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This text was submitted for a contest held a few years ago to explain Celeste's temporary [alas, now permanent] absence from Celestial Reviews on ASSM. Some readers have become confused between the author, the narrator, and characters in the story. One reader even suggested there may be some autobiographical reference involved. This is naïve, but understandable for several reasons. First, the name of the putative author, Homer Vargas, is also the name of a character in the story. Second, although the story is written in the impersonal third person, at various points the narrator speaks to the reader as "I," seeming, thereby to pierce the veil between author and narrator. Finally, the character "Homer Vargas," also claims to be a writer of erotic stories as the putative author would appear to be.

Readers should not be distressed by these shenanigans as other writers such as Phil Roth, Johnny Updike, even Homer's own cousin, Mario Vargas Llosa, have done the same. Nor is this a new literary device. You probably remember that Mickey Cervantes in Book Two explicitly poo-poos any correspondence between himself and the author of Book One of "Don Quijote." Doubts have even been expressed about the authenticity of Homer's own namesake, although most scholars now agree that both The Oddessy and The Iliad were written either by Homer or by someone with the same name.

Professor Gail Myrthwright has an excellent treatment of the problem of subject/frame interaction in her recent thesis, "Exhibitionism and Self Reference in Internet Erotica." In her paper, Professor Myrthwright cites dialogue of Mercedes Cortez a character in "A New Infection," also by Homer Vargas (or someone with the same name) to explain the phenomenon:

"But, Vivian, can't you see, deconstruction of a text ALWAYS requires attention to the semiotic conventions of time and place. I find your attempt at a-historical analysis futile, at best. A deeper analysis... uuh, yes, a little deeper. DEEPER, Darling. You KNOW how Mommy likes it! Oh, oooh, OOOOH!"

While holding in tension the dialectic so well expressed by Dr. Cortez, Ms Myrthwright also presents us with the contrarian view which Vargas puts in the words of Vivian Wu in the same story:

"Mechas, my dear, you simply fail to recognize the importance of STRUCTURE. A hermeneutic exegesis of a messages can no more be disguised by convention than can the language in which it is transmitted. With a little more time I know I can explain it to you. I'm really so close. YES! So CLOSE. Work that tongue, you bitch,... AYYYYY!"

Those interested in a broader, if somewhat popular, treatment of issues of self reference, should see "Godle, Escher, Bach" by Douglas R. Hofstadter. The rest of you, who may be tiring of this postmodernist horseshit by now, can go right on to the story below.

I know a lot a people have been wondering why Celeste has withdrawn "temporarily" from publishing the Celestial Reviews. I don't suppose anyone actually believes the phony explanation she put out in CR 310. Hard disk crash. Haa! The story is a lot more complicated. Incredibly, it started with the marital problems of a minor pornwriter, "Homer Vargas," thus...

Homer loved his Angela.

He loved her deeply, totally. She was his light, his life. Even after thirteen years of marriage, she still had the smashing figure of a woman in her twenties. People constantly expressed amazement that she was old enough to be married and even more that she could be the mother of a twelve year old daughter. His Angela was just beautiful. Every day at work, Homer yearned to get home to her. She filled his thoughts and she filled his dreams. Unfortunately, she did not fill his arms.

Homer had met Angela when he was working in South America. They had been virgins when they married; Angela because of very traditional, protective parents and convent education; Homer because Anglo girls in his small Southern high school just didn't find big brown boys with funny accents very attractive. In State University, even the few Latina women were more interested in the Black and WASP "jock" types, so he had been very frustrated. When Homer met Angela and she let him hold her hand on the very fourth date, he was in heaven. No other girl had ever let him take such liberties with her body. Within a month or two, Angela was letting him feel her titties. She was beautiful, intelligent and she had shown she really liked sex. What more could he want in a wife?

The problem seemed to start when they came back to the United States and had Cindy, bang-bang, almost as soon as they were married. Angela hadn't really planned to have a baby so soon; it just happened. Homer guessed she became frightened by her own fertility. Angela's mother had had thirteen children; Angela must have wanted to avoid anything like that. She was determined to finish her degree and to have a career. Cindy was a setback and she said they weren't going to have any more babies for a while.

Angela was one of those women who could not take the pill, so they had to use the rhythm method. (They tried using condoms a couple of times, but by the time Homer got the damn thing on, he'd lost his erection. This did not seem to upset Angela.) Unfortunately, Angela's period was pretty irregular. On average it was short, but occasionally she could go thirty or more days. Those of you who know about how the rhythm method works know that means they had a very narrow window of "safe" days each month.

After Cindy was born Angela decided that to reduce the risk, they would have to stop having sex so frequently. They hadn't been having sex that frequently, anyway. Homer took it badly. Sex was very important to him. He thought was the ultimate way of saying "I love you" to the most desirable woman in the world. Maybe it was difficult for Angela, too at first, but through some kind of internal discipline, she seemed to convince herself that she didn't really want sex that much. Once or twice a month seemed fine with her. Once or twice? Many times they were (Homer was) still eagerly awaiting the "safe" days when Angela's period showed up unexpectedly early and he had to start counting all over again.

The standard advice for couples using the rhythm method is to use "other means" to express love and affection during those days. Angela, however, was very conservative and reacted with disgust when Homer tried to pleasure her with his fingers or -- worse -- with his mouth on her pussy. He got them a copy of "The Joy of Sex" and once or twice after reading it Angela brought herself to place her lips on tip of his penis, but she just couldn't force herself to put it in her mouth. Thus, for most of each month they ended up not having sex of any kind.

Don't get the wrong impression, Homer was sure Angela did love him, but she began to think that love didn't need to include sex. They had much in common in addition to their daughter. Angela was a great cook and they enjoyed reading and listening to classical music together. She did all those sweet "wifely" things like straighten his tie, tell him when his socks didn't match, and keep an eye on his weight. Homer knew that if he looked a lot better than most guys his age, it was because of Angela. He didn't think she meant to be cruel in denying him sex; he suspected that she really did not understand just how much a man needs it.

Since she was intent on their not "doing it" most days, Angela became reluctant to let Homer be too "lovey-dovey." Over the years, she began to reject his kisses, took a dislike to being hugged or cuddled, and would seldom let him even touch her beautiful tits, which she was constantly complaining were "too big." "What's got into you, Homer?" she would protest if he forgot and tried to take her hand or slip his arm around her waist. She probably felt (maybe with some justification) that he was trying to seduce her. Perhaps she feared that if she allowed herself even a little sexual pleasure, she would loose control and go "all the way" and another trip to the maternity ward would be the result.

Homer was going crazy. He tried doing all those things that are supposed to make women melt. He sent her flowers, but she berated him for being silly or thanked him because they made "the house" look nice. He asked her to go out on romantic evenings for dinner, but she thought it was a waste of money. (Even then his company was starting to take off and there was always enough money for entertaining members of her family.) Angela didn't like to drink, so sharing a bottle of wine over a quiet dinner at home was out, too.

Homer had the idea of their taking dancing lessons together, but that was another disaster. Angela hated it and constantly criticized the other women there for wearing short skirts and heels (the things Homer has always wanted Angela to wear) to "show off their legs." He began to leave those women's magazines with articles on how to keep the "spark" in your marriage lying around. Angela wasn't buying. She was determined to make sure that no sparks led to no fires.

More and more Angela dressed to minimize her innate attractiveness, although she could never be unattractive to Homer. She would never wear high heels; deciding they hurt her feet. She wouldn't wear earrings; the clip ons pinched and she was allergic to the wires in the pierced kind, so she said. She preferred the triple protection of baggy slacks with pantyhose over panties. When Angela "had" to wear as skirt, it was always loose and a little longer than the fashion -- never with a slit and never above the knee. Homer tried buying her shorter, tighter skirts, but Angela wouldn't put them on. The sexy pajamas he got for her birthday or anniversary or Valentine's Day languished in the bottom of some drawer. Bangles, bracelets, and necklaces she found gaudy. Homer didn't even bother asking about an ankle chain or tattoo.

Homer had grown up as an only child and had always wanted lots of children. One, admittedly pretty perfect little girl, was not enough for him. Angela, however, just fawned over dozens of nieces and nephews and seemed content with Cindy. Homer, too, thought their nieces and nephews were cute, but cursed his fate that while all of Angela's sisters and sisters-in-law were having three and four kids for their husbands (one sister in law had eight!), Angela would give him only one. And not all those marriages were happy ones.

Angela's sister Margarita, for example, was married to an alcoholic who beat her and Consuelo's husband spent all his money on his mistress with whom he had a child. Yet Margarita had had two boys and two girls for her man. Consuelo had given her cheating SOB three girls and a boy and was pregnant again. Even worse for Homer was putting up with Angela's relatives who wondered aloud why they didn't "go for a boy," as if he wouldn't be just as overjoyed to have four or five more little girls competing for their daddy's attention!

Little by little having more kids and the resentment that Angela refused to let him make her pregnant again got to be almost an obsession with Homer. Everywhere he went he noticed pregnant women, women nursing babies, women with a brood of kids. When he saw an attractive woman with a man, Homer wondered how long it would be before the guy had her pregnant. He looked at balding, pudgy guys with three or four kids and ground his teeth. What had he done to deserve this torture?

All this was mixed up with sex or the lack of it. At night Homer would lie awake next to his sexy wife, yearning to reach over and touch her and knowing it would only anger her. Outwardly he looked like the luckiest man alive -- a beautiful wife, his company doing better and better, a pretty, intelligent daughter -- but he wanted more sex and more kids. Life seemed so unfair.

Why didn't Homer have an affair, you ask? I told you already; he loved Angela. He wanted her, not another woman. He wanted Angela to be the mother of his children; look at their success with Cindy. For the same reason he never seriously considered divorce.

At last he decided to have a serious talk with Angela. Luckily, Cindy was at a friend's house on that Friday night and they could be alone. It wasn't easy, but he told Angela about his feelings, how he loved her, but how he needed for their love to be physical, too. He admitted he wished she would dress more like the sexy woman she was. And finally, could they never have another baby?

Angela exploded. "So, that's all you want! To dress me like a whore and fuck me 'till I'm pregnant!

"No, of course not, Honey Maybe I said it wrong. I meant..." Homer collapsed in tears. He couldn't believe what he was hearing from his wife. Seeing him cry only riled her more. In the heat of anger she said that she didn't love him, that he had never satisfied her sexually and never would!

That's when Homer got mad. *He* -- who had suffered blue balls 360+ days of each of the thirteen years they had been married because *she* refused to have sex, -- had not satisfied *her!* Did she think sex was a spectator sport in which the man "performed" to please his woman? Homer knew Angela had never had an orgasm, but was that just his fault? She never allowed herself to try!

Homer knew he needed help but who? A woman, of course, a good Catholic like Angela, someone intelligent that Angela would respect, but most important, a woman with a sense of humor who loved sex. It didn't take long to light upon the ideal woman. He thought of the woman who once said that one of his stories was "disgusting," but that she had laughed her head off and then "done the dirty" with her happy husband. -- Celeste.

Homer decided to track Celeste down. It wasn't as hard as you think. Have you ever heard of "iso-logues"? They are lines linguists can draw on detailed maps marking the way that people in different regions of the country use words. For example in some places people say "nobody" in others, "no one." Generally, linguists can demarcate exactly where more people use one and where the other. That is but a very obvious example, but these maps are far more subtle. Word frequency, word placement, grammar, syntax, all can be analyzed and, in Celeste's case, they were.

Homer put his company's programmers on it. Every sentence Celeste had ever written in over three hundred Celestial Reviews went into a huge database. Of course Celeste had told everyone some things about herself that were plausible -- married with daughters, Catholic, English teacher in a high school.

Homer's linguistic map located her to the western half of a certain rural county in a medium size state. His private investigators found there was only one sexy English teacher in the local high school. Guess what; she was Catholic, married, and had two daughters. Bingo! Homer had Celeste!

Celeste didn't reply to his first e-mail. He didn't expect her to. Then he mentioned the name of her husband and her oldest daughter's best friend and hinted he would expose her. "What do you want?" Celeste finally wrote back.

Homer knew what she thought -- that like millions of other ASSM readers, he fantasized about shagging the sexy English teacher. But Homer was in love with Angela. He told Celeste to meet him in the bar of a large hotel in a medium size city near her home. He was reasonable about allowing her to find a time that would not arouse suspicion in her husband, but Celeste was very apprehensive, suspecting the worst.

Homer had told her how to recognize him, a tall brown man with a mustache and a red cravat. He had the pictures his private investigators had obtained. They didn't do Celeste justice. He spotted her the instant she walked in -- long straight brown hair. slim but with large breasts and the roundness of a woman who had borne children. She wore a business suit cut just a little bit provocatively, heels, large earrings. Celeste had read his stories and had decided to dress to please him.

"How did you find me?" she asked, upset, but not able to restrain her curiosity. "I though my system with AOL was foolproof. I'm going to sue the bastards!"

"You'd better not or I won't be the only one who knows who you really are. Besides, that's not how I found you." Homer explained how innocent information, a few lucky guesses and the linguistic maps had uncovered her identity. Celeste had been drinking heavily as he explained her undoing. As he spoke, she realized she was trapped. The combination of the liquor and the despair was fatal. She broke down in tears.

"Oh God! No, no" she sobbed. "You are going to blackmail me and I'll have to do anything you say. I know what's going to happen now. You must be able to see how wet I am." Celeste was becoming hysterical "You're going to take me to your hotel room to fuck me senseless in front of video cameras. In the elevator you will reach up under my skirt and discover I'm not wearing panties. You're going to finger me to an orgasm that will leave me incoherent."

"Celeste," Homer tried to break in

"I can't believe this is happening to me. I was a virgin when I married. I've always been faithful to my husband," she wailed. "Why is my body betraying me like this, at the worst possible time of month when I'm ovulating?. Oh! It's your magnificent cock; it mesmerizes me. You are going to lay me back and eat my pussy until I am so hot I can't make you use a condom."

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Introduction: A woman helps her wife relax in a special way Surprise By Discreet Lover Copyrighted 2011 The house was quiet as Len walked though the front door. She frowned as she walked into the living room and listened for any sound. Checking her watch she saw it was only 6:30. So where were the kids and Randa? Usually when she got home from work the kids were either running around or watching tv and Randa was working on the computer or making dinner. Walking further into the house she...

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EvilAngel Emily Willis The Anal Awakening Part 2

Cute, young Emily Willis teases in sparkly lingerie, pantyhose and heels. The bubbly butt slut meets porn stud Ramon Nomar for a raunchy rectal reaming. Ramon buttfucks her, pummeling the dark-haired nymph as she talks dirty. Emily slobbers through an ass-to-mouth blowjob, gagging as Ramon ferociously fucks her face. Emily spanks her own booty while Ramon bulldozes her bunghole, and the slut proudly flaunts her gaping asshole. Intense, hard-charging sodomy climaxes as Ramon squirts a thick load...

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Greedy Pussy No Brain

Hello my name is Harshvardhan and I am a businessman and age is 36yrs old and I am married to Bharti who is 33 yrs old and attractive woman and we have one kid age is 4 yrs .In the house my parents and one my younger brother Aditya also live as a joint family and I have one sister who got married in 2004 and living happily in Bangalore .This is brief history of my family. Last year my younger brother got married with Pinky a nice beautiful girl and she is a only child of a very wealthy...

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The TeacherChapter 33 Not guilty

It was the fifth of December. Lisa had thought to tell the story of St. Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra, who's feast day was to be the following day but, finally, she decided not to as many of her charges still believed in Santa Claus and she had thought it better not to cloud the issue. School was over for the day and the last of the parents from town, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston had just arrived to pick up Timothy and Judy. As they were leaving, Lisa saw Harold stroll up the lane towards the...

5 years ago
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The Neighbors Chapter Eleven Sex with Julie and Sarah

I'm going to cum Ah baby Don't Stop “OH God AAH!!!YES!! “ , I'm cumming ,again. "Oh fuck ooh yes . I too was ready to fill her up she is screaming to me "cum in me! cum in me ooh Fuck yeah, Daddy! Oh gawd yeah! . Yeah Daddy cum fill my pussy up Please fill my pussy with your hot cum, Daddy that's it aah yes ooh feels good aah . Then She collapsed on top of me the other girls seen I was wasted they would try again later with me this evening . Chapter Eleven ( Sex with...

1 year ago
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Playing with your Penis

Playing with your Penis Much as we all like to fuck there are times when for one reason or another we have no current sex partner. At these times masturbation in all its many different forms can be a great relief to any man. The slow stroking of ones semi erect penis until it rises up fully erect in your hand is a wonderful feeling. As the head of your cock pushes back your foreskin back, and the light covering of pre-cum glistens on your erect penis, you know that you are going to pump some...

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Seducing My Hot Mallu Aunt

By : Arjun061987 Hi my name is Arjun (name changed) I am 24 years old with an height of 6’and an 6″cock, living in Bangalore ,Koramangala.Basically I am from Kerala but settled with my family in Bangalore,my uncles family also reside with us.  Describing about my aunt she is an mallu lady with 6′ height and 36,36,36 wheatish brown she has been married to my uncle for 12 years now, they have two school going kids, she is very shy women ,she doesnt know any other language excluding Malayalam. I...

2 years ago
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My Ever First Sex With Sexy Teacher

Hi sexy girls n bhabies..i m back wih my ever 1st sex experince,jinhone ne meri pahli story nhi padhi h unka bata du…mera naam karan hai or main east delhi ka rahne wala hu..or main punjabi family se blong krta hu..dikhne me main average hu or mere lund ka sze kaafi bada hai or kaafi mota b kisi b ladki ya bhabi ko satisfy krne k liye kaafi hai,meri id () Par aap mujhe reply kar sakte hai or isi id se mujhe facebook or orkut par join b kar sakte hai bt no only young girls n bhabies now come 2...

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A Run Through the Park

It was a sunny Saturday morning, and I had decided to take a nice long run. I had been wanting to get some training in before the cross country season starts. The school was out and it had been a moderately boring summer recess so far, and running was going to be a highlight for me this summer. So, I ask my dad if I could go for a run. He said, “sure be careful and be home by 7.” I quickly went upstairs, I put my long blonde hair in a ponytail. A lot of my friends said I’m cute, I have blue...

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PART 1It was the middle of the night at Hogwarts. The halls were dimly lit by flickering candlelight and all was silent. Well, almost all was silent. On the third floor, Filch was patrolling the halls. A handful of students, all couples, were locked away in broom cupboards or old classrooms if they could figure out what the counter was to the locking spell the teachers used. But all of that noise was was far away. The only sound being made near Harry Potter, locked away in a old classroom...

1 year ago
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Sexy Teacher Wants it Bad Part 3

My hips bucked as I shot my seed all over her face and tits. "Peter..." my teacher moaned, jerking my wet cock in her soft hands. She leaned forward and took my dick into her mouth, sucking the remaining cum from my softening cock. I moaned in pleasure and wondered in amazement at the beauty cleaning my cum off her face. It was lunch, and our second fuck of the day. We had been going on a sex rampage fucking at least twice per day, always at school. Her room was our usual spot, but we like to...

Erotic Fiction
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From Teen Bride to Hot Wife Part 9 Their First Threesome

A package for Caroline. It has the Dammartin Manor crest. She takes it through to the back room and sits down in the big armchair, tucking her stockinged feet beneath her bum. She turns the stiff cardboard envelope curiously in her hands while wondering what it might contain. Finally, she decides that there's only one way to find out, and she begins to pick at the flap with her nails. When she has it open, she pulls out a wad of glossy photographs.Oh, God! Look at these! Her insides twist into...

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Bisexual Relationships Part Two

ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY ARE FICTIONAL.  ANY SIMILAR NAMES, IDEAS, OR SITUATIONS ARE SIMPLY A COINCIDENCE.  THIS STORY CONTAINS MATTER SUCH AS YOUNG SEX AND SO ON.  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.  So with that in mind, enjoy :) -Madison's POV- I awoke to find Sara lying on the other side of the couch.  I looked at the clock, and I realized we had been asleep for about twenty minutes.  I tapped her on the shoulder and whispered for her to get up. "That was FUN!" she said excitedly.  I...

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My girlfriend is strange. I don't mean nerdy strange. I mean sexually strange — uh, kinky. Case in point: She likes to pretend I'm her pony. Let me back up a little, and I'll set up the story. My girlfriend's name is Lisa Chang. She's a sexy, petite Chinese girl ("Chinese-American!" she corrects me every time). She has the best ass and these sweet little tits with nipples that, like, are pokey all the time. We're both sophomores at UCLA. Her parent's are bigtime wealthy, so she is...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 922

Marital Misunderstanding How men and women record things in their diaries... Wife’s Diary: Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it. Conversation wasn’t flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn’t say much. I asked him what was wrong; He...

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Caught drinking in College

It had been a pretty long night, and you and the guys were almost ready to go back to your rooms. You had found a good spot in your dormitory to drink some liquor, and had had a good time. But unfortunately, just as you're almost done with your night of fun, you hear knock on the door. Your friend opens. There stand two female Resident Assistants, a hot Indian girl wearing form-fitting jeans that accentuate her well-developed thighs and ass, and an equally hot black girl, with a tremendous ass...

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The DilemmaChapter 14 Gareth Chancelor Monday

I was sitting with Estelle when a man came into her room a few minutes after 9:00am on Monday morning. He was short and stocky and I would guess somewhere in his 40s. His badge said Dr Nestry. He was carrying the standard clipboard. He looked at his clipboard and he said, “Hi, my patient is supposed to be Estelle Chancelor. I’m hoping that’s you in the bed. Are you Estelle?” Estelle nodded. “Yes, that’s me, I’m Estelle Chancelor.” “Could you please tell me your birth date and your home...

4 years ago
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Crotchless Panties

One night my buddy Tim and I were watching “Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers” when we heard one of the actors say, “She wears crotchless panties and barks like a dog.” As we laughed Tim said, “I know a chick like that. You know her too, Samantha Ferguson. We used to call her Fergie. Oh you’ve got to remember her.” I finally remembered who he was talking about and said, ‘Oh yes, you mean the coach’s daughter from high school.” Tim said, “Yes that’s her. Well I met her a few...

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Holes In My Wall

It was our big family reunion that summer and everyone was staying our house. My cousin Elisha, about my same age was staying in my room.All the cousins took full advantage of the warm weather by spending all day every day in our backyard pool. We’d come inside and shower and change for lunch. Then an hour later we were back in the pool. Then we’d come inside and shower and change for dinner, then an hour later back in the pool until it was time for bed when we’d shower and change again.My...

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Saras Protective Dad

Introduction: Saras Dad has always been protective of her, till he falls in love with her. I believe in freedom of speech that means I say or write what I want. Why I write is just for the enjoyable of it. What I write is fiction. Its not real, the characters on real, the real age started less than a few months ago. There still just characters in a story. Ill certainly Im not the most hard-core author here. But I still would not recommend any of my writings for persons under eighteen. Actions...

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Our Weekend Trip to Florida Part III

We stayed in bed for another hour just talking and sharing an occasional kiss. You told me more about your visit with your parents and filled me in on the things that happened after I left the office, but before you left. We often wondered what everyone had to gossip about after we let it be known that we were a couple. We had certainly been the high point of office gossip before we let it be known that we were well, sort of engaged. We didn’t actually announce that we were living together,...

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Fucked by huge MBA cock

To be honest this story is not mine but i do have fantasy like this story.When I was 18 after my examination, I went to my uncles house at Bombay. When I reached the station my uncle was waiting there for me. Then we went to and her in which our flat is situated.When we reached our flat I saw a handsome young man coming out from the very next room. I asked about him to my uncle. He told me that his name was Rahul and he is an mba student,he told me that rahuls parents were abroad so he is alone...

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A Fresh StartChapter 25 Midnight Rendezvous

I goofed off that afternoon in the dorm and had dinner in the dining hall. After dinner, Buddy pushed me to go to a frat party with him and get drunk and wasted. I declined. “Buddy, I’m going out tonight. Sorry.” “Hey, it’s free beer and dope!” “Buddy, with you it’s always free beer and dope.” I had never seen him actually buy beer or pot, although he certainly seemed to mooch it pretty quickly. “So, where are you going?” “That’s secret, Buddy. If I told you, I’d have to kill...

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Out Of The Box

Lightning raced horizontally across the night sky illuminating briefly a cloaked figure carrying boxes from an older Camry into a deserted barn.  Looking skyward at the approaching storm, the figure knew intuitively that rain would shortly be pouring from the heavens.There's an old saying that a barn will stand forever as long as it has a good roof; this particular barn did indeed have a good roof.  However, after years of abandonment and neglect, the rest of the structure was in great need of...

Monster Sex
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Hired Gun From Santa FeChapter 7

It was the arrival of the Pinkertons that got Sam Chisholm’s hackles up. Up to that point, he was fairly satisfied that he would be able to calm things down and turn the scales in favor of his female boss. He had tangled with the Pinkertons before on a couple of occasions. Sam had always felt it was their interference that caused the outbreak of funeral processions up to boot hill in San Antonio during the range wars that even pulled the Mexicans in just because they were generally handy...

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MaquisChapter 35

Poole. Five days later, towards the end of October. Jacko looked up and smiled as he heard the outer door to the flat open then close, then frowned slightly as the footsteps coming up the stairs were not the slow, light steps he was expecting, but a rapid rush. He moved towards the door, only slightly worried, but when the door opened and he saw who it was, he relaxed and smiled. He had almost stopped being amazed at his luck. But only almost. The morning after he had ‘rescued’ young...

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Lacie Ch 11

Chapter 11: Lacie’s Day Off Heather didn’t let Lacie sleep much that night, due to her concussion. She woke Lacie intermittently, checking on her condition, making sure her head injury didn’t worsen. Most of the group stayed in the medical suite, only Lindsey and Master went outside once Master’s ‘friends’ arrived. For a few hours the girls heard nothing about what was going on. Then Master came back with Lindsey in tow. Lindsey had gotten dressed up in an outfit made of nothing but lace and...

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Becoming PerfectionChapter 11

Barely moving at all, they are fucking each other. Emma’s pussy rhythmically tightens and loosens around FBI agent Paul Givens’ cock. He has to bite his lip to keep from moaning so he doesn’t draw the attention of the other waiting passengers. They are fully clothed, him with his tailored suit and she with her pinstripe suit and shirt combo, dark shades and fedora. She is sitting on his lap, facing away from him, pretending to look at her phone. Her skirt is spread over his legs and keeps...

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Upskirt pussy display lucky voyeur spot

In a nightclub years ago I had a holy grail moment and caught my one and only pantiless upskirt. There was an outside smoking area with heat lamps and some seating. If you weren't lucky enough to get a stool you sat on the floor. It provided no end of upskirt shots later in the night when girls were pissed or whatever.We were sat in a group of 3, my friend his girl Lou and me. She was new on the scene and while none of us wanted to admit it her plain face was overshadowed by a hot body and a...

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Fucked my hungry Rita

Hi am Ashok here once again and i am penning down my second erotic sex experience with my maid Rita. All my writings are real and there is not a single fiction in it and that is the reason my writings are lengthy because I describe the real happenings. Just for the sake of recap, I am a 32 yr married executive and Rita is our 27 yr old live in maid from my wife’s native village. Rita is a black thin lady with small but sexy assets. I have already written my first encounter with Rita. She is...

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FilthyTaboo Xxlayna Marie Roxie Sinner First Experience 8211 Part 1

XxLayna Marie & Roxie Sinner are new stepsisters & have quickly become the best of friends. Xxlayna is a little more reserved, while Roxie is the wild one of the pair. Unsurprisingly, It’s Roxie who breaks the ice about trying a lesbian experience for the first time with her stepsister, after oiling her up by the pool. Xxlayna is hesitant but kisses Roxie back. Roxie sucks on her perky little tits and nipples before tonguing her hairy pussy. Xxlayna returns the favor by burying...


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