Greg To Georgina free porn video

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Greg to Georgina.

Part 1 .

I'm just a regular guy, I like a beer, I hate queers, trannies, perverts all that, I'm as straight as they come. Honestly, Ok at five six I'm no quarter back and girls don't exactly throw themselves at my feet, but really back then I was doing just fine working my way through uni.

I guess it was boredom, like I was surfing the net like you do, in the faculty library, the only one on campus where the server wasn't programmed so anything unsuitable for a five year old came up as "Message Blocked, Adult Content," and there was this thing about Ladyboys, which I downloaded onto my thumb drive, we called them memory sticks back then, and I forgot about it. Like completely. I only realised what I had done next day when I got home from class and checked my emails.

I guess I was lucky, Amelia Harper, a girl I never saw before found the Thumb next morning, like it wasn't encrypted or anything, and pretty soon she found my essays, with my student number class and name across the top and of course the porn.  She found me on facebook, and emailed me.

"I have something you need." she explained.

I emailed her back, thanked her profusely and, after a few returns of suggestions we agreed to meet, at the faculty library, at noon next day.

I checked her on facebook, she had freckles for christs sake and twin piggy tails of brown hair, and brown eyes, and she looked pretty, not pretty, but pretty ordinary.

She was in the Library before me, looking at the notice board. "Hi, I'm Greg." I announced, she was as tall as me I realised, and there was something brooding in those dark eyes of hers. "Do you have my Thumb."

She giggled, "Oh you mean Memory stick!" she laughed as she took a Thumb drive from her purse, A red one, 1GB, mine was silver. "It's all there," she said, "You essays, and stuff."

"Where's my Thumb?" I asked.

"It's like insurance," she said, "It works as long as you pay the premium."

"Hey, hold on." I whispered.

"Or I could let the Principal find it." she whispered, "Just email your cell phone number and I'll be in touch."

She grinned wickedly and slipped away.

Trouble was she had no more idea of what she would do with the damned drive than I did.

I emailed her my cell phone number and pretty soon she rang me, "Hi Greg," she said and then she just asked, "Greg, is your hair naturally curly." I heard giggling in the background,

"What?" I asked.

"Do you curl your hair?" she asked.

I never bothered much about it, it curled naturally, not tight like Negroes but just curls, like I guess I should have got it straightened or cut short but it just wasn't a priority.

"Sure, it's natural, Why?" I asked.

"Carrie wanted to know," she giggled, and she cut the call off.

I sort of tried to forget about it but then on Thursday night around eight I got a call from Amelia , "Greg, I think you should come over,"

"Come over where," I asked.

"Our Dorm of course!" She replied. " Anna Marie Richter building room 27."

"I'm not allowed." I explained.

"That's your problem!" she replied helpfully, "Half an hour?" she added "Or shall I let the Principal." I cut her short.

"No, I'll come." I replied.

I slipped my quilted jacket over my Tee shirt, and Levis, found my sneakers and set off across the campus, the building was maybe half a mile from my room so I had plenty of time, and the guard barely looked as I walked by.

I knocked on door 37, Amelia opened it revealing her friends Carrie Michaelson and Lavinia Carstairs waiting inside, my heart sank, two stunning blondes, sort of girls who could have any boy they wanted waiting on me, I had a bad feeling.

The room was no bigger than mine, even more untidy perhaps, posters festooned the walls, pop stars mainly, just a bedroom with dressing table with mirrors, a sink and somewhere to make coffee, and a few lockers, very basic.  Amelia sat in front of her computer, Lavinia and Carrie sat together on the single bed, all dressed in almost a uniform of white Tee Shirts and stone washed Denim Jeans

"See I told you he'd get in." Lavinia exclaimed.

"It's the curly hair!" said Carrie, "Old Harry thought you were a girl."

"What with a five o'clock shadow like that?" Amelia exclaimed, "I told you he was nothing like as pretty in real life as in his facebook entry!"

"You might have shaved!" Carrie snorted,  "It's only polite when you visit a girl, shower and shave."

"I guess he showered," Lavinia observed, "or else he tipped a whole bottle of aftershave over himself."

"That's cheap drugstore deodorant," Amelia noted, "I think we should make him shave."

"Oh no!" I said.

"Now Gregory, you don't really have a lot of options here do you?" Carrie observed,

"But if you won't shave well how about some of this." She held a tube of depilatory cream.

"Hell, that will burn my face!" I protested.

"Who said anything about your face?" Lavinia observed with a sly grin.

"No, it says suitable for facial hair on the box," Amelia informed me .

"Look what do you want?" I asked nervously.

"It's not what we want but our duty as citizens which matters here," Carrie announced seriously, "Gregory has impure thoughts and needs correction, and we are to be the instruments of the correction, isn't that right girls."

They agreed happily.  "Sit down," Carrie motioned for me to sit on the bed between herself and Lavinia.

"Look I'm not sure about this!" I exclaimed but I sat down and watched as Carrie squeezed some yellowish cream into the palm of her slender delicate hand, and brought it up to my face.

I shuddered, "It's cold," I protested but it was the thrill of her soft touch and the slightly perfume of her firm body which caused the shudder, her deep blue eyes just inches away peering intently. "It burns." I added.

"It stinks." Lavinia protested, as she moved away. "I didn't realise it smelled so bad!"

"That's because you only use it on your," Amelia giggled leaving the sentence unfinished.

"Keep your eyes shut," Carrie warned as she moved up around my top lip working he cream firmly into my pores.

"You're supposed to wash first." Amelia observed.

"I did." Carrie insisted.

"His face!" Amelia explained.

"Oh!" Carrie giggled.

"Leave for ten minutes then rinse." Amelia read, "Lets look at some pictures while we wait." she punched the switch and the computer monitor came to life, a Latino girl, pretty small breasted, smiling at the camera, I recognised it, taken from my Thumb drive, two more pictures followed and in the fourth she would turn and reveal.

"Isn't she pretty, Greg," Lavinia observed, "Do you like her?"

"Look I was only." I started to say.

"Oooooh, she's not a she is she?" Lavinia pointed out unnecessarily as the girl on screen changed pose to reveal six or seven inches of solid muscled penis protruding from her glistening hairless crotch.

"That's why Greg has such girly curly hair girls, he wants to be a girl like us!" Amelia observed delightedly.

"Do you Greg?" asked Carrie, as she rubbed my face once more, "Because we need a new friend."

"The ugly awkward one to make us look good!" Lavinia added.

"Hey, wait till I get to work with the make up," Amelia suggested, "guys will be falling over themselves to date you."

"Very funny!" I added. "My face is stinging, are you sure it said for facial use?"

"So wash!" Amelia suggested as she showed me, "I'll do it!"

She took  a brown plastic bowl and half filled it with water before throwing a face cloth in and bringing it across to me, "Hold still," she ordered and she started to rinse the stubble away.

I felt my erection stirring, "Oh that's no good at all." she cooed, "that's not very girlie is it?"

"No," I replied awkwardly.

"No Miss, show respect." Amelia ordered.

"I think proper Lady-Boys tape their thingies down." Lavinia observed, "At least the ones on Gregs Thumb drive seem to!"

"Oh, lets make Greg do it too!" Carrie suggested, if it was supposed to make me less aroused it failed completely.

"It seems to be getting bigger," Amelia observed, "Maybe we had better do something about it!"

"Yes, a cold shower!" Lavinia suggested.

"Hey!" I objected, but before I could stop them Amelia had twisted my arm behind my back and they were pushing me down the corridor to the communal bathroom.

"Back, Harry's coming, "Lavinia wailed, as she somehow sensed or heard Harry approach so we rapidly returned to Amelia's room.

"I think if we wash it with cold water?" Carrie suggested.

"Yes, get his pants off." Amelia cried as she seized my belt and dragged my zipper down,

"Hey," I shouted and tried to struggle free from Amelia's grip.

"Hold him hand me that pantihose Lavinia, grab his other wrist Carrie." Amelia ordered and before I could stop them they had twisted the legs of the pantihose around my wrists and I was helpless.

Amelia dragged my Y fronts down around my ankles and to my extreme embarrassment my penis stood out and proud like a flagpole.

"It's quite big for a little fellow." Lavinia observed, naively," quite obscene."

"Yes, it's a threat to our honour, we need to tame it." Carrie agreed, "but first." she lifted my length with the end of Amelia's hair brush which was lying on the dressing table, we need to," she stopped short as she gazed in horror..

The touch with the brush was the final straw, my Prick twitched convulsed and suddenly I was pumping my load all over Amelia's floor.

"You filthy pig!" Amelia squealed delightedly, as she observed the creamy trail across her polished floor.

"What a nasty thing, it needs to be restrained," Carrie observed as she handed me a tissue, "clean yourself up."

I did as she asked, "Look this is getting." I broke off, "come on let me go."

"Shut it pervert." Amelia said "lets get that thing tied down."

Lavinia pulled my pants off my feet and then, said, "You guys got any old Pantihose?"

"Yeah why?" Amelia asked.

"If we cut the legs off, and he wears a couple of pairs it should hold his thing out of the way." Lavinia suggested.

"Hey," I protested but it was too late, Amelia produced some torn pantihose from under the bed and scissors from her dressing table and Lavinia crudely hacked off the legs to leave just some pretty much reinforced panties.

"Oh no," I protested but they pulled them up my legs and Carrie produced a pair of rubber gloves from Amelia's top drawer, and after slipping them on she guided my now flaccid member back between my legs as Amelia pulled up the makeshift panties pushing my manhood hard up against my anus.

"Oooh look," Amelia cried in surprise, "It's going to work!"

"Put this old skirt on him," Carrie suggested, as she found a stained and split black miniskirt Amelia had thrown under her bed and they made me pull it on.

"She's a bit flat chested!" Lavinia observed, "Do you still have those falsies you wore last semester?"

"All right, you can laugh!" Carrie snorted in mock annoyance, "but yes, they're in my room, I''l get them."

Carrie was gone around five minutes and returned with a pink bra with obviously padded cups, "Try this" she suggested.

"How will we get it over his arms?" Lavinia asked.

"The straps come off so you can wear it with bare shoulders," Carrie replied.

"Go on then." Amelia ordered as she grasped my Tee shirt and pulled it over my head, leaving it hanging on my arms behind my back..

Carrie pulled the bra around me, she detached the shoulder straps at the back to slip them over my shoulders and I felt a tremor of excitement in her grip, a firm warmth as she pulled the material up against my chest.

"Shorten the  straps" Amelia suggested and as Carrie fiddled so the padded mounds settled onto me.

"Hows that, comfortable?" Carrie asked, I nodded so she pulled my Tee shirt back on,

Suddenly the shirt was well filled, rising up at the front to show my navel.

"Gosh," Lavinia exclaimed, "He looks like a regular girl!"

"Except the legs!" Carrie observed, "Get a razor Amelia."

"I.m not using my Razor on that pervert!" Amelia retorted.

"It's ok, get another tomorrow," Lavinia added, "And shaving cream!"

Amelia reluctantly found her little razor, and Lavina filled a bowl with warm water and as she soaped my legs so Amelia scraped away the hairs.

"Please be careful," I asked, unnecessarily as Amelia's nimble fingers did their work "He has lovely smooth thighs." said Lavinia wistfully, as Amelia shaved right up to my makeshift panties.

"We better make a proper job." Carrie suggested.

"What, his thingy." Amelia suggested.

"No!" I squealed, "You cant it, you might cut me!"

"She meant cream." Lavinia pointed out, "depilatory cream!"

"Good Idea, but I meant shave his balls" Carrie corrected.

"Oh god no you can't" I argued.

"Do the legs with cream first." Amelia suggested. "Then we'll see!"

"I'll shave my balls myself." I offered.

"That's no fun," Amelia argued, as she picked up the tube of depilatory cream and started to work it in to me.

My prick was now in a bad way, over stimulated yet constrained I thought my balls would burst, as Amelia's soft fingers worked the cream into my legs.

They, made me stand and pulled off my makeshift knickers, my prick stood rigidly to attention, pre cum leaking, the veins bulging, a nuclear missile about to explode.

"Hold the bowl, Amelia," Carrie said as she pulled her rubber gloves on, "This bull needs milking."

She cupped my balls with her left hand and encircled the shaft with her right and as I looked at her smile, her perfect teeth, her pale pink lips, and those deep blue eyes, I lost control instantly.

The girls giggled helplessly as my cum splashed uselessly into the bowl, and my penis gradually softened again.

Carrie started to snip away my pubic hairs with scissors but Lavinia suggested that the should leave a heart shape, so they set to work, Carrie snipping with scissors, Amelia scraping with the Razor, Lavinia dabbing on cream where bare skin was revealed.

"Enough." I ordered as Amelia got down to my balls but Lavinia just dragged my shoulders back and I fell back onto the bed and before I could recover she sat on me, her backside against my chin, her shirt rose upto leave her warm round firm bottom, with bared buttocks where her thong had pulled tight.

"Its gone stiff again!" Ameila announced.

I went stiff with fear, as well as stiff with excitement, as I felt the tickling as Amelia scraped the hairs away, and then as Lavinia applied some cold cream to my red hot member the inevitable happened, Amelia took the full force in her face, "You filthy pig." she said but she was smiling.

Cum dripped from her eyebrow and down her cheek to the corner of her mouth where she absent mindedly stuck out her tongue to lick the drip up. "It's salty." she said, "What?"

Lavinia and Carrie just giggled, "It's all over your face." Lavinia gasped.

"You slut!" Carrie giggled.

"You're jealous!" Amelia retorted, "See it's salty," she wiped some from her eyebrow and placed the cum covered finger against Lavinia's lips, "See taste it."

"Yuck, it's slimy" Lavinia squealed.

Carrie wiped some from Amelia's cheek, "Not too bad!" she exclaimed, "I had worse."

"Lavinia's never given head." said Carrie conspiratorially.

"I have so" Lavinia argued.

"Perhaps you can practice on Greg!" Carrie squealed delightedly.

"Hey." I shouted, "Don't I get a say in this?"

"No" they answered in Chorus.

Amelia started to wash away the cream from my legs and belly, "Yuck there's his stuff in that water" Carrie cried.

"So?" Amelia countered, "Pass a cloth over." Lavinia started to dry me bending ever further forward giving ever better views of her inviting buttocks.

"No!" Amelia wailed as I tried to stiffen again, and she yanked my makeshift panties up had against my crotch before neatly guiding my penis back between my legs with her bare fingers.

"Hey guys it's nearly midnight," Amelia suddenly observed, "Quick put his stuff in a carrier bag and get him out of here."

"He'll have to sigh out!" Lavinia  squealed.

"He can't sign out as Greg," Amelia announced.

"What was the name of the girl from off campus you used to have over?" Carrie asked, "The one with the frizzy hair?"

"Oh Georgie, Georgina Andrews" Amelia replied

"So sign out as Georgina ah, what," Carrie suggested

"Why not Anderson, similar but not the same?" Lavinia suggested

"Yes Georgina Anderson."

Lavinia let me get up, she undid my wrists and Amelia pulled my skirt up, Carrie pushed my sneakers on and did the laces and they pushed me out the door.

"Bye Georgina, see you tomorrow!" they all trilled in Unison.

To be continued

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Stuff about me anime

I like anime, you know those japanese cartoons that are all the rage with those fringe types of society. I think it's great most of the time, I love the stories, I love the characters, and I love the art styles.some of my favorites are:Cowboy bebop, yes I'm one of those where this can't go anywhere but the top, It's great, I started watching it on adult swim and now I own the DVD's. It turned me on to getting a taste for jazz, and queens. I've identified deeply with different characters, and I...

2 years ago
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No FutureChapter 2

An Englishman's Home Lindiwe 2065 After so many months of struggle and sacrifice, the arduous journey was finally over. Lindiwe had arrived. In the town's short history, few had suffered as much as Lindiwe to reach Ashton Lovelock. Few could have endured the adversity, hunger and rape. Few would have willingly paid so much from so little savings to make a home in the fifty year old English New Town. But desperation had driven Lindiwe to extreme measures, as it had her fellow migrants...

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Cmon Sis Lets Fuck

Introduction: Edited and reposted to comply with age restrictions Cmon, Sis… Lets Fuck. Cassidy had walked in front of Bill for the third time. It was Saturday and she was doing her assigned duty, dusting and vacuuming. Bill, on the other hand, was trying to watch a baseball game on TV instead of cleaning the bathrooms and taking the garbage to curb for the large container. Cass was wearing a t-shirt and panties, as she always did on weekends around the house. It had been her standard dress...

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Down Under Odyssey

Down Under Odyssey By Starhawk It was a brilliant day in Canberra, in the Australian Capital Territory, where I stood in a church waiting for my bride to walk down the aisle so we could be married. I was as nervous, as any groom could be. I had been waiting for this day to arrive for months. The day when the rest of my life would begin with a woman I truly loved beyond all measure. Even beyond my own life. When they started to play the wedding march, I turned to look down...

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Cant get enough

100% fiction! After he filled my pussy with his come I wanted more. His cock went limp but I knew he had more to give. I was laying on my side as his come leaked out of me. I started playing with his cock. It only took a few minutes to get him hard. I pulled him on top of me and reached between my legs and rubbed his beautiful cock on my wet pussy before guiding it into me. All 9.5 inches easily slid in. I moaned loudly with pleasure, his thick cock filled me up again. I came before he even...

3 years ago
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Family Secrets Beths Story

Introduction: Love waits….but lust doesnt I sat there fingering my ring, trying to think but couldnt stay focused. I had taken the oath. True love waits. Love waits. Lust doesnt. Those were my thoughts. I wasnt sure I believed that Adam and Eve were thrown into a mystical garden and conned by a serpent. No, I was much too logical for that. But here I was agreeing to wait until I was married to give myself to my husband. The perfect gift. In essence a gift should be new. Who wanted a...

4 years ago
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What she cant get at home

The doorbell rang halfway through the morning, and i knew exactly who was ringing it.On the other side of that door was a young, recently married woman called Tilly.I had met her on line, got chatting with her and it turned out, after a little coaxing, she was very inexperienced in the art of love making.She had only been with one man, her husband, who she had met and fallen in love with at university, and now they were both happily five years married, well educated people with their own...

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My Minotaur

My Minotaur by SizeQueenSupreme © Part 1: In which Lady Ailara buys her last slave I stepped off the boat, wrinkling my nose at the smells of peasantry. It’s not that peasants are bad people of course, they just don’t have the intelligence to escape their plight. Of course I was one once. I just happened to be born with a particularly ample bosom, and the brains behind it to land a worthwhile husband. I married him and his wealth at 18 years, and I’ve never looked back. That’s my story,...

4 years ago
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Ma Aur Sas Ki Chudai

Hello friends , mai ravi from Ahmadabad. Isse pehle mene meri sass aur meri wife ki chudai ke bare me bataya aj me apne sass, ma ,wife aur mere sale ki story ke bare me likhane wala ho. Jaisa ki ap sab log jante hai meri wife ka nam gudiya hai hai aur wo 27 yrs. Ki hai wo chudai me bahut hi mast hai aur me usko khoob chodta ho. Meri sas jo ki 54 sal ki hai wo kafi moti hai aur meri ma jiska nam sarala hai wo 52 sal ki hai aur thodi sawali hai, uski saize 38-32-40 hai uski gand bahut hi mast...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Pleasure

My wife, Lynne, and I have been married for ten years and, in that time, we have had a good yet fairly ordinary sex life. Her slim, smooth, sexy body, and her eagerness to have my cock inside her kept things fresh. We’d talked about various kinks and fantasies but it was just that - talk - as neither of us had any real inclination to take things further.Then, one night, that all changed.Lynne had been out for the evening, a work event, and I had agreed to pick her and a colleague up. Lynne had...

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Moms sex lessons

Hi, I am a Divorced woman of age 36, having an 18 year old son. How cute is it, to have incest relationships with teenage son whose sexual ecstasy just starts to blossom. My son is real cute, he is fair and tall. He is slight slim and have a very good features. He is still shy & innocent. That made me bolder in initiating sexual relationships with him. He never used to peep me while I was dressing. He would turn his face down whenever I leaned in front of him with low blouse cuts. I used to...

3 years ago
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Educating Danielle Part 13

Educating Danielle Part Thirteen By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty Six The next morning we rose early and readied ourselves to go and meet Danielle at the driving school. After a light breakfast, we showered and dressed. I put on a black skirt, three quarter sleeve blouse and three inch black sandals. Laura had a black skirt and a white sleeveless knitted top with a cowl neck. She finished it off with shoes with a three-inch heel. Our plan was to go shopping at...

4 years ago
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sister in law

When I was 15 I was horny all the time every time I had a chance to masturbate I did. Here is a story of the naughty things I did. my brother's girlfriend moved into our house, her name is Maria she is really hot and thick with a nice ass and her breast were amazing she was also kind of chunky. They had their room in the second floor and I had mines in the first floor. Well one day my brother and his girlfriend went to the movies and my parent went to the store so I was alone in the house, as...

3 years ago
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The Queenrsquos Breasts

Introduction: This is a funny joke for the ppl who never heard it before. Once upon a time lived a beautiful Queen with large breasts.Nick the Dragon Slayer obsessed over the Queen for this reason.He knew that the penalty for his desire would be death should he tryto touch them, but he had to try.One day Nick revealed his secret desire to his colleague, Horatiothe Physician, the King’s chief doctor.. Horatio thought about this andsaid that he could arrange for Nick to more than satisfy his...

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The Substitute Girlfriend

You are close to comming. Your girlfriend is now sucking you off for about ten minutes and is very eager to make you come soon. Faster and with more suction she fucks you with her mouth to get you off. Almost everyday for the last five years you have been served by her and it still is the best thing. You do fuck her, too, but when Ally lets you fuck her mouth, thats the greatest. And she loves it, too. She actually came a couple off times while you deep throated her. The little slut just likes...

1 year ago
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Locked Out

It began with an evening of separate play in a nightclub west of town and ended with erotic desire. Gina and Leo enjoyed this honky tonk because it was not only active, but had an upstairs and downstairs. Downstairs was C&W music, where Gina danced with younger males, and upstairs is where Leo drank beer and watched her from the stairway. It was late July in the desert, after a day of scorching heat, as Leo and his wife passed thru the wide club doors and bouncers, only to have her wave goodbye...

1 year ago
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Love Potion

The Greenish liquid looked ugly. The small bottle was given to him by some filthy hobo after he gave him some loose change when he saw him in the alley near his house as he came home from school. He only wanted the man to go away. “This is the answer to all your problems.” The man had said. “How would this bottle solve my problems?” Jim had enquired, surprised that his coins actually reaped something in return. “You’ll see, just spray it sparingly on yourself.” Jim had gone...

3 years ago
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Our night before southern trip A slaves blurr

Well it has been a really busy past few weeks and I have been too busy to stay caught up in updating my slaves’ progress. I am going to take this time and kind of put it all together for everyone. I had a family emergency out of town and had to travel south for 3 weeks. It wasn’t such urgency as my sister had the privilege of tending our mother after her hospital stay for the first couple weeks, so I was able to arrange flights and schedule time to be with my pet before I left. I chatted with...

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The Wishes Tempus FugitIlluminating the Dark Fields

The alarm went off, jerking James from his sleep. He grunted and looked at the ceiling for a moment, before admitting to himself that he needed to get up. He was back for good and knew he had to build a life here. He was beginning to see progress on all fronts. First, with his family, the dynamic was much better than it ever had been. His sisters were friendlier, and his parents were communicating with him, even listening to his suggestions. Secondly, his grades were steadily increasing. It...

2 years ago
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rich boys love 21

when my dad got home i asked him to come sit down so he did i pured my dad a drink and said "im engaged" i closed my eyes tight waiting for my dad to scream out at me "your what" "its one thing for you to be a fag but my son will not be getting married......without a engagment party" my mom walked in and said we are joking love we are happy for you " later on that night about 9pm i rang brit on my cell and said "hey want to hang out " brit said "yeah sure babes come pick me up" i...

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Have we met before

Light shone through the curtains, blinding you momentarily as you sat up, taking in the environment around you as there's a knock at the door. Struggling to think, you stand up automatically, putting on a discarded red robe and staggering to the door. Leaning against it, the door knocks once more. "H-hello? Room service!" A female voice from the other side of the door calls. "Is anyone in there?" You exhale and pull the door slightly open, allowing you to peer through the crack in the door and...

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I Sell my Wife Pussy

Tom and Betty were a fun couple in their thirties. They’d been together since high school and, despite a few bumps in the road, had been happily married for twelve years.When Tom lost his job, things began to look pretty grim for them financially. While they didn’t have a ton of debt, they also had very little tucked away for a rainy day.Betty worked as a waitress at a local diner near the Interstate. One evening, after a long day of job hunting, he stopped in the diner to have a meal with...

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My Gay Valentine Adventure

Hello hun Prepare yourself for an adventure of a loving kind. Or maybe just prepare yourself for a mild story where I semi-publicly overshare about my feelings. I've never been the best at being serious, so I decided to disguise all emotion in the form of a multiple choice story which may or may not contain any smut at all. It's not sophisticated, you definitely deserve far more, but it's the best I can muster up. I hope it's ok I did this, maybe I'm just drunk and in love. Ik hou van jou.

1 year ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 27 The Flying Club Raid

The small flying robot circled the Gulf Snow Birds Flying Club at an altitude of 1000 meters, virtually invisible to the naked eye. No sound reached the ground from that altitude as the robot looked through several electronic eyes. The on-board radar was able to peer through some abandoned buildings but unable to see through the roofs of others--that was a significant bit of data for an intelligence analyst, though most people wouldn't understand the importance of that information. Also...

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Belle (Part 1) _______________ A young man is only playing a part in the school play. But it has drastic consequences when real life events spiral out of control. _______________ It was the final semester of my senior year in high school. I was in the school drama club, as I had been since I was goaded into joining by a girlfriend during my sophomore year. I found that drama club turned out to be a comfortable fit in my life, unlike the girlfriend that got me into it in the...

4 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 48 Running Away

I left through the double doors onto the loading dock and behind me I felt a separation like a strange vacuum passing by, a kind of tear in the presence. The door was hard to open as if there was a force fighting me but I knew I could never return to them regardless of my will. I was completely sure things in other realms just don’t work like that. They were gone. I was moving on in time, my time shared with humanity, time that never stops. I was holding back tears far too afraid to actually...

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Sisters Fantasies Amy

Now Amy lived with me, ever since she started college. She was a 19 year old hottie. She was a thick girl. She had a nice perky rack and a big bubbly ass. I was a 6ft tall. A year older than Amy. I had a hunky ripped body and a nice 9 inch cock. I was very sexually active, Amy on the other hand was still a virgin. She was a nerdy girl, always behind books. I on the other hand was a hunk, i fucked alot of girls even Amys bestfriend Jenna. Now coming to the story. I used this dating site to...

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Tribute to a Great Sex Partner

Authors Note: This is my 600 and final submission to Literotica. I have said before that I would stop at 100, then 200, 300, 400 and 500 but each time I continued on. I may return at later date but for now I want to take the time to read more of other author’s submissions. This final story is devoted to the best sex partner I ever had, Cathleen. I have used her in some of my stories so there may be some redundancy in this one but I tried to keep that to a minimum. The story is long as I tried...

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Forbidden Lust

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a cold day in their condo, Kyle had just awoke from his bed as he stammered down the stairs to make himself some breakfast. Little did he know his sister, Carrie, was placing a filter in the coffee maker before he got there. "Good morning, Carrie", Kyle said. "Did you sleep well?" Replied Carrie. "I slept all right." Kyle said, pulling down the cereal box from the cabinet. He walked over to the refrigerator door and took out the milk. His...

3 years ago
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Yes Yasmin

Yes, Yasmin Yasmin was nervous. Very nervous, she did not know how she let him talkher into this meeting. They had met over the internet and began writing somemonths ago. They started out as friends but the relationship grew. They exchangedphotos and they liked what they saw in each other. He told her he was in lovewith her first she just wanted to be friends but as time passed she did findherself drawn to him. He was different. He listened to her and he seemed torespect her, she loved that...

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An affair with my bhabhi 2

After a while, I turn on my back. I pulled her over me. I asked to sit over me facing me and told her to insert my lund into her chut. She did it. But I observed, she was finding it little painful to insert it. I thought the pain was because she being still virgin. I pushed her down and mounted her. Spreading her legs, I pushed my lund into her. After couple of forceful thrusts I succeeded to enter her. Her heman broke. She cried out a loud. Her pussy was too tight. I slowly started fucking...

2 years ago
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My girlfriend the delivery guy

My girlfriend was working as a receptionist at a veterinary hospital, she didn't enjoy it much but it paid the bills at least. After a couple of years of being there the company decided to change the uniform. So it went from scrubs style top and trousers to white blouse and skirt or a grey or black dress, which I pefered as both showed off her sexy curves.I mean everytime she came home from work all I wanted to do was rip her clothes off and fuck her!I had noticed that after a couple of month...

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