AimeeChapter 8 free porn video

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In the depths of a cold and still winter night, Bethsany stood by the window and committed an act rare and precious to her: she prayed. It was Tuesday, and in keeping with their agreement Aimee' was supposed to come and study with one of her girls. It had been three weeks since the last tale; on the two occasions since, Aimee's appearance had shown clear signs of abuse and struggle, and of the two occasions, she had looked worse the second time.

Bethsany wondered if Teltirray was getting what he wanted out of Aimee', and if so, would it be enough. She knew now of Teltirray and his hunger. She understood him so clearly it terrified her. She knew, ever since she had killed the Centaur who had enslaved her, what it felt to take the pain of an enemy, and eventually, to take the life. She knew that an innocent could bring even stronger sensation. She knew how to feed on that. And she knew she could draw pleasure from it.

It no longer made her wonder. She knew what kind of person could draw that kind of pleasure, for she was that kind of person. But she was also stronger than that. She knew what it meant to be human and not an animal. Few animals killed for pleasure. Man was one of those few. More than the pleasure of power, she understood the pleasures of love. She understood the joy of sharing. She knew that life was for living and not taking.

So she prayed, quietly, to a name she had not invoked in many years. Kasho, the goddess who gives women strength, had been her guiding name for many years when she had lived in Darachmod, and now she called on the name again.

A knock came at the door. She had been staring at the sky for some time, and now directed her attention at the ground. Footsteps in the snow marked the passage of a lone walker, footsteps that were slowly being obliterated by the fall of white flakes. She rose from where she knelt and walked to the door. "Yes?" she asked the girl who stood there.

"Aimee' has arrived. I have sent her to see Rissim."

"Was it that bad, Brandy?"

The girl nodded slowly. Tears stood in her eyes. Bethsany drew her breath and sighed. Perhaps there would be no chance to tell Aimee' the final tale. Perhaps it would be better if she crammed both stories into one day. She debated.

What she wanted, more than anything else, was to save Aimee's life. To preserve her from the horrors and pains that Teltirray inflicted upon her in his demands for more. She knew that he must have been making demands of both her personal strength and the magickal strengths that Darynn was helping to build within her. Although no mage can give another magical strength, when it exists in one, another can help give it meaning, focus, exercise. Like the muscles of the body and the mind, the strength of magic must be exercised. Like the strength of love, and even that of compassion, doing leads to the strength to do more. Bethsany had chosen her path, as Darynn had his. She hoped Aimee' would have a worthy path to choose.

"Take me," she finally said. Brandy turned and walked down the stairs. Down one flight, and then another, into the basement where Rissim, the chirgeon Beth kept in her employ, was applying alcohol to a wound over Aimee's left breast. It looked like a burn. Although she bore it stoically, the pain in the young girl's eyes was both apparent and undeniable. There could be no surcease.

"Forgive me, Miss Bethsany, I... The chirgeon will not allow me to kneel."

"Don't you dare, Aimee'," Bethsany said, reaching down to touch Aimee's face. "You need not bow to me. You know that better than I do. Do not bow to me."

"Yes, Miss."

"Aimee', he will kill you."

"Probably, Miss. This may even be our last talk."

"I feared as much." Bethsany closed her eyes. "I had, at first, the wish to tell you two tales in as many visits, one of my day amongst the Braban, and of the day I lost Myr. I shall, instead, tell both together, although they were separated by many years. I want you to hear both of them, Aimee'." In her sickened heart, Bethsany cursed Teltirray. He at least had the "common decency" to allow his girls to hide themselves and then kill themselves when he reached this stage. Aimee', though, continued to play out the role of student with her teachers. Teltirray was as much as telling Darynn and Bethsany what he did to Aimee', and he did not care if they knew.

Aimee' stared, not saying a word. "Do you want to hear them?"

"Yes, Miss."

Bethsany glanced back at the chirgeon and at Brandy. Both had heard this tale once or twice before; another sit-through would hurt neither.

It was in the early summer of the first year I lived in Darachmod that the Braban came to visit. Six of them appeared at, or perhaps I should say over, the gates of the city, smiling and waving. One has trouble imagining the Braban, but if the Darachmod have a living model, the Braban are it. Each woman of the Braban stood over twelve feet tall; each towered over any woman in Darachmod. One does not fear women like that, for one cannot; I merely stood in awe of their immensity. Having known the love of both Myr and Cyl, together and separately, I felt free to admit that I immediately knew lust for the women of the Braban.

They were led into the city amongst singing and waving and cheering. These were clearly friends, beloveds. I had heard many stories about the Braban, of how they assisted their smaller sisters in many a battle, often appearing at the last minute. Nobody knew if they were goddesses or mortals or giants; all we knew was that they were our allies and, sometimes, our final help.

That night, Darachmod became engulfed in a celebration honoring the arrival of the women of the Braban. A fire was cast in the center of the city on that hot summer night, pigs were slaughtered and spitted over cooking fires, and the wine flowed freely.

I had a great surprise that night, although thinking back on it, I suppose it shouldn't have come so greatly. As a well-known warrior amongst the Darachmod, Cyl clearly could hold the attention of even a jaded Braban. But I was still speechless when she stepped up behind me. "I know that look in your eyes," she spoke to me slowly. "I know lust when I see it in you." She laughed gently then. "I see it every day when you look at Myr."

I swallowed. "Cyl, do you feel upset that I feel that way for Myr, but not so strongly for you?"

Cyl shook her head. "No, Beth, for I do not question the natural order of things. The moons, the seasons, and the snows come at their own times and sometimes not at all. The moons are always on time, the seasons usually, the snows usually not. Love... love is never on time. You love me in a different way. You warm me, Beth, and you make me cry."

"Cry?" I asked, turning around. "I... I do not want to make you cry!"

"It is a good cry, Beth. Do not be ashamed because I have tears of joy for you. I cannot explain. It comes from within. Myr is another different thing. She is your age, lithe of limb and strong of bone and lovelier than the summerest flowers to watch. Do not be ashamed of your love and your lust for her. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Please. Now, would you like me to introduce you to my friend?"

"You have a friend amongst the giants?" I asked.

"Viselle!" Cyl called out, attracting the attention of a blonde Braban, one of the largest, sitting by the fire with a large mug of beer and a larger grin. "Viselle, I would like you to meet Bethsany. Bethsany, Viselle. Both of you are amongst my most counted friends."

Although she was sitting on the ground and I standing, her head and mine were at the same height. "It gladdens my heart to know the friend of a true warrior like Cyl. How did you come to know her? Cyl, she was not born here I take it?"

Cyl shook her head. "We rescued her from a band of brigand Centaurs, the leader of which was using her as a toy for his gross lusts. After we attacked them, we found her standing over his dead body. A few of our arrows had slowed him down, but his final death had come from the blood he lost after she cut off his privates in revenge."

"Truly?" the Braban asked me, stunned.

I nodded, ashamed. I felt both pleasure and fear at the memory. Sometimes, the nightmares came back.

"Well," Viselle said, "That is truly the kind of friend Cyl should know well, and take care of. You are so young. Myr's age?"

"Yes, Miss."

Viselle roared with laughter. The sound echoed throughout the city streets and passed over me like a spell of stunning. I'm afraid I pulled away slightly in fear. Her monstrous hand reached out to touch my shoulder, and I shied away further. "I will not hurt you, Beth. I want to know you as Cyl and Myr know you." I eased; her voice and manner were no longer threatening; with one simple sentence all my terror drained from me. Her hand gripped my shoulder gently, and I sensed the great strength held within it, many times that in my own hand. It covered me from my collarbone down to elbow. Try that, Aimee'. Place your hand on your shoulder and see how much it covers. Imagine that kind of touch over your entire body. I think few people try this experiment and would be surprised if they knew just how big their hands truly are. Perhaps artists, especially those who can get the hands right, know.

"Vis! Vis! Vis!" she said. "Call me Vis! I am nobody's 'Miss, ' Beth. I am a bloodied warrior and a true lover of women and nobody calls me anything but my name!" She laughed again. "I cannot imagine being a 'Miss' anything." She paused, thinking soberly, then said "Come, sit. Tell me your tales."

I sat by her side and did as she asked, telling her my tales. I had very few by that time, although I think I had more than Myr. She had heard all of Myr's before, except for the ones about loving me. Myr managed to make me blush strongly with her talk, embarrassing me with her frank talks about my beauty and my enthusiasms. I had a little revenge by replying back in kind, although it became clear later in the conversation just how much I had revealed about myself in the doing.

I drank beer, too, and I'm afraid I became a little drunk. Eventually, as the night grew cool I found myself lying against Vis' body, my head on her thigh, when I felt her hand caress the top of my head. That may not sound like much, but it was ecstasy to me. "You are very beautiful, Beth'Sany."

"Th... thank you, Vis."

"Don't thank me, Beth'Sany. If you have a deity, thank Her, for she gave you that beauty." Her hand stroked my arm slowly. I felt her massive body shift slightly, then felt her breath against the side of my face. "It is hard for someone sized as I to be subtle, but truly, I would like you and Myr to join me for the night."

I didn't quite know what to say. I was frightened; would I even be noticed touching a body of her size? Would even two of us matter to her? She weighed many stone more than we did.

My curiosity and lust won out. I wanted to know; I had to know. Apparently Myr did as well because the first thing she said after Vis spoke was, "Do you really mean that?"

"I do," Vis said. "Your mistress, Cyl, and I had a few occasions between us many years ago. Do you remember, Cyl?"

"Well I do, Vis. Take them, if they'll go."

"I am going!" Myr replied.

"Then I am too!" I insisted.

Vis smiled and nodded. As she stood up, I had a strong awareness of several things. That she had drunk as much as Cyl, Myr, and I put together, that standing she was even larger than I had imagined seeing her sitting on the ground, and that should she fall over anyone in the path of her dropping body would be in serious danger. So we were careful to stay with her and yet to also stay quite far out of her way.

She led us to her tent. The city had not rooms large enough for her or her friends anywhere, so they had set up tents in the center. Not that tents were required; the weather was both at its warmest and certainly was also surprisingly dry. Cyl had told me that it frequently rained at this time of year.

Inside, all was as one would expect, with the one obvious difference: Everything was scaled to her size. She sat down hard on her sleeping cot. "Come here," she said, gesturing to us. I was easily in range of her grasp and she was still steady enough to catch me almost without effort. I giggled and as she gathered me up I grabbed ahold of her tunic and held on. "Vis?" I asked.

"Yes, Beth?"

"May I tell you you are beautiful?"

"It's a lovely lie, Beth."

Myr demurred. "But it is not a lie, Vis! You are beautiful."

Vis smiled and held out her other hand. Myr took it; it was like seeing a massive glove cover Myr's hand and part of her arm. The delicacy of Vis' touch surprised me, as her hand stroked my back and dragged purrs from my lips.

It's hard to forget that night, so special and different. I instantly fell into a wishful trance of wanting to help Vis, wanting to make her feel a pleasure that we all get so very rarely from the world around us. As the three of us stripped off our clothing, Vis tossed her shirt carelessly away, and it landed on me instead. I realized just how large she was; the cloth of her tunic was a tent to me; I could sleep under it and feel protected from colder winds.

Naked, we descended upon one another, we three. My mouth found her chin first, as she pulled me up towards her.

I cannot get across to you how large she was. My feet rested literally in the tangle of her pubic hair even as I strained to reach up and kiss her cheek. She was simply a giant. Her fingers were as thick as sausages.

Myr and I crawled down between her thighs and, with plenty of room, licked at the enormous expanse of her sex, pulling her lips into our mouth. Her clitoris was the size of my thumb, large even for a woman of her size, and it took both of us to suck on it, in turns. I filled her by placing my arm within her, halfway to my elbow before I reached the end of her vagina and touched her cervix.

That, oh! Aimee', it was like touching magic. It was a doorway into that chamber that made her a woman. Everything else about her was made to support that one purpose, and there was none other. I'm sure others disagree with me and talk about the warrior spirit or the communal strength or whatever, but to bear children, that is the pleasure of a woman only. Men have warriors and men have communities, but they do not carry child.

I feel... I feel so inadequate describing this night to you, Aimee'. I want to tell you the joys of touching her, of feeling the wet slickness of her insides surrounding my arm, my wrist, my hand, of feeling the pulse of her blood against the skin.

And when she returned the pleasure, her massive tongue against my cunt, Aimee', how can I describe it? There is no feeling like that in all the world, her broad pad, a little less accurate, a little more impressive. The slick wetness that invaded not just my cunt but covered my thighs. As she licked me, Myr covered my face with her own sex, doubling my pleasure until I was utterly lost to it. I came in spasm and moans that only Myr's muff prevented from being heard 'round the city whole!

Once my pleasure was sated and we sat down to sleep, I reflected that no pleasure like that would ever stream through my body ever again. In a way, I was correct, for even though I saw Vis every year for the next five years, and though I was to love with her in many a warm summer visit, nothing ever reached the joy and wonder of that first time.

The same, Aimee', was true of my loving of Myr. Yet my pleasures with her grew greater, not less, at the turn of the seasons. With her, I grew to treasure constancy and comfort, not adventure and change. She returned that comfort in equal measure. We were lovers and friends, stability in the changing sea of women. And I did love her so.

What changed? Ah, that is the question. For Myr asked for her freedom from Cyl because of my friendship. And Cyl granted it without reservation. I thought myself the happiest woman that ever lived.

What changed, dearest Aimee', was a discovery that started with Vis and ended with a tragedy. The tragedy was not something unusual or dramatic, except perhaps to my story. Myr died. In the most simple of ways, too. We were picking apples in the city orchard, doing our duty to ourselves and our city, when she fell from a branch and broke her leg. The leg never healed; indeed, it grew worse. Something within her grew out, burst in pain. Finally, she slipped into that merciful sleep where the embattled go to escape the pain, and she never returned. She died within a month.

Bethsany wiped a tear from her eyes as the girl named Brandy wrapped her arms around her. "I am sorry, Momma," the young girl said, kissing Bethsany's face.

Bethsany reached back and hugged her. "I will be fine, Brandy," she said softly. "It is an ancient tragedy. I know, that makes it no less tragic, but the wounds of it have healed and now I face a world with less fear. But perhaps with less love."

"Bethsany?" Aimee's face was stained with slight tears, like the old matron's. "How did you come to leave Darachmod? That was the second half of your tale."

"Aye," Bethsany replied. "So it was. And we have not much time to tell it. But I shall endeavor to do my best."

In the spring of the following year, as in every year, the women of Darachmod prepared to travel down to the city of Melefar to trade the products of the past winter's efforts. Darachmod was poor in metals but rich in growing things, and frequently the lower cities coveted the fruits of our fields. We used this to our advantage, dressing our travellers in great baubles of steel and copper, outfitting our warriors with the brightest of armors. Lost in all that and as badly in grip of their testicles as ever, the metalsmiths of Melefar were easy prey for the deals of our best merchants.

I asked to go with them. It was a trade I wished to learn and, truth be known, I could no longer stand to live in the house that Myr had built. Perhaps not the outside shell, but every trace of the indoors looked of her and smelt of her. Her herbs I still found in the pantry; one whiff of her favorite cilantro and melancholy swept me. I needed to get away from my memories, and alcohol did not answer my needs.

Dyn readily agreed, as did Cyl. Both knew that I might not return, that the men of Melefar would easily treasure a beauty of Darachmod for themselves, and although I no longer presented myself easy prey to their crude wishes I knew I could easily summon the desire of any of their lesser minds.

We headed out on a rainy morning in early spring. Although the weather was wet, it was also lovingly warm. I had come to view all the blessings of nature as gifts, and this was truly one of them. Better, perhaps, was that by afternoon the rain cleared, the road never so badly mudded as to foul the asses. The company was twelve strong; eight warriors lightly armored astride beautiful chargers guarded my three merchanting companions, who were named Tann, Fahr, and Fela. Tann was by far the loveliest of the three, a raven-haired woman with eyes the palest blue the clearest sea had ever seen. Soft and round, she quickly chose me as her bedmate and I joyfully agreed. Although the beautiful strength of Myr and Cyl and Vis and Dyn had their attractions, I recognized that I was destined to be a big woman, as I am now, and I found such a body as Tann's beautiful to behold.

At first, I was concerned that I had become attracted to a woman who had no interest in lovemaking, but I found a few days later that I was wrong. She was simply slower than most. I found that reassuring. She wanted my pleasures, but only if we were both sure of our willingness to share.

On the fourth night we camped in the forest at the foot of the mountains, six days from Melefar, when she finally turned to me. "Beth, do you think me beautiful?"

"Tann?" I whispered, surprised. "How can you ask? You are the most beautiful woman in this entire dozen!"

"Don't let Fahr here you say that," Tann whispered back in the dark, "She's not known for her lack of jealousy." I nodded, smiling, as she closed the distance between us and her lips found mine, kissing earnestly. I knew by then how not to keep my hands off a woman and reached out to stroke her belly through the rough texture of the lace she wore underneath her heavier dayclothes.

We tumbled to the bedding as her breasts tumbled out of her outfit. Hers were very large and lovely, with a touch of droop that accentuated her completely. I could bury myself in them and inhale forever.

On the other hand, although I was destined to be a big woman I was forever doomed to have small hills for teats, firm but not very impressive. I was to forever envy women who had large breasts, but I was also to find great pleasure in them, too.

She giggled as I played with hers, caressing them back and forth. "Now, Beth," she chided playfully, "Let me have my fair share, too."

She pushed me back onto the bed and undressed both of us, tossing aside her clothing. She smelled of lilacs and light, and her hair had the scent of honey as it fell in straight lines down about her face. She kissed me as her fingers sought out my privates and stroked my lips. We kissed with our tongues. She slowly pushed my legs apart as her fingers sought deeper. I coated them with my wetness. She gasped at my enthusiasm, I think, because she told me later her nipples were not all that sensitive, and in a city of women large breasts were common. But I had gone for so long without the attention of anyone that the caresses of one woman were more than enough to inflame me.

Her fingers went deeper within me. I was completely entranced by the feeling of her within me; Myr, for some reason, had not liked having fingers inside her and avoided putting her fingers into me. What Tann was doing was something of a treat.

She slid down between my thighs and pressed her sweet mouth to my lips, licking the insides of my thighs. She told me to look at her, and I did just in time to watch her pull her fingers from my cunny and place them in her mouth, her lips pursed around them to catch every last droplet of moisture. Then she slid them back into me, her warm breath sweeping over my mound, and then the touch of her tongue to my mound. I grew light-headed with the pleasure she gave me.

She licked as well as any woman knew how, her mouth absolutely talented with its pressures and pleasures. Her tongue flickered over my clit and her fingers stroked the walls of my cunt, finding all the secret places here and there within me, making my chest heave with gasps and moans.

She was a merchant, but like me she was also a farmer, and one of the many things we carried to market were early summer squash, shaped like a man's sex. Although I don't think any healthy man has had a sex that was dark, textured green, nor have I ever seen one that really had the rounded corners this one did to make it look round. She reached into the basket by her bed and pulled one out; I watched, a little scared, as she pulled it up under her chin between my thighs. "Easy," she said gently as the cold tip of the vegetable touched the insides of my thighs. It slid along my leg until it pressed against the skin between them. Her fingers pulled me a little more open and the tip of the squash slid into me.

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Fucking Sister Leads To Mother 8211 Part 6

Hi, I am Niket 25 year old again with my good looking and beautiful mom, Nila , 52 year old with a 35 + boobs and nice round ass. She is attractive with 5.7 feet with flat tummy. After reaching in hotel room in Lonavala, she told me to relax in hotel rather than going out. I was sure about her sexual pleasure with me by seeing her actions and reactions while traveling. I agreed for that and we smiled looking to each other. I was really desperate to enjoy with her but not ready to initiate from...

1 year ago
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Loren the Good Samaritan

I was driving along the highway headed home from a long trip for work when my engine blew. After pulling to the side of the road, and assesing the situation, I thought it was gonna be a terrible day, but little did I know what was in the making.I pulled my phone out, and was gonna call AAA; but you guessed it; no cell service. So I began my walk on what can only be described as the lonliest highway in America. Hoping to find some sort of civilization, I walked for what seemed for whenever...

4 years ago
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How My Life Changed 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, This story is about me and my aunt. Hope you will like this. For feedbacks and if you wanna have friendship (with benefits) you can mail me I am an average built guy from Kerala. I am staying with my grandparent’s uncle and aunty. Uncle is working in Dubai. Honestly, I don’t have a 9 inch or 10-inch dick. Even I don’t know what’s the size of my dick since I didn’t measure it. My aunt, the wife of my uncle, is 24 years old, now little fatty, but not very fat. She is average in...

3 years ago
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Continuing ChanceChapter 2

Dunedin is ... crowded. Our space was most of a block but across the street was tiny, dumpy, low housing full of unruly misbehaving college kids. They have very little sense of personal space and they don't like us. They don't like us because we have consistently refused to have a second weekend party. The first one nearly destroyed the garden. Grace and I have our moments but we respect the property of others and these kids don't. They don't like us because America saved the mother...

4 years ago
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It Was Going to be HIM

His name was Anthony and he was perfect. I was friends with his aunt, Carrie. He was a year younger than I was. (His mom got pregnant when she was 15). Well we went to Jeff’s, Carrie and Anthony’s relative. Jeff gave us all a beer and enough smokes to last forever and a day. I was thoroughly drunk and Carrie was too. Anthony, being the experienced drinker, was slightly drunk. But I, being the complete Momma’s angel, virgin to everything but Marlboro Reds, was wasted. I was flat on my back...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 250

She was still tormented by dreams of Dawn-tormented and wildly excited, at the same instant, in the same dreams. In every one of them she and Dawn were fucking, sometimes in a sharp, groaning frenzy, sometimes in sweaty, panting turmoil, other times with slow, rhythmic, piercingly romantic sensuality. Goodness, Laura would think, pulling herself almost physically up into consciousness from these phenomenal dreams, I really am a little over-libidinous, aren't I. Down, girl. I fuck myself...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 274 Two Important Meetings With OSU and Mom

Thursday, July 28 to Saturday, August 13, 2005 (Continued) I had some important meetings at OSU on August 10 and 11. I'd lost three weeks of studying time during our trip to Europe, but by mid-August I'd done about five weeks' worth over summer. I'd completed quite a few courses, as my studying speed had increased to about two weeks per course per screen. The increase was partly from studying for more hours because I needed less sleep, partly because I didn't lose as many nights to...

3 years ago
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BethChapter 38

August 7, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written August 8] I woke in the middle, between my two lovers. God, this is wonderful! Rhee and Heather are snuggled into me, Heather on my right. I closed my eyes to luxuriate in being so loved, but Heather’s alarm had other plans, or, rather, commands. Oh, well. Time to get up and at ‘em. Heather had turned off the alarm nearly immediately, and Rhee only partly roused, so we left her sleeping after I carefully wiggled out from under her arm....

1 year ago
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Entangled Chapter II Serving Rapunzel

“Good morning, my pet. I trust you slept well?” Rapunzel greeted me that next morning as she always had, her voice full of boundless energy and anticipatory joy for what the day would bring. It was one of the qualities l loved best about her, her endless optimism lay untarnished despite a lifetime of imprisonment in her tower. I made to rise from our bed with a contented sigh, puzzled at first by my inability to do so, blinking the dust of sleep from my eyes as I focused on her the impish...

3 years ago
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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 28

Keith could barely move his legs by the time he reached the Western Terrace on the mountain. He’d gained 150 meters in altitude in just over two kilometers and his legs and lungs were near collapse. He looked down from the shelter of the colossal figures that faced out across the valley at the deserted village below. There was movement there. He could make out two figures starting up the hill the way he had come. He ducked his head and moved along the northern processional around the tumulus....

2 years ago
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Stacey and Michelle 1

Stacey & Michelle Chapter 1 By Erica Wright Started: February 20, 2004 Posted: October 25, 2007 Revised: November 1, 2013 My sister is three years older than I am. When I was a young boy we would play 'dress-up'. Most of the time both of us would be princesses, cheerleaders or nurses. As my sister got older the 'dress-up' sessions continued, and even expanded to include her friends. All of her friends got involved, but one in particular always seemed to suggest that we...

2 years ago
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Woods Strip 8211 Wife Exhibitionism

A few years ago, in 2018, we were visiting ‘family’ for a week and most everyday we’d go for a walk in the woods near their house. Just behind the pine trees we walked in, across the gravel road, was a housing construction project. Most every time we’d walk into this wooded area I’d get her at least partially undressed, and one of the times photographed her taking off all but her panties. However, she wasn’t too happy about this as it was just a short...

2 years ago
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New Years Eve in New York

" Stop that John." I had my arm around her shoulders and tried to kiss her. But Marci kept pulling back. Suddenly I pull her towards me and covered her mouth with mine. I'm forcing my tongue into her mouth. She is trying to pull away from me, her legs came apart exposing her red panties. As I'm holding Marci in a tongue-probing kiss I force my hand down the front of her dress. I'm squeezing her tits. When I finally broke the kiss and let her breath, she is getting mad. She tries to get...

3 years ago
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Honor the Clothes

Honor the Clothes By Rosie That day the heat wasn't so bad and I could do some work on the fence. Normally, I'm not a manual worker but under the circumstances I do what needs to be done. I saw my fianc?e signaling to me that lunch was ready. About time. The work was fairly easy, still I was more or less ready to take a break - I felt a little uncomfortable because my fianc?e's panties were a little tight around my private parts. Probably my fault, I should have worn the ones she had o...

3 years ago
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48 Hours Chapter 6

Chapter 6: A Special PackageLynn was the first to stir, and realising it was five, shook Chris gently to wake him up. It was, after all, five in the afternoon! They got up for the second time that Sunday, but so much had happened that somehow it almost felt like it was a whole new day that they were starting.They both freshened up in the bathroom and got dressed again. Chris felt a bit sore and uncomfortable down below, but nowhere near as bad as he had thought it might feel. He kept on the...

1 year ago
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My Brother8217s Bride 8211 Part III

Hi All, My name is Akshay Ganna. I am now 35 year old and have a very nice athletic body structure standing 6 feet tall. Lot of girls ogle me and show their hidden desires. So I use it to the best of my choice. Well the story I am writing now is about “My Brother’s Bride” – PART 02. The story is a real life incidence. My cousin brother Vinay (26 years) who works in a IT company in Pune got married to Bhavana (24 years) about 2 years back. Their marriage would have not happen if I would have not...

3 years ago
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Staceys Awakening part 1

This is the first part of a long story,...and actually my very first attempt to write erotic literature. If you are in a hurry and don't like a slow build up, setting of the right mood - or a longer story line, then this won't be your thing. If you are looking for a bit more depth and story line, sit back relax and enjoy,....Chapter 1 : New beginnings The last two years where a mess, a big mess. Failed relationship, failed job and financially broken - resulting in hard ache and all that goes...

1 year ago
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Private Marsianna Amon Takes it All in DP Threesome

Blonde and horny, Marsianna Amon makes her debut today in Private Specials, Cheating with Black Cocks 4, and just like all new girls here at Private, she’s keen to impress and puts on one hell of a show! After saying goodbye to her boyfriend, Marsianna takes full advantage of her alone time as she invites the BBCs of Joachim and Pandemonium back home for a wild afternoon of interracial fun that includes everything from deepthroat blowjobs, to rimming, to anal, to DP, and a...

2 years ago
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Net Gains 1

When we discovered Horny Amateurs - Post Your Own we never dreamt itmight suddenly disappear. But it did. There one day, gone the next. No explanation. Never returned. Sad, because it really was one of the best, reserved for genuine amateurs to post their clips. No expertly lit twenty-something blondes with silicone tits and fake money shots. On HA the camera work was not always the best but that was compensated by knowing you were seeing real people fucking for real. It was basically a free...

3 years ago
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Family that plays together 4

radio her sole companion. Understandably, Donna Howell was weary. Add the facts that she had slept restlessly the previous night, had left much later than anticipated, was now traveling over an unfamiliar road, and it was not hard to understand that the blonde schoolteacher was slightly irritable as well. It was an exhausted Donna Howell who finally stumbled into the lobby of the Ahwahnee Hotel, inquired about her family, and dutifully followed the bag-toting bell captain across...

2 years ago
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Caught by my sister and her friend 10

Ah Saturday morning! Mom and Dad out for the day, Grandpa can get down the stairs and my sister is at her friend Kate's, nothing better than a good wank. I raid Dad's porn stash and put a movie on, strip naked and settle back on the couch and begin slowly stroking my cock. For some reason I prefer to masturbate naked it just feels better and as there is no hurry I can work up to it slowly. So there I was , after about fifteen minutes of slowly teasing my cock watching some really hot porn my...

4 years ago
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A walk in the country

We are walking through a sun kissed meadow, hand in hand, the sun shining through the light wispy clouds, gently warming our skin. A cool breeze passes by gently moving your hair away from your slender neck. We see a small copse of young trees to the right and head towards it, scaring a small rabbit from out of the tall grass that surrounds it. Once inside we collapse to the ground, giggling like teenagers. The grass beneath us is cool, dry and very soft. I place my hand on top of yours and...

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A Rape

A rape… Why did I do it? I don't know really. I didn't just wake up this morningand decide that today was the day that I would rape my neighbour. But that'sjust what I have done; I have just raped my neighbour, Sally. I have knownfor her, and her husband, for many years but today was different. Today I wentround to her house, found her alone and I raped her. What made me do it? I can't really explain it. She is a very sexy woman inmy opinion but that is no excuse for what I have just done....

1 year ago
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Didi k bistar mei ghus kar chudai

Kahani kuch din purani hai mere ghar relatives aaye the jisme se ek meri cousin didi bhi thi, unki umar 29 saal hai magar unka diavorce ho gaya hai jiske kaaran wo apne parents ke saath rehti hai, wo dikhne me sundar hai aur unki figure bhi mast hai ek dam patakha, jisko dekh kar kisi ka bhi dil oh i mean lund dhadhak jaye ;) unka naam hai kavita. Jese ki mene batay wo log humare ghar rukne aaye to humne din ke samay kaafi masti kari aur khoob baaten kari unhone mujhse meri girl friend ke baare...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 6

New characters introduced in this chapter: Sergeant Mulligan Militia Sergeant, 5'-10" tall, 160 pounds, 36 years old, blond hair, blue eyes Seamus and I transferred to the Headquarters tent. Our arrival there startled everyone. Luckily Colonel Williams was still there. "You startle everyone when you do that!" he told us in exasperation, when he had recovered somewhat. "Sorry sir. We're all used to it, having grown up with everyone in the family able to do it," Seamus told...

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A Winter Break Surprise

Getting up at the crack of dawn on this snowy Sunday morning with my wife sleeping sound is not what I had in mind. Leslie, my next door neighbor's daughter came home yesterday from college and promptly walked over to talk while I was shoveling snow. She informed me that starting this weekend she was going to be home for her four-week winter break.Leslie was all giddy and excited to see me and before I could say anything, she told me she would see me tomorrow. I tried to speak, but she was off...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Harmony Wonder Reagan Foxx The Surrogate Episode 3

As agreed to, Harmony (Harmony Wonder) is to be present at the moment of conception but at the very first opportunity, Jay (Jay Smooth) and Reagan (Reagan Foxx) had sex behind Harmony’s back and almost got caught. The two lovers rationalize they’re only doing what Harmony wants and ignore the guilt that they feel. So, as soon as they can, they go at it again. Totally consumed with lust, they fail to hear Harmony as she returns home. She catches them red-handed while Reagan has Jay’s cock in her...

3 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 21

Sam was resigned to the fact that Merie would want to stay at Brock’s house. He wasn’t sure if they were intimate yet but if they weren’t it was only a matter of time. He’d seen the looks of adoration that passed between them all night. The looks weren’t lost on Jean and she put her foot down when Merie asked to stay at another sleepover. “If I thought for a minute there would be any other girls there, I might consider it,” she told them. “If I thought for a minute there would be any...

2 years ago
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Piggy Pig

Dust covered everything, fine gritty sandy dust,  The dark brooding mountains surrounded us but the yellowish dust covered everything, yellowish dust stirred up  by everything that moved except the Camels as they glided along loaded down with drugs and explosives and turbanned killers with Kalashnikovs, and sugar and fertiliser for their improvised explosive devices IEDs. It was an IED that killed my friend "Toby" Judge and led to the Regiment dragging me away from the lush green fields of...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Piper Perri Cory Chase Moms Tricks

Piper Perri comes home from school to find the house empty. Her stepmom, Cory Chase, is nowhere to be found. When Piper calls out to see if she’s home there’s no answer. She goes upstairs to her bedroom and calls her boyfriend to talk about their afternoon session in the bleachers and how naughty it was. While Piper is on the phone, her mom arrives home and walks into the living room. When she sees Piper’s schoolbag in the living room, she wonders why Piper can’t pick up...

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Young Barista

Over the next few weeks and month, I made sure to visit this particular kiosk more than usual just to see her, interact with her and flirt with her. She was a petite blonde-haired young girl, very friendly, with a great smile, sexy blue eyes, and I could tell she had a nice body under that green apron. She was much younger than me, she still lived with her parents, and was attending college, but I thought maybe, just maybe, I might have a chance to ask her out. I continued to visit this...

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Friends Hot Wife Burrowed1

Chapter 1 Martin Johnson was a shattered man, his idyllic married life in tatters with the sudden death of his beautiful blonde wife in a car accident. Night after night, he sat in his empty apartment, with no sounds of life other than his own breathing. He had taken up heavy drinking that was so out of character for the previously one glass of wine a night man. As he sat, night after night, in the semi darkness for hours on end, he wrestled, not only with the loss of his wife — the love of...

2 years ago
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AfterParty Sex On The Balcony

Hello fellow readers , I am a 21 yrs old from Kolkata , truly the city of Joy. I am a law student . I am around 6ft tall , wheatish complexion and average built slightly on the heavier side. The story i am writing is an event that occurred yesterday. I have been in Kolkata for the last one week. The semester breaks have just begun and i was in a mood to party. Yesterday , i had my chance. It was a house party at one of my friend’s place. His parents were out of town on vacation , and time was...

4 years ago
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BimbotechChapter 8 Bimbo Wife DPed

Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals The fume hood roared as I worked with the chemicals in it. I had an idea for how to make the intelligence serum last longer than an hour. It required just the right combination and percentage of chemicals so the solution didn’t burst into a toxic cloud. Hence, the fume hood. I sat on my stool in my private lab in the bowels of BT Chemicals. It was wonderful to have my own lab to do my research. I squirmed on my stool, my busty...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Shyla Jennings Abigail Mac VAMPIRES Part 2 Sisters

During last night’s torrid orgy, coven matriarch Anya (Jelena Jensen) kept her promise to Willow (Melissa Moore) and turned the blind girl’s sister Lucy (Abigail Mac) into a vampire, rather than taking her life. Back at her late father’s cabin, alone and asleep in bed, Lucy’s body rocks with spasms as her once-mortal form metabolizes the venom now coursing through her blood. She awakens the following morning, drenched in sweat. She gets out of bed and looks out the...

2 years ago
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Love Vs Lust The 8216Riya8217 Diaries 8211 Part 1

Love and Lust both go hand in hand. A guy sees a girl and the first thing that comes to his mind is what it will be like to take her to bed. When the Lust develops from both the sides and it reached the bed, then the act is called ‘Making Love’. You can see how much they are correlated. It is generally seen that guys are more desperate for it as compared to the girls. Well it is true and false, both. True in the sense that since being a patriarchal society, men have always considered the fairer...

2 years ago
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Hot Dance

Ready to Masturbate? Unzip and Start! If you like my story, do mail me at How long can I stay home alone and watch movies? I decided to go to M.G. Road and do some bird watching. There are so many good looking girls in this city. I was shamelessly staring at all of them. I especially like the ones with good height, good ass and clear skin. And there are so many of them in this city. One thing amuses me of these malls and streets like M.G. road, they are always filled with beautiful girl. I...

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Caught Jerking In A PortAPotty

I'm a compulsive masturbator, usually I jerk my little dick 6-8 times a day, sometimes more. As you my tell from my tribute videos, I have a few different fetishes that really turn me on. The biggest two are SPH (small penis humiliation), and panties. I love sniffing dirty panties, wearing panties, even just seeing them displayed in a store turns me on and usually results in me going to the changeroom and jerking off with a pair I've taken off the shelf and jizz in them before putting them...

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San Andreas Stories Chapter two

KINGS IN EXILE Carl’s feet were on the ground even before he had tossed his sheets off him. His mind had quickly switched into survival mode. The knocking on the door was still fresh in his senses as he grabbed the only thing he had at had to dress himself. He wrapped the towel about his middle and knotted it quickly. If this is Ballaz coming for my ass, thought Carl, then it’s do or die. I ain’t running no more. Carl pushed aside the blanket that served as the door from the bedroom, and...

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my best friend8

"Dude, Nicole is growing some great tits! By 10th grade those things are gonna be beautiful!" Derek said. "Oh for sure man, i swear im gonna hook up with her by the end of school man, get me a suckle on those babies!" I replied, and we laughed. AFter a little bit of talking about girls and stuff, i was definetely in a horny mood. I found myself wishing in our silent moments that a hot babe would show up and let us do whatever we wanted to her! So, me and Derek started talking about...

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