Greg RemembersChapter 3 free porn video

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We both knew it would be at least a week before we could get together again. She had several babysitting jobs and I was helping dad a couple of days after school. Just before she closed the door she stuck her head outside. "Oh by the way I am babysitting Tuesday night and Mom said she had something that needed fixing. Be a sweet boy and help her out now would you." With that she gave me a dimpled grin then stuck her tongue out at me and closed the door. I just shook my head and went back down the walk. It was still hard for me to believe she was alright with me bonking her mom. And how would I feel Tuesday night after discovering that I loved Cindy. So once again I went to bed confused but this time also very satisfied.

Carl came back on Monday and he called me as soon as he got home, we had a lot of the same classes so I gave him our homework assignments since he had been gone so he could catch up. He wanted to know if the three of us could go to a movie Friday night. I knew Cindy was babysitting Friday so she couldn't go and actually maybe this would work out better. I told him he and I could go but Cindy was working. He said that was alright we could all go Saturday. Now that to my way of thinking wouldn't work at all, I wanted Cindy alone, I had jacked off every night visualizing her sweet body and how good it would feel to make love to her, didn't need a third party along.

"Uhh well how about you and I go Friday night, you see, well Cindy and I are kinda dating and well you know we have a date Saturday night." I was trying to explain this right but it didn't think I was doing to good a job at it.

"What do you mean dating, you mean like an actual date thing, with our Cindy, our buddy. Okay you wait right there I will be over in a few minutes, I know mom will let me borrow her car to come over to your house." Before I could answer he hung up.

It was about fifteen minutes before he pulled into the driveway; I was waiting at the back door when he came in. Mom was coming out of the kitchen and smiled at him "Hey Carl, how have you been, how's your grandfather doing?"

That took a few minutes for him to tell her about his grandfather then he practically pulled me to my room. Once there he closed the door and sat me on the bed. I had to smile at the situation; he looked so serious and befuddled.

"Okay pal now what happened while I was gone for just a few days, man I couldn't believe it when you said you were dating? Our little Cindy the tomboy, come on boy what happened"? He was practically pleading

"Have you really looked at our little tomboy lately. Our buddy is a very beautiful girl and definitely not a tomboy anymore." I grinned at his shaking head.

"Man I go away for a few days and you two go crazy, say have you already had a date"? He wanted to know.

"Yeah and we found out our friendship went beyond the good buddy thing." I punched him on the arm "Thanks for leaving town; I probably still wouldn't realize what a hot little package she is if you had been around mucking things up."

"Hot little package huh" I could see him trying to visualize Cindy as a hot little package but he was still stuck on the buddy thing. "Well she is cute but a hot package, come on. Hey wait a minute did you two... Come on give me details I want to know all the details, man my two best friends, I can't believe it."

I know all the guys like to brag about their 'conquests' and we always told each other out most intimate secrets but I didn't feel right about sharing what I had felt with Cindy. He saw me hesitating.

"Come on man, this is Carl you got to tell me, I know you did something, don't leave me hanging like this." He was grinning and pleading at the same time.

I shook my head "Carl ole buddy I'll tell you what, let me talk it over with Cindy and if she don't care I will tell you everything."

"You're torturing me you know that's what you're doing. Man I can't believe my best friends cadodoling behind my back." He grumped. I just grinned at him and we got caught up on everything else that was going on. When he left it was with a muttering "Won't even tell his best friend about getting laid man what a bummer."

I had started driving them both to school not to long after getting my license so I picked Cindy up first and on the way to Carl's house told her what happened last night. I told her I was afraid I didn't handle it very well but I didn't tell him anything but that we were dating. She thought about it for a while then laughed, Hey we have known everything about each other since we started school almost, I don't care if he knows, hey I don't care who knows but let me have some fun this morning."

We picked Carl up and usually it was he and I up front and Cindy in the back but this morning when he looked in he saw Cindy sitting up front. Shaking his head he got in the back. Instead of sitting back he leaned over the seat and looked Cindy up and down slowly. I saw the dawning in his eyes and I know Cindy did also.

"Ohhhhh my aching eyeballs, I can't believe it, the dipstick was right you are gorgeous, man where have my eyes been." He flopped back in the seat.

"Well ole buddy you snooze you lose, Greg here caught on much quicker then you." She stuck her chest out to let him see just how nice she filled out the blouse she was wearing.

"Oh man oh man this stinks, you know I'm the better man just look" he flexed his muscle for her to see.

She gave that tinkling laugh that now made shivers run up and down my spine. "To late to impress me now."

"Okay okay, the least you can do is fill me in on the hot sordid details of your debauchery." He leaned forward in the seat again.

"Oh it was hot and sordid alright but I don't think you're ready for the details yet." She came back, by now we were entering the school parking lot.

When I got to Susy's house that night it was about 7:00 o'clock, I knew Cindy had already left for her babysitting job. Man I was still at odds with myself over this whole deal. I knew Cindy seemed to be fine with it but I wasn't yet. Susy was her usual sunny self and she did want me to look at a leaky faucet. These new fangled kinds don't have any washers you can replace but if you know how to get them apart you can adjust the little ball with the tube through it so it didn't take much to fix it.

Susy was sitting in a kitchen chair watching me and talking while I worked. I put the tools up and turned to see her smiling at me. "You act like a cat stepping in hot sand Greg, come on sit down here" and she pulled out a chair beside her.

"You know young man; I am very impressed with you. Your mother and I have known for a long time that you and Cindy had more than just friendship going for you but you had to find out on your own. But that isn't what impressed me most. I like the fact that you are so upset about hurting Cindy by coming down here. That let's me know that if you two do get married you wouldn't cheat on her, it also tells me that you do love her very much." She paused to let that sink in.

I know I was sitting there with a stupid look on my face. She gave a little giggle "Let me assure you of the most important thing Greg, I wouldn't hurt my little girl for anything. We have talked extensively about this whole situation and I will tell you exactly what I told her, I can't change what's past but if it causes you any problems then we won't do it anymore. Let me finish telling you what I need to then you can decide which way we go. You're like a favorite nephew" again I got that wide smile "and a very virile lover but I can live with the nephew part only if that's what you decide. Now I know all about this weekend and I thank you for your restraint", another little giggle "Boys your age don't really have much of that, just shows how mature you are."

I don't know about that mature part, I certainly wasn't feeling very mature at the moment and the fact that Cindy and her mom shared everything was kinda throwing me for a loop.

"I hear you learned your lessons well, Cindy was certainly extremely pleased with the results. We went to the doctors yesterday and I got her started on the pill but you need to wait until she has her next period just to be sure, a couple of weeks. Can you hold off that long?" Susy leaned over and patted my knee, I just nodded dumbly.

"Good, now don't let her talk you into anything I know she is anxious to find out just what it's all about." Again she patted me on the knee and once again I just nodded dumbly.

She smiled and leaned over to kiss me softly on the lips then leaned back. "A lot to take in I know, not your usual situation. My daughter and I are fine with it, now it's up to you."

"I... Uh... Susy I don't really know what to say, man this past week I have had all kinds of new feelings I have never encountered before. I know I love Cindy but then I have never been in love before." Now I had to smile "Okay I thought I loved you" I quickly added "I do really just not the man, woman I want to live with you kind. Although I thought it was that kind for a while. I know the difference now, I think. You're right about this not being a normal situation, I don't think I really understand how much you and Cindy share and that sort of confuses me. What I guess it all boils down to is I have to decide if what you and I do will hurt Cindy. You know deep down after what she said and what you have said I am sure it won't but there is part of me that still isn't quite comfortable with it". My mind was whirling trying to think this whole thing through.

Susy didn't try to persuade me either way and I sat there for a few minutes. Looking into her beautiful face I came to a conclusion. Here is the woman that taught me about physical loving and guided me in the emotional part too. I loved her daughter, said daughter telling me that it was alright for me to make love to her mother and I know it's true because I have known Cindy most of her life and she wouldn't have said it if she wasn't sure of it.

I guess Susy could see my decision in my eyes because that sultry mouth gave a quick little lopsided smile.

"Okay Mam what else do you need fixed tonight?" I quipped. Now that the decision was made I felt a whole lot better

"Why mister plumber I have another leak that you will have to plug." With that she took my hand and placed it between her legs. She had on shorts and I could feel the heat of her as I stroked the camel toe her shorts had formed.

We were in the bedroom shortly, two naked squirming bodies intent on giving and receiving pleasure. She rode me hard and I tried pounding her quivering body into submission, it was a tie, both of us won. When I left her flushed sweaty body and put on my clothes she was sated and I was tired but you know what I could have gone some more, the sight of her lying naked on the rumpled bed had the blood filling my cock once more. As sure as I was of my decision I didn't want Cindy to come home and see me screwing her mom. As I walked up the street the vision of Cindy and Susy both working on me kept popping into my mind and I had to jack off again before going to sleep.

When Cindy got in the car the next morning she leaned over the console and gave me a hot tongue swapping lip wrestling kiss 'Thanks" she grinned.

I was puzzled "For what" then I grinned, "If it was for the kiss just come on back there is plenty more."

She slapped my arm "No silly for helping mom out last night, she was very relaxed when I got home."

Okay one more time that guilty feeling washed over me. "Look Cindy I have to know for sure, Babe I won't do anything to hurt you, last night I was convinced you were okay with it and even encouraged it but I have to know how you really really feel about it." I stopped the car at the end of the lane to await her answer.

She didn't hesitate a second "Boys are so stupid." She gave me that dimpled grin that now sends shivers down my spine. "I love my mother very much; you know sometimes, most of the time she is like my sister, whatever will make her happy makes me happy. You and I both know how devastated she was when dad died; they loved each other very much. I saw the change in her after you two got together, didn't know what caused it at the time but I loved the way she getting back to her old self. Greg you big silly I have loved you forever I guess and you gave my mom back to me." She put her hand on my arm squeezing it tight "she told me about last night and your reluctance and I love you all the more for it but I don't mind sharing you with her, I love you both and I love seeing her happy." Now that mischievous little quirky smile that her mother has. "And I can't wait until you make me look that oh so satisfied happy." With that she reached down and rubbed her palm over my stiffening cock.

I groaned "Okay girl you have convinced me, now quit that or I won't be able to walk into school."

I could hardly wait until Saturday night, now I know I couldn't actually get inside that sweet little hole for a couple of more weeks, Okay I was going to try and not get into that sweet little hole. I bought some condoms just in case my willpower wasn't as strong as it should be. I had a hard time concentrating on my lessons and had to go over my homework twice each night. Cindy teased Carl every morning, he begged to know what happened but she wouldn't tell him and I wouldn't either. She told me it was alright if I wanted to tell him and I decided to wait until we went to the movies Friday.

Carl and I went to the movies and had a great time like we always do but he badgered me the whole time to spill the beans on what we had done. I wouldn't tell him during the movie but we stopped at the local hamburger joint and I finally relented. I told him everything and embellished every little lick and kiss.

He shook his head and groaned. "Man I can't believe you did that, what did it taste like, was it good, and our Cindy, she sucked you off. Oh man how come I miss everything?"

"You have to get your own girl and find out." I laughed at him.

He laughed with me, and then he grew serious. You know until you said something I can't believe how she grew up right under my nose and I never thought about how pretty she was or what a great body she had developed. You are a lucky guy my friend and she is a lucky girl. So my friend is this the end of the Three Musketeers, is it just going to be you and her as a couple?"

"Nope it's still the three of us, Oh we are going to be doing the couple thing alright but we can't go away and ignore our buddy. We already talked it over and it doesn't seem like either one of us has a job Saturday so why don't the three of us head over to the lake and have a picnic maybe do some fishing or something." I wanted him to know although things had changed they were still the same.

Saturday night found Cindy and I parked out at the lake again, we found a spot in between a couple of trees that kept anybody from parking near us. It was about 10:00; we had gotten something to eat and fiddled around until it got dark before driving out. There were several cars in sight but none close.

We were cuddled up in the back seat kissing and caressing each other by now we were both breathing a little ragged, I had her shirt pushed up over those wonderful silky breasts and she had my shirt up also running a soft hand over my chest and stomach. Scrunching down in the seat I eagerly sucked a hard crinkly areole in my mouth sucking and coaxing an already hard nipple to elongate even more. Cindy's hands were undoing my belt and unzipping me. She gave a little Oh of surprise when her hand encountered nothing but my already stiff cock. "So you came prepared did you buddy."

"No sense wasting time with clothes" I chuckled around a mouthful of firm titty.

She stroked me while I worked her body to full arousal sucking and massaging her breasts, I could have stayed there all night just devouring the sweet globes of pleasure but my dick and her pussy had other ideas.

Letting one hand slide up a smooth thigh and under her loose skirt I too was surprised to find no hindrance to her garden of delight. My fingers encountered nothing but hot flesh between those silken thighs.

She giggled "guess we had the same idea." I moved back to kiss her passionately and let my fingers probe her hot interior, taking her slickness and spreading it up that tight little slit to coat the engorging clit at the top. She moaned softly into my mouth and continued to stroke my hard shaft. We were bringing each other to a fever pitch and I wanted to taste her sweet nectar again. I slide down her body and she edged up to recline in the corner of the seat. Once again I savored the tangy sweetness she provided for me. I took my time and her hands were gripping my hair painfully, well it normally would have been painful but I was too lost in gathering all that honey and bringing her to completion to really feel it. Her body tensed and a low hissing groan broke from her lips when she spasmed around two of my fingers hunching up to get them as deep as possible.

I felt that barrier membrane bowing inward on the tip of my finger. On man I wanted to be balls deep in this hot wet goodness.

"Oh please darling, put it in me, let me feel that big thing spreading me open." She was gasping as she tried to pull me up her body.

Now I should have been remembering what her mother said about waiting but the painfully swollen head throbbing around my middle blocked out any thoughts that were in the head on my shoulders. All it could think was "Hell yeah that's a great idea."

I was smart enough to remember I had bought some condoms and I murmured into her heated kiss "Let me get a condom on baby." I must have subconsciously thought this was going to happen because I had two in my pants pocket, I fumbled one out and awkwardly shoved my pants down to my ankles. Even though I was experienced at fucking I had never used a rubber and I tore the first one trying to get it on.

Cindy wasn't helping she was squirming against me trying to make contact with any part of my body while holding my head to her in a passionate tongue tangling kiss. I managed to get the second one on whole, I hoped since I couldn't see it but it felt like it went on right. Now I was settling between her spread thighs, her skirt rucked up in the front to allow my access to her seething center.

Using one hand I guided my sheathed head to her entrance. When it touched she jumped like she had an electric shock. I could feel the heat right through the condom but it did take away some of the delicious feel.

"Oh now Greg, ummm darling let me feel it baby." She tried hunching up to my cock and her lips spread to start surrounding the head. "Oh darling that feels good."

Man she was right even with the condom on I could feel the hot tight muscle spread around my cock as I shoved gently forward. With her copious orgasm easing the way I moved into that silken channel until I felt her maidenhead. I stopped to let her get accustomed to being invaded by her first cock.

"Oh Greg. Ummmm it feels so big, I feel so full." she husked her mouth now next to my ear as she held me tightly against her. I couldn't help it my cock twitched. "Ohhhh shit." She cried softly and I felt her body jerk. We stayed that way for a minute until I felt her ass give a little hunching motion.

"Babe I think this will hurt just a little, I'm sorry." I whispered then slid back out a little and sank back in using more force. I felt the membrane give but not tear and I moved back to give a harder thrust. This time I felt it rip as I opened her channel farther then it had ever been.

Her hands dug into my shoulder and her legs jerked. She gave a soft "oh" of pain and I stopped moving just holding myself steady. "Are you okay baby"

"Ummm hummm, it was just a little sting, it's going away I think." She answered and it must have been going away because she started moving her ass working her tight sleeve over my cock. I shoved with my hips and slowly slid inside until I felt my balls touch her tight little ass and her dark hair tangled with mine.

Turning my head I captured her lips once again and we kissed sweetly as I moved slowly in and out of her. Even with the condom on this it was an exquisite sensation, it felt perfect.

"Oh Greg, it's so good, ummm every time you move it sends tingles all over my body." she sighed into my mouth.

I moved faster making longer strokes sometimes gently mashing my groin to hers, sometimes making hard thrusts that jarred her body. She was moaning softly now moving her head to lie next to mine. She was holding my head to her with one hand, the other was sliding down my back to grip my flexing ass and pull me tighter against her.

I could feel her body beginning to tense her legs came up to cross over my waist, we had slid down in the seat until she was laying flat on her back. This gave me even better access and I felt like I was going deeper in her sweet hole. I was actually glad I had a condom on, it reduced the feeling enough that I could last until she had her orgasm. That was important to me; I wanted her to have that first cock induced orgasm before me, to let her fully experience the mind bending ecstasy that first time deserves.

"Oh Greg, ummmm darling... yessss... I can feel it coming. Oh yeah keep it up. Ummmmmm" she was gasping in my ear now as I kept up a hard rhythm making her body shake with every thrust. The sudden constriction on my cock was exquisite torture and even with the condom on I had to fight to keep from cumming. She gripped and released me in much harder constrictions then Susy. I was still trying to move in and out slowly but every time she clamped down I could hardly move. Her fingers were digging into my scalp and ass, any other time it would have been painful but at that moment I didn't even notice.

It must have lasted a good two minutes before the fierce gripping lessened in its intensity and her grip started to relax, I was still moving slowly and even that was building me towards my own release.

"Ummmmm sugar, that was the most intense feeling I have ever had, I can't believe how good that felt." She said this between kisses she was raining up and down my cheek and neck. Turning I captured that soft mouth in a passionate kiss and started once again working my cock in and out quickly moving up on her body so that her engorged clit was contacting my shaft as it went in and out.

I knew I couldn't last long but I tried to hold out as long as I could. Her already sensitive nerves being stimulated again so quickly had her riding a wave of pleasure again along with me. This time when I felt her body tightening I didn't stop and with that first strong grip I slammed against her vulva driving every centimeter of my cock inside to unload the pent up passion that had built up.

"Uhhhhhhh" I grunted as my cock swelled and fired my cum into the tip of the condom.

"Ohhh yeah darling I can feel you expanding and twitching, ummmm that feels good." She cried, her own climax rolling over her while she rippled her tight muscle up and down my cock.

I pushed myself up off her to look into her beautiful flushed face. There was enough moonlight that I could see the satisfied expression in that white smile. We just stayed that way for a while watching each other as our bodies ground together in a slow dance of completion. My cock softened and I pulled out to sit in the seat and remove the sodden condom. It was bulging at the tip with my cum and slick with her juices and streaks of red virgin blood on the outside, I slipped it off and wrapped it in some Kleenex I kept in the car.

We cuddled for a while and I told her I loved her and she just smiled and said that's the way it was supposed to be. From then on we tried to find time alone at least once a week. What with school, both of us working some and just life in general it wasn't easy. Especially since we didn't want to exclude Carl from our lives.

Generally we would try for the three of us to go out Friday and then Cindy and I on Saturday or vice-versa depending on schedules. Oh yeah I forgot, the next time I went to pick up Cindy I was nervous about seeing Susy, after all she wanted me to wait and I let her down. She called out for me to come in that Cindy was still getting ready. I went slowly into the kitchen where she was.

She was standing there with her hands on her hips and eyebrows raised, one little foot tapping on the floor. "UH-Oh" I was thinking, "I'm going to get it now".

"So, couldn't wait huh"? She asked.

"Uh... I tried... really I did, it's just" I was stammering.

She laughed and came to hug me. "I know how it is, hey I was your age once myself. At least you were smart enough to use protection which I thank you for. Now please keep doing that for at least another week."

I was saved from further embarrassment by Cindy coming up behind me pinching me on the ass. "Hey buddy you ready to go."

"Yeah sure." I replied

Susy gave me a quick kiss on the lips and then gave her daughter the same. "You two have fun; don't do anything I wouldn't do." She giggled.

"Ha... Ha mom, that's a good one." Cindy grumbled in reply then grinned at her mother as we went out the door.

Carl was starting to date and we would double date with him and whoever he was taking out. He managed to date several girls and they all seemed to have a good time. One girl in particular he asked out several times. Janet Finch was her name, a sweet shy girl that was in his chemistry class. She was in the same grade as the three of us and the times we had went out the four of us had a lot of fun. She was about 5' 4' with red hair just a little darker then Carl's, a little sprinkling of light freckles across her nose, dark green eyes and a dimpled smile that made a pretty face even prettier. She was curved in all the right places and while she wasn't what you would call a hard body she was definitely a lush package.

Carl and I went out to eat one Friday night while Cindy was babysitting and we were talking about Janet and him. He said he really liked her and she had expressed the same feelings, he wanted to know how I knew I loved Cindy and how we went on to being lovers. We talked about love, well as much as two teenagers can know about love. We both had seen how some of the guys and girls went from one relationship to another and each time the guy or girl would say they were in love but in a few weeks it was over for one reason or another. I guess I was lucky, or maybe it was because of my experience with Susy but I wasn't the least bit unsure of my love for Cindy.

As we were talking my friend Carl who I knew inside and out and didn't figure could surprise me did just that.

"Greg, can I watch you and Cindy the next time you make out"? He suddenly blurted.

I had just taken a drink of my strawberry milkshake and got choked when he said that. "Cough,... Cough... Can you do what?" I managed to struggle out.

"Look, I don't want to seem like a dork that doesn't know anything and she said she wasn't a virgin but had only done it once, I couldn't tell her that I was. You have got to help me out here, I have to at least make it look like I know what I am doing. I want it to be special if it happens, and I don't want to be a wham bam thank you mam guy like most of the guys seem to be. Man I can see the way Cindy looks at you and I know you are doing her right, I want to know how. What better way then for my two best friends to show me." He was pleading his case earnestly.

Now on the surface it seemed out of the question but he did make a good case, okay maybe not good but it had some merits. He sat there watching patiently while I thought about it, actually at the time I was wondering why I was even thinking about it. The three of us have done everything together since we were big enough to run around on our own. There were very few secrets between the three of us. Would I be upset if Carl saw Cindy naked, I don't know, hell we have all three wrestled around with our hands all over each other. I finally decided that if it was okay with Cindy then it would be okay with me. I couldn't help but tease him a little though.

"You're just a pervert you know, I can't believe you would stoop so low just to get your jollies." I said sternly

"Noo man it's not like that, I really want to know how you do it, hey who can a guy turn to if not his best friends." He protested.

I shook my head slowly. "Man you are something else, look I will talk to Cindy or better yet you ask her since she is one of your best friends."

"Oh no I think it would be best if you ask her" he quickly replied.

"Chicken" I laughed.

"Cluck, cluck" he grinned.

Cindy and I were going out Saturday night but I knew she would be home Saturday morning. Her mom was showing houses all day as was my mother. Dad was on the job and I didn't have to help him this week. I wandered down to her house, knocked, called out who I was and went on in. She was doing laundry and came out to give me a very nice, okay, hot kiss pressing her sweat suited body against mine. Man every time she touches me I get hard.

"So, come to give me a big pre date present buddy"? She murmured as she kissed my neck.

Same as Greg Remembers
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Greg the Not Quite So Straight Guy gets blown 1

I’d been nervous since I agreed to this. I’d posted an ad on a local hookup site seeking a man older than myself, aged between 35 and 45 with little to no body hair who would like to suck my cock. That was it – he sucks me and I leave.2016 was a dry year - I hadn’t gotten any action the whole of year and had pretty much given up on women completely. It’s not that I don’t find some attractive, it’s just that there’s a whole lot of bullshit that I don’t want to deal with that often comes around....

3 years ago
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Gregs New Girlfriend

Introduction: Greg comes to terms with his girlfreinds very large hole. My name is Greg and this is a story about when I was dating my now wife Laura. This is from my point of view on how it all went before we got married. My wife Laura is almost forty, tall, thin, very good looking with flowing blond hair, blue eyes and perky titties that just fill a C cup, an ass to die for and lips that can make you cream in a matter of minutes. I wanted her since the first moment we met. A year or so after...

2 years ago
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Gregor of Hartshorn Hill

Note from the author: Jarrod of Hartshorn Hill is the First of this Series. Druesha of Hartshorn Hill is the Second of this Series. Fallon of Hartshorn Hill is the Third of this Series. Evan of Hartshorn Hill is the Fourth of this Series. Avalon of Hartshorn Hill is the Fifth of this Series. * * * * * Gregor had been born a slave. Usually when you are born a slave, you never know your parents. Slave babies are sent to the slave nursery until they are old enough to perform simple...

1 year ago
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Greg and Shelbys new sexlife0

One day I was talking to my friend, Ethan, about my sex life with Shelby. Ethan understood my struggle having been with his girlfriend for 5 years. He offered me some advice and told me about sex toys. Now I was always skeptical whether toys would really make sex better but I had to do something for my relationship. The following night as Shelby was getting ready for bed I started to kiss her neck. Usually at this time if she starts to slightly moan she's up for sex and luckily she did....

3 years ago
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Gregory Mom pt 2

Gregory & Mom pt 2Gregory must have really missed me when we finally got a chance to hook-up the following week. When I arrived at his house he had left the door unlocked but I still knocked and then I heard him yell “Come on in”. I entered the dwelling and was please that when I walked around the corner into the living room he was standing there with both hands on ample hips and all dressed up. He was wearing matching Black fishnets stocking and bra along with high heel shoes and man did...

1 year ago
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Gregors Uncle

I never thought anything like this would happen, certainly not with my friend Gregor's uncle. Gregor and I went to the local Parochial High School. Because I opted to to walk home after school and we took the same route we began walking together. If I wore my school colors the Cops would give me a pass, if not inevitably someone would call about some Black k** wandering through their neighborhood. Gregor walking with me usually made it okay but occasionally we got stopped. My neighborhood...

1 year ago
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Gregory Mom

Gregory and MomThe story of a Young Ebony Sissy Boy pt1I lie between Gregory’s large smooth thighs and slam my cock in and out of his boy-pussy harder and faster as I feel myself about to cum. He grunts and throws his phatt Brown ass right back at me, matching be stroke for stroke like the complete bottom Bitch he has become. I know that I am going to cum in another minute or two and I know that it’s going to be big. At that moment I hear the door to the house open, then his mom steps in and...

1 year ago
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Gregs Girl

Greg's Girl By Teri Franken Chapter 1 "I know you are in there Terry, now open the door," yelled my roommate Greg. He had come home early from work and I had barely made it into the bathroom before he saw how I was dressed. "Terry or should I say T-e-r-i, I know all about your hobby and have a good idea why you are hiding in there. Now come out here and face the music or I will have to let everyone on campus know what a little fag you really are. Did you think I was not aware of...

2 years ago
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Gregs story

Greg's Story This is a fantasy story of Greg and his Mom, with a little life experience included. All characters are 16 years and over. One weekend just after my 16th birthday, Mom and I were home alone. My Dad worked long hours and often didn't get home for days at a time. This left Mom and I a lot of time to keep each other company. Because of these circumstances, I didn't like to leave Mom on her own too much; I hated her to feel lonely. Mom was 39 and although she was still in the average...

1 year ago
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Gregs Story

I know now that not all stories have a happy ending. I wish mine did, but it doesn’t and this is hard for me to put into words. It’s been a year and five months since she has been gone. How do you really tell others of the desires of your heart, or the most intimate details of the life you had with someone? But the story must be put into words, for my own healing. After all these are just words here, but what I lived with her was real, vital and genuine! We were two years 4 months apart. My...

3 years ago
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Gregs New Girlfriend Lauras Side

First off I want to describe myself. I am 5’10” tall, long legs, straight blond hair down to the middle of my back, a cute little butt if I don’t say so myself, pouty lips that have been called “cock sucking lips” and some would say I have nice perky boobies. I wish they were a little bit bigger, but they are really sensitive and I like that. When I am really horny I can almost orgasm from just tweaking my nipples. I always thought I was a normal little girl growing up. I figured all my...

2 years ago
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Gregs New Girlfriend

My wife Laura is almost forty, tall, thin, very good looking with flowing blond hair, blue eyes and perky titties that just fill a C cup, an ass to die for and lips that can make you cream in a matter of minutes. I wanted her since the first moment we met. A year or so after we met and became friends we started dating. Two months into our relationship and countless nights of trying everything I knew I still had not got her into bed. The occasional hand jobs and blowjobs were nice, but I...

3 years ago
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more locker room fun

Zach had long straight hair that perfectly covered one eye when he had it just right. He wore his pants low enough to see his plain (but sooo attractive) boxers. He normally wore a hoody that was a bit too small for him too. But the thing I hated about Zach, was that he had a girlfriend. What a joke. Zach and I ended up having the same math class. He was a year younger than me though and something about smart k**s was just a huge turn on when I was a junior in high school. On top of that, we...

4 years ago
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Three Times in one night

It had always been a fantasy of mine.Cross dressing and getting screwed.I have very feminine features and long natural straight brown hair. Which recently I had shortened to shin length.I have been dressing in womens clothing now for many months and had decided that this was the night in which I get made up totally and head out into public. It took me a while to get ready because I wanted my look to be perfect. I chose my favorite black lace hipsters with the matching garter belt. My...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Karla Kush Krissy Lynn Squirts Up

Surfer Karla Kush arrives at the massage parlor, carrying her surfboard. Masseuse Krissy Lynn greets her, clearly liking Karla’s sexy bikini look. They make small talk, both looking a bit sweaty and mentioning that it must be the hottest day of the year. Krissy apologetically tells her that their AC is broken. Karla says that’s why she just went surfing: the AC at her house is broken too and she wanted to cool off. Karla mentions that she wants to get a NURU massage. Krissy tells...

3 years ago
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HalloweenChapter 2

"Francine" drove carefully through the shopping precinct looking for someone, anyone suitable really, for the next part of her plan. The plans were flexible around a core idea and Jamie -- older brother to one of her classmates -- was perfect. Elena blew the car's horn and waved. "Jamie isn't it?" "Yeah. And you're Francine." "That's right." "Nice car." "Thanks. I was wondering if you could do me a favour." "Depends what it is." "I need someone to get a bottle of...

2 years ago
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evil genius 3 new conquest

Ian bought a 2 storied house with 3 bed and 1 ½ bathrooms, small good size living room and kitchen (he did enjoy cooking) and a large dinner room. It also had a good size den and garage. The backyard was roomy with a small pool and nice lawn with neck high fences. He meet all 3 of his new neighbors after only a few weeks. One his right side was a woman named Kathy. She was married and divorced 3 times and has 4 very pretty daughters: Kathy was 37 years old, about 5’11” weighed...

3 years ago
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Biwi Ki Galti Se Papa Se Chudai

Hi dosto mera name he viren me mumbai se hu meri age 28 he meri sadi ho gay he or meri biwi ki age he 27 jo ek roop ki rani he inko dekh kar sale buddhe b jawan ho jate he q ki mene meri biwi ki wajah se bahut logo ko marna b pada tha jaha per jati he koi na koi unke sath ched khani karte he or ha mere ghar me mere papa meri maa b he or ha mere papa ki age he 51 jo dikhne me mere jaise he ye bat 2 mahine pahle ki he jab me meri biwi or mere papa meri maa ke sath gaw gaye the jahaper hamara...

2 years ago
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Lead me not into Temptation

You wake up. Your dreams were filthy and your mind is still racing with them, but they're blending together in a slurry of cocks and tits and pussies and cum and fingers and tongues. The faces are starting to fade, but you think you have one face in mind as your fingers find your crotch. Fuck, it's wet! You must have cum already in your sleep, and the touch of your finger tips makes the image in your head turn from an orgy into focusing on just a single person. You play and force your mind to...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 25

We pulled into the mall parking lot a minute later. I tensed as we drove through the packed lot. Anyone would easily be able to see me, but Jess was still driving and no one did. As she pulled into a spot, she looked over her shoulder. “Ok, you can put them back on. For now. Don’t think we’re done yet though.” My erection was painfully hard as I stuck it back in my shorts. The rough fabric scraped uncomfortably against my sensitive skin down there, but I wasn’t going to show weakness. I...

1 year ago
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Lifes DiscoveriesChapter 3 Taking What I Need

I walked out of the doctor's office, still trying to absorb all the new information. I had gone in for some examinations over the last couple of weeks, and all the tests came back today. Okay, let me get this straight: 1. My sperm are 100% fertile, and my count is off the charts. 2. My testicle resides in the place of one of my ovaries. 3. My other ovary is 'shut down' because the hormones from the testicle block the female stuff from releasing an egg or starting my period. 4. The...

3 years ago
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Cuckolded Black Husband

Michael sat at the bedside staring at the rumpled fabric of the crimson and blue bedclothes and the two people who lay snuggled together among them. After a night of constant sensual gratification, he knew they were exhausted. He knew because he had been with them throughout the night and was fatigued as well. Tamika shifted a little and nestled back more deeply into the arms of her lover as if to become more comfortable. Seeing her do so brought a pang of memory to his mind, a sharp sensation...

2 years ago
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Dogging With Mom

You need to read my other story "Glory Hole Mom" before this one. I got the shaft in my divorce and had to move back in with my parents at the age of 42. My mom, Linda, is 58 and average looking woman. My dad works out of town alot and this has given me time with mom and her friend Vicki who is blonde and I find her very attractive. We drink alot and try to solve the worlds problems. We also went to do some gloryholing, I got to watch mom get some strange dick. Now the girls want to try...

4 years ago
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Love is a FourLetter Word

 Love is an enigma that can’t be fully understood. Poets and philosophers attempt to define it. Every race and culture throughout history embrace it and are willing to bet their very existence on it. Love seems to be the singular universal driving force of all mankind. The religious faithful claim love is a gift from God. However, science says love is nothing more than biological chemistry fueled by hormones and an overwhelming need to procreate.As for myself, I’ve avoided the “L-word” like the...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 15 Varsity Soccer

School was starting in a few days, and the fall sports teams were busy practicing. Football was practicing in the mornings, soccer and tennis in the afternoons. Josh and Jake had both tried out for the football team and had made the junior varsity team. I was on the varsity soccer team, playing my right defensive position behind Skip Horvath, a senior and one of the stars of our team. Skip was chosen for All-Conference honors as both a sophomore and a junior, and was second-team All-State...

4 years ago
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Great Day of fishing with my two Neices

Before I get anymore in depth, let me describe myself and my nieces. I am Matt, 25, 6’4” and of average weight. I have blue eyes and brown hair and try to keep in shape by working out every other day. My oldest niece (Olivia) is 16 years old, blonde hair, green eyes and skinny weighing about 125 pounds and probably 5’10”. She is on the cheerleading squad and def has the figure for it. My other niece is Liz and she is 11 years old. She is 4’10” brown hair, brown eyes and about 80 pounds. Both...

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Alonein the Woods

'...' thoughts. 'I'm going to fucking kill her.' I keep repeating over and over as I'm forced to walk home. 'Oh don't worry Alyssa, I won't get fucking hammered and leave the party without you.' I think of all the things I wish I could do to Elle, getting even more pissed because they're all illegal. Earlier in the night we went to a Christmas party together. Booze, drugs and slutty elves. Dressed in a short red mini skirt, boots up to my knees and fishnet stockings with a...

3 years ago
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Muss ich einen geilen Wichsern erzählen. Eben wieder richtigen Sex gehabt und endlich wieder in eine Möse gespritzt.

1 year ago
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Jacquie Et Michel Elite

Why do I always feel so fucking fancy when I watch French porno? I feel like I should pop a bottle of nice wine and eat some snails while I butter up my long, throbbing baguette. (For the neckbeards out there in mom’s basement, remember to scrape the fromunda cheese off first.) Somebody just sent me a link to Jacque et Michel Elite, so I’m in exactly that kind of is brought to you by, you guessed it, Jacquie et Michel, who call themselves “the leading group in...

Adult VOD Sites
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GloryHole Riley Star 02122018

Riley Star loves “N.S.A. hook-ups”! This means no-strings attached, and you know what that means: sex with strangers. Riley’s favorite place for NSA hook-ups? The local adult bookstore, of course! She’s so well-known in there, Riley’s even friends with the employees! They’ll even call her on the phone to let Riley know when there’s “a lot of action” in the video arcade section of the store!! The store loves Riley, cause when the perverts see...

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Innocent teen Sammies very first gang fuck

Like to be stripped down to just a thin bra and thin panties then laid on her back onto a bed as 1 by 1 each limb gets handcuffed to a corner bedpost. Then as Sammie is softly moving her hips and eager to get to her penetration she looks to the door in time to see a group of men walk in. Every one of them already have thier dicks pulled through the hole of thier bottoms and each cock each bigger than the last. Then Sam's completely helplessly watches the men surround the bed. Each man...

3 years ago
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Indian Couples And Mixed Doubles In Goa

We are a Gujarati couple from Mumbai aged 32 and 30 respectively. We have been married for seven years and now we seem to be getting the ‘seven-year itch’. To spice up our sex life, we decided to spend a full week in Goa at a five-star resort to explore our sexuality and be open to fetishes, fantasies and flamboyance. We got together several sex toys and downloaded porn on our laptop. We were planning on playing sex games, role-play (roles of bhabhi-devar, teacher-student, maid-maalik,...

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My StepMother

How did I get in this mess? Standing in a corner, with my dress, slip and petticoat pulled up and my panties pulled down to show off what I assumed was a very red bottom after being spanked and paddled by a women who was very angry with me for TPing her home. To top it all off, my step-mom was on her way to pick me up, who was about to see first hand that I'm a cross-dresser. Wow, what a mess. The night started out with so much promise. I had just moved into my own apartment, far away...

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Sin BravelyChapter 15

Eva sat hunched over on the bed, naked with her long, pale legs drawn up near her small breasts, hugging her knees and rocking anxiously back and forth on the dirty mattress. Every now and again Eva would shiver, but she made no sound and despite her fatigue, the girl's dull blue eyes never left the door. It was shut tight and locked from the other side. There were no windows, no other furniture but that metal cot bolted to the cement floor and the thin mattress, stained and stinking of...

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Wifes Afternoon Passion with An Old Friend

Rita Morris was a making a shopping list when her husband Colin called for the fourth time in a week and said that he'd be coming home late from work, which was really beginning to irritate her. She'd wanted sex twice already over the last few days, but Colin had fallen asleep each time after they had dinner. Frustrated, she'd retire to her bedroom texting on her phone to late in the night until she'd fall asleep. One of those nights recently, however, she'd taken matters into her "own hands"...

2 years ago
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Life With My Teacher Aenna

Hi, Hope all are doing good.I am Bose from Kolkata and am here to narrate the incident occurred in my life, it’s not an incident, it is my gift. My gift is Aenna 27 yrs old divorced women, a dam hot and sexy lady.She was my English teacher when I am in 12th std. my friends do admire her and will describe about her parts often, I do like to admire and dream her a lot. She would be dam hot and perfect shape with milky white in color and rosy lips. The days passed and I completed my school,...

4 years ago
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Dream desire fantasy me and mom

On that day I went to the market and bought lots of flower so that I could decorate my bedroom. It was around 11pm I heard my room door open only to see my mother well dressed in red wedding saree with a glass of milk in her hand. I was shocked to see her that way. She is all dressed up and reminded me of a bride. Normally the newly-wed brides enter the room that way with a glass of milk. For a moment I thought it can’t be!!! I could not believe my eyes! As she entered she locked the bedroom...

2 years ago
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Too Close for Comfort

I fidgeted on the chair as the old woman sitting across from me wrote mysterious things down on a legal pad. Occasionally she looked over at me. Once or twice our eyes locked as I caught her watching me. I was fairly sure that she was recording her observations of my behavior. Across the room another woman, the one I was married to for twenty two years, paced the floor as if she was upset. I looked at my watch again. The old woman noticed and made another note. "Okay," she said. "Let's...

3 years ago
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Our First New HomeChapter 2

Ann came over at about ten o'clock. She had a glass in each hand. It was that same drink that they had plied us with last night. She gave Dave and me each one and told us to drink up. I tried to tell her that I don't drink in the morning but she smiled and said, "Silly girl! Of course you do! You do whatever I want you to." I knew that I really didn't want to drink the drink in my hand. But for some reason that I really didn't understand, I also knew that I had to. I took a sip. It was...

2 years ago
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Youre Supposed To Be A Lesbian

Debra walked into the house at about half past six in the evening. It had been a long day and she had spent most of it driving home. She was more than tired and just wanted to slip into Janet’s arms, have a snog, a grope of her tits and then maybe go out, or stay in for a meal. Debra walked into the lounge and saw a note on the table. She could see Janet’s handwriting and prepared for the fact that she would not be in. Why else would she leave a note? she thought. Debra picked up the note....

1 year ago
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Luck By Chance With Mommy

Hello friend and I’m Sunny and this is my first post in this site. I hope that you all will love the stories. This is a fiction not real all the character of this story is fictional so enjoy it. My name is Nafees age is 32 years now. I live in Dhaka the capital city of Bangladesh. My family consist with 4 members. My Father, Mother, Sister and me. I am the elder child of my parents. My father is Forest officer. My mom is a housewife. She is now 50 years old. Come to the point and it’s all...

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WristDeep in the Cunt Hole Fisting Tessa at the Burlesque

I never thought of myself primarily as a "lesbian", but since I'm definitely into women, I was necessarily part of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community. I don't have a problem with that, nor am I particularly proud of it. It just became part of my life, but I don't define myself through my sexual orientation. Life's too varied for that.However, I needed some orientation in that environment first. Where I live there's no real "scene"; the town is too small for that, which...

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PenthouseGold Anna Chambers Can8217t Resist Stepdaddy

Saucy brunette Anna Chambers has some serious daddy issues and can’t keep her hands off mom’s boyfriends. Latest stepdad Marcus London is supposed to be tutoring the nubile nymphet but is persuaded into X-rated classroom fun by the busty teen who has some serious blowjob skills, easily deepthroating daddy’s dick. Hot for cock, the busty Penthouse chick fingers herself while taking a hard pounding, moaning loudly as she rides her man in cowgirl and smiling as he spunks all over...

1 year ago
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The Elevator Kims Reward

Kim couldn't wait until they got home. She needed it so badly and knew just what to do to get what she wanted. Sitting lower in the bucket seat, she drew her skirt up and opened her blouse. Her fingers got busy on her clit and nipples as she began to describe the fantasy she'd had in the elevator. They both loved to talk about the things they had done and dreamed of doing. Kim sometimes did it to tease, sometimes she did it to give him ideas, sometimes just to get him in the mood to play....

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Introducing Thomas Brown Ep 3

There were no cracks in the ceiling of Thomas Brown’s bedroom to conveniently draw her eye. So she simply stared up at the expanse of white emptiness, wondering at the strange turns life sometimes took. She sifted through her memories, trying to pinpoint a moment, an event where she could say ‘aha!’ that was when the path to this place was irrevocably set, if she hadn’t chosen that action at that time she would not be here, staring up at her ex-fiancé’s ceiling, his heavy body smothering hers,...

2 years ago
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Kezza Services A Customer

Kezza Services A CustomerVal was a prickly customer. None of my staff wanted to work with her. She ran a small desktop publishing company from an office at the rear of her home in a small country town north of the city. I’d spent the day tuning her computer system. Surprisingly we’d managed to establish a reasonable working rapport, good enough for her to offer me overnight accommodation in a spare bedroom in lieu of the local hotel. No doubt my gifts of a couple of bottles of wine and a bunch...

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Jesse Loads Monster Facials

Nothing speaks about a website's sense of style as much as a toilet paper pattern as a background. I am not talking about that expensive, all-white, three-layers shit paper that smells like peaches. No, I am talking about the cheap, recycled one that you tear with your fingers while you wipe your ass. This would make some sense if was about scat, but it's not. It's about huge facials, but I guess that a chick needs something to wipe her face when the cameras turn...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Ah Hawaii

We’ve been in Hawaii for two days. Just enough time to remember each other’s bodies and how well they work together. It’s lotsa sun during the days and Mai Tais at night, and every kind and color of volcano-named drink we can try – including a real killer served in a big volcanic rock that takes two straws from a Polynesian restaurant that sports bamboo walls and waitrons in shorts and brightly colored shirts. We sat in a high backed, two seater wicker chair. The food is good, exotic, but not...

3 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 25

[Brett] Late December Brett was met just inside the door by Leah, Missy, and Connie. It was surprising how much planning and scheming had gone into his punishment. Given his offense and his attitude toward girls, Julia had decided that his direct supervision would be done by the girls, and all of them would be involved. The boys had been instructed to be friendly and helpful, but not to give him any direction. Julia had spent quite a bit of time at Lindsey's coaching the kids on how to act...

2 years ago
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My first threesome part 2

I am not sure what to call this story, but I know that it's related to my first story which happened to me 8 days ago, I am grateful to all of you who read it and commented and gave me advice, truth be told, I am completely confused and clueless as to what's going on in my life, for those of you who didn't read it I'll be brief in updating, basically Friday 11/14/14 I broke up with my fiancee a long time of lies and 2 years of his financial struggles which led him to gamble the money I had been...

2 years ago
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My Second bra Story

So it was summer 2000. My old friend came to visit after moving six years ago. He and i went out riding bikes all day long. We came back to my place and had dinner with our parents. He slept over as well as his parents. It was around 1 am and we decided to go sneaking out. At this point we were 16. Knowing we were doing this and risking getting caught made it well worth it. So we went down stairs and out the back door and then jumped my fence into the side street. We then darted down the block...

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