- 1 year ago
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Half a century after the e-conflict of 2075 had ended, slavery and sex ownership were still common in the small towns on the edge of the cold and dark Northern sea. Slavery, often an alternative to death by starvation and disease; sex ownership, because technology made it possible.
Shelly and her daughter Marie were sex slaves to Master James, who had purchased them on a romantic impulse at a debtor's auction. They were strikingly similar in appearance: high cheekbones, ivory-skinned, warm-fleshed, and blonde. They had not been cheap. Not only were they a beautiful matched pair, the daughter was a virgin, and they had come with reliable if old-fashioned neural circuitry hard wired into their pituitary glands. The workmanship was first class: it allowed their owner complete control over them through their hormones.
Master James owned and enjoyed mother and daughter freely for nearly a year and a half, which was considered to be normal, if slightly rakish, male behaviour at the time. However, his actions took him further and he did create a minor scandal in the community: he made them both pregnant at the same time. To make matters worse not only did he display them in public in that state, but he also brazenly allowed them to bring their children to term. They bore him lovely girls, and since the mothers were slaves, their daughters also were his slaves and he could do whatever he liked with them.
At the time their Master seeded them, Shelly was 36 years old. She had large breasts and an even larger bottom, but by strict dieting and exercise, had a slender enough waistline to be pleasant to look at. Marie, who had not even menstruated at the time of sale, was by then in full flush of blossoming adolescence. At the age of 14, like all teenagers, she was intensely self-absorbed and aware of herself. She had exquisitely pretty breasts, a flat stomach, and broadening hips which hinted at the ripeness she would achieve as an adult. Both mother and daughter were always perfectly groomed and shaved all over their smooth silky bodies. As there was little enough for them to do keeping house, they spent a lot of time in baths and in front of mirrors. Master exercised the lightest control over them, allowing their true natures to express themselves without the coercion of artificially induced chemical states.
Even though while satisfying their Master's needs they had caressed and been intimate, and had become used to close sexual contact, outside of Master's bedroom mother and daughter behaved in a restrained and almost shy way towards each other. During the day, dressed in their flimsy white slave shifts and sandals, they would drift doing vague errands around the enormous house, with its large corridors and masses of old dark wooden furniture. Hired labour was always coming in and out, to clean, polish, and repair. Most of the workmen ignored the sight of Shelly's almost transparent shift that revealed rather than hid the nakedness beneath and treated her like the lady of the house. Master James spent most of the day at his various businesses, so little by little Shelly really did slip into that role.
From time to time, various people Master knew might drop in. Shelly and Marie entertained them in a pleasant and mildly flirtatious way if they were alone without Master, and served silently when Master was there, letting Master do all the talking. In this way Shelly began to understand the lives of the rich upper-class who owned slaves. In some ways, she realised, they were less free than the people they owned. Master's mother would come at times during the day, more to keep an eye on them, Shelly thought, than out of any interest in them as people. She was a tall, grey-haired woman who held herself very erect. The two were always a little scared of her. Although she was civil enough when she wanted to be, she made it very clear to them that she didn't approve of her son wasting his time on sex slaves when he could be making a good marriage.
"How did you become slaves?" she asked Shelly at their first meeting, very directly. It was not something that was considered polite to talk about. "And why do you have a daughter?"
"I... was sold by my parents, because they were too poor to look after all of us."
"Indeed. To whom?"
"An old gentleman, of French extraction, his name was Mr Lariviere."
"I never knew anyone of that name. He kept you for sex did he? How old were you then?"
"Sixteen, Ma'am."
"I see... so what happened? He died I suppose!" She gave a shriek of laughter. Shelly blushed because that is precisely what happened.
"I... was re-sold to a baby farm, Ma'am."
"He didn't provide for you?"
"No Ma'am."
"I rather fear my son will end up doing something awfully foolish like falling in love with you. I hope he'll wake up one day. I'm glad I'll be safely dead and buried by that time." She turned from Shelly and looked searchingly at Marie. "A clone?"
"No, Ma'am. A good genetic match. I never met the father" Shelly spoke quietly into her hands. "I was impregnated on an operating table."
"Those baby farms are now illegal, aren't they? They freed the mothers and reunited them with any children that were still unsold. So why are you both still slaves?" Their mood had become more personal, more intimate. Shelly sat very quietly, her mouth full of tears. The old woman touched her with her cold fingers.
"You tried not to fall into prostitution and porno rackets, didn't you?"
Shelly nodded, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes and dropping on the white fabric of her slave shift.
"You had hopes for your daughter, yes? Good things for her. And you finally realised it doesn't work that way, right? You had no skills and you fell into debt. Selling yourselves was the only way out. You knew it was a gamble. Anyone could have purchased you."
"M... Marie was a virgin, Ma'am. We were a matching pair. We... commanded a high price. I thought the low-lifers couldn't afford us."
"No.... I could imagine the pair of you went for a tidy little sum. James! He's as foolish as you are, I sometimes think. All three of you, although your child might have more sense one day. Not all of that money was wasted." She rose from the table. "Just remember: nobody marries slaves!"
There was a sibilant hissing in the way she said that word that made Shelly think of a venomous snake. Folk say Master's mother died cursing them on her deathbed.
On their own, they could even be light-hearted. Their actions would on occasion actually mirror each others' quite by accident and they would catch each other's smiling eyes which warmed their hearts. Marie would sometimes break out into peals of high pitched laughter, but her mother was altogether more serious and watched her daughter especially carefully when she acted in a giddy, girlish way. Their bedroom had a large makeup table and mirrors that ran the length of one of the walls. There, Master had decreed they should stay naked. They would touch each other only to put on a small dab of cosmetic, to help with pinning up the hair, or to adjust a body ornament just so. Some of the more grossly physical things that needed to be done, like douching each other's bottoms, or shaving and massaging themselves with lotion, they did together and for each other: but with a strange kind of impersonality as if not acknowledging the fact that each body belonged to a person dearly loved by the other.
One afternoon, Shelly saw Marie sitting with her head bowed, looking down at her bare knees pressed close together. Her daughter's slender naked back showed the deep valley of her spine and her shoulder blades shook with small sobs. Shelly put an arm around her and raised her to her feet, holding her tenderly against her breasts.
"What's wrong, honey?"
"Oh, mom... we're here so long... are we going to be slaves all our lives?"
"We have to make the best of it, honey. He's a good man and he respects us both..."
"...I know... but I want to go out, do things!"
Concern squeezed Shelly's heart. She took her daughter by the hand and quietly led her to the bed. At first they held on to each other for comfort and reassurance, one pale body answering to another. Then their hands started to slide over breasts, flanks and tummies, and they ended up masturbating each other expertly, fingers delving into each other's vaginas, both arriving to a shuddering orgasm at the same time.
From then on, when fear or sadness took them, they would wordlessly seek each other out. They would put their arms around themselves and cling to each other hard; and then Shelly knew that Marie was still her daughter, the child she had carried, nursed, and brought up as best as a woman in her position could.
Shelly was by nature quiet, although Marie had a predisposition to be a chatterbox. James observed the way they behaved together, and finally told them both they should not waste words during the day. In this, he was well rewarded because when the woman and girl had to rely on sight and movement rather than speech they became closer and more aware of each other. He often enforced the same discipline when they were having sex in bed. If anyone spoke, it was he, to direct them to do something or to place themselves in a certain position that appealed to him. And after a while, even that was un-necessary. His two slaves could read his moods quickly and they knew what turned him on. Actually, although he only became aware of it slowly, he too learned new ways and his body began to react with increasing pleasure to the surprise of the sheer beauty of his slaves. He had never been in love before: like many men of his generation, he used sex slaves from baby factories to relieve his tension and waited for true commitment from a woman of his own class. Now he was smitten.
One day, James caught Marie by the arm as she was walking quietly down one of the enormous corridors on some errand.
"Marie, come here."
"Yes, Master?"
"Take off your shift and show me your body."
"Yes, Master." She obeyed without the slightest hesitation, matter-of-fact, but he could see her nipples hardening as she displayed herself to him.
He looked at her slender form, and touched the tips of her nipples with the back of his hand. "You're still a virgin, aren't you?"
"I am, Master. Mommy's always told me how important that is when you're a slave."
"She's wise. I'm going to take you soon, now that I own you and you've been introduced to what goes on between a man and a woman."
"Thank you, Master. May I tell mommy what you just said?"
"Yes, you may. She'll want to make sure you're ready for me."
"I think I'm ready now, Master!" She blushed as she said those words.
He laughed, kindly, and patted her smooth round bottom several times. "Put your shift back on. Older people always think the young ones don't know anything!"
He took the naked girl by her slender waist, held her close to him, and looked into her eyes. "You'll become a woman... my woman, soon, Marie. I want you so much."
That Master had waited before taking Marie's virginity Shelly was forever grateful. From the very first day of purchase, Marie had been in the same bed as the two adults, and had seen how Master took pleasure with her mother, crushing her mother's soft body with his hard one. When at last he told her he would take her, Marie was thoroughly prepared for what was to come. She knew Master's cock well: by sight and by touch and by taste; she had once even been allowed to tie pink ribbons over it! She had a gift of drawing and in her spare time drew idle pictures of him, emphasising the size of his sexual equipment; that, and of her Master fucking her mother, his cock pulling her vaginal lips apart brutally. She knew all about the precious gift of her hymen. From the time of their encounter in the corridor she began to write sweet little love notes to her Master which she would leave lying around quite openly. The poignancy of those notes tore Shelly's heart as she remembered the day she had lost her own virginity: she had been young at the time, truth to tell, younger than Marie, but Shelly's lover wanted her only as a conquest. After he had devalued her, he had left her pretty much to her own devices, only calling at her parents' home whenever he needed sexual release. It had taken her many years to get over the furtive guilt of those couplings. When the time came she allowed herself to be sold quite willingly, knowing that she was worth very little to anyone: not to her lover, who by then had lost interest in her, and least of all her disappointed parents.
James had wondered whether to require mother's presence for the deflowering of their young Marie. He was sure Shelly would observe the event with a mixture of pride in her daughter's sexual accomplishments and sadness for the passing of her childhood; but looked at from the perspective of the daughter, decided that this was going to be one moment in Marie's young life when she should walk unaccompanied. Marie would, for the first time, step into a sexual embrace unobserved by anyone but her destined lover, and alone together, he would carry her through the threshold of womanhood, his rampant cock speaking only to her virginal pussy.
That afternoon, Shelly carefully tidied Master's bedroom yet again. She put fresh sheets on the bed, polished the wood surfaces, and set a vase of blood-red carnations on the sill of the large bay window. She was still arranging the flowers when she heard his footfall on the floor behind her: he had come back a little early.
"Oh, Master James!" She blushed as if caught out at something.
"My sweet Shelly, I think this bedroom is as perfect as it ever will be for tonight."
She swept her eye over it yet again, but he held her face up to his by the chin and looked a little sternly down at her. "You know I care for you both very much, don't you?"
"Yes Master."
"And Marie wants to give herself to me almost as much as I've wanted to take her."
She held his hand to her lips and kissed his fingers over and over, eyes misting with tears. "Yes, I know you own us and could do whatever you please with us, and perhaps it's not my place to say this, but..."
"...but?" She knew that lazy smile on his face and her heart beat faster.
"Please. Take her with my blessing."
Her words rang out oddly in the sudden quiet of the room. He slowly raised her fingers to his lips and kissed them softly back.
"Thank you, Shelly. I will. Thank you for your blessing."
Breaking the mood, he spun her round and gave her a resounding slap on her bottom. She shrieked as expected and he laughed. "Go on, you fat whore! I want dinner early tonight. I'll call your daughter for her first fucking when I want her!" She fled the fatal room.
When the time came it was so awfully bittersweet. Shelly decided Marie should be pale. She carefully arranged Marie's makeup, did her blonde hair perfectly, and made sure her fingernails and toenails were the exact same shade of coral pink as her lips and nipples. She rubbed a sweetly childish perfume behind her ears and in the little-girl hollow of her back. When there was absolutely nothing more could be done to make her more innocent and lovely, she got Marie to put on a pair of extravagantly high heels so that her long legs and thighs stretched into shape, and she threw a large fine silk shawl over her bare shoulders. The shawl came down to her knees, and if she kept it well together at the front, its falling folds would cover her breasts in a tantalising way; if slightly parted, would show the barest hint of her naked pussy.
"There... you're perfect, honey. Now sit down... careful of the shawl... we'll wait together till Master calls."
"You're not going in with me, are you mom!"
"Of course not. I'll most probably lie down here and cry my eyes out."
"Oh mommy..."
"It's okay."
"You won't really will you?"
Shelly smiled. "I hope not."
They waited. Time passed. Marie began to worry that perhaps, after all, she just wasn't interesting enough, and that Master would soon sell them.... or, horrors... just her! To someone else.
"Mom... do you..."
Shelly studied her daughter in the fading light. She was pretty, certainly. But there was still not that element of sadness about her which marked out truly beautiful women. She's only 14, she reminded herself. Most girls at her age are still fighting with boys and spending nights at slumber parties, not all dolled up and waiting to be deflowered by a man well old enough to be her father.
Their bedroom was adjacent to Master's, separated from it by only a door. Shelly knew that all she would hear would be vague thumps and squeals, but that she would not be able to resist letting the story of their passion unfold minute by minute in her mind. At present, however, the door remained obstinately closed.
Their hearts leapt when they heard Master's footsteps enter his bedroom through the hall doorway, and they both strained their ears to hear him pacing around... the sound of some clothes being taken off, perhaps?... the creak of a leather armchair, then more silence. The odour of cigar smoke wafted past the door. Ahh... a cigar! Will he call Marie half way through, or will he finish it first before playing his games with my little daughter? So cruel! This could take so long! They looked down at their fingers, folded patiently in their laps, and waited in silence.
Shelly's blood ran cold. Marie glanced at her in panic, and Shelly waved her on. Go! Go to your lover! She saw her daughter get up, the shawl outlining her little round bottom. So small! The girl walked to the door, slightly wobbly on her feet in the heels. Ahhh.... Master will love that walk, Shelly told herself. But Marie had already forgotten her mother as she opened the door. Master was sitting in his dressing gown, still smoking his cigar. His eyes devoured Marie's body as she stood poised in the doorway with one hand on the doorframe.
"My lovely Marie. I've been waiting a long time for this. So have you, and in her own way, so has your mother. Come in, Marie, sweet girl, don't be scared... that's it, leave the door ajar so Shelly can hear what happens. Now, stand over here... good... mmm.... perfectly delicious.... turn round... slowly... yesss... back to me... quiet now... slip that shawl off you."
He gave a long sigh as the girl revealed her slender body to him. Shelly imagined him showing off his large, veiny cock to her: extremely stiff, Master stroking it up and down as he watched her.
"I'm going to break your hymen tonight, Marie."
There was a silence. Shelly imagined Marie nodding in acquiescence.
"After that, it'll be sex sex sex, all the way. You'll do everything your mother does for me... and more. Now, Kneel down and suck me." Shelly, lying on her back on the bed in her room, knew that the words Master was saying were for her benefit as well, so she could piece together what was taking place. Master hadn't spoke so much to either of them for weeks: they would have been able to understand precisely what he wanted from his gestures and the expressions on his face alone.
Later, she heard them go to bed. Marie was told to lie on her back, legs spread open. Ahhh... he's going to do it like that with her, she thought.... they'll watch each other's faces... perhaps kiss... of course they'll kiss... She heard her daughter's slight gasp as cock penetrated pussy, and the movement of their bodies as he played with it at the front of her vagina. Shelly put her own hand between her parted thighs. She held her fingers tight against her when she heard the long slow moan from her daughter as her hymen was broken. She listened to the sound carefully: there was some pain in it, surely... but it was mostly a moan of pleasure and a "come and get me" moan. She remembered Marie's cries from when she was a baby, how she had got to understand each nuance from that perfect bundle that had been given to her!
Their voices rose. She could her Marie whispering over and over again "I love you Master, I love you!" She could imagine her, arms around his neck, as he pushed his cock deep into her... "my slave.... ooooh.... my lovely slave!" Shelly's fingers played with her pussy and her excitement rose with theirs. There was a crescendo of sound. She knew the way his eyes would go glazed over as he started to cum, she knew the words he murmured to her daughter as he spurted his seed inside her. He says the same to me, she thought. Oh my god he's really cumming into her now, and she's on a high too... Ohhhhh! She felt the wave of her own orgasm flood over her, deliciously making the tips of her nipples sting in that special piercing way, her pussy contracting and pressing out and it was timed perfectly, because Marie was also exploding and making a lot of noise for her Master.
She imagined them dozing off in each others arms, his strong hands holding her slender soft body to him, and she dozed too, thinking wonderful thoughts... The sound of their renewed lovemaking woke her out of her dream... he's coming at her from behind, she's pressing her bottom out to him like a little bitch, long slender legs wide apart, back arched...
In all, they fucked four times that night, Marie came at least twice. Shelly dozed, half asleep, half listening; the way she would do when she had placed Marie in her cradle, exhausted from nursing her. Suddenly she was woken by a loud Slap! followed by the sound of both of them giggling. Marie appeared at the doorway. Shelly met her eyes. Marie was naked, dishevelled, radiant. She closed the door behind her and padded to her mother in her bare feet.
"I'm a woman now, mommy."
"Oh, my honey!"
She leaned over her mother and gave her lips a warm and tender kiss with a hint of her tongue in it. Shelly savoured the kiss, the smell of her daughter's sweat mixed with her perfume and a hint of a musky male odour underneath.
"That was from Master James" Marie's eyes were laughing. "He told me to tell you, he's not selling us tomorrow morning. Oh... my pussy and ass are throbbing!"
"Your ass too?"
"Of course mom! Master does everything properly, you know that! I also sucked him off once but I've done that before."
"Ah yes, it's on your breath, I can smell it!"
"He took me in all three of my fuckholes!"
"Yes, and then once again in my pussy... for luck!"
The two women snuggled into each other, close, covered over by the sheets in their own cocoon inside the bed. Breasts and bellies touched, arms entwined. They smelt their Master's seminal fluid in the odour given off from Marie's pussy. They whispered and shared little secrets, little confidences, for hours, as if they were two friends who hadn't met for years and had so many things to tell each other.
The day after Marie became a woman, as if on cue, she started her first period. Seeing each other in that state helped the two slaves come closer together: they both felt as if Marie had begun to enter the adult world. At first the periods of mother and daughter were oddly timed, but gradually, the two of them fell into a consistent rhythm. Only during menstruation were they allowed to wear anything but a slave shift: then they also wore a sort of swaddling-towel around their middles, which they both thought made them look funny, but Master insisted on it. During their periods, if he wanted sex, they would masturbate him and suck at his cock and balls, but when menstruation was all over and they were nice and clean again, they would slip into his bed like schoolgirls on their first encounter, and he would greet them with hugs and kisses, hungrily, his fingers reaching for their breasts and vaginas almost of their own accord.
Of course, now that Marie was fertile, she had to be protected from the inevitable consequence of constant sex. Master found a control panel for managing their pituitary implants (when had he purchased that, Shelly wondered, and for whom had that been) and balanced her so that she was safe. The machine was a luxury model. Marie took her shift off and sat quietly while Master adjusted the controls. Shelly watched, in fascination. When Marie was fixed to his satisfaction, he turned to Shelly.
"I think you need a little rebalancing as well, Shelly!"
"What.... I'm well fixed, Master!"
"I thought we could do something about your breasts."
"My... breasts, Master?"
"Yes... fill them out a bit. Make them stand up more. I can get them to fill with milk, not too rapidly, I don't want a breeding cow!"
Now Shelly sat still while he aimed the control panel at her and fiddled with it. She didn't feel a thing and it seemed to be taking quite some time. Marie got up and stood close to him by his side, arm around his shoulders, watching intently. Shelly saw her lean forward and whisper something to his ear. He looked back at her, a little surprised, manipulated a control and Shelly felt a small quiver at the base of both her breasts. Master and Marie looked at each other and nodded.
"You're right" he said, in a pleased voice. "I never thought of that."
Marie smiled back at him. "We learnt that at school. Well" she blushed "my best friend Sally figured it out, actually. She was very good at that kind of thing."
"Sit on my knee.... beauty and brains eh? What else can you do my little pet?"
She blushed. "That's about all really... I don't know that much about hormone balancing really."
"We can have sex all the time now, Marie."
She turned and kissed his mouth, deeply. "I know" she giggled. "That's what makes it so exciting!"
Marie and her Master were now able to have sex together whenever Master required it, and the young girl rapidly learnt to put into practice all the tricks she had observed her mother doing. But the other result was that Master went and bought a special package for Marie to learn about hormone rebalancing; and he was surprised when after only a few weeks, she announced that she'd passed all the tests and could she have the next module please. Shelly looked at the results when nobody else was around, and no doubt Master did too. Marie had more than passed. She had got nearly perfect scores. The second package followed soon after and then Marie started on the third, the "intermediate" one. Shelly loved it. It made her and James feel like parents; it revalued Shelly as a mother to herself and James... treated the young girl who was both his lover and his child with delicate affection.
There were two times for sex. One was early in the morning, before breakfast, when Master's hunger was keen; stimulated perhaps by the voluptuous dreams he had started having soon after he had purchased the pair. He would often suckle at Shelly's breasts as his first meal of the day. He claimed that gave him extraordinary energy. Shelly certainly felt very sexy and fulfilled while he pulled at her nipples with his mouth.
The other time was at night, after his meal had been served, and all the house had been tidied and shut up for the evening. Then was the time for the glitter of candle-light on warm flesh and blonde hair; exotic perfumes; and long drawn out moans from bodies caught in endless couplings. The feel of silk sliding off graceful limbs; the sound of a young girl coming into orgasm, barely managing to restrain her voice. One of Master's favourites was when Shelly and her daughter lay naked, side by side, close; their touching legs intertwined, the two hairless vaginas he owned opened up for him: pink, moist, and spread open wide. All three of them in sexual heat. He would lie over one and press himself inside with a few strokes, caressing the body of one chosen slave, and then withdraw and do the same to the other. Their pussies would be warm and ready for him. He felt the difference on his cock between the mother and her daughter, one warm generous and muscled on the inside, the other tight and eager for his thrusts. He felt the difference between their bodies held tight in his arms as his cock filled their vaginas. He would, after many changings, finally cum in one or the other. After he had withdrawn, he would put the one he had filled, cum leaking from her pussy, over his knee. His light spanking over their rosy bottoms would often bring them to climax. When the shrieks and giggles had died down they would begin to make love together all over again.
But during the actual night, the females would have to withdraw to their own room, because James had always disliked sharing his bed with anyone when sleeping, and besides, Marie would sometimes kick and babble in her dreams.
Time passed pleasantly between them: James in his warm romantic idyll, Shelly and Marie serving him with love and affection. But at the feast of Solstice, spurred on perhaps by his mother, he decided to organise a party in his house. The pace of the house changed: now there was bustle and fuss. Some of it reminded Shelly of her childhood days with her parents; but nothing had ever been so grand. Shelly and Marie were given extravagant dresses and lovely shoes. The pair of them were dressed alike in salmon pink shot through with a deep blue, which simply heightened the contrast between their ages.
Shelly's dress was off the shoulder, exposing her fine neck and collar bones. She wore a strapless bra underneath it, to ensure her breasts were presented prominently under the fabric of the dress. She had light silken stockings and a pair of high heeled shoes.
Marie's dress had a flounce over her breasts to draw attention to their small roundness, and a long V down the back. Two delicate straps over her shoulders held it up, and there was a delicate tracery of fabric criss-crossing all down the V just to the start of the crease of her bottom. Her lithe back and shoulders were highlighted by the straps. Like her mother's her dress ended just above the knee, and her legs glowed in a golden pair of stockings. She wore no bra and a pair of almost flat shoes that emphasised her girlishness. Both women had their hair up, very tight and severe. The cheekbone structure of their faces and their elegant necks made them look irresistibly attractive.
Master was dressed in a traditional long, almost severe black jacket and tight trousers which showed off his muscular legs. His polished black shoes glittered and squeaked slightly as he walked. He wore a white shirt, discreetly ruffled but what was really extraordinary about him was that he also wore a bright pink silk cravat, matching the dresses of his slaves.
"Stay with me all night" he told them. "Don't go wandering off."
"Don't you want us to chat with the guests?" Shelly asked. He seemed to be as nervous as they!
"No. I'm showing you off. Nobody has such fine slaves as the pair of you."
Marie giggled and kissed him, leaving a small trace of lipstick on his cheek "You're in love with us, Master!"
He rubbed where she had kissed him - he knew what she'd tried to do - "I don't need little signs like that for people to know!"
Did the party mark a line in the sand? Mother was there, with Master's older brother. Business associates, some with wives, Shelly noticed, some with slaves. Nobody with both. The slaves wore gaudy dresses like theirs, showing off their bodies, hung with expensive, brilliant ornaments. The freemen and women wore black and white, sombre colours, old fashioned tails and cocktail dresses. Master's cravat drew furtive glances: perhaps also veiled comments.
A group of girls dressed in shimmering purple slave shifts which only just covered their bottoms wandered round with silver trays, offering drinks and traditional finger-food. Master did the round of the room, bringing his two slaves with him, talking pleasantly with each group. There were a few freeladies of the same age as Shelly and Master. One, a dark-haired beauty, much in his mother's mold, chatted with all three of them, including Shelly and Marie into her conversation.
"I didn't know you had sex slaves, James! You are a one. Very pretty the pair of them... Marie, you really are Shelly's daughter aren't you? I can see the resemblance." Her gaze passed over Master's face. "Surely you haven't... not THAT long? You were courting Yolanda a few years ago!"
"No..." Shelly saw Master blush. Oh, it was delicious! Her heart leapt. He looked like a young boy, caught out.
"We're only with Master for just over a year now, Ma'am" Marie smiled at the woman. "I was born on a baby farm."
James let his breath out.
"I see... you do have some fascinating quirks, James, you really do." She put her hand on his arm and looked at Shelly. "James loves the ballet, but you haven't been for ages, have you? No... I didn't think so. Well, you can't take either of those with you of course." She smiled directly into his face. "Perhaps, you might take me with you some evening... as a sort of substitute?"
She looked at Marie. "I hear some masters are extremely cruel to their slaves. Is James cruel? Does he tie you up and thrash you? I don't think he does."
"No Ma'am..."
"...of course not. James... you are one of life's last romantics. Send them to me if they need chastising. I'll sort them out for you! I'd feel very safe as a slave with you James. That's why you should send these to me from time to time. They won't feel safe with me..."
After dinner, there was a music and a dancing exhibition by a troupe of lovely willowy young girls, lithe bodies gleaming with oil under the lights. Shelly saw Marie watching them: with longing perhaps? Were they a hint for her of another, freer life? Their vibrant dancing appeared at times to defy gravity: they floated and gracefully pirouetted and swept each other up in their arms! And then as quickly as they had all appeared, the girls stopped, packed up, and dressed. The musicians put away their instruments, and the guests too began to gather up and leave. Master's mother nodded at Shelly, a little grimly. "Couldn't he have locked you up in a cellar for the night, or something?" His brother made a fuss of kissing Marie on her cheeks and on her lips, calling her a lovely little morsel. The dark-haired lady managed to draw Master aside in the confusion and Shelly saw them in a brief, animated exchange.
That evening, when the last of the guests and hired staff had left, Master held them both by the waist on either side of him and escorted them up the sweeping staircase to their room. Uncharacteristic! Shelly looked with dismay at the untidy state in which they had left it, clothes scattered around, perfume bottles, cosmetics and all the paraphernalia of female toilette lying where they had hastily abandoned it. She was about to say something, an excuse, but he simply smiled - a little wearily perhaps, and settled himself into a comfortable armchair that luckily had nothing thrown into it. They stood side by side in front of him.
"Dear lady slave, my Shelly, and you my lovely girl slave Marie." He sighed. "I really don't know why I bothered to invite anyone else tonight. You're perfection, the two of you!"
"You have to, Master. It's expected."
"Many things are expected, Shelly. The secret is to do what is in your heart. My lady slave? Present your daughter to me."
Shelly took Marie's hand in both of hers, catching the spirit of the game: the midnight court! She brought her a little closer.
"Master? May I present to you my young daughter, Marie. She is well trained in sexual matters although she's still only fourteen years old, and she loves you and longs to serve you as a slave. Marie? Approach Master James and give him a deep curtsy to show him your respect."
Marie smiled at her mother, and stepped forward in front of Master. She gave him a dazzling smile.
"Your slave, Marie, Master James." She made a lovely curtsy, lifting the skirt of her dress so that the tops of her stockings were visible over her slender legs. He looked at her carefully.
"What do you want most, slavegirl Marie? Tell me really."
Marie looked a little confused for a moment; the script seemed to have changed imperceptibly. A blush crept over her cheeks. "To be... your faithful slave, Master of course. And to delight you with my body, now, at my age, and later, when I'm fully grown into a woman."
He pursed his lips and smiled sadly. "Is that what you really want?"
"Why... yes Master! What else is there for me?" Her words hung in the momentary silence. Shelly felt they had suddenly burst into dark, dangerous waters.
"Will you have a child with me?" He spoke softly, picking his words carefully. It was Shelly's turn to blush, listening to their exchange.
"Am I old enough for childbirth, Master?"
"You've started menstruating, haven't you? That means your body thinks it's old enough."
Marie looked into her Master's eyes and took a deep breath. "Well then, if that's what you want... of course, Master."
"I asked you a genuine question, slave girl Marie. Is having my child, now, at your present age... is that what YOU really want? Don't give me those stupid answers everyone gives me. Tell me... if you can. Or remain a stupid slave forever."
Marie stood in front of James, hands to her sides. Long moments passed. "I'm not sure I know what to say" she murmured, looking at his feet. "If you asked me, if I wasn't your slave, would I, I think... most probably not. But that'd be because I'd have another life and I wouldn't have got to know you the way I do, as your lover. Mom and I are owned by you, Master. We know you and... we love you. That makes you our life, and so, yes. Yes I would. I would because..." she looked up and gave the smallest of smiles "mom's right. I really do. Love you."
Are his eyes glistening, Shelly asked herself. Difficult to tell at this angle. The young girl stood in front of him, shoulders slumped, looking down again. He was sitting lazily with one arm thrown over the back of the chair. Instead of making him pleased, what Marie said seemed to make him even more depressed. He tried to rouse himself. "Hmmm... let me see her body Shelly. I want to see if she's really ready for my seed."
Shelly stood at Marie's side and turned her round a little, so Master would see everything she did. She loosened one strap of her daughter's dress, then the other. Carefully, she allowed the dress to slip down her body, exposing her small petite breasts and her tummy... then her naked vagina, and finally, let it billow down about her feet in a sigh of silk.
Marie now stood dressed only in her glittering golden stockings and her little flat shoes. Shelly knelt down, and guided her daughter's feet out of the discarded dress which she folded to one side. Then she raised a foot and slipped off one shoe. Her dainty foot, so perfectly formed in the stocking. She took the other foot, slipped the shoe off, and placed the pair of the little girl shoes carefully side by side by the dress.
Shelly ran her fingers round the top of the girl's stocking and slowly gathered it down, exposing her slender thigh, her knee, her calf. She deftly slipped the bunched up stocking off her foot. Master sighed in what seemed like contentment. Shelly gave a small sigh of relief to herself when she heard that and repeated the process on the other leg, putting both stockings neatly over the dress. She got up to her feet and stood by Marie.
"Here's my daughter, naked, Master. As you can see, her breasts are small" she stroked one breast briefly: Marie's nipples were hard. "And her hips, although narrower than mine, are plenty big enough to carry your child."
He nodded. "Her breasts will swell, and because her frame isn't fully grown, they're going to look a little out of proportion on her, don't you think, Shelly?"
"The bulge in her tummy will compensate" Shelly stroked her little tummy. "Her waist is slender, and that's going to thicken as well."
"Mmm... she'll be very obviously pregnant quite early on then, won't she?"
"Yes... I daresay she will, Master. Would that be pleasant for you to see?"
"I think I'll have special dresses made for her to show that she's carrying my baby. I'll also want her to strip for me often. Marie, turn round, girl."
Marie turned round, showing her delicate little bottom to Master.
"Spread your legs and touch your toes. I want to see your vagina and anus."
Slowly, Marie bent over, as if in a dream. Her naked pussy gleamed in the light and her little assbud puckered.
"She's wet already, Shelly."
"So I see Master. Perhaps that's an indication of how sincere she really is to have your child."
He glowered at her "Perhaps. Stay like that, Marie. Shelly. Take your clothes off for me and join your daughter in the position she is in."
Shelly looked into his eyes but the humour had left them again. She felt another pang of anxiety, and started to undress herself, as slowly and carefully as she had done her daughter. She put her hands behind her back and undid the catch of her dress, letting it slide slowly down her body, revealing her breasts in their brassiere, then her legs in their pale stockings. She folded the dress over Marie's. Watching her Master, she undid her bra, and pulled it off herself, allowing her large breasts to fall out gracefully. She leaned over to place the bra on the pile of discarded clothing, and her breasts swung as she did so. Then she turned sideways and bent over to take off her shoes, momentarily unbalanced as one foot was still in the heels and the other was flat. Both shoes... placed them carefully next to her daughter's. Finally, she slowly... very slowly took off first one stocking, then the other. She folded them, still feeling the warmth of her body on them, and finally, with one last look at his face (no, he was still cold and distant) she turned her back to him, parted her legs, and bent over to touch her toes.
James looked at the two women displaying their private parts to him. Yes, Shelly was also moist in her vagina. Her asshole, despite his frequent usage of it, was still very pretty as well. He looked at the contrast between their two bottoms: the mother's: generous and curvaceous; the daughter's: narrower and more supple. Some masters, he knew, would have delighted at this point to inflict pain on those two bottoms, and to listen to their slaves shriek in undignified pain. He sighed. Not him? Was it cowardice... or?
"Straighten up, both of you and turn round."
Marie came to Shelly's shoulder. Yes, both of them were exquisitely of the same build. He wondered yet again who Marie's father had been. Some male slave no doubt, bred selectively for siring blonde offspring with large breasts. The comparison between the breasts of the daughter and mother was teasing: they were so similar yet so far apart. He forced himself to trace the way Marie's breasts curved inwards from the shoulders and then rounded out at her nipples. Shelly's, by contrast, were plump, firm, well rounded. The hormone adjustment had done her well. The heaviness in him didn't seem to shift even with this lovely sight. Suddenly, everything that was good about him had turned to ice.
"Marie, we're going to adjust your hormones too, once you're pregnant, to allow you to start growing your breasts to your mother's size."
Marie gave a small gasp and looked reflexly at Shelly's.
"Yes, perhaps not quite as big as that to start with. You need to develop broader shoulders to carry the weight she does. Put your arms around each other's shoulders and press your breasts together."
That was it... a perfection. His heart went colder. Why, he asked himself. Why now, when everything is so perfect? Why is this unique moment so utterly spoilt?
"I'm going to seed you too as well, Shelly. I want to see you both with your tummies distended, and titties leaking milk. You'll both give me daughters of course."
He imagined what they would look like in that pose, six months on. Tummies bulging, pressed lightly together. The little girls inside them moving perhaps. Dimly aware of each other's presence while still in their wombs.
"They'll learn to serve my cock from their earliest years. I want them to be present whenever we fuck. You'll bring them in to me and they'll watch until they can start doing the simplest things... like masturbating me or sucking my cock. I want them to be sex slaves from the moment they're born so that serving me will be deeply ingrained in their minds."
He looked carefully into their eyes to see the effect on them of his words, which had steadily grown harsher. Both had eyes wide, almost glistening. Marie flared her nostrils slightly at his quizzical look to her face. He finally forced himself to rise from the chair he'd been sitting in, and sighed. "Shelly, to bed with you. Marie, I want to fuck you now. Come."
After she had serviced Master, Marie crept back into their bed and cuddled next to her mother.
"Did he..."
"Yes, he had my ass. He's so sad. I so wanted to hold him and tell him we love him. But I think he's out beyond, somewhere out at sea tonight."
"Curse that woman."
"Yess.. but she's unhappy too."
They drifted off into sleep. Did she know how much unhappiness she causes, Shelly thought as she held Maria's tender body close to hers.
Master didn't call them the following morning and left early to his work. Shelly and Marie wandered around the house like ghosts. For several days, hardly a word was spoken between any of them. Meals were served in silence; Master would call one or the other to him in the evening, and would couple with the woman he had selected; with passion, yes, but distantly. Even the idea of becoming pregnant, on the first evening seized upon by Shelly and Marie with an intense desire, seemed to become a depressing thing, a threat, even a sentence. Shelly expressed her milk into a glass, milking her own breasts in the privacy of their bathroom, and would throw the contents away down the sink with sadness.
Mother visited one afternoon.
"Neither of you are pregnant by any chance are you?" She asked, in that direct manner of hers.
"No, Ma'am!"
She looked coldly into Shelly's eyes. "There is something, I can feel it. Tell me."
Shelly reddened and shook her head. "Nothing, Ma'am. We're both of us switched to infertile!"
"One of those new inhibitors, I suppose?"
"No, Ma'am... a direct pituitary gland interface!"
She sniffed. "And he's rebalanced your hormones to make you fall in love with him then, is that it?"
"No Ma'am. Master James..."
"...would never do anything like that."
She glowered at Shelly and Marie. "In that case, you're an even worse fool than I imagined, stringing him along like this. Remember, girl. If he starts breeding with you, either of you, then he's finished. No sane woman would touch him... except for his money I suppose... certainly never for love. But I know my son. He won't. One day he'll fall in love with one of his admirers and you'll find yourselves on the auction block again. The longer you stay here, keeping him on with your little tricks, the cheaper you'll be when the time comes. You and your daughter. Slaves. Trash. Disposable fuck puppets. Worse than whores."
She got up and embraced Shelly and kissed her on the cheek. Shelly shuddered inwardly.
"That's what I call a Judas kiss" his mother cackled. "I hope you disappear out of my life soon."
If you know your son so well, Shelly thought to her retreating back, then why do you hate us so?
But nothing bad can go on forever. One day, perhaps it was soon after mother's visit, the situation suddenly resolved itself. It was evening, Marie was still in the kitchen, and Master took Shelly's hand as she was about to leave to get things ready for another tense night.
He stood up, held her in front of him, and kissed her hand, bowing low over her fingers. "May I... apologise, my lady slave?"
"Apologise, Master?" Fear coursed through her veins.
"Yes. You know what I said about following one's heart, when you spoke about doing what is expected?"
"Yes, Master. We've all of us duties and sometimes duties conflict. We're bound to you, but you're bound to your family."
"That's what I wanted to tell you about."
Shelly felt as if the floor had suddenly opened up and hell was about to swallow her. The peace and happiness of the past year and a half was an illusion! His mother was right. And neither of them, now Marie's special selling point had been taken, would be worth much at all. She'd failed. What was he saying?
"...with you, both of you."
"Excuse me Master?"
He touched her cheek. "You weren't listening, were you my lady?"
She clamped her jaw and shook her head, not wanting to burst into tears in front of him.
He chuckled. "Perhaps Melissa was right, you need some discipline. Shelly." He held her hands tightly. "Our little midnight court, yes? I'm serious now."
Her tears came of their own accord. "No!"
"Shelly... my dear sweet lady Shelly... it took me time to come to terms with the conditioning of a lifetime. The party, and afterwards our midnight court. The longer I stayed with you that night the more I realised the inevitability of the choice before me."
Shelly buried her face on his shoulder and wept bitterly. His hands stroked her back almost automatically, the way one would stroke a hurt animal to calm it. Realisation gradually dawned on him and he went pale.
"Oh my god.... Shelly! Are you thinking..."
"Please Master! For Marie's sake... aaah!... how d'you mean?"
"Will you have my children, my lady slave? You know what I'm asking."
He sat her down on a small seat by the hall window, just big enough for the two of them. He wiped her eyes with his handkerchief, and kissed her cheek, cold from her tears. He stroked her breasts which Marie had sucked dry that morning. He held both her hands tightly as he explained that he would never love any other woman as much as he loved Shelly and her daughter. Not now, not ever. He had been foolish, he told her, and had let a foolish anxiety place its shadow over them all. No, Master! She argued against him, defending him. It was never your fault! They found themselves speaking to each other at once and realised that both their sentences ended with the word "love."
"Is that right?" he asked, a slow grin appearing on his face.
"Love Master? Can either of us afford it?"
The girl appeared quickly, out of breath. Shelly and Master James held out hands to her. She stood in front of them, holding each by a hand, looking anxiously from one face to another.
"Master... mommy? Is..."
"Yes, my little slave. It is. I tried to apologise to your mother, but she ended up crying. So I hope you won't as well, but I'm truly sorry for the past few weeks since the party."
"Yah, she cries easily."
"I should have remembered that, you're right of course. We'll be like a family, the three of us."
"A Master and two sex slaves? That'll look good. You know your brother has the hots for me."
"Well, he's not getting you. You're mine." He gave her hand a tight squeeze. "And you too, Shelly. Both of you. We'll change the hormone cocktails tonight, and then the morning after your next periods..."
Their eyes met, twinkled at each other. All you could hear in that moment was their breathing. The tableau: Master in his dark black suit, sitting close to his slave Shelly, her large breasts pushing at the fabric of her brilliant white slave shift, which only covers her to halfway down her pale thighs. They hold their hands together on his lap. Marie, the girl, standing in front of them in her shift which falls almost straight from her shoulders but for the two small mounds of her breasts, completing the ring of hands. The energy between them crackles.
"Ummm, Master?"
"Yes Marie?"
"I found out some cool things from the module I'm doing. Could I help you write a program for our pituitary implants?"
"A program? That's complicated stuff, girl!"
She smiled, confident of herself. "Nah. Not really when you get to know it. I've written dozens of 'em for the sims. D'you want mommy to become a raging sex maniac every Tuesday night? I can do that. Or me - a kinky nympho?"
He shuddered in mock horror. "My god. I think the pair of you are hot enough already!"
Two weeks passed. Then the two slaves appeared about the house with their thighs swaddled. Master took special notice of them padding about and refrained from calling either to his bedroom for sex while their periods lasted. He told them to wake him up and surprise him when they were ready. The night before, when they realised tomorrow morning would be the day, they could hardly sleep for excitement.
On the day Shelly and Marie woke early. They took special care over their toilette, washing themselves carefully and cleaning out inside their bottoms. They brushed their silky blonde hair and rinsed their mouths with something that made their breaths smell of sweet flowers. Shelly's breasts were large, comfortably full, they stood up without hardly any need for a bra. Marie's were small and tender, gracefully shaped to her body. The women exchanged glances. Each saw a perfection in the other that she envied. Shelly took Marie by the hand and they quietly entered Master's bedroom.
Golden light streamed in through the high windows. Master lay on his back on the bed, his shoulders and chest bare. They paused, waiting for him to open his eyes and notice them. Marie's hand clutched her mother's tightly. Master's eyes fluttered open (what lovely long eyelashes he has, thought Shelly.) The two naked women smiled at him, standing so close to each other that Shelly's breasts were touching Marie's slender arm. He turned on his side and observed. Shelly saw themselves through his eyes: a full-breasted, mature woman and her slender daughter. The sun gilded their pale skins, emphasised the soft round contours of their bodies, and made enticing shadows under their breasts, between their thighs.
"My god.." he whispered. "You two are the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life!"
He pulled the sheet back and exposed his thick erect manhood. His eyes wandered over them and he wrapped his hand round his cock and began to slowly masturbate himself as he watched. He sat up, and swung his powerful legs over the side of the bed, still holding himself. A small nod, and they approached, kneeling submissively in front of him, hands on their thighs. He pointed his cock at Marie, and she leaned forward, brushing his thigh with her arm, and delicately kissed the tip of his cockhead. He gave a low moan of pleasure and she took the gleaming cockhead into her little mouth, licking the underneath of it. Shelly watched how her small lips stretched round the thick cock and how his eyes smiled with pleasure. His eyes caught Shelly's. He gently pulled the cock out of Marie's mouth, and gave it to Shelly. Marie gasped, her mouth open as she watched her mother take it in hers, gently pushing down on it, feeling it enter the back of her mouth. Master held Marie's head, stroked her hair gently as her mother took her turn to suck him. He slowly pulled the girl's head down, and she caught his balls in her lips. The sight of the pair of them, two blondes with hair shining, tending his cock! He leaned back on his elbows, watching them and marvelling.
Shelly could feel his cock starting to stiffen in her mouth and the mood communicated to Maria who sucked his balls harder, pulling them into her mouth - when suddenly he drew back!
"No..." he gasped. "Mustn't waste seed this morning!" He saw the pair of them looking at him expectantly. He nodded to Marie. "You first." He gestured to the bed.
Now the tension in their tummies peaked. Marie rose, already breathing faster, and got up on the bed. His hands guided her into a position on all fours. Shelly watched as he knelt behind her and motioned to her mother. Shelly got up on the bed next to them. He wanted her to guide his cock into her daughter! She took his shaft into her hand and rubbed it gently over the offered pussy as his breathing deepened. She carefully parted the inner lips of the girl with two fingers and slid the large cockhead into the opening. Marie groaned. Shelly put her hand over the girl's flat little tummy and moved her back onto Master's cock; Master took her by the sides of her bottom and let Shelly guide for a moment, and then when he felt he had entered her properly, he gripped, his fingers sank deep into her soft young flesh, and drove himself into his slave with a loud cry.
Marie squealed as the cock penetrated her narrow passage, and that raised his blood. He started to thrust in and out with ever increasing energy. He must be nearly ready to cum, Shelly thought, and pulled on his large balls to delay him... they had nearly crept up into his scrotum. She rested one hand over his clenched buttocks feeling the strength of his drive. She could feel his cock pulsing - and suddenly he let go! With a roar like a wild animal, he pushed the little girl underneath him down flat on her front, and drove his cock in and out of her, his buttocks moving like pistons as he shook with the violence of his orgasm. Marie, buried under him, cried out in panic as his heavy body fell on her and forced her head into the pillows and then suddenly began to shake in the ecstasy of her own orgasm. The movements inside her pussy re-ignited his passion, and Master thrust himself hard into her, pressing down with his thighs. Shelly, kneeling behind them, saw his large hairy legs straddling her slim white ones, her ankles twisted together as the two of them both fired each other off: now she would set him off; then he would set her shuddering again. Her face was now sideways on the pillow, red, covered in sweat and she panted with the force of her long cumming.
Gradually, the pair of them subsided. Master raised himself on his arms, still keeping his cock inside her, locking his sperm into her narrow vagina. Shelly imagined his spermatozoa wriggling their way up Maria's little cervix, each anxious to impregnate that precious egg. She watched them, the way his sexual rage turned to softness, stroking the back of her head with one hand, as she sighed beneath him, her slim hands drawn up holding her shoulders, pinned down by his cock. Shelly understood vaguely that their hormonal balance did something to the acidity of their wombs, so that the male sperm were killed off in their hundreds as they swam into that part of a woman's body; the female sperm converging on the egg, to fertilise a daughter.
He finally lifted himself off her. His cock had shrunk to its normal length, Shelly saw, which was still not inconsiderable.
"Try and keep your legs together" he told Marie. "But you're going to have to clean me up to get me ready for your mother."
Their bodies re-arranged themselves on the bed; Master leaned back against the head of the bed and kept his legs wide open and Marie crawled between them. She took his flaccid cock in her hand and once again, kissed the tip of it, almost reverently, the way she had done at the very beginning. Master smiled. "So good, that one... do you think that was it, my lady slave Shelly? Or will she need more?"
Shelly smiled and looked down at her daughter. "I'm sure once from you is enough, Master..." Marie looked up, almost disappointed. They both laughed. "But a few more later in the month won't hurt!" Maire, sensing they were teasing her, resumed her attention to the cock in her mouth.
Master nodded his head at Shelly, eyeing her breasts. Wordlessly, she knelt at his side, and held the nearest breast out to his lips. He licked the nipple, smiled, and gently sucked it into his mouth. Shelly felt her breast engulfed, the slight scrape of his teeth on her skin, and he brought his large hands to either side of it, massaging her breast at the base, milking it. She gave a small gasp as she felt the tingle starting to flow. Master pushed Marie's head away from his cock, and gave his full attention to suckling from Shelly's breast.
How different it was to be suckled by a lover, she thought, as she watched his cheeks purse rhythmically. All humans half close their eyes contentedly when suckling. The very young and the old; girls and men, all. The sweet sensations travelled down her body, through her tummy and pulsed deep in her vagina. Maria crept up to the top of the bed, beside Master, and weighed Shelly's other full breast in her hand. He motioned to encourage her without taking his mouth off Shelly's nipple, and she leaned over Master, seeking the other milky breast. Her small dainty hands moved around her mother's roundness, pulling it into her mouth and all of a sudden Shelly felt both her breasts were giving! She eased herself over Master's thighs, so that Marie could rest beside Master and the pair of them could suck her at their ease.
She felt her pussy warming; the juices were flowing out of her down there as well, she realised. Master's arm was held protectively around the little girl's shoulders; even the rhythm of their sucking had synchronised. In that same rhythm, Shelly found herself rubbing her wet pussy over Master's cock (how had she managed to get herself into precisely that position, she wondered) and Master was starting to respond.
A warm thickness filled her pussy and finally Master let her nipple go with a sigh, leaning back. Marie was still sucking - she could feel the last mouthfuls draining into her daughter's mouth. There was a small fleck of milk around her lips she suddenly noticed. Marie's eyes were fully closed, an expression of bliss over her face. Although the child no longer looked like the baby she had been, Shelly smiled at the memory of a small girl in the cot beside her. Master caught her smiling and gently drew back Marie's golden hair from her forehead. Shelly and Master exchanged pursed kisses through the air between them, like proud parents.
Was that a quickening of a cock beneath her? Shelly looked at her Master, a small naughty grin on her face. As Marie finished her suckling with a contented sigh, Master nodded to his cock. She looked impressed, and knelt to the side of her mother. One hand round the back, the other at the front. Marie held Master's cock and balls at the same time, kneading them in her supple fingers.
"Oh my... you could make a zombie rise, honey!" Marie flushed with pleasure as she pressed the thickening cock into her mother's vagina, pushing his balls up against her backside. Shelly began to ride him, slowly and cautiously at first so he wouldn't slip out, and then more vigorously as she felt him expand inside her. She pulled on it with her vaginal muscles and she saw him respond with his eyes. More! Oh! There he was already! She could feel him pressing against her cervix and she paused for a moment to settle her wet vagina more firmly over his thighs, pulsing her muscles.
"Ohhh... honey!" he groaned, eyes half closed. Neither of the women really knew which one he was speaking to. Perhaps the mother and daughter had become fused into one sexual identity for him: one lovely body in two forms for fucking?
Marie quietly got up and knelt behind Shelly. She pulled her mother's arms gently but firmly behind her back, so that her breasts stood out, even though they were now sagging, emptied of milk. While her mother's fingers found her pussy, she leaned over her and caught her breasts in her own hands, rubbing them against each other and squashing them together easily now they were not so firm. Master watched, wide eyed. Shelly groaned, as much from the pleasure as from the occasional pinch that Marie might give her. Master started to press his cock up inside Shelly and Marie let her hands slither down her mother's tummy and started to play with her pussy. She opened her pussy lips out, showing Master the sight of his cock going into her mother's vagina. Shelly's clitoris was engorged, and her daughter's fingers played with it for Master to see: circling round it, occasionally patting it, teasing her mother until a groan broke from her lips and Marie placed two fingers over the top and started to rub it hard.
Master saw that Shelly was starting to cum and he watched as his slave's cheeks began to flush; a flush that spread to the top of her breasts; sweat beaded her forehead and she was breathing fast through slightly parted lips, her tongue protruding between her white teeth. Suddenly, her stomach muscles pulled in and she shook, sending waves of pleasure down his immense cock as she squirted her pussy juices over him. He pulled himself up, and reaching for her shoulders, pushed her down on her back so he was now on top of her, between her wide open legs, and started to pound her hard as she moaned in her orgasm.
"Suck my ass!" he growled at Marie. The girl gasped and placed herself behind him, her little tongue licking the crack of his ass, delving into his hole. The two women felt him tighten, and then with a roar and a convulsive shudder, he started to unload his sperm into Shelly. Right into her, deep into her vagina. She felt as if the stream of his seed would never end, no sooner did he appear to stop than he resumed, as if wanting to push his entire body into her. His lips covered hers and his tongue forced its way into her mouth the way his cock was ramming into her body. Time seemed to stop for both of them, bodies fused in passion.
Their tempo slowed. Time resumed. They still moved but it was a movement like a habit, a memory. Marie slinked round the side of them and gave them both a kiss on the lips: first her mother and then her Master pressing over her mother's soft body. Master placed an arm around Marie's shoulders and drew her tight to them, his other arm burrowed beneath Shelly's shoulders and pressed her to him. He looked quizzically at Shelly and she shook her head sightly with a smile. No Master... I love your weight on me. He returned the kisses to the two women, savouring the difference between Shelly's broad generous lips and Marie's smaller girl's mouth. He had given her the first lover's kiss of her life, he remembered. Shelly had given this delightful girl for his complete enjoyment. He had taken her virginity. And now he was seeding her with child. Was seeding both of them. Warm and loving Shelly, pretty and quicksilver Marie. He loved them both.
Shelly thought of how Marie had been conceived, of the sterile passionless steel table at the baby farm. She hugged her Master and Marie closer to her. How could a body hold so much contentment? I gave them both my milk this morning, to my Master and to my child. Master has given me his seed: I'm going to be a real mother at last.
Marie kissed the two of them again. My mommy and... well... someone who I would give everything for to be my daddy. Thank you god for being kind to mommy. Thank you god for finding me a daddy who loves me and who is not afraid to have sex with me and who has now changed me so my tummy will grow and give him a lovely baby girl...
The sun had been obscured by clouds for a while, but now it broke clear and flooded the three naked bodies clasped together on the bed with its warm glow. Their hearts beat together, their chests expanded and contracted together in their joined breathing. It seemed to them that the time for loving would never end.
Folks say that by the time Master James reached the age of sixty he was a very elegant man, his voice deep and resonant, grey hair shot with white. He had never made much of an impact as a politician but those who knew him say he had worked hard for the community in his own quiet manner. In his retirement he affected a walking stick tipped with silver and was often seen strolling about with his womenfolk. The visible difference between the ages of his two slaves evened out: they were still, from what we hear, both desperately glamorous and clearly very much in love with him. There were also three pretty and vivacious teenage girls who seemed to be quite happily part of the household, even though the law had eventually changed, and the children of a freeman were also, legally, free. That meant the fourth child, a boy, who was clearly doted on by all his sisters as well as his father and mother and aunt, would inherit his father's wealth as well as his good looks. Changes in medical practice made pituitary interfaces the preferred method of mental enhancement, and Marie built up a successful practice that would have supported all of them even without their Master's open-handed generosity.
You can find their graves up there on the hill, overlooking the harbour, slightly set apart from the other more illustrious members of James' family. From the dates on the stones, you'll see that Shelly followed her Master soon after; and many years later Marie was buried on his other side. It's hard for us nowadays to imagine those old times when resources were so scarce that human lives were the cheapest commodity of all. Many freewomen with long elegant names died as old embittered spinsters; perhaps times were as hard for them as for their sisters in slavery. James never did marry, after all.
Barbie Bergen drove her Toyota slowly through the howling blizzard, on her way to a Christian Youth Camp. The rest of her friends were already there, gathered for a weekend ski trip at a nearby resort. The weather had turned bad very suddenly, the temperature dropping precipitously, and Barbie had soon lost her way, having left the main road over an hour before. She peered through the icy windshield, trying to see any signs or markers that would help her find the camp. Barbie was a...
Title: The Captive FamilyAuthor: Eros The Captive Family Chapter 1 Bobby Mitchell ducked down quickly in the driver's seat astwin beams of bright light shone suddenly into the rearview mirror.The sound of the approaching car got louder, and the boy prayed thatit would go straight past. The last thing he needed right now was forsome damn good-samaritan to stop and ask questions. Worse still, if itwas a cop, he was done for! Even the dumbest cop in the world wouldn't take long to findout...
The newly relocated Indian camp was pretty much settled into a stable routine when the visitors from the North came to present them with a proposition to locate, capture and help transport captured settler women to the northern territories where females were in short supply and the men needed the solace of a woman’s arms to calm their frustrated drive to copulate with a “real” woman. The local Indian tribes were none too pleased to share their female members with the intruding white men that...
First of all, thank you so much for reading my stories and giving them such high marks. I am so gratified to have you like my work. It might help to understand this story if you have already read my other stories—all dealing with human trafficking. If you enjoy these stories, please give me high marks. I’m new at this kind of thing, but I would love for you to leave comments of what you would like to read and how I can improve my writing. I’m just a lonely girl with big natural boobs, who...
CAPTIVE AUDIENCE by anyport If anyone had asked me a week ago what I'd be doing today, the last thing that would have entered my head would have been...well maybe I'd better let you decide for yourself. I had the afternoon off, I'm self-employed and am in the fortunate position of being able to choose when I work. In fact, I really only need to work a couple of days a week to make quite a respectable income. Anyway, I'd been browsing round a few shops and decided to look...
When she opened her sleepy eyes just before daylight the next morning, the captive white girl Margaret was bothered by the fact that it was so deathly quiet all around her in every direction. She didn’t even hear the measured breathing of her captors or any of the other women they had stolen from the French traders looking to make a nice profit on the sale of the remaining white women. She could still see the stars shining down from the blackened sky and the faint rays of daybreak off to the...
[This is something that I wrote prior to Britney, it is not related to my series of stories called Britney.] CAPTIVE By britney kandey CHAPTER ONE: CLUBBING Me and my friend Toby had decided that it would be a good night to go hit the town, and paint it red in the process. We where both very horny after spending the previous 3 months working on a fishing boat. The first stop of the night was the local Irish bar "Saint Patrick's" where it lacked in talent it made up for with...
Hope you all enjoy the final part of this series. I sure had fun writing it A month had passed and Talise was still captive. Talise was given no chances to run away. Hazma kept watch on her and she had spent each night with Ali. She rested beside Ali and watching him sleep and it was early morning. She was naked and her body well pleasured. Ali had taught her so many new things she blushed just thinking about them. He was sinful and so good looking. His lovemaking was erotic. He worshiped...
CAPTIVE.I awoke sitting on a chair in a hollow sounding room. My head was smothered by some form of rubber-smelling hood, I’d fixed enough cycle tyres to know that smell! I was blinded but my nose had two small snotty holes I could breathe through along with an open mouth. My ears, though covered were still keen as my voice echoed in that large blank room.“Hello… Any?” I closed my mouth. In more than an hour, well a long time, I had received no reply as I sat still in that uncomfortable seat...
The captive long hair soldier girl known as “Badger Girl” because of her long duration blackened eyes from serious training received at the hands of her captors knew that the last “auction” location for the sale of the female prisoners would be her best opportunity at escape if she could only find a fast horse to carry her to safety. Badger Girl’s real name was Margaret Hatcher and she was the widow of a cavalry captain slain at the burning of Fort McDonald down below the existing border....! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesThis is my first attempt at writing. There is a long introduction, but if you are patient, you will find an intense scene that should reward you with pleasure. "Glorious euphoria is my must, erotic shock is a function of lust. Temporarily blind, dimensions to discover, in time each into the other." CAPTIVES TO LUST – Chapter One “What am I doing here?” I asked myself that question a hundred times on my flight to Pennsylvania. Was I out of my mind? Possibly. Not in a way that would get me...
Wife LoversThis isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...
Lisa and Ivory had an uneventful ride to next town to meet Agatha. Ivory loved the lavish dress Lisa had clad her in and the carriage was quite comfortable. As they rode Lisa told Ivory Agatha’s story. ‘Agatha is a young widow. Her husband was killed in an unfortunate accident. Her husband was a nice man, I served in her wedding. Agatha was sad for quite some time as She missed Donald a great deal. But as her husband’s only heir, Agatha inherited a fortune. Legally she is under no compulsion...
It had been a week since she had seen Jimmy, and she was horny as hell. It had been easy to fool everybody. He drove her to the outskirts of town, completely away from his house and she walked half way home, until a cop stopped because she was walking through a slum area where a young white girl was out of place. They recognized her from the description of her as a missing person, and took her home. All the fuss and interviews, when she repeated and repeated the story they had cooked up, were...
He's shuffled along, the large bear guards forcing him along the long, cold corridor. Barefoot, with nothing but a loin cloth, he shivers as he moves along. Finally, they come to large double doors made of a black wood. The grain is fine and delicate, the carvings adding to the beauty, with scenes of herds of intricate deer in a lovely dark forest. The bear guards slowly swing the doors open to a large room, a giant four post bed to one side, surrounded by black sheer curtains. There...
This is my first attempt at writing. There is a long introduction, but if you are patient, you will find an intense scene that should reward you with pleasure. ‘Glorious euphoria is my must, erotic shock is a function of lust. Temporarily blind, dimensions to discover, in time each into the other.’ CAPTIVES TO LUST – Chapter One “What am I doing here?” I asked myself that question a hundred times on my flight to Pennsylvania. Was I out of my mind? Possibly. Not in a way that would get me...
Gretchen frowned at the paper panties that Lula, the waxing technician,had given her. She quickly decided that Sue’s recommendation to just skip wearing panties and go bare during her waxing was the best option. Thankfully, Lula had also given her that option without Gretchen having to ask. Following Lula’s instructions, Gretchen removed her shoes, jeans, and panties and left on her top. She sat down on the end of what looked like a massage table and draped the sheet that Lula had provided over...
Group SexThe Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, seventeen-year-old Mark and...
____________________________________________________________ David and Linda sat on the couch watching the end of the 11 o'clock news on the TV when the front door of their upscale Maryland home was kicked in and two large men wearing ski masks and brandishing pistols rushed into their living room. David and Linda were both 34 years old. David was 5'7" tall and weighed 147 pounds. He was a computer programmer at one of the Washington government office buildings. Linda was 5'5"...
She didn’t stay in long, the water was frigid and made her nipples so hard they ached, returning to the cabin to stand as close to the fire as she could to warm up. Once dry and warm again, she curled up to await the return of the men and promptly fell asleep. She awoke several hours later to find herself hanging by her wrists from the center beam of the roof, just her toes touching the floor. As her eyes opened she felt nipple clamps close on her nipples and squealed, her gaze meeting that...
She got a fire going and fixed herself some dinner as the sun began to go down. After eating, she cleaned up the pan and then sat staring into the flickering flames of the fire. She could hear sounds made by small night animals passing through the woods around her campsite, but no screaming sirens or honking horns or guns going off. No sound of humanity, no light but the fire and stars above as full night fell. The quiet became more intense, and she suddenly wondered why she could no longer...
Chapter 1 Nassie swung her staff around her body, connecting with the large brute to her left. Stunned, he fell to the ground clutching his middle. Quickly Nassie swung again and again hit a brute to her side. She had been fighting for a long time, heard the shrieks of her village and seen the smoke rise. But no matter how many of the raiders she dropped more kept coming. She knew it was a losing battle but she would not go down with out a fight. Slowly the circle of warriors closed around her...
Introduction: Story by John 2, Posted because I felt like many people havent seen it before Captured Family The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. Theyd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rocks...
Introduction: Robbers break in and force the family to have sex while being filmed so they will not call the police The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. ____________________________________________________________ David and Linda sat on the couch watching the end of the 11 oclock news on the TV when the front door of their upscale Maryland home was kicked in and two large...
You wake up with a pounding headache, your throat parched; everything is dark, and you realise there is something bulky on your neck, wrists and ankles. After a while, still struggling to remember how you've come to this, you hear a sound of footsteps; as your eyes start to adapt to the darkness,you finally get a glimpse of your surroundings:
TranssexualYou look out from the window from your chambers in the Red Keep. Black smoke rises above the rooftops filling the air with the smell of ash and soot. You cringed at the scent. You always hated it. You couldn't tell if it was from the burning debris or the corpses. Perhaps, it was both. You could hardly believe all of this is happening. Deep down you had hoped you were dreaming. You wanted this to be all just some terrible nightmare, and soon enough you'll wake up in your bed covered...
You are the commander of an army, and your forces have proven victorious over your foes. Now, your forces have informed you of a valuable prisoner that they have taken and is waiting for you to interrogate them. How does it go?
I walk the decks on a cold winters night. The sky is clear and the stars glistening. The men are asleep as its been a hard days graft plundering the imperial fleet. I say asleep some of the spoils were woman so they were having their wicked way with them. I stroll below, the wooden stairs echoing down the empty deck. I sit on a stool and start to admire the more metallic spoils. A sceptre catch's my eye. I pick it up and fondle it. The crystal upon its top glistened brightly and projects candle...
Christy should have known she could never escape the employ of gang for which she worked. At first it had been exciting, running with a bunch of hardened characters who had plenty of money to flash araound in all the nighttime hotspots.But in the end, like so many before her, Christy had been reduced to just another possession, like their gold jewelry and fancy cars. She was simply there to service the desires of these men, whether it pleased her or not. It wasn't until she decided to flee that...
Will listened to the gravel crunching under the wheels of the Jeep as he and his mother, Felicia pulled up in front of the cabin.It was finally happening, he thought to himself. Months of planning had gone into the plan and now he was ready to put it into motion."Well, we made it," his mother said, shutting off the engine."Yeah, seemed like it took forever to get up here this time," he returned, reaching for the door handle."Oh, you were just antsy to get up here," she laughed, pushing open her...
She swims back to consciousness, aware of the large gap in her memory. What DID happen after she passed out? Carol remembered only the pleasant-voiced older man who had caught her seconds before she blacked out. Her vision seemed as hazy as her memory, but she was increasingly aware of the peculiar position of her limbs. Perhaps she had broken both legs, for they seemed to be propped far above her as she lay on the bed, as if she were in traction. Her arms were pinned above her, and a gentle...
It all seemed surreal as her eyes slowly adjusted to the light of the semi-darkened room. A single barred window on the wall behind her provided the only source of light. She was naked, her legs spread and secured by metal shackles around each ankle that were bolted firmly to the concrete floor beneath her. Her hands were stretched outward from her body, and, in similar fashion as her feet, two metal bands were locked around each wrist, attached by chains to a clasp on the brick wall behind...
I am lost. I despair of escaping from this existence. I am now in a worse state then when I was falsely incarcerated for an unknown crime. Now I am captured by Mistress Green and the transvestite Mistress Benny as their sex slave. No, more than just sex, their abuse and torture slave too. If you have somehow read the other episodes of my story I have managed to leave on the Internet you'll know that I foolishly and consentingly decided to accept this position with Mistress Green, but...
Disclaimer:This story is a work of fiction and includes adult situations and extreme acts of sexual depravity, including rape and torture Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and includes adult situations and extreme acts of sexual depravity, including rape and torture. It is intended for adults only. If you are under the age of eighteen or, in some jurisdictions, twenty-one, do not continue past this point. If you desire to read on, it is by your own choice and responsibility...
She was laying on her side in front of his chair, bound at the ankles andknees it pressed her soft, supple thighs together in the most pleasing manner,her hands bound tightly behind her back forced her chest out. For fifteen yearsold she was already alluring – soft, pale skin. Deep red hair and beautifulgreen eyes - but he had always been partial to smaller girls, and she was small,he didn't even know the poor girls name but she couldn't be more then fivefoot four inches tall and she must have...
You were awake, groggy, but awake. You remembered your name Catherine, but you usually went by Cat. You were puzzled by the fact that you couldn’t see much. There was something over your head. You didn’t seem hurt, just very confused. You were a bit unclear about where you were and what had happened. You did remember being in a club. Just having two drinks, you went to the bathroom. That was it. You did know that you were probably not in that bathroom now. This place didn’t smell right for...
ReluctanceHe's shuffled along, the large bear guards forcing him along the long, cold corridor. Barefoot, with nothing but a loin cloth, he shivers as he moves along. Finally, they come to large double doors made of a black wood. The grain is fine and delicate, the carvings adding to the beauty, with scenes of herds of intricate deer in a lovely dark forest. The bear guards slowly swing the doors open to a large room, a giant four post bed to one side, surrounded by black sheer curtains. There is also...
How did I get into this? I'm in a strange room. My hands are tied behind my back. A dark blind fold over my eyes. A gag has been placed in my mouth. I've been stripped down to my panties and bra. I'm laying on the floor with my cheek pressed to the carpet. Its true what they say. Deprived of one sense the others grow stronger. I could hear footfalls in the hall. What next? The last thing I could recall was drinking a glass of wine at a bar with a handsome older man. He was a professor of...
The smell of soil and fresh hay sifted through a musty atmosphere to tickle at Gabriel's nose, a calm smile on his lips as he made his way through the stables. His dark but gleaming indigo orbs caught the soft browns of the horse to his left. He paused his paces, leaning forward across the stable gate to pet its soft mane carefully. "I remember when you used to be scared of horses." Gabriel jerked back, the horse in return snorting before turning away and leaving the student alone; caught...
© April 6, 2002 Chapter 1 She hated it so when her Master went to work. He left Sunday, now it was Friday and it would be a VERY long weekend. Though her Master would call her and they would chat on line, she wanted her Master with her. She never liked when she had to share him. He was hers, all hers. Though she knew there were others, she and he had a stronger bond. None of "them" could get away with what she could. None of "them" understood him the way she did. None of "them"...
"I'm glad it's you, baby!", said his mother huskily. "It's so much more exciting having you fuck me, sweetheart!" Cathy tingled all over with pleasure. Her initial fears about letting her son fuck her up the ass were almost gone, washed away by the rising heat of anticipation. Her horny young son had fucked her cunt, now he was going to fuck her asshole. The wild, incestuous wickedness of it heightened her pleasure a hundredfold. Bobby began to move his cock inside his mother's...
"Let's just do what they want, Daddy," murmured Debby, trying not to stare too much at her father's great dangling cock. "Like you said... if we do what they want, nobody'll get hurt, right?" "Yes, honey, I guess you're right" Dick tried to hold his daughter away from him as they danced, but to his surprise Debby, melted against him without hesitation. He tied not to react to the sensual pressure of her lithe young body as it pressed against his naked skin... but it was...
Lisa stroked her son's huge hard-on a couple of times before she realized what she was doing. Then, the pangs of shame and guilt hit her again and she removed her hand from the boy's cock like it had just been burned. She tried to push her son away from her, but either he was too strong for her, or her heart really wasn't in it, either way, Kevin held her in his arms and began to run his hands hotly over her soft, naked flesh with a familiarity that both frightened and excited her at the...
Bobby's cock was almost at full erection now, and Mandy was having great difficulty in fitting it all into her tiny, sucking mouth. He reached down to the girl's crotch and began to rub his fingers up and down the hot, juicy slit between her tight cuntlips. Mandy moaned around his cock and hunched her pussy up against his hand, urging Bobby to stick his fingers in deeper. Bobby slid two fingers up her cunt and rubbed her fat little clit with his thumb. Mandy sucked his cock harder,...
Lisa had the urge to pull the horny little slut off her husband, but that soon passed as Bobby sat down beside her and ran a hand down over her sopping wet cuntmound. Instinctively, she opened her legs wider to let the youth insert two long fingers into her itching cunthole. "Ohhh, yeahhhh! You're real wet, Red!", he observed, inserting another finger into her saturated twat. "I bet you want Hero to fuck you again too, don't you? Huh? Ummmm, yeah! You do... don't you, baby?" Bobby's...
Margaret was down on all fours not far from the fire. The mountain man called Kit was a dead weight on her tail bone and he was humping her about as hard as she had been humped by a non-Indian male to the best of her recollection. His juice flooded her down below giving her the energy she needed to fall asleep and charge up her battered body for the trials and tribulations of the next day’s stress. She was unable to see it in the dark, but his cock must have been overly large because her...
Most of the folks in the wagon train were bone-tired of the constant daily routine of breaking camp and the dry dusty hours of slow travel across the parched plain. Margaret was not in that group because she was basking in the glow of no longer being a slave to some male master that used her body as their personal “whipping boy” or raw sex at every opportunity. The eldest daughter on her wagon was enthusiastic about licking her pussy and she returned the favor listening to the other sisters...
Soldier Girl Margaret was mounted on a piebald mare with a solid back and easy-going ways. She liked that horse because it was used to gunfire and would stand like a petrified log in the midst of chaos. The half breed Indian scout was pissing behind the cottonwood tree near the shoreline, and she caught sight of his impressive tool that seemed out of place on an Indian not usually known for the size of their dicks. She knew his real name was something like Grey Eagle or Grey Owl, but she...
It wasn't shocking to me that the joint-efforts of Valerica, Bethany, and their fellow bridesmaid Carmen, plus the experience of licking Laila's yummy ass (and it was one sweet derriere), had me stiff as before. The reality that I had probably seeded my step sister didn't hurt at all. Bethany and I were always close, but I had wanted more from her than she seemed willing to give ... well, until now. Apparently, I had assumed wrongly that she didn't return my feelings. The blue pill...
I lost track of just which man was fucking Natalie from one moment to the next, given the wild, frenzied nature of the gang-bang. She certainly had plenty of action from the menfolk, to be sure, though I wasn’t exactly lacking for company, either. About an hour left before the wedding, as we were all worn out from all of the sex, I looked around and realized that I had been intimate with every single woman in my circle of friends and family, and most of the men as well. I had cum in my mouth...
“Do you, Natalie, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or worse, in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth, for as long as you both shall live?” the priest asked my fiancee. “Oui, mon pere. I do take him. I do!” Natalie told Father Corcoran with enthusiasm. I couldn’t help but smile at my French bride’s response, as the priest turned to me, “Do you, Levi, take this woman to be your lawfully...
When I joined Danielle in the ladies’ room, I wasn’t too shocked at what followed, but the fact that it was held in that context, in a reception held after a Roman Catholic wedding mass, no less, it was a bit staggering. The next shock came in the way that my new sisters-in-law and the bridesmaids eagerly fluffed for us, licking and sucking both of us to prepare the way for my cock to ravish the mother of the bride. One thing was sure: my mother-in-law, like all of the other women in her...
I was very much engaged in some rather hot and heavy sex with my sisters-in-law now, still in the ladies room of this banquet hall... (what the hell kind of banquet hall can a man fuck three women in and not get caught, by the way, four counting my wife, of course), when Jacqueline, the younger sister, creamed herself on my dick. I had already screwed her sister/wife (turned out that this was an unofficial marriage after all) Charlotte for a good while, but I went even slower by now, having...
I was in a bit of a daze, not quite clear where I was, after coming to, still in the banquet hall, with Cassidy’s twat engulfing my dick. I felt her kisses as she noticed that I was awake and planted them all over me for good measure. Evidently, the stripper from my bachelor party really had become one of my love slaves. I hadn’t dreamt that part up ... or, judging from the scene around me, anything else. There were naked bridesmaids everywhere, not to mention my own mother and my...
“Holy shit, where are we?” I grabbed my forehead as I woke up a bit groggy. “Don’t worry. We finally did make it out of the banquet hall, dear. You thankfully didn’t drive, not after having serviced a dozen or so women and drank that much beer ... and ate that much food. You were in no shape for it, but being your mother, I volunteered to get my sweet boy home safely. Of course, I naturally went to bed with you, so that when you awoke, I could get the first fuck of the day out of you ......
She awoke on her side, with his body pressed against her back. She didn't move for a while, dreamily reliving the day before, each of the climaxes, the discovery of how good it was with a man. His cock felt good in her hand, in her mouth, in her cunt. Nothing she could do to herself felt as good. She pushed back at his skin, particularly with her hips, and felt his meaty prick in her ass crack. A contented sigh came unbidden from her throat. He stirred, then a sitting position....
Tammy had noticed the little red light on the camera go on at least once, and even as she was roaring with pleasure at fucking Jimmy again, had felt even more turned on by the possibility that they were being watched by Mim and Billy. It didn't stay on the whole time, and she noticed a feeling of disappointment in her mind. She had thought a lot about the five days she and Jimmy had spent together, and realized that her pleasure was always increased when she felt she was being taped or...