Greg learns his wife s secrets
- 4 years ago
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The following week was a confusing one for me. I wanted to tell Carl I had actually fucked a real woman but I knew if I did he would badger me about who it was until I told him. I couldn't do that, I didn't want to lose another chance at Susy's luscious body. I was awkward around Cindy for the first time and she asked me what was wrong. I made up some story about working that I don't even remember now but she seemed to accept it and I did get better about it, at least to where she didn't notice.
The rest of that summer was a learning experience for me. Every couple of weeks Susy would show me the ways of love and lust. I learned how to please a woman in many different ways and she showed me just how much pleasure a man can get from a woman. I learned to hold back my orgasm, most of the time anyway and how to bring a woman to a crying hip bucking orgasm of her own. It was a big turn on for me to see how much pleasure I could give Susy. Yep a very good summer indeed.
When school started in the fall I had enough money along with some help from my parents to get a used car. A Pontiac Grand Am. Several years old but had all the bells and whistles so I was pleased. I drove Cindy and Carl to school just about every day. They both had their licenses also but neither had a car of their own. I enjoyed the companionship of the ride everyday, it seemed like with our various endeavors we didn't have as much time together as we used to and we all agreed we missed that a lot. We still got together at least once a week and a lot of the time more than that. I came to grips with my relationship with Susy, She told me from the start that this was just a physical thing and while she loved me like a nephew, that's all it would be. Now when I was down to Cindy's house just hanging out it was like old times.
There for a while after the first time when I went down there to see Cindy I would keep glancing Susy's way to see if she was going to acknowledge our new relationship but she acted just like she always did in the past so I to came to eventually do the same. But man when she would call me asking me to come down and help her fix something that was broke or whatever I knew I was going to get some serious fucking. My parents never caught on that she only called when Cindy was out on a babysitting job.
Now I know it seems strange that I never thought of Cindy in any sexual way before now, after all I was a very horny teenager and she is a pretty girl that I was around all the time but I just didn't think of her that way, she was like my sister or something.
All that changed one night in October. It was still quite warm during the day and pretty nice in the evenings. Cindy, Carl and I were going to the movies on a Friday night, just like we had been doing forever. The only difference now was I was driving instead of one of the parents taking us. Carl called just before I was getting ready to leave. His grandfather in Georgia had suffered a mild stroke and they were leaving to go see him this weekend. So it was going to be just me and Cindy and that wasn't unusual either so I didn't think a thing about it.
I pulled into Cindy's driveway and was going to get out to get her when the door opened and she came out. I don't know if it was the fact that she was dressed so different than what she usually wore, which is a pair of jeans or shorts and a t-shirt type top. Or the fact that her hair was different, just don't know but all of a sudden my best friend had become a girl in my eyes for the first time. As she came down the walk smiling and waving I took the sight of her in. She is taller then her mother, about 5' 7" and while she had that golden hue of her mother's race her face I noticed for the first time was that beautiful blend of oriental and Caucasian, I found out later it is called Eurasian. I know her eyes were blue, her dad's eyes were blue also but they seemed to jump out at me this time, maybe because they were highlighted. As she got closer I could see she had put make up on. Not the caked on stuff you see most teenage girls wearing but just a light touch that accented her beautiful face. Her long hair was fixed in falling soft waves, so different then her usual ponytail. She was wearing a dress, now I have seen her in dresses before but not often. This one was a soft clingy thing that was high necked and came down about five inches above her knees.
She had on high heels; I don't remember ever seeing her in high heels, not spike heels but maybe three inch jobs. I swallowed a lump in my throat; my best friend Cindy was gorgeous. Man where have my eyes been all these years. As she slid in the passenger side of the car, her dress slid up to about midthigh, my eyes were drawn to a pair of beautiful slim legs that I was noticing for the first time.
Her cheery "Hey Greg, you ready for the movie?" Brought my gaze back up to her lovely face. She is even more beautiful then her mother I thought. I must have had some kind of strange look on my face because she started frowning. "Is something wrong?" She started looking down at herself to see if she had a spot or something on her dress or just what was it I had seen.
"Uhh... no there is nothing wrong... Man Cindy you look fantastic. I wish I had dressed up a little more now." I stammered.
She gave me a wide smile with lots of dimples that made my heart beat a little faster. "Why thanks Greg. I was just going to wear a pair of shorts and shirt but for some reason mom kept pestering me until I agreed to wear this. You know how parents are sometimes you just have to let them have their way or you never hear the end of it."
We went to eat before going to the movies and it was so strange, this buddy that I had most of my life was still there but I couldn't keep my eyes off of her face or the way the dress sort of accented her breasts which by the way it was like I was seeing them for the first time as what they actually were.
They were maybe slightly larger then her mom's hard to tell with them encased in the bra and dress but very deliciously filling out her dress. Those clear blue eyes had a sparkle that I hadn't noticed before. Her husky voice was sending shivers down my spine and yet she was the same girl I knew all my life.
When we got into the movie we sat down about the middle which is where we always liked to go and cut up as usual but when the theater got dark and we got quiet I couldn't help but keep glancing over at this new vision I had of my friend. She would catch me occasionally and smile. About halfway through the movie I was kind of leaning over closer to her, that wasn't unusual either and she leaned my way our shoulders and arms touching.
Now once again this had happened many times in the past but the touch of her skin to mine and the warmth of her shoulder against mine sent a tremor through my body, a sexual tingle that had never been there before. I didn't move I was very conscious of her warmth and closeness. When she finally moved away slightly I wanted to lean over closer and reestablish that warm contact but I was suddenly shy around my best buddy.
When we got home we set in her driveway and talked, about school and friends and just general things. She was sitting in the corner of the seat facing me with one leg stretched out on the seat and the other propped up on the console. If it was daytime I could have seen all the way up that dress to the promise land but all I could see in the pale light of the moon was dark shadows. But my imagination could picture the smooth golden thighs all the way to the juncture of her legs with her white panties tight across her crotch and my breathing quickened. She caught the pause in our conversation. "What's wrong Greg?" Now I am in a place I didn't know how to handle. I knew for certain that I wanted to take my friend out on a date, not buddies but a date date. The fact that I was screwing her mother also made this more then awkward for me. My confused mind was a jumble of conflicting emotions. One thing was for sure I would never think of her as just my best buddy again.
With a sigh and a hopeful heart I started. "Cindy I don't know why I never saw it before but you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen. You can't tell me you just all of a sudden became this beautiful, I must have been blind not to see it."
She cocked her head and looked at me quizzically. "You really think I'm pretty Greg?"
Okay in for a penny in for a pound I figured. "Not just pretty Cindy, you are gorgeous. You stir something inside me that I have never felt before. I felt really strange tonight, like you are someone I didn't know, funny isn't it, I have known you all my life but all of a sudden it's like you or me is someone else. Did it feel different to you or am I just stupid." I gave an inward groan, man it didn't sound to bad until that last part, yep stupid that's me.
Her soft voice reached me. "Why Greg, why do you feel like I am someone else. I'm the same girl I've always been."
"I don't know Cindy, just that I can't look at you anymore and just see Cindy my friend, it's always going to be Cindy my friend and beautiful girl, see I think it's that girl part that throws me." I grinned at her. Now I was beginning to get back on familiar ground and hopefully the teasing type of relationship we always had.
She was quick on the uptake. "Oh you mean your horny self, like when you and Carl talk about all those other girls."
Whoops that didn't turn out like I wanted.
"No I don't, okay maybe a little, no not even a little, oh hell I'm sure not explaining this right." I gave another big sigh. "Okay let me start again. I would like for us to go out on a date, not just as friends but as a boy and girl that are interested in each other. Does that sound weird, it does to me?"
I could see the white smile in the dark shadows. "But I have always known you were weird, so you mean all I had to do to get you to think of me as a girl was to dress up a little more feminine, if I had known that I would have done it a lot sooner. I guess I will have to thank mom for pushing me.
"You mean you wanted to go out already?" Like I said I was confused.
There was that dimpled simile again, why had I never noticed that before in all the times we had laughed and played. "Boys, they are so stupid." and then that silvery laugh. "Yes Greg my friend, what better person to date than someone you care about and love being with."
Okay I have to admit to the stupid part because what she said was very logical and very true and I never even thought of it, but now it was my turn for some teasing. "So does that mean you want to go out with Carl too, after all he is one of your best friends?"
Again she just grinned and muttered "they are so stupid," before answering. "No, there are friends and then there are friends, now quit fooling around and ask me for a date."
I had to laugh and she did too. I was at ease now and I didn't hesitate "Cindy will you go out with me tomorrow night?"
She paused and put her hand over her heart all the while with that big smile. "Why Greg this is such a surprise, I'll have to check my calendar but I think I am free, what time."
"Oh how about 7:00. We can get something to eat and maybe drive out to the lake." I said.
"Okay, sounds fine to me. Guess I better be getting in now." She started to turn in her seat and I jumped out and ran around to open the door for her. This was a first for me, opening the door for her, heck you don't do that for your best friends, it's just see ya later and they head out. But this was different and when I opened the door and she stepped out her head was close to mine and the moonlight highlighted her exquisite features. I was lost, my heart was pounding and my palms were sweaty all of a sudden.
"Uh... Cindy... I," I didn't really know what I wanted to say but she came close and caressed my cheek with one hand, then put it behind my neck and pulled my head down to press her lips to mine for just an instant. "See you tomorrow night buddy." And then she was gone up the walk giggling like a little girl.
I was frozen in place. Her soft lips had sent a hot wave through me and welded me to the spot. She turned and waved as she went in the door. I don't know how long I stood there, probably only a few seconds but it seemed like a long time. With a sigh I got in the car and drove home.
Lying in bed I couldn't go to sleep. I was trying to sort out my feelings and the situation. Susy was a beautiful lady and Cindy's mom, I am bonking the mom but I think I feel something for the daughter and it's not only lust, but do I really. If I am right and I start dating Cindy, what's that going to do with my relationship with Susy? Maybe she wouldn't want me dating her daughter knowing what I know about sex. I don't think she would be jealous because we both know this was just a temporary thing, although it took me a while to come to grips with that. We guys are pretty impressionable you know. Would she trust me to take Cindy out on an actual date? Well she hasn't tried to keep us apart since we had been screwing so maybe she wouldn't care. Then I thought of what Cindy said, that her mom had insisted she dress up tonight. What's up with that, she knew it was just going to be Cindy and me tonight. When I finally drifted off to sleep I was just as confused as when I started thinking.
At breakfast I was still preoccupied with my situation. Mom noticed me just fidgeting with my food.
"Don't you feel good this morning sugar, you haven't eaten half your breakfast and that's not like you?"
"No, I'm fine mom, just thinking." I replied. She was going to show a house this morning and then Susy and she had a luncheon for the local realtors to attend. I was going to work with Dad today. I enjoyed that, I was going to be working on the framing of one of his projects; I liked working with my hands and seeing how things were planned and then the actual building. He finished breakfast and went to get some blueprints for the project. I gave a big sigh and mom looked over with raised eyebrows.
I felt like I owed her an explanation or she would worry about me all day. "Cindy and I are going out tonight mom."
"That's nice dear." It was clear she didn't understand, to her this was nothing unusual.
"No I mean we are going on a date." I said.
She looked at me and smiled. "That's nice, it's about time."
What did she mean by that, it's about time? "What do you mean mom?"
She grinned, "Susy and I were wondering when the light would finally dawn on you two."
Dad came in about that time and I had to go but I wondered all day just what she meant by that.
I drove into Cindy's drive way and got out of the car; evidently she wasn't quite ready yet. I walked up to the door and knocked then entered calling out "It's just me", that's the way it's been since I was about 12; It was almost like being home. I heard Susy call out from the kitchen, "come on in Greg."
I went out to the kitchen and Susy was putting up things from the dishwasher. She turned and gave me a grin. "Hi Greg, Cindy isn't quite ready yet, sit down." She nodded toward a kitchen chair and I sat. She came and sat across the table from me. I couldn't help but compare the two every time I saw them. Susy still beautiful and slim. Cindy even more beautiful but with a bigger, little fuller body.
Susy gave me a dazzling smile. "Haven't had to have anything fixed in a while have I. Well you never know when something will break."
I started to say something, I don't really remember what but Cindy came in about that time. She was a knockout. Soft dark hair falling over her shoulders in a flowing wave. Just enough makeup to highlight an already exquisite face. She had on a dark blue top of soft material that had a scooped neck and a light blue full skirt that came down to just above her knees. Just cute as a button. My heart beat faster just watching her come in the room.
"I'm ready Greg, and hungry too, see ya later mom, Yeah I know be in by 12:00." Cindy laughed and took my arm pulling me out of the house. Susy smiled. "You two have fun; don't do anything I wouldn't do."
I had to look back with raised eyebrows at that but she was just innocently smiling.
We ate at the Longhorn Steakhouse and talked about school and everything we usually did but it just felt different. I told her Carl had called and said they would be down in Georgia for a couple of more days but his Grandfather seemed to be getting better. I was enthralled watching the way her eyes expressed her moods, the dimples when she smiled, I had never paid much attention to them before. When she leaned forward I could see the cleavage of her modest breasts. I don't know much about the size of breasts, I just knew they looked like a very nice handful, evidently I must have been staring because I heard her husky voice "Do you like them?"
That brought a flush to my face and a stuttered "Wha... I was just... I mean." Ok, caught, just have to live with it. I looked into those laughing blue eyes. "Yes I do." With a grin she leaned back in her chair thrusting her chest out, making those beauties strain against her top, I could swear I saw her nipples making a tent but the fabric was dark and I wasn't sure.
"They aren't big like Mandy Johnson's, I know you like to look at hers, they seem to get you and Carl going." She sounded serious but I could see that teasing light in her eyes.
"They are perfect, believe me I have studied and observed them for years now and." I didn't get to finish because she kicked me under the table. "Ouch, what was that for."
"For your studies and observations." She said with a smirk.
We finished dinner and drove out to the lake, it was dark by now and I parked facing the lake, it was beautiful with the fall moon dancing across the waters. Now it was a little awkward for me. Just what did you do now, here I was 17 and had never really been on a date before. I am sitting next to this vision of loveliness, my best friend even and I couldn't think of a thing to say. Fortunately she saved me.
"Want to walk along the shore?" She asked.
"Yeah I do." was my witty reply.
We got out and started slowly walking along; we hadn't gone far when her soft hand slipped into mine as we walked. Her touch thrilled me and I gave her a smile that she returned. We didn't say anything and you know what, I found we didn't need to. It just felt right walking along with her by my side and holding my hand. We came to a big rock and I led her over to it and we sat down side by side.
Suddenly I wasn't unsure of what to do anymore. I took her other hand in mine. "Cindy I have no idea why before now I didn't see how beautiful you are. I know you inside and out and love everything about you but why didn't I see that beautiful butterfly, When did you come out of that cocoon and how come all the boys aren't flocking at your door?"
She cocked her head and gave me a lopsided grin. "Oh there have been plenty of guys asking me out but you see there was really only one I was interested in."
That caught me by surprise "Me" I squeaked, to my embarrassment.
"I was afraid you didn't like me as a girl, you don't know how many times I told mom I was going to tell you and she kept saying to wait until the time was right. I guess the time is right." She moved to lay her head on my shoulder.
The smell of her perfumed hair and the softness of it as it grazed my cheek sent a surge of desire through me. Now being a teenage boy my thoughts were of getting her out of her pants and into her body but my conscious wouldn't let me try that yet. I didn't just want to screw her, I wanted to make love to her, I wanted her to have the time of her life and I know it would be her first time. The funny thought came to me that her mother had made sure I knew just how to bring her that wonderful ecstasy.
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T'was a cold night, so dark and foul it threatened to suffocate the soul. The Silver Goddess had not yet risen from her sleep. The Silver One's favored, Misty Dawn, her old bones protesting against such abuse, shambled wearily along the rutted trail, alone as always. She wanted to be at the village market early. This was when the best offerings of the marketers were normally laid out before them. Though old and tired the woman possessed an ethereal beauty. Withered and battered by time and...
After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...
The disguised Tigershark dropped out of Quasi-Space and as it has become our routine just beyond the utmost Elfi said. “Looks like they had contact with our galaxy before. Communication is now possible. They respond to Squack.” I got up, Har-Hi held my mask. “You should wear it, it is part of your Black Velvet trademark and flair of mystery.” “You think I have that? I mean a flair?” “In spades, Captain and I begin to learn to like this Do suit, complete with mask. It gives me that...
Introduction: At the request of so many readers to the original story, here is the follow up and comclusion. Enjoy! Widow Neighbor Revisited Normally, when I have completed a story, or even a series, I prefer to stop, rather than continue with a weak follow up that is filled with just suck, fuck, hump and bump. But with the success of Widow Neighbor, quite a few people have voted positively and strongly encouraged me to do a follow up. But where do you go from here&hellip,? I have thought...
I just stayed in bed the next day crying mostly. I felt so guilty over what I had done. I felt even worst because I had enjoyed it so much. I also was not feeling very good, as my pussy was more than a little sore from the fucking I took. However, that big black cock had felt good deep in my pussy after I got used it. I finally pulled myself from the bed. I took a long hot shower trying to wash away my sins. I cleaned the whole apartment twice. It was spotless by the time I was done. I sat...
Lindsay looked at herself in the mirror and took a steadying breath. She hadn’t seen her favorite teacher for a year. She was excited and so nervous at the same time. She had a crush on him back in high school and she knew he had liked her too. It was a shared smile, a brushing touch or a lingering gaze that told her. He taught choir and theater, and had made her feel wanted when she felt her ugliest. She had graduated with promises to him that she would keep in touch, but sadly college had...
Well i was having a bath in this room and this woman was washing me and making sure i was clean . Then you walked in and made the lady leave. You made me get out and dryed me off and put some furs from the bed on me then made me turn around a put a big gold necklace on me. I then kissed you to thank you and took off all your heavy furs and armour. I joked about ur dirty hands so you slipped them under my furs on my body. We started kissing and tlked how long i hadnt seen you.. You threw the fur...
The house phone started to ring as I opened the front door, and I ran to grab it. “Hello?” I said lightly, as I dropped my gym bag near the stairs. “Hi, Rand,” Beth said. That surprised me. I’d thoroughly figured that she was done calling me. “Beth!” I said, my surprise coming through. “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you tonight. How’re you doing?” “I’m doing okay,” she said cheerily. “What do you mean you weren’t expecting to hear from me? I told you I’d call this week.” “I wasn’t...
After some prodding from some fans I've decided to go ahead and release chapter 2. Currently I'm hard at work on the final chapter. As always thanks for all the kind words. The next morning Ryan awoke with a huge grin on his face. He'd managed to sleep with his own mother without her knowing it had happened. He laid there for a while just reflecting on the past night's outcome. Eventually, Ryan came to a couple of realizations. First, he had to fuck his mother again. Second, thanks to her...
Denise was rummaging around in her mothers room looked for a pair of her underwear that she thought got mixed up when she last did the laundry. Denise's mom, Sylvia often had her daughter's panties in her laundry closet. Denise never gave it much thought, both women were of similar build. Both were five foot seven and weighted 120 pounds, Sylvia had slightly bigger breasts, 36 C - 24 - 32, compared to Denise's 34C. But the similarities didn't stop there, they had the same deep blue eyes,...
I am Moni the wife. I love telling these stories from the wifes perspective. I wanted to be a shared wife from the beginning so it all started a few weeks after we were married. One day hubby's cousin Dan was visiting from out of town ans was staying with us for a week. We had never met but i found him cute. i had alreary told my hubby how i wanted my lifestyle and he agreed as long as he always got to watch. On his second day there he had told my hubby how lucky he was since he thought I was...
The first time I met Anna we didn’t speak. No sound passed between us. For my part, the only sound was some soft music in the background. It was a long time ago but I believe it was Beethoven. I might be wrong but either way, it’s not really important. What was important was that the silence was filled with messages, hesitant at first but quickly becoming bolder. I think I was more used to this than her at the time because I spent a lot of time chatting both at home and around the world. She,...
LesbianThe world is in flames. Well not literally. Figuratively speaking it’s close to going down the drains. To say we’re fine and we will be fine if we keep ourselves neat, clean and respectful. To say – world is doing fine, but some minor hiccup that we could’ve avoid – would be a little too much. We’ve to have chaos at all times. Chaos makes money. Money runs the world. Countries warring against one another; blatant lies orchestrated between nations to disrupt others and just being plain human....
"Seat number number 50..." Mira mumbled as she walked through the narrow passage in the train compartment." number 50..." She said triumphantly as she found her seat but was a little disappointed seeing another man sitting on it. The middle aged man looked up to her and was a little startled to see a young woman giving him a nasty look. He realised that he was in her seat as she waved my ticket in his face. Grudgingly, yet lazily he stood up and walked away.She continued...
For the first time since the swapping had begun, Ben was quite obviously the most eager to get the show on the road. He and Sue had no more than arrived at Ian and Jenny's when he began showing visible signs of excitement and impatience to get rolling. He was lauding the collection of erotica Jenny had shown him earlier, relating a few of the explicit scenes to Sue as Ian mixed them up a batch of drinks. Sue was only half listening, but he didn't seem to notice it. Her attention was on...
I had just witnessed the sexiest and most beautiful thing I had ever seen: my stepson masturbating to orgasm. The sight was seared into my brain now, I do not ever remember being so aroused. I could literally feel every beat of my racing heart in my throbbing clitoris. My vagina was wet and dilated. My lubrication was flowing out of me, coating my inner thighs and running down the crack of my behind. I knew my scent was obvious. Bryan had to smell my arousal; I could smell my own scent. I...
TabooIntroduction: Story continues, just pretend the end of the last part never happened. Let me say this, the last section of part III was not good at all. I really didnt want to write it then, but everyone seemed to complain about the short cliff hanger in part II, so I felt pressure to give you more. If you will allow me, I will do that justice and continue. As always, if you didnt like the other stories, hit back, now! Before I begin, let me tell you where this story came from. Its actually...
Monday evening, Steve and Ingrid strolled across the parking lot of Maurice's, their arms around each other. Their idyllic weekend was coming to an end and they would be returning to their regular lives tomorrow. They had avoided talking about what came next as neither had a fixed idea of where their relationship would turn. They had been so absorbed in enjoying their three days and nights together on the 'Matron', they had conveniently deferred any thought of their future. They knew now...
HI friends this is rajiv after a long time i am sharing my experience. Read my first story “Hardcore sex with hot bhabi” and I am continuing it here. I thank all of them who sent mails and gave feedbacks, hoping the same for this incidence. Feel free to give feedbacks at As I told earlier in my story this incidence is between me and my beautiful girl Joya, who is staying with me now. I hardly get time for other things like shopping, trips and all because of my work so Joya was upset about it....
Brad: Anish how's your laptop working? Anish: all fine.. what happen? Brad: just wanted to see an update! Can I borrow your laptop? Anish: sure We were living in an apartment together in the lockdown. Basically we techies in Bangalore live a normal consolidated lifestyle!Me and my friend Anish were locked together, not sure if it was meant to happen!I'm Bradeen nick named Brad! an athlete and alpha type! And I'm working as a marketing director at a very well established organisation. 28 and...
IndianOn the way home I called Ben. I wanted him to contact Lorrie to set up a delivery schedule for the choppers. The conversation naturally turned to the events of today and its potential conflicts. I only had one response to that. “Let the chips fall where they may; life goes on,” I said. What should have been a quiet supper was not. Moms, Dads, Jake, Mindy and a host of friends came to see the little one. We were proud as peacocks; Ching Lee was on cloud nine beaming so it was not a bother....
She was looking for a black man. She wanted black cock. He called her and they agreed to meet. He was just what she needed, nice big thick black cock with strong firm ass and huge balls. He wanted white pussy. They met at a hotel and the setting was perfect. She wanted him to give her rough sex and fuck every hole with that huge thick cock.When she arrived he was already naked. His black cock was hard and huge. He told her "today you are my slut. I am going to treat you like the whore you want...
Shavala and Katrin rode Socks and Flower to the elven quarter, since Katrin had suggested it was too far away to walk. After two hours, Katrin finally said, “We’re getting close. I think.” Shavala glanced back at the way they’d come, confused. She didn’t know her way around the city, but she had a good sense of direction, and it felt like they’d taken a roundabout route. “Couldn’t we have just come through there?” she asked, pointing. “I led us around some bad neighborhoods,” Katrin said....
Justice? The detective came into the interview room, and placed a tape recorder on the table. A pretty young woman followed him, and took the seat he indicated. "All right, before we begin, I have to remind you of your rights. You have the right to keep silent, but anything you do say can be used against you . You have the right to have an attorney present, and if you can't afford one, we will provide you one at no cost. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand, detective. But I...
© copyright 2003 All Rights Reserved What happened to me several years ago I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It devastated me and changed my life to such a degree that I thought it was a bad dream. While I may have recovered, my life has changed dramatically. My name is Rich and I was married to a beautiful lady by the name of Christine, Christy for short. We had two wonderful children and had been married for about 12 years when the events that I'm about to describe occurred. I had...
Initiation Nightmare... The Final Chapter by Silvy Richards As Paul tossed and and turned, trying to block out and forget all that had happened to him during the last couple of weeks, part of him prayed he could just simply wake up the next morning, and find out it had all been just one big horrible nightmare. But being realistic, his true mantra became: 'All that happened in the last two weeks will NEVER repeat itself again'. Over and over in his...
To the readers: this is part 2 of “She’s being naughty again.” For the first part and the continuation please refer to “Littlemissnaughtygal”. Darnell and Kim walk inside and back to their bedroom. Darnell takes Kim by the hand and leads into the bathroom starting the shower letting it warm up. Kim climbs in first and Darnell slides in behind her. Taking the soap into his hand Darnell starts washing Kim’s back down the middle and on both sides. Running the soap down over her nice ass down...
I am Zurab a young person about 40 Years of age and have family. Initially, it called it mistake, but later enjoyed having Sex with my Wife’s Brother’s daughter, Hena who has about 5 Feet 4 Inch Height, 34-28-36 figure. This started in early 2012, when Hena {My Wife’s Niece} started chatting with me on gtalk. Her age was 22 in 2012. She had another friend of similar name {Zubair} as mine on gtalk. And mistakenly, she started chatting with me about her affair with her friend. She often talked...
IncestIt was Monday morning, and I had just parked in the lot at work when my phone rang. It was my son. “Hey.” “Hey Babe, want to talk?” “John, you’re an idiot.” I hung up and laughed. I guess he got over the embarrassment, and now he was going to tease me. I was proud of him. He called Laura yesterday and broke off their affair and did not involve me or use me as the reason he was ending it. I got three more calls from my son during the week. One to find out where his favorite shirt was and...
At the NSA the agents were down to meet us quickly with none of the hassles at the CIA. They led us through more gates where we had to have the scanner x-rayed again and use our top secret badges to go any further. Upstairs we went through what one of the men called a dead man's gate. He joked that we were to be weighed to make sure we weighed the same going in as coming out, and vise-versa. Looking at Paula he quipped, "Miss you need not be concerned. The scale only interfaces with a...
My name is John, and this is my dream. I am 18 years old, I have dressed before but never seriously, and down the street from me lives a woman named Sarah. She is the mother of a very wealthy family and just radiates control and success. Ever since I had seen her, this story has played over and over again in my mind. So here it is. I woke up and the weather couldn't have been nicer. The sun was shining and so I decided to put on my favorite pink lace thong under my normal clothes before going...
Crossdressing"That's better, pussy. You are now totally in my power and I will do with you whatever I will. I am now going to turn you, and you will put up no resistance. If you do, I promise that you will regret it. Do you understand?" "Yes." Another slap, this time harder. " 'Yes, Mistress' is what I want to hear." "Yes, Mistress." I then opened Jason's mouth, took a big drag on my cigar, and blew the smoke through his lips. He coughed again, and I slapped him once more. "No coughing, pussy." ...