Halloween Hacker
- 2 years ago
- 26
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I am lost. I despair of escaping from this existence. I am now in a worse state then when I was falsely incarcerated for an unknown crime. Now I am captured by Mistress Green and the transvestite Mistress Benny as their sex slave. No, more than just sex, their abuse and torture slave too. If you have somehow read the other episodes of my story I have managed to leave on the Internet you'll know that I foolishly and consentingly decided to accept this position with Mistress Green, but that the conditions and the activities I participate in become more and more extreme, until now I fear for my life and sanity. I tried to escape only to find that local law enforcement are also part of Mistress Green's diabolical society. I am trapped. I am lost.
I must have finally succumbed to sleep in the boot of the car I was imprisoned in. Covered in vomit and urine. My balls burning from the new permanent cock and ball clamp, my ass and thighs on fire from the nettle burns, and my ass open and abused from the previous nights gang rape. The meagre clothes, stockings, blouse and short skirt, soiled in the same way.
I am rudely awakened when the boot is opened letting in the cold light of day. I blink at the light and cower as I discern Mistress Green and Mistress Benny looking down at me.
"Up and out, and Benny can hose you down" demands Mistress Green,
"or do you want me to pull you out by your cock restraint?"
The threat is enough for me to bounce out of the car, and kneel for Mistress Green.
"I love the fear in his eyes" Mistress Green continues.
"When you have cleaned him up bring him to the study so I can explain his punishment."
Mistress Benny uses the hose to spray me all over. In seconds I am shivering from the cold water and after a couple minutes I feel faint and numb. Mistress Benny continues to hose me, trying to fill my mouth so I choke, or directing hard jets at my sore ass and painful balls. The numbing cold actually helps anaesthetise my hurts, and I am too concerned with thoughts of punishment to try to minimise or complain about the cold water. This lack of squealing bores Mistress Benny and she finishes hosing me without offering anything to dry myself. I merely have to discard the blouse and skirt leaving just the torn stockings and the heels that have been punishing my feet.
I crawl as fast as I could behind Mistress Benny as she enters the house and takes me to Mistress Green. I kneel in front of her desk as she explains my new situation.
"You were Dick since that accurately described the principle means I had for motivating you. But since you have seen fit to spurn my hospitality you are going to be reduced in status."
I swallowed at this statement. How could I be demoted from being her sex slave?
"From now on you are going to be Fuck, because you are literally fucked. Fuck not in the sense of pleasure, but in the sense that you are existence from now is fucked. You are mine to use as I wish until you are castrated and fed to the dogs. Is that clear Fuck?"
I swallow from the feelings of despair and nausea, trying to lick my dry lips I reply
"Mistress, yes Mistress."
My voice is weak and hesitant and I am immediately worried that I might be punished for a lack of enthusiasm, but Mistress Green has more to say.
"You have also lost, irredeemably, some of the comforts that you had. You will no longer sleep in a warm comfortable bed with a hot shower. Your new quarters are the little room next to the laundry. There is a tap on the wall, and a drain in the floor that should be sufficient to keep yourself clean.
"Oh, and I expect that you will, even if the cold water is unpleasant, anything I will do to you if you are not impeccable is much much worse.
"There are some blankets and a pallet to sleep on, do not expect a mattress or pillow. From now on you need only wear stockings and high heels so there is no other furnishings necessary. That is unless I have other requirements for your clothing.
"I have also been overly generous with your food. You Fuck will not get anything from the table again, Mistress Benny will feed you on scraps, left overs and the stuff thrown away.
"You might think that the run of the house, and particularly the kitchen is going to give you ample opportunities for snacking. Think very very carefully before you do. If I find you have eaten or drunk anything not given to you by Mistress Benny or myself the consequences are simple.
"I will drill out your front teeth, very slowly and very very painfully, and then wire the remainder of your jaw shut so that you can still lick and suck but you will never chew or swallow properly again.
"You are no longer privileged to wear the leather collar I fitted you with."
I am for one instant happy at the thought of not having to wear the constricting and painful device, but then as Mistress Green continues I realised that it is only a brief flowering of hope.
"Instead Benny will weld a stout steel collar around your scrawny neck. It is never coming off.
"You will also find that the collar has various rings. When you crawl onto you pallet at night you will find there is a very heavy weight and chain that you can lock to the collar. You must do so. After all we don't want you running away!"
Mistress Green laughs coquettishly at the thought, a laugh I can not echo, each statement making my life more miserable.
"You could I suppose forget to lock yourself in, but again the consequences if you do are dire beyond your imagination."
"Benny, take him away and fit the collar and then I will meet you with him in room 2 to discuss punishment."
I go weak at the thought of room 2. This is the room of extreme pain where the cock and ball clamp had been fitted. I know that I have to stay out of that room even if it means doing anything but I am trapped in the sequence of events.
"Come on then Fuck" says Mistress Benny, and I scramble after her knowing that she will use any excuse to pull the painful cock and ball constraint to get me to move faster.
As fast as I can crawl I follow her to another room I have not entered previously. It is a large room housing a workshop and the types of tools and machines are those you would see in any light engineering establishment. The product though is strictly middle ages.
Mistress Benny takes me to a section of the shop where there are heavy metal rings, hinged open, obviously my new collar would be one of them.
"You know the country where the women wear elegant brass rings round their necks to stretch them?" Mistress Benny asks me lightly.
"Mistress, yes Mistress" I reply because I had seen a documentary about the Padaung who indeed wore these things.
"Well, this is nothing like that!" says Mistress Benny holding up a thick heavy steel ring and laughing at her witticism.
"This is 2kg of stainless steel so don't try swimming anywhere!"
The ring is polished and smooth, but as she closes it round my neck I feel its heavy oppressiveness. It is as small as the original leather collar and threatens to constrict my breathing. I can see that there were several rings attached, obviously for the weight I am doomed to attach myself to at night.
Mistress Benny informs me,
"I won't tie you down for this little job, I think just securing the cock rings to the table surface will be sufficient".
She leads me to a table and has me spread eagle myself over the surface face down. She feels between my legs and takes hold of the constraint. She then gives it a sudden tug that causes me to scream at the renewed agony of my pierced ball sack. I can hear her laughing as she ties a length of cord to the constraint. I feel her pull it as she ties it somewhere lower down which sent more waves of pain through me.
I struggle to regain my breath as my genitals feel the agony. I am only peripherally aware as Mistress Benny prepares for the next stage of the operation. When next she enters my vision she holds a welder in one hand, and a mask in the other.
"This won't hurt" she said, “but try not to move.”
I hear the spark as she starts and smelt the burning metal. I try to stay as still as possible, holding my breath at the horror and anticipation if Mistress Benny were to accidentally brand me. I quickly feel the heat increase, it becomes hotter and hotter at the back of my neck. I hear her stop but I am biting my lips as the heat mounts. Luckily the heat begins to subside just as I am about to scream out. I can release my breath, panting, feeling the residual burn at my groin and now at my neck.
Mistress Benny comes round to the front again.
"You see I am good, very good Fuck" she smiles at me. "Cos these things can give you a very sharp shock if I'm not careful".
With that statement Mistress Benny brings the welder deliberately towards my shoulder. Before I can even mouth a plea I can see a spark flash from the tip to my flesh and I jerk and scream in reaction. This unfortunately has the effect of jerking the secured cock and ball constraint as well, and I redouble my screaming in my agonies.
Mistress Benny only jolts me once with the welder and as I stop yelling and draw breath again I can see she is silently laughing.
"You are so delicious Fuck" she told me, "I know I shouldn't do this, but I don't think you'll tell Mistress Green will you?" she asked.
I thought she means the spark and quickly reply
"Mistress, no Mistress Benny" but then I notice that she has put down the welding tools and her hand is lifting her skirt. As before I am amazed at the size of the cock that was hardly contained in the pink panties she is wearing.
She takes out her cock out and smoothly strokes its length, already half erect until it becomes stunningly tall. Moisture gleams on the tip. As she advances toward me I realise that I am going to have to perform fellatio.
"Just like last night fuck" she murmurs as I open my mouth to accept her huge member. She strokes into my mouth as hard and as far as she can so I have to struggle to suppress my gagging reflex, while at the same time keeping my lips tight on the shaft, and my jaw as open as possible.
I am relieved as she pulls out, and I can now rest my tongue and lips. I felt her hands on my ass cheeks and try to relax my anus as she forces her penis into my ass. The abuse from the night before and especially the burning nettles causes me to groan. She does not ask me for verbal encouragement so I just bite my lip. I fell the tears flowing down my face. I fell her pounding on my ass, strong and insistent, and eventually pulsing as she comes, spending her seed inside me. When Mistress Benny presents her cock I know what to do and start licking it clean of her semen and the blood and excrement of my ass. She sees my tears and wipes them away, saying
"Yes Fuck you are precious".
When she has finished she unties me, the rattling of the cock and ball constraint only provoking the smallest verbalisation as I feel the pain. I then follow her with mounting dread to room 2. When I crawl into room 2, Mistress Green is already perched on the same high stall as previously. I kneel before her and listen though I mentally try to distance myself from what is happening, sick with the thought. Mistress Green starts with
"Yes, I like the collar Fuck. The loops will come in very handy for some of the uses I am to make of you.
"So onto the last topic. We are back in room 2 so soon. I see you're a very slow learner. The idea is to make you fear this room so much you will do anything to keep out of it! Let us try again shall we?"
Mistress Green looks at me questioningly, so I grasp at my only hope.
"Mistress Green I beg you" I say. "I understand my position and surrender myself completely to you. I fear the pain really Fuck does mistress. I fear it so much. Please have mercy on me, I will devote myself utterly to you. My body and soul are yours. Mistress Green I beg you, I implore you, I know I cannot stand this punishment ..."
I would continue but Mistress Green stops me.
"Now now Fuck. I know that I have instilled the proper attitude into you, but a punishment is necessary. You very seriously disobeyed me, and even more, insulted me, by running away, didn't you?" I am so scared I force myself to answer
"Mistress Green, yes, Mistress Green, but ..." Again I am cut off.
"So you know you must be punished don't you?" she says. I am now trembling in fear and reply
"Mistress, yes Mistress" any last shred of hope disappearing.
"So tell me fuck,"Mistress Green says gently, what is it you need?"
I cannot see anyway out and say almost calmly,
"Mistress, I need to be punished Mistress".
I swallow dryly at the admission.
"Good" exclaims Mistress Green in a stronger tone. "That was not so bad, you can learn I see. so I will explain the last procedure.
"Obviously I am going to hurt you so badly you will not be able to control yourself, and I do not expect you to, you are going to be strapped to the support as before.
"But I do expect you to acknowledge the need and even show a desire for the punishment by securing yourself in the support. Do you understand Fuck?"
I want to just nod dumbly, but I know that more is expected and choke out the required
"Mistress, yes Mistress". Mistress Green continues, "If you think for just one second about not doing this then consider the consequences. If you cannot obey me, I have no more use for you, you are practically useless. Your only use will be to die. You will die a very slow and painful death, and your agony and the snuffing out of your miserable existence will be your final service.
"Now then Fuck, please strap yourself in, facing the wall this time."
I crawl over to the support, as slowly as I dare, knowing this evil woman will do everything she says and not having any hope. With fumbling hands and misty eyes I secure my ankles. Then one hand. I stop when I realise that there is no way I will be able to secure the other hand. Just then Mistress Benny catches my wrist and guides it home, finishing the restraint. She winks and smiles at me but I feel cold and sick with anticipation.
"Pop this in your mouth Fuck" she says, presenting me with a large red rubber ball. I can barely encompass it with my lips, and it acts as a partial gag. I find that though it painfully extends my jaw I can at least bite down on it.
Mistress Green addresses me and I hear her voice somewhere in the distance tell me.
"This is simply a whipping fuck. Nothing inventive. However Mistress Benny will continue until you pass out from the pain. And then a few more just to ensure you are not faking."
"Begin ..."
Mistress Benny stands at the side where I can just see her. She wields a long handled lash. There is no finesse, no taunting and teasing, she just calmly and methodically beats me unconscious. I can clearly remember the first blow. A line of fiery pain across my back. After that they just melt into one long cruel mounting agony. To start with I can bite the ball gag, but after a while I scream. I start to struggle to escape but it is to no avail. I finally run out of strength or energy to scream, and can then just sob and grunt from the pain. Sometime later my legs give way and I am only supported hanging in the constraints from my wrists. By this time if the pain has increased I am unaware, soon after I lose consciousness.
I awake from nightmares of pain and torture and I again feel the fire and agony on my back. This time I am not being lashed but I can feel hands running over the bloody wounds. I do not pass out from the pain again, but scream and scream at the hurt. I realise that the ball gag has been removed.
The ministrations stop for a while and I notice that it was much later. It must be evening. Mistress Benny addresses me,
"I am cleaning, binding and disinfecting your back Fuck, the constraints are there to help you take your medicine. You can thank me later."
I feel her again start to swab the welts and lesions. The pain causes me to scream again. Mistress Benny carries on first wiping my back with disinfectant and then binding with gauze and bandages.
I barely notice that Mistress Benny has finished with my world awash in the pain, until she starts unbuckling the wrist restraints. I am surprised that I can stand at all, but manage long enough to undo the ankle cuffs, whereupon I can then kneel as I am accustomed.
"Well then Fuck?" queries Mistress Benny as she stands with one hand on her hip, the weight taken by one shapely leg. I realise that she expects me to thank her.
"Mistress Benny, thank for treating me Mistress." Just after this simple gratitude I notice I must have made a mistake since she is immediately annoyed.
"Not that" she says, "this". She squeezes what is obviously her cock under the short skirt she is wearing. Now I know what she wants I quickly crawl over to her, ferociously clenching my teeth at the pain. My hands gently pull down the front of her panties releasing the big semi erect member within. I fasten my mouth around the shaft and commence to suck and tongue her cock. She grabs my head and starts to force herself deeper in my throat. Previously I would have been alarmed by the abuse of my mouth and throat, but the level of pain is such that the whole thing seems unreal, I am almost detached from what is happening.
After she is sufficiently erect she bids me bend over a convenient table and starts to penetrate my ass with her cock. As she pounds in, her hands touch my back causing me to scream and struggle. There is nothing I can do to escape the pain in that position and again I reach a level of detachment, the pain so intense it feels like it was happening to someone else. When she comes in my ass I am not even aware her presenting her penis for me to clean with my mouth. I have sufficient strength to crawl after mistress Benny to my pallet next to the laundry. I see the heavy ball weight that I have to lock myself to. Keen to avoid any further punishment I quickly lock myself to it.
Adjacent to the bed is a bowl with several pieces of old stale even mouldy looking bread, and a jar of tepid water. I am not at all hungry in my present state and the thought of the inedible food removes all trace of appetite. Mistress Benny must see my trepidation and immediately instructs me,
"Fuck, you will eat ever scrap given to you, otherwise I will blend it into a soup and force feed it to you while crushing your balls in a vice, is that clear?"
"Mistress, yes Mistress" is my quick reply. With a smile Mistress Benny leaves me and I start to slowly nibble at the bread, wetting it with the unpleasant brackish water. Fighting the gorge rising in my throat as I attempt to swallow. I sleep under the blanket given me, ignorant of the cold because the pain in my back supersedes all the other sensations.
I awake next morning as Mistress Benny unlocks the weight from my neck.
"Rise and shine dumb Fuck" she greets me.
The pain in my back has in no way diminished and I have to clench my teeth tight to avoid shouting at the pain as I move to kneel at her feet.
"Breakfast, clean yourself and then attend Mistress Green in the kitchen in, lets say 3 minutes Fuck".
I see the a metal bowl with a cold congealed lump of cereal and the same foul water. I quickly scrape it into my mouth ignoring the slimy lumpiness of it as I struggle to swallow it. Desperate about the time I find the cold tap and bar of astringent laundry soap. Quickly I lather all over excepting my back, swearing and cursing at the pain. It seems to take ages to remove the lather with cold water, and making do with a blanket to dry myself I am extremely cold, still damp and shivering at the end of the procedure. Clothing is easy. suspenders and stockings and heels. I am glad there was nothing to touch my still painful cock and ball restraint or back.
Hoping that I have not exceeded the 3 minute limit imposed by Mistress Benny I crawl into Mistress Green's presence in the kitchen. I do not know what to expect of this cruel tyrant but I fear anything that she might order. She seems distant and merely glances at me as I crawl to kneel at her feet. She continues eating her breakfast and chatting to Mistress Benny and I am grateful she is ignoring me.
Finally she deigns to notice me.
"Fuck you are in much too delicate a condition to be of any use to me. Benny is going to supervise you until you have recovered sufficiently."
With that short statement she leaves the room without even giving me time to thank her.
Mistress Benny leaves me kneeling as she tidies her own breakfast away. Then she informs me
"I am first going to change your dressing and then put you to work Fuck".
She has me bend over the table and changes the dressings on my injuries. She does this none too gently, and I am quickly crying out and screaming at the further torment. Distantly I feel her penetrate my ass again but I am too concerned with her sadistic doctoring to feel anything. My ass accustomed to the abuse relaxes to accept her member. She finishes the dressing as she comes and releases me from the position she has used me in. After I clean her cock she takes me to be put in a diaper. Knowing what is expected from me I immediately try to start filling it, managing to squeeze a small turd into the fabric, and releasing a surprisingly large quantity of urine. I am briefly worried about the dangers of infection in the wound in my scrotum, but then think hollowly that this is the least of my worries.
During the day Mistress Benny assigns me various simple household chores that I preform mechanically wearing the diaper holding my own waste. Each little task I try exceptionally hard to preform the best I possibly can, fearful of further punishments. Mistress Benny however makes no comment and merely assigns the next job on her list. At the end of the day the diaper is very uncomfortably sticky. I am taken and cleaned. Hosing away the worst and then having to clean myself inside with a powerful enema. All these things are humiliating and disgusting but I accept them because I fear the consequences of showing even a moments hesitation. I know the next step in the procedure so I am not surprised that Mistress Benny tells me I have to be punished for dirtying the diaper.
She tells me that my back is not to be used until it is healed, and then delights in finding other places to use a thin rod to beat me. She starts across my bottom before moving onto the backs of my thighs. She then increases the pain level a little by whipping the inside of my thighs and down my ass so that she is whipping me directly on my anus. Naturally I cry and beg for her to stop, but the residue feeling of continuous pain in my back makes it seem distant. The crying and begging are helpful though, they make me feel as if I am attempting, however unsuccessfully, to minimise the burden.
The last agony of the day is when Mistress Benny again changes the dressing on my back. I understand why she is so keen on whipping my ass hole as she penetrates me at the same time. The effect of the whipping, followed by the anal penetration have added a new source of agony to my existence. I feel the pain in my back as a deep fire, the pain in my testicle sack as a glowing fire, and now my ass feels a sharp burning fire.
I am then allowed to crawl back to my pallet to an unappetising meal of several days old table scraps, and there to fall into a deep sleep plagued by dark forbidding nightmares.
I lose track of time, I do not know if it is days or weeks. Each day is a succession of pain and indignities. In the morning after a barely edible meal Mistress Benny changes my dressing and fucks my ass as I cry out. I spend the day doing menial chores in a diaper of my own filth. At the end of the day I entertain Mistress Benny as she finds new ways to hurt me. She is ambivalent that the piercing from cock and ball constraint has healed nicely. She likes that my cock and balls are again available as an area to hurt, and that she can clip a leash to the restraint and pull me around until it fells as if she wants to rudely castrate my be pulling them off. But then she complains that she preferred when I was so responsive that the smallest touch would cause me to scream.
She is obviously highly turned on by the screams and cries as she tends my back. Each time I am bent over a table to have the dressing changed I know that when I scream it leads to an ass fucking. I realise that this limbo period is coming to an end when one morning I do not cry out as she changes the dressing. Disappointed that her usual excitement is missing, the punishment that evening is much more elaborate and drawn out then previously. I am beaten with various whips and paddles. She uses large obtrusive toys in my ass, afterwards nearly chocking me as they distend my jaws to the utmost as I attempt to clean them. She whips my cock and balls against the constraint, abusing them and bruising them until I am crying and screaming. Only then is she aroused enough to actually fuck me.
The following day I am woken by Mistress Benny as usual, but this day I am told to report to Mistress Green's room. I am immensely relieved at avoiding Mistress Benny's painful ministrations and almost eagerly rush to attend my Mistress. I actually find myself enjoying creeping up her bed and sucking and licking her pussy. Without a thought I hold my mouth over her cunt as she gives me her first pee of the day. I do not hesitate as I hold my hands out for her bowel movement and immediately I clean the rest of the excrement from her ass with my tongue before disposing of the handful.
After Mistress Green has bathed I help by drying her hair. She has not said much until nearing the end of the drying she tells me.
"It is nice to see your attitude so improved Fuck"
I am startled by the compliment, taken aback but actually a little happy when I reply
"Mistress, thank you mistress!".
She then carries on,
"but I am a disappointed that you are still as clumsy as ever!".
It is such a long time since I have served my Mistress that I almost miss the hint. Quickly recovering I drop to my knees and then abase myself at her feet.
"Mistress, I am so sorry mistress. " I beg " Please spank me Mistress. Please spank Fuck severely to remonstrate for his clumsiness. Mistress this Fuck needs to be spanked Mistress"
I try to make the plea as heartfelt and sincere as possible so I am greatly relieved when she bids me bend over her lap. It feels pleasant to start with as the flat of her hand begins to smack my buttocks. Grateful that I am not being punished any more severely I feel the mounting heat spread through my body. I find myself mewing as the stinging increases, trying not to, but find my self uncontrollably wriggling as my ass gets hotter.
When the spanking stops I again drop to her feet to thank her.
"Mistress, thank you Mistress for the spanking. Fuck knows he has to try harder Mistress".
My bottom is already starting to cool as I finish Mistress dressing.
Mistress Green tells me that she is going to spend the day testing me. I am nervous at the idea but fearful enough that I crawl without question after her to the toy room.
She selects a strap on dildo for herself, smooth but quite wide. I bend over, hands on my knees at her command and prepare to be anally fucked. I have not been given a chance to lubricate the tool and the first strokes are painful enough for me to gasp, but the abuse by Mistress Benny over the previous weeks has exercised my ass at accepting such a toy. The lack of pain which is the usual accompaniment to being fucked by Mistress Benny makes the whole sensation different.
Mistress Green notices that I am relaxed in the position and bids me to enthuse about the activity. Immediately I start telling her how much I am enjoying it
"Mistress that feels so good. Drive your dildo deep into my ass Mistress" I tell her. Not really thinking about the words and their intention, just hoping that I am performing well for her and there is no need for other punishments.
After fucking my ass Mistress Green moves round to use the same tool in my mouth. This is much much harder, even harder than having to suck real cock since it is hard and inflexible. I can feel it pound against the back of my throat no matter how I try to position myself to suck it. The feeling of it entering my throat makes me want to puke, a desire I strongly suppressed.
Mistress Green stops after a while and looks at me,
"That was a poor performance wasn't it Fuck? Again I am disappointed"
I pick up the queue and again beg for a spanking. My bottom is warmed over her knee which is a wonderful respite from trying to swallow her dildo and I properly thank her afterwards.
She tries various toys on me in that session, each one a different size and shape, with or without bumps and spikes and other embellishments. Each one is more or less uncomfortable or painful, but I dutifully tell her how great it is that she is abusing me this way. When the toy is in my mouth I cannot lavish the same praise on her, and make do by trying to look cheerful and eager.
Lunchtime is great. I place my face between her thighs and lick her while she eats. I drink her piss when she needs, and she throws a few scraps on the floor for me to eat. After the meal she commands me to kneel at her feet again.
“Fuck, I have a great gift for you” she says, which causes my heart to beat harder and my mood to brighten, though I have little expectations. I have been over-optimistic at my generous Mistress' gifts before. She hands me something from the table. It looks like a big red plastic flower.
“This is going to be much nicer to look at then your butt Fuck”
As I turn the thing over I see that it is a large butt plug, with a very wide base in the form of petals, and with a ring in the centre.
“You must always wear this when you attend me and only then, and you will be severely punished if you cannot hold it in at that time.”
Though I am ambivalent about having the toy in my ass all the time, I am overjoyed at the thought of the gift and I feel a profound gratefulness to my generous Mistress. I immediately abase myself
“Mistress, thank you so much Mistress. This Fuck is so happy you have given him an ornament to improve himself in your eyes. I will always wear it for you and cherish it when I cannot wear it. Mistress I deeply and humbly thank you for this wonderful gift Mistress.” I would carry on praising her and thanking her, but she gently chides me,
“Put it in now Fuck” and I hasten to obey. My sore aching ass hurting briefly as I push it in.
Several days later I am told we are expecting guests. This is the first time since the gang rape at the police station that I have encountered anybody except Mistress Green or Mistress Benny. The announcement therefore has me anxious about what is going to happen.
Both Mistresses spend a long time in the afternoon on their appearance. I help as best I can only being spanked a few times for making mistakes. Then Mistress Green decides that I have not been shaving my legs well enough since she can feel a stubble on my buttocks, and this deserves a paddling. After the punishment I barely have to time to correct the over site and dress in clean sheer stockings for our visitors. The butt plug is not required and I feel a little sad I cannot have it inserted for Mistress.
From that moment on I am always attending Mistress Green, kneeling at her feet or crawling after her as she moves about. The lounge has been arranged with 6 sofas surrounding an open area. The lighting is subdued. Mistress Green sits in the sofa nearest the door, greeting each guest as they arrived and are shown in by Mistress Benny who acts as Major Domo for the evening.
Each guest is accompanied by a slave, though there are a tremendous variety. I wonder how it is going to feel to interact with all these people who are presumably in the same situation I am in. Held against there will, forced through pain and suffering into degrading themselves to be less than sex objects.
The first pair to arrive are Mistress Veronica and her slave Jason. Mistress Veronica is an older woman, short and getting rather fat. Her blond hair is artificial dyed, and badly dyed at that. She is a very happy Mistress though, laughing loudly and patting me on the head after I kiss her feet on arrival. Her toenails in open toed sandals are painted a vivid red.
Jason is a stud. Tall, muscular, tanned, and blond. His privates are not as directly on view as mine but the little leather loin cloth he wears does not disguise his large manhood. When greeting him Mistress Green beckons him over and pushes his face into her crotch, this he seemingly enjoys. When together he towers over his Mistress.
Next to arrive is Master George and Harvey. Master George is dressed in a dinner suit with a thick silver topped cane, but even with all the finery he still manages to look slobbish, with food crumbs on his lapels and greasy marks on his trousers. He is not very fat but has a big belly. His hair and complexion match his attire, a trifle slobbish and coarse. He has a lot of thick black hair, sprouting from his nostrils and ears as well as his head. I can see the nicks from his recent shave but already his face seems to possess a dark shadow.
Harvey is a very frightened skinny fellow. Butt naked, not even shoes. Bruises and welts clearly mark his skin. He looks overly thin, emancipated even. His hair is blond but mousey. I would guess he is probably the same height as his Master but it is difficult to tell since he cowers and shrinks away from contact.
At Master George's command he crawls over to kiss Mistress Green's foot before scurrying back to kneel next to his Master. Mistress Green motioned for me to greet him the same way so I crawl over and kissed his black patent leather shoes. While he was doing this he cruelly pulls my head up and thrusts it into his crotch. I know better than to resist him, and let him rub my face over the obvious bulge in his trousers, smelling the muskiness of his genitals.
"Yes Dick I cannot wait to get you around this tool" he tells me.
Mistress Green informs him that I am now Fuck and he laughs loudly.
"Fuck. A dumb Fuck definitely. Turn around and bend over Fuck" he orders me.
I am too scared to even think of looking at Mistress for guidance. As I bend over I feel an excruciating pain as he forces the end of his cane into my ass. The rough dry wood is agony and I try to relax my sphincter to accommodate it. I moan and feel moisture gather in my eyes. Mistress Green says that he can have more fun later, and with that Master George removes the cane, holding it in front of Harvey to clean. I am disgusted, sickened and frightened that sometime I am going to have to do the same thing during this party.
Master Enoch and Vicky are the next guests. Master Enoch is a big black man, looking much much smarter than Master George in the same sort of dinner jacket. He is tall and athletic, he looks strong, well muscled, with short dark hair and a wide open smiling face.
Vicky is a pretty black girl though getting very overweight. Very rotund, big breasts and wide ass. Much shorter than her master. She looks and acts very uncomfortable in very tight leather clothes. A short bustier cuts into her ribs and forces her tits up and almost out. The skirt is belted shut at least 3 inches too small, powerfully cinching her waist. Even her high heeled shoes look several sizes too small.
Close on their heels arrived Master Victor and Gabrielle. Master Victor is as polished and smart as Master Enoch though his face appears humourless. He laughs and smiles with Mistress Green, but from the glances I take, he appears to only smile with his mouth, never his eyes. His hair is medium brown and greying at the edges, his cold eyes match the brown colouring. He is trim, neither over weight nor athletically built.
Taller than Master Victor is his companion Gabrielle. She does not kneel as the rest of us do, merely standing behind her Master. I am unsure of her status until she takes part in the evenings entertainment with the rest of us. Similarly she is not dressed or undressed in any outlandish costume but wears an elegant green gown matching her eyes which falls to the floor, just providing glimpses of red shoes and shapely legs as she glides after her Master. She does not crawl and kiss Mistress Green's feet, but elegantly bows and kisses her hand. Master Victor just smiles indulgently as I kiss his feet.
The final arrivals are Mistress Natasha and Bird. Mistress Natasha is quite young, a platinum blond. She looks very powerful and strong. She wears a white leather suit and silver jewellery. She taps her heel impatiently as I crawl to her feet and kiss them. She does not do anything then but I am scared of her presence.
Bird her female slave obviously has the same misapprehension. Approximately the same height as her Mistress, Bird looks anorexic. She is dressed in a tight white latex dress that comes down to mid thigh. She has matching white stilettos.
Also dangling on her inner thigh are several silver chains with what looked like charms. Later I learn that each was dangling from one of a dozen rings piercing her labia, The charms actually have little sharp points and spikes. As she moves and her thighs rub together these are caught between, hurting and sometimes even drawing blood.
The couples arrange themselves around the room. The slave generally kneeling at their Master's feet with the exception of Jason and Gabrielle who both are fairly intimately entwined with their respective Mistress and Master.
Mistress Benny distributes drinks, and also little bowls of snacks I realised are meant to be fed to the slaves. The attitude of each Master is reflected in how they handle these snacks. Mistress Veronica feeds Jason by hand, each one almost a sexual movement in itself. Master George totally ignores Harvey and eats them himself. Master Enoch feeds Vicky handfuls at a time and requests several refills from Mistress Benny. I can see Vicky start to struggle to swallow the dry salty snacks. Master Victor and Gabrielle just ignore theirs. Mistress Natasha torments Bird, holding one just out of reach as Bird is supposed to try and catch the snack with her mouth. Finally Mistress Green occasionally throws one for me on the floor and I have to scrabble to find it among the carpet pile, grateful for the wholesome taste.
The various Master's talk among themselves, the slaves totally quiet. Gabrielle and Jason being closer to their Masters sometimes whisper comments the rest of us cannot hear.
After a few drinks had been consumed Mistress Green asks Mistress Benny to fetch the twister set. I do not know what is going to happen but I am not at all surprised to find that all the slaves, including me, are very active participants. After laying out the carpet with the coloured squares she hands a leather bag to Mistress Green.
"The first game is between, " she announces, reaching into the leather bag to draw a two bingo type balls, each with a name inscribed, "Master George and Master Enoch".
Harvey and Vicky crawl over to the board and kneel ready. They are going to play the game. Mistress Benny spins the wheel and directs the slaves to position their hands or feet in the indicated position. Early on it is obvious that Harvey had a huge advantage being totally unencumbered by clothes, white Vicky has to struggle with the severely constricting clothes she is wearing. She even hikes her skirt up above her waist revealing that without knickers she has a very hairy pussy. Even this only delays the inevitable and soon Vicky loses her balance and falls.
Mistress Green again acts as the director and stating the obvious says
"Master George wins, what would you like George?" The slimy man laughs very deeply and replies,
"Easy, the little black bouncy creature can suck me off. But I want her tits out too."
Vicky looks rather relieved to release her breasts from the tight confines of the leather bra. Her nipples are big and dark. She crawls over to where on the sofa Master George is already playing with his erection which emerges from his fly. He sits on the edge of the sofa and motions Vicky to start sucking. She crawls between his thighs and takes his member deep in her mouth.
It is not long before Master George leans forward and starts using his hands to play with her large tits. He then captures her nipples and begin to rub them. As the oral sex continues, I can see him begin to squeeze the nipples ever harder. He starts twisting them too, each one held tightly between his fingers. It is obvious that Vicky is in agony at the treatment but she continues to suck his cock. I am amazed at her fortitude, but since this is the first one orgasm of the evening Master George comes quickly.
Master Enoch then speaks for the first time,
"Gobble it all down Vicky, the semen is high in protein!" which everybody thinks is amusing.
After Master George has spent himself in her mouth he releases Vicky's nipples so she can crawl back to Master Enoch. He does manage to get one hearty blow on her ass as she crawls away.
Mistress Green finds the leather bag and again draws two balls. The first name out is Master Victor so Gabrielle takes up position by the board. She does not crawl over to the board but simply walks. I think the long green dress is going to make it difficult for her to play. The second name was mine, and I suddenly feel very self-conscious as I crawl over to the board.
The first few moves are simple and do not create any difficult positions, but as our limbs are moved around I find myself rubbing, literally, all over this woman's body. This feels strangely much more sexual than I have felt in a long time. My confidence is rising as the dress begins to inhibit Gabrielle's movements. That is until it was my turn to move, and as I change position, precariously balanced,,she shifts her hips and pushes me over.
Mistress Green moved up and starts to say
"And the winner is Master Victor ..." so I hasten to interrupt,
"Mistress, but she pushed me over ..."
I only get as far as this when she slaps me hard enough to knock me to the floor. The colour rises in her face and I immediately feel fearful.
She hisses at me, tremendous venom in every syllable.
"Don't ever insult me again you brainless worthless snivelling Fuck" she tells me.
My heart begins to pound, sensing that I am certain to be severely punished for this and I cower expecting the worse. Mistress Green visibly collects herself.
"Well Victor, do you this Fuck to do anything for you? Or would you prefer to hurt him excruciatingly?" she asks.
Master Victor replies,
"You know I am not really into boys. But perhaps Gabrielle would like to do something?" He raises an eyebrow at Gabrielle. I feel the beginnings of relief that Mistress Green has not sought to punish me severely and vow to do whatever Gabrielle requires to the best of my ability.
Gabrielle has a low voice and replies softly,
"I would enjoy squeezing his balls."
Mistress Green bids me stand facing Gabrielle, hands behind my back. Mistress Benny steps up behind me, I realise that she is there to hold me if I cannot take the pain. I try to hold myself steady, recognising that this is going to be painful but nothing like I could have received from Mistress Green.
Gabrielle looks into my eyes as she takes my testicles, one between each forefinger and thumb. She then begins to apply pressure. Slowly ramping it up. The pain immediately starts and I have to bite my lip, I cannot hold her look and screw up my eyes trying to withstand the feeling of my balls in her crushing grip. Tears squeeze from the edges, and I hear a moan escape my lips. I feel the need to cry out and begin to beg her to stop.
Against my will I feel myself start to bend over subconsciously trying to protect my abused genitals. At the same time I feel Mistress Benny's hands slide into position to restrain me.
"Gabrielle please stop please, I beg you." I whimper. "I am a stupid and undeserving Fuck to blame you when I fell over"
I cannot stand the pain too much longer and have to cry out. I try to maintain my resolve and show Mistress Green that I am grateful for this agonising alternative to her punishment. Just as I think I cannot stand it a moment longer, Gabrielle releases my balls.
"Now thank her Fuck" demands Mistress Green.
I crawl over to Gabrielle and begin kissing her shoe. Interspersing each peck with a simple thanks
"Gabrielle, this dumb fuck thanks you for the pain."
She removes her foot and I start to crawl away when she tells me.
"I am glad you know your place Fuck."
I do not know how to answer, and begin a motion to crawl away again but she raises her foot, pressing the toe against my mouth. I guess she wants me to suck the toe so I obligingly open and accept the shoe in. She forces as much as she can inside and I can taste the leather and shoe polish and feel the harsh street grit from the sole on my tongue.
The next match up is between Master Victor and Mistress Natasha Gabrielle again stands demurely by the board as Bird crawls to her position, the silver chains dangling nearly to the floor, each one spiked to hurt the thighs as they move closely together. I am so relieved that Mistress Green has not punished me that I do feel any resentment towards Gabrielle. I watch closely as the two girls play against each other. Bird's tight short latex dress is less restricting then Gabrielle's dress, and though the spikes on the chains are sometimes forced into her thighs as they move around she overcomes the handicap. Twice I see Gabrielle try the hip bumping move as Bird changes position but after seeing my predicament Bird is ready for it. Then disaster strikes, Bird decides to retaliate as Gabrielle moves, but the tall girl in green is thinking one step ahead and not only avoids the bump but turns the move against Bird who ungracefully loses her balance.
Master Victor accepts oral sex from Bird and she crawls over to take position between his legs to suck his member. The fellatio starts as usual but soon Bird does something very strange. It is as though she is possessed and she becomes wild, moving faster and faster despite all Master Victor's touches to slow her down. He looks almost relieved when he comes and can push her away. Bird on the other hand looks scared which is strange, then I notice Mistress Natasha pursing her lips and frowning at Bird. I guess she is disappointed that Bird lost and she could not expect service from Gabrielle.
I am called for the next match, and am pitted against Mistress Veronica's Jason. It is uncomfortable playing with another naked man but I ignore the feeling of our bodes touching, and especially the insulting comparison between our two physiques. I am tense and nervous watching for Gabrielle's trick but Jason plays fair and loses because I am small and flexible enough to move to positions he struggles at. At the end he smiles at me as he crawls off to suck and lick Mistress Green.
Mistress Green has already removed her panties and sits with her legs open, her wet pussy visible for everybody to see.
"It's great that you are serving me again" she tells Jason, and I fell an unexpected rush of resentment against the hunk performing my duties for that particular pussy.
"But while you lick me I would like to see you impaled as well" she adds.
Mistress Veronica takes a smooth white dildo out of her bag and says
"Use this"
Mistress Green gestures for me to collect the toy and I do, but when I return to Mistress instead of taking it herself she tells me to do the penetration.
I am rather scared and a bit disgusted at the thought, but know enough not to show any emotion other than acceptance. Jason obligingly raises his ass. Fortunately the toy is smooth and not too big. It slides in without much resistance and I start stroking it in and out to the movements of Jason as he licks along the length of Mistress Green cunt.
It is still feels uncomfortable watching the white toy distend Jason's sphincter as it slides in, and his anus giving up the toy as it comes out. I don't know what sort of depth I should use, and so I do not try and force it too much. After a few strokes it is entering nearly the whole length so that is one worry I am relieved of. He must be practised because I feel him almost pulling the toy inside and I have to be careful not to lose my grip on it.
I hear and see Mistress Green orgasm, and when she looks at me and nods, I allow Jason's ass to finally force the toy from its depth. Suddenly I realise what is coming next and this is confirmed when Mistress Green commands me to clean the toy. I dare not hesitate and use my mouth to suck the toy clean again and return it to Mistress Veronica.
The next game has Master Enoch represented by Vicky and Mistress Natasha represented by Bird compete. From the first move both girls try to throw their opponents. It seems more like a wrestling match than Twister. In the end the black girl's greater weight helps and Bird is the loser. Not surprisingly Master Enoch is sucked off. Again Bird has the same sort of fit, and rather than finish calmly starts to get frantic sucking off Master Enoch. Possibly the size of his big black cock is causing her breathing difficulties, but Bird seems more despondent than before giving head as she crawls back to Mistress Natasha.
Bird is distressed when she is again chosen to represent Mistress Natasha, this time playing against Mistress Veronica and Jason. Again during the play she seems desperate to win, trying all sorts of tricks to overbalance Jason. His superior weight and height help him for a time but he does not try and retaliate and eventually succumbs to what is almost a blatant push from Bird. Bird is relieved, and again Jason starts to crawl over towards Mistress Natasha to suck her pussy. Mistress Natasha has bleached even her pubic hair which looks rather tacky as it is displayed for us to see. She also has some other instructions.
"While he is sucking me I also require a little something extra", she tells us with a nod towards my Mistress. "Not his ass this time. As he sucks me Bird is going to hold his balls and cock to be whacked." Then she turns to Gabrielle,
"Perhaps you'll do that for us dear".
Gabrielle agrees,
"Certainly" and accepts a ruler from Mistress Natasha
While Jason has his head buried in Mistress Natasha's thighs Bird reaches under and supports his cock and balls. On the other side Gabrielle takes aim and smacks them with the ruler. She does not hit too quickly but develops a rhythm and each stroke has remarkable force. Bird is also in an unenviable position and I can see her hand redden as it takes some of the strokes. Obviously she dare not remove it though. Jason's cock and balls are red too and he must be in agony but he perseveres until Mistress Natasha has come. As he crawls back to Mistress Veronica you can see the shadow of the pain in his face. When he again sits beside his Mistress her concern for his cock is obvious.
His relief is short lived as again he is called, his time to face Gabrielle for Master Victor. Knowing that Gabrielle will try subtly to trip him the game starts fair. Then the little nudges that Gabrielle is giving him become more obvious. It is only when he starts pushing that there is any escalation. I am glad that it is the green dress and the same cheating tactics that are the downfall of Gabrielle as she sprawls across the game cloth.
She darts a look of supplication towards her Master but he does not interfere as she is told to lick Mistress Veronica. Mistress Veronica wants Gabrielle more exposed and I am secretly delighted that we are going to see some of this body. I am disappointed though, as she only opens the front of her dress for Mistress Veronica, all anyone can see is her back. After a few moments playing with Gabrielle's tits Mistress Veronica leans back and strips off her panties. Gabrielle neatly inserts her head and starts tonguing Mistress Veronica. We are treated to quite a show on her part, Mistress Veronica being by far he most vocal of the evening, screaming her orgasm for the world to hear.
After Mistress Veronica had been satisfied, my Mistress tells everybody.
"Well I think we should be getting on to the main event tonight shouldn't we?" and receives nods and affirmations from the rest of the company.
"Let us tidy up here and we can continue."
Mistress Benny removes the twister game and the other guests finish their drinks and stretch themselves walking around. I see Mistress Natasha talking to Mistress Green and soon I am commanded to help Mistress Natasha. Bird and I crawl after Mistress Natasha to the toilet, and I fully expect to be used that way by this blonde sadistic mistress. Bird looks even more frightened then I, crying before we even get there.
When we arrive Mistress Natasha does not make any move towards using the toilet. She gets something from her large handbag with a power cable, and tells me to plug it in somewhere. Mystified I hurry to obey and the subsequent dialogue between Mistress Natasha and Bird clarifies her strange behaviour that evening.
"I told you a maximum of 3 minutes per cock didn't I Bird?" Mistress Natasha starts.
"Mistress please I tried, please, I beg humbly my Goddess to have mercy. I tried my utmost to get them to come quickly. Mistress I don't deserve your kind ministrations and know I am a worthless slut, but please take mercy on this piece of dirt Mistress." Bird is crying strongly now, some of her words muffled.
This does not stop Mistress Natasha who attaches wires coming from the box to each chain hanging from Birds pussy lips.
"You fuck" I am addressed, "stand behind her and hold her wrists."
I take position behind Bird, away of how fragile and thin she appears in the tight latex dress. As I try to hold her wrists she jerks away from me.
"You fucking shit Fuck" Mistress Natasha shouts at me "just hold her you cretin"
As I again try to hold bird's wrists I am again stymied as Bird struggles against me, the plastic of her short skirt covering her ass now pressed close and erotic to my crotch.
Mistress Natasha now screams at me
"Fuck you shit. Hold her you pathetic bitch. Even a worm like you should be able to hold this piece of excreta. You'll get a taste of my toy, and more if you don't hold her." Finally I manage to constrain Bird, her wrists behind her back clasped in my hands, pulled up so that the scratching nails cannot reach my genitals.
Now Mistress Natasha takes a step back and holds up the control to the box. She smiles at Bird and touches a button. Bird immediately screams her lungs out. A massive scream from the bottom of her soul. She tries to escape my hands with demonic fury and I desperately hold on. If she didn't struggle so hard I might have let go the scream is so loud and frightening.
Several times Mistress Natasha touches a switch and the screaming stops, only to let bird catch her breath before the controls are once again set to hurt her. I am petrified at what is happening to this girl but am too scared of what Mistress Green would do to me to think of letting go.
After several of these screaming sessions Mistress Natasha stoops to Bird's crotch and transfers one of the leads to my metal cock and ball holder. I am fearful but cannot do anything. Mistress Natasha steps back a long way and again presses the button. A terrible current courses through my balls from the little lead. My scream matches Bird,s and I release her wrists as I try to detach the electrode from my balls. I quickly remove the one from my testicle restraint and I see Bird screaming and struggling to remove hers.
When there is finally silence, Bird and I are both respectfully kneeling. I wonder if I am going to be punished for releasing Bird in my moment of weakness, but Mistress Natasha seems amused as she puts the device away.
Mistress Green leads us into another room in the house, a little procession of slaves crawling after their masters trying to avoid being trodden on by anybody else.
Mistress Green takes everybody to another room in the house featuring a large card table and six chairs in the middle, and various supports, chains and other appendages on the walls. Various cabinets contain other equipment some of which I can see, whips, dildos and other toys. The walls and floor are white tile which is a bit incongruous with the green baize card table. The six Masters and mistresses take their places round the table. The slaves all kneel with the exception of Gabrielle and Jason who stand or do as they please.
I hear the tinkle of chips being separated and cards opened and shuffled so it is obviously going to be some variation of gambling. This is confirmed by Mistress Green who tells everyone that they are playing Texas Hold Em. She also says that only the last in loser pays the penalty which sounds a little foreboding. Regretfully I cannot see the cards on the table from where I am sitting.
After pulling cards to decide the dealer play begins. I guess from the chatting that Master Victor is the dealer and Mistress Veronica is the first player. Squealing she announces,
"I'm in, and lets start the old fashioned way shall we? Whipping." I hear a chip thrown onto the table.
I begin to suspect that he bets are something to do with us slaves. The other players begin to call in or fold. Mistress Green is the first to fold while Mistress Benny prowls the edge of the table with a short black horse whip
"Up you get Fuck, and touch your toes" she instructs me.
As I hastily stand up to obey while everyone watches me. I fell a sharp smack as the whip strikes my ass. Then I can kneel again.
Each player that folds, and as well as surrendering chips also has their slave given the same one shot crack of Mistress Benny's whip. The best moment is when Master Victor folds and Gabrielle has to bend over for Mistress Benny's whip.
"On your ass Gabrielle" says Mistress Benny, commenting because Gabrielle has not raised her skirt. Gabrielle complies, and afterwards I see the colour raising in her cheeks.
Finally the only two players in are Mistress Veronica and Master George. Rather foolishly I think, since Mistress Veronica fairly transparently advertised that she had a good hand. Master George finally sees Mistress Veronica and loses his hand. The stakes have been slowly increasing to five, which I am not surprised means the number of strokes.
Harvey is pointed to one set of restraints and he shackles himself to the wall. He looks resigned rather more than scared and I am amazed at his composure. Mistress Veronica, as the winner, is presented with a long leather whip by Mistress Benny. Mistress Veronica is as enthusiastic with the whip as she is at everything else, though her enthusiasm does impede her execution of the winning bet, she rushes and the strokes come too close together for each to be effective. I begin to fear my visit to the wall.
As the game continues I learn that the last player pays rule applies to the abuse of the slave. All the other players lose chips, but it is only the last player that has their slave hurt. This is a relief since I am spared several beatings because Mistress Green is not the last to surrender chips.
The first player determines the type of the bet. Usually this is whipping, but anything seems to go. One round Master George calls for anal penetration width. The stakes increase in 1/4" increments.
The final two players are Mistress Natasha and Master George This time Master George is the winner and he requests a 3 1/2” toy from Mistress Benny. Bird is strapped over a saw horse, the latex dress just lifted over her hips, her painful pussy ornaments dangling down her reddened thighs. Master George takes his time inserting the toy and bird gets increasingly desperate as she begs for mercy, for cessation of the pain, she pleads with her Mistress, but to no avail. The toy is slowly forced into her anus, stretching her anal sphincter past breaking point. As Master George forces the toy home Bird screams and screams and screams until Mistress Natasha silences her by stuffing her own panties in her slaves mouth. As the toy is removed by Mistress Benny I see blood drip from the obviously damaged anus of Bird who has difficulty crawling back to her position.
Kneeling at the table can see straight into Mistress Natasha's now knickerless crotch and she is particularly wet. Master George is also playing with a large erection.
Generally Master Victor and Mistress Veronica play conservatively, seldom winning much but not getting too involved. Master Enoch and my Mistress play better poker, or so I judge since Vicky and I are the two slaves least punished. Master George and Mistress Natasha are aggressive and play vigorously to the detriment of Bird and Harvey.
I have only suffered the penalty of the for folding, the one on the ass from Mistress Benny, when it comes down to just Master Enoch and Mistress Green in a round of genital caning. I am terrified when Mistress Green concedes at 10 strokes. I feel everybody watching me but force myself to crawl to the wall and chain myself into position. Master Enoch tells Vicky to hold my cock up so he can hit my balls and the abuse starts.
The first blow robs me of breathe and makes me grind my teeth. By 3 I am blinking tears from my eyes. Master Enoch is slow and steady, he does not hit Vicky's chubby hand once while castigating me. At 5 strokes I cry out and after the next I also start begging and pleading as much as Bird. After the ten my balls are on fire. With the abuse finished, attention returns to the card table and I carefully crawl back into position by my Mistress. She absent mindedly pats me on the head and it makes the pain a little more bearable to be comforted by the pat.
The game continues and everybody has tasted the whip at least once. Mistress Natasha and Master George with their flamboyant play have won and lost more times then most so Harvey and Bird are the worst among us slaves. I feel the whip too. Even Gabrielle and Jason have been beaten. Master Enoch when it is his turn to bet suggests
"Lets have an easy round. No folding, worst hand, piss pool."
The players seated round the table laugh and relax a bit enjoying the change of pace. Nobody calls bets so the cards are quickly dealt and then with a lot of teasing and joking each player attempts to build the best hand.
Everybody laughs at Mistress Veronica because she has the best hand but does not realise the fact until someone points out she has a flush. After everybody has revealed the cards it appears that Master Victor is the loser with a random assortment of cards, the highest being an 8, everybody else managing at least a pair.
Mistress Benny removes a long a plastic object where it had been stacked against the wall and I realise it is a large plastic bath. The piss pool bet now becomes obvious, as I guess that Gabrielle is going to covered in the players piss. She looks quite cool about it as she climbs into the bath though Master Victor looks a little sour. Master George immediately complains,
"Come on Victor, at least you can strip the slut." and after a moments pause Master Victor commands just that.
I can finally enjoy the very good body of Gabrielle as she lets the green dress fall to the floor. She is wearing black stockings that enhance her long legs. She removes these and the suspender belt. Slipping off the high heels. She goes to remove her panties but Master Victor prevents her, earning dour looks from most of the players.
The remaining panties are green silk with little ties at the side and make Gabrielle look even more enticing. Dressed this way she climbs into the bath and lies down.
Starting with Master George all the players take turns spraying their urine over the beautiful Gabrielle. Standing or squatting. Her face and crotch get the most attention so her hair is totally wet and her panties stick to the outline of her pussy. The bath now has an inch or so slopping around as Gabrielle moves.
After the players have finished I expect play to resume, but apparently all us slaves also have to release their bladders over Gabrielle. After her tactics in the twister game I am not surprised at the level of enjoyment of all of us slaves, just a tiny amount of revenge.
I am the last to relieve myself, and I have quite a lot to give the slut lying in the bath. I stand over her and piss evenly over her crotch over her body and then over her face. She closes her mouth so I concentrate on squirting a stream straight towards her upper lip making it impossible for her to breath through her nose, and hopefully forcing her to open her mouth. Master Victor sees this tactic and tells me to point the stream elsewhere, regretfully I do.
We are all finished and everybody resumes their positions. Gabrielle stands up, the urine pouring down her body. Master victor requests a short break and a chance for Gabrielle to clean herself and Mistress agrees. She tells me to take Gabrielle to the bathroom.
it is strange to crawl with Gabrielle walking along behind. I take Gabrielle to the bathroom and she tells me to wait. The first thing she does is to drop her soaking panties to the floor. She then looks down at me and commands
"Put them in your mouth Fuck."
I hesitate not knowing whether I should obey or not, but then she forcefully remands me
"I rather think Mistress Green will beat you senseless if Master Victor asks her, and believe me, if I ask him, he would be only too glad to suggest it."
I realise that even as a slave she has that power over me, and fearing Mistress Green far more than the disgusting piss from the company hurry to obey her. It is cold which makes the strong urine smell even more pungent as I cram them in. Perhaps for my hesitation Gabrielle asks more
"Suck them dry Fuck, while I shower"
So I am forced to suck the piss from the panties and swallow it. The small consolation is seeing Gabrielle's trim little pussy as she washes.
Her shower is very fast, not wanting to keep the players waiting. I drop the panties at her feet. Not really dry, but certainly not sopping wet like they were before, most of the urine has gone. She smiles and says,
"There is one person who hasn't gone to the toilet yet fuck," and gestures. Obviously she means herself, and I crawl over to her feet. I fasten my lips round her proud hairy mound and drink her golden pee. Finally she wraps herself in a towel and we return to the games room.
Master Enoch is the first to withdraw from the game. He has a run of bad luck and Vicky gets beaten quite comprehensively, on her back and buttocks, and also on her thighs and breasts. Some of her clothing has been removed leaving the tight leather straps that contain her roly poly body. The various torments have left some livid red welts on the rolls of her flesh. Finally she cannot stand it any longer and starts begging at the table for Master Enoch to stop and obviously her pleas are heeded.
I have been beaten too, and my balls ache beyond belief but I am more scared of what Mistress Green would do to me if I tried the same performance as Vicky Looking around I guess that Bird and Harvey would also find deaf ears for their plight. Jason and Gabrielle are more favoured, but then Master Victor and Mistress Veronica play so carefully that neither has suffered much.
I sense the night is winding down, but strangely that seems to make the atmosphere more tense. I find out why when Master George announces,
"Well lets us make this the last round of the night shall we? The all in round."
He smiles broadly at this and Mistress Natasha joins him in the laugh. Mistress Veronica titters.
The cards are dealt. Master George looks at his a moment and smiling says,
"Yes I am all in."
Harvey looks particularly distressed, already well beaten he goes abnormally white. Next Mistress Veronica looking at her cards quickly folds them.
"No I am out" and Jason gets the last blow to his buttocks.
Master Enoch has already pulled out of the game and so all attention turns to my Mistress and covertly to me.
"Since this is, Fuck, the first time, I think you had better explain the bet Green." George says smiling at me. I feel very cold inside at the smile of this sadistic man.
Mistress Green turns to me.
"Well Fuck. This is the last round of the night and the traditional bet is all in. The penalty for this is well understood. The last loser has their slave castrated and cauterized, or in the case of a girl." Here she looks quickly at Bird. "The removal of one nipple. Do you understand?"
My mind is racing. Several times Mistress Green has proposed this punishment, heavily hinting that this is the ultimate punishment and that without my genitals I would be useless to her and disposable. I am so sick I do not know what to do. Everybody's eyes are on me. I understand that I am being offered a choice, I can use this opportunity to to beg Mistress Green to fold, and it would have to be the most humble self effacing pleading I had ever managed; coupled with the almost certain severe punishment if she even agreed to pull out; versus effectively letting her gamble my cock on her ability.
Both possibilities look equally bleak, but the certainty of the punishment if I try to persuade Mistress to fold this hand decides me.
"Mistress yes Mistress" I numbly say.
This is greeted by general laughter from the players, more from the release of tension then any humour.
Master Victor next in turn folds without even looking at her cards. The only player remaining is Mistress Natasha and she very carefully examines her cards. I suddenly realise, not having connected them just previously the source of the mutilation on Bird's breast. Mistress Natasha has already lost an all in bet one time, and the missing nipple is Bird's sacrifice.
Bird also flushes like Harvey, going dead white. She however does something about it, and starts supplicating herself to Mistress Natasha. As Bird begs the colour rises in the cheeks of Mistress Natasha. Mistress Natasha is getting angry, her lips become firmly pressed together and her eyes narrow. I feel that Bird's begging is counter productive as in her anger Mistress Natasha is liable to bet just to spite Bird. On one hand I feel pity for the abused Bird, on the other I wish that Natasha does bet since the final loser would not be Mistress Green but Mistress Natasha and my cock and balls, and possibly life, would be as safe as before.
Finally Mistress Natasha cannot bear Bird's begging any longer and lashes out with her hand and verbally, slashing her hand over Bird's cheeks, one way and the other. A torrent of abuse being heaped on the girl. Everybody watches the display to some level of amusement.
Finally leaving the sobbing Bird prostate on the floor Mistress Natasha returns to the table. She picks up the requisite chip and toys with it for a moment before declaring she folds. Mistress Benny advances on Bird with the whip who bounces up and presents her backside for the blow. Clearly Bird is relieved she is not in the game and liable to lose her remaining nipple, though I think that Mistress Natasha's retribution might be worse.
My attention cannot wonder as I return to my own predicament. There are only two players remaining, Master George and Mistress Green. The cards are turned slowly. I cannot see them but feel the tension mount. Various players make comments but I am unable to determine the progress of the round.
The tension reaches it's climax as Master George reveals his cards, grinning at me broadly, and savouring the gasps and praise from the other players as he reveals a full house. My sight suddenly constricts, leaving a black tunnel. I feel physically sick, my mind a blank refusing to accept the possibility of the pain and anguish of losing my penis and testicles. My hands cup them holding them close despite their aches, fixated on their presence.
The laughter and praise die away a little as Mistress Green remains calm, and Master George begins to lose his smile too. She has not yet turned over her cards. The blood that had returned to Harvey's cheeks begins to drain away again as Mistress Green slowly flips her cards onto the table.
Amazingly there is another round of gasps and praise, this time directed at Mistress Green. She has a better hand, a royal flush! My own tension drains away and I can breathe again while Master George looks annoyed, and Harvey begins a high pitched keening.
It takes the combined efforts of Mistress Benny and Master's Enoch and Victor to force Harvey into the wall cuffs. Harvey desperately begs and pleads but this has no effect. Only Mistress Veronica looks a little squeamish and hides herself in Jason's arms.
Mistress Benny then presents Mistress Green with a large butcher's knife.
"For the trophy mistress"
The bright metal of the knife emphasizes it's weight and length, and, hopefully for Harvey its sharpness. She also collects a couple of glass bottles from a cabinet. One is only filled with a clear liquid, while something floats in the other, and Mistress Green shows it to Mistress Natasha.
"A souvenir from last time" and I realise that this is Bird's other nipple. The bottled nipple gets passed around as everybody chooses a spot to watch the castration.
Mistress Green toys with the knife for a time, and then presents it to Master George.
"Do you want to do the honours George?"
"Sure, love to” he replies, acting cool and confident, trying to put his loss of the game behind him.
Mistress Green continues,
"But I'd like Fuck to hold Harvey's cock in his mouth as you make the incision. If only to prevent a mess."
She says this wryly as we can all see that Harvey is so scared he has lost his bladder control and pooled a little on the floor.
"Excellent idea" says Master George, "though in this case I think a pair of pruning scissors would be easier unless you want Fucks nose removed as well."
Mistress Benny changes the article for the operation from the gleaming knife to a much more prosaic and wicked looking pair of garden scissors. I think the change is as much to do with Master George's sadistic personality then any practical reason because he can control the severing so much more slowly and carefully with the scissors.
He brusquely motions for me to take my position. I crawl over and take Harvey's genitals in my mouth. Harvey begins to intersperse his futile begging for mercy with verbal abuse aimed at me. I try to ignore not only his cries but the whole position that sickens and frightens me. I have to pull the member away from Harvey's body and I feel and smell the cold steel as Master George positions the cutters.
Harvey is now screaming openly and loudly at the situation and I feel my mouth flood with his urine as he loses the last vestiges of his control. His screams and struggles rise to a higher level as I sense the cutters begin their slow closing. I am intimately connected to this event as I feel his cock pulse with the life blood that is soon to be removed from its veins. I have swallowed the piss, but I then I feel another warm liquid drip onto my chin and as the metallic smell hits me I realise it is Harvey's blood spurting from the wound.
It is a horrible feeling to sense the slow detachment of Harvey's manhood as the cut lengthens and I can pull away further. Finally the last connection of skin is severed and my head jerks back, the remainder of his cock and balls in my mouth, now with the taste of blood.
Straight ahead of me I see the cavity that is all that remains of Harvey's groin, the blood pumping freely down his leg. From the side Mistress Benny pushes me away and presses a red hot iron against Harvey's crotch. The pain is too much for Harvey who faints, relieving us of his screams.
Suddenly I am even more aware that I am holding what were his sex organs in my mouth. I nearly puke, but Mistress Benny is holding out a hand and so I can quickly relinquish them. She tells Mistress green that she will clean them and bottle them, but before that happens everybody passes them around as a perverse souvenir of the event.
The guests depart taking their slaves with them though I do not see Harvey leave with Master George. Mistress Green and Mistress Benny retire and I crawl back to my pallet emotionally exhausted from the evening, despairing of my existence, to lock myself onto the weight.
Postscript: author's note
You can guess from this I have never played poker! If you would like to contribute a little, and gain a dedication on the next chapter; then please send me some example hands that fit in with the different rounds detailed in this chapter.
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Introduction: 3rd captivity for the guys, with 5 girls this time Captive Co-eds and Librarians First of all, thank you so much for reading my stories and giving them such high marks. I am so gratified to have you like my work. It might help to understand this story if you have already read my other storiesall dealing with human trafficking. If you enjoy these stories, please give me high marks. Im new at this kind of thing, but I would love for you to leave comments of what you would like to...
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First of all, thank you so much for reading my stories and giving them such high marks. I am so gratified to have you like my work. It might help to understand this story if you have already read my other stories—all dealing with human trafficking. If you enjoy these stories, please give me high marks. I’m new at this kind of thing, but I would love for you to leave comments of what you would like to read and how I can improve my writing. I’m just a lonely girl with big natural boobs, who...
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This is my first attempt at writing. There is a long introduction, but if you are patient, you will find an intense scene that should reward you with pleasure. ‘Glorious euphoria is my must, erotic shock is a function of lust. Temporarily blind, dimensions to discover, in time each into the other.’ CAPTIVES TO LUST – Chapter One “What am I doing here?” I asked myself that question a hundred times on my flight to Pennsylvania. Was I out of my mind? Possibly. Not in a way that would get me...
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____________________________________________________________ David and Linda sat on the couch watching the end of the 11 o'clock news on the TV when the front door of their upscale Maryland home was kicked in and two large men wearing ski masks and brandishing pistols rushed into their living room. David and Linda were both 34 years old. David was 5'7" tall and weighed 147 pounds. He was a computer programmer at one of the Washington government office buildings. Linda was 5'5"...
She didn’t stay in long, the water was frigid and made her nipples so hard they ached, returning to the cabin to stand as close to the fire as she could to warm up. Once dry and warm again, she curled up to await the return of the men and promptly fell asleep. She awoke several hours later to find herself hanging by her wrists from the center beam of the roof, just her toes touching the floor. As her eyes opened she felt nipple clamps close on her nipples and squealed, her gaze meeting that...
She got a fire going and fixed herself some dinner as the sun began to go down. After eating, she cleaned up the pan and then sat staring into the flickering flames of the fire. She could hear sounds made by small night animals passing through the woods around her campsite, but no screaming sirens or honking horns or guns going off. No sound of humanity, no light but the fire and stars above as full night fell. The quiet became more intense, and she suddenly wondered why she could no longer...
Chapter 1 Nassie swung her staff around her body, connecting with the large brute to her left. Stunned, he fell to the ground clutching his middle. Quickly Nassie swung again and again hit a brute to her side. She had been fighting for a long time, heard the shrieks of her village and seen the smoke rise. But no matter how many of the raiders she dropped more kept coming. She knew it was a losing battle but she would not go down with out a fight. Slowly the circle of warriors closed around her...
Introduction: Story by John 2, Posted because I felt like many people havent seen it before Captured Family The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. Theyd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rocks...
Introduction: Robbers break in and force the family to have sex while being filmed so they will not call the police The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. ____________________________________________________________ David and Linda sat on the couch watching the end of the 11 oclock news on the TV when the front door of their upscale Maryland home was kicked in and two large...
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It all seemed surreal as her eyes slowly adjusted to the light of the semi-darkened room. A single barred window on the wall behind her provided the only source of light. She was naked, her legs spread and secured by metal shackles around each ankle that were bolted firmly to the concrete floor beneath her. Her hands were stretched outward from her body, and, in similar fashion as her feet, two metal bands were locked around each wrist, attached by chains to a clasp on the brick wall behind...
Disclaimer:This story is a work of fiction and includes adult situations and extreme acts of sexual depravity, including rape and torture Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and includes adult situations and extreme acts of sexual depravity, including rape and torture. It is intended for adults only. If you are under the age of eighteen or, in some jurisdictions, twenty-one, do not continue past this point. If you desire to read on, it is by your own choice and responsibility...
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She was laying on her side in front of his chair, bound at the ankles andknees it pressed her soft, supple thighs together in the most pleasing manner,her hands bound tightly behind her back forced her chest out. For fifteen yearsold she was already alluring – soft, pale skin. Deep red hair and beautifulgreen eyes - but he had always been partial to smaller girls, and she was small,he didn't even know the poor girls name but she couldn't be more then fivefoot four inches tall and she must have...
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The smell of soil and fresh hay sifted through a musty atmosphere to tickle at Gabriel's nose, a calm smile on his lips as he made his way through the stables. His dark but gleaming indigo orbs caught the soft browns of the horse to his left. He paused his paces, leaning forward across the stable gate to pet its soft mane carefully. "I remember when you used to be scared of horses." Gabriel jerked back, the horse in return snorting before turning away and leaving the student alone; caught...
© April 6, 2002 Chapter 1 She hated it so when her Master went to work. He left Sunday, now it was Friday and it would be a VERY long weekend. Though her Master would call her and they would chat on line, she wanted her Master with her. She never liked when she had to share him. He was hers, all hers. Though she knew there were others, she and he had a stronger bond. None of "them" could get away with what she could. None of "them" understood him the way she did. None of "them"...
"I'm glad it's you, baby!", said his mother huskily. "It's so much more exciting having you fuck me, sweetheart!" Cathy tingled all over with pleasure. Her initial fears about letting her son fuck her up the ass were almost gone, washed away by the rising heat of anticipation. Her horny young son had fucked her cunt, now he was going to fuck her asshole. The wild, incestuous wickedness of it heightened her pleasure a hundredfold. Bobby began to move his cock inside his mother's...
"Let's just do what they want, Daddy," murmured Debby, trying not to stare too much at her father's great dangling cock. "Like you said... if we do what they want, nobody'll get hurt, right?" "Yes, honey, I guess you're right" Dick tried to hold his daughter away from him as they danced, but to his surprise Debby, melted against him without hesitation. He tied not to react to the sensual pressure of her lithe young body as it pressed against his naked skin... but it was...
Lisa stroked her son's huge hard-on a couple of times before she realized what she was doing. Then, the pangs of shame and guilt hit her again and she removed her hand from the boy's cock like it had just been burned. She tried to push her son away from her, but either he was too strong for her, or her heart really wasn't in it, either way, Kevin held her in his arms and began to run his hands hotly over her soft, naked flesh with a familiarity that both frightened and excited her at the...
Bobby's cock was almost at full erection now, and Mandy was having great difficulty in fitting it all into her tiny, sucking mouth. He reached down to the girl's crotch and began to rub his fingers up and down the hot, juicy slit between her tight cuntlips. Mandy moaned around his cock and hunched her pussy up against his hand, urging Bobby to stick his fingers in deeper. Bobby slid two fingers up her cunt and rubbed her fat little clit with his thumb. Mandy sucked his cock harder,...
Lisa had the urge to pull the horny little slut off her husband, but that soon passed as Bobby sat down beside her and ran a hand down over her sopping wet cuntmound. Instinctively, she opened her legs wider to let the youth insert two long fingers into her itching cunthole. "Ohhh, yeahhhh! You're real wet, Red!", he observed, inserting another finger into her saturated twat. "I bet you want Hero to fuck you again too, don't you? Huh? Ummmm, yeah! You do... don't you, baby?" Bobby's...
Margaret was down on all fours not far from the fire. The mountain man called Kit was a dead weight on her tail bone and he was humping her about as hard as she had been humped by a non-Indian male to the best of her recollection. His juice flooded her down below giving her the energy she needed to fall asleep and charge up her battered body for the trials and tribulations of the next day’s stress. She was unable to see it in the dark, but his cock must have been overly large because her...
Most of the folks in the wagon train were bone-tired of the constant daily routine of breaking camp and the dry dusty hours of slow travel across the parched plain. Margaret was not in that group because she was basking in the glow of no longer being a slave to some male master that used her body as their personal “whipping boy” or raw sex at every opportunity. The eldest daughter on her wagon was enthusiastic about licking her pussy and she returned the favor listening to the other sisters...
Soldier Girl Margaret was mounted on a piebald mare with a solid back and easy-going ways. She liked that horse because it was used to gunfire and would stand like a petrified log in the midst of chaos. The half breed Indian scout was pissing behind the cottonwood tree near the shoreline, and she caught sight of his impressive tool that seemed out of place on an Indian not usually known for the size of their dicks. She knew his real name was something like Grey Eagle or Grey Owl, but she...
It wasn't shocking to me that the joint-efforts of Valerica, Bethany, and their fellow bridesmaid Carmen, plus the experience of licking Laila's yummy ass (and it was one sweet derriere), had me stiff as before. The reality that I had probably seeded my step sister didn't hurt at all. Bethany and I were always close, but I had wanted more from her than she seemed willing to give ... well, until now. Apparently, I had assumed wrongly that she didn't return my feelings. The blue pill...
I lost track of just which man was fucking Natalie from one moment to the next, given the wild, frenzied nature of the gang-bang. She certainly had plenty of action from the menfolk, to be sure, though I wasn’t exactly lacking for company, either. About an hour left before the wedding, as we were all worn out from all of the sex, I looked around and realized that I had been intimate with every single woman in my circle of friends and family, and most of the men as well. I had cum in my mouth...