corset, it was nigh on impossible to get used to this one, particularly since Mistress Dianne decided to pull me in a full eight inches this time. I was once again secured in the alcove behind the mirror, there were a few differences between my first time and this time. I was now wearing black stockings and four-inch high stiletto heels to add to my discomfort and my face was heavily made up. In addition a shoulder length blonde wig was pulled onto my head and of course, the corset was much tighter than on that first occasion, oh yes, and to my delight there was no enema or gag. Kissing me on the cheek, Mistress Dianne smiled and reaching up triggered the catch that slid the mirror back into place. I admired her figure as she walked away from the mirror to the dressing table, unfortunately I couldn't move my head enough to see which garments she took from the drawers. Taking a dark blue, velvet dressing gown from the wardrobe, she walked past the mirror on her way out of the room, smiling and blowing me a kiss as she passed. It was some time later when she returned to the bedroom. She was now wearing the dressing gown, which reached all the was to the floor and was fastened almost all the way up to her throat, thus covering any hint of what hid beneath the gown. "Come in here." She said to someone out side the room. I felt those tiny electric shocks you sometimes get when you're nervous. I had no idea who would enter and was actually quite relieved when it turned out to be the young effeminate man from earlier on. Without any formality Mistress Dianne turned to face him and ordered, "Take your clothes off Tim." To my surprise Tim obeyed immediately, I know that had she spoken to me that way on our first night, I would have at least made some smart remark, like 'You first'. But Tim simply began unbuttoning his shirt. I was watching him intently and as he slid his shirt off his shoulders, his mouth fell open and he froze in mid action. I followed his gaze and my reaction was exactly the same. Mistress Dianne had slipped the dressing gown off to reveal a superb black, satin and lace corset, which supported black seamed stockings, the seams running ramrod straight up her legs. Five- inch black patent leather shoes and black silk panties completed her sensational look. Dropping the gown onto the bed she turned and looked over her shoulder, "Why have you stopped?" She asked the still frozen Tim. He reacted instantly, quickly removing his shirt and trousers, shoes and socks and finally his underpants. Mistress Dianne, who was now sitting on the bed, looked him up and down and then smiled. Tearing my eyes away from her I stared at the source of her ridicule, poor Tim, I thought. His cock stood straight out in front of him and was obviously fully erect yet I doubted it measured more than three inches in length and an inch across. It made my six inches look positively huge. He blushed when he saw what she was smiling at but Mistress Dianne appeared not to notice as she asked, "Do you like my shoes Timmy?" "Yes." He whispered. "Come over here." She indicated the floor at her feet and he rushed to obey her. "It seems I've got a little dirt on my shoe, but don't worry, I've decided to allow you to clean them for me." His next move caught me completely by surprise; he fell to his knees and began licking her shoe from toe to heel. Mistress Dianne took the opportunity to look across at me and smiled blowing me a kiss. After Timmy had successfully cleaned every inch of her shoes, including the soles, Mistress Dianne stood up and walked over to the mirror where she stood directly in front of me. "Come over here Timmy." She ordered. Timmy scrambled over staying on his knees. She turned sideways and stroked her behind, "Do you think I have a nice arse Timmy?" "Yes of course I do? it's perfect." He added. "You may kiss it." She said simply. Timmy scrambled the few extra feet and slowly moved his face closer to her behind. I felt a pang of jealousy as he neared it; this was something I'd never been asked to do, why should he be allowed? I thought. Timmy hesitated, "May I pull your panties to one side please?" He whined. "ABSOLUTELY NOT." Mistress Dianne snapped, to my delight. "Only one person is permitted to touch my bare flesh there with his tongue, and it's not you. Now get on with it before I change my mind." She smiled at me again and blew me another kiss. Strangely, my heart leapt at the realisation that I was the person she spoke about. Imagine being thrilled to know you're the only person allowed too lick a woman's backside. I returned my attention to Timmy and his efforts at licking her behind without actually being permitted to pass the material. The panties were soaked where he lapped furiously in an effort to attain his goal. I was so intent on Timmy, I failed to notice Mistress Dianne reach up and flick the switch that opened the sliding mirror. Timmy once again froze on the spot and stared, this time at me. It took me a few seconds to realise he could actually see me, and when I did I could feel myself blushing from head to foot. Mistress Dianne was grinning at me as she asked, "Do you like that Timmy?" She bumped his face with her behind. "I asked you a question, do you like that?" "Ermm, yes, ermm, I do yes." He replied. "I'll bet you wish it was you strapped into that corset don't you?" "Yes." He whispered longingly. "What would you give to take Nancy's place?" "Anything, just name it, I'll do whatever you want." He responded anxiously. "Well there is something you might try. You see Nancy hasn't been allowed to climax for quite a few days now, and as you can see he's extremely aroused. I'm sure he'd enjoy it if you were to help him relieve his tension with your mouth." "Would you let me take his place if I did?" He asked. "Now Timmy, you know better than to make demands, if you don't want to help poor Nancy, I suggest you leave?" "NO," Timmy yelled and rushed forward to kneel at my groin. I groaned as he took my erection in his hand and slowly touched it with his tongue. As he did so I was embarrassed to feel a thrill run through my body. 'It's a man eating you,' I told myself, 'tell him to stop.' But my tongue refused to make any sound other than a groan as he sucked the tip into his open mouth. His efforts were extremely amateur, even to someone of my very limited experience, but even so, it was only a matter of seconds before I was shooting sperm into his mouth by the gallon, at least it seemed like gallons. He even swallowed every last drop without being told to. Thinking back, I had to admire him for that, he really was determined to replace me in my little alcove. Sadly for him, my Mistress had other ideas. "Very good Timmy, just look at Nancy's face, you can see how much he enjoyed that. Now Nancy, are you going to let Timmy take your place as my slave? This is your big chance for freedom." "NO," I snapped without even thinking. "I mean, please don't make me Mistress Dianne." She smiled, under the circumstances I think I can forgive your exuberance. Well Timmy, I'm afraid you have your answer." "But couldn't you take both of us?" He begged. "I'm afraid not, this is far too small a flat for three. I'll tell you what though, I have a friend who would be delighted to take you in, would you like me to call her for you?" Timmy didn't try to hide the joy on his face he fell down and kissed Dianne's feet muttering his thanks. "Very well, leave your number on the hall stand as you leave and I'll ask her to contact you." Timmy thanked her again and reached for his clothing, which she'd piled on a chair in the corner. "What are you doing?" She asked. "My clothes, you don't expect me to go out naked do you?" Mistress Dianne frowned, "I expect you to do whatever I tell you." She walked over to the dressing table and pulled something out. As she walked back she held a floral dress against her body and smiling at me she asked, "Remember this?" I looked at the dress in confusion, then it struck me, this was the dress I'd been holding the very first time she'd spoken to me. She threw it to Tim, "Here, put this on." He pulled it over his head and pushed his arms through the holes. It was even worse than I remembered, an awful floral print that was far too short and tight for Tim to wear, it only just covered his groin and that would fall out every time he took a step. Mistress Dianne must have come to the same conclusion because she pulled down her panties and tossed them to him. He stepped into them gratefully and pulled them up his legs. He looked ridiculous and knew it, but to his credit, he once again thanked Dianne and then, after retrieving his wallet and keys, with Dianne's permission of course, he walked out. Mistress Dianne released me from my bonds and I spent the next hour eating her pussy and arse in turn as she achieved countless orgasms. The next day, I was pleased to hear Mistress Dianne talking to one of her friends on the phone. "Believe me Judy, he's exactly what you need? Absolutely not, he hasn't got a macho bone in his body? trust me, he'll be putty in your hands. Tell you what, give him a call and tell him to take a room at the motel round the corner from you? yes that's it, then meet him there and see what you think? yes, what have you got to lose? Oh by the way, tell him to wear the clothes he was wearing when he left here? trust me? sure it's 654 3878, let me know how you go?sure, see you then." She turned to me and smiled as she hung up the phone, "Poor Timmy won't know what's hit him. Now, I'm suddenly feeling very horny, get your head down here." She pointed to her crutch as she spread here legs open to admit me. It was several weeks before Mistress Dianne's next 'conquest'. I have to give her credit, not only was she be able to pick men with a submissive inclination ? with the right guidance ? she also seemed to know exactly how to handle them for the best results. With the exception of Jerry of course, he still eluded her grasp, though I suspected she was far from beaten. In fact he'd called her several times and on each occasion she'd refused to see him, citing some of the most obscure excuses, such as having to take her aunt's dog to the vet, or having the carpet shampooed and not wishing to walk on it. Anyway her next target was most unusual; he was a pushy guy in his early twenties. The first time we saw him he was with his girlfriend looking for an outfit for her. I took an instant dislike to him, he was arrogant, self centred and treated his girl, a sweet lady of about nineteen, as though she was a possession. I could see from the look she gave him that Dianne was far from impressed by his attitude and I thought for one awful moment, she was going to throw him out of the shop. Instead of which, she turned on her charm and invited them both to dinner and a private showing. Ken wasn't interested at first, until Dianne said, "Of course, since it will be outside business hours, if you decide you like anything I won't be able to charge you." As she obviously knew, this got the miserable bastard's full attention and when he realised that he would not only be getting a free meal, but he could clothe Jenny for free, he accepted the invitation. The meal was a dreadful experience, as I'd expected, Ken ate like a pig, and drank the wine as if he was drinking beer, Dianne encouraged him by constantly topping up his glass. The result was, that while the rest of us were almost sober, he was close to passing out by the end of the meal. Jenny kept apologising for his behavior, but Dianne, quite rightly, would hear none of it. "I'll tell you one thing," Jenny added, "This is the last time he embarrasses me, after tonight we're finished, he can go and find himself another girl to do his bidding. Would you believe I even wash and iron his clothes for him, and we don't even live together, well no more, he's on his own now." It was then that Dianne surprised us both by saying, "I think you're being a little hasty. With the right persuasion I think we can change his attitude toward you completely." I grinned as I realised what she had in mind, while I didn't know the details, I knew it would involve humiliating Ken in some way, and that could only be a good thing as far as I was concerned. The first thing we had to do was strip his clothes off. Between the three of us, it didn't take too long. Then we virtually carried him into the bathroom, where, with the aid of a tube of depilatory cream, the ladies removed every hair from his body. They tied his hands behind his back when they stood him under the shower to wash the cream off, just in case it sobered him up. But they needn't have worried; he was far too drunk for a little water to have any effect. Dianne went to remove the bonds, but Jenny, with a curious twinkle in her eye, said she'd prefer to leave him tied. They lay him down on the bed and this was where my part of the saga began. Mistress Dianne told me to take off my shirt and trousers. And as I did so I braced myself for Jenny's negative reaction, but she simply said, "I hope you have one of those corsets to fit him." She nodded towards Ken. "But not as good as that one, he's not worth it." She added. It seemed Jenny wasn't quite the na?ve little girl I'd imagined and she'd been aware of my undergarments from almost the first moment she saw me in the shop. This made me wonder how many other people knew my little secret, but I didn't have much time to think about it before Mistress Dianne ordered me over to the bed. At her instruction I lay down beside Ken putting my arms around him. As I kissed him on the cheek Mistress Dianne took a photograph. Over the next fifteen minutes she took shots of the two of us from every angle, including one of me with my erection brushing his lips. By pure chance Ken chose that precise moment to open his eyes and smile at Jenny. Although the shots we had were more than enough to ensure a radical change in his attitude, Jenny wanted more. At her insistence we dressed him in a corset and stockings, made up his face and even pulled a wig on his head, with Jenny taking photographs at every stage of the transformation. I have to say that while Mistress Dianne is very skilled with make up, even she could only succeed in turning Ken into a very ugly female, although thinking back, it wouldn't surprise me to find out that that had been her intention all along. The ladies finished his outfit with a plain black dress and a pair of shoes with 2" heels. Then, since he was still incapable of walking Jenny tied him hand and foot and secured him to the bed, on the floor naturally. She spent the night cuddled between Dianne on one side and me on the other. Nothing sexual happened, we just hugged each other and fell asleep. We were wakened quite early by Ken's protests. We decided, sensibly I thought, not to gag him in case he vomited and choked himself. Unfortunately that meant that we had to listen to his noise in the morning, but Jenny, showing all the confidence of a mature dominatrix simply released him from the bed, pulled him to his feet and slapped him several times across the face until his protests stopped. I almost felt sorry for him, he looked dreadful and it didn't take a doctor to know he had a dreadful hangover. But Jenny exhibiting not the slightest sympathy, picked up the Polaroid photos we'd taken and showed him a couple of the more incriminating shots. "I think you might find things are going to change quite dramatically in our relationship Kenny my boy." She said. Without another word she pulled her clothes on, she'd slept in her underwear, then after releasing Ken's legs; she threw a coat over his shoulders to cover his bound hands. Walking over to the bed where Dianne and I still lay watching all this; she thanked us, kissed us both goodbye and almost dragged Ken out of the flat. You may be interested to know that we saw them again a couple of weeks later. This time however, Jenny was doing the buying and Ken was the recipient. I could never have imagined such a dramatic change in anyone in such a short period. He was demure, completely silent unless addressed, and in a strange way, almost effeminate in his actions. Jenny confided that, through an uncle of hers who happened to be a doctor, she'd managed to get hold of some female hormones and she was dosing Ken with them. Even after such a short period it was obvious that he was changing quite dramatically. Another change was his appearance; I was amazed at the difference the hormones had made to his figure, until Mistress Dianne pointed out that he was wearing an extremely tight corset. It was odd how women seemed to be able to see these things; I couldn't until she mentioned it. Anyway, after spending an hour or more in the shop and buying several outfits for Ken, Jenny thanked us again for changing her life, and promised to bring Ken round regularly to show us the 'improvements' she made to him. After they'd gone Mistress Dianne smiled at me and said, "Those hormones certainly seem to be making a huge difference to Ken don't they? Maybe I should get some for you, would you like that?" "NO, please Mistress Dianne, you can't." "Can't? Are you sure?" She asked quietly. "No sorry, I didn't mean can't? it's just that, well doesn't it?" She laughed, "It's all right, you can stop worrying, I have no intention of changing anything about you." I breathed a sigh of relief, then as she walked away from me, she added, "Not at the moment at least." A few days later, after we'd finished our usual early dinner and I'd washed the dishes. Mistress Dianne told me to take a shower and put on the new corset she'd bought me. It was maroon satin fringed with black lace, and even though I could never hope to look anywhere near a good as Mistress Dianne in something like that. I had to say that, given the obvious figure limitations, I looked pretty good. Especially when, as tonight, I wore red lace panties and seamed stockings, which Mistress Dianne had to help me with since I still had trouble getting the seams straight. I thought that maybe we were in for one of her 'model nights' as she called them. And when she sat me at the dressing table and began fixing my face ? these days I always did my own make up ? I knew something special was in the wind. As she pulled the blonde wig onto my head I asked her what we were going to do, but all she would say was, 'You'll see." After she'd squeezed my feet into a new pair of shoes, they were red, patent leather with no less than five-inch heels, I was instructed to apply three coats of bright red polish to my, now impressively long, fingernails while she took a shower. On her return, I was a little disappointed when, instead of selecting outfits for us both to model, she took my hand and led me over to the alcove. Since she only secured my arms to the top corners of the small room before closing the mirror. I had lots of freedom to watch her as she almost skipped around the room getting dressed for, what I now suspected was, a hot date. She dressed exactly as she had for Timmy, including the velvet dressing gown. Then checking that everything was tidy in the room she walked over to the mirror and stood directly in front of me to give her make up a final once over. Naturally it was perfect, and she smiled, at me I think, before turning and walking out of the room. It was at least an hour later when I heard her returning. She was speaking to someone but I couldn't hear what was being said until they entered the bedroom. "No Jerry, I haven't been avoiding you, well not exactly." "Whadya mean not exactly?" He asked, following her into the room. "Well? it's just that? Oh hell, I don't want to hurt your feelings but, well sex with you is a little boring." I watched as Jerry's jaw dropped at this remark. I'm sure no one had ever said anything like that to him before, particularly with his impressive staying power. "Boring? How can you say that? Don't I always satisfy you?" "Yes of course you do dear," I grinned as she patted him on the hand like she was praising a small child. "But

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I explained how size is important and how I love being teased and licked and how around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female sometimes which we both enjoy. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual,...

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I explained how size is important and how I love being teased and licked and how around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female sometimes which we both enjoy. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual,...

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I explained how size is important and how I love being teased and licked and how around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female sometimes which we both enjoy. I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual,...

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In my story WHILE MY MAN IS AWAY I detailed how I made up a threesome for much younger Maria and her man Karl. “Magic sex session, when can we do it again,” they both asked as I departed satiated. I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience. “When was the last time...

3 years ago
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Captive Long Hair Soldier GirlChapter 5

When she opened her sleepy eyes just before daylight the next morning, the captive white girl Margaret was bothered by the fact that it was so deathly quiet all around her in every direction. She didn’t even hear the measured breathing of her captors or any of the other women they had stolen from the French traders looking to make a nice profit on the sale of the remaining white women. She could still see the stars shining down from the blackened sky and the faint rays of daybreak off to the...

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Police Audience

Police Audience By Jenny James [email protected] There was a large group of men surrounding me and watching with many stroking themselves as I kneeled, leaning over Michael's lap, his wide and long cock sliding in and out of my throat. He said, "I'm gonna cum, do you want to swallow it?" I made an "mmmmm" sound and moved my lips out to encircle the head while lapping across his piss slit with my tongue while I stroked his shaft upward, and then he groaned and...

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[This is something that I wrote prior to Britney, it is not related to my series of stories called Britney.] CAPTIVE By britney kandey CHAPTER ONE: CLUBBING Me and my friend Toby had decided that it would be a good night to go hit the town, and paint it red in the process. We where both very horny after spending the previous 3 months working on a fishing boat. The first stop of the night was the local Irish bar "Saint Patrick's" where it lacked in talent it made up for with...

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Blowjob in front of an Audience

Every word of this story is true. It happened almost 4 years ago.I have had sex in front of one or more strangers only once in my life so far. This is about that one time.There is an adult cinema complex not far from my home. It has several different rooms with each room showing a different category of porn videos - one straight, one gay, and one shamble. Each room has several rows of chairs. There are also booths where much of the action takes place behind closed doors. And there is a big, old...

1 year ago
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Captive of His Passion Ch 03

Hope you all enjoy the final part of this series. I sure had fun writing it A month had passed and Talise was still captive. Talise was given no chances to run away. Hazma kept watch on her and she had spent each night with Ali. She rested beside Ali and watching him sleep and it was early morning. She was naked and her body well pleasured. Ali had taught her so many new things she blushed just thinking about them. He was sinful and so good looking. His lovemaking was erotic. He worshiped...

2 years ago
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CAPTIVE.I awoke sitting on a chair in a hollow sounding room. My head was smothered by some form of rubber-smelling hood, I’d fixed enough cycle tyres to know that smell! I was blinded but my nose had two small snotty holes I could breathe through along with an open mouth. My ears, though covered were still keen as my voice echoed in that large blank room.“Hello… Any?” I closed my mouth. In more than an hour, well a long time, I had received no reply as I sat still in that uncomfortable seat...

4 years ago
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Captive Long Hair Soldier GirlChapter 4

The captive long hair soldier girl known as “Badger Girl” because of her long duration blackened eyes from serious training received at the hands of her captors knew that the last “auction” location for the sale of the female prisoners would be her best opportunity at escape if she could only find a fast horse to carry her to safety. Badger Girl’s real name was Margaret Hatcher and she was the widow of a cavalry captain slain at the burning of Fort McDonald down below the existing border....

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Our first fuck for an audience

We were in New Orleans, and as we often did, we were getting ready to take pictures of her in various sexy outfits, and playing with herself. I traveled quite a bit back then, and she knew I would look at them while masturbating when we weren't together. She liked knowing that I found them erotic.The hotel room we were staying in was well above ground level, so we weren't concerned with anyone seeing us at ground level. The room was quite nice and of course, expensive. It was a corner room,...

3 years ago
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The CompetitionChapter 3 Assembling the Audience

As she walked to St. Dunstan's Junior High the next bright, warm morning, Rebecca York reflected on the previous day's swim training. Despite being unanticipated (at least by her fellow students), it hadn't gone badly at all. Sure the first five minutes were awkward, and everyone was sort-of self-conscious for the next ten, by the time the two hours had flown by, everyone was much more relaxed about being nude around each other — even with their teachers present, and even their teachers...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 12 The Harems Naughty Audience

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Twelve: The Harem's Naughty Audience By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Thirty-Four: Evening Camp Zanyia – Southern Forest Road, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I glanced at the forest's edge that started fifty feet from the road. An owl's hoot drifted out of the dark trees. Twilight beset the world. My tail swished. The last time we were in those woods, we all almost...

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First Time in Front of an Audience

This is when I first realized I loved to perform in front of an audience, the exhibitionist in me. And since we just celebrated a holiday, this old story came to mind and I thought I would share it with you. It was New Years Eve of my senior year in high school, I had been dating Harry since seventh grade and now we were 18 and I just knew we were going to marry. So much so that I let Harry have his way with me since I was 15. We screwed in his bed, my bed, his parents bed, the couch, kitchen...

3 years ago
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Captives to Lust Chapter One

This is my first attempt at writing. There is a long introduction, but if you are patient, you will find an intense scene that should reward you with pleasure. "Glorious euphoria is my must, erotic shock is a function of lust. Temporarily blind, dimensions to discover, in time each into the other." CAPTIVES TO LUST – Chapter One “What am I doing here?” I asked myself that question a hundred times on my flight to Pennsylvania. Was I out of my mind? Possibly. Not in a way that would get me...

Wife Lovers
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Captive Princess Pt 08

Lisa and Ivory had an uneventful ride to next town to meet Agatha. Ivory loved the lavish dress Lisa had clad her in and the carriage was quite comfortable. As they rode Lisa told Ivory Agatha’s story. ‘Agatha is a young widow. Her husband was killed in an unfortunate accident. Her husband was a nice man, I served in her wedding. Agatha was sad for quite some time as She missed Donald a great deal. But as her husband’s only heir, Agatha inherited a fortune. Legally she is under no compulsion...

1 year ago
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Captive CheerleaderChapter 3

It had been a week since she had seen Jimmy, and she was horny as hell. It had been easy to fool everybody. He drove her to the outskirts of town, completely away from his house and she walked half way home, until a cop stopped because she was walking through a slum area where a young white girl was out of place. They recognized her from the description of her as a missing person, and took her home. All the fuss and interviews, when she repeated and repeated the story they had cooked up, were...

3 years ago
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Jaq needs to have an audience

As lockdown reaches almost twelve weeks we all need to find ways of getting some sexy fun.After a couple of discussions Jaq and I decided to find a safe way to have some sexy fun. It was early Sunday evening, we decided to go for a drive and have sex in the car. Jaq got all dressed up in high heels and sexy lingerie, while I picked out a few toys to take with us. We set off about 7pm, the drive to the spot we had chosen was about a half hour drive away. We had chosen a car park that was known...

2 years ago
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The Innocent Audience

  The Innocent Audience. My girlfriend Alena and I have a ground floor flat in a three storied house in a quiet Prague Suburb. The windows of our kitchen overlook the back garden which is also joined to the back garden of the house opposite. There is a gate in the fence that separates the two gardens. She is very attractive with long red hair, a pretty face with high cheekbones, and a neat straight nose over a beautiful full mouth with well defined lips. Her figure is statuesque and...

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The Innocent Audience

  The Innocent Audience. My girlfriend Alena and I have a ground floor flat in a three storied house in a quiet Prague Suburb. The windows of our kitchen overlook the back garden which is also joined to the back garden of the house opposite. There is a gate in the fence that separates the two gardens. She is very attractive with long red hair, a pretty face with high cheekbones, and a neat straight nose over a beautiful full mouth with well defined lips. Her figure is statuesque...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 17 Audience

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place at Dunharrow. Aragorn, who Éowyn has unsuccessfully tried to seduce, and the rest of his Rangers will depart for the Paths of the Dead in the morning.] Arms limp, legs weak, neither her body nor her voice offered the slightest protest as the Rangers picked her up and carried her across the tent. Two of them folded her hands around the sturdy poles framing the door, holding them there until her failing strength proved sufficient to...

4 years ago
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He's shuffled along, the large bear guards forcing him along the long, cold corridor. Barefoot, with nothing but a loin cloth, he shivers as he moves along. Finally, they come to large double doors made of a black wood. The grain is fine and delicate, the carvings adding to the beauty, with scenes of herds of intricate deer in a lovely dark forest. The bear guards slowly swing the doors open to a large room, a giant four post bed to one side, surrounded by black sheer curtains. There...

3 years ago
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Captives to Lust Chapter One

This is my first attempt at writing. There is a long introduction, but if you are patient, you will find an intense scene that should reward you with pleasure. ‘Glorious euphoria is my must, erotic shock is a function of lust. Temporarily blind, dimensions to discover, in time each into the other.’ CAPTIVES TO LUST – Chapter One “What am I doing here?” I asked myself that question a hundred times on my flight to Pennsylvania. Was I out of my mind? Possibly. Not in a way that would get me...

2 years ago
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Captive Family1

The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, seventeen-year-old Mark and...

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Captive Family0

____________________________________________________________ David and Linda sat on the couch watching the end of the 11 o'clock news on the TV when the front door of their upscale Maryland home was kicked in and two large men wearing ski masks and brandishing pistols rushed into their living room. David and Linda were both 34 years old. David was 5'7" tall and weighed 147 pounds. He was a computer programmer at one of the Washington government office buildings. Linda was 5'5"...

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Captive in the Woods Part Two

She didn’t stay in long, the water was frigid and made her nipples so hard they ached, returning to the cabin to stand as close to the fire as she could to warm up. Once dry and warm again, she curled up to await the return of the men and promptly fell asleep. She awoke several hours later to find herself hanging by her wrists from the center beam of the roof, just her toes touching the floor. As her eyes opened she felt nipple clamps close on her nipples and squealed, her gaze meeting that...

2 years ago
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Captive in the Woods

She got a fire going and fixed herself some dinner as the sun began to go down. After eating, she cleaned up the pan and then sat staring into the flickering flames of the fire. She could hear sounds made by small night animals passing through the woods around her campsite, but no screaming sirens or honking horns or guns going off. No sound of humanity, no light but the fire and stars above as full night fell. The quiet became more intense, and she suddenly wondered why she could no longer...

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Chapter 1 Nassie swung her staff around her body, connecting with the large brute to her left. Stunned, he fell to the ground clutching his middle. Quickly Nassie swung again and again hit a brute to her side. She had been fighting for a long time, heard the shrieks of her village and seen the smoke rise. But no matter how many of the raiders she dropped more kept coming. She knew it was a losing battle but she would not go down with out a fight. Slowly the circle of warriors closed around her...

4 years ago
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Captive Family

Introduction: Story by John 2, Posted because I felt like many people havent seen it before Captured Family The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. Theyd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rocks...

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Captive Family

Introduction: Robbers break in and force the family to have sex while being filmed so they will not call the police The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. ____________________________________________________________ David and Linda sat on the couch watching the end of the 11 oclock news on the TV when the front door of their upscale Maryland home was kicked in and two large...

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Captive Chronicles

You wake up with a pounding headache, your throat parched; everything is dark, and you realise there is something bulky on your neck, wrists and ankles. After a while, still struggling to remember how you've come to this, you hear a sound of footsteps; as your eyes start to adapt to the darkness,you finally get a glimpse of your surroundings:

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Captive at the Red Keep

You look out from the window from your chambers in the Red Keep. Black smoke rises above the rooftops filling the air with the smell of ash and soot. You cringed at the scent. You always hated it. You couldn't tell if it was from the burning debris or the corpses. Perhaps, it was both. You could hardly believe all of this is happening. Deep down you had hoped you were dreaming. You wanted this to be all just some terrible nightmare, and soon enough you'll wake up in your bed covered...

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You are the commander of an army, and your forces have proven victorious over your foes. Now, your forces have informed you of a valuable prisoner that they have taken and is waiting for you to interrogate them. How does it go?

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Captive of the pirate captain

I walk the decks on a cold winters night. The sky is clear and the stars glistening. The men are asleep as its been a hard days graft plundering the imperial fleet. I say asleep some of the spoils were woman so they were having their wicked way with them. I stroll below, the wooden stairs echoing down the empty deck. I sit on a stool and start to admire the more metallic spoils. A sceptre catch's my eye. I pick it up and fondle it. The crystal upon its top glistened brightly and projects candle...

2 years ago
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captive cargo short story

Christy should have known she could never escape the employ of gang for which she worked. At first it had been exciting, running with a bunch of hardened characters who had plenty of money to flash araound in all the nighttime hotspots.But in the end, like so many before her, Christy had been reduced to just another possession, like their gold jewelry and fancy cars. She was simply there to service the desires of these men, whether it pleased her or not. It wasn't until she decided to flee that...

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Will listened to the gravel crunching under the wheels of the Jeep as he and his mother, Felicia pulled up in front of the cabin.It was finally happening, he thought to himself. Months of planning had gone into the plan and now he was ready to put it into motion."Well, we made it," his mother said, shutting off the engine."Yeah, seemed like it took forever to get up here this time," he returned, reaching for the door handle."Oh, you were just antsy to get up here," she laughed, pushing open her...

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She swims back to consciousness, aware of the large gap in her memory. What DID happen after she passed out? Carol remembered only the pleasant-voiced older man who had caught her seconds before she blacked out. Her vision seemed as hazy as her memory, but she was increasingly aware of the peculiar position of her limbs. Perhaps she had broken both legs, for they seemed to be propped far above her as she lay on the bed, as if she were in traction. Her arms were pinned above her, and a gentle...

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Captive Wife

It all seemed surreal as her eyes slowly adjusted to the light of the semi-darkened room.  A single barred window on the wall behind her provided the only source of light.  She was naked, her legs spread and secured by metal shackles around each ankle that were bolted firmly to the concrete floor beneath her.  Her hands were stretched outward from her body, and, in similar fashion as her feet, two metal bands were locked around each wrist, attached by chains to a clasp on the brick wall behind...

2 years ago
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Captive Hacker

I am lost.  I despair of escaping from this existence.  I am now in a worse state then when I was falsely incarcerated for an unknown crime.  Now I am captured by Mistress Green and the transvestite Mistress Benny as their sex slave.  No, more than just sex, their abuse and torture slave too.  If you have somehow read the other episodes of my story I have managed to leave on the Internet you'll know that I foolishly and consentingly decided to accept this position with  Mistress Green, but...

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Captive Twins

Disclaimer:This story is a work of fiction and includes adult situations and extreme acts of sexual depravity, including rape and torture Disclaimer:  This story is a work of fiction and includes adult situations and extreme acts of sexual depravity, including rape and torture.  It is intended for adults only.  If you are under the age of eighteen or, in some jurisdictions, twenty-one, do not continue past this point.  If you desire to read on, it is by your own choice and responsibility...

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Captive Mother

Half a century after the e-conflict of 2075 had ended, slavery and sex ownership were still common in the small towns on the edge of the cold and dark Northern sea. Slavery, often an alternative to death by starvation and disease; sex ownership, because technology made it possible.Shelly and her daughter Marie were sex slaves to Master James, who had purchased them on a romantic impulse at a debtor's auction. They were strikingly similar in appearance: high cheekbones, ivory-skinned,...

3 years ago
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She was laying on her side in front of his chair, bound at the ankles andknees it pressed her soft, supple thighs together in the most pleasing manner,her hands bound tightly behind her back forced her chest out. For fifteen yearsold she was already alluring – soft, pale skin. Deep red hair and beautifulgreen eyes - but he had always been partial to smaller girls, and she was small,he didn't even know the poor girls name but she couldn't be more then fivefoot four inches tall and she must have...

4 years ago
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You were awake, groggy, but awake. You remembered your name Catherine, but you usually went by Cat. You were puzzled by the fact that you couldn’t see much. There was something over your head. You didn’t seem hurt, just very confused. You were a bit unclear about where you were and what had happened. You did remember being in a club. Just having two drinks, you went to the bathroom. That was it. You did know that you were probably not in that bathroom now. This place didn’t smell right for...

2 years ago
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He's shuffled along, the large bear guards forcing him along the long, cold corridor. Barefoot, with nothing but a loin cloth, he shivers as he moves along. Finally, they come to large double doors made of a black wood. The grain is fine and delicate, the carvings adding to the beauty, with scenes of herds of intricate deer in a lovely dark forest. The bear guards slowly swing the doors open to a large room, a giant four post bed to one side, surrounded by black sheer curtains. There is also...

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How did I get into this? I'm in a strange room. My hands are tied behind my back. A dark blind fold over my eyes. A gag has been placed in my mouth. I've been stripped down to my panties and bra. I'm laying on the floor with my cheek pressed to the carpet. Its true what they say. Deprived of one sense the others grow stronger. I could hear footfalls in the hall. What next? The last thing I could recall was drinking a glass of wine at a bar with a handsome older man. He was a professor of...

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The smell of soil and fresh hay sifted through a musty atmosphere to tickle at Gabriel's nose, a calm smile on his lips as he made his way through the stables. His dark but gleaming indigo orbs caught the soft browns of the horse to his left. He paused his paces, leaning forward across the stable gate to pet its soft mane carefully. "I remember when you used to be scared of horses." Gabriel jerked back, the horse in return snorting before turning away and leaving the student alone; caught...

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© April 6, 2002 Chapter 1 She hated it so when her Master went to work. He left Sunday, now it was Friday and it would be a VERY long weekend. Though her Master would call her and they would chat on line, she wanted her Master with her. She never liked when she had to share him. He was hers, all hers. Though she knew there were others, she and he had a stronger bond. None of "them" could get away with what she could. None of "them" understood him the way she did. None of "them"...

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Captive FamilyChapter 3

"I'm glad it's you, baby!", said his mother huskily. "It's so much more exciting having you fuck me, sweetheart!" Cathy tingled all over with pleasure. Her initial fears about letting her son fuck her up the ass were almost gone, washed away by the rising heat of anticipation. Her horny young son had fucked her cunt, now he was going to fuck her asshole. The wild, incestuous wickedness of it heightened her pleasure a hundredfold. Bobby began to move his cock inside his mother's...

1 year ago
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Captive FamilyChapter 7

"Let's just do what they want, Daddy," murmured Debby, trying not to stare too much at her father's great dangling cock. "Like you said... if we do what they want, nobody'll get hurt, right?" "Yes, honey, I guess you're right" Dick tried to hold his daughter away from him as they danced, but to his surprise Debby, melted against him without hesitation. He tied not to react to the sensual pressure of her lithe young body as it pressed against his naked skin... but it was...

2 years ago
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Captive FamilyChapter 9

Lisa stroked her son's huge hard-on a couple of times before she realized what she was doing. Then, the pangs of shame and guilt hit her again and she removed her hand from the boy's cock like it had just been burned. She tried to push her son away from her, but either he was too strong for her, or her heart really wasn't in it, either way, Kevin held her in his arms and began to run his hands hotly over her soft, naked flesh with a familiarity that both frightened and excited her at the...

3 years ago
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Captive FamilyChapter 10

Bobby's cock was almost at full erection now, and Mandy was having great difficulty in fitting it all into her tiny, sucking mouth. He reached down to the girl's crotch and began to rub his fingers up and down the hot, juicy slit between her tight cuntlips. Mandy moaned around his cock and hunched her pussy up against his hand, urging Bobby to stick his fingers in deeper. Bobby slid two fingers up her cunt and rubbed her fat little clit with his thumb. Mandy sucked his cock harder,...

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