Story Of C free porn video

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It was a Thursday night. I had just flown in from Boston. I was tired after three separate delays at the airport caused the flight to take three times the normal flight time. I wanted nothing more than a scotch on the rocks and some overdue playtime with Christine, my wife of exactly three years that day. We had celebrated our anniversary before I'd left the week before, but I was more than willing to celebrate again as long as it didn't require getting dressed and going out on the town.

Imagine my surprise when Christine greeted me at the door with the news that her sister had flown in earlier that day, and would be staying with us through the weekend.

"Eve is here?" I said, trying hard for a neutral tone.

"No," my loving spouse said with a bemused expression that had her eyes twinkling mischievously. "It's Amy. You haven't met her. She was in Spain when we got married, remember?"

In fact I didn't recall, but nodded as if I did. "Amy, huh? Any other siblings I don't know about?" Christine laughed that delightful laugh that always brought me around to whatever she wanted of me at the time. I truly loved her and I'm certain she felt the same about me.

"You'll love her, she's a real character, kooky-like, you'll see," and with that she whirled from me and ran up the stairs, yelling, "He's home! He's home!" Sounding much more like Paul Revere than the woman I'd married three short years ago.

Moments later, Amy appeared at the top of the stairs and stood there as if awaiting my inspection and approval. She was in her mid-twenties, a year older than Christine. She had a pleasant, almost but not quite innocent face, and looked spectacular. Her light brown hair was coiffed and glowed. Her eyes were made up abundantly, as was her mouth. The short skirt hugged her tightly as if painted on her frame. Her tits were bigger than Christine's and when she bent forward to shake my hand as I climbed the stairs to greet her; they almost fell out of her blouse. There wasn't much to restrain them.

"Hello, Lucas," she said in a husky voice. "It's time we met, don't you think?"

"Hello, Amy. Yes, it is."

"Sorry about the wedding," she said through semi-pouted lips. I knew she didn't mean it.

"That was years ago," I said softly, not wanting to put any inflection or meaning into my words.

"Three years, Lucas."

"So where have you been hiding?"

"I was traveling around the world," she replied as if it was something one did all the time.

We went down the stairs together, my eyes glued to her breasts bouncing liquidly with each step she took. We reached the bottom and I could swear she winked at me. A promise of something lewd in her eyes.

She laughed as Christine appeared and stood by her side inviting me to compare them together. I took them both in. It was obvious they were sisters. They shared a resemblance in their comparative beauty to Eva Green as she appeared in that classic film The Dreamers.

Christine was slightly taller, but Amy had fuller breasts. I managed to recall that Christine wore her hair s in a pony-tail most of the time, but this evening it was different, combed straight back above her forehead in sort of a lion's-mane effect. Their similarity continued in that each possessed high, prominent cheekbones that slanted their eyes just the tiniest bit. But they differed in that Christine's mouth loomed out at me and her full, sweet upper lip was so unusually short that it appeared unable to cover a perfect set of prominent upper teeth; whereas Amy's was wider with flashing teeth, and when she laughed several filling were visible at the back of her mouth.

We made our way out onto the veranda where Christine had a pitcher of Margaritas' waiting. I poured us each a drink and we sat there quietly waiting to see who would kick off the conversation.

I decided it would be me, so I said, "Sisters, eh, and only a year separating the two of you. There must have been some fights back then."

"Oh, no!" Christine exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah, there were some beauts," Amy said, contradicting her sister.

I took a gulp of my Margarita and waited.

Christine sighed and ruefully admitted they had their share of catfights.

"Without sister fights, life was dull," Amy admitted with a small smile. "I liked them because I was bigger and stronger; and I recall getting in a few good bites that left black and blue marks on her arms and legs."

"And that got me sympathy from Mom," Christine said with a big grin.

"And got me a spanking," Amy said with an even bigger grin.

"What about Eve? Where did she fit in?"

"You know, it's funny," Amy said, "I'm four years older than Eve, and Christine is three years older, but we always treated her like the baby."

"She was the baby!" Christine said.

Amy smiled and said, "Yeah, but we never seemed to compete with her."

I kept sneaking looks at Amy while pretending to glance back and forth at each of them. I knew they could tell what I was doing, but I didn't really care.

Amy wore sandals and her toes had a pale pink nail polish on them. She also wore small silver earrings, in the shape of little rabbits. She smiled easily; and she was a definite flirt, as least as far as I was concerned. Christine knew, but let it go. She also spoke quickly, and used 'Yeah, ' instead of 'Yes'

How far would she let her sister go, I wondered. I started to fantasize that after a few more drinks Christine says she's tired and retires after telling me to stay up with her sister.

A hour and a couple of drinks later, we're both kind of high; Amy excuses herself to go potty, and when she returns we decide to call it a night. I get a warm, appreciative kiss, feel those tits pressed against me then she's gone off to bed.

I put the glasses in the sink, and do a little bit of cleanup then head to our bedroom, Christine is snoring lightly. I pass her and enter the master bath wanting to take a quick shower before retiring.

I'm just walking into the shower when Amy storms in demanding to know what I've done with her personal stuff.

"What personal stuff?"

"My panties!"

"I don't know what you're talking about and lower your voice, Christine's sleeping."

"My panties are missing!"

"You think I've got them? You need to rinse them or something?"

"I can't sleep without this particular pair."

"I don't have them."

"You're a liar!"

Rather than wake Christine, with further arguing Amy left the bedroom only to confront me again when I ventured out into the kitchen after wrapping a towel around my mid-section.

"I know you took them. You want a pair of panties to sniff or whatever you do with them, I'll give you the pair I just took off."

"I don't smell people's underwear!"

"You saying they walked off on their own?"

"I don't know how long were you wearing them?"

"Fuck you!"

"No, fuck you! You're a guest in my house and you're nothing but trouble."

"I wouldn't be trouble if you hadn't stolen my panties!"

Amy whirled away from me and stormed to the bar and poured herself a shot of Tequila and threw it right down. She coughed and dropped the glass, and promptly bent to pick it up. Her breasts almost leaped out of the peasant blouse she was wearing.

"It may be inappropriate for me to say it, but you have lovely tits. Thank you for showing them. If I had your panties I'd gladly give them back for an even better view."

With an alacrity that startled me, Amy pulled the peasant blouse over her head and tossed it on the bar.

"Have a good long look, than gimme back my panties." Both nipples were fully aroused. They were slightly larger than Christine's; and probably longer, but I wasn't certain.

She licked her lips. I knew it wasn't the Tequila she tasted.

"Wait!" I said.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong ... this just isn't right. Christine's sleeping right down the hall."

Amy giggled. "We won't wake her. She can sleep through an explosion."

"You don't know her," I said.

"She's my sister for Christ's sake. I know I've had several of them in her room. I fucked a guy in her bed, and she didn't even stir."

"She might have pretended to be asleep."

"Of course I do. Sisters know those things."

"You do, huh?"

"Yeah, I do."

I had had enough of her bullshit and grabbed her by the hand and pulled her toward the doorway. "Hey, what are you doing?" She protested weakly.

"Testing a theory."


"C'mon, we'll see if you can have an explosion without waking her up."

"You're kidding me!"

"No, I want you. I want you very much. It's going to happen, Amy."

"No it isn't."

"I knew it when you let me see those tits."

"Lots of guys have seen 'em, but that's all."

I opened the door to our bedroom. Christine was sprawled across the bed, the sheet wrapped around her.

"Is she hot or what?" I said, more to myself than to Amy. But Amy replied as if I'd spoken to her. "Yeah, she could hop out of a sauna and look good enough to eat."

I noticed her hand had a tight grip on my towel while she started at her sister, whose ass was now jutting provocatively in the air although for the moment still covered by the sheet. It was an invitation I recognized. In fact, I had accepted a similar invitation just before leaving on my business trip a week earlier. It had been the wildest and longest ass fucking I'd ever participated in.

Amy nosily drew in a breath, prompting me to tell her to be quiet.

"Yeah, yeah," she said, and followed with, "she won't wake up, I'm telling you."

She moved closer to me and devilishly nipped at my ear lobe.

I began to consider the possibility of doing them at the same time. I could wake Christine up and see if she wanted to have a go at a three-some.

But found myself muttering to Amy, "We don't want her waking up."

"Pull the sheet off her," Amy whispered in my ear.

I wondered why she was whispering now, after making so much noise earlier. But I didn't answer. I too was caught up in Christine's unsullied beauty as she lay sleeping.

Then I remembered why we were in the bedroom. "Lose the skirt, or whatever the fuck you call it, Amy."

She shucked the skirt and stood there pantiless. Her pussy was neatly trimmed and she had a star tattooed on the innermost part of her right thigh. Then seemingly needing something to do, she ran her fingers over my chest.

"So what are you going to do if Christine wakes up?"

"Yell rape, I guess. She knows you, and will probably believe me."

Amy laughed lewdly at my remark and pointed a red fingernail at me as if in reproach. "I like that; you're a naughty, naughty man. I bet you give great head."

"As a matter of fact..." I said but stopped in mid-sentence for Amy had bent her knees ever so slightly pressed her fingertips into the puffy cheeks of her pussy and pulled them apart. I licked my lips in anticipation.

She smiled lewdly as she slowly pried the inner lips away from each other, and then used her thumb to nudge the hood back leaving her clitoris exposed. After waiting several seconds to ensure I had seen it all, Amy inserted her index finger into the pink wetness then offered it to me. I sampled it and grunted in satisfaction.

While I was sampling her nectar, she ran a hand under the towel I was wearing and said, "Relax." I parted my legs to give her hand the freedom it needed. The towel floated to the floor as her hand began a slow journey up my inner thigh to the point midway between my balls and my asshole.

"Mmmm," she said, and on cue I replied, "Mmmm."

Amy let her fingers glide over and around my balls. The effect on me was apparent. She rested her forehead on my hip. "Mmmm, balls he's got, big balls for sure," she said, and carefully gave them each a squeeze.

I managed to remain steady although I felt anything but as Amy eased her thumb along my inflamed crotch until she came to the start of my ass. After a brief pause she began to press upward, massaging the area in a gentle circle. The effect was invigorating.

"Does Christine do this for you?"

"No comment."

"C'mon, does she?" There was a hint of jealousy in her voice, they were sisters after all and I was familiar with the concept of sibling rivalry.

"Lucas, are we gonna do it?" Amy whispered.

"Yeah, we're gonna do it."


"Right here! Get down on your hands and knees."

"Lucas, she'll hear!"

"What about her sleeping through an explosion?"

"I was kidding!"

"Hands and knees – now!"

"Lucas, we can't!" But she was already on her knees.

There was one last squawk of protest from her, "Lucas!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"I can't! I really can't!" Her eyes told me she was torn between hopelessness and hope. A woman's most vulnerable state.

"What the fuck's your problem?"

"I don't ... I don't want Christine to know. I want you ... I really do. I mean, my fucking nipples ache for it."

When she paused, I prodded her. "What else?"

"There's ... this spot between my puss and my asshole..."

"What about it?"

"When it starts to itch I go crazy, and..."

"And what?"

"I get so hot there ... I get all buttery there..." she was panting with the exertion it took to get the words out. I had never seen a woman like this before. I could smell the light urine scent of her pussy and the heat of her body through the perfume she wore and realized she had placed the scent between her legs for me.

"Hands and knees ... now!" I growled although I made sure my voice wouldn't carry to where Christine lay quietly.

Amy was on all fours without another word. I studied her bottom for a full minute. Somehow I knew she would permit me this pleasure. Perhaps in her mind it was important that I find her ass to be a magnificent sculpture, worthy of worshipping in the most lascivious ways. Then again, it might have been the fear of detection that kept her quiet.

I contemplated the pale, rounded hillocks of her ass then kissed each cheek in turn. And as she murmured her approval, I quickly spread her apart with my thumbs and sent my tongue into her perfumed star-shaped orifice.

"I knew you would, I just knew you would," she moaned obscenely as I sucked so hard her inner walls surged outward.

Just then, Christine moaned and turned over, exposing her almost nude body as the sheet fell off to one side.

The two of us were hunched over in the doorway to the room. I heard the gasp from Amy before I saw what it was that caused it.

My wife was wearing a pair of lime green panties and nothing else; they were Amy's lime green panties.

"The fuck?" Amy muttered to herself.

"Told you," I said.


"I told you I didn't have them."

"Oh ... yeah, you did."

Amy appeared lost in thought while I added a second finger to her asshole. Still nuzzling her rectum, I managed to get a third finger in there and her sounds told me all I needed to know about moving ahead. I used my other hand to palm her pussy and thumbed her clit until she was moaning uncontrollably. It was frightening how similar she was to Christine in that department.

Her first climax arrived while I gnawed happily at her ass and frigged her with three fingers. It was with some reluctance that I left her asshole and went looking for her clit. My face grew soggy with her juices as she spent a second and perhaps third time, while remaining amazingly quiet.

I unleashed my dick, and fed it into her from behind with her watching me.

"Oh, you're bigger..."

"Than what, a breadbox?"

She giggled and humped back at me. "That feels so good!" she whispered over her shoulder. I grunted in reply, and on the following stroke, found myself fully immersed in her sodden cunt. I squeezed the cheeks of her ass and made her groan.

"Fuck me hard!"

"Shut up!"

"Fuck me harder!'

I did, and she demanded more.

Just to spite her I switched to long, deep thrusts that accentuated the length of my dick as it penetrated her. She seemed to like this, because she turned her head to ask, "You fuck Christine this way?"

"I fuck her every which way."

"No wonder she loves you, Lucas."

"And now I'm going to fuck your heinie."

She barked a soft, mischievous laugh. "My fucking heinie?"

"You prefer anus, or rectum, or asshole over heinie?"

"I don't care — it's just — unusual to hear that word used in that context."

"Are you an English teacher?"


"Then shut the fuck up!"

Angling myself for insertion, I heard her whimper, but I wasn't concerned. I had spent time lubing her anus up and after having had several orgasms, Amy was ready for some backdoor nastiness, she readily accepted my erection and we were off on a meandering ass-fuck.

"Yes," she groaned, as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Yes," she sighed as her body shuddered and gave way again and again.

The sighs turned to moans and then short barks as Amy was overtaken by cascading spasms. Pushing and then pulling my cock in her ass, I watched her melt while impaled on my thick cock. For pure amusement I reached around her, found a nipple and pinched it hard.

She screamed.

The house was suddenly eerily quiet. We both knew Christine had to have been awakened by that screech. I looked up and saw Christine with both hands between her legs; her juices gleamed enticingly in the dim lighting.

I abandoned Amy and fell upon Christine; roughly shoving her hands away from her sex and hoovered at her with both mouth and tongue while her hips rose and fell from one precipice to the next.

I felt Amy's fists pounding on my head and back, but paid scant attention to her. Only when she started raking at my spine with those long, red fingernails did I swat at her and sent her flying off the bed onto the hard wooden flooring with a loud thud. Fearfully, Christine pushed me away from her and we both went to see after Amy, who lay on the floor, legs akimbo, but apparently unhurt. Her main concern was for her sister, and vice versa.

A minute passed, and then Amy said, "You ... you took my panties!"

Christine looked down and sheepishly grinned. "So I did. How about that."

I knew then I wasn't in trouble and that the two of them had probably set something like what had happened up deliberately.

"Let's hear the truth, ladies. The honest truth, with no flourishes or ambiguities."

"Is he a lawyer, Christine?" Amy asked coquettishly.

"No, but he is fairly intelligent."

"I've noticed that," Amy said and gave me a smirk.

"I have a confession," Christine said with a smirk reminiscent of her sister's earlier.

"Go on," I said, sitting back on my haunches.

"I wanted to have a really memorable anniversary. Me and Amy talked on the phone and well ... she told me how horny she was ... so I got to thinking and the next thing I know we set this little evening up."

"It wasn't exactly like that," Amy said, jumping in. "She told me how hot you were ... in great detail and there I was masturbating over the phone."

The image of Amy doing so filled my mind, and then I wondered why they were bothering to tell me all this usually hush-hush stuff.

"So the thing with the panties was part of it?"

"No!" Amy said.

"Yes," Christine said.

"Christine, explain, please."

"Well, honey, I knew about Amy's panty fetish."

"Panty fetish?"

"Yeah ... she has to sleep in her favorite panties. They're always green ones. So I took them out of her suitcase and hid them until I went to bed. Then of course, I put them on. Do you like them?"

"I love 'em, but they're not yours."

"Will you buy me some?"

"I'll buy you both a dozen after tonight," I said, brightening both women's faces.

"But first I have to take a quick shower."

"Why?" both of them whined.

"I had my dick up Amy's heinie and need to clean it off before using it again. Sanitary reasons, I know you'll understand."

"Hurry dear," Christine said, and I ran into the bathroom, turned on the shower and cleaned my dick as thoroughly as possible with two other people crammed into the shower with me.

Once we were all satisfied that I had done a commendable job of cleansing my manhood, Christine was inhaling it while Amy worked a finger into my ass.

I had some difficulty standing while they worked me over. I moaned with pure pleasure and Christine hummed with satisfaction. I yelped when Amy's tongue slithered into my puckered anus, and repeated the yelp when Christine's mouth absorbed both my balls.

I was more than ready to blow tubes.

But Christine had the devil in her and stretched out the moment, abandoning balls and dick, she looked up at me and grinned. Amy kept her tongue working and had started fondling my balls. I was nearly in heaven; certainly nowhere near hell when my wife tugged her sister away from my ass to join her in blowing me.

"Suck, suck," and they passed the baton. It didn't matter who did the sucking. I mean, each had a slightly different technique, but when the pleasure is that intense does it matter whose mouth is doing the sucking at a given moment?

"Suck, suck," my cock slithered out of one mouth and in the other. Accommodating lips, lascivious tongues ... pure pleasure.

The deep-throating segment was interesting too, in that neither one of them had a problem with inhaling my full length, some seven and a half inches, if it matters.

I was moaning non-stop when Christine left Amy to finish the blowjob and slid between my legs and attacked my asshole by laving her tongue in a wide swath around the space between my balls and anus commonly referred to as the taint.

I had been resting my hands on Amy's head for balance as she sucked away at my dick, which had now nearly vanished, but at Christine's lunge I clutched at her now tangled light brown hair to pull her head even closer. I saw her cheeks hollow with applied suction as she grimaced in pain.

Moments later I roared, "Gonna cum! Where do you want it?"

Instantly, like two hungry Japanese Koi, Christine and Amy had their mouths gaping in front of my throbbing prick. A second later the first line shot out, hitting Amy in the left eye. The next two filmy white ropes caught Christine's mouth and tongue and I managed to direct the last two directly into Amy's still hopeful mouth, evidently satisfying the both of them for the moment.

"God damn it, I can't see a thing!" Amy swore while rubbing at her semen filled eye.

Christine started to laugh then thought better of it and murmured consoling words to her sister.

We were back in the bedroom when Christine asked if I would go down on Amy.

I was agreeable and helped the half-blind lovely to the bed, spread her legs apart and went to town.

I stroked the back of Amy's knee and felt an involuntary quiver. She was still rubbing the eye when I glanced up at her. Her hair was tousled from the shower and beads of water trickled across her taut body to wet the sheet she lay on. When adding the crust of drying semen on her lips and chin I had to admit the cumulative effect was exceptionally sensual.

After five minutes of non-stop munching I came up for air with Amy's pussy juices dripping down my chin. Christine had settled down on her haunches and was happily fingering herself while watching me work on her sister in the mirror next to our bed.

I slipped my hands under Amy's small ass and urged her to rise up a bit so I could breath. Then I poked my nose up into her pussy and went to work again with my tongue on her clit. I was vaguely aware that the two girls had also begun playing with each other's tits; all four nipples were being rolled between thumb and forefinger. Amy's hips picked up speed as she climbed toward her next climax -- I had already lost count of them -- and where she went I was close behind. Amy left off her sister's tits and put her mouth to work licking the base of my cock and chewing on my pubic hair. Her hard nipples brushed against my abdomen stimulating me further and her new position allowed me to breathe easier. I stroked her curved, muscular back and squeezed her firm ass as my hardon returned to form and I thought about which one I would fuck next.

But I still had Amy to think about, and so I gradually worked my thumb into her asshole which had closed up, but not all that much. With just the slightest exertion on my part, the thumb popped through her sphincter. A second later the entire thumb was embedded in her rectum and her shuddering gasps combined shock and pleasure. When my thumb twitched she whimpered and dug her fingers into my stomach. Her body shook and her clit trembled under my tongue. All three of us were gasping for breath as Christine brought herself off and half-collapsed on top of Amy, pinning me at the bottom of the heap.

We lay there for several minutes until I finally realized I'd be able to breathe more easily if I weren't buried under two still very horny women. I wormed my way out from under the heap of feminine flesh and took stock. I still had a major woody; both sisters were still ready for action.

"I know it's late, but I'm starving; how about you two?"

We agreed on Chinese and called in an order. It's amazing how at two in the morning the restaurant still managed to deliver our order. The only requirement being that we order more than fifty dollars worth of food. We were happy to do it.

It was after three by the time we finished our Chinese feast and returned to our bedroom proclivities.

Christine kicked it off by dabbing at my balls with her hot, pink tongue. "She's gonna suck you so dry you won't get it up for a month," Amy chuckled.

In my mind I knew she was serious, but my maleness prodded me into replying inanely, "We'll see about that, little Miss Green Pants," An allusion to Amy's preference for going to bed in a pair of lime green panties.

Fifteen minutes later, it was Amy with my cock in her mouth while her hands roamed over my ass and between my legs, probing at the base of my balls and the rim of my asshole. She was taking her time, in no hurry at all: Exquisite.

My wife, Christine was lying on her side, one leg nearly straight up in the air. The soft hair in her crotch formed a cushion almost back to her asshole. My face was buried in it, enjoying the pungent aroma of her previous orgasm. It was obvious that no guy's tongue had ever explored so deeply between her legs before, from the way she squirmed and the little sounds of startled pleasure she made. I nibbled at her clit, pushing its sheath back with my lips and sucking hard on the red protrusion the hood revealed. The muscles in her thighs fluttered.

We went round and round the circle like that for half an hour, all three of us rising to a fever pitch. Then out of the blue, Christine croaked, "Fuck her, Lucas! Fuck Amy!"

I nodded compliance and shook my sweat soaked head once or twice before moving up along Amy's sweat-streaked body and flicked my cock against the lips of her gaping cunt. She gasped and her lashes flickered. I eased her heels over my shoulders so her knees were up against her chest. Her athletic condition and small build gave her more flexibility than Christine could manage, and her pussy gaped wide. She hunched her hips upward, perhaps unconsciously, and I slid into her vibrating cunt. She moaned and the already snug tunnel squeezed my organ even tighter. I grasped her wrists and pinned them outstretched above her head. I felt her toes curl as her heels pressed down against my shoulders more firmly. My cock pushed against the end of her cunt at each stroke and she drew a sharp intake of breath each time, not of discomfort but because of the electricity passing between us. I glanced down to watch my cock disappearing into that dark jungle and noticed her clit winking in time with my strokes.

"Do it hard, honey," my wife whispered in my ear. "She loves it hard!"

I began to slam into her with enough force to make her breasts bounce, but not enough to actually cause her pain. She wanted hard, I was giving her hard. Besides, I was enjoying it myself. I pulled her wrists a little straighter and her fingers writhed and curled into fists.

"Hook your ankles together behind my neck," I rasped, and she did. If I had had the opportunity to script this scene, I would have wound a telephone cord or something around Amy's ankles and tied her wrists to a couple of chair legs. Now her eyes were closed and her head swung back and forth. She was even biting her lip. I leaned down and kissed the side of her throat, then moved up to the hollow space behind the hinge of her jaw. Then, as I thundered into my orgasm, I bit down slightly on her earlobe.

She jerked once, then again, and uttered a small cry. And then she was flooded by a paroxysm of a climax, her thighs jerking, her arm muscles spasming, as she came and came.

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History By Karen Hansen Monica closed the door behind her, sat her bag of school books down near the door, turned to walk into the living room and then froze in her tracks. She just stood there in total and complete shock. Her green eyes wide and mouth gaping open. In the middle of the living room was her 45 year old father kneeling before a woman. Seeing him in a pose like this was a bit of a surprise. She had always considered him a bit of a ladies' man, with a touch of...

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THIS IS FICTIONAL STORY NOT REAL. WHY YOU KEEP DELETING IT?M A L C O L M I N H E R M I D D L E " Lois Comes Home Early " with Lois, Reese, Malcolm, and Dewey The favourite past time of the boys after they come home from school is watching television. Malcolm, Reese, and Dewey glue their eyes to the TV screen and their asses to the couch wasting the time away with Cartoon Network and Monster Trucks. As a responsible and good mother I wished they'd quietly read books or...

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Vi träffades nere i stan en vå kramades och gav oss en het gick till ett kaffe och beställde kaffe med bulle..Jag satt sidan om dig..tog min hand och smekte utanför dina byxor..den reagerade snabbt..jag log..Du sa att den hade längtat efter mina smekningar...då viskade jag till dig att jag inte hade några trosor på mig..Du flämtade och sa..du då åker vi bums jag svarade..nää det gör vi inte och började smeka dig igen..jag log..Du tog din hand under min kjol och...

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Du fährst grad mit dem aus der Schule zurück nach hause. Im Bus ist auser dir noch der Bussfahrer und Tim. Tim wohnt im selben Ort wir du, und Besucht die Selbe Schule. Du hast nicht so viel mit ihm zu tun da er ein paar jahre jünger ist und zwei klassen unter dir ist. Er sieht ganz gut aus, recht klein, aber dafür schön muskolös. Ihr kommt an und steigt aus dem Bus aus. Da sagt Tim zu dir "Ey John, ich wette mit dir das mein Schwanz um einiges länger ist als deiner!" Diese Herausvorderung von...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel risus maximus, pretium magna porttitor, viverra ligula. Cras orci dui, tempus faucibus iaculis ut, lobortis et dolor. Nulla tristique turpis diam, at dapibus risus varius ac. Suspendisse auctor semper ligula, quis fringilla risus gravida vel. Aenean aliquam sollicitudin est, nec dapibus tellus mattis vel. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus a justo vel purus blandit consequat vel id purus.Vestibulum interdum accumsan rutrum. Proin vitae...

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“Mark, can you come in here, and look at this computer?”Shit! “I’ll be a few minutes mom, erm just finishing my homework”. Her white silky panties were wrapped tightly around my cock, I was close to cumming and just needed another couple of minutes.“Ok, but hurry up please”Fuck, hopefully she hadn’t discovered the porn site ( avaae dot com ) I had saved on the laptop. I could feel a burst of adrenalin rushing through my body, adding to the building sexual excitement.My hand slipped up and down...

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It seemed odd the way the natives seemingly vanished from the dig, but it didnt really worry Josef that much. After all, he was now able to scan through that single cavern where he had been warned not to enter by several of the natives. "Now what were they hiding." He thought to himself as he walked into the cavern, torch in hand, guiding his way deeper into the dark depths. After several hours looking, a tunnel, previously unseen caused a smile to creep accross the young historian's...

Mind Control
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This is our story. A straight no holes barred, no dancing around the moonlight account of the events over the past few years. Its the way my wife likes it. She told me, “tell it all, nice and straight. And start from the beginning.” And so..... When we first got married, the sex was great. Kris surprised me with her carnal knowledge. The way she would dance her tongue around in your mouth or the effortlessness with which she took to power strokes. But make no mistake I was the master, I could...

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STORIES By LJ Everyone has a story. You just have to be willing to listen... When I first saw him, I thought he might be grieving. He stood before a grave, head bowed, features lost in the bulk of a shapeless topcoat. Only as I approached did he straighten, turning to face me when I walked directly up to the nearby grave I was still digging. There was no grief on that cold, impassive face that caused me to flinch as I took an involuntary step away from him. His dark eyes...

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KinkySpa Gizelle Blanco Gives a boy from school a massage

Gizelle meets this cute boy (Jay) at school and decides to invite him to where she works “The Kinky Spa”. When Jay arrives, he doesn’t know what to expect but Gizelle helps him along, before Jay realizes it Gizelle is naked and giving him a hand job getting him ready for the full body massage. Gizelle takes his cock with pleasure putting that massage table to good use until Jay can’t handle anymore and blows his load all over her perky tits. Looks like Gizelle is going to have no problems...

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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 11 Copycats

As is often the case, the biggest selling morning newspapers picked up on the exclusive run the day before by the evening newspapers. The vigilante story was so sensational that all of the main Scottish papers carried their own versions of the story on their front pages. The difference in the treatment of 'the vigilante' was marked however, with none of the 'cowardly' slant that the Evening Times story had used. If anything the Daily Record hailed the vigilante as a modern day hero,...

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Marathi Aaichi Vaasana 8211 Part I

Hi kharokharach khari goshta aahe.vayachya 18 vya varshi maaze jivanach badloon gele. Mi mulcha satarachya vita gaavcha.Ghari mi aai ani baba ase tighach asu.Baba shetkari hote ani aai gharich asaychi.Baba saarkhe aajari asaayche ani khupach bareek hote .Yaaulat aai che vyaktimatva khupach chaan hote.Kami shikleli hoti pan aai khup khambir ani dhirachi hoti.changli 5.9” incha unchi asel.Gori gori paan ani majboot baandha hota. Aai ani babancha joda akdi vichitra vataycha.Baba aai samor akdich...

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Sailing with my daughter and friend by bstrbrwn1

Sailing with my daughter and friend by bstrbrwn1Fantasy, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Exhibitionism, First Time, Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex, Virginity, YoungIntroduction:It's mostly innocent out on the water.Most people understand how mistakes happen and how things can easily get out of control.If you're a guy and there's a beautiful woman trying to seduce you, sometimes our moral compass gets stuck.I am a pretty happily married 44 year old man. I married a wonderful woman 18...

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BethChapter 72

October 11, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, Although the O stunk up the pitch, in a relative sense, we beat Midland 2-0. Coach was not happy with us. Of course, we were not happy with us. While the pitch was wet and caused us some problems, it was not that wet. We were scoreless in the first half but did a bit better after Coach took us to task at halftime. Around the 55-minute mark, we were on a good offensive press and I got a shot off from just inside the penalty box. Their goalie made a good save...

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My Much Younger CoWorker

As a 53 year old with 30-plus years of work experience, I find I am a mentor, coach and trainer to many people. Some are changing careers, some coming to work with us after many years in the industry, and some who are right out of college. This story is about the latter. Her name is Abigail, or Abby for short. She is 22, about 5'3” with straight brown hair that comes down to just below her shoulders. In fact, when her hair is hanging down in front, it dances across her breasts in a very...

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Moekyun popped up in my inbox this morning before I even got out of bed, and I spent the first couple minutes of the day rubbing my eyes and trying to figure out just what the fuck it said. Maybe it was the hangover talking, or just the fact that I hadn’t had my morning bowl of Viagra, but I couldn’t make sense of it. Well, that’s probably because it ain’t even in English. You otaku perverts probably got the reference, but I had to Google it. “Moe moe, kyun” is what you weeaboos yell while...

Premium Hentai Sites
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The Librarian Chapter Five

The Librarian By Michele Nylons Part Five - Trust Sarah finished in the shower and came out to find the Makeup and Wardrobe departments had been at work. There was a small toiletries bag, similar to those gifted to first class passengers on long flights and she was able to brush her teeth, gargle with mouthwash and brush her hair. She used deodorant but there was no makeup. There was also a pair of new white cotton panties and a bra. Nothing fancy but it would do. She...

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Nick High SchoolChapter 11

Thursday at lunch Tiffany placed her tray on the table next to mine, and said, "You never show up to swim with me anymore." "Are you still swimming before the sun comes up?" "Yes, every morning at five thirty." "I'll meet you at 5:30 and swim with you, if you meet me and row at 6:30." "That's great, because I was going to go out for rowing this year. I rowed, as a freshman, but then I played tennis last year. What I learned is that we have too many country clubbers' here....

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Dad and his Girls

My first attempt at Erotic Fiction. Hopefully the start of a Series of Stories It all began at the start of my Daughters summer holidays. We were a normal family, Me , My wife Alice and My 2 Girls, Demi and Natalie . When I say normal I mean, we both have steady jobs and the girls both do OK at school. We live a comfortable life and none of us really want for anything. But that’s where it all stopped. I first became suspicious of my wife after she started to work late into the evenings and...

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A black boxer likes to cuckold white guys by seducing their wives

My name is Ali; no last name and a no nonsense view of life. What I crave; what I must have is white pussy. I don’t desire white women that I can have at the drop of a hat or more appropriately the drop of my pants. My ten inch rock solid black cock will seduce any white bitch who comes near the monster. Its length and thickness (nearly that of most women’s forearms) will by itself seduce most white wives; wives whose husbands have developed the twenty second standard...

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Devlins StoryChapter 74

Friday dawned bright and clear. The snowstorm of the night before had ended, leaving the outside world covered in a white blanket. Devlin slowly stretched, tensing and releasing every muscle in her body. It had been quite a week, but now she was on the homestretch. She had finished Finals the preceding Thursday. It was the last set of Finals she would have to take. All the papers had been turned in, all the tests finished, there was nothing left but the graduation ceremony. Her grades were...

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Helping Hands

That day when party was over, so much food was left. So I decided to distribute them between needy.I took them in separate bags as one bag was sufficient to one person. Around in an hour, I distributed all rest of five bags.Soon I found some more beggars around the corner of a lonely street. I stopped my car and picked those bags and walked to there. There were 7 beggars and 2 left to attend, both of them argued to me for food. I told them sorry of now. But they were too stubborn, they did not...

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New rules 8

In the 8 months since that memorable night when Mary first got fucked by Fred and next morning by Brad, Mary and David have been frequent visitors at our place. Mary was now very “big with child”; my theory was that she got pregnant that first night here, but it is equally possible that she was impregnated on any of the six successive nights when she came to our place to get fucked, not just by Fred and Brad, but also by Kevin, my boss, and Peter Frank, whose contract I was working on, and...

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My Gym Buddy

Barbara was a 45-year-old athletic lady who really took care of herself and was always friendly when we met at the gym. We started giving each other hugs after about 3 months of knowing each other at the spin class north. And we kept teasing each other that one of these days we should grab a drink to celebrate how diligent we were this year in exercising regularly. We were both married and yet flirting with her was exciting. And yesterday we decided to have that drink. Before we know we ended...

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Suprise package

Some events that you would never have considered happening, happen. Reality can be better than the fantasies over which we masturbate, but aren’t fantasies fun? My step sister was two years older than me, we weren’t close, not really having much in common other than the fact our respective parents had married. Sophie, in the two years I had known her, had grown from a “puppy fat” kid to a gorgeous teenager, she reminded me so much of someone famous but for the life of me I couldn’t...

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sex with neighbor

As it is my first story i wish you all will like it.I am studying right now and live at rent home. Where I live, in front of me a family lives, a small family , a husband, a wife and their small daughter. First of all i had no intense to get introduced but after some time, i started taking insterest on my neighborhood lady. I know i cant describe her figure in words, cause if i go to find the words, i cant describe. In short, she was the queen of beautiful girls. Her age was about to mid...

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The Breast of Luck

Brains and boobs ... what could be better? Just add a lucky discovery! Looking out over the ocean from her balcony, Tracy reflected again on how lucky she was. Although a nerdy girl at high school, she'd chosen to study a Masters of Sports Medicine at college thereafter to combine her intellect with her passion for health & fitness. All her hard work & study had paid off when she graduated top of her post-graduate class, and that's when luck had kicked in. Of all the colleges in the country, a...

Sex With Stranger
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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 31

Marie was almost unable to focus on her daily activities of food shopping, cooking, and cleaning as she waited to receive a phone call from Hiroshi giving her instructions about where she should go for the video shoot. In fact, she had to wait for almost two weeks before her phone rang with the information that she needed – and longed – to hear. The instructions were clear and precise. Hiroshi gave her an address, a day, and a time. He told her not to wear anything special – her outfit would...

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A woman in a Futas world

For Sam the previous night was a wreckless one. A large gathering of him and his friends went drinking in pubs and clubs with Sam drinking excessively to numb away the feelings of recently breaking up with an ex-girlfriend. Besides the first hour, the rest of the night was a blur. The next moment after that for him was in a dizzy state waking up in a white room with no door or window. Entrapped in this white room and hungover as hell, Sam thought he was within a dream. Within moments a...

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romantic time

Lying on the floor in perfect nudityYou'll whisper sweet words and continues to kiss meInsatiable I want youI am afraid of losing you, tell me why.I feel your tongue through meIn every corner you make me shudderI feel that subject did you doYou always make me fantasize as much.I let myself be carried away by my instinctsEverywhere I kiss you and hold you warmlyImplores your eyes I hear you groanThe mischievous I look at you with a smile.In me you slip I feel anxiousYou make me love tenderlyIn...

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Boxing Clever

It’s unbearably hot as the mid afternoon sun beats down onto the garden. We certainly made a bad decision to re-lay the lawn on this particular Sunday. The sweat is pouring out of me as I lay down another roll of grass. Thankfully, the job is nearly over. “One more roll should do it, Alf. Will you do the honours mate?”Alf nods and heads off in the direction of the garage where the turf has been stored. I decide to take a breather and pull up a seat at the garden table. Alf is soon back, a huge...

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Lady in Red Ch 06

Steve had been sitting still, eyes closed and relaxing as much as possible as Laura and Gwen worked on removing his bandages. He never realized that Amber O’Leary was in the room until he heard her speak to Gwen. His eyes popped open and he began to rise until Laura placed her hand on his chest and gently pushed him back. He saw Gwen step in front of Amber in an obvious attempt to keep her away from him. What a time and place for Gwen and Amber to meet! ‘You’re an amazing woman, Gwen,’ laughed...

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Nothing is Free

Nothing is Free By Lady in Waiting The mailbox opens. In it waiting is a package. Michael's hand reaches in the mailbox, taking out the package. "Hmm." As he looks at the package he sees that there is no return address on it. He walks back in the house, looking the package over once again. "Get the mail honey?" Asks his wife, Laura. "Yep, nothing but this," he says as he tosses it to her. "I dunno what it is." "Hmm, well, let's find out." Michael walks over and gets...

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Loving Aunt SarahChapter 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Note to my Readers: This story does not simply jump into the incest relationship. In fact, this will probably as legitimate a story as you will find on this website, or so I intend it to be. The first chapter sets the stage, and I hope it will captivate you enough to read on. I'll continue this story until I know how to end it. So you can look forward to many more chapters. Loving Aunt Sarah Chapter 1 The family’s annual Halloween party, held this year...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 304

"So Teneesha, I'm Maxine Stone. Jerry here tells me you are game for most anything?" I asked. "I ain't eatin' no pussy," she said defiantly. She said it in a harsh whisper, since we were sitting at a table in the Cop Out Club. "Tell me why you would even say that?" I asked. "Everybody knows you a stone lezbian," she said in a condescending voice. "I see, so if that bothers you, why did you come down here?" I asked. "Well, Jerry said I would love having a big TV star between...

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Dirty feet domination

It was my second year in college and my foot fetish got stronger. Now I wanted to worship dirty feet and be dominated by them. My chemistry teacher who we will call ms Roberts was one of the hottest teachers at the college. Most importantly she had the nicest feet I've ever seen. She always wore open toed shoes to show off her pedicures. But she had a bitchy side and wasn't too find of me. I always fantasized about her dominating me and making me her foot slave but what were the chances of...

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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 28 Taken

2 September, 1686 Dusk Perhaps because Cog had taken the Jollyboat and gone into town for supplies Aba, who was on dog-watch was possessed by a strange, uneasy feeling. He walked restlessly up and down the deck for a time, and then, still full of anxieties for he knew not what he stood without breathing listening for any sounds out of the ordinary. Then out of the corner of his eye Aba saw the shine of a long, keen knife a split second before it cut along his throat, but because of the...

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I finally got my 10

I picked her up, she was gorgeous, 20, a brunette, about 5'2, no more than 100 lbs, a tiny woman. Easily the smallest I had ever been on a date with. Im 25, 6'1 and 220 lbs and I usually dont try to judge a woman too much on looks, but it was so nice to actually go on a date with one as attractive as her. We drive to my apartment. Getting ready to watch a movie, we lie on the couch. I break the awkward tension by asking her to come here so I could hold her. I wrapped my arm around her and...

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A Shot In The DarkChapter 11

Mike and Jennie spent the next half hour just kissing and petting on his mom's washer. As Mike kissed, sucked, licked and generally lavished most of his attention on Jennie's large breasts, Jennie hugged him to her and enjoyed the feel of him enjoying her. Somewhere, in the middle of their snuggle, Mike's dick once again became hard. Jennie first noticed it when Mike was switching his attention from one breast to the other. His engorged dick head swiped itself across her pubic hairs. At...

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Free Kittens

I’m thirty-seven years old and I have found a new way to meet women. I like kids too and that’s a plus when you are my age. You see when you’re this old and still single you cannot find any women that are really available. If the women get to this age and are still single it’s because no one else wants them. So every woman that is available has been married and divorced or has kids. So now how do you find them? If you go to bars you find the drunks that the other guys wouldn’t put up with....

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Aunty Ki Chudai

Hello friends I’m mukesh aaj me ek stroy btane ja rha hu.. meri age 24 hai acha dikhta hu or acha khasa kaama leta hu meri aunty jo ki house wife aur unke husband ki shop hai toh ab start krte hai Meri age 22 thi aur me graduation kr rha tha last year me tha ek din ghr mei baitha bore ho rha tha tbhi meri aunty me muje awaz di aur mei unke pass gya unhone mujhe bola ki market chlna hai kuch saman lana hai toh tu chl mere sath toh mei unke sath meri bike pe chl diya aunty mere se bilkul...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Weekend Part II

He wakes... blurry eyed and a little disoriented. His cock starts to harden as the memories of their fucking before they went to sleep flood his mind. The teasing... her bent over in front of him on her hands and knees. His cock ramming her cunt.... his cock now aches for her cunt. He then realizes that she's not beside him. But, he hears the shower. He walks towards the bathroom and sees the dress she was wearing on the floor. Then he remembers that through all their sex from before,...

Straight Sex
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anisa dan om bejo

“Tolong kasihani aku, tinggalkan aku sendirian…” bisik Anissa lemah, “tolong…”“Rasanya Mas Dodit pasti akan sangat berterima kasih seandainya kita berdua memberinya hadiah yang terindah yang akan selalu ia ingat sepanjang hidup.” Tangan Pak Bejo turun dari dada Anis ke perutnya, tangan itu menepuk pelan perut langsing Anis, “Hadiah terindah berupa seorang anak dari kekasihnya tercinta yang didapatkan dari sperma seorang pria tua buruk rupa.”Anissa menutup mulutnya karena kaget dan takut, dia...

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Three to Get Off of DespairChapter 7

The dinner invitation to the couple of Joan and Michael was extended and accepted, nothing inussual about that. We have often friends to dinner and viceversa. If it was true Joan and Michael as a couple weren't as close friends as Art and Betsy, they were certainly seconds, considering the friendship of the two women, very important to both of them. It was a new situation in our marriage and during the few days before the dinner we discussed the swapping idea thoroughly. "Do you thing...

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Haileys Vacation Part 1

When Hailey Davidson was a twenty-year-old college sophomore, her biggest worries were getting to class on time, knowing where the next party was, making sure she did her homework, styling her long, blonde hair, finding the right eye shadow for her blue eyes, and making time for her boyfriend, Alan Bryant. Alan was taller than the curvy and petite, 5’3” Hailey; standing 5’11”, with brown hair, brown eyes, muscular build. They had been dating a few months. Alan very much wanted to move forward...

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The Chronicles of Erica Bradson Chapter 1

HARD PASSION: The Chronicles of Erica Bradson. Chapter 1 Huge Change! My name is Erica Bradson, I am 48 years of age and I have been happily married to my husband Daniel for 23 years. I have three children, Emma the oldest is 19 years old, my son Brian is 18 and my youngest Peter is 14. We have always been regarded as the perfect family, my husband Daniel worked at a Pharmaceutical company called Binarex Implants & Co, my oldest daughter Emma left for college when she was 18, my son...

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Julies Scar

It was lunch, and I was going to sit and eat with her. Everyone had told me she had some sort of scar, and was very standoffish because of it. Apparently she was quite self-conscious because of that scar. Her brown hair was brushed so it covered the right side of her face, and she perpetually kept her head down, trying to cover it. I had only worked there three months, and knew I hadn't fit in. I was too strange for them. I didn't care about sports, could care less about politics, or...

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Cleopatras Gift

This story is copyrighted by the author, but submitted freely for use on the Fictionmania web site. No other use of this work is authorized without the approval of the author. I welcome your comments, either on this site, or directly at [email protected] - Thank you, dear reader. Cleopatra's Gift ? by: Jerri Lea You're not going to believe the story I'm about to tell you, but why should you? I can hardly believe what has happened to me, and I lived it. But I have to...

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Family BrideChapter 4

"Talk bores me," her brother-in-law said, "when there's sex to be had." She heard her dumfounded father-in-law shuffle across the rug behind her and drop heavily onto the couch, and she guessed that he must be sipping on the brandy again as he watched Rich Junior standing above her. When her eyes cleared, Valerie discovered that she was looking straight into Rich's crotch. His bronzed legs spread, he loomed directly above her, the distended green fabric of his swimming trunks clear...

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EdenChapter 28

"Well, that was pointless," said Igwanda sourly. He and Meiersdottir had resumed their periodic private meetings, and they were alone in his soundproofed compartment. "Pointless?" she repeated in evident astonishment. "I thought it was a very good conversation. John did well; he didn't make it accusatory, didn't blame them. And Joe answered very frankly. And it turned out to be just as we'd thought—" "Amanda," he cut her off. "I know you to be an intelligent person. If you need,...

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A wild and a wet night in the hospital duty room

I was a young duty doctor filled massively with lust for an HR employee and finally fulfilled my lust and desire Hi guys My name is Edmund. This story is about my first sexual experience . It happened when I was working as a junior doctor with a beautiful girl named Kumudh working in HR department of the hospital.I got a job as a junior duty doctor in the emergency of a local private hospital and was expected to report to the HR department on the day of my joining to complete some formalities...

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