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Chapter 5
Most of the experiences I have had in my work that I have told you about so far have probably made escort work sound like fun, fun, fun! I get taken out, wined and dined, get more than my fair share of sex – some of it very good sex, the occasional bit of drama, a few weird but not unpleasant happenings – and I get paid for it all!
Sounds great doesn’t it?
Well, most of the time it isn’t.
Most of the day-to-day clients are pretty ‘yuk’! Run-down, middle aged, often fat, sometimes grubby too. Nearly all of them badly dressed, even worse undressed! Boring, nothing to talk about except their job or their rotten wives.
They buy me a meal, a cheap bottle of wine and for some dollars, expect me to virtually fall in love with them – or faint at their sexual prowess. To most of them sex is simply a matter of shoving their little cocks in and out of me as fast as they can – and they usually need my help to get it up for them in the first place!
So the great times, the good lovers, the imaginative needs – they’re the rare ones – and of course the ones I tend to remember best.
Luckily those on the other end of the scale are rare too – but they are around! The brutes, the sadists, the sheer animals!
Like the good times, any girl who is in this business has had her share of the ‘nasties’ – I’m not talking about the guys who try all sorts of tricks to avoid paying or who try their utmost to get more than they have paid for. Nor the guys who treat you like a piece of meat, just because in their minds they have ‘bought’ you. No, I mean the real ‘nasties’.
Guys who connive, cheat and swindle – because that’s the only way they know. And, even worse of course, the guys who beat, rape and, sometimes even kill – because, in their twisted way, they actually enjoy it
I have had my share of both, I’ve been robbed several times, off work because of bruises even more times and actually put into hospital twice!
The trouble is, when you meet a guy for the first time, in a bar, restaurant or hotel, you just can’t tell if he is going to be a knight in shining armour or the devil incarnate. So you accept their money and find out the hard way.
Kieron, for instance, was a charmer. When he rang he had no reference – most of my clients are referred on by another client, someone has a good time – talks about it, as men – and women of course – do, names and phone numbers are passed on and I get to check the reference in my index.
But Kieron didn’t have a name, he said he got my number from ‘someone he had talked to, in a group of business men’ but he couldn’t remember the man’s name. The person said I had given him such a wonderful experience that he, Kieron, just had to call me. He said he simply had to meet such a gorgeous, intelligent, sexy, talented lady – if only for a drink – and, if I didn’t like him then that would be his loss, I could simply walk away.
It was his voice that got to me I suppose, it was deep, well modulated and obviously educated. But most of all, he made me laugh. Not that he cracked jokes or anything like that, I guess it was just the way he phrased things, innuendoes he put on things I said – I liked him. I had nothing to lose, so I said ‘yes’.
He mentioned the name of the hotel he was staying at and asked if the cocktail bar there was convenient, or would I prefer to meet somewhere else, my choice. I said that where he was would be fine, after all, if he did seem O.K. it would be easier to just get in a lift and go up to his room than to muck around with getting a cab back from somewhere else. He went on to say that if we got on over a drink we could have a meal in the restaurant there, or his room, again my choice.
He was so believable, sounded so charming!
When I met him I was even more convinced I had made the right choice. Well dressed, a nicely cut three-piece suit, highly polished shoes – I always notice a man’s shoes, they tell you a lot about the way he takes care of himself – clean shaven, dark, wavy hair with touches of grey at the temples and a bright, open-faced smile of greeting.
We sat and had a drink together, his conversation was witty and he talked freely about a whole range of things, fashions, music, films – never once mentioning either his work or his wife, that made a change!
So I agreed to have dinner with him, again he asked me if I would prefer to have it in the restaurant – there was no pressure on me at all – I said, ‘no, his room would be fine’. Dinner in a restaurant takes forever and unless I’m being hired purely as a man’s companion at a function I prefer to eat where the action is going to be – it saves time and I get home to my own bed earlier that way.
We went up, chose and ordered our meals and he poured me another drink. I got the financial business out of the way, he paid cash – which he was to take back again later of course – and we carried on chatting while we waited for room-service and still everything seemed terrific.
As always, I had been trying to imagine what kind of body I would find under the suit – it’s a little game I play with myself and over the years I’ve become pretty good at it. You know, how well muscled will he be, the shape of his thighs and bum, how big a cock will he have, long and thin or short and thick. That kind of thing.
I guessed he would be fairly lean, not too much fat on him, I like that. I thought his cock would be bigger than his general size suggested – you often find that’s true of his kind of build. Medium sized men often have disproportionately big cocks, I don’t know why, but it’s true.
When there was a knock on the door from room-service I popped into the bath-room while the trolley was brought in, coming out only after I heard the waiter leave. As I walked across to where dinner had been laid, I suddenly felt a bit funny, my legs a bit wobbly – it passed and I sat down at the table. But I had only taken a couple of mouthfuls of food when I felt my head beginning to spin and realised I was going to faint. I tried to push myself away from the table, to get to the bath-room – but found I didn’t have the strength. Everything seemed to swim around and then, went black!
I didn’t know how long I had been out cold but when I gradually recovered consciousness I found myself tied down to the bed – naked!
It took a while for my eyes to bring the room into focus and while I was trying to do that I became aware of the sharp, cutting pain of cord or something like that, around my wrists, ankles, tight up beneath my breasts and around my throat – and a gag of some sort, that was tied so tightly across my mouth that I had difficulty breathing.
I was spread-eagled, my legs and arms spread wide and it felt as though the cords went down underneath the bed. I found I could move my legs a bit, I could bend my knees and pull them up a certain distance but I couldn’t bring them together – and in struggling I painfully tightened the cords around my chest and throat. I was utterly helpless!
As my head cleared and I began to be able to focus properly again I saw him, sitting on a chair at the end of the bed, leering at me. At first I didn’t recognise him, his face had changed completely somehow – now, in place of the open smile and laughing eyes there was a cold, intense grimness and a narrow scheming stare.
‘Welcome back.’ he said in a flat monotone voice. He then talked for what seemed like ages. First of all assuring me that the stuff he had put in my drink wouldn’t do me any harm, that in a few minutes I wouldn’t even have a headache – as though that somehow made it all O.K.
Then he ‘thanked me’ for providing for the cost of the drinks, hotel room and dinner – courtesy of my charge card and some fast talking at the Reception desk from my ‘husband’. So, as well as everything else I was paying for his treat!
He then went on to tell be just how gorgeous I was, goi
ng on and on about each separate part of me at enormous length. As he used the most crude and foul-mouthed words possible the compliments he paid ended up sounding like obscenities. I got the very strong impression that simply talking about me in that way was arousing, gave him a charge.
All the time he was talking his cold, narrow eyes flicked up and down, first staring into mine then dropping, to stare straight up between my wide-spread thighs, at my defenceless pussy.
I have never been so absolutely terrified in all my life. I had no idea what he was going to do with or to me – but, being totally helpless I knew he could do absolutely anything he wanted and there wasn’t a thing I would be able to do about it.
I’m not going to go into the details of that night, he raped me of course, several times and quite brutally. Not just with his cock either, he seemed to take a perverse delight in finding new things around the room to try to jam up into me. And not just up my pussy either, my arse came in for its share of his treatment too.
Once he started in on me his, until then constant flow of words, stopped completely. Every now and then he would make a small grunt of satisfaction or perverted pleasure as some action particularly pleased him. Even when he shot his filthy semen into or over me, as he did half a dozen times during the night, he made no other sound than the same, satisfied grunt.
I found later that he had tied me up in such a way that he could release my feet without disturbing the cords that held my arms, chest and throat. After he had tired of using my sex, he released my legs, then pulled them back up until my knees were on my chest, then retying the cords at the top of the bed. That way he could get at my bottom with the various toys he had lined up.
I thanked heaven when he had had enough of that, apart from the pain, I almost suffocated from the additional pressure of my knees hard up against my chest like that
Somehow, not being able to make more than muffled grunting sounds made it all the harder to bear – and the tightness of the gag meant I was constantly struggling to breathe, even while I was, at the same time trying to unsuccessfully relieve the pain with my screams.
I lost all track of time, the night just seemed endless and I honestly thought that he was going to kill me when he had enough. I didn’t see how he could leave me around after what he had done. I suppose the pain and the shock gradually wore me down, my brain seemed to just stop functioning after a couple of hours or so. I suppose that eventually I must have passed out.
Perhaps he could only get what to him passed for pleasure while I was aware of what he was doing to me and he could see my reactions – but as I faded in and out of consciousness I felt no new humiliations or pains being inflicted on me.
I found out later that a maid found me like that, still semi-conscious, when she could get no answer to her knocking on the door the following morning. The hotel was very discrete, an ambulance and the police were called, to the back entrance – not that I was of any value to the police in the state I was in at that time.
They kept me in hospital for a couple of days, mainly for shock. I needed a few stitches in my vagina too. But – at least I was alive!
The police were very kind, but I had to go over and over every single detail I could remember so many times I lost count. The description I gave them of Kieron didn’t match up with any of their ‘known’ weirdoes – and of course they have never found him.
The senior detective reckoned it was a ‘one off’ – a normally straight guy, perhaps a petty con-man, maybe happily married, suddenly lost all his controls, saw an opportunity to actually live-out some deep-seated fantasies.
But I wonder, what sort of an animal has those kinds of fantasies!
So, as I said, the escort business isn’t always fun – as I’ve learned to my cost!
Chapter 6
When I first started out in the escort business I thought I was pretty experienced – the reasons why I decided to make my living the way I do don’t really matter for now but I was certainly no innocent virgin, I went into it with my eyes wide-open and, as I said, feeling that I knew most things men wanted me to do to or for them.
I couldn’t have been more wrong!
The first thing that surprised me was that not every man wanted to fuck me, or at least some part of me – if not my pussy then my mouth or my arse. I’d assumed that that’s what guys went to escort-girls for – I was amazed at how many didn’t. It’s true that just about all of them want to climax – but a surprising number prefer to be masturbated or even to just have me provide sufficient stimulus for them while they do that for themselves.
And it’s hard to believe the variety and sort of stimulus some of them have in mind!
Even now, I’m sometimes amazed at some of the weird things guys want of me – but I suppose that unless they happen to meet up with a woman whose idea of bliss is the exact female counter-part of what the man needs, where do they go? Girls like me of course…
I’m not talking about things the media seem to love to go on about – Bondage and Discipline, Water-sports, things like that, there are plenty of places that specialise in those and the men who are really into them tend to go back to whichever one of them they happen to like the best. Nor the really psychotic things most of us would only ever read about in specialist books on sexuality.
What I’m talking about are the strange, quirky and sometimes positively bizarre things that really quite normal people need from time to time – as though there is something niggling away at them that they just have to get out of their system.
There was the guy who had a thing about condoms, unlike just about every other man I’ve ever met, he actually wanted to wear one – but in a way I’ve only ever come across with him.
He liked me to start to get him stiff, then before it was fully erect, fit one on to his cock – and then snip the little reservoir off the end. Once I’d done that he’d take over for a bit, working the head of his cock through the small opening until he had the condom fitting tight in the groove below it – then he’d ease the slack that created right down to the base.
If that doesn’t sound strange enough, what came next was really bizarre. Slipping his fingers inside, he’d stretch the latex to its limit – and pull it right down over his balls, stretching and adjusting it until, other than the head bulging through the small opening I’d made at the top, it held all of him. At first I couldn’t believe how odd he looked but as that initial reaction wore off I had to admit that although it gave his cock and balls an almost surrealistic appearance, there was actually something very sexy about it.
Like many women I suppose, I’ve usually thought of a man’s cock and balls as separate parts – and frankly, until he’s close to climaxing, when the balls rise up tight beneath the cock, they’re not exactly the most attractive part of his body.
But the tightly stretched condom pulled his balls up against the base of the shaft, fusing them together, making them look like a single member, an impression that was magnified by the mirror-like sheen of the latex that was stretched almost to breaking point.
The combination of that, plus the fact that the tightly fitting condom made the head bulge even more than usual, turning it a dark purple colour as his cock continued to grow, made it look as though he was equipped with something other than just normal flesh and blood – a cock that had been artificially enhanced – a bionic cock.
Once he was satisfied the condom was fitted properly he liked me to get a solid grip around the base with one hand, then, concentrating mainly on the exposed head, use the other to slowly work him up to his climax. Naturally enough the combination of the tightl
y fitting condom and my hand gripping him hard both slowed down and more importantly, intensified his response and although he sometimes liked me to let him come in my mouth, far more frequently he preferred to be able to watch the jets of semen spewing out when he finally erupted.
But strange though that may sound, another, even better example of what I mean is the fellow I always think of as ‘The Barber’, no he didn’t want to cut my hair but you’ll see why I can’t help thinking of him by that name.
The name he gave me was Larry and the first time he called he gave me the name of a friend of his who had been a casual client some months earlier, when a quick check of my records confirmed that, we arranged to meet for dinner at the hotel he said he’d be staying at one night the following week. We met, ate, went up to his room, he paid me and we had sex. I don’t remember that there was anything special about either him or it, he certainly gave no indication that time that he wanted anything other than normal, straight sex.
A couple of weeks later he rang again, reminded me that we had already met and asked if I was free on a certain night, I was and we arranged what I thought would be a similar meeting.
Once again we met in the restaurant bar of the hotel and I admit that our previous encounter had been so ordinary that I was a bit concerned I wouldn’t be able to recognise him but he was obviously watching out for my arrival and we were soon sitting down to eat. Many men are initially nervous with me the first time but those that come back for seconds are usually much more self-confident, some far too much so – acting as though they actually own me. Larry was quite the reverse, he was so nervous that towards the end it became clear he was actually putting off going up to his room and in the end, to save time I had to push him to get the bill.
He didn’t say a single word to me about what he wanted until after he had dithered around for quite a while, offering me a drink, asking if I needed to use the bath-room and generally avoiding whatever it was that was that was going on in his mind. Again I took the initiative by asking him straight out if he’d be wanting the same thing as he had the last time, just so we could get the financial part out of the way. He had no choice then, he had to say what he actually wanted me to do. He asked me if I would shave him!
‘Shave you? You don’t look as though you need one Larry.’ I answered.
‘I don’t mean my face, I mean the rest of me.’
‘You mean your body?’
‘All of it, or just part of it?’
‘All of it!’
I resisted asking him why, that wasn’t my business and after all he was paying for what he wanted me to do and from my point of view it was a pretty harmless activity. So I agreed and, having named a higher than usual price he managed a weak smile and handed over the money.
He’d obviously worked the whole thing out in detail in his mind because once the ice was broken he bustled around far more confidently, turning back the bed-covers, getting towels from the bath-room, laying two large ones over the sheets and putting a smaller one and an old-fashioned shaving brush and a tub of soap on the bed-side table. I was glad to see that he didn’t want me to use a cut-throat razor, I might have called a halt to things if he had – and I was amused by the fact that he’d even brought a jug for the hot water.
Once everything was ready he seemed to get nervous again and as he began to take his clothes off he said, shyly that it would probably be better for me if I got undressed, to avoid getting my clothes wet or soapy. He may have been nervous but at least he was human enough to keep an eye on me as I went into my slow strip and when he pulled his pants down although his cock was nowhere near erect, I saw that it had at least started to respond to his obviously growing interest.
At that stage I decided it would be better if I took charge of things and, picking up the jug I told him to lie face down on the towels while I got some hot water.
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Gay MaleTHIS HAPPENED ON VACATION 2008 – TEENAGE VIRGINAfter a couple of days in the sun and the fact that Donna and I were shagging every day we both wanted something different, as we’d finished our evening meal we were having a few drinks in the hotel bar when it was obvious to me that the barman was flirting with Donna and she with him. I said “I’ll go and get a drink in a bar down the road and leave you to it” she said “Ok” and smiled.As I left I walked a couple of blocks to where I knew there was...
There were LOST DOGS signs everywhere in Connecticut. Da Billion Dolla Princess’s dog had been missing for days now. Vince sat at his couch, waiting for a phone call about the dog Stephanie McMahon- Hemsley loved. He smoked his pipe, reading the newspaper when the doorbell rang. He got up to answer the door. It was Trish Stratus. She stood smiling, devilishly. ‘Hi Trish. Do you have any information about Steph’s dog?’ he asked. ‘No I don’t have anything but I have something about your dog,’...
We were in his garden, at the back of his house. Or at least, that's what I thought, but everything seemed a bit hazy. Like I couldn't quite focus properly. "I'm right here Isaac." Came the soft yet masculine reply from behind me. I smiled and turned to look into those intense, dark eyes and there he was; my best friend, the coolest person in the world. To me anyway. Immediately I began to relax, having been reunited with Zack. But something was wrong. There was a passion and a...
A True Relation of the Adventures of Belinda, Lady D’Airing, and her faithful servant Groat Notar bene – although the dramatis personae herebelow included are based upon some real people, living and historical, any resemblance between them and the people of the story is purely coincidental. Prologue – Our story is set, gentle reader, in a time of great tribulation for these fair Isles of ours. Cruel and bloody civil war has ravaged the land, and the afflicted populace seek to put their lives...
Matt, whose anal cherry I had just taken, said, "I can't believe we just did that. I thought I was straight.""I knew you weren't," I replied, as I returned from the washroom. The irony was crazy as he was a really loud-mouthed, in your face linebacker on the field, but now in my arms he was a tame, insecure man wanting to be cuddled and loved."What do you mean?" He asked, looking offended."I just knew," I shrugged."How?" He questioned, clearly worried others would know he was a cocksucker."How...
i found this storie at the web HAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint. "Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired. "One of the guys at the party just gave it to me." "Really?" "Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job...
Narrated by Author Pichle baar aaplogo ne padha kayse Rahul apni Kavita aunty ko apne vasna ke jaal mein phasa hi liya. Rahul aur Kavita, Sarika ko akele chor living room mein bahatareen chudai ka maza le rahe the. Par Sarika apne kamre se indono ko dekh bhi rahi thi. Rahul aur Kavita jab apne charam seema par pahuch gaye tab peeche se ek zor ki awaaz aayi. Sarika: To ye ho raha hai mere ghar mein mere peeth peeche! Iske baad ki kahani ab. Anand mein vibhor Kavita aur Rahul...
The following is the story of our 1st swap, but from Sam’s point of view. I have written this story, but it is Sam’s words and thoughts as he told it to me. As we drove back at Stacy and Tom’s house, Tom and I talked about sports mostly, but our minds were on the girls in the back seats. We could hear them whispering but couldn’t tell what they were saying. I kept glancing back in the rearview mirror to see if I could see what they were doing, but it was too dark. We all walked in the house...
Sophie's Curse Chapter 1 - Squeezed Through a Tube My guts were being squeezed through the opening of a tube of toothpaste. My arms flailed to grasp onto something to keep all of me from going out that tube. Next thing I was falling and trying to grab onto something. A dream. I awoke breathless. Great pain. I had been in a stupor for days now since I first came to. What had happened to me? What was I doing in this hospital bed? It started to come back to me. Nurse Johnson. Me...
Sunday morning was laid back and started slow. There were no changes in the morning update from Saturday night’s update from Iran. But I knew big decisions were on tap on Monday. My family left early Monday morning. I had a busy week - it was planned for me. Monday started with the generals, another hundred miles of Iranian territory had been captured over weekend. We were at a dilemma now with the offensive push. Hundreds of small towns had surrendered. As soon as tanks and armored troop...
Recently I dropped my company car off at our service dept for an oil change. I was intending to leave it over the weekend and pick it up on Monday morning when I would head back out on my sales route. Its a independently owned trucking company and its not unheard of to have to come in for an hour or two on a Saturday to iron something out. So I wasnt surprised when the owner called me and said he needed me to come by for a little while before lunch on Sat to take care of something and pick up...
“We often have threesomes, an extra younger, bi-sex hung man is my preference, though sometimes we have an extra woman. Sometimes even another couple.” By now Zara was hanging on to my every word. “i expect the second man to lick me to orgasm. I expect to cum at least three times. Then I will give the second man a blow job while my man watches. I love the sense of power I have over a man when I am blowing him.” “How doe’s your man feel about you having another man?” “We have rules, no...
Introduction: This is the story about my summer job for my father. The majority of the story is true. However, there are some embellishments, and one aspect that is fantasy in part 2….but I will let you decide which is which,-) I had been bugging my dad to let me come work for him part time for about a year. He runs a small fruit packing place that processes fruit for the local farmers. He kept refusing me, but not giving me a good reason why he did not want me to work for him. Finally, the...
The Valley : Chapter 1, By Sirdar It was a normal hot sweaty dawn, typical of east Africa; even the early morning breeze had that hint of early morning stillness in it, promising another sweltering day ahead of us. I sat at breakfast on the veranda in my shorts and white shirt ready for another days work, as I gazed with utter loathing across the breakfast table at my wife Lydia. I could feel my hate for her welling up into my throat, and spoiling my appetite Yes, I had to admit she was...
Interracial"Lick me, Eddie! Suck my hot, fuckin' cunt!", Mindy squealed. She was really getting off on Eddie's furious tongue-fucking. She had her eyes screwed shut in total ecstasy, her face all contorted with hot lust, and she was clawing the bed. She'd arched her slim body to take Eddie's pistoning tongue as deep as she could in the molten tunnel of her cunt. She whimpered steadily as his flying tongue worked her toward orgasm. "Uhhh, yeahhh, just a little more, honey," she moaned, "Lick...
Susan was delighted with herself as she descended the wide oak banister'd staircase. She had been part of the doctor's team for six months and had already enjoyed many occasions such as this. She had come to Sarah's notice during a general meeting of the nursing staff at the Medical Centre. The doctor had asked Susan to stay behind after the meeting. She had talked generally to her at first and then asked her to make an appointment to see her in her office. It was at this meeting that...
Chapter SevenEmma was dumbstruck here she was her tits and pussy in clear view of her lecherous boss, who was wasting not a single second in checking her out. She was conscious of her smeared lipstick and the silvery trails of her own dried cum running down her inner thighs. She placed an arm across her breasts and lowered her other hand to cover her exposed shaved pussy. Then realising the futility of her defensive actions she lowered her arms by her sides and hung her head in embarrassment.“I...
When Alexa suggested I come to a private club with her, I was a little unsure after what had happened before. But I am inquisitive and said yes I would.It was a club in South Kensington in London, called the Toucan. Alex suggested I wear something sexy for the evening as there would be lots guys there, and who knows, I might might get lucky....she said. I arrived at her house wearing a shortish skirt and a silk blouse. Alexa laughed and said I should try some of her clothes. She gave me a dress...
Both Valerie and Tessa looked at them as they were just in their bras and panties."Why don't you two come in my room and we'll have a little chat?" Valerie asked.No one was in deep shit or anything like that, but the way Valerie said it just made things even hotter. Gina and Julie both put back on their bras and panties and went into Valerie's room with them. Everyone sat down on Valerie's big bed."So you two looked like you were having a good time," Valerie said."You could say that," Gina...
IncestIt was a Friday morning and I was called into Mrs. Collins office. She is my boss and I suppose also my saviour from financial disaster. I sat down and Mrs. Collins then told me some good news.‘Well Kathy you will be glad to know that I am very happy with your new attitude to your work. Also I am happy to tell you that I am going to give you a small and well deserved promotion.” She said. I was over the moon. Really happy about this good news. I had been a bit worried about things recently....
Der Flaschengeist Teil 26 Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle...
HumorSilence. Nothing is quite as deafening as the sound of silence.He didn't say he was angry, the furrow in his brow made it obvious. Dinner was on the table, and had been sitting there for nearly an hour. And there it continued to sit, untouched."Sir," I began shakily, "can I get you a glass of wine?"Without looking up from the sheet of paper in his hands, my offer was refused. I knew something was wrong, I knew that something had to be wrong. So now I was faced with internal conflict. Should I...
BDSMYou’ve lost everything. Your girlfriend, your job, even your house. You had nothing to live for, so maybe that's why when you were driving across a bridge, you swerved hard to the right and drove straight off. The saddest thing is you didn't regret the action for a minute. You died instantly, only you didn't. You woke up in a place you had only imagined in your dreams. "Welcome." Boomed a voice. "You're dead, but I have so much more planned for you." "Where am I? Am I in Hell?" You cry out. You...
Mind ControlI just sucked it up because as my grandpa always said, it is what it is. So, there I was in the good doctor's waiting room. Of course my trials didn't end with that statement. Sitting across the room was my wife. She did try to avoid looking at me, but when she did, it was with a hard glare. As I waited, I reflected on the fact that after almost a year, I still didn't know why Leanne was so angry with me. Over the years of our marriage, I had learned that she had three levels that she...
The weather is being pretty naughty today. There's nothing more than a little grey drizzle and the faintest gleam of a cold sun behind the clouds. All the trees are just hanging their heads in the relentless soaking and all the gutters are flowing with rivers of black muddy water. I kneel on the sofa and stare out the window. I can see the street lamps are still on even though it must be approaching noon. All there is on the radio is more of that awful hissing and yesterday (or was it...
You know that queasy tingle you get in your stomach whenever you're around someone you like? No? Well, it makes you go crazily nervous and not to mention horny as fuck. Well, that's how I feel anyway. It's a feeling that I can't control. At least I have an excuse for it, though, since I'm a teenager and I always seem to be craving something or having random mood swings all the time. "Anyway, I've been having this queasy feeling in my stomach every time I'm around someone I like," I whisper...
Sunday morning, 9th Sept {Bob} Normally I don't get to sleep in on the weekends. That's because Bandit knows I like to do that, so he comes in and jumps on top of me, or stands at the door barking madly, as if there is a burglar sneaking towards that entrance and he's warning me about it. Should there ever actually be a burglar he'd probably run and hide. And, if by some chance he actually stood up to said burglar, I wouldn't have to worry about him being hurt. If a burglar threw...
Copyright © 2003, by DiscipleN. All rights reserved. It came to pass that a mortal woman was possessed by a spirit in the night, and thereby it was trapped. I had to plan it all so carefully. On the first night I did not know my dreams had beheld a reality beyond dreams. I awoke to find my pussy sore, and I feared I had contracted a disease. My most recent lover of that time had been taken in lapse of reason and lack of condom. Yet the soreness between my legs did not burn, and it did...
Ann and Debbie had been living with me for a couple of months now with Debbie basically running the great sex life (see part 1 ) I now enjoyed. Her mom still didn't realize the pictures didn't exist so when Debbie told her to move she moved. As you learned Debbie wanted a sleep over for some "friends" of her's this weekend. Keep in mind Debbie is only 11 she will turn 12 in June 3 months away. I bought 2 sets of bunk beds for Debbie's room and moved the full size bed into the guest room...
Rory The next day David drove us down to Lancaster so that we could all meet the family's new arrival and congratulate the parents. When we made our way to the ward I was the first to congratulate my mum with a hug and a kiss and she introduced me to my new sister, Emma MacFarlane. Then it was the turn of Rebecca, David and Ruth to hug and congratulate the mother. Just as we finished doing so Phil entered the room and again every one of us congratulated him on becoming a father. Ruth...
Not long after I had left my cheating, sorry excuse for a boyfriend, I had begun to give myself a makeover of sorts. Though I had been heavy most of my life, I was at my highest weight yet from all that time wasted having my psyche shot down by Mark at every turn. Once I had finally got the courage to get that asshole out of my life, I decided to go on yet another weight-loss plan. When I had shed about 30 pounds, I got some new, prettier (and even some sexy)and stylish clothes and went blonde...
After a couple trips to the coast and our well documented hot tub adventures, Amber and I wanted to expand our horizons and try something a little different. What better place to explore new sexual adventures than Las Vegas? We made our reservations at the Bellagio, bought our plane tickets and headed for Vegas. Amber packed some of her most sexy and skimpy outfits, as well as some of her sexiest lingerie, and a few of her favorite sex toys. Our first night in Vegas we were both very excited...