MaquisChapter 35 free porn video

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Poole. Five days later, towards the end of October.

Jacko looked up and smiled as he heard the outer door to the flat open then close, then frowned slightly as the footsteps coming up the stairs were not the slow, light steps he was expecting, but a rapid rush. He moved towards the door, only slightly worried, but when the door opened and he saw who it was, he relaxed and smiled.

He had almost stopped being amazed at his luck. But only almost. The morning after he had ‘rescued’ young Melanie Harwell, they had had a long discussion over a protracted breakfast. It had very quickly turned to the Confederacy, the Sa’arm, extraction and related matters, before he had given her a lift back to Bournemouth. He hadn’t expected to see or hear from her again, but nearly a month later she had shown up on his doorstep, with a bottle of wine, and asked if she could talk with him again.

Jacko hadn’t been particularly busy, so they had sat in his tiny living room, the views out over the estuary looking particularly beautiful in the February sunset, and just chatted.

As before, the chat had started light and inconsequential. Mel had thanked him profusely for his help at the start of the year, but as the evening went on, the talk had soon turned to politics and in particular, what Jacko had told her the previous month about Graham Thorn and the coming invasion. Jacko had been impressed by her new knowledge: she had obviously done a lot of researching. At the end of the evening, she kissed him goodnight, and sped off in a taxi.

After that she had turned up every two or three weeks, and each time they had just sat and talked. By the start of April he had talked her into ‘infiltrating’ the local student union. With his help and guidance, some of it got remotely from Confederacy advisers, she had campaigned very effectively, and had quickly been appointed to an important role within the university union body.

The following September, just before Mel was due to start back at university for her final year of study, she had, in her own words: ‘tripped him up and fallen underneath him’, and despite the thirty-one year age gap, they had become lovers. Jacko had been uncomfortable and uncertain at first, his daughter was older than Mel, and he already had a grand child, but Melanie soon persuaded him that she wanted this, and that so did he.

Jacko quickly inducted her into the Maquis while at the same time, with the discreet aid of the Maquis, and to a lesser extent a Confederacy contact, she had got herself elected as President of the Bournemouth University NUS. By the following April, just a year after she had started campaigning, she had been elected onto the national committee.

A year after that she had been elected as the National Vice President. Now, six months on, she was about to set in motion their plan to get the NUS, and through it, students nationally, to come out in opposition to Graham Thorn. And all this done in spite of the fact that for two years now all new students entering university had to be members of the TaF.

“Hello love,” Jacko said when Mel entered the small living room.

“Hey babe,” they kissed briefly. “I think I’m in trouble.”

“Oh? What’s happened?”

“I was at national HQ in Drummond Street today for a National Executive meeting. There was a very heated argument in the meeting, so for lunch I decided to get a sandwich from the deli round the corner.” She shrugged slightly and gave a half grin. “I prefer the food from there than from the union canteen anyway. Especially these days.”

Jacko smiled briefly. “Okay, so what’s the problem?”

“I’d just got my baguette when I got a phone call from the receptionist. Apparently half a dozen Safety Patrollers had charged in asking for me and Martin.” Martin was the national president.

“Oh shit. Were you dropped in it by the receptionist?”

Mel shook her head. “No. Martin hadn’t been able to make the meeting, and she knew I was out of the building.”

“What did she do?”

“She sent them up to Martin’s office. It’s on the top floor and the lift isn’t working, so they had to charge up five flights of stairs,” she giggled softly. “Then she got my jacket and briefcase from the meeting room, brought them down to reception, and rang me.”

“So you did a runner?”

“Too bloody right. Wouldn’t you?”

Jacko smiled and nodded. “You did the right thing. I can protect you here, or at least, I can get you safe. Ever been to Brownsea Island?”

Mel smiled. “No, but I’ve often wanted to. But wouldn’t I be trapped there?”

“Not as badly as you might think.” He frowned. “How did you get back to Poole?”

“Was gonna come back by train, but when I got to Waterloo it was crowded with Patrollers. I saw them stop a number of young brunette’s and ask for ID, so I guessed they were looking for me. I managed to get an underground train to Heathrow, but got off in Hounslow, then managed to get a bus to Staines, from where I was simply gonna start walking and hope to hitch a lift.”

“Bloody hell babe! It’s one hell of a long way from Staines to here. You’d have been walking for two days. At least. So what happened?” Jacko looked at his watch. “You can’t have walked very far.”

“No.” Mel shook her head. “I’d barely got as far as Runnymede, thirty minutes if that, when a Landrover stopped. She brought me back roads practically all the way.”

“You didn’t get stopped at all? No road blocks or anything?”

“No.” She frowned. “Well, it’s funny you say that. We got stopped just this side of Hook, but all they did was give us a route and tell us to stick to it or else. According to Gemma, the woman giving me the lift, that was a ‘B’ road, so no road blocks should have been expected, and the route we were given was also all ‘B’ roads. We hardly saw any other traffic at all. It was weird. She dropped me off near Poole cemetery and I walked from there.”

Jacko thought for a moment. “In what way weird?” he asked after a while.

“Well, when we got pulled over, Gemma and me were both nervous as anything, but after we’d stopped, she seemed to relax. Almost as if she knew them; but if they did know each other, no one said anything. We did follow the map we were given, even though it took us a very round-about route.”

“How old was this Gemma?”

“Mmm. Year or two older than me maybe?”

“Mid twenties,” Jacko murmured, shaking his head. “Don’t know anyone in the organisation locally that might fit that description. Did she say where she was going?”

“No. Didn’t ask to be honest. She asked me where I was headed and I told her Poole or Bournemouth. She then just chose where to drop me.”

“Mmm, let me ask if any of the others knows of anything unusual. It may be the patrol were out looking for someone else and the pair of you just didn’t fit the descriptions.”

“Maybe,” Mel looked worried. “But why did she seem to relax when she saw them? I was really rather scared after that, just in case she turned out to be a member somehow. Maybe one of these political officers, or simply ... well, I don’t know. Except that that doesn’t fit in with her nervousness when we first approached them.”

“I don’t know love, let me try and find something out.”

Mel nodded and went into the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Jacko went into the bedroom and fished a very strange looking radio hand-set from under the bed.

Ten minutes later he joined her in the kitchen, just as the kettle boiled. While Jacko spoke, Mel made herself a large cup of tea, and a coffee for him.

“Right. First off you are in danger. Apparently you are wanted by the TaF, but also you’ve been tagged high up by us for ‘rescuing’. I’m guessing that Martin may have slightly jumped the gun, because there’s been riots at a number of universities around the country. Anti EF, and in particular anti-TaF protests have been staged at a number of places, and the Patrol have tried to arrest a number of the leaders. I don’t think they, or we, realised just how much anger at the TaF, and the Patrol in particular, has been growing in parts of the country. In Bristol, drivers from the local bus company blocked the Security Patrol’s HQ with their buses. In Derby the local branch of the Railwayman’s union got involved on the side of the students. Other places it’s been more mixed. Both Manchester and Nottingham universities had their protests crushed brutally, oddly with the help of the railwayman’s union in Manchester, while Leicester’s protest was allowed to go ahead totally untouched.

“I didn’t take much note of very many places, but I know there were a number of places where there were no riots or protests at all, Liverpool included.”

Mel nodded, “So they’re after me.”

“Uh huh. Not sure whether Martin’s already been picked up by us. The picture is somewhat confused.”

“I’m damn lucky they didn’t pick me up at that check-point outside Hook then,” observed Mel.

Jacko smiled softly. “That wasn’t a TaF checkpoint.”

Mel frowned. “Yeah it was. They were all Security Patrollers.”

Jacko shook his head. “No, they weren’t. They were, well let’s say they were other people pretending to be SP’s.”

“Oh. Why? Maquis?”

Jacko nodded, his smile fading. “They were targeting a real nasty Security Patrol that’s been targeting drivers on those roads. As it turned out they were only a couple of miles behind you and travelling fast. The route they sent you down was intended to ensure you avoided all the real checkpoints that have been set up. I’ve no idea whether they recognised you or what, but they set you safe.”

Mel nodded. “Gemma?”

Jacko shrugged. “No idea. No one could, or would, tell me anything. I’m guessing she’s involved somehow, but exactly how I’ve no idea. But that is only a guess. She might just have been a genuine Good Samaritan.”

Mel nodded. “Maybe. Hope so. She seemed a nice lady, I don’t want to get her in trouble.”

Jacko shrugged. “Not much we can do about it. Anyway, we need to get out, and fast. Or you do anyway, and I’m coming with you. Reed’ll be here in another,” he glanced quickly at the clock, “thirty mins or so. We’re travelling light, just our ‘kits’, so you’ve no need to pack.”

Mel nodded. At some point it had to happen, she’d just hoped it wouldn’t be as sudden, nor as late in the year as this. She glanced at her watch to check the date. 27th. “Still only October,” she muttered.

Jacko gave a brief, wry smile. “It’s taken far too long. People just haven’t argued. Haven’t objected. They’ve just accepted the situation.”

Jacko filled a bag with easily transportable and easily usable food, food that didn’t necessarily need cooking, while Mel prepared a quick, hot and filling meal for them both. They had just sat down to eat when the phone rang.

Mel and Jacko looked at each other, startled, then at the phone. Many of the phone lines had been down for a few months now, and no one had called here in even longer.

“I didn’t know that phone still worked,” Mel whispered.

“Nor me.” Jacko reached over for the phone, picked it up and held it to his ear. A moment later he slammed it down and hurried into the bedroom, returning quickly with the secure radio handset.

Turning it on, he set the channel number to 1, then pressed the PTT button. “Green sixty.”

There was no answer. He quickly checked the channel, volume, and battery lights, then waited another thirty seconds. “Green sixty,” he called again. Silence.

“I think we’d probably better make a move,” said Mel, rising. “This may be a warning of some sort.”

Jacko nodded.

“Green sixty, third call,” he said into the radio for the third time.

Both of them were now moving to pick up the few things they were going to take, but just ten seconds later an answer came back. “Green sixty. Blue. Sit tight. Ten.”

Jacko relaxed. “Blue just means there’s a flap on, but we’re not involved. Sit tight, well you know what that means, basically don’t panic and stay where you are, and the ten just means we’ll be called on channel ten in due course.”

“Doesn’t it ever get confusing having a colour as part of your call sign, but also having colours as code words?”

“Sometimes. Not usually. A status of green, well we probably wouldn’t need to be using the radios anyway. It means all safe, nothing happening. Carry on with your lives as normal.” He smiled slightly. “For whatever definition of normal you care to invent.” He clicked the channel selector around to 10 then put the handset in the middle of the table.

“Hmm,” Mel gave a soft smile. “Do we have time to finish our dinner?”

Jacko nodded. “Yep. I think so.”

They had finished their meal, and were cleaning up: Jacko knew it was unlikely he’d be back soon, but couldn’t bear the idea of leaving it in a mess, when there was a soft triple knock on the front door, followed by a short pause then a double knock. “Brian,” muttered Mel. “I’ll let him in.” She frowned and glanced at Jacko. “Are we leaving? Or does the ‘Sit tight’ take precedence.”

Jacko looked startled. “Dunno,” he nodded at the stairs. “Better let him in. He may know more.”

“Looks like you’ve started something,” Reed grinned to Mel when she opened the door. He slipped inside quickly, Mel shutting and barring the door behind him. “You ready?” he asked as he preceded her up the stairs.

“Um. Better ask Dave.”

Reed chuckled softly. He knew Jacko hated being called David, and Dave was only marginally better; but Mel was different, she not only could and did call him Dave, but he accepted it. Equally, for some reason, Reed himself had told Mel his own first name, Brian, and she insisted on using it, rather than the slightly altered surname that everyone used. His real surname was Reedon, though actually very few people knew that. Jacko and Mel were amongst a very small and select few.

“What’s up mate?” Reed asked. “Mel seems to think you might not be ready. You were told what time I’d be here?”

“Yeah. I’ve been given a blue sit-tight call, and told there’ll be more later. Channel ten is a low traffic, low priority channel, so I think we’re not in as much of a hurry as we originally thought.”

“Ah. Okay. In that case, any chance of a coffee? It’s a bit parky out there.”

“Don’t suppose you know what the current flap is?” Jacko asked Reed. It slightly frustrated him that he was often not directly involved with the active force units.

“We’re targeting a particular Patrol, one that is known to be targeting small independent shops and cafes and forcing them to pay protection money. Hopefully we can get them off the street fairly quickly and quietly.”

“And what do you think their bosses are gonna do when a ‘fund-raising’ patrol goes missing? You don’t think they do it for themselves do you?” Jacko asked scornfully.

Reed sighed. “Unfortunately I’m only a lowly corporal and anything I say to the lieutenant gets ignored. But then, my twenty-two years of active service means bugger all against his one year at Sandhurst followed by three years of unemployment.”

“Shit,” Jacko murmured, shaking his head worriedly.

Mel made all three of them mugs of coffee and they sat, mostly in silence, just waiting for something to happen.

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When I returned home from work on the Friday, Jane's mother Ellen and her Aunt Mary were at the house. Both are stunningly attractive women in their 40s with voluptuous figures, and I had unadvisedly told Jane previously that I thought them very sexy. They both greeted me with the words "Hello Sissy Boy". They had obviously been told of my new status, and were delighted about it because neither of them thought Jane should marry me in the first place.Jane came into the room barefoot, dressed...

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Good Old Boys Club Part 1

Introduction: Hi yall! GB here. This is my first story on the site, I hope you guys like it. Leave a comment, Id love to hear some feedback from you guys. This story has sort of a slow build, but therell be plenty of hot sex coming up in later chapters as well! Theres a bit at the end of this one to keep you guys interested and give a sample of whats to come. Hope you enjoy! [1] Ooh, looks like weve got a whale. Candi, one of the more popular strippers at The Dollhouse, surreptitiously...

4 years ago
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Bending Over Backwards

It had all started so well. Jessie had lent me that gorgeous mini dress and the matching killer heels for my first day as Melinda Thorpe’s intern, and I rushed to her office in excited giddiness. Every female student in my senior course wanted to intern for her. She was said to be incredibly strict and demanding, but she was also the queen of contracts in this town, the ruthless and beautiful mistress of business mergers and company syndication. Her face regularly decorated both business...

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Fucked My Horny Sister

Fucked My Horny SisterBy: Londebaaz Chohan Julie was still sluggish and continuing to slur as I did very hard and deep thrusting in her cum filled pussy with my vein ridden drill. She was whispering her boyfriend Mike’s name again and again, instead of mine; and demanding to fuck her better and also telling how she loved him so much. I did not give a shit or care less; what she called me at that stage because I was enjoying the utmost pleasure of being in heaven as I continued to dig deeper in...

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CHAPTER 3 THE BLACKMAILERRABIA only had one thing on her mind how one of her closest friend and her future husband knew each other and did ARSHIA know about AHMED'S plan but ARSHIA just waved it off like it was nothing explaining that AHMED just wanted to know about you hence he added me on facebook and he said he wanted to talk privately so I arranged this get together. RABIA hugged her and thanked her for being such a great friend not knowing that ARSHIA saw everything and recorded it. They...

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An Open Marriage Ch 09 10

Ch. 9 – The Coming Of Sue For Good. February 17th – Sue calls. Sue will be on the way tomorrow. She’s got everything taken care of. Someone even bought her house. It was only on the market for one week. She’ll be arriving around 3pm on February 18th. We clean the house and especially the spare bedroom in prep for our new roommate and fuck buddy. We let Joan know and she’s thrilled. February 18th – Sue arrives for good. We awaken at 8pm. Vanessa goes down on me for my morning blowjob. She...

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Slut wife fucked by taxi driver

Hi, I’m Manisha. My husband Ashok is often away with the army. The last time he was away in laddaak, I often sent letters to him giving explicit details of what I had been up to behind his back. It turns him on incredibly, and when he finally gets home, we have the best sex ever, recalling what a dirty slut I have been. He is currently away on another operational tour, so feeling a bit lonely; I decided it would be a good idea to arrange a night out in Mumbai with the girls. I am 42, and still...

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After The KingChapter 14

Eoric had taken care to 'look' for and note any Pictish camps his senses picked up as he had made the run to Dalwhinnie, but there had been no other significant presence. What human signals he had picked up had only been one or two individuals - either herding or travelling between settlements perhaps. In any event, they weren't bothering about. He decided he did not want Eochaid and the Dalriada force harrying Anarg too closely and that he would therefore need to find another target for...

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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 1

Bob sat on a stool by a shallow table window cill, high up, to one side of the `L’ shaped inside bar. He was tucked just around the corner of the short side of the `L’, looking through a hatch like window, which was dropped away and would be raised again after closing time. Bob had chosen this cheap beach side pop up bar as it gave a great view across the beach and this stool position gave him a clear view across to the groups of millennials partying on the veranda below, so whilst out of the...

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Happy To Miss The Trip

I couldn't believe no one was in class. It was the day of the annual Alton Towers trip which, of course, me coming from the strictest family in the world wasn't allowed to attend. When I got into my first period class, Ancient Greek, that morning, I was dismayed to find that even my teacher wasn't in. I spent the first 5 minutes of the class with my headphones clamped on my head and half asleep, it wasn't until I noticed the shadow on my left that I realised I wasn't as lone as I...

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Star Trek Mirror Universe Turnabout

Ever wondered how the events of 'Turnabout Intruder' might have played out in the mirror universe? STAR TREK: MIRROR UNIVERSE TURNABOUT by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures -1- I beamed down to Camus II with a security team of five redshirts loyal to me, materializing in a large, recently-unearthed subterranean chamber. Janice Lester and her toady Arthur Coleman were waiting for us, as arranged. My...

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Jacuzzi games

I attend a gym frequently, although not as often as I would like, or as often as I should. Whilst they have a section of exercise equipment set aside for just females if they want it, the usual routine is for males and females alike to use any parts of the gym with the obvious exception of the changing rooms. As usual for most gyms, there was a strict "no physical contact" rule, not that I ever heard of it being enforced.On this occasion, I had used the apparatus for my routine, and as is my...

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Mother and Son III Two Lesbians and a Broken Marriage

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.  Most of my eventful life has already been revealed to the majority of readers in Lush. This story is about my change in lifestyle starting from early this year (2012) and climaxing in late June. I would love to share this story with you which contain some real life experiences common to many families today, mainly how some marriages can vaporize in an...

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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the WarriorChapter 16

As she hurried between classes, Gwen was stopped by a local reporter the day after Hardy's diatribe was aired. The reporter asked about her response to Bill Hardy's accusations. Her answer was brief and to the point. "I'm pursuing an MD. That means that I have some seriously difficult courses. I'm a freshman congresswoman. I'm an owner in a rather large company. I make movies, recordings, and give concerts. I have to make a commercial for the Super Bowl this coming weekend, and I'm...

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Green Acres

"Green Acres" Disgusted and tired after a long day of work Dale wiped the sweat from his brow then stripped off his well worn leather work gloves and tossed them on a nearby hay bale. "I've had enough, I'm not doing this shit anymore! Fuck this," he said angrily as the other four teenaged boys and farm owner Mr. Foster looked on. Dale then started walking towards the nearby dormitory bunkhouse. "You know the rules boy, if you don't work then don't bother coming in to supper...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 16

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part Sixteen By Danielle J Synopsis- Tom Slater receives messages from the Swan Song committee and Gabrielle Tanaka at the same time she prepares for a move to Hong Kong. I must express my thanks to Puddin' for helping me prepare this story chapter for publication. Also thank you to Linda Beth, Xoop, and Janet for their help. ***** "Hiromi-san, should the next Oyabun ask you to work for the family, would you do it?" "Of course I would do that,...

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Meriweather Way Secrets

We all have secrets…Elise Fairborough had many! Living at number twelve, Meriwether Way for the last six years she had discovered the very best way to press her husband’s shirts, the perfect stain remover for her white sheepskin rug even the best way to brew coffee in the morning to give it the strongest taste. Yet if one thing Elise had learned above all that she had perfected in the last six years, it was how to keep a secret behind closed doors. ‘Yeah of course just set up the meeting, I...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 17

Joe survived Black Friday, although he wasn’t sure about his right hand. They had stayed open past 2 am. A lot of the later customers he actually recognized. His rock and roll friends. Boxes and boxes of his book had been sold. A lot them signed by him personally in front of the customer. More he had signed earlier in the day. All day. Yes, it was a wonder his hand survived. Advertising had been intense. In dailies and weeklies. Nationally. Television too. Using the image of the friends on...

5 years ago
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What Lena Wants Chapter 2

Introduction: Lena feels rejected when her brother Milo ignores her, but she wont let that stop her. Hi lovelies! I bring you chapter two of Lena and Milos story. I hope you enjoy it! Chapter three should be out soon. Xoxo, Cede — Ever since we went swimming two weeks ago, Milo has ignored me. If there is a chance we might be alone in a room together, he leaves. He practically lives at Lucys house now. I know hes fucking her. God, shes such a slut. I wish I was her… At first, I was heart...

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Chikni Phudi

Hi dosto tu may ap ko apni story ka baki ka hissa peash kerta hon k jab may anti Robina ko pichy sy paker k apna nanga lun un ki bund may thons raha tha tu us nay muj sy chura k pichy jab gussay sy mujy danta tu mayny aagy sy saf kaha k anti ap ziada bano mat person raat ko ap nay khub enjoy kia tha jo may ap k sath ker raha tha or ap sony ka bahana ker rahi thi tu is pay wo zera ghabra gai. Kher msath sath wo ankh bacha k mera lun b dekh rahi thi jo k trouser sy mayny bahir nikala hoa tha...

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Joanna JoJo Levesque ldquoOHHHHH YE

DDR was a normal guy, without any money, until one day, his LUCK changed and won a stay at a hotel, where he met Hilary Duff, and got to score with her. As time passed, he got luckier and luckier, boning Hilary on many more occasions, winning the lotto, and scoring a job as a top secret celebrity man whore. In the “LUCK” ten part series, he fucked Hilary Duff, Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson, Trish Stratus, Lindsay Lohan, LaLaine, Fefe Dobson, Shakira, Haylie Duff, Christina Millian, & Beyonce...

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Superman Gets Superdick After Reciting Magic Verse

Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...

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I Really Want to Kick Your Balls Ded

“Chris,” Layla said, “I really want to kick your balls.”Layla was a dancer which meant she not only had long, tapered beautifully shaped legs, but that she knew how to move them gracefully. From talking with her, I knew she’d taken ballet lessons as a teenager and then gotten interested in Taekwando. Layla’s brown hair was tied back in a sophisticated bun. She was wearing a short black satin half slip, and a demi-cup black bra which just revealed the circles of her areolas. It was a...

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The Alien Within or Holy Crap Theres An Alien In My Bed

The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed! (c) 2002 By Lorraine B. All Rights Reserved Chapter One I moved in my semi-sleep state, I thought I had heard a baby cry. Perhaps what I heard was a dream. Wait a moment I never had children, if I had they would be adults now, gone from the safety and security of the nest. I was alone in this immense house having had no wife in many years. I couldn't remember if I had brought anyone home from that bar I went to last...

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Mr Comma

"Hi, Mr Comma."“Hello, anybody there?”“Please Mr Comma, come out to play.”“No.”“Please Mr Comma, or should that be Ms Comma?”“Just Comma will do. And the answer is still no.”“Meany.”“Yes, why don’t you use Full Stop or Quotation Marks? You are always using them.”“Well, this is a job that only you can do for me.”“Oh yes.”"Yes, I promise you are perfect for what I want, and besides you are my favourite.""Horse shit. So far you have written eighty-one words, used Full Stop ten times and Quotation...

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Troubled Youth

Troubled Youth By Miss Anonna It was an hour drive down to the river but I was ready to go with a cooler full of wine, towels, bathing suit and chair that makes lying in the sun so easy. When I turned onto River road I knew I’d be there half an hour from now and already my tight shorts were riding up my ass and I was getting antsy. About 10 minutes on the winding road I noticed an older SUV on the side with the flashers going and figured someone probably ran out of gas. The station was further...

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Mary smotheres Kim out again

During the past two weeks Kim had had plenty of time to think about the smother fight she had lost to Mary, they were still friends, and why not, she had willingly accepted the fight and had agreed to the rules, but damn she didn't expect to lose like that, and now for the past few days every time she went to bed, just before falling asleep, the last few moments of the fight kept going through her mind. She had mentioned this to her best friend Susan who had also been there, Susan had then put...

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Another Welcomed Guest 8

-------------- Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage,...

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